The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, March 10, 1854, Image 4

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    Aypeal to Yeut Nen of the Age.
TIE*. 4: 'Lli.kfr ii.4l
Five and tkvetity:letfts aoo thethe= inert to
vvluirti tbis' - is‘inVrasied
!Ile. But during fife t quarterof,this
century the moral destiny Of the world
depends upon them. The strong hands
of the Veterans are, one by one, : palsied
by the touch of age. The voices :.that
have rung out for God end - Truth are
slo w ly r a6sin g into the harmonies of a
better world. , Upon your shoulders the
Ark'of Reform is henceforth to - rest.—
in hands the torch of. human pro.
gress is to be borne onward.
Among the sacred truths bequeathed
to your charge is the. 'Tempera'nce Re
form. It owns an existence no longer
than yours. Thirty years ago this move
ment was restricted to a few • earnest
spirits, who, further upon the mount of
progress than theii fellows, had caught
the rays of the early dawn before it had
gilded the plants below. The first na
tional organization against alcohol was
formed in 1826. Since then the history
of the Temperance Reform has been a
history of healthy progreh:—the steady
movement from the unknoln out in'to
the known and well established. The
first.local society with its pledge against
.the use of ardent spirits alone, and the
subsequent adoption of the total absti
nence principle, the Washingtonian
movement, the. formation of beneficial
Orders, like. the Sons
_of. Temperance,
the creation apolitical Alliances," and
the enactment of laws for the entire pro
hibition of the deadly traffic, are but the
„successive stages of a mighty revolution,
each rela . ed to the other, and all looking
to a common end. An abstract princi
ple once confined to a fewsagacious
minds, has sin — cc walked into . the halls
of legiblation,mad in five sovereign States,
it now sits upon the bench of Justice,
crowned with the majesty of law.
The God of love has stood by the his
tory of this reforin from the cradle, a n d
- has guided it onward through its most
.critical periods. To the young men of
oar time it is now committed F, J th as ' a
trial and as o.,trust, What is, it that God
and humanity demands of us ? What
isjhe great question fur our solution ?
Unless we greatly err, that question is
simply this—Shall we, by Jehovah's '
help, dsstroy, the traffic in intoxicating
poisons, or shall they destroy ua ? Shall
WC lay alcohol in the grave or permit him
to lay a myriad of our comrades in their
own?, Shall we consent to have. the
most brilliant intellects among us any
-.langer extinguished ? Shall we permit
the:fair I.i4de of to-day to become the des
olate widc.w of to-morrow ? Shall we
by and see the nobles of our broth
erhood go down to darkness and the
worm ? Shall wet sutler this monstrous
evil to cast its hideous shadow athwart
%he rays that fall from ealvary itself, or
shall we, hand in hand, join in the death
grapple with the .Flades ? The destiny
of millions hang over our answer.
The determination of the question de
mands great plainness of speech, as
well as earnestness of action. Let' us
learn to speak right out. The press
that is silent on this topic . deserves a
place in the cellars of Herculaneum.--
The legislator into has not studied the
code of prohibition is unworthy of the
teat he 'encumbers. The orator is to
point . his shafts, the voter must aim his
ballots, and th© philanthropist is to di
rect his prayerful efforts straight towards
this, as the grand moral question of the
, In this warfare for humanity, we linve
seed of patience. Wilberforce toiled
airough one whole generation ere the
Jlntish Parliament declared the slave
trade a piracy. Opinions grow slowly.
Let us Ntt our trust in Truth rather than
pojoritics. The prohibitory law move-
Aleut was, not long ago, in a minority of
one ; but the Lord of Hosts stood with
that man, and together they were more
than overmach for all that were against
them. Galileo with . his telescope, and
COlumbus with his compass, stood up
elana against the world, but they at last
brought over the whole world to their
positions. May it not be also that before
,his century closes the law of Maine
%Fill become the law of Christendom ?
Comradei in this sublime warfare
we are compassed about with a great
cloud of witnesses.-11putanity beckons
us onward, We tren&upon the dust of
'heroes as we advance. White-robed
Love, floating in mid-air before . us, leads
-us to the conflict. The shouts of•the
ratonroted are in our tents ; and the
;voice A ; praise Makes" masic maid bur
banners,- • -
L O tisetdress ferward with
Lei us 'Wear. a bright link in the history
of our e n to rest
nearer the goat "of-tincitith perfection.
Let u's find irroditiiil4 an ever '.6zeitihg
stimulus—an everfresh delight.. So
shall thp
Chralfei4 of the;:initiennial,...,?•;fOry. • So
shall our posterity e cheered by that
sun which shall shine. with a sevenfold'
Luster, as . .the - light of seven days."
Though ire were but tiro or three,
Sure te triumph. rs , e. t•liould he,
We our pi al/deed-laud shalt see,
Though Ulu law seent•lung; •
Every f, arless word Mr . - speak,
blokes iin's.strezig-holds bend am] creak,'
Wickeiluess is always weak, •
'But Truth is youug uud strot.g.
But Two Parties.
" To thiN complexion it most comae at last."
The passage of the Nebraska sill will
break up nil the u!d divisions; and unite
all the people of the Union into two con
tending "parties—those who would keep
our Free Territory secure from the. curse
of Slavery, and thosewho would give
Slavery free license to run riot and spread
itself over every foot- of Free' Territory
in th.. Union.
It will be-the end of all Compromises.
For, if the Compromise in fuyor of Free
dom. which has been in force and re
garded as binding for a whole generation,
is to be repealed, and with it the Com
promises of 1650, in order to give. Slav
ery more room, no Compromise, how
ever solemnly enacted, will be worth the
parchment on which they are written,
All compacts in'relation to Slavery will
be held null, and the question must be
settled by an appeal . to numbers.-431i11-
to aukee Free Democrat.
How sublime the virtue that still plants
withoutany expectation that it skall ever
reap. Ile most eutukes the Deity who
plants 'for future generations.
The People's Cap Store,
Soritething New. and Something
Vl'lanteel. •
nriuE subscriber bag jnoi received from
the City of New-Yolk, and opened at
tile store foriber;y occupied by Haskin.d:
Smith, on tlio north side of the Court 114DJSe
square, a stlerled ass6rtmcnitt Aew Geode,
coinprisin DRY GUOD9 t DROCERMS ‘ ‘ °ROCK
EIIY, and HanDY:ARE.
The 'motto of business— adopted— is,
"the sure s4illin , r and the lirely.hispinee."
The above Good s' will therefore he gold
exclusively for either Cash or ready-pay in
hand, and upon such terms that the .pur
chaser cannot be otherwise than satisfied
that he has Made a good Lingain—received
a a quid pro quo"—soutething for something
in value for his money. An exchange will
gladly be made with the Farmer, for his
l'roduce : Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Grain in
any quantity, and with it, the more Cash
the better. The subscriber will at all times
take pleasure in exhibiting his Goods to the
Customer, that quality prices may he
examined. . L. F. MAYNARD.
Coudersport, July, 15, 1853. G9tf
CHECKED N II AT!S in variety, and
kiprize.s to suit,
ONC many other articles for the
/ii ladle's, of fancy and rich worth, will be
found, at the People's Cash Store, fine
‘Vorhed Collars, of different designs a-d
_ .
I)LEACIIED Sheetings and Shirting,
j)B rown do., Candle, \Vick, Summer
Cloth for children's wear, Bed Ticking,,
Towelling, Table Linc,en, Brown, White
~ a superior article of Damask, all pure
it x,—Table Spreads. An examination will
recommend them betv.r than anything else.
T "The People's Cash Store" may bt;
A L funnii a selected lot of-Prints, of Eng.
listt, French, and Atm-dean ands, quality
and prices agreeing admirdbly. Please call
and se us
TYACE and Green Teas, of excellent
)flavor, and at most reasonable prices,—
Sugars, \\ hire and Brown do., Rice, in•
ger, Spice, Pepper, Nutmeg:, Cassia, Rai
stug, Tobacco, in all its variety, to please
those who love the weed, and a superior
article of Coffee Oda( cannot fail to please
all the Dutch and some of the
111101.;KFAIN and Class Ware, in variety,
k_mtat p•tit please the eye en ttke I . 4st je
The DepartMent
EADY Msde Clothing kept constantly
It o cr: hand by the sabs'criber, made up
and nianufactur - o,by the best workmen,
from cloths selected for durability and goal%
ity ; the object being yam° supply the cos
tomer wi:11 a huothug article which he may
b e induced to purchase, becatUe it is so rery
cheap, but which in the end is rrrq dear
but to give him in the first matinee an anti,
which will d h i holust .aztrl good bet,
rice fur a reasonable price, All tim e d es i.
rous of being so accomodated call at
" The People's Cash store.” ,
AttpwAßE.—Sythes and Suatlis, of
.1 1 patterns long-tried and found to be
good, Rifles and Rub-Stones, Sate-lilt
Files, Door Handles,. Latches, Mineral
Kn o bs, (whit and brown.) Alorilee Locks.;
Wrought Butts for Doors, of all sizes, Cut
lery, liniyes of good quality for the table,
and for the pocket, at the
Noma's: Cesti STORE.
j - lANDLES. Sperm, Solar Spetni,
Rotiiied Crystalline, and • Tidlow Candies,
Liy' the Vouttil or Bor, for s‘lio'very toW ttt the
. .
VVM.• CROSBY, of the Boot qnd
I Iftlltou titnro,•hilg nituoYeiriolfte
lately. 4zettpii.A by. Buldwell!s• - ' etibluet : ghat),
first dgor north or lotoisun's "store, .7crtirre he
will be pleio•cli to xee those ')Plat Ittive , tiereta:
fore favurr,4 him with their.p4troottgudin(Foli
others Who stand iu ti - ce;.l of Buots and I,lhues.
Nov. 18, 1853. 627tf
s.etit AS
Isoons,. • ' •
4 1 1‘N.D. 1 11 1 ;
L:431110, •-- ' eiiRDS, -, _E're; •
i•:xeruted with neatness and dispat:oll
at tike office - 01"1"nl: raort,o6 ..10112NAL.
3YD SllOEg.
Their stock comprises the largest variety
of the best Nlassachusetts manufacture.
a.. & Co..aie' agents of the
Ll'aywrd 'tubber Company—the best
goods of the kind COanufactured in the
U. S.; which goods they will self to
wholesale purchasers at, , • New York
Alf orders filled on the shortest notice
28 WierEn ST., Ruttah, N. Y.
July, 1851. 9t
4SA A f.> itEN S
A. ttorne t-L aw,
OFFICE—East side ()file public square
Joudersport, Pa. By special arrange
ment the profes-ienalservicea of S. P.
JOHNSON, Esq., may be engaged
him, in all cases in which he is riot
previously concerned.
N. B. All claims due and payab.e to
the undersigned,personally and pofes
siormily, may be found in the hands of
BussoN, Esq., for adjustment..
March 3, 18-IS. tf
. JORN S. MANN i • -
Attorney and Cpunsellor at Law, will
attend the several Cotirts . in Potter and
APli.ean Counties. Ai! business entrust
ed to his care, will. r.Teive prompt at
tention. .
Office on Main .S%reet, opposite the
Court House, Coudersport, Pa. '
. .
Attorney an,l.Counsellor at Law, will
attend - to all business entrusted to
care, with promptness and fidelity.
Office over V. T. Jones Sr. Brother's
store, Main Street, entidersprt;Pa.
March'2l, 1531. 11, n 44,
L. F. Maynard,
Attorney and Counsellor at Lan!,
Office—North of the Court House
Square, at." The People's Cash Store,"
up slairs. -3-47 tr.
Attorney at Law, Coudersport, Potter.
County, Pa. - Jan. 1850..
F. W. KNO X.
Attorney at Law, Coudersport, Pa.
wilt regtilarly attend the Courts in Tio
go, Potter, and ,\l'Ketin Counties. .-
thiice—ovor W. T. Jones
_' Store.
Feb - . 28,
.Itl4l. " v 3 u4O.
Attorney at Law, Welltiborough, Tioga
County Pa. Will regularly attend
the Courts in Potter county.
June :3; 18-15. ' tf
THE undersigned having, been entrust
ed viththecare.ofseverailargetracts
of land, in
,this County, has made
himself acquainted with the lands
and land titles
. of the County, and
will give immediate attention to any
business of this nature that may be
entrusted to him.
P iiyacian and Surgeon,
Will attend to all cansfor professiona,
assistance, with promptness and fidelity
Oflice—On West side of Main street,
first door above Jno. S. Mann's store.
April 11, 1851.. , 3-47. tf.
T. Tv
Dye StetTh, Paints, - Oils, Varnishes, Brushes,
Lawps ' • Window Glass, Groceries, IV ines
and Liquors for Medici nal Purfioses, &Le.
%Vail ittul.Witidov Palter, Gold -and Steel
Pens, Fillt! Cutlery, and a General Assurtinvnt
of Fancy Articles.
Place of business, first door above Smith &
Jones' store.
ettutlerspert; April 22., 1853
G. CO.,
OL. EAN, N. Y.,
ie Dealers jit Fine Jewelry,
Qv! are,. .Musiral lustnutieuts, Hair Oils
aiul Pcrlinnury, Cathay, Pi;tols ' Yaiikco No
tions, Violin . Stiingti, q'oyi for Clindren; and a
Ge.nerid Assurtine ; nt of Finley Gootlii.
' Port kalur att6iition paid toreptriring Chicks,
Watt: aid Jewelyy. • tiitr
-.151. It. GAGE, ler. D.
leCruLD. respectfully inform-Abe eiti.
zeus' of Coo perspoullett Putter cout.ty,
that be has lcmatell,permantly
.arnpng !herd
and attend . premptly to all calls in the
of his prpf - sioq. : ' :!•7 • •-'
B. Drug nod, Book
'Store, ,rld may 134. nAltt at Mars
Hotel.' '
1 - 7111
I E itBON§:filAti re.pair, wikftttst
tt ooinji . liteNttieltAVW4 rid& (41a.i;{:Ptitty,
Faithssistr,i)iie 14, sale at Mir prices by ' •
Pni: eittids •4'
••,.•, 1,,
. _ _
.Cbinelt - liaoe:4•%• , E r Vii o "Ufeier,
11'111'6:lento all orders in hisline iSf
ImAittess with will iie.s.tiuiedespnirii.
Plzwe' of businezzs—Ltlie I%,:cattorp formerly
owned . by Stroll—tl - o' s doors above
Win. Crosby's aweiliwz: •
In/piling , and , pa
cliine!s, and employed good workmen,lL is
prepared to du work as well cis die .best, nod
ou bliiirt notice. .
4 . 9.insT R.Eniatow,
Cairlage 4 - edSretgll-111alier. ,
THE subscriber respectfully gives no::
tice that . he*prepared to do all the
buSiners i• , ve line, at the short
est notice,'. 4' "new shop, two doors
west of the:biiiidersport
• •
• 'ITN - subscriber would
. inform the public
gg l f and traveling community, ilia
he has fitted up a hoase and
stabling, for the accommodation of strangers
and travelers, at • •
Iffillport, Potter - Co., Pa.,
and hopes by prompt and careful - attention
to business, to merit and receive a. Jibes
share of patronage., LYMAN.
INtiliport, Aug. 1,5, 1851. • ' 1311
H 0 It &'• L 4 s
Vvrould •respectfully inform the inhabit
ants of Wellsville and vicinity that
they are now receiving a fresh and beauti
ful assortment,of GOODS, tvhicb wil: he
sold as cheap as the cheapest. %le would
also return our heart-felt thanks to our old
Customers for their patronage and would be
glad to ,- ...liow.thetn. any Gcods which - we
have, and will try to rave them at least'lo
per cent by calling and tmnining, our
We do not wish to make a great display ,
to ,gain.oustorn; but by taking a straightfor
ward course we will endeavor to gain the
respect and confidence of Our Friends
and Customets.. Please call and, ex
amine our Stook. t Notitarge t fOr shdwing
- -
Flb , r and Salt also on hand of superior
qualiiy and warranted. .. .
, 110Y'r & LEWIS..
Wasville N, Y., Sept. 24, 1854, 4 22t1
Ri. .. o iss ni `N te LL pu S b & ii ' e fidT at e t i - l l l C ey 'OC su .lL li w c o a ti r l r d y ionn—
their'New Shop in the Boro'of Gobdersport,
VI hero they are-prepared to execute ALL
Kt NUS OF, WORK in. their line, with 'teat
[less and dispatch.
. share or public patron:we is solb•ited.
N. B.—All persons indebted to me by
cell note or account, will ce , and settle'
. the
s i ime immediately, if they desire to save
cost. b3ly - BENS. RENNELLS.-
. .FIRE 4.4lVlS.,manufactur 4 d and•re
paired at his shop, East of -the Bridge
Coudersport, Potter county, Pentia-
March 8, IS4B, tf
Coudersport Academy,
THE Trustees have the pleasute to Qn -
u nce th'ey have succeeded in
procuring the Services of Mr. J. BLOOM
INtitvAL E, lion', Yates county, N. Y., to
tape charge of the Aeadeny. From . his
long experience as a Teacher, and his
eminent success heretofore, we have every
reason to hope that our Academy- will be
established on a permanent footing. We
cheerfdlly recommend the Institution to the
fostering cam of the public.
The Winter Term will commence on
Wednesday, the 18th of January, 1853, and
continue eleven weeks.
ElemPniary branches—Otthog,raphy,
Geography, Arithmetic, &c.......
Higher Arithmetic, First lessons in
Algebra, , and Grammar,
English branches, Algebra,
. 4.75
Higher 111athematics, Latin, Urea,
and 'French languages, 645
instruction on.the7Piano Forte; extre, 10.00
Use of instrument ' 3.00
Vocal music free of 'charge.- .
It is desired that students for next terra
should make application by the Ist ofJar.-
eau, t
The Trustees never before have felt an
equal drgree of confidence in reeomtnendint
this institution ton discerning public. The
success of the pail term has more than jus
tified their expectations. - Mr. Bloomingdale
has proved himself to be an experienced,
energetic, and elricieint teacher; and, with
him at the.head, they can, with the utmost•
assurance, predict, that the Academy • will
speedil.V become, premMinently, one of the
best and most succes'sfainstitutions of the
kind in Pennsylvanii or New York.
Rooms in the Inettintion may be' had af
reasonable charges, on applicanon to the
Payment of. : TeitiOn •to he rustle to the
Principal on entering: , thdiehool. ,
. i 11. li. Des•k, Pre:,itltnit,
• • Ti c co t k m; 13.,11 t.kit, Secretary,
111;NICY J. 'c.4.stbiim; I.*Veasurer,
F.A. Jane;, .• . -
CII A i.. 1:Y114:C r " tiiis : iti's; '
- .,6'..-(i. auPittr,''
HDATILINITPaiIsi'Bed Cords, ClothO'
Linbs; Horse Cords, curry comb6;l . tioie s
bnisbesike be sold et MANN'S.
fleze lake.libertv to inform the Pea.
9 .0--C a
P. (I!! o'3oll an—, I otter County
%hal rani still 'el` my New Stand oppo.
ih'e Nerth side of the Public Square+
where may be found GROCERIES of
all ; kftida cenmantly on hanii, with many
ad;4iorts thereto:
such as Drngs, Merl
eineS;DYeknfls, Stationery, Yankee NO
'thins; Perfumi-ry, Toilet Sow, Jewelry ,
besides ninny articles thnt.l have
never kept•before to humerons to men
tion: as a ell as -Gentle
men,are riSpectfully invited to call and
examine; and if can ' t suit . you as 19
prices withoOr your "0f13, 0 to York-Thate
Grainy othdr place, then I will acknoWli
edge that can't sell cheap enough ;
but I will not give up until you have
called apd . examined for youselves + whicfi,
agalp, you invited to do. My motto
is, the nin+6/e sixpence in preference to
the plow
All kinds of country Produce. taken
in exchange for goods. Butter, Lard,
Egg's, Rags, County Orders, Shingles,,
antreash not refhsed for goods.
• .- Tea, Sugar,
Coffee. Spires. Saleralus
:Ginger, Mustard, Tobacco, Snuff,
tmegs,llß ace,,C loves, t olifrctioncry
and a few boxes of Kibbe's Wild Cherry
and, Blooil Boa Cough Cindy, = and -
Alillard's superior Coin Drops.
Di=ngs Medidnes, •
.Patent 'Medicines •
Oils; Spirits of Turpentine,
"Caruphine, 'Burning 'Fluid, Soap, Gariilles ,
Cloth, Teeth & Brushes;Blaelsing
Cap.:Letter. and Note Paper; all kinds of
Stationery, Steel 'Pen Holders. Watitrs-,
Sna/ing• Witic; Sand, Ink, Pocket Books
envelopes, Visiting Carils,Jeweiry,FineCut
lery, and a 'variety of Fancy Attieles, to
gethcrlilt' Thread etc. ec.t.
' •
TUST'recidved a quantity of that Splerf
tl did Ponirnada PnilottoinP.—nla
The purest: and most perfect article for the
growth and presdrcation of the hair. War
ranted Genuine Reef's Marrow. For sale a
• . - D. W. SPENCER'S.
olh.sees thakiei roolase . s selling. at 3-6
Dandles, such as sperm, tallow, &e ., for
sale at
• . • j D. W..SPENCER'S
11(M Live'' Oil, tich . ontriptin; and • nanY
li,other popular inediemei, for sale by
" ! Halloo Halloo !
P!..:N e1:It is - in - town! Mountains of
nothina„ hare bough:t thiz; coal, this rest,
and these patits,:—.'aint broke e titer! Hur
rah All the buys bind{ have one of r.pen
ccrs'-coatsl hurrah But:10 be candid,
friends, thel'e's nothing like h in all the
country. Juat go over there, and for a
little o' hottin; he'll. sell ye a " that,
tholigti ye.'t The higest rascal above ground,'
will' ake ye fair as a priest to k al—
thatiQh ye 'helot a cent in ye : 4 pocket -3, folks
will 'hots' and scrape to' ye as though ye
were millionaires,A
an_ "real gentli ovals."
Fashion!'c Great thing ! !letter dead' than
out of it—Many an holiest fellow has been
cut" because of the cut of his coatl .
hot no dimmer if ye boy 01 Sp , n , zer, his
cloths, are just the fashion."
The subscriber h7is just rece:veJ a large
stock of Ready made clothing, of the latest
style, and best finality, which he offers for
-sale on the most rest:op-Ale terms,
13 -- 4 ituisox's Ist: for :tinging Cloth,
11Toilet Soap &c., at - SPENCER'.i:
1, food for saleat D. W SID EN C ER'S.
ELVIN EXTRACT* the ildhfs,
_A L '. the most noted and 'best article of
the kind in use, also .Extracis for flavoring
all to!be had at - SPENCER'S.
.LM G!s quantity of Gologne, Hair
A:invigorntor, Tooth Powders for saleat
Cream Titruir; Jla'nesia,
OChnlk, tiattit, and
,G tie for sale at
- - -
u. W. 81'ENCEI(S.
. ,
EW Arri Val of HATS and CAPS ter the
NVinterTade, at • SPENCER'S.
fidOPEI. and Coach varnish can be had
at SPENCER'S on very 'reasocatde
arriial of .Groceries and Fish at
(J_ENTLOIEN. now is the lime to fur.
kfi nish yatfrselves with Untier-Shiits,
Drawers, Overcoats, and almost everything
in the.iclothitio• Lino en the mostreasonable
tertns,mt SVENC:FR'S.
rp () I he 4.lcubful alluded people. ‘whether
hae gof all the articles he ad
vertises, and so cheap,--I will guarantee
at rthis,"anil a thousand lirneS more. 11
you doik believe it, call in some day and I
will show yon.• • D. I.\:. S. .
INTER-S I'AINED Linseed Oil. ect
•y for Sale* • SPENCER'S.
iLvf'f Gargling Oil, to
kj,beitad at SPENCER'S.
WANTED, by D. W. Spencer, from one
yY to two thousaild dollars •in County Or
ders, al the, faCe. • • .
yonts I alhQlron t Trlcoperas, In'
vig,drOor," gin! other excellent prepar a
l!or cleansing and beaivirying the Hair
for We' by 0, 'N. - SPIINCER
)LUG 'l'o
,AGCO—Fiue Cot, Chewing,
and Stuokieg : by the ponn#, at . •
• • SPENCE/11.'8.
dt ?.;
. D. Vit. SPENCER'i,
MMO and Lead at loner figures
th*down town, at 6PENCEIVS.s
— oits.!m!Rott6mm,=;sa,=aA
D., W. ,spENca r
si , k, , lcElt,'S Grocery Store
• • •• - 4 ,
4citiciinistraitcrrs' Sale.
pursuance Qt an conl7 o t, /, r%
Court of the count); of - Potter, we Shelf
expose at pnblic sale 'rid- the premises' iti
Pleasant Valley township. on 'Monday,' the
97th day of February inst., of one o'clock, P
M., all the interest arias Mel/owl, late (lei
ceased, in a tract of land bounded as follows . ;
On the north by the Tandy of-Mathew Me ,
Dowl, on the south by the lands of Williarn
Warden, on the east and west by lands of
Sohn Keating & Co., containing thirty acres'.
Terms of sale madn known at the time of
e. Adh3 : 4 ;
February 3,1 . 1151 k. 33 4t.
Pure Oil--,lreportaUt to Saw
yers • and. Ale‘ettinists.
rip I - 11S article will be furnished br
4 2 7 . tho barrel - or gallon; vvarranteot
neither to smoke nor ..gum up." Pur—
chasers will find it an object LIS get my
prices before they supply' themselves,
elsewhere. T. L.
Wellsville. • - • (il3 am
r.LE4CIIED Elephant Oil:—a su
-6.perior article to IVhaie Oil7—rot
Lumps or Machinery..
Wellsville. T. L. SNIITEI.
IVA HD OIL for stile at the We:l3M*
- 11 - 4 Hardware Store. T. L. SMITH.
ILL SAWS, Shingle Saws, Sidinff
- 1 - 7 -arSaws,ltith Saws, C ross Cut, Tenon,'
Pitt, Drag Saws, Hand Saws, Key Ilole,.
Wood Saws, furnished of any stamp or
factory, to suit the purchaser. .
We11;:wille. T. L. SMITIL„
UILES.-1 sell an article which, i 3
superior for durability and executiou
to any English File; in market.
, T. L. SMITH.
:1-inch Cable to a skein of saddler's
silk. (Wellsville.) 'l'. I.*STITEI.
Vulcanized Rubbcr Riveted.
Leaher Belts; n late stock of all sizes.
on hnnd. (Wellsville.) T. L. SMITI-L
MARLIN ROPE for sale by •
V EAKLE upcKs—At the Wens;
ji rifle Hardware Store.
VIIENIP and Rubber Lacing
-1" Leather,Copper Rivets, Belt Punch,.
es, at (Welisvilte) 'l'. L. SAI (TIPS: •
.Lei EPA) BUCIOVII.b;&Tr it..lefo at thi
OCuudetspurt 11111 s, by
tistc D. C. C ktlrl'EN DEN. •
PARKER NI ill Nat 11.—liu ildc•rs 1%11
find thete Nails a . more taper dupe . ,
tougher iron, and superior in every re
spect to any other Hail in market.
‘Vellsvine. T. L. SMITH'. •
c adt, , nty Text Rook
A Full supply for at low at
Perpetuate Family Faces.
ALI, aho desire to do so should not Jong
deLty going to CtSECS DanverittErts
GALLI:ter. The subscribers weekly prodn,
,ring miniature portraits in the
ruci.t ai•ieg :.titleand air ai irrost rertiOn
aVe prices. A pleasant mom is open ;and
every one is welcome t.icall and examine
sp6cimena whenever they clux)se. Those
who wish to be sure of a sitting should nut
co ne late in the day.
Gallery open only on Saturdays.
(3-36tf J. W. CASEY..
T UST REC El V ED—a new awt splendid
tj 10101 Cooking-and Parlor STo;rES at
tiStf ' J. W. SINIITH's.,
with directions for using, at
,552(f I'. B. TYLER'S.
T WICE a week froth New York new
goods are received. •
T. L. •
- -
Your Attention is Solited to
the following, for a moicznent.
rpm: 'Partnership formerly eaistitg
j_ tween C. Smith arid A. F. Jones, in the
mercantile business in Coudersport : is this
day dissolved by annual consent, and the.
hairless will be carried on in future by C.
Smith, at the same place lately occupied by
the said Smith & Jones, viz : on the cntue;
of )lain and SeCand streets, Coudersport;
next door to Tyler's Drug and Book Store.
N. B.—lt is requetited that those who are
indebttd to the late firm of Smith &Jones,
will make payment" to C'. Smith without
delay, as he intends to pay 'he demands.
against said film as soon as.pos-ible.
Alm 21th, 1,333
ANEW supply of Fluid and Cam—.
bitse Lamps—sums iiew awl beautiful
vutterus lust receive 4 and fur sale luw at • •
Notice, .
TIIE Governor ofthe State of New York
has appointed the subscriber a emir-
Eroiginner for the State of New York, .to.
: take the acknowledgment of Deeds andi
other instruments, and to _administer oath*
pursuant ti) an act of the Legislature of risick
Vondenrport, Dec. 12, - 18.51. 9.111
2KINS, or HIDES, for whie7b Boors and
.Slioeti will be exchenered,.and some ga2h
will .be paid. Wm. ()HUSBY.
Place of business, one door North o
Johnson tore. • 301 f f
drOUNTY ORDERS received it par
.., Machine Oil. -
. . M _
Mill O%vtieLs will alwaVi find Et, suety of
Oil lot machinery at ealleractt ify Fitt% Mlli
in ttay quuntiry, at
T. L.,smrni
TYLER'S Dru; 71,•••••