71. .CP#a lll.l .Bt4 WWI atifik A lare Wine Dealer residing in Yorafrlkeittly. cn bis deMb-bed, being in great distress - of mind, tklnaWledged lolis„friends thalyis agony ,was ~occal ioned_by ihe.nature ef the 'business hp `bats followed for years. Ife stated that ii hadlbeen Ws habit to purchase all the saur wines he could, and by making use of sugar of lead, and other deleterious oubsconcm restore' the wine to a pal treble taste. He said he did not doubt he bad- been the means of destroying hundteds of lives,'as he had front ' time to, time noticed the injurious . effects of his mixture's on those who drank them. He had seen instances of this kind where the pneanscious victims of his cu pldity,ifter. wasting and declining for years, dispite the best medical advice, went to thei r graves, poisoned , by the fl tfulterated Wines he had sold them.. •T is man died rich, but alas, what leg acy did he leave for his children! Wealth gotten by deceit, and not that of a harm less, but fatal nature. Parent dealers in intaxicating poisons ! ,you bare got to die too. Do you not see how the Wine Fabricator, whose confessita is recorded above, on his death-bed . felt the deepest remorse for what he had, done ? Fly, then, from a lttffic sq horrible! You all know your drinks Are shamefully adulterated by the mast fatal drugs. ' You know they are poisoning and demoralizing to all wlto drink them, Law-makers, is it nin time you should put your strong seal or condemnation on a, tcaffic so wicked ? if you do not, but permit this crying sin to go on, are .you not parties in the ter rible guilt incurred ? TUE COST OF TRANSGRESSION:-10 Enoland, it is,estimated that the cost of inTu*icating liquors to the consumers, is '61 . ;000,0QQ rounds Sterling ! 8,0t10,000 to the titled and higher classes. A:24,000,000 to ato middle classes. 4.34,001;1,(290. to the operative and .lower • • How immensely would the Maine Lativ diminish this enormous expenditure for the perniCious drink ! When Eng land gets her Prohibito r y Law, as she Will, it - will - belustained, Laws of such vi--Citaritcler--are slow in--coming into Great' Eritain, but when ..they do CQUIe, inn ono doubts th.e certainty of their exe cution. Friends of ;this great cause in Groat 3ritain, work on!!_ Let nothing" disoourage you, and in the end you win. be victorious. `The land, in:England, Perverted to the 'production of grain, dc., for the manu fgpture of iiitoxicatin,g drink to debase and destroy the people, would Supply enough to give. the whole population balls pound each, daily, throughout the whole year. Is it not worth some labor to divert thEsitnrnense amount of grain from the distillery and brewery, to the mouth of the famishing operatives, who pre desperate for the want of it I—Pro jdftioni4e. A gioNtricANT FAcr.—With a single exception, the press of Hillsborough Co., N. FL, the. native county of President Pierce, is Outspoken against the repeal of. the Missouri Compromise in the Ne braska bill. Both the Democratic pipers in Manchester are strongly against .the •bitt. One of these papers, the Manches ter Unionbemocrat, was established in 1850 for the express purpose of helping inerce to hound down .lohn Atwood for expressing Anti-glavery Sy:npathies.— Aoslou A MISTAKE.—W. S. writes us that he lately sent us a dollar (as a subscription) and a communication for our columns— that the dollar was retained and the pa per emu, but the article not printed— whereupon he concludes that "money is 1n better market than brains." If Ghat were true, it would not be atitazirig, editors are supposed to have more brains than money ; but this conclusion -is not justi6ed by his premises. The ..rioney was gequine ; the brains bogus. ribne. .‘iNflatought not to be used as a bev erage, ought:noi to be sold as such,- -•{iT'Yiat lie good of the community re !Ores us to eapd, no man has a moral -'s-ffht to suprly. That intemperance is dreadfully multiplied by the number of iictris'O'd shops for retailing of spirits, we know. That these should I f e shut •'sttery goad map desires." Rev.' Dr. tharang. • The SCientilic ,anzerican santains cotrununinciooL.Cf. H. A. Frost, of ‘.4Varcester,:in•which he to :hava frlitßitc.d a "marine looomotivis" which wil!'cro;s the Atlantic in four days. CALIFORPtIA „Letutha.. , -The editor of the Stockton Jou.rnc4 having receireo; six invitations - to . attend i ehristrriis par ties, theteup9nthei disconrseth: wo 3:eays itip - Alt"e're''wErre:htit few Lidies'ltereNancy, Una, iVere nol - then in demand. Tklity" the merchant dir,- playa his prints and. muslins, kids and gaiters, scarfs, collars and corsets', with as much. expectation as he rolled over a ' barrel of pickled pork in the 'almost for gotten past. 'lt is the translation of the worm into Ur butterfly ; for the slothful refuse, of the are turning into par lor ornaments and sidewalk , statue 3. Women have wrought this change ;and now the miner ulnas from his search for gold, to feed 'his hungry mind on her presence. The 'card table and the drunken revel have given place to the quidt. of the social circle, and where the fierce Oath awdkerid the sleeping night, the low voices of hiippy and contented men mingle with the answers of yirtamis females. The' mines 'ate filled .witb,,h richer blessing than yellow gold, and numberless homes testify. more loudly than monumental marble how it has been received. Females gladden every camp, and where they are, i.tileriess and lawless 'condnct shrink into the dark, away from observation:" A shepherd lost a sheep With its lambHe went in pursuit of them. He found them far off, in a lonely valley, He tried to drive them Bone, but was not able. At length he picked up and car ried cfl the lamb, and the mother fol lowed: Thus the Saviour brings :, a mother to himself, by tatting the child from her bosom. Turicti says the reason why editor: are so apt to have their manners spoiled, is because they receive from onecorres pondent and another such 4 vast num ber of evil communications. The People's Cash Store, AT COUDERSPORT. Something New. and Something Wanted. THE subscriber has just, received' from the City of NewNork, and opened at tlfe store formerly occupied by Haskin rtir. Smith, on the, north side of the Court Hoase square, et sclerted assort - mei:l of Pew Goods, comprising DRY Goons, GROCERIES, CROCK titv,aud HARDWARE. The rnoito of business- adopted—;is, "the sure shilling and the lively rixpinee." The above Goods- will therefore 'be , sold exclusively for either Cash or ready-pay in hand, and upon such terms that , the pur chaser cannot . be otherwise_fhan satisfied that he has made a good. bargain..xeeeived "quid pro quo",—something for something in value for his money. An exchange will oladly be made with the Farmer, for his Produce : Butter, Cheese, Ens, Grain in any quantity, and - with it, the more Cash the better. The suhscriter will at all firms take pleasure in exhibitin g his Goods to the Customer; that quality and prices may be examined. L. F.. NIAINARD. Coudersport, Juiy, 15, 1855. :691f fIHECKED GINGHAMS in variety, arid jprices la suit.„ A . • MONG many other articles for the ladies, of fancy and rich worth, will he found, at the People's Cash Store, fine Worked Collars, of . ditierent degigns and patterns. BLEACIIED Sheetings and Shirting, Brown do., Candle Wick, Summer Cloth for children's wear, Bed • Ticking, Towelling,. Table Lirmen,. Brown, White 4 a superior article of Damask, all pure tlax,—Table Spreads. An examination will recommend them better than anything else. kcThe People 2 B Cash Store" may be found a selected lot of Prints, of Eng, French,.and American Goods, quality and prices agreeing adnairably. Please call an) see.us, • Teas BLACK and green Teas, of excellent flavor, and at Most reasonable prices,--- Sugars, White and - Brown do., Rice, Gin ger, Spice, Pepper, Nutmegs, Cassia, Rai sing, Tobacco, in all its variety, to please those who love the weed, and a superior'. article of Coffee that cannot fail-to please all the Dutch and some of the Nankees, at the • PEOPLE'S GASH STORE. TOCKERY and Glass Ware, in variety, kjthat will please the eye on the first in spection. The Clothing Department AT " THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE." R EA U Y Made Clothing' 'kept constantly an hand by the subsutiber, made =up and manufactured by the best workmen, from cloths selected for durability and qual. itp ; the object being not to supply the cus tomer with a humbug article which he may be induced to purchase, because it is so rery cheap, but which in the end is very dear; but to give him itt the first instance an arti cle which will do him honest and goad rice for a reasonable price, - All those desi- rous of being so accomodated•call at , The People's Cash Store." I L. F. MAYNARti. ll. A pa ß tt p er l n ‘ S A a-tri . e Y d the - n s d an fo d un S d nat t h ,b i e l: good, Rifles and Rub-Stones, Saw-Mill Files, poor Handles, Latches; Mineral Knobs, (whit and brown.) tforties Lopks, Wrought Butts for Doors, "of all sizes , Cut lery, Knives of good quality for, the table, and for th, pocket;•at the • - PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. CANDLES. Sperm, Solid Sprrni, Relined Crystalline, and Tall 4v Cantll6,- by the Pound or Box, for sale very low at the DRUG ik:BOOK STORE. • • Removal, \XTM. CROSBY,' of the Bodt and .shoe Store, has reit lately 'Oern riedby • Ciddi'Vellits c liiuet 711isp, first door north ol'lohititirt's store,' whetie be wi 11 ) be; pleased to ite! then& ho have het . eto- Tdife hhrt. with their liatronage,ansl all others Who stand in used Of 'l36ots . and Shoes. Nun'. 18, 1853. . 62711 ~tISIiYRSS~~ ',.,~C1:'~~5.:,zr. 80031 ;AND JOB PRINTING,-' EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BOOR-AND 108 PatNirrio, SuciiAs 1309 CATALIiGUEH. PAMPHLETS. HI*HEARH, iihtillll4,3l, 13ALT.."TjEKE0, . . . - POSTERS, BILE 'HEAD t S? SHOW - HILLS, - - - --BLANK -NOTEEfir;- - WAYBILLS', LABELS, CMII)3, ATC,' (*.cE.:%eettted with neatness and dispatch at the office of THE PEOeLE's JOURNAL: --- -N. H. ROBINSON Si. C 0.,, 'WDDEESALE'AND RE'L'AIL DEALERS IN , ' BOOTS'idArD SHOES. Their stock comprises the_ largest variety of the best Massachusetts manufacture. RUBBER -ROOTS .I2ND SHOES, N . ./Fl.. R; & Co. are agents of the Hayward Rubber Company—the.be-St Dodds of .the kind manufactured '460 U. - S.; which goods they will sell to wholesale purchasers - at New YOrlt • prices. _._ All orders filled on the , shortest notice 28 WATER ST. 7. ELifIRA, N; Y. July, 1851. 9t 104A.0 fIENsoN, Attorney-at-Law, On-ter—East side of the public square Joudersport, Pa. By special arranffe ment.the profevienal services of Joussorq,Esq.,•nay be engaged through him, in all cases in which he is- not previously concerned. N. B. AU claims due and payab.e to the undersigned,persopally and poles.- sienally , may be found in the hands of lslAc BENsoti,Esq., for adjustment. • S. P. JOHNSON. March 3, 1848. tf ,70$N S. DIANA ' - Attorney and Counsellor at Law, wilt attend the several Courts in Potter and M'Kean Counties. Al! business entrust• ed to his care, will' mceive prompt at tention. Office on Alain Street: . opposite the Court House, Coudersport, Pa. .A.E.THITR G. OLMSTED, Attorney and Ceansellor - at Law, will attend to all business entrusted to his cnre, with promptness and fidelity. ()like over W. T. Jones & Brother's store, :gain. Street, Coudersport, Pa. March 21, 1851. v 3, n 44, L; F, Maynard, Attorney and Counsellor at ; Lan), COUL*RSPOWP, PA.. ' Office—North of the Court !lodge Square, at The -Peqple's Caih Store," up stairs. - , C. W. ELLIS, Attorney at Law,. Coudersport; Potter County, Pa. Jan. 18, 1850. _ . F. W. KNOX Attorney at Law, Coudersport, Pa. wilt regularly attend the Cotirts in 'Pio ga, Potter, and IVP Kean Counties. -• Offic;e—over W,. 'l'. Jones' Store. Feb, 28, 1851. v 3 n4O. A. P. CONE, Attorney at Law, Wellsliorough,,Tioga County Pa. Will regularly attend the Courts in Potter.county., June 3, 1848, ... tf LAND AGENCY; THE undersigned having been entrust ed with the care of several large tracts of land, in this County, has made himself acquainted Iva!' the lands and land titles of the County, and will give immediate attention to any business of this. nature that may be entrusted to him. , • JOHN S. MANN. H. 3. HEATS, P Wacian and Surgeon, GOUDERSPORT, •PA. Will attend to all, calls for professiona, assistance, with promptness And fidelity Oflice."—On West side of Main street, first door above Jno. S. Mann's store. April.ll, 1851. • 3-47. tf. W. B. TYLER, DEALER IN • DRUGS, MEDICINES, Dye Stull's, Paints, Qils, Varnis 'Brnslies, Lamps ' Window Glass, Groceries, Winet aid Liquors fin... Medicinal Purposes, ALSO, . .11 ' 0 OA' S, T TIONER \Vali and \\lndoor Paper,. Gold nod Steel Pens, fine Cutlery, and a - General Assortment of Fancy Articles. ' Nue of busiuess,,first door above Smith. at. Junes' store. Coudersport, April 22, 1851. 549tf . G. H. DEMUR & CO., 0 LENIN, N.Y., ElDealers in tine Jewelry; Clocks, . Watches, Silver Ware, hlusidal Instruments, :fitiir•Oils itud .Perfuniery, Cutlery, Pistols, Yankee: No tions, Violin Strines, Toys for Clillaren, and. a Genend : Assortroelit of runty Goods. Particular attention paid to repairing Clocks; Wateltes.und Jew elry.' (7tf PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. • 4.4. R..GAGE, DT. D., - -u-TOULD respectfully inform the cilia zea of 4.76upersport end Potter. couoy, that. he has located permantly among them and .wilt attend promptly to all calls in the line :of hid prefession. Office-,T. B. Tyler's Drag and. Wok Store, , and may be. found ;;t tight at Mill's 1-Hotel. - -66 y I!EMEMIEM F.A.SON4, : alrutlo I.rail4:o rel 6" r 1 1 : vid a ceßfktostock of Withfoivs 11,'iaR1.-ttv. uta mad Vila, for Sale at fairprice;lif - • T. B. TYLER. ris i. z-., ' - • • • .. -i . ..., .1 .. .X.- • . . " ..f ,' -; i....' '...1 .-3...i4. a. If) 1'....: ItWilfeSS tr i - 1t:A6; 1 ' • NI.E . Sht. - 13ASET1; • Cablziet.Maker .4.,lephoieterer l . '• • CppDERSPORT, YA. I pm?Will,eitcute all orders in hisline of basiness with neatness and. despatch: Placo.of isusiness,:the Manufactory'forrnerly awned by G.. W. Strong:—two doors 'Aare Wm. 'Crosby's 4eUitig, • • r Having improrCd tits; building ,3and . cltiuery; and employed, goodWorgrnen;lid is prepared to do work as well us Hie best, and on short notice. - a -3W jok7 . 14E=i0W, Carriage 'and: Sielgb-Maker. THE subscriber respectfully gives no.; lice that he is . prepared, to do all the busine4s,iri . the above line, at the short est notice, T .at his new shop, two doors west of the Coudersport Hotel. ' MILLPORT HOTEL. asubscriber would re s. sPectfuliy inform the public .2 Al . p ;?. and traveling community, tha he has fitted up a house and stabling, for the accommodation of strangers and travelers, at Miliport, Potter Co., Pa., ind hopes by prompt aud, careful attention to business, to merit and receive a ltbera share of patronage, HARRY LYMAN, Millport, Aug. lb, 1851 ! • 1311 . NEW GOODS 'FOR THE FALL TRADE'.• HOYT& LEWIS liXTordil respectfully inform the inhabit ants of Wellsville and vicinity that they are now receiving a fresh and beauti ful assortment of GOODS, - trhieli wilt be sold as clieap as the cheapest. We would also return our heart-felt thanks to our old Customers for their patronage and would be glad to show them any Goods which we have, and will try to save them At leaCt 10 pV cent by calling and examining our • STOCK OF GOODS. . We do not wish to make a great display to gain custom . ; but.,by taking a straightfor ward,couraestve lOU - endeavor to gain the respect. and • confidence of our 'Friends and. Customers. , Please :call and ; ex amine Our Stuck. `No Charge for sboWing Goods. - Flour and Salt alse on hand of. superior 'quality and. warranted. ' • • HOYT & LEWIS. Wellsville N, Y. Sept..l4, 1852, 4 2.21 f , BLACKSMITIIING. Rf r rm rsl a l;: e LL, pu S b & lic .lid l T at k: i l i i le l: l o , s ti Kin w c o a ud r l ry ionn the 13LACKS1IITIIING BUSINESS, at their New they in the Boro' of Coudersport, where they are prepared Ao execute lON DS OF WORK in their line, with neat ness anJ dispatch. :• A share of.public patronage is bolivited. N. B.—All _persons indebted to me by note or account, µ•ill call and settle the same immediately. if they :desire to save .4021 y BENJ—RENNELLS. . - 7 A, B. GOODSELL, FIRE ARMS manufactured and re paired at•his shop, East of the Bridge Coudersport, Feiner munty, Penna , March 3, 1848, • tf Coudersport Academy. THE Trustees have the - pleasuie to.an flounce that they have succeeded in pro - curing the services of Mr.•J..EILOOM ' LNG DAL Ei from Yates county, N. Y. to take charge of,the Academy. From - his lorm experience as a'• Teacher, and his eminent success heretofore, we have every reason to hope that our Academy will be established on a• permanent footing. We cheerfully recommend the Institution to the fostering care of the publie. The •Wintet. Terra will commence on Wednesday; the 18th of January, 185; and continue eleven weeks. • Terms.. Elementary, branches—Ot thography, Geography, Arithmetic, &c.. $2.25 Higher Arithmetic, First lesstins in Algebra, and Grammar, 3.25 Higher 'English, branches, Algebra, Vhilosophy, 4.75 Higher ,llilathena . atics,..l.atin, Greek. • and French langtiages, 6.25 Instruction on the Piano Forte, extra, 10.00 -Use of instrument, ..... 3.00 Vocal music free 'of charge. Ilia desired that students for next term should make application by / the Ist of Jan nary. ' . The Trustees never before have felt an equal degree of confidench in recommending this institution to a discerning public.- The eniciss of the past teim has more than jus tified their expectations. Mr, Bloomingdale has proved himself to be an experienced, 'energetic, and •etficient teacher; and, with him at the head, they can, with the utmost assurance, predict that , the Academy will speedily become,lireeininently, one of_ the best and 'most successful 'institutions of , the kind in Pennsylvania or New York, 'Roiiiiiis in the Institution maybe had at reasonably charges, on application to the Principal. ' -. • . . - Payment' of Tuition Jo be made to the Principal on entering the schoOl. ~. : 1f,.11. DENT, President, THOMAS B. TYLER, Secretary, litsiv, J. OLIZSIto, Tieasurer, A • F. L. Josxs;' .• .' i -. ..Cis.ss;. LYMAN, ) Trustees G. G. CuLror I, DATENT Pails, Bod• Cords; Clothe? 11 blued, ilbridtOrds, curry . I Combs.'licrses brushes, to bo sail at ' MANN'S.. • ,sr : .c.. . .... . .a.~..,.... SP.ENCEWS,COLUIIIN I here ttike liberty . to inforM: the Pea , file P.nfOr..tou.ntY.: that ,I am. atilt- at my - piew . stand oppo;: site the 'NOrthside cif the Pnblic Square; o - there.nai he,"found GROG.ERIES'br 'O l consmntYy. oq billlchwiitk 6 innY additions ihereto ; such as DrugMe'd. eines,Dyestulls, Stationery, Yankee No}. - tiont3, Perfumery, Toilet Sottfi, bigittes,Many articles that I hale' never kept before to nunierous to men: .Thel.. l dieS', as rt:ell . as Gentle men, are;respectfully'ioviteillo and' and if 1 'earet",suiijou as 16 - priCes"*lthatit'yollegoirig to . York State or any .Othdr place; then I will acknowl; edge • that 1 can't sell cheap enough ; heti wtft not: , gitre up until you' . hare CaWitand examined for youselves,ithich, agaip, , Tou are invited 'toll°. MY- motto is;lhe 'nirnbk gq.tpence in preference to the iloiv kinds of country Produco taken in exChange'' for goods. - Butter, Lard, Eggs, Rags, County 'Orders, Shingles, and cash not refhsed for goods. • . GROCEREES, Tea, Surrar , Coffee'. Spices. Saleratus, ' Ginger, Multard, Tobacco, Srinff, Nutmegs, Mace,CloveseConfr ctionery and a few boxes of Kibbe's 'Wild Cherry and Blood Boo; Cough Candy, and blillard's superior Gum Drops, ,( ,Drugs Medicines, . ' Patent ledicines Oile; Spirits 'of Turpentine, Gamphine . , [lumina. Fluid, Soap, - Candles , Cloth, Teeth St 131;ekitig - Bruslies,Blaoking Miscellaneous. Cap, Letter and Note Paper; all kinds of Stationery, Steel Pen Holders, Wafers, Sealing Wax, Sand, lak, Pocket Books envelopes, Visiting Cordv,3ewelry ,Fine Cut lery. and variety of Fancy Aitieles, to gether with Silk Thread etc. vc.t D. W. SPENCER. T 1/S1 received a quantity of that. Splen t) did Pommada Prailocorne—ala The - &rest arid !post perfect article foi the growth and preservation of the hair. War ranted Genuine Beers Marrow.- For sale a • .D. W. SPENCER'S. Tolisees that is molases selling. at 3-6 per gallon at D. W. SPENCER'S. Dandles, such as.sperm, tallow, &c., for sale at D. W. SPENCER'S COD Liver Oil. Lithoniriptic, and nany `)other popular tnedicines for sale by D. W. SPEM;ER. Halloo ! Halloo ! Halloo ! QPENCEII is. in town ! Mountains of ORFADY MADE CLOTHING lor almost nothirmi"! have bought this coat, this vest, .and these parits,— ; 'aint broke e thee! Hur rah ! All the boys shall have one of 'spen cers coats! Hurrah 1. Rut, to be candid, friends,: there's nothing like : it in all the country.: Just go over there, and for a little o' notning he'll sell 'ye a " rig" that, thotigh ye'r the bigest rascal aboveground, will make ye fair as a priest to 10. , k at— though ye 'haint a cent in ye,r pockets, folks will bow. and 'scrape to ye as though ye were millionaires, and "real gontfeniane." Fashion ! Great thing ! Better dead than out of it-many an honest fellow haS been " cut " :because, of the cut of his coat ; but, no danger if ye buy 1,1 Spencer, his climbs are just the fashion." The s'ubscriber has just received a large stock.of Ready made clothing, of the latest style, and best quality, which lie offers for sale on the most reSonable terms, D. W. SPENCER. ur fiISON'S INK for 3.la;kinz Cloth, .I.lToilet Soap at SPENCER'S. _ DULVERISED CORN ST —T AItCI - 1 for I food for sale at D. • W SP EN C ER'S. XBAZINEXTRACT for the .11dkfa, i.. the most bated and best article of the kind in use, also Extracts for flavoring all to be had at SPENCER'S. A LARGE quantity of Cologne, Hair Iniiigeirstor, Tooth Powders for sales! - O. W. S P F.NC FR'S. 10UIA, Crean' Tartar, Magnesia, Allow Chalk, Salts, and Glue for sale at • SPENCER'S Grocery StOre • ITEWARRIVAL OP DRUGS AND MEDICINES at D. W. SPENCER,S. NEW arrival of HATS and CAPS-for the Winter Trade, at SPENCER'S. eICOPEL and Coach varnish can be had Vat SPENCER'S on very reasonable Corms. 1 N(W arrival of Groceries and Fish at - SPENCER'S. CIENTLEMEN. now is the time to fur nish yourselves with Under-Shirts, DrawerS, Overcoats, and almost everything 17 1 the Clothing Line cri•the most reasonable terms, at S PENG MO the doubful minded people, whether Spencer has got all the articles head vertisee and so cheap,—l will guarantee all of this, and, a thousand times more. If you don't believe it, call in some day and 1 will show you. . I). %V. S. IaTINTER-S PAINED Linseed Oil, ect •V V fur . sale at SPENCER'S. OILof Tar, Metehant's Gargling Oil, to be had at . , SPENCER S. e Wtn'icvoEth-oitsbayndpaotrs s p i rc c r, wi ti n o ty m one diTs ; at (tie face. . yon)s Tricoperas. In' LAvigo ra or, and other excellent prepare , Lions for cleansing and bcautify ing ihe Hair for sale l by a W. SPENCER. , PLUG TOBACCO—Fine Cut, Chewing, agtl Smotuing,;by, the pound, at_ _ SPEN CER'S. IOttreKVIIEAT FLotni at " LI • •D. W,. WLNCEW SIIOIO and - Lead at.3lower. figures than down town, at - SPENCER'S, „ . Tiny slieethgn, goOper ,aAd - surviis; -• , . • , Ott thi'774st 'ti'tled/ 'AferM ofipoitti the' Cowl house Sgutite: , ra - itubseribei keppa - estestuttlrow aut. . good Wo,kman who will, at all ijnye l „, attend to making of mending, Stove pi of all kinds - on haod, or Made td'order. - 'Attl assortment of. thd l Piet..stylek dr - • r COOKING, PARLOR be 130K..STOVES, kept constantly' on bind. Tin snd'Oopper • were,. Also, Sap Pans of the largest and beststyles.for sugar making, all of . w,hisk, will be sold low. One and all, Pleass'eall and examine for yobrielvetri and you shall' be furnished as low as i 4. Weiaem Nair York, at Wholesale or,retail. - • ' JAMES W. SMITH: • Coudersponile. Ib6, 1853. —6411 if. Pure (41—Ireportaut toSaw 7 yere and Machiuista. rvElls article will be furnished by the barrel or gallon, Warranted neither to inioke nor gum 'op." Par chasers will find it an object to get my prices before they supply themselves elsewhere. T. L. 5311111., Wellsville. 013.3 m BLEACHED Elephant Oil—a au -111-Aperior ,article. to Whale Oil—tot Lamps or Machinery. • , Wellsville. T. L. SMITH: 'UMW OIL for sale at the Wellsvill e -1- 4 Hardware Store. T. L. SMITH. MILL SAWS, Shingle Saws, Siding Saws, Lath . Snws,Cross Cut, Tenon, Pitt, Drag Saws, Hand Saws, Key Hole., Wood Saws, furnished of any stamp or factorY, to suit the purchaser. Wellsville.' • T. L. SMITri. FILES.—:I sell an article winch is superior for durability and exeCiititiat to any English File in market. 1%. L. SMITH. CORDAGE.--.Rope—an sixes--frorrr IL/ 1-inch Cable to a skein of saddler!' silk. (Wellsville.) . T. L. STITH. ACHINE BELTING > .—L. Patent 1-v-AL Vulcanize& • Rubber Riveted Leaher Belts ; a large stock of all size on hand. (Wellsville:) T. L. SAIITIL' M . ARLI, ROPE far sale by T. L. SMITH, Wellsville EAKLE BLOCKS—At the Ifie vilie Hardware Store. • J'ENIP and Rubber Packing, Lacing Leather,Capper Rivets, Belt Pariah; es, at (Wellsville) T. L. SNHTIPS! SEED BIN3KWHEA.Tr salefo at Out Coudetspbrt 51018, by. . 65tf • • D. C. 91{ITTANDE}i. DARKER. Mill Nails.—Builders: -g- find these Nails a more taper sliape, tougher iron, and superior in every re spect to any other Nail in market. Wellsville. . T. L. SMITH. . Academy Text Bookm. A Full supply for see low at TYLER'S. Perpetuate Pareily Faces. ALT. Kho desire to do so should, not lot* delay going to Gssev's DAnunnatix GALLERY. The substriber is weekly produ cing beautiful miniature portraits in this most pleasing style and the.at most reason-. able prices. A pleasant room is open and every one is welcome to cull and exarnia• specimens whenever they choose. Those who wish to be sure of a sitting should not cone late in the day. Gallery open only on Saturdays. ti36tf • J. W. CASEY. TITST REC EIV EP—a new and splendid lot of Cooking and Parlor STOTcs at GBtf J. W. Smalls.. lINC AND MINERAL PAINTS, LI with directions for using, al 552tf T. B. TYLER'S. TICE a week froirb York new -g Witie,,Ar goods are received. Wellsville. T. L. SMITH. Your .Attention in Solited to the. fonowing, for a moicanent. Partnership formerly •sxistng be. tween C. Smith mid i /1,. F. Jones, in the mercantile business in Coudersport, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and thir beiness will be tarried on in future by C. Smith. at the same place lately vreori-d by the said Smith & Jones, viz: on the corner of Main and Second streets, Coudersport, next door 'to Tyler's Drug and Rook Store.• N. is requested that those who an indebted to the late firm of Smith & Jones. will make payment to C. Smith without delay, as he intends to pay •he demands against said firm as soon as possible. COLLINS SMITH, A. F. JONES. - deM..1361," Mov. 2 I tb, 1953. A NEW 'supply of Fluid gnd Cam pltjtte new and beautiful patterns just received and for gale )(Ay at TYLER'S. Notice, /TIRE Governor of the State - of. New York 1. has appointed the subscriber a coat mtssioner for 'llk State of New York, to take the acknowledgment of Deeds and other instruments ' and to administer oaths pursuant to an act the Legislature of _sal/ State. t ISAAC BENSON, Coudersport. Dec. 12, 11:351. 436( Wanted; QKLINIS, or HIDES, for which Boots anit ► s .JShoes will be exchanied,and - lsonie cask will he paid, Wm. CROSBY. . Place of business, ono dude -North of Job bOed Store. a3otf COUNTY ORDERS received , at par At ^ TYLER'S. M T. L. SMITE-}