The people's journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1850-1857, January 27, 1854, Image 1

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    fI T . : 1
I I "It I .r; at
• - 111 , 7
• - .1 , ti ;
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Nrcztrrite 6. N..
• - •
Ternis:' -•
Ono copy per advance, $l.OO
Villigeiubscribers per anntrrmin advance, .1..;5
or• Atirt ivusaro.—Onq square, of
twelve lines or less, will bp inserted .threp
times for one dollar; for every subsequent
Insertion, twenty-five cents be' charged.
Rule, and 'figure work • will invariably be
charged double these rates.
.17" These terms will be strictly adhered to
On the west side of the , Appalachicola
River. some forty miles belo'w the line of
Oeorita,,are . - ye- the ruins of what was
once called '.4 . VounesFori,; ' _ Its rani
parts are now covered - with a . dense
growth - ac underbrush and , small trees.
I:hti miiiiii trace out its bastions, cur‘
taih.and.. Magazine. At this time the
eoutary, , , adjacent --.presents the appear.
ance of an unbroken wilderaess,and ilia
ishOle scene is :one, el gloomy solitude.
asSocivied as it is With one of the most
cruet inapacres i-hich, ever disgraced
the. American arms. i . ' •• .
IThe fort.had originally ,iseen- erected
by . civilized troops, and, when eban.
doned by its occup'ahis at theicloie'd
;he war, in 1615. it was, taken posse.-
sion of by the "refugees from Georgia- ?
But little is yet known of that petrectited
peopte.; their hisfOrY can •bnly be found
in the national archive's 'at
• Washington;
They • had been held as slaves , in the.
,State referred to; but. during the Revo
lution they caught - the spirit of Liberty,
at tha time to prevalent throughout our
land a nd tfled.froin .their oppress-rs and
found n asylum dmong the. abOrigines
living in Florida. . ,
During forty years they hid efFestually I
eluded, or resisted, all attempts to re en- I
slave them.. They were true to them
selves, to the instinctive• love of liberty
which is planted in every human heart.
'ost or thein had been born amidst
perils; reared in the forest, and taught
from their childhood to hate the oppress
ors.of their race. Most of those who
had been personally held in degrading
servitude, whose backs had been seared I
by the lash of the y savage overseer, had
passed AD that ririt-land where the
clanking of chaino not heard,—where
slavery is not knot Some few of that
class yet remained. Their gray hairs
an I feeble limbs, however, indicated
that 'they, too, must soon pass away.
Of - the three-hundred and eleven per
icAs 'residing' in Blount's Fort," not
more than twenty had been actually held
in-servitude. 'The others were descend;
ed from slave parents, who fled from
G.mrgia, and, according to the laws of
slave States, were liable to suffer 'the
warns-outwes to which their ancestors
had been subjected. -
_ It is : a most singular feature in slave
holding metals, - that if the parents• be
robbed of theit' liberty, deprived of the
'rights with which their Creator has en
dowed them, the proriefor - of these
wrongs becomes eritled`. to rep'eat them
upon the. children of their former vie
' time. There were also some few pa
rents and grandchildren, as well as mid
dle-aged personi,who sought protection
. within the walls:of the. Fort againit the
vigilant alive-catchers. whn occasionally
were seen prowling around the Intifica
tions,,but who dare not venture within power'of those whom they sought'to
enalave. .
'these fugitives ..had planted their
gardens, and Some of them had flocks
.;roaming in - the wilderness; all were en
joying the fruits cf their labor, add con
gratulating themselves .upon being safe
from the attacks of those who enslave
metikind.'Butthe.spirit,of oppression
is inexorable. The slaveholderi finding
they, could not themselves obtain
session 'of their TiCt.lllB, called on the
- President of the United States 'for assist
eisca'fo perpetrate the crime of enslaving
their fellow' rnen. The functionary had
_been reared Amid southern itptifoiiOkis.
-Heientertairtoti o deub;. •tho,right:of
tone ;. Tnam , - to enslave another. He did
not dEibt 'that if femur herd in servitude
'atiernpled 'to escape; be would be worthy
Pf 4eath• la ahost... he aryrOPa-
L tirbussi with::.thote , whoPught. his APIal
iramediately , sliTeeted-tile Sec-
DEVOTEDTQ.; T-11 E ; ISA) I S tr P C k i kCY~ ' A D"THE DIS 3:EMI NAZLO N O:.P AL 0 RA,LlTY; . 'l4liliil'illi'? l ; 1/6iD
retary of War, :to ',issue 'Order, ' : tc? - , the
Commander, of the..4.So - uthern• 'Military
District of therlinitett'Statei l! 4c - iliendift
delachment , ofitioops to destroy Blournt's
Fort, and-to:" seize • there ` Who • occulted
ii and":.return them tolheirmoters." l
••;.Genern: Jackson; at that time Corn
mender of the Southern Military , Dia
trict,directed Lt,:Col, Clinch to pe'rfeirit
the barbarous task. I was at .one time
personally 'acquainted with that offlEch
and know the impulses of tisteneroue
nature, and Can .. readily-acconnt for ithe
failure of tiis expedition. He marched
to:the Fort, made the necessary releog
nisance, end returned; 'making report
that'-" the fortificatitM was not- aediseible
by land."t - - ''':: - '.'
.' • '
Orders'were then ism& 'to Cornmol
dare Patterson, directing him itf'eariti
out the directicins , of the Secretor' Of
Warr , lie it that time command d •the
American flotilla lyinen '4„Mobilei ay,"
and inatdnily issued-alt 'order-Up:Lieut.
Loorriis to ascend the- AppalaChiecia
River with two gurt-boat's, 4 to seiie-'the
people in Blount's Foti;deli'ver thein to
their, owners, and destruilhe'gort - ,".....,. ii
On,the morning of the : 17th:10{1Sep:-
tember, A. D.. 1816, a spectator -might
have seen several individuals i
upon the waII Of that ifiitres - 4,rOutthlog
with intense interest.,the .app_roach, - Of
mu. small • repels that , were slowly est.
cending,- .the' river, • under. full4pread
canvass; by Ate 'aid of a - light southern
breeze. They' were in ,sight fii.earry
dawn, but it wag ten o'.clock w,hert,lllL:Y
furled their. sails and 'cast anchor oppo
site the Fort, some four or five hundred
yards distant from it. ' ' '
. .
A. boat was loirered, and, soon mid
ship Man and twelve men were observed
making for the shore. They. -were
met at_the water's edge by some half
dozen of the - principal men in the - Fort,
and their errand demanded;
• The young- officer told thern.he was
sent to make demand of the Fort; and
'that its inmates were to' be given up to
the .t s!aveholders. then on betard the
gun : boot, who claimed them as fugitive
slaves !" The &mend was instantly
rejected, and the midshipman and his
men , returned to the gun-boat and in
formed I.ieut. Loomis of the answer he
had' received.
As the colored men entered the Fort
and related to their companions the de
mand that had been made, great was
the consternation manifested by the fe
males, and even a portion of . thessterner
sex appeared to be distressed •-at their
situation. 'This was observed by arrold
patriarch, who had drunk the bitter cup
of aervitude,—one-Who bore on ,his- per
son the visible marks• of • the thong- 4 as
:Well its the brand of his master, uponi
his shoulder.. He saw his friends fal
tered, and he spoke cheerfully to them.
He assured them that they were:safe
frorri the :cannon 'shbt of the eneley,—
, that there were not men eriou,gh.on boird
the vessels to storm. tlteir Fort, and
finally closed With the emphatic deelara
tion: Give Me liberty, or .give. me
death !" :estyin,g was repeated by
i many agonized fathers tied mothers
during that bloody day. • .
A cannonade was, soon • comnieneed
upon the Fort, .but , without much ap
parent etlect. The shots were harm
less ; they penetrated the earth of which
the walls were composed, and were then
buried, withoUt further' injury. Some
two hours were thus sent 'without in.
juring any person in the Fort. They
then commenced throwinTbombs. The
bursting of these shells bad more effect.
There was no shelter - . from these' fatal
messages. Mothers gather/ their little
ones around them, and pressed their
babes more Close / If - to their bosomsots
one exploSion aftefenother warned'tbem
of their Imminent danger.
,By . pese
explosionS some were ..octasiodally in
jured and a few killed, ontilost...length,
the shtieks'of the wounded , and groans
of 'the - dying were-heard in iiariodilitrts
of the. fortress:
Do, y k on - es k why it ese , , p;tot ra „and
children . were ...thus . butchered, in. cold
blood ?I :i'insweric-TheyLwere. •stain . for
adhefing to- the doctrine • that t.all•rti r eo
ate ondowndby..oeK.Greato'r whit 'the
ifuilknabie ifigiit "to 4114 , : f 1 nd Ofrili•
Holding•ta this doetnnecEllaresositland
cOtl'ArßSPC!iltir IiOTtE RI OUD!',7lt; 1014:;,
'of VilretiiSitilliepoiNWor l itteliatiotil‘iiis
•itrrayeii itgo:insitherfil; and Oaearif . . im'-
fAclyed tO
The bombardment was. confirmed
ifithechealr4ith blit Ilittle'efiecf; forr k .•far
as the - asiallaatelcoeld discoVer. They
manifested . aci di a Position. to . surrender'.
The': der wa& p”sing away. Lieut.•
Looiniaealled,a 'Council of officers and
put to them the question. 1/ 7 /ill further
shall Le-done? , An-under officer sug
gested-the propriety.' of fiiing . .":hot shot
at thesnagitxine." iThefpropoiition' wefts
agreed . to.. :.:The Itirnace& -Or ere. - heated;
bailer were. prepared, and the cannonade
was, resumed, I The occupants: of the
Fort felt•relieved, by the chasige.,:-T-hey
could hear.thttzdeep.bumcningamund of
the :cannon. ball% '.lto. which Aber had .be,
mime accustomed in the early' part of the
day, and setae; !nada . themselves merry
at the supposed fol iy. ,of ..their assailants,
They knew not; that-theshot mai heated,
and were therefore . unconscioud of. the
danger sivkiichlhientrmed them.:..., .
The• sun was' rapidlyydeicending in
the , riest..- The:Aall .pinetuand•rapriice
threw thiir • stradows,over-thei,.fortifiere
tion. :The _roaring .: of . the...crionon, • the
sighing of 1 the ielrat; the. 7g mans .of the
woumled;.theldark shades tifLappriiaclu
ing evening",.aliccutspired id render :the
score ...,orie---, °LI intense gloom; ....1. hey
longed-for ther approathing bight to Close
around them in.-order..%that.:they - might
bury therdead, and:flee:to:the wilderness
forsafety. -.-.. —. ; -.•
~. ' - : .•,. :-.c
-Suddenly a.startling phenortienon pre
seated .itself to their astonished view , .
The - !henry...embankment and limbers
protecting. the knagazine appeared to rise
from the earth-e-Ltie•i heat • instant the
dreadful explosion . -overwhelmed..them,
and the next.found two huitdred and
severstyparenui and children in •'the-im
mediate presence:of a holy Gad; Dinkins'
:their a ppeal 'for retributive justice-upon
the government who had moldered then'',
find' the:freemen of the. north _who Slid
tainedsiich unutterable critnes.t.; ' -.. :
Many were .crushed by the falling
earth and the timbers; many .were: en-,
tirely buried in the ruins. - Some were
horribly mangled by the fragments of
timber and...the riplosion of .charged
shells that were in the megaiinei Limbs i
were" . m: to fro'm the. bodies !o"which they
had been attached. Mothers and- bahei 1
lay-beside each other, } s lapped in that
sleep which knows no/waking.
The sun .hed set,:and the twilight of
evening was closing- around them, when
some sixty sailors, umier the officer
second in command, landed, and; with
out opposition, entered-the" Fort, • The
vetenuysailors, accustomed to blood and
carnage,:-were horror-stric.keu as Ahoy 1
,siew/ 0
ed , the ;Irene before them.. , They
we /
re accompanied, however, by some
twelve slaireholder% all anxious for their
prey-... These 'paid ' , little intention !to the
(.dead . and dying, but. anxiously seized
I t upon the jiving.. and, fastening the fet
-1 ters upon • their limbs, hurried them
from' the Fort, and instantly -commenced
I their : retorn toward the frontier of Geor
-1 gift: • - Some-fifteen persons in the Fort
I survived the.terrible explosion, and they
now sleep in.servi r le graves, or moan and
• weep in'bondage.. . , 1" . • .
The . officer,incOMmond of the - party,
with his Men, returned to the boats as
anon as the el4velicilders *ii'ere" fairly in
possession of - their vicAimi,
, • The'sailors
2 pkaied gloomiOna - thoughiful as they
returned to their vessels. •The anchors
were sails 'ti n f drled, and
, - • -
b,oth veSiels harried froth the scerie 'of
butchery asfrapidly as: they Were able.
After the, ,iifffeere _rapidly
retired to their
cabins"; the rough-featured, sailors gath
ered, before the mast, and loan and bitier,
.were the..curses.! they uttered against
slaierktind:ittgninst•thnse officers of gov
;ernitient ivito hag then constrained : them
-to-1119F4Prin:rPe9 rtßlhOi*llcillilill"*l'.
merely. for tho,,loie.of , likttif*, 4 - -..f .
) 'ilitirtthe'•dentliemainedlitiburie t annd •
'th'eno,it - diy , !fie litili i i l li'.4 l ire're ' feeding:
neoni.4, l 4,tirviSS l e.s', l of ff YOttni : ity'k f linl i l :
; young womep,,whose„hso4art,! T : tire-.
/ 1
.vicius i morning-,hitdi betttOn ~ W ith high
'e4p/littiim's.` , '-T4titird bones: have ',been!
his.ddhini,"iii'. - thti Sue' rol: . thirtf•itien'
ienri,'litiir tnW let' Sii. i .'seitre aiAto re ir
;of-.. 1 DI, ,111.0.,, 1,-, 4 lo tiow 4 4.P.1 4 ,
R119%.:4 1 ,! .r l l l 9 0 . 1 Pk a 1..9T e Rt„M tl "i
ficittiono:: - .a.r ~ . .,1:.J.L, . .,:ii .p.inietc. •-•,')
1 . - ..,„J Lt:i. ja .) er .4 - ioi ,-._.4.• .•llna..•ive:a ..v•„;u"q I 7
Ti.v.t•Rty : tucir year , 4„l.ejaPsed
...and 8
representative-in: Congress; from qne of
the ftere Stmes,creportd bilttivingAo
. - :0!1
the perPeirators - of these . murders rga.
tttity of &On, the
public treasury, as. tooken.of gratitude
which the. people of this- nation' le le.for
theioldiefly and aallaittanner in Which
the crime was committed loWd . rd therit.
honies of dtinires.i,
Was appr'ored by the President, and, now .
Stands upon our statute book imang.'the
lit - ws enacted at the -8d isessioriDef the
25th tongrei.s. ' .'•
' facts -- "eror'''alf kntirtritittiteiecl
among the • `ithions poblic documeinti
which Tel:mist-in ihi"alcores'Of • Ott elfaL.
tional tibraff. But - 2
in Consequence of iFfel
Cvtiith :they; N tetiect the:
thnie.*holliere t'on'ti Oiled
the gpiernment:
• Vide F.xeutvis ,doeuiriptitg of the „2I spa,-
hiOci itieifiirteeddi Congress. ''
•'t belteied that.tbis:rePorossastradested
);•y•o humauity , of Col. Clinch., 11,e : I've* re
plifed i one of the' brareit - and` mostistierielle" WEI possesika au - nin'r
dpruttable , persoveraßee,,, ant!cogld, probably
Wive C'afrtn -ea the' Port in•orWh'our, - hal' he
tiesinsti 11: , r; •
# That is the number OTFutialjy reported by
EieCutive 'dot
uments of the thirteenth liongress::'...-:!•:::1,•••.:
(5M rip!' I ”PYize.E•say, on
E; jo . uriu.',Y titan
prinjet jn Scotland, there occula j tlte fo) r
l ow i ng pai sage: -:1
• ..Ynkelfefloat!-.thinis how the'abitrae
(iOn of the Saba . th irot .. tdf-hdp . t.ileiSly
;tare. the..workings,classes, with whom
me are identified.! Think of- labor. thus
ioiqg on in ode , monofodotis and contin -
Lions • and eternal cia's / —;:liinbs forever
On,:the luck, the 6tigeis forever, plying,
k be, eye : bails tower, straining-, the brow
forever_ sweating, the feet foreieriilerd
4ing, the brain forever tkrobhing, the
shoulders`Wet;r drOupina, diei'loins.foi
prer-richrng, and
. the restless mmd.for
•erer,*Obeming. ,• *:
,44Thinle of ihe beauty' it Iveuld.
guishl of the giant strengthAat it Would
tune ; of the rese 01] reel of nature thafit
would exhaust; of the aspirrtion it
•would crush; of the . sicknessit would
breed.; of-the projects would wreck;
of the groans it would !extort;dh`e
lives .it. would immolate.; mid of the
cheerless gives it wolld, prematurely
dig! See them toiling and, moiling,
sweating and fretting, grinding and hew
ing, weaving .and apiiining,.Sowing 'end.
gathering, mowing and reaping, razing
'and building,,digging and pls.nting,,un
loading and Storing, striving, and strng
gling—in the garden: apein the . field,
in the grabarY rind in; 'in the
factory aria in•the mill,, In the warehouse
and in the shop, on themountain anti in
the ditch,- on the",roadside bird' in - the
wood, in, the'city aid in:the 'conntry,:nn
the .sea and on the shore. on, the earth
in . days .of:brightness and ,of ,'gloom.
AV hat a sad . - piatu re would-' the world
present Wive *had' no Sabbefh."
PartmruAL-MortoN.—Ye have just
/been. given-to understand thav,an artizan
' in Very humble circumstances, residing
in Ipswich,litts after three years labor,
sticceeded in constructing a model *Ca
-nutchine, 15 , incbes-by ,13 and rl l fitgi a
.half deep, which. is self; acting; after : be.
Mg, put. in ..motion-! by, a,screw.
powerful canoe to turn' a- grindstone
agaitiet"the 4aower of one person who
holds aibirelf bar: on: the stone. '‘4,has
kept in ~ - inotion :upWards of thirty-sir
hours:: et.-the'lend of which time the
speed was not diminished,..and'the con
structer, whose name is Thomas _Stan
.nard contends that the machine will keep
in motion as aslhe - materials will
Jost. This.,inveimon was offered to ser
'leml! firms in:lpswich, who declined, ta
king it up, since Which . thtee, persons
belonging to ,one of the first firms of
teadon haie'visited Ip'strich, and exam.'
filed the ,machine,
,and hays 6en:•in:
haretakra the y citqchloe'to:Lcihdon.
Ile heat of the, earthei.itelo3tl;where
the frost.uskrallyvenetratesiiverdgus: a.
.teciatidratatO of ifetieii,s..l3rlB:Ae-'
alinvefr fa lititsrkason
44}o,ings, cr l 3ca q
4rte. 4.1 21 k114Ae--
cause of arty/utility spring - water.--
Scienti f ic American. 11
• •
r..tlApansf , •l TaicYotrreLe...As isith
iivith'iliiklisgeriiolO get'. ari4dolrtirbut'
ttee - Os t
L.PIP•JIIPA' . •;TIO.ii If: in9?911.; e—t•
•.- ' ThelOw Cruskdei
Eight .centoriea, ago. alt Europe
roused to o'Crtisade -for !the : lescue of'
4eriifilem'aTemple from • infidel polu.
tio'n , 3:''The'filiciniht that 'tensed; and •
I. ~G - • .1: •
spipt.tliat i4opelled those •
steo-clad hosts
were noble. , and iterate. But, in :titeir
darkness, they marched , beneath a blood
ied babnt;tci "'Jeering the inscriptioo—L
to the ; unbeliever !" '''•
Another crusade, ha; been proclaimed
and other:hosts be e n: embattled.„4 ,is
the crtisade against- Alcohol by• hosts of
iFe`,al3itineht: 'These" aro inarshalled
tll kqg • i ' 7l s'(l
a.rnore :lapsoip,aPki 1,1! bound Air itie res
cue of a still holier Temple from -far
worse titan' Moslem'' Pollution and :the
ianoerstreamin oveftktinasnowwhite
7,."1 Love
mankind slrir.
ingifor the redeemingand purifying of
that / kvtiQl1 1 i9 2 pronounced l
-1-14.9h91.4" •
n Cast what: defilement -3 you-may upon
temples of woodund stOne,itic , work of
hands, and ,What is this.Cciniiired
.coiUmitted"upon t
divine temple of, lleshr— plan by, the
intelligenee end built by the ?right hand
cif Giid.aby ' tbe intemperance •of all
wherein world is .'iVeltefing:i
No woilder uttliat„ ancient exclnatiOn,
”o,•.wretched Inanov,ho. ehall
7 itte frbin thi§rbody of death.—Vaturday
_ • *-••' •- •
. _ .
Frunuerositmo,Thelast rowers rel
ative to the'44 - March! Illar li rhfarch?'
paiti, are—first that an expedition is-to
fitte,d out, to pree'.e.ed 'to the 'l s eitivian
coast, and - taking advantage of the state
.of war bettveen Bolivia and Peru, are
to hoist the Bolivian flag. and , eottcpitir
the Pe . ritvhsri.fiet. 'The filibtisteri
ta Le followed by . art
. intrnenSe:;sleet of
merehantmen, who. are to make, an, at
stack on the .depootts : lolTuano. on . the
. Lobos Islands; find remove them t o the
cotton glands of the southern ttttes.' It Is
-aullPPaed .P, fiaaaa.:w. l pay a
;large:profit !bore the coot of the expedi
The 'second " mtkrch" is to be executed
upon. the Mos - quito 'Thiieou . ntry
is to be " )osaesied for the purpose of
trans ring slaves to it from the South
ern States."
Truly; filibuster rumors are getting to
be a . bore.—loiton. Commonwealth.
. .
Jeffers Galan 'bemotileY.
All•very. , well know how loudly ,ino
•words, a certain
. party profess to be d is.
diples •to Teffurson.,,,-Presidetit—iierce
dtiee'tive , Sanie'while Practicing - directly
the , oposite , principles. PI present
democratic administratidn has become
notorious for its interference with ele'c
tions;asitrieW York hod Massachitsett
See now the circulir issued by .er:!
'iOn l i:adininistration on this very subject,
then , recollect that issued by the'present
administration, ' signed ,C q shjn, g ,'
and you will have exactly the difference
"hetivieri Jelfersonian and Pierteiari.
inocraey:Free De n t:
A. This President of the United ' States
his seen. With .dissatisfection. officers of
the, general.gtivernMent, taking on yeti
OU3 occasions, active parrs.iit elections of
the pubficlunctionuries, whether of the'
geriera‘s - Woikthe,,Aate ; gpverpments.—'
„Freedom of. election being essential to:
the;_ , mutual independence . of ;govern
ments, and of : the different branches 'of
.ihe same governinentai.,io vitally .cher
ished. by, most of
,our constituents, it is
deemediropioPer:fyr Vficers depending'
on,the....Eieccitipe,. of the :Union to al
tempt to control or.,ilViuence the.,free'
exercise of. ille„eleclice.iiight. Thi; I'
am instructed to noti officera , in
artyAspitittrient t . holding their appoint.
merits untleritho atitliost l y Of ;the ?real
-641 direly,,and to lid atro them' to .noti
.fy,",all to the; The ' right . °rimy, officer'
ITY:;.a e Pft!!"l 4l ,4!: hardlag„
,appp . ntmentAlider the...authprity t he'
,ilresid§pk,direcllY,'Od to desire Y . to,
roitVoll:Or,anY .
soncer to give, his yo!9 gl i rCC ) .4,
qf. a
q}t turd ett,iiep t is no_t jneanf,to re-
IfeCt .t9,1p3 prejudie. li/ byt., it ex,
pected 'that aq,fitt.FTAc
eßce,qPillt4p,ig F•o.erp..2fqr ta qrf i t n Y:
Rag' !!"z e 4 11, i i/ ASM 4 41 0,00;W'
, 0 1 0 Ming dgc*l l 4l99.3,ipiin43,Niti
litic 9r I hit_
. copttligt!on y .. an
. 1a:; • ijty
dtig77.AfirqffP4 - 199Mr'PrI •:,
. 1;4 2BT
, ^
.;!,I;g4R 3% ,
liospitallty.of Ike Turkisk
_ Pasastry.,
A correspond ent of the N. Y. 7Cib,
une, who has recently been travelhig
in Asiatic Turkey, gives, the Ipltoming
fasciriatine r
deacription okurkish h4r;ipt
,r. (1 -
, Our Zavasses, with piriof-our 6im-
PatlYs !( 8 the road, tfeFe trePaialril
tom us, so that we 'arrived at oRr niOt -
quarters few in numbetcand lOW hi
„since our . guards . vvere, abitent.
The rliole village Was almost in a Plot
on our aecontit;llevery mun"retietitidg
the same thingr.:,. .We have nothing to
give, you:nor,,any ,
.li:edgings for '3384,1 money and the eounilfpftp
coed them'a little; but then theyasketl
such prices for'the articles that ,
ed that we felt 'quite bewiTdeird„„ t
'getting an y thing from these •
trallbarions: one :If'otirufidrty , bethought
hitutself of- proeuring,
of,hia.gun; and
digious flock,,Orlarks which i wqe Frfy,4,-
ing 'around some' lie'aps 'Or corn'ihnt ,had
jtrsk from Weir ittfirr
store ipltices4-: that is, holes in the ground.
Nd.eivorer did:libel '7:villagers utudenttatui
our friend's intent., Ott! „they skow_ed
themselves very eager to help him. Sr
lehceiwas ordered, and l pbtaiqedi -and
.when thelmpter 'fired; the birdsifellj9 -
-!probers :,upon the ground.,,
.wounded,. th7:11.11.4.!2,3 ran to:cg.c.4olfra
acid put thiti Thetr pockets' lhgd
_witnessed tr , e whole process,.ttnd cos 4
. , .
PrNfelratn, pm bu.,rst of !auah . ter,.4.
.the shfioting ,gentlediftn did itta..4ke ,tom
q sir, "-eery fenigitlY : 'He Lsbalutcyl
11114 ,thc., .01:tbers ,p , ,ievoteti
,s9rts Pla,glist. v°, l s.e4 i -PPC9 °teal AP
ihes - viest coastiaernents,,_ out alkin-Taiii•
Pl'he rascal , beCnme angry in thello4ta,
and .tbreaiened
,to 'do with -the„Aqnter
%s-hit he putd done Witirltite birds., : At
this, critical- moment the rest of ous.par
, ty; guards inclukd, joi arromt.) ; put
i the mob to flight. They hick beert ; lp
another .village, found goad l?d,gifsgl•
,kind greetings,
,and good fare";' and as
, anted uslhat-with no more than
rminutes riding we should - tenet that
'Turkish.. paradise, Glad enough: • AIM
were ,to: take leave of the inhospiutbie
v:ragers. and aliandoning
, tbe 9onteated
lurks, `•saddled our horsis tineiv and
moved away. The twenty minuteilide
rxpanded .to on hour ,and more ;"sand
after all we ,found pair quovela v , sod
still poorer fare.. Our kind host robbed
one of our party l of ,bit purse ; still we
did not repent our choice. Anything
ire, better than. the people we bad es
; coped from." - , • -
........ ~.„ . ,
KING AUC:rI3 rules this nation with
his:red of. iron: -Carlyle calls •ft • "the
second chamber :in the' legialittire.P .
But the despotism of the caucus is . as
hateful as the despotism of an hereditarly
sotveig - n.. We. Aro . 4lad that a' OrOthpi
lien is now heroic (.I,origreis to iIII4er
the Constitution so
.as to choose t e
,President by the direct vale d. die ?eh
pie, without the interveation.Of the Elec
toral College
,i , and eve= Artist it "li, l ll,Ass
into the organic, late ho; Gong' utiOtt.
Nothing 'could be mere salutaiy 'ad_ a
:thurough,reform 'to annihilate the ektier
of that caucus
„despolis,a . tiihicli s now
SO. stmrenie all over ; fand—rWhi,ch
"t i
males 'and:Ai:Milli:es latis—,which ma kes
and unmabei Presidenta., A ,sei'lit.cer
rtlt and
r intriguing politicianf. Miet at
Baltrinoie ok.Pbiladlphitt,,,and'initead
.I Coistilti,bg the 'wishes of the people,
they contrive.. to Ma}ie a noiniaation,ettch
as Wilt • S'eCtli'e. to theinselies - the offices
and plunder, The New Tork, Egt /ling
1-!tilr,' 'in ' lige:acing' - - -r 1 lati'L*posed .
amendment-of the l:kmstitutioly s'tiya :-
-..Conventions foil the • bomination!rof
President;: as , now managed, bre Pherily
devices - t CP prevent .the if otni 11 a tilsw "of
those .candidatesi whomfthe tiatijorAy
ivoulcy prefer, and -nothWg afterwardi =is
•lell tpl-the people in voting' fog etacttlis,
but simply:eotegister,the decrees I)l , the
conventions., ;, Thtee who are - ‘iraiitwof
their ',skill -in geeing/ up and 'nianattag
convention,, will, of• oeuraer, ,, oppotereny
change in ' thti present method: Vhiy
would prefer a:President made by Ottlat
selves to a • President made bYlthertoe,o ,
ph..." • - • i.r., , ' .. t:e. yI .0 t. •••••:
A Bgavcli:nt. INI:IDiNT:LA ‘ pillitt
officer beqiglit sea t 'in a dreadful sterin,
his ladY"'Waa' sitting In The cithili. , n4r
Itiiii', a4trfilletrwith' ala r m fOrihe Safety
'of -the veasel Will scisiirkiiet at his
`bm polo re ands,. reeiiy that she Crie'd4nt:
J. ...t y. d;. ll i,l a v e yea tioi ar r s t ia in..-1.
is ii possible yc'y can be io'ealiii'lld i eh
a dreadfOl 'Storm 'l' , '': "' '" " -.'"•:).
ife" r'rasii litki his eftiii, iditied"frem
thou es hilt le the ifeik,' drew his itiord
a'ad paintink . it - pa the hreest cif hiii 'Vet
e4 , ilainiiit: • - ''• •- : • ' :' -•
"Ali you 'tiot afrafo" '.
-' t •'';3
-- She' — iiiiithiftly • answered'' "ioicti!..'" .l
"Why ?" said the officer. ;`?' '
i L•eigeettosili''acrejotaeti ctirliiii,ut
.knowthievircmi,is in the bandiecianir litte
,b4Pd,anklih f aknißc. Yiv,iv,eit,tqhuadife•
. .
Then," said he, urememeer, I F i nftw
in - aitio'rit I .beqtrie ' ikiid' thit ' 111' iirho
iiiildi - Vii't qviedrifiraiit'&tietiffhtl'ire -
ter•in:the fiiillows'zof HiwAittsde iv-toy
Fakile.O., ;:,::11 •,.': ~. , r 3 :., : -...i