WATCHEt3, DIAMONDS; TEWERY AND SILVERWARE I=l WORKS OF TRIP , UNITED STATES WATCH COMPANY, GILES, WALES tt, C 0.,) MARION, N . : J GILES , WALES & C 0., IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS, A.TCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE, SALESROOM OF THE UNITED STATES WATCH COMPANY, 13 Maiden Lane, New York. Manufacturers of all the Grades of AMERICAN WATCHES, PENDANT WINDERS AND. KEY WINDERS, Both Nickel and Frosted Movements. with Damaskin Finish. • The finer grades all having three pairs of Conical Pivots, Cap Jeweled, in Gold' Settings, and ac curately adjusted to Heat, Cold and Position ; and all, even in the cheapest grades, have the STRAIGHT-LINE Escapement, with Exposed Pallet Jewels, and Hardened and Tempered Hair Springs ; and for our late improvement in Stem-Winding mechanism, we claim a Strength, Sim plicity and Smoothness hitherto unattained in any other manufacture, at home or abroad. Constantly on hand, full lines, all sizes, in Gold, Silver, Diamond Set, and Magic Cases, Minute Repeaters, Independent 1-4, 1-1 Split and Fly-back Seconds, for taking three ditfrent times, for tinting Horses, Artillerymen; &c. alt_Price-Lists furnished the trade on application, enclosing business card. For sale by the trade generally. Ask your Jeweler to see the MARION watches. Wholesale Warerooms, 13 MAIDEN LANE. NEW YORK. And GILES, BROTHER 4: C0.,14.2 Lake St., ChleoZo, /H. Watch No. MCC, Stem-Winder—bearing Trade-Mark. "Frederick Atherton Sr. Co., Marion, N.J.," manufactured by .tiled States Watch Co., has been carried by me irons December, ISSS, to Janu ary 17th, IS7O, its total variation being only TWO SECONDS in the entire time. New York, Jan. 17th. 1870. L. E. CRITTENDEN . , Late Reg. U. S. Treas. Watch No.loM,Stem ulactured by United Slates Watch Co., has beau carried by me lifteen months ; its total variation from mean time being only one second per month. WILLARD DERBY Of Derby. Snow & Prentiss, Jersey City. l& J. Watch No. 1121, Stern-Winding,—Bearir , Trade Mark "Frederick Atherton & Co„ Marion, N. J.;' manufactured by the United States Watch Co., has been carried by me seven Mouths ; its total variation from mean tune being only six seconds. A. L. DENNIS. President N.J. IL R. St T. Co. , UTICA, Fe.. 11th 1570. ' Watch No. 10594, Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederick Atherton & Co., Marion, N. .7.„" manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me 20 months ; Its total vari ation from mean time being five secondsper month. N. C. PRIEST, Asst. Sup't. N. Y. C & H. R. R. Watch No. 1117, Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by the United States Watch Co., has been carried by me fifteen mouths; its total variation .uom mean time being only an average of two-thirds of a second per day. B. F. PHELPS, Con. J. Central R.R. Watch N 0.1017, Stern-Winder,—Bearing Trade Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co.. hat been carried by me since June. 1867; its total va riation from mean time being only live seconds per month. HENRY SMITH, Treas. Panama R. R., SS Wall St., N. Y. WatchNo, 1120, Stem Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me fourteen months six months or that time at sea, and in the various climates of Europe. During that time and since my re turn it bus not varied one second a week. H. LASSINH, Manager Knickerbocker Life Ins. Co., 161 Broadway, N. y. Watch No. 12006, Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark "United States Watch Company,Marion, N. J. " manufactured by the United States Watch Co„ has been carried by me three months ; its totafvariation from mean time being only two-thirds of a second per day. May 8,1869. Judge CHAS. H. VOORRIS, Hackensack, N. J. Watch No, 12012 Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark, United States Watch Co., Marion. N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me six months ; its total variation from mean time being only twelve seconds. GEO. LOVIS, Gen. Eastern Passenger Agt., Toledo, Wabash, & Western R. R. Watch No. 1259, Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion N. .5„" manufactured by United Slates Watch Co., has been carried by me six months ; its ?Mal variation from mean time being only eight seconds per month. Have been traveling through different sections of the country, from New York to Galveston, Texas, and back, by steamer and railroad. E. RICE, of Whitney & Rice, 179 Broadway, N. Y. SUNBURY. PA., Feb. 26, 1889. NV - atoll No. 1170, Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marlon, N. " manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me three months; its tont, variation mom mean time being only five seconds during that time. HENRY DE LANCY, Engineer Phll'a & Erie R. R. Watch No., 1103, Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me eleven months ; its total variation from mean time being only seven seconds in the entire time. A. IL KING, 7 Park Place, N. Y., Vice Pres't. N. J. Car Spring & R. Co. UTICA, Feb. 14, 1870. Vratch No. 2617,—Bearing Trade-Mark "Fayette Stratton. Marlon, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., nes been carried by me twelve months ; its total variation from mean time being fifteen seconds. I.; Engineer N. Y. C. & IL It. R. UTICA Feb. 15. 1 030, Watch No. =l, Stem-Winder, -Bearing Trade-Mark "Fayette Stratton, Mar ion. N. manu factured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me eighteen months; its total variation from mean time being five seconds per month. E. U. WHIPPLE, Con. U. a B. R. B. BEWARE of worthless imitations with which the country is flooded. To avoid imposition in sist on a certificate of genuineness from those of whom you purchase, and see that the words MARION, N. J., are engraver on the pla to over the Main Spring Barrel. Ali others are spurious. ' Oct. '7O-1y tJw LIFE INSURANCE FOR THE PEOPLE ! 1-10 - MESTE_A7D LIFE INSTT.R.A_N - CE CO., Office-7'ol Chestnut Street, .Philadelpha. W. M. SEYFERT, President. LAWRENCE MEYERS, Vice President, 11. W. DORPIILY. See 'y BENJAMIN E. DAVIS, Snperin tendon t of Agencies. This Compartc organized by leading' representatives of Industrial Interests of, the State, widely known as suceesstul and responsible business men, desiring to place Life Insurance within reach or all, has adopted a sysem or Monthly Payments of Premiums, Enabling every man to provide for his family it, case of his death, at a cost so trilling as scarcely to be felt. Special attention Is called to this Company's GRATDITArEING. POLICY a. much needed feature In Life Insurance, entirely new In this country: designed to :protect In case of death, the interests of SP_ REIIOLDERS IN BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS' and all others who have borrowed money or purchased property payable iv instalments mttend lug over a series of years, by cancelling any balance of indebtedness:remaining unpaid in case of that. This Company Issues all the ordinary forms of Life and Endowment Policies at low rates of Premium, on the Participating Plan, with but few restrictions as to occupation, and none as to Travel or reesidence. Active and responsible men wanted as Agents. Full Information as to Plans and Fdaturs, is contained in Pamphlets m high will be forwarded b.famil on application tOthe Home Ofllce.e 7) r.i.gETISE2II.ENTS. - NIASONIC BOOKS—AGENTS WA.NTED. Bi Send for Circular. Address MASONIC Pun Co., 432 Broome St.. New York. TAGP: EGGS.--131:r Thing. Scud for circular B to A. nacorAs, 320 WashingtonSt.,Brooklyn, .N. Y. . rSYCHOMANCY.—Any lady or gentleman can make $l,OOO a month, secure their own appiness and independence, by •obtaining PSI CHOMAITCY, FACINATION, or SOUL CHARMING. 400 pages; cloth. I ull instruc tions to use tills power over men or tint rnals at will, how to Mesmerize, become Trance or Writ ing Mediums, Divination, Spiritualism, Alche my, Philosophy of Omens and Dreams, Brig ham Young's Harem Guide to 'Marriage. Sc., all contained in book; 100,000 sold ; price by mail, in cloth 81.21, paper covers $l. Notice.— Any person willing to arias agent will receive a sample copy of the work free. As no capital is required, alt desirous of genteel employment should send for the book, enclosing ten cents for postage. to T. W. EVANS CO., 41. South Bth St., Philadelphia. A CARD—A clergyrnan,wh Ile residing in South itAmerica as a missionary. discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous, Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of dis orders brought on by baneful and vicious hab its. Great numbers have been cured by this no ble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will send the recieipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a seal ed envelope, to any one who needs it, Free of charge. Address JosErit T. INMAN, Station D, Bible Eouse, New York City. 82 „ 0 pULNIOtiAItY BALSANI." The old standard remedy for Coughs, Colds,Con sumptlon. "Nothing better." Cumma Bros. S Co., Boston. OELERRY PECTORAL TROCHES Are superior to all others for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchial and Lung difficulties, are exceedingly palatable, have none of that nau seating horrible Cubeb taste, aro very soothing and act like a charm ; Ministers, Singers, and Public Speakers will find" they are especially adapted to the voice. Sold •by Druggists. Al.o Rushton•s (r. V.) Cod "Liver OH, for Consumption and Serofnla ; uee no other: irf MAN.'S DEPILATARY POW DElL.—lte moves superfluous hair in Five Minutes, without injury -A° the skin. Sent by mall for - 51.25. UPHAM'S ASTHMA CURE 'Believes most 'violent paroxysms In five min utes and effects a speedy cure. Price f-2 by mail. THE JATANESE HAIR, STAIN Colors the whiskers and hair a beautiful Black or Brown. 'lt consists of only one preparation. 75 cents by mall. Address S. C. 'UPHAM, No. 721 Jayne Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulars sent. free. Sold by all Druggists. 44 CIittLST.JIAs GlFl' TO ALL Yearly Sub- ILscribeiz to Appleton's Journal, published - Weekly. Two months Subscription, gratis. The 3louthS of November and December. Ib7o, given gratis to all subscribers remitting S-I,for the year 1871 s Any one deirous of making a trial or the JOURNAL .to see whether they like It, can have for two months on remitting us Fifty Cents. Picturesque Arnerlat, consisting of splendidly executed views of American Scenery. coin enc ed lir , November. D. - APPLETON Jr. C 0.., Pub %Ushers, New' York. ' ' ' " 2 Jod as Local t l taY r4 ° s ""t :i ei=4=.Z ress' Orith - stamp) R. H.WeaR_R, 31 Park Row;Oew York. nittAVELERS LIFE AND ACCI/JUNT • RANCE COMPANY., or Hartford, Conn,- Cash Assets, $1,5001Y00._ Grants LIFE and ENDOW TIEZ-TT Policies of forms. Ample -socurity.low rates . Also insures against AG CIDENTS causing- death or total dlsnbtllty. policies written by the year- or month. Has - paid 6700 ner day for, Six Years ,In benefits ofpolicyholders. ROYA.L HAVAN,A-I.;trEICY Prizes coshed and 'information famished' by ~O.BO.RGE UPHAM, Providence, EL 233 Feet Front—lron and Glass OF PENNSYLVANIA - - - A R. TOMLINSOis.I,Agent, Columbia ,P ADVERTISEMENTS. T HE BEST PAPER, AND TIM BEST INDUCEMENTS: This Quarter's 13 Numbers SENT FREE to all subscribing, before Dec. 23,1870, for next year's Fifty-two Numbers of MOORE'S RURAL NEW-YORKER TILE GIT.EAT ILLVSTRATED RURAL AND FAMILY WEEKLY, For Town and Country. The RURAL now Lt Its 21st year, is not only Largest,best and Cheapest, but by far the larg est-Circulating Journal of its Class in the World ! National in Character, Ably Edited Su perbly Illustrated and Printed it is the BEST AMERICAN WEEKLY. It is the Standard Authority on all branches Of AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, &C. As alit erary and Family Paper it is a favorite in many of the best families all over the Union, Canada. etc. Indeed, Moore's Rural has no Rival in its Sphere, and is the,largest illustrated Journal on the Continent—each number containing Six teenFive-Column Pages, (double tile size of most wipers of its class.) It is TUE paper for the East, West, _North and South. TEltMS—$3 a year of 52 Number.% and only $.2.50 in Clubs of Ten. This Quarters's it Num bers sent FREE, XIS off:erred above. Our Club Inducements for 1871 are unprecedented. Spec imens, Premium Lists. kc.,sent free to all ton n ing Clubs,—and we want a live Club Agent in every Town. Address. ll- D. T. MOORE. deal-4w 51 Park Row. New York. r r RK HE NEW YO NIETHODD,T--.AN PAGE WEEKLY, Now in its Eleventh Year, publishes Sermons, a Serial Story for the Family, a new Children's Story, every week, Chats with the Little Folks, Editorials by the best :%fethodist writers and other .Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, full Departments of Religious and Secular In telligence. Price 82.50 a year. Liberal premi ums or cash commissions to canvassers. Sub scriptions commence at once at any time. For specimen, enclose a two cent stamp to prepay postage, Address THE IsIETHODIST, 114 as sau St., N. Y. i _ DOLMAN JtrUBNAL Vint Ib7l Contains a Christmas Story. Splendid plays Magic Sports, ;17 pages; illustrated. Sent Free on receipt ot on stamp lor postage. Ad dress ADAMS .5.: CO., Publishers, Boston. SHORT HAND. 150 words a minute In Four weeks. Send two stamps for circular. J. GRAY, I'. O. Ros 4817, New York dee3-.lw TIo'T WASTE TIME AND LAI:Olt by using J./up an old Axe. Send $1.50 to LIPPINCOTT ISAKEWELL, Pittsburg, Pa., and they will send a tip-top Axe, Expressage paid. Half a day lost In grinding will thus be saved. dee3-9w $3O A DAY, sure, Latta ft Co., Pittsburg, Pa. AGENTGENTS! ItEAD THIS We, will pay Agent.. S! of $" . .0 per week and expenses, or al low a lar4e commission, to sell our wonderful In ventions. Address M. WAGN.EIt & CO" Mar shall, Mich. - ' - - 1- HOUSE'S PATENT. & METALLIC KEMOSENE LAMP. Is absolutely safe from explosion or breaking. burns any- Coal 'Oil, good or bad; gives more light, no odor, and uses less oil. - It is perfectly non-explosive. The light Is better than is produced by any other lamp..— IV. S. Clark, Pecs% Massachusetts vitural Col _ lege. Is perfectly bon-explosi , ,, yes a better light and. is more economical. '. 0 .1i0/ any other lamp In use,"—W.. W. Welts, Jae .Sup. Pub. Schools, The a ppalling d-R.lis and fires from glass lamps exploding and breaking create a Soldde mand for this lamp. It pays to sell it. by. Canvassers; Agentswanted everywhere. Send for circular-anti terms to .MONTGOMEIty Cleveland, b., 12 Barclay St., N. Y. TERMS, INDIICEMENTS, NON-EX.PLOIVE TOBACCO LID SEGA,R,S. mits. G. M. BOOTH, No. 153 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA, PA. DEALER IN SEG ARS, TOBACCO, SNUFFS, PIP ES, &.(1., Anil all articles usually lc , pt 112 a first-class To bacco and Segal' More The o bite can rely on getting at our store as good goods for the money as can be obtained at any similar establishment In the State. cr_r" I do not think it necessary to publish my prices, as the Goods will tell for themselves. Mits. G JI. Room Locust strecl, cotton Ina, Pa., septll-69-lywi nilhe Punch JOHN FENDRICH, uoL Es AL E c RETAIL TOBACCO, SNUFF it; SEGAB MANU- FACTURER Agent for the New York Fine Cut, Navy, and Monitor Chow-Chow Chewing Tobaccos, corner of Front and Locust streets, Columbia, Pa. sent4.fig-tfw EDWARD J. ZAIIM, JEWELLER ! (Late H. L. ,t; E. J. Zalani,) Cor. N. Queen St., cl: Centre Square LANCASTER, PA Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry . 44 4 SILVER WARE, - Spectacles, best quality Silver- AS... ' Plated Ware, Thermometers. &A. Personal and prompt attention given to Watch work and Repairing. Remember the OLD STAND, ZAHM'S CORNER, North Queen Street and Centro Square, LANCASTER PA. may 7 '7O 1 Sr _FLNA_LYCIA_L. INTERESTS ON DEPOSITS. The coLum.r.rA. - NATIONAL BANK will pay interest on Deposits as follows: For 1 4,t, 2 Months, 4 per cent " 3,4& 5 41 " 6,7, 8, 9 L.; 10 " 5 o " 11 (St" 12 o 32, o mar.l2'7o-ly SAMUEL &Ewen, Cashier. VIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CO -3: I , UMBLA, Interest Paid on Spechil Deposits as 4 per cent, for 30 or 60 days. 4 1-2 per cent. for 90 days and under 6 months. 5 per cent. for 6 month and under 11 months. 5 1-2 per cent for 11 .5.. 12 months. S. S. DETWEILER, Cashier ]3. FRANK SAYLOP & CO-, HOTO GRA} HERS, 417 - 0 ?-0 West King Street, LANCASTER, FE.N.N'A. We elm to satisfy all our patrons, as well as give them work, which favorably- compares with that done in thetest galleries. COPYING PICTURES Into any size, of deceased or absent Ix lends, is made a specialty with us. FRAMES, ALBUMS, and all things in our line always on hand. .4a-Remember the Photographers, No. 26 'West King St., Lancaster B. FrAlcx SAILOR. JAMES rorrs. NEW STYLE WINDOW SHADES. The Subscriber has on hand at his Furniture Store. all kinds and styles of WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN FIXTURES, Sce To which he would respectfully call the atten tion of the Public. JOHN SHEN — BERGER, No. 2.10 Locust, St., Columbia sept-1-69-tfw) H OWARD SANITARY AID AS SOCIATION. For the Relief and Cure of the Erring and Un fortunate, on Principles of Christian Philanthropy. Essays on the Errors of Youth, and the Follies of Age, in relation to Marriage and Social Evils, with sanitary aid for the afflicted. Sent free, In sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSO CIATION. Box P. Philadelphia. may. '7O-ly FURNITURE OF ALI. KINDS. . CABINET WARE-ROOMS di MANU ACTORY, Locust Street, a few doors below Third Street, Columbia, Pa. The subscriber manufactures and keeps on hand an extensive assortment of all kinds of Furniture. Persons wishing to buy, or those about to go to housekeeping, will find it to their advantage to give me a call. BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, BUREAUS, SETTEES, &e., &c. Of the best quality, style, and manufacture, and will make to order, 01 ,irst-rate material, every article in his line. lie will give strict attention to business, and respectfully asks of the public a shark of its patronage. Oa- 'UNDERTAKING will receive the most careful attention, at the shortest notce. sept4-61-tfwl GEORGE SEIBERT LADIES I LADIES I READ! READ! The undersigned having bought the entire stock of LADIES' BOOTS Lc,' SHOES, In the Store Room formerly carried on by JAMES SEROEDE,,t, No. MS LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA., Is now ready to sell all kinds of LADIES' BOOTS & GAITERS, MISSES' BOOTS & GAITERS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS 4..(; GAITERS, As cheap as any other stand in Columbia. La dies' Boots and Gaiters made to order. M.-Repairing of all kinds neatly done. Don't forget. the place. Give us a call! A. G. GUILES. STE A3I COACH WORKS. CHRISTIAN MYERS, COLUMBIA STFAM COACH WORKS! P,EMOVED TO Nos. 9, 11 AND 13 NORTH sth MEER The Carriages, Buggies, ac., made at these Works, are equal In beanty and durability to any other make in the county. COACH &MITI:TING, REPAIRING, (Cc This branch of the business will be attended to with punctuality and despatch. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, Wagons, &c., for sale or made to order. .. Call at the Works :Co. 9. 11 ct 13 North Filch street and examine the stock and prices. seps-60-tlw LOCAL FREICET :NOTICE Tile Pennsylvania Rail Road Company are now prepared to receive or Nrward Freight, be tween Columbia and Lancaster, and all station • n the Pennsylvania Rail Road and Its branches RATES BETWEEN PHIL'A. & COLUMBIA, Flrst Class. 214(1 Class. 3rd Class. 41/i Class 25 cents 21 as. 18 cts. 15 cts. Flour in Car loads, 2S cents per Barrel. BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA. & LANCASTER F,rst Msg. lad Class. :37(1 Class. 4th Class 23 cents 20 cis. 17 ets. 14 eta BETWEEN COLUMBIA & PITTSBURGH. Farst Class. tad Voss. 3rd Class. 4th Ciens 71 cents 56 ets. 16 cts. 36 cts. Freight consigned to stations where the Com pany has no Agent, must be prepaid, All Freights payable on Delivery. S.ll ICI3IGSTOY, General Freight Agent, Mils Gal-For further Information apply to W. W. WISER, Frt. Agt., Phil's. E. E. BomE, Frt„ Agt., Columbia.,'7otf RUMPLE & SON, eJ DEALERS IN FOREIGN 6t DOMESTIC HARDWARE. An extensive assortment of house furnishing Laolware, also for carpenters' and builders' use, always on hand. IRON AND STEEL. Blacksmiths, wagon makers, and others, I urn- Isla) with all kinds of Iron, Nails, horse Shoes Coach Trimming's, and other goods in their line WOOD WILLOW WAItE, In great variety, such as Tubs, Baskets, Wash Boards, Brooms, Washing Machines, ctn. FARML.NG IMPLEMENTS. Plows, Shovels, Hoes, Plow Castings, Scythes Forks, Rakes, and all other Implements used 1.33 the fanner. STOVES AND TIN WARE. Stoves of every style and pattern, Cook, Parlor and 011 Ice Stoves, for coal or wood. A large as .sortment of Tin Ware always kept on hand, or manufactured to order CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. Parties and Families supplied wit. ICE CREA.2I, oy tile Freezer, or In 11o:31d:4,w-1th promptness at GEO. J. SMITH'S, Adjoining the Franklin House, Locust street. P. S.—Also, a line assortment of TOYS and Fancy Artieles.constantly on hand. raentl-C9-tfw TUNES & LIQUO.RS. p URE WINES AND LIQUORS! For Pure, Unadulterated Wines and Liquors, in, to the store or the subscriber. Ile has elegant CAT AIVI3 A WINE, Witten forcontlity and tinvor,eanut be excelled; :1b.., the eelehrated ROOSTER WHISKEY, Yankee Ey at„lnntalea Splrlts,l3laekberry k:rand v. Cherry and Currant \Vines. We have Wines Was, Cordials, Old Monongahela of all grades. Glvo us a call and examine for your,elf. CHARLES GROVE, Corner 01 Coma, and Walnut hils.,Columbia. sop 149-1 f w L LEN RICHARDS /14 PLAIN AND DECORATIVE Paper Hanger and Varnisher, No. 13 LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA 11.-..-Saroplet; of paper constantly Oil 11011(1 Call and examine. julyl6'7o-Iy. TE FAL L TRADE AT WILSON'S Opens wit 11 the Largest Stook of • STAVES Of various manufactures. The DOUBLE BEAT ERS consist of the Morning Glory, Juniata Base Burner, and the Sanford limier. The BEAT ING STOVES embrace the Morning Glory, Spear's Base Burner, Parlor Light Base Burner, tho Picket, the Herald. The celebrated 1 , r- - • ,- ;- ----- -7 -- -A Fl R ETLACE HEATERS A _ pj.. „ l a 4Elllhr:ice the Sunnyside and Dia mond. .., -1 , 1 Sunnysnie Cool: Stove, s 0• 1 Barley Sheaf, Niagara, Quaker - I City,Excelsior Penn. Also Agent ,--- ~ •-•1 for itliY-NOLDS dr SON'S IT R- I FACE. We do not hesitate to unqual fiedly recommend the above named Goods to the trade, and we Invite fan lilies especially, to call end examine our steel:. These good 4 are purchased for cash, and arc offered at Bargain Rates. All good.. warranted. Otiß lIOLSE FITRNISHING DEPARTMENT Is well .stocked. and embraces every variety and quality of Goods. Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting and Tin ning promptly and cat efully attended lc. Call at WILSON 'S, corner Eccond & Locust Sts., Columbia Oct. 1,5-70 tf. WATER PROOFS ! Br A TER I'R 0 OF TT' R A P S. We have Water Proof CI Ails from Sic. to P 2.50 bought, by the case from first hands. Selling 'RICO hosted on one small profit only. WATER-PI:00F CLOAKS. SHAWL SIM& SERGE SU ,TS. BLACK SUITS. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. We have organized most efficient Fine Suit and Dress Idalting Depot In From our greatly enlarged DRESS GOoDS stock, ladies ran make their seleotious and have them made up promptly, ocenoinically, and In a s'^'e to Please the most fastidious. Just opener Sew, SILK POPLINS, WOOL SER.GO 4 , FRENCH MERINOS, 6,:e. Now open, by Ihr the largest, and most elegant stock et Shawls and at the most moderate pri ces we have ever had. It comprises in part, PAISLEY SHAWLS, BROOM,: - HAWLS, IMITATION INDIA, REVERSIBLE VELOUR. or'roM EN STRIPE, NOVEL WOOLEN, LONG AND SQUARE , . &e. Fa mous lines of Casinieres,low to finest maize, Cloakings of every desirable kind made. The Woolen Stock is nut excelled in town. COOPER CONARD, S, E. Corner Ninth and Market Sheets, PHILADELPHIA. Oct.B-70-I,y FAMILY GROCERIES ! FAMILY GROCERIES! NEW STOCK; The Subgerlber Would respectfe,„ l, c , thform his customers and the Public generally;'that he has Just received a general assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TEAS AND SPICES, Refined Sugars of all kinds, No. 1, and Mess Mackerel English & American Pickles, Sugar Cured Hams and Beef, Extra Flue Syrups, Old Rio and Java Coffee DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS, Raisins, prunes and prepared Mustard always on hand and of the very best grades. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, CORN MEAL, HOMINY, &c., Fancy Groceries, Canned Vegetables acid Fruits, for hotels and families. The best Goods only are sold, and prices very low. Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is full and complete and we Intend keeping it fresh, by almost daily additions. Notions of different kinds always on hand. FREDERICK 13 UCEIER, cor. sth S Sts. ESTABLISH ED IN 1851 _ REMOVAL J AOOl3 HA LEY, JEWELER, - Invites his patrons and the public generally, to his New Store, No. I:320 CIIESTNjT ST., PHIL ADELYIIIA, •Woere they will find a large and well selected stock of DIAInON WATilf - IF.S, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER and PLATED WARE, at Moderate Prices. N. 13.—WATCLIE:, and JEWELRY carefully repaired. JEWELRY and SILVER WARE of all kinds made to order. [sept.4-69-Ifw FRESH GROCERIES AT THE PROVISION FAMILY GROCERY STORE OF MULLEN & BROTHER,. ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Columbia, Pa FRESH TOMATOES, FRESH PEACHES AND other Caun ed Fru Its, Shaker Corn, ,14e. TEA TILE BEST BLACK TEA IN THE MARKET. EXTRA REFIXED SYRUP MOLASSES IStlll=l Reflect!. Sugars, Dried Fruit of all kinds. Rio, Java. and Laguyra Coffee. NEW SUGAR CURED RAMS & DRIED BEEF. A Iso,Fa ncy Groceries, Family Flour, Not to ns,dze. 'We intend to keep the best Goods only, and to sell as cheap as any similar store. 11. MULLEN d BRO. m.Country Produce of all kind.; bought or taken in exchange for goods• ODD FELLOWS', MECHANICS', EmTs OF PYTHrAS, and all kinds of Society Itegalias and Patapherualla, Manufactured to order, at E. J. ERISMAN'S No. 4114 North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa sellt4-0941w COLUMBIA FLOUR MILLS GEOBGE BOGLE, PROPRIZTOE. The highest Cash prices paid for all Illnd.s of Grain. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR for sale; also MITI Feed of all k.inds. Wheat Ground and Pocked to order. Grist work and Chopping done. Chopped Corn and Oats. Corn Meal and Cr II AIIA M. FLOUR For sale at all thnes, and delivered to any part of the town. ta..1..0‘c n and country custom so- I id ted. l.cpi-G9-tf.r FLNE FAMILY GROCERIES, AT HARD.MA.N'S: Just reaelved, at the flue-Grocery Establish ment, corner 3rd and Cherry street*, the follow- Ina. new Goods: SUGAR CURED lIAMS AND DRIED ItEEF, JELLIES, PRESERVES. HUN EY, PEACHES, TOMATOES, ENGLISH I'ICELE9, WE\ SLOW'S GaEEN COI GREEN PEAS Ac. Together with a very fine assortment of Faintly Groceries, of all kinds. A LARGE LOT OF NEW YORK CANDIES, FOREIGN FRUITS, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Italslas, Cocoanuts, and Whim Wine Vinegar. Extra Family Flour, Mercer Potatoes, Rio and Java Coffee, fresh roasted, Lovering's liuods received almost daily, W.M. It. HARDMAN', and and Cherry Ste., SCHOOL Will open on Monday raorning•neza, and all Scholars must be provided with the necessity SCHOOL 130011iN, COPY BOOKS, SLAMS, ISE, PEN ITULDEUS, PEN.% ,5,:c 'IOLA CO); And all Kinds of BOOKS Libed in our Public and Private Schools. The pupils of the Select Selictoi;r4f the,lnsti tine, Ut the 13oraugh Schools, at the :iettoOlS in the surrountllng townblitps and towns are in vited to call r r WriOlCs Cheap Book Store. And make desirable purchases. School Directors, Teachers, Parents, Scholars, Country Dealers. and crcrybody are invited to examine our stock. Discount to Directors and Teachers. POCKET BOOKS, BLANK: BOORS, CAP, 141 - TER, NOTE AND BILL PAPER, Always on band at WRIGHT'S, J.Aro. 262 Locust S'erect, eOLUMBIA, PENN'A• _DA. UVAt../3_PS COL 11.3.1_217. 41..EZEI11VIZS I•Va.rtiTED rort "IMES b.l! TEE HIIE HESE." 11 , 14 41111(4111 1/10grapillet•Ot eVerY ntis trc..,,t the Pi ...Well is 314,21,i011 tram Wa,hitigc to Grant,. tiUiperlily illustrated on steel. For eh etion's and terms, tatilro,s, U. S. l'Untastt 'NG === srll the :MACHINE. Prier: SR. IL !nal" , ''." "41 telt," Ilze on both shies) aclis ''unilortectl Shuttle Alachine solo tor less i Alan 51)0. Licensed tor tk Wilson, Clover ez Baker .nicl Stage: e Co. All oLls r :shuttle Machin, s surd for less than art. 11111 IllgVinell tt, and the seller • nut tier I k:iltle to pi o,,utiffil. %.(1,11.4 , 54 .1011 N , ON, CLARK Boston, Pitt , - ra., Csli ago, I 11.,,ir int. Louis, o. [tiv26.:411 WATCH FREE Sir civerybody :oat 5.0 per yolay sure. Business light:tad Honorable. No liar emeirrise. No humbug., Ad', R. Munro,: Km neily, i'lltsburg, Pa. nnvN-Iry S 1' CL ,Ir CK. -- LOOM.. AG EN RETS WA iED , I it a Local Agent, in every Town and VII- Inge in the Country, tu canvass for uhecribets to the r, s n N wouL A. MAGNImer.NT LNG is sent gratis to every subscriber. From $1 to $lO rnr be easily m a de In an evening. A lib eral raslL commission is allowed, Send slamp iorSpeennens and Prize Circular. Addles:4, 110V2t.--ice JAMES. FL Elliott, Boston, Mass. " WOMPHI YEK WANTED TOR. j / Or Social Life in the Great City, Wonderful developments among:the aristocracy Married Women exposed, Lt.. Price Zt3,25. The best Book to ,ellpubltslicd. The best terms to Agents ever given. Address, 1., Book Co. 115 Na. , ,,,aa Si , .New York. TAW 26-1 w CRUMBS SWEPT UP Sty' /ley. 'Witt, Tnlmage, THE 3104 T 3.01 . 11. AIL 3.11 EA CHER 1N AM I.IUCA. Agent, wanted everyu here, Mail, or female, to :11 this great work, Is better titan :Mark in ain, and no trouble to sell, BIG pP.o.Frrs. send Jar terms and illustrated 12 page lecular, to Evans, Stoddar t & Pubii,hois, No. Ile Stun soot St- Ph Ilealelpl tat. nov2illw GETTING UP CLUES. tireatLosing to Consumers Parties enquire how to get up clubs Our an swer Is, send for Price List, eel a club form wilt •tetonipany it with tali tilleetion,,—making a b,rge saving to conswners and remuncratlre t Club organisers, HE GREAT AMERni TEll EJ, 81 fk. 33 VI:SEY STREET, P.O. BON. 191 i NEW VOlt 110V:20.1w BOOK AGENTS MAKE :":SO to ;3"2:10 per Month by sell hP4 GREAT FORTUNES AND II Ar Titer W.LIZE MADE. fly J. D. Mc- Cabe, Jr. New, fresh end miginal. Profusely illte,t rated and beautilully bound. It shows bow a poor school-master made til000.000; how a poor half-blind sailor became a great hanker, a hatcher's apprentice the wealthiest man in America, an unkni4n mechanic a millmnaire in seventy 3, ears, with many more such exam ples, how energy, talent, anu patient indtp,try haveal ways met with success when properly exerted; how money cart be made honest ly and without sacrifice ol principal. timid for circulars etc., and notice my exl ra let tns OliO. MAC LEAN, PUDLISDED, 719 :;:ansoill St., Plc t Didelphm TRY - AIT-ELES' CARBOLIC TABLETS An unfailing' reineby for ail lhonehial itthi eultle., Coughs. Colds, .11......aine55, :Asthma, Uih theria, Dryness 01 the Throat or Wind Pipe and all Catarrhal diseases. The wooderlul modern discovery of Cal ludic Acid, is destined to become one 01 the greatest blcsings to mankind in its application to diseases 01 the throat and its great curative qualities in all ani-ctions of the Chest and Lungs, Dr. Wells' Car ?JO 11 !els, besides the in eat remedial agent Ca,•b,te Jcid contains other ingiedients universally recom mended, which chem ie. illy combine, prod ficin: a 'l' more highly medicinal and better• 'rah:pled for diseases 01 the throat than any preparation ever before otil•red to the pui tic, For Coughs and Colds, Well's t'a rhol le •t'ablets are a sure cure. 'Cry them, Sold by all Bt uggists. dee 17-1 w MONEY QUICKLY MADE. by active men and women getting Nubset 44 lons for the great religion, and literary weekly The Cliri,,tion Union, ed Lied by lilies RY WA it 11E1:C11E11. Having in its corps of Contributors the ablest talent 01 the land. A cliiu•ining serial slot)• by the world-nunous aut lioress of LiNcr,ii Tom's CABIN," just begun. Every subscriber for 1571 receives the paper for eLlit Averlzs, and the pea ple's tavorite,llAnsnAm.'s WASIIINGTON, (alone worth So,) FREE. This new and unequalled combination As taking like wild•tire, All are doing well, many making from $lO to S'il+.3 a day. There is positively nothing that will pay you so well. Copy of paper, chapter of story and rare terms Ifitiui. address A. 11. HUBBARD. And Chestnut street, Philadelphia. dec 17-1 w W lEj cn E 27 — our newillustra ienolor;eS OVERLAND THROUGH' ASIA. By Col. Thomas W. Knolc. A ew.iprelie.isive ant VII tun blo exposition of the countries ofAlas- I;a, Srbaria, China and - Russia ns they are to.dny. Matching our Inchardson's "Beyond the INllssi , .- sippi," and Mark Twain 's "Innocents abroad" In Style, Ac. ;' , end for circulars and see our ex tra terms, Address AMERICAN PUBLISHING Co.. I hurt Sro ', Con a, 'l'c 17-4 w = With Gleeti Tai Flallorl Warrant - PA to Salt all Tastes. For Sale everywhere. And for sale -Wholesale only by the - GILF:AT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA Co e, 0. t.7,l)l3rclir,t. SEND FOR TLIE.I.-NECTAIL CIRCULAR. dcc 17-1 w hLI tit ‘1", tri{„l Wanted I.w lleadley,s New Book AtLai 1k) sAcittlo itnitoEs ASO MA.RTYII:S. Wrate./1 In the Authet's happiest style. and sur passing his termer works, which have , old by the lth,,Oilt/ With Original Steel Engravings from designs by our Aftist who has spent three years in Bible Lands. The Clergy and the Press arc loud in its praise. Agents .ire waking mon ey rapidly, E. B. TREAT & CO., Pub's Gil Br oad way, N. Y. dec 17-1 w IDA RMEWS HELPER.—SIiows how to double the profits of the farm, and how fat leers and their sons can make $lOO PER MONTH in Win ter. liy)uo Comes will be mailed 1100 to Far mer:. Send name and address to ZIEGLER & :NIeCIIRDY, liadelplt la, Pa. Ides 17-1 L AGENTS WA NTE FOR 14 1 .111F1T1, JOB ANIJ ITS VOTARIES by Dr: John 13. Ellis, Large Sales, •Intmcmc P - rollts. :Stupendous r velations and shunning disclosurci. Tee whole subject quickly laid bitre sod its hideousness exposed to universal execration. Written in the interests of Civili zation, Christianity and Public Morality. Send for clicularsuni4 terms. U.S. Publishing 411 Broome St., New York. dee 174 w 1 WAS CatED OF DEAFNESS AND CA TARRIIIv a simple remedy and will send the receipt, free MRS. \l. C. NEGGM', (fee 17-1 w Jersey City, N. J. CC 6 OIL A. WEEK pant agents, mole or temale, In lIC LI tat:Rl - 111)g InlSlnv,s Copnal roqutred, Athlross .I.:co,rt.trY. Co., linco, Me. dec 17-1 w C . l A.LES.N.I EN WA .N 13nbiness lamornblo. Nei compel 1 Llon, liber al paygivien. S. W. KENNEL))., n South lth nt rect. Philadelphia dee 1;-ht. $lO IIALI. F.RWI TA/ CESIS it:something urgently needed by everybody. Call and examine, or .a nt riles sent (postage) paid tar 10 cents that Istall easily for • alO. It. L. Woor.eurT, lid Cli,atitain N(.1., N. Y. titre 17-liv 001 Ar ACENT:4 WANTED FOR HOW .1 ,VOU WOMEN CAN MAKE MONEY, Ann other lie , t Book. in the Market. AIeKiNNI:Y 130 S Chestnut Street, Phi Intlirlphin. <lee 17-Itv AGENTs wA:s;TED Fun Including JL•tuliood. woman hood, and their mutual lutcrrclnlioi ~ Love, its laws, power. eto by Prof. 0. S Fm.vier. Send Mr virotilars and specimen pages. Address PUB CO., Pitibutelph la. dee 17-lw n 1:01.:T. E. LEE'si LlFE.Nearly ready for publication, the biography of Gen. Rohl. E Lee, by John L•'stou Cooke, the author of " Late of Stonewall Jackson," •' Weald ng, the Grey," etc. 1 vol., a vo., 510 pages, Illustrated. To be nail by subscription. AGENTS WANTED. L. Appleton & Co., Puhnsners, New York. dec3-nC TO CONSUMPTIVES The naves User, having hems permanently cured of that dread disease, tionsumptain, by a simple remedy, i. anxious to make known to his fellow (-offerers the means or cure. To all who desire 16, he will scud a copy of the pre scription used, (free of charge,) with directions for preparing, which they wit t find a sine cure tot Consumption, Asthma. lironchiti.., ‘ te. fte..EDWA. RD A. WILSON, 16:3 South Second St., Wilhainshmg. N. I'. noun-1y "Errors of Youth.—A geutlemitn who suffer ed tar yeats 110111 VOIIS Debility, and all Inc .alerts nalkercAion, wilt send flee to ail who need 11, the recipe Mid direction tor ma lting the simple remedy by which he was eured. Sulk:tens can address, to perteet eotaltleace. JWIN B OGDEN, noyl9-ly No. •12. Cedar :Street, New Yor Fl JRNI'T LIE JOSEPH IS A LTON ok cLIJiIALT KER 0. 11; WALNUT ST., DUILADI , LPIIIA. Our Cstabll,li cent is one of the of I esi in Mil talciph i, and Irma long experience ilivlsupertor wenities we are prepared to furnish good Work at rea , unable prices. We manufacturo tine furniture, and also me dium-priced lurniture o 1 superior (mai sly. A large stock of furniture always on. bawl. Goods made to order Counters, Desk Work and Ofnce Furniture for Bunks, Ofliccs cud Stores, made to order. Jos. Walton. J. W. Lippincott. Jos. L. Scott mars'7o-1y e j J. KRODEL, Bill Poster and Carrier, - ITO. ISL S. FIFTH STREET, P. O. Box, 11l COLUMBIA, PA. Persons entrticting Mtn with nllls to Post or Distribute will And the dut, I:111.131%111y pertorrn Cd ee:it•d: ADV_EIITISEMENTS. 11031E11, COLLADAY & CO. li' _A T • E., 1_ 8..7 O. Our Drportat low: fur I he ...present, Cason;S ARE. NOW COMPLETE. EIMEI Notwithstan ling tile great ditlicnlUes conse quent on the E.nropenn war to oblitln Choice French Fabric:, for our Fall trade, we are enn- Int (I by olneing ot u • ("nets early and Llirntig our VX.t..llnlVl,l•olllll,llith'S ill Eurupe, to offer Lill unusually large number of NEW F And we weald eall itienlar attention to our baperb assortnient!ni great, variety of textin of NEW CLOTH COLORS, EIMEES Walking Costumes, As it will be i pOSSIVIC to replenish our most desirable textures in this market, w•e respectfully invite:an EARLY INSPECTION BLACK SILKS all priuus: :ma qualities WHITE SILKS AND SATIN S FOR NrEDDIT,.;cI..; C0L0E.1.1121 In eve. y 41u:1111y-1 -Jolo Costumes do .V7-3-vao-e, In all 01 ne,vest styles . ana fabrics., Mourni irr Departmeril 3 repleteZaith every variety of teN.ture suitable lur mut:ruing \cenr. S El A_ NV I_,, S , Of every 7quality and style, 60th for twarrot and use, and also in elegant styles for Fall dress Ili OWECE. We shall take no advantave of the scarci ty of dusirnhie mods, but shall continue to sell our stock at a MODERATE ADVAXCE 1412 cam' 1414 Chestnut St., ..N 0 \ 4- ti CAI3INET WARE MANUFACTORY. The subscriber having lately put up new ware-n outs, and greatly increased his business, can otn r better inducements to his customeres than ever. WINDOW SHADES, MIIIROItS, Sc., IN ALL lie manufactures to order, and will keep con stantly on hand, Dressing, Plain mid Fancy Bureaus, Sideboards, Sofas, Card, Dining •and Centre Tables, Common, Fancy and French Bed steads; allot which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. As he manufactnres his own work he is enabled to warrant uvery article to be what it is represented. CAAIRS ! CHAIRS! ! CHAIRS!! ! All kinds of chairs kept on hand or manulbetur• ea to order. Cane, Windsor, Arm and Rocking Chairs ; Settees, Camp a•nd COUn tea Stools,Sonis, fete-a Tete, and StutTed Seal Chairs, made to order. Old chairs repainted and repaired. UNDIsitTAIiING. Funerals will be attended to wit it promptness, to Which he gives his personal attention. He is prepared with ice boxes end coolers to preserve corpse, us may be required. MAHOGANY Ott WALNUT COFFINS, Furnished plain or tinted in any Style that ina3 be required. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, as well as a continuance of the custom with which he has been liberally ihvored. JOHN SHENBERGEH, South side of Locust street, between Second and Third. [seta:l494lw LADIES' FANCY FUU:S. - .5 011 N FAREER A, 719 ARCH WCREET, Middle of the flock, between 7ih and Sat Sts., south aide„ P I L IDELPIIIA, Importer, Manufacturer mai Dealer in all kinds and quality of FANCY FURS FOR LADLE: , ' and eI_ULUREN'.,i WEAR. Raving enlarged, remodeled and improve. our caa and favorably known FUR EMPORIUM and having im pot ted a very largo and splendic asaortinenl Mall the different; I 01 Fur, nom Ilibt hands in Europe, and have had them finale up by the moscskllltul WOrkrflen, I would re.pecti ally invite toy friends ul Lancaster and arlpi sent Counties, to call and els:alitirie toy very IlLrge ahsOri Ment ul Fancy Furs, tor Ladies and Chlithen. I ato d-teimined to sell at as low prices ns any (alter respectable house in this city. All Furs Warranted. No misrepresenta tions to effect sales. JOHN" yAnErRA, 7LS Arch :"Areet, Phtlatlelptun Oct. 2 - 2;70 3ili ‘I.v2 7 :IIUUD: 110 W LO:•ir, 11.0 W 11. E TOLLED Just pubs itiil ed. a new edition of Dr. Culver well's Celebrated Essay on the radiead cure (without inceaane) 01 : - ipermatortatta or Weak ness_lni potency, Mental and l'hysicat Incapac ity; lopedilnents, etc.; also Consumption, Epi lepsy, and r'ilNindueed by indulgence or extrav agance. in a aCialed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this ai uu•.unuble essay, clearly demonstrates, train a thirty year,' successtul prttctic.•, that ale alarming eons, quence at self-abuse may he radically cured without the dangerous use Ut Internal medicine or the :o,olc:dim' of the kuLte; pointing out, a mode ol cure at once simple, certain. and ciltct ual, by i el which every sulrerer, uu mut ter what Ids couthtion may be, Inay cure him self cheaply, privately, and radically. Let:lute should be the hands of every youth and every man in Llt! land. Sent, under seal. in a plain' envelope, to any add] ess , postpaid , Ull receipt six Cents or two post Mani ps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide," price 2 cents. Address the Publisher, CH.A. J. C. KLINE It CO., dee 17-ly ItL7 Bowel y New York P. U. Box -13S11 6 - 1 REAT BARGAINS OTI3 En A. nin VAL -AT /7t'S 135 a: 137 S. FRONT sr The undersigned takes pleasur‘t to invite Lis frleittlN, and Me public ge y, to examine Ole large and well selected aNsortraeut, of MEN'S, BOYS', AND CHILDREN'S ItEADT-MADE Windt lie oltt,rs rtt very LOW PRIL.E.S. FURS! FOR LADIES AND MISSES, BOOTS & SHOES, Hats and Caps ! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, ,te sept.4.7o D. HANAUER'S, Nos. 135 Lt 137 NORTH FRONT sTREET G 1 EORGE BOGLE', DEALER IN LUMBER OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Office—Front Strecq, Uctw,x:n Locust cud Union, RNE FAMILY GEOCEKLES, PROVISIONS, L.C:c., LS:c. A LARGE Lt FINE STOCK JUST RECEIVED • I have now in Store a full assortment of Groceries SD - Provisions For Family and Hotel use. Extra Syrup .Molasses, Fine Tcas, Cofles, fie. Extra Sugar Cured HAMS and DRIED BEEF Extra FAMLY,FLOUR by the barrel or smaller quantity. Dried Fruit, Pickles. and Fancy Groceries of all k inds. and at the lowest prices. Cull and ex am: Ile rev stock, whether you is i, or not. ItY 41.1 sel.l-69-tiwl Cur. ui Front. az Union 4 t =9 PHILADELPHIA. USBIA COLUMBIA. PA AND IN STORE! CLOTJZING. IT Is A FACT! Capable of ocular demonstration, hal Me prices of Cloths, Casslineres, LiOtidog Alla Furnishing Goods, are loss 1111111 one-half what they were during the war, at the Tailoring establishment of S. S. RATH VON, Corner North Queen and Chtu.,r. Streets, opposite Shatters 11 olel, latrwaster, Pa. This Is the oldest establishment in t his line 01 irade In Lancaster county, and is selling, at this time, tine Noscow, liNmilinaux, and common Beaver overcoats tram $lO to $2O; Common Union Beavers from $lO to $11; Common Union Beaver lusiness Salts iron - 3.511 to 510; Good Cas shnerc Suits front bib to $2O, and tine qualities teem 8:5 to 5:10. A tow sails on band as low as $lO. Cloths, Cashmeres and Trimmings as low as they can be obtained anywhere else, and sold by the yard to those who may wish tohave them made at, home, 01 elsewhere. Overcoats, Dress Coats anti Business Suits made to order with dispatch, and In the best and most fashionable manner, as the customer may desire. All kinds of cutting and repairing done at reasonable prices. An entire new-stock got up for the Fall and Winter trade of 1868 and 1569, and manufactured in the city of Lancaster. It would be to the interest of the public to call and realize that "..rr is A FACT." - S. S. RATE VON, sepl-60-ttwl Merchant Tailor and Clothier. MISCELLANEOUS. WOODWARD'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MUSIC STORE, NO. 2f.' NV= KING STREET PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS VIOLINS, VIOL I N UOIVS, CELLO BONS, ACCORD BONS, FLUTINAS, CONCERTI,./AS, TAM BORIN ES, GUITARS, BANJOS, - - FLA (4 EOI.ET. I L A . lOl ON /CAS, CLAYPEKS, MORI MEE TRIANGLES, TUNING- FORKS, PITCH PIPES, MUSIC BOXES, MUSIC FOLIOS, MUSIC 'ROOKS. Plano and Melodeon Covers, Plano and Melo deons :,tools,:-trings of all kinps. Sheet Music Music Looks,Music Papers, and every descrip tion of iNiumleA.L MERCHANDISE. i., Orders filled promptly' at the usual 'Wholesale or Retail Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. .3Z-Tuning and reualring promptly attended to A. W. W OODWARD, deel.'69-tti \0.22 West Ring St., Laueast COOPER •&-, PEART, DEALERS IN LUMBER, & COA:L, BALTIMORE CO2.IPANY. Arid all the best Quality - of STOVE COAL. B U 11. Di.NG LUMBER Of all kinds, sold and delivered on ears, at the LOWEST MARK ET RATES. Hemlock, White Pine, Weatherboarding, Joice, Scantling, .ee., alic., suitable for all kinds of Building purposes. LOCUST POSTS! POPLAR, ASH, PICKETS, SIII ELLS, is All orders by mail will receive the smite at as though the application be made n .erson._ _ COOPER S PEART, COAL. & MASON,. COIATIVIZIA, Ps., 'Manufacturers at Lock Haven, Pa., and Whole sale Dealers In WHITE PINE. HEMLOCK. AND OAK LUMBER, FLOORING, SIDING, LATH. TAILING, ae COAL! Special attention paid to Coal Trade. Best brands always on hand, and sold at the lowest market price. Orders for shipment promptly, TLT.O:MAS 4: MASON, P Columbia, a may 11 '7O-1 y COAL! COAL!! COAL !! LIY IN YOUR WINTER SUPPLY. The subscriber is now prepared to furnish the best qualities , f ANTHRACITE COAL for STOVES, GRATES and FURNACE purposes. Having laid in a large stock at the lowest prices, we are prepared to give our customers Coal at great advantage. The following first-class Coals we now offer for sale: PRESTON, PHIL'A. COAL CO. PLANK RIDGE, HICKORY SHAFT, WEsT LEHIGH, BALTIMORE CO., PINE GROVE, SHAMOKIN, LY KENS VALLEY, ALSO TUE • WEST LEHIGH . NUT, • For Base-burning and Self feeding stoves. All Coals scut out are clean and nee from Impuri ties. •trzy-SNIALL NUT COAL AT 3.50 PER TON. Call and examine the different prices of Coal. Coal Yard opposite Bachman's Pi:lining Mill, Front street, Columbia Pa. SCOTT PATS ON. COAL ! COAL!! COAL !I ! PRICES REDUCED. COAL SOLD, BY CAR LOAD, GROSS WEGIIGT WITH 100 LBS. THROWN IDI, A T E I?S' Pia OE'S, AT LO II E.ST _PIG ETD Ed. MP. EBTINER S: CO.. sept Col vin No, l'a. C. BUCHER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FOREIGN AD DOMESTIC Wines & Liquors, No. 118 Locust Street, COLUMBIA. PA Ws a ent 01 Pure and unadulterated WINES AND LIQUOR.S Cannot be t 3:: eel ied. Els stock embraces the fol : Port, • Cherry, Altai eria, Malaga, Cita nipagzie, Claret, - Ehine, ktlaekbarry, Eltle: berry, Currant •tittl _Muscat \VINES. COGNAC, OF DIFFERENT BRANDS Also, OLD RYE AYITISKEN' and BRAND CES of. all kinds Blackberry Jamaica Spirits Catawba Kuunuel, Cherry, Ginger, Ram, Superior Oki Rye, Pure Old ltye, XXX •nd Rye. XX Ohl aye X Old Rye, Pure Old Rye, INl.nougaliela, Reall:et! Vilit , ky,Loudou Brown Stout. Scotch Ale, &c., c. AGENCY FOR MALT AND CEDER V lii EGA R Agent for thc. PURE MALT VINEGAR Cannot be purchased at any other establish ment in WWI]. and Is warranted to keep fruits and vegetables perfect. J. C. BUCHER'S, o. US Locust Street, Columbia Oct. 22, ,70-tf READ THIS ! Lazarus Sz; Morris' CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES AICD EYE GLASSES That they render impaired sight clearer and dis tinct; strengthen and preserve the eye; are very easy and pleasant to wear, and last many years without 'Mange being necessary, so that in the end they are the cheapest as well as the best. NOTICE, Chat Mr. Chas. 1-. Schreiner. Watch maker and Jeweler. Front s.reet, is our sole agent in Cole TOW., Pa. Lazarus az Morris. Manufacturing Opticians Harttord, Couu. septA.'sO-tlw NEW POTTERY. trim undersigned have opened up a Pottery in Elbow Lane, between Filth and Sixth Sts., dAgit of tho lug dm.% where to ey will till all or er:. nt thi. tine of _ - T • • he paLrouage of t publ ir• snltt•ltt , ir. sepilkly] WESLEY, \ 111:r2,>.; Y &BILO. 12y . 'S ÜB4.ZITCB C O.3LI9ffLE Fire Insurance Co., Insures BUILDINGS, 111DRC.TIANDISE, and other Property against Loss and Damage by Fire, on the Stock or Mutual Plan,ox AS REASON AIME TE nms AS OMER. RESPONSIBLE COMPA NIES. OFFICERS : Prcettlint—S. S. DETWILER. Vice Prerid,nt--3 W LZSON. Seerclary-,-J. F.,FitHEAuFfe, - • :* Ci rci-.7.IIERP.ERT THOMAS.' S. S. Detwiler, H. Wilson, J. B. Bachman Robert Crane, Win. Patton, H. 2.1. Strickler Herbert Thomas, Robert Ryon, J 11.4. Schroeder, A. Beuner,jr., J. S. Strine, J. F. Frueaull. For Insurance or Agencies apply by mall, or in person, to , tf J. F. FRTIEA.UPF, See`y, Columbia. Pa. FARAIIMS';3IUIIJA.L'FIRE INS UR- A_NcE COMPANY, YORK, PA. Insures on the Cash, Mutual or Perpetual Rates ICRABER, President 1). STIiIC.XLER, Se'eretary. M. S. SIIUMA.ts`, Agent, sept4-0-tfw] Coluinhin, Ya (2 . IIIARD FIRE AND MARINE IN LA COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. Capital Q* ) 00,000 I securities ' $300,040 This Company continues to take rilks on good property, at rates as low as any other cafe Com pany and consistent with prudence. Policies issued for long Jr short terms, or per manently. Losses promptly paid., All claims adjusted without litigation or delay. This Com pany refers to the past as a guarontee of Jts future conduct. 112MEM T.IIOS. CRAVEN, Pres't. A. S. GrLLETI•, Vice-President. ALvoun, Secretary. F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Front Street, above Walnut, Columbia, Pa_ eeptl-69-tr.l] INSURANCE (O \1 PAN Y of NORTH AMERICA PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1791. Charter Perpetual. li-SETS. .1 a n. 1, 1570.—t 2 2783,5.50.96. SURPLU.r—ut•er all liab ilities—„l,lG3,^•s6,6o S :tgO TO, G loss or diunauze by fire on Build mus, Merehandize, Furniture, ate. for ion, i,n‘irt periods, or permanently on Binh kpi , sit of Premium. The prompt payn • , or a period or sEvENT - t• years, , • - of claim upon public: cowl il, =lain G. COFFIN, P COS' I. LYKENS VALLEY, =1 =MI Sept 1-0-I.:v. D ELAWAR E MUTUAL OF WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, Jon xP. ZWLEAR,Prest. ➢l, Al. Cman, Seery N. W. Cornet _Ninth & Chestnut Streets, PLIILADELPIIIA. GEO. W. STONE, Vice President and Manager. GEo. F. TUnknu, General Agent and Attorney. PURELY MUTUAL. LOW PRICES. All l'ollelos Non-forfeiting after One Annual Payment. MMtiMESZEM very aceorarandottan consistent with Safety guaranteed to Policy 1101ders. Boosts eoniaming . foll information concerning the plans anti Rule, of the-Company sent free. upon application to the Branch' Office. Agent: wanted throughout, die States of 1-enn sylvania and Now Jersey. REPERENCEs (by permission)—Hon. E. ".7 Gilpin, Chief Justice Slate of Delaware; Hon. Thos. F. Bayard. U. S. Senator from Delaware - Rt. Rev. Alfred Lee, Bishop of Delhware; Gen- Henry Do Pont, Powder Manulacturer; Hon, Gov. San Isbuiy, Gov. Slate of Delaware; the rresidents 01 all the Banks in the City of Wil mington; J. S. Valentine, Mayor City of Wilmington. July 22 '7O-ly DEILOSOPIIY OF MARRIAGE A New course of Lectures, as delivered at tae Penna. Polytechnic and Anatomical Muse— um, 1203 Chestnut St., three doors above Twelfth Philadelphia, embracing the subjects: 'Row to Live and What to Live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age: Manhood Generally Reviewed; The cause of Indigestion; Flatulence and nervous Diseases accounted tor- Marriage Philosophical ly considered. These lectures will be forwarded 'on recipt ol 25 cents by addressing: Secretary of the Penna. Polytechale. and Anatomical Muse um, 1203 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. U 01S-Iy. SUSQUEHANNA IRON COMPANY REFINED AND DOUBLE REFINED Car Axles, Shafting and Bcrrse Shoo Bars. 4331-Orders promptly filled from Stock on hand or made to order. Terms, net Cash, at Manufacturer's prices, de livered on Cars or Boats. Office at their eptl-69-tf B. B. 3IARTIN. HERBERT THOMAS. JNO. S. MASON Manufacturers at Beech Creek, Clinton co., Pa., and Wholesale Lumber Dealers, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK., POPLAR, tVALNuT, ASH, FLOORING, SIDEING, 'WEATHER BOAR B DS, PICKETS. LATH S, BOX Olt A DS. &c., .to . ept 1.'79 1 AIERCHAYI . TALLORIN G J. W. REASIN, 123 LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, has opened in the room formerly occupied by P. S. MeTague, a full stock of FRENCH, ENGLISH, AMERICAN & SCOTCH CLOTHS, CASSIMERES &SUITINGS, Which ne is prepared to make up in as pod Style and Fashion as can be made in New fork or Philad , Iphia. Ile invitc, all to call and examine his stock, which, he I, po , sitivc, cannot be excelled in Colum Th+• +•^1.11.//li-lIIIIVnt is designed exclusively for McMinn t and the undivided atten tion of the Prop; e..tor will be devoted to hi"! busine:o4. “EN TS' FURNISHING GOODS Of all kinds, and of SUPERIOR QUALITY, ar- Ways On band, Remember the old adage, that, money saved is money earned. Call and be convinced that you: can save your money by purchasing at the, ONIN exclusive Merchant Tailoring Establish ment in Columbia, (sep.2-69-twr [Fa•r.l7tr.tsttcn IN IS o.] WELCH Br. GRIFFITHS' Saws! Saws !! Saws! ! ! SUPERIOR 10 ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, tUrst Steel, Mill Fur itishings, Matellinwry -4.3 Get. the be,t,they «•ill prove the cheapest:PDX Prices reduced. Send for Price List and Circulars. "WELCH & GRIFFTIEL9,„ Boston, Mass., or Detroit, M 0 h:_ Novi.filyr Cia. FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED, THE GREAT 111311111111 E • ••:r 5- manufactory. . WILLIZIVZ XMAS & CO., Manufacturer of Grand; Square and ' Upright. PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. These Instruments have been before the pub lic for nearly thirty years, and upon their excel lence alone attained nu ,unpurchased pre-emi nence, which pronounces them unequalled Their TONE Combines great power, sweetness end tine sing ing quality as well as gr-at purity of Intona tion, and sweetness throughout the entire scale. Tbelr TOUCH Is pliant and elastic, and from the stillness found in so many Pianos. • In WORKMANSIIIP -They are unequalled, using none but the very best seasoned mew flat. the large capital em ployed In our busn.. s• enabling us to keep con tinually au !lumens, stock of lumber, &c., on hand Ire All our Square Pianos have our New Im proved Overstrung Scale and the .Igrap Treble. late i mprove would call special attention to our late improvements in GRAND . PIANOS and SQUARE GRANDS, Patented Aug. 14, Mg, which bring the Piano nearer, perfection than has yet leen attained. - V l 3. Eeery Piano fully Warrnalcdfar 5 rears. c have made arrangements for the Sole wnole.ale Agency for the most Celebrated. PARLOR ORGANS and MELODEONS, which we otter Wholesale and Retail, at Lowest Fee: tory Prices. . ANDREW ZELLERS% Wholend.) Depot, seo7-61n] No. 127 North Frontstreet. Colurrihtm F. F. LANDIS, EZRA F. LANDIS, JACOB S. LA):DIS .KEYSTONE EAST JAMES STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Manufacturers of Stationeryand Portable En- Ines, of the, most approved: style and , plan. Mlll Gearing ; Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, and Couplings; of an improced• Pattern.' Fathers Portable Grist Mill, OUR NEW AND. IMPROVED GRAIN Ti I RESII ER AND SEPARATOR. With the Best Tripled Geared•liorse Power. • Iron and Brass works made to order. Furnish Models for Patters at reasonable rates. 'Having mod and experienced hands,and being practical echanics themselves, feel safe_ in guarantee ing all their work to give satisfaction: For par ticulars, address ' • LANDLS dlr. . noctIVRD-[f7 Lancaster. lOU PitliN ptALN . Olt NAmas^rA L. vx,c.i..1 . F.4,4 with; nesizkessttnA - clLspateli at this office . • - - • THE COLUMBIA Of COLUMBIA, PA., J.,osse'd Paid , s ince AB6O, ' 5'3'25,000. DIRECTORS P. ZIEGLER, Agent, ,0. - 0 Walnut, Columbia, Pa Lite r ri..q.erv! ... .eany, BRANCH OFFICE 'Manufacturers of all sizes 01 ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL, AND HALF OVAL IRON ROLLING MILL. Col um bia. Penn* B. B. MARTIN - Coluintia, Lancaster co., l'a., MACHINE WORKS,
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