WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWERY AND SIM: ERW ARE WORKS or TI-I-.., UNITED STATES WATCH COMPANY, GILES, WALES S. C 0.,) MARION, N cri - Eus, WALES & 0 0., IMPORTERS, MA:`.ZUFA.CTUTREItS AND JOBBERS, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE, S.tIESROOM OF THE UNITED STATES WATCH COMPANY, 13 Maiden Lane, New -York. Manufacturers of all the Grades of AMERICAN WATCHES, PEN DANT WINDERS N.N 13 KEY WINDERS, Both Nickel and Frosted Movements, with Damaskin The finer grades all having three pairs of Conical Pivots, Cap Jeweled, in Gold Settings, and ac curately rtepstcd to Heat, Cold and Position ; and all, even in the cheapest grades, have the STRAIGHT-LINE Escapement, with Exposed Pallet Jewels, and Hardened and Tempered Hair Springs ; and for our late improvement in Stem-Winding mechanism, we e h.lin a Strength, Sim plicity and Smoothness hitherto unattained in any other manufacture, at home or abroad. Constantly on hand, full lines, all sizes, in Gold, Silver, Diamond Set, and Magic Cases, Minute .Repeaters, Independent 1-1, 1-1 Split and fly-back Seconds, for taking three dilfrent times, for timing Horses, Artillerymen, na_Price-Lists furnished the trade on application, enclosing business card. For sale by the trade generally. Ask your Jeweler tri - vee the MARION watches. Wholesale Waxeroonas, 13 31A1I1 EN LANE, W YORK. And GILES,III3OTIIEIt at C0.,14.2 Lake St., Chicago, Watch No. 10SD, Stem-Winder—bearing Trade-Mark "Frederick Atherton & Co., Marion, N.J.," mat. nfactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by ine from December, 18,8, to Janu ary 17th, 1870, its total variation being only TWO t•ECONDS in the entire time. New York, Jan. 17th. 1870. L. E. CRITTENDEN. Late Reg. U. S. Treas. Watch No.loo4,Stem Winder,—Deari ng Trade-Mark *Frederick' At [tenon & Co.,Marion,N.J.,' man ufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me fifteen 71.0111.11 S ; its total variation num mean time being only one second per mouth. WILLARD DERBY, Of Derby. Snow & Prentiss, Jericy City. N. S. Watch No. 1121. Stem-Windlng.—l3earing Trade Mark "Frederick Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by the United States Watch Co., has been carried by me seven mouths ; its total variation from mean tune being only six seconds. A. L. DENNIS. President N.J. It. 7t. & T. Co." UTICA, Fen. rah, 1870. Watch No. 10504, Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederick Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been curried by me 20 months ; iu; total vari ation from mean time being five seconds per month. Z. C. PRIEST, Asst. Sup't. N. Y. C & U. R. R. Watch No. 1117, Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark "Fre lerle Atherton & Co., Marion. N. J.," manufactured by the United States N.Vatch Co., has been carried by me fifteen months ; its total variation from mean time being only an average of two-thirds of a second per day. U. F. PHELPS, Con. J. Central It. R. Watch N 0.1077, Stem-Winder, --Bearing Trade• Mark "Fre . detle Atherton & Co.. Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me since June, 1807 • its total va riation from mean time being only Ave seconds per month. HENRY SMITH, Treas. Panama R. It., Si Wall St., N. Y. Watch No, =Stern Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton C Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me fourteen months, six months of that, time at sea, and in the various climates of Europe. During that time and since my re turn It lots not varied one second a week. H. LAS:sING, Manager Knickerbocker Life Ins. Co., HI quiwaY. N. Watch No. 11006, Sitm-Winder,—.Bearing Trade-Mark "United States Watch Company,Marion, N. J.," manufactured by the United States Watch Co , nits been carried by me three months ; its total variation from mean time being only two-thirds of a second per day. May 8,1859. Judge CHAS. IL. "VOORHIS, Hackeusack,N. J. 'Watch No, 12012 Stern-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark, United States Watch Co., Marion. N. .7.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by ins six months ; its total variation from mean time being only twelve seconds. G EO. LO VIS, Ben. Eastern Passenger Agt., Toledo. Wabash, & Western R. R. Watch No. 12.59, Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trude Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marlon, N. J.." manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been canted by me six months; its total variation from mean time being only eight seconds per month. Have been traveling through different sections of the country, front New York to Galveston, Texas, and !molt, by steamer and railroad. E. RICE, of Whitney & Rice, 179 Broadway, N. Y. 1.15331.11:.Y. PA., Feb. al, 1809. Watch No. /17E4 Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marlon, N. " manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me three months; its iota, variation irom mean time being only live seconds during tbu t time. HENRY DE LANCY, Engineer Phil'a & Erie R. R. Watch No., 1101, Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co. Marion, N. ~" J manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me eleven months : its total variation from mean time being only seven seconds in the en tire time. A. H. ICING. 7 Park Place, N. Y., Vice Pres't. N. J. Car Spring &R. Co. UrxcA, Feb. H. 1870. Watch No.2ol7,—Bearing Trade-Mari: "Fayette Stratton, Marion, N. manufactured by United States Watch Co.. uas been carried by me twelve months ; its total variation from mean time being fifteen seconds. I. YROO MAN, Engineer N. Y. C. & li. R. R. UT/CA, Feb. 15. i g; 0, Watch No. 2:MI, Stern-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Marl: "Fayette Stratton, Marion, N. J.," mono• factored by United States Watch Co., bas been carried by me eigh teen months• Its total variation from mean time being five seconds per month. E. U. WHIPPLE, Con. U. S B. it. it. BEWARE of worthless Imitations with which the country is flooded. To avoid ixnpogition in sist ou a certificate of genuineness from those of whom you purchase, and see that, the words .51A.RION, N. J., are engraveu on the pla to over the Main Spring Barrel. All others are spurious. Oct. 22, tjw LIFE INSURANCE FOR TOE PEOPLE ! 11.01VIESTEAT) LIFE INSURANCE CO., Office-7'ol Chestnut Street, Philadeinha. W. M. SEYPERT, President. LAWRENCE MEYERS. Vice President, R. W. DORPHLY, Scc'y BENJAMIN E. DAVIS, Superintendent of Agencies• This CompanS organized by leading representatives of Industrial interests of the State, widel known as successful and responsible business men, desiring to place Life Insurance within rear of all, has adopted a seem ot Monthly Payments of Premiums, Enabling every man to provide for his family in case of his death, at a cost so trifling as scarcely obe felt. Special attention is called to this Company's POLICY a much needed feature In Life Insurance, entirely neu• in this country : designed to:protect in case of death, the interests of SPAREHOLDEI?S IN BUILDING ASS 0 CIA TlaN AS` and all others whe have borrowed money or purchased property payable it instalments extend ing over a series of years, by cancelling any balance of indebtedness remaining unpaid in case of that. This Company Issues all the ordinary forms of Life and Endowment Policies at low rates of Premium, on the Participating Plan, with hut few restrictions as to occupation, and none as to Travel or reesidence. Active and responsible men wanted as Agents. Full information as to Plans and Fdaturs, is contained in Pamphlets NN Weil will be forwarded bAmail on application to the Home 011ice.e APV.E.II,T..IB3I.EN2'S. M A g ° en N :l l To l3 r ° C?r i L S l — nr A . Pun Co., 43S Broome St., New York. Thing. g s teonn a s t.°l3 . rco i orZtr, N. Y. DSYCROMANCY.—Any lady or gentleman can make Sl,OOO a month, secure their own happiness and independence, by obtainin g PSI CHOMANCY. FACINA.TION. or SOW, CHARMING. 400 pages; cloth. Full instruc tions to use this power over men or animals at ' will, how to Mesmerize, become Trance or Writ ing .I%fediums. Divination, Spiritualism, Alche my, Philosophy of Omens and Dreams, Brig ham Young's Harem. Guide to .Marriage,'lL:c., all contained in book; 100,000 sold ; price by mall, in cloth SI.2S, paper covers $l. Notice.— Any person willing to act as agent, will receive a sample copy of the work free. As no capital Is required, all desirous of genteel employment should send for the book, _enclosing ten cents for postage. to T. W. EVALNS CO., IL South Slit St.-Philadelphia. A CARD—A clergy man, while residing in South 11,America as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous, Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of dis orders brought ou by baneful and vicious hab its. Great numbers have been cured by this no ble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted tind. unfortunate, I will send the reciepe for preparing and using this inetlicine, in a seal ed envelope, to any one who needs it, Frce of rh , tror. Address JosEru E.C.MAN, Station D, :Bible House, New York City. 182 - 6 PI - VlM}t .- : :Et ialk i A " .\ ' P. ; " lB7 0 The old standard remedy for Coughs, Colus,Con sumption. “Nothing better." CUTLER BROS. Co.. Boston. CHERRY PECTORAL TROCHES ...tre superior to all others for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchial and Lung ditticulties, are exceedingly.' palatable, have none of that nau seating horrible Cubeb taste, aro very soothing and act like a charm ' • Ministers, Singers, and Public speakers will find they are especially adapted to the voiceP•Sold by Druggists. Al,o RuslitOo*o (F. V.) Cod Liver Oil, for Consumption and Scrofula; use no other. TIELIAM'S DEPILATARY POW IIER.- - Ite- L) moves superfluous lutir in Five Minutes, rlthout injury to the skin. Sent by mall for UPHAM'S ASTHMA CURE Relieves most violent narxiYszns in five min sites and effects a speedy cure• Price $2 by mail TILE: JAPANESE HAIR STAIN Colors the whiskers and hair a beautiful Black .4. Brown. It consists of only one preparation. 75 cents by mail. Address S. C. UPHAM, No. 721 Jayne Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Circulars sent free. Sold by all Druggists. . ACLIKISTMAb ALL Yearly nub scrlbers to, Appleton's Journal, published Weekly. Two mouths Subscription, gratis. The Months of November and December, ISle, given gratis to all subscribers remittings4,for the yea. 1870 Any one deirous of mating a trial of the JOURNAL to see whether they like it, can have for two months on remitting us Fifty Cents. • Picturesque America, consisting or splendidly executed - views of American Scenery, commenc ed in November. D. APPLETON CO..Tub- I ishera. New- York. SALARY , —young men wen I. 25stas W & E c i al tind Travoiin kl sates j —an Ad dress - (with stamp) R. It.W..LKRLiff, 34 . 1"ar1. Row, Oew York. rnRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCD,ENT INSU IRANCECOMPANY, of Rartiord, CCM n. Cash A-sleets, 51.500.000. Grants LIFR and ENDOW MENT Policies of all approved fortns. Ample security. low. -rates., , Alho Insures against AC CIDENTS causing ; death or total .(11 , aatIlt3 Trollclea written by the year or month. }Ls, pail Mn. ner.eay,for Six Years In benefits of .Policy holders. - • • ROYAL HAVAZ`Z A. LorrE it y 'Prizes` cashed and " information fornisbed by CiEVEGB UPLEAId, Providence, R. 1. 233 Feet Front—lron and Glass OF PENNSYLVANIA ADVERTISMEENTS. TUE BEST PAPER, ANII TUE BEST INDUCEME.NTS! This Quarter's 13 Numbers SENT FREE to all subscribing, before Dec. 25,1K;0, for next year's Fifty-two Numbers of 3110010 E'S RUIZALL NEW-YORKER TUG GREAT ILLUSTRATED RURAL AND FAMILY WEEKLY, The TitraAL now 1u its 2.lst year, is not only Largest,best and Cheapest, but by ttr the larg est-Circulating Journal of Its Class In the World 1 National In Charnetel, Ably Edited Su perbly Illustrated and Printed It is the It I' the Standard Authority on all branches or AGaICULTUar. , Ii ORTJ C CLTUrCE. &C. AS a lit erary and Faint ly Paper it is a favorite In ninny of the best families all over the Union, Canada, cc. Indeed, Noore's Rural has no Rival in Its Sphere, and is the largest illustrated Journal on the Continent—each number containing SLA:- teen Five-Column • ages, (double the size °Tinos:. Papers of its class.) It Is THE paper for tile East, West, North and South. TERMS. INDUCEMENTS, ite, TERMS—E 3 a year of 52 Numbers, and only $2.,30 in Clubs of Ten. This Quarters's 13 Num bers sent FREE, a, offerred above. Our Club Inducements tor 1571 are unprecedented. Spec imens, Premium Lists, ke., sent free total form ing Clubs,—and we want, a live Club Agent, In every Town. Address. D- I). T. MOORE. deefl-lw t 1 Park Row. New York. THE NEW YORK miiTiropi , T—Azi LIGHT PAGE WEEKLY, Now in Its Eleventh Year, publishes Sermons, a Serial Story for the Faintly, a new Children's Story, every week, Chats with Lite Little Folks, Editorials by the best Methodist writers and other Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, lull Departments of 1i`.111!4'1,1t14 And Secular In telligence. Price $2.50 a year. Liberal premi ums or cash commissions to canvassers. Sub scriptions commence at once at any time. For specimen, enclose a two rent stamp to prepay postage, Address 'ME METHODIST, Ii Isms hall St., N. V. HOLIDAY JUU RN AL Flirt ts7l Cun tains a. Christmas Story. Splendid plays Slaglc Sporut, ;• 47 pages; illustrated. Sent Free on receipt ot on stump tor postage. Ad dress ADAMS S CO., Publishers, Doston. SEIORT wortls n minute in Four week 9. Send two Mumps for circular. .1 GRAY, 0. Box. 4847, New York tice3-4w Ny4§;rE TIME AND LABOR. t,y using an an old A.X.U. Send $1.50 to LIPPINCOTT & BAK EWELL, Pittsburg, Pa., and they will send tip-top Axe. Expre:,sage paid. Ilan a day lost In grinding will ums be saved. deal-lw EfTlMElMgMrEiwwwvo AGE.NIS! 11E I.IIIS All IWe will pay Agent A:Salary of per week and, or al low n lure commission, fusel' our wonderful In ventlons. Address M. WAGNER S.: CO., Mar 'hall. Minh. - - w INTER .E3l PLOY NI E NT. PERKINS & TIOUSE.'S PATENT. , .SIETALIC RENOSENE /am , . Is absolutely safe from explosion or breaking. burns any Cold Oil, good or Lad; gives more light, no odor, and uses less oil. It is perfectly non-explosive. The light is better than is produced by any other lamp."— IV. S. Clark, P.oo'f. Ma,baciesecie4 Ay r i cu it om i lege. It is perfectly non-explosive, gives a better light and is more economical than any other , n,r, in use,"— IV. W. Wear, late Sep. Pub. soo, o / 3 , Chicago. The appalling deaths and fires from glass lamps•exploding and breaking create gi eat do n:And for LIM; lamp. It, pays to sell It. Sold by CatlYassers; Agee is wanted every whore. bead for circular end I erms to MONTGOMERY & CO., Cleveland, 0., 82 Barclay Sts, A. B. TOAILINSON,Agent, Columbia ,P For Ton - n and Country BEST A:111:11.1CALN IVEE,Faj,T. NON-EXPLOSIVE TOBACCO & SEGARS. AIRS'. G. 31. BOOTH, o. 15,3 LOCUST ST., COLUAII.U.A., PA DI:.ILEIt /IV SE:LUIS, TOBACCO, SNUFFS !YES, &e„ Awl all article, t: illy lc, pt o tl:.t-class To bacco awl •-:egar Thu , p, o rely on ect ling: at, oar :wow :IN good :twat. for mmiey lowan be olaatine4 al. any ••• , tirillar lit the Stale. II:, I do nor think It neeessary to pubre,:li Ins Prkes, hs the Cloto.l. will :ell for tilemselyes. MRS. G NI. BOOTH. I.oenst street, Col ❑nthin, Pa.. septll CJ-lywl Sam 01 the Punch 1 - 011 S FEND RIC 11. fv wuoi.EsAin RtrAIL TOBACCO, SNUFF ,Sc SEGA U. AIANU— FACTURER Agent for the New York Fine Cut, Navy, and Monitor Chow-Chow Chewing Tobaccos, corner of Front and Locust streets, Columbia, Pa. 5c0t4.(19-tfw :IDWARD J. ZAHM, JEWELLER I (Luton. L. tt, E. J. Zahrn,) Cor. Queen St., at Centre Square LANCASTER, PA. Dealer In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER WARE,(.'„J • Spectacles, best quality Silver- • .. 11 Plated Ware, Thermo ri Personal and prompt attention given to Watch work and Repairing. Remember the OLD STAND, ZAIIM'S CORNER, North Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. may? '7O 1 yr COAL! COAL!! COAL !! ! The undersigned is now prepared to sell Coal of all sizes; received from the best mines in the State, and guaranteed to be of superior quality. It is from the Veins of the Celebrated BALTIMORE CO. b LEE MINES at Wilkes. Barre; well prepared, and free of slate and dirt. The price net ton of 2000 lbs., on Wharf at Bantu; For No. 1 or Grate, $5.00. " 2or Egg, 5.25. cc " 3or Stove. 5.25. " " 4or Small Store, 5.25. " " sor onmestuttat, 4.75. The above prices are for the Month of May. Terms Cash before delivery. The reputation of the above named Coals is a suttleleut guarantee of their quality ; and as I deal in no other, the public can rest assured they are as represented. ABIOS S. GREEN, Agt., may2l4l For Siirkncii Co. irdke,Anrre. _FINANCIAL. INTI?,II.EsTS ON DEPOSITS. The COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK will pay interest on Deposits as follows: For 1 it; 2 Months, 4 per cent " 4 4; 5 " 6,7, S, 5 . ,. l 0 " 5 " 11 it 12 5 7 2 " ma:1270-1y &A.MITEL SHOCII, Cashier I IRST NATIONAL BANK OF CO- Interest Paid on Special Deposits as follow~; 4 per cent. for 30 or GO cloys. 4 1-2 per cent. for 90 days and gander 6 months. 5 per cent. for 6 month and under 11 months. 5 1-2 per cent for HI atz 12 months. S. S. DET WEILER, Cashier B. FRANK SAYLOR & CO., HOTOGRAPHERS: No. 26 West King Strcet, LANCASTER, PENN' A. We aim to satisfy all our patrons, as well as give them work, which favorably compares with that done in the best galleries. COPYING PICTURES Into any size, of deceased or absent friends, is made a specialty with us. FRAMES, ALBUMS, and all things In our line alwars on hand. Remember the Photographers, No. R West King St., Lancaster FIZANK SArton. JA.mus rorrs. T HE CHEAPEST AN]) THE BEST SHIRK'S CONFECTIONERY SALOON ! No. 25. .1V: Queen Si., Lancaster, Is the best place to procure your supplies of ALL KINDS OF CONFECTIONERY, CAKES, CANDIES, sc. va_Parties and others served promptly at shortest notice NEW STYLE WINDOW SHADES. The Subscriber has on hand at his Furniture Store. all kinds and styles of WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN FIXTURES, tVc To which he would respectfully call the atten- M=MMt!! JOAN SHENBERGFR sept 4-69-2 NI No. 256 Lost St,.. Columbia HOWARD SA NITA R AID AS SOCIATION. For the Relief and Care of the Erring and Un fortunate, on Principles of Christian Philanthropy. Essays on the Errors of Youth, and the Follies of Age, In relation to:Varriage and Social Evils, with sanitaryaid for the afflicted. Sent free, in ,ealed envelopes. Address 13 OWARD ASSO CIATION, Box P, Philadelphia. may 7 IMPORTANT TO INVENTORS AND PATENTEES. INVENTORS' AND PATENTEES' Bazaar and Sales Rooms 529 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. BARBER tc; CO. No FEES IN ADVANCE. The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that they have opened an establishment under the above title, where Inventors, Paten tees ,and Owners of Patents *re free to resort for be negotiation of the sales of their Inven tion and Patents. The feature of this Bazaar consists in this, tha Inventors, Patentees and Owners of I at etas and Inventions may transact their busi ness and effect sales them.elves, without any interference on the part of the Proprietors. On such sales they charge no commission whatever nor do they ask registration or like fees, nor any commissions in advance, believing it to be unfair to ask pay for services not yet rendered. But it any of their Patrons desire to employ them as their personal agents, for the sale of their interests, the Proprietors will then charge such commi,sions as many be mutually agreed upon. The only charge made by this Establi,h ment is for the Storage of Models and Machin. cry of all size, on exhibitions therein,as 10110 IVS: FRON TWENTY-FIVE (2.5) CENTS TO ONE DOL LARS PER WEEK PER SQUARE FOOT 01 , SPACE. For this very small compensation the Model and Machines are kept in good order and their Workings completely explained to the numer ous visitors of the Bazaar and brought forward to the best advantage. with a view to prepar ing the way to eventual sales. An experienced PATENT LAWYER and an able CONSULTING ENGINEER, are attached of this establishment, thus enabling the andel signed to procure, at all till - ICS, the best legal and practical advice to their.Putrous. The Patronage of all is respectfully solicited. BARBER & CO.. 529 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa P.O. Box 1573 KURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. CABINET WARE-ROOMS & MANU ,ACTORY, Locust Street, a few doors below Third Street, Columbia, Pa. The subscriber manufactures and keeps on hand an extensive assortment of all kinds of Furniture. Persons wishing to buy or those about to go to housekeeping, will Bud It to their advantage to give me a call. BEDSTEADS, TABLES,. CHAIRS, BUREAUS, SETTEES, do., rte. Of the best quality, style, and manufacture, and will make to order, of first-rate material, every article in his line. He will give strict attention to business, and respectfully asks of the public a sharh of its pat, onage. Aitii- UNDERTAKING will receive the most careful attention, at the shortest notce. sept4-69-tfwl GEORGE sErnErer LADIES! LADIES! READ! READ! The undersigned having bought the entire stock of LADIES' BOOTS ,S:, SHOES, In the Store Room formerly carried on by JAMES SHROEDE.I., . No. 148 LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA., Is now ready to sell all kinds of LADIES' BOUTS 3: GAITERS, 311SSES' BOOTS GAITDRS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS & GAITERS, As cheap as any other stand In Columbia. La dles' Bouts and Gaiters made to order. Itepa tang of all kinds neatly done. Don't forget the place. Wee us acall A. G. GUILES. WINES it LIQUOBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS! Pin. Pure, Unadulterated Wines and Liquors, go co the store 01 the subscriber. He has elegant CATAWBA WINE, Whirl/ for qual fly nd flavor, cannot be excelled; alsm, the celebrated ROOSTEIt WHISKEY, Yankee Hu: Jamaica Start ts, Blackberry Brandy. Cherry and Currant Wines. We have Wine., Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Old Monongahela ,U all grades. Give us a call and examine for yourself. CFIARLES GROVE, 'orner ai C,za end Sib.. Ullabla. ser 140-tfw J LL EN RICHARDS, PLAIN AND DECORATIVE Paper Hanger and Varnisher, No. R. 2 LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA 11"?...Samples of paper constantly on hand Call and examine. Ittlyl6'7o-iy. 1870. ATTENTION, LADIES _ _ - .511? S. E. , SPERLVG, Is the sole Agent in Columbia for • RAMSEY, SCOTT 4:: CO'S. PA PER PATTERNS, FOR LADIES, :MISSES AND CHILDREN, Call and see thomat N 0.37, N. Front Street. Oct., 15 '7O PRE FALL TRADE AT WILSON'S 1. Opens with the Largest Stook of Of various manufactures. The DOUBLE HEAT ERS consist of the Morning Glory, Juniata Base Burner, and the Sanford liea•er. The HEAT ING STOVES embrace the Morning Gfory, I-)car's Base Burner, Parlor Light Base Burner, the Picket, the 11-ra Id. The celebrated 1 7,-- -- - - T FIRE-PLACE HEATERS lAilll ) ,lEmbrace the Sunnysidl and Dia klogii7,,,.. ~ i wa e i l .le d , .. s t , , , , ,p , ys i t s e aga C i o n o , k 4 B ,i t tl. y e e i , ..... 1 City, Excelsior Penn. ./%Is., Agent „. 7 ..ta fogREYNOLDS & SaN'S lent - . ',,,,,” Nit CE. ' -- We do not hesitate to annual fledly recommend the above named Goods to t he trry'e, and we invite families especially, to call and examine our stock". 'lit ese go,,ds are purchased toreash, and are offered at Bargain Rates. All good- warranted. our HOUSE FURNISTIE , .:O DEPARTMENT Is well stocked, and embraces every variety and quality of Goods. Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting and Mi ning promptly and carefully tatenut.d tc. Cull at WIL S ON'S, Corner Second & Locust Sts., Columbia 0ct.1,5-70 tf. R EADIi,;G ItALL ROAD. IVINTER .A.IIItA.NOEMENTS. ',();- , J)./NY, NOV. 21sT, 1870 =I SEMIS North 1;! , ' delpilla, New Yurk, Read. nag, otts• , n le •notaalua, Ashland, :shamolcln Leuanon, Ilento—n, Eascon, Ephrata, Litlz Lancaster. Col um 1, Ta Lana leave liar •IsUurg tor NOW York", as 101- low : At 3:10 3.10 10 50 A. AL, and 2.50 P. M., eon net,tnur with similar trains on the Penusyl verif• Railroad, ^ud arriving at New lurk 10:10 A. M., :5:50, 5:30 and 10.00 P. M. respect ively. Sleeping Lars accompany the 3:10 A. 31., train • , out change. rieturning—leave New York at 9.00 A. MI. 12.00 noon and 5:01 P. .1., Philadelphia at 8.15 A.. al. and 3:30 I'. H. ~leeping Cats aceomp.iny the 5:00 P. M. t.a_raS 11010 New York without Leave Harrisburg for Reading,Pottsv 1 I 1 e, Tama qua, Mine - - -- "te Ashland. snamokin, WWII A Phadelphia, s.IU A. AL and - 2.30 alit. 4:05 e. mid stopping a t Lebanon and principal way stations; the 4.03 P. 01. train connecting tor Philadelphia, Pottsville, nod Columbia only. Pun Pottsville, Selwyn:ill Haven, and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Sus quehanna Railroad leave Harrisourg P. M East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave i.ead lag tor A Lien town„Easton and New York at 5:015, 10.3 a: in.. 12:15 IN nun and 4:45 p. m, Re turning leave New York at: :110 a. to., 12:1)0 Noon and 5:00 p. in., and Allentown at 7:40 a. np, 12245 .N nun, :4.15 4:20 and 5:45 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 A. Dl., connecting with similar train on East Penult' Railroad, returning Rom Reading at 0.20 P. M., stopping at all Stations. Leave Pottsville at U.OO A. M., and 3:10 P. M.,lierntion at 10.15 A. bl.. Shamokin at 5.40 and 11.20 A. M.,Ashland at 7.03 A. bl., auu 12.5 u Noon, Manauoy City at 7;15 a. m., and 1:45 p. Tamaqua, at 5.33 A. Si, and 2.45 e. al. air Puna.- delphni New York, heading, Harrislaug, Leave Pottsville vat senuyntill and susque- Minna hail Road at. S./5 A. M. for Harnsourg, and 1.2.110 noun jar Pine Drove and Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train, leaves Potts ville at 1.40 A. al., passes Reading at 7.30 A. Si., arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 A. AL,' eturn- Rig, leaves 2.lllladelvillit at 4:15 passes Reading at 7:25 P. M., arriving at Pottsv ine. at 9.10 P. At Pottstown Accomodation Train : Leaves Potts town at 7:00 A. 31., returning leavesPlinadelplua at. 4.00 P. AL Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 7;41 A, M., and 0.1.1 P. M., tor Ephrata, Latlz, Lan caster, Columbia, so. Perkanneu linil Road Trains leave Perknimen Junction at 7.40, U.U. A. A 1.1.00 undo:Ai P. Al. Re turning, leave .e.ilwenksv/l/e at 7:00 B.YO A. al. 12.00 A; uon,ml. 4.30 Al. continual:4,min similar trains on Reading Railroad. Colebroolidaie Railroad Trains leave Potts town at 9.40 A. Al., and 6.20 Y, M., returning leave Alonnt Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.21 A. al., connecting with similar trans on ttelicllLig Rail road. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port at 5.30 A. al., L. 0.5 and 0.U2 P. N. , 1 eturning, leave Lownlugtuwu at v. 13 A. Al., 12.40 noon, and 0.11 P. Al., cuummung \vita snunar trains cm Beading Railroad. 1,11 Leave New York at 5.00 P.M., Pluiadonatia s..uu A. Al., and All P. Al., the 0.00 A. Si. Train running only to Reading: leave Pottsville A. Al.; leave HareistAirg ;kW A. Al., and 4.05 P. 11., leave Allentown at 5.4.5 P. Al.; and Reading at 7.11 A. al., and Moo P. M. ior Harrisburg, at 5:00 A. Al. tor New York, and aL 9.4 u A. Al. end 4.211'. Al. ior Philadelplua. Ltnum elation, Allleage, .70/Isol.l, betleol tibia Excuisluti 'lie/lets to and num all poims, at re- Unceil rates. ilaggage checked through; .100 pounds alloweu G. A. :: , .:ICOLLS, Gen. .I.ll.rerill.l.eilueut. 'leading, Pa., "..N.:ov. 21st. "rm.). ESTABLISH ED IN 1851 REMOVAL JACOB HARLEY, JEWELER, Invites nis patrons and the public generally, to his New store, No. 1.120 CIIE.STN..7f ST., PULL ADELPHIA, where they will find a large and well selected stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER and PLATED NA RE, at 1%1 "del ate Prices. N, and JEWELRY carefully repaired. JEWELRY and SILVER WARE of all kinds made to order. [septa-61-tfw CONFECTIONERY ALL KINDS IN SEASON. Parties and Families supplied with ICE ORE ay the Freezer, or in Moulds, with promptness at GEO. J. SMITIPS, Adjoining the Franklin House, Locust street. P. S.—Also, a, line assortment of TOYS and Fancy Artlcles.constantly on hand. (sep4-60-clw iiiirri AT THE PROVISION' EMEI FAMILY GROCERY STORE OF MULLEN & BROTHER, ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Columbia, Fa FRESH TOMATOES, FRESH PE ACHES AND other Canned Fruits, Shaker Corn, cte TEA -- THE BEST BLACK TEA IN TEE MARKET. EXTRA REFINED SYRUP MOLASSES very cheap Relined. Sugars, Dried Fruit of all kinds Rio, Java, and Laguyra Coffee. Nowimrwm Also,FancyGroceries, Family Flour, Notions ,&c. We [Mend to keep the best Goods only, and 'lc sell as cheap as any similar store. H. MULLEN & BRO. tra_Country Produce of all kinds bought of taken in exchange for goods. [sep-.1-0-tfw ODD FELLOWS', MECHANICS', KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, and all kinclr of Society lick:alias and Palapliernalia, Manufactured to order, at E. J. EItTS3LIN'S N 0.1134 North Queen Street, Lancaster. PA sent4-694fw 13EN. ROOT. E. LEE'SLIFE. Nearly ready for publication, the biography of Gen. nobt. E Lee, by John Esten Cooke, the author of "Lite of Stonewall Jack..on," Wearing the Grey," etc. 1 vol., S vo., 310 pages, Illustrated. To be sold by subserlptlon. AGENTS WANTED. D. Appleton ez Co., Publishers, New York. ['colt-1w ATBWSPAPER ADVERTISING. A New Book of .15.4 pogo, Price 30 cis. by mail. AMER ICAN NEWS CO., New York Sebt.lo-.1 COLUMBIA FLOUR MILLS. GEORGE 130GLE, PROPRIETOR. The highest Cash prices paid for all kinds of Grain. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR for sale• also 31111 Feed of alt kinds. Wheat, Ground and Packed to order. Grist work and Chopping done. Chopped Corn and Oats. Corn Meal and GRAITAM FLOUR For Sale at all times, and delivered to any part of the town. OR-Town and country custom so licited. laep4-61)-tfw fl ET YOUR. PiiINJANG , DONE AT T LUe "SPY" Office. _DA .f ) ::.5 (JUL CAL A'. • • 11.0ZWIS IVIADITED 'OR I.A~IFS OF 111 E EIiDE" Standard and "Metal biographies 01 every mis tress .1 the nestiletitS Manslon from Washing to Grant. Superbly Illustrated on steel For area are and terms, add reas, U. S. Puismsmixo co., Nelt . York. 0v.26-1w i3:15. It nial . .s (alike on both sides. and e underfeed Shuttle :Nlaehlne solo air 14,44 11:01 $4l. ',teemed hy 1% heeler .5 Wilson, Grover O.: Baker and Singer Lt CO. All other under-feed Shuttle Maeldiws sold for less than $6O are inn iugements, and the teller and user liable to pi o,eeu don. Address JOHNSON, CLARK & CO., Boston, Mass., Pitts her:. Pa., Chleago, St, Louis, Mo. Itiviai•am AWATCH FREE for everybody and SIO per day sure. nosiness lightand Honorable. No Gift enterprise. No humbug, Ad's 11. Monroe Kennedy, Pittsburg,Pa. now:Ai-1w O'CLOCK. HS7I - LOCAL AGENTS WANTED, I want a Local Agent. In every Town and Vil lage in the Country, to canvass for Subscribers othe Er .t; sTEr:3I A MAGNIEIOENT ;i5 PREMIUM. :-T1•11-.1.. ENGRAV naz.jis sent grans to every subscriber. From St toBA can be easily made in an evening. A lib crafzash commission is allowed. Send stamp for Specimens and Prize Circular Address, nov2,t; , -4w JAMES It. Elliott, Boston, Mass. LIVE A CEOS 11-ANTnD Fon WAR OF NEW YORK 10r Social Life in the Great City, 'Wonderful developments among the nrlst,.eracy :Married Women exposed, &c. Price $3,25. Thejbest Book to sell publkhed. The best terms to Agen is ever given. Addret,s, SS, Y., Book Co. 115 Nabsuat St, new York, .110 V 213-4 w CRUMBS SWEPT UP! By n'ev. T. De NV itt Taluar•e, T E , VIOsT PI; LA rIeEAC II En NAM vit. - ICA. A tits wanted everywhere, male or fenile, to sell this great work, is better than Mark Twain, and no trouble to sell. BIG PROFITS. Send Jar terms and illustrated 12 page circular, to Evons,stoildart Co., Publisheis, No. 710 Sam som St., Philadelphia. ' nov2o,w GETTING UP CLUBS. Great Losing to (2, o uSill ens Parties enquire now to get up clubs Our an steer 1-, send for Price List, and a club form will aecompany it with lull directions,—making I..rue saving to consumers and remunerattve t Club lzers. DIE GREAT AMEH:CAI TEA n, 31 33 VESEY STREET, P. O. Box NEW YORK. n0v.26-Inc BOOK AGENTS MAKE SSA to S2OO per 'AI girth by selling GREAT FORTUNES 1 AND Ilt.W TIIRY WaitE MADE. l3y J. lb Mc- Cabe, Jr. Now, fresh and original. Profusely il.ust tat eel and ti autifully bound It shows how a poor school-master made F , 0,000.000; how a poor half-blind sailor became a great !sinker a butcher's app , entice tile wealthiest man In America, an unknown mechanic a millionaire in seventy years, with many more such exam ples, how energy, talent, and patient industry have always met with success when properly exerted; how money can he made honestly and without sacrifice of principal. Send for circulars etc., and notice my ..xtra terms UEO. MAC LEAN, PUBLISIIER.7IO: - Imsom nov2o-4w TRY - WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. An unfailing remehy for all Bronchial Coughs. Colds, llorseness, Asthma, l)ip thia•ia, Dryness 01 the Throat or Wind Pipe and all Catarrhal diseases. The wonderful modern discovery of Carbolic Acid, is destined to become one of the greatest - blesines to mankind in its application to diseases of the throat, and its great curative qualities in all aMctions of the Chest and Lungs. Dr. Wells' Carbobe Tablets, besides the great remedial agent Cat &Ate Acid contains other Mg, cdients universally recom mended, which chemically combine, producing a more highly medicinal and better adapted for disease, of the throat titan any preparation ever before offered to the public. For Coughs and Colds, Well's Carbo ic Tablets are a sure cure. Try them, Sold by all Druggists. dee 17-4 w MONEY QUICKLY MADE. by netiveinen nod women gettingsubseriptlons for the great religious and literary weekly The Chrusuan Union, edited by HEe+RY WARD BEECI-lER. Having in its corps of Contributors the ablest talent of thP land. A charming serial story by tile world-famous authoress of " UNct.E Tom's CABIN, just begun. Every subscriber for 1871 rec.•tees the paper for weeks, and the peo ple's tavorite,MAßSllALL's WASHINGTON, (alone worth Fasa.:. This new and unequalled combination is taking like wild-tire. All are doing, well, many nal,king from HU to HO a day. There is positively nothiug that will pay you so well. Copy of paper, chapter of story , and rare terms FREE, address A. H. HUBBA.RD. Ott Chestnut street, Phi hatieiph ia. - deo 17-I.v WANTED—AGENTS—To sell our new 111ustra -11 Led Book of rravels OVERLAND THROUGH ASIA. • By Col. Thomas ‘V. Knelt. A eurnprehenalve and valuable exposition oft he coun tries of Alas- Siberia, China and Russia as they are to-day. Matching our Richardson's "Beyond the Missis sippi," and Mark Crain s "Innocents abroad" lu btyle, 6.e. Send for circulars and see our ex tra term-,, Address AMERICAN PUBLISIL (NG CO., Harttor , Conn. des 17-4 w IIEA-NECTA It. A PURE CHINESE BLACK TEA With Oxeen Tea Flavor. Warranted to Suit all Tastes. For Sale everywhere. And for sale Wholesale only by the GREAT ATLANTIC 41t. PACIFIC TEA CO. I'. u. 80x...533.t0. I Church Si. SEND FOR TUBA-NECTAR CIRCULAR. dee 17-4 w AGENTS . tie' tißeEd. f 3:t r n i a l'. .a.s 6 l A% 'l3 B = 1 4 , 1 ,1 3 ' . Written in the Antivp's happiest style, and sur passing his former works, which have sold by the 10,0011. With Original Seel Engravings from designs by our Arrest who has spent three years in Bible Lands. The Clergy and the Press are loud in Its praise. Agents are making mon ey rapidly, E. 13. TREAT & CO., Pub's 05153 oad way, N. Y. dee 17-1 w ARAIER'S HELPER—Shows how to double the prollts ui the tam, and how farmers and t hen* sons um make inUO PER MONTH in Win ter. 104.6 Copies will he mailed flee to Far mers. :mend name and address to ZIEGLER & MeOURDY, Philadelphia, Pa. [dee 17-11. A(. ENTa WANtill FOR FREE LOV . AND ITS VOTARIES by Dr. John D. Ellis, Large Sales, Immense notits. Stupendous r Velattons and standing dlsclosurc!.. The whole subject quickly laid here and its nideousness exposed to universal execration. Written in the interests of (Avid- Christianity and Public Morality. Send for circulars au , terms. U.S. Publishing Co., 411 Broome st., New York. dee 174vr 1 WAS CURED OF DEAFNESS AND CA TARREL by a simple remedy and will send the script free MRS. M. C. NEGGET, ("co 17- w Jersey City, N. J. Val required. Aduress NOVELTY. CO., Saco, Me. ' dee 17-1 w A LES EN WANTED. El IM , lness honorable. No competition, liber al paygiven. S. W. KENNEDY, S South 4th street. Philaddphia dee 940 MADE FROM 50 CEN IS ' 4 ,,ontething urgently needed by everybody. Call and examine, or samples sent (postage) paid for 50 cents that retell ea•ily for $lO. It. L. WooLeom 1,1 Chatham N. Y. 'dee 17-4 w 100,000 Vaa Athl other best Book In the Market. MeKtxxEy fi MAxerrs, INS Chestnut Street, Phil idelphia • dec 17-1 w AGENTS WANTED FOR Including Manhood. womanhood, and their mutual Interrelatim s, Love, its laws, power, by Prof. O. S Fowler. Send fur circulars anti specimen pages. Address NATIONAL PUB LISHING CO., Philadelphia. dee 17-4 w • SCEIOOL Will open on Monday morning next, and all Scholars must be provided with the necessary SCHOOL BOOKS, COPY BOOKS, SLATES, INK, PEN HOLDERS, PENS, SCHOLAR'S COMPANIONS, And all Rinds of BODES Used in our. Public and Private Schools. The pupils of the Select Schools, of the Insti tute, or the Borough Schools, of the Selp•ols in the surrounding townships and towns are in vited to call • Wright's Cheap Book Store. And make desirable purchases. School Directors, Teachers, Parents, Scholars, Country Dealers. and crcrybody are invited to examine our stock. DibCOMIG to Directors and Teachers. POCKET BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, CAP, LET- TER, NOTE AND BILL PAPER, Always on hnnd at - NNTRIG-I-I'T'S, No. 262 Locust Street, COLII:St BTA, PFNIVA e i EORGE BOGLE, DEALER IN LUMBER Or ALL DESCRIPTIONS Unice—Front Street, between Locust and Union, COLUMBIA. AD VE,ftlIS EMI!: NI'S. 11011 ER, COLLIDAV • & CO. 1870. Our Dr portal tons fur the !presen L :Season ARE .NOW COMPLETE. Notw I thstrur. tng the great dllli cul t los conse quent on the European war to obtain C,•olve French Fabrics :or our Pall trade, it c are na bled by placing our o ilers early and thr,mr.b our extensive connections in Europe, LO oiler an unusually large number of l'; E 11 7 P -1 . .13 R I C,B And we would call particular attention to our superb assortment in great. N'ariely of textures NEW CLOTH COLORS, iiov2G-Ilv Walking Costumes, As it will be impossible to replenish our most clesintbie textures in t 1215 mortiet, we respeetfully; EARLY INSPECTION. BLACK SILKS Of known'inakes.;ln all:prices and qualities WHITE SILKS AND SATINS FO EnDI COLORED SI Laz s In every cittallty—r.s.:cw-Uolors Costumes de y"...D.Ta.,cre, In all tb newest styles :and fabrics Mourning Department .7.% replete, with every variety of texture:suitable SSA - \ 7 V - S , or re ry uniity and style, both 'fin , Nrarm and use, and also in elegant fur Fall drehs, rtqw3o4.l[o4A We shall take no advantage of the scarci ty of desirable goods, but shall continue to sell our stock:at ta MODERATE ADVANCE 1412 & 1414 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA. .0 , ..1- f CABINET WARE MANUFACTORY. The Subscriber having lately put up new ware-r, oms, and greatly increased his business, can offi r better inducements to his customeres than ever. WINDOW SHADES, MIRRORS, &C., IN ALL He manufactures to nvier, and will keep con stantly on hand, Dressing, Plain and Fancy Bureaus, Sideboards, Sofas, Card, Dining and Centre Tables, Common, Fancy and French Bed steads; all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. As be manufactures bis own work he is enabled-to warrant every article to be what it is represented. CHAIRS! CHAIRS!! CHAIRS!! ! All kinds of chairs kept on land or inan . u . lactun ed qo order. Cane, Windsor, Arm and Rocking Chairs Settees, Camp tral Connie.' Stools,Sofas, Tete-u Tetes and Stuffed Seat Chairs, made to order. Old chairs repainted and repaired- UNDERTAKING. Funerals will be attended to with promptness, to which he gives his personal attention. He it, prepared with ice boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, as may be required. .MAHOGANY OR WALNUT COFFINS, Furnished plain or tinted in any style that may be required. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, as well as a continuance of the custom with which he SHENBERe bas been liberally GEß favored. , South side of Locust street, between Second and Third. isepti-69-tiw LAMES' FANCY FURS. JOUN FAREIRA, 718 ARCH STREET, Middle of the Block, between 71h and Sth Sts., south side,; PHILADELPHIA, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds and quality of FANCY FURS FOR LADIES.• and CHILDREN'S WEAIt. Having enlarged remodeled and improve, our old and favorably - known FUR ENIPO MUM and having imported a very large and splendlc assottment of all the different kinds 01 Fur, !rein tirst hands in Europe, and have bad them made up by the most skillful workmen, I %voilld respectfully invite my friends of Lancaster and adjauent Counties, to call and examine my very large assortment of Fancy Furs, for Ladles anti children. lam determined to sell at as /ow prices as any other respectable House in this e ty. All Furs Warranted. No misrepresenta tions to effect sales. JOHN" FA REIRA. 718 Arch Street, Plilladelpota Oct. 22,70.3 m ►i ANHuOII: HOW LOST, HOW ItEsTOßlill II 1 Just published. a new edition of Dr. Culver well's Celebrated Essay oh the radical cure (without medicine) 01 Sperm:aortic:ea or Weak- Impotency, Menial and Pnysterti Incap-e -ity; Impediments, etc. ; also Consumption, Epi lepsy, and r'its,induced by indulgence or extrav agance. AQ)- Price, in a scaled envelope, only six cents. Tile celebrated author, in tills atlauramable r•ssay, clearly demonstrates, front a thirty years' successful pravtiew, that the alarming conse quence of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use 01 internal medicine or the application ot the knife; pointing out a mode 01 cure at once simple, certain, and effect ual, by rfleal.h of Which every suffeier, no mat ter what his condition may may cure him self cheaply, privately, and radically. Ka-Thi. Luau: e snout l be nt the hands of every youth and every in n in Lau land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on teccipt six cents or two post stain ps. Alh(), Dr. Culverw elPs "Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the Publisher, CHAS. J. C. KLINE S; CO., dee 17-3 y 127 Dowely New York' P 0. 13ox 47.411 HOLIDAY, BRIDAL —AND— Birthday Gifts. Parian & Lava Ware. LACQUERED at INLAID, MESE AND JAPANESE CIIIIIO3ITIES. A Fresh Invoice of Cheap Decorated China Tea Sets. FIRST CLASS GOODS, LOWEST CASH PRICES. Tyndale, Mitchell & China Glass Queensware. 107 V 7 Chestnut Street, Philada. den3.4w G REAT BARGAINS. ANOTHER ARRIVAL —AT— .A.-NA_ E R' S J.. 137 N. FRONT ST, The undersigned takes pleasure to invite his friend., and the public generally, to examine his large and well selected assortment of MEN'S, BOYS', AND CIIILDREN'S READY-MADE - CLOTHING: Which he offers at very now PioeaS. FURS! FOR LADIES AND MISSES, BOOTS & SHOES, Hats and Caps! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. .S:e. sepL4-70 D. ILLNADER , S. Nos. 135 - .5.:. - 3137 NORTH FRONT STREET. The latest style. for for ?ramming Wear STY LL'S CLUTIf 11Y U. TT IS A FACT T. Capable ol ocular demonstration, that the prices of Cloths, ta,sunere,, Heady-Made Clothing and Furnishing GOIAS, are less than one-half what they were during the war, at the Merchant Tailoring establishment of S. S. RATIIVON, Comer North Queen nal Stu,ets, opposite Singer's hotel , Lancaster, Pm 'Fhb, is the oldest establi•diment m this line of trade in Lancaster county. and is selling, at this time, line Moscow, lisquimaux, and common Beaver t Iverconts Isom $l5 to .•: , 21); Common Union Beavers from $lO to 515; Common Union: Beaver Business Suits Irma $l2 to $.15; Good Cas simere Suits iron 510 to 520, and line qualities trom $2.3 to $3O. A tew suits on hand as low as $lO. Cloths ' Cassnneres and Trimmings as low as they can be obtained anywhere else, and sold by the yard to those who may wish to have limn made at home, or elsewhere. Overcoats, Mess Coats and Business Suits made to-order with dispatch, and in the best and most fashionable manner, as the customer may desire. All kinds of cutting and repairing done at reasonable prices, An entire new stock got up for the Fall and Winter trade of 18ti8 and h 469, and manufactured in the city of Lancaster. It would be to the interest of the public to call and realize that " /T IS A FACT." S. S. RATI{ VON, sent-CO-Mil Merchant Tailor and Clothier. MiSCEILANEOUS. WOOD WARD'S wiI.OLESALE AND RETAIL MUSIC STORE, O. ?2 WEST KING STREET. PIANOS, ORGANS, :WEI,ODEONS vioLIN Bows, CELLO 13oWS, ACCOItI LIONS, PLIT7 LNAS, CON CI:I:TINA." TAITIIOM NES. GUI'FA FLAG E.OI.ET. ILA ICA OIL ICA S, C3.AI'I'IsIIS, DRUMS. I , FLU DI, THIANCLEs, TLINI:sa PORES, PITCH PIPES, )IUSIE BuXES, FOLIO.s, MUSIC nuii. Piano and Melodeon Covers, Piano and \t clo deons Stools, trings of all klnps, edieei. Music Mode BooEs, Mule Papers, and ever) descrip lion of a u,1.t.;.a.L AlliitCHAN DI SE. .An Orders tilled promptly at the usual Wholesale or Retail PrieCti, and sattsfactioa Guaranteed. 4"i) Tuntn., and renalring prom pi ly attended to A. W. \% OODWA RD, dre4. 69-tfl No. 22 West Klug St., Laneast MEI= DEALERS IN LUMBER & COAL, BALTIMORE: COMPANY. And all the best Quality of STOVE COAL. BUILDING LUMBER Of all kinds, sold and delivered on cars, the LOWEST MARE ET RATES. Hemlock, White Pine, Weatherboarding, Joie°, Scantling, &e., suitable for all kinds 01 Building purposes. LOCUST POSTS! CUERRY, POPLAR, ASH, PICKETS, LATh, SHINGLES, do All orders by mall mil receive the :,uiue at tention as though the appifention be made n •terson. COCPER fi PEART, k.ep.4-1 9-t fwl Front St.. Ciolumbin COAL. TIIO,KAS & MASON. COLTINZata, 51anufacturers at Lock Haven, Pa., and Whole sale Dealer:, to WHITE PINE. LIEM LOCK AND S OAK LI B ER. FLOORING, SIDI NG, L. PAHANG, Liz COAL! Special attention paid to Coal 'Dade. Lest brands always on hand, and sold at the loss est market price. Orders for shipment promptly tilled. _ _ _ THOMAS & MASON, ewlum bia, Pa rnayl4 '7O-Iy COAL! COAL!! C CIL II Lill' IN YOH 'WINTER SUPPLY. The subscriber is now prepared to furnish the best qualdies I ANTHRALITE t 0 • L for STOVES, GRATES and FURNACE purposes. Having laid in a large stock at the lowest prices, We an., prepared to give our cost niers Coal at gleat advantage. The fallowing first-class Coals we now offer for sale: PRESTON, PHIL'A. COAL CO., PLANK RIDGE, HICKORY sITA FT, EaT LEI-11GB , BALTIMORE CO., PINE Uit.OVE, SHAMOKIN, LYKENS VALLEY, ALSO TIIi WEST LEEI WIZ NUT, For Ease-burning and Self feeding stores. All Coals sent out are clean and lice train impuri ties. irr-i - SM ALL NUT COAL AT 3.50 PER TON. Call and ex - amine the different prices of Coal. Coal Yard oppmite Baclunan's Pluming Mill, Front street, Columbiara. SCOTT PAT G ON. COAL ! COAL !! COAL! PRICES REDUCED. COAL SOLD BY cAn. LOAD, GROSS WEG FIGT WITH 100 LBS. THROWN IN. AT MINERS' PRICES, AT LOWEST El ()ÜBE'S. ILF. rurusErt s: CO., columl)in, Pa. e jßliWhit, " Wholesale and Retail Dealer In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Wines & Liquors, O. I.IS Locust Street, COLUMBIA. PA His a CUL of Pure and unadulterated WINES AND LIQUORS Cannot be excelled. ills stork embraces lb o fol lowing : Port, Lisbon, Cherry, 111,uleria, Malmra, etutinpagne, Claret, Rhine. lackburty, Elite, berry, Currant •md Muscat WIA ES. COGNAC, OF DIFFERENT BRANDS Also, OLD RYE WHISKEY and BRANDTES of a.ll kinds Blackberry Jamaica Spirits Catawba u Cherry, Ruin, Superior Ulu riy e, Pure Ul.. It e, XXX _nu Rye, X.X ULi ..Ve X Old Rye, Pure Olii ltve, Munungallela, Reclined Vi'nu•hy,Lonilun Brown Stout. Scotch Ale, &e., &e., AGENCY FOR MALT AND (In 11 Agent for the PURE MALT VINEGAR Cannot be purchased at any other establish ment in town, and Ir warranted to keep la one and vegetables perfect. J. C. BUCHER'S, No. 11S Locust Street, Columbia Oct. 2, '7O-tt READ TEES! Lazarus ~.CD - Morris' CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES That they render impaired sight clearer and dis tinct; strengthen aunt preserve the eye; are very easy and pleasant to wear, and last many years w I thout nage being necessary, , o that in the end they are the cheapest as well,as-the best. NOTICE% that Mr. Chas. SchrelnVe.Watch maker 'and Jeweler, Front s .. eeL, is our sole agent in Columbia, Pa. Lazarus fi Morris. Manufacturing ripticians Hartford, Conn. sept4.'69-ttw NEW porr Elt Y. he undersigned have opened up g Pottery In I,lbow Lane, between Binh and -ixth sign of the 13114 Jug. whun• they will 1111 all-or ders in this line of busting , . The patronage of • WESLEY. SWEEZ , TY & BRO. INSURANCE CO At Pet N ES Fire in su ranee Co., Insures BUILDINGS, NIERCiffiIsIDESE, and other I roperty agolest. Loss and Damage by Fire, on the stook or Mutual Ilamox AS REASON AEL TEEMS AS 01111,1 t lIESPONSI ISLE COMPA NIES. President—S. S. DETwILER: 17c , .! Preni WILSON. Scei eary—J. F. FULTRA UFF. ' mg/i . e.-11E1W ERT 1:110Mid1.; S. S. Detwiler, 11. 'Wilson, J. B. Rachman I:Obert (Iran", Pat ton, M. M. Strickler Herbert rr, onzas, Robes t Ryon, Jas A Brunerjr., J. S. Striae, J. F. Frueaull. For Insurance or Agencies apply by mail, or in person, to .1"4 P. FRITEAUFF, Columbia, Pa. VARMERS' _MUTUAL FIRE LNSUR -'r Insures on the Cash, Mutual or Perpetual Rates H. KRABEIt, President D. STRICKLER, Secretary. sept4-P9-thvl GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE IN— SURANCE COMPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA. Capital .'00,001.1 S eeurltics "i:10,0(r) a hi:. company continues to lake risk's on good property, at rates as low as any other Incti Com pany, anti consistent with prudence. Policies issued for long it short terms, or per manently. Looses promptly paid. All claims adjusted Wlthollt litigation or delay. This Cant ina*. refers to the past ass guarantee of its future conduct. TI-IOS. CRAVEN, I'res't A. S. GILLETT, Vice-PreAdent. JAs. ALVORD, :,iecrutatry. 'F. N. ZIEGLER, Agent Front St above Walnut, Columbia, Pa bey TNSViLVNCE (20.3.11 ) ANY of NOBTII i°ll ILA D.ELPHIA, 1 Ncrtr. ; Al lill tbait ez Perpetual. Ass-ETS. Jan. 1 , Ib7u—e2,7B3JsSoA. sai X: —over all Instil a Tice against loss or diunage by fire on eiehandize, Furniture, - tor long or short periods, or permanently on Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. The prompt payment 01 losses tor a period of SEVENTY years, nRw ds a guarantee of claun upon public road- Bence. AnTituß 0. COFFIN, Pres't. eitinrins PLATT, SC:eY. LYRENS VALLEY F. R. ZIEGLI‘z.A.V.III,, Front. Street, above Walnut, Columbia, Pa •eot-69-2rwi D ELAVVAR E MUTUAL Life Insurance Company, OF IV 11. :%1 I is: GT O'N, I) I; LA 'WARE J, Hz: P. aI . LEAR, Prest N. TI: a-net & (Yee:sin& Streets, PHI LA DELPII L. Gm. NV. STosE, Vice President and Mnnager. Cigo. F. Tut.: , l , n, G. neral Agent nut! Attorney. PURELY JIUTU.AL. LOW PRICES. All Co .I , :en-forfelting after One Annual .I.;,yment. ttecont rood tint] oonsistent - with Salety ed to Policy holders. 1:10.10, etn)ltllbtlq; lull t o 101'll MI ion eon CPI - 71172g tLe I, l ltll , : Ind ltul of the COMlnitly scut free Upon ilpniletatit,ll to Cho (..ntlecb. Agent::, wanted throughout, the States of "renn sy Vidal c atlcl N w Jert.ey. crt:e.t..:•.cts (I.y pernsis,ioni—l-lon. E. 7 .7 titlln n, Chi el .Ite-tlee state of Delaveare; 110 n. Tito, P. liayarcl U. S. senator Irmo Delaw-re - la. Rev. Allred Lee, liish, p of Delhware; Gen 11,m y Do Pont, Powtit; :Alanumeitirer; Bun. Gov. son 11.1.a»,v, (Mr. sinie w Pei:me:me; the cresitleots of all the Banks in the City of Wil mington • lloh. .1. s.',Mine, 'Mayor Cit.) 01 Wlllti L 11441011. July2:l DEI.IA.R-UI'IIY OF MAKRIAGE A :New course el Leclui es, 0.9 delivered at t:,O Penna. Polytt elin 10 and Anatomical 1:2(15 Chestnut , do ee doors above Twelfth einbi icing the suliji Ilow to Live and What to Llvelor; 1 m ilt, 3.1. l only and Old Age: Manhood Genefally Iteview ed ; The 11.1100 of lialige,tion; Plat ulenee and nervous lli,eiLses aceounied ltor ; nage Ph looot !ilea ly coni,idered. Thecc lent ores will ho forwarded On retold of 2.3 et ne. by add rendntt: Seci elary of the Veil nx. Polylrchaic and Anatomical fil use um, l'o3 Chestnut. bt., Phila., Pa. [junelS-Iy. CI US( 4JEILANN-A. IRON COMI'AN REFINED AND DOUBLE REFINED Car Axles, Shafting and Horse Shoe Bars. 'Orders promptly idled front Stock on hand or made to order. Terms, net Gash, at Manufacturer's prices, de li_vered on Cars or Boats. Otte° at their Opt 1-69-cr 17) B. B. )IA NTT N, /11:1:BEHT THOMAS., J.NO. 5. MASON' B. B. - MARTEN Columbia, Lancaster cu., Pa., Manufitcturers at Beech Creek, Clinton co., Pa., and Wholesale Lumber Dealers, WIDTE PINE, HEIM LOCK, POPLAR, WL ANUT, ASH, pLooßi NG, SIDEING, NVEA'I H BOAR US, RICKETS. LA 111:4 PDX BOA LIDS. Sc . ERCHANT TAILORIN4.3. sept 1.'70 1 No. IZI LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, Has opened in the room thrtnerly occupied by I'. S. MeThgne, n fell Mock of FRENCii, zumI:ICAN SCOTCH CIAJTH!,, Which he k prepnred to make up in as good Sty M and Fashion ns can be made in New York or Philadelphia. He invites all to call and examine h!s stock, which, he k possalve, cannot, be excelled In Colombia. The e,..tabliQhment is designed exclusively for lie:Thant. Tailoring, and the undivided atten tio❑ of the Proprietor will be devoted to his business. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Of all kinds, and of SUPERIOR QUALITY, al ways on band. liemember the oh adage, that money saved Is money earned. Call and be convinced that you can Saxe emir money by purehashm at the Y exclusis e Merchant Tailoring Establish ment in Columbia. [OOlll-0- lof Saws ! Saws ! ! Saws ! ! ! Axes.. Fifes. Cast Steel, Mill Fur tgisk.asigs, :and Machin ry• cal Ge.l 11W 1112 , 1,t ;ley will prove the cheap , St. .P.t ream:rd. i-iend tor Prtcc Libt and En= (1.5 I , IR-1' PRIZE MED,: LS AWARDED ".."---...--,:‘ -.'. I