CI 0 CI Eil S. W. YOCUM, Editor. VOLUME 111, NUMBER 9.1 THE COLUMBIA SPY, :MUNI'S OF SUL'SCRIPTION WLE.HILY, IP) per year, If paid In advance; six months,Sl If not paid until the expiration of the Year, .V. 50 will be charged. o=l No piper will be discontinued until all arrear- RgeS are paid, unless at the option of the editor. Advertisements not under contract, must be marked the length of time desired, or they will De continued and charged for until ordered out. Special Notices 2. per cent, more. All Notices or Advertlsments in reading mat ter, under ten lines, .51.00; over ten lines, 10 cts. per line, minion type. Yearly Advertisers discontinuing their adver tisement,: before the expirtstion of the year, will he charged at full rat rs as above, or according to contract. Transient rates will be charged for all matters of rdaling strirflo In flicir Imstnem. All advertising will be considered CASTE, after t:r.t nsertion. ATTORII : EVS AT LAW. E. CrAS.r. .1. STETZZMETZ CAST A: STEINMETZ, Co. 41 NORTH DUKE ST., LANCASTER, PA. F. ESH LE3I AN, (fMllee with Eon. I. E. Hiester,) soRTH DUKE ST., LANCASTER, PA reh2t3 I plll LIP D. BA KER, No. II NC“LTLI DUKE ST., LANcA. , :asrt, PA. t J. IZAUTFMAN, irtlct loft, mrvta to Laneanter and adjoining an nue,. Bounty, Bark Pay, and all claims a‘ii , t Lilt: govern moot promptly prosecuted. /.:10i.—No. 23 , , Locust street. 1 'S YOC UM, ?/ A r ifORNEY-AT-LAW AND NOTARY HUM CO LE; 31 131 A, PA. FI CE—: 4 l.l" lhikhiig, Bald: Stree', near LC Collections made in Lancaster and adjoining 1 - I Ei'.•; KY C. 0 REI3ER, .--4 ..No.TIS Washington street, near Sixth, Reading, Pa. Collections made In Iterks and adjoining counties. NoitTii, Columbia, Pa. Collections promptly ;mule in .i.Jalicaster and cork. Counties. r_rIIOINIAS J. DAVIS, Attorney-at-Law & Notary Public, No. 14 North Doke Strect, Lancaster. Pa. P 1 taw...stoma Paistness earelully and prompt ly' at tended to. Coetairtt9-tt P. ROSESMILLER, JR., ATTORNEY-AT-LA W OFPICE.—No. 5 Court Avenue, Lancaster, Pa JOHN M. GRIDER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, SCRIVENER, 41:c. Mounts - lllc, LancastPr County, Pa. office Promo Lo S o'clock, A. and 7 to 9 o'clock, P. M. M . CLARK, -JUSTICE, OF THE „PEACE. OPTICE—No. 12 S. Thirtl , street. ()Mee o:n t to 7 A.M. 12 to 1 P. M., Ant/ front ti to M. [sepl-69-tfw SAMUEL EVANS, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Oftlc%, on &Tor.) St., adjoining Odd renews Hall, Columbia, P.. D ENTAL SURGERY J. S. SMITH, DENTL,r Graduate of Pennsylvania College or Dental Surgery. Unice No. 21U Lotan,t Streit 2od door :above Odd Fellows' Mal. Columbia, Peun'at S Smith thanks libt friends and the pub lic in general for ti let r liberal patronage in the past, :LW I assuring thelll that, they can rely upon navtng every attention given to them in the future. In every branch of his procession he has ale ays given entire satistietion. lie calls anent ton to the unsurpas,sed style and finish of artiticial teeth inserted by hurl. lie treats diseases common to the mouth and teeth of children and adults. Teeth tilled with the great est care and la tee most. 11..pprOVL.,1 manner. Aching teeth treated and tilled to last for years. The best of dentrinces tund won th ea , lies eon stanW on hand. N. 11.—All work 'c.f.i.:fated. sepl-el 13w .1. S. SMITH. D. P. S A J. GU-LICK, SUM; EON DENTIST, Extraels witn nit Nitrous Oxide or I n u , ghing. Otr uduuni, tared. or r ..Ik3 LI) ,ALS . I . ST RE.ET • bt• B C. C.NS.ELD, Te;.101IE11. OF .NIUSIC P 1 l : \ ~.) ORGAN, MELODEON. CULTI VAI lON of the VOICE anti SINUING. ript,,,,,tt att.-talon go. en Beginner , Ultd young sept.-1-63-tyW '1:1 LOGUSi sTit.E.Er r Z. HOFFER, DENTIST. itrous Oxide Gas aibuinibtered in the extrae aIIiMMI Office— Front Street, next door to It. Willi:du , Y)ru4 Store, between Locust and Waluut street, !iota mtna Pa. . PAYSICIAN 6: SURGEON; ibrers his professional services to the citizens of Columbia and vicinity. lie may be found at the oince connected with his residence, on Second Ntr,)::t. between Cherry and Union, every day, from 7 toll A. M., and trout 6 to BP. M. Persons wisolug its services in special cases, between these hems, will lea,,e word by note at has office, or through the post Office. -4 0 EA.!. ESTATE AL4 EIN Cy. Tne undersigned haNe oponed oilier for tile purchase and axle of real estal 0, collection of rents, and the renting of property Itttsloe.s entrusted to their rare Will meet. 141/ !amnia and caret ttl attention. F. X. ZIEC; (let:10-'644Q A. J. ICA.LIFFM.Ar:i. BIJILDEit. AND UniERS is - uildlng. paving and other bile:: always on hatid. They nre hand tuck and MI PertOr to :any ` ,, rlek In this part or the country. They are or- Nita , du, Very lowest price. •- t fw I 'O 4-0 • MICHAEL LIPIIART. ADIE;! LADIES ! L READ! READ! The undersigned havin: bought tile entire stocti of LADIES' BOOTS kt In the Store R 00.31 formerly cat: Led On by JANIE.S SHROE'DE,I, No. 1 S LOCUST STREET. COLU.MBIA, Is now ready to sell all kind , LADIES' BOUTS S. UAITEB I , AIISSES' BOOTS & GAITDIiS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS S GA IT Erts. As cheap as any other stand in Columbia. La dies' Boots and Gaiters made to order. Repairing of all kinds neatly done. Don't forget the place. Give ns June IS-isia-ti.) A. G. GUILES. 1107ll:L S. "CONTINENTAL,' THIS HOTEL IS PLEASANTLY LOCATED, b Lween the Stations of lne newtwig aun Col um and Pennsylvania Railroads, FRONT STREET, COL UM 131 A, PA. Ample acoomnaxiationh for Sl.ranger, a n d Tray eters. Thetis:: Is sus:Aced with CHOICE LIQ UDEN, And. the Tables furnished with the best fare. U1tl.:01. FINDLEY, Proprietor. sep4-60-tfw) ItANEILIN 110 USE, 12 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA, PA. This is a first-class hotel, and Ls in every respect adapted to meet. the WibilCS and desires of the traveling. public. sepl-70 Proprietor. REN CH'S HOTEL, On the European Plan, opposite Clty Hall Park New York. FitENCH, Sept. 19.18 V . Pronrlvtor. ri YOUlt DU.NE I, v ibe "SPY" 'Office. :‘ $"" : ,:. .... ,-,.... . , . ... , .. • . • • ... ..., • • ..• • _ , • ,• ... .. . , •. - , ~ .• . • .._. , . ... •, - 4 , .. , !• - -...„ .. • -. . „ .. '';''',..: •.:;f1: ',./...... II ''',4i '' ' ''' ' '':; ,, ,';', i.'','!' . ' ':"..'..: . 1. , -. . .„ . .. -.. . .... . .... ...! . ' , :',2 4 . • : . . • . . ''.,' ,', 7 ". • =.,::. ...,:; ~. ~,-..-. . , . i:;..11!,,c.n.,',": ~...-... .I. : .. • - 1- - "'S, ' - 1 1 ..:.' '. : _. . ' 2,F, , r :AI „• :: !4 .4 ..„ ....--............. dr ' 1 '-............4 • , ,•:,,•• - , .. '.... i . ".• h .;-7 7 . .. ' L'•!t•','', •:•.-:: ..A ( ' ' • • - f ....,,,...........,,..., ~i....,....r..,. •.....,...... .... . „...: :„...,.... ...,,,,..:_ . ~ , lIIISCELLANEOUS. NO. 13 SHREINER'S FIVE CENTS 'Where you can buy a first rate AMERICAN, ENGLISH OR SWISS BEAUTIFUL SETS OF JEWELRY, HAND SOME BREAST PINS, EAR RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, and almost everything In the jewelry rne I= Or you can purchase FINE SILVER AND SILVER PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, KNIVES CASTORS, GOBLETS, ICE PITCUERS. BUTTER. DISHES S.c. &c. you can buy any kind of AMERICAN CLOCK, warranted of the best quality, at a low figure CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Sepilwtf I No. 13 Front. St., Columbia, Pa MEE B. KEVINSKI, " • DEALER IN PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS G ER ILLY. A large assortment of Violin , , Flutes, Guitars, Banjo, Tambormes, Accordeon,, Files, Har monicas, out musical murchamlibe always on hand. SHEET MUSIC. A large stock On hand, and constantly receiving all Lie latest public, lions as soon as issued. Music and Musical Books will be sent by midi free of postage, when the market price is remit ted. DACALCOMANIA, Or the Art of transferring Pictures. C n be transferred on any object. I would call special attention of the Coach makers to my stock of llacalcomania. STEINWAY & SON'S PIANOS, PRINCE Le. CO'S., .L• NEEDHAM C SO` :S CELEHRA t e,,D ORGANS AND MELODEONS. Sole Agent for Stoll's Unrivaled PIANO FORTE ANDFURNITUREPOLISIL Call and examine my stock al NO. 3 NORTH HENCE STIaI,,T, if ASPE R, GREEN t 7 Designer A: Engraver on iSrood. CoLUAIBIA, PA. Is prepared to execute Views of Buildings, Ma chinery, Bill Heads, Posters, Labels, Sc., in the neatest and most expeditious manner, at rea sonable rates. BOOK AND NEWSPAPER ILLUSTRATIONS Executed In the Highest Style of Art. may:N*7o4 f WATER PROOFS ! WATER PROOF WRAPS. We have Water Proof Cl , ths from SSc. to 1k,2.50 bought by the ease from linst hands. Selling, price ba.sted on one small profit, only. WATER-PROOF CLOAKS. SLIAWL SUITS.... SERGE SUITS. BLACK SUITS. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. _ _ haNMorg;mlzed a most efilcient Fine Suit and Dress Making Department. From our greatly enlarged DRESS GOODS stock, ladies can make their selections and have them made up promp'ly, economically, and in a s'_-'e to please the most fastidious. Just opened new, SILK POPLINS, xtooLSERGES, FRENCH MERINos, New open, by tar the largest and most elegant stock 01 SII:INVIS and at the most moderate pri ces We ha, ev, r had. It comprises in part, P.% I 41. EY ,IJAW LS, DRUCHE , BAWLS, , I'ATION INDIA, EvEttsi BLE VELOUR. O rrom EN STRIPE, NOVEL WOOLEN, LONG- AND SQUARE, dx. FBl , lOllB 11110 S 01 CaSilltereSJOW to driest make. cloakings °revery desirable kind made. The Woolen Stuck Is nut excelled in town. COOPER & CONAItU, 5, E. Corner Ninth and Market Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Oct.B-70-ly STEAM COACH WORKS. CEIRISTIAN MYERS, COLUMBIA STE-1.1 COACH WORKS! REMOVED TO Nos. 9, 11 AND 13 NORTH Stli STREET. The earrtages, Buggies, tc., made at these Work:4, are equal in beauty and durability to any other make In the county. COACH REPAIRING, This brunch of the business will be attended to with punctuality and despatch. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGE-'4, Wagons, itc., for sale or male to order. Call at the Work.: No. 9. 11 13 North Filth street and examine the stock and prices. seps-09-tfw OPEN! OPENING! OPENED! TILLS DAY, THIs WEER' AND UNTIL FURTHER ORDERS, B EINEM A N'S 128 Llteust Street, 1.A11131.:r7T ST0:1: OF HATS AYD CAPS, For Men, Youth :iod Children, ever before Enter ed to the people 01 Columbia, comprising as it 110eS, Sn. LE and QUA MTV ui son, and stltl brim, such as the W r arwick, Ida Lewis, Sinbad, it nice Arthur, American Girl, Elute, PeerlesS, Lady Th ,i,i, Itowing, Itnr, Culal 11, Waverly; Roy. and the Fall style of Sill: flab:Just out, together with a lull stork of GENTS' FURNISHIN`G 0001)8, Cons'idlng of White and Colored Shirts, Flannel Shirts and Drswers, English, German and Do inest le Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerehiels, Sus penders, Ties, Linen and Paper Cuffs and Col lars, Ce. Also, UMBRELLAS AND CANES polies who favor us with their patronage are assure.! Inca it will be our constant aim to merit thei7 confluence and support. Gall and ~,,,'nine our well selected stock at at low prie2s. 13.11ENEMAN'S I2S Locust Street, Columbia, l'a oct9.'G9•ly FINE FA 611.1.17 GROCERIES, AT FIARDMAIPSI Just received, at the tine Grocery Establish ment, corner 3rd and Cherry streets, the follow ing new Goods: SUUAR CUBED HAMS AND DRIED BEEF, JELLIES, PRESERVES, - - ;. I OMATOES, ENGLISH PICKLES, ‘VI.NSLOW'SG OXEN CURN REEN PEAS Sc., Together with a very tine asbortmeut of Faintly Groceries, of all kinds A. LARGE LOT OF NEW YORE CANDIES, FOREIGN FRUITS, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, RaL4ins, Cocoanuts. and White Wine Vinegar. Extra Family Flour, Nereer Potatoes, Rio and Java Cotree,'rresh rousted, Loverlng's Syrup, de. Ai-New Good.s received almost daily. WM. H. HARDMAN, 3rd and Cherry Stn., sent-fr.-Hal Columbia, Pa. NO. 13 TE THE PLACE WATCH Then ir von are in w.INT OF TIME CIIAS. P. SIIREINER'S L=! ==l LANCASTER., PA 0ct..113.'03-ly HONEY, PEACHES COLUMBIA_, PA., SATURDAY OCTOBER 22, 1870. NEW ADTTERTISKIILENTS. NEW POTTERY. The undersigned have opened up a Potters In Elbow Lane, between Filth and Sixth Sts., sign of the Big Jug, where they will 1111 all or ders In this line of business. The patronage of the public solicited. seplll4.y3 WESLEY. SWEENY & I3RO. ALLEN RICHARDS, PLAIN AND DECORATIVE Paper Hanger and Varnisher, No. 152 LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA ts-Samples of paper constantly on hand Call and examine. rjulyla'7o-Iy. GEORGE BOGLE, DEALER IF LUMBER OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Yffice—Front Street, between Locust and Union COLUMBIA, PA COLUMBIA M ARBLE WORKS. The Subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Columbia, and surrounding country, that they have opened A NEW MARBLE YARD IN COLIJNInA, On Zith Street, between Locust and Walnut, Sts. and ask the patronage or the public. They have had great experience on tine work, both in Philadelphia:lnd New York. They will la rnish in the highest style of the art, handsome GRAVE STONES, AIONUMENTS, STATUARY, ORNAMENTS, ttc. also MARBLE MANTLES, BUILDIRG WORE. &e. Orders promptly attended and executed at el.ea per rates than elsewhere. Call and see us Designs of new styles of Fine work, such as monumental ,tine arts, will be furnished parties upon application to the proprietors. sep t4-tits t "LETTING & MEAL, PETER FRALEY CUSTOM - fat Boot and Shoo Maker•, No. 161 LOCUST STREET, French Calf Boots & Shoes Of the finest material and Most elaborate workmanship. At FRALEIPS, 161 'Locust If%treet BOOTS &C SEIOES, 3Eade with a view to great durability and neat ness and yet at very low Prices FRALIA"S. 161 Locust Street. Those who find it difficult to get Boots to fit comfortably, are especially invited to call and leave their orders At FIZA.ILE V'S. All kinds or Boot, and Shoes, for Men s wear, outdo to order at short notice, At FItALEY'S.I6I Locust Street. Men's Boots and Shoes very neatly repaired At FBA LEY 1111 Locast St. L. C. MAY. U. 1-1. EB.S.VII'L II_A - Y" & ERIVENT'S BOOK STORE, No. 105 LoCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA., Have ju4 received a large irivotce of SCHOOL BOOKS, COPY BOOKS, SLATES, INKS, PEN HOLDERS, PENS, SMOLA R'S COMPANIONS And everything connected with the School Department. SCHOOL DIRECTORS, TOACHERS, PARENTS, And COUNTRY DEALERS Are re,pectfully invited to eall and esatnine our Stock. Vie otter tomurprwed discounts to School Directors, Teachers, and Country Deal ers, such as cannot be lent at any other ltook :Stole In Lite con lily. Also, on band an luau tnerable variety at POCKET BOOKS, WALLETS, BLANK 13001C , 3, MEMORANDUM BOOKS, LETTER. CLIPS, RULERS LNKsrA..).7D:i PORT BERM WRITING DESKS, MUCILAGE, GIL PAINTS CAP, LETTER, N'ITE AN)) GILL PAPER of all klmls, As well as ever.) thing else untilly kept In a first-clans Book House. J.Vext door to Post Office, Locust Str ce t. Call and see for yourselves. No trouble to show our goods. SCHOOL Will open on Monday morning next, and all Scholars must be provided with the nek essa-y SCHOOL BOOKS, COPY HOOKS, SLATES, INK, PEN HOLDERS, PENS, SCLIOLAWS CGII EiAN Kiss, And all Rinds of 130 S Used in our Public and Private Schools. The pupils of the Select Schools, of the Insti tute, of the Borough Schools, or the i-chools in the surrounding townships and towns are In vited to Can AT 'Wright - a Cheap Book Sh ore. And make desirable purchases. School Directors, Teachers, Itirents, Scholars, Country Dealers, I crervi.iol, are ini iced to examine our stock. Discount to Duectors and Teachers. POCKET BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, CA:", LET TER., NOTE AND BILL PAPER, Always on hand at WRIGHT'S, No. 2G Locust Street, COLUMBIA, PENN'S. COLUMBIA CLASSICAL - A ~ D - VYAVN.LY, SrIv\rVUTY, NTERS upon Its seventh scholastic year on 'LI the 29th of August. Its groat th has been rapid and permanent, while past success and results, in view of its present prosperous condi tion, prosnise enlarged usefulness (or the future. Already ninny of its at intents have entered the best Colleges, or are found la the various profes sions and callings in lite, This Instnution not only anbrds opportunities to young men equal to the hoot Academies, but Young Lashes also enjoy sr Pnitlo sDLICATIONAL ADVANTAGES-6 thorough and extended course in both SOLID AND ORNAMENTAL BILANCIIE-S Special atteution I:iven to the PIATETAL SCIENCES, Mil, GERMAN AND VOCAL & El STILUDIENT.aL TUSK, inctod:ttg thorough Bah,. and Harmony. The pupils of thin Sch , ,ol will enjoy the advan cages of nix yearn' kuceen•ful Opvration and the npecial attention of a full corps of experienced TEACHERS. It is the design of the Principal to enhance, If poasibie. the Efficiency of the Institution, and to make it stilt mole worthy of the patronage of the eitU.en.4 of COW m bin and vicinity, a School where their soils are thoroughly prepared for College or Business, and their daughters to act their part in life. Attainments, and not age, is the standard of admittance. Boys Irons town or vicinity are admitted as boarders Iron MONDAY TO Fitt DAY luciusiee, at reduced rates. For Circulars t r further pat Lieulars, address Rev. S. li. ALEXANDFR, Principal, Columbia, Pa. Aug.6-3in "NO ENTERTAINMENT SO CHEAP AS READING, NOR ANY PLEASURE SO LASTING." IF YOU SHOULD EVER GET MARRIED If you should ever get married Z.rolin I'll tell you what to do— Go get, a little tenement, Just big enough for two. And one spare room for com Puny, And one