glje - taiimirfa kty. Saturday, O'ctober•l,lB7o. A Rich Story. A Parkesburg paper says that several members of the• Legislature took the cars at Grafton late on the evening of the 16th ult., for Wheeling. and among the num ber was a Mr. of somewhat large pro portions, physically, and a Mr. D. of pro ttortiobal undersize.—These two— the stalwart M. G., and the smooth-faced lit {le Mr: D.,—took a berth together, it seems, in a sleeping car. The little man laid behind, and the good-natured, wag gish Mr. G; before. Mr. D. soon was sleeping and snoring furiously. Mr. G. more restless under his Legislative bur dens, soon arose, and was sitting by the stove, when an elderly lady came aboard. and desired a berth. " All right, madam" said G., berth with my son, and you can occupy my place'in that berth where my little boy is sleeping." Taking Mr. G. at his word, the lady disrobed and laid down with the boy. After a quiet „ repose of some time, the boy, Mr. D., became restless from some cause, and began to kick around, to the annoyance of the old lady. So in a ma ternal manner, she patted him on the back, and said : Lie still, sonny, pa said I might sleep along with yo.u." " Thunder and lightning," cried the Legislator, " who are you; I am no boy I'm a member of the West Virginia Leg islature !" It is said that the old lady swooned, and could not be brought to till D. promised that G. should be impeached. D. swears the thing shall not rest here. What ac• tion the Legislature will take for the pur pose of protecting its own dignity remains to be seen. In a Sabbath school iu Grand Haven, Mich., Miss Elder, the teacher, asked Eurty Parks " Who was the father of Zebedee's children 7" Burty scratched his head for a moment, and then asked, " Who did Zebedee suspect?" A city minister says be once preached on " The recognition of friends in the fu ture," and was told by a hearer, after ser vice, that it would be more to the point to preach about the recognition of friends here; as be bad been in the church twen ty years and didn't•know any. .We asked a friend of ours the other day what he was doing, and he re plied that he was going to boarding school. We subsequently discovered that he was learning tLe ca'rpenter's trade. In Beverly, Mass., stands a shOemak er's shop two hundred years old, and owned and occupied by Henry Wallis, who has - worked there for the past sixty seven years, during which period he has enjoyed good health, not having experi enced a sick day since he was five years of age. " Gentlemen of the jury," charged a Western judge, " in this case the counsel on both sides are unintelligible ; the wit nesses on both sides are incredible; and the plaintiff and defendant are both such bad characters, that to me it is indifferent which way you gire a verdict." A matt in jail out. West for horse-steal ing has satisfactorily proved that he is a murderer, instead, and now the sheriff is after him for that. They are bound to quarrel with him somehow. An apothecary up town has written over his door, " All kinds of dying stuffs for sale here." A wise physician once said, " I observe that every ono wishes to go to heaven, but I observe also that most people are willing to take a great deal of very disa greeable medicine first" COAL. THOMAS & MASON CO.LUIVEDIA, PA., llanufacturers tit Lock Haven, Pa., and Whole sale Dealers in - WHITE PINE, HE? LOCK'AND OAK LUMBER, FLOORING, SIDING, LATH, PALLING, Sa:. C 0 _A.:L ! Special attention paid to Coal Trade. Best brands always on band, and sold at the lowest market price. Orders for shipment promptly THOMAS fi MASON, P lumbla, a 1nt1.514 '7O-1y COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! LAY IN YOUR WINTER SUPPLY. The subscriber is now prepared to furnisla . tbe best qualities of ANTHRACITE COAL for STOVES, GRATES and FURNACE purposes. Having laid In a large stoclt at the lowest prices, we arc prepared to give our customers Coal at great advantage. The following first-class Coals we now offer for sale: PRESTON. PHIL'A. COAL CO., PLANK RIDGE, HICKORY SHAFT, WEST LEHIGH, BALTIMORE CO., PINE GROVE, SHAMOKIN: - LYKENS VALLEY, ALSO THE WEST . LETKIGIE NET, For Buse-burning and Set[ feeding Stoves. Al Coals sent out are clean and free from impuri ties. AB-SMALL NUT COAL AT 3.50 PER TON Call and examine the different prices of Coal. Coal Yard opposite Bachtnan's Planing Mill Front street, Columbia Pa. SCOTT PATTON. sspt.3-Iyl 05 FIRST :PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED TIRE GREAT • ...- ;5 .71 7 2- 11111,TIMM Plllll Iftumfactory. "" WILZIAIVZ Ir. NAME & CO Manufacturer of Grand. Square and ' Upright FORTES, BALTIMORE, :MD These Instruments have been before the pub lie for nearly thirty years, and upon their excel lence alone attained an unpurch ased pre-end neace, which pronounces theta unequalled Their TONE- - - Combines great power, sweetness and fine sing lug quality, as %veil as great purity of Intona tion, and sweetness throughout the entire settle Their - TOUCII Is pliant and elastic, and entirely free from the stiffness found in so many Pianos. In WORK.M.ANSHIP They are waectualled, using none but the very best sensoned.material, the large capital em ployed in our business enabling us to keep con tinually, an immense mock of lumber,&c., , . on baud , . Xi- All our 'Stacie Pianos have out New' um proved Overstrung Scale and the A grgfre Trebt.e. Ca.. We , would call special atte PIANOS our late improvements In GRAND and SQUARE GRANDS, . Patented Aug. 14. 1866, which bring the Plano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. n;,.. Every Piano , ly • irarraittecifor . li lbws. - We have -made arrangements for the, Sole %Moll:wale Agenu• for ' the - most ' Celebrated' PARLOR ORGANS and - MELODEONS, which we offer Wholesalatual Retail .at .Lowest` Fac tory Prices. " :ANDREW ZELLERS'. . • Wholesale' Depot' s epli-BmJ No. in North Front street, Columbia. SPACIAL -11TOTICES, ADDRESS To the Nervous and Debilitated. Whose suTerings have been protracted from hidden causes, and whose cases require prompt treatment to render existence desirable : If you are suffering, or have suffered, from involun tary.discharges, what effect does it produce upon your general health ? Do you feel weak, debili tated, easily tired? Does a little extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, fre quently get out of order? Is your urine some times thick, milky or Rocky, or is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick scum rise to the top? Or is a sediment at the bottom after it has stood awhile? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated? Do you have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head? Is your memory impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of com pany, of lire? Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody? Does any little thing make you start or jump? Is your sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre of your eye as bril liant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well? Do you pursue your business with the same energy? Do you have as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to tits of melancholy? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dys pepsia or liver-complaint? Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capa ble of producing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs or generation, when in perfect health, make the man. Dtd you ever think that those bold, defiant, energetic, perse vering,, successful business men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health? You never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they can not succeed in business; they don't become sad and discouraged; they are always pllite and pleasant in the company of ladies. and look you and them right in the face—none of your down cast looks or any other meanness about them. Ido not mean those who keep the organs infla ted by running to excess. These will not only rain their constitutions, but also those they do business with or for. I took a How many men, from badly cured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce almost every other disease— idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, sui clde,and almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the use of a Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EX.TRACT BUCHU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Grav el, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Com plaints, General Debility, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. Helmbold's Extract }Melia, established up ward of 19 years, prepared by H. T. HELM BOLD, Druggist, 594 Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Pluck-- 51.25 per bottle, or 0 bottles for $0.50, delivered to any address. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. IE7 NONE ARE GENUINE unless done up in steel engraved wrapper, with fac-sitnille of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed April 1, '7O-Iyr. H. T. HELMBOLD. Professors BccnAiriai P Demi of the American iliniversity, are making wonderful cures of Cancers. Tumours and Ulcers by their new discovery.. A painless treatment, no knife, no plasters, no caustic burning. Tho most remark able effect CANCERS. of this treatment is, it sopa . rates the chemical elements of cancerous growths, so that they shrivel, die and die appear and will not return. All those af. . fated can call on the Professors Buchanan P. Down, University; or address, No. 514 Pino Street, Philada. and fi 70-Iyr !MIN WitERE Of NE BM TIIIRTY YEARS Have elapsed since the introduction of the Pain Killer to the public, and yet at the present time It is more popular and commands a larger sale than ever before. Its popularity is not confined to this country nine; allover the world its ben eficial effects in curing the ••ills that flesh is heir to," are acknowledged and appreclateci,and as a ra IN KILLER its fame is limited to no count ry, sect nor race. It needs only to be known to be prized 'ninny YEARS is certain a long enough time to prove the efficacy - of any medicine, and that the PAIR Kr' L.t.snt is deserving of all its proprie tors claim for it, is amply proved by the unpar alleled popularity hints attained. It is a sure and effective remedy. Sold by all Druggists. Direc tions accompany each bottle. CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. What the Doctors Say: AMOS WOOLLEY. M. D., of Roseluska Coun ty, Indiana, says: "For three years past I have used ALLEN'S Lure BALSAM extensively* In my practice, and I am satisfied there is no bet ter medicine for lung diseases in use." ISAAC A. DORAS, M. D., of Logan County, Ohio, says: "ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM not only sells rapidly, but gives perfect satisfaction in every case within my knowledge. Having con fidence in It and knowing that it possesses val uable medicinal properties, I freely use It in my daily practice, and with unbounded success. As an expectorant it is most certainly far ahead of any preparation I have ever yet known." NATHANIEL HARRIS, M. D., of Middle bury, Vermont, says: 'I have no doubt it will soon become a classical remedial agent for the cure of all diseases of the Throat, Bronchial Tubes, and the Lungs. Physicians do not recommend a medicine which has no merits, 'what they say about ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM, Can be taken as a fact. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. 1, - PECTACLES. REA.II THIS ! Lazarus & Morris' CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES That they renderimpaired sigbtclearer and dis tinct ; strengthen and preserve the eye; are very easy and pleasant to wear, and last many years without change being necessary, so that in the end they are the cheapest as well as the best. NOTICE, that 'Afr. Chas. P. Schreiner, Watch maker and Jeweler, Front street, is our sole agent in Columbia,•Pa. Lazarus ‹t: Morris. Manufacturing Opticians Hartford, Conn. sept4.'S9-tfw TTOWARD SANITARY AID AS SOCIATION. For the Relief and Cure of the Erring and Un fortunate, on Principles of Christian Philanthropy. Essays on the Errors of Youth, and the Follies of Age, In relation to Marriage and Social Evils, with sanitary aid for the :afflicted. Sent free, In sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD A.5.' , 40- CIATION, Box P, Philadelphia. rnayi'7o-ly PRICE REDUCED ! THE BEST IN THE COUNTRY! New York Observer. ONE MONTH FREE ON ['REAL, SIDNEY E. 'MORSE, JR., & CO.. Sept.lo-16 37 Park Row, Now York "(TrANTED.—Lands in Pennsylvania for cash y and good stocks, TOWNSEND 13ROS , 131 South Third street, Philadelphia. Sept.lo-11 4 CITANCE SELDOM OFFERED! Town an in terest in one of the best Silver Mines of the day, developing, ate., near Georgetown, Col. Cau satisfy you of its undoubted value as a good investment and a paying one. Best of referen ces given. .1 wish to sell one-Half of it very eheap,for cash. Address my attv's,TOWNSEIs.ZD Brt(>n, 131 South Third street, Philadelphia. Sept.lo-4t IX .lIU~TIIS can $lOO. 00 O I L S ' reliableb made In a sure, safe business. An Investment of $2; will return a clear profit of 5175. For particulars call on or address the xonpri AMEItICAN PIG/WILE CO., No. 85 Nassau Street, New York Sept:lD-it NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. A New Book of 153ttite , t. Price 30 cis. by mail. I CAN NEWS CO., New York Sept.lo-4 SAXON GR E EN. Is Brighter, will not Fade, Cost Less than any other because it will Paint twice as much. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS IN • PA Ili TS. J. IL WEEKS 3: CO., Manufacturers, Sept.lo-4t ' =North 4th Street. Philadelphia AVOID QUACKB.—A victim of early indlsere tion, causing nervous debility, premature decay; ,kc.; having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has a simple means of self-cure. which he will send free co his fellow-sufferers. Ad dress S. H. TUTTLE, 78 Nassau at., New York. • Sept.lo-it TSSYCHOBIANCY, Of SOUL CIIAILMING.—A rr wonderful book; It shows how either sex can fascinate any one they wish, instantly. (Au posses this power.) It tecrifes how to get rich, Alchemy, Soreerles, Incantations, Demonology, Magic'3lesinerlsm, Spiritualism, - Marriage Guido and - a thousand. wonders. Mailed for 2:5 cents. Address T. WILLIAM & CO., Publishers, South 7th street, Philadelphia. Pa. SePt.lo-It TEADI;CaII at the .Steam,l 3 rintlnn House of the COLUMBIA,' kb It;resx'of Collimbila - Nationni Bank, and ex amine specimens of Letter Ileads,Notee,Cards &c THE GREAT $3 PER ANNUM - - .001 - th; STATIONERY NEW ! NEW!! NEW!!! ROOK AND STATIONERY STORE, No. 262 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA, PA. The subscribers have Just opened and offer to the public a complete assortment of SCHOOL, BLANK AND 'MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY of ALL KINDS, And of every quality, includtug a large and first-rate stock of OAP, LETTER, NOTE AND BILL rAPER, SCHOOL AND SUNDAY SCHOOL MOTTOES, Envelopes, Ink, _Slates, Faber's J.: Guttknecht's Pencils, &c. Toy Books Pass Books, Tuck 'Memorandum Books,lnitial Paper, e c., Bibles, Testaments and Hymn Books. All weekly and monthly papers and maga zines received as soon as published. The custom of the public is respectfully solicited. JQ.• Rementbcr the place—N . o. 202 Locust Street, one door below the Columbia Steam Fire En gine House. sep4-60-tfwj JOHN L. WRIGHT & CO. NEW STYLE WINDOW SHADES. The Subscriber has on hand at his Furniture Store. all kinds and styles of WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN FIXTURES, ,ti; Co which he would respectfully call the atten tion of the Public. JOHN STIENBEEIGER sept.l-69-tfwj No, 251; Locust St., Columbia. W L. liliA.l3. &.; CO., V" Children's, 'toys' and Youth's CLOTHING EMPORIUM 1 East King Street, Lancaster. TWO DOORS EAST OF THE COURT HOUSE SUITS OF ALL AGES, BIA-DE OF THE BEST MATERIALS, AND IN THE LATEST STYLES. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BINDINGS AND TRIMMINGS FOR SALE. A variety of beautiful patterns of Cassimeres and Tweeds to make to order or sell by the yard, constantly on baud. We intend to make this a specialty. • Agents for the Staten Island Dyeing Estab lishment, one of the oldest and best, in the country. Ladies' Dresses, Cashmere, Droche, Wool, Crape, and all other Shawls; Gentlemen's Coats, Pants and Vests, Kid Gloves, Sc., dyed, cleaned and refinished in the best manner. 4:6-Clothing repaired and renovated with neatness and dispatch. apllo-tr CA_73iNie CABINET WARE MANUFACTORY. The subscriber having lately put up new ware-ri oms, and greatly increased his business, can Mit r better inducements to his eustomeres than ever. WINDOW SHADES, .MIRRORS, atc., IN ALL STYLES He manufactures to order, and will keep con stantly on hand, Dressing, Plain and Fancy Bureaus, Sideboards, Sofas, Card, Dining and Centre Tables, Common, Fanny and French Bed steads; allot which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. As he manufactures his own work he is enabled to warrant every article to be what it is represented. GAMES! CHAIRS ! ! CHAIRS!! ! -.-- - - All kinds of chairs kept on hand or manuactur• edlo order. Cane, Windsor, Arm and Rockipg Chairs; Settees, Camp and Countea Stools, Solos, Tete-a Totes and Stalled Seat Chairs, made to order. Old chairs repainted and repaired-1 UNDEILTARING. - . Funerals will be attended to with promptness to which he gives his personal attention. He is prepared with ice boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, as may be required. mlatoG.tvicy on 'WALNUT COFFINS, Furnished plain or tinted in any style that may be required. Ile respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, as well as a continuance of the custom with which be has been liberally favored. JOHN SHENBERGER, South side of Locust street, between Second and Third. [septi-19-tfw FURNITURE. JOSEPH wAtzros' 4,1: CO., CABIN - ET MAKERS, NO. 113 WALNUT ST., PHILADFLPHIA. Our establish meat Is one of the oldest In Phil adelph i, and from long experience and superior facilities we are prepared to furnish good work at reasonable prices. We manufacturo tine furniture, and also me dium-priced furniture of superior quality. A large stock of furniture always on hand. Uoods made to order Counters, Desk Work and Office Furniture for Banks, Offices and Stores, made to order. Jos. Walton. Lippincott. Jos. L. Scott mars '7O-ly CI"AT EXCITEMENT AMONGST GROCERYMEIs.7! How can good GOODS be sold so cheap, Is th question. ATTENTION HOUSEKEEPERS. SUGARS, TEAS. MEAT, COFFEE, FRUITS, FISH, SPICES, CHEESE, FLOUR. SALT, Provisions of all kinds, together with Wood nd Willow-ware and Glass and Queensware. Switzer and Limberger Cheese, German Fruits, eke.. Sal. SUGAR CURED HAMS SL DRIED BEEF. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICKLES. Fresh Peaches, and all the Fancy Groceries per twining to a well regulated Grocery Store. I tan determined not to be surpassed in cheap ness and in the excellent quality of my goods. Call around and Inspect our stock whet he you buy or not. A share of public patronage is solicited. MAX BUCHER, No. 249 Locust Street sep4-69-tfwl FAMIJAY GROCERLES ! FAMILY GROCERIES! The Subscriber Would respectfully inform his customers and the Public generally, that, he has Just received a general assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TEAS AND SPICES. Retitled Sugars of all kinds, No. 1, and Mess Mackerel English & American Pickles, Sugar Cured 'Hams anti Beef, Extra Fine Syrups, Old Rio and Java Coffee DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS, Raisins, Prunes and prepared Mustard always on hand and of the very best grades, EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, CORN MEAL, ROMINY, Fancy Groceries, Canned Vegetables mad Fruits, fur hotels and families. The best Goods only are sold, and prices very low. Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is lull and complete and we intend keeping it fresh, by almost daily additions. Notions of different kinds always on band. FREDERICK BUCHER, 4epl-69-tfw] cor. 4th & Locust Sts. MICHAEL LIP HART, Contractor and Builder, COLUMBIA., PA. LIPHART' S PLANING MILL, SECOND STREET, COLUMBIA, Is constantly In operation, and the Proprietor is prepared to filial] orders In his line such as FLOORING AND SIDING OF VARI- OUS KINDS WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES. DOORS AND SASH PI T&8 TA TIO.NARY BLIND S. WASH AND BASE BOARDS. CORNICE STUFF, STAIR STEPS, HAILS Of the latest and best patterns. ALL KINDS OF TURNING-, SOO 1 AS SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, SNUFF, HAVANA, YARA, and COMMON SEGARS. Also, • SNUFF Sr, TOBACCO BOXES, PIPES—a thousand and one varieties. Call at J. C. BUCHER'S, Locust Street, adjoining HaMennen's Store. It Is the greatest establishment of the laud this side of Philadelphia. ts..only Agency for Lee's London Porter, and Milder's Bitters. The best quality of Building and Paving Brie IT WO VALUABLE FARMS u rnished at the very lowest rates. _ . _ NEWEL POSTS, STAIR BALLBSTERS, AND OTHER F,UICY WORK SCROLL SAWING in all its different varieties, such as Level and Rake Brackets. W ALL THE DIFFERENT STYLES OF IIIOULDLNGS. -IOC& LIPHARTS BRICK YARD. On Wisler's Farm, near Columbia. "'“ Roofling Slate constantly on hand and Roofing promptly done. MICHAEL LIPITART, Cola rn bin, Pa n 3 ,12. '7O-tf WOODIVARD'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MUSIC STORE, ISO. 2 WEST SIN.; G STREET PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS. VIOLINS, VIOLIN BOWS, CELLO BOWS, ACCOILDEO.NS, FLUTINAS, CONCERTINAS. TAMBOIVINES, GUITARS, BANJOS, FLAGEOLETS. HARMONICAS, CLAPPERS, DRUMS, FIFES, FLUMES, TRIANOL, TUNING FORKS, PITCH PIPF.S, MUSIC BOXES, MUSIC FOLIOS, MUSIC BOORS. Piano and 3lelcaleon Covers, Piano and Melo deons Stools, Strings of ail kinps, Sheet Music. Music Books Music Papers, and every descrip tion of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. • ire - All Orders filled promptly at the usual Wholesale or Retail Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. .trirlunlnda , nd repairtt . tz ?4:9;n4lr D a ‘ te A tl i . t aLt . ! deal. '09.4f1 No. 21 , West Ring St, Lancaster BUCILE.HIS COLTIIifIV: J C. BUCFIER, Wines and Liquors ! has removed his Store to his Building, adjoining Haldeman's Store, Locust St. Columbia, Pa., where ho bas fitted up rooms atid greatl3 HERB BITTERS PURE AND UNADULTERATED, These Bitters are celebrated for the great cures they have performed In every case, when tried. Dr. Mishler offers live hundred dollar to the pro prietor of any Medicine that can show a greater number of genuine certificates of cures effected by it, near the place where it is made, than Is for sale in Columbiaby WINES AND LIQUORS! Catawba, Port, COGNAC, OF DIFFERENT BRANDS Also, OLD RYE WHISKEY and Blackberry Catawba, Rectified Whisky, London Brown Stout MALT AND CIDER VINEGAR MISHLER'S HERB BITTERS POCKET FLASKS, DEMIJOHNS, TOBACCO BOXES, and FANCY ARTICLES, in great variety, MISIILER'S BITTERS! PURE & UNADULTERATED NEW STOCK! BEST STOUT PORTER! From E. ,t: G. HIDBERT, LONDON Cannot be purchased at any other establish ment In town, and is warranted to keep fruits and vegetables perfect, SCOTCH AND LONDON ALE TO SMOKERS AND CHEWERS BuellEn will still keep on hand the Best Bninds of The subscriber offers for sale his TWO VAL UABLE FARMS, situate in Freedom township, Adams county (on Marsh creek, about the miles southwest of Clettysburg). The one containing 1D ACRES, more or less, and has a Two-Story BRICE: HO USE.l3ank Baru, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed, and everything else needed in the line of buildings; splendid well of water at the door, and a stream through the farm; prime Orchard, Sc. Land well limed, and hi productive condi tion. The other Farm can' ains 149 ACRES, more or less, also with good Buildlugs, plenty of good water, fruit, Sc.; land has been limed, and 111 excellent order. Dno proportions of timber and meadow to each, and fencing nearly all chestnut. These Farms offer rare attrac tions. The terms will be made easy, ns the money is not much needed. Call on or address ABRAHAM XRISE, julySO-St Gettvshn (DD FEL L 0 W S', bl E WIA.N It; o' , ICNIGHTS OF' PYTIrAS, and all kinds ciety Regallas and Pakipliernalia, 3ran unictured to order, at E. J. ESISMAN'S No. 4134 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa sept4-69-trw Wholesale and Retail Dealer In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC increased his facilities for doing a more extensive business MISIILEB!S CELEBRATED MISHLER'S FIERB BITTERS IHSHLER'S HERB BITTERS T. C. BUCIIER, At his Store, Locust Street, Columbia Embracing the following Lisbon, Cherry Maderia, Mainga, Champagne, Claret, Rhino, Blackberry, Currant and Muscat WIisTES BRANDIES of all kinds Jamaica Spirits, Cherry, EMI Superior Olu Rye, Pure Old Rye, XXX Old ltye, xx old Eye Xow Rye, Pure Old Eye, Monongahela, Scotch Ale, c. AGENCY FOR Re is also Agent for the Celebrated FOR SALE AL J. C. BUCHER'S For Salo by J. C. BUCHER For sale by J. C. BUCHER, Locust Street, above Front Agent for the PURE MALT VINEGAR The Best Brands of imported For Sale at J. C. BUCHER .3 AT PRIVATE' SALE DATICILEPS CO_LVIYEN, J - 11INTNESOTA: IM Resources mid Progress—lts Beauty, Healthfulness and Fertility, and its Attractionsand Advantages • as a Home for lmm I- grants.—ANew Book Free of Cost, Compiled from official r•oarces and published by direction of Governor Horace Austin. Ina convenient and readable form it exhibits the inducements ()Tiered by Minnesota to per sons seeking new homes, and includes the offi cial statistics illustrative of the marvelous growth and development or that young, vigor ous and healthy state. . _ Other publications to attract Immigrant) usu ally deal in indiscriminate puffery and grossly exaggerate statements. This gives a candid ex hibit of facts, derived chiefly from the State Bu reau of Statistics, and otherwise supported by scientific and disinterested testimony of the most incontestible character. After a short geographical and historical sketc:i,showing the central position of the state and the events of Its your= history, follows at description of its beauty fertility from the testimony of high military and literary author ities; an exhibit of mineral resonrces; a de scription of its beautiful lakes, rivers, timber, grime and fish; a dissertation on the climate, il lustrating its marvelous healthfulness and adaptation to agriculture ; shows how the culti vats d area grew from IWO acres In 1850 to 1,060, 000 acres in 1809, with surplus of 11,000,000 bushels of wheat for export; gives tables of compari son, proving etncia ily that Minnesota excels lowa and Ohio in her average product of wheat and all other staples except corn; shows a more ample and effective water power than all New England, and that, while not a tithe of thil Power is yet used, the extent and value of man ufactures have increased 215 per cent, in nine years, The book also shows the value and importance of the lumbering Interest, commercial resources and progress, navigation, railroads constructed and projected, including the Northern Pacific— already en erget cal ly pushed forward—the amazing development of common schools ft oat thirteen districts, live school houses and 250 scholars in 1851, to 2,521 districts, 1,029 school houses and 102,080 scolars in 1869—promos in population imwhich the State is shown to have outstripped all her sisters. Dr e attention given to political and social institutions, govern ment, taxation, value of property, distribution of wealth, improvement mr... 3E6 1VX14.7". The nest subserlpitan linolr. out. Address 0. D HASH & CO., Hartford, Conn. sep2l-4w. rsauz cula I will send the receipu by Fon -which I wes cured of CVEAR OIiTARRAH'ItAII and DEAFNESS free. AND : RID - Address Mrs. M. C. Leg,- D EAFNE s a v . gett, Ilobolzen, .`,/. J. Lsept.lo-:;na SEWING MACIII E. IL Is licet,sed; makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch," and is war ranted for 5 year,. Price All other Ma chines with an under-feed sold for .5.'15 or less are Infringements. Address OCTAGON SEW ING MACHINE' CO. ' St. Louis, Mo., Chicago, 111., Pittsburg, Pa., or Boston, Mass. junll-3m TR USSES trAVAit'UEBBVI PILE INSTRUMENTS Cure Rupture, Abdo minal or Uterine Weakness and Differ ent approved patterns. Comfortable, safe, light. cleanly, used in bathing, indestructible (steel springs coated.) Elastic Stockings, Belts, Braces, Bandages, etc. Great Variety, Establishments, .13i7 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, and 3 Ann Street, New York, opposite Herald Building. Send stamp for pamphlet. Sold by Druggists— unified or expressed. junell-3m $lO ; ‘k ra l Te l . -- L i t=trL e j i „ t e l e re n l iUt e s w . Descrip tive Cireulnrs free. Address J. C. HAND a: CU., Biddefcnul, iNfe. • Jun 11-32 n A tiITINTLE ; " 1 ? A l e l e . SM. It makes the "Lock Stitch," (alike on both sides) and is the only licensed underfeed Shuttle Machine sold for less titan $4O. Licensed by Wheeler S Wilson, Grover &. Baker and Singer & Co. All other under-feed Shuttle Machines sold for less than $6O are infringements, and the seller and user liable to prosecution. Address JOHNSON, CLAItIC & CO., Boston,, Pitts bum Chicago. 111., or St. Louis , Mo. pell-I•n Agents Moiled .EverNuliere Jo? Bev. _Albert, Barnes' NEW BOON. SALES IMMENSE nusluess for Everybody. Pays S .- >O to SP.O per Month. Sena for Circulars to ZEIGLEIt. Mc- CURDY&CO., IC South Sixth Street, Philo 11)1110, Po. lIILD, Certain, Safe, Efficient. It is far the best Cathartic remedy yet discovered, at once relieves and invigorates all the vital functions, without causing injury to any of then). The most complete success has long attended its use in many localities, and it is now offered to the general public wall the conviction that it can never tail to accomplish all that Is claimed for it. It produces little or no pain ; leaves the organs free from irritation, and ncxer over taxes or excites the nervous system. In all diseases of the shin, blood, stomach, bowlg, liver, kid neys—of children, and in ninny difficulties pe culiar to women. It brings prompt relief and certain cure. The best physicians recommend and prescribe it: and no person who once uses this will voluntarily return to the use of any other cathartic. Sent by mail on receipt of price and postage. 1 box, fU 2.5 resume G cents .5 boxes, 100 " 18 12 2.5 " 11 It is sold byall dealers In drugs and medicines TURNER 6:: Co, Proprietor) aug`.2o-11M) 120 Tremont street, Poston; ass AGENTS WANT;. ,, IO per ilny---by the E D-- AmmtiCix KICITTING MACIII:4:3: Co., Bos ton, Bass. or St. Louis. 80. . AGENTS WANTED • In Columbia, AND IN ALL Tlfl Principal Cities and Toicns of Penn'a., BY TUC NORTH - AMERICAN Mutual Life lusuraupe Co. - OF PHILADELPHIA. Lilieral Inducements Offered. Irn Vouchers should accompany application for agency. Call or address W. W. BURT''/., President, Sep3-It 432 Walnut Street, Philadelphia THE MAGIC END ~change any colored hair or beam to aperma nent black or buown. IL Contains no poison. Anyone can use it. One, sent by mail for sl. Address Magic Comb Co. Spring-lield, Mass. aug2o.3m. U T AdtNING TO TRESPASSERS ! A.LL PERSONS are hereby Forbidden to Trespass upon the grounds of the undersign: ed, es he Is determined to prosecute to the. ut most rigor of the law, every person so offend lug. isept M. STRICKLER. TOBACCO ei; SEGARS. • JOHN FENDRICII, WROLESALE A RETAIL Tqß4cgo, SNUFF Lk; SEGAI MANU ' FACTURER. Agent for the New York Fine Cnt, Navy, and. Monitor Chow-Chow Chewing Tobaccos. corner of Front anti Locust streets, Columbia, Pa. seotl-69-tfw MRS. G. M. BOOTH,. _ . , SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFFS, PIPES, &c., And all articles usually kept In a first-class To bacco and Segar Store The public can rely on getting at our store as good goods for the money as can be obtained at any similar establishment in the State. ra" I do not think it necessary to publish my prices, as the Goods will tell for themselves. Mats. G. M. BOOTH, Locust Street, Columbia. Pa., septll-69-lywi Sign of the Punch. COLUMBIA FLOUR MILLS. GEORGE BOGLE, PROPRIETOR. The highest Cash prices paid Joe all kinds of Grain. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR for sale; also Mill Feed of all kinds. Wheat Ground and Parked to order. Grist work and Chopping done. Chopped Corn and Oats. Corn Meal and GItA II M FLOUIt For sale at all times, and delivered to any part of the town. tt,:&.Town and country custom so licited. scp 1-55-t fw CaNTECTIONERY. RICHA.II DS' CONFECTIONERY! NO. 11'2 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA, PA. CAKES, CANDIES, FRUITS AND CREAMS, of the choicest kind kept constant ly on band, siipplled with ice Cream in Churns or Moulds, at Short Notice and .1.10:11,011- able Rates. LADIES' OYSTER SALOON. I take pleasure In announcing try my minter- OUS friends that I have opened an 01's, TER SA LOON lot the speciai accommodation of La dies. None but the beet oysters Mill be used. Families and parties supplied at short notice. Remember the place-13 . 2 Locust, 'treat. No:pH-W-1N: I ALLEN 11,:te:'-iARD:'-i CONFECTIONERY ALL KINDS ll , ' SEASON. Parties and Families supplied With ICE CRE.I-\_l+.l, ,y the Freezer, or in Moulds,with promptness at GEO. S. SMITH'S, Adjoining the Franklin House, Locust street. P. S.—Also, a fine assortment of TOYS and Mille} , Art icles.eonstantly on hand. fsepi-69-tfw PURE WINES AND LIQUORS! For Pure, Unadulterated 'Wines and Liquors, go to the store of the subscriber. He has elegant CATAWBA IVINE, \Mien for quality and flavor, cannot be excelled; al,), the celebrated BOOSTER WHISKEY, Yankee Rum, Jamaica Spirl ts, Blackberry • .trand , Cherry and ourrain \Vines. We have Wmes, Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Old Monongahela of all grades. Give us a call and examine tor your,elf. CHARLES GROVE, Corner of Comm.:rce and Walnut :its.. Columbia. sop 1.139-t fir G EORGE noGLE, DEALER. IN LUMBER OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Office—Front Street, between Locust and Union fIOLUMBIA MARBLE WORKS. The .Subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of CaOmnbia, and surrounding country, that they have opened On sth Street, between Locust mad 'Walnut Sts., and ft,l: the patronage of the public. They have had great experience on line work, botk in Philadelphia and New York. They will furnish in the highest style orthe art, handsome also MARBLE MANTLES, BUILDIRG WORK. &c. Orders promptly attended and executed at cheaper rates than elsewhere. Call and see ut Designs of new styles of Fine work,such as monumental ,line arts, &c., will be furnished parties upon application to the proprietors. sept-1441-tfw HEFTING & MEHL. THE HINKLY FAMILY KNITTING NAGHINE Combines Rapidity, Simplicity, Durability and Cheapness—lint , ting with a Single Eye-Pot n ted Needle. r,.;6 - -ftecelved the Ilighest Premium at the Paris Exposition. and cheat Atnerican Insti tute, New York, 15:67. For further information call on E. Al USSED, Agent for Lancaster county, Orange St. between N. Queen and Prince. dee4.'CtJ-1 COUGHS, SORE rel zzoAL T, Etc NO MEDICINE OR TREATZaN T CAN EXCEL THE POWEIU cuitzvrivE I , olV.tat. or 11'7 ite Pitimonic Balsam. IT cures with a rapidity unequalle.l by any other remedy ()Herod for Throat, rind Lung dl-- eases. it, is recommended by over 2.000 per sons in Wilmington, and hundreds in Phil a., Baltimore and other cities and communities lltl oughou the country. 'l%l r. Pen e higl on, of Wilmington, Illinois, writes that there is not (with a few exceptions) a la mlly in that city who will be without it if possible to procure it. Such is Its po • ily wnerever it is ttoown— a this popularity arises from the fact that it universally cures all who use it. There is no ease of COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, ASTHMA, IlliONCIt ITIS, GROUP, 111,00 D SPITTING. HOARSENES. and even PULMO NARY CONSUMMON, where the system is not broken down With the wear of the disease, or pretended medicine, or inexperienced ad vice, that this 13alsam will not cure if carefully us, d, according to directions. - We guarantee It all we represent it to be, aid invite a trial trom the afflicted everywhere. Price, 50 rents, medium slze, andH for large size bottles. Pre pared only by 3T. SIMMS, H. D., Practical Organic Chemist, NO. 707 MARKET STREET y • e 44, as, G • cP,A 4 / 1 ,<0 GET YOUR BONDING DONE Inquir i• Bind vv • BLANK BOOK :MANUFACTORY. Send In your WSP.VPE RS and PERIODICALS of all kinds, so as to have them bound for the Holidays. All work done in the cheapest and best man ner, and with the greatest dispatch. Address all orders to CHARLES P. KRAUSS, Bookbinder, 78 North Queen street, sep-1-1870 Lancaster. Pa O B RADBURY'SEI Eli PIANOS. & T SEVEN FIRST PREMIUMS IN FOUR WEEKS. TAYLOR &, FARLEY'S ORGANS Tile undersigned, for many •eats engaged as a professor of musie in Girard College, and other institutions, In response to a request of a great number of his pupils and friends, has con sented to become an agent for furnishing It gives me pleasure to annollnee tha t I have been appointed wholesale agent tor tile Brad bury Pianos, and Taylor and Farley Oi gans, which I am now prepared to supply at, pi ices that. cannot 101 l to give satisfaction. The supe riority of the above instruments ever others in the market is too wellt known to need any comment from me. Every instrument war ranted. Liberal discount to clergymen and Sunday schools. m.Ordertiby mail as faithfully attended to as if ordered in person; as 1 select every instrument sold. sept,l-63-tfwl Telegraph Instruction Department. ESTABLISHED IN 1865. To meet the demand for operators, the under signed has opened a new department. hand somely fitted up. at a great expense, with every incility for Teaching • Telegraphing. A limited number of Students will be received for the new classes. Course of instruction, three months, reduced to THIRTY DOLLARS. Graduates assisted to obtain positions. Those wishing to avail them selves of Its advantages will make application to \VOItL, Telegraph• Engineer and Electrician, • No: 138 South Sixth Street, 'r.S.—Telegraph Lines, both public) and pri vate, constructed in any part of the United States, and Telegraph Offices furnished with competent operators. sep3-3m No. 133 LOCUST ST.. COLUMBIA, PA DEAraat 1110 UWING MILL. IV.E.V_ES Le _LIQUORS. COLUMBIA. PA A NEWT MARBLE YARD IN COLUMBIA, GRAVE STONES, MONUMENTS, STATUARY, ORN4MENTS, Sc. THE WONDER OF THE AGE! KNITS EVERYTHING! Di-,. SIMITS' WILMINGTON, DEL ITEM FIRST-CLAbS INSTRIT MENTS G. Frscrr 1018 Arelt street, Philatl'a "WOl-I,L'S" riliindelfdlift, Pa. C.LOI7IEIVG, MERCHANT TAILORING J. W. REASIN, No. 1M LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, Has opened In the room formerly occupied by I'. S..MeTague, a full stock of FRENCH, ENGLISH, AMERICAN & SCOTCH CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & SUITINGS, Which he is prepared to make up In as good Style and Fashion as can be made in New York or Philadelphia. He invites all to call and examine his stock, which, he is possitive, cannot be excelled In Columbia. The establishment is designed exclusively for Merchant Tailoring, and the undivided atten tion of the Proprietor will be devoted to his business. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Of all kinds, and of SUPERIOR QUALITY, al- Ways on hand. Remember the old adage, that money saved is money earned. Call and be convinced that you can save your money by purchasing at the ONLY exclusive Merchant Tailoring Establish ment in Columbia. isepi-GO-twf SPRING CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING CHEAPER THAN EVER! Pantaloons, Vests, Shirts, Drawers, & c., &c. New Styles, New Goods at low rates. DAVID HANAUER'S U. S. CLOTHING EMPORIUM Front Street, first Store above Walnut Street, COLUMBIA, PA. The Largest, Best Assorted, Handsomest and Cheapest Stock of CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, eze., Ac., ever exhibited in these regions, which will be sold at prices TO DEFY ALL COMPETITION! I sepl-69-tfw r r IS A FACT ! Capable of ocular demonSt rat lon.that the prices of Cloths, Cassnneres, Ready-Made Cloth log and Furnkhing Goods, are le s s Ibun o n e -b a n what they were dut•ing the war, at the Merchant Tailoring establishment of S. S. 1.1. AT 1-1 Vt) N Corner North Qi-til die; to it ._ ,•,•t OppoSite Sit et , P:‘, ThIS is the oldest st.,blisliment in tins line n trade in Lancaster county, and is selling, at tith time, line Moscow, it:squint:tux, and common Beaver tn•ett•oat, nom $l5 to 620; COllllllOll Union Beavers from Si), to sl5; Common Uni o n Beaver Business Sods trout $l2 to $l5; Good Cas- Suaere Soils from rl6 10,-,20, and line qualities from 025 to 630. A tow sorb on hand as low as $lO. Cloths, Cassimeres and Trimmtngs as lov. •ts they can be obltilliV4l anywhere else, and sold by the yard tolhn•,e who may wish to have them made at home. 01 elsewhere. Overcoats, Dress Coats and Business Suits made to order with dispatch, and in the best and most fashionable manner, as the customer may desire. All kinds of cutting and repairing done at reasonable prices. An entire new stock got up for the Fall and I .Vinter trade of 180 S and IStii), anti manufactured in the city ut Lancaster, It would be to the interest 01 the public to call and realize that "IT IS A FACT." S. S. RATHVON, sept-C9-tfwl Merchant Tailor and Clothier. PLANING MILLS. & COLUMBIA, rA., SUSQTJELE &Nis:A PLANING MILL :Slanufacturers of, and have constantly on hand Sashes, Door Blinds, Shutters, Window and Door Frames, Brackets, Moulding, Shelv ing, Casings, ac., Se. P. S.—The Platting and Dressing of Lumber is continued and carried on as heretofore by sep4-69-tf JOHN .13, BACHMAN. YEENG HOUSES. T C. EZICHER, AGENT FOlt THE STATEN ISLAND DYING ESTABLISHMENT, Ladles' 'Presses, Cloaks, Veils, Gloves, Ribbons and Silks of 011 kinds dyed any color. Also, Cle=t lemon's Coats, Vests,Pa ntaloons, ttc. Kid Gloves washed to look like new. Scouring, repairing, &c., done at short notice. 1 will r eceive goods at my store and forward them to the establishment. ./ti - tr Satisfaction guaranteed, Call and see list of pr;ces at J. C. BUCI - lER'S Store, Locust Street, sep 4-69-tfw] Commbia, Pa COOPER & PE ART, - - - DEALERS 1:s: I.] - UMBER, & COA:L, BALTIMORE COMPANY And all the best Quality of STOVE COAL BUILDING LUMBER Of all kinds, sold and delivered on cars, at the LowEsT MARKET RATES, Hemlock, White Pine, Weatherboarding, Jolce, Scantling, ex., &e., suitable for all kinds of Building purposes. LOCUST POSTS! CHERRY,PPLAR, ASH, VICKETS, SHIN ULES, ,te All orders by mail will receive the t>atue at tention as though the applicp;ion be made n COC PER & PEART, Front. St.. Columbia person. scp4-60-tfsvi MTV,X=MM ' •VM7MITIIM'_M B. B. Columbia, L.itteastt. co., Pa., 111anufactureri, :al Beech Creel:, Clinton co., Pm and WI/oh:sale Lumber Dealer:, WHITE PINE. HEMLOCK POPLAR, WALNUT ASR, FLOOIII NG, i.IIDEIN“, WEAIIIER }WARDS, PICKETS. LA NIS, scplA.'7otl PDX BOARDS. Ac., F. F. LA: , .:DIS, EZDA 1. LANDIS, JACOIV S. LANDIS KEYSTONE :MACHINE WORKS, EAST JAMES STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Mann taeturers ot Stationery and Portable En gines, ot- the most approved style and plan. Mill Gearing, Shafting, Valleys, Hangers and Couplings, 01 an improved pattern. Farmers Portable Grist AI ill. OUR NEW AND IMPROVED GRAIN Ttl iLESHEIL AND SEPARATOR. - - - . With the Best Tripled Geared Horse Power. Iron and Brass works made to order. Furnish Models for Patters at reasonable rates. Having goad and experienced hands,and being practical mechanics themselves, feel sale in guarantee ing all their work to give satisfaction. For par ticulars, address LANDIS & CO.. n Lancaster, Pa. ECONOMICAL MUTUAL LIFE 'INSURANCE CO OF RHODE ISLAM Rates lower than other Mutual Companies ovEn $l7O FOR EVERY 100 This Company issues Polish sin all Llie several forms; and combining the Stuck and ikluLual principles, v Word greater seen rity to parties In suring than either the Mutual Or :Stock: princi pal alone. The Ralc., have been prepared by the HON. MAZUR WRIGHT, Actuary of the Company, the most noted and popular Actuary- CASH DIVIDENDS ANNUALLY after second payment, on IN ADVANCC POLICIES ISSUED ON THE LIVES OF FE MALES AT REGULAR OR TABLE RATES. Do not fail to examine the principles of this Company before insuring. For circulars, ap ply to W. D. DEITZEL, Agent, Lancaster City or Dr. B. F. llmmtAx, Ex. Surgeon, I.lscp-1-61ltlur No. 11 N. Front St., Columbia. ALLEN & NEEDLES, 42 ,Sottat Delaware Aceaue, ESTABLISHED EC ISIS Continue the manufacture of their old stun- lard quallcv SUPER-PIIOSPIIITE OF LIME BEE AMMONIATED FERTILIZER, Both of which are sold at Low Pincus, highly remunerative to the Farmer or Dealer. SEND FOR CIRCULAR No. 1 Peruvian Guano ! (Genuine Government front Chinch:Land G uanape Islands.). Puro Calcined, and Land Plaster, hydraulic Cement, Candles, and a full assortment of Burn ing and Greasing Otis. • A DISCOUNT TO DEALERS. Should the dealer near you, not keep our .nrtieles, send your orders to us, and they will receive prompt attention. july:10-13t INSURANCE COMPANIES THE COLUMBIA Fire Insurance dd., Of COLUMBIA, P.A., Insures BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, and other Property against Loss and Damage by Fire, on the Stock or Mutual Hamm: AS REASON ABLE TERMS AS OTHER RESPONSIBLE COMPA NIES. Losses Paid since IMO, $325,000. OFFICERS : President—S. S. DETWILER. Vice President—H. WILSON. Scerclary—J. F. FRUEAUFF. catrurcr—llEßßEßT THOMAS. DIRECTORS: S. S. Detwiler, If Wilson, J. B. Bachman Robert Crane, Won. Patton, M. M. Strickler, Herbert Thomas, Robert Ryo S, Jan Soh ceder, A. Bruner, Jr., J. S. Strine, J. F. Frt,eauit. For Insurance or Agencies apply by mail, or inar s s . on, to J. F. FRUEAUFF, Sec'y, COI UM bin, Pa. FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- Insures on the Cash, Mutual or Perpetual Rates ICRABER, President D. STRICKLER, Seeretary. M. S. SIII7:11..-lisi, Agent, septl-CO-tfwl Columina, _Pa rLi . IRARD FIRE AND AIAMNE IN SURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. • Capital .UO,OOO I Securities '-'300,615) Tins Com paoy co.rtinues to take risks 'on good property, at rates as low as any other aajc Coln - pally, too consistent with prudence. PonCION MsMed for long Jr short terms, or per manently. Losses promptly paid. All claims adjusted without litigation or delay. This Com pany refers to the past as a guarantee of Its in I ore conduct. MOS, CRAVEN, Pres't A. S. G =Err, 1. - lee-President. • JAS. B. ALvoaD, Secretary. F. X. ZIEGLER, At,tt ahlut Street, above Fron t. toluntbie, rcpt Nsumucali CONPAYV .NUM MERICA. I 'II I LA DELPEI lA. ;•-• d Asset:, 1 ; nsti e :igaumt golig,g, 1.3 , •t, I 1.11(111g,, Flo Ell Lll 1, fir.. , 01 long I "ABM pel lock, or peinginently Oil 11.1eposil 01 Pr...1111111n. '1 he pi 011.0 payrlll.ll 01 II 'h", /Or :1 perLOCI 111 sEVENTY yearb, a 1101.1., II guarantee of 1 . 1111111 Brun .1. nee. AI:TU[7IZ G. I. 01,1 , 11 C, 1 ILLSq. 1'.L.A . 1 . 1', See') F. X. ZILCiI.L•It, A ~t•nt, %Vain ut e't, a bo% I'x Col um lin., '00,14 1-69-1 fw DELAWARE MUTUAL OF 1.2%11N GTON, DELA WA RE Jonz4 P. Pvest 11 7 . 1V". Coruct Ninth (C: Npstnut (S'irects, PIIILADELPITIA . Gno. W. STONE, Vie(' President and Manager. Gno. F. TURNER, Gt.lleral Agent and Attorney. PURELY MUTUAL. LOW PRICES. All Policies Sun-forfeiting after One Annual Payment. 1 very accommodation consistent with Safety guaranteed to Policy holders. Books containing lull mformation concerning the plans and Pules of the Company sent tree upon application to the Branch Unice. Agents wanted throughout the States of 1-enn sylvania and NUM' Jersey. RtiVERENCES (by permission)--Hon. Gilpin, Chief Justice Slate of Delaware; Iron. Thos. F. Bayard. U. S. Senator from Delaware - Rt. Roe. Allred Lee, Bishop of Delliware; Char Henry Du Pont, Powder :Man ulacturer ; Eon. Gov. Saulsbury,GOV. Slate of Delaware; the de Presints of all the Banks in the City of 'Wil mington ; Doh. J. 5. Valentine, Mayor City of July2:3 FIZEIG-11.1" 29 - 017 CE . LOCAL F 1 EIGHT The Pennsylvania Rail Road Company are now prepared to receive or forward Freight, be tween Columbia and Lancaster, and all station n the Pennsylvania Rail Road and its branches RATES BETWEEN PHIL'A. Ltiz. COLUMBIA., First Class. 2nd Class. 3rd Class. 411 e 25 cents 21 ets. 18 cts. 15A... Flour Flour in Car leads, 2.q cents per Barrel, BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA & LANC.,\JsY,I?R. First Class. :lad Class. 314 (lam. Claw 23 cents . cis. 17 cts. ets, BETWEEN COLUMBIA K. PITTSP ; ROB. .1 ,- ,r4 Class. 2nd Class. 3rd Class. 10a, Class 71 cents 50 etc. 96 cts. • 31i ets. Freight consigned to stations wt•..ere, the Com pany has no Agent, must be prepaid, All Freights payable on Denvery." H. H. HOUSTQN, General Freight Agent, Phila. .I* - -For further information7apply to S. B. Kr.sosros, Frt., Agt., E. K. BOWE, Frt., Agt., . [cep t1.69-tfw pIiILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE - A New course of Lectures, as delivered at. the Penna. Polytechnic and Anatomical Muse um, 1'203 Chestnut St., three doors above Twelfth Philadelphia, embracing the subjects: Ilow to Live and What to Live tor; Youth, Maturity 0nc3.1 Old Age: Manhood. Generally Ito/Jewett:, The cause of Indigestion; Flatulence and nervous Diseases accounted for ; Marriage Philosophical ly considered. These lectures will be forwarded on recipt of 2.5 cents by addressing:. Secretary of the Penna. Polytechnic and Anatomical Muse um, 1203 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. DunelS-ly. READIN G BALL 1',025,D. LYKENS VALLEY, GREAT TRUNK LINE FROST THE NORTH AND Not th West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allentown Easton, Ephrata, Linz Lancaster, Columbia, &c., ke. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as fol lows: At 5.5, 8.10 5.50 A. M., and 2.50 P. M., con necting with similar trains ou the Pennsyl vania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 1230 noon, 3,50, and 10.00 P. M. respect . Ively. Sleeping Cars accompany the 3.35 mter A St., tram. withoutehange. lteturning—.oa% 0 New. Ilurk at 9.00 A. M., - 32.20.? noun and .5.1 M I'. \I., Philadelphia at 8.1,5 A . , .111. and 3.;10 P. .I\l. Sleeping Cars at compa,rez., the 5.110 I'. M. trains Irma New Yon: wzthout change. LeaVe Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsvi Tama qua, Alinersville,Ashland.Shamokimpme Grove Allentown and Philadelphia, 8.10 A. Nl'. and 2.51 and 4.10 P. 31., and stopping at , r,Hattion non and principal way stations: the 4.10 P. 31. train connecting lor Philndelphia„ Pottsville, :old Columbia only. For l'ot tsville, Schuylkill Haven, and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Sus quehanna Railroad leave Harrisburg at 8.40 P.ll Way Passenger Train leaves Philadenpnlis at 7.30 \...31., connecting with similar train on East, l'enna' Railroad, returning 110111 Reading at, 0.33 P. 31., stopping at all Stations. Leave Pottsville at 5 40, 9.00 A. 7(1.. and 250 P. 31.,11erndon at 1010 A. AL :Shamokin at 5.40 and 11.01 A. M., Ashland at 7.05 A. 11.,1121,11 . 2.30 Noon, Tamaqua, at 0.33 A. 31. and 2.20 P. 31. tor Phila delphia and Nett' York. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Rail Road at 5.15 A. 31. Mr Earrisbuig, and 12115 A. 31. for Pine Grove and.Tronont. Reading Accommodation Train, leaves Potts town at 3.10 A. 31., passes Reading at 7.3 A. 31., arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 A. 31., return ing, leaves Philadelphia at 5.13 P. 31., passing Reading at 8.00 I'. 31., arriving at Pottsville at 1.10 P. 31. Pottstown Aceornottation Train: Leaves Potts town at 6.25 A. M., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at ! 7.20 A. M., and 0.15 P. M., for Ephrata, Litiz, Lan- - caster, Columbia. &e. Perkionten Ile ii Iniad Trains leave Periciomen Juliet 1011 at 7.10 9.05 A. ffi. :Lou and 035 I'. 31. lie- • turning, leave Schwenksville :it 0.30 0.10 A. Al. 12.50 ,an d 4.40 P. M. connectingwitla trains on Reading Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad Trains leave Potts-- town at 0.40 A. 31., and 0.20 P. 31., eel leave Mount Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.23 rl. 31.,. connecting with similar trans on Reading Rail— road. Chester Valley Railroad 'Trains leave Bridge port at 6.110 A. \l., 2.05 and 5.02 P. JI , returning. leave Downingtown at 6.2 U A. 31., 12.15 noon, and 5.13 P. M., connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. 011 Sundays: Leave New York at 5.00 P. M.. Philadelphia 8.00 A. 31., and 3.13 P. 31. the 8.00 A. 31. Train running only to Reacting; Potts ville 8.00 A. 31.; Harrisburg 5.35 A. 31., and 4.10 I'. M., leave Allentown at 7.25 A. 31. and 8,45 I'. AI.; and Reading at 7.15 A. 31., and 10.05 P. 31. ler Harrisburg, at 7.23 A. 31. for New York. at 4.15 P. 31. for A lletown , and at 0.40 A. Si. and, 4.25 P. 31. for Pllil:ulclphlu, Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tickets, to and Irom all points, al, re duced Rates. Ita, , Nnge checked through ; 100 poluals allowed each Passenger. _ _ G. A. INTICOLLS, General snl,erinteutlent, READING PA., SEPT. 5, IS7O. SUSQUEHANNA IRON COMPAN I REFINED AND DOUBLE REFINED • ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL, AND HALF OVAL IRON. Car Axles, Shafting, and Horse Shoe Bars. .453-Orders promptly tilled from. Stock on hand or made to order. Terms, net, at Manufacturer's prices, de livered on Cars or Boats. Office at their sept.l-69-Lfw] F INE FAMILY GROCERIES, A LARGE S.: FINE STOCK JUST RECEIVED I have now in Store a full assortment of Groceries & Provisions Extra Syrup Molasses, Flue Teas, Coffees, Sc Extra Sugar Cured HAXS and DRIED BEEF. Dried Fruit, Pickles, and Fancy Groceries of all kinds, and at the lowest prices. Call and ex amine my stock, whether you buy or not. HENRY SUYDAM, sepl-G9.tfw] Cur. of Front t Union StR, ANCE COMPANY, YORK', PA Lite Insurance Compatny, M. M. CHILD, Seely 111:..1.:1(.11 OFFICE FALL ARRANGEME7S. MON DAY, SEPT. 5Tn, 1870 Manufacturers of all sizes 01 ROLLING.MILL, Y Colurpbia. enna PROVISIONS, ac., &c. AND IN STORE! For Family. and Hotel use Extra FAMILY FLOUR by the barrel or smaller qtututity.