The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, October 01, 1870, Image 3

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    '_;lje elnumbia gm
, -
Saturday, October 1, 1870.
Trains leave York as follows :—SournWARD
7.13 A. M., Baltimore Ar.,. ommoc'; on.
0.15 A. M., Ilullalo Express.
0.52 P. M., Pacific Express.
4.20 P. 51., Mall.
11.55 P, M. Cincinnati Exp •ess.
York and Harrisburg Acr ommodation arriv
at, 7.20 P. M.
1.45 A. 31., Buffalo Express.
6.30 A. M., York and Harrisburg AccomNin
11'.115 A. M.,
2.4 a P. M.
. Fast Line ,
10.40 P. M., Cincinnati Express.
134.1t1.n0re Accommodation arrives at York
at 0.40 r. M.
The lOU halo Express runs daily, all other
daily except Sunday.
The trains run by Altoona time.
En. 5. "S" ,, UNC, A. P.. Fiske
Gen.S Pass. Gen:
[....nea.ster Train 7.50 A.
ri:trrklmrer. Accommodatmn 5.50 I'. il
Ntait EUtt I lA'S A.
risb , Accoannodal ' )P.
Lancaster Train Arrive^ 8.05
Ma riett a Accom. leaves Columbia, at 7 05 A. AI
Leave Columbia for Lancaster.
An lye at LaueaNter
Connecting with Erie Express for Phll'a.
Leave Lancaster at 3 00 P.
Arrive at Columbia 3.30
Trains leave Columbia for York at 8.00 A. M.
12.13 and 8.15 P. M., arriving at York at 9.15 A
M., 1.10 and 9.15 P. M. respectively.
Trains leave York for Columbla at 7.23 A. M.
12.0,5 and 5. 10 P. M.
- :7KARD.
Supe. a e 0 - ..!• a. ply
Fryer, Salt and a full line of Family Groceries
for sale chap at Max. Bucher's, 1219 Locust St.
Call and examine his stock, just received ~ro m
rival of these excellent Coffee Pot just op
ened at Shreiner's, call and see them, they
arc warranted to give satisfaction.
Fon a large and varied assn. tment of
Drugs, Chemicals, Parent Medicines and
Druggists' sundries go to T. A. Meyers'
Drug store, Odd Fellow's Hall. fie has re
cently made large additions to hisstock,and
offers choice goods,personally :.elected, and
bought exclusireig for. Cas:/.. All popular
remedies in stock, and storekeepers sup
plied at very low figures for cash.
To - F. SIISQUEIL'iNNA.—The Susquehanna
was lower on Wednesday thou it has been
for Many . years . Our Wash i ng , on Borough
correspondent names 21 years. Another
gentlemen places it lower than in ISSI, the
year of the cholera. On Monday night
the water fell eighl, inches. The Peun'a. P.
R. Company were obliged to extend their
pipes out further into the river to enable
them to get water for the supply of their
reservoir. The "Thousand Isles" below
the dam are more prominent than they
have been for many years. Canal naviga
tion is seriously affee.ed and must proba
bly ho suspended.
Putt:.—On Friday night, the 23 inst., we
were again aroused by the alarm of fire ,
caused by the burning - of an out building
belonging to the Colored school. The fire
was extinguished before m nen damage had
been (bole. Had it not been for some of
our citizens, who aided in extinguishing
the fire, the school building might have
been destroyed. It is supposed to have
been the work of an incendiary.
The firemen, as usual, were in good time
to render assistance; but it being a small
building, the citizens found no great trouble
in checking the tire, without the aid of the
A nontr.—There was a tight near the A.
IL E. Church on Saturday evening, be
tween two colored men, all about the pos
session of two dollars and a-half. One
charged the other 'with having stolen it,
and proceeded to inflict several severe
blows in further proof of his chaege. After
a little rough-aud-tumble fight, in which
the weaker sex participated orally, the
crowd dispersed.
We wonder where our "Special" police
force was, that they were not present to
keep the peace, us this riot occurred in the
neighborhood of "Tow Ilill"—their pre
cinct. It appears when their services are
most needed they are absent; and where
not required they are present.
The ,Sudiday Atercary in spo.t.zing of the
visit of the West Philadelphia lose Coin-
1)1111T, Stl3'S
On 'Wednesday an rrnoon they lett York
for Columbia, and there I hey were received
by a torch-light proce , sion rotten up by
the Columbia and Vigilant' Engine Com
panies, and were lin telsotnely entertained
at Ibe 11 ousc of the Columbia Fire Co. Dr.
Alex. Cr.i , x lied Dr. F. Uralith welcomed
their visitoi . s in neat speechc3. At this
place done> and Smith, of the Haverford
band, made a purchase of a celebrated
mule, and it was rumored among the boys
that Smith got the best of the bargain.
After enjoying a few pleasailt hours at
Columbia, they took their departure for
Lancaster. and at that place received a
splendid 1 eception at the hands of the Fire
Our Philadelphia colemporaries wilt make
mistakes sometimes, and we suppose the
above is another. D. F. Friflith mild make
a neat and earnest speech; but we never
knew before that one speech made a doctor.
How is it Dad ?
TE GS-A Fraud Attem9Ced.—Last week we
" We unders•and that this conspiracy of
Grier, if successful, will disfinuchi•ie about
250 qualified voters, whose names have been
left off the Borough Assessment Book."
The amiable assistant editor or the Her
ald republishes the above, with a lot of
balder-dash about the county lists of 1569
and IS7O denying our charge, and asking
us to make the amend° honoraille. We de
cline, as we are ready to sulyaantlate it,
and therefore endorse every statement it
contains. To prove it, we invite the atten
tion of our readers to the animus of the few
choice sentences, written by assessor Grier,
in the lie? aid of the 22nd inst.
" :None of the niggers are assessed for
borough purposes, except the class above
mentioned (Free Holders,) and consequent
ly their right of suffrage for Borough offi
cers is curtaikd for this year. This being
the case, it will not require ti great effort on
the part of the democracy to elect the offi
cers above named."
Our democrattc official knows the duties of
an assessor, at least it is presumed he does ;
and that among other things ho is required
to "add to the list, the names of any quali
fied voter who shall be known to him,"
and whose names are not on previous lists.
His duty is a plain one. But the conspi
racy to defraud lies not alone with regard
to the colored people; but the names of
nearly 250 white men have been le.t off the
borough list, and among these are well
known citizens, merchants doing business
on Locust street, whom the assessor meets
almost every day. Had not the courts
interfered in this nice little democratic pro
gramme, about 400 citizens of Columbia
would have been disfrachised. Besides
these public revelations of the fradulent in
tent of our assessor, we have oth r means
knowing his participation in the business.
The whole subject sithply resolves itself
into a revolting outrage upon neaceful,law
abiding citizens, and had it not been for the
Interference of the cour,s,the election would
have gone (partially) by default.
The whole affair presents the sublime
spectable of democratic officials, asses
sor and all,tryiug to cheat the Bormgla out
of S2OO, and 400 citizens out of their just
rights. It is an unparalleled case of official
malfeasance, a democratic dodge, the like
of which has never been beard of before,ez:-
cept in New York and in the 4111 Ward
Boots and Shoes, lc -gest stock, lowest
prices at Hougendobler's.
BACIIENECEINER at No. 5 Front street,
near, is selling Clothing, Gent's
Fn Mshing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and
Shoes very low to make room for his large
stock of Fall and Winter Goods.
DIE Jumsrt CrviL YEArt commenced at
sundown on Sabbath evening last. The
year is numbered 5C31 from the begining of
the world and its anniversary is regarded
by them as the anniversary of the Creation.
SPECIAL is:lvoncE.—We have on our sub
scription list, a few subscribers who are
in arrears for two y ears and upwards. To
all such we give notice, that if the amount
due is not paid on or before October 13th,
their paper will be discontinued, and mea
sures taken to collect all arrearagos.
readers will be pained to learn of the sud
den death of Christian Ptahler, Esq., High
sheriff of this county, which occurred at
his residence, in the York county prison,
on Seta day evening last. Sheriff Filthier
had been in his usual healtu, up to the time
of the• sad occurrence, and attended to the
alines of his office, during the day, and re
turned to his homy in the evening, and was
engaged in conversation with his brother
in-law, when he was suddenly taken ill,
and, in a few moments expired. Sheriff
Ptahler was widely and favorably known
in this county, :Lid his sudden death will
cast a gloom over many a 1 heart in our
tnidst. Ile was a good citizen, an excellent
officer, a kind ffither and husband and a
true friend. His death was cursed by dis
ease of the heart.—York Trite DCMOCrat.
1.30 P.
2.00 "
CRUELTY TO ANIMALS.—J6bn Elrotel was
arrested and t .ken before Esquire_Evans,
on Friday the fl3d inst., upon complaint of
George Badger, ror beating a horse over
the head with a club, on Tuesday and
Thursday of last week and which was re
ferred to in such strong language by our
correspondent. It being proven by a num
ber of witnesses that the defendant beat his
horse most inhumanly over the head, be
was convicted and ordered to pay a fine of
ten dollars, one-half thereof for the use of
the county, and the other hal:, at the re
quest of the informer to be paid to the
"Home" at Lancaster, and pay costs of
prosecution and stand commiited until the
sentence is complied Nvitn. The defendant
pa id the fine and costs, which amoumed to
$16.50. This is swi ft just ice, and :we hope
will have a salutary effect on :ill animal
The lEolian Quintette of Columbia, and
John Hart, the popular elocutionist, of this
city, gave an entertainment at Columbia,
on the evening of the gird inst., to one of
the largest and most fashionable audiences
ever assembled in Odd Fellows' Hall. It
represented the 0/Cc and intelligence of Co
ln bia. The Quintette Club rendered
their selections in exquisite sty'o, surpass
ing any former efforts, and eeelving the
most enthusiastic evidence of appreciation
by the audience. "Tommy don't go." by
T. J. Clepper, "Kiss me once more,
Mother," by B. F. Mullen, and " Go down,
Moses," by the Quartette, were very fine.
The readidgs by Mr. Hart were ably and
artistically rendered, his selections vary
ing from the grave to the comic, all very
appropriate to the occasion. His mimic
representations fairly convulsed the audi
ence. He was frequently and rapturously
encoved. His rendering of Henry Ward
Beecher's" Honored dead," the last on the
programme, was a masterly ellbrt. The
entertainment was a grand success, and
the audience left the Ball reluctantly at the
close of the performance. The proceeds
are to be devoted to erecting a tomb-stone
over the grave of Major Kelsey. Professor
Unseld, musical director, presided at the
organ, and sang, "Open the door, dear Ar
rah, for me," atm several other songs, with
fine taste and effect. Messrs. T. J. Wright,
alto, and S. B Clepper, basso, were im
mense in the humerous songs.—Express.
Oun GA= Laws.—For the information
of our sportsmen and others, we give be
low some interesting data relative to the
time of takin2, catching and killing certain
Partridges or Quails shall not be killed
for a period chh i bree years, under a penalty
of ten dollars for each and every bird so
kil led.
Pheasants. or Ruffed Grouse can be kill
ed between the Ist day of August and 20th
day of December.
Woodcock can be killed between the Ist
day of July and the IZu h day of November.
Rabbits can be killed between the Ist
day of August and the Ist day of January.
Reed bi ds van be killed between the Ist
day of Sepicin Jur and Me 31s1 day of De
Deer can be killed between the Ist day of
September mid he.2oth clay of December.
English and Urey Snipe, can be killed
between tie. Ist day of September and the
1.3111 day 01 Sovernber.
Wild Turkey, can be kited between the
.1.-31 day of October nod Eat Ist day of Janu
'Foy. and G:•ev Squirrels, be killed
between the hi Jay of August :mid Ist day
Trout, may be caught during the months
of April, May, Joao and July, and only
with a book and lino.
BucnEa's No. / Mackerel are, without
exception, the best and largest we have eve:
seen or eaten. They are fresh and pure and the
cheapest in town. For side, wholesale and retail
at his grocery store, 219 Locust street, where can
also be found a large stock of I. eslt faintly gro
ceries of the choicest brands. A'to, for sale, the
celebrated White Wine Vinegar, for pickeluig.
We are gratified to announce that the Maj.
Kelsey Benefit was a success financially as
well as otherwise. The following is the
Bv tiekeis sold
" Cash at dou.
ToSanit rs ree,
" Pro.. lan's expenses,
• Pro;. Unseld's "
Printing tiatets, posters, pro
grammes 000 it is, rinuting.
Total expenses,
:ounce in favor of 'and,
This amount was deposited in Bank on
Saturday morning, and a certdiczdo in the
name of A. M. Rambo and J. \V. Yocum
Ken there ore; and it is now bearing inter
est. It is the purpose of the gentlemen hay-
ivg the mat ler in charge,to raise a few more
dollvrs and erect the stone as soon as pos
sible. This statement of the proceeds is
made public, so that the people may know
what use has been made of the money.
The management desires us to thank Pro
fessor Hart, and the 2Eollans for their en
tertaining progi ammo on Friday evening,
the Columbia Cornet Band for their Etako
ny serenade and the Odd Fellows' Hall As
sociation for their gratuitous use of the
Loc'L ilitiErs.—lmilan Summer k at
Grapes have been picked, and the crop is
pronounced good.
Travel over all main Ines of railroad is•
as usual ueavy just at this sea2on.
Down i tigi ow n,li ke Lancaster wants water
The yonntr, people aro already catlVaSSing
the possibilities of the hickoey not crop.
The night'• tp.e growing cool rapidly, and
frosts in earnest may bee::peeted soon.
Checks will have to be stamped lor anoth
er year.
The Chicaw) Board of Education has
adop'ed a rule prohibiting teachers from
receiving presents f - otn their pupils, on
pain of dismissni from service.
The Pennsy/vaitia.S'ehoot Jo Urn al, belon
ing to Thos. 11. Durrowes,has been purchas
ed t):; P/of. T. F. Wickersham and J. P,
McCashey, of Lancaster, by whom it will
hereafter be conducted. The price paid «•ire
$.'5000. The publication of the 'Journal will
be con: iuued in Lancaster.
A man in New Jersey, named Hotchkiss,
thought it would be a good plan to scare the
wife of his bosom a little, the other night,so
he slipped out of bed, got on the roof and
dropped a few bricks down the chimney.
Mrs. H. didn't scare worth a cent, but qui
etly arose, bolted the trap-door, and again
sought her peaceful slumbers. The rest of
the night was spent by Mr. Hotchkiss on
the ridge-pole, shivering in the cold, and
sadly chanting. "Thou art so near and ye
SO far."
A. P. HOUGI?.NDOELEIVS has Shoes from
20 cents to . $4.5e per pair ; Boots from $1.20
to $0.73, the largest stock at the very lowest
Total teeelpts,
[For the SrY.)
Notes of Travel through Georgia
and Florida.
Mn. EDITOIC:—As all the communica
tions which have appeared in your paper
concerning Florida, have related to that
portion of the state, known as Bast Florida,
a few notes description of a trip through
the Western section of the state may not be
uninteresting to your numerous readers :
We started from Philadelphia on the oth
of August, and passing through Baltimore
and Washington, reached Richmond, Va.
about four o'clock on the morning of the
10th. The country between Richmond end
Petersburg still bears unmistakable evi
dence of the struggle which was there
maintained, and we felt that we were pass
ing over sacred ground; ground baptized
with the blood of thousands of bravo men.
In the evening wo reached Wilmington,
N. C., a place historical during the late war,
as it was near here the great naval battle
was fought, which resulted in the capture
of " Fort Fisher." A ride of twelve hours
brought us to Charleston, S. C. This has
been and still is a beautiful place; but as
though sufrering from a j ust retribution for
that audacity which prompted thorn to lire
the first gun upon the American flag, it ap
pears to have received a shock from which
it has never recovered ; but little business
is transacted there. The grass grows in
the streets, and the city presents a sombre,
gloomy appearance.
The tide to Savannah, Georgia, is through
the most desolate country it was ever our
misfortune to witness ; huge swamps
over which the railroad passes on trestle
work, and the stations dignified by the
name of towns, consisting of two or three
shanties; the occupants of which are ne
groes—none other could exist in such a
wilderness of desolation.
Savannah, situated on the Savannah river
is a growing, thriving city, with a popula
tion of about 30,000 inhabitants. It is the
largest commercial city in Georgia, and six
or seven steamers leave there every week.
for Boston, New York, Philadelphia and
Baltimore, laden with rice, cotton, and the
products of the Southern stales.
We left Savannah on the 13th for Dain
bridge, Ga., via. the Gull' R. R., passing
through largo plantations of rico and cot-
ton, and immense forests of pine trees.
One of the characteristics of the St uthern
R. R., is that every passenger train has at
tached thereto a soparato car for the use of
the negroes, who, from long servitude have
acquired habits of obedience and respect,
and never attempt to enforce the XIV
amendment to the constitution, - by enter
ing any of the other cars.
At Bainbridge we embarked on the large
and commodious steamer " Spray," com
manded by Capt. Marks, a gentleman
whose kind attention and courteous de
portment greatly enhanced the pleasure of
the trip. After a ride of twenty four hours
down the Flint and Apalachicola rivers, wo
reached Apalachicola, Florida ; a city situ
ated upon the Apalachee bay, about nine
miles from the gulf of Mexico, with a pop
ulation of 3000 inhabitants. It is ono of the
most thriving cities in Florida, and has the
finest harbor on the Gulf coast. Two lines
of steamers ply between Columbus, Ga.
and Apalachicola, by means of which much
of the cotton raised in Georgia, Florida and
Alabama is shipped to Apalachicola, where
it is re-shipped to Northern and European
markets. Steamers from New Orleans to
Havana stop hero to receive and unload
freight. To the citizens of Apalachicola,
the custom house officers and Lieutenant
T. E. Ashmead, commanding the U.S.
Revenue Cutter "Petrel," wo are under
many obligations, for their kindness to us
while sojourning among them.
The vast resources of this section of Flor
ida, consist in the abundant and luxuriant
growth of its timber; 'immense forests of
pine, cypress, live oak and juniper extend
on both sides of the Apalachicola river ;
white a number of navigable creeks flowing
into the river, make nearly all the timber
accessible, and easily managed without the
expense of hauling.
Northern capitalists realizing the fact
that the pine forests of the north will soon
be used up, are purchasing largely of these
lauds. One of the largest enterprises in
which northern capital has been hero in
vested, is the purchase by the " Apalachi
cola Lumber and Land Company," of a
heavily timbered tract containing over ten
thousand acres; from this they can manu
facture from one to two hundred millions
feel of lumber, and sell the land after it has
been cleared, front five to ten dollars per
This portion of the state is peculiarly
adapted to grazing the grass closely re
sembling the celebrated blue grass of Ken
tucky and Tennessee. Many of the inhab
itants, who formerly estimated their wealth
by the number of negroes they owned, now
compute it by the number of cattle. One
gentleman informed me he owned over
2000 bead, all running wild in the woods,
branded with his private mark.
Under the guidance of Wm. 11. Neel, the
gentlemanly and accommodate ug post- mas
ter at Ricoes Bluff, we rode on horse-back
a distance of eighty-five miles, through the
counties of Franklin and Liberty, and
wo'•e thus enabled to see that section of the
The agricultural resources are sugar cane,
coat, coLiou, Scupperuory grapes and lust,
but not least, oranges. The orange trees
grow to the size of our apple trees, and
yield from 2500 to 4000 oranges each; these
sell j eating at, from three to five dollars
per hundred at the grove.
The rivers and creeks aro filled. with fish
and alligators; the forests abound with
deer and bear.
It wt•as our good fortune to kill a rattle
snake, measuring six feet live Melte., in
length, with fourteen rattles, the largest
we ever sass
The inhabitants are kind, hospitable and
courteous, and seem anxious that Northern.
men should settle among them. What,
they require to develop the state is energy
and capital.
Although, we spent almost the entire
month of August in Florida, where it is
reasonable to suppose the heat would be in
tense, and that much sickness would pre
vail; it is almost incredible, and to us it
scorned an impossibility but the mercury
in the thermoine.,er did not range above SS.,
and eve! y one appeared to enjoy most ex
cellent health.
We returned to New York by steamer,
well pleased wi th our trip. J. D. C.
LET every man, woman and child show
by their preseuee at the temperance meet
ing next Friday evening that they are in
favor of driving from our land the monster
that is seeking to destroy the peace and
harmony of our nation, and cause a blush
to tinge the cheeli of those who spent blood
and treasure'thatt the mighty bulwark of our
liberties might be perpetuated, and not un
dermined by the evil influences of Intent
peran CP,
Rxmomus.—Bev. G. D. Pennepacker of
York will preach in M. E. Church ,:on next
Sabbath morning and evening. Monthly
Missionary :Meeting in the alternoon at 2
o'clock to be addressed by Father Boehm of
New York who is now in his Mb year,also
by Rev. Mr. Pennepacker. All are invited.
JAnE—Boss. what constitutes a "nixger?'
Boas—Well, Jule, any man with a black
skin who has been a democratic slave, who
has never had a chance to learn to read or
write, and who now wants to get educa
tion, is a "nigger."
J.i.un—Why, Boss, I thought a "nigger"
was a man that went strolling around from
place to place kind of loose, acliiig mean,
using other people'smoney,geLtin' up shows
for himself, and tryia' to run for office.
Boss—What makes you think so, Jabe?
Jane.—Because the other night, I heard a
wan cull you a "dirty nigger."
Boss—You bolter ran away to school.
A. R. HOWIENDODLER, corner of Third
and Cherry streets, sells Boots and shoes a
little cheaper than the cheapest.
THE equinoctial storm set in on Thurs
day night, and we have every indication of
a long "spell" of wet weather.
ItnrunmoANs, go to the Town Ilall to
night at 8 o'clock to make arrangements
for Borough nominations.
G. Case, purchased the Columbia Rolling
Milt on Wednesday. and will take posses
sion to-day.
Tun Grand Division Sons of Temperance
will hold a special .essiou in Columbia, on
Friday, October 7th. In the evening at 7i
o'clock a public temperance meeting will
be held in the i\ lethodist church,which will
be addressed by several of the most able
temperance lecturers in the state. The
citizens of Columbia and vicinity are cordi
ally invited to be present.
THE Blue Stocking Base Ball club left
Columbia on Thbrsday at noon to play the
Dauntless of Harrisburg in a match game.
The Blue Stockings returned in the 5:20
P. M. train with victory perched on the
baune . rs of the Dauntless, by a score of
45 to Sin favor of the latter. Their ambi
tion will now lead on our boys to " nem
fields of glory" for the test game.
communication dated "Columbia, Sept. 27,
1570," signed "Many Republicans," and
written by the esteemed showman of the
Columbia Herald, model school director,
ex-agent, ctc., appears in the Harrisburg
Patriot of this weak. This Cop. was so ab
sorbed with his trick of forging the names
of "Many Republicans," that he forgot his
plural impersonation, and commenced the
first sentence with the singular pronoun I.
Yet this gentleman wants to bee democrat
ic justice of the peace. Further particulars
next week.
LOCAL LIZEVITIES.—The 2Eolians left for
their Maryland tour on Monday, and will
return to-day.
Negotiations, looking to the starting of
the Columbia Rolling Mill, are in progress.
Proposals for furnishing slate for the new
Catholic church at Marietta will be received
by Rev. J. J. Russell up till lf" o'clock to
day (Friday).
We want iiur republican friends to be at
the depot this morning to see the delegation
of "Independents," "sore heads." copper
heads, " assessment dodgers" and other
"friends of reform" start for the reform(!)
meeting at Lancaster. Young of the Herald
has tho supreme impudence, greater impu
dence than Bill Map lesto advise (!l repub
licans to attend this meeting. How Cool.
The Susquehanna RollingMillis running
full; employs one hundred and eighty men.
Business with the company is exceedingly
brisk. Wo ought to have ton more in op
Be assc3sed for Borough purposes. The
cops had concocted a nice little plan to dis
franchise 400 voters, whose names the Bo
rough assessor left off the list. But the
court said you must assess all qualified vo
ters, and now Mr. Grier, the assessor will
obligingly sit for an hour each evening Sat
urday and Sunday excepted,between 7 and
S o'clock to assess all qualified voters. Ev
ery man who has resided within the bo
rough one year and has paid a borough tax
of 50 cents during that time can vote for
Cauticil, Chief Burgess, ,tc.
We called at A. R. Hougendoblers the
other clay to make some purchases, and
were surprised to find the immense stock
,of goods now in store at the "Red Sign."
Boots and Shoes of every quality, and of
every price, the latest styles in hats and
caps, and a fine assortment of the best no
tions. Amos is doing a goOd business, and
when he advertises be tells the true story
about his bargains ; people will do well to
call and purchase from him.
There was a pleasant serenade at the res
idence of Robert Crane, Esq., by the Co
lumbia Cornet Band on Tuesday evening.
mandamus case from Columbia came up
for argument on Monday afternoon, Col. 0.
J. Dickey and Major A. C. Reinwhl appear
ing as attorneys for potitioner, and H. M.
North for Borough Connell and Borough
Assessor and Collector of Coln mbi .
It is the duty of the Council to prepare
the assessment list, the assessor of the
Council being required to make his dupli
cate from the list of the assessor for county
purposes. This the Democratic Council,
and their assessor, IV. Hayes Grier,neglect
ed to do—the object clearly beingto prevent
the voting of some ono hundred and fifty
colored voters, as well as many white vo
ters, at the ensuing borough elections in
October. Interrogatories we:e filed and an
swers made, from which it appears that
Mere were let off the borough list four hun
dred and lily names of pet sons assessed on
the county list. From the testimony it was
shown that Clegget had not made personal
application to fitter Mr assessment, but bad
goue for that purpose, when Grier evaded
him by getting on the cars and going away.
The case was fully argued on
both sides, when toe Court dismissed
the petition for mandamus, demand not
having been proved, but directed that the
Council should prepare the duplicate for the
borough election to conform to the county
assessment, thus virtually sustaining the
object of the petition, to secure Mb right of
voting at the borough election to a large
class of colored as well as of white voters.
This was a bold and reckless scht ate on
the p.u•t of the Democratic Town Council to
prevent the polling of the colored voie,hop
ing by this high-banded measure to secure
at Mt ther lease of power in the borough
government of Columbia.
- Toe A , tornev for Connell contented that
the Borough Assessment was made in June,
and it was impossibie to make an extra as
sessment at this tune, bat it was shown
that in the election of 1569, Council had
passed a resolution instrue nig the asse.sor
to prepare "an ea:Wt. assessment list of all
per,ons whose names uppetued on the kvt
days' assessment List of t;ie District Asses
The attempted outrage upon the right of
suffrage of electors in Columbia, by those
whose duly it Is to enforce and proiect the
laws, was fully exposed in the light of judi
cial investigation, and is but another nk:
in the long chain of evidence on record
against the corrupt Democracy.—Lancaster
Zap ress.
Cott:Num.—A special meeting of Council
was held on Tuesday evening. Messrs.
Arms, Dietz, Baker, Crane, Craig, Detwi
er, Hippey, 'Nourse and Patton where pre
On motion of Mr. Craig, Council ordered
an extra assessment in conformity with the
order of the Court.
Mr. Craig offered the following
Resolved, That W. lf. Grier, Borough
Assessor be authorized to sit at the Town
Ball every evening (except Saturday and
Sunday) from 7 to S o'clock, from Sept. 2Sth,
until and including October 10th for the
purpose of assessing for Borough purpose
and that he also wake as,essments at his
office during the day (Sundays excepted)
between the hours of SA. M., and 4P. AL
keeping the List of each Ward separate and
arranged alphabetically for which service
he shall receive $3O.
Au amendment reducing the salary to
adapted and the resolution as
amended, passed
Mr. Detwiler offered the following which
was adopted:
I:esolved, That the BoromTh Tax Collec
tor be requested to be present with the
Borough Assessor every evening in the
Town Hall untill the day of election, anti
also on election clay, to receive taxes, and
that hand-bilis be pcsted throughout the
town giving the people due notice of the
On motion of Mr. Nourse it was agreed
that $3O be appropriated to pay H. M. North
for his services as Counsel in the Manda-
—We have no objections to the mandamus
foe, as our democratic members no doubt
felt quite relieved on account of the legal
informality by which they escaped the pen
alties of the law; but we, as well us nine
tenths of the people of Columbia,evorely
disapprove the course of Council in refus
ing to pay Constable McGinnis wages for
the time he spent in doing more than his
duty—in doing that for which the Borough
should have given any detective or police
officer a hand-some reward.
WE ara authorised to announce M. Clark
as a candidate for Justice of the Peace for
the first ward subject to the decision or the
Republican voters at the ensuing borough
primary election.
You can buy the best white sugar a
Hayes' for 13 and 14 cts, per pound. Near
ly white for 121.
Best roast coffee 28%
Babbit's soap 10 and 12 et%
Ex. sugar-cured haws covered 25.
Hummol's essence coffee 3 ct.. box
Farmers attention—Liverpool ground al
um salt $1.50 per bag. Remember the place
S. E. Cor. Fourth S: Cherry.
SCILOOL BOARD.—BOard met September
20th; members present. Messrs. North,
Stripe, Detwiler, Ziegler, Guiles,Dreneman,
Young and Watts.
The following applications for teacher of
Secondary School No. 1, were received
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Townsend, Misses
Clara A. Dietrich, Sadie M. Fisher, and
Annie E. Lard all of Lancaster, and Miss
Pfonts of Jersey Shore.
The election of a teacher was postponed.
A complaint was received from David L.
'Welsh on which action was postponed until
the regular meeting.
The President and Secretary wore author
ized to borrow $7OO. for thirty days.
Es.m, by the .rEelians and Prof. .Tolm Hart
of Lancaster was a rare musical and litera
ry treat. The audience comprised the dile
and intelligence of Columbia, and their
presence was a flattering ovation to both
the club and Mr. Hart. The enthusiastic
applause with which both were always
greeted, and repeatedly encored showed
that they had before them an appreciative
audience, capable of judging of the merit of
the exercises.
The musical programme embraced choice
trios, quartettes, songs and choruses, inter
spersed with a few comic selections, and
was varied enough to suit the tastes of
every body. The .2EoHans never sang bet
ter. Prof. Unsold, Musical Director, pre
sided at the organ. The Solos, by B. F.
Mullen and T. J. Clepper, were very tine.
In the choruses, Messrs. T. J. Wright and
S. B. Clepper, excelled any former °flints.
In the comic songs they were irresistible.
Prof. II:u•t in his selections, varying from
the sacred to the comic, held the audience
in a kind of enchantment. His rendering
of "Wounded," his mi MID ic representations
and the portrayal of the emotions in Henry
Ward Beecher's "Honored Dead" elicited
the warmest applause, and establishes in
our minds, the superior artistic ability of
Mr. Hart as a dramatic reader and elocu
tionist. Under the inspiration of the latter
selection, the audience seemed spell-bound,
and at the crisis of the piece,a point so well
known to elocutionists, the effect was
grand. Mr. Hart has succeeded:in acquir
ing, what many professed elocutionists
lack—a conception of the feelings and ezno
tions, which have furnished the idea ; and
he has also a remarkable power of portray
ing to an audience these emotions. llis
efforts here have received the warmest
—lt is proposed by many of our promi
nent citizens to give Mr. Hart a benefit.
Vre warmly applaud the proposition and
hope it will be posited forward. Our peo
ple lake an interest in entertainment and
instruction or this kind, and there is none
so cheap or so valuable.
SCETOOL DISCI Vll.lNE.—livery right-mind
ed citizen will grant that discipline in our
fourteen graded schools can not be main
tained, unless parents, teachers, directors
and pupils unite, and make the school room
a place of "co-operative" labor, of mutual
concessions and kindness. The parent
should teach the child that it litust obey the
teacher; that obedience to the rules of the
school room is an absolute condition of that
child's admission ; that obedience means
that the child must learn the lessons which
a reasonable teacher imposes, must have
the books which the law prescribes, and
must conform with all the minor YegLl ia
lions of the school room itself. So far the
duties of the child go. In addition, the
parent should always sustain the teacher
in any reasonable punishment which he
finds necessary to inflict in maintaining
order. The school room is bis--east to. and
he must exact obedience in every c .se.
If the child fail% in any one of these nec
essary duties, the teacher has the right re
served to hint to prescribe the mode of en
forcing obedience.
The teacher's duties are well known, and
may be summed up in two words—teaching
and governing. If they transcend their
powers and rights, the remedy lies in mak
ing complaint either to the higher principal
of the school, or to the school board, or in
default of both, in aggravated cases, to the
supreme Isw of the hind. It will be seen
by the proceedings of the school boaM that
complaint has been made iu one case, and
foul the good judgment,as well as ability of
the board, we believe they will be satisfac
torily adjusted. Our complainant in this
case, will bear in mind that the hoard has
only oaf', Mr. Young in it, but that the re
mainder are gentlemen, woo have the in
terest of our schools at heart, and will see
that discipline is maintained.
Parents should never bring their griev
ances to the school room, but lay them be
fore such members of the school board us
they know Will give them an impartial au
dience. No parent or guardian has a right
to interfere with the laws of the school
room, except through the proper channel—
the Pi ineipal or the Board of Directors.
Sad Atrair—X Youth Accidentally
Shoots His compauiou.
An accidental and fatal shooting affair oc
curred yesterday allot-noon in West Lampe
ter townsht p, by which Samuel 1:yle. aged
about fifteen, and son of John Kyle of East
Orange fir Nvt , was al mosei net a ntly Hied.
It seems that in the morning between i and
8 o'clock the deceased, in connect ion with
James Ruch:man Reese, son of A. Shultz
Reese, the restu rant keeper of North Queen
street, and familia-1v known a mon et his
companions as "Buck." and another youth
named John Gorman proceeded to the
country on a shooting expedition, They
reached the tavern of Henry Miller in Lam
peter where they put up their horse, and
then went to the adjoini f 4 fields and groves
whore they shot severe I Weds and gray
squirrel, young Reese being armed with a
heavy donble barreled gun. and Kyle with
a sin . gle barreled gam. Gorrnan had no
gun. All three youths were of about tile
name age. At noon they returned to the
tavern where they partook dinner and then
started out attain. They had not p:oceed
ed tar when Reese shot a bird, had reloaded
his gun, and was in the net of placing a cap
upon tile nipple. when Kyle picked up sev
eral small clods of earth, rine of which Ito
threw at Reese. in a playful manner, and
which struck the latter on the hand, caus
ing him to drop the gun from a perpendicu
lar position and at the same time to dis
charged the load. Kyle was standing on
the opposite side of a narrow read—about
ten feet—and directly in front of the gun,
and the entire charge of No. li bird shot
entered the left side of the face raid head,
carrying away the eye, part of the jaw.
Kyle sank clown into a golly and died in a
few moments. Young Gorman ran to him
and said, "Sam. are you hurt ?" There
was a motion of the jaws, but no articulate
sound was heard. Young Reese became
almost frenzied and shouted to Gorman to
shoot him as he had killed his best friend.
The affair occurred on the farm of John
1 3rack hill's mill. Both bays ran clown to
the mill, where they met Mr. Rudolph Le
fevre and to whom they stated what had
occurred. Mr. Lefevre and several others
accompanied the boys to the spot and found
Kyle quite dead. As soon as they return
ed young Reese extended his arms and ap
pealed to those present to shoot him. The
guns, however were taken in charge, and
Reese wal advised to return to the city. lie
did so in company- with Gorman. Reese
at, once went to his parents and stated
what limb happeLed. Ills mother then ac
companied him to the Mayor's °dice, where
ho sutrendered himself into the hands of
Alderman Fisher. Counsel was procured
Reese, but its no testimoney could be token
the alderman referred the question to Ron.
A. L. Hayes, who decided that Reese
won Id have to stand committed until the
report of I coronor's inquest, when the
case could be had on a habeas corpus.
Reese was accordingly removed to the
County Prison.
This morning Deputy Corner Samuel Y.
Myers held an inquest on the body the
jury returned a verdict that "Samuel Kyle
came to his death by the accidental dis
charge of a gun in the hands of James 13.
We have given a brief but clear history
of the taair, and, we believe the correct one
Young Reese and Kyle were almost. daily
comp unions' and were attached to each
other like brothers. It is not known that
any ill-feeling ever existed between them,
and the tragedy which has thrown two fami
lies into sorrow, we believe was purely the
result of an accident. —Lancaster .Express.
Duncio 0 3r rambles through the town
this week we noticed many of our stree;s in
a dirty condition, especially Locust St. be
tween 3rd and 4th sis., in lront of many of
the dwe'tings heaox of dirt can be seen,
whether by permission of the Ho ongh
thoriiies we know not. It has been inti
tooled that one of the " town fathers" was
to become tue happy possessor 01 the "huge
moan tai os o. dim," but Madame Rumor
sometimes errs, and pe ihap - 3 sack is the
case this time. We do not think it would
add much to the expenses of the borough,
to reduce the force at, work on Cherry St.
and let them make some of the of her streets
in the borough present a more cleanly ap
pearance. " Where are the special police?"
S rNoToN Bo notron PrEMS.—The Co
lumbia 6;, Dort Deposit. E. H. is making
some headway below town ; one mile in
length has a :wady been graded. Wo ex
pect ere long a heavier lorce will be put on
and the we.• : pushed ahead with more
speed. The general impression is that the
road will nol 7 be put through.
John Sim min and John Allison two old
and experienced fishermen on last Friday a
week slaJ3ii,ered the fish. They had two
lines stretched and hauled out of the water
PZIS Perch and one This is consid
ered by the fishecman a heavy lift.
The faithrul are making seine prepara
tions here to attend the numagerie to be
held in the city or Lancaster on Saturday
The price of ad toie,ion has not yet been
decided upon. or the figures for the slate.
No great anxiety is felt here about it by
either parly.
The river is still falling and is now lower
than it has been for 21 years.
Elder NV. L. Jones, pastor of "The church
of God," delivered a lecture on Ten, perahce
on last Saturday evening. The house was
well tilled. J. L. S.
itiarria . ges
he l 0 h tts .he ltv..•.tenee .'te Ut tle's
pa•oeuts. by Rev. 1.. Me edit,., enry •it tett,
or Lantit•tville, .o eber , oi e ofliveolc
Oa nte :ns.., by Eev. S. 11. C. Soli, B. Ettclel lfl, of Ertnee,..ter coauty, co
lle,.an.oZ Latte. c_iy.
On t•ir. th , us,., of coosnaun jot], C.,
fe oi" Wm. L. S , oce :3:;e0 yea s, 10 nlont hi
( VS.
The e lerni W t 211 , ce op —ate', e -
0001 , oe.l the Ge hle lee or oe,.
1110 i he., El' in.he.ll Alley, :)el%seeil
Locus., and tlabu s.reet.s.
Sheriff's Proclamatioib.
I, Flummuck 3tYkits, High Sheri If of Lancas
ter COU.ILY, Commonweritit of Pennsylvania,
do I' ereby make known and give notice to the
km:crofts o; the county:tiers:n(l, that an election
will be held in the .said coanty of Lancaster, on
TUESDAY, TIIE I li h day of OCTOBER, ISM, for
the purpose of eloct ing the several persons here
inmter named, viz :
OSS pErCsON duly qualified for Member of
FOUR PERSONS duly qualified Mr Members of
_ _ . • .
ONE rEitsoN duly qualified fur Ilecorder.
ONE PER.SON duly qualified for County Com
TWO PEIt.SONS dull qualified for Directors of
Im Poor.
'I'WO PEW-SONS tltily,titia - 1 (lett far Prkon In
spi‘etor , ..
ONE PERSON duly qualified for County So
TWO PEIZSONS duly qualified for Jury COM-
1111 55 1000.5.
ONE PERSON duly qualified for Auditor,
Every 00,0 a, excepting Justices of the Peace,
who slut. I hold a ty office or appointment m
protlt or I rust under the Government of the
Lultc4 Sta or lids St re, or a ty city or in
corporate O • strict,weet 'ter It 000unissloned of
fice: or oche wise,a sub°, 61 nate officer or agent.
Wl l O is or 511.1 Ihe emp i oycd untie t 0.) Legisla
tive, Exeent ice or Judicta y den:tauten ts of the
State or United St ,te • l, or Of any elty or Ulcer
altM district, and 01.0 every member 01 Congress
or of the Sta e Leoe,la ore, and of the Select and
Common Co mai, of :lily city, or Corn.nis
same; of any inemporated dntrlc•l, is, by lau•,
Incapable 111 - holding or exercising at. the SUMO
111110 the office or appointment oritolge, inspec
tor• or clerk o:any election of this Com 111011-
wealth, and no inspector, judge, or caner °Meer
of any such el on shall be eligible there to
he yi/, ed fo
The Inspector and .Iwlge of the election shall
meet at the re , dective place appointed for hold
ine the electio in the d, strict, to which they
respectively he one, Belo e nine o'clock in the
morning. and each of A. IllSpeCtOrS Shall ap
point one Clerk, who I be a qualified vote,
of such district.
In case the poison who shall have received
the second Inglies, nui.»er of votes for inspec
tor slmil not ottcnti on le day of any election,
then die tperson who s tell have received the
second highest ntunber of votes forpalge at the
next proceed' qt.! election shall act as Inspector
nt his place. And In case the person NVIIO shall
have received the highest number of votes for
Inspector sl.Ol not attend, the person elected
Judge - stint appoint an. inspector ht his place—
and In ease too. person elecLed Jude:Z. - Shell- not
attend, then the Inspec.or who received tile
,Ituitiber of votes shall appoint a Judge
In nis p r - —or i 7 any vacancies shall continue
in the hoe-d ow the apace of one hour after the
time fixed by law for the ore dug of the elec.
two, the qualified voters of the township, ward,
Or district for which such ollte:s shall .inve
been elected, present at such election shall elect
one off heir mother to till such vatanev.
It shall be vof tac ..everal assessors of
cool dist 't to al tend at the place of holding
every general, special or towfiship election,
d wring 1. le whole time saln e etion is kept
open, loi• the purpose of giving hiformation to
the inspectors and judges, when called on, in
relation to tile right, of any person lis..essed by
them to vote at such else o.a, or such other
matters In relation to the a •rue its oivoters
Its the said inspectors or ei; ier of them shall
from lime to time require.
No person 5h..11 be .elinit fed to vote at
any election, as Pfore4al, o her than a tree
man of the age Of LWellipolle years or inure,
who shall have resided in the State at least
one year. and in the election district where he
oirei..; his vote at, least ten days immediately
proceed ipnisuch election, and within two: ears
paid a S ie o • 0 anty kilt. Shrn have
been assessed at least ten days beibre the elec
tion. Put a cluzeu of the United files es W.lO
has wevloasly b' en a gnahtled voter of this
State and removed therefrom and relented.
and Mgt shall h lve resided in the election ill,
trict and paid • xes as nioresald, she q be enti
tled to vote a. • resarag in this State six
mouths; Provided that ti e freemen, citizens
of the United. States, between twenty-one and
twenty-two years, who haye resided In an
election distrnet, as aforesaid, shall be entitled
to vote although they shall not have paid taxes.
No person satin be permitted to vole whose
name Is not contained ln.the list of taxable it ,
habitants Tarnished by the Commissioners, un
less Fitst he produces a receipt tor the payment
within two years of :t State or county tax as
aesseasetl agreeably to the Constitution, and give
stallactory evidence either on his oath or atth•-
mat ion, or the oath or affirmation of another,
that he has paid such a tax, or failure to pro
duce a receipt shall make oath to the payment
thereof. Seeped, if he claim the right to vote
by being an elector between the age of twent, -
one and - t wenty- sears, Ire shall depose on
oath or allirmai.on that tic has resided in this
Ste to at least one year next before his opiate:i
d° 1, and make such proof or residence In the
district it.s required by this act, and that he
does verily believe from the account given him,
that he Is of age aforesaid, and such other evt
.lence as is required by this act, whereupon the
name of the person thus admitted to vote shalt
be inserted ill the alphabetical list by the In
spectors, and Inlote made opposite thereto by
writ lint the 1. ord tltax” if he shall be admit Ltd
to vote by rc son of staving paid tax or the
word "age," if he shall be admitted to vote by
reason or such age, shall lie called out to the
clerks, who shall make the like notes on the bat
of voters kept by them.
In all cases where the name of the person
claiming to vote is found on the list turnialled
by the Commiasioners and assessor, or his right
to vote, whether found thereon or not, is objeet
ed to by any qualified citizen, it shall tie the (Il
ly of the inspectors to examine such persons on
oath as to his qualifications and it he chains to
have resided within the state for one year 01
more his oath shall be sufficient pool' thereo •
but shall make proof by at least one competent
witness, who shall be a qualified elector, that he
has resided in the district, for more 111(10 tell
days next in' nledi atety preceding such elect kin,
and shall :Lisa hi none! f swear that his bon:Lade
residence, in pursuance of his lawlul vatting, is
in said district, and that he did not remove into
sold district or the purpose of voting therein.
Every perscr qualified as aforesaid, and who
shall make due proof, it required, of the resid
ence and pay'' , of taxes as aforesaid, shall
be admitted to vote In the township, ward or
district In which he shall reside.
If any person shall prevent or attempt to pre
vent any Milner of any election under this act
front holding such election, or use or threaten
any violence to any such officer, or shall inter.
rum, or improperly Interfere with him its the ex•
eention of his duty, or shall Mock up the window
or avenue to any window where the saline may
be bolding, or shall riotously disturb the peace
at such election, or shall use any int Itnidat mg
threat force or violence, with design to Influ
ence unduly or overawe any elector, Or to pre
vent him trout voting ur to restrain the freedota
of chola e, such persons on conviction nhull be
lined in any sum not exceeding tive hundred
dollars, a al imprisoned not less than three nor
more the a twelve months, and if it saall be
shown to Court, where the trial of sack offence
shall be had. that the person so °Minding was
not a resident of the city, ward, d lot net or town
ship where the °Mince was :Nom:anted, and not
tootled to vote therein, then on eon vicnon
he shall be sentenced to pay a Slue Of not less
than One hundred nor more than one thousand
dollars, and be imprisoned not less than six
months nor more t Ilan two years,
If any persmi, not by law qualined, shall fraud
ulen sly voae at any eiectiou of tips Conlinon
weal di, or being otherielse ipialitled shall vote
out of his proper district, if ary person knowing
the of such quadrat, lom shall 11111 or pro.
cure such person to vote, the person offending,
on conviction, be fined in any sum
not exceeding two hundred dollars, and be I an
prisoed in any term not exec lug three months,
If any person shall vote at 'lore than one elec.
titan district, or oinerwiso intudulently ♦ote
more than 1,1100 on 1 c sante day, or shag frand
ulently_lold _vet ,•ell ter, :a the inspector twmtiek
ets together, with the I ateat illegally to vote,
or shall procure :mother to do so, he or they of
fending: :dial] on conviction be. fined in any
sum not less Chan fifty nor more thou live hun
dred dollars, and be Imprisoned ficr a term not
less than three nor inure than twelve ire iths.
II any person not qualified to vote in this
Commonwealth agreeably to law, (except the
sons of qUaltiled eitil-ens,l shall appear at any
place of ewellun for the purpose u 1 ulnae:icing
the citizen., qualithst to vote, he 'shall on con
viction forfeit an pay any stun not exceeding
one hundred doltars fur every such offence and
be imprisoned fur any term not exceeding three
I al'o give official notice to the electors of
L..ncaster county, that, by ; n act entitled " Act
.u!ther Stippletneutttl to tile act relative to the
Sheriff's Pr•ocicimation.
elections of this Commonwealth," appeoved
April 17th,A. L. ISO, It is provided as 10-, '"
SamoN I. Fie it castled to the Senate and hone of
Prprasentottre, of the Commoorrent‘h of Pcnimultanirt tit
Genera/ .16nembbi met, nail it is leech!, enattet 6v the au
thority of the aline, Tnat itnhail be the duty of each
of the al•Set . Nors within t.ds Commonwealth, on
the nrst Mondry In June of each year, to lake
up the Um sea pt he hrs re. env( d from t' e
county Commissione.s under the ei , Mth sccoon
of tile act of fifteenth it April, eighteen illltl
dred and thirty- our and proceed to n't Immedi
ate revision of the sad - by striking theretrom
the 0010:01 eve •y pe. - ..0n 'rho is known by him
to have died or removed since the a-t previous
assessment from ti e distrk. of wh'eli he is the
assessor, or whose death or te im,alf 001 the
same shall ise made known to him, and to a•td
to the same tl e name of any tot tilled vote-,
who shall be known 1)1 - 11 to mo ; d Mto
the di. I et since t e 1.14 t prev'ud.lL.,"e-oment,
or W.lO. c remo :at into the 5: "ne shall be or
shall I ave b ea m town to him, and also
the names of a'l who s tall make claim to him
to be qualified yoters tic Till. As soon as this
revisit) •is finished he she - I visit every dwell
ing house in hi; d'strict and make careful in-
_ .
quiry if any ',crawl W. 10,0 name on the list
has died or left the district, r if so, to take
the same the efro . n, W; mite • any qualified
voter resides t c e, 'WOOS( p: ne is nut on his
list, and If so, add thereto; a al in all cases
where a name is a tied to toe list a tax shall
forth wlth ire asses xl against t •e person; and
the assessorsliall in all - er - es ascertain, by In
quiry, by what t.,round the perso 1 so assessed
claims to be a voter. Upon ti• , complmion of
this work, it shall lie the duty of each as...e-nor
as atoresrid to pro,:i-,:d to tuitke out it. list, in al
phabetical order, o. the white freemen above
twenty-one years ot* age, claiming to be quali
fied voters in the ward, borough, blast tip or
district of which lie is theas 'es ;or, and opposite
each of said names 'tate uMethe • said freeman
is or is not a house-keeper; and if he is, the
number of his Ireside - ice, In towns where the
same are nunmered, with the street, alley or
(mart In which situated ; and if in a town where
there are no nulitherS, the n.unu of the street,
alley or court on which said horse fruits ; also
the oceadation of the person ; and where he is
not a housekcepe*, the occupation, place of
boarding at d with whom, and it working for
a ootim. , die name of the employer, and write
opposite each of sa'd p Ines tie tt ord "voter;"
woe ie any persoo rat ta to vote b • ran on of
nattnalizat 011, he ,stall eirli fit his certificate
the. of to the ass or, ante is I e hats been Mr
live cors•mutive yet'. • next pe. ling a voter in
said disc et ; ir"d in all case • who a the person
has be i oat in at Pied. the ; aine s: II ball rrked
with the lel_er "N. ;" w a:e i. e pe_son has
ine••ely dee' ”ed I a Intent ens to become a cut
lieu at t, i to m p 'a third before the
next el eetio mu; es. Ihe mr lied "D. 14"
where the elann is to vo e by rerson of being
be-weer the ages of tWe ty-o mand twenty-two,
as provided by law, the word "rge" shall be
en to-earl ; and if the person las moved into the
election district to resides ice the last general
eleetioa, the letter "R." shml he placed opposite
the name. It shall be the f .rther duty of each
assessor as aforesaid, upon the co npletion of
the duties herein imposemto make out a separate
list of all ne r assessineots made b.,- hho, and
the amounts assessed u ,on each, and furnish
the same immediately to comity col on is
shiners, who shall immedirtely add the names
to tl e tax duplicate of toe wath, borough, town
ship or district in which they have men assessed,
!Sim. 2. On the list be tg completed and the
asses.sineols made as ',id, the same shall
forthwith be returned to the county commis
sionms, who shall cause duplicate cop e of
said lists, with tile Misery. tams it id explana
tions required to be noted as alb • ;aid, tic be
nun e out as soon as practicable and placed in
the hands of the assessor, who shall prior to
the tirst of August in each year, put one copy
therein on the door of or on tho house where
the eiect l on of Lie respectit o dl, c'et is requir
ed to be Imid, and tet in the of er in his pos
session, fur the inspec ion, f , e of charge,_ of
any person widest in the said election dis
trict, w. o shall desire to see the same ; and it
shall be the duty of the said assessor to add,
from tint( time, on the Ilersollai application
of any one claiming the right to vote, the name
of such maimant, anti mark opposite the name
"C. V.:" and inunediately as ess hint with a
tax. poti a, its all other e: es, his menpa-
Von, residence, whether a boarder or house
keeper; if a boarder, with whom he board,;
:not whether mitt - •alized or designing to be,
marking in all such eases the letters opposite
the name, or "D. L." as the ease may be;
if the person claim] .g. to be assessed be limn
rah/. sl, he :shall exhiliit to the arse ,or his cer-
01 nlttlinth %V 1 Oil mei if he elnii•is that
c,igns to be n...turalizeil before the next
- -
ensuing election, he shall exhibit the certifi
cate of declarat•on of Irtemion ; hi all cases
ete any ward, borough, township or elec
tion district is divided into two 0: more pre
cincts, the assessor shall note in all his assess
ments the election pree•act which each
elector resides, and shall make a separate re•
turn for each to the comity emnintssionc-s, iti
all eases in which a return Is rcqoired from
him by the Provisions of this act; and the
county COIIIIIII,SiOIIerS. in 111:11:1.1 , 4 duplicate
copies of all such returns, shall make duplicate
copies of the names of the voters in each pre
cinct, separately, and shall furnish the same to
the assessor ; and the copies required by this
act to be placed on the doors of or on election
places on or berme the first of August in each
year, shall be played Or the door ot or on the
election place in each of said precincts.
5t.:v..3. After the, assessments have been com
pleted on the tenth day preceding the second
Tuesday in October ot each year, the assessor
shall on the Monday hntirshately following,
make a return to the COUlltv commissioners uC
the names of at 1 persons a. sensed by him since
the return required to be untie by 111111 by the
second section of this act, noting opposite each
name the observe' - ors and explanations re
quired to be noted as aforesaid ; and the county
commissioners shall thereupon cause the same
to be added to the return required by the sec
ond section of this act, and IL fall and corree:
copy thereof to he in le, containing the names
of allpersons so t•et u aed as tc .dent taxable.;
n said ward, borough, township or precinct,
Ind furnish the smite, tog,ethe: with the ne
a ssary election blanks to the officers of the
cc coon in said ward, borough, township or
ele cilia, on o: before six o'clock In the morn
pre ,It the setiond Tuesday of October ; and no
lug °shall he permitted to vote at the elect ton
man at day whose insult is 11111, on Said list,
on tins he shall make proof of his right to vote,
unles chanter reapired.
as her I. On the (Fay of election any person
sine name is not On the said list, and claim
whose rig it to vote at said election, shall pro-
Mir the least one qualified voter of the district
duce at ness to the residence of the claimant
as a wit strict In which he claims to be a voter,
in the dieriod ot at least ten days next preced
for the p election, winch witness shall take
ing said be a writ ten, or partly written anti
and subscri ed, affidavit to the Picts stated by
pat ply printatfildav It shall define clearly where
him, w is of person so claiming to
the resldencoand the person so claiming t: e
be a vote • • shall also to ke and subscribe a
right, I. sot: ply written and partly printed
wratem or par tot I. h e best of his knowledge
affidavit, stating out w h ; n he was born; that
and belief, where e corn '1 , 0111re:11th of Penn
he is a citizen of di United :States; that he has
sylvania and or themonwe- ith one year, or tf
eskied In the coast therein, and has moved
loran ely a citizen has resided therein six
theretrom, that he said election ; that he
months next preeedingdlstriet for the purpose
has not moved into the Ile has paid a state o:
of voting therein ; that years, which was as
county tax within two before said election ;
sessed at least ten days men, shall also state
and, Ira natur .fized elf court he wa.s untur
when, where a in by whatuee his certificate of
alized, and shall also prod Linn ; toe said Wilda
asturalzation for exam ina and where the tax
vii shall also state when lliant WILS assessed,
chinned to be paid by the it out paid, and the
mad when, where and t 0 wh produced for ex
tax receipt therefor shall be shall state in has
aim nation, unless the affiant t or destroyed, or
affidavit that 1t has been lusut if the person so
that he never received any, It 11 take and sub
claiming the right to vote sha native born chi
senbe tin a flidavit, that he is a born elsewhe.e,
men of the United States, (or if telt, and shall
shall state that, tact in his :linden naturalized,
produce evidem.e that he has he p by reason of
or that he is entitled to eitizenshl shall further
his father's naturalization ;,) and ,he time of
state In Pp; affidavit that he is, at "5 of twenty
taking the affidavit, between the ageresided in
one uud twenty-two years ; that be on distriet
the State one year and In the eleeti he shall
ten days next, preceding suet elect 1011 i 1101 have
be entitled to a vote, although he shill l persons
;till ills taxes ; t lie said affidavits 01 Ills of the
making such claims, and the affidavitresers ed
witnesses to their residences, shall be p the elec.
by the election leant d, ani I at the eloseof voters,
Mtn they shall be enclosed with the list et to
tally list and other papers required by 1 hono
be tiled IT the return,i mtg.: with the pro in the
racy, anti shalt remain on file, therewith ation,
prollemotary • s office. subject to exam in n of
as igloo election papers are ;
lithe electio ants
Mier , ' shall find that the appheatit, or ap .lie, 1 e
possess all the legal quallneations of vmers me
or they shall he permitted tit vote, and the mile;
or added to the list of taxabng
by the tiers lon officers. the word "tax" be' x,
added whe 'e the claimant claims to vote on to
and the word "age" whet ehe claims to vote o
age ; the same words beid , added by the clerks
in each case respectively on do, lists of persons
voting at such election.
Sce.:i. It shall be lawful for any. qualified
citizen of We district, notwithstanding the
name of the p , opostni voter l eont.bned on Ihe
list of reside.fu taxables, to challer ge the vote
of such person ; whereupon the 0; ire proof of
the right of suffrage as is DOW rClitiired by lac•
shall lie publicly made and acted on by the
election board, and thy• vote ;Omitted or re
jected, according to the evidence' every person
clahnir to be a natua !zed eft Lten shall be re
quired to produce his natunomatiou certifi
cate at the election before voting, except whe •e
lie Haw been for ten years, consecutively. a vo
ter in the district In which he otters his vote ;
and on the vote of such person being received,
it shall be the duty of the election officers to
write or ,Ullllll on such eentalent.o the word
“voted," with the month and year ; and If any
, lectiou ror officers Shall receive a see.
aid vote on the same tiny, by virtue ,ft the
:nue certificate, excepting Ivir2re sons are On-
titled to vote by vi •tue of the naturaldiation
01 their lathers, thew and the person who shall
oWer •stth second vote. upon so ohenifing shall
guilty of a high misdemeanor. and On eon-
Viet 10n thereof, be lined or imp :soned, or hOt
at the discretion of the court; but the tine shall
not ezreed one hundred dollar, in cach'easedlor
the imprisonment one year, the iike ntnll,ll
- shall he intLieted, ou coactc ton. ott t ttu
ialleers of election Who Shan nettled. or reluse
to make, or valise to he mad.% the indorsement
required its aforesaid on said naturalization
IL If any election °Mee,. shall (?fuse or
neglect to require such proof of the right of suf
frage :LS is in eserlbed by this law, or the laws to
wined, this is a supplement, from any person
o a e rnat to vote WllO,O nitrite Is not On the list
of assessed voters, or whose ri-jet to VOW is
challengeal by any et ua Illicit voter p:esent, and
shall admit such python to vote ,ritllolll. I'o/Wr
ing such proof. evecy person 50 olk•adnig, shall
upon colevletion, be guilty of a high rni,de-
InennOr, Mid Shull 1,0 sentenceel, for every such
offenee, to pay a line not exceeding one hundred
dollars, or to uncle 1.:0 all inip:l,onment not,
more them one yeai or ether or both, at, the
discretion of the court.
SEC. 7. Tea days preec•d i tie every• election for
electors of President and Vice President of the
United States, It .shalt be rie duty of the Asse
sor to attend at the plat e tined by law for hold
ing the election in each election district.and
t heti and there hear all applications 01 persons
whose IMMO, hits e been omitted /MEI ills list.
01 assessed voters, and who claim the right to
vote or whose rights have originated since the
same was made out, and shall add the modes of
such persons thereto Ile shall show that thiey are
entitled to the right all = alit age hi such district,
on the personal application of the claimant
only, and torthwith bases them will) the proper
tax. After completing the list, a copy thereof
shall be placed on the door nit or on the house
ci here the elect lor is to be held,: t least eight
days helore the election; and at the election the
sante course shall be pursued, in till respects, as
is required by this act and the acts to which it
Is a supplement, at the general &Miens in
October. The Assessor shall also make the
same returns to the County Commissioners of
all assessments made by virtue of this section;
and the County Commissioners shall furaLsh
copies therefore to toe election ollicels in each
Sheriff's Proclamation.
district, in like manner, in nil respect, as is re
quired at the general elect to is in Octobe".
SEC. 8, The same rules and regulations shall
apply at every special election, and at every
separate o.y. boroallti or wind election, in all
reap - cis as a.. the e ieral elecdons In October.
Sac. 11. The o:pective assessors, inspectors
and judges of the elections shall each have the
power to administer oaths to any persons claim
ing the light to be assest.ed or the rig: , t, of suf
frage, or in regart, to any other matte • or thing
rem.ired to be done or Mout •ed into by any of
said °dicers uneer ~his act; arcl any wilful false
swearing by any 0 on in re'^.. l o tto any al:ti—
ter or thing cone , - •ng which .hey Sll ^ 1 1 be la 7-
fully interrogate v any of said cull ers, snail
be punished as pe.,„ t , ^y.
Six. 10. Lie shat each receive the
same compensa for the tirre nece - :a: tv
spent In pe•;orta the _We' he eby c •eil
as is prey', w for tne p....crma - co of
their other lo be paid by the Co - ..y
Commts'oners as in other cases; and it s „di
not be lawail fo • aay n :sensor to assess a
against any ~ lemo whatever, within ten o• • s
next pceceding the electio i to be held on •oe
second Tue.:day co: October, In any year, or
NO thin len days • • , xt heore any election for
electors of Presid,) n. and Vice Presi.,ent or •e
United States; any vio , ation of this prow
shall be a minds: •^ •nor, end sr Wee , .he oat( oe.s
so offending to a ".•• on convi not e•:..
o Le hundred • olin 'o linprisonm,t,
not e:.ce.rlong th c • months, or bo't' the
c Jtio nof the cot o.
Six. 11. On the 2. 1 n of tiveor m-orecni•
of lb^ tounty,str. ; under I b-t they ••.e_•-
- - • --
Ile e that f s will ;re prrci:eed .
eS etlon ..bout to h • held to ny chsi; ic., it •
b • l'e d ty of the oreo talon peas of. , d
CO o in se ifno , a 1 tdge the 3f
111 VaCatloll, to ap,, tiut two old, us, sobee:
Into liyc teltt%en, u the cot.n.y, tO vet as ove.-
iro s at said elec. on ; said 0.-er.,ee shall be
selected :rem tr- tt parties, whe e
the inspectori bet - og to diffe pal i. 105, 2.10
wocre bath of said .11. m o -elms) long t-
political p rty, boil,. of the o enee. -- t shall be
taken train the cope-Ate po'' party• ' Sr kt
o% r'seers shall have the righ Ibe present
the officers of the electiod, ti. ring t. e ole
Iliac the :am 2 is held, the o is counted and
the retu; nsL•r:Je oat and sigma by the c'ectiou
officers; to ..- 2 > . list of volers, it .r see
p7oper; to eh Ilenge any persed offering to vote,
t ut interro .c hint and ills Ivi ness under or.:11,
in regard to it light of stn;lageat aid eleetio
and to ex i&ne dis pa,,ets p_od red; and the
officers of stod election a e req_d_ed to afford -tit
saaf 0ve....^e... so select - 4.1 and ap_,ointed c y
conveni - , ce rnd fact] ty for Vie diccharge of
their duties; 2nd if said election oincees shall
re ise to permit said over.eers to bepresentsrd
pc. fo• in their duties as afo emtitl,,r it tb cy shall
be driven away front the dolls by vio'cnce or
it .imidat'on, all the votes polled at st eh eiec
-11,3.1 dist_ ict m y be rejected ~y any tribunal
tying a coatet under sa c. election: Provided,
That no perso.i .tzning, the petition shall be ap
pointed an overseer.
12. St pt• • mothonotary, clerk, or tile dep
uty of either, o - .• any other person, shall affix the
seal of office, to any naturalization paper, or per
mit the saine to be affixed, or give out. or cause
or permit the same to be given opt, in blank,
whereby it maybe fraudulently used, ou furnish
a naturalization certireate to any pe son who
shall not lIPVO been duly examined al d swora
in open eomt, In the presence of cone of the
judges the( cot, mice:ding to the act of Cons -ess,
ut shall a',l in. Connive at, or In a ty w: y peemit
the Issue of auy tratuNlent naturallz ~..ert
illeate, he be guilty of a high .t
o • ; or if any One shall fraudulently use: nystvgt
pert Mean, of naturalbv, lon, kuowl ig
was fraudulently issued, o • shall vote, or tte apt
to vote thereon, or If any one shall voe, or •
tempt to vote. on any c rtiPeate of na'urall..a-
Von not e sued to bun, tie shall be ge"ty of a
high 'atm' eiaeauort Cud e.thcr or a of the
persons, their alders or abe guilty of either
of the misdemeanors afo r - Ad, shall, on convic
tion, he lined in :sent not exeeediag one thc.a
sand dollars. and impri. 0. ed in the proper pea
itentlary to: a period no., e:zecedlutt three ye: s,
SET. it. Any perso 1 0, on o - th o'
Von, in or before any ce. 'rt 1.1 tdi., State, or offi
cer authorized to atintlniFter oa hs, M
p. ecore a is liticate of no tar:AU-at, o , fo • ni to
sel for any otl e: depose declate
or affirm any matter to be tact, ]molt n,, t• 0
same to be fake, or ,hall 111 like man. e. de,y
any matter to be ;act knooing the nubile to be
true, shall be deemed guilty of peuery; and
any certificate of natur I izetM.i iswel in pur
suance of any such de 110 -it 0 t , declaration or
alit neat ion, shall brnail apd void; mid it shut I
1,0 the duty of th, t our; neazonf the haute, upon
proof being made before it tl• ,t it w 4 teamiu
fenny obtained, to take immediate ineasti:es
for recalling the snare fo: ow icellation, and toy
person AVilo shall N. OM, or atternm to vote, on
any .aper so obtah or who shall in ady way
aid In, co in iv,, at, or have any agency wbatet er
t •e col:atom or use of any fraudu
lent patrralliatio n certilicaie„ shall be deemed
guilty of it MP: em-anor, and upon co ivict - en
the •cof, shall unCe an imv:isourneutln the
penitential y fort more ti` n two years, and
pay a fine not 100 e ban one tho sa,
tor every sect of to, or eitlyt •or to-b, at the
diqcrerwi o 'the
Si - c. 14. Any te , .. election olllceror per ail
appointed ms an, •see who stun negk, or
refuse to perform ,•• - 'y enjoined by thi
without reasonah ,, n legal can e, shall be s .0-
jeCL to a penalty u." one DUlldrad dOiir f
any a‘sessor shat' 0,5 any person vs a 't 0 -:
who is not q nal' • ,or shalt refuse to assess ty
o 10. who • 5 ,he shall be guilty ofa I
de no 1110. m 0111 nd on co tvletion, be
Isnot by tine or int • isonment, and also lie .Ac
a to all RC 'on In. danm3e3 by the party . „-
grieved • all.. If r•, , person sh: 11 fraudulc
cel add to, dots_ 2. or des oy aty tof yo
nude out: s direr -1 by this a -. 1, or , 'a rdotra or
remove the same 1 om the place w; ere it .1.1,
been fixed, with f .Idulent mise im;oes
h. t, or for any inn . oper purp ,se,the pe: 0,1 -0
otiluhn.jsh...ll be_ ityot aln It mis .omen ,
ti on convictim I II be you Is: . cd by .1, t, le
n It e.i.ce cling ti • mired dolla,.+. or imp s
on mint ot, exce•;roye. s , o.• both, at e,
cr, .io lof he c • ,
All elf. ,As for city, ten d, berm :411
to ...ns 1:p and else, on office Audi hereafte oe
held on the second Tue..any Ociober, tillbJ et
to;.11 the provisions of the . 7ti 1 egutati ng
election oi such offi - iers no.. Affix, esisient
this act; the person. elected to such office., at
that time shall tai: 3 their at the exp. -
thin of the terms of eperso a.. to'iling the same
at the time of such election; 1 tno election foe
the office of asse-sor 0: L a..sessor sha'l
be held. un e • CI, act, un '1 it; yea: of e thou
sand eight aired nad s e
Sm.. lei. At all eleccions I.*C titer held under
the laws 01 this commontrealt .1, the polls slid] 1
be or:ined be 7cen the bout.. 0 six and neve./
o'clock, a.m., -nd closed at set en o'clock. p.
tine. 17. Its 11 be the duty o: the Se^retary of
the commont 'eat Eh to prepare forms foe all Lilo
units Made necessary by this act, rno
copies Of tile satinet° the Cot atyCo int'ssione s
of the several counties of the come +titre 11,11;
and the County Commissioners of .nell county
shad as soon as may he necessary after receipt
of the tql..llV, at the proper expense of the coun
ty, procure and furnish to ail the elect:on offi
cers of the, election districts of theirrespect e
counties, copies of Snell bilt , lkS, ill Knelt r aun:t
ties ou may be rendered n cessury tor the dis-
Charge 0. tileir duties uncle. this act.
Sce. M. Tim.. citizens of this State, tempora
rily, in the service of the State or of the United
States government, on clerical or other duty,
~it who do not vote whefe thus emplo) ed,
h_,ll not be therehydepri , ed of the right tovote
in their several election districts if otherwise
duly qualified.
AvT regulating the mode of votteut at all
elections in the set eral co.- 'ties of t Its Ct . an
monwealth, approved March 30th,
`,EcTIoN 1. Be it enacted pqj all hold,of
Rrpu•eatatircl of the CO MI t ontecalth of ten:int/main in
era .4m,cad.121 met, Itti it it herd., OM, _Of by the
authorite of the inns., That the on:tinted oters of
the se :ere 1 confines of 0 is Cotaniona calla), at
all general, township, borough :out specad elec
tions. are hereby, hereafter. authorized and .
quired to vote, by liege' punted or IN: Men, or
partly printed and partly R ritten, severally
classified as lollows: One shall embrace
the names of all Jud Of cur is voted for, and
to be labelled outslifii, "Jaillelary;" 0110 ticket
shall embrace the us act. of :Olt State °Masa
voted for, and be labelled "State;" one ticket
shall emor.tee the names of all county °Meer.:
voted for, inclth o ee of senator, member,
and members of ainiete uy. if voted for, and be
labelled"county;' One tody,et shall embrace the
name, of all townships ofrice , s r oted tor, and be
I be lied, •• township.," one ticket shall embrace
the names of all borough o.licers voted fo • fold
lie labelled," borough;' :nut each class shall be
deposited in self:. ate
" SlEcrto:v I. The rights of citizens of the mit
rtd to vote shall not be denied or abrldge I by
the United States, or by idly Stifle, account
of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
" Svc. S. The Congressshall have pc we^ to en
force this article by appropriate legishllon.
OltEsS :,LA 3cll. 3., 1870.
SiICTION 1. lie oL, itnehd fig the Se,mt, and jAmse
f" R , pri,snlnttrcl of the I Stah... elf pleyuy,
Clmem a. , ,,Mbha, Tit at 011 ettizeits of the United
Str, •, who are, or be otherwise qualified
by law to vo. Lat any election by ti e peop'e, iii
any State, Territory, district, county, city, par
ish, township, school di,trie, muntetylatity or
other terri,orbil shall be entitle. ,
ant , :Wowed to vo c at all such eleciacts,
tlon of T o c . t ‘ b outdtst - , , t t i n \
law, --
tom, usage or re:, :.on Cl any To: ,-
tory•, o: by, or PI
ry, notwitilsolt,
• ••~rr.Y Jnd 1•, forth
under the autho
otact , i. That If b or
~ e 0)1.1%0U/don or o
of any :State. o ,:e lulls [of ally Tern I.:.
any :jet k or required to he done :..
. .
pri , requt,ite or 40: .litleatom for vothn:, :too
such Co tstatition or law persons or otii a 's
a:e or s all be charged with the pr. tom. nee
uC dutic, 01117011 , an Dm , • -
nity to , perforol •.•h preregepo e or to 10 00
uthtied to vote, It , hall be ./ , 0 duty of ece,y
fe.e.on to en .0, of ,Do
Stnte , the v liner Id equal opo.o to lily to
perform ...itch prerequisite and • • 1,000,
tIaS oto ilt-dtilevion of rare, 0 or, 0:
condlt on of -vtVittide ; ali t Iran
„„ t or offieer ,hrtieln.e .0.41 y
~ to tall effect to th . 111 1, he 4:di, fur every
eh otlr forfeit id pay the .4 . 11..1 o: five.
ed of dr. o the p • ~11 nizg. .et ed thereby, to
, n eci by :an 'e ot deo ti".h foil Coat.,
.1 dr talloWanee o. oullll,l eSa% • ceourt
and ahn I nPn, for such OTIVIICV. ha,
deet,o.d malty ore in,,d,..en or, and .1,,,11, 01t coo _
O rt•ini t, e - eof, fined not le the I five lie to ed
41011 n. I 0, he 1,, not less [nail o, o
and not more 11nut one year, o: (its:re
l.:on of the court.
S.:c. it% or 00 ACT .Ar . oot 1,4 111.ATU8.: or
Tb it .0 tnti•di of eery ied A,,e,e_
hi , • a. prof ble- that, Only .hate freeinen lure enti
tled It tote of be 1 . u:1-telt:NI "-I voter, : or n, Clithll
- LO vote He .oly general w• spee:Al election of tut.
Com mom, ealiti. be :inn the ereby
pent d: :tad .ltitt het carter, all ,reenter, a ithont
, o .tor. enrol'ed nod teipscee
eil uc. oribni; n the ono I.lloll+ 011 the find ~ e etion of
net Rpm, eft ITtli April , lot, entitl. - .l"An Act
AUrril,r to the Act relating to the e 1...,
tion.• rn thi+ Loninionne runt wii"t other, Ne
qualified under the exedtit4 !Weil to
tu.n at All general and 'pee till eleetium, in tins Corn
l'unmant to the provision- contained in the 7oth
cetin of the Act tint atere•aid, the jafige, of tho
ator, , aid dimtraa• eh; ll rc.pectively take charge of
the certificate. , of re urn of t le election of their re
•upeetlce district-. and produce theta lit 3 meeting
of one Judge from cacti di-trict at the Court House,
in the City of I. lea-ter, 00 the third day after tho
day of the election being ON FRIDAY, THE Utit
DST OF OCTOBER, 1 , 70, at 10 o'clock, A. :4., Men
and there to do mid perform the duties required by
Lur of said Judge .
that Wrleo 0 n Judge, by .ieltnesi or un
as °Diable accble, „ Is unabte W attend such meet
ing of Judlgtt, then the certificate or return .hall bo
liken charge of by a .0 of the iurpeetor-i or clerks
of the election of the tipdric., who .hall do and per
form the duties required of said J adze unable to at
Given under my hand, at my Mike, to Lance ter.
this 2d day of September, in the year of our Lunt
ode thous-ad nigh. hunored and sin (mil:, and in the
n 11.4 y-fourth year of Lie liadepeuauce of the
I.aited States.
. _
RE DER ICI,: 3rvEns, Sheriff:
S Off.r.g, K.., Sept. 2, 1570,