Clje gpy, sati,crelgy, 30,:1810. The Fate of a , Flghtitig Dog A man he owned a terrier dog—. • '••• • A bob-tailed, orney cuss— .•-And that theroparp got that there man , In many an ugly muss; F.,er the man he was on his muscle, - And the (log was on his bite, So to kick" that dog boned animile Was sure to raise a Oght. A woman owned a Thomas cat, • Thai fit at fifteen pound ; And other cats got up and slid When that there cat was round. The man and his dog Carrie along one day, Where the woman she did dwell, And the purp he growled ferociously, Then went for the cat • Ile tried to thaw the neck of the cat, But the cat he would'ut be thawed; tilo he lit orkthe,back of that there dog,_ And bit! and clawed I and clawed! Oh, the hair it flew! and the purp he youled ! As the claws went into his hide, And chimks of flesh were peeled from his back; Then hellummumed, and kicked, and died! The man he ripped, and cussed, and swore, As he gathered a brickbat, _That he would , be cluined 'essentially If he did'ut .kill that cat - • But the woman alloWed she'd be blesssed if he did! And snatched up an old shot-gun, Which she fired, and peppered his diaphragm With bird-shot number one. They toted him home on a window blind, And the doctor cured him up; But he never was known to light again, Or to own another purp. Folk may turn up their snoots at this here rhyme, I don't care a cuss for that AU wanted to show is, that fighting dogs Nay tackle the wrong Tom cat. "Do you think," asked Mrs. Pepper, " that'a little temper is a bad thing in a woman?" " Certainly not, ma'am,"replied a gallant philosopher; " it's a good thing, and she ought never to lose it." A good old apothecary in Brunswick, Maine, left one day on his door a scrap of paper Which read:" Gone' to Portland. Those who cannot read this notice will please call at the book bindery opposite." Hungry dinner—" Trouble you for some more bread, landlord. I always eat a good deal of bread with my meat." LandlOrd—" So I see, sir ! And a good deal of meat with your bread." Said a youngster in high glee, display ing his purchases to a bosom friend on the sidewalk,: " Two cocoanuts for ten cents! That will make me sick to-morrow, and I won't hareto go to school:, A if 'a donkey kicks you have him immediately indicted for as sault. One exceeding warm day in June a neighbor met an old- man, and remarked that it 'was very" hot. !' Yes," said Joe ; if it wasn't for one thing, I should say we were going. to have.a. thaw." " What is that 7 iniiuired the friend. " There's nothing froze," said Joe. A TOLEDO 'paper gives,this as a correct . - rep - Ortot a speech recently delivered by a memher, Of, a, sc,hoor board in that section:, " Mr. - 01Merinari,I rise for to--that is to rnake a motion; ;which it is as follows: Resolved, that there are no need to' uild costive -school -houses' as soma of • this ere: • board is proposing b 'rect. No, : Mr: Cheerman,l'me 'posed to spendin money for:more housen. The old ones are pret ty gooclyit[ind - for to go to build a pret ty slielt,honse - Which will cost ten thousand dollars, or . more Yet, its 'all wasted: Its no Iconomy to throw away money we don't need., Taxes cast Money, and money has to go to pay taxes, and let us expense with any more sehoollicinsem" • "11,14.aiat,a.," iaid a Wee child, one Sun, day evening, after.having , sat still in , the, houseEill•day,lllkela good 'child; `" haVe honored yon IO:day s ?" . don'A know,' replieCthe mother ; "why do you nelz "Becansersahrthe little one, shaking her head sadly,'" the Bible says, 'Honor thy father and mother, that thy days may be long';. and hies been .'oh, the longest day I ever saw.." . Jostz BILLINcis says ? " illackeral in habit the sea generally; but those which inhabit the grocery alsvus- tast to me as though they., bad 'been fatted on salt. They' want e. deal of freshening before they're eaten'irand; alicLafterivards.: , If I kin have plenty of mackeral fur breakfast, I earridnefalli man the other twoirteats out of water." AN American,-making the tour. of Ire land, stepped into a school of some forty children in the Black Valley, and; in the roidst:Of - ,liis*talk . with - the children, asked them whUtTthey expected to do when they became men and , women`; and with one inspiraticinith - e.f;iekpoddecl;:79Go to trier- ES " Barber," said a farmer to his tonsor, " now corn's diem)," yob. 'ought to shave for half, price." '," Can'3, Mr. 13----," said the -man of razors. "I ought really to charge more; for, when corn's down farmers make such long faces that I have twien the greund to go over." AN evening paper has made • the novel discovery that " church-hirn is . one of largo items of eatense attending marriage. The. temple-where .the wail is rent on such 4 • occasions must have an extra nave in it. THOMAS MASON COLUMBIA,, Manuraelure;a "Leal i r::laaven,.Pa., and Whole- Stile Dealers in WHITE PINE, ' ' ' . . HEN,ILOCK AND OAK .LIIMBER, ..: FLOORING, SIDING, • ' . , . ... 'LATH, 'PALLING, &c Special - attention, pale to' Coal Trade.' ]lest brands always on hand, end sold ,at the lowest market price. ,Orders for shipment promptly MASON' , Columbia, Pa . mayt4,lo-7i co AL REDUCED, Notwithattitiding :the:,irstori' and strikes of P'lvinsms. Wilkesbarre, Lou, selling $6.15' on Tard,". and 45,59 , de livered=failEgg and Stove. Other COAL on,:baridi and adusalling at ker,i , 'lllto • • SPECIAL NOTICES. ADDRESS To the Nervous -and Debilitated. Whose sufferings have been protracted from hidden causes, and whose cases require prompt treatment to render existence desirable: Ifyou are suffering, or have suilered, kom involun tary discharges, what effect does it produce upon your general health? Do you feel weak, debili tated, easily tired? 'Dees a little extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, fre quently get out of order? Is your urine some times thick, milky or llocky, or is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick scum rise to the top? Or is a sediment at the bottom aft& It has stood awhile? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated? Do you have spells of fainting, orrushes of blood to the head? Is your memory impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of com pany, of life? Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody? Does any little thing make you start or jump? Is your sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre of your eye as bril liant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well? Do you piirsue your businesiwith the same energy ? Do you lvve as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melancholy? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. (lave you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dys pepsia or liver-complaint ? Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are. all capa ble of producing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of generation, when in perfect health, make the man. Did you over think that those bold, defiant, energetin, perse vering, successful business men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health? You never hear such men complain or being melancholy, ofnervousness, of palpitall on of the heart. They are never afraid they can not Succeed in business; they don't become sad and discouraged; they are always polite and pleasant in the company of ladles, and look you and them right la the face—none of your down cast looks or any other meanness about them. I do not mean these who keep the organs infla ted by running to excess. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do business with or for, How many men, from badly cured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse - and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce almost every other disease— idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, sui cide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the use of a Diuretic. HELIIIBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Grav el, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Com plaints, General Debility, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Hale or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends noun prompt u,sexttrfacturelluuabLueremestgiished up ward of 19 years, prepared by H. T. HELM BOLD, Druggist, 591 Broadway, New York, and 101 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Pnicz— sl.lls per bottle, or ft bottles for $6.50, delivered to any address. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. t NONE ARE GENUINE unless done up in steel engraved wrapper, with fac-similie of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed April 1, '7O-Iyr. H. T. H_ELMBOLD. 1Y RCM OF THE • , . TailiTY I:MARS; —„ • • Have elapsed since the introduction of the Pain Killer to the public, and yet at the present time it is more popular and ,commands a larger sale than ever:before. Its popularity is not confined to this country alne; allover the world its ben eficial effects in, curing the "ills that flesh is heir to,” are acknowledged andappreclateci,and as a rAns• KILLER its fame is limited to no count ry, sect nor race. it needs only to bo known to be prized . THIRTY YEARS is certain a long enough time to prove the efficacy of any medicine, and that the PAH; MiLLEI is deserving of all-its proprie tors claim Mr it, is amply proved by - the unpar alleled popularity it has attained. It is a sure and *effective remedy. Sold by all Druggists. Direc tions accompany each bottle.: 'CURE ,FOR CONSUMPTION. ' What the Doctors Say: AMOS WOOLLEY. M. D., of Roscluska Coun ty, Indiana, says: "For three years pan I have used ALLEN% LUNG BALSAM extensively in nay-practice, and I sin satislled there is no bet ter medicine for lung diseases in use.", ISAAC A. DORA.S, IL D., of Logan County, Ohio, says: "ALLEN'S LUNG BALSA3I notcally sells rapidly but gives perfect satisfaction in every case within my knowledge. Having con fidence in it and knowing that it possesses val uable medicinal properties, I freely use it in my daily practice, and with unbounded success. As an expectorant it is most certainly far ahead` of any preparation I have ever yet known." NATHANIEL HARRIS, M. D., of Middle bury, Vermont, says: " I have no doubt it will soon become • a classical remedial agent for the cure of all diseases of the Throat, Bronchial Tubes, and the Lungs. Physicians do not recommend a medicine which has no merits, what they say about ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM, Can he taken as a fact. ' Sold by all Medicine Dealers. R EAD 'IHIS Lazarus So Morris' "'CELEBRATED`' PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES. That they render impaired sight clearer and dis tinct; strengthen and preserve the eye; are very easy and pleasant to wear, and last many years without change being •necessary, so that in the end they are the cheapest as well as the best. NOTICE, that 31r. Chas. P. Schreiner, Watch maker and • Jeweler, Pront, street; is- our sole agent in Columbia, Pa. Lazarus & Norris. danufacturing Opticians :, Elartrord,.Cori n. sept4.T,9-tlw PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! M "N" 3D • `l•7* BLOOD PANACEA. • The Gieat AlteratiVe and Blond Pniifier. , For the cure of Scam , t.A. or griro's EVIL, Cl:MA:nen! DISEASES, ERT IPELLs, 13 oi z PIMPLES,and LOT CUSS on the PA cc . sows : ITS, YELLOW JAUNDICE, Wales, ;WELLINOS, NERO UREA DM; %SEE GENERAL DEBILITY, PAL y , ITATION and FLUTTEMING [EAR?, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, :mums and STPLIILITIO APPEC. lONS, BLADDER and KIDNEY DIS ISES GRAVEL, DROPSY, 1/raPap lAJA V En COSCP LAINT, SICK IADACEIE, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, To the broken down female it, bees life and energy by restoring lost powers of nature. Persona Weakness and lassitude, by use:. 1g the PANACEA are soon re ored to.perfect health, bloom and goy. Try it. Price $l.OO Per Bottle. S. A. FOUTZ, ltlanufautortyor, and rroprictor, it A ORE, - ItID Foesale by druggists - and - storekeepers throughout: the - United Staten. • -- For Sale by , J. A. MEYERS, Apothecary do Druggist, Columbia, Pa sept2s-'69-Iy] SUSQUEHANNAI4ON - COMPANY . : Ifalallactureis of all sizes of MMILI&M.IMI!LEMIIMMWJ ROUND, SQUARE,,PLATS, OVAL, 'AND Car Axles,Shafting and3Torse Shoe Bars. AtZ-Orders promptly tilled from Stock on hand or made to order. . . . Thrills, net Cash, at Manufacturer's prices, de livered on Cars or Boats. Office at their ROLLING MILL, septi-69-tfarl . Col amble. Penne R ONA:RD. SANITARY AID AS- . SOCIATION. For the Relief and Curd of the Erring and Un fortunate,'on Principles of Christian Philanthropy. Essays on the Errors of Youth, and the Follies of Age, in relation to Marriage and Social Evils, with sanitary aid• for the afflicted. ' Sent free, in sealed envelopes.' 'Address' HOWARD ASSO•' CIATION. Box P. Philadelphia. may7 7 7o-3y - - o V B Plup'oolool 11 Plsoli Aonerliounompooteettpxre -xo pro "Ittrcia tvuolreg Inclumto3 /0 mrar'.l. Anurnzoo•em. Jo onion Nutiolia olvoll3 oq; ..4tr THE GREAT /;_i - ).ECTAC_LES. HALF OVAL IRON BOOKS, STATIONERY. NEW! NEW!! NEW!!! BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, No. 262 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA, PA. The subscribers have Just opened and otter to the public a complete assortment of SCHOOL, BLANK AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY of ALL RINDS, Aiad of every quality, including a large and first-rate stock of CAP, LETTER, NOTE AND BILL TAPER, SCHOOL AND SUNDAY SCHOOL MOTTOES, Envelopes, Ink, Slates, Faber's & Guttknecht's Pencils, die. Toy Books, Pass Books, Tuck Memorandum Books, lintlid Paper, &c., Bibles, Testarn ents and Hymn Books. All weekly and monthly papers and maga zl nes received as soon as published. The custom of the public is respectfully_ solicited. inf.. Remember the place—No. 202 Locust Street, one door below the Columbia Steam Fire En gine House. sep4-69-trwl JOHN L. WRIGHT & CO. NEIV STYLE WINDOW SHADES. The Subscriber has on hand at his Furniture Store, all kinds and styles of WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN FIXTURES, &c To which he would respectfully call the atten tion of the Public. JOHN SHENBERGER septl-C9-tfw] No. 256 Locust St., Columbia. 'INT L. BEM & CO., I V . Children's, Boys' and 'Youth's CLOTHING EMPORIUM I East King Street, Lancaster. TWO DOORS EAST OF THE COURT HOUSE SUITS OF ALL AGES, MADE OF THE BEST MATERIALS, AND IN THE LATEST STYLES. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BINDINGS AND TRIMMINGS FOR SALE. A variety of beautiful patterns of Cassimeres and 'tweeds to make to order or sell by tk e yard, constantly on hand. We intend to make this a specialty. Agents for the Staten Island Dyeing Estab. lishment, one of the oldest and best in the country. Ladles' Dresses, Cashmere, Broche, Wool, Crape, and all other Shawls; Gentlemen's Coats, Pants and Vests, Kid Gloves, Sic., dyed, cleaned and refinished in the best manner. a —Clothing repaired and renovated with neatness and dispatch. apll6-ti H OUSEFURNISHING GOODS JUST PURCHASED, AT REDUCED FitICES, a splendid Assortment of new and de- Sirabie HOUSE FURNISHING- GOODS ! COOKING STOVES—Anti-Dust Quaker City, and tile _Niagara. BR' I'A.NNLA. WARE, in Sets or separate, to suit purchasers. CHAMBER WARE, CUTLERY OP ALL RINDS. WATER COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS, of all sizes and styles. Special attention paid to GAS FITTING and PLUMBING. A large assortment of splendid CHANDELIERS always on 'mad. A Variety of BIRD CAGES, at all prices. Agent for the Celebrated DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER. The most popular, best and cheapest Washing Machine ever invented. In connection with the above Washing Ma chine, he has the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER! Call at the corner of Second and Locust streets, and satisfy yourself that you can get better bar gains there than at any other establishment. HIRAM WILSON, Cor. of second and Locust Sts. Columbia, Pa. FITRNITURE lOSEPIK WALTON CO., CARINA T MAKERS, NO. 413 WALNUT ST., RaILA.DFLFECIA. Our establish went is one of the oldest in Phil adelphi, and front long experience and superior facilities we are prepared to furnish good work at reasonable prices. We manufacture line furniture, and also me dium-priced furniture of superior qualily. A large stock of furniture always on hand. Goods .made to order Counters, Desk 'Work and Office Furniture for Banks, Offices and Stores, made to order. Jos. Walton. T. W. Lippincott. Jos. L. Scott arms CIBEAT EXCITEMENT AMONGST NJ( GROCERYMEN! How can good GOODS be sold so cheap, is th question. ATTENTION HOUSEKEEPERS SUGARS, TEAS. MEAT. COFFEE, FRUITS, FISH, SPICES, CHEESE. FURTH. SALT, .t , c„ &c. ; Provisions of all kinds, together with. Wood and Willow-ware and Glass and Queonsware. Switzer and Limberger Cheese,GermanFruits, &c. SUGAR CURED HAMS d: DRIED BEEF. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICELES. Fresh Peaches, and &lithe Fancy Groceriesper taining to a well regulated Grocery Store. I am determined not to be surpassed in cheap ness and In the excellent quality of my goods. AQ - -Call around, and inspect our stock 'whether you buy or uot. A share of public patronage is solicited. sept-6U-tfw] MAX )3UCHER, No. :a Locust Street THE COLUMBIA DEPOSIT BANK No. 164 LOCUST STREET, 3 Doors below the First National Bank, COLUMBIA, PA. DIRECTORS EDWARD Si. SMITE., DANIEL Ti. DETWILER, -ISAAC E. MESTER, SOLOMON S. DETWILER, HIIGII M. NORTH, HENRY N. R.E.r/LER. r• Who are individually responsible for ail The lia- abilities of this Bank. 'SA TIIE COLUMBIA DEPOSIT BANK Offers unsurpassed accommodations to the public. Interest at the rate of 4 per Cent per Annuli I=l ON DAILY BALANCES The long experience of the meinbcrs of• this Bank enables them to underst.atal, Xemdre ments of this community, and tOgiya every at tention and facility for the preMpt transaction of all business committed to their care. The Busines3 of the Ben will Will be to BUY AND SELL BONDS. STOCIi.„ - S, GOVERN MENT SECURITIES AlsZp GOD L AND DIS COUNT PROMISSORY. , NOTES AND BILLS, and transact a Gengra);Banizing Business. 5 1-2 Per Cent, Interest Allowed fstrlp-nonths. inar26 '704 C. E. GRAYBILL, Cushier. -PO 0.7:( ET YOUR BINDING DONE 'lkj" AT• THE Inquirer Bindery EEO BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY Send in your MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS and PERIODICALS of all kinds, so as to have them bound for the Holidays. All work done in the cheapest and best man ner, and with the greatest dispatch. Address all orders to CHARLES P. ERA.IISS. Bookbinder, 38 North Queen street, sep-4-1870 Lancaster. Pa_ JANITOR WANTED. The Columbia School Board will receive Pro posais for a Janitor, to take charge of the School Buildings the present year. The proposalsraust state the terms. • •ft2-ylun GEO. YOUNG. Jr., Secretary. DD FELLOWS', MECHA.NICS',. KNIGHTS OF PYTHrAS, and all kinds o Society Regattas and Paraphernalia, Manufactured to order at • , E. J. EItISMA.N'S No. cm North Queen Street, Lancaster. Pa' hepcl-C9-tfw W °"W igrO D L ' E S SAJLE AND RETAIL MUSIC STORE, NO. 22 WEST KING STREET. PIANOS, ORGANS. SLELODEONS VIOLINS, V/OL/N ROWS, CELLO ROWS, ACCORDEONS, FLUTINAS, CONCERTINAS. TAMBORINES, GUITARS, BANJOS, FLAGEOLETS. B.ARNONICAS, CLAPPERS, Dliarlvs, FIFES, FLUDES, TRIANGLES, TUNING FORKS, X.ITCLE PIPES. MUSIC BOXES, NIIS/C FOLIOS, .211ISIC BOOKS. Plano and Melodeon Covers, Plano and Melo deons Stools, Strings of all kinps, Sheet Music, Music Books, Music Papers, and every descrip tion of PIIISICAL MERC I T4 ND/SB. Air All Orders filled promptly at the usual Wholesale or Retail Prices, and, SMUG:to-lion Guaranteed. . .q -Tuning and repairing . v . on v Ay aniLd to. dect.'o94ll West .k.Lug St., Lancaster. E , LM , a1M ,... , .21AdataM.M,La ADDRESS TO TILE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED WHOSE SUFFERINGS HAVE BEEN PROTRACTED PROM HIDDEN CAUSES, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE PROMPT TREATMENT TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE If you are suffering, or have suffered, from in voluntary discharges. what effectcloes itproduce upon your general health? Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired? Does a little extra ex ertion produce palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order? Is your urine some times thick, milky or Stocky, or is it ropy on settling? Or noes a thick skum rise to the top? Or is a sediment at the bottom after it has stood awhile? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated ? Do you have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head? Is your memory impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject? Do you feel dull, isitless, moping, tired of com pany, of life 7 Do you wish to be left alone, to to get away from everybody? Does any little thing make you start or jump? Is your sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well? Do yon pursue your business with the same energy? Do you feel as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to tits ofmelanoholy 7 if so. do not lay It to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but lit tle appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver-complaint. Now, reader, abuse, or any disease badly cured and excesses, are all capable of producing a weakness of the different organs. The organs when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering, successful business-men are4-al ways those whose organs are in perfect health? You never Dear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed In business ; they don't become sad and discouraged ; they are always polite and pleas antAn the company of ladies, and look you and them right in the face—none of your downcast looks or any other meanness about them. How many men, from . oadly cured diseases from the effects of abuse and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce almost every other disease— idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, sui cide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to—and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but the right one. DISEASES: OF THESE ORGANS REQUIRE tSE OF 1 _DIURETIC HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT 13 IT C II TT ! Is the Great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, GEIiRRAL DEBILITY, AND ALL. DISEASES OF URINARY: GA NA whether existing 1n Male or Female, horn, 'whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. Ifmo. treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Onr flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and toe health and happiness, and that of prosterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. lIEUMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU, estab lish ed upward of 19 years, prepared by H. T. HELMB OLD, DRUGGIST, 594 Broadway, New York, and 104 Suuth 10th Street, Philadelphia. TRICE-41 .25 per Bottle, or 6 bottles for 56.50 delivered to any address SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYIVUERE. NONE ARE GENUINE "UNLESS DONE DPUS'STEELENGRAVED WRAPPER, WITH FAD-SIMILIE OF MY CHEMICAL WARE HOUSE. AND SIGNED, H. T. ECELIVEMOLD. Itay2l '7047 GROCERIES, &c. FRESH GROCERIES AT TILE PROVISION ES3 FAMILY GROCERY STORE Or MULLEN & BROTHER, ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Columbia, Pa FRESH TOMATOES, FRESH PEACHES AND other Caurica Fruits, Shaker Coru, TEA-THE BEST BLACK TEA IN THE MARKET. EXTRA. REFINED SYRUP MOLASSES, very cheap. Relined Sugars, Dried Fruit of all kinds. Rio, Java, and Laguyra Coffee. NEW SUGAR CURED HAMS & DRIED BEEF. Also,Fancy Groceries, Family Flour, Notions &o. We intend to keep the best Goods only, and to sell as cheap as any shniitu• store. It. AWL LE - is7 BRO. 10.-Cotmtry Produce of all kinds bought or taken In exchange for goods. Isep-1-69-tftv FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, ... PROVISIONS, &c., 4:o A LARGE A: FINE STOCK TITST RECEIVED .AND IN STORE! I have now In Store a full assortment of Groceries & Provisions For Family and Hotel use Extra Syrup Molasses, Fine Teas, Coffees, ece Extra Sugar Cured HA?IS and DRIED BEEF Extra FAMILY FLOUR by the barrel or smaller quantity. Dried Fruit, Pickles, and Fancy Groceries of all kinds, and at the lowest prices. Call and ex amine my stock, whether you buy or not. HENRY SUYDAM, soul-CO-UW . I Cor. of Front & Union Stn. COAL I COAL?: COAL ! I AT PATTON'S COAL YARD, ON FRONT STREET, Is the place to buy your coal. Particular attention is given to have coal sent out cleaned and screaned. Rave on hands and will keep all kinds of coal that is wanted. DIAMOND, LOCUST MOUNTAINS, PINE GROVE, LYKENS VALLEY AND BITUMINOUS COALS. Will furnish coal by the car-load from any mines that is desired at the LOWEST PRICES. also, DRY PINE WOOD by the cord or barrel. sepit-tiwl SCOTT PA,T,TON. FAMILY GROCERIES I FAMILY GROCERIES! The Subscriber would respectfully inform his customers and the Public generally, that he has just received a general assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TEAS AND SPICES. Refined Sugars of all kinds, No. 1, and Mess Mackerel English & American Pickles, Sugar Cured Hams and Beef, Extra Fine Syrups, Old Rio and Java Coffee, DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS, Raisins . Prunes and prepared Mustard always on hand and of the very best grades. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, CORN MEAL, HOMINY, &R., Fancy Groceries, Canned Vegetables and Fruits, for hotels and fairdlles. The best Goods only are sold, and prices very low. Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is lull and complete and we intend keeping it fresh, by almost daily additions. Notions of different kinds always on hand. FREDERICK BUCHER, Micpl-69-tfw3 nor. 4th & Locust Sts. COOPER & PRA T, DEALERS TN LUMBER BALTIMORE COMP ANT. LYKENS VALLEY And all the best Quality of STOVE COAL BUILDING LUMBER. Of all kinds, sold and delivered ou ears, at the LOWEST 'MARICET RATES. Jlemlock, White Pine, Weatherboarding, Sole°, Scantling, &c., &e., suitable for all kinds of Building purposes. _LOCUST POSTS! CHERRY, POPLAR H , AS', PICKETS, LATH, SHINGLES, Sc. All orders by mall will receive the same at— tention as though the application be made person. COOPER & PEART, sep4-69-tfw] Front St., Columbia. IiV.ARNING TO TRESPASSERS A.LL PERSONS are hereby Forbidden to Trespass upon. the grounds of the undersign ed, as lie is determined to prosecute to the ut most rigor of the Low, every person so °frond lng. Lsept,l-69-ttsv] Isl. Isl. STRICKLER. STEAbI. ENGINES, STEAM PUMPS And all kinds of Machinery Manutactured and guaranteed to give satisfaction at the Works of SUPPLEE S BRO., sept4-69-tfwl Columbia, Penn CABINET-WARE. CABLNET WARE MANUFACTORY. The subscriber having lately put up new ware-n ems, and greatly increased Ids business, can otti r better inducements to his eustomeres than ever. WINDOW SHADES, MIRRORS, &e., IN ALL STYLES Ile manufactures to order, and will keep con stantly on hand, Dressing, Plain and Fancy Bureaus, Sideboards, Sofas, Card, Dining and Centre Tables, Common, Fanoy and Frenah Bed steads; allot which will be sold ou the most reasonable terms. As he manulitct tires his own work he Is enabled to warrant every article to be what it is represented. CA-AIRSI CHAIRS!! CHAIRS!! I All kinds of chairs kept on hand or maiiiifactur• ed lo order. Cane, Windsor, Arm and Stocking Chairs; Settees, Camp and Counte.t Stools, Sofas, Tete-a Tetes and Storied Seat Chairs, made to order. Old chairs repainted an N G.d repaired.) LINDERTA.R.I - - - - . Funerals will be attended to with promptness to which he gives his personal attention. llc is prepared with ice boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, as may be required. MAHOGANY Oft WALNUT COFFINS, Furnished plain or tinted in any style that may be required. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, as Well as a continuance of the custom with which he has been liberally favored. JOHN SHENBEIIGER, South side of Locust street, between Second and Third. (sept,l-69-tfw FURNITURE OF ALL KLNDS. CABINET WARE-ROOMS it MANU FACTORY, Locust Street, a few doors below Tnird Street, Columbia, Pa. Thu subscriber manufactures and keeps on hand an extensive assortment of all kinds 01 Furniture. Persons wishing to buy or those about to go to housekeeping, will find it to their advantage to give me a call. BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, BUREAUS, SETTEES, tte., Sc. Of the best quality, style, and manufacture, and will make to order, of first-rate material, every article in his line. Ile wilt give strict attention to business, and respectfully asks of the public a sharh of its patronage. Aar UNDERTAXIIVG will receive the most carefu , l attention, at the shortest notce. sept4.6ll-tfwl GEORGE SEIBERT MICHAEL LIP HR AT, Contractor and Builder, COLUMBIA, PA. .rdpirAiel"s PLANING MILL, SECOND STREET, COLUMBIA, Is constantly in operation, and the Proprietor is prepared to 1111 all orders In Ida line such as FLOORING AND SIDING OF VARI- OUS WINDOW A/VD DOOR 'FRAMES. DOORS PIVOT & STA.TIONARY BLINDS. WASH. AND BASE BOARDS. CORNICE STUFF, STAIR STEPS, - HAND RAILS Of the latest and best patterns. ALL KINDS OF TURNING, MEM NEWEL POSTS, STAIR BALLUSTERS, AND OTHER FANCY WORK. SCROLL SAWING In all Its Wilerent varieties, such as Level and Rake Brackets. 'sir- ALL OULDINGS. THE DIFFERENT A STYLES OF -F LIPHART'S BRICK YARD, On Wisler's Farm, near Columbia. Roolling Slate constantly on hand and Rooting promptly done. The best quality of Building and Paving Brick furnished at the very lowest rates. MICHAEL LIPHART, apl3 '7O-tf Columbia. Pa. TOBACCO ce; S_EGARS. ---- JOHN FENDRICH, WROLESALE d; RETAIL TOBACCO, SNUFF & SEGAI lANU- Agent for the New York Fine Cut, Navy, and Monitor Chow-Chow Chewing Tobaccos, corner of Front and Locust streets, Columbia, Pa. sent4-69-tiw MRS. G. M. 3300 TE L -, N 0.153 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA, PA. DEALER IN SEGARS : TOBACCO, SNUFFS, PIPES, &c., And all articles usually kept in a first-class To bacco and Segar Store The public can rely on getting at our store as good goods for the money as can be obtained at any similar establishment In the State. NW' I do not think it necessary to publish my prices, as the Goods will tell for thcomelves. Mits. G. M. BOOTH, Locust Street, Coltman:l,Pa., septll-63-lyW I Sign of the Punch. COLUMBIA FLOUR MILLS. GEORGE BOGLE, Pacignirzoa. The highest, Cash prices paid for all kinds of Grain. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR for sale; also Mill Feed of all kinds. Wheat Ground and Packed to order. Grist work and Chopping done. Chopped Corn and Oats. Corn Meal and GRAHAM FLOUR For sale at all times, and delivered to any part of the town. US.Town and country custom so licited. sent-Ell4Ni RicriAßDs' CONFECTIONERY! NO. 152 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA, PA. CAKES, CANDIES, FRUITS AND CREAMS, of the choicest kind kept constantly- on hand. r...-9 - Families supplied with Ice Cream in Churns or Moulds, at Short, Notice and Reason able Rates. I take pleasure in announcing' t. - 9 my numer ous friends that I havesmened an OYSTER SA LOON for the special accommodation of La dies. None but the best oysters will be used. Families and parties supplied at short notice. Remember the place-15:i Locust street. seritd-6D-tfwl ALLEN RICHARDS CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. Parties and Families supplied with ICE CREAM, oy the Freezer, or in 'Moulds, with promptness at GEO. J. SMITH'S, Adjoining the Franklin House, Locust street. Y. S.—Also, a fine assortment of TOYS and Fancy Articles.constantly on hand. fscp4-03-tfw PURE WINES AND LIQUORS ! For _Pure, Unadulterated Wines and Liquors, go to the store of the subscriber. Ile has elegant NEW STOCK! Which forquality and flavor, cannot be excelled; also., the celebrated ROOSTER WHISKEY, xankee Rain, Ja maim Spir Ls, Blackberry Brandy Cherry and Currant Wines. We have Wines, Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Old Monongahela of all grades. Give us a call and examine 10r yourself. CHARLES GROVE Corner of Commerce and Walnut Sts.. Columbia. sepi-69-tinr G EORGE BOG LE, DEALER IN LUMBER OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Office—Front Streot, between Locust and Union, COLUMBIA MARBLE WORKS. The Subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Columbia, and surrounding country, that they have opened A NEW MARBLE YARD IN COLUMBIA, On .sth Street, between Locust and Walnut Sts., and ask the patronage of the public. They have had great experience on fine work, both in Philadelphia and New York. They furnish in the highest style of the art, handsome GRAVE STONES, MONUMENTS, STATUARY, ORNAMENTS, &e. also MARBLE MANTLES, BITILDIRG WORM, etc. Orders promptly , attended and executed at cheaper rates than elsewhere. Call and see to Designs of new styles of Fine worlt,such as monumental ante arts, Ste., will he furnished parties upon application to the proprietors. sept,l6U-tfw lIEPTING 4 .MEHL. THE HINKLY FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE ! THE 'WONDER OF THE AGE! KNITS EVERYTHING! Combines Rapidity, Simplicity, Durability and Cheapness—Knitting with a Single Eye-Pointed Needle. Ara-Received the Highest Premium at th.:. Paris Exposition, and Great American Insti tute, New Y0rir.,1567. For further information can on E. iqU6SEIt, Agent for Lancaster county, Orange St. between N. Queen and Prince. dee4.'6D-1 ORGANDIES, HERNANIES, GRENADINES, Grey- Goods, &c. French Organdies. :Medium and Fine Lawns. All Wool Black ID:manles. Silk and. Wnol Bern:mi. Black English Grenadines. Silk Figured Grenadines. Superb Stock thin Goods. GREY GOODS FOR SEErs. 25 cents—One case Grey Goods. 31 cents—Two CaSeS Grey Goods. 37 cents—One case Grey Goods. 50,02 &75c—Finef:t 3inported do. 0 cls—Silk Poplins, extra cheap. White Piques. Dress Muslins. Tourist Linens. 1500 Shawls. Silk Silences. Cloth Sacques, Llama Laces. Bleb Piano Covers. Fine Marseilles guilts. Large Linen Stock Goods for Dien' and Boys' Wear Cheap Cassimeres. Finest, Cassizneres. Nobby Scotch Suitings, All the Novelties. COOPErt tic CONARD, S. E. et,r...Nirith S Market. Sts., oet.2-'69.1y-1-2-3pj Philadelphia COUGHS, SOME Tillllo.l.ll', Etc NO MEDICINE OR TREATMNT CAN EXCEL THE POWERFUL CURATIVE POWER OF White Paler onic Balsam. IT cures with a rapidity unequalled by.anv other remedy offered for Throat and Lung di:- eases. It is recommended by over 2.1.)00 per sona in Wilmington, and hundreds in Phila., Baltimore and other cities ;nut communities throughout the country. Mr. Pennington, of Wilmington. Illinois, writes that there is not (with a few exceptions) it iatuily itx that city who will be without It if possible to procure It. Such is its popularity' wherever It is known— and this popularity arises from the tact that it universally cures all who use it. There is no case of COUGHS. COLDS, SORE THROAT, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, CROUP, BLOOD FAPITTING, HOARSENESS. and even PI.H.MO - CONSUMPTION, where the system is not broken down with the wear of the disease, or pretended medicine, or inexperienced ad vice, that this Balsam will not cure if carefully usxd, according to directions. We guarantee it all we represent it to be, and invite a trial from the aillicted everywhere. Price, 10 cents, medium size, andSl for large size bottles. pared only by J. IL 5131M5, M. D., Practical Organic Chemist, NO. 707 DIARKET STREET, 1115. HOOP SKIRTS. HOPKINS "OWN MAKE." In rll the New Spring Styles, fur Ladies, Misses and Children; the quality and prices of which will recommend themselves to every customer. CORSETS! CORSETa!: CORSETS!!! Just mark. ed down to gold at par; making our present prices less than they can be afforded. until gold declines to that point, and 33 per cent. less ihan the price ono year ago. We were the first in Philadelphia to give silver in change to our cut. comers, and now take the lead in giving them full advantage of the return to a specie busts, in advance of the Gold market, which will be fully appreciated by y all who examine our extremely low prices . Hoop Skirts, Our Own Slake, at 37, 40, 50, 55, 60, 70, 73, SO, 85, 90, 05. $.1.00, ate., to $. 2.20. Hand-made Whalebone CORSETS at 50. CO, 75, 00, $l.OO, &e., to $1.75. Superior French Woven Corsets at 75c., reduced from $1.00; at $l.OO, re duced from $1.38; at s.l.2s.reduced from $1.75, Sc., to $5.00, reduced front $7.00. It. Werly Corsets at $2.00, reduced from $2. Se. , &c. Thompson's Glove Pitting Corsets at $1.75, re duced from $2.20, asc. Mrs. Moody's Patent Self- Adjusting Abdominal Corsets at a reduction of 25 cis., to $l.OO per pair, according to natality. All other goods proportionally reduced. Skirts and Corsets made to order ; Altered and Repair ed ,• Wholesale and Retail - One Price. Only. Call or send for descriptive circular. WM. T. HOPKINS, may2l-3m 1113 Chestnut Street, Phila. FA.CTURER 1 1 .L 071 I? I GLT .L . CON_ETEC'I'I - 02VERY. LADIES' OYSTER SALOON TRINE'S e _LIQUORS. CATA lAr BA WINE, COLUMBIA. PA DR. SIMMS' With the Best Tripled Geared Horse rower. iron and Brass works made to order. Furnish Models for Patters at reasonable rates. Having, good and experienced Matas,/Ind being prackleol mechanics themselves, feel sate in gumantee ing all their NVOlk. to give sat lefaction. For par ticulars, address LANDIS fi CO, WILMINGTON" DEL. n0v9.0. , 69-tri Lancaster, Pa. CLOTJTTNG. - MERCHANT TAILORING. J. 11T. REASIN, No. 123 LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, Ras opened in the room formerly occupied).* P. S. MeTague, a full stock of FRENCH, ENGLISH, .AMERICAN & SCOTCH CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & SUITING% Which ho Is prepared to make up lii as good Style and Fashion as can be made in New York or Philadelphia. Ile invites all to call and examine his stock, which, he is possltive, cannot be excelled in Columbia. The establishment is dehigned exclusively for slerchant Tailoring, and the undivided atten tion of the Proprietor will be devoted to his business. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Of all kinds, and of SUPERIOR QUALITY, al ways on hand. Remember the old adage, that money saved Is .money earned. Call and be convinced that you can save your money by purchasing at the ONLY exclusive Merchant Tailoring Establish ment in Columbia. [s-epl-69-twf SPRING CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING CHEAPER THAN EVER! Pantaloons, 'Vests, Shirts, Drawers, &c., &e. New Styles, New Goods at low rates. DAVID HANAUER'S U. S. CLOTHING EMPORIUM! Front Street, first Store above Walnut Street, CO I. UM I3IA, PA. The Largest, Best Assorted, Handsomest and Cheapest Stock" or CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c., &e., ever exhibited in these regions, which will he sold at prices TO DEFY ALL COMPETITION: rsep I-69-tfw IT IS A FACT 1 Capable of ocular demonstration, that Die prices of Cloths, Cassnneres. Ready-Made Clothing, and Furnishing Goods, are less than one-hall what they were during the war, at the Merchant Tailoring establi , thntent of S. S. RATIIVON, =I opposite Shober's Hotel, Lancaster, Pa. This is the oldest establishment in this line of trade In Lancaster county, and is selling, at this time, line Moscow, _ Esqunnaux, and COIIIIIIOII Beaver overcoats from $l3 to $2O; Common Union Beavers from $lO to $1.5; Common Union Beaver Business Suits from $l2 to $l5; Good Cas simere Suits front SIC to $2O, and tine qualities from $23 to $3O. A few suits on hand as low as $lO. Cloths, Cassimeres and Trimmings as low as they can be obtained anywhere else, and sold by the yard Lo those who may wish to have theta made at home, or elsewhere. Overcoats, liress Coats and Business Suits made to order with dispatch, mid in the best and most fashionable manner, as the customer may desire. All kinds of cutting and repairing done at reasonable prices. An entire new stock got up for the Fall and Winter trade of 1009 and 1009, and manufactured in the city of Lancaster. It would be to the Interest of the public to call and realize that "Sr is A y.ter." S. S. ItATIIVON, sepl-69-tfwl Merchant, Tailor anti Clothier _MATS, CA PS, &c. SHULTZ & BROTHER, I-I A_ 1 1 '1" S , 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LA . NCASTEII, PA Latest, style, Fall and Winter HATS and CAPS in all qualities and. colors. LAMES' FANCY FURS We are now opening the largest and most complete assortment of Ladies' and Children's 1'..12N CY FURS ever oflhred in this market, at very low prices. ROBES! ROBES!! ROBES!!! 131111111 n Robes, lined and unlined; Hudson Bay, Wolf, Prarle Wolf, Fox, Coon, BLANKETS AND LAP RUCS, Of all qualities, to which we would particularly invite the attention of all perhow, ia want of articles in that line. GLOVES, ‘; AUNTLETS AND MITTS OTTER, BEAVER, NUTRIA, SEAL BUCKSKIN, PLEsHER, KID, &c., ac. Ladies' Fine Fur Trimmed Gloves, Gauntlets Mitts and lloods. PULSE WARMERS & EAR MITTS WTIOLESALE AND RETAIL senl-G9-aw PLANING MLLES. BACHMAN Sr, DEITUFF, SUSQUEITA.NNA PLANING MILL Manufacturers of, and have constantly on hand Sashes, Door Blinds, Shutters, Window and Door Frames, Brackets, Moulding, Shelv ing, Casings, &c., D. S.—The Planing and Dressing of Lumber is continued and carried on as heretofore by sepl-69-tfwl JOHN B. BACHMAN. EYEING 110 USES. =IiinIMI I=l STATEN ISLAND DYING ESTABLISHMENT, Ladles' 73resses, Cloaks;Vells,Gloves,Ribbons and Silks of all kinds dyed any color. Also, Gemtlemen's Coats, Vests,Pantaloons, Se. Kid Gloves washed to look like new. Scouring, repairing, ,tc., done at short, notice. I will receive goods at my store and forward them to the establishment. .c.,_, -,- -Sati.faction guaranteed. Call and see list of prices at J. C. 1317CIIEWS Store, Locust Street sop 4-69-trwl Commbla. 111 PIAXOS RRADBURY'S & 0 TBER, PIANOS. SEVEN FIRST PREMIUMS IN FOUR TAYLOR PARLEY'S ORGANS. Toe undersigned, for many yeam engaged as a professor of music in Girard College, and other institutions, in response to a request of a great number of his pupils and friends, leas con sented to become an agent for furnishing FIRST-CLASS INSTRUMENTS. It gives me pleasure to announce that I have been appointed wholesale agent for the Brad bury Pianos, and Taylor and Farley Organs, which lam now prepared to supply at prices that cannot tail to give satisfaction. Tile supe riority 01 tile above instruments ever others in the market is too went known to need any cum ment trom me. Every instrument war ranted. Liberal discount to clergy teen and Sunday schools. Orders by mail :Ls tall brolly attended to as if ordered in person ; as I select every Instrument sold septl-69-t fit.) =M=S:== B. B. .I_A.I--trial\T,, Columbia, Liu - waster c0.,,ra„,, Manallicturers at Beech Creek, Clinton co., Pa. and Wholesale Lintz bet Dealers, IVIIITE PINE, HEMLOCK POPLAR, WALN ASH, FLOORING, SIDEING, WEATHER BOA ItDS, HUHII•ITS. p t L'70.1 BOX BOARDS. dc., F. F. LANDIS, EZRA F. LA :ILLS, JACOB S. .C.VNIBS T ( EYSTONE MACHINE WORKS, EAST JAMES STREET, LANCASTER, PA. "Alanufael titers of Stationery:lnd Portable En- Cilr,atartlitneg, Shaft titivri),vue&eys,4t,yiliemiagnedrspktnna Con pling,, of an Improved pattern. Farmers Portable Grist Mill. OUR NEW AND IMPROVED GRAIN T DIZESTIE R. AND SEPARATOR. ECONOMICAL 111 - • MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO OP RHODE ISLAN Rates lower than other Mutual Companies OVER $176 FOIL EVERY $lOO LIABILITIES. This Company Issues Policies In all the several farms; anti combining the Stock and Mutual principles, efibrd greater security to parties in suring than either the Mutual or Stock princi pal alone. The Rata have been prepared by the HON. ELIZUR WRIGHT, Actuary of tile Company, the roost noted anct popular Actuary tt lug. CASH DIYIDENDS AZZYUALLY after second payment, OR 17.1 .A.DVANCE POLICIES ISSUED ON THE LIVES 01' FE MALES AT ItEGULAII. OR TABLE RATES. Do not fall to examine the principles of this Company before insuring. For circulars, ap ply to W. D. ItEITZEL. Agent, Lancaster City or Dr. D. F. HEnmAx, Ex. Surgeon, Isekl-fotfer No. 11 N. Front St., Columbia, COLUMBIA, PA., WM. O. FISCHER, 1018 Arch street, Plillad'a THIRD MONDAY Ls.: AUGUST, (the Lith) IS7O. In pursuance of which precept Puntic NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Lancaster, in the said county, and all the Justices of the Fence, the Coroner and Constables ' of the said city and county of Lan caster, that they be then and there in thou' own proper persons with their rolls, records and ex aminations, and inquisitions, and their other remembrances, to do those things which to their ounces appertain, in their behalf to be done; and also all those who will prosecute against. the prisoners who are, or then shall be in the jail of said county of Lancaster are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster, the l9th day of August, IST°. F. MYERS, Sheriff. apr MATrILEW HALE b.MITIPS NEW BOOK BULLS &,- BEARS OF WALL STREET. 550 Pages Finely Illustrated. Price. $2.50. It shows the mysteries of stock and gold gam bling, and the miseries of unfortunate speculn tl om, and exposes the swindles, tricks and frauds of operators. It tells bow millions are made and lost Ina day; how shrewd men are ruined ; how "corners" are made in grain and produce; how women speculate on the street, etc. Agents Wanted. We pay Freight West. Send for terms. .T. B. BURR 4k. CO., Hartford, Conti. July2-lw xArs ultd_2VVE CO.2I:PAN:LES THE COLUMBIA Fire Insurance Co., Of COLIDIBIA, PA., Insures I3UILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, and other Property against Loss and Damage by Fire, on the Stock orblutualPhm,osASßEAsoN AIILI TERMS AS OTHEIt RESPONS 1 DLL' COMPA NIE.S. Losses Paid since ISGO, $325,000 OFFICERS : President—S. S. DETWILER. Vice President-11 WILSON. Secretary—S. F. FREEAUEE. Treasurer—HEßßEßT THOMAS. DIIIECTOILS S. S. Detiviler, U. Wilson, J. 13. Bachman, Robert Crane, Wm. Patton, M. M. Strickler, Herbert Thomas, Robert Ryon, Jas. Schroeder, A. Bruner,jr., J. S. Strinc , J. F. Frueuml. For Insurance or Agencies apply by mail, or in person, to Smos. J. P. FRUMATTPF , Seey, Columbia, Pa. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SURANCE COMPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA. Capital c O OO,OOO I Securities 4 300,000 This Company continues to take risks on good property, at rates as low as any other safe Com pany an consistent with prudence. Policies issued for long it short terms, or per manently. Losses promptly paid. All claims adjusted without litigation or delay. This Com pany refers to the past as a guarantee of its future conduct. THOS. CRAVEN, Pres't A. S. GILLE TT, Vice-President. JAS. a At.vonn, Secretary. F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Walnut Street, above Front, Columbia, l'a sop t 1-69-11'w] - I - INSURANCE COMPANY of NORTE. AMERICA, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1791. Assets, $1,350,009. Charter perpetual. Insurance ilea nst loss or damage by tiro on Buildings, Merchandize, Furniture, dc., for long or short periods, or permanently on Buildingq, by a deposit of Premium. The prompt pal-moot of losses for a period of SEVENTY years, atiords a gutuantee of claim upon public confi dence, Airrnun G. COFFIN, frost. PLArr, Sec'y. F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Walnut. Street, above Front, Columbia, Fe. [sent-1-69-tfw 171AR:111E13S' MUTUAL FIRE INSUR _u ANCE COMPANY, YORK, PA. Insures on the Cash, :d ut nal or Perpetual Rates H. KRABER, President D. STRacKrmt, Secretary. N. S. SISTIMAN, Agent, Columbia. Pa Neptl-69-trwl F iEIGh T 11OTICE. T O - Trio Pennsylvania Rail Road Company aro now prepared to receive or tore:art' Freight, be tween Columbia and Lancaster, and all station k'n the Pennsylvania Bail Read and its branches RATES BETWEEN PHIL mil. dz.. COLUMBIA, En,a. Cla.s, '.2ad (gaa, SAI Clans. .It/, Ciel 66 25 cents 21 ets. Is eta. 15 eta. Flour in Car leads 28 cents perllarrel. BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA 1. LAN CA STEE. Forst Clan. Lid Class. 3,1 Clans. 4/11 Clan 23 cents 2.0 eta. 17 cis. 11 cis. - BETWEEN COLUMBIA & PITTSBURGH. Frt ans 6, 3rd Cla.. 4th Cla,,s. 71 cents 56 cts. 98 cts. 3t ets. Freight consigned Co stations where the Com pany has n o Agent, must be prepaid. All Freights payable on Delivery. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Phila. s 'For farther information apply to S. H. lit›.:GsTox, Frt., Agt., PhlPa. E. N. BOICE, Frt., Agt., Columbia. fsent.l439-tf w -1-I STABLISIIED 1.1)i ISSI j-4 -4 RE,IIOVAL. .TACO 13 HARLEY, JEWELER, Invites his patrons and the public generally, tO hi , . New Store, No. MO CHESTNUT ST., PHIL ADELPHIA, where they will find a large and well selected stock of DIAIcONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER, and PLATED WARE, at Moderate Prices. N. B.—WATCHES and JEWELRY carefully repaired. JEWELRY and SILVERWARE of all kinds wade to order. [septl-69-tfw T llOll AS WI-I ITE, TIN, PLATE, AND SHEET-IRON WORKER HOLLOW-WARE ALWA.YS ON HAND. ROOFING AND SPOUTING DONE The cheapest place in town HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS HYDRANTS REPAIRED. EVEILYBODY GOF-S TO NO. 407 LOCUST STREET. septll-lyw. In Stock for• Immediate Use or 1l1:ade to illeCtSitreMe7lt BUSINESS SUITS, At $147, 16,18, 20 25'. DRESS SUITS At $2O, 25, 30, 35 & 40. SPRING OVERCOATS, $6, 8, 10, 12, 15 AND 20. EVANS * LEACH, 628 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia. Samples of Goods, and direc tions for Self-measurement sent post free on ap- plication Satisfaction Guaranteed or Cash. Refunded. la AS`toi;A: for. Immediate Use of _illade to _llfeasurement URT PROCLAMATION. .J Whet eas. the non orable DEN RY G. LONG ~ President, and Honorable A LExANnEit L. 11,tyrs, only J,DIBITART, Associate Judges• of the Court 01 Common Pleas In and for the Comity of Lancaster, mind Assistant Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter:sessions of the Peace, in and for the County a of La have issued their Precept to me directed, requiring me, munung other things, to make public Prochuna [ion throughout my bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and a general Tall Delivery, also a Court. of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence In the Court House In the City of Lanettstel, In the Commouwealth of Pennsylvania, on the Twenty Years Among the