J. W. YOCUM', Editor. VOLUME XLI, NUMBER 44.1 THE COLUMBIA SPY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION WEEKLY, 00 per year, if paid in advance; six months, $.l If not paid until the expiration of the year, $2.50 will be charged. SrNaLy.: Cori E 5 No paper will be discontinued until all arrear ages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. Advertisements not under contract, must be marked the length of time desired, or they will be continued and charged for until ordered out. Special Notices 5.3 per cent. more. All Notices or Advertisments in reading mat ter, under ten lines, $l.OO ; over ten lines, 10 cts. per line, minion type. Yearly Advertisers discontinuing their adver tisements before the expiration of the year, will be charged at full rates as above, or according to contract. Transient rates will be charged for all matters of relating strictly to their business. All advertising will be considered GASH, after first nsertban. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CHAS. E. GAST, (Office with T. E. Franklin, Esq.) No. 27 EAST ORANGE ST., LANCASTER, PA, fob2i-tf B F. ESHLEMAN, (Office with Hon. I. E. IDester,) No. 33 NORTH DUKE ST., LANCASTER, TA feb26 '69t£ pIIILIP D. BAKER, No. 11 NORTII DUKE ST., LANCASTER, PA feb26-tf A J. KAUFFMAN, Collections made in Lancaster and adjoining Counties. Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, and all claims against the government promptly prosecuted. 01lice—No.233, Locust street. T W. YOCUM, Attorney-at-Law tt. Notary Public, COLUMBIA, PA. OFFICE—SPY Building, Bank Street, near Locust. Collections made In Lancaster and adjoining counties._ HENRY C. G. REBER, No 523 Wasbington street, near Sixth, Reading, Pa. Collections made In Berks and adjoining counties. nov27-tt LT • M. NORTH, H. Columbia, Pa. Collections promptly made in Lancaster and cork Counties. THOMAS J. DAVIS, No. 14 North Duke Street, Lancaster, Pa. Professional Business carefully and prompt ly attended to. r0ct:30.69-tf T 1 P. ROSENMILLER, JR., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE.—No. 5 Court Avenue, Lancaster, Pa JOI-IN M. GRIDER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, SCRIVENER, 67..0. Mountville, Lancaster County, Pa. Offico Hours from 6 to 8 o'clock', A. M., and 7 to 9 o'clock, P. H. IfCLARK, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. OFFICE—No. 12 N. Third street. Office Hours—From 6to 7 A. 7,L. 12 to 1 P. M., and from 6 to 9 P. H. [sep4-69-tlw • S AMUEL EVANS, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office, on Second St., adjoining Odd Fellows' Hall, Columbia, Pa. D ENTAL SURGERY J. S. SMITH, DENTIST, Graduate t.f Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery. Office No. •210 Locust Street 2nd door above Odd Fellows' Hall, Columbia, Penn 'a. Dr. J. S Smith thanks his friends and the pub lic in general for their liberal patronage in the past, and assuring them that they can rely upon having every attention given to them in the future. In every branch of his profession he has alv.ays given entire satisfaction. lie calls attention to the unsurpasssed style and finish of artificial teeth inserted by iihn. He treats diseases common to the mouth and tech h of children and adults. Teeth tilled with the great est care and in the most approved manner. Aching teeth treated and filled to last for yars. The best of dentrificcs and mouth washes con stantly on hand. N. B.—All work warranted. seol-69.1yw J. S. SMITH, D. D. S. A J. GULICK, SURGEON DENTIST, Extracts Teeth without Pain. Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Ga. ail min istered. OFFICE 24S LOCUST STREET. septl4s-tfw B C. UNSELD, TEACHER OF MUSIC PIA - N 0, ORGAN, :MELODEON. CULTIVATION or the VOICE' and SINGING. Special attention given Beginners and young pupils. septl-69-lyw 219 LOCUST STREET TZ. HOFFER, . DENTIST. ?Atreus Oxide Gas administered In the extrac- . 'don of Teeth. Office— Front Street. next door to R. Williams' Drug Store, between Locust and Walnut Streets, Columbia Pa. Ti lIINKLE, .12 . PHYSICIAN c SURGEON; offers his professional services to the citizens of Columbia and vicinity. He may be found at the (Mice connected with his residence, on Second street, between Cherry and Union, every day, from 7t09 A. :Si., and front 6 to BP. H. Persons wishing his services in special cases, between these hours, will leave word by note at his orrice, or through the post Wilco. sepl-70 REAL ESTATE AGENCY The undersigned have opened an office for the purchase and sale of real estate, collection of rents, and the renting of property. Business entrusted to their care will meet with prompt and careful attention. F. X. ZIEGLER, oet:3o-'69-th A. J. KAUFFMAN. TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS rtuilding„ paving and other brick always on hand. They are hand made and superior to any brick in this part of the country. They tire of feredat the very lowest price. sop .1-G9-tfw] MICHAEL LIPHART. JSCOTB_LS. WESTERN HOTEL, No. 931 A-- 15 CORTLANDT STREET, .I`.IEW YORE TIIOS. D. WI.NCI.I.E.STER, PROPMETOR. This Hotel is central and convenient for Penn- sylvanlans. ABLE MISIILE3, of Reading, l'a., is an sasistant at this Hotel, and will be glad to see hi friends at all times. sept-1-13:1-tfw " CO'N'rINENTA.L." THIS HOTEL IS PLEASANTLY LOCATED, between the Stations of the Reading and Coluen and Pennsylvania Railroads, FRONT STREET, COLUMBIA, PA. Ample accommodations for Strangers and Tray olers. The Bar Is stocked with CHOICE LIQUOR.q, And the Tables furnished with the best fare. URIAII FINDLEY, Proprietor. sep4-69-tfw] FRANKLIN HOUSE, LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA, PA. This is a 11rst-class hotel, and is in every respect adapted to meet the wishes and desires of the traveling public. MARTIN ERWIN, sepl-70 Proprietor, F RENCH'S HOTEL, On the European Plan, opposite City Hall Park New York. It. FItENCLI, Sept. 19.1.5t5. Proprietor. M . ISHLER'S HOTEL, West Market Square, Reading Renn'a. EWAN .71.1..SFLLErt, Proprietor. sept-i-f3f3-tfw] E.,5 - 7,IWE'LrosaItA"MSTLET TaVEVIPG -- CHINE. The cheapest First-Class Machine In the market. Agents wanted In every town. Lib :ral commission allowed. For terms and circular, address A. S. HAMILTON, Gen. >gent, NO. 700 Chestnut St., Pa. apll6.3xa ' . . .. . . --- --....... 6. . . ' . . . . . ~ . , a, ~., ~, :•. '_ • .... ,:: ... , • A hn .. . . . . . ..* .. ..„ . 5.7. ( • O. ::,.....:.:,10 ~ i•„:..„, .... .... ... .... • , . .„. tb,,. ~,,,,„ ...... :. '..., „, „.... „.. ... ... ..,; ....,-._;........„ ~ , ~......., :::.:,,...,.. ~----.. ,:,..„...., ~_„.:.. „....:, ....„..;_ 14.......„ .-;,1,; : . -- ;...,... , --. ..',: ) •-•:.•'' , ~• ~..... ..„. BUCHER'S CaL773Thr. EININIM Wholesale and Retail Dealer in =! FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Wines and _Liquors ! Has removed his Store to his Building,adjointng Haldeman's Store, Locust St., Columbia, Pa., where he has fitted up rooms and greatly increased his facilities for doing a more extensive business MISIILER'S CELEBRATED HERB BITTERS ! PURE AND UNADULTERATED, These Bitters are celebrated for the great cures they have performed in every case, when tried Dr. Mishler offers five hundred dollars to the pro prietor of any Medicine that can show a greater number of genuine certificates of cures effected by it, near the place where it is made, than MISLILER'S BERG BITTERS lIISHLER'S HERB BITTERS Is for sale, in Columbia by J. C. BUCIIER, At his Store, Locust Street, Columbia WINES AND LIQUORS! Embracing the following Catawba, Port, Lisbon, Currant and Muscat WINES COGNAC, OF DIFFERENT BRANDS Also, OLD RYE WHISKEY and BRANDIES of all kinds Blackberry' Catawba, Cher*, EMI! XX Old Rye X Old Rye Pure Old Rye, .I(illongultela, Retained Whisky, London Brown Stout Scotch Ale, Sc., MALT AND CIDER VINEGAR He Is alb° Agent for the Celebrated MISHLER'S HERB BITTERS POCKET FLASKS, DEMIJOHNS, TOBACCO BOXES, and FANCY ARTICLES, in great variety, MISHLER'S BITTERS! PURE & UNADULTERATED; BEST STOUT PORTER! From E. & G. HIBBERT, LONDON Agent for the PURE MALT VINEGAR Cannot be purchased at any other establish- ment in town, and Is warranted to keep fruits and vegetables perfect The Best Brands of Imported SCOTCH AND LONDON ALE TO SMOKERS AND CHEWERS BUeriElt will still keep on hand the Best Brands of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, SNUFF, HAVANA, YARA, and COMMON SEGARS. Also, SNUFF & TOBACCO BOXES, PIPES—a thousand and one varieties. Call at Locust Street, adjoining Haldeman's Store. It is the greatest establishment of the kind this side of Philadelphia. vt3..Only Agency for Lee's London Porter, and Mahler's Bitters. Cherry, Maderia, Malaga, Chnmpagne, Claret, Rhine, Blackburry, Eldei berry, Jamaica Spirits, Rummel, Ginger, Gin, Superior Old Rye, Pure Old Rye, XXX Old Rye, AGENCY FOR FOR SALE At J. C. Bucur.R's For Sale by T. C. BIICIIE,R For sale by J. C. BUCIIEII, Locust Street, above Front For Sale at J. C. BUCHER S J. C. BUCHER'S, COLUMBIA., PIN-, SA_TITRDA.Y . MORNING-, JUNE, It 1870. 1111SCEL.LinTEOUS. GRAND INAUGURATION -Or_ LOW PRICES HOMER, COLLADAY & CO., Nos. 1412 t 1414. Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA, ARE NOW OFFERING THE WHOLE 01 THEIR .21IA O.YIFI CENT STOCK MEM DRESS GOODS, SILKS, &C. Replete with all the Choicest _Yovelties of the Season. TOGETHER LARGE INVOICES OF DESIRABLE GOODS, Purchased in this Market, for CAsti, At Astonishing Low Prices ! IL C. 6: CO. conclude that iL is only necessary to quote a lbw of their offerings as an index of the prices at which this SUPERB STOCK will be disposed of, to insure an early call. HANDSOME DOUBLE-WIDTH CHENE MO HAIRS, CENTS. DOUBLE-FOLD FOULARD MOUAIRS, dS C 1 TS. DOUBLE-FOLD NOBWICH POPLIN'S, IN THE NEW LIGHT SHADES, 3t; CENTS. HOYLE'S YARD-WIDE ENGLISH PRINTS, D CENTS. PRINTED SATIN CLOTH - , A NIL'W ARTICLE FOR TEE HOUSE OR WALKINU COS TUME, 3.5 CENTS. ONE CASE OF THE FINEST ORGANDIE:4 IMPORTED, 40 CENTS. REAL SCOTCH GINGIIAMS, IN ALL COL ORS, 2.5 CENTS. TWO CASES OF FRFNCH FOULARD MO HAIRS, WHICH SOLD BY THE PIECE FOR 65 CENTS, ARE NOW OFFERED AT 56 CENTS. BLACK LYONS GROS GRAINS AND DRAB DE LYON. OF THE BEST BAKES, FROM $1.50 to $8 DER, YARD. CIIENE SILKS OF THE LATEST DESIGNS OF THE PARIS MARKET, ANT) EXTRA QUALITY, SOLD LAST SPRINU AT $3.113, $2.50. STRIPED SILKS FROM $1.50 TO $2.00, BLACK CANVAS BAREGES, EXTRA SU PERB QUALITY, 1/23.., BLACK CANVAS BAREG ES, 75 CENTS BLACK CANVAS BAREGES, ALL WIDTHS AND QUALITIES, UP TO WALKING SUITS,. LACE SHAWLS, LACE POINTS, &c. ALL AT THE NEW RATES. April IC-nin NO. 1:3 SHREINER'S = Where you can buy a - first rate AMERICAN, ENGLISH OR SWISS IVITCII, BEAUTIFUL SETS OF JEWELRY, lIAND SO3IE BREAST I'l S, EAR RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, and almost everything in the jewelry line AT TUE LOWEST PRICE Or you can purchase FINE SILVER AND SILVER PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, KNIVES CASTORS, GOBLETS, ICE PITCHERS, BUTTER DISHES sc. Then If you are In WANT OF TIME you can buy any kind of AMERICAN" CLOCK, warranted of the best quality, at a low figure CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF =I Sept,lwtil No.IS Front St., Columbia, Pa EMZ2 T B. KEVINSK[, • DEALEI: IN PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS GENERALLY. A large assortment of Violins, Flutes, (iuttars, Banjos, Tanthormes, Aeeordeuns, Files, Har monicas, and musical murehandtse 1110 ays on hand. SHEET A. large stock on band, and eon Stan t ly receiving all the latent publications as soon as I,nued. Musk; and Munleal Books will be rent by mail free of pontago, when the market tries in remit ted. DACALCOMANIA, Or the Art of transferring Pictures. (tan be transferred on any object. I would call special attention of the Coach makers to toy stock of llacadconiania. MESE! STEINWAY & SON'S PIANOS, PRINCE & CO'S., SON'S CELEBRATED ORGANS AND:NIELODEW , .:S. Solo Ageut for Stoll's Unrivaled PIANO FORTE AND FISItNIT Call and examine my stock at NO. 3 NORTH PRINCE STREET, LANcA.srEn, I'A 730 ! _For the lictrvestof IS7O ! We would respectfully call the attention of all Farmers who need a complete combined harvester, to examine into the merits of our Laneneter county bmit Reaper and Mower, THE VALLEY CHIEF I It is a simple two-wheeled machine, having side delivery, which throws the grain entirely out of the way of the team for the next round. It has a rear cut,a iloating linger bar; the guards or lingers are made of the best wrought iron, faced with steel. The height of the cut can be altered with ease while in motion, thus ena bling one to pass obstructions or cut long or short stubble ; and the whole machine is built with an eye to connenicnce, way and duratalit n. It you avant a light, two-horse machine, the VALLEY CHIEF is the machine to buy. If you want. a machine that is able to pick up revs Garth, Waal gram with ease and certainty, arid ralM It off, get the VALLEY CHIEF—it will do It. The Marsh Self-hake In this particular, has no superior. If you want a machinethatcombines the qual ities of a first-class self-raker in grain together with one of the vest mowers get the VALLEY CHIEF. - - It you wish to get the machine that, has hosts of admiring friends among hundreds of the in telligent and disci imlnating farmers of Lancas ter county, choose the VALLEY CHIEF. We respectfully icier you to our friends in every township of the county for gond words. One of our machines is on exhibition at the HARDWARE STORE OF MESSRS. RUS SELL, MUSSELMAN it CO., No. 21 North Queen Street, Lancaster City. Mr. D. K. 131:Rh:HOLDER, is our general agent for Lancaster county. MARSH. GRIER kr: CO., Mount Joy, Lancaster Co., Pa. P. S.—This Machine is on exhibition and for sale by SIMON J. EBY, 311liersvffle, and by J. H. K.A.UFFMAN, at Millersville. LinayT-10t "NO ENTERTAINMENT SO CHEAP AS READING, NOR ANY PLEASURE SO LASTING." .IV_ ETV ADTr_ERTISE.2ILENTS. E DWARD J. ZAI.III, JEWELLER ! (Late 11. L. S E. J. Zalim,) Car. N. Queen St., t Centre Square LANCASTER, PA. Dealer in. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER. WARE, Spectacles, best, quality Sliver- Plated Ware, Thermometers. 11.11.. Personal and prompt attention given to Watch work and Repairing. Remember the OLD STAND, ZAII3I'S CORNER., North Queen Street and Centre Square, mad 7'70 F INE FA3IILY GROCERIES, AT HARDMAN'S ! Just received, at the flee Grocery Establish went, corner ;311 and Cherry streets, the follow lug now Goods: SUGAR CURED HAMS AND DRIED IfEEF, JELLIES, PRESERVES, ICON R.Y. PEACHES. TOMATOES, ENGLISH. PICKLES, W INSLO NIPS 0 KEEN CORN ("KEEN PEAS Ae., Together with a 'very fine assortment of Family Groceries, of all kinds. A LARGE LOT OF NEW YOEN. CANDIES, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Cocoanuts, and White Wine Vinegar. Extra Family Flour, Mercer Potatoes, Rio and Java Col The, fresh roasted, Levering's Syrup, ..tc. 4-Z - New Goods received almost WM.II. HARDMAN, Ord and Cherry Sts., sepl-Gt-tfw] Columbia, Pa. OPEN ! OPENING ! OPENED ! THIS DAY, THIS WEIFII: AND UNTIL FURTHER ORDERS, BRE - NEM A_-_IN.'S THE LARGEST STOCK OP HATS AND CAPS, For Men, Youth and Children, ever before offer ed to the people of Columbia, comprising as it does, STILE and QUALITY in soft and still brim, such as the WarWiCtiC, Ida Lewis, Sinhad, Prince Arthur, American Girl, Mute, Peerless, Lady Thorn, IZowing, Star, Cuban, Waverly, Gilmore, flub Hey, tuna the Fall style of Sill: Eats, just nut, together with a lull stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS , Consmting of White and Colored Shirts, Flannel Shirts and Drswers,English, German and Do mestie Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerehiels, Sus- Penders, Ties, Linen and raper Cuil and Col lars, ac. Alen, UMBRELLAS AND CANES l'artiett who favor us with their patronage are assured that It be our constant tutu to merit their con ilaelleC null support. Call and exannue our well selected :stock at at low prices, BRENEMAN'S No. 12 Locust, St met, Cul cambia, oet9.'GO-ly STEA3L COACH WORKS. CMUSTIAN 311 EItS, COLUMBIA sTizAm- COACH WORKS! REMOVED TO Nos. 9, 11 AND 13 :asp - mu sth The Carl iageq, &e., made at these Works, are equal in beauty and durability to any other make in the comity. \O. 13 COACII S3IPTIIING, REPAIRING, ,kc This, branch of the busine,,swill be atomic," to with punctuality :mu cle , Tatelt. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, NVII go nB, &c., for sale or mad to order /M. Call at the "Work, No. 9. 11 & 13 North Fifth street and examine the stock and prices. sep.s-99-ttw GARDEN, FLOWEIL AND GRASS SE J. A. MEYERS', FAMILY MEDICINE STORE, ODD FELLOWS' ILILL, Our Stock is composed ENTIRELY of Seeds from the celebrated Philadelphia Seedsmen, D. LA.NDRETII C. SON, Wo have No:sts other on hand, and hav ing closed out every package or last season's stock, we guarantee all to be FRESH AND GENUINE, -ku !. will sell them at Landreth's priees I= N. B.—Having removed ray residence to house No. 'Selma i 3 Sr., formerly occupied by Mr. Jacob Hess, any of my friend, requiring Medicine during the night, will please call there sept.l 60-Ifwl JUST RECEIVED A LARUE SLTPEY 01 FRESH Gil 0 CERIES, David. Mullin's Grocery Store, Cor. itlx .t• Cherry Streets, COLUMBIA, PS. The undersigned, having been in the business since 1319, is enabled to buy and sell gimds at better bargains titan can be ui sto el where. lie has now on hand a Mesh supply 01 GROCERIES