EEii 0 Crt egiumixia gp.y. N Satuiylay, "ray 28, 1870. Advertisements, to secure immediate in sertion,-must - be handefflivern , or before Thurs day evening, each week. Sweet Sixteen—A Young Orange, N. J., Lady, aged Sixteen, Runs Off with. her Father's Ex-Coachman— The :Marriage—The Parents Re lent. That " love levels all ranks" wonld seem to be as true as holy writ, at all events in some instances, and in none more so thao in a case the results of which have considerably agitated for weeks past certain circles in the , pleasant town of Orange, N. J. About two years ago, in the employ.of Elijah D. Burnet, a. highly respectalale. merchant, was a young man of rather pleasing exterior and address, named William Culbert. His occupation was that of coachman. A daughter of his employer, Miss Annie V. Burnet, then about in her fourteenth or fifteenth year, but large and womanly for her age, took a dedided liking to the good-looking coachman, which penchant, after some time, ripened into genuine affection'. William was of course delight ed with the state of affairs, though con siddrable time elapsed before he could realize the exact state of the damsel's feelings toward him. This discovered, on the principle, doubtless, that love "be gets love, a full reciprocity of the tender feeling followed. In the meanwhile the attachment was jealously guarded by the lovers, so that the parents of the girl . never dreamed of the matter. Some business reverses ne cessitated the partial breaking up of Mr. Burnet's - domestic estblishment, and young Culbert left, .as his employer thought, for parts unknown. By means only known to lovers under similar cir cumstances, Miss. Burnet and young Cul bert managed to keep up their intimacy and to meet occasionally. Finally, the young lady found it dihicult to conceal the affair and bet Ween anxiety on the one hand and true ,dove on the other, she managed to work herself into a severe ill. ; After some time she imparted the secret to her physician who in turn in formed her parents, who, as might be ex pected, tried to disabuse the girl of her notion, but to no purpose: As to a mar riagewitb. Culbert they would not listen to such a' thing. The upshot was - that within a few weeks Miss Annie surrepti tiously left home, and, in company with her lover, drove off to Montclair, where they were indissolubly tied in the bonds of holy matrimony by the Rev. L. L. Max well. , The secret to this romance in real life -is the best of all. The indignant parents'were at first disposed to give the young people the cold shoulder, but find ing that William was really above his former position and about to take a re sponsible situation in a' Newark dry goods house they relented, and now ;per --ter - ltaratonrreigris — TirtheitilineAanl: Onlbertdom.estic circles.—N. EMI El= • Most of the shadows that cross onr path through life are caused by ourstand ing in our own light. Inviolable fidelity, good-humor, and complacency 'of temper outshine all the charms Of fine faces, and make the decay of it itivisible. B‘ware of evil thoughts. They have done great mischief in the world. Bad words follow and bad deeds finish the progress. Watch against •them - ; strive against them; pray against - there. They prepare the way for the enemy of Souls. God is said to harden the heart when he withholds restraining grace—to hard en when he _does not.soften. He is said _to make blind'when he does not enlight , en, as freezing and darkness follow upon -the absence of the sun, the source Of light and heat. A clergyman preaching against mar ..riage in Wisconsin has .been found to :have nine wines scattered about over the country. Ile speaks .from 'experience. "What -a blessing children::arer as the parish clerk said; 'when he took the fees for christening them. _ . When a young lady offers to hem a cambric handkerchief for a rich bachelor _she meansto sew in order that she may • reap. A. preacher in loWa t who had east off. the sock,:and buskin 'for the gosin arid, cassock, astonished his hearers the:Ather day, by announcing that his test-might - be found in Proverbs; Act ix., Scene 5. Here is the pithiest sermon ever preached : •"Our ingress, in life is naked and . bare ; our progress through . life is trouble and care; our - egress ont of it is we know not where butdoing-well=here we shall; do - Well there. pACIFIC. GUANO CO. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. JOHN S. REESE & CO., 122' South Delaware Ave., Phil'a. 10 -South Street, Baltimore. • SOLUBLE PAC.IPI No Fertillier IntrOdeced to the Farmers of the Middle. and Southern States has given more general and uniform satisfaction than this GUANO. ; ; . The trade in:lt has steadilylncreased until the consumptlimnew throughout the entire coun try fox exceeds that of any other Fertilizer:, The large capital involved in • Its production abbrds Ilia 'surest: guarantee of its, continued exceilenee. :The - Company has a far greater in-: terestiatheyermanance °hits•trade thaw imp', number Oremminers can have; hence it is the Ilitillatpf the Company to pit the best, Fertilizer into marizet, , tbat their unusual facil ities; aided,*: .. !ne Abefie selentific ahtlity,can •• This duano is soldAttrigetail-by_LOcal Agents of the ComiligniAbiri . ingiibut N ew Jersey, Dela ware,2PeninTlvanhOuni2thit.F4outtiern Statet , , and at wholesilaby.: , - JOHN - 134: RE4,&tE , 451 . b9; General ":itgenta::,fOr:, the_ Coraparg, - ' i:ko" 'courrEsbui:Viz =IS BILL:'-`•HEiLDS . ,LETTkR-'.ICFAI: •BETSEnXB'MXDs, taiistuutna. Scraps. GENERAL AGENTS, •• OFFICES: GTIA.NO. SPECLII NOTICES. ADDRESS To the Nervous and Debilitated. Whose sufferings have been protracted from hidden, causes, and whose cases require prompt treatnierittnrender existence desirable: If you are suffering, or have suffered, from involuh tary discharges, what effect does it produce upon your general health? Do you feel weak, debili tated, easily tired? Does a little extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, fre quently get out of order ? Is your urine some times thick, milky or llocky, or is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick scum rise to the top? Or is a sediment at the bottom after it has stood awhile? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia.? Are your bowels constipated? Do you have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head? Is your memory Impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of com pany, of life? Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody'? Does any little thing make you start or julep? Is your sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre of your eye as bril liant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well? Do you pursue your business with the same energy? Do you have as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melancholy? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. nave you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dys pepsia or liver-complaint? Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, arc all" capa ble of producing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of generation, when in perfect health, make the 3iian. Did you ever think that those bold, defiant, energetic, perse vering, successful business men are always those whose generative organs aro in- perfect health? You never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, ofpalpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they can not succeed in business; they don't become sad and discouraged; they are always polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look you and them right in the face—none of your down cast looks or any other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep - the organs infla ted by running to e xcess. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do business with or for. How Many men, from badly cured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce almost every other disease— idiocy; lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, sui cide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for nll but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the use of a Diuretic. lIELMBOLD'S FLUID _EXTRACT BUCHU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder, K idneys,.Grav el, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Corn plairds,.General Debility, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh. and blood arc supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt.use of a reliable remedy. Heimbold's Extract Buchu, established up ward of JD - years, prepared by H. T. HELM BOLD, Druggist, 394 Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. PRICE -11.2.5 per bottle, or 0 bottles for 't1.50, delivered to any address. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. Mr' 'NONE ARE GENUINE unless done up in steel engraved wrapper, with fac-simille of my Chemical 'Warehouse, and signed April 1, '7O-lyr. H. 1. HELMBOLD. SHAKING AND BURNING It is not necessary to Journey from the tropics to Alaska in order to experience the extremes of heat and cold. Thousands undergo all the inconveniences of this lhermometrical change every day, or every other day, as the case may be, without the trouble of moving over the threshold. A 'word with these Involuntary shakers. What are they doing to expedite their return to a medium temperature ?—to break the chills anti banish the fever? Are they dosing themselves-With quinine,, thereby, imperiling ,the sourness of theiyones andtpalring th their lirat ol nervOus :item', fern of them - are, no d nip, but not the 'majority of them, it is believed. 11The value of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters as a harmless and certain spec ific for fever and ague is und&l,l.* - Zand appre ciated in all parts of the cor, Y e Where in ter mittents prevail. The reside-4i' such locali ties begin to take it early in the spring as a pro tection against the miasma by which they are surrounded; not all of them, perhaps, for a blind adherence to error is the specialty of some peo ple, but the greater numb cr. • If there is any fixed fact in therapeutics, It is this: that the Bitters area far better safeguard against all the varieties of periodic maladies produced by unwholesome exhalations than any drug or compound in the materia medics of the profession. This assertion is made with all due respect to faculty, but being an important truth and one that nearly concerns thehealth of large settlements in various parts of the country, and indeed of the public at large, It is made fearless ly. Founded on . ample and unimpeachable testimony, it defies disproval. To break up chills and fevers, as well as to prevent them, there is nothing so reliable as this wholesome vegatable restorative, PAIN KILLER 31AMIATTAX, Kansas, April t 7, ISO 6. Means. PERRY DIMS 4 Sox, GENTLEXR.!:— *• * Iwanttosayalittle more about the Pain Killer. I consider it a very valuable medi cine, and always keep iron band. 1 have traveled a good deal since I have been in Kansas, and never without taking it with me. In my pruence I need it freely for the Asiatic-Cholera in IRO . , end with better success than with any other , medicine. J also used it here for Cholera in 18.55, with tee same good re sults.. A. BUNTING, AI. V. * * " I regret to say that the I.:bolero. has pre vailed here of late to great extent. For the three weeks, from - ten to fifty or sixty fatal cases 'each day have been reported; I should add that the ,INun Hiller sent recently from the- Maslen House, has been nsed-with considerable suceess, during this epidemic. If taken in season, it is ° generally effec tual in checking the disease; - Rev. CHAS.HARDING, Sholapere, India." sertti-G%-tfw . , CURE FOR - CONSUMPTION. :What the Doctors' Say:! AMOS WOOLLEY. M. IX; of Kosciusko. Coun ty, Indiana, says: "For three years past I tur. , of•-: used. A.L.T,azt's LITSO BAL-mAlf. extensively' my practice, and Lam satisfied there is no bet tor medicine for lung diseases In use:. ISAAC A. DORMS, X. D., of Logan County', - Ohio; says : "A.LLES'S 13A.T.sxsr: not only sells rapidly but gives perfect satisfaction in every case within my knowledge. Having don lideuce in it and knowing that it possesses val uable medicinal properties, I freely use it inmy daily practice, and - with • unbounded success. As an expectorant it is most certainly far al:Matt of any preparation thave ever yet knolvzi.!_, .I , TA.THANIED HARRIS, DT. D., of... Middl ebury, Vermont, says:. •I have no doubt Itwtll 'soon become a classical remedial agent for the cure of all diseases of the Throat, Bronchial Ttibes and the L gs. - , 4 ~:t . •1, e ' '"'' ' • , : Physicians - do not reConim na', l , - me di due. which has no'hitnitswhat tl - ..ay shoat . .' ALLEN'S LUNG Vg nriaM; Can be taken as a fact. ' '' . Sold by all Medicine Dealers. --. PURIFY YOITIBLO . OD! LONDON -BLOOD -PANACEA. The Great Alterative and 'Blood Purifier. • For the cure of Scsetrima or ICtliert EVIL, CLMANZOUSDISZASXS,,EILT. IPSLAS, BOILS PIMPLIS -and tto r c aon the .P.t ex 'Sonst (XS, YELLOW JAVINDIOX, *UITX ..1122.01111A L Gestzwat. Deartarr t ITATION and.Fnuirsauto at-the (sear, CONSUMPTION, '..ASTNMA, irritate and SVPIIILITIO Arose -1003, Paarrazz and Maser Ass ure, Gstavar„ Vassar, .Drsens- MA,LIVM - MCOXPLAINT,SICM, IMADACTIE, Fr.stats COMPLAINTS, is To the broken down female It Ives life and energy by restoring , e lost powers of -nature„ Persons . weakness and lassitude, by use-, Iff the ../...tqACEAssrtsoort •rez, Igor. Triit: 'Prim...Z.oo Per Bottle. , S. .P 0 ITT - Manufacturer and ,Proprietor,, ' BALTIMORE, MID/ • For sale by druggist/ and sterekeeptis thafthent the Unital. Males. For Sale by J, A. MEYERS, Apothecary & Druggist; Columbia; 50u1:25-'694TV ' • • SEED WHEAT.—The subscriber offers ferrate a splendid article of SeediNheat. is of the 'white beartledvariety, stiff in the straw, and, will yield thirtrllve bushels to the sere:, , c , • Wikt. BVCOXEY.. ~,sepiA‘wtri ' • . • lifrightsvilleXti. ;,.TOB TRT_N LING, PLAINIAND. '4IOIIAMENTAL executed Ildth neatness and din , at this **ice. - • BOOKS, STATIO3'XBY. N E'! NEW!! NEW!!! BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, No. 262 LOClrsr ST., COLUNIII.A., PA. The subscribers have Just opened and offer to the public a complete assortment of SCHOOL, BLANK AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY of ALL KINDS, And of every quality, including a large and first-rate stock of CAP, LETTETR, NOTE AND BILL YAPER, SCHOOL AND SUNDAY SCHOOL MOTTOES, Envelopes, Ink, Slates, Faber's & Guttkneclit's Pencils, &c. Toy Books Pass Books, Tucir_ Memorandum Books, initial Paper, Sc., Bi bles, Testaments and Hymn Looks. All weekly and monthly papers'and maga zines received as soon as published. The custom of the public. is respectfully solicited. xf Remember the place—No. 2'32 Locust Street, one door below the Columbia Steam Fire En gine House. sopl-69-tful JOHN L. 'WRIGHT & CO. ST_E.d,3l COACT( WORKS. CHRISTIAN MYERS, COLUMBIA STEA.N. COACH WORKS! REMOVED TO Nos. 9, 11 AND 13 NORTH lth The Carriages, Buggies, &e., made at these Works, are equal Id beauty and durability to any other make in the county. COACH SMITIIING, REPAIRING, 6;:e This branch of the businesswill be attended to with punctuality and despatch. 'CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, 'Wagons, &.c., for sale or made to order. UV- Call at the Works No. 0, 11 & 13 North Filth street and examine the stock and prices. seps-09-tfiv }DOUSEFUENISHLNG GOODS JUST PURCHASED, AT REDUCED PRICES, a splendid Assortment of-new and de sirable HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS 1 COOKING STOVES—Anti-Dust Quaker City, and the _Magaln. BRITANNIA WARE, in Sets Or separate to snit purchasers. CHAMBER WARE, CUTLERY OF ALL KINDS. WATER COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS of all sizes and styles. Special attention paid to GAS FITTING an PLUMBING. A large assortment of splendid CHANDELIERS always on hand. A Variety of BIRD CAGES, at all prices. Agent for the Celebrated DUTY'S CLOTHES WASHER. The most popular, best and cheapest Washing Machine ever invented. In connection with the above Washing Ma chine, he has the UNIVERSAL CLOTIIES WRINGER! Call at the corner of Second and Locust streets and satisly yourself that you canget better bar gains there than at any other e.staslislunent. "HIRAM - WILSON, Cor. of Second and Locust Sts. Columbia, Pa. sept-C9-ti'w • ELGIN WATCHES MANGFACTUMED 11V The National Watch Company ALL TIIE ORAD OP TILE LOIN WATCHES L--• 4. nl4 L .41._ A_D'LGIN Betty for SPRING TRADE. buyersmpany also call tne atten Watchesch to the fact that the Elgin now offered have an added improvement over all others, in anew PATENT DUST EXCLUDER, constructed as to enclose the tyrks. and form a protection against dust, enabling the move ment, to remain in order without cleaning double the time that a Watch Will ordinarily run without this protection. .'7,- The Company feel confident, after having had their Watches three years in market, and sell ing many thousands of them in/li,parts of the country, that the ELGIN W TCHES ARE THE BLAST TIME KEEPERS NOW OFFERED TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC.' - OVER FIVE HUNDRED DEALERSL in various parts of the land have unreservedly endorsed them. They are in use ,u on numer ous lines of Railway. includinv. the UNION PACIFIC . and the. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL, and officers of these roads, with other prominent Railroad officials, endorse them as the best Watches for the use of kallroaci em ployees and travelers, yet IntroclUcal. The following are presented as s echnens of • thesejestimonials: . .TESTIMONIAL. UNION PACIFIC R. It.. Office of Gehl SuP'ti ~„ - Ox.yrt.s.' Dec.-Ai:x.lSO. Hon. T. AI. AVERT, President Natid • AAt Watcu Company, Chicago, Ill.: -4 Dear Sir:—During the month that I' linve car ried one of your " B. W. Raymond' Watches it ' has not failed to keep the thee Wink %,,,, ..rottch accuracy , as to leave nothing, to desiref - ri„ nig rf.• gard. For accuracy in time - keeping.iteauty of „movement and finish, your Watches i o,,iilenge ,my admiration. and arouse toy pills as an American, and I am confident that. In all re spects they Will-compete sueeessfly in the markets of the world, with similar , myyur Ae . turers of older nations. They need: illy , to be • known to be appreciated. f / Yours most respectfully. '-,-. j - , C. G. HAMMOND. GtA , l Sup't. , OYFICE OF I'VE HUDSON Itivsin Rofteo.A.D,l - ' Gen'i Sup't, New - York, ;ISM. 5 T. 11. AVERY, la' ;El-, President Nat. Nc• h Co.: Dam Sir:—The \Vetch nutde by you.: mpany, which I have carried the past two 1 ,ths, h as ,kept excellent time. I have carried I -oequer_t. I 13 , 0 n engines, and have been on the .:1,.n with , it.ltimost daily.- During this time it has run uniformly with our standard clock. '. " Truly yours, _ .. I. IfI.,TOUVEY, Gen' Sap' t. . , . , - The following dealers also, in variot quirts of thcrcountry,-have certified that they cushier 'the Elgin \Vetches to be all Una. the _Ompany -have advertised them, as better finisii - „ more correct and. durable, Elan any iu rottrice4ot sim ilar priee,,Mal that they have- groat coffidenee :in -recommending them .to the pubLiemn ae -count of their general inert!. i--,1 Mfridletou &Bro.,:is-.11 Y. Dahme ft-s-4_"flrl.:' , ` Cin. T. It Byener, - ". Jenlcin,de-thaff. o - licery C, ;nue!, "•„.(.4 . cleo.*.PrattO: Co., " ~.‘ „ , ..Elexte4.4-PeAt r,CoL :Seoft,Berretst. Co,l'ilt;,, C0c41.4 . 1,r,i - ;,,a,,,,....... I.'". - 0,3,7,;At ,-. , .. - Vorions Atitio'. - 0:4.2nT tees - lontie , to'... (differ i-,d, f.,estte!. "Nd inef, eats retellettlayt Cam. ipres.7. - 'l - ',...i Ca - IMM your Siwifier - .,,f0ul ask 'to fie the Eigin - vat<3lo:4 - Busines( Office—and ,_Salesroom. 1146nal Watch Company , -- ---,,, - . _ ... 156 Sr 161 LS-KZ ST., - CHIC GO. SUSQUELLINN4II.ItON COMP\ \TY. .It . D.ufa cturars or 101slzes - col . REF4TED .01),..DOCBLE REFIL D . I mum, SQUART.I.FLATS, OVAL, AND ; , r 1 HALF OVAL IRON. - , 4 , , " - .Car tiles , Shoham and Horse Shoe Sam, 'tiers proMpW flied from Stock on land or m eto order.! „" Tlir ~ net Cashlat 'Manufacturer's prlcacpe , liver on cars or Boats. - Ornceiat their 1' ROLLING MILL, a)bt.l-68-tful i Columbia, .rema 1 ',- Olt liElkT. r ,_ Three front rooms for P ‘ tb-- ?ct or Private use. Desirable location. Appll to ~ . • GEO. J. SMITH, pr 2-11,. , - ISOLocu.stSt. Columbia oom w: I •EW TOWN HALL• . Plans, and estimates for the new Town HallWililielrecelred until MAY 13th. Arcbi tects desiring - information , in regard to the building...WV please address the Committee. S. S. DETWILER, ALEX. CRAIG. !. C. J. NOUItSE , May'l-2t_ Committee.: PLANTATION BITTERS ! S. T.-1360-X. TWA . Wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid, u Inas no equal amoug stornachics. As a remedy for, the nervpus weakness to which. women are es+l 'pecially subjt, it is folpenteding. every otherl stimulant. inall climates, tropical,temerate Ott frigid. it acts as a specific In every species o disorder 'which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. For sal • , by all druggists marl9-Bm' STE.EET NETV ADVERTISEMENTS• ADDRESS TO TFIE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED WHOSE SUFFERINGS HAVE BEEN PROTRACTED FROM RIDDEN CAUSES, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE PROMPT TREANITENT TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE If you are suffering - , or have suffered, from in voluntary discharges, what effect:does It produce upon your general health? Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired ? Does a little extra ex ertion produce palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order? Isyour urine some times thick, milky or flocky, or is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick chum rise to the lop? Or is a sediment at the bottom aftorit has stood , awhile? Do you have spells of short breathing, Spepsia? Are your bowels constipated ? Do you have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the bead ? Is your memory impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject? Do you feel dull, lsitless, MOPng, tired of com pany, of life? Do you wish to be left alone, to to get away from everybody? Does any little thing make you start or jump? Is your sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do yon enjoy yourself in society as well? Do you pursue your business with the scone energy? Do you feel as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melancholy? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights 7 your back weak, your knees weak, and have but lit tle appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver-complaint. Now, reader, abuse, or any disease badly cured and excesses, arc all capable of producing a weakness of the different organs. The organs when In perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering, successful business-men are al ways those whose organs are In perfect health? You never hear such men comulain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in business ; they don't become sad and discouraged; they are always polite and pleas. ant in the company of ladies, and look you and. them right in the face—none of your downcast looks or any other meanness about them. How many men, from 'wally cured diseases from the effects of abuse and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce almost every other disease— idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, sui cide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to—and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but the right one. DISEASES OP THESE ORCIANS REQUIRE I:Sti Or A DIURETIC HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT B ! Is the Great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, GENERAL DEBILITY, AND ALL - DISEASES OF URINARY OR GANS, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of prosterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. HEUMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, estab lished upward of 19 years, prepared by H. T. HELMBOLD, DRUGGIST;-- 594 Broadway, New rorlc, and 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia. PRICE-31.25 per Bottle, or 0 bottle:, for $6.50 delivered to any address SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE IiPINSTEELENGRAVED WRAPPER, WITIT FAC-SIMILIE CHE3IICAL WARE 'ROUSE, AND SIGNED, U. T. umLivritoLD. 8ra3 , 7 11 '7O-ly. • or APAYARD'S: ... - Q ,-, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL:, MUSIC STORE, • NO. 22 WEST II:ING STREET. PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS. VIOLINS, VIOLIN BOWS, CELLO BOWS, ACCORDEONS, FLUTINAS, CONCERTINAS. TALEBORINES. 0 TITTABS, BANJOS, FLAGEOLETS. lIAR.MONICAS, CLAPPERS, MUMS, FIFES . , ELUDES, TRIANGLE:3, TUNING FOAMY; PITCH. PIPES, XESIO BOXES, MUSIC FOLIOS, MUSIC BOOKS. Piano and Melodeon Covers, Plano and Melo deons Stools, Strings of all loin s, Sheet Music, Music Books, Music Papers, Witt every descrip tion of MUSICAL :MERCHANDISE. Aar' All Orders tilled promptly at the usual Wholesale or Retail Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Aar-Tuning and repairing promptly attended to. A. W. 'WOODWARD, dec4.'69-tfl No. 22 West King St.. Lancaster. L. BEAR & CO., Children's, Boys' and Tornh'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM East King Street, Lancaster. TWO'DOORS EAST OF THE COURT HOUSE • , SUITS OF ALL AGES, MADE OF THE. BEST MATERIALS,-AND,IN: THE LATEST STYLES. I), A FIFE ASSORTMENT OF BINDINGS AND 71-TRIMMINGS FOR SALE. A variety of beautiful patterns of Cressimeres and 'i'veeelis to make to order or sell by the and, constalier on hand. We Intend to make this a speciainnt Agetlikdkr the Staten "Island Dyeing Estab lishment „ime.. of the: oldest and beat In the country. "'- Ladles' Dresses, Cashmere, Broche, Wool, Crape,aral at other Shawls; Gentlemen's Coats, 'Pants and 'Vests, Kid Gloves, Sec., dyed, cleaned and refinished In the best manner. xa-ctotninz repaired and renovated with neatness and dispatch. ap1164.f 'HIIVECLE KNITTING MACHINE FOR FAMILY USE. Simple, Cheap, Reliable, Enna Everything. AGENTS WANTED. Cir culars and sample stocking Free. Address , HINKLE IC-NUTTING MACHINE CO., marl.2-Ivr Bath, 'Me. GROC.EBLES, &c. QREAT EXCITEMENT AMONGST GROCERYMEN! iir can good GOODS be sold so cheap, is the question. . ATTENTION HOUSEKEEPERS. New stock of goods, and selling them very low The best quality of goods, and at cheap rates SUGARS, TEAS, MEAT, COFFEE, FRUITS, FISH, SPICES, CHEESE. FLOUR. Provisions of all kinds, together with Wood and Willow-ware and Class and Queensware. Switzer and Limberger Cheese, German FrulLs, &e. SUGAR CURED HAMS d DRIED BEEF. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICKLES. Fresh Peaches, and all the Fancy G roceries per ni ng to a well regulated Grocery Store. I em determined not to be surpassed in cheap ness and in tile esmell en t quality of my goods. • in - -Call around and inspect our stock whether you buy or not. A share of public patronage is solicited. sop I-Cil-tfw] FRESH GROCERIES AT TITE PRoVisiols FAMILY GROCERY STORE OF MTJLLEN & BROTHER, FRESH TOMATOES, FRESH PEACIIF,S AND other Canned Fruits, Shaker Corn, 4:e. TEA-THE BEST BLACK TEA IN THE EXTRA REP INED SYRUP MOLASSES very cheap. Refined Sugars, Dried Fruit of all kinds. Rio, Java, and Laguyra Coffee. NEW SUGAR CURED HAMS & DRIED BEEF Also,Fan cy Groceries, Family Flour, Notions ~f4Le, We intend to keep toe best Goods only, and to sell as cheap as any similar store. K. MULLEN &P. O. 'M.Country Produce of all kinds bought or taken in exchange for goods f mem l-w-tfw FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, A LARGE St. FINE STOCK. JUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE! I have now in Store a full assortment of Groceries & Provisions Extra Syrup Molasses, Fine Coffees, Erara Sugar Cured lIAMS and DRIED BEEF Extra FAMILY FLOUR. by the barrel or smaller quantity. Dried Fruit, Pickles, and Fancy Groceries of al kinds, and at the lowest prices. Call and ex amine my stock, whether you buy or not. HENRY SUYDAM, sep.l-60-tfw) Cor. of Front & Union Sts FAMILY GROCERIES ! The Sul4scriber would respectfully inform his customers and the Public generally, that he has just received a general assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TEAS AND SPICES. Relined Sugars of all kinds. No. I, and Mess Mackerel, English & Amerman Pickles, Sugar Cured Hams and Reel, Extra Nine Syrups, Old Rio and.raVa Coffee, DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS, Raisins, Prnnes and prepared Mustard aI\VRYSI, on hand and of th 9 very best grades. EXTRA FAMILY FLOW:, , CORN MEAL, SIOMINY, Fancy Groceries, Canned Vegetables and Fruits, for hotels and families. The best Goods only are sold, and prices very low. Our Ftoek of staple and fancy groceries is lull and complete and we intend keeping it fresh, by almost dally additions. Notions of different kinds always on hand. FREDERICK BUCHER, iepl-09-lfw] cm% th & Locust tits. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! AT PATTON'S COAL YARD, ON FRONT STIU Is the place to buy your coal. Particular attention is given to have coal sent out cleaned and screamed. Ilave on hands and will keep all kinds of coal that is wanted. DIAMOND, LOCUST MOUNTAINS, PINE' GROVE LIUCENS VALLEY f AND BITUMINOUS COALS Will furnish coal by the carload from an} rubies that, Is desired ut the LOWEST PRICES. also, DRY PINE WOOD by the cord or barrel. sent t-tfwl SCOTT PAJ,TON. COOPER & PEART, DEALERS 12.7 LUMBER SC CO.AL, BALTIMORE COMPANY. Ana all the best Quality of STOVE COAL BUILDING LUMBER Of all lands sold 1 delivered on mire, at the LOWEST, ARKET RATES. Hemlock, White Pine, Weatherboarding, Joice, Scantling, dc., &c., suitable for all kinds of Banding' purposes. LOCUST POSTS! • CHERRY, POPLAR.. ASH, PICKETS. LATH, SHINGLES, &c. 'All orders by mail will receive the SUMO at tention as though the application be made n person. COOPER & PEART sepl-69-11W] Front St., Columbia. w - MINLM G TO TRESPASSERS ! ALL PERSONS are hereby Forbidden to Trespass upon the grounds of the undersign ed, as be is determiued to prosecute to the ut most rigor of the law, every person so °Wend ing. tseptl-titl-tfwi M. M. STRICKLER. STEAM And all kinds of Machinerylilantnactured and guaranteed to give satisfaction at the Works of SUPPLLE d: 131 W., sept,l-69-tfwl Coltuntna, Penn C A REVET- WARE. CABLNET WARE AN UFACTORY. The subscriber having lately put up new ware-a ems, and greatly inerew.ed his business, nut otlt r better inducements to his enstonieres than ever. • 1 , / --‹ - WINDOW . SHADES, mumons, &e., IN ALL STYLES. - • He manufactures to order, and will keep eon- Ftautly on Laud, Dressing, rlaln and Fancy Bureaus . , Sideboards, Solas, Card, Dining and Centre fables, Common, FunoyandFrenoli Bed steads; all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms, As he manufactures Ids own work he is enabled to warrant every article to be what It is represented. CHAIRS! CRAMS!! CHAIRS!!! All kinds of chairs kept on hand or raanafactur• ed io order. Cane, Windsor, Aria and Reeking Chairs • Settees, Cain') and Conntai Stools, Sofas, Tete-a Tetes and Stuffed Seat CiAtm, wade to order. Old phal rs repalated and repiiired, Funerals will be attended to with promptness to which he gives his personal attention. He is prepared with ice boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, es may be required. r MAHOGANY OR WALNOT COFFINS, Furnished plain or tinted in any style that may be required. He respectfully solicits a share 01 public patronage, as well u.s a continuance Of the custom with which he has been liberally favored. JOHN SHENBERGEIt, .Sonth side of Locust street, between Second and Third. [septl-60-tt URNITURE 01? ALL KINDS. CABINET WARE-ROOMS & MANU >.CTOItY, Locust Street, a Se \V doors below Tatra Street, Columbia, Pa. The subscriber manufactures and keeps on hand an extensive assortment of all kinds of Furniture. Persons wishing to buy, or those about to,go to housekeeping, will find It to their advantage to give me a call. BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, BUREAUS, SETTEES, &c., &e. Of the best quality, style, and manufacture, and wilt make to order, of drst-rate material, every article,in his line. Re wilt give strict attention to Liminess, and respectfully asks or the i kublic a sharp of its patronage. sa- UNDERTAKING will receive tto Most careful attention, at the shortest noise. Septi-09-trwi GEORGE SEIBEIrr NEW STYLE WINDOW SECADES. Vie Subscriber has on hand at Ws Furniture Store, all kinds and styles of WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN FIXTURES, Lte To which lie would respectfully call the atten tion of the Public. 70112. , T SITENTBERGER sePt4-69-tfw] Diro. 266 Locust St, Columbia. TEAM PRINTING.—CaII at the Steam Printing House of the COLIDYRIv `o, Y, rear of Columbia National Bank, and ex amine specimens of Letter Heads,Notes,Carde &a 'ArA...x: BUCKER, No. 219 Locust Street lEEE ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Columbia, Pa MARKET PROVISIONS, For Family and Hotel use FAMILY GROCERIES! NEW STOCK LYKENS VALLEY ENGINES, STEAM PUMPS, I$U. LEES TOBACCO ct SEGABS. JOHN FENDRICH, wuoi.r.s.imr...e. RETAIL TOBACCO, SNUFF & SEGAR I‘IANU FACTURER. Agent for the New York Fine Cut, Navy, anti Monitor Chow-Chow Chewing Tobaccos, corner of Front and Locust streets, Columbia, Pa. seoti.6D4fw MRS. G. M. BOOTH, SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFFS, PIPES, &c,, __ FINANCIAL. 'UNITED STATES BONDS BOUGHT, SOLD ,k 7, EXCHANGED ON MOST LIBERAL TERMS. GOLD BOUM & SOLD A T 31.11:11 - Er PATES. COUPONS CASHED. Pacific H. H. I:0m; Boug,ht and Said. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSTON ONLY. Accounts received and Interest allowed on daily balances subject to (died:, at sight. DE HAVEN kti.; BRO., 10 S. Third Street, Philtidelphlit. kb 2070 lyr Ii.LOUREYO MILL. COLUMBIA. FLOUR MILLS. GEORGE BOGLE, Paorreurron. The highest Cash prices paid for all kinds Of Grain. SDPERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR for sale; also Mill Feed of all kinds. Wheat Gnat nd and Pocked to order. Grist work and Chopping done. Chopped Corn and Oats. Corn Meal and GRAHAM FLOUR For sale at all times, and delivered to any part of the town.. 1:121...T0wn and country custom so licited. Isep,i-e9-tfvf CONXIECTIO.NBRY. RICHARDS' CONFECTIONERY , NO. 152 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA, "PA. CAKES, CANDIES, FRUITS AND CREAMS, of the choicest kind kept constantly on band. Famil Ms supplied with Ice Cream in Churns or Moulds, at Short Notice and Reason able Rates. LADIES' OYSTER. SALOON. I lake pleasure in announcing tea my numer ous friends that I have,opened an OYSTER SA LOON for the special. accommodation of La dies. None but the best oysters will be used. Families and parties supplied at short notice. Remember the place-1,14 Locust street. sem-WO-awl ALLEN RICHARDS C°NFP:CTIONERY AND FRUIT OF ALL RINDS IN SEASON. Parties :roil Families supplied with ICE CBE IV_E , oy the Freezer, or in Moulds, with promptness at GEO. J. tiIITIPS, AdJoining the Franklin Souse, Locust street. F. S.—Also, a tine assortment of TOYS and Fancy Art icies,constamOsr on baud. 1,1-ltg-tfmr, 11 7 .nrES & LIQUOR ,S. YORE WINES AND LIQUORS! For Pure, Unadulterated. Wines and Liquors, go to the store of the subscriber. lie has elegant CATAWBA WINE, Which for quality - and flavor, can not be excelled als.+, the celebrated ROOSTER 'WHISKEY, Yankee Rum Jamaica Spirits , Illackberry Brandy, Cherry and (Am:tilt Wines. We have Wines, Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Old Monongahela of all gnales. Give us a call and examine for yourself. CHARLES GROVE Corner of Commerce and Walnut, Sts ., Columbia. sepl-60-tfw SPECTACLES. READ Tins I - __;11 Lazarus & Morris' CELEBFLA.T,ED PERFECTED SPECTACLES V= That they render impaired sight clearer and dis tinct ; strengthen and preserve the eye; are very easy and pleasant to wear, and last many years without change being necessary, so that in the end they are the cheapest as well as the best. - OTICE, that Mr. elms. P. Schreiner, Watch maker mid Jeweler, Front street, is our sole agent in Columbia, Pa. Lazarus & Morris. Manufacturing Opticians Hartford, Conn. septt.'eo-ttw L UMBER & COAL. G EORGE BOGLE, DEAL Er. IN LUMBER OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Office—Front Street, between Locust and Uuton COLUMBIA. PA. PAT_ENT BUB_YE27. D - L 7 k - BUI INI,P i- Ask for the :NIERIBIAN BURNER. Take no other. It ex eels ALL others. It can be , used with either Kerosene, Pe troleum or Coal Oil. It is manufactured and for sale' by •COULTER, JONES & CO., NO. 702 .AREII ST., PHILADELPHIA. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lamps, Gas Fixtures, diMndeliers, &e. Lamps for all purposes for which lamps are used, in GREAT VARIETY. Those desiring to furnish Churches, Dwell ings, or other buildings, public or private, with Gas Fixtures., will do well to calland see our new IRON BRONZE CLTANDELIERS, cheaper and better than any other kind. septi-O-nw ODD YELLOWS',_ MECHANICS', KNIGILTS OF PYTHrAS, and an kinds of Society Regattas and Palaphernalla, Manufactured to order, at E. J. ERISMA.N'S No. 113.; North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa septl-69-tfw °WARD SANITARY AID AS- For the Relief and Care of the Erring and tin foil wane, on Principles of Christian Philanthropy. Essays on the Errors of Youth, and the Follies of Age, in relation to Marriage and Social Evils, with sanitary aid for the afflicted. Sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address IIOWARD ASSO CIATION, Box P, Philadelphia. may; '7O-ly r OUT 11113121 ARB WORKS. ‘.../ The Subscribers would respectfully Inform the citizens of Columbia ' and surrounding country, that they have opened A NEW MARBLE YARD IN COLUMBIA, On .sth Street, between Locust, and Walnut Sts., and ask the patronage of the public.. They have had great experience on fine work, both In Phil:Mei phlit and New York, They will furnish in the highest style of the art, handsome GRAVE STONES, MONUMENTS, STATUARY, ORNAMENTS, &c. also MARDLE MANTLES, BUILDIEG WORK, &o. Orders promptly attended • and executed at cheaper rates than elsewhere. _Call and see ut Designs of now styles of Pine worlr, such as moutunental ,tine arts, dm., will be furnished parties upon application to the proprietors. septi-69-tfw HEFTING & MEHL. THE NEW ARTICLE OF FOOD I For twenty-live cents you can buy of your Druggist or Grocer a package of Sea Moss Fa rina, manufactured from pure Irish Mess or Carragreen, which will make sixteen quarts of Blanc Mango, and a like quantity. of Puddings, Custards, Cretuns, Charlotte Itusse, ke. It Is by far the cheapest, healthiest and most delicious food in the world. ItAND SEA MOSS PA EINE CO., Ii Park Place, N. Y. [marl9•Gm MERCHANT TAILORING. .T. W. REAsiN, ra LOCUST STREET, COLLIMIW I A, Has opened In the room formerly occupied by P. S. 31cTague, a full stock of FRENCH, ENGLISH, AMERICAN & SCoTCYI CLOTHS, CASSDIERES S SUITLNGS, Which he is prepared to make up in as good Style and Fashion as can be made in New York or I ladelpnia. He invites all to call and examine his stock, which, he is possitive, cannot be excelled in Columbia. The establishment is designed exclusively for :%ferehant Tailoring, and the undivided atten tion of the Proprietor will be devoted to his business. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Of all kinds, and of SUPERIOR QUALITY, al 'ways on hand. Remenber the old adage, that money saved is money earned. Call and be convinced that you can save your money by purchasing art the ONLY exclusive Merchant Tall dri ng Establish ment in Columbia, {sep4-69-twf SPRING CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! ,CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING CHEAPER THAN EVER! Pantaloons, Vests, Shirt.s,, Drawers, ,cte., New Styles, New low rates. DAVID lIANADER'S U. S. CLOTHING EMPORIUM! Front Street, first Store above Walnut Street, COLUMBIA, PA. The Largest, Best Assorted, Handsomest and Cheapest Stock of CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, LC:e., &r., ever exhibited in these regions, which will be sold at prices TO DEFY ALL COMPETITION ! fsepl-69-tfw FACT Capable of ocular demonstration, that the prices of Cloths, Cassimeres, Ready-Made Clothing nod Furnishing Goods, are less than one-half what they were during the the Merchant Tailoring establishment of Corner North Queen anti Orang., Streets, opposite Shober's Hotel, Lancaster, Pa. This is the oldest establishment in this line of trade in Lancaster county, and is selling, at this time, line Moscow, Esquimaux, and common Beaver Overcoats from en to s2e; Common Union Beavers from $lO to $1.5; Common Union Beaver Business Suits from $l2 to $l3; Good Cas simere Sults from $lO to $2O, and line qualities from 21 sto 530. A few suits on hand rLS low as $lO. Cleths," Cassimeres and Trimmings as low as they can, be obtained anywhere else, and sold by the yard to those who may wish tohave them made at home, or elsewhere. Overcoats, Dress Coats and Business Sults made to order with dispatch, and in the best and most fashionable manner, as the customer may desire. All kinds of cutting and repairing done at reasonable prices. An entire new stock: got up for the Fall and Winter trade of 1863 and 18119, and manufactured in the city of Lancaster. It would be to the interest of the public to call and realize that "IT Is A FACT." S. S. RATEIVON, sep4-60-tfwl Merchant Tailor and Clothier. HATS, CAPS, tOc. S HULTZ - TT BROTH HATTERS, 20 NORTH" QUEEN STREET, Latest style Fall and Winter HATS and CAPS In all qualities and colors. We are, now opening the largest and most Complete assortment of Ladies' and Children's FANCY FURS ever offered in this market, at, very low prices. ROBES! ROBES!! ROBES!!! Buffalo Robes, lined and unlined; Hudson liity, Wolf, Prin. le Wolf, Fox, Coon, ite. BLANKETS AND LAP RUGS, Of all qualities, to which we would particularly invite the attention of all persons in want of articles In that. line. GLOVES, '.:AUNTLETS AND MITTS OTTER, DEAVER, NUTRIA, SEAL, DUDE:SKIN, LESHER, KID, &c., & . e. Ladies' Fine Fur Trimmed Cloves, Gauntlets, Mitts and needs. PULSE IV4RAIMS &. . - atilt I.': - . - w-.--- . • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ''. ; "sep.l-69-tfw , BACIIMAN & DEHUFI7, Manufacturers of, and have constantty on hand sa.shes, Door Blinds, Sbutters,.Window and Door Frames, Brackets, Moulding, Shelv ing, Casings, &c., &e. P. S.—The Planing and Dressing of Lumber lv continued and (=Tied oss as heretofore by sepl-09-tßrj JOHN B. BACHMAN. T C. BUCHER, AGENT FOR TUE STATEN ISLAND DYING ESTABLISHMENT, Ladles' Dresses, Cloaks, V ells , Gloves, Ribbons and Silks of all lands dyed any color. Also, Gentlemen's Coats, Vests, Pan taboos, &c. Rid Gloves washed to look like new. Scouring, repairing, &e., done at short notice. I will receive goods at my store and forward them to the establishment. guitranteed. Cali and see list of prices at sep 1-69-tcw] RADBURY'S & OTI3ER PIANOS. SEVEN FIRST PREMIUMS IN FOUR V SEICS. TAYLOR A" FARLEY'S ORGANS Tne undersigned, for many years engaged as a professor of music in Girard College, and other institutions, in response to a request of a great number of his pupils and friends, has eon- Sented to become an agent for furnishing It gives me pleasure to announce that I have been appointed wholesale agent for tile Brad bury Pianos, and Taylor and Farley Organs, which I ant now prepared to supply at prices that cannot Jail to give satisfaction. The supe riority of the above instruments ever others in the market is too we'll known to need any comment from me. Every instrument war ranted. Liberal discount to clergymen and Sunday schools. ge_Orders by mall as lid thfull y attended to as If ordered In person; as I select, every Instrument sold. sept4-69-tfw) MARTIN, RIO:BERT THOMAS, .TICO. S. 3rAsoN m -ARTIN, THOMAS & CO., Columbia, Lancaster eo, rquutzfaxturors u.t liccch Oreelc,"CrilTrax and 'Wholesale Lumber Dealers, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK, POPLAR, WALNUT, ASII, FLOORING, SIDEING, WE AT II ER BOA RDS, PICKETS, LATHS, sept4.7otl BOX BOARDS, dc., kc. F. P. LANDIS, EZRA F. LANDIS, 3 ACOI3 S. LANDIS K E Y ST ON E - - EAST JAMES STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Manufacturers of Stationery and Portable En gines. of the most approved ale and plan. Mill Gearing. Shafting, Pulley:, Hangers and Couplings, of an improved pattern. Farmers Portable Grist Mill. OUR NEW AND IMPROVED GRAIN rii.RESREIL AND SEPARATOR. ~Plth the Best Tripled Geared Horse Power. Iron and _Brass works made to order. Furnish :Models for Patters at reasonable rates. Haring good and experienced handsoull.• lug practical mechanics themselves, feel safer- guarantee ing all their work to Love satisfactum. For par ticulars, address LANDISC CO., n0v20:09-tfj Lancaster, Pa. SPECIAL NOTICE. Contemplating a change In our arm, we bare determined to cloce out the entire stock of our celebrated SUPER-PLIOSPOATE Or LIME SEW A.IiIIIIONTATED FEETALI ZEE, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES H Exraw inducements will be offered to Farm ers and Dealers: , Such an opportunity to procure Manures °Ube first quality frown a • house establisbed over twenty-two years is seldom offered. Dealers will lie allowed a heavy percentage In addition to our reduction In price. HURRY IN YOUR ORDERS. ALLEN & NEEDLES. 42 South. I:le7ategye Avenue, Phiklaelphta. Apru C,LOTBING. S. S. RATHVON, LANCASTER, PA LADIES' FANCY FURS PLANING COLUMBIA, PA., SUSQUEHANNA PLANING MILL DYELYG 110-USES. J. C. BUCHER'S Store, Locust Street. Co.uinbia. Pa PILLZVOS. FIRST-CLASS INSTRUAIENTS AVM. G. riscirErt, MS Arch street, Philad'a .MACHINE WORKS, PW'rMffMkVF COLUMBIA. INSURANCE CO JANUARY Ist, 'lB6B. CAPITAL AND ASSETS, - - - $860,577 91 This Company continues to Insure Buildings Merchandise, and other property, against loss and damage by tire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium, or premium note. EIQIITH ANNUAL REPORT. Whole am lmat insured, $12,478,426 53 Less am't a - grad in 722,771 31 $11,n5,655 4il CAPITAL.AND INCOME. Amountorpreznlumnotes, Jan. 1,1866 5C55,123 27 Less premium. notes exp'd in 19116. 5613,1C0 23 Balance of premiums, Tnn'y 1,1866 k 6,609 13 Cash receipts, less commissions, in 'OO, 07,*0 16 Loans 9, 00 Due from agents and others 8,61,1 56 CONTIIA. Losses and expenses paid in 1936 673,45 31 Losses adjusted, not duejan. 1, ' 6 7 21,1110 8.8 Balance Capital and Assets, Jan. 1, '67, 60147 91 6.69450 10 A. S. GREEN, PreSitlept. G.W.017.01C Yomstn, Jr., Secretary. , t.turclum, S. SUMIA›.7, Treasurer. DIHECTORS: R. T. Ryan, John W. Steacy John Fend rich, George Young, Jr.. H. G. Mulch, :Nicholas 11CD , mald, Samuel F. Eberlein, Wilinun Patton. A 7110%; S. Green, • John B. Bachman, Hiram Wilson, Robert Crane. septl-60-tidul CONO3IICAL MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO OF RHODE ISLA.N • Rates lower than other Mutual Companies OVER SRC FOR EVERY MO LLORLITIES This Company issues Policlesin all the several forms; and combining the Stock and Mutual principles, afford greater security to parties in suring than either the Mutual nr Stock princi pal alone. lawn bs en prepared by the 1 -.7; ; ; I :;; ; :-.1,.. ~.T6m!, Actuary of the Conllrn.r. the most noted and popular Actuary Irving. CASH DIVIDENDS ANNUALLY after second payment, on r_N - ADVANCE POLICIES ISSUED ON TUE LIN.ES OF FE -I,IALES AT BEGIMAD, Olt TABLE ItATE: 2 „ Do not fall to examine the principles ot:this Company before insuring. For eireolets, ap ply to W. D. ItEITZEL, Agcnt, Laneaeter City or Dr. 13. F. 11 - Enst,V. , ,T, Surgeon, • Lsepl-etntw No. 11 Front St., Coltrnhla. rj_IRARD FIRE AND ').IA SURANCE COMPHRY, , OF PHILADELI'• • Capital ^OO,OOO I Securities..... This Company continues to tal:e risik property, at rates as low as any other patty and consistent with prudence. Policies issued for long Jr shorp tern manently. Losses promptly paid. adjusted without litigation or del'. pony refers to the past as a guarant,l, oh conduct. Pres't THOS. ORA 1. - 4•: , ."0 " A. S. Gri.r.trr, Vice-President. ; JA.s. B. ALVORL), Be.eretary. +_sgont, P. ,X. Z.I.EGLER.I" ), ; I . Walnut alreet; , ,id Front, Coln septi-likre4W34rl,f N"74„.„'1: 1 1 ELY Incrtkak.elrq,;;,"iXfetgi; aZat.,,, Charter Per Pet oSikaprztnee•ATZtinst, loss de" tango by fire cri Bundints, Fur vhure, for long or slio:rt - p•rioe.t, or permanently on Buildings,l)y,u. deposit of Premium . 1:lie prompt paynieut - Of - Aosses for a period dfsEvlrgrr years, affords a guarantee of claim upon public e0nti;."',, , ..4 deuce. ARTIWIt G. CoFFIN,Pres'ttST,O l - CIiARLES PLATT, Seel!. 41V4?... -V 10.. Y,. ZIEGLER, Agent; Walnut Street, above Front, Columbia, 1 Ut[septP69-lfw FARMERS' MUTU,4IL FIRE INSITR ANCE COMPANY, YON, PA_ Insures on the Cash, Mutual or Perpetual Rates H. KRABER, pieskleut D. STRICKLEI2, Secretary. M. S. SHUMAN, Agent Columbia; 11a sept4-69-tfw7 EREIG-lIT NOTICE: „.... L OCAL FRE.IO-141' NOTICE. - , Tile Pennsylvania • I Road -Company ate now prepared to receiyttor forwau•d Freight, be tween Columbia and Lll4!ister, and alt station 1 n the Pennsylvania Rai acl s:, :irl It.. branches BETWEEN BETWEE PHI . 'OLUMBIA, First Class. ' 2nd Class. ~ ..• ss. VII Clasi 25 cents 21 et& "' - 0 eht 15 ets. Flour I Car loadsents pie Barrel. BETWEEN n PRILADE -` 4 IA & IaNCASTER. Parst Class. Sad Cla • 'rd Chas. 4th Oast 21 cents SO et • 1 , els. 14 eta. 13 . E , rwET , IN Co ,:A ; J~r _,RITTSBURGII. First Class. 2 i . 1. 4. 4,..t......„ 4th Clap. 4 . 7 .1....,411.0.-.4 . ' -..,.. „ ~,, tlt; els. Freight consignM',i4ollons where the Com pany has noAgento Ibe prepaid. All Freights pa ya.. Deliver General y. . HOUSTON, Pdit Agent, 41":5-For further information 4 0 1 y to Phila. fz, IS. KrsOsToN, 'FM AM., Phil's, E. K. 80/CE, Frt., .Agt., c...iunibia. \ [sept4 : G9-tfw_ _ ,ESTABLISHED IN IBSI REMOIIAL, JACOI3 HARLEY, JEWELER, Invites his patrons and the pvblle generally, to his New Store, No. 1320 CHEST/Nov ST.. PHIL ADELPHIA, where they , vi7l find a large and well selected stock of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER, and PLATED WARE, at Moderate Prices. - N. B.—WATCHES and JEWELRY carefully repaired. JEWELRY and SILVER WARE of all kinds made to order, • fsef3t4-09-trw ,- - - BOOK BENDEB,IES. LT YOUR BINDING DONE AT TILT: Inq=uirer Bind BEM BLANK BOOK iIIANII.FACT,CI . , Send in your „ MAGAZINES, • NEWSPAPERS and PERIODICAL ; of all kinds, so as to have them bound 3, r the 'Holidays. All work done in the cheapest and best, , ,„„ ner, and with the greatest dispatch. ‘, Address all orders to CHARLES P. KRAUSS. Bookbinder, :IS North Q ueen stre. sep-4-li7o Lancaster. a ADZES SHOE MAMMA= tY Flaying increased lay facilities for t out superior work I would announce tot kld customers and all new ones that may favo A /Wi with a nil!, that I ant better prepared noV4' to mruittfn entre all kinds of LADIES' MISSES' AND CIIILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, ^ than ever before. I employ none but the best workmen and ant always certain of giving satis faction. I keep on hand a general assortment of ready made work all of which Is manufactured on the premises. • t I keep no made-up work of other. parties; My work is made exclusively for home trade And is sold as such. TERMS CASE. - f • We sell as cheap as any other establishment, and ask a share of public patronage. JAMES SCHROEDER, Locust Street, between Front anaSerond. sept-tia-tfw • • • 44 , jati • r -gm " nOMAS 1W TIN, PLATE, AND SHEET-IRON WORKER lIOLLOW-WARE ALWAYS ON RAND. ROOFING• AND SPOUTING DONE The cheapest plate in towel HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS lI.YDRA.NTS REPAIRED. EVICRYOODY OOPS TO septll-ly w. NO. 07 LOCUST STREET. T EL lIINKLI I' 4 I.:AILLY KNITTING MACHINE ! THE WONDER OF THE. AGE! - • KNITS EVERYTILING ! Combines 'Raptdtty, Sitnplicliy, burability and Chettpaess—h.nitting with a sin g l e Eye-Pointed Needle. 4Z-Ilecelecal the Highest Premium at the Paris Exposition. nod Great American Insti tute, New York, 1547. For farther 'morn - nion call ou E. AtiltiSEß, Agent for Lancaster county, Orange St. between N. queen and Prince. dee1.419-1 GLORIOUS NEWS! TO THE PEPLE or Columbia and Vicinity GO TO THE BRANCH STORE OF CHAS. HIRSH & BRO. 149 Pront,.3'l., Columbia, Pa. Where yon can 'buy Clothing. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, -10 per cent. cheaper than any other house in Pennsylvania. OVERCOATS 8.500 to :0.00 BUSINESS CATS, 3.00 to 7.00 •-• PANTALOONS 1.00 to 5.00 VESTS, 1.00 to 2-50 BOOTS, 2.25 to 3.50 HATS, • .87 to 2.00 SHOES, .75 to 1.50 . STOCKINGS, 19 eta, per pair. PAPER. COLLARS by Box, sto 10 cts. And all other articles in like proportion. CHARLES HIRSH tt BRO. 199 Front St., Columbia, Pa. 80 N. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. 1 103 N. Third St., Philadelphia. J P1142* 71,f01.3 01 694 MD 1U ,2, IN- ( ..!300,001. 1 u ou.oct ft , e •Tn• • per t! claims le> Con!_ t le ere ' 9ji