" 4.0 0AI:1 10" fr miiiti ~i3aF~4s.'tr; 4cg.n . c.OW F OrA l 2. l-1207,1870- :Mkt - per/cause 4 4 .Difii`yer-R4 l .4'..Wonssin' . " —The Complaint . - waS that someone was ' , - _t hat. be n g the '''clthseri word 'elf the' Whal& negro race to de scrib'e:any7roti,cei3eol,thse, tongue ! , "Dis yer bey's„con:la. lie informed; - • and;onln,vestigati , on. 7,4:114th:id the offend oissonalithing of the kind; pot r proper c .l.9-ho-sure, but still scarcely, aniwering the charge made by the'ip.'44l2ked•mally . i...foripittance, ween , one; day sjittle,ebbni,!,,figiiie,, half asleep raisedlts morsel ofitinftid and drawled 'out, candid, me a foo 7 oo-L , .. • - •'onee',` , ,iilibiAltaiiipin reotiltory.. signal to I .attract attention; - a boy 'exclaimed -in wide eyed boriiiil?,;'-' `,”: clip yer cornor; gal a .-..:;:c`;‘lohirc'teacher; , , , Vreb ‘ ereuss a- bit; ,My mammy Min't 'low me lo cuss ; boy jes', beset." - indignantly responded the, accused:,, - • • The almost inveritible 7 siiiiwer of the`,.C - Il= drenVwbenehargedWith'imy:rnisdemeanor; eedel.-neberZ, -,-.l‘ty,mammy me' terdo - it;." , The tioy.presisted: , ",Gal,,=yer done cuss; .knows yet-, did; 'deed;; teacher, she cuss a ald'elle , say I"' .1 asked. ',','Sa„f;rddrie book, an My mem niftuyedzills yer she own self, 'at de ' stce r yea'.'..dey ;I , ~then.ciri, a stage whisPer-to - .thelorlscl:Galase gwine mash yer moot; A`hea.Agets - yer,;outside dodo: N.-1 •,. , ...•. , ,,Threatenett witlesuch.an .assult, the girl tookapAbecomplaine z-- - ••Teacher,-;oan't . yermike dia:yer boy 'av, , efiasin' Me here; asp, he gwine niertfauf.'"'" , ".• "Bo gwine mash, ,yer motif, yet old siriac '„ , .clifdcu I t„.• to', tell , - which. -w as - the blacker of''the.l:two.,; -but it is ,cariouS.how universally children and grown'people Aise this as , aterni of reproach in their , quarreld 'ole , *tiggerg',..-'or,`,.* . yon nigger,", 41/151111:iiikejici1d words:witn-theni,,,and ”r se giiinA44o:rnash'.yer.4moitr, is the , grand • rnaxif theirogengoance.,; , ; .;. - the-following -' equal " • 4Chhngipg;nf ;named ,one .of ,th e...". most , _c,OrlsiieLfanctps.Of theaolored,p'eople;old'as welilw ,YOungatlt.. Will „undoubted! y ' wear "cirtilothey Eiroiriacetiatozned to their freedom 'but it , seetned-as, ; ,if they :were,,desirous of .exerciaine_theirmeer privileges in this as ,elsetatid , Would take a , new mean wheneyer it anited them givinesOrne-' -,tiees - ,MosVorightiar re:Sacins - for.:-So„deirig. , t iebtoy bittlenging tceenz.nethooficasne one day_ alid - ititeintiecttlineueheite ' ' . -"lty latime • aiteri Le wis•'• Tack i son zany "Well; 165541" "Lewis hai•S'you ;changed:fell" - . liy s~jster - done got; married last,:night, so ,now , mycnarne's gwine:ter be Lewis TZ~yylor'k a. Mire: kndwia a Wholesfaiiiily: to change • tbeiezatnieWert'tbe debaSion"cit'one'ineinhor beingraarxicd.„-,,Some would have two or, 'lEffieinimesrirlieb "-they:- used in d Ise. ri , tiatclYX:We fiiiifaiittly:„:went `to ]ook for • children whom we go,old'not dud nt . all by Ihe - iiiMes - they had , glyen us. • Some of thetn - had' one 'name for - schdel another nMong.,their,playmates and a third for lio'me:use.',•ai'a'boy who 'entered under the name of Joeph' Marshall ; the boys call :him Marshall Black.; and the named be stowed upon hiin hfi'lpa'rents. and which he was called at lime, was Joseph Black Thomas.'q• •„, . - c.oWawrot&asgreat many letters' for the ~ b olored'Peopleland:ciften they would'dietate , -"Why4lttwe• would- ask, k,. t you want berfdwrite to'yoh?" - 4 - "YeE4iXiiiV,4l4o - • ',...r.J3iit,that's.„'not - your name." - ,Dat's name. now ; ; done' change, de • . .. 4" '`,` Dianna, zackly .; t'hought yer'„airteel , err likes At :better: ,-s-a:Ptitns....:'; qRECLAIL'" v: hdilWeenrregtor'ed to health in a few wdekto, - by a ve'ry'simple remedy, after having auffered.sereral years.witha severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—Ls:anxious - to ,onakejendwrilto:hie fellow„aufferers 'the means of - cam - Toall whe desireqt; e w 'sea a copy of the pre-' a üßed.gt oo .l9(:ch.rge);:vrith tue,directions' — fliOre - natingand;tunag the seine; which,they ..,wd.,*.floarlOrse—rea CoseULFTION, Kansa, Baos :inthtselete;'..Thenbject of the advertiser in mending: t. the Prescription hi to benefit the atilleted,and spread • information which-lie.coneelvdrelo: , •be 'invaluable; • and he hopes every sufferer,will try his remedy,.as • it will cost sham mothipg, andApaOY,ka,blelsin We, presdist K wamleasc4d- ' '44 iItaMTVRIAV. - .EDWAR.ItaftWAtB.O34 , , tilorwrse, ElibuiveburgnClitirerCountyt N: ' loANlo4B;9F.xorti") Gotttl=anry hijsiiiterststior ytarep Rem Nervous IttieWDicay,raid—alr,the:•-effects of - youtlifailadlstrrofforqailllgfpfsak!rof Suffering bu-, .snaalty,pani4teetb,all;:irAtiynoodtitober recelpt and ditil e. Sna:far,alakieig,fne siraple: reinedy,by %which Oltradl7:Butfgrera : yelsbing,,,to ,prof ;by,: Abe 'adr - et . :Aezpe'rience, can do -by addressing,' withialfpfttialdauce.,, , o 4,4011 N B. OGDEN, nein' 3 .. . y: 441i.'42 Cedai street New Xork. Futures of She • • 'useßegtata •••. • . • - ' , " 2 4 OA" nzt ODTPGREA.T DOEiTOk IpitrILT.aI : V.I " iSTORP . I s -Wie.Vinnt.goodirellable agents In eireiZt 'grt of -tboodmistry,--Bzsemployingyour-spawt alto .anditiendlag• us. orilersminn isan'ob- . ~ tieltz ge i S iMe rchane stvAlb.94l . l . /,`OrOullor4oltheil.to •idtg. •os t:A.F t 3 inestiktiatitUd - LiveguitohteCsatis- ' ".?geitsilabo - dit'ealfeck*rix..Oerirs,„trole • -oes&Mel; itiid•forwahltaingin'ailvaneegor De- , sdalpelle Checks of the goods we selk.• -- Therholdersrof 7 the . :Checka - havethe,Tgliiilege. of, either. parchssingt thstaraclet thereon' de-' ' acribad,or pf, exchanging 'for' any article men . flexed wir-Catalogue, numbering over 'WO , •tiltre.rentark norforie Pr Winch can be. par- • chased In thetuguil.wap.for the Name money. •de* * tanlakeXif first sendiun_ the Cheeks are els l e. e we' constantly, bltruir sinal lots'of ` , very valuable goods;whicb are not.on.Ourdita , loguWandlorgablalitinediatteieheeka`till all are sold• besides, in averE club, .vre-will,pnt checks ftti,Wareheir4.Qtillisf;•Blanketisi--Dressi "Patterns, or some other article or equal value. - • 'We do 4,oteorfer. a-sin gle : wild° :of ..raerchan- ' &teeth& 'can be sold bv, regular dealers •at .our PricenrWeldOtridt: arVotttor, buy goodia from n: • us unless we , ca sell, ern cheaper than you • ann. obtaire4hemin any other: wan—while the greater part of °argots:is are sold at about ItEGULAR.B.ATES. • Ocir 'dock. Conststs,litilliad, of the following 'ahawle;l3ltinkods, - Aullte,;(iotions. Gindliarus. • ;Dress Moods, Linen, •Towels, .Hoslery, ' Glovdt,Elltirta. Corsets; itc., dc. - _ Silver-Plated.,,WareoSpoons , ,plated bo,ciciei -:•••• illilver:Demfetrt F6rks.'Flvezbbttle , Plat•ed pas- •, „ •: , tortio3rltatirda•Xare, Glass-Ware, Table and PcidragritlerOin',great variety., _sr • ; .Elegant'Fiench, and German paney„Goods. , BeautilliMoßgrapbrAlburristtlie.reweac. and choicest styles in Morocco and Velvet 131rullnv. and' - ' , :`oollZr ..RlatedX.revizetry"!: , :a the ,, ,iiewest • styles :AKA . We have also, made. arrangements with some • of thstleadingpublishing houses that will ena- . • ble - us to,sell the standard and latest - works of 319Jetbn,,' ,ontheraataboutsone-balf• the • regular Barns, Milton, eaukTepriy..tion sWorks, in Fall Guilt end _Clo th fiad hundreds ofMaid*. Bin lugs, • TheSe andirVerythingelse for ONE:DOLLAR • , may, „• • . :: • , InwsterytOrder,amounting over 'prrded by' thecashohe agent may retain , 82.00; • andln every order over $10054.09 ma r be'retain- Nl:ha - TAX EF.X.PIii.F.Sh CHARGES-I'. • FOTraarditr'' ' l . A.,..S.9o,2rretta. hfahof thirty, we Yety o .4he ‘elge . nt,. „doidinission, 33- .yards •' of browa,idagean„ linstspattern; all wool pairtaarattlaitX±Unl egiood khlial... • • ..F4satcmttarbtraXlarom:a% club • of" sixty, we mall pay the agent.6s : yards, brown ;or. , bleached --sheeUnthruathiglplule.,watsb;all, wool; EitkaWis yoran order.of 8100,-from a a ehlb7ofronir-lia.ii dred, we the - agent 110 - yards yard ' , :wide),„sheetingoolendid sow_lng_rn t achine„ -or - Fs..ftirt : h tikLioext.fitaaririfea' for ; catalogues. .:Addr rs eft".• UEORGE A.S . LICrIdDIEB. &. CO., • CO., tci Harris & PlummerX! " • Viand 401111,110.viir titsettil3ostOn„ ' l ris:. ''l'dep4.2-3 AEtCONTINUE., , To Manufacture our well-known Manures, Super-rhosphati;of Lima and Ammoniated Fertilizer, • , andalso have,Orteele , PERUVIAN GUANO; Genuine Government,, Fish Ultimo,' Latid Plaster and ment,Mgether with a complete assortment of 1• 1 ,1•• „BURNING G RE A SING' OILS. • 'at fair market rates. axe AtAtt,SgfiZai Super- Phosphate of Lime, - $5O per 2000 lbs. ; . Annnonlated Fertilizer, - 1535 • do A DISCOUNT TODEADERS • • - • - :. • • ALLEN. & ..• - NEEDLES, 42 South Delaware Avenue, FhilazieiPhia: ho eaa e anu : • t .„ • - _ i 848; - • 41 1 DIK/,' iir g itrAirfreti:Dr Tama Bitters . -have - 7- scluarcrs OF PYTKrAS;"and. all kinds fAe - t - r - oliliffl to ;some of oen most eminent • , sty likisedias said , Palaphernalla, • • • •,; - •,"pasetiednirynysle siasthe bestrteind-wo ,wifa terorder at •' • d +tate Cocktal Bitted la the universal ' - -.',.lyeemit.kamozepJxtelifellvr,a..looo4."lll:9l!;-*h_iskr Nit•;.41,35 - North,queen Street, Lan , caste__ Ma, • ',"'” lest - iseptOse.ziwcA , •,.• • • .„..aept4-ea ' on .44110%.,14. , /BOA - if; , nrA C HINER Ir. SUPPLE & BROTHER, MANUFACTLTAIMS or !b ~ STEAM BOILERS. In addition to our Foundry and Machine work, we are now prepared to manufact ore every variety of Boiler and Plato Iron work, kd:2ll INIENDING AND REPAIRING BOILERS Promptly attended to. Thrmitful for past favors, tiro would Invite the attention of our Iniends and patrons to this new branch of our 131.1Sillt`:.S. SUPI'LEE, r ItPto.. sept , l-G9-tfwi t:nd St., Coimalna. SUSQUEILLYNA IRON C,O:',IPANY Manufacturers or ;in sizes of • REFINED AND DOUBLE REFINED ROUND, SQUARE. FLATS, OVAL, AND • HALF OVAL IRON. Cur Axles, Shafting and Boise Shoe Bars. .Orders promptly filled from Stock on hand or made to order. Terms, net Cash, at Manufacturer's prices, de livered on Cars or Boats. Office at their, ROLLING MILL, . ..septi-69-tfor] Columbia, Penna. 'STEAM ENGINES,, ' " / BOILERS, , STEAM PUMPS,, And all 'kinds of Machinery Manufactured and guaranteed to give satisfaction at the Works of SUPPLER dr. BRO., septi.6o-tficl • Columbia. Penn CABINET- WARE. fIABINET WARE 'MANUFACTORY. 'The subscriber having lately put up new ware-rConts, and greatly increased his business, can offt r better Inducements to his customeres than ever. WINDOW SHADES. He manufactures to order, and will keep con stantly on hand, Dressing, Plain and Fancy Bureaus, Sideboards, Sofas, Card, Dining and Centre Tables, Common, Fancy and French Bed steads; all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. As he manufactures his own work he Is enabled to 'warrant every article to be what it•is represented.' CAAIRSI' CHAIRS!! CHAIRS!! , All kinds of chairs kept on hand or manufactur ed go order.• • Cane, Windsor, Arm and Rocking Chairs,' Settees, Camp and Counter Stools,Soiss, Tete-a Totes and. Stuffed, Seat Chairs, made to order. , Old chaiNDrs reEßTA painted Kl and repaired. 'UNG. Funerals willbe attended to with promptness to which he gives his personal attention. He s is prepared with ice boxes and coolers to preserve corpse HOG ay be required. MANY OR WALNIIT,COFFINS, Furnishedplain or tinted in any style that. me 3 be required. He respectfully solicits a 'share 01 public patronage, as well as a'continuance of the custom with whiclthe has been liberally favored. SOHN SFLENBERGER, South side Locust street, betweena Second and Third. - (sept4-69-tfw JE!URN . ITURE .OF ALL KINDS: CABINET WARE-ROOMS MANU ACTORY, Locust Street, a few doors below . .Tnird,Street, Columbia, Pa. _Tlie subscriber„manufactures and keepi on hand an extensive , assortment of all kinds of Furniture. Persons , wishing -to buy or those about to go to housekeeping, willi tind tto their advantage to give me a Ca 11,.• - BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHALLIS, BUREAUS, SETTEES, &c., do. Of iho'besb quality, style, and.manufacture, and will make to order, of first-rate material,' every article in his line. He will give strict attention to business, and respectfully asks of the public a sharh of its Jiatronage. AGS- T.D.TDERIAKING will receive the most careful attention, at the shortest notce. septl-09-tferl. , GEORGE SEIBERT' IVEW STYLF, WINDOW SHADES. The Subscriber has on hand at his Furniture Store, all kinds and styles of • WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN FIXTURES, &c. 170 whlch be would - respectfully call the atten tioa of the Public. JOHN 5HEN81 , ..1:13:71t, Aeptl-ti-tlwl No. 21(3 Locust St., Columbia. PATENT B MERIDIAN BURNE Ask for the MERIDIAN BURNER. Take no - other. It excels ALL others. It ran be used with either Kerosene, Pe troleum or Coal 011. It, is manuftietured and for stile by COULTER, ,TONV,S, 4- co., 70.1,ARCH • ST., -PHILADELPHIA , ' , 4 , !.. : ,;,:: ) , ;Nriolestile and R4ta.ll:l3e..ilers in • , , ,thandeßeys, & c:‘, Lamps-for , all .pstrpoilea" for ..which oral used, in GREAT VAR/Err.' Those desiring to furnish Churches, Dwell ings, or other buildings, public or private, with Gas Fixtures, will do well to calland see our new IRON BRONZE CHANDELIERS, cheaper and better than any other kind. sept4-69-tfw .TUST OPINING • * 'Call and See! Our new and well selected stock of " • - • tTOI.I..7I'ARTICLES,; " FANCY SOAPS, Ands variety of other articles, such as are usu ally kept in a - - FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE. We have also received a FRESH SUPPLY of-thethenapstrehable - P TENT MEDICINES. s'setSt4=BB;tfwJ'di r. .LITAIBE.I? & COAL. ;GEORGE BOGLE, ,! - • ' • 1 D8 144 1 4 1 ./N - • LTIMBER OF XII DESCRIPTIONS. Officer—Front Street. between Locust and Union, ''OOLtrieißLk. PA. • ,RVAD THIS T. • , .• Liazarus, • '8,23 , . , - OELEBRA.TED -; PERFECTED' . SPECTACLES A.:51 kb EYE GLASSES. That they render impaired sight clearer and dis .tinot; strengthen and preserve the eye; are ;very ‘..asy and pleasant to wear, and last many years without change being necessary, so that ,Lte.the end they arc the cheapest as welt as the pest; NOTICE. that Mr. Chas: P. Sehrelner.Wetch- Maker . and .Jeweler, Front street, is oar sole .intentin Columbia. Pa. • Lazarus & Morris. Manufacturing' Opt:irk:as Vartiord, Cann. . . • TVINES cf; LIQUORS. pLIAE WINES , A.:s.a) LIQUORS !, , For Rure, Unadultera led Wines and Liquors, go to the store: of the subscriber. , He has elegant C T - AW A • W I E , • Vtrhicli for quality and flavor, cannot be excelled; also, the celebrated ROOSTER WHISKEY,- . Yankee Rum, Jamaica Spirits, Blackberry • Brandy. Cherry-41.nd Currant Wines. We have 'Wines, Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Old Monongahela of all grades. Give us a call and examine for yourself. CHARLES GROVE, Corner of Commerce and Walla at Ste., Columbia. 5ep..1:69-ttvi" MIRRORS, &c., IN ALL "g'rlTE§. 3IrFIDIVAL. It. WILLIAMS, No.IB~N: Front titiie'eti SPECTACLES. GUAJTO. BOOKS, STATIONERY. NEW! NEW!! NEW!!! BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, O. 2t2 LoII'ATST ST., COLUMBIA, PA. Tho subscriners nave just opened and oiler to the public a comPlete assortment. of SCHOOL, BLANK. 23. ND MISCELLANEOUS BOORS, STATIONERY of ALL KINDS, Auti of evt!ry gnancy, theataing a large and MiIEIMME=DI CAP : LETTEit, NOTE AND BILL rAPER, SCHOOL 4.,ND SUNDAY. SCHOOL MOTTOES, Envelopes, Ink. Slates, Faber's S. Guttlrneeht.'s , , Initial Books Pass Books, Tuck .I‘l , n ndum nora hooks. Paper, €:c., Ih bl es, Tes lam en ts and Hymn Books. All weekly and monthly papers and maga sl rcecived as soon as published. The custom ofthepublicls res pee ILLIy solicited. ..'.7ernonbcr dal placc—No. 262 Locust Street ; one door below the Columbia Steam Fire En gine House. sepl-fII)4IWJ JOHN L. WRIGHT & CO. ItIITMOVAL J. 11. Sh.eaffer BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, HAS REMOVED HIS LARGE STOCK OF ROOKS AND STATIONERY, NO, 52 NORTH QUEEN STREET, OPPOSITE SHORER'S HOTEL, Four doors Xortli of Orange Street, LA2 , ICASTER, PA FOB ,BALK. T . , UT S! LOTS OF LOTS! • BUILDING LOTS Large or Small, on Sixth street, - or Seventhstreet, and on Locust street, and Walnut. street. Those fronting on Locust and Walnut streets 196 feet deep to a 14 feet wide alley. sep4-69-tfwj ' Apply to J. H. MIFFLIN STEAM COACH WORKS. CHRISTIAN MYERS, COLUMBIA STI•HA.IN/ • COACH WORKS! REMOVED TO Nos. 9, 11 AND 13 NORTH sth STREET. The Carriages, Buggies, &c., made at these WorkQ, are equal in beauty and durability to any other make in the county. COACh SAIITILING , REPAIRING, &c. This branch of the business v.-:11 be attended to With pain:Ml.3 ty and despatM. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, Wagons, &c., fur into or made to order. 11 , !)- Call at the Works No. 9, 11 & 13 North Filth street and examine the stock and prices. seps-69-tfw HOUSE _FURNISHING. T 4 0 U SE F U GOODS. .UST PURCHASED, AT REDUCED PRICES, a splendid Assortment of new and. de sirable HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS COOK\WG'gTOVES:-:Anti-Dust Aitulker City; and the Niagara. t BRITrANNIA WARE, in Sets or separate, to suit purchasers. • CHAMBER WARE, CUTLERS.' OF ALL RINDS. • WATER COOLERS, -REFRIGERATORS, of all sizes and styles. Special attention paid to 'GAS FITTING and PLUMBING. A larkm assortment of splendid CHANDELIERS alwtqs on hand A Variety of BIRD CAGES, at all prices. Agent for the Celebrated DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER. The most popular, best and cheapest Washing Machine ever invented. - In connection with the above Washing Ma chine, he has the UNIVERSAL CLOTELES WRINGER! Call at the corner of Second end Locust streets, and satisfy yourself that you can get better bar gains there than at any other establishment. . HIRAM WILSON, Cor, of Second and Locust Ste. Columbia, Pa sego-611-tfw CONPE'C.TIO.B.Y. GOOD NEWS FOR ALL! • KNOTWEI:OL,'S LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S SALOON, No. 203 and 210 Locust Street, Columbia, Pa. - (First door above Odd Fellows' Hall.) - WHOLESALE' AND RETAIL. OYSTERS in .every.style, with Saloon for La dies'. Fresh Baked Cakes every day. Confectionery of every kind. Candies,Frult3, Nuts and Cakes. FRENCH CONFECTIONS. Raisins, Fig's, Almonds and Dates. Special attention to Supplying Parties, at the shortest notice. Fancy Candies always on hand. .• All kinds of Toys and Dolls. Ice Cream on hand every Saturday. Everything of the best for sale by • ' KNOTWELL, Agent, , 208 and 210 Locust street. oct3o-Septi-tfwj Columbia,. Pa. RicHARDs' •CONFECTIONERY! NO. 132 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA, PA. CAKES. CANDIES, FRUITS AND CREAMS of the Choicest Ichnl Icoot ronhl.--.ly on band. re Famines pnpplied wish See Cream in Churns or Mould', nt Short Notiee and Reason able hates. LADIES , OYSTER SALOON I take pleasure in announcing tc. my numer ous friends that I have opened an 017bT ER SA LOON for the special accommodation of La dles. None but the beat oysters will be used. Families sad parties supplied at short notice. Remember the place—M.! Locust. street. Nept-I-69-tfw! ALLEN RICILARDS CONFECT' ON E "I' AND FRUIT OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. • • Parties and Families supplied with ICE ay the Freezer, or In Moulds, n•lth promptness at GEO. S. SMITH'S,' -: Adjoining the Franklin House, Locust street. P. S.—Also, a Ine assortment of TOYS' and Fancy Articles.constantly on band. [sep4-89-trw STOVES, 114 fIDWABE, &c. RUMPLES SON, - DEALERS IN FOREIGN, & DOMESTIC An extensive assortment of house furnishing hardware, also for carpenters' and builders' use, always on hand. rxov , AND STEEL. -Blacksmiths. wagon makers_, itnd others, furn ished with all kinds of Iron, Nails, Horse Shoes, Coach Trimmings, and other goods in their line. -WOOL AND WILLOW WARE, • In great variety', such as Tubs, Baskets, Wash Boards, Brooms, Washing Machines, dte.l de; FARMING -IMPLEMENTS Plows, Shovehi,!licies, - Plow Castings, Scythes, Forks, Rakes, and all other Implements used by the farmer. • . STOVES AND, TIN "WARM SCOT/a:3 of every stle and pattern, Cdok, Parlor' and Ottlee Stoves, fo r coal or wood.-, merge as sortment of Tin IVare always kept on , Wind, or xnannfacturetito order. • - 'Oil,'• PaintS • 0: , • Coal Oil, Linseed . ; Fish, Sperm and Machine Oils of s all kinds ` Alcohol, Benzine, Japan, and other Varnish, Glass Paints, Putty, White Lead, ete. • sept-004.fe1• •LOCL - ST STICKET, CO Y.7331T1TA: PA: NE FT 7 ADVEIMSEILENTS. LADIES' FANCY ruts!; • JOHN . - FAREIRA, 718 A reli Stieet. , • Middle of the Block, betwe6n 7th and Bth street, South Side, ' PHILADELPMA. , , Imorter, Manufacturer and Deal er in all kinds and. quality of • .FANCY FURS FOIL LADIES' CHILD having enlaiged,remodeled and improved my old arid favorably known FUR- EMPORIUM; and having imported a Very .lareo4uti splendid assortment of all the dliferent kinds of Furs front drst bends, in Europe, and have had them made up by the most skit Ifni workmen, I would respectfully invite my friencht Of Lancas ter and adjacent Counties to call and exabable my very large and beautifulassortment of Fancy F urs, for Ladies' and Children. I run de termined 1.0 sell at as low prices as any other respectable house lu this city. All Furs War ranted. No misrepresentations two - abet. sales. :RAIN FAREIItA, oct9-Im] • 718 Arch Street, Philadelphia. , . fIOLUMBIA CLASSICAL , AND FE- N, j MALE INSTITUTE, - prepares young men and boys for College, Business, or Teaching, and affords young' ladies superior - advantages in securing a complete education. Special atten tion is given to the common English branches, Music, French, and the ' • • •,•• •'• • , • NATURAL;SCIENCESi: „ including Botany, Philosophy Chemistry and Astronomy, as well as to the Cis:mica add higher Mathematics. The next session commences on Thursday, the 26th of August. For circulars, address • Rev. IL S. ALEXANDER, • • sepl-60-trw] umbla. Pa, , COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! PATTON'S COAL YARD, ON FRONT STREET, Is the . pluce to buy your'UoUl Articular attention is given to have coal.gent out cleaned and screnned. Have on hands and will keep all kinds of coal that is wanted. DIAMOND, LOCUST .MOUNTAINS . PINE GROVE, LYEENS VALLEY BITUMINOUS COALS. Will furnish coal Up the . ear-load from any mines that is desired at the " - LOWEST PRICES'. also, DRY PINE lirOO'D' sept4-69-tftv sep It- fwl yALUABLE PROPERTY PRIVATE' WILL BE SOLD AT:A. BARGAIN.. The undersigned will sell at Private Sale, the following valuable property, viz: • ' No, 1. TWO LOTS OF GItOUND, situated in Wrightsville, Pa., on the corner or Front and Orange_ streets, measuring JOU feet front,and having a depttrot 200 feet to:Hower:4 alley, upon which is erected a modern Malt Brum: DWELLING HOUSE, with • Kitchen attached. This property is very pleasantly located, and as a residence is the most desirable in the place. No. 2. THREE LOTS OF GROUND, adjacent to each other, in the borough of Wrightsville, having a front on Canal, and railroad passing through them. On these lots are erected Four Two-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSES. These lots are very desirable for business of any character. No. 3. One of the best located, FARM'S in Lower Chauceford twp.. York county, contain ing tt23 Acres. Upon this tract of Land aro erected Two Sets of Buildings. One set of Buildings and 70 acres will be sold separately, or if desired, the entire tract, with all improve ments thereon, will-be sold together. This property also includes a STEAM SAWING MILL, with al:5 horse power engine; the en gine and boiler with oh connections are new and in complete running older. Persons wishing to know conditions re specting the above property located in Wrights ville, call on Magee is Smith, Star onicc,,or that, in Lower Chanceioi d township, by calling on or addressing _ _ C. L. WlTT:qr.:Ft ' 0et?...3-llnj LieCall's Ferry, York eounty. ADIES SHOE MANUFACTORY J j Having increased my facin Mei for turning out superior work I would announce to my old customers and all new ones that may favor me with a call, that I am better urepared Bow to manufacture all kinds of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES ; AYD. GAITERS; than.ever,lnfore: exdpioy, lacieehe.beed. ; Workmen mid ani always certain o.fi antis, faction. I keep on bantra general asS'arttnent of ready made work all of whichls manufactured ( on the premises. I keep no made-up work of other 'parties - .' My' work is made exclusivelyofor home.trade and is sold as such. TERMS CASH. . . a.; * eheap as an3cther - Ostablishment, and ask a share of public patronage. JAMES SCHROEDER, Locust Street, between Front and Second. sep4-69-tfw „ . IDARTIOULAIt NOTICE.—=AII per sons knowing themselves indebted to Mrs.' C. C. Tulle, latetly in the grocery business at 249 Locust street, Columbia, are requested to make immediaterpaynient, and those having claims or demands against the same witipresentthem for settlement to " MAX BUCHER, sept4-69-tfwl COOPER & PEART, • DEALERS r..r • 14tTMBER, & COAL, And all the best Quality of STOVE COAL - BUILTING 'I,UMB'ER ' Of all kinds sold and delivered on cars. at the LOWEST AtA.Ricor ItATES. z Heinlock, White Pine, Weatherilinarding,,lJ owe, Scantling, suitable for all kinds , of Eunding purposes. .• • .`.- _ ' LOCUST POSTS! CHERRY, , . POPLAR • ASH •, , PICKETS LATH,' • • SHINGLES. &e. All orders by mail will receive the.same at- , tention as though the application be 'made* •n ' ' person. , ' - COOPER . MART; sup4-1,8-tfw) . Front St., Columbia. BOOTS tt: 'SHOES. BOOT AND . S.I.IOE - - "rne subscriber would respectfully lntOrin his friends and the public generally that the has opened a BOOT AND SHUE STORE at NO. 245 LOCUST STREET, lie will:always keep on hand a general as sortment, of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS,, lloss, - Ladies . . Misses faidQllikirF32, •which lic offers at the LOW EST cAsl3 -PRICES. - He will keep none hat the TIEST all classes can be accommodated by eallnittat his store, next door to Mag. - Barber's Grocery, sep.l-60-tfwl JEROME SCEIRFCK. •NIT.A.RNING TO TIES PASS inlS ! A.LI, PERSONS a,c horehy Forbidden to Trespass neon thu grounds M the In:at-Ts:go etl, n.. lie is determined to 'prosecute LU the Ut most rigor of the law, ever;` person so offend ing. Iseptl-69-tfw) M. M. STRICKLER. x.r,o ETRLYG- • MILL. COLUMBIA. F LOUR MILLS: , GEORGE BOOtR, Pitortirgion. The highest Cash,.price.s .pald .f0r..41-kindinf Grain. SUPERFINE ANI? . r.ENTE.4. FAMILY FLOUR , for sale; also lOU Feed of all kinds Wheat - = Ground•rmd Packed - to'order; Grist work; • and Choppingz,done: s•Chopped l Corn!' - • and Oats.''Corii qdeal , • GRAH ,A.INI FLO MR For sale at all times, and delivered to anypart licit f , the town. • na-Town and country custom •, isepi-W-tfw 11DI L E IVISSIiDNAMM*PD had suffered 7l y&rs'lvith Piles;Rcas opted and will send the receipt free. rebs-tar Its7v. F,OSTER DIX, Terse.teiti,=';F.:l CANVASSING BOOKS•SENZ:PSEE FOR Paris by.Sllnlight; :„ - and . Gaslight. . . , WORN. Di3CRIPTIVE OF THE IkYSTE RIES, VIRTUES. VICES. SPLENDORS' • AND CRLILES,''OF • . , OE. PARIS. • •It tells how Paris has become the Gayest 'and most beautiful City in the world; how•the Beau ty and Splendor are purchased eta fearful cost of Misery. and =Suffering; • how - , visitors ••are Swindled . by. Professional, Adventurers ;-: -. ..h0w Virtue and Vice gcrarm-in-arm In, the." Beanti ful City; how the most Fearful Crimea are tom matted and • concealed bow money. is :Sguan dered In useful -luxury; mar:contains over 130 line engravings of noted Places; Life and'Seenes • In Paris. Agents wanted.: Canvassing Books • • - NAITONAL'PUBOsinNG,CO jams'-44w . : ,PhiladelPhla7-PIC' MEI by the cord or barrel. • SCOTT PATTON ETHANC AT. 249,Locamt street, =I COLUMBIA, PA Suitable for OBOO.E.RTES, tee. Cl EXCITEMENT AMONGST •, • GROCENYMEN! ow can good GOODS be sold so cheap, Is the question. _ ATTENTION HOUSEKEEPERS. New stoat of goods, and selling them very low: The best quality of goods, and at cheap rates SUGARS, TEAS, MEAT, COFFEE,. FRUITS, FISH, SPICES, CUBES - E. • . FLOUR. ' Provisions of all kinds, together with Wood and-Willow-ware ana Class and queensware. Switzer and lit burger Cheese,iiernian Fruits, SUGAR 'CURED HAMS S. DRIED BEEF. ENGLISU AND AMERICAN PICKLES. '•Fr Ii Peaches, acid all the Fancy Groceries per tallying to a well-regulated Grocery Store. I am determined not to be surpassed in cheap ness'and in the excellent quality of Inv goods. M.Y•Call around and inspect Our stock whether you_huy or not., A share of public patronage Is solicited. • ' MAX P.UCTIETI, No. 2i9 Locust Street sepl-W-ifm7] FRESCI GROCIIIIIES AT THE PROVISION FAMILY GROCERY STORE OF MULLEN & BROTHER, ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Columbia, Pa. FRESH TOMATOES, FRESH PEACHES AND other Canned Fruits, Shaker Corn, &c. TEA -- THE BEST BLACK TEA IN THE ALA:HE:ET. EXTRA REFINED SYRUP MOLASSES, very cheap, Refined Sugars, Dried Fruit of all kinds. Rio, lava. anti Lagnyra Coffer. • NEW SUGAR CURED HAMS S DRIED BEEF Also,Fancy Groceries, Family Flour, Notions &c. We Intend to keep the best (4 nods only, and to sell as cheap as any similar store. H. MULLEN .1- BRO. '*+ Country Produce of all kinds bought or taken in exchange for goods. Isep-1,5-tfa, F LEE FAMILY GROCERIES PROVISIONS, &c., tc A LARGE FINE STOCK JUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE! I have now In Store a full assortment of Groceries.& Provisions .For Family and Ilotel use Extra, Syrnp Nolttsses, Fine Teas, Coffees, ,te Extra Sugar Cured HAMS and DRIED ,BEEF Extra FAMILY FLOUR by the barrel or smaller quantity. Dried Fruit, Pickles, and Fancy Groceries of all _ kinds, and at the lowest prices. Call and ex amine my stock, whether you buy or not. HENRY SUYDAM, sepl-69-tfw] Cor. of Front kt Union Sts. FAMILY GIIOCERIESI FAMILY GROCERIES! The Subscriber would respectfully inform his ! 'customers and the Public generally, that he has just received a general assortment of GROCERIES, 'PROVISIONS. TEAS AND SPICES. I Refined Sugars of all kinds. 1, and Mess Mackerel, English,& American Pickles, Sugar Cured Hams and Beef, Extra Fine Syrups, Old Rio and.javn Coffee, DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS, Raisins, Prunes and prepared Mustard always onhand and of the very best grades. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, CORN MEAL, lIOMINY, Fancy Groceries, Cannot]. Vegetables asod Fruits, for hotels and families. The bust Goods only are sold, :md price. verflow, Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is full and coninl:•le and we intend keeping it fresh, by almost daily additions. Notions dr tilllZTent kinds always on band. FREDERIC]: BROILER ' cor..ith LocustSts FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, AT 1-LY.P.DMA.VS! Just received, at the fine Grocery Establish ment, corner 3rd and Cherry streets, the follow ing new Goods: SUGAR CURED HAMS AND DRIED REEF, JELLIES, PRESERVES, HONEV, PEACHES. TOMATOES ENGLISH PICKLES, 'WINSLOW'S G.REEN CORI , • .•;GREEN•PRA',3 ac.. , &c••• • TOgaber with a cers- flue assortmciat •of Fanally Groceries, of all kinds. ' A L'A_Rdi. ZOT OF NEW YOIUC.CANDLES, FOREIGN FRUITS, Oranges, , Lemons, Figs, 'Raisins, Cocoanuts, and White Wine Vinegar. Extra Family Flour, Mercer Potatoes, RIO and Java Codee, freshmasted, Lovering's Syrup, dcc. AtierNew Goods received almost daily. WM. H. HARDMAN; .- , • - 3rd and Cherry Sts. sep-1 7 60-tftv] Columbia, Pa. S_Li'"FV.TZVG MACHINES. GROVER & • BAKER'S FIRT PREMIUM ' ELASTICS' ITCA 12033 SEWING MACHINES, • 495 BroadWay 1 New York, 730 Chestnut . Street, Philadelphia.. POINTS OF:EXCELLENCE. B • eauty'and Elasticity of Stftelf, Perfection and.. Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads direztly from the spools. , • - No fastening, of seams by handMati no waste of thread. , Wide range of-applicrition without, change of 'adjustment. • ' ±he seam retains its beauty and firmness after 'washing and ironing. IBesides doing all kinds of work'done by other Sewing Machines, these Machines execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. • ye.:The "Highest Premiums atoll the lairs and ,exhibitions,ol the United States •and Europe, ItaVe been awarded the Grover St Baker Sewing. lklachines, and the work done by them, wher eyer exhibited in competition. irir-The very highest prize, THE CROSS OP .THE LEGION ,molroNou, was conferred on the representative of the Grover & Baker :,ewing Machines, and the Expogtlon tin iverselle, Paris, 1i67, thus attesting their great superiority over 'all other Sewing Machines • [sepl-tili•tfw NUM A circular Sent .Free of subjects of great in .terest to Married Ladles, containing particulars 'Of several very valuable articles, highly approv ed of by the Medical Faculty and the hundreds who use them. Every lady should have a copy In case of need. Send stamp and address Mad. MARY MOORE, feblf:.'7o-IyE: . 737 Broadway, N. Y. rin nl3 CIIEAPEST LITERARY PARER. , EVER PUI3L TrIENEW YORK FAMILY JOURNAL, '••A new literary eight paw. paper, contain it,g Intere.itl'ig mailing of v:rva :ns,r.l by Ihe great est writvrs of the thy. Terms Flay Cents a Year. Speennen copies sent free for thr:e months. Canvassers, Ladies or Gentlemen, am olrered great Inducements. Address FAMILY JOURNAL OFFICE ' .oor. Third Avenue a int Ninth St., "N. Y. febl2 '7O-1V HEADACHE EA IC YEf rOSITIVELY CLTILED TIT ta'ASS,T.FRAS at: • wiiTcEi tIAZEL. , package' wil I be sent. by mall, post-paid, on receipt of 2,3 cents. My Catarrh wa: itniiicd lately relic tst by,your Sassafras and Witch Hazel. - ' Rev: ASA. 13}'OYN. I•ean rend without wearing sl tea:ie.] es. and the Weakness is entirely gone since using your Sas safras and Witch Bagel. • NOR MAN 13ARNE. . - your Sit-..safras and Witch_ Hanel bas.never failed to relieve my headache within five tnin nles:`- • . Mrs. SAltYfd. JONES. ' Circulars sent free, and a. liberal inducements Is offered to Agents, everywhere. Address • Rev—MARTIN DUTXON. .;febl27o-]y IC , Bible Housefitation, IN. Y. 1-1.0 OD. , Seat „free in a sealed envelopelny valua ble lecture on the EttltOltS LPF YOUTH', de shitned a warning and caution to young men, wan rules and—prescrtpuons for the cure of weakness 'and lost nutnhood,bby one who has been permanently cured. Send stamp and ad dress EDGAR TREZIAItig. • Broadway,'oppradto Astor House, N. Y. RELIEF IN TEN- MINUTES. • .•231LANDM'S TV55.11148431.0. The wonderful' Granules ior Coughs, 'Hoarse ness, Sore Throat, Brunch ills. Wheezing, Irrilu 'tion of the Uvula and Tonsils rind Incipient Consumption.. One Box Cures. .Priee'2.s Cents. Sent by, mall on receipt of money. Agents - Wanted everywhere. Liberal inducements of. fered. , Send Sor Trial Box. Address J. ST. CLAIR. S.CO.. febl2•7o-1.17: 7 ' '• • • '2tl Third Avenue, Y. ovE , AND. MATRIMONY. • •'lrow'to marry; who to marry. and when to , niarry: I The 'affections' may be' gained by , fol. lowing simple rules, and all may marry happily ;wlj.b.aut regard to, wealth, ag,e„ter beauty ::,•bend stamp arid address, :-Madarq LUCILLE DEMAERE, ' rebl3 7fl-131c: Station n, ;sr. y; LORTILIAARDPS "EUREKA' "Smelting Tobacei; is nn etibellent article of grannlatecl —Wherever introduced it is universally ad mired. —lt Is put up in handsome muslin bags.in ivhich orders for Meerschaum Pipes are daily packed. • Lorillard's "Patch Club" Smoking people of has no superior; being' dent cormized it cannot injure' nerveless constitu tions, or of sedentary 'titbits. —lt Ls produced from selections of the finest stock, and prepared by a patented and original manner. •wit is very aroinatie,rnild,and light in weight —hence it will lastinuctilonger than others; nor does it burn or st:ng the tongue,, or leave a disagreeable alter-taste. —Orders for genuine, elegantly carved Meer sehaurn Pipes, silver mounted, and packed in neat leather pocket cases, are placed in the Yacht Club brand daily. Chewing Tobacco. , —This brand of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco has no superior anywhere. —lt is„without' - doubt, the best- chewing to bacco In the country: Lorillard's Sotall's Have been in general use In the United States over 110 years, and still acknowled "the best" wherever used... —lf your storekeeper does not have theie ar ticles ior sale, ask him to get them. —They are sold by respectable jobbers almOst everywhere. —Clrculars,malled on application. P. LORILLARD & CO., clecll-12w -New York $732 IN 31 DAYS Mode by one Agent. selling SILVER'S PAT ENT ELASTIC EROOIII. Over 60,000 now in use, Recommended by Hon. Hamm °rode!, and ..4mcrienn Agnculturabet. One-county reserved for ach Agent, C. A. Cr,goG St Co., :IS Cortlandt St., N. or 126 Washington St., Chicago, 111. te tw KNITTING MACHINE, I pree,ntett to the public as the itt , , e _thimble. ;me Compact and en on p IL ! log Machine e or levet:tett PRICE, ONLY 89-Z. Thu; 11.adnue will run 01 furwaiii with equal facility; mike. tile .am,. stiieli is, by han it, but, liii superior es psi I. t Knit 20 ,0 0 0 IS ' arches In 0r.,• if mile nail do perfect work, leaving 0V,7 ykn•to • thr inside of the work. It will knit n ins (any size) in less than half an lion:. 1 t wn knit Close or Open, Plain or Ribbed - Work., a ith any kind of coarse or line woolen yarn, or , •ot.. ton, silk or linen. It will knit stockings with dunide heel and toe, drawers. hoods, sinks • smoking caps, comforts, purees, murk, fringe, afghans, nubias, nndersleeves, mittens, skating caps lamp wicks, mss, cord, unile-shirts, shawls, jackets, cradle blankets, le,ggins,suspen tlei s, NVYISAPT , , tidies, tippets, tufted work, and in Met an endless variety of articles in every day use, as well as for ornament. From $5-to 10 per-Day Can be made by any one with the American Knitting Machine, knitting stockings, ctc., v bile &pert operators can even make more—knitting fancy work. which always commands a ready sale. ,A person eau readily knit from twelve to fifteen pairs 01 stockin"s per day, the profit on which will be not less ham fort• cents per day. FARMERS NEW STOCK! Can sell their wool al, only forty to fifty cents per pound; but by getting the wool made into yarn, at a small expense, and' knitting it into socks, two or three dentin., per pound nay be re alized. On the receipt of tz2.3 we wilt lor ward a machine as ordered. We wish to procure active AGENTS in every section of the Unitee States and Canadas, to whom the mo , t liberal inducements will be of fered. Address AMERICAN KNITTING I..I.ktDIIINE 00., janl9-Iw Boston, or St. Louts; Mo INFORMATION iNaNZOPITo . NSv . Teachers, Students, Retired Clergymen, Ener getic Young Men and Ladies can make 675 to SIM per month during the Spring and Summer. A copy free. Send name and address to People's JOUIWILL Philadelphia, Pa. felil9-1w $75 to 200 per Month, EVervwhere, male and female to Introduce the GENUINE IMPROVED commoN :SENSE, FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This Machine will Stitch, Hem, Fell, Tuck, Quilt, Cunt Bind, Braid and Embroider in a most, superior manner. Pl?l(,'E O.2VL Y 18 DOLL_4I?S We will pay $lOO3 for any anachine that will beW a btronger, More beautiful, or more elastic setun than ours. It makes the "ELASTIC- LOCH" Every second tititeinxiVititS cut; and ttie cloth cannot be milled apart. - without tearing it. We pay,is gents from 575 to $2OO per month and expenses, or a commission from - which twice that amount can_ be - mule. Address MCCOMB & CO., Pittsburg. Pa., Boston, Bass., or St. Louis, 310. CAUTION.—Beware of all 'Agents sel ling Ma chines under the same name us ours, unless they can show a Certincrte of Agency signed by us. We shall not hold ourselves. responsible: for worthless Machines sold by other parties, and shall prosecute all'parties either selling or using Machines under this name to the full extent of the law. unless such Machines were obtained from us by,lour Agents Do not be imposed upon by parties who copy our advertisementsand cir culars and offer worthless Machines at a less price. fcbS-lw .1 GIFT AGENTS WA2STED—Ladies and Gentlemen for their spare mo ments. A Sewing Machine, a Gold Watch, a Bible. money and other goods given as premium. How, When, Where, What, and all other vartle- Mars Free. Address C., L. 171 Broadway, N. Y. febs-4w ILiIKLE KNITTING EIAL TINE FOR FAMILY- Simple,• • Cheap, Reliable, Knits Everything. AGE:NTS WA../NTED. Cir culars and sample stocking Free Address YLE.V.KLE KNITTLNG MACHINE fehs-lw . • Bath, Me. CUL'TIVATOR'S GUIDE; 24th edition of this popular work, which has met with so much - favor In the past, is now ready. It, has been re-written and improved, printed with new type, and on tine paper, Inns trated•wlth beautiful lithograph; and many other line engravings from nature.. It contains lull description and the en Iture of over 1.100 lead ing varieties of Flowers and Vegetables ; also descriptive list of the novelties of. the . present season; to which is added a collection of 200 choice French •Hylwid Gladiolus. • This work, , we feel confident, will cpmpare fayorably with any standar one. Frtnn Lei Bartlett, Trarncr,-"1.7.r.' " 1 have received a copy 01 your superbly Rot ten up A tnateur Cultivator's Gtude. I think it fa• ahead of anything. of the fat a l• ever ',ethie is.ned from the American pee..." . •Sen t to any zuldreSsuputt receipt 131 Li , cuts; for pa per cover, and iceuts for lastclaliy bound in cloth. WASHBURN . fec3-;cr . Itustou.,:tl ass. DEAPNESS:—TLIE PATENT ORGANIC VIBRATOR. It Ins into t 1 1-:.tr. is not. perceptible. removes i3lngilig Noises in the - Head. and enables Deaf Pets at- to hear (Its(!net ly at ()numb or PnblllAlc.entblies. Trea tise on Deafness, with Means of caps.. sent tree. lilt. MINT Srn,LwELL, fe.117,-Ive 710 Broadway, N. Y. TOBACCO . SEG-ARS. TOEIN FEN.1)111.C11, Q. Wizotylsiktr: 2 R.LT,AiI, TQBACCo, SEGA': SIAN-U- Agent for the New York Fine Cut, Navy, and Moirttor Chow-Uhow Chewing Tebaceos, corner et Frau I. and P Loeust streets, Columbia, a. at H - •oLLowAy's 72;SSENCE OF JAMAICA GI.NOER, of double strengthotod.the only pure Essence of Jataftit Ginger,in the market, therefore .the only article to•be relied on lir cases of COLIC, CHOLERA MORBUS, DLARRHCCA, DYSENTARY, INDIGESTION, the ef ' " teem of change °fleeter, colds, &c. - Ask for ,rfolloway's. and take. no other. A half teaspoonful orit is more .thari equal to a whole spoonful of any other. - Sold by druggists and storekeepers., Fifty cents per bottle. Johnston Holloway t Cowden, 602 Arch St. ritilatleipa in. CHILDREN CRY FOP. HOLLOWAY'S VERAIIFUGE CONFECTIONS: they are so del e ' Th docters and mothers say they - are the , rnost safe and effectual remedy for those pests of children,' WORMS: The gen uine have the signatures of the, proprietors on the wrapper of each box. „Twenty-five cents per box John , ;ton, Holloway & Cowden, 602 Arch street, riffled's; [soptl-69-tfsr; T O ~~ i — NUa(:'!'Ult~liS' • ,itigitttt to Mice "ALLEN'S 'PATENT ANTI LAMINA." will be issued on application to the undersigned. It is a Sure .Preventative: of Seale Boilers. This articleidllt be farrilslietl at Six DoimithS per Can, or 'we will sell rltr,lits to make said use the same for" - ' ' • • Tut, D!s . llsirs per aii4iirri' Sot each The material for - making the Ann-Lamina be supplied by us, if desired, at imv prices. ' • Rights fur Counties. States or other Territory for hale OM: rates., , , .•- ,ALtEN ~ itC 15 - EEDLES;- , ' Locutions in Oils, N 0.42 S. Delftware Avenue; Philadelphia. - • Circtilinstvlll be sent nn epplicatlon. ' • °et:Mgt NISC_ELik2 7 XO.US. _ L r i 1 ar(rN tuiry THE fpIEILICAN II AM.ELY 'IV r6.7.tiTS Fully Warranted for 5 Years MAT la R. - ' FOR THE. Flower 'arid Kitchen Garden FACTURE,R MEDICAI. - !• .• p..LOTHENG„;' •-. NIERp"ANT‘,VAILORpG " - J.W. REASfI 'No. 12.3 ‘I,,OGU;ST STREET, COWAIBIA, Has opened lu the room formerly occupied by P. S. 31cTague, a full stuck of FRENCH, ENGLISH, AMERICAN & SCOTCH CLOVIS, CASSIMERES &SUITINGS, , 'Which he is prepared to make' up In as good Style and Fashion as can be made in New 'York or Philadelphia. Invites - all to call and examine his stock, which, he is possitive, cannot , be excelled in Columbia." The establishment is designed exclusively' for Merchant Tailoring, and the undivided atten tion of the Proprietor will be' devoted to his business. , GMNTS , ,t.FV4NISHING GOODS , Of all It"inds, and of SUPERIOR QUALITY, al ways on hand. Remember the old adage, that money saved is money earned. Call and be convinced that, you can' save your' money , by purchasing at the ONLY exclusive Merchant Tailoring Establish ment'in Columbia. [sepl-69-twf SPRING CLOTHING- ! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHMG CHEAPER THAN EVER! Pantaloons, Vests. Shirts, Drawers, &c., &e .New Styles, New Goods at low rates. DAVID ' HANAUER'S U. S. CLOTHING EMPORIUM Front Street, first S above Walnut Street,T= The Largest, Best Assorted, Handsomest, and Cheapest Stock at CLOTHING, FUR N LSHINGGOODS_ Hate, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Sc., Sc., ever exhibited hi these regions, which will 6r ~01,1 at prie,•: TO DEFY ALL CO:MPI , 111. "N fo="k J T TS A i:At2l' 1..1 . 1),044 ••i r: •f,ruira I of-cloths. • _.• . -Nl•idt• and oroarlinal 'lion one-hall what they ii - •••i• r.•• “r, 31eroltant Tailoring ebtro '11,1,11101C .4 • 3 tt V 0 c.,rn,s• N. 0.1! Q_;l..t.:. 4_114, 67i.)::( 11”101. Laiwastor, Pa. nu. is the e 2.1 cams bliAmiciit in the, l:ncoi fa ;Mc au Litn , abtel; :minty. and is soiling, at this Gum, due Uusem, , E`ijUilllll.l2X, and common B.?.11V(.1 atveru r tts (rem 1, to 5:2”, (71,1111aUt Union Beavers fri4ll Slit to ,-.1,3; Coto ha on Beaver Bust ness suits iron' .712 to ;13; Good Cas famere Stills Lana sl6 and fine. qualities from to ;Ai. A test suit, on hand as hurt' us SM. Catssimeres nun Trimmings as low as they urn tie obtained anywhere else, and sold by the yard to tam who may wish to have them made at home. of elsewhere. Overcoats, !frees Coats and Business Suits made to order with dispatch, and In the best and most fashionable manner, as Ihe customer may desire. All kinds of cutting and repairing done at reasonable prices. An entire new stock gut up for the Fall and Winter' trade of Laos and 1869, and manufactured in the city of Lancaster. It would be to the interest of the public to call and realize that "ir Is A FACT." S.ILITHVON, sept-69-trwl I`.le . rehant Tailor and Clothier. ZTATS, .CAPS, SiIULTZ & BRbTHER, _I _A_ '1"i" E /1 S , 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LAIC CASTER, PA Latest style Fall and Winter HATS and CAPS in all qualities and colors. LADIES' FANCY FURS. We are now opening the largest and most complete assortment of Ladies' and Children's FANCY FURS ever offered in this market, at very low prices. ROBES! ROBES!! ROBES!!! Buffalo Robes, Linea and unlined; Hudson Day, Wolf, Prarie Wolf, Fox, Coon, 4:e. BLANKETS AND LAP RUGS, Of all qualities, to which we would particularly invite the attention of all persons In want of articles in that line. GLOVES, kUNTLETS AND MITTS OTTER, • ' I3EAVER. NUTRIA, ' SEAL, ' , BUCKSKIN, . - • • FLESHER, ' KID, Sr.e. Sc. :Ladior.Flne Fur Trimmed Gloves, Gauutlets, 'Mitts and moods._ ... .., -, . ~. '... .• 4.. PULSE 'WARMERS & EAR MITTS , " WHOLESALE AND RETAIL sep4-69-t.fw PLANEIrG 3177;_LS. BACHMAN & DEHUFF, - COLUMBIA, PA SUSQUEHANNA PLANING MILL Manufacturers of, and have =constantly on hand Sashes, Door .Blinds, Shutters, Window and Door Frames,, Brackets, Moulding , Shelv ing, Casings, &e., ex. P. S.—The Phuting and Dressing of Lumber is continued and curried on as heretofore by sepl-89-trwl „TULIN B. BACHMAN. • ' YEING' _HOUSES. B AGENT YOU THE: • STATEN 'ISLAND • DYING ESTA.ELLSEMENT, . • ••Ladles' Dresses Cloaks; Veils; Gloves, Ribbons ' and Silks of all kinds dyed any color. Also, Gc - .ltlem en's Coats, Vests,Pantaloous, lid Glares washed to look like new. Scouring, repairing, ,te., done at short notice_ I will receive goods at my store and. forward them to the establishment. 453-Satisfactiou guaranteed. Call and see list of prices ut J. C. BUCHER'S - Store, Locust Street, rep 1-61-tfw] Co.inalna, Pa PIA2VOS. RADI3IIRY S & OTHER PIANOS. Ju, 'SEVEN FIRST I'fIEINIUMS IN FOUR WEEKS. . - - • - TAYLOR S. FARLEY'S ORGANS The undersigned, for ninny seers .entrupetl.as a professor of 100510 in Girard College, and other institutions, In respotme ttl a request, Of a tk"reat.nulutter of his pupds and friends, has con sent ,A 1 to become an agent fdr furnishing FIRST-CLASS ECSTR C.IIIE-A'TS It gives the pleasure to announce thatl have ,appointed wholesale agent, for the Brad bury Pianos, and Taylor and Farley Organs, which 1 am uow prepared to supply at prices that cannot tall to give satisfaction. The supe rioritY of the above instruments ever others In' the, niatket is too went known to need any e.otinient from me. Every instrument war ranted. Liberal discount to clergymen and *iluilny Schools. irti_Ordtirsby mall asiall hinny attended to as if entered in person; as I select every instrument sold. • WM. G. FISCIIF.R, „ sept449-C9 1018 Arch street, Phihura B. B. ALAILTIN, - 21.E.8.8N1tT l'lloß.lB, JZSO. S. :MASON A / LARTIN, THODIA.S & CO., " Columbia; Lancaster co., Pa.; aunfacturers Beech Creek, Clinton c 0.,, 'a., and Wholesale Lumber Dealers, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK, POPLAR, - WALNUT, ASH, FLOORING, SIDEING, WEATHER BOARDS, , PICKETS. LATus, sept4:7o 4o l : •' .• BOX BOARDS. ac., .Irer' PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! •ru - .7.TD .I\i- BLOOD PANACEA. The Great Altorative and Blood Purifier. `ir the clue of SCP.OFISLA OT 11L, CUTANEOUS DISEASES, BEY-,, TPELAS; BOILS, PIMPLES; and . LOTS/LES on the FA CV.SORB IRS, YELLOW Jatranit.s,.Wities PuELEINOS, MERCURIAL SSTS, GENERAL DEIG . LITY; PAL ITATION and FLUTTERING at the (EAST, CONSUMPTION, 'ASTIIMA;U refill:l3.llnd BTPRILIT/C APPEC IONS, BLADDER and. KIDNEY, DUI- U3ES, GRAVEL, Daorsr, DTSPEP LA, r. TEE COMPLAINT, SICK f EAPACIIE, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, C. To the broken down female it Ives , life and energy by'restoring te lost powers of nature. * Persons . . I weakness and lassitude; by me:. tg the- PANACEA t-nrw , soon re- , ' awed to perfect bealth, bloom and , Igor. Try it. • ' - 7 Price 81.00 Per Bottle. S- FIC)-13"1"Z' , Manufacturer„ !and_ Pro prietor, ,, • BALTIMORE , MD. • Poi'liale.tiy"*usgtatiiiniretcrelleepers t 1 oagb.at •4beiVaita4LBtates.- - " ; •For 4 gaft; ; li,:v " J".` IVIEYERS, ;''Apiithe6ry et•Druggist,"Columbla, Pa sept2s-'69-Iyl . , • • QEE D WHEAT. -- 7 The subscriber.pffers 1.0 for'sald'a'splendld'article of Seed Wheat. It is of the 'white bearded variCty,' stiff in the et raw and will yield thirty-eve bushels to the acre. WM. - M'CONK.EY. , POpi-119-t Ay] Wrightsville, Pa. EVS viIANC_Le COMPANIES. r E':ABIERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA S.; E. con. FOURTH AND WALNUT STS :ALEX. WI:ULM:UN, President. T. S.IVILSON, Speretsry. GROWTH OF THE AMERICAN Date. No. of Policies. . Amt. Insured. 1800 Dec.3l. 991 %. S 1,990,450.00 1861 " " 1120 : 1,206,000.00 1807 " " - 700 18,312,478.93 1808 " " 10,282 • • 24,710,001.56 The American issues policies on all desirable plans at low rates, and for security and prompt ness in meeting losses is unsurpassed by any company in the United States. BOARD OE TRUSTEES HON. JAMES POLLOOK, Ex-Gov. of Penn. Director U. S. Mint: J. EDGAR mom - soli, President Penn'n. - lt. 238 South Third street. GEORGE NUGENT, Gentleman, residence Germantown. ALBEItT C. ROBERTS, President Fourth National Bank. PHILIP B. MINGLE, Seed Merchant, 103 Mar- ket - street. .UON. ALEX. G. CATTYLL, U. S. Senator, Ner chant, 27 worth :Water street. 'ISAAC HAZLETEURST, Attorney at Law, 503 Wainutstrevt. L. At. WILUDIN, ale.tchant, 20 and 22 South Front street. HE:N.TRY K. BENNETT, llerebant, 745 South Fourth stroet. GEORGE W. H ILL, Pre , itleitt Seventh National • Bank. J.:1111LS 1.. (.1...1C;11cc..;.N, President. Cominer . (gal \::I 00, 1 1 NVA.N A 1: Oak Ihtli Clothing, and a: d Sl.a alit: Street. Di.. iti.NR LE, Agent. la, 1 E.'llllo. sop t r: I fli i 1 i; \l 7 114 :111: LIII I ESII CAPITA 1. .-Z1) IN( • • pltllll.lo. .1811. :•IVI/1.111!: = MEM MUM EWE and expen,e:. paid In 1t. 2 66 .57:::,1123 31 111.kinsted, uut &Inv Jan. 1, '67, 21,296 ,fain nee Capl la: and .Is,ets, :lan. 1. '67, , 600,527 61 5G , 11,850 10 . , . A. S. GitEEls.i, Fret:Mem. G FmaGE You:su, Jr., Secret:: , y. 3.l.runAlia., S. :1/ InfAN, Treasurer. D.I.E.ECTOP ; S: R. T. Ryan, ' ' John W. Steacy Jr.,John Fendrich, George Young, 11. G. Minch, Nicholas APlNumla, Samuel F. Eberlein, William Patton. Amos S: Green, •.. John 13. Bachman, Hiram Wil,on, lloberi Crane. sept,l-69-tidwi I_ 4 l i ONOMICAL MUTUAL LIFE' INSURANCE CO OF RHODE ISLAND Rates lower than other Mutual Companies OVER SI7G FOR EVERY $lOO LIABILITIES This Company issues Policies in all the several forms; and combining the Stock and Mutual principles, allbrd greater security to parties in suring than either the Mutual or Stock princi pal alone. The Rates have been prepared by the HON. ELIZUR WRIGHT, Actuary of . the Company,the most noted and popular Actuaryllrlug,. , CASH DIVIDENDS ANNUALLY after second payment, on rx ADVANCE POLICIES ISSUED ON THE LIVES OF FE MALES AT REGULAR OR TABLE RATES. Do not fall to examine the principles of this Company before insuring. For circulars, ap ply. to . Vir. D. EEITZEL. Agent, , . . , .. Laticater City or Dr. B. F. HF:RMAN, Ex.'Surgeon, [sepl-69tfw No. 11 N. Front St., Columbia. Cl_ MAIM FIRE AND MARINE IN- A._A SURANCIg COMPANY, OF PITILA•DELPHIA„' Capital g 900,000 Securities ,1100,000 This Company continues to take risks on good property, at rates 'as low as any other safe Corn panyt and consistent with prudence. Policies issued for long it short terms, or per manently. Losses promptly naid. All claims adjusted without litigation or delay. This COM pany refers to the past as a guarantee of its future conduct. THOS. CRAVEN, Pi es't A. S. GILLErr, Vlee-President. JAS. E. ALVORD, Se,reutry. F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent m Walnut Street, ab e Front, Columbia, Pa sept.l.49-u9 TNSURA.NCE COMPANY of NORTH AMERICA, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated MI Assets, $1,350,000. Charier perpetual. Imbalance against loss or damage by tire on Buildings, Mercleindize, Furniture, Sze., for long or stunt pet Pals, or permanently on Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. The pi umpt pay:lle/It of I,4sus for a pm. It'd or SEVENTY years, .affords a gumantec ot chnin up , m pa bite roof' - deuce. AI:TUVE G. Corm's% Presq. CUARLES P.- X. ZIEGLER, Agent; Walnut Street, abut L Fn ut., COIUMIMA, Pa. '„,d,ept4-69-tfw V.A.ItiNIRLIS' N. UT UAL IN6 Ult- ASCE COMPANY, YORK, PA. Insures on the Cash, Mutual or Perpetual Rine, H. RltAiir3R, Presuirn , D. STRICKLER, SeCretilry. A.l. S. STITT:NI-AN, Agent. Colunitqa. P., beptl-b9-tfwl T 2%* 021C'_E. LOCAL FREIGIJT NOTICE The Pennsylvania Rail Road Company are now prepared to receive or lerwtud Freight, be tween Columbia and Lancaster, and all Station .11 the Pennsylvania Rail Road and its branches RATES BETWEEN PUIL'A. COLUMBIA, Find Clary. . 2nd Clew. 3rd Glass. 4(5 Clan, 25 cents 21 eta. 18 cts. 15 cis. Flour In Car leads 25 cents per Barrel. BETWEMN •PHILADELP33.IA. & LANCASTER. .Thest Class. • 2nd Clew. 2,2 Mae. 4th Oa.. cents 20 as. 17 ets. 14 cts. lIRTWEEN CQLUMBIA d: PITTSBURGH. 'First Cto.,;. 2ml Cta.a. 3rd Cltaa. - 4th Clams. '7l cents Stt cts. 40 ets. 36 eta. Freight consigned to stathms where the Com pany.lau; no Ag_•nt. Must be prepaid. All Freight. Payable on Del:very. It. A. HOUSTOF, General Freight Agent, Phila. &Z. - Fur further Information apply to S. B. KiNcsinx, Frt., Agt.. Pl , lll'a. 1. ii..atote.g, Frt., Agt., Columbia [sept4-09-tf w . - PSTABLISHED iN 1851 3-2.4 . REMOVAL. JACOB ARI.4Y YENVELER,' Invites nts patrons'end the imbue generally to his New Store, No. 1:120 CHESTNUT ST., PH'IL ADELPHIA, where they •xlll find a large and well selected stock of DIAIcONDS, WATCIIES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. SILA - Elt and PLATED WARE, at Moderate Prices. N. B.L.WATCIIEs and JEWELRY carefully repaired. JEWELRY and SILVER WAIIE of all I.:lnds made to order.. [sept4-69-Ifu- B T , LE S BALSAMIC MIXTURE This well known preparation has obtained ,an enviable reputation throughout the world as the only SURE AND RELIABLE REMEDY for all diseaacs.of a Private Nature., IL requires no, cessation-from bui,iness nor restrictions in diet. ^lts use CANNOT B 1 DETECTED, noris it, unpleasant to the taste. 'Full direetiori and a treatihe accompany each bottle. Sent by express on receipt of the money, tree from ob servation., . _ i'riee S . l rei botile. Sold by all Druggists. F. C.:WELLS CO., lesale Agents; lag Fulton Street, New York BOOIC - BLY,DEBIES. p r ET YOUR BINDING DONE ••••-•• , 1 • AT TII U. Inquirer Bindery MI 1 3 .T.AN•4390..k'ANUFAC"1 ORY -; Send In yetir • MAGAZINES, : • ' • ; - NEWSPAPERS and P.M:JODY:ALS or all lrltads, so as to hare them bound for the Holidays. - All ; Work done In cheapest and best man ner, and with the greatest (lisp:nett. Address all orders to - - CBARLEs. P. IaI.ADSP, Tidoltbi nder, 313 North Queen 8h et, sep-1-IE7O • 'Lancaster; Pe.. 1 .I,uu 1 10, 01 •I MEM