6,1i1 . - 0,A1441ri,,a, -gr_P:.l', Janiceti•i;:-99, - 181'0. An Adroit Sell. One day a gentleman called in at the storeof Mr. Ralph Hardman, with asvio lin box under his arm. purchased a necktie, for which he paid fifty cents, and then asked permission to leave his. box while he did , a , • errands down_ town. Old llaidman--a 'and - sec ond hand clothing—had . no. objection. "It is a 'violin," said gentleman, which I prize very was giv en me •by as old,ltalian, who died at •my father's house. I bog you to be careful of it, sir." . . Mr. Fliirdipae promised; and the owner of the precious violin departed. Towards - nobii, While the old clothing dealerwus very deeply engaged in selling a suit of shoddy for' bang up Prussian TH. cot, a 'stranger entered the store—a.'.r - e: markable well dressed man, with a distin guished look.- The violin box was -in slight upen a shelf, and as no one was near to prevent. the new- comer slipped around and opened the box, and took out the -in- , strunient— a very dark hued and ancient looking one. " dello !" cried Hardman when be heard the sound of the viol, " what for you touch dat, eh ?" The stranger explained that he was a professor—that he was a leader , of an or chestra—and that ho could never see a violin - withouttrying it. And then he drew the boiv acro's the s trings, playing a few passa g es of a fine old German waltz. 3ly soul !" he cried; after lie had run his fingers over the instrument awhile, " that is the best violin I over saw ! There's cot a better ene in the city—a perfectly getiuine old Cremona ! I will give you a hundred dollars for it." Hardman said it was not his. I'll give You a hundred and fifty 1 Two hundred.- Mr. Hardman was forced • to exploit. how the violin came to be left in the store The stranger had taken out h s pocket book, drawn - forth two hundred dollar bank notes. He put them back, remark ing: I must have that violin if money will buy it. When the owner returns will you ask him to wait fur me ? If he cannot wait ask him to meet me here at six o'clock. If he.eannot do that, ask him to call at the efice of the .Treasillrer of the Acade iibd inquire for-the-Director of ihe OrChestra. - Will you - do it ? - Hardman • said hc•would. But," 'suggested the stranger, you will not tell the man what I said about his violin nor what I've offered ; because he may have an idea of what treasure he pos ses.' Your will be ,carefuf and circum spect." The stranger went away, and Ralph Hardman reflected. In the course of an hour the owner of the violin returned, and askedlor his box. But the shoddy man had been captivated by the g Iden! bait. What would the gentleman sell his VlO-• lin for ? At first the gentleman would not listen to the propos tion, but after a deal of talk he confessed that he himself was not a pro fessor, and could not well afford to keep such a valuable instrument. 'He would. sell it for one hundred and seventy-five dollars and not a penny le s. Ralph Hardniao paid the money and became the legal possesor' of the violin, ready to receive anywhere from three to five hundred - dollars froin the director of the orchestra, as he might be able. But the director did not come. At the cod of a . week Hardman carried the vio lin to a professional friend, and inquired of him its real value. His friend ‘,..vamin ed it, and said: " Two dollars and a half; without the box." Ralph. Hardman . , was strongly . of the opinon that the gentleman who left the vi— °Hein his care was a swindler, and that the, director : was a partner in the business, anti that, together, they had made 'him their victim. That night shoddy was marked up ten per cent. SRE r.. 4 A. COUGH, COLD OR Sore Throat Requires immediate attention. as ...:negleet often results in Xis.. . 'Vas 1;le Lang Disease: " BR6NCHI At; Brown's Brouskial Troches OCV , nn.st invarlablrgive irOirdit relief. FOR, BRONCIIII7I3, ASTnn.A;CATiltalt, C 0 2 ,7517311. 'LIVE and T/DZOAT DISEASNS, they have a Booth lug effect. 0-1-? SINGERS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS use them to clear and - strengthen the ••••iiice. ' ' Owing - 10 the good reputation and popularity of the Troches, many worthium awl cheap tmitationz are offered, width are good for notlang, Be sure' to OB TAIN" the tree:." • ; Biriiien's: Bronchi at; Troches. SOLD Evian - wi rEIL F. TO CONSII 171 Vk§ - - - ~ , ~ .. .. . . • Tffe Adrortiier, luiviiiiTheeff restored to health in a - few-Areeke„ by a very simple, remedy, after having suffered several years with seVore lung 'Affection, and that dread disease; Consumption—is anxious to make known to' hie - fellow sufferers the means of -• •To whos desire it, he will send a copy of the pre acriptionftwed (free of charge),, with too directions for preparing-and using:the •earne, which- they will nod a SURE. CURE TORCUESUMPTION AVERNA, BRoN curna,etc.:, The object of ihe advertiser in sending the'Prescription - is to benetit the afflicted,and spread information which be coneeivei to be Inv:doable; and ha hopes every sufferer , ' will try his'rernetly, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please int drese REV. EDWARD d, WILSON, - ' -nora..ffia-1y..„ t 1 ill honsburg:Rings County. N. Y. ;.` ERROUS'oiiounT A 'Geldle ' Mail' who 'Suffered for years from Nervous Debility. Premature Deesy, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for sake of suffering hu manity,sou i free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for Making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufliners wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addresqing, with perfect confidence. JOHN It. OGDEN. n0v.27160:11/ , N 0.42 Cedar street. New York. VOR SA.Ll3.—Goo'd Will, StoCk and Fixtures of the Franklin House Restaurant antllltlllard Saloon.. TO MANUFACTURERS Rights to toie -"ALLEN'S PATEN'f LAMINA" will be lesueli on application to Suit umlerOotigtt. ; , . Sure..;Preyentative. ,of Scale in. Boilers. ~. . .. ..,.—„ This article lidlibe furnished at SIX DOLLARS per Can, or ~y,t0...ar.111. ssll rights ... to rnake apd,use the same for , ,' .•,, ~ , . . „ , „ Ten; Dollni~ per anuaei for oath Boiler The material for making the Anti-Lnnin . a will be supplied by us; it desired , at low prices.. Bights Mr .Counties, States or other Territory Or tale at fair rates. • 'iliaiDEN " •di NEEDLES; Dealers in Oils, , N0:42 S:Delawate'Aven u'e, Pbtladelpliin. '' Circulars will 64 7 4nCen aPplloatton:' 4 • • oet2-13t1., - ana S WA,TEp.M.O, PROPRIUTOR. OT WATF.RMAN'S - Coc kta kAl 3 4.-Tonie Bitters 1115! • No. 1106 Mirket:StrOOt,'Pliiladelphia. ' The -tonic properties 'ofr these Bitters have been certified to hy,some of our most eminent practialme.playslcians, as the best. tonic now is nserand.tthe.CockiaLtßitters.le the 'universal favorite amongjcidgeirota..gOod. igin.ors whisky, lsept4&9-tiVr---, i.te,021 , •41 .21EdettarEBE ---- SIIPPLEE & BROTHER, • ALungrACTUramS Os • ,STEAM BOILERS. In addition to our Foundry and Machine work, Nvo• are now prepared to manufacture every variety of Boiler and Plate Iron work, MENDING AND REPAIRING BOILERS Promptly attended to. Thankful for past favors. we would invite the attention of onr friends and patrons to this new branch of our business. SUPPLEE & BRO., septi-G9-tfwi 2nd St., Columbia. SUSQUEIIA.NNA IRON COMPANY. Manufacturers of all sizes of REFINED AND DOUBLE REFINED ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL, AND CALF OVAL IRON. • Car Axles, Shafting and ITorse Shoe Bars- Jair.Orders promptly. filled from Stock on hand or made to order. Thrms, net Cash, at Manufacturer's prices, de livered on Cars or Boats. -Office at their ' ROLLING MILL, sept4-69-tial Columbia, Penna. STEAII.I F..xanc.s; BOILERS, STEAM PUMPS, And all kinds of Machinery Manufactured and guaranteed to give satisfaction at the Works of SUPPLER do BRO., sept4-60-tfscl Columbia, Penn CABINET-IVA_RE; CABINET WARE INIANUFACT6RY. The subscriber having lately put- up new ware-rt erns, and greatly increased his business, can offt r better inducements to his customeres than ever. WINDOW SHADES MIRRORS, die., IN ALL • He manufactures to order, anti will keep con stantly on' hand; Dressing,' Plain. and Fancy Bureaus- Sideboards • Sofas;Bard, Pining and Centre Tables, COlll.lllOll, Fanoy and French Bed steads; all of which will •be • sold on the most reasonable terms. As he_manufactures his own work he is enabled to warrant every article to be what it is represented. CAAIRSI CHAIRS!! CHAIRS!! I All kinds of chairs kept on hand' or mannfactur ed io order. Cane, Windsor, Arm -and Rocking Chairs Sttees, Camp and Countea Stools,Sofas, Tete-a ] fetes and Stuffed , Seat Chairs, made to order. Old chairs repainted and repaired. UNDERTAKING. Funerals will be attended to with promptness to which he gives his personal attention. He is prepared with ice boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, as may be required. ' MAHOGANY OR 'WALNUT COFFINS, Furnished plain or tinted iu any style that may be required. He respectfully solicits a share ol public patronage, as well as a continuance of the custom with which he has been liberally favored. JOHN SHENBERGER, South aide of Locust street, between Second and Third. . - [sept4-69-trw , F'ACURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. • CARECET WARE - ROOMS, ciz.• MANE TORY, Locust Street, a few doors below Tnird Street, Columbia, Pa. The subscriber manufactures and keeps on hand an extensive assortment of all kinds 01 Furniture. Persons' wishing to buy or those about to go to housekeeping, will find it to their advantage to give me a call. REDSTh`fi.DS, TABLI, ,"`3, CHAIRS, BIIRE.AZS, SETTEES, &c., &b. Of the best quality, style, and. manufacture, and will make to order, 01 first-rate material, every article in his line. He will give strict attention to business, and respectfully - asks of the public a sharh of its patronage. -elf- 151`.TDERTAKING will receive the most careful attention, at the shortest mime, sept4-61.1-trwl GEORGE sErnEser NEW OM '. -' - WINDOW SITA.DES. 'rile Subscriber has on hand at his Furniture Store, all kinds and styles of WINDCW SHADES, CURTAIN FIXTURES, &c. To whieli he would respectfully call the atten tion of the JOHN SHENBERGER, sept4-59-Ifw] No. 256 Locust St., Columbia. PATENT MERIDIAN BURNER ! Ask for the MERIDIAN BURNER. Take no other.% Itexcels ALL; others. It can be used with either Kerosene, Pe troleum or Coal 011. It is manufactured and for sale by COULTER, JONES & CO-, NO. 702 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. Wholesale and Retail Dealerfi la ' Lamps, Gas Fixtures, Chandeliers, &c. Lamps for all purposes for which lamps aro used, in GREATN.ARIETY. - , Those , desiring:M furnish: Churches, Dwell ings, or other buildings, public or private, will. Gas Fixtures, will do well to call and see our new IRON BRONZE CHANDELIERS, cheaper and better than any other kind. septl-titi-tfw JUST OPENINGI - and Se . e! Our new and % . $;e11 selected Stock of TOILET ARTICLES, Aud a variety of other articles, such as are usu ally kept'in u FIRST-CLASS ; DRUG, STORE. We have also received a FRESH SUPPLY of the the , most reliable P,A.T.EIN.TT MEDICINES. sept4-69-tfw] LITI11:13ER -- & COAL. WoIAdE:I3CiGLE, DEALER IN LTiMBER •OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Office—Front Street. between Locust and Union READ THIS! _ •- • • . • . . -• _ =I LiazarPl.Eia„Yc'rris' PERFECTED SPECTACLES That they render impaired slghtelearer and dis- Una; strengthen and preserve the eye; are very easy and pleasant to wear, and last many years without change being necessary, so that In the end they are the cheapest as well as the best. NOTICE, that Mr. Chas. r. Schreiner, Watch maker and Jeweler, Front street, is our sole agent In Col um his, Pa. Lazarus t Morris. Manufacturing Opticians 'Tarlton], Conn. ' sept.l.'S9-tf w 71 , 11. YES if:IIQ UORS. PURE IVINF.S AND LIQUORS! For Pure, Unadulterated Wines and Liquors, go LO the store of the subscriber. Hellas elegant CATAWBA WINE, Which for quality and flavor, cannot be excelled; also, the celebrated ROOSTER WHISKEY, Yankee Rum, JarnalcaSpirlts Blackberry • .11 Brandy , Cherry u11(1 Clurraitt Wines. • • We have Wines, 'handles, Gins,' Cordials, Old Monongahela of all grades. Give us a call and examine for yourself. CkIAII.LES GROVE, • Corner of Commerce and Walnut Columbia.; sepa-p-tfw ..• • CLOTHS, CA.SSIM.ERIIS,Ir;S'TTNGS. READY-MADE CLOTHING. lIA"GER tt-BROTHERS Have vow opened the largest stock of thO above goods ever offered In Lancaster. " .•. Chinebilla Beaver, lisquhrutax Beaver, Moscow. Beaver ' °VERO 0 A_T I q-G(-S, FINE FRENCH' COATINGS,, • BE! VERDOESKIN COATINGS, SILK lIIXED COATINGS, BLACK, BROWN, and DAHLIA. :CASSLIIEREt'3; all:New:Stiles:Bois' Wear, In great varl ety, 1101.1E-31+DE &ATI - NETTS, .TEANS;WELVET .IsE.A. - DY=NI.ADt; CioTECIIkG, iron YYN A:.•713 BOYS, Of oar own nuinnfactureAndsvarranted in quel • - - style and price. FINEDREBg surrs;, .131:1SINESS SUITS. -- BOYS' ' - - OVERCOATS from the; Znest. Esquimau.% Beaver to ordinary goads. • • ' . septAiitf..fal- HAGER dc MEDICAL. FANCY SOAPS, It. WILLIAMS, No. 19 N. Front Street COLUMBIA, PA. SP.ECTAC_LES. , AND EYE GLASSES DRY GOODS. EMI =3 BOOKS, STATIONERY. NEW! NEW !I .NEW!!! BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, No. 202 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA, PA The .subscribers have just opened and offer to the public; a complete assortment of SCIIOOL, BLANK AND lIISOELLAISEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY or ALL RINDS, And of every quality, including a large and first-rate stock of CAP, LETTER, NOTE AND 'BILL PAPER, SCHOOL' AND SUNDAY SCHOOL MOTTOES, Envelopes, Ink. Slates, Faber's & Gnttknecht's Pencils, &e. Toy Books, Pass' Books,. Tuck . Memorandum Books, Initial Paver, cc., Bibles, Testaments and Hymn books. - All weekly and monthly papers end maga zines received as soon as published. The custom of the public Is respectfully solicited. ' air Remember The pima—No. 262 Locust Street, one door below the Columbia Steam Fire En gine House. sepl , 6B-tlwi JOHIN.I.L. WRIGHT & CO. REMOVAL. ' Sheaffer BOOKSELLER - AND STATIONER, HAS REMOVED HIS LARGE STOCK OF BOOKS AND STATIONERY, NO. 52 NORTH QUEEN STREET, OPPOSITE SHOBER'S HOTEL, Four doors North of Orange Street, LANCA.STER, PA TOR SALE. T J OTS! LOTS OF LOTS! BUILDING LOTS Large or Small, on Sixth street, or Seventh street, and on Locust street, and Walnut street. Those fronting on Locust and Walnut streets 190 feet deep to a 14 feet - wide alley. sep4-69-tfw) Apply to J. H. MIFFLIN STEAJI COACH -WOI?_MS. CHRISTIAN ~ MYERS, COLUMBIA ST} A.))1 COACH WORKS! REMOVED TO Nos. 9, 11 AND 13 NORTH .sth STREET. The Carriages, Buggies, to., made at these Works, are equal in beanty and durability to any other make in the county. COACH SMTIIING, REPAIRING, (5r,C This branch of the business will be attended to with punctuality and despatch. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, Wag,ons, &e., for sale or made to order. US- Call at the Works No. 9. 11 & 13 North Fifth street and examine the stock and prices. sep,s-694fw 117 WIPP DWI', MIMP:o 54.14 H OUSEFURNISHING GOODS. JUST PURCHASED, AT REDUCED PRICES, a splendid Assortment of new and de sirable HOUSE FURNISHING- GOODS ! COOKING STOVES—Anti-Duet Quaker City, and the Niagara. 13RITANNIA. WARE, iu Sets or separate, to suit purchasers. GRA ALBER WARE, CUTLERY OF ALL KINDS. wATER COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS, , of alleizesand styles. Special attention paid - to-GAS FITTING and PL . G.IIBINCI. A large assortment of splendid "s NTIF.T.T7CRs4 CIiANDELIERS alwayd on hand A Variety of BIRD VAGES, at all prices. Agent ter the Celebrated DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER. The most popular, bestaud cheapest- Washing Machine ever invented. In:connection with the above Washing Ma chine, he has the . UNIVERSAL cLoTnEs WRINGER! Cali at the corner of Second and Locust streets, and satisfy yourself that you can get better bar gains there then at any other establishment. - P11RA.3.1 WILSON, Cor. of Second and Locust Ste., Columbia, Pa. COIVEECTIONLP.RY. UOD NRWq FOR ALL! • IKNOTWELL'S .A.ND GENTLEMEN'S SALOr9N, No. 209 and 2101. - Ocust Street, Columbia, (Fir doer above Odd . Fellows' Hall. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OYSTER.S In every style, with Saloon for La dies'. Fresh Baked Cakes every day. Confectionery of every kind. Candies,Frults, Nuts and Cakes. FRENCH CONFECTIONS. Raisins, Figs, Almonds and Dates. Special attention to Supplying Parties, at the shortest notice. Fancy Candies always on hand. All kinds of Toys and Dolls. Ice Creon on hand every Saturday. Everything of the best for sale by KNOTWELL, Agent, • 200 and 210 Locust street. oct:3o-septi-tfw] , Columbia, Pa. RICHARDS' CONFECTIONE ' A % I • la 2 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA, P CAKES. CANDIES, FRUITS AND CREAMS, of the choicest kind kept constantly on hand, ur Families supplied with Ice Cream in Churns or Moulds, at Short Notice and Iteet,-)o -able Rates. LADIES' OYSTER SALOON I take pleasure lu announcing to My numer ous friends that I have opened an OYSTER SA LOON for the special accommodation of La dies. None but the best oysters will be used. Families and parties supplied at short notice. Remember the place-152 Locust street. isept4-10-tfw] ALLEN RICHARDS CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT OF ALL RINDS , Thr SEASON. Fartles and Families supplied with I C C Oy the 'Freezer, or in Moulds; with promptness at GEO.'J. 831ITITS, Adjoining the Franklin House. Locust. street. P. S.—Also, a fine assortment of TOYS and Faucy,Articies.constantly on hand. [sepl-69-tfw, 819T'Eq, HARDWARE, &e. RUMPLE 1.; SON , tl DEALERS IN - , FOREIGN ‘t DOMESTIC HARDWARE. AU:extensive assortment * of house fUralslallag hardware, also for mrpenters; and builders! lase, always on hand: -' -• • • • IRON AND,•STE'EL:', Blacksmiths o n makerS . and others, furn ished with all kin sof Iron, Falls, Bosse Shoos, Coach Trimmings, and other goods in their line. WOOD AIVD..WILLOW WARE, In great Naricty, such, as - Tubs, Baskets, Wash Boards, Brooms, Washing blacitines, dc., dc. , : - FAR3III.. i 6 DIPLF.II IE NTS. .. . .., , Plows,' Shovels, Hoes, Plow Castings, Scythes, loorks, Rakes, and all other Implements used by the farmer. '. . • - - ,• . . - ~ • .„, :. „ , , - STOVES AND' TIN WAItE: , T - • • Stoves of every style and. pattern, Coolc,!Parlor 'and Ottlee.Stoves, for coal or wood.. A.largeag sortmenrotTln:Vrare always yept, on' hand, or manufactured to order.' „. „ Oil Paints Coal 011, Linseed, Flsb,Sperm and Machille,olls Of all kinds . - Alcohol; Benz' iseJapari _'and'other Varnish, Gloss, Paints; Patty, INMlte Leadyka, sepl-604tw) Locus? STicsirr, Cplocrx.:nlW, _ME TV ADY.ERTISEMBIVTS LADIES' FANCY FURS! 718 Arch Street. Middle of the Block, between 7th and Bth street, South Side, PITILADELPHIA. Importer, Manufactnrerand Peel er In all kinds and quality;of FANCY FURS' rein LADIES' A ; 3.2urrautax's w - Having enlarged,remodeled and Improved ,ray old and favorably known, --FUR EMPORIUM, and having Imported a very large and splendid assortment of all the differenticinds of Fins from first hands, in Europe, and have lust them made up by the most skillful workmen, I would respectfully invite my friends of Lancas ter and adjacent Counties to .call and examine my very large find - beautiful assortment of Fancy Num, for Ludies'.and Children. lam de termined to sell at as low prices as any other respectable' House in this city. , All Furs War ranted. No misrepresentations to effect sales. JOHN FAREIRA, oct9-finj - '7lB Arch Street, Philadelph fa. fIOLUMBIA. CLASSICAL AND FE ..J MALE INSTITUTE, prepares young men and boys for College, Business, or Teaching, and affords young ladies superior advantages in securing a complete education. Special atten tion is given to the common English branches, Music, French, and the NATURAL, SCIENCES, including Botany; Philosophy ' Chemistry and Astronomy, as well its to the Classics add higher Mathematics. The next session commences on Thursday, the :26th of August. For circulars, address REV. H. S. ;A.LEXANDER. sep.l-69-tfw] eolumbla. Pa. 11ORICES OF COAL. AT H. F. BRU NEE'S YARD, DECEMBER 1.18G9 Ford. -Ddied . . West Lehigh Stove and Egg 55.00 06.25 ". Nutt for Morning . Glory 4.05 .5.00 Schuylkill Stove and Egg • 590 6.25 Nutt 4.03 5.00 Shamokin Stove and Egg 6.15 6.50 Nutt 6.15 5.50 EastßOston(Wilkesbarre Canal) Stove and Egg (Lai 7.00 Maltby Stove and Egg 6.90 7.25 Old Baltimore mines Stove and Egg 7.15 7.50 Old Baltimore mines Nutt 0.90 . - 6.25 Lykens Valley Stove and Egg 7,15 7510 Nutt 5.90 . 0.25 Fuller No. 4 6.15 6.50 Lykens Valley otr the Reading . Railroad one doller less. All coal sent from yard in good order. septll-69-tfj 11. F. BRUNER. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! AT PATTON'S COAL YARD, ON FRONT STREET, Is the Place to buy your coal. Particular attention is given to have coal sent out cleaned and screened. Have on bands and will keep all kinds of coal that is wanted. DIAMOND, LOCUST MOUNTAINS, PIN is GROVE, LIKENS VALLEY AND BITUMINOUS COALS. Will furnish coal by the car-load from any mines that is desired at the LOWEST PRICES. also, Dill - PINE WOOD by the cord or barrel. sepit-tArl scdTri,..irroN. sept4-69-triv EPORT OF THE coNDrnoN A I L ; of The COLUMBIA NATIONAL DANK, of Columbia, State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business on the 9th day of October, ISM Loans and discounts ,57,15,496.55 Over drafts 101t.51 U. S. Bonds to recurs Circulation._ .509,000.00 Other Stocks. Bonds and Mortgages 37,700.00 rue from redeeming and reserve agents 50,275.83 Due from other National . Bank - . Bank.. - - - - - .10,759.19 Due from ocher Banks and Bankers 9„:137-M Banking Douse . 12,500.00 Current Expenses 4,557,07 Taxes paid_ 3,000.79 Cash Items, including Stampsl,llB.49 , B 111 s of other National Banks—..._ 543.00 Fractional Currency, is,-, eluding nickels 1,745.06 • Legal Tender Notes 28,510.00 - 3 ', ct. Certificates 41,000.00 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock puidln 6500.000.00 Surplus Fund 120,620.14 Discounts..._ I, _ Exchange_ 3,067.60 Profit and Loss ' 1,406.29 National Bank Cir. tau tlon . .. - - °nista ndinrr 410,775.00 Individual Dep05it5...... ...... 409,195.01 Due to National Banks_._ 10,293.11 Due to other Banks and Bankers 300.20 State of Pennsylvania, y County of Lancaster. f '"- L SAMUEL Snocir, Cashier of the Columbia National Bauk,do solemnly swear that the above statement. Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. - ' SAMUEL siioca, Cushier. Subscribed and sworn, to before me this 18th day of October, 1169. S. S. CLAIR, A. A. ATTVST, JOHN COOPER,'I - GEO. BOGLE,Directors. IL SUYDA.M, ants-69-tfw DEPORT OF THE CONDITION of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Col umbia, Pa., at, the close of business, Saturday-, October eth,1869. ' RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 6246,579.54 IL S.Bonds to secure Caren- • - 'anion 150,000.00 ' U. S. Bonds on hand 0,650.00 Bonds and Mortgages 9,107,25 414,336.79 Due from redeeming and i 7,623.9 7,. reserve agents " Due from other National-, Banks 21716.45 . Dne trout other Natiohal-s--- Bunks and Bankers 5,427.22 47,772.64 MC Current Expenses Taxes paid Cash Items and Revenue - Stamps 3,521'35 Icittiouttl Currency 560.00 Fractional Currency ' 1,549.77 Specie 32.115 , Legal 'renders 21,721.00: 3 per cent. Certilleate , , 10,000.00 31,801.07 Capital Stool - Surplus Fund....... Discount 'Exchanges Interest Profits and Loss.. Circulation Individual Deposits Due to National Banks 2:302.3S Due to other Dunks and Bankers_ DI rl'elexuls impala State. of Perinsylvania,l. , gi County of Lancaster. j I. S. S. Derwit.Eit, Cashier t”f the fist ..7,.:a -tional Bank, of Columbia, do solemiily swear, that the above is true to the best of iny,lumwl-_ edgc _nd belief. . S. S. DETWILER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn before XIS this 15th day, of October, ISGO: W. N. icOWLEN, N. I'. ATTEST, E. IC. SMITII, ROBERT CLAN E, }Directors JNO. FENDRICIL, I au,. , ..69-t fw- BOOTS X; SHOES. 1- KW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. _ • ~ be subscriber would respectfully Inform his 4 friends and the .public generally that lie has opened a BOOT A.lsa) 611.01; STOKE at , ' 1 , , * - NO. 245 LOCUST sTREET, COLUMBIA, PA. AO'l Ile will:always keep on band it - general as sortment of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, Soitablo for 1 ; Men, Boys, Ladies. Misses and Children, • Which he oilers at the . LOWEST CASEE',FRICEs Ile will keep none but the'BEST GOODS, and all. classes can be accommodated by calling at his store, nest door to Max. Bucher's Grocery, • sep-1-69-tfuq JEROSLE .AIINING -TO TRESPASSERS PERSONS. are hereby, Forbidden to Trespass upon the grounds of the undersign , ed, as be is determined to prosecute 'to • the ut most rigor of the law,, every person so offend ing. r isept4-69-thvj , Id. Id. STRIVICLER. _F:69,771t1NG 2111 LL. 'OOLUMBIA:'FLOTJR MILLS: , . GEORGE BOGLE; Paorarzroa. The highest Cash prices paid for all kinds of Grain. • , ..... , . . . SUPERFINE AND EXTRA. FAMILY FLOUR • .. for. sale; also 3LtllFeed of all kinds. Wheat Ground and Packed to order. Grlsework • and Chopping done: 'Chopped Corn . -- and. Oats. „Coria.llftd and GRAHAM FLOUR " _ . For sale at all Sinai, and delivered to any part of-the town. ftn-Town 'and country custom so. 'Bolted. sep44l9-tfw] JOHN FAREIRA, _FINANCIAL. RESOTTIiCES 51,523,759.27 51,523,759.97 2,143,92 :100.20 2,441.12 .^-]99,443.(2 LIABILITIES. tziai,omoo 15,000.00 3,45.91 553. iii 1,73,5.40 1:31,391.00 ... 1 ti3,155.:30 MEM GROCERIES, &c. cIBEAT EXCITEMENT AMONGST ir GROCERYMEX! ow can good GOODS be sold so cheap, Is the question. ATTENTION HOUSEKEEPERS. Neu -MSc]: of goods, and them very low. The best quality of goods, and at cheap rates SUGARS, TEAS, MEAT, COFFEE, FRUITS, • VISIT, SPICE: 4 , CHEESE. FLOUR. Provisions of all lands, together with Wood and Willow-ware and Class and Queensware. Switzer and Li in berger eileebe,tJerroan Fruits, &o. ,SUGAR , CURED HAMS 47, DRIED BEEF. RNG.I.Isii AND AMERICAN PICKLES. Fresh Peaches, and all the Fancy Groceries per taining to well regulated Grocery Store. I am determined not to be surpassed in cheap ness and In the excellent quality of my goods. Cnll around and Inspect our stock whether you buy or not. A share of public patronage is solicited. WAX BUCHER, sep4-69-tfw] No. 2-19 Locust Street. FRESH GROCERIES AT TIM PROVISION FAMILY GROCERY STORE OF MULLEN & BROTHER, ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Columbia, Pa FRESH TOMATOES, FRESH PEACHES AND other Canned Fruits, Shaker Corn, &e. ' TEA -- TIIE BEST BLACK TEA IN TILE MARKET. EXTRA REFINED SYRUP MOLASSES, very cheap. Reflood Sugars, Dried Fruit of all kinds. Java, and Laga2..ra Coffee. NEW SUGAR CURED lI.A.MS S DRIED BEEF Also,Fancy Groceries. Family Flour, Notions ,em. We intend to keep the best Goods only, and to sell as cheap as any similar store. H. 31111.1.,E1 , 7 BRO. ~_._Country Produce of all kinds bought or taken In exchange for goods• isep-IGU-tfw NE FAMILY GROCERIES, A LARGE & FINE STOCK JUST DECEIVED AND IN STORE! I hare now in Store a Poll assortment of Groceries & Provisions For Family and. Hotel use Extra Syrup Molasses, Fine 'leas, Coffees, Sc MgrI I MUME7IMMIM '' MMMM Extra FAMILY FLOUTh by the barrel or smaller quantity. Dried Fruit, Pickles, and Fancy Groceries of all kinds, and at the lowest prices. Call and ex amine mystock, whether you buy or not. lIENRY SUYDA sepl-G9-tfw] Cor. of Front & Union Sts. FAMILY GROCERIES! FAMILY GROCERIES! The Subscriber would respectfully inform his customers and the Public generally, that he has ,just received a general assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TEAS AND SPICES. Refined Sugars of all kinds, No. 1, and Mess Mackerel, English American Pickles, Sugar Cured liarns and Beef, Extra Fine Syrups, Old Rio and Java Coffee, • DRIED :ND CANNED' FRUITS., Raisins, Prunes and prepared Mustard always on hand and of the very best grades. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, CORN MRAL, HOMINY', &e., Fancy Groceries, Canned Vegetables aed Fruits, for hotels and families. The best Goods • only are sold, and prices very low. Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is full and complete and we intend. keeping, it fresh, by almost daily additions. Notions of different kinds always on hand. FREDERICK•IIUCII.EIt. 4epl-69-tfw] cor. 4th & Locust Sts. ANIEL McCABLEY, eIFTII ST., IE.III UNION, COLUMP.L.A., PA REALER, n; FAMILY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, 45,:e A LSO, CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR ! RYE FLOUR, UNBOULTED MEAL, CORN MEAL, GRAIN, AND ALL KINDS OP MILL PEED always kept on hand. Choice Family Flour made from White Wheat. Also Bakers Flour of the best quality. He thank his friends for the liberal patronage heretoford extended, and asks a eontiliuunee of the same,. Being a practical Miller, and having followed the trade tor many years, he flatters himself that his knowledge of the business will enable Inin to give satislitetion to all who may favor him with their custom. The store will be open from 7 A. M., to S34' P.M sepl-G9-tfw DANIEL McCAULEY. F INETAMILY GROCERIES, AT ITAItDINIAZT'S Just received, at the line Grocery Establish ment, corner 3rd and Cherry streets, the follow ing new Goods: SUGAR CURED RAMS AND DRIED REEF, JELLIE9, PRESERVES, RONEY, PEACHES, TORATOES, ENGLISH PICKLES, WINSLOW'S GREEN CORN ' GREEN PEAS ,te., dm. Together with a very fine assortment of Family Groceries, of all kinds. A LARGE LOT OF NEW YORK CANDTES, FOREIGN FRUITS, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Cocoanuts, and White Wine Vinegar. Extra Family Flour, Mercer Potatoes, Rio and Java Coffee, fresh roasted, Lovering's Syrup, zar - 1; e w Uoods received almost daily. WM. If. HARDMAN, Sal and Cherry Sts., sep4-09-tfal Columbia, Pa. i:E7I 7 / 1 1 7 G- MACBC_TiVES: - . GROVER 4: BAKER'S 7^IRST JRI !! UN E 12.:A STTC STITO if SE WING MACHINES, 0,4610 D 1095 Broadway, New Yuri:, 730 Chestmut Street, Philadelphia. POINTS 01.' EXCELLENCE. 14y and Elasticity of Stitch, tiotrand Simplicity of Machinery. Using both I breads direnly from the spools. 3No Matening M seams by hand and no waste of thread. Wide range of application without change of adjustment. The seam retain sits beauty and firmness after washing tmd ironing. Besides doing all kinds of workslone by other Sewing MatthillCS, these Machines execute the most beautiful and , permanent Embroidery and ornamental work:- MEE yt - a,.,The Highest Premiums at all the thin: and exhibitions of the United States and Europe, have been awarded the Grover & Baker Sewing Machlneq, and the work done by them, wher ever exhibited in competition. - The very highest prize, THE CROSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOR, was conferred on the representative of the Grover J.: linker Sewing Machines, and t he Exposition Ut d verse]] e, Paris, I W 7; thus at testing their great superiority over alt other Sewing Machines. [sep 1-Ott•tfw GUANO. WE CONTINUE To Manufacture our, well-ltnowp Manures, Saper-Pho,phate of Limn Anil -ImmonintCl and also have for sale 'PERUVIAN GUANO; No. 1 Genuine Government, Fish Guano, Land Plaster and Hydraulic Ce ment, together with a complete assortment of BURNING AND .GREASING OILS. at fair market rates. Super-Phosphate of Li me, - f,tso per 2000 lbs. Ato moniated - Pert i I izer, - - $35 do A DISCOIT.NT TO DEALERS ALLEN & NEEDLES, .12 South Delaware 'Avenue, Philadelphia. ESTADLISIIP.D IN ISIS. • DD FELLOWS'. —MECIIANICS', I IP„ - ILNIGHTS OF PYThrAS, and all kinds o Soc.lety Regallata and Paraphernalia, Manufactured to order at: _ . • E. J. EiusmAN , s ' No. 41 1 4 North Queen street, Lancaster; Pa sept4.o94fw EME PROVISIONS, ac., &e NEW STOCK! I Alin 1 MISCELANEO ITS. T • O THE 'WORKING CLASS.. ,• WO are now prepared to Raids!t all classes with constant employment at borne, the whole of the time or for .the spare moments. , Business new,llght rind:protitable. 'Persons of eitherEeX oastly earn from 50 cents to 05 per 'evening,, and a proportional Sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Bays and glrlS earn near ly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the bus iness, we make this unparalleled offer: To such as are not well satisfied, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The People's literary COM. panion —one of the largest and best family news papers published—All sent free by mail. Read er, if you want permanent, profitable work, Address E. C. ALLEN & CO., Augusta, Maine. THE AMERICAN FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE! Zs presented to the public osthe most Simple, Durable, Compact A: Cheap Knitting Machine evor invented. PRIOyi, ONLY $25. This ine.3 no will run either eachward or forward with equal facility. MAKES SAME STITCH AS EY HAND But far superior in every respect. Will Knit 20,000 Stitches in Une Minute. Als.7D DO AERFECT WORK, leaving every knot on the inside °Me work. It will knit a pair of stockingz, (any size)' in less than half an hour. It will knit CLOSE OR. OPEY, PLAIX,OI2 EIBBE•D WORK, With any kind of course or woolen yarn, or cot ton silk or linen. It will knit stockings with double heel and toe, drawers, hoods, sacks, smoking caps, comforts, purses, muffs, fringe, afghans, nobles, undersleeves, mittens, skating caps, lamp wicks, maps, cord, undershirts, shawls, Jackets, cradlablankets, leggins, sus penders, wristcrs, tidilf.44, tippets, tutted work and in fact, an end lessWariety of articles in ev ery day use, as well ft.s for ornament, From $5 tb $lO per Day Can be made by any on• with the' American Knitting Machine, knitting stockings, while expert operators ran even make more knitting tansy work, which always commands a ready sale. A person can readily knit from twelve to fifteen pairs of stockings per day, the profit on which will be notless than forty cents per pair. ro.A.MlInriS Can sell their wool at only forty to fifty cents per pound; but by getting the wool made Into yard at a small expense, and knitting, It into socks, two or three dollars per pound can be re alized. Oil receipt of $2.5 we will forward a machine as ordered. We wish to procure active AGENTS in every section of the 'United States and Canaday to whom the most liberal inducements will be offered. Address f - AMERICAN ESNITTLG MACIIINE COM PANY, Boston, Moss., or St. Louis, M. LOZZILLARD'S "EUREKA, Smoking Tobacco is an excellent article of granulated Virginia. —Wherever introduced It is universally ad mired. • —it is put up in handsome muslin bags. In which orders for ;Meerschaum Pipes are daily packed. Lorillard's " ',Catch Club' , Smoking Tobacco has no superior; being dent cotinized, it cannot injure nerveless constitu tions, or people of sedentary habits. —lt is produced from selections of the finest Stock, and prepared by a patented and original manner. . . , is very aromatic, mil,and light in weight. —hence it, will last much longer than others; nor does it burn or sting the tongue, or leave a disagreeable alter-taste. —Orders for genuine, elegantly carved Meer schaum Pipes, silver mounted, and packed in neat loather. pocket. ca:•es,,lJl:e placed in the Yacht Club brand daily-. Lortthzral's t7e:i tur3 Chewing Tobacco. —This brand of Pine Cut Chewing' Tobaecohas no superior anywhere. —lt is, without doubt, the best chewing to bacco 111 the country. Lorillard'g S'nviln; nave been in general use in the United States over 110 years, and still acknowletl " the best" Wherever used. —lf your storekeeper does not have these ar ticles for sale, ask Mtn to get them. —They arc bold by respectable Jobbers almost everywhere. —Circulars mailed on application. P. LOLtLLLAItI) & CO., deell-12w New York. ATALUAI3LE PROPERTY AT , PRIVATE 5.A.1:1_41. • WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN. The undersigned will sell at Private Sale, the following valuable property, viz: I No. I. TWO LOTS OF GROUND, situated in Wrightsville, Pa., on the corner'-of Front and Orange streets, measuring 100 feet front,and having a depth of 200 feet to Howard alley, upon which is erected a modern built BRICK. DWELLING HOUSE, with Kitchen attach(d. This property is very pleasantly located, and as a residence is the most desirable in the place. No. 2. THREE LOTS OF GROUND, adjacent to each other, in the borough of Wrightsville, having a front on Canal, and railroad passing through them. On these lots are erected Four Two-story. FRAME DWELLING HOUSES. These lots are very desirable for business of any eha meter. No. 3. One of the best located FARMS in Lower Chanceford twp., York county, contain ing 322 Acres. Upon this tract of Land are erected Two Sets of Buildings. One set of Buildings and 76 acres will be sold separately, or if desired, the entire tract, with all improve ments thereon, will be sold together. This property also includes a STEAM, SAWING MILL, with a. 45 horse power engine; the en gine and boiler with all connections are new and in complete running order. Persons wishing to know conditions re specting the above property located in Wrights ville, call on Magee tt: Smith. Slur °Mee, or that in Lower Chancetord township, by calling on or addressing C, L. WITTMER, 0ct.13-4m] McCall's Ferry, York county. .1- J AMES SHOE MANUFACTORY Thrkrig increased my facllitieA for turning out superior work I would announce to my ow customers and all new ones that may favor me with a call, that I am better prepared now to manufacture all kinds of LADLE:' MISSES'- AND. CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, than e'er before. I employ none but the hest workmen and am always certain of giving satis faction. i keep.on hand n general assortment of ready made work all of which is inantilact ured tin the premises. I keep no made-up wol kof other parties. My \roil; Is made exclusively for home trade and is sold as such. TEMIS CASH." VII, sell as cheap as any other establishment, and as:: a share of pulale patronage. JAMES SelilikeEDEß, Locust Street, between Front and second. sepl-594fW DA RTICUL Alt ISOTICE.—AI I per- I sons knowing themselves Indebted to Mrs. C. C. Title, !Met ly in the grocery business :it 219 Locust street, Columbia. are requested 10 make immediate payment, I'll.lllloBe having cl.ti nts or demands against the same will present them tor settlement to ;MAN: septl-ti9-ttwl No- 230 'Locust street. TOBA.CCO JO LIN PEND 11, - mot.• TZETAIL TOBACCO, SNUFF & sEGA rt MANLT- FACTUIIEII isgent for the New York Flee Cut, Navy, and Tdonitor Clem-Chow 11.1ewieg Tobaccos. curlier of 1 , ,,,iman0, i,,,,lrqstreuts. Cole, nulda, sent 611-tfw AZe I NVIIK enrol of Deafne , , and Calarrli by a timple reniedy and will send tile rood pl. free. Its. M. C. LEIKIETT, ' jant , -lw Ilobolcen, ;N.J. , 1 - 4 ,7 I I 'l, T-1-0 , 4, DEMON OV , .PALN. 3.3... • oci, I w 0 Lcorr spA pl" PAINT rento pain %In stantly. and he ,old UleetN. - woLcurrs ANNIIIILATOIt. es eatarhb, BronehitiS 1111(1 Cold in the head. d by all Druggists, and 151 , ehathatn Square,;":7 York. Jana-Iw xr EU It AL GI VolltilleSS and Female ri Weakness Cun Clergyman's Widow suirered tor years he aboire diseases; will send the locate, or ber own cure tree Janls-it Bias. Di X.l, Jersey City, N.J. Farmer'slpar • SHOWS HON TO DOUBLE THE PROFITS OF Tllfi FARM, and how Farmers •uad their sons eau each malt. $lOO PER moNrii In Win ter. 10,0,'.4 copies will be mailed free to farinerv. Send name and address.t McCITH & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. janl.s-16 THE BEST•! • • THE BEST! I*" THE SIENTIFIC weekly Illustrm.d journnl or 16 pages, devo ted to Machinery, AgricnlturaL Tin provenum Ls, Chemical Science ow : lilscoveries. A Splendid Journal:: „ - „ 81,500 Ca,ll In Prizes will be lidld for clubs of subscribers; on the lOthuf.litiotiary. A handsome large steel plate ENGRAVING of 10 distingul.bed I..merican Inventors, pre sented to subscribers. • • • • Specithons of paper, 'prospectu.es, and hiankli . for naines;sent free. Terms, s.3' per ,vear; $1.50 for 6 months. Discount to chins. A book of , importance to all about,to apply far patents sent free. Write for full particulars concerning, prizes and patents. to ' • :MU NN Publishers and Pai eat Solicitors. - ,JIMIS-4w Park Row, New York. the TO. directions by which _lds daughter, after be ing given_ up by„physiciatis, and despared of by.., her father, was restored from C.XiNFlßlikiii CONSU3IPTION to perfect ' health, without the use of medicine. Sent free. Address • '. • 31n. GREEN 'D. FBANICLIN, janls-lw - .. , ~ ; • Jersey City; N. J. FREE TO BOOK : `A. - O.E . ITTS send a tiandsorneprospectns of our ZZ.EtV ILLUSTRATED FAMILY 'BIBLE; to any , 800 Agent, neIgettrikrBASTIMGCO:" janls-4w,, , Phtladelvtda, CLOT_U3:NG. ERCHANT: TAILORING J. W. N0..1= LOCUST STREET,. COLUMBIA, Hos opened in the mom formeily occupied by P. S. Mel:ague, a full stock Of FRENCH, rz-GrAsu, AMERICAN 4.4: SCOTCH CLOTHS, CASSIAIERES Which he is prepared to mako up in as good Style and Fashion as can be made in New York or Philadelphia. He invites all to call and examine his stock, which, he l 5 possitlve, cannot be excelled In Columbia. - The establishment is designed exclusively for Merchant Tailoring, and the undivided atten tion of the Proprietor will be devoted to his business. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Of all kinds, and of SUPERIOR QUALITY, al- Ways on hand.' Remember tho old adage, that money saved is money earned. Call and be convinced that you can save your money by purchasing • at the ONLY exclusive Merchant Tailoring Establish ment In Columbia. ' [sepl-00-twf SPRING CLOTHLNG . . • CLOTHING ! CLOTHING I 'CLOTHING ! CLOTHING CHEAPER THAN EVER! Pantaloons, Vests, Shirts, Drawers, 8.1 e.., Ste. • New Styles, New Goods at low rates. DAVID HANAUER'S U. S. CLOTHING EMPORIUM' Front Street,llrst Store above Walnut Street, COLUMBIA, PA. The Largest, Best Assorted, Handsomest and Cheapest htocg. of CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, Huts, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Cc., ac., ever exhibited in these regions, which will be sold at prices TO DEFY ALL COMPETITION! fsep-i-G9-tfw IT IS A FACT ! Capable of ocular demonstration, that the prices of Cloths, Casslmeres. Ready-Made Clothing and Furnishing Goods. are less than one-half what they were during the war,at the Merchant Tailoring establishment of S. S. RAT V 0 N , Corner North Queen and OzaL,r., Sheets, • opposite Shober's Hotel, Lancaster, Pa. This is the oldest establishment in this line of trade in Lancaster county, and is selling, at this time, line Moscow, Esquimaux, and common Beaver Overcoats from $l5 to $2O; Common Union Beavers from £ll.O to $l5; Common Union Beaver Business Suits from $l2 to $l5; Good Cas simere Suits from $lO to $2O, and fine qualities from $25 to $3O. A few suits on hand as low as $lO. Cloths, Cassimeres and Trimmings as low as they can be obtained' anywhere else, and sold by the yard to those who may wish to have them made at home, or elsewhere. Overcoats Brass Coats and Business Suits made to order with dispatch, and in the best and most fashionable manner, as the customer may desire. All kinds of cutting and repairing done at reasonable prices. An entire new stock got up for the Fall anti Winter trade of 180$ and 1860, and manufactured in the city of Lancaster. It would be to the interest of the public to call and realize that," IT as A FAO.." _ S. S. RATHVON, sepi-CO-tfwl Merchant, Tailor and Clothier. HATS, C 4 PS, ST. S ULTZ & BROTHER, El 1 -1 2 -1 S 20 NORTH QUEEN' STREET, LAis.TCASTER, PA Latest style Fall and Ilrin ter UM'S and CAPS in all quail ties and colors. LADIES' FANCY FURS We are now opening the largest and most complete assortment el Ladies' and Children's FANCY FURS ever offered in this market, at very low prices. ROBES ! ROBES ! ! ROBES !! ! iluflhlo Robes, lined and unlined; Hudson Bay, Wolf, Prarie Wolf, Fox, Coon, ,Itc. BLANKETS AND LAP RUGS, Of all qualities, to which we would particularly Invite the attention of all persons in want of articles in that line. GLOVES, GAUNTLETS AND MITTS OTTER BEAVER, xerriu.., SEAL, BUCKSKIN, FLESEEER, KID, Se., &e. Ladles' Fine Fur Trimmed Gloves, Gauntlets, Mitts and Hoods. PULSE WARMERS & EAR MITTS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL • sop-I-CO-My - . , PLAJ.Y.LITG lILI_LES. BACHMAN & DEHUFF, COLUMBIA, PA SUSQUBII AN N PLANING MILL 'Manufacturers of, and have constantly on Land Sashes, Door Blinds, Shutters, Window and Door Frames, Brackets, Moulding, Shelv ing, Casings, he., &c. J. S.—The Planing and Dressing of Lumber is continued and carried on as heretofore by sep.l-69-trwl JOHN B. BACHMAN. D YEING 1 1 10 USES. e j C. B UCHER, I= STATEN ISLAND DYLNG ESTABLISIDIE,NT, Ladies' r.resses Cloaks,Vells, Gloves, Ribbons and Silks of all kinds dyed any color. Also. Ger.tlemen's Coats,Yegts,Pantaloons,,te. Kid Gloves washed to look like new. • Scouring, repairing, &e., clone at short notice. I will receive goods at my score and forward them to the establishment. • 4,7a-Satisfaction guaranteed. Call and see List of prices at .1. LTICIIEWS Store, Locust. Street sop 4-69-I,lwl Co.urabia, Pa PI.A..YOS, TIRADBURY'S S: OTHER PIANOS. SEVEN Fl LIST PREMIUMS IN FOUR, TAYLOR .X, F ARLEN" S ORGANS The undersigned; for many years engaged as professor of uusie fat (I College, and other institutions, In resima,e to a reque,,t of a great number of his pupils and friends, has con sented to become an agent for furnishing VIIIST-CLASS LIS;STRUME:s.:TS IL gives the plea sure to :Inn Otln ce that I have been anpoluted wholesale agent for the Brad bury PI 31110 S, and Taylor slid Farley Organs, which I ant now prepared In supply at prices that eannet tail to give satisfaction. The supe riority of the above instruments over others in the nuu•ltet is too weal icnown to need any comment from me. Every instrument war ranted. Liberal diseorint to clergymen and Sunday:a:law - , t3-tlyde•r:.by mail Its attended to as If ornered in person; as I select every htstrunuein. told. \W.f. fl. I , ISCITEIt, K1)11-14-1 fw) MIS Arch street, Plotail'a 11. 31A.UTIN, .113MM011cr . r.tioNA.S..3No:S. MASON t ATARTIN, I c : 0 11 1, 011 1 .14S L. S; . 00.,r ,0., , at., A factu refs :IA Beech Creel:, Ullnlon re., la., and Wholesale Lumber Dealers, WHITE PINE, FfEM LOCK, POPLAR, WALNUT, .ASII, FLooRINC4, SIDEING, WEA•I'llEll. BOARDS, PICKETS. LATIIS, - BOX 130Al2DS, ac., &c. septl.'7o 1 PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! - r, mq -- 55 o BLOOD PANACEA. The Great Alterative and 'Blood Purifier. For the cure of SCROFULA orKiNa's Ern., CUTANEOUS DISEASES, ENT= IPELAS, Bores IIItPLIS,. and OT CUES 011 the FACE, SOME :TYE, YELLOW JAIETDIOZ;IVIIPTZ ;vellums, Ilene n Ises, CENEUAL DEUILITT, "PAL ITATION and norraniso at the (SART, CONSTIEPTION., ASTHMA, YPISILIS and STPIIIITTIO APPT.C. tONS;BLADDER and KIDNEY MS LSES, Cakrzi, Ithorer, Dirsrar it,Livkl. CotePLAINT. SICK IZADAMIE; FEMALE COMPLAINTS, te., To the broken down karate it' Ives life and energy by restoring elost powers armature.' Persona weakness and lassitude, by use , lg. the PANACEA- are soon re :ored to perfect health; bloom and Igor. Try it ~< • • Pelee .Bottle. • . TT r z Manufacturer ,- an a , ?Proprietor, For sale by druggists arid Storekeepers throughout - + the United States. . , , , • . , For Sale by T. A. MEYERS, •Apothecary &Druggist, Columbia, Pa. • sept2s-'6O-1y) .! 4 . i . Q E.Ell lieTsubscrjber,offors to Tar sale aarderidld article Of. Seed Whatll. It is the white lieardecl variety/stiff In the straw and 71 . 115-leld thirty-Ave bushels to the acre. - 1. M'C sopt-09-ttwl ' W 3 • ' Wrlgb O NSE twille, Y. Pn. I.. 7 k 7 SII.IZANC.E CO -if-PA_..7aES. T HE AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA S, E. con. FOURTH AND IVALI , MT STS ALEX. WHILLDIN, President. J. S. WILSON, Secretary. GROWTH OF THE AMERICAN. Date. No. of Policies. Amt. Insured. 1.500 Dec. 31. 661 $ 1.000.450.00 1861 " " 1120 1,200.000.00 1867 " " 7616 W 12,478.93 1868 " " 10,282 21,759,601.56 The American issues policies on all desirable plans at low rates, and for security and-prompt ness in meeting - losses is unsurpassed by any company in the United States. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. HON. JAMES POLLOCK, Ex-Gov. of Penn. Director U.S. Mint. J. EDGAR THOMSON, President Penn'a. It. R. 238 South Third street. GEORGE NUGENT, Gentleman, residence Germantown. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, President Fourth • National Bank. PHILIP B. MINGLE, Seed Merchant, 303 .1 far k.et street. HON. ALEX. G. CATTFLL, U. S. Senator, Mer chant, 27 North Water street. ISAAC HAZLEHURST, Attorney at Law, 503 Walnut street. L. AL WILLDIN, Merchant, 20 and 22 South Front street. HENRY K. BENNETT, Merchant, 745 South Fourth street. GEORGE W.HILL, President Seventh National Bank. JAMES L. CLAGHORN, President Commer cial National Bank. JOHN WANAMAKER, Oak Hall Clothing House, S. E. corner Sixth and Market sts., and 818 and 820 Chestnut street. DR. F. HINKLE, Agent. sepl-60-tfwl Columbia. Penn'a. COLUMBIA. INSURANCE CO JANUARY Ist, 3868. CAPITAL AND ASSETS, - - - - $600,527 91 This Company continues to insure Buildings Merchandise, and other property, against loss and damage by lire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium, or premium note. EIGHTH ANN UAL REPORT. Whole am ,unt insured, $12,478,426 83 Less ain't xpirecl in '66, 722,771 34 $11,755,655 40 CAPITAL AND INCOME. Amount ot premium notes, Jan. 1,1860 5685,123 Less premium notes exp'd in 1666 71,963 04 ,i 613,100 23 Balance of premiums, Tan'y 1, 186 G 6,609 15 Cash receipts, less commissions, in '6O, 57,016 BS Loans 9,400 00 Due from agents and others 8,664 56 MMI Losses and expenses paid in 188 i; $73,025 31 Losses adjusted, not due Jan. 1, 'B7, 21,YAG 88 Balance Capital and Assets, Jan. L 600,527 91 r ,c 694,850 10 A. S. GREEN, Presheent. GEORGE YOUNG, Sr., Secretary. MICUAEL S. Sttultxx, Treasurer, DIRECTOR.S: R. T. Ryan, John W. Steacy, John Fendricb, George Young, Jr., H. G. Minion, Nicholas IWDonald, Samuel F. Eberlein, William Patron. Amos S. Green, John B. Bachman, Hiram Wilson. Robert Crane. Sept I-69-tillwl F ooNO3HcAL MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO OF RHODE ISLAND Rates lower than other Mutual Caurehruies OVER enG FOR. EVERY $lOO LIABILITIES This Company issues Pol Mies in all the several forms; and combining the Stock and Mutual principles, afford greater security to parties in suring than either the Mutual or Stock princi pal alone. The Rates have been prepared by the LION. ELIZI7R WRIGHT, Actuary of the Company, the most noted and popular Actuary living. CASH DIVIDENDS ANNUALLY after second payment, or. Ix ADVAXCE POLICIES ISSUED ON THE LIVES OF FE 'INI.A.LES AT REGULAR OR TABLE RATES. Do not fall to examine the principles of this Company before insuring. For circulars, ap ply to W. D. REITZEL, Agent, Lancaster City or Dr. D. F. IlEamAx, Ex. Surgeon, [sepl-bOtfw No. 11N. Front'St., Columbia. CiLRARD FIRE AND MARINE IN— %sit_ SURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. Capital Q''oo,ooo I Securities 0300,000 This Company continues to take risks on good property, at rates as low as any other safe Com pany, and consistent - with p`rudence. Policies issued for long Jr short terms, or per manently. Losses promptly paid. All claims adjusted without litigation or delay. This Com pany refers to the pastas a guarantee of its future conduct, TRIOS. CRA.VEZ , Z, Pres't. A. S. Gir.r.urr, Vice-President. JAS. 8..A-LVORD, Secretary. F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Walnut Street, above Front, Columbia, Pa. septl-W-tiw] TNSURANCE COMPANY of NORTH 1 AMERICA., PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1711. Assets, $1,350,000. Charter perpetual. Insurance against loss or damage by the on Buildings, Merchandlze, Furniture, &c., for long or short periods, or permanently on Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. The prompt payment of losses for a period of sE.vt.:Nr - r years affords a guuriultee of claim upon public conil - dence. ARTHUR G. CorFue, Prey t. CHARLES PLATT, Sec'v. ZIEGLER, Agent, Walnut Street, aboco Front, Columbia, Pa. FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSUB AIWE COMPANY, YORK, PA. Insures on the Cash, Mutual or Perpetual Mites H. KRABER, President. D. STRICIa.ER, Secretary. H. S. SITTIMiN, Agent, sept4-69-tfwl Columbia. Pa PREIG.EI2 7 - . NOTICE. L OCAL FREIGHT NOTICE. .1e Pennsylvania Rail Road Company ore now preparell to receive or forward Freight, be tween Columbia and Lancaster, and all station .n the Pennsylvania Rail Road and its branches RATES BEtWEEN PHIL'A. COLUMBIA, Forst Class. 271 Class. 3rd Class. 9th Clll,, 25 cents 21 eta. Id ets. 15 eta. Flour in Car leads, 28 cents per Barrel. IIF,TWEEN PHILADELPHIA & LANCASTER. Forst Class. 2nd Class. ' .3r5 Class. 415 Class. 25 cents 20 eta. 17 eta, 19 as. BETWEEN COLUMBIA & PITTSBURGH. Fond Cabs. 2nd Class. 7 Ord Class. 4111 71 cents 51.1 eta. 9G cts. 541 ets. Freight consigned to stations where the Com pany has no Agent, must be prepaid. All Frelidds payable on DellVerV. U. 59. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Plata. rtz . ror farther information apply to S. B. RlystosToN, Fri., Agt.. L. K. Boum, Frt., Agt., Columbia. (sept,4-09-tfw ESTABLISHED IN 1851. REMOVAL. JACOB HARLEY, JEWELER, Invites Ids patrons and the publze gen etally, to his New Store, No. 1320 CIIESTNI7P ST., Pll IL /U./Er:PM A, where they will find a large and well selected sleek of I.3I.AIt:ONDS, WATC.LIZS, OLOCES, JEWELRY% SILVER and PLAIED WARE, at Moderate Prices. N.I3.—AVATCIIEts and JEWELRY carefully repaired. JEWELRY' and SILVER 'WARE of nll kinds mode to order. [sept 1-694 2.Nr. BUTLER'S BALSAMIC MI\TL'ILIe. This well known preparation has obtained an enviable reputation tin ou g hout the Ivorld as the only SURF: AND RELIMII,E, REMEDY for all diseases of e.Private :Nature. It requires no cessation front business nor rebtriettons in diet.. Its use CANNOT BE DETECTED, nor is it unpleasant to the taste. Fulldireetlons and a treatise accompany each bottle. Sent by express on receipt of the money, tree front ob servation. Pried sl.Ter•bottle. Sold by all Druggists. - - - r. C. WELLS CO., Wholesale Agents. 192 Fulton Street, New York BOOK •_8121 7 1).g RIES. ( - SET 'YOUR • BINDTNG DON] AT THE n.qtrii-er Bindery BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY Send in your MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS and PERIODICALS 'of all kinds, so as to have them bound for the Holidays. All work done in the cheapest and best man ner, end with the greatest dispatch. Address all orders to CHARLES P. KRAUSS, Bookbinder, 38 North Queen street, 'gamester, Pa. 6134„5A) 10