Atte Critumilia Saitui‘fiaw l d&bberilk .1869. Wise and Otherwise. A Fnll Hand. Although the "flush times " have pass ed away on the Mississippi, they still have some queea and sometimes rough custo mers on the river boats. On a recent trip of the " Highflyers," 'crowded with passengers; the clerk had allotted the last state-room, and was about to close his office when he was astonished by the applica tion of a tall Missourian, who exclaimed : " I say, stranger, I want one of theta chambers." " Sorry, sir," said the , official blandly, !‘ hist our state-rooms are all takeu." " The deuce they are t" - responded ylis aouri ; "I've paid my furs, 'l2 I want. w of them chambers." " Allow meto see Tour tiekeb," aaid the. till polite clerk,. Putting;hie hand: to the, heck Qlhis neck-, the, ptm‘ediger pullediout, a, tentiii eh, bowieknife,,aLtd:driviugzit quiceriug-; into the couriten•sitle::: '-Itut:Eikezcoun.ty: yptagg thses:-tartiacia, t.wartt. watt , . oe: them, obaszkb.ers.;7' Before:.tiiestoeLliad:ceuseE to- vibrate, the prompt clerk - coikkly.- throat a. !bac k weir enpuer.sii - -shaoter under: Pikestrose. and eeoty answered r. " rve only. got aim 'chanibern-' and .yo¢ see they are art The Missourian edged out of" Image," and putting up his " toothpick," ejacula ted : " A full hand's g_ood, by the_ hokies.r." and stood off to seek such quarters as he could find.— Commercial Bulletin. A-gentleman was praising thebeautiful hair of a lady, when one of those terrible children whom Providence seems to hay sent on earth as scourges of hypocrisy ane falsehood, exclaimed, " My hair would be as handsome - as Mamma's if she'd let , rite take as much care of it as she takes of hers. Mamma never sleeps in her hair, but al ways puts it away in the wardrobe before she goes to bed." " The candles you sold me last were very bad," said Suett to a tallow-chandle." " Indeed, sir, I. am sorry for that." ' " Yes, sir ; do you know they burnt to the middle, and would then burn no lon ger!, " You sruprise me ; what, sir, do they go out r' " No, sir, no ; they burhed shorter." VERY INDEFINITE.—An old lady Irap. asked what - e°-ilioUglit other neighbot:s of the name of JOUes; and with a knowing wink replied : " Why, I don't like to say anything about my neighbors ; -but as to Mr. Jones, sometimes I think, and then again I don't know ; after all, I rather guess he'll turn out to be a good deal such a..fellow as I took him for." " Strangei; will you try a hand with us at poker ?" " Thank you, gentlimen, but there-are seventeen reasons why I esern9t accommodate you just now." "Soy. sateen reasons for not playing cards ! Pray, what are they ? "Why, the first ite,-I'haven't any mony." " Stop that's enough; never mind the ogler 'sixteen." A lady in Louisville, Kentucky, was robbed :by a'fellow who secreted himself in her chamber untill she had retired. The box containing her jewelry, and that oontaining her•rouge were - just alike, and eheitlieitfooh'tite wrong box.- : She look - adliale;On discoN;ering her loss, but her .c4olei:came rigitin the next day. "Do you , -mean to say that there is cholera of any - kind in this -- city, sir ?" asked an indignant New Orlcanser of a• stranger. " Yes, I• do," was the reply. "Then, sir, I must say that your belief is a phantom of your imagination !" " Very well; then'; that'S the cholera-in-phantom, sn't it ?" ' • - " What are , you doing there, Jane ?" " Why s pa, I'm going to dye my',!. , But what have you'got to Beer.", Who On' earth , told yo'Olitt beer would .die .red ?" Why MU said it .was beer that made your- nose so , ","Here Susan, take this Judy gives this conversation : Magistrate—" Well,Patrick,'what have yore t):say.about stealing the pig ?" Patrick=" Well, yer honoi-r, ye see, it vasjiit:this;The pig tuk upon him to ibbiePin.My bit of a garden for thee nights, yeilaiiii'or-r,"and I jist ISR:i zed him for the remit A : beautiful' youtig lady was kissing and earessinglerlittle lap dog., I" •xelaimed her foppish admi far, . Why -mot grant me the favor you are wasting 'es Fido "I dol't' kisieiery puppy," replied the pouting fair* one. H. a A Indy.waa'examining an. applicant for she oft C e. of 41.:niaictof: all,-work,", when she interiogated.,her as follow!s: " Well, Mary, canyon scour, tinware with alac Lily T" "No, ,ma'am,',.! replied Mary " I always scour them with sand." -. A man ',once went to eccentric law yei petty offence :; • ''! Hold up your hantliTll - f;ewear ::'yon;' but; all, creation couldn't , 4 . Oh dear! Mr. F.,:you jest when':you say My babe is thehiediiiemilt yon ever saw, , you. niust be :soft -soaping." ' Well ; ;*edam, I think iv.needed - sdap of some k-inati in - Wisconsin' bits 'invented n poekat stove ,warmed'-V, "alcohol. We have. seen one of them. It looks • very unielrlikeli pint flask filled with •brandy. Arijriehme,n,t;tititis the,. ;Welk to - a: - frien4i - riemarkei;::.?.:4 ) .eik is so,pleu: ti here, that every , you meet is i hop" WATCHES, JEWELRY, c.Vc. WATCHES AND JEWELRY ! INDUCEMENTS OFFERED AMERICAN WATCHES, :AN low as SW,, In two oz: Cases, warranted for 3 tyro years; also 3,4, 5 and 6 oz. cases. JUST RECEIVED A hall assortment of the Celebrated . Seth Thomas Clocks. They are the best Clocks made. Call and see ! Also, a full and well selected stock of SILVER PLATED WAItE! From the best Factories in the U. S. JEWELRY IN VARIETY. Just from the Factories! SPECTACLES , in gold, silver, steel and plated Frames, to suit all ages. REPAIRING of all •kinds, promptly attend ed to, at SPERING'S JEWELRY STORE, septt-Muttwl near the New Depot. xßay ...aritc.zrzvxn Y. QmpT RP. it BROTHER. 31...vsur.x.e.rcurrits Or STEAM BOILERS. awl Machine . work, we, am now- 'prepared to. xuatorfogture. every variety of, IScrilera.w.l.riatu Iry 22 work. A:S1) 121t11f&Z,V,1:2 , a; I,3olLags rrecaptly attendee, to. 'rbort.k.ful.ror post ravom, wrwuuld.iixviW otteu uou of our trieada a.uci , QatMar,,t,h,is-uew brauel) of our buarnee.s.. SI'ITLEIII, aeßt.l.69-2Sw.j SISSQUIIT - TA MON, C0.).12-11`; lirinuttu...zumr* off REEINED , AND' DOUBLE. REHLYED 13011P(II,,SQL1Alt15; FI.tIS. OVAL.. AND 11.A.1X. OVAL LRAM_ Car.A=ll24, Shafting and. nor,e Shoe Bar... AFQ-Ortlem. promptly - ailed. ()tn. Stock oa hah.l or remderta artier_ Tturcu‘ae t Cash, at 3 atetarers prices, tie- ILverett on-Cars or Boats. Office an their septi-7PJ....'vcrl STEAM . And allictrads of Machinery Manufactured and gaaranteed to give -satisfaction at the Works of SUITT:Pr & 131t0., sep4l-C:9 CABINET WARE MANUFACTORY. The subscriber having lately put up now ware-n oms, and greatly increased his business, can offs r better inducements to his customeres than ever. WMTDOW SHADES MIRRORS, dc., IN ALL SITYLES. ' He manufactures to order, and will keep con. stantly on hand, Dressing, Plain and Fancy Bureaus Sideboards, Sofas, Card, Dining and CentreTables, Common, Fanay and Fremth Bed steads; all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. As he manufactures hls own work he is enabled to warrant every article to be What it is represented. • CAAIHS ! CHAIRS!! CHAIRS!! ! All kinds of chairs kept on band or manufactur• ed•to order. Cane, Windsor, Arm and Reeking Chairs; Settees, Camp and Countea Stools,Sofas, Tete-a Metes and Stuffed Seat Chairs, made to order. Old chairs repainted and repaired. UNDERTAKING. Funerals will be attended to will; promptness to which he gives his personal attention. He is prepared with ice boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, as may be required. MAHOGANY Ott WALNUT COFF INS, Furnished plain or tinted in any style that may be required. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, as well as a continuance of the custom with which helms been liberally favored. JOHN SHENBERGER, South side of Locust street, between Second and Third. [sept4-G9-tiw FURNITURE OF ALL KLNDS. CABINET WARE-ROOMS e.... MA:VC CTORY. Locust Street, a few doors below Third Street; Columbia, Pa. , .The :subscribermanufactures and keeps on hand' an extensive assortment of all kinds of Furniture. Persons wishing to buy or those about to go to housekeeping, will find it to their advantage to give me a call. BEDSTEADS, TABLES,. CHAIRS, BUREAUS, SETTEES, Stc„ Sc. Of the best quality, style, and manufacture, and will make to order, of first-rate material, every article in his line. He will give strict attention to business, and respectfully asks of the public a shark of its patrone. .nr- UNDERTAKING will receive the most careful attention, at the shortest notce. septA-60-tfwr . _ GEORGE SEIBERT EW STYLE WINDOW SHADES. e Subscriber has on hand at his Furniture Store, all kinds and styles of WINDOW SHADES, To which he would respectfully , call the atten Lion of the Public. JOHN SHENBERGER sept4-89-tfw] No. 256 Locust St., Columbia MERIDIAN BURNER ! Ask for the MERIDIAN BURNER. Take no other. It excels ALL others. It can be used with either Kerosene, Pe troleum or Coal 011. It is manufactured and for sale by COULTER, JONES & CO .) NO. 702 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. 4' Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Lamps, Gas Fixtures, Chandeliers, &C. Lamps for all purposes for which lamps are used, in GREAT 'VARIETY. Those desiring to furnish Churches, Dwell ings, or other buildings, public or private, with Gas Fixtures, will do well to ennead see ournew 'IRON BRONZE CHANDELIERS, cheaper and better than any other kind. sept4-69.-trw JUST OPENING ! • Call and. See! Our new and well selected stock of TOILET ARTICLES, And a variety of other articles, such as are usu ally kept la a FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE. We have also received a FRESH SUPPLY of the the most reliable PATENT MEDICINES.. sept4-430-trw] PRICES OF COAL REDUCED. AT-8. F. BRUNER'S COAL YARD, He has a general assortment. on hand. Best quality of coal by car loads to Columbia custom ere at the regular wholesale prices. Schuyllcill county coal at $4 50 and less. Gross weight with 5 per cent. allowed. Will sell as low and better coal for the same money than may be sold by othe r iatttles. n • 11. F. BRUNER.. GEORGE BOGLE, DEALER IN LUMBER OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Office—Front Street, between Locust and. Union • , COLUMBIA, PA. COOPER, & PEART, DEALERS IN ,I_,TIMBER, COAL, BALTIMORE COMPANY, LYIUANS VALLEY, And all the best Quality of STOVE COAL BUILDING LiiugEn, Of all kinds, sold and delivered on curs. at the LOWE= MARKET RATES. Hemlock, White Pine, Weatherboarding, Joice, Scantllng, - &c., &c., suitable for all kinds of .Building purposes. LOCUST POSTS! MERRY, • POPLAR, PICKETS, - , LATH, SHINGLES, Sc. All orders by mall will receive the same at tention as though ,theapplication be made ra _person. COOPER, PEA.R.T, sepi-68-tial ; Front St.. Columbia. . . 1)111 - MADQUARTERS - . • ' 5 a . For SLEEVEBUTTONS AND STUDS ,:' L . . • . • _. At ERISMAN'S, ..Ilit. 44.6 North Qt - reen St.. Ltnertater.Pa sept4-40-tfw , . MEM 11233 Roar -LNG {ILL.. ColambLa, Peirsa. 'C'GUCES , , BOILERS, STEAM PULPS, Columbia. Penn CABINET-WARE. CURTAIN FIXTURES, Sc PAI.ENT BURNER. 711 - FI.DICAL. FANCY SOAPS R. WILLIAMS, No. 19 N. Front Street LUMBER it COAL. 50 CTS. 75 CTS. and $l.OO pEn TON COLUMBIA BOOKS, STATIONERY. NEW NEW !! NEW!!! DOOR" AND STATIONERY STORE, No. 1162 LOCUST ST., COLUX/11A, PA. The subscribers have just opened and offer to the public a complete assortment or • SCI-IDOL, DLANIC AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY of ALL KINDS, And of every quality, including a large and first-rate stock of CAP, LETTER, NOTE AND BILL PAPER, • i•CILOOL AND SUNDAY SCHOOL MOTTOES, Envelopes, Ink, Slates, Faber's b Guttknecht's Pencils, - Sze. Toy Books, Pass Books, Tuck Memorandum Books, Initial Paper. &c., Bibles, Testaments and Hymn Books. All weekly and monthly papers and maga zines received as soon as published. 'The custom of the public is respectfully solicited. /fig' Remember the place—No. 282 Locust Street, one door below the Columbia Steam Fire En gine House. sep 1-119- Use] E OVAL. JOHN L. WRIGHT .1-' CO J. H. Sheaffer, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, HAS HE:MOVED HIS I—kRGE sTocK or WOKS AND STATIONERY NO. 3& NORTEI (WEE' STE EET, OPPOSITE SILOBEIZ HOTEL. Four doors North of Orange Street, LNNTASTEE, PA FOIE SALE. T OTS! LOTS OF LOTS! - BUILDING LOTS - - - - - - - Large or Small, on Sixth street, or Seventh street, and on Locust street, and Walnut street. Those fronting on Locust and Walnut streets 196 feet deep to u 14 feet wide alley. sep4-GO-ttwj Apply to J.-F.l. MIFFLIN ITALUABLE PROPERTY PRIVATE SALE The subscriber offers the following valuable real estate, in the borough of Columbia, Penn'a, at private sale: . _ - HOUSE ~.t: LOT, No. 111 L OCUST STREET, EEO SPLENDID BUSINESS STAND, No. 112, connected therewith, now occupied as a grocery store, by Mrs. 21. Turner. This is one of the best business localities in the town. The lot is very large with front of 30 feet 10 inches. Also the row of FOUR roam. ROUSES WITH LOTS, Nos. 8, 10, 12 and 14 Union street, will be sold singly or together, on easy terms. For further information, apply to JONAS MEYERS No. 114 Locust street, Columbia. sepl-CO-tfw STEAM COACH WORKS. CHRISTIAN MYERS, COLUMBIA 7 STIIA:11.1 COACH WORKS! REMOVED TO Nos. 9, 11 A.ND 13 'NORTH sth S rItEET. The Carriages, Buggies, &c., made at these Works, are equal in - beauty and durability to any other make in the county. COACH SMIIII4IN6, REPAIRING, Ste This branch of the business will be attended to with punctuality and despatch. • CRILDREN'S CARRIAGES, Wagons, So., for sale or made to order. Call at the 'Works No. 9, 11 S 13 North Fifth street and examine the stock and prices. seps-69-tfw I=Z® USEPUB_NISIIING. 11 OUSE F URNIS HIJNG GOODS JUST PURCHASED, AT REDUCED PRICES, a splendid Assornnent of new and de sirable HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS! COOKING STOI7-ES—...l , nti,-Dust Quaker City, and the Niagara. BRITANNIA WARE, in Sets or separate to suit purchasers. CEA 'AMER WARE, CUTLERY OF ALL RINDS. WATER COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS of all sizes and styles. Special attention paid to GAS FITTING and PLUMBING. A large assortment of splendid CHANDELIERS always on hand. A Variety of BIRD CAGES, at all prices. Agent for the Celebrated DOT I'S CLOTHES WASHER. The most popular, best and cheapest Washing Machine ever invented. In connection with the above Washing Ma chine, he has the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER! Cale at the corner of Second a nd Locust streets, and satisfy yourself that you can get better bar gains there than at any other establishment. HIRAM WILSON, Cor. of Second and Locust Sts. Columbia, Pa. sepl-59-tfw • CONFECTIONERY. ______ ICHARDS' CONFECTIONERY! NO. 152 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA, PA. CARIES, C:INDIES, FRUITS AND CREAMS, of the choicest kind kept constantly on hand. iQletunilies supplied with Ice Cream In Churns or Moulds, atShort Notice and Reason able Rates. LADIES' OYSTER 'SALOON. I take pleasure in announcing to my numer ous friends that I have opened an OYSTER SA LOON for the special accommodation of La dies. None but the best oysters will be used. Families tend parties supplied at short notice. Remember the place-152 Locust street. sept4-69-tfwl ALLEN RICHARDS CONFEC TI ONE RY AND FRUIT OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. Parties and Families supplied with ICE CREAM; 07 the Freezer, or in Moulds, with promptness at GEO. J. SMITH'S. Adjoining the Franiri in House, Locust street. P. S.—Also, a fine assortment of TOYS and Fancy Artleles.constantly on hand. [seki-69-tlvr NEW CONFECTIONERY STORE 1 e undersigned would most respectfully an nounce to hls friends and the public that he has opened a FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY EMI IC-E CREAM SALOON, AT No. 'MS 41:210 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA. PA. , • (Fifa door, above Odd Fellows' Hall,) Where can be foundmt all Limos a full assort went of `CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, CAKES, ,&o. Also, a full supply of FBENCII CONFECTIONS, And everything belonging to a first-class City Confectionery. Confections, Fruits. Cakes (iced or plain), Ice Cream, &c., furnished to families and parties at REASONABLE RATES. By keeping a full supply of the BEST, and by close ATTENTION TO BUSINESS, I hope to have a liberal portion of the public patronage. JOS. ICNOTWELL, Agent, • • MY and 210 Locust Street, septl:6o-tfw - • Columbia, Pa. WEDDING CARDS neatly printed at this office. STOVES, ICAB_DTVARE, - RUMPLE & 'SOY, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC HARDWARE. An extensive assortment of house furnishing hardware, also for carpenters' and builders' use, always on hand. IRON . AND STEEL. Blacksmiths, wagon makers, and others, tarn ished with all kinds of Iron, Nails, Horse Shoes, Coach Trimmings, and other goods in their line. , WOOD AND WILLOW WARE,- In great variety, such as Tubs, Baskets, Wash Boards, Brooms, Washing Machines, &c., FARMING• IMPLEMENTS.' Plows,• Shovels, Hoes, Plow. Castings, Scythes, Forks, Rakes, and all other Implements used by the farmer. • . STOVES AND TIN WARE. Stoves of every style and pattern, Cook, Parlor and °dice Stoves, for coal or wood. A large as sortment of Tin Ware always kept on hand, or manufactured to order. Oil, Paints &c. Coal Oil, Linseed, Fish, Sperm and Alaehine Oils of all kinds. Alcohol, Benzine,_ _Japan and other Varnish, Olass,Paints; Putty, White ]dead, Sc. sepi-69-tful LOCUST STREET, COLITABIA, PA. BOOTS it SHOE'S. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. rho subscriber would respectfully Inform his friends and the public generally that he has opened a BOOT AND SHOE STORE at NO. 245 LOCUST STREET, He will :always keep on hand a general as sortment of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, Suitable for Men, Boys, Ladies, Misses and Children, LOWEST CASH PRICES He will keep none but the BEST G001)S, and all classes can be acconunodated by calling at his store, next door to Max. Bucher's Grocer 3,. sept-b9-tfal - JEROME SCHRVCIC.. LADIES SHOE BLA.NITFACTORY Having increased my facilities for turning out superior work I would announce to my old customers and all new ones that may favor me with a call, that I am better prepared now to manufacture all kinds of LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, than ever bofore. I employ none but the best workmen and am always certain of giving satis faction. I keep on hand a general assortment of ready made work all of which is manufactured on the premises. I keep no made-up work of other parties. My work is made exclusively for home trade and is sold as such. TERMS CASH. sept4-09-tfw We sell as cheap as any other establishment, and ask a share of public patronage, JAMES SCHItOEDER, Locust Street, between Front and Second. 5ep4,69-tfw ROME MANUFACTURE. The Subscriber has on hand a large Stock ROME and Shoes, Gaiters, &e., all of his own Manufacture. Call at his Store, four doors above R. Williams' Drug Store, Front Street, where he oilers au ex tensive assortment of Goods. either WHOLESALE OR RETAIL His stock consists of as large and general as sortment of Men's Boys' Ladies' and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES, as can be found elsewhere in the Town Those requiring Boots and Shoes, will find it to their advantage to call and examine his Steel:, before p_urchasing elsewhere. sep4 te.-tf] SAiiIUEL GROVE. CLOTHS, C ASSIMERES,VESTINGS READY-MADE CLOTHING. HAGER & BROTHERS Have now opened the largest stock of the above goods ever offered in Lancaster. Chinchilla Beaver, ltsquimaux Beaver, 'Moscow Beaver OVE RC OAT YgG-S, FINE FRENCH. COATINGS, BEAVER DOESKIN COATINGS, SILK MIXED COATINGS, BLACK, BROWN and DAHLIA. CASSIMERES, all New Styles, Boys' Wear, In great variety, ROME-MADE SATINETTS, KENTUCKY JEANS, VELVET CORDS, . dc., d:e. READY-MADE .CLOTHING, Of our own manufacture and warranted In qual Ity, style and price. FINE DRESS SUITS, BUSINESS SUITS OVEILCOATS from the finest Esquimaux Beaver to ordinary goods. sep4-69-tfwl lIAGER &BROTIIERS TTI , IFAILING EYE PERSERVERS IL) Our celebrated Perfected SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES are gaining steadily and certainly a reputation unsurpassed. The readily ascertained superi ority they possess over the ordinary Spectacles makes them very popular. ' That they render impaired sight clear and dis tinct; strengthen and preserve the eyes; are very easy and pleasant to wear, and last many years without change being necessary, so that in the end they are the cheapest as well as the best. . NOTICE, that Mr. Chas. P. Schreiner. Watch maker and Jeweler, front street, is our sole agent in Columbia, Pa. Lazarus (St Morris, Manufacturing Optician s Hartford, Conn. sept WINES ci; .LIOVORS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS ! For Pure, Unadulterated Wines and Liquors, go to the store of the subscriber: Ile has elegant CATAWBA WINE, IVhich tor quality and flavor, cannot be excelled; also, the celebrated ROOSTER WHISKEY, Yankee Rum, Jamaica Spirits, Blackberry Brandy, Cherry and Currant Wines. We have Wines, Brandies , Gins, Cordials, Old Monongahela of all grades. Give us a call and examine for yourself. CHARLES GROVE Corner of Commerce and Walnut Sts.. Columbia. sepl-69-tfw TOBACCO SI SEGABS. JOHN FEND.RIOII, WHOLESALE A, RETAIL TOBACCO, SNUFF ct: SEGAR 3.1.1A3`..71- / FACTURER. Agent for the New York Fine Cut, Navy, and Monitor Chow-Chow Chewing Tobaccos, corner of Front and Locust streets, Columbia. Pa. septi.69-tfw VPHO.LSTERrIVG. heV PHOLSTERING T. ' undersigned has taken rooms adjoining the residence of James Barber, in Walnut street, where he is at all times prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, such as Hanging Curtains, cutting, making wad laying Carpets, repairing Sofas and Chairs, making Spring, Corn-huskor Hair Mattresses, Cushions, &c, dx L . sop4-13%-tfw] SAMUE CARTER. I . WA TERM COcktail and Tonic Bitters Wholesale and Retail, No. 1106 Market Street, Philadelphia. The tonic properties of these Bitters have been certified to by some of our most eminent practising physicians, as the best tonic now in use, and , the Cocktail Bitters is the universal favorite amongjudges of a good gin or whisky cocktail. f sept4-69-tfw FLOURING COLUMBIA FLOUR. MILLS. GEORGE BOGLE, Psoidurron. The highest Cash prices paid for all kinds of Grain. SUP,ERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR for sale; also Mill Feed of all kinds: Wheat Ground and Packed to order. Grist work and Chopping done. Chopped Corn and Oats. Corn Meal and - • • GRAHAM FLOUR , For sale at all times, and delivered to any part of the town.. tie-Town and country custom ma llet ted. • • sehi.d9•tfw] DEALEFL9 IN COLUMBIA, PA Which he offers nt the DRY GOODS. EMI I= FOR ]LEN AND BON'S, BOYS' SUITS SPECTACLES. IT IS A FACT BITTERS. PROPRIETOR or GROCJJRII?JS,.tCc. q' BEAT EXCITEMENT AMONGST GRODERNMEN! ow.ean good GOODS be sold so cheap, Is the question. - - - - - ATTENTION HOUSEKEEPERS. New stock of goods, and selllng, them very Mu - The best quality - of goods, and at cheap rates SUGARS, TEAS, MEAT. COFFEE, FRUITS, FISH, SPICES, CHEESE, FLOUR. Provisions of all kinds, together with Wood and Willow-ware and Class and Qucensware. Switzer end Limberger Cheese, German Fruits, SUGAR CURED RAMS a DRIED REEF. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICKLES. Fresh Peaches, and all the Fancy Groceries per taining to a well regulated G rocery Store. 1 am determined not to be surpassed in cheap ness and hi the excellent quality of my goods. around and inspect our stock whether you buy or not. A share of public patronage is solicited. . _ _ MAX IRTCHER, 219 Locust Street sep.4-89-t fw] FRESH GROCERIES AT THE PROVISION EMU FAMILY GROCERY STORE OF MUILEN & BROTHER, ODD FELLOWS' H-ILL, Columbia, Pa FRESH TOMATOES, FR•ESHI PEACHES AND other Canned Fruits, Shaker Corn, &e. TEA--THE BEST BLACK TEA. IN THE MARKET. EXTRA, REFINED SYRUP MOLASSES, very eliegp. Refined Sugars, Dried Fruit, 01 all kinds. Rio, Java, and Laguyra Colll , e. NEW SUGAR CURED DAMS kt DRIED BEEF Also,Fancy Groceries, nunil y Flour, Not i ons,,tc. We intend to keep tho best Goods only, and to sell as cheap as any siutil:u • store. IL. MULLEN S EEO. 10—Country Produce 01 all kinds bought or taken in exchange for goods' isep-1-6s-tfw FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, cte., Cc A LARGE 6: FINE STOCK. JUST RECEIVED • AND IN STORE! I have now In Store a fun assortment of Groceries S Provisions For Family and Hotel use Extra Syrup Molasses, Floc Teas, CoMos, Cr Extra Sugar Cured HAMS and DRIED BEEF Extra.FAIIITLY FLOUR by the barrel or smaller quantity. Dried Fruit, Pickles, and Fancy Groceries of all kinds, and at the lowest prices. Call and ex amine my stock, whether you buy or not. DENRY SUYDAM, sepl-C9-tlw] Cur. of Front & Union Sts. FAMILY GROCERIES! FAMILY GROCERIES! The Subscriber would respectfully inform his customers and the Public generally, that lie has just reeeired a general assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. TEAS AND SPICES. Relined Sugars of all kinds. No.l, and Mess Mackerel, & American Pickles, Sugar Cured Hams and Beef, Extra Fine Syrups, Old Rio and Java Coffee. DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS, Raising. Prunes and prepared Mustard always on hand and of the very best grades. EXTRA' FAMILY FLOUR, CORN MEAL, HOMINY, &c., Fancy Groceries, Canned Vegetables acrd nuns, for hotels and families. The best Good.; only are sold, and prices very - low. Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is lull and complete and we intend keeping it fresh, by almost daily additions. Notions of different kinds always on hand. FREDERICK BUCHER. 4ept-G9-tfw) cor. 4th & Locust Sts. ANIEL McCATILEY, 'llOTh ST., NEAR UNION, COLUMBIA, l'A EZESENIM FAMILY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &e ALSO, CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR! RYE FLoun., UNBOULTED MEAL CORN MEAL, GRAIN. AND ALL RINDS OF MILL FEED always kept on hand. Choice Family Flour made from White Wheat. Also Bakers Flour of the best quality. ilo thanks his friends for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, and uslg, rs..e on tll.uance of the same. Being a 'practical; Miller and having followed the trade for many years, lie flatters himself that his knowledge of the business will enable him to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. The store will be open from 7A. ".%E., to P. sepl-GO-VW DANIEL MeCAULEY. FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, H.I.IIDMAN'S Just received, at the fine Grocery Establish ment, corner :it'd and Cherry streets, the follow ing uew Goods: - , SUGAR CURED lIAMS AND DRIED BEEP, JELLIES, PRESERVES. HONEY. PEACHES, TOMATOES, ENGLISH PICKLES', ‘V NSL OW'S G EEN COIN GREEN PEAS &e., &c. _ Together with a very line assortment of Family Groceries, of all kinds. LAME LOT OF NEW YOUR CANDIES, FOREIGN FRUITS, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Cocoannts, and White Wine Vinegar. Extra Runny Flour, .M ercer Potatoes, Rio anti Java Coffee, fresh roasted, Lovering's Syrup, &c. 41 , irNew hoods received almost daily. WM. IL IJARDMAis.T, 3rd and Cherry Sts., sepl-69-tfw3 Columbia, Pa. SEWING MACHINES. GROY ER.,&.: BAKER'S FIRST I'IIEMIUM ELASTIC STITCII =BM SEWING MACHINES, 405 Broadway, New York, 730 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia POINTS OF EXCELLENCE 'Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch, Perfection nad Simplicity of Machinery. Using both tiu•oads directly from the spooN. fo hastening of seams by hand and no waste of thread. _ Wide range of application without change of adjustment. The seam retains Its beauty and firmness after washing and Ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Machines execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. T. The Highest Premiums at all the ihirs and extubitions of the United States and Europe, have been awarded the Grover & Baiter Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, w her overeuhiblted in competition. Ray-The very highest prize, THE CROSS OF THE. LEGIOZ, OF HONOR, was conferred on the representative of the Grover S• Baker Sewing Machines, and the Exposition Hniverselle, Paris, ISU7. thus attesting their great superiority over all other Sewing Machines. (sept-tia.t fw GUAiVO AVE CONTINUE To ISlanufacture our well-known Manures, Super-Plosphalc of Lime alai Ammoniate., Fertilizer, and also have for sale PERUVIAN GUANO; co. 1 Genuine Government, Flbh Guano, Land Plaster and hydraulic Cc• ment, together with a complete assortment of BURNING AND GREASING OILS. at fair market rates. Su per-Phosplatte of Lime. - $5O per 2000Ibs —kwitioniated Fertilizer, - - $35 do A 'DISCOUNT TO DEALERS ALLEN & NEEDLES, 42 Smith Delawm•e Avenue, Philnaelphia ESTABLISHED IN 1513 IP Dll FELLOWS', MECH ANICS', KNIGIITS•OF PYTNIAS, and all kinds 0 Society Regallas and Paraphernalia, Manufactured. to order at - - - , ,• - E. S. EitISMAN'S .1 , 10.-111,4 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa sept4-09-tfw . , MERGHANT TAILORING J. W. REASIN, No. 123 LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, Hes opened In the room formerly occupied by P. S. MeTtigue, a full stock of FRENCH, ENGLISH, AMERICAN at' SCOTCH CLOTHS, CASSIMERES 3: SUITHCGS, Which he is prepared to make up in as good Style and Fashion as can be made in New York or Philadelphia. He Invites all to call and examine his stock, which, he is possitive, cannot be excelled iu Columbia. The establishment is designed exclusively for Merchant Tailoring, and the undivided atten tion of the Proprietor will be devoted to his business. GENTS" - FURNISHING GOODS Of all kinds, and of SUPERIOR QUALITY, al ways on hand. Remember the old adage, that money saved is money earned. Call and be convinced that you can save your money by purchasing at the ONLY exclusive 2llerchant Tailoring Establish ment in Columbia. [sepl-GU-twf THE LATEST EXCITEMENT NEW STOCK OP 0 0 a' NEW STYLES ! LOWER PRICES!! GREAT BAT:GAINS Now OFFENI:D! CALL AND SET.: TITE:ir AT N0..11 NORTH FRONT STREET, I have lust received ;not her new stock of Clothing; The Largest and most complete ever before purchased. Come and examine our new Styles and prices of READY MADE CLOTHING, Embracing every variety of style and material suitable for the They are Made of the best material and in the most fashionable style. GENTLEMEN'S FUR.NISIIING GOODS, Shirts, Scarfs, Neck Ties, Suspenders, llandker chiels. Hosiery, We. A splendid line of these goods always kept on l land. Also, Boots, Shoes, I hits es: Caps, of which we have a well selected stock, and - which we offer at very cheap rates. TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS & VALISES Of all styles, are sold cheaper than city prices. Aly goods are all bought for cosh, and I offer t hem at cheaper rates, fur cash, than any other store. Call and see. HENRY RICE, Opposite Continental note' sepl49-tfw) ill N. Front street, Columbia SPRING CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING CHEAPER THAN EVER! Pantaloons, Vests, Shirts, Drawers, New Styles, New Goods at low rates. DAVID HANAUER'S U. S. CLOTHING EMPORIUM ! Front Street, first Store above 'Walnut Street, COLUMBIA, PA. The Largest, Best Assorted, Dandsornest and Cheapest Stock of CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Cans, Boots, Shoes, Ac., Ac., ever exhibited in these regions, which will be sold at prices TO DEFY ALL COMPETITION ! (sep-1-69-tfw IT IS A FACT ! NEW STOCK.! Capable. of ocular demonstration, that the prices of Cloths, Cassimerev., I:Wady-Made Clothing and Furnishing Goods, arc less than one-half what they were during the war, at the Merchant Tailoring establishment of Corner North Queen and Ui Sti oets, opposite Stiober's Hotel, Lancaster, Pa. Tins is tile oldest establishment in this line of trade in Lancaster county, and is selling, at this time, line Moscow, Esquimaux, and common Beaver Overcoats front 010 to $2O; Common Union Beavers from $lO to $l5; Common Union Beaver Business Suits from $l2 to Oil; Good Cas simere Suits from $lO to 020, and tine qualities from $2,3 to $lO. A few suits on hand as low as $lO. Cloths, Cassimeres and Trimmings as low as they can be obtained anywhere else, and sold by the yard to those who may wish to have them made at home, et elsewhere. Overcoats, limes Coats and Business Snits made to order with dispatch, and in the best and most fashionable manner, as lho customer may desire. All kinds of cutting and repairing done at reasonable prices. An entire new stock got up for the Fall and Winter trade of 1848 and 1800, and manufactured in the city of Lancaster. 1t would be to the interest of the public to call and realize that, "Zr IS A FACT." S. S. RATHVON, scpl4o-HWI Merchant Tailor and Clothier. SHULTZ & BROTHER, 1.-1. A. rr 'l' _E R S , 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Latest style Fall and Winter HATS and CAPS in all qualities and colors. 'e are now opening the largest and most Coln plete assortment of Ladies' and Children's FA CV FilltS ever offered In this market, at very low prices. ROBES ! ROBES!! ROBES!!! Butililo Holies, lined and unlined; Hudson Bay, Wolf, Prune Wolf, Fox, Coon, A:e.. BLANKETS AND LAP RUGS, Of all qualities, to which we would particularly invite the attention of all pe.rh4ais in want of articles in that line. GLOVES, GAUNTLETS AND MITTS OTTER, BEAVER, NUTRIA, SEAL, BUCKSKIN, FLESIIER, KID, &e., dze. Ladies' Fine Fur Trimmed Gloves, Gauntlets Mitts and Hoods. PULSE WARMERS & EAR MrrTs WHOLESALE AND RETAIL hept-69-tfW A It BRENE ;NI N, -13 NORTH FRONT STREET, COLUMBIA, PA DEALER IN EATS AND CAPS! IN GREAT VARIETY, AND OF THE LATEST STYLES! ALSO, GENTS' I'URNISIIING GOODS situ; made to order unit 'Warranted to tlt. [sopt-09-tlw B ACM N A N REBUFF, INtanufaeturers of, and have constantly on land Sashes, Door Blinds, Shutters, 'Window and Door Frames, Brackets, Moulding, Shelv ing, Casings, I'. S.—The Planing and Dressing of Lumber is continued and carried on as heretofore by sept-bil-tftvi J 011 2 ,7 .12 ; BACHMAN. J . C. E-OCHER, STATEN ISLAND DYING ESTABLISHMENT, Ladles' Dresses, Cloaks,Vells,Gloves,Ribbons and Silks of all kinds dyed any color. Also, Gentlemen's Coats, Vods, Pantaloons, Sc. Kid Gloves washed to look like new. Scouring, repairing, &c., done at short notice. I will receive goods at my store and forward them to the establishment. .IQ-Satisfact ion guaranteed. Call and see list of prices at J. C. BUCHER'S Store, Locust Street, sop 1419-tfw] Commbia. Pa pIiAIYBURY S & OTHER PIANOS. SEVEN FIRST PREMIUMS IN FOUR IMEN.S. TAYLOR t. FARLEY'S ORGANS The undersigned, for man - years engaged as a professor of music in Girard College, and other institutions, in response to a request of a great number of his p pits and friends, has con sented to become an agent for furnishing It gives me pleasure to announce that I have been appointed wholesale agent lbr the Brad bury Pianos, and Taylor and Farley Organs, which I nut now prepared to supply at prices that cannot tail to give satisfaction. The supe riority of the above lost ru tnants over others In the market Is too welll known to need any cumment from me. Every instrument war ranted. Liberal tj.count to clergymen and Sunday schools. ufg , „.Ordersby nutil us faith Cnlly attendect to us if entered In person; us I select every Instrument sold. WM. G. FISCHER, sepal-09-tfw] 101$ Arch street, Phliad`a B. B. MARTIN, lIIMIXEMT THOMAS. JNO. S. MASON RTIN, l c ` 11 , , 1 SCO., m.i, a , L ,e f: taunfactnrers at, Beech Creek, Clinton cc., Pu., and Wholesale Lumber Dealers, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK POPLAR, WA L'S ifT Asir, • FLOOIZING, SIDEING WEATBER BOARDS, PICRETS, LATHS, Jae-it'd] DOE BOARDS, Ac., Ac. C.LOTIITLYG. S. S. RATH VON, HATS, CAPS, &c. LANCASTER., PA LADIES' FANCY FURS 1-).LA_NING 2ILLES. COLUMBIA, PA. SUSCZUI?,IIIAN'S.A. PLANING MILL 110 USES. LI ITELVG 1511E=ITOIM PIA_ZCOS FIRST-CLASS INSTRUMENTS IYSTIBA ATC_E COM:Et.IP r TIES. THE AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIIILADELPIIIA S. E. COIL FOURTH AND WALNUT STS ALEX. WHILLDIN, President. .L S. WILSON, Secretary. GROWTH OF THE AMERICAN. Date. No. of Policies. Anit. Insured. 1560 Dec.ll. 091 $ 1.090,450.00 11,81 " " 1120 1,200,000.00 18117 7055 18,112,178.93 1858 " " 10,289 21,759,001.50 The American issues policies on all desirable plans at low rates, and for security and prompt ness in meeting losses is unsurpassed by any company in the United States. BOXED OF TRUSTEES. HON. JAMES POLLOCK, Ex-Gov. of Penn., Director U. S. Mint. J. EDGAR THOMSON, President Penn'a. R. It., 2:18 South Third street. GEORGE NUGENT, Gentleman, residence Germantown. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, President Fourth National Bank. PHILIP B. MINGLE, Seed Merchant, 103 Mar ket street. • HON. ALEX. G. CATTELL, U. S. Senator, Mer chant, 27 North Water street. ISAAC HAZLEHURST, Attorney at Law, 503 R'nhuitstreet,. L. M. WILLDIN, Merchant, 20 and 22 South Front street. HENRY K. BENNETT, Merchant, 715 South Fon rt It street. GEORGE W. HIL L. President Seventh National Bank. - JAMES L. CLAGHORN, President Commer cial National Bank. JOHN WANASIAICER, Oak Hall Clothing House, S. E. corner Sixth and Market sts., and 818 and 820 Chestnut street. DR. F. HINKLE, Agent. sep9-G9-tfw) Columbia, Penn'a. COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO JANUARY CAPITAL AID ASSETS This Company continues to insure Buildings Merchandise, and other property, against loss and damage by lire, on the muttuil plan, either for a cash premium, or premium note. EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT. Whole am 11.111 L insured, $12,479,426 83 Less ain't spired lu '69, 722,771 31 $11,735,651 49 CAPITAL AND INCOME. A_mount, ol premium notes, Jan. 1,1666 $G85,123 Less premium notes oxp'd to I,stio 71,963 01 $613,100 •L'3 Balance of premiums, Jan'y 1, 1660 0,003 13 Cash receipts, less commissions, in '6O, 57,010 16 Loans 0,400 00 Due irlattl agentn and. others 8,e64 5G Losses anti expenses i)aid in ISCG $73,0:15 31 Losses adjusted, not due Jan. 1, '67, 21,356 8S Balance Capital and Assets, Jan. 1, '67, 600,327 51 $601,8.50 It) A. S. GREEN, Preshient. GEORGE Yomca, Jr., Secretary. iIiiCUABL S. SeIRDIAN, Treasurer. DIRECTORS: R. T. Ryan, John W. Steacy, John Fendrich, George Young, Jr., H. G. Minich, Nicholas M'Donald, Samuel F. Ebel.lein, 'William Patton. Amos S. Green, John 11. Bachman, Hiram Wilson, Robert, Crane. septl-CO-tfd w] CONOMECAL I 1 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO OF RHODE. ISLAND Rates lower than other Mutual Companies OVER $176 FOR EVERY $lOO This Company issues Policies in all the several forms; and combining the Stock and Mutual principles • ailbrd greater security to parties in suring than either the Mutual or Stock princi pal alone. The Rates have been prepared by the HON. ELIZUR WRIGHT, Actuary of the Company, the most noted and popular Actuary living. CASH DIVIDENDS ANNUALLY tiler second payment, on IZZ 'ADVANCE POLICIES ISSUED ON THE LIVES OF FE MALES AT REGULAR or, TABLE RATES. Do not fail to examine the principles of this Company before insuring. For circulars, ap ply to W. D. REITEEL, Agent, Lancaster City. or Dr. B. F. IllsamAx, Ex. Surgeon, -14 (sep,otfmr No. 11 N. Front St., Columbia. LANCASTER CITY AND COUNTY Fire insurance Company. CAPITAL, 5200,000. HON. T. E. FRANKLIN, PRESIDENT. CV EO. K. REED, TREASURER. EDWARD BROWN, SECRETARY. Directors—Hon. A. E. Roberts, B. F. Shenk, J. S. Atlee, M. D., Frank Shroder, IL Carpenter, M. D., J. M. Frantz, Jacob Bausman, John C. Hager. -- The above Home Company having appointed Mr. John W. Bruner as their Agent for Colum bia and District, will be happy to effect Insur ance on desirable Properties, at as low rates as any other Reliable Company. PERPETUAL POLICIES also written on favorable Terms. Apply to sepl-60-tfw] JOHN W. BRUNER, Agent. - IN AN SURCE AGENCY. TEM: MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY, 01 New York, Cash Assets, , ?28 t 000,000. F. WIN6TON, President. WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY, New York. Cash Assets, $1,500,000. CYRUS CURTlsS,President. LANCASTER CITY AND COUNTY FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANY. Capital. 520,000. • THOS. E. FRANKLIN, President. WYOMING FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Wyoming. Pa. Capital and Surplus, 5170,000. JOHN W. 131tUNErt, Agent, Jar , O-lyd] 215 Walnut street Columbia f_IIRARD FIRE AND MARINE IN ‘A SURANCE COMPANY, 01' PHILADELPHIA. Capital ":"00,1100 I Securities C`loo,ooo This Company continues to take risks on good property, at rates as low as any other snfc Com pany, and consistent with prudence. Policies itined for long it short terms, or per manently. Losses promptly paid. All claims adjusted without litigation or delay. This Com pany refers to the pastas a guars ntee of its future conduct. THOS. CRA.VE.N, Pres't A. S. GILLETT, V Ice-President. JAS. 13. Aivonn, Secretary. F. X. ZIEGLEII, Agent, Walnut Street, above Front, Columbia, l'a sent-I-694M - INSURANCE COMPANY of NORTH AMERICA, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1791. Assets, $1,330,000. Charter perpetual. Insurance against loss or damage by tire on Buildings, Merchandize, Furniture, &c., for long or short periods, or permanently on Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. The prompt payment 01 losses for a period 01 SEVENTY years, :Ohm's a guarantee of claim upon public confi dence. Airmtua G. COrrys, Pres't. CLIAILLES PLATT, See's. F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Walnut Street, above Front, Columbia, Pa. [septl-60-tfw TIARMERS' MUTUAL FiltE .A:,.\.rcE COMPANY, YORK, PA. Insures on the Cash, iint i it i t'Li ‘ D . r 3 flpg r u es tillt i i i t t es D. STRICKLER, SCCrCRITy. M. S. SHIT:S.I4I.N, Agent. sent-I-04(w] Columbia. Pa Mil IPBEIG-11T NOTICE. - 1 - 4 0 CA L FREIGHT NOTICE. The Pennsylvania Rail Road Company are now prepared to receive or forward Freight, be tween Columbia and Lancaster, and all - station n the Pennsylvania Rail Road and its branches RATES .BETWEEN PHIL'A. S. COLUMBIA, First Class. led Class. 3rd Class. 4th Class. 25 cents 21 ets. 18 ets. 15 ets. Flour in Car leads,,f2S cents per. Barrel. BETWEEN I'IIILADEL.PIIIA & LANCASTER. First Class. :Zed Class. 3rd Class. 4th Class. It cents 10 ets. 17 cts. 14 ets. BETWEEN COLUMBIA it: PITTSBURGH. First Class. led Class. 3rd Class. 4th Class. 71 cents 50 cis. 46 ets. 36 ets. Freight consigned to stations where the Com pany has no Agent, must be prepaid. All Freights payable on Delivery. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Phila. BE' For further information apply to S. B. N. tNosTtnv. Frt., Agt., E. K. Dom.:, Frt., Agt., Columbia. (sept443o-tfw B UTLER'S BALSAMIC mixTuRE. This well known preparat iOll has obtained en enviable reputation throughout the world as the only SURE AND RELT AB LE REMEDY for all diseases of a Private Nature. It requires no cessation front business nor restrictions in diet. Its use C.A.N.NOT DE DETECTED. nor Is it unpleasant to the taste. Full directions and a treatise accompany each bottle. Sent by express on receipt. of the money, free from ob servation. Price S 1 per bottle. Sold by all Druggist:. F. C. WELLS 5; CO., Wholesale Agents. 193 Fulton Street, New York. JOB PRINTING OS every description executed at this office Ist, 7868 - - - - $60 . 0,527 91 691,830 10 CONTI. 1 RAILROAD .LINES. Arrival and Departure of Hails. Post Office on Locust street, near Front. Post Mistress Mits. M. J. Fay. Deputy Mn. J. A. Fur. OFFICE HOURS.--8:0 A. M. to S P.M. On Sun - days from 8 to 9 A. AI. AIIII/VE. DAISY FItO3I TILE EAST. At 0:30 and 11:50 A. 51. from Philadelphia, 6:25 P. M. from Philadelphia, and 8:30 P. 51. from Reeling. ARRIVE FR0.31 THE WEST At 9:10 AM. frornHarrisburg via R. & C. R,R., and I P. M. from York, and 3:03 P. M. front Har risburg. DEPART DAILY EASTWARD. At 7:io A. M. to Reading, 8:05 A. M. and .2:15 P M. to Philadelphia. DEPART DAILY At 11:30A. M. to Harrisburg, 12:10 P. M. to York and 6:05 to Harrisburg,. The hour of departure given above is the time of closing the limits at the post. (Once. pIiNN,pYLVANT.A. RAIL ROAD TRAINS LEAVE COLUMBIA GOING EAST, Lancaster Train R. 25 A. M Harrisburg Accommodation 5.20 P. Al TRAINS LEAVE WEST, nail Train 11.50 A. 111 Harrisburg Accon moda tam 0.25 I'. I‘l Lancaster Train Arrives 8.05 Marietta Acenin. leaves Columbia, at 7 40 A. M COLUMEIA ACCOMMODATION Leave Colambla for Lene:o, 2.15 P. M Arrive at ~ C onnecting with Erie ExpressP for hira. Leave Lancaster :LI (.1(1 P. M. Arrive at, Columbia "10 " The nartisburn accommodation will leave as before at 5:20 P. M. AV::%I. F. LocE:Ar.D, Superintendent, Phila. 3)2.v EADING RAIL ROAD. IA) SUMMER ARRANGEMENT MONDAY, APRIL 2GTIr, ISG9 GREAT TRUNK LINE FROII . THE NORTH AND North West for Philadelphia, Now York, Read ing, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon,Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Lltiz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac., Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as fol lows: Al 2.33,5.20 and 8.10 A.111.,12.23 noom2.ooand 10.53 P. 111.,connecling with similar 'III.IIIS °the Pennsylvania R. It.. and arriving at New York at 9.15, 11.43 A. U., 3.30, 0.13, 0.30 P. M., and 0.00 A. 51., respectively. Sleeping Cars accompany the 2.3.3, 3.20 A. M., and 10.55 I'. M. trains, with out change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading,Pottsville, qua, Mlnersville,A shland,ShamoltimPineGrove, Allentown and Philadelphia, 8.10 A. .11., and 2.00 and 4.10 P. 9 1., stopping at Lebanon and principal Way Stations ; the -1.10 I'. 91., making connections for Philadelphia, Po ttsvilleand Co lumbla only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven, and-Auburn, via :Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, leave Harrisburg at 3.1) P. 01. Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 A. H., 12.00 Noon and 5.01 and 8.00 P. Si., Philadelphia at 0.15 A. H. and tt.IN) J'. M.. sleeping ears accom panying the 9.00 ands.os and S.OO P. M. trains trom New York, without change. Way Passenget"r rain leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 A. Al ! , connecting with similar train on East Penna' Railroad, ret tinting from Reading at 6.30 P. H., stopping at all Stations, Leave Pottsville at 7.30 andB.4s A. 91.. and 2.45 P. H.; Shamokin at 3.25 and 10.35 A. HI: Ash land at 7.00 A. 31.. and 12.30 Noon Tamaqua at 8.30 A. H., and 2.20 P. M. for Philadclplua and New York. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susquehan na Rail Road at 7.00 A. M. for Earrisburg, and 11.00 A. Si. for Pine Grove and Tremont. . . . Reading Aceomodation Train: Leaves Read ing at 7.3(1 A. M., returning from Philadelphia at 5.15 P. M. Pott.lown Aceornodnt ion Train : Leaves Potts town at 623 A..1\1., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M. _ Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 7.00 A. M., and 6.15 P. M., for Eplirata, Litiz, Lan caster, Columbia, Perkiomen Rail Road Trains leave Perkiomen Junction at 0.00 t. M. and 6.00 P. M. Returning: Leave Skippack at 5.15 A. M., and 1.00 I'. AL, con necting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. On Sundays : Leave New York at 8.00 P. M., Philadelphia 8.00 A. M., and 2.13 P. M., the 0.00 A. M. Train running only to Reading; Pottsville 8.00 A. if.; Harrisburg 5.20 A. :11., and 4.10 and 10.53 P. M., and Reading at 12.35 midnight, 0.54 and 7.13 A. M., for Harrisburg, at 12.53 mid night, and 7.05 A. SE, for New York and at 9:10 A. M., and 4.25 P. M. for Philadelpii a. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School an a Ex cursion Tickets, to and from all points, at re duced Rates. Baggage checked through ; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger May, 11000.) G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent ]3'AST PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Summer arrangement of Passenger Trains commencing MONDAY, APRIL 26, IS6O No. 14. Way and MiNed, leaves Reading, at 0.20 A. M., arrives at Allentown at 9.00 A. M., runs daily except Sundays, stopping at all Sta tions between Reading and Allentown. No. 5, Mail Train, leaves Reading 10 30 A. M. arrives at Allentown 1103; at New York 350 P. M. No. 7, Fast Mail, leaves Reading 00 P. M., ar rives at Allentown 5 35; at :Newyork 9.10 P. M. , • - , Nos. 5 and 7 run daily, exeunt Snnday, stop ping, at all way stations between Resoling and New York. ^ - • EXPRESS TRAINS Leave Reading at 1.30 A. M. Arriving at New York, at 9.15 A.M., Leave Reading at 7.63 A. M., Arriving at New York, at 11.15 A. M., Leave Reading at 2.10 P.M,, Arriving at New York, at 6.15 P. 111., Leave Reading, at 12.33 A. M., Arriving. at New York, at 6.00 P. M., These trains run through from Pittsburg to New York without change 01 cars, stopping at Lyons, A lien t own, Bethlehem, Easton, Junc tion, Clinton. White House, Sommerville, Bound Brook. Plainfield and Elizabeth. The 1.30 A M train runs daily, except Sundays and Mondays. The 2.10P . M train runs daily except Sundays. The 7 05 A M and .12.55 A M trains run daily. West bound trains leave New York at the foot, of Liberty street, as follows: Leave New reek l Arrive at &ndinq. 3200 :NI. Mail No. G. ......... (i lit 9 00 A M Express Train 1 d 8 P M 205 PM Express Train 10 70 P 11 00 P M Express Train 12 55 A M The 12 St Train from New York, stops at all Stations-between New York and Beading. leav ing Allentown at .1 20 P M, arriving at Reading at 0 00 P M, running, daily, except Sundays. The SOO P M Train, from New York, inns daily, stopping at Elizabeth, Plainfield, SUM men-Me, Junction, Easton and Bethlehem, ar riving at Allentown at 11 37 P M, passing Lyons at 12 22 A M. arriving at Reading at 1.55 AM. The 5 05 P M train front New York runs daily except Sundays, leaving Allentown at 8 52 P Si, passing Lyons at 0 SS Y M, arriving at Reading at 10 10 P M. . . The 9 00 A m from New York, runs daily. ex cept Sundays, leaving Allentown at 12 25 P passing Lyons at 1 14 l' 71,1, arriving at Reading at 1 451' M. Mail No. 10 leaves Allentown at 715 A 30., ar riving at Reading at 900 A M. Mail leaves Allentown at .1 10 P M, arriv ing at Reading at 0 00 P M. Local Acconi. leaves Allentown at [3OP 31, arriving at Reading at S 10P M. Trains Nos. 10, G J.:I2U run daily, except Sun days, stopping at all stations between Reading and Allentown. Passengers are requested to purchase tickets helere entering the cars, as titcvdo-live col& extra Will Ice charged and collected on the train front all whopay the faro to the Conductor. COMM I_7P,`-TION TICKETS, - - Goat for tweet taps,at 12.5 per cent. discount between any ponrtti de red. SEASON TICKETS, good for the holder only, for three, six., nine and twelve months, at reduced rates. (G. A. NICOL - LS% Geu'l Sup't. MEM READING AND COLIIIIIIIIA R. R O.N AND AFTER 'I'ILIJRSDAY, AUGUST STIT, 1869, PASSENGER TRAINS WILL RUN 0.1 s: TATS ROAD, AS FOLLOWS: LEAVE. Lancaster R•Fi A. M. 11em11ng......10:30 A. 31. ........:1:10 P. M. " 5:30 P. M. Columbia 0:10 A. M. 10:30 A. M. 3:00 P. M. 5:30 P. M. RETURNING: LEAVE. AnniVE. .7:15 A. M. Lancaster J:25 A. M .6:15 P. M. " 6:21 P.M .7:15 A. M. Columbia 9:55 A. 51 .6:15 I'. 51. " .....6610 P. 51 Reading . . Trains Leaving Lancaster and Columbia as above, make close connect ion at Reading - with Trains North and South, on Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. and West on Lebanon Valley Road. Train leaving Lancaster at S:l3 A. M. and Columbia at 0:10 A. M. connects closely at Reading with Tulin for New York. Tickets can be obtained at, the Offices or the New Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty Street, New York, and Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad, lath and Callowhlll Streets, Phila delphia. Through tickets to New York and Phil:idol phia, sold at all the Principal Stations, and Bag gage Checked Through. .62Y•Mileage Ticket - Books for 300 or 1000 miles, Season and Excursion Tickets, to and Mau all points, at reduced rates. Trains are run by Philadelphia& 'Reading Rail Road Thne,which is 10 minutes taster than Penn sylvania R. R. Time. augl-091 GEO. F. GAGE. Supt. NORTHER:S CENTRAL RAIL ROAL 4 sum:srEß, SCHEDULE. A. 12131.11 25TG, 1S G 9. On and after April, 25th, 1569, Trains will leave York as follows: LEAVE NORTH WARD. 1.50 a. in. Daily for Williamsport, daily (except Sunday) for Elmira, Canandaigua, Roches ter, Falls and Oil Region. 11.35 a. in. Daily (except Sandy's) for Williams port, Elmira, Budalo and :N. ails. 2.15 p. Daily (except Sundays) for Williams port, Erie and 011 Region. 10.15 p. in. Daily (except Sundays) for Harris burg and We wes , . 6.25 a. in. Daily (except Sundays) for Harrisburg only LEAVE SOL/TRWA RD. 12.00Itinight, Daily for Baltimore. 9.10 a. in. Dully (except Sundays and 3fonclays) - for Baltimore. 6.40 a. in. Daily for Baltimore. 2.05 p. m. Dally except Sundays) for Baltimore. 7.15 a. M. Daily except Sundays) for Baltimore. Will ,LiTSVILLE BRANCIL Leave York for Wrttlitsvil le, 6.20 a. in. 11.40 a. in. 3.30 p. tn. Arrive, Wright.sville 7.20 a. m. 12.30. 4.30 p. m. Columbia, 7.38 a. in., 12.43 4,48 p. m. .Lancaster, 0.00 a. in., 1.10 5.51 p. m. Plant., 12.20 p. in., 4.10 p. m., and 0.30 u. m. LEAVE WESTWARD - FOR YORK. Leave Columbia, 0.30 a. m., 12.50 6.30 p, Leave Wrightsville. 0.45 a. in. LOU 6.45 p. m.— Arrive York, 0.30 a. 1.55 7.3dp, m. Baltimore, 12,35 5.00 p. in., and 2.30 n. in. All trains on this Branch run daily except Sundays. S. S. BLAIR, Sup't Baltimore Division. ED. S. YOUNG, Gen..Pass'gr Agt.,BaltimOre. May 1, 1069,)