Otrittntlyia Saticrday,. Octobel;. 2, 1.869. Advertisements, to secure immediate in ertiort, must be banded in on or before Thurs day evening, each week. , Newspaper Decisions. 1. Any personeo who takes a paper regular ly from the post-office—whether directed to his name or another, or whether he has sub scribed or notis responsible for the 2. If a person orders his paper discon tinued,- he malt' pay all arrearages, or the publisher...may. continue to send it until payment' Is made, and collect the whole amount - ,whether it is taken from the office or not. 3. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals from the post-office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of in tentional fraud. Postmasters are required . by law to give notice to the:publisher, if newspapers aro refused, or not taken ont of the aline by subscribers. New Advertisements, The' bflowing now advertisements appear in to-day's SPY. Public Sale of Personal Property by Geo. W. Harris 236 Locust St. J. A. Meyors . -Druggik; Odd Fellows' Hall. Sale of valuable Real Estate—l 0 Bruner. Nellie Maskell Troupe on Tuesday Ev'g. Republican Mais'Meetink, at Manbeim. ' To Manufacturers, Allen t Needles. American Life Insurance Company. Cooper 4t Conrad, Dry Goods. Public Sale-Howard ,Smith. Leisure Hours. - . LOCAL INTELLIGENCE DON'T forget the Organ Opening, fine anthems, solos and choruses. PROF. Baker of Pottsville, one of the best organists in the country, will porforin on the new organ at tho,Luthe_ran Church on Tuesday evening. LEISURE. Flours—is an oxeollen t monthly magazine, devoted to history, biography, prose, poetry, wit,romance, reality and use ful information. It is only ;32,00 a year. , FOR SALE—Mt : : I. 0. Bruner offers at public sale a valuable store stand,situated at the corner of Third and Union streets, The sale will take place on .Saturday, Oct. 161.11 , 1869. Business men should give their attention to Hifi advertisement WE are better prepared than ever to execute all kinds of jobbing in the highest style of the art, Bill heads, letter heads circulars, cards; sale bills and envelopes—in, fact everything in the jobbing line attended to promptly, and at the Icieest rates. SELF EVIDENT.—That the Sri' is au excellent medium of advertising. Last week we advertised for a gentleman of this city, " cigar-maker wanted. In three days ho had three different applications, from three different and distant sections of the country. Ho.N. 0. X. Dicii.Er, Dr. Gatchell, A. .T.Rauffman, Esq., Maj. Greist, Geo. Bru baker, Esq., and Maj. J. W. Yocum, of the SPY, will speak at Brenneman's Hotel, Manor township, on the 7th inst., to the Republicans of Lancaster county, and such Democrats as may attend. CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS-T" o Presby, terian Congregation are making extensive alterations in their Church, and building an addition to it. The Methodists have made arrangements to - relit -their Church with a. magn incent or , gan, enlarge the building and erect an ad ditional house fir Sunday school purposes. Their plans. ure ,extensive, and wilt be coinmenced soon ,to be completed this fall. Go hear Prof. Baker on the new organ on Tuesday evening, at Lutheran Church. A NOVELTY.—Rev. W. S. H. Keys has the agency of a novel invention, called "Billing's Ameriein Dry House, which is the finest invention ever known for drying fruit. It costs but a trifle, and in ono dkiy's time will do the drying which ordinarily takes two weeks. Apples and peaches are dried in from five to six hours, and smaller fruits, and berries in a few hours. It is anti-sweat, anti•soreb, and anti-sour, and in fact the sine quci 'non of every fruit grow er. Mr. lieys . ,is the agent at Columbia, and Mr. Lehman at Harrisburg. MEETINC AT BAREVILLE.—A large Republican meeting was held at Barevilly, Upper Leacock township, nt the hole! of Sainnel Cox, on Salm day evening the 25th inst. Bcirring, speeches were made by E. C. Heed, Capt. D. P. Rosman'ller, Maj. A. 0. Bminaehl, Gen. J. W. Elsner, and Capt. L.. 11. Rauch. The latter ventilated eflect tinny the record of Packer, having re sided in Manch Chunk for a number of years. A. drizzling rain, fell at intervals during the meeting, but the crowd dial not disperse until the adjournment. A quiet but earnest feeling precedes the masses, and our - distriets will give a good account of themselves on the 12th of October next, f•.AItY MEETING.—A. large Meeting el the Republicans was held 'at the village of Mountville on Saturday evening., 'i•he honest people of the county were out in masses. The'enthusittsm is still increasing, and the people are rallying to the standard of Geary aud• Williams. Speeches were made A. B. Frantz, B. C. Kready, Begs., Dr. Gatchell, C. D. Hunsicker, (in German) and Maj. J. W. Yocum. A brass band was in attendance. •1 5 66 interest was in aintain: ed to the last. Delegations were present from neighbor ing townships, some in carriages, some on foot, and some mounted. The Democrats are terribly-alarmed at theprospects of over whelmuing majorities for Geary ; quite a number were present, skulking behind posts and' trees, who we hope went home wiser, if not better men. TUE ReHan Quartette•will sing at the Lutheran church concert on Tuesday even: ing. Go and hear them. BAD AND GOOD LIMN.:—An interest ing account of how "We' lost - our carpet bag" was told us - by Mr. H. -H. Heise, of this place. The story'runs thus Mr.-M. S. Clapp, the general agent of the Cleveland Lightning 'Rod Company, step ped into:the Philadelphiri, depot of the Penn sylvania Railroad Compaxiy to phrchase a ticket for Eiurrisburg. While paying for his ticket, be placed his carpet-bag or va lise on the floor, but when he came to gent was gone, where, no one could tell. Crush ing his ticket into his pocket, he ran nut of the, office after the. thief. : Lie saw two men running at a rapid rate ; be gave chase, but after going's, square or two lost sight of the thief among the alleys and done of the out skirts of the. City. 110 qhickly, retraced his steps, and jump ing into a Market Street car intended to go to the'Chief of i'Olice's office. While in the cur, he - noticed a 'pair 'on suspicious chaps, who tried to conceal something between, their Jest.. 'Upon glancing carefully at the object of their care, lie recognised the itlefi tical valise which liiid been'Stolen frOtri . him. He grabbed-14--and-for a moment there sytis,u , struggle for the property-the hour heing,late, and, no policemen on duty. He siiceeeded; lioWei;ei,"in- 'obtaining' his' property. This good - .fortune only. op.: preciated ,w,b.9n it is known that he had in, the' valise upwards of 0,000 in cash OA:leis: . payable to the bearer, besides' some gold., This Is one caseof goodhick_ont of a thou sand. , DON'T forget the Organ Opening, fine anthems, solos and choruses. Go to the organ opening at the Luth eran Church on Tuesday evening. GEN. J.W. FISHER, Maj. J . W. Yocum, D. R. Burkholder. and A. M. Frantz will address the Republicans 'or Rohrerstown and vicinity on`Saturday evening.• • Tins Friday is the last day for registering. Let every on' attend to the matter once. See that your name is spelled correctly so that identification can be readily proyed. MR. F. GRAM of. Silver Springs has opened his stock of fall goods, and is ready to supply the demands and wants ofhis nu merous customers. He has every facilty for increasing his already extensive trade. PEBsoNAL.—Mr. AI. Rambo re turned from his Southern tour on Saturday night. He had a .pleasant time, and pro fited by the trip. • We hope he will give the SPY an account of his observations. .134sE BALL.—This afternoon a return match game of Base . Ball will be played between the "Bed Stockings" 'and the "Fairplay"—both clubs belong to this place. Game will be called at 3 o'clock P. M. MUSIOAL.—The musical event of mast week will be the organ opening and con cert of the E. E. Lutheran Chnrch.. Profs. Schnaeld, Unseld, and Zellers, of Columbia, Baker of Pottsville, the "Acelians" ande whole chorus of vocalists are embraced in the talent announced. A rare musical treat—good cause, and a liberal patronage hoped for. SALES.—HoWard P. Smith will sell at Wrightsville on Saturday, October-16th. a lot of ground situated in the Borough, with good frame stable, ctc. ' See advertise ment. Matthias Kline mill, this dai, sell at the Cross Keys 'Hotel, Canal Basin, a lot of per sonal property. Go for bargains and valu able property. MARTICVILLE.—We paid a visit to this beautiful village some time ago. There is every indication, of prosnerity:and..happi ness in this quiet country place. Merchants are busy, farmers have gathered their crops and are preparing forlhe approaching win ter. , D. IL Huber, merchant, has just opened out a stock of full goods, and expects to in crease his business largely. The farmers will soon be able to lay in their stock of groceriv and dry goods, and merchants will be busy. " " UNCLAIMEDLETTEtts.—List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Columbia Post Office, up to this date. Persons calling for these letters will please mention that they are advertised in the SPY: Ladies' List.—Nuney Tipster', Amnia M. Urban, E. Stewart, Mary M. Owen, Esther Jones, Noruh Moore, Sarah Immell, Sarah Berate. Genttemen's L. Montrose, Levi Shenk, Samuel P. Mayer, Mr. Terry, C. R. MeC:ure, Henry Rye, Shannon Hare, John 11. Drapes, D. X. Deyey, M. Carney, Wm. Clark, C. R. Broekway, Bays Sr. Steel, Lewis Manlhouse, Wm. Anderson. PERSONA:L.—Lieut. T. M. Fisher, of the 2.34.1 11. S. Infantry, left to-day for the Pacific Coast. Lieut. Fisher entered the service as a private, and having received promotion, for Lis soldiery merit, to the rank of Captain,,be was offered a position in the regular army. He has an excellent record, and bears with him our best wishes. He goes in charge of a detachment of re cruits from Carlisle ; after complying with the orders of the War Department, he will rejoin his regiment. How fair it is that those who fairly earned the posts of honor, get them. THE STORM.—Thc rain storm of Sun day was very heavy. , During the inces sant shower of the early part of the morn ing, the water gath6red in the guttec,s so as 'to present the apßearinice of - small streams. , Considerable damage was done at .the. Susquehanna_ (Grubb's) Furnace. The casting or moulding house, was protected by a high wall, covered with a root. The rain caused the ground to give way, the enormous weight forced in the walls, and they tumbled over in - one mixed mass of ground, stones and mortar. The men nar rowly escaped. The accident does not in terfere with the work, as the furnace is now operating to fullest capacity—about 150 ,to 175 tons or pig per week. • , - MAN 11E1 M.--" Moses" says•there are'a few nice young men in' Isionheim, so des perately iu love that they may be seen wending their way home' from their girls' residences shortly' before cock-crowing in the morning. One of these " night watch ers " was so alarmed in going home recent ly on a dark morning, that he says he will not attempt it again, unless the moon is shining. Now this is very. true. Why in Columbia the young men ar'nt afraid to go home at any time of night. They' always consult the young lady's pleasure, and her pleasure (we don't mean- you, dear lady reader) often keep them out late. J. M. [Lain has recently enlarged his store and with the improvements lts,,in"- creased his business facilities. C. G. Ruff tuts a large'stock of goods on hand. The business prospects of the Bor ough are good, everything is thriving, and the farmers busy preparing for the winter. POST 11S, G. 11.—Post 118, Grand of the Republic Meets every Thursday even ing in Smith's Hall, Locust street, Colum bia. This patriotic and beneficial ,org,ani zation shou:d receive the morel and sub stantial support of the community. Com posed of the men who ricked everythidg that the nation might live, it warmly Ap peals to the people.for their sympathy. Our Post here includm-s in its membership some of the most gallant soldiers that ever en listed in their country's defence. Their ob jects in organizing are mutual protection, and the preservation of those happy, thom,h often sad.events of camp life,which form the dearest ties of eurth. There is no better way of preserving the happy recollections of the catnip, and the story of those terrible con flicts in the field, than such mutual associ ations. Post 118 has a large anti influential mem bership, and should have upon,..itsmuster roll the names of many, i others who ,shared the sameglo'ries,thesame hardships. ,'Every soldier, whatever his 'politiCal antecedents may be, should be a member of the - order. Mutual protection, the care of the maimed and indigent,and guardianship of the widoW and orphan arc the principal objects.'; Th 6 Post in Columbia 'should embraCe- the names of all honorahlytilsebarged SOldiera in the upper end of the county. -The•`itext. meeting of the Post wili, be held od day; October 7th. - ' ' - Since writing the above we havetOadtESS one of the greatest inducements' for 'meni-, bership in the'Grand.Army is the Life-In= surance feature. By a regular association, composed ofsoldiers exclusively, this:plan works as 'rollows: .Biery member. who wishes to insure his life may. do so to, the extent of $10,000; by paying tothedesignat , ed treasury the sum of fift.i cents for .each share of one thousand dollars. .that is, paid as premiums. - AS" soon as two hundred thousand shares are-sold, surlince' plan goes into "operation...Aram the death of any member, each policy hold er pays as a tax the sum of one cent for each share beholds for himself, and one cent for each share his late cornrad held. To,illus-, trate this : John Smith and Thomas Brown; two soldiers, insure their lives, each for five thuosand dollars: and pay as' asremi urn' for such Insurance two and a half do 1!, tars, or fifty cents a thousand. Upon the , :death of Brown, John Smith pays, Into , tho treasury ten "cei'.l.:SL:five cents' for each • f his own,. and- five , cents for his coin rade's shares', bo seen- that this is an ad mirable arrangement for the soldier to , so carehis family against•wafiti, 'and 'a feattire :which no Other beniflcial OrglinizatiOn 588506. DON'T fQrget the Organ Opening, fine anthems, - solos and choruses. , • E. E. Lutheran Church Tuesday even ing; Profs. Baker, Schmeld, Zellers, and -others at the orgab. INllLLEssvthrz.—The Normal School is in successful operation, and crowded with students. The prosPects were never , britrht er, and the „Afillersfille State Normal still leads the van. H. Bowman has just opened his new and valuable stock of Fall gOods. Everything is brisk, and the times prosperous. ; M. P. Bruner has just refitted his store, and expects to increase his trade largely. Extensive improvementi have been added,' with' largo vault for keeping butter.' )Ve wish our neighbors at Millersville success. A SUSQUEHANNA, A.TI TABLEX—Mene l'irst.-Two young men out - on the river' shoot reed birds . Boat- gets scared , when the gun goes off, shies, and ono of the party is on his back, and linen coat gets " ailed badly. Curtain. drops. Scene Second.—Boat coursing up stream, one man sitting on Gunwale. Boat strikes a rock and'" Lumber" gets heavy and goes to the bottom—except his boots, Refresh ments, two watermelons and three canter .lopes. Shooting reed birds is n ce—werry.' [The above is a joke, which everybody caul appreciate ; it is not a dry one.] NEW ' BRIDGE. -L The Pennsylvani.i Railroad Company aro about putting up a. new iron bridge across' Strick-ler's Run, about one mile below Columbia: Workmen are now engaged in building large and massive stone abutments at either end and in a short time the old wooden bridge will give place to - a fine and substantial iron structure. Pennsylvania Central neyer do things by halves, an d in tisbort time all these old wooden bridges will be replaced by new iron ones. The road is one of the best, if net the best managed and most substan tially furnished of any in the country, and the traveling Public can feel that every thing is done, that possibly can be for their safety and convenience. SOCIAL.—The great ques tion,,wlich is agitating the social mind is: Can, Lancas ter girls, brought together promiscuously, associate for three days at ii Aline, without seriously quarreling ? , We, .Lave never known, of two,. who. Were 'so lovingly in clined. • - . - Chicago stories about raising whole squares of buildings are circulated, in.town. As a general thing they are believed.' - The Hutchinson, sociable. was-..the most pleasant of the season. The enjoyments were in full measure, and everything pass ed off finely. The,time for in-door pleasure has come, and our young.folits are inaugu rating the season with great clat. Squalls is an old game- which is reviving new pleasures. It is a pleasant center-table game,, and can be played by any number of persons. Some of the terms, denoting dif ferent positions in the, game are not the most euphonious. "Tinted," " Squeg glee " and " gigglers," are among these terms., Everybody can guess who the "gigglers" are. GRAND FAIR.—As will be seen else where, the German Lutheran Church on Walnut street propose giving a grand fair in Odd Fellows' Hill to commence on Mon day evening, October lith,, nod continue during the week.' • The ladies are working hard to make the fair attractive, and worthy of their cause. Every department will contain,* ,full: 'and complete list o f articles, both useful and or namental. Among thenttractions :are pres ents to be given to the persons receiving the highest number of votes—a beautiful bible for one of the' ministers; a handsome cane for a physician. and.a'splendid silk flag for one of the fire companies., This commendable enterprise should °re ceive a fair share of the-patronage of the citizens of °;Colurabla . and neighborhood. Our German friends are laboring earnestly to have a place of worship in our midst, which shall be 'keening with the general taste with other churches, and at 'the same time to have it free n n om burdensome debt. We bespeak for their enterprise the en couragement of our people. The pastor of the church,Rev. A. Schwartz, is meeting with great succe.ss. His congre gation here has Struggled, hard for 'many years,' but is now rejoicing in the Prospect of better things, and a higher standing among their sister churches. • Especially has this been the case since Dir. Schwartz has taken charge of their spiritual inter ests.. He came among us almost an entire stranger, having preached for one congre gatiOn'in Baltimore f 'r over fourteen years. He was compelled to cease his labors there on account of declining health. Shia he located himself here in our beautiful 2 town, nestled between the lovely hills of the-Sus queltannit, his health has greatly improved, and he labors hard and earnestly for the good' Cause: Mr. Schwartz is an able speaker, and-a goo - d..pastor, and his mem bers, embracing upwards of one hundred and thirty families, are devotedly attached to him. khluttort DEDICATION.—The religious event of the. week was the re-dedication of Rev. I'2 - Pilgrim's Reformed Church. The edifice was built 'in 4854, but owing to a want..of." christian- enthusiasm as well us tuuds, the church had been neglected. The congregation• ,was but persevering, and still. maintained their.orgaffiza.tion in the face of threatening difficulties. When Mr Pilgriin ; toul : dha_rge; • of ilia iiutigtegu lion, he foisnd -` some discouraging' circum stances, but. overcoming them, all, he has accomplished ti-work,Which is a testimonial of his energy, and the liberality of his con gregation and of, the citizens of Columbia, and other places - who so kindly assisted him. The interior of .the church' is beauti ful, and is pronounced one of the neatest in town. Everything is in keeping with . the perfect harmony, which mark the entire improvements. The pulpit, of pure white, surmounted with dark cover, and relieved with side enittmns is the perfection of neat 6e/tu!.i., The organ possesses tine tone unit its : canacity ainpt&for the church. The opening services were held .ou Stib- .alb morning. The torrents of rain pre vented many from - attending, yet nothwith standing this; quite a gobtilY , number were present., The following is the order of ex ercises: introductOri seryive by the Pitstor - Qlorin. in Excelis. ReaJing,of,the lesson, and Prayer by Rev J. 0. Miller. • Sermon by Rev. A., H. Kremer. Closing prayer by Rev.B. .EL Witberow of tlinF'resbyterian church. - ' Doxology : Services were : lield . with he Sabbath School, and in 'the 'German' Language at'3 teclock. inttlif.afternoon. -• . In. the eiening'Rev..T. 0. Miller preached an able sermon from Matt. 20, oth verse: stand ye•hers till:the day Idle?" Rev.;S.'H:•-C. Smith or ,the Methodist oltuch,,,and Rev. W.,'H. Steck of the Lutheran participated ha the exercises. The services were' introduced by, an anthem by the choir-1--- •!0 be joyful In the "Lord.” ACtlie 'close a wee ` taken .up; and b 0 raised-tu . sum , sutpcient :te meet the indebteiluess'of the church. '' , The' inusio was furnisihed by a company othidies.aud gentlemen under the'direction of2Themes, B. Stapp Prof. Unseld pre sided at the organ in , the-morning t .und Prof:Selrneid'in the evening. -The- occasion—was-a-happy- , ono-for-the congregation: They have fine church edifice .unencumbered;add in' their own right. .hir:'Pligrim's; labors in our midst have been, Stieeett'sful; and, ho has laid the foundation for great future 'goad: ,We record this new cluircb 'enterprise with pleasure as one of . the best evidences of the increasing prosperity of the borough.• Go to NIEYER's for the best drugs. Eorrort.—Can you tell why it is that a number , of prominent voters, who are property holders have been left off the Reg istry list ? Can you tell whether the Assessor, in obedience to the law, made a canvass of the town and took the names of the voters, oc cupation, residence, etc., if so how did he miss so many property holders and old voters? . Can you tell why nearly,if not all these omissions are Bcpnblicans , while there are many names on the list that no one can - tell anything about, who are not known Repub licans? Can you tell why so many names are mis spelled so as to make:an,entirely different' name, most of these also - Rept!Vicar's? It you can not answer these few ques tions; can our Assessor? JUSTITJA. WHY should I insure in the Wailing ton Life Insurance Company ? Because Its dividends can never be forfeited, they are secured to the policy holder by the Charter of the Company. SHOE Tivs.—The. American Shoe Tip Company have introduced, this , season, a new white metal tip, which by wear has the appearance of silver, and is decidedly orna mental. A metal,tip adapted to first-class shoe has long been needed. This new tip meets this demand, and must come into ax gerteral use on the finer grades of children's shoos.as the copper tips have o t n the com- Mon grades.—Boston Journal. s IIENRY WARD BEECRER Says : " Once the question was, ' Can a Christian man rightfully seek life insurance ?' That day is passed—now the question is, can a Christian man justify himself in neglecting such a duty ?" If it is a duty to insure, and it certainly is if we have no other provision for the future, it-is also a duty to get- into-...aonte good sound company, as the American Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia. 11 - ALDEMAN'S STORE—INVITATION:— We have now opened, snd arranged for ex hibition, the most complete stock of dry goods ever offered in Columbia, and we ex tend our invitation to all our friends to call arm examine our display. 'Many of oar lady friends, who have looked through our dress goods department, pronounce our se'- Motions far superior, in style and variety. than any of our former efforts. We have many choice materials which aro entirely new, and connot be found at any other es tablishment outside of the large cities. Our facilities of purchase are so complete, that we are -able to offer the very' best goods at less prices than are asked at many pl • ces for inferior qualities. A leisure hour can not be more agreeably spent that by a visit tonaldeman's dry goods store. ' 'BUILDINGS SAVED FROM BURNING.— During the storm which passed over Lan er county a week ago, upwards of twen ty buildings, which were protected' by;the Cleveland Lightning Rod, were struck and saved from burning, the fluid being carried to•tbe ground without doing injury to the buildings. This is the best and most re ' markable testimony in favor of the Cleve land Lightning Rod that can be produced. It is known that the Cleveland rods'piat on the new freight depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, above Black's Hotel, were struck during the late storm, and the fluid carried off without doing the least damage. Mr. Liphart's Planing Mill as well as Jacob Lutz's barn in Manor town ship were struck. Since then we have learned that Bachman's planing mill was struck—the fluid in every intsance passing clown harmlessly. Messrs H. H. Heise and E. T. Clapp have met with unbounded success in this light ning rod enterprise. These gentlemen Lave received orders this week for several thousand feet, and actually put up during last week 2,043 feet as per vouchers exhibit ed in the SFr office. The Public School building in this borough, will soon be rod tied with the copper cable rod, as per con tract with these gentlemen. The seven barns burned in the county would have been saved if they had been protected with , the Cleveland rod. Farm ers sh uld at once attend to this matter; and not' delay 'one moment. We do not hesitate in pronouncing the Cleveland Lightning Rod the best now in use. 13e sides the many advantages the rod has, the agents insure every building rodded, for one year. COIITETITION—PRICES LOW, LOWEE,LOW EST—FALI. STOCK OPENED—READ THE TRICE' LIST AND PortnEn..--Our Gentle men's Boot Department comprises, Dine Calf Sewed custom-made Boots, $6.50; Fine Calf pegged custom-made Boots, $4.50 ; Fine Hip Boots, $0.00; Heavy Extra Hip Boots, $5.00 ; Heavy Extra Hip Boots, $4.50 Heavy Extra Kip Boots, $3.00; Fine Calf, sewed Congress, $1.75 ; Fine Congress, $2.50; Fine Patent Leather Oxfords, $3.75; Fine Serge Congress, $3.50. Boys' Boots, Youths' Boots and Children's Boots, in every quali ty, trom low price to the best Calf Skin. Gents' Balmorals. French Ties, Nailed Brogrns, Nailed Boots, making the most extensive, as well as the most desirable stock of Gent's Boots and Shoes ever offered at - Retail in the County. ' L'Aurns' STOCK, consisting of French Kid Boots, Glove Kid, Goat Polish, Serge Polish, Serge Balmorals, Serge Buskins, Kid Bus kins, Slippers of all kinds. Ladies' Boots at $1.75, 2.00, 2.50, 275, 3.00, 3.25, 3.50,, 3.75 to 4.50. Misses' and Children's Shoes of al I kinds, at low prices. Misses . ' and Chil dren's Stout School Boots, $1.35 and $l.OO. Boys', Youths' and ChildreWS Calf Boots and Shoes of all kinds and prices. NoTroNs.—Our stock is fresh, and all the new Fall styles are now opened - at Panic Prices. - - HOSIERY.—Hose for Gents, LadieS and Children, the largest stock ever before opened. Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Ste. Wool en Yarns, the best makes. Shirts, Over- Shirts, Under-Shirts, Drawers, Overalls, Knit Coats, Soldier Blouses. Remember we buy and sell' for cash, which enables usto,seil at low prices. Our motto : quick'sales'and small profits. _ „.A. R. HOUGEII3XIBLER, Cpr. Third and, Cherry Sts., Columbia. tartitt g cs. On the 30th ult„by the Rev. George Robinson, Jolt S. 1111.1.zu to Miss MARY L., daughter of the late Hugh Andrews, of Lancaster. On the Soth ult., by the Rev. C. F. Turner, GEORGE. A. MARSIIAIL ' l / 4 MARIA L., only daughter of J. Good, Esq., all of Lancaster. On the 29th ult., by the Rev. B. H. Witherow. DR. Wm. Exataa, Jr.. of Brigeton, S., to Miss ALICE GRAY,youngest daughter of Justus Gray, Esq., of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Elmer will accept our thanks _for a slice; of the wedding cake, and their kind remembrance. We 'wish thorns long and happy life—prosperous, peaceful and unalloyed. cats. On Tuesday, the .25th ult., in this place, MAR TIIA aged 2 . 5 years. On Sept. 25th, at .his residence in Strasburg borough, GEORGE HErtsu, in the Slat year of his age. On Sept. 29th, at• his residence In Paradise twp., Jour; ECTITERSAMIT, In the 65th year of his age. On Sept. 24th, at Christiana. Pa., Mrs. Siva.kir GAILVER. (widow) in the 63d year of her age. Fie00.141,10,014/04005.04`1/J/11 pUBLIC SALE - OF k.ArazsoriA-z. p.n.cpvlsen.aw. On SATURDAY,OCTOBER. 9th. at the residence of the undersigned, No. 2L3 Union street, above Second. - --•- . A. large lot of .household and kitchen Furni ture, consisting in part of 1 Sofa 1 Lounge, 1 Sewing Machine; Bureaus, Chairs, Dining Tables; Beds and Bedsteads. Carpet and 011 ClotheCook-and-Parlor Stoves, -Window - Curtains and Blinds, and a• large variety of other articles to numerous-to mention. These goods are all nearly new and in perfect order. The best let of personal property ever offered at Public Sale. _ Sale to commence at 2F. M., when terms 'will de made known by GEO. W. HARRIS J. A. JORDAN, Auct. Columbia. • oct2-2t COOPER& ,CONARD, S. E. cor. 9th Aftrket Sts., PIIILADE.T.PIILII Having rebuilt - their store, will Opeti about October let: with an elegant stock, to -which they•invite an examination. • ' Upwards of seventeen years of active busi ness at their present location; enables them to judge of the wants of their patrons, to buy at the lowest prices and to sell at the smallest mar gin of profit. .- Full lines of • BLACK arr.'ll'S, DRESS STUFFS. SILK' VELVETS; "- CLOAKS, SHAWLS, , HOSIERY, TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS, CUFFS. .tc., , . WHITE GOODS. _,r. BLA2IKETS « QUILTS,.. _ . „ MUSLIMS, LINENS, CASSIMERD3, CLOTHS. CLO . A.KINGS, VELVETEENS, &c., eke. .; '-:COOPER fi CONARD, S. E. cer. Ninth S Market Sta., oct.2-'69.1y-1-2-3p] LL,ILL4MaLZ2I.U...2A, la 4 PUBLIC SALE On Saturday-, October 16th, 1869, will be offer ed at Public Sale, on the premises, the follow ing valuable property situated in the borough of Wrightsville, Y ork ceunty, Pa.: A LOT. Or. GROUND, situated on the corner of Second and Hellam streets, known on the general plan of the bor ough as Lot No. 83, containing in front on Nei lam street 80 feet, and extending in depth 180 feet to South alley, on -which is erected a TWO STORY BRICK BUILDING, At Two Story Brick rAcrc- B UILDING, and - TWO STORY 'BRICK WAREHOUSE. Also a good Frame Stable and other ont-build togs.. The property has been occupied as a store for many years, and is very desirably located for that purpose. • Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M. Terms made known at sale, by oct,2-3t) - HOWARD P. SMTrH. GEAR Y ) W I ' L 1*.1.1 AI 8 AND , - ' " 1/ I CT G-R . Y! GRAND REPUBLICAN RALLY AT MANI:IBMS There will be a Grand"Republican•blass Meet ing at Manhelm borough, Lancaster county, Pa., on, FRIDAY, the Sth day of OCTOBER, 1569, At SEVEN O'CLOCK in the EVENING• The following distinguished speakers will be present and address the meeting COL. JOHN W. FORNEY, MAJ. A. R. CAL HOLM, D. P. ROSENMILLER, Esq., MAJ. A. C.4I,FSNOEILL, E. H. RAUCH, Esq., AMOS H. MYLIN,Esq: A Brass Band will be Present. FRIENDS OF GEAP.Y AND 'WILLIAMS Turn out In your strength and let the ene mies of Republicanism know that the men who were loyal through the dark days of the Rebel lion are not and will not be forgotten. BY ORDER OF THE COMMITTEE. PUBLIC SALE „ Valuable Real Estate! - On SATITRDAY,'OCTOBER Ilth, 1869, the un dersignect will sell at Public Sale at the Frank lin House, in the borough of Columbia, , • -THAT VALUABLE -N S i r ORE S r l .l .lD AND ,••;,., 'NV El I, IN • Situated on SUnth-west corner of 'Third and Union streets, Columbia, Pa.. 2 1-2 Stories high. 33 feet front on Union street, 121 feet deep, to a' 14 feet wide alley. This is one of the BEST STORE STANDS in the borough, has been established since 1850. Excellent opportunity for any one wishing to engage in the mercan tile business. Possession given on April Ist, 1870. Terms easy. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock, P.lf., of said day, when conditions will be made known by oct2-2t) I; 0. BRUNER. TO MANUFACTURERS. Rights to use "ALLEN'S PATENT ANTI LAMINA" will be issued on- application -to the undersigned. It Is a • Sure Preventative of Scale in Boilers This article will be furnished at SIX DOLLARS pewan or f `e will sell rights to make 'id use the m for Ten Dollars per annum for each Boller. ' The material for making' the Anti-taniina be supplied by us, if desired, at low prices. Bights for Counties, States or other Territory for sale at fair rates. ALLEN tt. NEEDLES, Dealers in Oils, No. 42 S. Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia., • Circulars will be sent on application. oct2-13t GRANI4 - For the Benetlt of tho GERMAN LUTHERAN CRUM.III, ;~ - ON—WALNUT- STREET. The Ladies• of the ahoVe named congregation will hold a FAIR at ODD FELLOWS • lIA.LL. commencing OCTOBER lltb, and continue dur ing the week. The public of Columbia and suberbs, are re spectfully invited to come forward and vote for the following valuable presents, viz.: A BEAUTIFUL BIBLE for oneOf our Mluisters. A HANDSOME WALKING CANE for a Phy- A SPLENDIDSILIC FL 44 for the Flre Depart- As this Fair is held in order to pay a portion of the debt resting on that Congregation, It is hoped that the people or Columbia and its sur roundings will give It their cordial support. ' =" " oct2-2t ODD FELLOWS'. -.HALL! TUESDAY, OCTOBER sth, 1869 RETURN OF THE F4.ITORITES) NELLIE MASKELL DV RLESQUE OPERA TROUPE. ONE NIGHT ONLY! Mammoth Programme! Immense Cempany! The following Brilliant array of Talent will appear: ' MISS NELLIE MASICELL, In her favorite Imitations of the great comic singeni of the (lay. The greatest Burlesque Actress ever engaged in England for an American Theatre. From the Tam many. New York. MR. VALENTEgE LOVE, A marvel of Versatility. Engaged In London. for the Tammany - , New York. MISS ANNIE WOOD,. Tho Dashing Soubrette and Burlesque Actress. Fforn the Theatre doiritque, New York. MR. SPENCER PRITCHARD. - The Talented Eccentric Comedian. MISS EMMA MINFZLTA, The Favorite Balladist. MR. M. McCARTY, Buffo Vocalist. MISS LILLA MOORE, The Charming Comedienne. MR. EDWIN REYNEARE, Tho Great Character Artist. MISS SUSAN JACKSON. • - The Charming Demons°. PROP. JEAN' S. MAIISY, 3.insleal Director, and Excelsior Violin soloist. The above, Company , will . appear in the foliewing,Programme. The - Performance"will:commence — withi: the Screaming Faraof PERFECTION Thu Burlesqular Extruvagauzauf MEP.111,6,T OPII()LES. To conclude with the Great Benutional Bur lesque of M E.D.E Al! DIMON (Xing, of Corintli,)___Spencer Pritchard JASON, is Hero of Antiquity,)...-Nellie Maskell OttPH SUS, Vale Friend and Filet Fiddle,) Annie Wood DTCA.ON-Mr. pictMrty NELANTLIE jiasm'a idle° Talent 'MEDEA. a splendid specimen • • of use. much atnmeil wife • and virtuous mother, Valentine Love CHUIDSA, a lair specimen of the • Greed Maiden„.. „......—Eruma SATICES,, a true tipceruou 01 the . Corinthian Dry Nurse —LIM, Moore 'I3DATTI3";ATTENDANTS; ETC. Aft l : ll,, don 35 Cents; Reserved sents,so Cents rrIBE . 'ABOVE COMPANY will ap 7 Pear .at .blarleda on Wednesday evening.- COLUMBIA CLASSICAL AND FE MALE INSTITUTE, - prepares young men and boys for Colfeie, Business, or Teaching. and affords young ladies superior advantages in securhig a complete education. Special atten tion is gives to the common English branches, Music, French, andthe" ," WATURAL.SCIENCF.S, including Botany, Phlioscipby, Chemistry and Astronomy as well as to the Classics add higher Mathematics.. ,The next session commences on Thursday, the :Kith of August. For circulars, address Esv. 8.. S. ALEXANDER, kaPi-08-tfw] Columbia, Pa.. Phlla4elpbta. Elltrl MIMI putool kiMIM.Xl,Ag==Ad FOR RENT, A GOOD WAGON MAKER'S SHOP, • An excellent stand. with plenty of work, in a geod neighborhood. li.ltone Grist 11111 an d Black smith shop on the place. For - further information apply to C. C. RIMES, Beinl64o MargareLta Furnace, York co.,Fa. JACOB BOTHARMEL,. ' PREALIUIII , Brush Manufacturer, COMBS S; FANCY, ARTICLES, ..No 934 NORTII QUEEN ST., sept.2.s-69-3inj 'Ail:master, Pa. 1869. ' PHILADELPHIA . 1869 WALL PAPERS. HOWELL Si,- BOURKE, Idanufaclurers of PAPER IIANGINGS AND WINDOW SHADES Sales Rooms, Cor. Fotirth ti Ailirkee Sts., PIIILADELPIA, Factory, Cor. Twenty-t lrd and Sansom Streets NEW STYLES EVERY DAY, OF OUlt OWN MAKE. sep-25-69'3rno, T 2 , STATE OF AMELIA. WRITHT, late of Columbia Borough, deed. She undersigned Auditor, appointed to dis tribute the balance remaining in the hands of JOHN D. 'WRIGHT, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Amelia Wright, dec'd, to and among those legally entitled to the same, will attend for that purpose ON SATURDAY, the 10th day of OCTOBER, 1069, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the Library Room of the Court House, in the city of Lancaster, where all Persons interested in the said distribution may attend. sep2s-4tl W. W. BROWN, Aaditor. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! . 1.4 0 MNT 3:3 CD N" BLOOD PANACEA. The Great Alterative and Blood Purifier. For tbe cure of SCROFULA °TICINO'S DUTANIOUS DISEASES, KEY ,mLes, BOILS, PIMPLES, and ,orcults on the FACE.SOns rits,'Yznow - TAUNDICZ,VHITII iMLLINDS, 'llXlt C IL lAL I3SS 7 GENERAL DEBILITY, I'AL -7ATION and FLUTTERING at the LARY, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, 'PH(LSS and SYPHILITIC APPEC INS, DLADDLE and KIDNEY Dlo auEo, GRAVEL, DROPSY, Dysrap t,L I VEIL COMPLAINT,SICE. .ADACHZ, FZMAIX COMPLAINTS, . To the broken down female It r - es life and energy by restoring lost powers of nature. Persona weakness and lassitude, by use ;'the PANACEA are soon.re wed to perfect health, bloom and gor. Try It. Price $l.OO Per Bottle. S. 033"1"' Z , Manufacturer and Proprietor, BALTIMORE, MP. Tor side by druggists and storekeepers throughout the Gaited States. " For Sale 132i:' J. A. MEYERS, Apoetliecary & Druggist, Columbia, Pa. sept2s-'69-Iy] DANCING ACADEMY. PROF. F. STOUGH desires to announce to his' patronS and the citi zens of Columbia that be will open his Dancing Academy in the, • • • ODD FELLOWS' HALL, on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPT. 4,1869; -frorn - 2, , ,c to Welock, - for - hibises' and - Masters" and on WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEP'T. Ylf from'S to 10 o'clock for Ladies and Gentlemen: During the course of instruction a number of new and beautiful dances will be introduced: , septid..69-3tw SIEVES WIRE CLOTH, ' Manufamtureil by SELLERS BROTHERS, GM MARKET STREST, PIIILABELPILi t. septlS-69-3m K EEVER &, MOSER, lai LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA • 'Wholesale and retail dealers In SCHOOL,, MISCELLANEOUS, AND BLANK BOOKS DEPOT OF SUPPLIES FOIL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Agents for. all New York and Philadelphia. •I Dailies and.Weekliel; Sil-Speelal attention -paid to furnishing all new Standard Works. (septlB4.o4l .BOY.ANTED—An active, intellgeut W fey of from. 12 to 14 years of age, to learn the printing business. Applyrit Si r o:li s ps.: pug, ! COAL Call and look at the Coal, then ask the price All coal well cleansed before leaving the yard CoSI sold by car load Gross Tons at Mine Prices - . The hest quality of coal always on hautl septll.69-tf] MRS. G. M. BOOTEE, No. 153 - LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA, PA DEALER IN SEGARS, TOBACCO; SNUFFS,' PIPES, &e., And all articles usually kept in a first-class To bacco and Segur Store The public tan rely on getting at our store us good goods for the money as can.l. , e obtained at any similar establishment In the State. izr,A do,not think.it necessary,to publish my Prices, us the Goods will tell for themselves. • !hiss:: G. M. - BOOTH. Locust Street. Columbia. Pa., septll-49-lyw3 Sign of the Punch. WEBSTER'S • UNABRIDGEii DICTIONARY' NEW ILLUSTRATED EDITIOI , I 7 -3003 EN9RA GET TaE BEST Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, woo Words and :Meanings not in other Dic tionartes. 3000 ENGRAVINGS; 1840 PAGES QUARTO . PRICE 8/4t Viewed as a whole we are confident that no other living language lies a dictionary which oo fully and' faitinully sets forth its present con dition as this lust edition of Wehster does that of our written and spoken English tongue.— flan:wee Magazine. These three books are the sum total of great libra ries; the Bilde;Shakspeare and Webster's //eye/ Quarto. —Chicago Evening Journal. This work, well used In a family, will be of more advantage to the members thereof than hundreds of dollars laid up in money.—.AUiance Mani- The most useful and remarkable compendium of human knowledgehi ourlanguage.— &MA, Pres ident Mass. Agricultural Cottege. - • Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary- 1040 PAGES. 600 ENGRAVINGS PR CE 16. The work is really a gem of a Dictionary, Jona, the thing thing for the million.- - -Anterican Educational dront./i/y. "In many respects, this Dictionary Is themes& convenient ever pnblished."—/tochatcr Desseavt. "As u manual of reference, it is eminently fitted for use in families and schools.—N. T. Tri bune. It is altogetli . er the best treasury= of words eji its rise which the English language his ever been possessed.—Hortford Press." Published by O.& C. MERRIAM, Springfield, Mass. Lseptil-rfwe SEED WHEAT.—The subseribdr offers for sale a splendid article of Seed Wheat. /t th of the white bearded variety, stiff in the straw and will yield thirty-live bnshels to the acre. • --. ,-W3I.7II.'CONKEr. ' Wrightsvil le.P.a sop4-tlO-ttw7 $lOOO TO BE GIVEN AWAY I; LEISURE HOURS, A high toned, dignified, Faintly Magazine, for the West and South. Send two dollars, and you will receive &sealed t•eket. entitling you to the Magazine for one year, and a chance to obtain, free, one of the following preniinma: I worth 5550.00 2 Building Lola . . 210.00 1 Lady's Mt® 1 Sewing Maehlue:.—..— 91.00 1 Cash .Premium . - Sten AGENTS. WANTED, ', Bead stamp for terms to O'Dwyer & Co., Pub lishers, PM Chestnut street, Philadelphia, or 49 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. oet.2-It• NEW ADVERTIS'EMNNTS. NATIONAL BANK OF CO LIIMBIA, nterest will be paid by tbis . Bank on Special De 514 per cent. for theonths. , 5 per cent. 6 moand under 12 mond 434 per c Collections d under 6 months. We make on all Aocessible Points the United States, on liberal terms, Discount Notes, Drafts, and Bills of Exchange. Buy and sell GOLD, SILVER and all UNITED STATEH SECURITIES. And are prepared to draw DRAFTS on rldhulel phia, New York, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, England, Scotland, France, and all rolls of Germany. 7-36 TREASURY NOTES. Holders of First Issue Seven-Thirties will do well to call and exchange them for the new Five- Twenty Gold Bonds, and Five-Twenties deliv ered at once. S. S. DETWILER, sept4-69-tfiv] INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. JIL THE COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK will receive money on deposit,and pay interest t here for, at the following rates, viz: 53,4 per cent, for 12 months. 5 per cent, for 9 months. 5 per cent. for 6 months. 43.6 per cent, for 3 months. • 7-39 V 8. Treasury Notes exchanged for new 5-20 Gold Bonds. impt4.-69-tfwl SAMUEL SHOCH, Cashier. THOMAS WHITE, .A_ND SHEET-IRON WORKER HOLLOW-WARE ALWAYS ON HA:N.7D. ROOFING AND SPOUTING DONE The cheapest place in town. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. NO. 407 LOCUST STItEET septil-lyw COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! PATTON'S COAL YARD , ON FRONT STREET, Is the place to buy your coal. Particular attention is given to have coal sent out cleaned and screamed. Have on hands and will keep all kinds of coal that Is wanted. DIAMOND, LOCUST MOUNTA INS, PINE GROVE, LYKES'S VALLEY AND BITUMINOUS COALS. Will furnish coal by the car-load from any mines that is.desired at the LOWEST PRICES. also, DRY PINE WOOD by the cord or barrel. sept4-6tw] SCOTT PATTO2sr. NO. 13 Where you can buy a Arst rate 9LIIERICAN, ENGLISH OR SWISS IEAUTIFUL SETS OF JEWELRY, HAND SOME BREAST PINS, EAR RINGS, and almost everything in the jewelry line FINE SILVER AND SILVER PLATED SPOONS, . FORKS. KNIVES CASTORS. 0013L.e,ib, ICE PITCHERS, BUTTER DISE: I , dr.c. Then If you ore - In ' WANT OF TIME AMERICAN warranted of the best guattti , . at 'a lOy, figure CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF CHAS.P. SH2REFHER'S Septiwtfl N 0.13 Front st., Columbia, Pa. FUR SALE.—Good.Stock and Fixtures of the Franklin House Restaurant and Billiard Saloon. jsep4-61/-tfw TANTED.L—SeveiaI energetic basis V - IIeSSMOII to act as traveling agents to sell the 1V HEELER .t WILSON SEISING 'MA CHINE. Good Inducements—permanent em ployment and no risks. Call or address PETER SON CARPENTER. 84 North Queen St:, Lan caster. Pa. •r. iseptl-tfdkw VONRAD MEYER, .Tnventorand Man ufacturer of the Celebrated Iron Frame Pianos, Warerooms No. 722 Arch street, Phila delphia, has receivecl, the Prize Medal of the World's Great Exhibition, London, England_ The highest prizes awarded when and wherever exhibited. [Established 11V-3.) (septa-3mw DARTICU LAR NOTICE.—AII per sons knowing themselves indebted to Mrs. . -Tille r latelyin the grocery-business at 249 Locust street, Columbia, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the seine will present them for settlement to MAX BUCHER, sept4-99-trwi - No. 249 Locust Street. TO BUILDERS' AND OTHERS. '- . . uilding, paving and oilier brick always on hand. They are hand made and: superior to any; brick. in this part of the country. They are of fered at the very lowest price. septel-G9-tfw] ._ MICHAEL LIPITART. QTATEMENT SHOWLNG- THE" ky the condition of the FIR.ST NATIONAL BANK. of Columbia. on the 12th day of June 185), made in accordance with the act of Con gress" March 3rd, 1889, regulating the Reports of -.National Banking Associations." RESOURCES. Loans and di5c0unt5....._...9225,078.38 • U. S. Bonds tosecure Circu lation 150,000 U. S. Bonds outstanding—. 1,1;00 Bonds and Mortgages 9,101,25 388,585.G3 IL F. BitIINER Due from redeethin g Banks 18;401.06 Due from other National Banks 32,556.68 Due from other National Banks and 8anker5.........16,159.90 67,117.70 Current Expenses Cush Items and Revenue Stamps National Currency Fract lona' Currency 961.38 Legal Tenders_ 18,402.00 3 per cent. Certlticates ' 10,000.00 - - Capital 5t0ck.......... _ SurpluS Fund Discount Exchanges Interest. Profits and LOSS.. ...... Circulation Individual Deposits..... Duo to National Banks Stade of Pennsylvania , iL, _ County of Lancaster. I. S. S. DETICI LEat, Mier et the First Na tional Bank, of Columbia, do solemnly humor. that the above is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. S. S. DETwitER, Cashier. Subscribed and worn before me this 21st day . of June, 1869. SAMUEL EVANS, J. P. ATTEST, , E. IL SINIITII. ROBERT CRANE, }Directors JNO. I‘'EYDRIC.II, Isepti-69-tfw . EPORT OF THE CONDITION of The COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK, n Colombia, State of Pennsylvania, at the close of WWl:teas on the 12th day of June, IN.Q. RESOURCES: ..- Loans and discounts 5785,466_15 Over drafts 14.43 U. S. Bonds to secure Circulation...-. 509,0 W-00 Other Stocks. Bonds and Mortgages 37,700.00 Due from redeeming and - reserve agents 56,425.80 Due from other National Banks 58,821.15 Due from other Banks and Bankers Banking House • Current Expenses Taxes .• • • Cue h• Stamps 1,581.00 Bills of other National Backs Ba.uks. . ..... 3,9nt.00 13111 s of slid - a:76;ZZ .. 186.00 Fractional Currency, in cluding nickels • Legal Tender Notes. "fk et. Certlfleates---.... Capital Stock paid in....—.... Sur plus Fund... Discounts. Profit and h0e5......_.. .._.._.. ational Mink (nivatiou outstanding ' 449,430.00 Individual Depos ~..its... —.. ' 491,813.91 i Due to National 8ank5...... 11:r277,1ri Due to other Banks and Sworn to and subscribed by 31609743.81 vi:y„,,War-',..§...4001, Cashier. Cot tyirA - ; lespt4439-11Vr— LATEST STYLES IN 61001).00 - ZIATS AZT) CAPS, itricalved today at A. R. BRENEMAN'S, luiPt4-03-trw) No. 4.3 N. Front St., Columbia as follows po,slis TIN, PLATE, EVERYBODY GOES TO SHREINER'S IS THE PLACE IVATCII SLEEVE BUTTONS, AT THE LOWEST PRICE Or you can purchase you.am buy any kind of PINANG TA T. =1 ...............Q.150,000.00 10,000,00 5,677A13 1,457.87 001.( 15,x.5$ G.=.51 $116,917.48 24(1.57 ..... 85,900 91,900. W 40,01)0.00 MSMEIMI 6059,92 9,367.46 A.Y_ERS' PRE'PARATIONS. YER'S • • .3.;I:Iair ,...rO„4"IIII:E.RENO,TATIOistOTECEHAIR. THE ORf.&T DEE/DEEATII363F;THE AGE A dressintimbleli Is at r onclempriserable, healthy and effectual for preserving' the hair. FADED on GRAY HAIR' IS soorrounnonirri TO`ITS ORI GINAL COLOR AND THE GLOSS , AND FRESHNESS ov Youmr, Thin hair is thickened, falling hair is checked, anti baldness often, though not al 'rows, cared by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed; ;or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as re main can be saved for, uselnhaess by„this appli cation. Instead of fouling the hair with,a palsy sediment, itwill keep it clean - and vigorous. Its occasional use mill prevent tlte hair from-turn ing gray or falling oil; and cousequentlyprevent baldness. Free from those deleterious sub stances which make some preparations danger ous and injurious to the - hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a f=! HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found •so desirable. Con taining neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yetlasts longer on the hair, gii'ing it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by , • Dm J. C. AXES. etc Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, • • Laws:l,n, Nr A Se. sept4-0.0-tfal PRICESI 00 AYER'S CHERRY .PECTORAL FOR DISEASES 05' 'rug THROAT iNio siren As COUGHS, COLDS, WHOOPING COUGH A , m CONS BRONCHUI MPTISTION, ASTHMA, r„ Probably never name Intim whole history of medicine, has anything won so widely and deeply upon the confidence of mankind, as this • excellent remedy for 'pulmonary complaints. Through a long series of years. and among most of the races of men it has risen higher and higher in their estimation, as It has become bet ter known. Its uniform 'character and power to cure the various affections of the lungs and throat, have made It known as n reliable protector against, them. While adapted tomilder forms of disease and to young children, it is at the same time the most effectual remedythat can be given for inciplentconsu mption, and the dan gerous affections of the throat and lungs. As a provision against sudden attacks of CItOUP it should be kept on hand in every family, and in deed as all are sometimes subject to colds and coughs, all should be supplied with this antidote for thesis. Although-settled-CONSUMPTION Is thought incurable, still great numbers of cases where the disease seemed settled, have been completely cured, and the patient restored to sound health by the CHERRY; PECTORAL. So complete is its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the most obstinate of theta yield to it. When nothing else could reach them, under the CHERRYPECTOILLL they, subside anthill. p SlN pear. a GERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS find great protection from it. 'ASTHMA. is always relieved and often Wholly cured by it. BRONCHITIS is generally cured by takingt CHERRY PECTORAL in small and frequent doses. . • . So generality are its virtues known that we need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public that Its qtudities are fully maintained. • - . AYER'S AGUE CURE, Fos FEVER AND" AGUE; - INTERITITrI•,ND FEVER, CHILL FEVER, REMITTENT FE . •VER. -DUMB -AGUE, PERIODICAL on BIL IOUS FEVER, FEVER,:fic., and indeed all the affections which arise from-malarious;marsh, or miasmatic poisons.. ' As its name implies, It does CURE, and does not fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poison ous substance wliatever, it in nowise inj uresan y patient. The number 'and imortance 'of its cares in the ague districts, are literally beyond account, and we believe without aparallel lathe history of Aguemedichte. Ourpride is gratified by the acknowledgments Werceetve of the rad ical cures atleeted in obstinate cases, and 'where other remedies had wholly failed. Unaeclimated persons, either resident in, or traveling through miasmatic localities, will be protected by taking the AGUE CURE daily.. 4 For LIVER COMPLAINTS, arisinglrom tor pidity of the Liver, it is an excellentremedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity. For Billions, Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, prxxincing many truly remarkable cures, where other,medicines had failed. • Prepared by DR. J. C. &YAM & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Maas., and sold alt round the world, t • PRICE, $l.OOO PER BOTTLE. • , fsept4-69-tfw„ NO. 13 IP:i•xorleasetopkaiDPA FQITIRER-BOOKLBRIDERY BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY: The proprietors of tuo INQUIRER have eatab- Boiled a first-class Book Bindery and Blank. I:34xk bianfactory, in the „ - INQUIRER BUILDING, Sb NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., Where they will attend to all kinds of Binding, Jobbing. Ruling, 4c. The Bindery is under the superintendence of Charles P. Krauss an ex perienced and accomplished workman. The undersigned flatter themselves that they can give entire satisfaction to all who may favor them with a call. :. OLD DOORS REBOUND. . _ septi-tfw] • - WYLIE' & GttIEST eTE►Y.~'LI Arc. ESTABLISHED IN 1851 REUOVAL. "J'ATOI3 EARLEY, • JEWELER, Invites his patrons and thepnlille , g , 44nerallyto his New Store, No. 1320 CI vSTZ.IITT ST., PHIL ADELPHIA., .where• they will find a large and well selected stock of DIAIIONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. SILVER and PLATED WARE, at .Xoderate Prices. , N. B.—WATCHES and JEWELRY carefully reed Vt r VELRY and SILVER WARE of all kinds made to order. (sept4-69-tfw HOLLOWAY'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER, . . Is of double strength, and the only pure Essence of Jamaica Ciinger,lnAhe market, therefore the only article to be relied on in cases of COLIC, CHOLERA MOREL'S, DLARRIREA, DYSENTARY„ IN„'D.R+ESTION, the et . Soots of change of water, colds, &c. Ask for Holloway's, and take no other. A half teaspoonful of It is more than equal to a whole spoonful of any other. Sold by druggists and storekeepers. Fifty cents per bottle. Johnston, Holloway S. Cowden, 602 Arch St. Philadelpain, 0,700,38 3,636.88 5,758.00 curramgx CRY FOR HOLLOWAY'S - VERIffIFUGE CONFECTIONS, they are so delicious. The doctors and mothers say they are the most safe and effectual remedy for those pests of children, WORMS. The gen uine have the signatures of the proprietors on the wrapper of each box. Twenty-five cents per box. Johnston, Holloway St Cowden, 602 Arch street, Philad'a. fsept4-69-thr EMXZEI DI lIGS rA. MEYERS ti . .. 131,828.00 1U5,176.38 2.5308.05 Druggist and Apothecary, amti z 998,641.17 ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Invites attention to a few specialties now in stock: PRIXE ZJE.W CANAR.r SEED OLD PALM SOAP IN BARS, PRATT'S BED BUG BILLER, (sure thing and Harmless to persons,) ROTHE'S NEW AND IMPROVED RAT RIL- LER, (the best thine we ludo yet sokl,) SPLENDID LOT OF CILA.MOIS SKINS, BATH TOWELS, SPONGES A: , .ZD GLOVES, COR.KWOOD k:OIt,SIIOEXA.KERS, 12,500.00 15,991.83 tt-23 COARSE AND - FENE "PERPERarountt hi the PURE SPICES AND CREAM TARTAR Together with our usual large stock of Moms. MEDICINES AR4 . DRUGGISTS S' pills Which are entirely CASH purchases.' ' ''• 81609,764.81 PIITSICIAWS PRE:SCIIIPTIONS Mid FAMILY RE. crrus prepared by night or Asy, with accuracy Remember the 5500.000.00 1Z,907.40 1r7,1„3414 F.A.2dOILY MEDICINE STORE, 'lieibL4'439-tfvrf - ' Odd Fellows' llall 5,051.24 1,050.61 LEGAL.,NOTICES. XeneOTICEI - I - , • ,• ' - • The mbsertoer, living In west Hem Wield, by gives „fair warning that be will not per mit. Bunters or, persons' in search of Water Cress, to trespass on his property, as they will he ttrofmeu fed. --- ........ sopi-ZO•tfwt ' JACOB H. STRICKL.R. TRESPASSERS ! ALL 'PERSONS are hereby Forbidden to Trespass upon , the grounds or the undersign. ed. as he is determined to prosecute to the ut most rigor of the law, every person so °trend ing. isept9-0-It i DL M. STRICIMER. EEO ALEDICAL. CM= Store,