The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, August 21, 1869, Image 3

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Saturday, August, 21, 1860.
Advertisements. to socuro immediate ,m
-sertion, must be handed In on or before Thurs
day evening. each week.
THE small streafds''aie'-iiiiiiagilp
aii`Ple'eOci:g 7 rope crops will be pro
- •:: ;:;1.• 4 , ;
CROQUET 'ooW niotO - Tp:Olialar than at
any time ,sinseAtsAnti:74actipn., giOrople
inents ce.u.'be seen in almoit every yard.
GOOD GAA..42;th'e-IA4-tialE;isiteneral
ly reporte,d:by.:the: farm'erd vas - bet ng " 'over
weight, pyifl_retoitrkft)4y every ;e- 4
sspeefr' '
K.obr, danghter of
,Rev. John K.opr,,,Man
beim township ; - few
days ago, by the ; explosion of a kerosene
itlAsoxic.:—lt has been decided by the
Grand Lodge of Masons-of the State that
the initiation rue of subordinate Lodges
must be flintier •ine'reaSed.•
DitowNED:--,AinOg Day, colored`ivan,
of thiS pinee; w•ais drowned hi the canal, on
Tuesday-, ;near-;Henry. Clay , fa rhab4:Av la il e
TUE farmers in, this xi*ity are busily
engaged in liaifting out manure!, and plow
ing preparatory to sowing.the seed for the
next crop. •
Tns Geriii'an - Catholid Chiireh, of this
place, held a pio-n lc in ,Eielie!S: Woods, on
Monday. The Columbia Cornet Band en
livened the occasion with music.
SAMiiIEL-BAUNISii, of West Earl town
ship, had one of his legs broken at, two
Micas on Wedhe'sdai, Willie as
sisting to extractsturups from ,a field.,
BASE BALL. 7-- AV a an.retluested ko an
nounce that (Lie B`);iiplay base ball club will
play the Red Stockings-a-return match
game, on Saturday, 21st iust., at 3 o'clock
P. AI.
PitUM - MG tife 4 :3Project ieeeives 2 the
proper encouragement, a baloon ascension
will be made from Centre Square, Lancas
ter, near the latter part of September, by
Charles `. ""
Tie nt' F 1 C6nipan'y's
Waal pie-nic, Heise's woods.ou Sat
urday, was largely attended and quite a
success. The presence of a large number
of candidates made things lively.
NA"mEs of Petit Jurors to serve in
court of „pmairnoni Zeas;_,Comraerteing On
the 4th Monday" of, the present month,
August, from 11.11.4'Plieei Sainnel Evans,
Esq,. John J. AleTagua,GeergeT Tobias.
WIIISKY SEIZURE. Five hundred and
thirty-one gallons of whisky (J. B.) was
seized h,,,,y , _, , tho,reyentle officers T h
sppery : ,a Lew . days—
groundtii&l—tllo^-5 " on
r ,tax.
paid. ,L;iii:t.3.l:l,/y;1. - -----
Omuta' I . 3IPROVE:gEpZ!2.r-At a Con
gregational meeting of the Presbyterian
Church of thie.! place, ltheld - --l'onL , llionday
evening last, it was resolved to enlarge and
otherwise improve their - abbrch. Work
will be - commeneed , ,immediately . „ • ,
A ROW occurred Fourth. street, on.
Sund&Paireinoeit'betWeari'ii ,
nut HilLPrelminers artilsomeltowns.roughsi ,
which attracted a large crowd ot' , peO"pte . :(„6:
that Vie `";ill6'crovid'it diSpeised,
by officer Hook, but no arrests lyppa.„ made
tor thus c e ecratinjg,the §ahl;ath,.
P1101";.:-.N--LWe are pleaseti,to
learn that A. O. Newpher, for a nut:ll , l)6'lU(
years principal of the high' seltdol'of i ihi
place, has been elected principal of the high
school at Wldietown, Dauphin county, ra.
We can only add that outneighbors were
lucky, indeed, in securing the valuable
sery lees pf igrncew - pher.t Ff .
r 1 3 • "/, 11. :
LOOK AFTER. TEM ]3Ol s.—That the buy
thektbei: o_4hp : mat) , is an: old ..adaz,e. ;
Boy thieves -if' net- checked , mekli:':.idu It
burght,r*z and- unirtlerer§; and furoisli
pleth9raof food fir tbe, State prison and
the gallons;: Col tinibili`has iOnie Brae:Wass"
boy thieves, and it they are not checked
now, there is no i..k.neKing where they will
AccII,KNT.—A",A "or
IV 0 I 11 1 , t ;:Sis
weeks, NVIIK severely injured on Friday of
last w,ek, by a hill from the arms of a
small irl who was tarrying it. The young
infant suffered greet pain, and there was
every indica litm.,of ,b,rokett collat:0!.one.
This should he a warning to parents not to
entrust their babies to.smalk„ children,
anytiff reit L 4 L
A eC , I.PIO:ts; ;134 X PLO S TO N,..-7-7.-Me
learn that Paul Strickler. formerly of this . ,
place, net Wllll'6'll6 iieefdent, - a‘fetV days
ag,o,in Philadelphia. He is Secretary or clerk
for the.i."An2P/re s Lirier t ?,i :AO '..oent'lto:tbe
vault, at night, tb: , Puilit.way'iimEnialPrivate
papers, and on 'striking a match u terrible
explosion tookpl,ace,injuring him several
- Y -r
He is eottsfdetrably, 4
"butrnea abour-theifao4-
and head but we are glad to state not danger
ously. It is.. supposedrthat,,some -one' had
left the ga5,,turp.0.40:9.,,,
111Anruxnr rr gin TAlptld a 3, tast,,by;
Stevens,, after apotirtsittpofsix.hoars,
Mu. cunisTlA:zi - N'.6l , 7Eara . :cirr.ii; i?/OuG7t Of
sixty years, to .thi3 , t7boiiff.;o l SliiiJßETsr
MAttl%, yoars j ,
county, Pea it's.
May - Heaven protect this tender pair,
And crown with bliss their hoary hair;
For never, since the World began,
Was love,s9 kFeu ttwixt.7wifelarld
While youngsters (to their shame 'tis said)
Require !roes, to gain a maid,
This grey haled youth, with magic ponors
GainedhLvfair bride la aiz #llort /lours. ' ''
TOO 'MUM WTE,"it'VfA.Sititi.-:---We sug
gest to oneeitizeint'thelPrOpriety of saving
all the water they can, while the Water
Company is eu f gaged,,M,bitilding,theic,re-,
servoir and extending their pipes. This
is nowFthizriri-yrslitscin.riiiiiiitltheifiPply
water Is dp
:such by being economical and using no
more than is absolutely necessary for domes
tic purposetr c land ~_thereforp,respectfal
commend that all would defer watering the
streets end washing the pavements until the
works are completed, when we have every
reason to bpli e ev 4 e-there-will!be an abundant;
supply. lb iiebeetel•Vvr‘set4e what wetcatr
for the extinguishing of fires than to he in opr,gutterp.
lii 1- iii.014 3 A , 1 3 6 c n -
you call at the office for y_ our, mall, and the
postmaster litin r dis it i;int" aSk hied "if `that IS
all. If you ask for maihnnct , he tells you
there is none, tell him there ought. to be;
then wilionaii inideend:the'restlot-thelamiL
ly around to ask arrdiffe'rent'tiniis"through
the day. Don't bring your mail to the of
fice until the office closes, then abuse the
postmaster, ffr,,no * t unlocklitg.the;mail bag,
and putting your letter in.'"Whbit
want a stamp on your letter tell the post
master, to , put,it on; if hoz:, , ,don't lick it,, yo,n,
lick caneoLyoksput i'the:Eatinili on
to remove the Inueilage ; it will then:iiickt
till it is dry. Be sure to task -the postmaster
to credit you for iittiMpil incidtif helms any
accommodation about him at all, he will
If you havelaibpxxstanthand, rum ott,it •
until the postmaster bands out your mail ;
`it makes him feel good, especially if he is
v4yy\ting on Acme
i 11• k -""
• Temperance
„Harvest Homit'eslebratioyi*lllbe,helq,at
11.1antieirn on7uesday the 24 inst. - •
READ tlisi Daily arid','WeCkly SPYfia
the "Chimney Corner on " Saturdry
Night" by the " Hearth'and Home." ;
001:100L% UETAIIII'ATION.—;-A 2
Sabbath School celebration will be held in
Heistand's Grove at Eden, Manhoim
on Saturday the 21st inst.
EAGLE CAua7ii•. l -a-Mr. 'Jolid Buch,
Chief Engineer of the Beading Fire Depart
'znent, on last Sunday-caught in the ,pines
below Reading a large . Bald Eagle, meas
uring across the wings 6 it and 7 inobes:7,
!ANNntERsA.R:r. - 77 -The , Bethel" Sunday
School of Bainbridge, this county,, ,
will hold
its 23d anniversary in'ine - gi-ov*OrSOlonion .
commencing on the 19th of - 7,ltigttat con
until 21st kneinsive.
°imp 'MARKET •Housz.—lt has , been
remarked by strangers visiting Columblii,t
that.* have the.fiete4 market hiouse in'the
this magnificent structure on .Wednesday,
and•were surprised to find:it in stich a filthy
condition. When the Council raised the
salary of the Market Master, it was sup
posed be would attend• faithfully to
duties. Where is the -Burgess ? •
find instructive toy is, got up by Messrs.
Wanamakeedt Brown and given gratis to
every boy who wears Oak Hall jackets and
pants. Their establishment'has become it
great favorite with the-children because of
the " good cloths" sold there at prices so
moderate' that Mothdrs can't help buying
them. Get Johnny his new suit at Oak
Ball this time, mother, and you will be
better pleased and more e - cOnornical than -
ever before—to say nothing of the "wind.
is wonderful What strange prejudices
.and superstitions- kill' creep into men's
Minds. We meta man the other, day, who
didn't belie - i - e in Making a will ti6cause he
thought he pughtto leave it to Providence'
to dispose_di , his property after his death.,
-Perimps:;be:ivis right-, for, if, Providence
hasat-given such a man senseenough to
know that what he neglects iu this respect,
the State perfcirms:for him 14-.:lt's -laws; Ile
has not given him sense enough to know
'hew:to. dispose •of his property aright. t.
life insurance agent came across'a wonian;
who wouldn't let her husband insure, be
cause sire knew that:he:would idle' a 'Soon
as be "went into oneof those life insurance
companies." - We - assure 'you there is no
such danger, Madam, especially, if he gßes
into shah a company as is "The American
Life Insurance Company oT-Philedelphia.'
. ,
PREPARE-Fga:l 4- 11E:.CaOhEttA.--With
the " heated.terna" comes the dangerof that
frightful pestilence—Cholera—and kindred
diseases. • What untold , anidtindeseribable
:misery has been visited upon thousands,an
nosily by these awful corimlainli. But
every one ought to be made aware that a
specific for this class of diseases,
as ,well as
a certain priventive. is tb6celabrated Mitili
ler's Herb Bitters. It will positively fortify
the system: egaihst.:the - attacks of Asiatic
Cholera,Cholera Morbus,Cholera Infmtuin,
Diarrhma, Summer Complaint, Dysentary,
Cholic, Painters Cholic, &c. D. H. Bissell,
M. D., Physician-in-chief of the U. S. Hos
pital Ship, "Falcon," highly reccoin mends
it for Cholera,.•and:hSs used it-with marvel
ous success in such cases. It acts like an
angel of mercy:in every instance. Sold
by all druggists :and dealers. Price ono
dollar per: bottle: • '' ,
following whiel,:i,venik.qft - OM the Western
Christian.• Advocate may. serve- :awanother
warning -of the danger.of g
On Sunda - § j i:Vvening . Mr. and :TaMes
H. Wilmot, of Washington ,to,wnship,,4er
risori dountY,Tndifieri; left' Emile' to, 'a attend
chnrch,their four children remaining:in - :the`
house, the oldest aged about eight, and' the'
youngest one 'year.,-.A.' coal- oil: lump ivas l
first lit by the -Parents; and"then-all-'the
doors uf, the house 'Deiced. to,-proyent any ;
person, house
'they- were .absent.
'On returning,from meeting -the house was=
discovered to -be on Ere; and by the time the
distracted parents reached 'life scene the
fenr children were burned-to death. They
'had all rarCto the' front' door, hoping to get
out; but it"beinglocked; - death in its most
frightful form was their fate.
' 'We hold:that/a man is not doing his whole
(duty to'hii..fiimilY who refuses - TM have his
info lie:aired in a good, active life insurance
company, such as the' Delawa'relMUttial.
known to he. Let us say to you, good
motherly housewife, if your husband is not
insured insist _upon that be 'done.;
dangers•stand thick, and some of theso.fine'
Mornings. you. may wake up to find your
f VII (I OW. With' 'yourself and the ;child.'
run to take. care 'cif,''tiu d nothing, - to do it
with. That 'would be 'hard. -- To 'ought tO
'-gut at " your l.lashand- :thou C:thiS matter
at once, and .give . no peace until, by the 'ex
• py nditurs of a`fewdollars, he duts•put you
beyond the possibility of being left destitute..
.Now while you'-hive time-and. opportubit3r
•go to W. H. ,C. Bassett: 4 :lnd take out a
ii.s,ooo.policy,at least,' it will cost you' but a .
tritle.- - autituilly. and it places your-family
beyond want if some sudden mishap or-ca
lamity should- fall upon. you : - word ,tw
~the Wise is; we hope, sufficient. ' "
A , COI.OItED, DON- UaN.—Some • lime
since a orildred :woman of.Coltirabilf:"Penn•:,
sylvaniat 'made ari'information Ifefoie
magietratti - in that city charging a barber
named,: Williarn - -:.2ooder • wtt h Ibrnication
and bastardy. Pooder- ' was ' , arrested. 'but
furnished bail for 'his Ppeat•ance' at court'
for trial, Mr.. Ta mes Drown becoming-his'
bondsman. • Su bsecittently, the wout.n.untr,
'lied, and. Pooder,- imagining that there
everything ended,deft Columbia and cape
to, this city." floe he 'obtained employment;
first at a bricltyMit on lloyirs hill, and' lat
terly at ; a;cotlin whie roo tir on'T,Elierly street:,
near the depot. A few clays-since:the case •
was called up in the Lancaster.county court,
-and Mr. Pooder on hand his
bondsrnau was =titled that he:would! he weelt—in.t whi eh, to prdduce. the'
accused or pay - over to theisheritf the amount
of his bOtal. Mr. Brown 7 at - once, came, to
tllas and 'by the exertions of, 011icirk
Cu bbles'and 'Dre,,sslqr•was itotdong huni
ing uPhiSatian.; - .Ele Was found at the:coffin
manufactory .referred to, ?Where 'was,-
busily'engaged in the polishingllCpartment.',
Era was Inked' bacleto Coluinhia last' night
by Mr. llrown and an °Mean—Pia:92mm
GOOD ADVICE.—Let our possessions be,
what they t ! palaces,' ..hroad;
lands, magnificent plate, or caskets of "pid-'
cious stones "—theyall sink in the balance
against Heaven's• great boom: nEALTri,
and they cannot the .enjoyed • without • it.
And yet bow little"l4 - it- valued,: find ,'how,
Icarelessly, pleser,i4d,The TIOwS .pf
'cannot' be violated with irnphnity. Night
revehiy,,luxuriouS living, irregularity
meals, anti a disordered appetite, will grad
wally destr*, thdifowbr and activity - of the
stomach.' ` How many ladies and gentleMen
eat and drink disease ut late suppers,-,and
arise in the morning with headache,' lose of ,
appetite, feeling languid , and' unrefreshed:'
There can be no inedicart-einedy • that
turn' lead Into fetid, or poisoned drinks into
nutriment,-„but medical - science can; assists
paturd, - Supply useed :f1 Olds: • an ci:to
great extent corrept• tlip - effects, of'diSehse:
In allcusedstich - lis the above,•• we. repeal',
mendf,Plantation ,Bitters. , 'Aron 'will -find
them ••1 ust the. , thing-at the- samP9imef. •
,most delicious tonic unti•aPpetizdr. - ."
Magnolia '.. - Water.—Supdriou . to -the best
imported Gerinan'Cologne; - and . sold'at' f;
Mr. ;Abribarnis,Sfaull'ePreiident of, the
ManheliM Natidnal Bink,Anis'Adnated';:to
the borough. cii Manheint, u lineir,roie, - con'-''
ih ing.a bout four acres,dQbe , used - ,,by :the;
,public as a pleco'foi
tugs or other recreations:---It- ist sltuided;
says the Blenheim - . Sentinel, Within half a
mile of the. borough; ancl , bes-!on dc some•
very fine heavy timbre, and- it''splendld''
We are pleaied to hear:that Messrs. Lich=.:
tentlialer 4.4: Co., proprietors of Mei Blenheim
Slate Quarries, are confident of • the • corn- •
pleto success-of their enterprise, and in ad- - ,
dition to the work heretofore done at the'
black slate,quarry, they haVe'recently-sunk.
a shaft some forty feet deep at their. red
-slate quarry,whicli is two miles distant from
the black. , The indkiations are that a very
perior article of red idatewill be exceveteds.
the slate becomin. , lighter-in color as they
'descend' in depth7They have heavy •
.derricks and - other machinery,-put in an
:eighteen horse, power, engine, and Will soon
be':readys,to euiployment to a-large
The tobacco crop in the vicinity or.,mtull
beim, Petersburg and Litiz,lnoks very won;
but wants„ a'-good. rain; to', tkerreet' it. „The,
,sqrniis nisci - suffering'froin rain: The pots
.Ko_es ;are unsurpassed dn. size, quality. and
- quantity, 7 , Verydiftle4rot being . . noticed, as
g .- uplterZat'S Labandant, - -and much
ciderils nosy.- being made fr:oml l . )ei 4 lsF l 9J
ROYAL BAKIN'O I .-PONVTiErt — the best
thing in the market. It.only.needs atrial
to convince you: Licilgotine , foe , Lamiclri.
Try it. A choice variety of family groceries
at Clapper's, Locust Street,,Columbia.
R." HOUGENDOBLER . —is selling
out his-stock •of goods at a verglOsijigure,.
las ho is making Improvements to his store,
have , a more•extensiyo, stock
'Go and see tliOse elegant bootS and
shoes, ladies'. gaiters, - Corsets; -.hoop:skirts,
dx. Cheapest cash store in Colum
Val. - gains inclothing:,Otions; gentioriien'ti
furnishing - Odds: Acc.;;go' to tho Cheap
store of 1.,0. Bruner, Front streeti,Colum
bio.s,:Gentlemen's , !vory elpOr . ."
Clothing reduced:fit ' Shoes
NEW Gootisi'llill:p'eisoas !La': waitit:
shirts, collars,,bandkeroblefs,
hat or cap; sleeve buttons, ;breast
fact anything in the gentlemen'sTarnisbing
lfne;shoUld.viSit'the bandsowe : establish-
R:' Breneman,DaViat!' Street,
Columbia:, ~Albbis goods are of,•the latest
style, an il'sold - at the cheapest ratde( - there
fore go to Breneman'swhen you. want any-.
thing cheap or fasbichiable. •
I).liNtititth SPRING.—A. correspondent
of the Express writes to Mit paper "about
three-iburths'ora inile• - frOnt the village of
Chuvelitown, this - county,/there is - a deep'
cut in the Welsh Mountain, through which
a road, lending;, directly • south; called the
"Church town ,road," passes ;and; in.this
cut, alongside-,the road, and..: near a spot.
where once stood a woolen factory; is a
miuertil spring. It 'ls reported I that the
grounds upon whieb. the sprint is located
have been pui-chased'bY'a New Toi.k Com
pany, for the pip-pose of fitting up the place
lhr a summer, resort. , It is believed that
the project would prove successful,,since it
is a ,very healthy locality, and there are
facilities for enjoyment close at hand. - The
large dams belonging to the ,"Pool" and
"Windsor" forges,' &typed' respectively' by
Messrs. James Del:laxen and James McCaa,
would Make adminible boating sad tisbing
grounds." I . ;
For Register.
Lieut. A. C. Herr who offers himself as a
candidate "for the office of, Register,. ;is
among the most worthy 'Gar' that position:
He has been tar many
. years a hard-work
ing Republican, and -stands' very high in
the surro and irtg townsitifis, whip)] .11E3 .. %yin
carry ablest 'solid, and whichiSpeake
fur his popularity,., He is unintelligent and
sltfaLlo•gentieman; steit'dY 'kis -fiittlitS';-•
and if elected will do honor to the offfee , and,
j ust ce •to his- 'Sri 'en d s everywl4
speaks bdffillilhglish'itnd'Gernatin.''lt" dill
be rememberetUthat T.ient:'Het,T i tyas a can
didate for the anie Wide,' three years ago,
but,no.t.-wishing .f:;r.stand-ila i tkle-way-Tof Col.
MileSL wi,tkdrewi 'frciniftheLetaitt•St: _l This
mail: of reipea shown Col. Miles spesks,
yolumes'ior Lient.lleitVtindallOne - the
'telligent voters of' Ltineastet:;aounty will
decide. iu Savor „of Lient...A.. Q. _Herr. for
Register. It is the wish of •• '
- , -
L or.tlheSp.J.
EDIT011:—On tite - 28th•of this , month'
the Republican voters or tlioYcMinty will be
cal le4 I -upon-to select-suchLmen are , best:
'qualified to tilttli'd o ffi ce's nillaeir gift. •
Of all the offices to be,tilled,.there is none
that will acquire of ifs occupant a more
eat ofn I. business,talent.;•ala'rger.exPerience;,
a mere,discriminatingiudg,men't. Or a fuller
Share - in eliecelifidence, Or the 'oath natinity„ ‘
than that .of ,Sheriff. No man should • be
elected to ) that office a•lmira..s not theSe
iiisations. Mr. Isaac Mishler, of Lancaster,
a gentleman of well known business ,quali7
iicatioits;wilet and courteous in manner,
and practical judgment, is a, candidate for
that office; , and only by. your judgment of
his firness'fbethat.po'Sition 'doe's: he ask: for'
your suffrage: • Such a--marf should, an'd'l
receive•the'vot , - , qf eyeyy -.1141a157 ,-
licart:who seeks the Welfare orthoclmlty.
BiIItOLARY- AND' -110mrzita.'. - -='—'The .
:.d.welling,libligo - of, AtitiCir.BUCletValter,`idear
Gprdn e r vilre, Art -)Efpperaklueocki tow.nsbip.
Was on•-,Fridaymiglit of,last week,•entered -
and -robbed , ehf•abouti'OnetAhotisand . ,dollars
in money-and,d,civaritipy,ofSilVer 'Mire. At .
'about inlilialkhK tete, lfan:q l S , ;•WhO iSiePt on
"the secon'Olooic:lieard a noise in the lower.
!part of the house, and Mr. Buckwaltor rose,
and locked the door of his laidibeini. i'Scaxie
time afterward he was awakened by some
one citlling,hitn. • Ho also heard foptsteps on
the eutsideaf, h bedroom.door:, Thu ,
foribitxr-tuctise was: repeated , tw ice ;••.v ben •
the dooF , was - opened'and tliide'''meriyt,WCitsf
whout where masked, cania . inFoliis - ioani:'
Thi) man who NOM, ,no,mask exhibited a
large pistol,and told Mr.l3i that if he would
give him his money he would not be injur
ed.: -11 e .got tr)
bel t in-ah e'secre ;:a •handed." - it" oyer:fk,
the 461iicstnan',4i.vbildime - of the other
seiirciied"bia verathen 7 ,
dreicCdollars.frolied ; Vest pobketi,the-Whdle•
shin:taken:amounting to about a thousdnd ,
dollars.' ;Tile :harglars , then;"told'Sliiil3 . :"
thilt If lie rem tined up:sttiirs 13)
he '‘ , ,:ifaild . ,rlO . t . ',l)e . h um, but that, if; e
down - 'arta, made. an ,alit ,
~,hm.,:wunitl be,
Stait; as:Abey, intended :to •re main on - the,
premises and watch Ivbile they - robbed . :it
neighbor..., Mi. B. did' fier.leaye,'llis,..ipoin'
until "thhi; JnorUing: .Erti,; : lia's„.astiertained
that none. of .f his , neighbors ...were. robbed.
Nix. 13. is engaged' in "buying' cattle' in - the ,
West iSuil' Sellipg:tiferfi 't he' 'Bast.
kitchen and :the cellar' at
'tuts', place.,neru
also visited by'the robbeis, and a number
of :provisions carried o rf. The drawers,,
were'' eXamine r d. , t The • entrance '"was
see u IfhT's7 - 11111117 -
frittn e along sidit of.' the ' front tido
Clerk or 4rp►hnns' Court.
report litivirigTbeen - Citteialvo,icirealafed
through outtthe crotrnty• by "Capt: J. Q. Mercer.
while on elate electioneering tour; that my ef
forts to promott' the election of GEO. W. KEEN'
to the office of Clerk of ,Orphans ',Court, ler which
he is n. candidate, are' prompted by-motives of
personal interest, I deem it due myself. and also
Mr. Keel:, to.say that in this Matter I' have been
actuated by no motives except to secure for a •
worthy soldier, who has lost a limb us defence of his
country, the nomination rtommoillce,r the duties
'of widen he' is'ld every' reSpeet fitted' to'dis
I branddhis.attempt of Cat. Mercer to create
impression that in ease' of Mr.. - Keen's elec-,
Von thentlice woaldbe run directly orindirectly• -
in my interest, as utterly false, and arn.reluc
hintly conetramed to believe that it was known ,
to be so by the , nuttier,' in whoa? It is certainly'
bad taste, having held the office for three years—
to use alienmeans. todeleat theelection
Keen, a gallant. 40 Idieranid tone ',who sacrificed,
as much tor his country , ,as Capt.,Mercer,-anti
that, too, a.private'in the ranks. ,
\Y " . .E` S T•PI ,
Quarry =111e ;,
County Commissioner.
_ ,
We, - -I.lle:Midersigned,Reptiblicaus:
twp., present the name of LOUIS C.
.4,YTIL, for the °thee of County Commissioner,
We, take pleasure ;in: recommending Mr, Lytc
as fethorough business man; possessing an un ,,
blemished character for strict integrity . ; a finan
cier of ability, and a thorough Republican. .1:143,
is in every' respect competent for the
. positloit:,
Ili his ease It can be empliatically said, 'that the
office seeks the man, and not the man the „
Mr: Lyle *longs_, to , me-Bing , 'orp,Faction;;
, Irlencls will urge his claims entirely upon
.hls own merits:
Joel Miller,
B N Groff;
Ahntimin Grail;
Samuel Ludy,
Joseph Cooper,
John Blnkles, -
Calvin Cooper,
Mark P Cooper,
13]) Moyer, e,
James Murphy,
J.S Shirk,
Daniel W Eralich,
John Frail elf,'"
;Isaac Conarcl„ • '"
}Abraham Conartl,
t kbijeh-DGezer, •
Emanuel It Herr,
A. DI Miller,
Jerem Clemens,
Amos \V nutlet!,
I) NI Hostetter„ ,
Valentine Baker, f:
I Amos Loucelrer„.
Henry G Kentlig,
Robert • „ „
Ell , " Lundy-.
Cleile of orpbaust•toort. 1 . :•• 1• ••••,
• ,
- ",We,:tlie.maflerslgued friends and. neighbors of
of Eden township, respectfully
re * Coniffeiffrliffir - telli - C - 134firdiffaii - griaiirrir
'con nty'for uoinlnation„tfor thiposlttomot
er.ukft• OF Tiir. OnerrAl , 7S' COrfirr, at the ensu
ing primary election;Saturday, August23;lEoo-t
Clfr: 'Keen is a one-armed soldier. He enlisted.
"ain:lir in 1881, in the Ist Ileg't Penn'a Reserves,
• and served until his right arm was shattered by a.
'solid cannon shot fit`th'e battlo or Ganes' Mill,
;On,account of which It was nitwit:tied. He is a.
youdg man (having a .family dependent upon
:him !for support) in inodeiate i circuraitances, or
exemplary character, and in every way deserv
ing of their support: 7..13),`......"
Shultz.- f j
..TOlin Groff;
James. Risk,
Wm. yhowalter, •
Adam Keen,
Albert Hrunill, ;
Samuel Keehn,
'Martin Lefevre,
'John F. Herr,
-E. .H..Eherman,.. ,
Frank J. Herr, - ' "
John Smith,
A. It. Black,, „ ' •
.henry Musser, -
.John (}.'Freeland, , '
Enoch Passraore, , • •
• .
. •
Levi Reese;,:, -
Jos. fttneer,''''' 4 ';"-:S
'Daniel E. Eckman,
Jacob Keen, , , .;
Wm.l.3 . rysoni: - , 4
, Isaac Althouse: " •'•
Jacob M. Eckman.
.Isaac G. Philips,-
.I%E.L. , Kendig,.,
Wm.' Phelps,„ •
Henry Webb,
Joseph 94/11114,cr,,:..,',•,-,
ltudol ph Ressler,
Ben Jam n •
"Henry H. 'A:tune/It,
Thos. C. Collins,
S. Weaver. (tailor,)
Christian Herr, . ,
S.D. Kauffman:" " '
Joseph \Violet..
Michael Wither::
Henry-Keen, hr..
:fames hL Hopkins,
James Hastings,
Robert Beypr,
Wm. R. Ferguson,
Abram "loop ; ,
Isaac Groll7,_
Aaron Hartmaii, ' ,
Samuel A. Ateloy„ .
John' Heidlebaugh, , „
Joseph Grolr,jr., ; , ,
Jacob Snavely,
H. Clay. HOpkln.s, „'
Stubbs; ; ; .
, . ;
Tas.: - A: 'M cPherson; ' ,
David Brown, - " "
J. li." - Hess,..Amiller.)
Valentine' Gardner,,.
iHnrrrAnment; - ,„
Walterlhintlne s ,
H; ,
Joseph. Evani" ' '
Tables — P. Evans:,
Wra. IRHeas, • •
Jolinit'Lovott; .•
nor. T.'Henser •
;MESS RS. Enrronp.—l noticed a communication_
n our "conntrpiwerre, a short time ,since, nirei
:gard BECIITOLD, oflliount JOS'
4 a:candidate for iLEGIST.EW OF4WILLI4:,,WitIiAB II I
contained in that communication I 'fully "agree;
There ip one feature, however, wilickwas . :4lP4 -
tecl, andi.which: should lie!itnown ,b,t.aU. our
voters. Mr. Bechtold ia.not a member of ant' cam', Or,
, cemnicloct WM , uny'coinbination. , lTeontersftwpolitil -7
cal arena depending upondils‘chnmeter as a inisin';'
,for the support of the public. Ills moral cluir,r .
actor and , business habits, with the knowledge
of the F.Jagilsh and German languages, merit: the
t of
suppor the people: . JusrmF—,
4.1"TEN110.1. -•
" j For _Prothonotary:
dArt.:w.f: D: STSURFEEV, Leto "of. l
the lst „Rest, Peun'tt,lleserves,
195th. Feb U' 11 - ,"Volutiteqrs. „
invOuld resPeetfuliz ask:the..MPftort of theltki,;
' publican Voters 'df T. 2 feaster: county * , Mr tito- c
df ',Prothonotary
service - Ns a private soldier In the Sating cil18t11;;
in the Pennsylyanla,ReServes ; carried the mus , "
•-ket for three years, 'and participated in Ul the
'battles of that ,Corps, serving altogether' mord
I „than fouryears; and having acquired a knowl,
edge of the Prothonotary's Wilco as Clerk, I feel -
that - I can consistently ask a favorable mushier,
atlon of my claim from anyl. fellow-eltizensiVl,,
' can also .transact the business ofthe Office ln_
She German language::
Clerk of Orphans' Court.
We, the undersignedrJutlgesof . the Courts and
Members of the Bur of Lancaster county take
pleasure, in. certifyin„, , r- that,-,CaptainrJOllN4.
MERCER:the:,present s Clerk:Of Lancasteneouu
ty,thasliedrt tVinithfill, able 'and cork ;••
and in consideration of his promptness ,in the
discharge of , triO duties of his tSftice, as well as of
his inability to earn a livelihood by manual labor
and, having lost his'richt leg'near Atlanta, Ga.,
after. three year's active service in the Union.
Army, 'we. 'most Cheerfully' recomnienil hfs
election : - _
Henry G Long, .-
John J Ltbliart,
Thos E Franklin,
Sarn'PH Reynolds,
J B Ain wake,
A Slayinaker r
N. Elhaalter,
Reubenll Long, •
• Eshleman;
John 11 Amwake,
D W'Patterson.
• C'Brabaker, ' "
Charles Benues,,, :
J B Livingston; -,
Jamesdilnek, " '
M If Butt,
NV A Nilson,_ ,
George Ilauxuan,..
J Swift,
Andrew M Frantz,., ,
Newton .Lightner; •
W W Brown,
'A Blood,
• Yandt,
II II Swarr,
Wm. A ug..Atlec,
Fred S ryfer.
J W Nrceum,_
U S Clark,- •
.0 .T.Dlekey, - • ,
Wm S'Artoveg; -
Benjamin F Baer,
Isaac E Hiester,
Il 1%1 North; "
D P r.,
WE. Wllsoa,
Geo KErenotnam;
13, C Eiretuly,,
N E Slayntaker,sr.,
George At, Kline,. ,
A.l3Carpenter, ,
A H Smith,
John S Rutter,:. , ,
AbrahataStunlc.;, . r. ,-
John`P Rea,' •
Edgar e2leod; ,
A Krturfinati; ?. "t•
1%1 Brosius,
Zuriel Swope,
W Leaman,
JD Good
\VJ Johnson,- " •
-Amos H
Samtiel'a Price.
A-J,Sanderson,. ,
W K Seitger,
We are authorized to announce CIirtISTIAN
GAST.: of Laricasterl CitY,.' as a' candidate for'
PRISON Issrgaron, subJect to the decision.of
the Republican-voterS• at theth „ e ousuing•primary
We are authorized to ,announce
.IIIISSER; - cif East Donegar township, - as maid
idate •forlPftcSo'S IztsPuerore;stibfecttoothede:
msicin of the. nepublican„voters, , at ,the.ensuing
primary election..
We' are ittiehOrried'to announce JOSEPH D.'
POWNALL, of Sndshury township, .a. 9 a can
• dictate for STATES ENATOR, 'subject the decision),
of the Itcpublican voters at the Primary Meet
ings.- ;
We are authorized to announce the name of
JOITN Di.. STEIMAN, or Penn township, as n.
candidate for STATE SENATOR, subject, to
. tilb
RepUblieUn'runninUtion .. by,thepeople at en-
} suing primarzelections;s_ r '" • _
We- nro-aulliorize.'Ea aniricidii&; the naino:ot,
E.' BILLING-PELT. or AdxuntoWn. Ws: st• ea:4l
- for the STATE SEN,itz, subject to•the Re
-publican nomination by the , peopleat the pri
mary elections. " •
We are authorized 'to announce the name of
R. W. fiIIENR, ESQ., of Lancaster City, as a can
didate for the Sx.oar. SENATE, subject to the Fie
publican n omination 'by the people at the pri
mary;elections:,-.1-: • ::•, •
We are anthoriz'etP to announce' the Mini e`of,
JOHN B. 'WARFEL; of. LenCletfer City: ;is a can
for,the, STATE ,SENA Subject to the He
at,the pri
mary elections.
• , -
We,.the dfidersigned Repuhlienns of the Dor
ough:of tiolumbia,,titke pleasure in offering Air.
:Peter Fraley as a Candidate for .the Assembly.
From a long knowledge' of - the character and
nualllidat lons of Mr., Fraley, we feel confident
he would make tifalthful and efficient Repro
:sent:dive: Nre;therefOre, urge .our fellow-citi
zens of the county to give their sullinges
at the ensuing primary election': • ' '
John Q. Denney, Milton Wike,
H. G
Jacob .Auwerter., IV.m.. U. „nese,
Philip Shremer. 4 Pearl, '•-
,John B:Bach manr A X. 0: Newpher, '
George Bogle, S. Atlee Dockl us,
J. W. Steany Abram ' , Bruner; Sr:, '
* AbrArreEruner..r.r., i Jacob it
--And many others.- ,
•,We aretilrithbrizeit to' nntiotince.,JAQOlt 'G:
, EETERS. of Gonestogatciamship,' as a candidate
for ASSK3I.I3LY, subject to,the decision oftthe Re-,
c.publicau voters at "the ensuing s prinattry,,elec-.
We are authorized to announce CAPT. •SAAi . r. "
D. MILLER, of Marietta, an old soldier`of the
war 01'1812, ma. candidate for A.ssr.lt7nx, subject
to the primary electors, and to all honest voters
of all parties,..4. , x ,-.
We are - authoi : ized to announce the name of
13n. J. B. HOW R, ton Mariethy.,4as-11-:can
-41date for the LicoistLirnriu, subject to the de
' Ciaioll•the , Republienn-voters - ar. , the ensit
:prirnaryzelections.,,,- -,.
Wo are authorized to
'HENTtY-riNf..ENGLE, of Donegal tOwnship;hs a
'mod idatefor the. , Assz.l.oar:r. subject to the de-
eisloit'otthe.Republican,voters, ensuing
primary elections.. - -
,We. are authorized to aniniunce.JAMErCloL- -
LINS, of Colerain township, as a email late tor,
the LacitstaTtlicE, suWeet.l,9 the decision of the
Republican' voters, - tit the 'cashing . Printaty
, hlV.are authorized to . announce CAP I. W. D.
, REITZEL,tisoI. 4 eatutidate. 40ff:the Ass E311111..1"..
subject to the nomination of the Itepublic:in
Voters at the primary election:,
authorized to pennee CAPT. A. GOD,
SECA.Lf Ela.s . VAloculico townshwire; a ran
- didate-fon .I..GlSLAVlPlegi:sabject rro the dei
Of the ,RepubLicari„ Party, at the .ensuing
PrimaittElactiens., i• . • •
We are iirrOaorized'to auslounee.. - MAJOR A. C.
RDINOEIIL, of Manhetin 'tO:Vrfsillp, as a can
ior the LEG/SLAV:IILE, subj ect. •to the de
telsion ef,the Republican. Party - ,at,the.'eusuing:
Primary Elections.
W"E,.are';-huthorlietl'',toi'vinliouncte .70.fitf
WlLEY; , iiPlktinbridge; Its • ai 'candidate 'for the
.A.SSE3CISLT, subject to the decision of theße
publican 'Voter; atthe priniary:electiOn:s:
We . 'are' authbrized to announce, ,Dn.
.11ERIVof IndianthivmDistrlct, - as candidide
forthe ASSEMMLY:"SUbjeCtI6 thls nomination of
the itepublican voters at ti.e primary election.
, CqtrS7tl T
We are - MitheriZed announce
.FAUF.F.IILAN,, Drover; of:East Demptield'towii
, ship, as a candidate 'for' Coczrry TitgAsulmit,
euhle , ct to the decision of the P.epuhlican voters
. at the ensuing PrimarEfeethin.‘
We are authorized to announce that H. K.
STONER, f-'West , Latxrpeter - township, Manu
facturer of Agricultural:intplements Will he a
candidate for the office of Cott.:::ry Tar:Aso - ann.,
=subject to the declslotyof the Republican voters
at the , ensiting'Primitry - Eleetions.^ ,- ." • •
~' We are authorized to announce:that WM,'
ROBERTS, of West liemplield - twp., will be a
imndidate for County Treasurer, subject to the
'decision of the Tie
_pit _h
I lean voters at the ensiling
:prip.LarY elections. .
4 •••5' , • '
We are authorized 'to announce that AMOS
GROFF,lotatartie township;' formerly of the
',Cross Keys hotel, Lancaster city, will be a can
didate for.SßEALFT,,subject to the decision Of
the Republlmitvbters 'at the' ensuing primary
elections. ;3•.! .•
We are author#eci .to. announce °qua 7011. N
' +IifiLD'EBRAND, of Mount 7o ill be a:candi
date for STIFIRIVF, subject to,the,ddclsion! • ot the
jaeptit . iift#tr y otets at the ensuing primaryeleCt
lons.. • (1.5
a W*,
We are authaiknd CO' annOtince 'that FRED
ERICK .M.YEIt.S., of atfasburg borough, will be
candidate f0r...57;F..101 , F, subject to the decision
of thejtepahligattxottrsattthe.ensaln4prhn'Lry
:elections: _ ,
V-1 We are authonizedito anaotin . oe that: ,
:sxlSl. - ILER, of Lancaster city, formerly 01 East
Coral leo, will be ea»tl Mate for tilieruf, subject,
to the deelsion.of-the Republican voters- at the
ensuing primary elections. , . I ElLt
Wa. „
e re authOrized to annOutii.c. candidates
for the office of Con.wry Aunrron, Mr. GEO.
HENSEL, et Quarryville: Mr., 11..luts served a
term In that,onice, and made a tattliful officer.
The condition of things at this time ,require his
Ire-election. -AMln'favorof holding our County"
Commissioners, Prison Inspectors and DireetOrS
~ of the Poor to a Strict account will. vote for him.
' — 'We are authorized to announce JACOB W.
BEAThoMarletta Furnaces, :Enst4Donegal town
shlp,-as omeandldatm•for , R.Ems.rhyrer Wrx.l.s,
subject to the:decision of the Republican voters ,
theensuing.primarrelectionz--*** -- .**
ftWe are authorised to:antiornie k 'GF:OßGE W.
'COMPTO.N.T. df 'fear' ntirVdn, crunlidatti for
REGISTER, subject to the nomination by the Ite
publican voters at t:111 primary elections:.
We are authorlied to nnn uco Col. _MILTON
I,VEIDLER,Iate : of Columbia uorough, as a C 1171.•
diddte for ritaltsrat:subJeet to the nomination
by the ilepublicanyoters at• the, primary elec
We are authorized .to.announce tile mune of
as a candidate for Itzoisrmt oi.• WILLS, subject
to the'deelsion of the Republican voters of Len-.
casteecounty,,at.the; ensuing primutry election.
'We tire antholized to announce, Lient:
HERR, of .West Lanapeter twp., as a .candidate
for RE - CasTurr., the nomination-by the
Republican voters nkthe_priniary elections.
We announce , MAßTlN-. 8 . - -
FRY, of Ephrata township. its balcancliclato for
Reols.ruit, subject toiltertlecision!of -the Repub
lican voters of Lancaster county, at. the nomi
nating election.
We are authorized to announce JERMIIAIi
RatIRE:II, of Lancaster city, late Major 12 - ith
,Reg't Penn'a Volunteers, gd - Al:Corps,
Army of the Potomac, - usal date for the
'office of Register of Wills, subject to the deal
,sion of the Republican-voters at the ensuing
primary elections. Ind.w
e - fIt COROCEIt. '
. "
' Win.° nuthofized 'to ' thinounee the na 4-‘ me of
ROBERT DYSAItT, of Mount Joy, esti candidate
for ,CORONEIt, subject to tile derision of. the 'ie
.-publican Party . at the cussing primarXyleellons.
_ _ _
We are authorized to announce Cant. W. D.
STAUFFER, city, late Of - the - Ist Regiment
Pennsylvania Reserves, and 195th P. \., as a
:candidate for •F1507/10NOT.Aal:, litlbjeCt to; the,
decision of, theßopublicans yoterwat •the ensu
ring: primary. election.; 11 fr.. S.. Is tbe....present ,
eleriqlor Prothonotary, .speaks • EngLibh j and:
German; -carried ,the...musicet, for. thee, y.ars, ,
;and participated Ufa dozen battles.
_ _
--- :We are authorized to annOtinCii DAVID "I?ER, of West Earl:township, as &candidate for t,
CLViexfor.OarrEANkt'OllllT, subject tothe de
cision of the Republican voters at the ensuing
Primary Elections. „ ,
- We are authoriZed to announce 'CA.i.r.tilv
-701U11 Q MERCER, lute of,Sadsbury twp., now
of the city of Lancaster , "ns - candidate for
, 'Clerir,Of.Orphtintrlemixt, übJehtto td decision
of the Republican yoters at, the primary eieo
We are announce JOEL ARM
SIiONG, '<if Martie town:Ship - , tis a citrlidete - for
cotnarr Coltariggiurren; subjeerte the decision
of the'Repobilean voters arthe ensuing primary
elecdon: , ••• :•: ; •
, nl•' , l •
t We are nhtliorlzed!itranhotince s . the.!tatime .of
.3•O • MIC.X - . of.tancaster city, as 'a ean
,nidate tor CO - tncrr Coaranssionre, subject to the'
,decisionortne - Repatblican yotetlyrrt thAensuing
prlwary elections. •
.We ' are= authorized" "to. announce' • PETER:
JOlllliVorlitast"Lampetertitnrnshipi . us Itt.can
,didate for County Commissioner, subject to the
"decbdon orthell„epribliCant voters atthepttmary
election:in' • ' . -' [dmr.
• 1 •CIII 3 5E 6 .F. K I I LO TEPSSIID N 4 ' -'''•...'•
- of Marietta 'Borough, l'onn'a, as a candidate for.
Cx.san OP QtrAargre, subject to the
decision of theliepublicartv.oterS at the ensuing
„PrimaryCElectieu. ; _
4 ,
1:-..y.1 , - ,1" ," , 1,., 1 ' - '1„ , 1...-„, ; , , .... ~, . .,,i, , ,:,...., . .„ :,,,...::.. i ] .. ...
.- , i'' -` -"' taritets-.."-'4'" '7 . "- ) `-'' -,
I, . m9N,33? , 17;;;A-,‘,lgriSt.,l6.
)3)tra , Cam - vs-2;3
- !00 liend sold ritOrto3le for 0.x 7 ,
'tra 'Penna. and Western steers; for a fevr .
choice; 7nSlA'faLt to'good, and. - 5,1ia634 per pound; -
rOs. • •
'CoWs-200 head sold at 515a.75 for cow:.and calf,
and $40590 per bend for Springers.
Slossr.-11,000 beau soldut 53401 c pdr,,lll4, , rdis,
as to condition.
- - - -
HOGS-2,..00 bead sold td $14a14 75 per 100 lbs
tiolutribia Fiour an it Grain Itlarket
-' ' - Cotuirmt, ..k.ugast
Fun - lily Flour V. barrel....
• 100 1b5....
Superfiziell2ur 1 3 61 T r
o lbs
50 lbs
-Clem Weal :t; bush
Corn Chop
Corn cC Oats_
Superior White Wheat.
100 lbs..
Cotuntbia.. Co - al Intar)Ect.
'-• ' C0.i.a..-xwx,..4l4cist 20, 1369.-
- I;nlle3l.:trap ..... • • ' *3' 65 - .37 00
- 'Nos:1; 2, 3 and 4 '• 615 ' 701
Maltby, Coal, Nos.], 2, 3 S. 4._ .. ... _„ 6 . 65.7,00
No. ..... ... :6 50
Lylcctis Volley stove and egg • 6,65 03
Nutt , 050
S'lnina'olcain.stove and egg;
. Nutt 645 „ .650
.Maltby, for 1,2, 3 , °
ear gross tons on traelc 6 60
nruner's New Dlatoond,Nos. 1,2., !. . •
3 ..t:5 ear gross tons oil track 6 GO
Nutt N 0.5, Coal on ,,ear „-
. . - - -
' Columbia _P rodu c e re, Itfarke't..
‘.,' -,
' ' ' ' •'• "-' Coitn3l:ll/k, Atiglist,2o:lso9.:,
Potiktoei,nin‘ • '•-. • - " • - '• 00 Cal, 00
. old 50:','P „ "03
. Apples perhaln peck,: -' " ''' , ' '''; ", •. 15
Eggs, te: (107 '.. ' ' . . ' ' "2,11'
.0-",, '25
Butter, 'ejt . ,.
Lard, - ,
Sides, " " 18 . (3 20
Shoulders - • • • •"• - - 18 (0 -20
,,country • ' - ' • • ' 2O t
Hams, sugar cured 2550
, Tallow lO ... (0 i 7
Beaus, 7 t-1 quaq„ .. , , , , 10- (0 ,I
Beet " - 11, • 15 ' (0 ;20 -
1234(0„ 39
Mutton. • •15 (0 20
Lamb " ,15 (0,:25
'P o rk ' - - -15 (0 ;al
, Sausage... ' 22 (_/1
Pudding l s ~0
Bologna •- ' " ' ..' _.,,
40 (0
. .41 NOTICES.
, ,
'Setti „ veritiganic rind Mandrake Pills, will * eine Cou-.
I ,sumption. Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, &taken'
I according to ,directions. They are all three to be
taken 'id the Slime time. They cleanse the stomach.
relax the liver, and put it to work; then the appetite
becomes good; the 'food digerics and makes good ,
blood; the patient begins to grow in flesh; the dis..
I eased matter r,ipons in the longs, and the,patient
outgrows filet and gets yell. and,
'only way tokurd consumption: •-•-,
• To these three medicines Dr. J. IL Schenck., of
I Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled success in the
! treatment of, pulmonary, consumption. , The Pub
moni c SyruP ripens the 'morbid matter in the ..lun tie
-nature throws it or by an easy expectoration, for
when 'the phlegm' 'or matter is ripe, a slight cough
_will throw , it- otf, ' and the patient has rest and the'
'lungs begin to heal.
I o do this; the Seaweed Tonic and:Mandrake Pills
must be freely used Id cleanse the stomach and liver,
se that thb'Pulmenie Syrup and the food will" '-' th itice°
good•blood...^.--- -- ''''''-*-----
Sclienek's Maud talie•Tilts,nct . upen'it li e diver, re
moving all obStritetioics; relax the ducts of 'the gall
bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver is, soon
,•velleved4 thejszools mtll show who.t.thePills can do ;,,
nothing !iris ever been invented except calomel (a' .
.poisonwhich.iii,yery. dangerous to use ex,
cept with great dare), that will unlock a gall-'bladder,
and sort the lideretiorts of theliver like Seheuck's
lilandrake Pills.
Liver Complaint is
O ne of the , most. prominent
causes of Consumption.'" , ' ' • ' ', ••• • ' • ••••••• •
Schenck's Seaweed Tonic to a gentle stimulant
and alterative, and the alkali in,the Seaweed, which
thiVeser•ption is made of, assists the stomach to
• C. , . t-rit.totio.gastriedniao, , lretlissolye the - food -N.llll
the ..•eirnerifb Syrup:audit is made into good blood
without fermentation or soaring in the stomach.
Trie•orqqt reason ;wily phytalcians do not cure coif
' semi:mon ts.,,they try,. to. tio.too , much: they . ,give
rratdicine to atop the cough, to stop chills. to e top
might.siveate, hectic fever, &tbby so 'doing they de
, range the whole dige:ntiVe powers,locking up the se
cretions, mid eventually tieepatient sinks and dies.
Dr. Schenck, in his treatment, dees•not try to stop
a cough, night sweats, Atkins or fever. - • Remove the
JlallSe, and they will all stop of their own accord. No
'Oll6 can be cared of Consumption, Liver 'Complaint,
;Dyspepsia, Cauirrli, Canker, Ulcerated l'hroat,• un-
Te=s the liver and stomach are tnade healthy. - , • I
— lf a person nos cousumptiou, of course the lungs'
' are in coins way diseased,eitherinbereles, abscesses,
bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion, or the lungs
arc a nines of inflammation and,' fast decaying. la
ouch cases what must be done? ft is not only the
ngs, thotare wasting, but it is the whole body. The
i.totnaeli and liyer have lost their power to matte
blood on t f00d. ,,
Now . only , -ehance.iei to .l ake
.Selieuck's three teed/dues a Inch. will bring.up a
tone to the stomach, the pa tient will begin to want
food. it n ill digest easily atiltmake . good blood ; then
the pAtient begins gain 'ln flesh, and as soon as
the body begtus,to grow,the lungs commence to heal.
up, and the patient gets Meshy and well. This is the
'onlv way to cure consumption.
When there is no lung discs-se, and only Liver.
Complaint and Dyspepsia, Schenck 's Seaweed Tonle
and Mandrake Pala are standout without, the Pal-
monicr, Syrup:; 'lulls thell4nadiake freelytin
bilimis eomplainta, aS.thay aretperfcetly harmless. !
• Dr. Se henelt, who tins enjoyed uninterrupted health
for - many years past; and - now' 'weighs 225 pounds,
was wasted Away to a mare t.kcicton, in the very last
stage of Piiimoniu-OLCorisimiption, his physicians
haying pronounced is,ease hopeless/tad abandoned
lam to his ate: lie was eared the aforesaid
inedlehics anbale.' his recover may thousands
,A. - 4illarlv af flic t ed
have use d Dr. Sc y
heuel n t's 'prepare
-314as. with the, same romarkaUlo success. Full di
re,,ttons accompanying eaelt; - Inalte It not absolutely
„necessary to personally see Dr. Schnuck, unless the
py their lungs examined, and for this
purp,s,e lie is professionally at his principal °Mee,
• Phildelphia,e
every•Saturdar where all - letters for
advice must addressed. , lie is also professionally
at No. Band Streer.'.New York, every other Tues
day, and at' No.- 35 Hanover Street; ltostoe, every
other Wedneiday. The gives - advice 'free, but for a'
tholoughesamination•with Reapirometer the '
price is 53... 011ie& 'Mara at ench city from 9 1 M to
3 l' - - -
Paco of ttielPtilmcilt p's and Seaweed - Tonle
end. $1 5u per , 'bottle„Or“ 3 7 so a' half-dozen.— Man
dial.' Pills t. 5 cents a box. For sale by all druggists.
an 131f.1 . 152 i. 6th St., Phan., Pa.—
;Of lormer.dayswas an utter neglect of sanitary pro
eautions.--Diolefitetent means were adopted for the
pre, cation of silkness...Seweragb was unknown-tit
citi drab:lam:was rarely attempted in the country.
Heaps of offal worm - left to - rot in tlie . publiC4treett , ,
'and toil fr o arailtrlira - K L llirigiir
rile diseaseL•wa t it lii.dirnegleoteh: kis it not do nowt
Wise laws; philanthropic institutions, and ttvigilant,,
sanitary police: have; ton great - eliteni, remedied din;
evil. Nor is this all. Preventive medication has'
helped materially. to : lessen the rates of mortality ;
It as n;Cto •
muck too say that tons of;tiiousands es-.
.cave s.icktics.q in unhealthy seasons in consequence
of havinginvigerated their systems ltradvance tl• a
Colln-o of IrosrsiThii , s .STQISIXCII 'BITTERS.
7 1 4 n pin, and-wonderful
.vegetable ionie , and 'alters:
Lice comprisei this extracts and essences of a variety
of roots and herbs, renowned- for their strengthen
hug; soothing, vlltilizinen'tid - P r arlficng; propertlM4.
These medicinal iiienis"nr.s . incorporated with a
spirit absolutely free; frOin ili:sine s ritlpc;ison which
defiles, more or lese,Aall . lhe liquors of commerce,
end thair etryot",is:ditnteed through • the, whole frame
by Manative; yeit harmless t stitntannt:, ; The result la
me,' a eond Won Of the 'sp.:gait' iiiretitlciri it all but
impervious tottlic.e.xterior ccauses of
dhump; fog, suctdorealternations ,
of tempertiturd..dtc.
Strength; and trice perfect regularity of,all,thorand-
MprlS of the bOdY.'are 016 hest iutfe-guiirds:Arainst
attnospherie poison and the 'etteats tiolesome
water, aud.. IIO ST.ErrEAVS, BITTERS are the best
larentrttlaniag' anti ,ietuLkting medicine, at present
known.' For dyii.ePSlA - ,Laid, ; billetisness.,they are a
specific absolute, ~ ;•:.- • '
treat e,k lAttl she njmofittaCedeP9),b}ra.2SA,ted,ll:D.,
and P.raf, star, of, Eke ,Eya, an& Ear, W e
sneciallga in - Os 2/./plia . ..l„Cigleis'of RairuiVicaia,l2 Venn
'experience, Iformerlylof - .Leyden ;11oIland a. No: 805
Arch ctrect., 1141 a- Tostirconials can be seen at life
office. :1111c,IIIectical faculty Arc inAitedto accompany
their , patlentspatohe,bssqweeepatelm-41fir-practice-
Artificialeyef !n4crtotl:citbo`gt - p4in, ;N0 . ,: charge for
examination. ;• r. „ Utliy3/4y• •
' ,
sos, .; 1 • • -
quirtr-cts • o I want to say a little more about
the: Veto-Killer. I consider it a very valuable meth
cine",and always keep 'Com hand. I hare traveled's
good deal since I have . been in Kansaq, and never
seilliont taitirig.lf,:nldh me: . _ln my practice I used it
freely for fb olers. in 1849, and with better
tuecees than witli , anrother • medieine. I also used
it here' for 'Clielerstin'libi;; with the'snine good re
*mite.IIUNTING,Af• L.
. •.
• • * rrgre tto say that,thd Cholera has pre-
Tailed he:re 'onater . le t iViat eiCtflnl. 'For the last three
neelzs, from ten to fifty or sixtylatal caws each day
hare been reported. I shotild 'add 'that :the Fain'
Killer cent reeent/i 4 .ITOM Ffouse, hag
been .usectpeAtit Aottsiderable success . during this
*Endemic. If taken in season; to generally ettec
teeth' checking the dtl'esna . e w .
aurThmii.yr • .
_NEW''..4I-7)7 7- EjillTS.E i ltrE*YS.
VIILY NET LOST—A Ili Net was'lost;
1 in Columbia a short time ago, The fluddi -
w be rewarded-by, leaving It at this office. -:
3 - - - augliLl tdetlw—
ttullding, paving mill other brick tilwais on
hand. They are hand made anibuiperlor to any
brick in this part of•the; country. ,Tiley.are of
„fared at the very lowest price.
N .0T1,CE.7--A • meeting • of. the )Stock
t holders of the Columbia and Washington
Turnpike Company, will be held at the Frank
lin House, (kept. by Martin Erwin)-in.the Bor
ough of Columbia, on^ Tuesday the 21st day of
:August 1811, at 2 o'clock F. 31., for the purposeof considering and determining the propriety
'of abandoning and surrendering to theltorongh
of Columbia; so innclrof their turnpike-road as
Les between the Borough f line And the corner of
Front and Locust streets_ - ", •
order at the Board:Of Difectors,'
nitig7tdw... • .'..705.•..F.;-,COTT.ItELT.W.Sed.retari.
JuOW RENL—That cot in od imi6,llire'e
Story:Brick. Dwelllnei Reuse, 1g0 . ;12.3 • South
Vont Street, between Locust and Union Streets.
Apply= to, E. Ii :, SMITS at "the , First National
Bank: • ' Unly3l-2tw,
. ,
LIC SALE.—The undersigned wilt sell ,at
üblie Sale, et the late residence' of ELIZA-;
above Third street, in the Borough of Columbia,
On SATURDAY, Augu:4 21st, 1869,
the following pqrsonnl property, I,Plano, Sofa,
'Marble-Top. centre -2Eible. Looking Gla.sbes,
Chairs, Rocking-Chairs, Tables, Carpets, Oil
Cloths, Bedsteads and Bedding, Dishes, Bureaus,
Clocks, Cook Stove, Parlor Stoves, Window Cur
tains and Blinds; Forty-Pounds of , Lard, Cider
Vinegar, Lot of Soap, and a varlet' , of other ar
ticles too numerous to mention. Sale to com
mence at 2 P. DI.. on said day, when terms will
be made known by BERRY WISE,ER,
Administrator of Elizabeth Hinkle.
Columbia, August, RI, Ma.
... 100
... 6 00
... 3 00
k..; MALE INSTITUTE, prepares young men
and boys fur College, Business, or Teaching, and
affords young ladies superior advantages in
securing a complete education. Special atten
tion is given to, the common English branches,
Music, 'French, and the
including Botany, Philosophy, Chemistry and
Astronomy, us well as to the Cfassimi add higher
Mathematics. The next session commences on
Thursday, the 2Gth of August, For circulars,
address Itr.x. IL S. ALEXANDER,
augll-thewi „ Columbia. Pa.
I.JBLIC SALE.-IVill be sold at pub
,, lic sale. at the public house of :NisArtni Er
. in the borough of Columbia, nix
V 0
I'riday, September the 7/sth, LSO,
the following described real estate, situated in
t he to wrist] iof West Hempfi el d. about (mein lle
from Columbia, • .
hundred and four perches of laud. adjoining
land of Justus Gray. Hiram L. Detwiler, Samuel
Ooerlin, and lots Nos. 2 43; , ,i, and fronting on a.
public road.
ninety-three perches. fronting, on bald road, and
joininrsos:rsw. -
twenty-tive perclieS, - frOnting on said road, and
joining Nos.-
one 'hundred and forty-nine perches. fronting on
said road, and joining land of Peter ICratzer.
Nos: 3 • 1 1 4
twenty-nine perches, adjoining lands of Peter
.E.Tatzer, J. IL Mifflin, and other binds of bald
• John Sterlinc, E. Beaver's estate, L. Moho,
Robert Lemmon. Nos. 1, 2:3 and extending
on the Columbia and Chestnut 11111 Turnolke.
• AlLthe lots are favorably situated for BUILD-'
a.: , TO. LOTS, under A high , state of cultivation,
surrounded by good fences; autl welladapted,for
TRUCE:FARMS,' They all contain alarge num
ber of Locust Timber, Some flt for Post, situated
near the best market in.the State. No: :5 Mora
Spring of never-failing water on it, • • •- •
It willbe sold tailors us divided, or together to
suit the •purchasers. Any person wishing to
view the property before the day of sale- will
please call on the subSerlber, residing ou the,
A draft of the . pinee can be seen at 'Martin -13r
win's (Franklin 'Louse), Locust street, Columbia,
Sale to conitnence et 7 o'clock -in tUe evening
of said clay, whoa terms will be in: de known by
Jour; ItitAny, Auctioneer.. - "•
Columbia, August 13, 1887. •
- IX7 - ATER :-NOTICE.--The Superin
y y tendent, of - the Watek 'Company gives
inotlce 'that it will be necessary to stop the sup
ply of water tbr. a short, time. while . the new
pipes are,being laid. Due notice thereof will be
given by-ringing a bell in the squares when the
water is tohe turned otr.
110ARTICU L A 11 , -N perr,
_IL sons: knOwitig themselves Indebted to Mrs.
C C. Title; lately in the grocery businessat249
Locust street, , Uointnbia, are requested to make
immediate 'payment, and those having claims or
demands against the same will present them for
settlement to '- •` • .-ALX.X. BUCIIER., • •
aug3ttdtw) No. 219 Locust Street.
Yrouchttis,, Astlima:, , and Catarrh cured by in-
Imlaann. .Abbotes /ahahne Facia is the only remedy
known that operates on thelungs—dlssolves the
tubercles;', which are' thrown - MT, the 'cavities
heal, and a curels effected. Treatment b 7 letter
or in person can be had only of Cl.. VA.?. HUM
MELL, IL 1)..16 Wes 14th St. 1 , T.:17: [angl-10mcd
Lite of the Borotehf,doluroble; deeensed:
tters or-Administration on said estate having ,
been granted to the undersigned; all Per Sons
Alebted theretoarerequestect torriakeimlnediate
payment,...and 'those having claims or demands
against the same will "present 'them for settle- •
ment to the undersigned, residingq, In -West
Fiera ptleld township. 'HENRY NOBLER.
,1317-titw) •, , Administrator. ~
To Meneraeture Out welt-kalown Manures,
Super-Phosphate. of .Lime
and also hav-f0r . 5 . a1w .. .. -
7 •
NO. 1 Genuine Government,
Phsh Guano, Land Plaster • and, Bydra.aalle Ce
ment. together with a complete a ortment of
at fair market rates. ,
Super-Plosphiitp of La me, -- t , ', - 30 per 2.000111 a.
, Ammoniated - $35 do
. • .
42 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia.
the othiiitiidn'• of the t F"I rigr 'NATIorrAt. -
13.21.'NK of Columbia, on the 12th day of June
Ititt.' .1, made in accordance: with the act,of Con- ,
gress "March :ird, 1660; regulating the neports
National Banking Assoeintlons."
Loans and tliseounts... ...... 52-W70.35,
U. S. Bonds to secure • • '
U. S. Bonds outstanding.... 1.500
Bonds and -M0rtgage5........,0,197,,25 551,',34.5.63
Due from deeming Batiks 18, 101.06
re - -'
Due front
. other ,Ismtional
Ilanks ' 112050.08* ' •
Due from. oilier Nallotial
- Minks and I:a.o.kers ' 16,159.90 67,117.70
Current Expenses
Cash Items awl Revenue
Stanips... ......
National C`urreney... .......
Fractional Currency
Legal Tenders
:; per cent. Certificates— ......
Capital Stock: ,1 156,000.00
Surplus Fund 10,000,00
Discount 5,tr77.03
Exchanges' 1,457.87 -
Interest. - 7:44%00 •
Prollts.and , Loss - " - »:.:::..:::::- - -661.6S --- 15,2:N).5S
Circulation" " ' ' ' • '' -7 '131,8: , .3...00
Individual Depoqits iu5,176.83
Due to National Banks
Due to Other Banks and Bankers 440.10
State of rennsylvania,l„z. ,
County of Lancaster:j ''''''.- • • . ,
• • 1, S. S. DETWILER, Clisider ~f the First Na
tional .Bank, of Columbia. do solemnly swear.
that, the above Ls true to the best of my know'-
, edge and belief. ~. S. S. DETWILER, Cashier.
, Subscribed and. sworn before ine this 21at day
of Sune.lBo9., - .. SAMUEL EVA_NS,J., P.
Arns•r, • . , E.-1:".. SMITH, .
. ROBERT CRA_NE, ir Directors
• .
.11 , 10. FENDRICIi, J
R Colombia, State of Pennsylvania, at the close
of business on the 12th day of June, 18f21.
Loans and discounts —....: 'F1E.5,4d6.15
Over drafts Lr.. 1.-13
D. S. Bonds to 'secure Circulation.-- 509,000.00
'Other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages
rue from redeeming and
reserve agents ... .. .... ..........' 50,422.00 - '
Due from other National
'''Brmlta... 53„v..5.1.7. . .
Duo from other Banks and ' .
Bankers , 0.7=41 $110,977.1G
Banking I - I0 1 11 5 e•-••• ...... --- ' ' ' 12,500.00
Current ,—... ; ....
..14,09Lb0. , _ ,
Taxes paid , 82 . 2 S
Cash Items, including
Stainps . 1,4'51.59 „„.„..„, ,_
B 111 s dr oiler Nirtionar
Banks 3,004.00 , ,
Bills of State Ilank-a ..... -.... 156.00
Fractional Currency, ix
clutling nickels— ... ........-- ,• .213.37 .
Legal Tender Notes . 53,200 • 01,500.33
3 ? et. Certillcates----.--„ , - 40,000.00
,L,l AD ;14,Tr. t'S .
Capital stock paid in-. ...... -_ 5 0.1110.11
Surplus Fund
Discounts. —' .- - . 27034.14'
Exchange 5.(61.24
Profit and Loss 1,141.61
National Bank . Cirsuption... '; ~ ~ A , .
outstanding - -- ''' ' .' ' "4 . 12,43 D OW
i ndividual Deposits.._ ...__.
_-., , ,
Dne to National Itanks.:::'.. , `• ta217.51 ' ' 49481";
Due to other Banks and.
Sworn to and iitibliciltied t
. • . sa-NruEL- '3 , 3OCH, Cashier.
COLIMBIA, Jane=,'-1889..
061.3 S
• 6059:92 . - ij,*.46
• •
• , AN to •
•„ . -
• • ,
proprietors 1.)1" eStabi
:Milted a first-class Book Bindery and Blank •
Book .)lllnfactory, bugle • ; 1 1
Where therwill attend to all kinds of Binding;
'Jobbing, Ruling, dre.' The Bindery is under Um
superintendence of Charier P. Krauss an ex
perienced and accomplished woricinan. The
undersigned flatter themselves that they elm
give entire satisfaction to all .who° may favor
them with a call.
.JEWELRY;; &c.
No. 11s -Nonni'stcolszto st,,'-cdr: of-QUARRY;
PniLanrt ,r, ,
rtssortment of SYstches,..Thwelt•y. Sliver tun'
P,latcd. 'Ware constantly on band. ,
ns...Repalring, of "Watches andtrescelryprOmp
ly attended to. UttlySO-ly
, -
JACOI3 IL_ 1 - 1 . ,
Invites his Fattens and the pulille generally, to
his New Store; No. 1:t.1) CHESTNUT ST.,-PHIL
ADELPHIA, where they will find a large and
well selected' stock of 'DIAMONDS, WATCHES.
N. 73.. JEWELRY-carefully
repaired: •. . - .: •
JiOVELIVi - and SILVER wAnE of all kinds
ntade to order_ [Stflyl7w6at
Lo.NeuN, 26,1861/.,-
31.11.11 ' =13EMSM Futs".tn—l thought to
trait another ireek-batore writing,' to , saer if I
continued to'lluprove, as / have been, del ug for
some time under the treatment of the new med
icine, and I am happy to tell you that I and get,
nog, better—even, faster thau when you were,
here. I commenced the use ot. DODIYS
VINE: without anybody advising me to it. WI - 101l
I began with it I mild only walk from my bed
to the chair. My trouble - has been extreme pain
in the, head, end Mei ,la.qted over three , yeam,
All the -tuedicine I , have , lierenifor4 -taken' has
failed to give any relief. Imn now able to go Up ,
and clown stairs, mid. dally - imprOving. con
sider the INERVISEI the best medicine I ever
found:and shalt continue , its use,.- for I am-con-I
:Went - of • entire recovory: 'I have taken only'
three bottles, and would not be without iron any
account. • Very truly, :NUM.
Is of double strength awl the.ohly pure Essence
of jatnatea Ginger to the market, therefore the
Only article to be relied on in cases of
. . leas of change of water, colds, Sc.
' Ask for llellow:Ev'l4,' and take no other. A
half teaspoonful at it is more than equal to a
whole spoonful of , any other. sou by druggists
and storelteeper , .; Fifty cents per bottle.
Johnston, 'Holloway Ze. Cowdoli, 602 Arch St.
. _ _
'curtinieffirtY rort •.7 =
,they are so delicious: The doctors andma others
say they are the mhst'slife and etfectual remedy
for those pests of children, WORMS: The genL
nine have the signatnres of the, proprietors , on
the, wrapper of each box.' Twenty-tiro cents per
boy. Johnston, Holloway, Jr Cowden. 602 Arch
J.,. A. IIEI7.EItS'. •:... ,
•- - •
• - A 'Carefully selected supply ofgorxls to replen—
ish our stook has been received, and We are now
. prepared to offeran elegant lot•of -.; •
,Fronel.V. Bone :and ., Baftalo •Nail - -Brushes: -
, India•fßa bber,-Ilaw -Horn; Buffalo' •
„ •
• and Iv ory, PocketiDrossing "
• ; , ,-,; • T . and
. •
~.,Ttte'tinesti*.kot:genaine[Benbow's nglish:
, .•• - TOILET :
In pound and half poUndhars, In variety. Also
Taft's famous 2.5 cent packages of Honey, Gly
certne„ WindsorandEldor-PlowerSoaps,
,acknowledged the •Cheapest - and Best in the
market, and of which - we have .sold SO gross, in
less than one year. „ , •
As a speciality-, we would invite attention to
an Invoice of splendid - • , • ,
.CH AMOTS ' •"•
Varying:in price from ..3) to 83 cents, together ,
;with .
Stand'sD(l article's for light and healthful diet.'
Ti c above are positively - FRES - 11 goods, per
sonally selected from Importers' stocks, and
bought for CASH, and wlll, 11, connection with
our usual full lino of Drugs. Chemicals and
Patent Medicines, he sold at lair figures. Our
prescription department. will; receive careful
attention day and 'night. 'A visit and exami
nation is Invited by
• • _ J. A. MEXER.S.
Druggist and Apothecary.
7 Yiwinrnro. •sxo.n.Es.
NEW TRP-P ll N9.§- 'E 'X
L.5..1)1327.5, NtyriQL. • , ,
I have just received a new stuck .r.
OI•F •
Call ond•see new Gooc15: 1 ;Prices recnieed:
• ' • • ' 1.711 • Eit..4 , '
No. 117 Locust Street, Columbia; Pa.
1569,-t.f.] . „, „ „
The subserlher, feeling 'that,a necessity ex
isted for a Trimming Store in the southern part
of the townilfas'opened'a store :tr` -" "--•'s SOUTII 'SECOND STIiEST.
Where site will keep a very fine assortment of
goods in her line, such as various kinds of
And a variety if articles suitable for Drerts
nmicerS. Milliners, and others. Tile prices asked
'for articles will be found very low. A full share
of patronage is solicited.
ap2.l-41ow ...Zs. second St., ColuMbia.
The co-partnership heretofore existing
between the undersigned, tit the name of \V. CI:
oLso s ou i s thi s day dissolved by mutual con
sent. The hooks and Accounts will be settled
by W. G. Case, MO Locust street. All indebted
to the firm will please make settlement.
mylg:trawl "
NTOTICIn•- ' --- .); • , „
The subscri ottr. 11 v lug in West TTetapll ell.
hereby gives fair warning that he will • not per
mit Bunters or persons la search of Water
Ores.% to tre.spass his property. •as, they .w/11
be prosecuted:
raylStftlwl .TACOIO - 1. STRICT:LEH.
ALL FEILSONS, are hereb3 - Forbidden
to Trespass upon the grounds of the undersign
ed, as he is determined to prosecute to the ut
most rigor or the law, every• person so °trend
ing. Imy7trdwl STRICKLER.
;Plef.J - N'OS
I The undersigned, for many years engaged
t. 'professor of music in tileard. College, and
'other Institutions, in response to arequest of 0
great number of lila puolhi and friends, has con
sented to become. an ugcnt for furnishing
It given me pleasure to announce that I have
been appointed wholesale agent for the Brad
, bury Pianos, ,and Taylor and Parley. Organs.
which I am nUw prepared to supply at prices
Abet cannot tall to give satisfaction. The supc
etiority of the above instruments over others In
ghe market is. too well! kuown to need any
comment from nte. klvery tnstrunient, war
ranted. Liberal discount to, clergymen and.
'Sunday schools. veL.Orclersby Mail as faithftally us If ordered In person; &KJ- select,
every Instrument sold.
• - \\ 7 3I.G..FLSCH-Ell,. ,
10IH Arch street; Phtlad'n.
F'liliDAY..Agents„ Wanted.
Everywhere: ,bt' Latvia for two stamps.
‘ddress BATes,ll.trxes & Co., Cleveland, 01110.
..; 1 =ES? . l'iM-?-AJZATI.O.-2Y;
!Foil bISEASES Or xtrsiiiitUAT .s.iln LUN(IS,
SITOT xecorroasjcotrgs.-wlrooggqq,
COUGH;BRO34 OBIT/iWiKlaiTaidA., ° 4 44.
'4,,Ais'INPNAU)T.PTIQTTirt,". 4.,.6 k,A,
' Probiahl . tnefeiiieitre 10 , tiielith0.1.314tOrrOti
irked Mine, lias;alaytkingoroM;so yt,dely, tendsoi
deeply open the - confidenewesfinettldlidrarthfle
excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints.
• Through a long series of years., and among most
of the_ races , ot. Moir it,Jires, risen: hiller, ,and,;:
. higher in their estimation, as it"lias beardne bet
ter known. Its uniform detractor amrpower to
cure the various affections of the lungs and
throat, have 'made at; kneetri las eir -reliable
protector against them. While adapted to milder
iorma andiseasit and; to. y.clank et t ildrcinwita tt,t, * ,'
the mine bane the Most cilectual reitied,i , that can'
be given for incipient consumption, anatito don
gerom, all:cottons el the throat and lun7s. , lila a.
provisloiagainat, sudden attacksof ' cutout', it',
should beltept on hand in every froally,andln-
deed as all are sometimes subject to colds and ' •
"CO ll gric - 111111/16tli erri6 Supplictrwittriblganthlot.M"
Aar them.
Although settIetI I C 4 TABVIII , TIVi is thought
incurable, still great 'insulters pleases where the,
disease seemed settled,' have been completely'
en red,ult heimittent restored to sound health`""
by the. CIieIERRY , 'PECTORAL.- So complete. in • '
Its inostery, crvet,tho disorders of the• Lungs and
'Throat, that the most obetthate of thentylehl to
it. `„WheWri r othing else could reach . theln; ander
the cirEILRY rEcToltai,tliey subside and pa - '
appear ; Li --; :...;!t. , - , , ~- . i ~ . t.,1 ,c4:-.74 - *..,:,,,,,,,
gren.tproteetion fromit..,,, a 4. .
I ASTI - 10,6 1 1a aliVays,re,liev,ed asol.Ofle. wildly,
cured by it.' .. -",-' - ' • - -'
- . BRONCIIPPIS is generally. curedby taking the
'CHERRY PECTORAL' - in small .anct Iretfiient
doses., . ' • ,' • . . >, z , ',
, So generality are Hs- Vlrtues'"known t hat we
need. not, publish the.eertifteated.of diem „here, or,
do Itiorelhait'assore the - nnbl krtlintits grtaltilbs'
ate fully maintained. ~ , .„ ~ ':, . _
" . .., , AYER'S" AGUE CUBE,
IOUS FEY E.R.,,FEVER,',6..c-, and indeed all the_
affections which arise from nialerions, marsh,
- -
or miasmatic; poisons.. ' • „
Al. lb. mime implies,;li does and does
not fall. - . Containing neither Arsenic, 'Quinine,
Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poison
'ens substance whatever, Itintiowlseinjures any.
,paticut. The number and importance of its
cures in the ague districts, are literally beyond'
account, and we holier!, y haut_a parallel in the
history - of Ague in - eilTErna: - Our pride is gratified
by the acknowlethpueut sve receive dt the rad
ical cures effected in obstinate cases, and where
oilier remedies had wholly failed.
Unra.elimatbd persons, 'either resident in, or
' tinveling through rulasmatid localities, will bo
, protected by - taking the AGUE CURE daily.
For LIVE I4' ,C(141.1,71.1NT5, arising from tor
pidityorthe Liver, it. is nu excellent remedy,
the Liver into healthy activity.
For Billions Disorders and Liver Complaints.
it is an excvlleuVetuedy, produchignianytruiy,
remarkable cures, where other medicines bad
failed. , •
Prepatea AIL C. Ayr:a S CO., PrnatlCal
Aualyt told Cheinists,'Lowell, Mnsts“niatisOld
all round the world.
Mack% 81.01.4 Ptit
aty.:4l,s:w '
AATE,4 .B .
T 11 ; E: 6 7 1i1a . 1 ; ILE AGE
, A dressing whieh is at onceragrecable, healthy,
.itud , effectual , for preserving - the' hair: FADED
OF YOUTH. Thin„lnalr thicluined.,.falling hair
is checked, and baldness often, though not id
ways, cured 1.)3r t 44 use. cliOthing can reatoro the
hair where, the follicles hue destroyed, or the
glands - atrophied and tiocayed..-Ulut., Such pare-.
main can be saved for usefulness by this appli
catioa.„- justbad of Ibtailig the. lan tr.withlc palsy.
bed intent, it will keep it clean and 'vigorous. Its
occlusional,nse will prevent the hair front
log gray or failing off , and consequently prevent
baldness.- -Free from .those deleterious: -anb.;.•
•stunces which make mune preparations danger
ous and Injurious to the hair, tlidl7.lsorcar: only.
+benefit but not harin it. If wanted inerelY for a
ill:A I-R. , l) S
nothing else ,can be found so desirable. Con
,taining neither oil•nor dye; It does not soil white
cambric, and yet lasts longer on the hair, giving
it wrleh glossy lustre and a grateihrperfaine.
Prepared by
I'ract icnl and Annlyti cal Chemists,
' ' • —" Lowz.LV., ikr FM,
oct3l'GSdydw] ,PRICESI 00 ,
- ' , S=E C R E - T* •11 I S - T'o R Y ''•.:,
The astounding revelations and. startlingills.
closures,o made in this work, are creating .the
• most intense desire in the minds orthe people
to obtain it. The secret politicaLinVitlues. d•-c.,
of Davis and other Confederate leadersovltlithe
Itidden.lilysteries from ` , !Selsinil the Scenes in
ltichniond," are thoroughly ventilated. Send
for circulars and..see our terms,: and a full des
,erjrnion of the work.. Address NATIONAL
Pl.LlSlllNGCo.,Philadelphiar ' Llyl7-IWC.VD-
Of the Philadelphia University, ..ts making as
,tonishlng• cures of Cancer and. all tumors by a
new, process.:.A:Chernica.lCancerAntidote, that
removes the largt, of cancers and tumors, With
out pain or the use of a knife, without...caustic,
eating - or burning . medicines, and without the
lots, of a drop 0f,b10.a.1. For particulars, call or
address P. rr:RmarrE, 31. D. l% 0. 931 Arch street,
Philadelphia, Pa.'. • fiudyl7--itwectd
Important Co Eouselteopers, liotcls, Banlrs, , 5 . 7.;
CiveVentilation and light,
Screen. from Vielir and oxalade
The _Vtljustable IVindow.SereenrCompany
623 NI 4.1110 ET STREET,.PHILA4'.A,.
For sale by Dealers I n Hones-Farn shin," God
, jels 7 3mlV-thteo
A ...
, , . .• , „, , k.. , .. .
' - cm>rroc: -
Tile most biartlinii, iutitruotive and entertain+
lug book of the day. ' Send for Circulars, and
our terms. ~.A.ddre*s (LS. PLIBLIREM.:G• Cp.,
411 1tF:00311 , . ST., NEV.' YORK. Dulylik.S:cliw
0 N . DERS. ,01.?.T.HE WORLD:: „
Comprising St/train:; Incidents, interesting
Some:. and Wondollul .Events, ht all COILIVEXICS,
it 11 .Igcs , and among all People.
13x, C. G. 1-108EN13E.RG.,
Over our thousand illustrations by the ulost
distinguisbed Artists , ht Europeand America.
The largest., best illustrated. most, exciting,
am using,. instructive, en terta.ln lug.; gturldlng,
humorous-, and, attraetivc subscription book
ever publ ished. , ' —• •- • •
Send for Clrottlotrs, with -terms at once. Ad
Itroome Street,-New York.
receive money on:doosttiumpuyinterestthera
lor, ut the following rates, vlz „
5 1 /,,, per rent. for 12 months,'
5 per cent. for ii months.
s•per cent for Smooths.'` '-
4 1 ,4 per ce nt-for 3 months.. •
7-lei S. Treasury Notes erehauged for new
5-20 Gold Bonds.
And go to the store or
and, purchase a •
They are acknowledged to be the best machine
in us". Call andsee Went at my- store. Having
secured the agency I can viiff.r a bargain to any
wishing to buy. 2/112.13E NVILSO2 , 7,
Cor.g.l rintilinaust Colcanbia.
Li. m 111 A.
merest will be paid by this Bank on SPeetal Dc
posits, SIS follows:
.514 per cent. for 12 Mouths,
S per cent. C months and under 12 Mont/ tl
4!..6 per cent. for S and under 6 months. -
We make Collections on all Accessible Points
the United States, on Mend terms, Discount
Notes, Drafts, and Bills of Exchange.
Buy and sell GOLD, SILVER. and all UNITED
And are prepared to draw DRAFTS on rzo
phia. :New York, Baltimore, Pittsburgh,
England, Scotland, France, and -
all parts of Germany_
740 TitrAstrin — yotm -
Fielders of First Issue Seven-Thlrtles will do
well to call and exchange themtor the new Five-
Twenty Gold Bonds, .and Five-Twenties deliv
ered at once: • ; •S. S. DETWILER,
April 6, '67. Cast:dor.
Tooth Powder.
• • •
This preparation combin es within itself all that
is necessary to whiten the teeth, harden the
gums,sweeten the breath, and render per
fect the entire function oftyi, month.
It is perfeCifYiree front anything
injurious, and by - its use
teetncau be entirely presort--
• ed from deisy. ,XO matter
how discolored they may
be, it will restore
them to a pure
" • • - white. •
Sold by all Drtivists, ti and 60 Cte. a Bottle.
F. C. W.ELL•SZ CO., Proprietors.
apri-lyda.wl New York.
S, li. .1" PORTER
. .
,i ,-` , - ,
li ..v...7.D
S T L E t ' . .
1,...15t, the thing needed tkV. eVerc„ - lady - who would
combat t health, conitort and style.
Over 40,0t5) dozens of the goods have been sold
within the past tive years. and the demand for
'them- Is constantly increasing. '
For bale by „1..1.2. .1-10IIUENDOBLER, Corner
' Thin! and 'Cherry Streets, Columbia. Pll.
11.111310N.IIALJJ WIN Lt: FOY, Sole .3Lanufae
t oxen:, Nov:Raver, Conn. ' t is-31-3mw