FO,oo3l.4aKOViolkV4o_q o, A or ig Columbia, Pa. Saturday; july 10, 1869. .OT-ALL advertising will be considered CASH, and collectable at any time after the first Insertion. The Weather and Health. The weather unquestionably has a much greater influence upon our physical sys tems than is commonly supposed_ That is to say, there are'periods of the year when we are especially liable to ill health or physical debility. Some are invariably " taken eown" with the.return of spring. A lann•uor and lassitude overcomes them, which if they yield to it, incapacitates them physically and intellectually for label.: Others are borne down by, the heat of summer, while still others are peculiarly susceptible to autumn's elianes;or winter's chilling winds. During• the past fourteen years there have been collected and collated a valua ble series of observations illustrative of the influence of season or weather upon the health of the people - of ,Scotland.' These facts show that,' taking ScOtland as a Whole, February is the month most generally fatal to the population, and September the least so; that in the six colder months of February; March, January, April, Decem ber and May, the deaths average more than 1,000 per .month. the monthly mortality being below 1,000 in the other six months., As might be expected; the town 'poptila; tion are found more sensative to the agen cies of the weather than the more robust dwellers in rural districts, as IS shown both in the earlier hurtflil effect of cold, and in the earlier beneficial influences• of warmth on the health of .the former of these two classes. That the first advent of cold weather is nmehless prejudicial tg health than its continuance for any length of time, is corroborated by the observe-. tion that though the mean temperature of February is no higher than that of Janua ry, the mortality is much higher, the vital powers being weakened by the sustained cold. The prevalence of 'northerly 'and easterly winds in Scotland dining March, April and May, supervening on the cold month of February, accounts for the fact that Marcia is the second most unhealthy month, in the year. • . What is found to be true of Scotland will be found to be true of countries gen erally. February and March - are unques tionably the roost unhealthy months of the year almost the world over; while Septem ber and 'October days are uist, conducive to physicallonoyaney and exhilatntion. Wyru. a few unimportant exceptions— exceptions in which the hand of the croak er and speculator can be clearly traced— it will be seen that the country promises to be blessed with a,harvestin all the.staple productions—in the yield, of cotton, sugar, rice,tebacco, wheat, corn, in eborKin all the cereal products of the earth, as:viell as in thelliiportani branches' of fruits. and vegetables,. such as never , before has-been oarnered on Ainerienn - sOil. Luxurant as the crops in former years have been,—so, bounteous that we haie `had Plenty' fer . .l , ourselfes and enough to spare for starving millions in Europe—the auguries are that the coming onef (and riu some sections; of) the' country part of it is already 'in 'mar ket) will eclipSe - thera ,all andmake the' poorest rejoicethat,for a twelve-month at least there is ttotlnger of any one going a-hungered. This• . great -evidence of the wealth of the nation is more . precipus than -the productlods of the gold 'and silver mountains of California , Nevada Montana , Colorado, or , 'any , 'other bullion yielding : sections of our country. A bushel of wheat is worth more than a ton of gold in . in a time of famine. When the starving Arab picked, up, in the , desert •a sack he hoped contained food, aufffnundit filled ofrrie - cless_4'alue, exclaimed; ". they. aremothing but _pearls l'! This is not likely, toy m the lamentation of the American population the coming year. They have not only the'getas, but, thanks to a beneficent Providence,'they have the food, the staff of fibre fo_r the - cloth to clothe them, the succulent and the esculent ; productions of the field and the garden, the lunit:ins l'ruitsof. the orchard and vinery, to ,regalo them, in their house of- repose : and contentment. How happy should,as a great peo ple I TheJPress Prosecutions in France. Henrißochefort, editor of the Lan ternc, has heed sentenced to three- yoats' t , *pt•Js onmeb tea to - pay - atneei tlfretS thduhiiid fran'es:: ,, ;Thiiing - sthese - three years' . ,,htels' to bedepried 'of citizen's rights. MM. Simonsin andgonrdani.of the 8/cc/a, have_ been fined each five hundred fences, and the editors ofthe Opinion Nationale have each, been condemned ; to . on einon ,im-, • prisonment; a . fine , of five ,hundred francs. Xll tbiSfoivlolating_whatis:,Celle4 the - press' law. - ' . Think: of this in hondein or any place else. So long •as Napoleon has the power 3. this• may - ; serge a purpoie';l2fiitthe - POWeVcan'n Vella - Ling, and , iihed'pies's' idlet Eike" will biodieildfur-':lt ihaYlievifeciiiaryfor Napoleon to adopt such a poliey.y.• If, it is the weakness of his: position. can no longer - be doubted. „ A atiNN - F.sOialiapei Sayithat John C. ..13reeIciar , idgeron Jilts way,t,e,Superyltlyras obliged to turn back on account of bad roaqs he ~.. and that last WO . ek, on Thursday fond, hi 1 was conveying - an,:eienretc4Pirfi - ,lii,ll;e;:' First Minnesota RegimaiC 4 Thel)aPei' says: General ; BraokAuri4gevdescended • fiorn the platform as the regiment Was form ing, :_exehtindel: cOmon:place,:rialutatioili I withafefAeco4ntannes,and then turned to, look-af-the-veterans. 4 7lrr.anftrried-their old fiag, - and the band 'struck up the J a i% spiring%titrains . 'Of 6 ,9 l slqp,litiubiti: m, The ex-Confederate ehieittrinlistened: a moment to AEI its folds SpreAd ? Ontfo ' the "breeze, then.reverently,r4sedhis - pitt :fiona heicl . , - "Wti+kirtemirkiyOkarkanlsqipa:s . and”eiolain~edr, flag after lisllT.-.M..-Thitiiki 4 Giidlfnr 07 , • - .'FITAXCHESi-E- - <:TE-IrAtid?Wrtfic. , O. 13 FRONT STREET. CLOCKS ! CLOCKS !I CLOCKS A new lot of Seth Thomas and other Ameri can Clocks just received. Also, • .‘ ' 4 Watches, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, &C., &C., At CHAS. P. SHIMINER'S. apl7-3rnw N 0.13 N. Front Street WATCHES ,AND JEWELRY EMS INDUCEMENTS OFFERED! AMERICAN WATCHES, 3.. s low as 62*, In two oz. Cases, warranted for two years; also 3, 4,5 and a oz. eases. .TIIST RECEIVED A full a.ssortment of the Celehretea Seth Thomas Clocks. e - are the best Clocks mule, Call and see Also, a fall and well selected stock of SILVER PLATED , WARE! From the best Factories in the 13'. S. JEWELRY IN VARIETY. Just from the Factories! SPECTACLE'S, in gold, silver, steel and plated 'Frames, to suit all ages. REPAIRING of all kinds, promptly attend ed to, at E. SPERING'S JEWELRY STarta, near the New Depot. IRON & 11LACILLNERY. SUPPLEE & BROTHER., Miogrr AcrurnratS Or • • STEAM BOILERS. In addition to our Foundry" and Machine work, we are now prepared to manufacture every variety of Boller and Platelron work, MENDING - AND REPAIRING BOILERS Promptly attended to. Thankful for past favors, we would invite the attention or our friends and patrons to this new branch of our business. SUPPLEE & BRO., 2nd St., Columbia. SUSQUEHANNA IRON COMPANY manufacturers of all sizes of REFINED AND DOUBLE REFINED ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL, AND HALF OVAL IRON.• Car Axles, Shafting and Horse Shoe liars. 45a-Orders promptly tilled from Stork on hand or made to order. Terms, net Cash, at Manufacturer's prices, de livered on Cars or Boats.. °nice at their ROLLING MILL, Columbia. Penna. STEAM. ENOZNE.S, STEAM PU.IPS kinds of Alitchliamy Manufactured and guaranteed to give satisfaction At the Works of SURPLEE & BRO., Columbia. Penn CABINWT- - IVAR.E. - CABINET WARETIVIANUFACTORY, 1,.../ The subscriber having lately put up new ware-re oms, and greatly Increased his business, can - offer 'better inducements to his 'cuatomeres than ever. WINDOW SHADES ' MIRRORS, etc., IN AIL - , - scrYLEs. Se manufactures to order, and will keep con stantly on hand, Dressing, Plain and Fancy Bureaus, Sideboards, Sofas, Card, Dining and Centre Tables, Common, FanoyandFrenah Bed steads; all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. As he manufactures his own work he is enabled to warrant every article to be what it is represented. CAAIRS! CHAIRS? 1 CHAIRS? 1 I All kinds of chairs kept on band or manufacture ed to order. Cane, Windsor, Arm 'and Rocking Chairs ; Settees, Camp and Counter Stools, Sofas, Tete-a Tetes and Stuffed Seat Chairs, made to order. Old chairs repainted and repaired. - ' UNDERTAKING. _ Funerals will be attended to with promptness to 'which he gives his personal attention. lie is prepared with ice boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, as may be required. - • 151A.13.06.6.NY OR 'WALNUT COFFINS, Furnished plata or tinted in any style that may be required. lie respectfully solicits a share' of public patronage; as well as a continuance of the custom with which he has been liberally fevered. JOHN SELENSERGER, South side of 16 - Oust street, between ,Second and Third; [,mtrr3o-67-tf. VURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. rkdroitS-", Locust'r WARE-ROOMS "1'MY1.6.1..59e-V; Third Street, Columbia, Pa. . . . , The .subscriber manufactures and keeps on hand an extensive assortment of ail kinds of Furniture. Persons wishing to buy, or those about to go to housekeeping, will dud it to their advantage to give me a call. BEDSTr A ).S, TABLES, (:.HAIRS, 1117.11EAUS. SETTEES, &c., ate. . Of the bent quality, style, and manufacture, and will make to order, of first-rate material, every article In his line. Re will give strict attention to business, and respectfully asks of the public a sharh of its patronage. all- "UNDERTAKING will receive the most careful attention, at the shortest notce. innr.3o-(741) GEORGE SEIBERT iEW STYLE :, • -' . ' ._ - WINDOW STIADES e - Snbserlber has on hand at his Parnlttzre Store, all•lrincls and styles of WINDOW SHADES, CIETIZTAII:47 FIXTURES, Ste To whieb be would respectfully call the atten tion of the Public. JOHN SHENBERGEH apllB'6B-tj] - so. - = Locust St„ Columbia. HOOP SKIRTS. TF OOP SKIRTS W.M. T. HOPKINS. Has'removed his Manufactory and Salesrooms 1115 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Where 'his " Own Make" of Champion Hoop Skirts, especially adapted to First-class Whole sale and Retail Trade, will be found to embrace the most extensive' assortment in the Union, and 'all the latest and most desirable styles, shapes. lengths and sizes, 2, 2 1 4, 234,,-" 5 1 yards round, of Plain. and Gored nutters, Walking Skirts, Reception Trails, &e., together with over ninety different varieties of Misses -and Chit.' dren's Skirts,"all of- which' for symmetry of style, finish; lightness, elasticity, durability, and real cheapnessoare unequaled by any other goods: in.' the market, -and are warranted in every, 'respect.• Skirts made to order,-altered and repaired; and retail. - • Full lines of low priced Eastern made Skirts, 15 springs, 35 cents; 20 springs,-i5 cents; 25 springs. 55 cents; 30 sprirlgs, 5.5 cents ; and 40 springs, 75 cents. CORSETS! CORSETS!! CORSETS!!! S7 Off ferent styles and prices, from 75 cents to 5700, embracing.R: Wortley, "Becket," " Glove-Fit ting," Madam Foy's - .Corset Skirt Supporters, Illrs:Moody's- Patent ," Self-Adjusting Abdomi nal" Corsets French,.'English and Domestic, hand-made-Corsets,' and superior French pat ferns of Cotell Corsets: "Our Own :thaw," to which we invite'especlal attention. Complete assortment of-Ladies Under Gar ments. at very low prices. General ; 'Agent; for the, Barnum St Euston Family Sewing Machl nes, superior to any other chines,o public.. Fifty-two of -these No. 1 Ma- Price $55 each, are being given away to our customers, in order to get them introduced. Every person in -want of articles-in our line, should examine our -goods beforepurehnsing elsewhere. Call or scud forcirculars, at our Manufactory and • salesrooms, ti 0.1115 Chestnut S l 4-Phtladelphla. • - HORN:INS. apls-3mw + e ,• - + • , , PATENT B .I)TERIDIAN BURNER! Ask- for the MERIDIAN BURNER. 'Take no other. It excels ALL' others. It can be ,used with either - Rerosene, Pe- -• ••• • -; • • troleum or Coal OIL -• • • •1 - Itismannfactu ed and forsale ; Ly,• . COULTER •JONES:k CO 702 AAC.II.:-T., , r„ R hole alo'an~lltetoll - pea ; Lamps, Crl+s Tixturei, C;11a . laci?.liere.,"&e.- . Lamps fer.ltit .purposes; for which lumps are used, In GREAT VARIETY: , , , •.• • , • 'Cr;rcdniti r ; Inge, or other bnlldlngs. pub Ile - ;. or private,;width Gas FiXtUrpf.y4l,l,4o,welt.o,ealltuad see oar new, ARONBRDNZE.UHANDEMERSi-.' clikper and better.tban 'lnYl•BtlYw-e.Vr.•sto • •-•— - - • • ". IMMIMEMI JUST :07''ENING!,!;.],;: Our new and a7oll.aeleetacikdOCic TOILET ARTICI;F:AS, ,,,, • , , • ". ; FA:NPr'SOAPS . .„ , lid'a,varietv - of other article, sucfi 'are usu .koptan a tiRST-OLASS:DRUG STORE. We: iiiive ,, zatim rrMeti , o (l.4. FUESFE SUPPLY of Mettle most Tenable :71 : • ‘•li. WMLIAIIS.' • -;• • No. 19 N. Proni - Street. 4,80.0X5,- STATXOWERY'• NEW! NEW!! 'NEW !I! BOOR AND STATIONERY STORE, NO. 2a LOCUST Sr., COLUMBIA, PA The subscribers have Just opened and offer to the public a complete assortment of SCHOOL, ni,..v.sic ANDIIISCELLANEOUS BOORS, STATIONERY of ALL RINDS, And of every quality, including a large and first-rate stock of CAP, LETTER, NOTE AND BILL PAPER, SCHOOL AND SUNDAY SCHOOL MOTTGE.S, Envelopes, Ink- Slates , Faber's & Guttkneeht's Pencils, &c. Toy Books Pass Books, Tuck Memorandum Books, Initial Paper, , se., _Bibles, Testaments and Hymn Books. All weekly and monthly papers and maga zines received as soon as published. The custom of the public is respectfully solicited. all- Remember the place—No. 262 Locust Street, one door below - theUolumbla Steam Flre-En gine House. apl.74yw JOAN L. WRIGHT & CO. RiMOVAL. J. H. Shea,ffer, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 1300K8 AND STATIONERY, NO, 52 NORTH QUEEN STREET, OPPOSITE SHOES}VS HOTEL, Four doors North of Orange Street, BEM .VALITABLE FARM AN MILL PROPERTY The subscriber being about to remove from the neighborhood, would offer his FARM and FLOURING ➢TILL at PRIVATE SALE. - - - - - - - The property is located in West Hempfleld township. Lancaster county, In one of the rich est agricultural districts in the State; one mile and-a-half from Columbia. .r.omr,R3 The Mill is In good order, and Is kept running constantly on customer work. It has two run of French burrs, with all the necessary im proved machinery for doing merchant and coun try work. it has - lately been put in complete order. The Farm contains a little over one hundred acres, is in a high state of cultivation, and pro duces abundant crops. It is especially adapted to the growing of cattle. The buildings are good and substantial, and the location admirable. A rare opportunity is here offered for, any one who wishes to invest in property that will pay, or to purchase a good home in one of the best localities in the State. _ . Persons wishing to view the property' can call on the subscriber on the premises, or make in quiries of Mr. Martin Erwin, Franklin House, Columbia. .The terms of sale will be Insole reasonable sepAlar.] THOMAS GROOM. RRIVATE SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS AT PRI ., TE SALF, the following property, located in FIFTH ST., oclow Locust. A TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE AND LOT OF, GROUND, havliig two fronts, one on Fifth Street, and also on the Lancaster pike. A good location for building. Will be sold REBECCA low. Enquire one premises. RBECCA CHALFANT, No. 29 S. sth St., Columbia, Pa., or ofD. S. Chal fant. who will give all the partlettlas. faugB4lll LOTS OF LOTS! • _ BUILDING LOTS Large-or Small, on Sixth street, or Seventh street, and on LOonst street, and Walnut street. Those fronting on Locust and Walnut streets 196 feet deep to a 14 feet wide alley; • 50;8'69411 Apply to J. H. MIFFLIN VALUABLE PROPERTY PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers the following valuable real estate, in the borough of Columbia, Penn'a, at private sale: - HOUSES LOT, N 0.1 4 -4 LOCUST STREET, SPLENDID Husni•EsS STAND, No. 142, connected therewith, now occupied as a grocery store, by Mrs. M. Turner. This Is- one of the best business localities in the town. The lot is very large with front of 30 feet 10 inches. Also the row of FOUR BRICK HOUSES WITH LOTS, Nos. 8, 10, 12 and 14 Union street, will be sold singly or together, on easy terms. For further information apply to JONAS MEYERS No. 144 Locust Street, Columbia. July 4(1, 1838:tf. TVANT_ED-LOAN. LOAN WANTED THE BOROUGH OF COLHALRIA, atilt have some MB slq,ooo of the SHORT LOAN, Already authorized to dispose of, and those wishing' to make a good and safe investment will call upon S. S. .I)ETWEILER, Cashier of the First National Bank of Colombia, at which place the Bonds can be obtained. , - THE BONDS Are fine anti payable on the first of April next, with interest at the rate Of per annum, and theie taking the above short Man shall have the preference on the first of April next of a longer loan ri3 authorized by said Borough. S. S. DETWILER, Special Committee. STEAIif COACH' WORKS: 0, thA,C . II WORKS ! REMOVED TO Nos. £l, 11 AND 13 NORTH stlt • The Carriages, 13ug•Res, dc., made at these Works, are equal in beauty and durabWty to any other make in-tile county. COSCEC &c. This branch ofthe business will be attended to with punctuallty.and - despatch. " • CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, Witiong, Sze., for sale or Inado to order. Call at the Works No. 9. 11 di IS North Filth street and examine tle stock. and prices. WINE . S .LIQUORS! JC. 'BUCHER, • :AGENT FOR THE • • - STATEN - ISLAND - • ESTABLISHMENT, , Ladies' Dresses, Cloaks,Vells, Gloves, Ribbons and Silks of all hinds dyed atiy.coler.... • . ; - Also, Gentlemen's Coats, Vests,.Pantalocms;&e: . Kid Gloves washed.tolookatke.neW... - •'. Scouring, repairing, dr.c., done at short notice. I will receivegoods At ray, ; sturp.,,t , incl forward them to the establishment : . • •4 AGY-Sattsfaction guaranteed- Call and see lint of prices at • BUCHER'S • !Store, Locust Street • 19 2 4. 2 671 ' Couutlila:ta PURE :WINES ANT), I.4QUORS !• For ePuie, Thiciflulteiated 'Wines titer Liquefy, go to the, store of the subseribet. has elegyfat , 0 : A T.,9.1V R A .W;LN E',. ;Which for OUalltyand slaver, earmot be excelled;alsp, the celebrated ROOSTEIV WHISKEY, /Ildkeeßum..lanuticaSpirits,BlackberrY Brandy, Cherry and Currant Wines. We. have;Wines,-Brandles,.Gins,- Cordials, Old ;Monongahela of all grades. , " Givaus, a call and: examine for yourself. • CR:ARLES 'GROVE:L.; Corner of, Commerce and Walnut Sta. Columbia.: FT,. L. HIA:GIIIA.N, pippinoott Trotter; WHOLESALE GROOERS;- 21 North Water Street;atet 20 -North 'Delaware .A.venne, Pblladelphla. • - fan& 3:037V: HAS TVEMOVED HIS LARGE STOOK OF LANCASTER, EA _FOB SALE. PRIVATE SALE EEO SIX PERCENT COLUMBIA. STEAM STREET =STOVES; './UIZ- DIVARE, - cc;- T RUMPLE" a - . SON; efi . DEALERS IN FOREIGN ct.. DOMESTIC HARDWARE. An extensive assortment of house furnishing hardware, also for carpenters , and builders' use, always on hand. IRON AND STEEL. Blacksmiths, wagon makers, and others, furn ished with all kinds of Iron, Nails, Horse Shoes, W Coach Trimmings,other OW good*WAsßE in their line. , In great variety, such as Tubs, Baskets, Wash Boards, Brooms, Washing Machines, &c., FARMLNG IMPLEMENTS. Plows; Shovels, Hoes, Plow Castings, Scythes, Forks, Rakes, and all other Implements used by the fanner. STOVES AND • TLN WARE. Stoves of every stylo and pattern, CSolc, Parlor and Office Stoves, for coal or wood. A large as sortment of Tin IVare always kept on hand, or manufactured to order. Oil, Paints &C. Coal Oil, Linseed, Fisb, Sperm. and. Machine Oils of all kinds. Alcohol, Benzine, Japan, and other Varnish, Glass,Paints, Fatty, Wbite aug.19,'65.] Locum' STREET, COLIIIIIIIA, PA. BOOTS SI SHOES. ' NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE The subscribe; would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally that he has opened a BOOT AND SHOE STORE at NO. 245 LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA Ile will :always keep on hand a general ns sortment of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, Suitable for Men, Boys, Ladies, Misses and Children, 'Which be offers at the LOWEST CASH :PRICES , Be will keep none but tballEST GOODS, and all classes can be accommodated by calling at his store, next door to Max. Bucher's Grocery. my 2wtf. JEROME: SCHRICK.. LADIES SHOE MANUFACTORY Baying increased roy facilities for turnip out superior work I would announce to my ol d customers and all new ones that may favor me with a call, that I am better prepared now to manufacture all kinds of LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, than ever before. I employ none but the best workmen and am always certain of giving satis faction. I keep on hand ageneral assortment of ready madework alt of which is manufactured on the premises. I keep no made-up work of other parties. My work is made exclusively for home trade and is sold as such, TERMS CASH. We sell ns cheap as any other establishment, J and ask a share of public patronage. AMES SC.EIROEDER, Locust Street. between Front and Second. IYONE MANUFACTURE. The Subscriber has on hand a large Stock J[ oots and Shoes, Gaiters, Sc., all of his own Manufacture.- Call at his Store, four doom above R. Williams' Drug Store, Front Street, where lie oilers an ex tensive assortment of floods. either WHOLESALE OR RETAIL His stock consists of aslarge anti...gelicral-as sortmentof Men's.BoyfdTMadtes' arid Children's BOOTS AND SHOES, as eau be found elsewhere in the Town. Those requiring Boots and Shoes, will find it to their advantage to call and examine his Sloe]; before purchasing elsewhere, May %,-tf] SAMUEL GROVE. FINE CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES TOR GENTLE.SEN All the LEADING STYLES on hand or made to measure. Prices fixed at LOW FIGTIRE.S. An Illustrated Price List with instructions for self measurement sent on receipt of Post Office address. W3l. P. BARTLETT, 33 South Slxlll St., above Chestnut nug2o-GS-ly) Philadelphia reftYkO rit Dale treia DO MIA NEW CONFECTIONERY STORE! m undersigned would most respectfully an nounce to hie friends and the public that he has opened a FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY - X\l) ICE CRE s AIII SAIO-ON, AT No. 208 Sc 210 LOCUST COLUMBIA. PA., (First door above Odd Fellows' Hall,) Where can be found at ail times a full assort ment of CANDIES, FRUITS, NT.ITS, CARES, dm. Also, a full supply of FRENCH' CONFECTIONS, And everything belonging to a first-class City Confectionery. Confections, Fruits, Cakes (seed or plain), Ice Cream, &c., furnished to families and, parties at. REASONABLE RATES By keeping a full supply of the BEST, and by close ATTENTION TO BUSINESS, I hope to have a liberal portion of the public patronage. JOS. ENOTWVELL, Agent, 204 and 210 Locust Street , ap2l3-Mtulf Columbia, 'Pm RICHARDS' CONFECTIONERY! NO. 152 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA, PA. CARES, CANDIES, FRUITS AND CREAMS, - of the choicest kind kept constantly on hand. . Families supplied ; with The Cream• in Churns or Moulds, at Short Notice and Reason able Rates. LADIES' OYSTER SALOON. I take pleasure in announcing t, my numer ous friends that I have opened an OYSTER SA LOON for the special accommodation of La dies. None but the best oysters will be used. Families and parties supplied at short notice. Remember the place-152 Locust street. jel3-6S-tfl ALLEN RICIIARDS. CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON; Parties and Families supplied with ICE ay the Freezer, or in Moulds, with promptness at GEO. J. ' Adjoining the Franklin House, Locust street. P, a fine assortment of TOYS and Fancy Articles. constantly on hand. s • • ir[OUSEFURNISHING GOODS. _ JUST PITRCEASED, AT REDUCED PitICES, a splendid Assortment of new and de sirable ' HOUSE FURNISIthro.--GOODg COOKING STOVES—Anti-Dust Quaker City, and the _Niagara. - BRITANNIA WARE, in Sets or separate, to suit purchasers. C.E.A.M.BER WARE, • CUTLERY OF ALL RINDS. WATER COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS, of all sizes and styles. Special attention paid to GAS FITTING and PLUMBING. A lame assortment of splendid CHANDELIERS always on hand. A Variety of BIRD CAGhS, ut all prices. Agent for the Celebrated DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER. • , The most popular, best and cheapest Washing 'Machine ever invented. ch In conneetion the with the above Washing Ma- UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER! Call at the Corner of Second and Locust streets, and satisfy yourself that you can get better bar gains there than at any other establishment, • '- ' „ HIRAM WILSON, ' Cor. of Second and Locust Sta, Columbia, Pa, O.OPER & PEART, C DEALERS IN. LUMBER & COAL, BALTIMOTLE E9l-EPANT- , - • • - - LYRENB VALLEY; "And all the best Quality of STOVE:COAL. BUILDING LUMBER Of all kindi, sold and 'delivered on cars at the LOWEST MARKET Etetpk..9, • ' Hemlock White Pine, Weatherboarding, 7 ice s ap. ding i ,4te.„, Ate., suitable for all kinds° , of Building purpose*, . , LOCUST' POSTS! CHERRY, • . , . . -POPLAR -•- -•- ASA . • - picK.ETs. - - . . ' SHINGLIZ; -du. Ml orders by mail will receive the samtfas tention as though the appuosuen b e mede n pOrsoll.. COOPER dt PEART, mar. 14 . 'BB-tf.„ . - - ' , Front St.. Cohan:this. GR_O_C:A'RXES, -tee. REAT EXCITEMENT AIMON . GST GROCARYMEN I ow can good GOODS be sold so cheap, Is the question.- ..TTENTION 'HOUSEKEEPERS. New stook of goods, and selling them very low. The best quality of goods, and at cheap rates. SUGARS, TEAS. MEAT, COFFEE, FISH, SPICES, CHEESE. FLOUR. Provisions of all lamb, together with Wood and Willow-ware and Class and Queensware. Switzer and Limberger Cheese, (Jerman Fruits, SUGAR CURED HAMS &DRIED BEEF. ENGLISH AND ASIERICAN PICKLES. Fresh Peaches, and all the Fancy Groceries per taining to a well regulated Grocery Store. I am determined not to be surpassed in cheap ness and in the excellent quality of my goods. Air Call around anti inspect our stock - whether you buy or not. A share of public patronage is solicited I.IAX BUCELErt, 249 Locust Street apllo] FRESH GROCEILFES AT THE PROVISION EEM FAMILY GROCERY STORE OF MULLEN & BROTHER, ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Columbia, Pa FRESH TOMATOES. FRESH PEACHES AND ether Canned Fruits, Shaker Cam dze. T E A-- THE BEST BLACK TEA IN THE MARKET. EXTRA REFINED- SYRUP :MOLASSES, very neap. Relined Sugars, Dried Fruit of all kinds. Rlo, Java, and Lsguvra Coffee. NEW SUGAR CURED BRAS & DRIED BEEF- Also,Fancy Groceries, Family Flour, Notions,Sm. We intend to 'keep the best Goods only, and to sell ns cheap as any similar st ore. LF:l , .7 a: BRO. tOA.Country Produce of all kinds bought or taken in exchange for goods- fel)ls-tf. FINE • FAMILY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, atc., ,ke A LARGE 4.1: FINE STOCK. JUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE! . I have now in Store u full assortment of Groceries & Provisions For Family and Hotel use. Extra Syrup Molasses, Fine Tens, Coffees, Sc. Extra Sugar Cured 'HAMS and DRIED BEEF Extra FAMILY•FLOtiII by the barrel or smaller quantity. Dried Fruit, Dickies, and Fancy Groceries of all kinds, and at the lowest prices. Call and ex amine my stock, whether you buy or not. HENRY SUYDAM, mar. 7, TS-tr./ Cor. of Front & Union Sts. FAMILY GROCERIES ! FAMILY GROCERIES': The Subscriber would respectfully inform his customers and the Public generally, that he has Just received a general assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TEAS' AND SPICES. Refined Sun, rs of all kinds, 1, and Mess Afackerel, English a; American Pickles, Sugar Cured Barns and Beef, . Fine Syrups, Old Rio and Java Coffee, DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS, Raisins, Prunes and prepared 'Mustard always on hand and of the very best grades. EXTRA FAMILY PLOUR, CORN MEAL, HOMINY, Sc., 'Fancy Groceries, Canned Vegetables and i'ruits, _ for hotels and families. The best Goods • only are sold, and prices very low. , Our stock of staple and. fancy groceries is full 1 and complete and we intend keeping it fresh, by ' almost daily additions. Notions of different kinds always on hand. FREDERICK BUCHER, feb. 8, 'GS-tf.) cor. 4th & Locust fits. NEW GROCERIES 1 ME= FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES. PROVISIONS, &t. FANCY GROCERIES & CANNED FRI7IT:4, CLEPPER BRO.'S Dealers in Country Produce. Produce of all kinds bought and sold, exchanged for Goods or sold on Commission. VEGETABLES OF ALL BINDS IN SEASON. We keep constantly on hand a good and fresh supply of SUGAR., COFFEE, ' „ I MIS AND SPICES, FINE HAM AND DRIED BEEF Also, Dried Frults of all kinds. Cedar and Willow Ware, dm., together with all articles found in any similar store. ta-We ask a liberal share of public patronage. OLEPPER BROTHERS' \o: 220 Locust St., Columbia, Pa. P.EFTA.NIEL McCAULEY, .ri BT., NEAR UNION, COLUMBIA, PA DEALER IN FAMILY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &C. ALSO, CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR! RYE FLOUR, TINEOULTED MEAL, CORN MEAL, GRAIN, AND ALL RINDS - OF MILL FEED always kept on hand. Choice Family Flour made from White Wheat. Also Bakers Flour of the best quality. He thanks his friends for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, and asks a eontlouance or the same. Being a practiml Miller, and having followed the trade for many years, he flatters himself that his knowledge of the business will enable him to give satisfaction to all who may favor hhn with their custom. The acre will be open front 7 A. if., to 83,:i P.M DANIEL teCATILL'Y. F INE FAMILY GROCERIES, AT HARDMAN'S! Just received, at the line Grocery Establish ment, corner 3rd and Cherry streets, the follow ing new Goods: SUGAR CURED HAMS AND DRIED REEF, JELLIES, PRESERVES. HONEY, PEACHES. TOMATOES, ENGLISH PICKLES. WINSLOVPS GREEN CORN GREEN PEAS &c.. &c. Together with a' very fine assortment of Family Groceries, of all kinds. A LARGE LOT OF NEW YORE CAN-DIEg, FOREIGN FRUITS, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Cocoanuts, and White Wine Vinegar, Extra Family Flour, Mercer Potatoes, Rio and Java Cofree, fresh roasted, Lovering's Syrup, Sc. .ear•New Goods received almost daily. VT:),I. IL LLUtDMA.Ic, ard and Cherry Sts.. - May I, ISC3.] • Columbia, Fa. _rLOTTITING COLUMBIA :FLOUR X- ) - GEORGE BOGLE,-Pnointurrolt. Vtfollfgliest Quill prices paid for all Ictncis of Grain. STIPEILFE , IE EXTRA. FAMILY FLOUR for side; also Mill Feed of all kinds. 'Wheat Ground and Packed to order. Grist work and Chopping done. Chopped Corn and Oats.. Corn Meal and GRAHAM FLOUR For sale at all times, and delivered to auy part of the town. 11:9-Town and country custom so licited. lApril 6, 1887. P.LAiVING MLLES. B ACIDIAN & DEHT_TFp, COLII_IIBLI., PA., SUSQUE A.-NNA. PLANING MILL Manufacturers of, and have constantly on hand Sashes, Door Blinds, Shutters, 'Window and Door Frames, Brackets, Moulding, Shelv ing, Casings, &c., Sc. P. S.—The Planing anu Dressing of Lumber IN continued and carried on as heretofore by jan2'ol-131 • JOEIN B. BACHMAN. B.ITT.LoRS. S WATERMAN, 1= WATERMAN'S Cocktail and Tonic Bitters. Wholesale and Retail, No. 1100 Market Street, Philadelphia. The tante pronertles of these Bitters have been certified to by some of our most eminent practising physicians, as the best tonic now in nse. and the Cocktail, Bitters is the universal favorite among judges of a good gin or whisky cocktail. • • Lian3o-tf THT ANDSOIYIE CHECKS;- A. x. , ace:, Till, Zed at 131 , ..Y °Mee.. MERCHANT TAII;OBING 3. W. RE.,'ISIN, No. 1= LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, This opened in the room formerly occupied by P. S. MeTague, a full stock of FRENCH, ENGLISH, AMERICAN &SCOTCH. 'Which he is prepared to make up in as good Style and Fashion as can be made in New York or Philadelphia. He invites all to call and examine his stock, 'which, he is possitive, cannot be excelled in Columbia. The establishment is designed exclusively for lilerchnnt Tailoring, and the undivided atten tion of the Proprietor will be devoted to his business. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS or all kinds, and of SUPERIOR QUALITY, al ways on hand. Remember the old adage, that money saved is money earned. Call and bo convinced that you can save your money by purchasing at the ONLY exclusive Is,ferchant Tailoring Establish ment In Columbia. [apt? THE LATEST EXCITEMENT NEW STOCK OF CLOTHING! NEW STYLES ! LOWER PRICES ! ! GREAT BARGAINS NOW OFFERED! CALL AND SEE 'llfrat AT No. 41 NORTH FRONT STREET, I have just received another new stock of Clothing; rho Largest and most complete ever before purchased. Come and examine our new Styles and prices of READY MADE CLOTHING, Embracing every variety of style and material suitable for the season. They are made of the best material and in the most fashionable style. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Shirts, Scarfs, Neck Ties, Suspenders, Handker chiefs, Hosiery, &c. A splendid' line of these goods always kept on hand. Also, Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps, of which we have a well selected stock, and which we offer at very cheap rates. TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS & VALISES Of all styles, are sold cheaper than city prices. My goods are all bought for cash, and I offer them at cheaper rates, for cash, than any other store, Call and see, HENRY RICE, Opposite Continental Hotel apt I 41 N. Front street, Columbia SPRING CLOTHING I CLOTHING CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING CHEAPER THAN EVER! Pantaloons, Vests, Shirts, Drawers, dm., &C. New Styles, New Goods at low rates. DAVID HANAUER'S U. S. CLOTHING EMPORIUM! From, Street, first store above Walnut Street, COLUMBIA, PA. The Largest, Best Assorted, Handsomest and Cheapest Stock of CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c., &e., ever exhibited Iwthese regions, which wil be sold at prices TO DEFY .ALL COMPETITION! inov-2,'87. I= SPRING CAMPAIGN' OPENED !! In the present crisis: the people are coming from the East, West. North and South, to buy their Clothing of MYERS S.: RATE:I7OIc who keep the largest and best assortment of in the City of Lancaster. 159 Overcoats, from "55.09 to $2O 300 Cassimere Sack Coats 4.00 to 14 800 " Pants 2.50 to 7 300 " Vests 1.50 to 4 100 Business Suits 10.00 to 20 ta) Boys' Overcoats 5.00 to S Also, a full line of Boy's' and Youths' Clothing. We k.eep the largest and finest assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, of the newest and best styles In the market, which we are prepared to make up to order in the best style. Goods retailed by the yard as low as can be pur chased anywhere. Persons can have goods cut and trimmed. if prefer making them at home. . We keep a full line of GENTLEMEN'S FUR NISHING GOODS such as Under-Clothing, Sus penders, Gloves, Hosiery, Linen and Paper Col lars, Neck Ties, in great variety, dm. MYERS at: RATHFON, Southeast Corner of Center Square, oc t3-w) Lancaster. Pa. r u IS A. FA.OT ! Oapable of ocular demonstration, that the prices of Cloths, Cassimeres, Ready-Made Clothing and Furnishing Goods, are less than one-half what they were during the war, at the Merchant Tailoring establishment of Corner North Queen and Orsu.g. Streets, opposite Shober's Hotel, Lancaster, Pa. This is the oldest establishment in this line of trade in Lancaster county, and is selling, at this time, fine Moscow, Esquimaux, and common Beaver Overcoats from $l3 to $.20; Common Union Beavers from $lO to $l5; Common Union Beaver Business Sults from $l2 to $l5; Good Cas simere Suits from 2w to V.O, and line qualities from $25 to $3O. A iew suits on hand as low as SM. Cloths, Cassimeres and Trimmings as low as they can be obtained anywhere else, and sold by the yard to those who may wish to have them made at home, or elsewhere, Overcoats, Dress Coats and Business suits made to order with dispatch, and in the best and Most fashionable manner, as the customer may desire. AU kinds of cutting and repairing done at reasonable prices. An entire new stock got np for the Fall and Winter trade of 1808 and MA and manufactured in the city of Lancaster. It would be to the Interest of the public to call and realize that " rr Is A racy." S. S. RATHVON, octll>CS:llw.l Merchant Tailor and Clothier. HULTZ R BROTHER, Ct. PIATTERS, 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Latest style Fall and Winter TTATS and CAPS In all qualities and colors. We are non• opening the largest and most COM Vete assortment of Ladies' and Children's FANCY FURS ever offered in this market, at very low prices, ROBES! ROBES!! ROBES!!! Buffalo Robes, lined and unlined; Hudson Bay, Wolf, Prario Wolf, Fox, Coon, ,ke. ` BLANKETS AND LAP ItUGS, Of all qualities, to Which we would particularly invite the attention of all persons in want of articles in that line. GLOVES, GAUNTLETS AND MITTS OTTER, BEAVER NUTRIA, SEAL BUCICSICE.I, PLESILER, KID, ac., &c. Ladles' Fine Fur Trimmed Gloves., Gauntlets. 'Mitts and floods. PULSE WARMERS & EAR MITTS WIIaLESALE AND RETAIL octarekS:tfw, A R. BRENEMAN, 43 ZIORTH FRONT STREET, COLUMBIA, PA - DEALER IN I-1 A T. J S A . .N.D .0 AP S IN GREAT VARIETY, AND OF THE LATEST STYLES! ALSO, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS made to order and Warranted to tit. [deolS-tfd SEWING ItLICR:INMS. DROVER ~,,,, & BAKER'S SEWING MACHINES, 495 ];roadway, New York, 730 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Beauty and - Elasticity of Stitch, • Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the spools. No fastening of seams by hand and no waste of thread. Wide range of application without change of adjustment. The seam retains its beauty and am:mess after washing and ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Machines execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamentatwork. to-The Highest Premium States the fairsand exhibitions of the United and Europe, have been awarded the Grover & Baiter Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, wher ever exhibited in competition. DS- The very highest- prize. TIES CROSS OF TILE, LEGION OEHONORovas conferred on the representative of the Grover Raker Sewing 3i0"113 , 05, and the Exposition Universelle,'Paris, 1867, thus attesting. their great superiority over till other Sewing hiaehiries: . , JtaiteS-lyw" . C_LO_TMffG-. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & SUITINGS, GRAND RALLY! BEADY-MADE CLOTHING S. S. RATHVON, - - -_ HATS, CA, &c. z _ LANCASTER, PA LADIES' FANCY FURS FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH F I.LILY POTh.:TS OF EXCELLENCE. 3:IVS7C.E7CO2I2PA_Z , VIES:7 AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA S. E. coi. FOURTH AND WALNUT STS IaCCO.ME, )848 TILE AMERICAN offers low rotes of premium. • It offers more Insurance for the same money than other companies. • It is a home Company. Its Policies are all ALL NON-FORFEITABLE. It pays life-policies at death, or at the age of SO years. On the 'REDUCING-PREMIUM PLAINT, the in sured pays the largest premium the first year— which is the same as paid on the mutual-ordin ary-life-plan—and each subsequent year it is less and less, and at the end of twenty years becomes paid up—and thereafter a permanent claim on the Company. On the RETURN-PREIIIOII PLAN", the in sured is credited annually , . with all he has paid to the Company, so that his Insurance costs only the interest on the amounts paid in. On the INCOME-PRODUCING PLAN, the In sured may receive 10 per cent. on the amount of his policy.. 'INSURE IN THE A3IERICAN LIFE ALEX. WHILLDIN, T. S. WILSON. President. Secretary DR. F. HINKLE, Agent. jnly 3, 2 mo. Columbia., Penn'a E W. CLARK R CO., B N - KERS, No. 35 S. Third Street, Philadelphia, GENERAL AGENTS MIMI N.L.TIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO I= UNITED STATES OF AMEEICA,I IZEIEM STATES OF PENNSYLVANIA AND SOUTH ERN NEW JERSEY. The NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY is a corporation Chartered by Special Act of Congress, approved July.2s, 1808, with a CASH CAPITAL OF ONE MILLION DOLLARS and is now thoroughly organized and prepared for business. Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solicitors who are invited to apply at our office. Full particulars to be had on application at our office, located in the second story of our lianking House, 'where Circulars and Pamph lets, fully describing the advantages offered by the Company. may be had. S. W. CLAIIE...t CO., 3.5.8017T11 THIRD STREET, Philadelphia, Pa B. S. RUSSELL Manager. IMBADY LS: UERR, LANCASTER, Agents for Lancaster County. B. C. IC.ItBADY. C. G. 31E.Rie COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO. rANITARY Ist, 3 868. CAPITAL AND ASSETS, - - 9600,527 91 This Company continues to Insure Buildings Merchundize, and other property, against loss and damage by fire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium. or premium note. EIGHTH ANN UAL REPORT. whole ant ,unt Insured, 912,478,426 83 Less ain't spired in '69, 722,771 31 911,735,653 49 CAPITAL AND INCOME. Amoun of premium notes, an. 1,1566 9665,123 27 Less premlunt notes exp'd in 1606 71,933 03 6613,160 23 Balance of premiums, .lan'y 1, 1866 6,609 15 Cash receipts, less commissions, In '66, 57,016 16 Loans 9,400 V/ Due from agents and others 8,664 56 MGM Losses and expenses paid In 18C6 873,023 31 Losses adjusted, not due Jan. I, 'tri, 21:46 88 Balance Capital and Assets, Jan. 1,'07, 000,527 91 $604,85010 A. S. GREEN, President. Jr.,GEORGE YOUNG, Secretary. 11Ircrtan7. S. SUUMAN, Treasurer. DIRECTORS: _ R. T. Ryan, - - Sohn \\*. Steamy, John Fendrich, George Young, Jr„ H. G. Mlnich, Nicholas AVDenalci, Samuel F. Eberlein, William Patton. Amos S. Green, Sohn B. Bachman, Hiram Wilson. Robert Crane. ECONOIIIICAL MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO OF RHODE ISLAND Rates lower than miter Mutual Companies OVER $176 FOR EVERY $lOO LIABILITIES. This Company Issues Policies In all the several forms; And combining the Stock and all utual principles, afford greater security to parties in miring than either the Illatual or Stock princi pal alone. The Rates have been prepared by the HON. ELIZUR WRIGHT, Actuary of the Company, the most noted and popular Actuary living. CASH DIVIDENDS ANNUALLY after second payment, ort x ADVANCE POLICIES ISSUED ON THE LIVES OF FE- MALES AT REGULAR Olt TABLE RATES. Do not fall to examine the principles of this Company before insuring. For circulars, ap ply to W. D. REITZEL, Agent, • Lancaster City. or Dr. R. F. llEnztAx, Ex. Surgeon, [apfli-tfw] No. 11 N. Front St., Columbia. WORLD MUTUAL LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. • S. P. PRITEAFF. Genera Agent for Pennsyl vania, N 0.5 North Queen street, Lancaster. J. M. GRAYBILL, Local Agent, Columbia. In safety, equitable treatment of Policy Mold ers, and general plans of business, second to none. It has on hand THREE DOLLARS AND FORTY CENTS of assets for each dollar of In surance liabilities. Every man and woman should be insured in some sound Life Insurance Company. liefore Insuring anywhere, see an agent of this company. mr27-am LANCASTER CITY AND COUNTY Fire Insurance Company. CAPITAL, V 200,000. HON. T. E. FRANKLIN, PRESIDXNT. GEO. K. REED, Tn.unsuitmt. EDWARD BROWN, SEenkr,tar. Directors—Hon. A. E. Roberts, B. P. Shenk, J. S. A.tlee, 11. D., Frank Shroder, IL Carpenter, If. D., J. )r. Frantz, Jacob Bui/sman, John C. Hager. " The above Home Company having appointed Mr. John W. Bruner as their Agent for Colum bia and District, will be happy to effect Insur ance on desirable Properties, at as low rates as any other Reliable Company. PERPETUAL POLICIES also written on favorable Terms. Apply to • )et-tI) JOHN W. BRUNER, Agent. eI_IRA.RD FIRE AND MARINE IN- A SURANCE COIa'AINTY, OF PRIL.A.DELPHI.A.. . . Capital 4 030,000 I Securities 2400,000 This Company continues to take risks on good property, at rates us low as any other safe Com pany, and consistent with prudence. Policies issued for long it short terms, or per manently. Losses promptly paid. All claims adjusted without litigation or delay. This Com pany refers to the pastas a guarantee of Its future conduct. THOS. CRAVEN, Pres't. A. S. GlLLurr, Vice-President. JAS. B. ALVORD, Secretary. F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent Walnut Street, above Front, Columbia, Pa. January 2,5, tStis-Iy. INSURANCE CONP_A.NY of NORTH AMERICA. PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1709. .Assets, $1,2.50,000.: Charter perpetual. Insurance against loss or diunage by Are on Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, &c., for long or short periods, or' permanently on Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. Tito prompt payment of losses for a period of szVErrry years, anords a guarantee of claim upon public confi dence. .Artrung.H. COFFIN, Pres't. CHAIILF-S ,PLATT, Seey. F. Y... ZIEGLER, Attend, Walnut Street, above Front, Cola/able, Pal - January 2.1, 1866-I.Y. - FARMERS' MUTTJAJJ FIRE INSUR- J_' ANCE COMPANY, YORK., PA. Insures on the Cash,Mutua„latAßEßl o , Prr Perpetual esiden te e • D. Rriticiaain, Secretary. M. S. SHUMAN, Akent, July 7,1867-Iy.* , Columbia, Pa • ITENRY HARPER, 520 ARCH STREET, PiIII;ADELPHIA. Sus a Lazio pock, at low prices, of fine WATCHES, JEWELRY, SOLID. SILVER WARE, PLATED SPOONS, CASTORS, TEA. SETS, .tc. 1 • REAMING AND' COLUMBIA' R.' It • • . . . WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14nr, 1889, PASSENGETOrRAINS-WILL'RUN ON THIS ROAD; " AS FOLLOWS : "LEAVE. , , ARRIVE. Af. -- 1te.i.Maig.....a0:20 A. M. , ."5:30 P. M. Columbia " M: "- 10:20 A. M. 3X :00. " ' 5:50 P. M. - Amara:. R eq i ng 7 6:°24'3: L "T ster ':*.til 31 7:00 A. M. Columbia .... .9:25 A. M ...... P. M. " .....8:30 P. 111 ....... Trains Leaving Lancaster and Columbia as above, make close connection at Reading with Trains North and South on Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. and West on Lebanon Valley Road. Train leaving Lancaster at 6:05A. SI. and Columbia at TrainA. 51. connects closely at Reading with for New York. Tickets can be obtained at the Offices of the New Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty Street, New York, and Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad, 13th and Callowhill Streets, Phila delphia. Through tickets to New York and Philadel phia sold at all the Principal Stations, and Bag gage Checked Through. Ticicot - Soolcs for 500 or 11:050 miles, ,Season and Excursion Tickets, to and from all points, at reduced rates. Trains are run by .Philadelphia& Readin Rail 'Road Time,which is ID minutes faster than Pen nsylvania R. R. Time. apl 13-391 GEO.' F. GAGE, Supt. $1,11b,530.20 pENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD TRAINS LEAVE CoLLTDIE;IA GOING EAST, , Lancaster Train Harrisburg Accommodation TRAIN` LEAVE \V PST Mall Train 11.50 A. ;tI Harrisburg Accommodation ' 6.25 P. li Lancaster Train Arrives 8.05 Marietta Accoin. leaves Columbia, at 740 A. AI COLISIIII3IA ACCOMMODATION. Leave Columbia for Lancaster 1.00 Pi N. Arrive at Lancaster 1.20 " Connecting, with Day Express for PhD's. Leave Lancaster at 2.40 P. 111. ' Arrive at Columbia 3.20 "` VIM. F: LOCICARD' Superintendent, Phila. Div READING RAIL. ROAD. • SUMMER ARRANGEMENT MONDAY, APRIL 26TH, IS6O GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE NORTH. AND North West for Philadelphia, New York, Read- Pottsville,' Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, ac.,..te. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as fol lows: At 2.35,5.20 and B.IOA. M., 12.25 n00n,2,00 and 10.53 P. M.,connecting with similar Trains on.the Pennsylvania R. R., and arriving at New York at 9.45, 114.5 A. M., 3,50. 6.45, 9.30 P. lit., and 6.00 A. M., respectively. Sleeping Cars accompany the 2.35, 5.:d) A. M., and 10.55 P. M. trains, with out change. Leavellarrisburg for Reeding, Pottsyille,Tama q inersville,Ashland Shamok in,Pin eGrove, Allentown and Philadelphia, 8.10 A. M., and 2.00 and 4.10 P. M., stoppin at Lebanon and principal Way Stations ; the 4.10 1 P. AL, making connections for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven, and Auburn, via Sehuylit ill and Susquehanna Rail Road, leave Harrisburg at 3.30 P. M. Returning: Leers New York at 9.00 A. M., 12.00 Noon and 5.05 and 6.00 P. AL, Philadelphia at 8.15 A. M. and 310 P. AL; sleeping cars accom panying the 9.00 A. M. and 5.05 and B.OOP. M. trains front New York, Without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 A. 51., connecting with similar train on East Penn'a Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.30 P. M., stopping at all Stations. Leave Pottsville at 7.36 and 8.45 A. AL, and 2.45 P. AL ; Shamokin at 5.25 and 10.35 A. M.; Ash land at 7.00 A. Id.. and 12.30 Noon Tamaqua at 8.30 A. M., and 2.20 P. M. for Philadelphia and New York. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susquehan na Rail Road at 7.00 A. 81. for Harrisburg, and 11.30 A. \I. for Plne Grove and Tremont. Reading Accomodation Train: Leaves Read ing at 7.3 a A.. ilf., returning from Philadelphia at 5.15 P. AI. . Pottstown Accomodation Train : Leaves Potts town at 6.55 A. M., returning leavesPhliadelphia at 4.:30 P. M. Columbia Roll Road Trains leave Reading at 7.00 A. M., and 0.15 P. AL, for Ephrata, Litiz, Lan caster, .Columbia, Perluomen Rail Road Trains leave Perklomen Junction at LOS Ai DI. and 6.00 Returning: Leave Shippitek at 6.15 A. Id., andl.oo P. 111., con necting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. On Sundays: Leave New York at 8.00 P. 31., Philadelphia 8.00 A. M., and 3.15 P. N., the 8.00 A. M. Train running only to Rending; Pottsville 8.00 A. M.; Harrisburg 5.20 A. M., and 4.10 and 10.5.5 P. M., and Reading at 12.55 midnight, 2.51 A. N,, for Harrisburg, at 12.53 mid night, and 7.05 A. \f, for New Yi3ric. and at 9.40 A. St, and 4.2.3 P. M. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tickets, to and from all points, at re dared Rates. • Baggage checked through ; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. May, 1 1889.] NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL ROA 10 SUMMER SCHEDULE. APRIL 25m, 1669 On and after April, .25th, 1860. Trains will leave York as follows: LEAVE NORTHWARD. 1.30 a. m. Daily for 'Williamsport, daily (except Sunday) for Elmira, Canandaigua, Roches ter, N. Falls and Oil Region. 11.30 a. m. Daily (ascent Sundays) for Williams . port, Elmira, Builhiciand N". 2,13 p. m. Daily (except Sundays) for Williams port, Erie and Oil Region. 10.10 p, m. Daily (except Sundays) for Harris burg and the West. 6.25 a. m. Daily (except Sundays) for Harrisburg only 694,850 10 LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 12.00 Midnight, Daily for Baltimore. 9.40 a. an. Daily (except Sundays and Mondays) for Baltimore. 0.40 a. in. Daily for Baltimore. 2.05 p. in. Daily except Sundays) for Baltimore. 7.15 a. M. Daily except Sundays) for Baltimore. WRI viiTSVILLE BRA. NCH, Leave York for Wrightsville, 0.20 a. an. 11.40 a. in. 3.30 p. in. Arrive, Wrightsville 7.20 a. in. 12.30. 4.30 p. m. Columbia, 7.28 a. in., 12.43 4,48 p. in. Lancaster, 0.00 a. in., 1.40 5.54 p. 12.20 p. m., 4./0 p. m., and 0.80 n. ni. LEAVE WESTWARD 'FUR YORE. - - - - Leave Columbia, 8.30 a. in., 12.50 0.30 p, Leave Wrightsville, 8.15 a. tn., 1.05 GA p. m.— Arrive Yorle, 0.30 a. 1.55 7.33 p, in. Baltimore, 12,35 5.00 p. m., and 2.30 a. m. All trains on this Branch run dully except Sundays. S. S. BLAIR, Sup't Baltimore Division. BD. S. YOUNG, Gen. Pass'gr Agt., Baltimore. Slay I. tsa6.l '-k-',Oll, . - ...\,111V YORK. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND RILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAIL ROAD COMPANY LLNES, FROM PHILA DELPHIA. TO NEW YORK. piton 'WALNUT STREET IVITAXF: - At 6:30 A. M., via. Camden and Ainboy Ac commodation £2.25 At 8 A. M., Vim Camden and Jersey City Express Mall 3.00 At it I'. M., via Camden and Amboy Ex press 3.00 --- - - • FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT. At 11 A. IL, via Kensington and Jersey City, New York Express, Fare • $3.00 Flt 01( WEST PIIILA_DELPIILA. DEPOT. via Connecting Railway. At 9:30 A. 31., 1:20, 4:00, 0:30, arid 12 PI IL, New York Express Lines, via Jersey City.. 0.3.25 At 1 A. AL, Emigrant Line 2.00 At 1:10 A. M. on Mondays only—New York Express Line 3 0 3 The 9:30 A. AL and 6:30 P. 31. Lines wilt run daily. All others. Sundays excepted. EAST PENNSYLVANTA RAILROAD Summer arrangement of Passenger Trains, AIOiNDAY, APRIL 26, 1869 No. 134. 'Way and Mixed, leaves Reading at 6.20 A. M., arrives at Allentown at 9.00 A. M., runs daily except Sundays, stopping at all Sta tions between Reading and Allentown. No. 0, Mail Train, leaves. Reading 10 80 A. M. arrives at Allentown 1:1 05; at New York 350 P.M. No. 7, Fast Mail, leaves Rending 4 20 p. M., ar rives at Allentown 555• at New York 9.40 P. St. Nos. 5 and 7 run daily, except Sunday, stop ping at all way stations between Rending and New York. - - EXPRESS TRAINS Leave Beading at 4.30 A. M. Arriving at New York, at 9.15 A.. 11., Leave Reading at 7.05 A. M., • Arriving at New York, at 11.45 A. M., Leave Reading at 2.10 P. M., Arriving at New York, at 6.45 P. 51., Leave Reading, at 12.55 A. M., Arriving at New York, nt 6.00 P. These- trains run through from Pittsburg to New York, without change of cars, stopping at Lyons, AilentoWn, Bethlehem, Easton, Iliac- Lion, Clinton. White Noose Sommerville, Bound Brook, Plainfield and Elizabeth. The 4:30 A SI train runs daily, except Sundays and Mondays. The 2.10 P SI train runs daily except Sundays. The 7 05 A M and 12.55 A Id trains run daily. West bpund trains leave New York at the foot of Liberly street, as follows: Leave New York Arrive at Reading. 12 00 M. Mail No. 6. 600 P It 9 00 A 51 Express Train 145 P 5.1 505 P Express Train 10 l 0 P .5f 8 00 P 51 Express Traib 1255 A M The 12 M Train from New York, stops at all Stations between New York and Reading, leav ing Allentown at 4 Iv P M, arriving at Reading at 6 00 P 51, running daily, except Sundays. The 800 P 51 Train, from New York runs daily stopping at Elizabeth , Plainfield, Som merville, Junction, Easton and Bethlehem, an= riving at, Allentown at 11 37 P M, passing Lyons at 12'22 A 51 arriving at Reading a t„l2 55 A N . The 505 P M train from New York runs daily, except Sundays, teavlng Allentown at 3521. passing Lyons at 38 P AI, arriving at'Reading at 10 10 P . The 900 A from New York, runs daily ex cept Sundays, leaving Allentown at 1 . 20 1 passing Lyons at 114 P 37, arriving at Reading . 'Mail No. 10 leaves Allentown at 710 A AL, ar riving at Reading at 900 A "JI. Mail No, 0 leaves' llentown at 410 P Al, arriv ing at Reading at 000 P Local Accosts. 1234 leaves Allentown at 430 P N. arriving at Reading at 810 P 111. Trains _Nos. 10. ost 1-' run daily, except Sun days, stopping at all stations between Reading and Allentown. Passengets are requested.i.o purchase tickets; before entering the cars, as twenty-fire rents extra will' leo charged and collected on the train from all who pay the fare to the Conductor. COMMUTATION TICKETS, good for twenty-six trips, at 25 percent. discount between any points desired. MILEAGE TICKET BOOKS for 0,000 miles, good between all points on this or the Philadelphia Reading B. R., or the Reading 0: Columbia R. It., at 202 50 each, for families and firms. - - SEASON TICKcaS, good for the holderonly, for three, six, nine and twelvemonths, at reduced rates.- G. A. NICOLLS, Gen'l Sup't.. m91'691 ON AND AFTER nvrtrxt,NlNG 8.2.5 A. SAL 5.20 P. II G. A. NICOLL% General Superintendent commenctng