CO' effiltiltbill ,! Qcslitt:abia;‘, • .. Is66'; Advertit3t2gtentg,to; lii- Bertion;'friutt ie 1intide4..14.,9)1 t or , : b,1• 52 0 da3t9vl 2 .6t • i i 6 : ;l.3iViE I P: 'S'ii,P4r.7l„lilt4;,bgh,„Lc-ap polated NottirysP atilie Tor Eari6tta • su6 Jo ~tlf..- !I ; engage,cT %in. tue. Pe.n.rAVav4tirii.a;t:.l.lfokYtibtxllevt IlterViPt? tn . it e'rl dia aka Vde Closed on last Sabbath ; it will, tie l pinoecl , for regular service on next Sitbbatii. inorritl fa g and evening. ; GOINO TO GERMANY.—Ph. 31. Eel denbach, pastor of the German Lutheran cilipi;dhA tqAcity 1)1110) vpi4, Aiw r ay for 'N'tw "Yo i rk, , 'from whence sailed on Friday, in the •'Bavaria" for Ger :, Many. Ho will be absent about four ionths, during which time Rev. A. Swartz, f Baltimore, Will'have 61A:taiga eiz the above Church. IN O thbl•Sithicfilrii, bf. V • illiaifesii6it' p l ease inform it's"'tiiiiders at Hower, who treated them so unjustly, ino citizen of Marietta, as intimated in i tiiiii'fiitfiCr l i "'We make this co'i4gctiOil . sii' 1 alai our readers who have been misinformed tout this person may know that he has no rilit;'dtiiiiMiiiit s tlfe'ftWiiire 'o'f .151::' 'llt*ei';' I 1 4 ~,, 4 ..41,-; 1,31 t1,..:1 ~/ t• 11,341.; Is rrsiding in Mariet a. ' -.ld. , g..."•-—. -- rro - ~,,..- i .t ~.. I. •.a RAILROAD .A.CCIORNT.—Harry 1 , 11.,31., t of t is place, an employee of the Pennsylvania ' r Weal: fVith gi'll•iiii.Sily`lifili'Mt - PridliT"l'ast ' ! •4-eek, by coming in contact with a tiritfge, 1 whilst , staudiug.on chotopoar,a our, sliemas , ! struck on the head and•tkvimiked , frornthe caq,t 0 .,Y43,WA. 1 40,Wber9.444 Iny in,B 4 -..pgesarr,, iims condition whilst. the,,traitt,ran, eight ;Miles ail gad, when , . 1 .110 ... , ‘ , vyas, uaisisy,ar.: "S J earch Nv'ii's fit'iall'.3i made When' Chi) unfor nate man was found as above stated. He 'ls Linr094.13 jytop - T,py l aocl,!lF, „Tho ,accident occurrect,atepght., MIMES ScAVAlmakcbt.l-11Th'er& it 4. ft set of what the mighlorftrdi''Sathkiritgs, who utillt : O•itit' dusiness, wheneve.F 3 , ,uon , yelliep,t,!t9 pi 4.? Orr. and abuse upon the Sp'. This tril4 . Or na hangerspt, or dir i e wsositztyflia ye 'a•disincratioli Co stibstribeo a to paper ToFl?id cleBirq; to .hcr:Kow every 'other miin's. It is often noticed that these meant'llebple•bhtiOefilently drop :pp.o a store, hotel ,sr...otpFr place nearly every morning to read the Spy, as soon as ~t I,le geon t-or At4i , )lll,ioViti- 'shafted .-1 a.'Wt.13. 4 -.; ;fil t h ere are a few of thifmdisii,,wo intend to pay .ollr respects to ut some future time. MEE I PRESENTATION' QT FIR MEN'S EQUIP :zrENTs.—On Tbursthiy l laisf, in the ball of tie !sprofiger /131vwery,i 't .11unea 111 eGi n Invalg4fle:Eitleipient of 11 a my n i t 4 ,f baNgp go 1n FT pi el.O .i nieig:4lii i ikbailitb 4144 nt5, 71 441th4„6.4,,1ea-, d 4., by theLintiiibbiet eifvehb , Vigilitbe'Sfeif& IF k e o ~ , Tlr,-.l,,JriTl9s, ,p i airs , ;.pr A v4t.p . , s t psw:i ilep, , q l 3 fI , IAPPAig folloivs: 1 %(f,! 'lrr-ctgllqiilugslfrrrga 4 /04itgeftriy - tfeitiotx , cill.iltta:fLl preeent to you thetto,equipmeni-t-,- no ca irunriztiof our:, %esteem for the great service you have rendered tetinipanyv lye - tvi - * devotion- f for) thell ( Com'firti. oft . the, member.: bst , - - .tol - M ' 01 .' . 1 .41 .n / 1- $,T4. 4 -ii . .C ' t 1 Jtr. Daily and fallow t‘Hickr.s.T-etnitraibetrs - - , APsiell'i4 , ' •Itdat Steam,.Firf, (bvtpitny:l.can hat thul words • ettitable tice - itient,y-fe l e-tilii); , ----stYor the kinrine , a you tattive thuo.. 4 eht.yst.ites. in,,i - neeonting-,,the with ibis Attintisorne gift. ' Von'lm.vb, indeed, taken me by stir- Plfe..nt cluLhottknoWnhytil lug of this when I was vs jetted to come,here,,gter,cforp,l-hope-you will ex ' e• se me troth shaking speech. 'lri-Otliers, Firemen, ' Myers ell:late; Nrgtikutwrhs.nk. you—heartily 11i/bilk yottfo-rubiaviluablepresent,and will endeavor :ittolweattnivith nayselti :cad honor to the .:t i Thp:lool:TYSTPWll, — re r p,all; - 0.4.7t - 9 - the: ,413Vittiti; it' heri*, l lthtlts,t k ', 'fair the oceasion,...9tifF;:,ll49l,:aplid,3;erifiliient allt4 : good ottc99,d „f:pu iiiini 1•&,:..d.10 ••••, - AQUird.'Nte.-:Ori,•• ..o'clottk,, a sitight ' fira . oqeurrettin 7.Zcarol shell ;, : ‘ ttt 4P 7i& t ' l 6 :AgS b VigPtl " :lP4l6; - VNIC.O. I i, st4.•eet, kept by Matthias filingi,whiclijoon , .1 Aiiped a lot of shavings and. to whiefi l iVjg..l sppgsvitnnjuge . I[m flames were extinguished ere the fir, 1,59 m 1 ) 4/ 1 1 1 . Thc?i§ccifir.lo, c Sian- .t Ingo 13.Vdoti , it•tbd-bitritfrre-hild'tetriitv • astray of n few ofq - lirr ‘ ocrdfii r9' ip:4 l Psii. . in tp n tlaefi~e'Lon`Ctiliil¢ s c~J44ietiel i . tido V&A:lir/ o pialtuktiftiqiiminex,tinfltlAyfoxo 41.1tralPearatiati . ' TeT r - 4 , 1" -Vq_difts 4 #4 s7 t/t ii •ONIVA " TIO 6I€I. . .oitsestiaiiierrrassectox - eraktirriiiiiictis 1 56 1 ,5 U ; face, right shonic.erafttl e . inip t inWod, dfj thiY Aloot 41 1 .1r0 Yt.t , I soft tissues surrounq u , ktlietifraeicrei;very hl PoV99 mg6a ..... - ........... Too.colroz Lu rod ei..mao,vaz. rst,trarriedt •to . ' , 1- 4 ) = svrei?t , „ w I rent 11)1 , 04TwouoN... 1 . , Liottisvoluviiio • •,••• e 4-5 N W,5 5 .!, 555, NV II) travi4V•adij fisted 4114. Jan • •place& l lt•- jegt:l4r-P,Mlllotairlbocii iinwhich state lie w• s carefully re nicived • 'EI parents, ~ oFt ; Fectuti . :iik:eet; lind ' doing • !Is Nv elf 'l,•kchtil . l:l emustances. - • _b_AsilioNs FOR :FUN Srat4llll9, .P 47 west's, the ratAtartillbtkileAlistio.i triage fakaikti•Tt: - ,d 111 L Tall 111J•!1111 fl Th no:v.ei in :1 ..6 ‘i i !tl i '' l 4o"t2 l6 l l, 4t ri §P;AV:c lie ; j bUeti sr, dot . ,-, elite that it eau Hardly be we 'lace of ladies the . pronaentuleLauti;i - n. • aatge "7 1 "1 , 1(;• part friail the Wolk universal'Amt:o2o coilt.4n3ts ktyloq:clie"s, the ' 2 l l aitimen33le3afeat tare is ,t-hef-wietizaientsty •; of ! M r I atilt teely4rtny. , plilirr goods in tti,e market , ; ! :Law coursi';'hiaV. - ot; 'ttilit'aft "the' inorei 1 • 1 . I ; Last year stripes, •Nr,ere rage , alirii,ad;, dtid we, are. riow ffobded, probably, with. the' • I 1 3 ,110[11er notiregiirt.featitrb'fA the' . i.(qtryle ., e, ibr } serviceable Eiii;disirgeds..... French, peo. Ie ltrippFt.,?lnglittii fabrics largely, of late, t e s tnN astly for •thein tlurability , 1311fArtierleliri' rp t,ile;jp,ore,fanciful FrAplclA.,tuitn.ufaclures,, oritb k elmit - ations of them which we find in so that narchasers aro abso lot e'l.,•••4•'e`iiiictetl, tint! '•in oat ".centlife selvs443,l;''rencli:aridt..iinerican Styles: , 4 - .14 - g11.?1,1 ivatorproof cloth, for eNample, is now almost•out , ofqbe market, although it sold readily a ud:„ . ;iviii,ri 7 cottrse it is provoking:Mut tArnericane t .who tirt.gina ted . I.ll4,hrticle„ Shot' ld have to •Yield, palni-oftyntriolty; to , theincoßtisFg brit it is .lAnCetiCitit Witte'rprobt ws gray very pr. of cloth Mains 11s p 0,101444 . Vo are glad to be able to announce that; tit 't tiai..:lb t itiitii:niiiA•yititt lithk.u'rkt ~si • erect sufficient'flirkirtWe's j to ches the ground , :willwittiswer for white e~ i- 3 /, • l .gitW,„ • new' style of yisiting:ciress. filt et l / 4 11:6.11y1wIatkatigtEaln. IL 14..?aa11e,(1 th "T9trml"- skirted, dress, becausoit just -115otlt .fl air 'Yolind. It is -11,11/9el, : Ii 's • iiyhiPtj+ib}X.firjisJ . etl, with an ,iiiiperskirt•dcniipedzittpudn !the back, and a • ?§:itique „cpfn leaves 'at. the-sides. A square' . hOw,:mith • iittlieliE•ir the belt. t A It, • 'he Watteau is yery.!liis r blo,nlible as , sr) o‘iordress, asw cloak, nail its a- rapper' for wedr.hit stotrivtiines rnitac. plain iit the back, the plaii cominene ini; at the wai,i,ind the shape deillied tterOsS' Vit, shoulders by fringe, : rt4lll,es, or •iAtie t , glttisi an.:•elligarit style in black silk, and useful, either p , rs tate or for out-„dosi i rwear, wi,tl . leihei'"dressek' p:early. all . .overdresses, ineltiding , the et . '•tiiilii.‘er.l us sit riitner t r iiid.especialky . ip,bliiek,,silk, or white, , thin :go t od.4; can worn over itilitot any,other, ` dresses. • • • ••' • • • •••• nbie ttitiirding Tor wi t. nie oir,,iindlei• l hits ber introducedithis,season. It consists of :Parrcni;pf white linen-cam- "••r?l3rotielisiod•-•en-Ilinougii•the-oentor,-atia-el - ;geit,ifiveny. goed,lit lcoitsliike•itads or•'•Vb•i•Vi . satin yerbig the iadvan tage of washing. J 44 41:1i f1:1 , 11/ ) 1.1 116 RED-ITOT.—;We - ianderstaini that some of our lager beeV , CieillMifil4;itstatiously displayiFig divers orders from!, n protniut o , Candidate for fated, for beer Vibe Flom of the thirsty. fishlowners. Copper herKlf na r y pa gifieq, put t me. i tl } init l thew fire few Sensible Republicans WhO would ; 1011 their votes for beer. , DECORATE., Tim com mittees o,r, t tioXl,,frrmlyr i - S; t t o sio ei a - tb an &in. town., will • Meet at. tho of,the Grind Nr'o:o,(tke;.AqtAYl3l6;.ll,f,'PSP'4lo*;. ut eight o'clock, for the purpose' of , . emu pleti rig, a tratigdments td deedrate 411t'0,e:wog df K)ktr. fallen. sold i ers.. P nol ustl, att eadanee. , I's - titr.e.q,r.:;;;;‘—::, : 4 .: - 2, - ',, ':;; 1 atflefro : tfill-'S el ri , i b 'ds.! -ii ekt I 'Sxf ii EV (ITiiiiiiS,'.l`44`thiA;ilf,lhd,:tpAeboi...eliliti4: 31°iirking ,p rAyor at.0 , 4t... A. t. I Litnny,'Sebmon 1 n Trinit. - it,!,ng,g - oli;Offkiirill'Ojoixittr A. ~ I. I3vening , RerviiN3s , ab7.3,:o'elocicovpen a S ;''P.Vir c iV: rfi K 1 . 0 :i. 1 ,9:;', ' l'i l .igf.: ` ikT#oo l lV4 • A. couttinloinvitatiorrextendeatotali.. , • 1••••••+ _. . • ! Sb'ril'e4: r#,zi,Vg'Xf: V. i- Chtilfeliiiti'..tb;iiiir 'r, row it • t•tiarial'holit'si• •Stll?,j , Tt 'for morning, 'itrie u l:Yhditi l .. U l zia''llitor • y of the ITUiteti Iprethreu ChurehT2teVeYtilig,6uhject , ;ll.lo toetrines, Polity, and yindieations." Th: 's bjeet will be solte'itie'ci its't , e) present much tatt wi11 , ,, , ilq 7 surprisingly.. neyv, •I to, , most fslks, and should not fail to he heard. , 'l , l','" : ' , 7 •—"41.1'• ' • :'", ''. 7 , f .1" , ) I' LITERARY SOCIETY.7-1111ssociet i y ni9l . l i l t thh z tiL.LlO' . 4i' gial A i'l („1:, I.;lapo.,... 9 4:':ittitiilay evening. President, James Gardner, in the c air; minutes ,of last, Teet l 44,- ,read and unproved. • Tlie following 0111i:ors were O dc ifq H it.4 6 1t1,4)-14 ksiii ilLift. o x2) 0 ;-', . i 1 i>,.. f i:vf - cynt—c3e 9 ., El: t pishards. rfl i l'ice'President—h. AL , Williatn. ,' ' Treasurer—Geo. • S. }lath von. ..: • •••• . • :•' •• Obnimittec of , , CiziT'ator:B-q-r(..,. 015eltilii; 1 J Clazdner: and. W. E. Sour beer. . ; ;; i .A.,riiidtilittif,to'iiie*licksti'afittiTi.ldiit',. especially, those; who, min,, e i xpet.tec.l tP,P i 4j .- . ticipate in the eTereisii i foi - ' ttie ' ev l difinix: I, Was resolved that ,tate,satne ,odder of bust= n'e..s, ho sail//;Litutetl fpr ALonday. eIiPIIII?g,r 34a,y- : ,,cis , t-„,,t!,... , :-. i., .1 i ;,•,-; d. .•,•; .14, I •..v e s i. , It ii'cifte4ti ' c ' it'i. l ar ki,,l;i'f z ,k, ii.., - .t '0,11114p E; v OA ~, i4ig- 2.4 th i.alt,,,tvill ; .11e i , i , t . 1/ -/(; r •i ;; IResotr , AThAt' fiiiiion 6'li:compatible with roll iDiseiltlipts‘iii the utilrmati,va,L.,_C"..,o4pc-, :-lip 4:tild-tL. , tai.-' W illiams ; in,tho negative , ;* J 7 Ac.,. d,i i it'/,ii,ill andFred: So'a'tiieer. ~ ;::.. I 01 4 !Ito 1 .2 - , WL , -T. Btbetc. , -• ';;"' I . ;,;; ~";; ;, i •," I ~'E ! i n.P- S kt • - 7-':- ' ,.. ) : ;0r,; . 1- # 4.11 t . , " i i‘• , P. - oli: . ~, , ,,.- -t r, T rt. t r3r4.i, ~,,,,,,....”; ;•,,•: ! DTVTDS,9.`--- 4 •Zi.)e"Beftird ' of ~ Diret tors: or - 113, , i::Pir0t.. - 411'611;it:•.g.',0i1d,''.4:161 i)114.! 140: , 04es:tafed a -clividetta. tiii:ifornt,itegt•uartt. , oat of Itlß . ottrrri tik,..eoPtheinkt ita a ibil lor!the• piist SiXTiii.'i,utrtg ' cle'di , oir..lll'§ i i•Rit-i.''"Tfi‘ 'YoTrk,N;itiontir;l3iip•k - . 4 iitti' ,i)iteZq go '.ic,.eliy,l7'. and.-ioi'.'.'stiArq:•ilqn,lit'lPt,: t it.46,lrd-r14,00,640.4' ) e.,.‘litional has :declared: six.,:per, ..cent. •and: iti o Fir-st• •NatliOnid ,, lfati ';';_clared six per . e nt. 1,11 r' tii;plY-it2:si ) x.; ' itirintriA,' eta:ll'7lr (J. S t , taxes; • Tite 'rett - k. Water Company has''d cLtred a dividend of five per pan.t:tbr,theilast six months. The York and Wrid - ,lnstillb Turnpike Company have declared tt diyi di-rictirf •l.fl'i•p••• pet:'.CNi,l",Tiie,'Matiatpri4!df' Wishiltiktph ; 4llAgab'ci4p.zi,itrXrk.ava, dedt4ed,an afiliatsiiiiidentl of Sixpat,4ertt.i The York and Gettysintrg-.TurnpikadJont pitny have declared a dividend of two dol 'll4rs per *hare •dn the i'co-p iCal Ntock .'•,.: 'Clie First National Bank or .tjanover has de cla ref-A ,a. dividend, of, ,iiv,e. pan gept.tfor,lhe., pagt NA - .inetital aril 'Llitiloyer .s.i,v4pg, scmiezy,tiw, 041 2 1 1 3,v41, 2. divide tidtti f -.ten . pqr, - Icq n t. irar. thoLpust-s ix.: Enclnt ha,— TV"righteurt/c • ;• 1 T.llak'ii.iiiU:titi,tioe.ViaY,Ca:tiOPßit,tiis. tiny , : being •f;ol d ,LW a ... shipped , •Ir o in , '• New ,:Vor'k 'ris' [ am G lost incredible:. o .'Witturtiptl"'' :ashoreYOU"- - '4ll.llVittg. 1.1.4 i - '..- wl - Ifis, , ,‘,4• . .:ttatt - pie,t7:,4,,lnfd.: tit , th e: de p 6 ts',-.3 , oti w ill 2.sei) gre at. ~ piles of these Bitters - awaiting , siiipmenrand , c9n - t'eytt q ee't'o , f.4%-orx. n ("Gls and cor net' of ,1 be ' .eolifiriA - i and. to 'the', h iirrcispds i) r foteß4n' Pca:htll-.CliOy : ilFb,;,)'o V . i',P.C.P.4 1 .44% . .'i 1 404 k .“ ii: -elashku,o.f.,peopre, .kin d . are: c ozeeied,,Act 04e' : i4j %Ist. thed.iting-ior ,this,-;c,,lithatoi,•"?..l-callßittetts have' Vet.' 4yeen' in fro(' it tie (.1 • ''' , iii li leb: • I fa* e'' bel ;' 1 come - el d - tle'ii - e'ai.3r,!'ptili'ltlßi i ,and A'!.iii•tfik . .'af,, patrons ..t,,, ,, imi•a11..pv1u;;... require tt' - ion - lettlid si;itunlail...i,..Theyourty pi:eixtretl NV itil . ' pur3 St. _ 0.... ix ..ratictur--eztlinagir:trerter-.e....e.n. ill Bitrk, and alje,thAlvv•pildx*3nals .1111. well 'what beneficial 'accrue finin these ecimbinatipas, , 1-, ,, i, •.',i VAy *, ( 7 . 7 • ''........ A .L rMaguolia NA , at,:n.—S.uperier to the lit'. ilnhpsaled, Gg , ,r,tinin.,Cohgogne, anct.9l4 r,tVit 1 10 . 13 ,c4 : 6...-1 ....), ::...1..1i. 1 'it t. , 4t e.,-: .•,, t , L et 'l‘: I ..' 1 :1 1,, -) -,. . - ' ,... . 1 .7 , ... • -0. :1 - Hz.r., --.i .:1,,...t l' 3 Fietv,llit,4 , r -fi,Nq'oT r ltArvgrocs,t - tp,e,D. l ..rmf': ~ sio- a tNl,=.lri-.'- i t.k.r,,- a 0.4 Th 4; traiziti „:. . 'Trig agent - ot* . the Cleveland - Lightning' - ' .14.. e d. ..Company,t kno„.arrivd , ,• rip fAbiluni nig.. with . his trait,. lie is now engaged in puttino•up these irteornea.rahlu mds , iu tliin•ineigliCx' - tr, l', end. ' Hellas just pat`ii - grouncl'itfillo trio ' rp of. Henry' Wisher, with three points at d'AliiliiintlittintsPrs6PaiiTeitig..' :: l'ills' l . , l:iz''' 'IL . TI tle Cable tlittlVil i ?4V ' ittia;; l al . rtill 13 tt , .;\ t r. „, is..saitl.,to he , tbe best ill' , ~(Izert/irited c4rates. ~ ,f le, g iyol-te :gll /11401100 , • 11 , 41 iiiti to, Ici ti 'yeirrs, pr,motle lii' ev ii ki.:'!f1i.14' . !:, , , + tltist e. "=' Pdegoa ','l:l:4liiil;r. ,:ti,itTh.,lll . tA;l,,,i,ft, 1 ,Should call on' nt Actares;: ' Li. is P' c - ~,.•,,,,:,. ~.:. - t mina, Pa. i" YOUR.. uffairs.,...niailien&rne involved, acid mo.y . pr,oper,ty be Izi ken for debt, Your stricks 'inn( slslires linty tali in value; but a yon r litia el rnaut, be I,ll.l‘'encor.di , bt ; ,tranatat: . Gu„ulia q•_ FaircL,frozn Tour - twirls di you halve, ;el°gen your company di,ereefly, 15 subji , et• to l no own in ereiu at• neuriy lyre ' - eltrilrly' -• emit • - ,, Hcrii2/ .agltrti Peedor: 14 - 1:11'oo4;ing Bettehvv uteitnt chubs.. :ing such a Company a , : •"rilv Pre"' ~ir:', l ?).iii l attotibtlia."`.:lh'. • p. , ,-LtiTl)Cle ' • ~ • '• • .. . , • mor ••••••••”---,--,--,—”,--- • • .• • •, • Tlt FrtitsiE9fs' r •roikd .1 , the t. 11 dcepted the' itivkirtkm - tfEL faetUnnirPit fee of Ai*rangements to ) participate, in the lire 4eif's parade on the 'alai iiistf" /TIM YoLdli ies ere classified es follows: Two court" frpluAlzoopu , Col 9 intuit ; boo 'from Ileaartlg ; Irian Lebanon ; one front York, and one !!Trinit LaticastQt. threemther Om palnies are expected to accept the invitation, a ri cl. th/:iie.,w.tttx on r ova fire depitrtment,will. reptiete• the parade quite. imposing, - and ,sotne'llfieen !Iliad Fed or t , e - men heln " • - WIIF.RE no You, PuT Dr: AT ?—Ofren y4u go to town just for a day and want .someplace where ybit intiv leave yolirmleig" while you are running liPonritl; atrd 'Where you may appoint to ineet..your friends and 'Oilers with whom you may have business. i‘fessrs. Wanamaker , vlte, you td 't put, iup r; wit It them. ~,Lcave ,you r bags. gage in , obargo -or the clerks•tit the " defi er,y counter '^ intike yourself perfectly ( their g,reat . house: 'lf you rout, to make purehases,t atitt if• not you V; II be welcome all the same. I SUICIDE Ot .. LA.SCASTERIAN IN CAT . ;- ,Gtufrdian ptili4hed in ;Jai 2thiL•ofila'st. trUnitli, contains an "acc.;ani " , ;1 ili suicide id ttrat.mity at jtiry impanoieil to .ituinire, into the :cause oe, his death, found the deceased to he about ticty years of ageoitiddt: flat tverof .Lattcaster I .equitty, Pa., and that he (aline to his death counnitting•suicide,hy natatas,of IA pistol;, -Nit a state of insanity. ••' ••••• •:•••• ••• THE DeLniiteg Passznore, of Christiana Hundred, lat five tine,pigl,maltied at . 6125, w teNV,SIayS U4O, in consequence of throwing the trim nuug Thnt)urb,,,Qr pie Iplant.,, into „thpi r iain:" 0 tiler fAl•iners'lliNe . v4a this =plant toftheir pigs in small quantities without any et it °tract having been' exlierienced. They 840 u ld, howere,r careful,in,feediug, tho `u . • ,• Virus readers'bDtlie;SPYithhingliout the :oltu,ty ‘yho l uta9,Yisit. I".;oluxubine_sbould by, al means call at tlie,stcne,of,Asnos Llog qt en bler corner of Third and Cherry streets, Cgdurnbia. Ile can offer suneyior induce- Inputs to customets Intrlitt.‘Yhytof notions, .110013 s !;',. We: l• i s"itsSOrtnief it , of -hoots -and shoes cannot he, belit l for style,:durabil-. tt9 and t.4e,i. l 'l3llPg'g:'::" „ ' . 11.).Ettsorts. use. always: wantinf- clothing. •Avatitatitore !say that the place to find good, ready made garments oral] styles acid patterns, is at the store of T. 0. Bruner, Vront street, '!;bode' Locust."'Pdrsuns can hay—those—its—cheap-as• house i n .P 131140,4 , sail; of.pae;tying }ve are certain, fie will 11,t, take any ad vantaga L oficustoaAere u , : undtttee. • • . • tn . pet,ingiltiinse•in :Entorprise,..thlivtiO3loty is ALOVEOSaIt in TOO? bearing. Thite•l76l. wino!' originhTl eaulAti'''froin Jtie irbil workK.Ot' Bit ruq..#4. 4 kel , ,, it3',:ritnilflo,':•or,',ikt:ii.titiniin r .bouglat hix stove-sonic forty - years ago •I'or. its pret•out lotql t e. , : rd.y' gertria " • ' •• , :SLEEVEl 3 urroil§.—acue ' ii . main want,. ofirhand.oine rew'i seyle -sleeve' buttons 3i haul,' oat La.ttao, 'dr ieueinan:: Jass nes•ttieni, varieties, and dirt cheap; too,. :•.: TEAM VS. .1 11S.C - 17E.- - ar• arittletidB, Oamphlets, bdokKalninkarOotlidtAtescrip tinn of job printing done with accuracy and disipatch , thol'offreo .of the, Daily.: turd Weekly SPY Steam Job Printing, Ofacte.• TIIE attention of our readers is ditbdiOti to the lidVerlDitiiiiimi'ort iCoel'a'bon'ill I Ail m,tind COC'fit.Dxspopsia..careoin , another "Sart. , of this. paper.. Tbe.e truly -valuable medicines are recommended by all NV b o ptip t 0 bem.....,..,4nail the eertifletites. dee.GS•iy, 'To :A i; 'There are' ninny thirrg, t tt,}l4t, We„,clii'','Ant:) , :iiisW,"ncr never know; but this we do know, the best plikee .to get n good and .nice , ice cream Is at' Knot wellie new saloon, 208 dad 210 ',Locust street.: t Don't. believe Its, but go this evening. and, see for., you meir; yon will find it inst. asiwo have said; There is no other plane , In lown 1 ''''• t t ETTERB.—List•of-Jetterp Itentaitiing , ynclaicsi in the Coltiinbiit post. °trice, up. to.this date,. Persons calling for these letters will plep,sp, menlion„Limit thley are advertised ifilfte' ILadies' List .-1-I.lli-zo; EL Price, Mary Hen - Itle, Nancy Free, Eliza Clark, Mollie S. Brenetrmn, Kate Wresier. 0 entl cm 4n' s ,La Aluntague, Capt. Heliry' S'potts; J6hii Shairion, Henry 4liedieiFrrtilti Veakirori, 7 Jero)ni.;\ 10111 r; 14 1.1 13, 00ege 11.11 A pl nenf3X Jones, Jack I-lencierson. llttrris Forrb..s/c:•Stelien 'Eratn'e: „ TIIE ” HEATED TERM " IS c0 . 311;N0.-7--, he` s ink 'in . ;.5,6,1;:4`1, lin ushered' in With 1 Heir sultry weather auddeng-tirainief diseases. Itis the season when nature can do little , in recuperating dur exhaustgcl str,engah, and wiaqnwe are ziegnired e(vfortity qui.,phys,lslue against the dangers arising fronl the universal preva lbncy of sic ical elif4 ! ,Thet only truessfogilerd is that sureiltid' reliable tonic anti.lnVigeca-, tiDr :Inc! .reppinialen,(l4d iiy„the t{gU. 411 i xtnrinln;ti rod. thiatnllds.oll-pprKolls every rite, -town-and in. the' country' ' wliainavela§ted its remedial Nir t tues,',an , by its aid' trelspi'i'etl,or there health. It will purify' iiveretions.; l vwrg4,iver,v fornyif atTurd - uxiin'eclcete relihit'an cases of Dys, ;gated'. Cholic, Cholera, Cholera 11lorbus, ' Pro vicl e yourself new against, a. tone ,l el .ne4l, re otter! tingerollS. ' arc. nu thorized, ty aupounee that JOHN Itfotmt,:roy; - wlif date for SrrEßlra , suOjeet CeJ the derision of the liepublxcan voters at the eusuinff R,rituary ele,ek finis. • cht w* ; We are antliorized,to announi3e, BITERS, of Strashurg,horough wilt be cand hi te of the Republican voters at the ensiiina . primary :eYeetidus - : , • • •,••. ,i.".": We art- , uutbotized.i to %It irtichitt'6eL.Tittl.lll.P.: l 1 ,110 'MATS?' of , Nefiliv Itlec - nrernlicitit ~ efinaidhie. fel( the. si 4 iiilerAEN-ITY:, subject to the holiritipitiaah by' the pecipl:ro'at .1111. primary election., • • .., •! • ; • r , .We are au thorizeti t J an nOttnce Lieu t. q •lIEN.R, of 11. - ,e , st l Livalpe . ter, twp,„ls t a candidate for REGISTER, subject to the n'otititiatlon by tile •teptrblicari Vol e'es:A.Mhe primary election., I,Vo . a re. an I.llofiged...ts an non .4 , 1 1 ..1543i.k.:••*r EltY4 of :DO ratar.t owlish 1p,.1a , ,. 1 khinc3l data. ifcir• , ZtirG tnn, e r e:. 0 edcci', ally r t qican viners:l4f •-.; tom jr.„ 'rating election. t ,, •-• •,?, W6'trre'artfliOrizi_Lci 1 'II.OIIR'Zit, of l e auea,ctex t sity,..hite Major ttt iVolun teers, , 2.(1 Division, 2cl Corps. Army of the. Potomac,', eandidatr , for the oillee,•of,Jtegyiter. cif , Sllbieet.44 4 ' sloe of the - Republik:art NFoterq •af, • MO ‘..110.1.11 , nik , .1 primary elections.: !,.`.; ;" f.DRXIr / , ' are' •authorized to. announce PETER , Easf.tampeYer !ITO:114111P; , efu7L , idi dic e f,;r tt:piiiity'L 4 :o'l;lMl4:4'ciil;4l•sitb - j4.t , ~tp'the ideelsiow of kikellepuldic:an.:VOlers.a.t , theprituary . :Mean ' • ' We .za• ::authortzetl .to announce , bAanvcrw JOIIN .!. -- eiNfERCV;R; Sitdslin ry, \vp., pow, 'of life City 'of Dincai,t'er, as a candidtite fo ' Clerk of Orphans' Court; subje . .ct-to)i . .he)derisicm e l ,of the 'Repot lien voters at the primary ele,V \ .are• cu .itunounea - . t ha,t, , WAT: ~ 1 10131?,111, $ 6ot Ki beZlit, , calla hittte for s county Tras , t.trey, subject to the tdech,i4 '(lxe kieittibllcaliv*rlat ( thfarnelitty.* ppnutry eleC , thins. • - I . wEiV.b xusui,Ert, of..!Latials . torLelty;Surinerly..;Of East toiiiqeF ,l LS t=11.1?/ . ISFYO II 9IP.. 1. -9164;4:P{ - , o }?, cpsrling printar ! , - el c , .t team fili4Wnr.7 • i40,d00 hi a •Narilf , P4OßßlPPr.t: • a.. 1 it '•••• 1..0.Y-71*1?4:7 1 ;The Flour 311aricehis veryititilli;hjeltpriooslkto barte , maintained. There is ..:oaecely,..ittiYrithippiag Mlteliqtylatry_tlrOm .bviliornoerittlFht A hnnl sQo,l,m,r;i4,lo,o;ll.tugc4; liarhls in sniti'l lots at Tkflt :fcir glip4rilae; al 75 oz.', for ex "73:17 ZiO for PZ , fm.)*lternta NMI a Family. jrhe Wheat marke's ,ia, ctxt..Mluelv. 11.? e, only , .11yin -act o n re port ed n ltntiO. at -Su silt 4 • ivir Wish: I; 100 bushel., umber at lsteri4yiat gyro.. Tory erlitet:q , 01-1 a ale 10 ,, of Veßterll nt staa2e.. and !Penns' Iran ia at 7na7.3e:„; 1 1 .1h15 . 1iy to Atoll ; small , ales ! pt. tax paid. . 175:Arket. .'"*.irc,:sn.r, May Is. ri-FoilorAof let' rap t.lti,F. , ,re ilgu:ze 1111r:iv, 41.1.:,1 rgaelliu,goM L pti o Ile:VI 1, rt 43, 11 . tlbt.z/ .'ll6O, tofu, very all, - bur mere unchanged. Exrnr.Pol ll -.7lvlngt :dr? : rta,v•chole«.: ar r3.3l:Je.ocouttt.44ogoit , :we., upi emu nion at 3tae, rteral). e,r0:14 n4lto qup . 4..1 4 .4 , 7 ! )..fpy„, - , • Aidl and lowor la-'4'illati?;l.-ji•infll de••dne timeer-11 2 .4:„. -45,0 ) t i lfl itrO:ylat,rs c,,15c..{.1::1U , ,A1.3,f(fr . ,, , , : . 1fie, 41'1 1 1 - . 4 .4 3 ) . ° ', l ' i ,Ct'l , I Ir;c..iColn tAtlbist ;(1.,( • . CO I f i'lltr".±F 1 3 , 461); " " 'N']%el:l). Filllt , i ( ritAiip- - ;• 44 • 1 : Zr- , 4 5 15 :) , 11 Nos. I, 3 and . .... „.... , • ,{ " o. 3 . :.101_ 1 :%In.h . by Coal, Nos. 1, 2, ls .574 IS .." 4,1, ; ~ Lykens .; tat tr, $Ol 1, A 24 ' ' I •>"o:lFi' Nutt... 4 • , P• 75 lIME Fuller, 'Maltby,. for 1,.1,1; 1,1..3 car tolls tried: SEEM fthantoken egg anti stove, by•car. gross tons on track' • Fr No. '4 . Uctlitirthita, , Vtiittbsr hid( et _ - • • 'Cor:l7 : 3l'n'i l A ' , - Sitiy 21, 180. Villitc• 'Pin , . Cu flings, cir sniuplesN CO • " :1(.1 Conirnoyil. , • " • "• 20 00.0 V 00 .2a Coninypn, Uoy, .10 14) " CotAtnon.:.. r.O 00t0G,(0 7502" 00 , w - . Jokt and Scantling.. Hem-Tack, - Soist and I,3eantilag..-.:, Ash and, Oal .Dreß4cd. ll4oring Boardq. ,'• •: -Cher t`y ' • Poplar „ Poplar—Chair - Walnut • Pickets, Headedv•l wet ... •Plastering liath . • Shingles Ilahth, - 2111neli Shlnicles Sawed, inch Roofing Lath Cio,llon, Yellow Pole Flooring.... Columbils li''roituee Potatcies EgaK, cloz I.4rd„ 4: , t fiul es. 1 - 1[1.1n,,, country llunis, suga..l. vti 1111 Bean s , re...W.31114 .13efv . led6 - Lamb .... Sliusage. .13?lognn. Citlnmliit'Ylr lila il ti;ra 2,1 it el. ,CAJ:elit7:r,v,-'3l - 117. - 21.1 , 0. nittills Flour 1 4 I,arrel (h. .1100 11 k4.-,4.......1--'•••1•-••%• 4.- 1 75 s tic pth-thAi Ontyr . Krtrre.l..... . .... I . 4 ' ""- •• • ' lO l l 1 1, F , ''' br.iii • Corn Chop. earn '7 ). Ship Stott"' . stiortt= — .. Itgit Wheat (good) eqrn • ' Lh.atlv+ and Marrhigev are pubhrhed in they paper vrlehout charge.., When necompnrhed by connu-n -tarle‘t,,, rrtuezllvr'ltro..A or pporl y re eent-1 1.-111 1 rm , Fanrirhl 'notice. tiqCeohl-rpr,r lc parable 1n advance. Oa the ISth inst.; by liter. 'W.' 7E' 3lr. FILt Sic , alit:Tß= it; ' dot"' Lla.rrlitiirg,:iind -Miss 4. - SNIE SMITH, of Columbia. •. On the same Any, by the same, Mr. Ononou P. .13,s brim: and Mizss 31(a.t.t n Ethr:Nunttrinit, both of Columbia. 31&y.1.81,11,-..Lwar.wifw of—Jori—lllswkker4n-t 68 t h TTnq i t er , I V. 1 : I ( ) Announee2axelits.• tets. ,:- :71 , 1 7: .FTCI 2,5 C10,, , ,2i co 17 (m 61.20 004,-i.1 . 0.) `.Bn room - tbc 44.1 „•. 70 00fre,0 00 .I 1 004 , ' lUD 10 1/1), , , , k, lAI ..... 01- .. ... • 3 ...... (1015 - Li jai 11 . 1x4, Ili 011 I; 4, 00 ..... 170., ( . 01.1731P.TA, May . 21, • :in 61 Pf) 1.1 Lb 2,, .18 ... ..... .... . • *s o t P. ):0 tJ 11 ••• • Fla , vt• • ••• • - • ) ••••• 25••67. 1_! --a, r 0 ... . - - 211 air r .r 20 ......... . . ... : t• ...... f HEM MEI . . :::::: FEE .... IN) (la j,ltarriagcs, ' peatl2# ArtsiVeA • • " ' DISSOLUTION' QF PARTNERSHIP .j.Y The co-partner , thlp 'llerditdrae exitstln between the undersigned, In the name of W.A.. A Case & Sou 14 this dw'ills.sdlv'ed by mutual eon sent..• Thelloatis,anciAe.,,ottpt. , ,,will be , aettled by O. Cam, Via Locust street. All indebted to-tlin , arm.wiJlpierut maka , seet.lement, • == I, ___,. __ ~ NoT.tot, 1 , ....:,..., ~ ......., ~ , ...., . . 1.1.... The subei ithir, Doi:Win tV•est ILemptleld; ereby. gives fatr : warning,,4 hat. k00w , 111. , n00 per-• nlit Hunters .or personr. , .In• raeareh• •of ' Water cress. To trespams eroldg property.•as• theY .7.'111. he, proseented.- •,,,., , 1 . ~••,,,-,' "'" ''' ' '. ' ', nn - lstrdwj, ,1,..'0T1 11. 5T5,10,14.11t. f , - -- . ---4 Z---1 I= .L. -1-,- , 1....:-....:-..._:-- --_____ I AX7.•..11.N1NG • TO. ,TRESPASSERS.I. , v y , --ALT, PERSONl4..hte , hereby - Fdrbhitlen to Trespa.,s upon the grounds of the unch!rsigto ' ad, as he. A.detersa prosecute; to, 1.11 . 1 ut most vigorYrfl he law, 'Pvery person' .sootteind. Ing.,, „Anty7tfklw, - 1... , ..,. t.,,51. aL.STEISCEILF.II..., . . NTA • @ TCK • •••• -• • `";"''' 11( Eqato of .T.s.cois Borough of (2,3lttinbiu. deceased" Lehtev. elf Ad inini•itratiotion sailf.di.A.t.Mihaving.'bk•till-grant ed Ac t uncipriigneik.,aii„mr. t sri§ a l . Tplgv l 3, cL'errmtrai, Ic ' t Pt V" .l4'' l, d' tit - tectuAt ' ClicAti ' e 4 iinui "Of '.1140.1 5 • t4sain At tie' gni 61n . nient in 'Said Ifor otf-- . . apiL:-Gtj k) 9cTit CE! OF) ALIWTKP • j'AVY—. , p,,Theqn4Eigp.cfp.ivo.)2,,,,Arive; licat'deAtiat:they lanalt.Pq 5.111 W it ntlbr.t p •ovw,lb w, hl ,- ,thatitleyl qtrelagvil,to pg. l 4 l Str: qhYps,''''MiproVed iintr,thc; plements th..rto, the terms of which are the • - /. fI ' 1. The name of the firm tinder • which said partnership Is. :he A c...mytiletdect , ,wfutani Patton. ' 2.. The, Rein:rat ,titttuto,tif,•the busitteStids.tlity• goods,groeers• Ituci therchant..tailorintt., ,•," 3 ,..Ttledfenexal,par,tateS, .Ai.tVat ton,. coltunble,, Lanartster sylvan a. The speelal partner is FranltlinTan, ,310.(icates *tynetillt,lLlQ‘clisv OG PhliatAelPh , ht• • •1 • ”.•-• •• ; 1. The amount of eApitei vorAtritlntett douttnort.:Aotic.,„ npeelut ; partner tlibusitnd dothtts.4l. o . ll 4•A• •• • ". '.• The i rile) Commence on the RI x t lk,clay of A,prn 5. A.,131., PAO_ funi. ,to. tot:minute on tht , fifth clay of April, A. 1.871! 1 • • yiLp-km, G. ,P;ITToN.,, • • • etetttl'int PArt7ler.2- ••• . , -.FRA•NIZLIN•CFANNEFY",i' •• .t•• .?. •• ; Partnr,,i • A 7 e_ . 714,7 ANKP-7•ACrXIN,"I;S..,",W,gnaer of Vr the Worli1;" \i-arraiited to cure 'Mm matisu! and Neura o lgia_ old Altq paei•iage, systiAni.:'7gOtt&bb•paid TiSr' %iitjt IgA.tect, `is)tier' niolitti"aucl . 'conintlA§,l6ls, 16 a [sir bute• ,•, •;• ; ; i ; rriLTQN I, Pittsburg, I a. sizi-‘0;•TO "8250 'l- ) et' B . lonit ii‘,V, tifiroup ttii • ' U tee'd . .:L.Stittt,',P.:l.Y.4,WtiiAles„44' eteltly"to.figents everywhere, selling; our Pat'', t Everlasting White Wire Clothes Lines. Call at or write forpurtiquiar,s , t o o thq •GIRAIW WIRE MILLS. 261 Neeth Id st., Philudelplita. or M. A. Reld, Columbia. [ , 1(i XvAg,iiiri) Fgr th 9. SEO,II.IT IT.STOAY OIL 1 ~...(1 •iall ;I/ ,) •)t 0. h , •) I 1•3 1.110 CONFE:IS.ERACT. eidgart....-itt, (1.6 ill' s war Intflus.e.desict; : iu.tlA9..rali'nds of the people tb obtalpil.;,l. - .711f6 .•+tret popl,lt.i.eig intrisue.s, Are., of Dtl')..* l .oi l f 6 . l. thq Hidden Itts'setoi•les front " Behind the' F,teehtvg Trill - non - 11, coo t horotiuffr3 - ventilated.. .ery. .f eirenhtis: trkt pplierldl'Al4lll-itfeiii des e ,j,tion tr. , :c t 7:. Addres , i TtONAL DT lILISIIING [m.);l3-4wEt..p. llitl3lll44ya SQI?,_ES". „ ,„ • "•.. •.• • , LAI.n,F.g., , T-.,mpl , xt - morrA , . ,. • !.• f linvejt•lrri , et•M , h . :i n^w tool: „. . "..• ' , ” l:.tiNr"i"-'I"Er3PIIN7GS ' I ' ll DIIIIII6....EFLOM.•CiT).I3V.iIOLESALI , I r,ACifELIGING., DiiiTONS..VELV ETSi. CUFF'S . (all T:Votlt:Atlecsl. MARY S. WITHERs, - 117 Leenct Street, c9 , ll.llpbj E 4.1 hint - I, 1,369,41".3 e MEM ir*-1 i ,ftIIINIIGi,V c A - rultoin;,Y•sapvti )._,. it A 1,1, 2. ENV" GOODS. L !The s{rack[M;, L. kbii . l l 4, ,T filii . i'lti -iii-!&:s:"lt.s‘).'jx -13teti.jqr.a.'XripapiirmSt-tutt 41 41,,r,.,1.0 4 t . 1 . ” . .. p..k.:ppyt.. of tlit - mcctr. - ba. ofreneznt trt4ro. :It ' • : '"'N* l l;, ".... , ,, s4 " . ili'llUklYka l .) giVE:l# zf. : ' ll c. ",., P.. ~. ~,_ ..' , ....,,,.,,,,..., , . 'II. 4 .17 j N "httre4 , ll"6 0111 ir.Ao79it Ivolis' lib ottio4efttlitrlbC 7 g, 9051 x in .lier line, such:, 'various Itincis.orai- f ":, . ±RILLM-1- t.§• , ..1 1 .,-`I4 ; FF- 7 1 ; 1 47, K) IgStFrATt ie. "' , -,5q41;47 . 9.N. Lii'''..-M4l.4'iliidizr,f , iiii/f4Acrt. , te: 1 1-Akj'.l7fi'• eS.V'i.)6iig'!"'f ''7,31-, : lt i 1 , .. ~ fr:.. 'W• l igtz ,.l , g :l'Mlll l/. l , ke f-. • P 1 g. k .J..;111,, Is, f Iriii,' q-Jina`ir,ct,l.P ', ..., 11 .r P ..i - ",1,111,31;t1',' , . ~, n atrdro i -gz , i, , ,,A,1,- , mtir. - ;:t i -,N-4.,- :, .....,--! _ r ?,s.inreoto.:B.f.„„; t.Nli i tn ibid. ! I 'l()Ci(f-l'n---17tFELPSTI.1 j_ s.vVE D. . • • • •,i: .• •• • .•1 ennu On l er a ',arc, rertatn awl „13,1,C1p.)4 - .,Tenidy for i - • iFt TF. , X 1 1 1 : t ) xbr.rir. n I. NG R . 731 1.I) ; _., T S •y,py!T t 11, Want. plea.unt to,;ake, hti.t,intohipply), atitpWrdi.,erokitlo,ll/14-inleWs: , •••• • •• • 4: 4 1 . ( I ft . ;). eC 1 1 . 4 1 1 ,TP4 • . 1 One dose lately relieved iitillildiot.'/Werliaci t,onsand WORMS. and egltii9ll'.lh4.llld:l Do not d •lay. Use the,trettidatch,,kttiagilk your children s .i!etti3P;tteSinna,trlntithellltli. For S:110 l,p 1111 ,1 F. C. W1.7.1 . ..1 4 ...0.t apl.7-Irt/ocil !• , .1 t.. L. f :3 , .„...- y-brict . _ ..130 , re10 . 2 ! 511,14VG. H s i ,1 - 0 O 9 ps,. • ,11:$1':„.3?,1:11.011,i1SED, . .I.T lIED LTC*: D PR gplenclo..A:khortplent of new..? nd de i•irab3o-. ITOUSFI FITILNS,B.ING . !)c)0.1?8 ! I . 00014: INGSTO V ES :iti- The •;1 cbt ker , ( PAY•lClPet,lbr,!:=Y l al l . ( 4 l Xt:"' Trl.l/,TA.2.C.N . LA. AVAR _in 50..4 Bp te t • • f.i • ) - CJ.L.LA MR R ' r • • GO I- NV.c.TEit ./.' OLI r: .P.R.i.7 0) , LL : RS, : • ' Of. all sixes - and .stryies, ". •••' - , trpeetril nittrlit lon' lurid 'to' GA'S FITTI - NC and Jarrest.ortzue in. of t.plonctirl • ahvu):. on hand. .1,,1.,rn-J e t .I.3IULt ..; ger It 101". tilt... Celebrated DOT .C.LOTILES I W.A.: 4 l.l.l,:tt..'lturnaost popular,best and etrelpest • I ' Wro4lllut .I r rollitre eve: inv.-med. :Clic: - 1 cttiue, he llit.kt S . A • cLoTil cs, WRINGER! • r call :it the corner of,Serrond and Locust streetsd and Nattsfy.yruir e .olftilut you earl get,botter cars* rict, [lulu it nor ur.tablfshrinul t. ."• •si 4 .111IIVANI"NrIt50±4, "; Coe, of Second ancl-r&o.4tUrt r§t...r..k.`atutubia, Pa. .r,AND-fel:ETer. 777 '"'", - -- -- --- 11AN RIVER T:AN)/ AGEZ\TV. "INO;1 1 1142 j Agent ftiiith_ll).'"-) :•140.1+1 S '6 1 ' ' !„ :" •- • ' ; 4 1 ,E . .74:§ i g . ,;: ; I:EFEIL , ,III - l'Int:111,:ioN, TO: T....sll,llleZsll,,,PreGlitCl.lo, Undll-64.StatO +VIA , T WA' ral SoOlktsr,Rtittatt, aiaaxitiat; Dan -1•1 SA,vl.lourno:r4lllYeaktottt '2 , 7 k .auct (Metro Westatra Unflr,oati • ,Jobnalt: Edmunds Neis - s-Verry,: klablim; lion. Rpm Edmund., grin, Staunton, Cu, Intylstf 1 TOBACCO X; SEq4I.TZAS,C'' .4011 N FENDRICIL. J..•. 4 1 1, 1 4THU 4 jkl.i: A n ETA. . . . T()13A! ; p04, U '• 8 b.' :cl' N - I " I . l:l : c.rlirft 1 1.1 ''''' .4 . t.ttelit. for thoNtt.w.Ydrlc.Floft Cut, • itt'avyt• •+ ,11 ( 1 Mprittorttht. Chow-erterrtng-1'0hnt...,. ‘t , t of, I , ron L n0..11,0g0 ) r.r btreetc, yoltitntairo..Pv. t 1 •1.. k 6.1t..1• •• • 11S. G. N. BOOTH, 153 LOCUST ST.; C01.:113f131.1.. PA SEGARS. SNUFFS • 'l' /.:.1 11 - ip ‘,.. • • And nitnitliulvetiment lit • kopt , linct.•7l4.K Ti"- Imacco and Negar inr9.l elm 'rely on gettrilikaGOnr , Rt.Wt• ns,ccoc.d Goods for the money 'RN teall boa Obtainistlll44 4lrirf , lllllllllr ,S4/114 not. , llitnk• nee,...-snry: to , pohll.h 40. j. Prices, es the Goods wit! tett forthenlselvor. , 1.1Te.17 , 0, Ai. 1100TH,_ .f.ortiv t t. litreet, Colornblik. Pa., • je20114-114.11 . sign of the ranch ~." J J• . kr,o9 - OA :;*;- ••• SPRING OPENING. . • , rr'R'FIAT DECLINE TY PRICES! Goods bought at tap right and not in comberecrwith an -old stock- ar gocalaand - heaVy• expenses—cansequaaitly - • . - F, ON.D E ..4.o'hlq Store NOS. I AND IZ LOC'ITST STRP.ET •! • • voz.rmitiA, 1,4 now selling many gond,: Fu LLYI , Ci BELOW lift G 1-1 RR ji:all and see the late navelt leis in. DRESS' G , c) rys :ai ' 4 RICA CORDED SILK POPLINS AND POPLINETTES, STRIPDD JAPitxrAE POPLINS, ' 'l.i , ' ;•, WASIC I.; Rich Black and Corded •ILKS FOR DRESSES R SACQUES Popular Tnitka.: of , WHITE, BLACK <5; COLORED ALPACAS REAL ORGANDIE LAWNS, AMERICAN LAWNS, .PLA IN O.; G REP .PlQ.Ergs, White G-oocls, Sze. &c. ii`V: St YU'S awl Shapes 111 , PARASOLatt•SIIN'TMIBRELLAS CLOTHS AND CASSIMER,ES, At half their cost to'intinctfacturec,tdetiehlic'el make up to order in approved style, AT GRF4 t • - • ; 'DOMESTIC GOODS; DOWN! ' The best Yard-wide. linsltns in the Cqunty, at l'.!!‘j: cents per yard. glapicegt,psign! ! and 33F.nT c.vr.rc7o 12k ! 'vtti.—DOWS TO 7 rts I= (crwrill ;4tocjc or 1101.: SE-FURNISH ING :GOODS (144Prii`S, • •., , • , OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW Sll,,l,Dif-Sc GLASSES, At Prices under:mid l; I.AF3S !.t.,QTT.EF4k.ISiVAItI-0, lel Ten; Diblng stud trnflei Sets. ; 1 ' )11V _7)VALT..=PPER ROOM 1141 S 110;0 . 2 . lqt.'er stocked' than at . pri.sent, with the Choicest. Designs of W.A.LL,PA.PERFS, which Nie are selling below Philadelphia prices. Ny dor:, corro'N & LINEN, cialvET he best nvaltits cinly,at tic Lowest Prices: For good 1 - ;130.1s, obi and Low lirices—go to , Columbia: • • • • , . ~ •" ' ' ---:141-21•7.212i 7 C9FA • • - . • E ~, R . PORT.. ,O OE of The COLU3I.R.L NICTIONAL.BA.Z.Z.R.". Columbia ; State of Penusylvania,Ad,tbeelose for Inv:intssi on the 17th' day-of Apr 11.1569... ; • :1 ' • • dis - comits $7611,418;:ti ' . Over drafts •.:71.51 1.1. S. Bond. depo.ited tor Oral - 14ton_ 5Q9,000.00 , • ' Other titocits, 8uut1... , > . , . . I.:llortgages . . , . 37,700.00 11 tie ,from redeeming; untl „,:_.. ~, „„,.„ - . 18..,..38.35 reverVe Tkizell t Pi Me Ironi other N ational ~ ~7 :, . ~ , . 3.1.zi ,. 3, „ Wanks , -, -, • llue from other Banits and ISankers "24`5.,66 lialiklng'llOnse " , ' - ' ' 7 '• 7 _ • ' 1.,930.,15t Current Expenses & Ta_xes 4 Clas it Items, JlC49 '?'! u k; :. . • - • ' . 1,316.'0 - ;Stamps -- . ' ' li ills of other National Bunks 'Dills of State Banks.:/.. .... t Fractional Currency, in - - i chttling, nickels j 1 1,...! .gal,Tencler .N0tt:5........., ~.. . A 1,997,00 , i 1 . 3 ect. - Cerritili.attes - - .. 10,000.00 1 •,.. , : .2 . 1, ;: ~ • 11;:i22,3-11,54) •,----,-- - - r.• Q1,;.:A.- -•- wl ta I StOck. paid In , •?,.. - 100,1V8.00 ,Snrplus Fond - - 1 "-, -* ' ': • r " '11.' , 3,1107.-10 rEltscoutxts and Exchange...,_ :..21..1 1 26.5t; ottt au4 l l_Los 47 .......4. 1 • 1,017.2,/ ..,,,, , .7 f, , ,._ 1., _l A. .....,...._L—... ,0„1. 0 , C rnulat'rcoVeoltuntriaNa , • . . ..I .. :-...... .. -....., itlonal-lionk; 4 IT,bso.oo Indlsidual-Dop - • ,, Q .....----. '"' "•' ''' Ipu. to National Uank5,..„.140,(1r:40 Due to otber Bairl44 mut -, 4 .i.. ~ ...i -- 1 - lathers . _, 852.,14; wotintell - "Y: T.;"1 - :;1( - / : +' I (-i ,$),O-2.i.3.13.a0 Sworn to and subacrlbed:by sackcH, Cashier CoLumnzA, Ap411,12.1800.-. - " C'eteilliDlENts.• S 'THE 0, the coMilifont br the :Pfrtszal. , .....ifo!4. ,, i'D .I.IA - zoil of C on, the"l7th dayAffir'll hia9,;rnalteni-taetOrdanc.kvlth: the-act pll Cori... f krei,a "'March 3rd;-18 - 89,-regrilattristhiet. t,eporl 4 of :stational Sallying Assoelationk.' 4 - ' - • •'' • •'-' '-- • Luang anus diseonTa..: . $.161,,971!R2 ' U. S:l3on - tl<: - . : . - .16,g,50a,00 ' Bonihl.onil:-.TitOrtgagoq • • •-• Duo from Banks, Legat'Tenderg - ' • '"• :37055.40" • s" cen egrtlif totes ...... 'lO,OOOOO - ' ' '— Caglrit'eras: . --•-.' • ••• • ..16A , 18.07:'‘: - •'. • " Postal Currency - 4010.00 4 " , vettlie' g tarn pFe r" ' . •• - Fipedle - ' ' • ''• " 63,901-0.3 Current Expenses, • ' 3,5M4.2 ' ' k.1...-1431,L,1T1,E5. • capit4 , 4 st9cl;';.,::-..1i...i..—' ' ' ' 8150',000.00 Clreuhttlbn , • •".' , "• . - 131,094.00 Due Deposits 176,50.06_ - Surplus Fund 1 ,: -• , a0. 4 ( 4 . 0 9 trnela . Uell,Dl. 3 4o.tis-..,..,.,..---.- - --:-. L'IWO O Prodts .... i .....:. r .........:. r ....,..—.. r ,-.. - zi.00(1.45, Dne1d13:t&_.....:. r ....,.....:. r ....,..—.. r • • ' ' ' • - ...-.,...,..--,..-- 6 , 321 . N. \ , .! 1 ..- :-'-; c : . :i. • .: ' "..' •• . - • S-182.119,5 0 J ilitlebtedness of Dlree tor'• • • ,: Sworn to and sulrcrlbed kwt. V. ,_ . "'F' ,K - .' sNmr, Preside.n!, rri'n,'•i;'_l.Sti);]• St NA BANK' 6 . 14' 11 • terest will be paid b? Eh Is 7:Skittle •Spectal ••••• • - poaltS: as " ;4. per cent , for 12 Months. , per cent. t; months and under 12 moat] & • jl4. per cent. for 3 and under t; months. -• , e make ("4•llentious, en OlntecesSible , Pol Uta ' iip t liberal terms,,piscoaut ".:tiOte's: Druftg. a_tid 3111144 bf Buy: fiAtrsell GULP: tg.LVT,II,* and , And ant prepared draW Dltl,l•Vic6ia Philade/- phitt.'Netr Yrirlf;l3eltiMOre, Yltthbtrrgh. Fmgmn,.l, septituat4France,and - i ndl parts elf tierrnanV.. • • • • ' 7-30 THEASUItY NOTE'S. Holders or First Issue Seven-Thirties will do to•eall and exchame them for the new }lye- Twt , tifs . Voltr Bona , . and Five-Twenties delis , ere(' at once. , , :7„DF;r:wil,,,ml., April ' ": •". „ Caatder TNTIILEST. ON,,DEPOS/TS,, TlIF: COLI.7III.II.A.NATiONAL, EAS. - 3; will revel re 111011 el" on clepogit.;und pay I n tere.d I hero -1.2 for, at the following rates,vizl ; , : 53 . c:Por cent, for months: 5 per cent. Tor 91nontifti. • „ ':„ per cent. for 13 ruont.b.l. Per cent, fOr3lnOnths.' :' • -3611 14; . •Trensury'-:rotel' eXelningeil 'f0r741 . 4 -20 Gold Bond:, ••• 4, r• • • , - :15A•11U.E;L• •:41301.111..Citsbier„ • .• - . • wncts„ .`.T...19.,up For Pure. :Htuix.filified Wines Liquors, go to al . e store of, the r.ttbNcriber, Helms elegant ` 't • Which for quality turd tl a4 - 1;1 4 ;c611 riot is , Z,xrell.4l; , also, the celebrated ROOSTER WHISKEY, . " yunkeellutp,JatualptSpirits,Tilackberry: 1 Ilrativ" - elternd Currant 'Wlues. We ltave„Voes. yaedi t cs, taus,. C0rd1.44 041 1 MOtiongg.liel of al grades. Give UR 'a Dell' arid • examine:UM YoUrself.: .CHAALES GROVE. C°Tr Y.5 9 r . CRT O P. , eicP gitr..Coturabia.: 13 1 8 • • - FARMERS MUTUAL INSURANCE. co:crVAN - y. • • • • • t Th lh str e ß m A en E ers c o o f m t i b , e As. " ii . ' ' ' '' a l 2‘ lB h it erl:b:s. :‘ • li n 7l o ' t r ired that a tax of one fifth of pas per cent, or Tun Dollars on every thousann dollars Insured, has been levied by the Directors, to compensate the losses sustained by Marstellar & Gall and BriMmer. of Millersville, by a. tire that r occurred in their buildings on the morning of the 2'd nltimo..--said tax to be paid on OT (Orr the 17th day of JUNE next. poll Duplicates will be kept by Peter Jainm, ' Esq., Treasurer, at his residence in East Lam pe ter township; by John Johns, Esq.. at the Reg ister's omec.,ln the city of Lancaster,' said by I John Strohm. , Secrataiy; at hid residence in Providence township, where any member of 111 P I Company can pay his or her tax. A part lal On , plicate will be kept by Christian Johns, at his residence In Earl township, when members 're siding in the townships of Upper Leacc.elt, Earl, East Earl, BrecknOck, Caernarvon, Ephrata and Cocalico, can pay their quota ol the said tax. Another partial duplicate will be kept by John Zellers. Esq., at his ottice In Borhistville, where members residing In the townships of Hapho, Moon t Joy, East Donegal, West Dr)11 ezal and Conoy, can pay theirquota of tax. Another partial duplicate will be kept by Joseph Engles. Esq., at his store at Mount Nebo, where mem bers residing in the township of Marti,. can I pay their quota of the said tax. Those who do not pay within the tint.- above mentioned, will have their accounts placed in I the hands of Collectors, with an addition of ten per cent. to defray the expenses of col lisetion. By order of the Board of Directors. JOHN, STROHM', See'v. lin NATIONA LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN Y, 1111 '. , i!F.Rycl.A. Chartered by Special Act of Congrefe.. Ap proved July 'Li, MS. OAST!' CAPTTAI,, BRANCH OFFICE, PH ILA DELPFILA, FILM+ NATIoNAI, BANK BUILDING, hPro the general liminess of the Company p: trnnsaeted, and to which all general car respondence should he addressed. oLAREIcCE H. CLARK, T!residt,nt JAY COOK, Chairman Fluance and F,zeeutiee Committee. HENRY D. COOKE, Vice-President. EmERSON AV:PERT,gt , eretarT nn rY This Company: 'offers the fialoicing advan thges: , IL is a :National Company, eliartered br speelal Art of Congre , ,,,,lsas It lin.s a paid-up capital of 31,000,000, ; It offers low rates of pi einium. It furnishes larger insuranee then other rom p:l'llles for the same money: • lt. is cle.flnite and certain in its terms. ; It is a home company in every locality. Its policies•are exempt from attachment. There ate no unnecr..ssary reqrletlons In the . . Every polies - is non-forfeitable. Policies may be taken which pay to the in sured their tall amount, and return all the pre thltuns., so that the Ins : mance coSfs only the In terest on the annual payments. Policies may be taken that will pay to the In sured, after a.,c(irtain number of years, daring lifecan'aninhil Income of one.4.4rith ilia nen,innt named In the policy, ME YeiTifEriFllFF:Zrgg - 77 467 iTT30 7 7 ,71 1 - 6717q femaktso •:'s • - s • It Itotnreq, not to pa3:Altvitlentlt; to potir:y hold ers, but at so low' a vot.,t that thAtittentl9 14 tinnossible. threttlo)pi rautplilets and Inn tatrticalarti tit i - en on applten t hal to the 'Branch 011iee of the t ompauti,-or to E.W. CLARK & CO., Philadelphia, generp.l,.Aglits forl'enalvivania :Old Snublwril Agent. for TAlnent , : Count.) t. C. br..fizAni.-. . ' ' C. 17.72 ; up 11;1S8-9.-Ef E CONOMICAL 311T5ITAL 1 LIFE • :INSUR 4NGE CO Rates . lower than otberMutual-Compauies 'OVER $176 FOR EVERY $lOO LIABILITIES. This Company Issues Policies In all the several forms; and 'combining the Stock and Mutual principles, afford greater security to parties In suring than either the Mutual or Stock princlo pal alone. The fiotes - have been preParell by:the • HON. ELIZURIVRIGH.T, Actuary of the 'Cern - pally: the ntolit'uoted itnti popular Actuary living. , CASH DIVIDENDS ANNUALLY • '..5.60 2LOO 1,220. W 1,676.00 alter becond payTglit„,pit MEM POMMES. ISSUE.I)-ON ,THE LIVES FE :%IALE-S AT REGULAR OR TAI3LERATES.• Do .IlOt fill to o-Nanilite the principles , of thl* Company boforo insuring. For circulars, p ply to 144. Lancaster Cl' 'V .. k 7 • p244INV_I. .N . 0,1 I N.4-fouist. cobivada DRUqS; , 47c. A. NIT YF RR' t • • ,! If FAMILY - MEDICINE qrliOR.E - • ODD ' 4 FI:i.'p , T;ONYS': HAT*, v!6GO.7t; 7,603.47 x, , , iA carefully seleetod ';niply•of gricslai.o 'elen ish our stock has been received, and we are ltQw prepared, to otter nu elegant. lot,of • . . 4 KNOLISTI i''SV...LX BACK TOOTH HBVSliF.'..zz, -Branch Done anti Bat - rale Nail BruNhes.„ • • ;' Raw and Ivory Pocket, Dressing - : , and fine Comb 4. ~ , • .. • 11A.IR BRUSIIES, POMADES A . OILS, gennino „ t . 1. TOILET SO_ PS In pound and bait pound ban, in variety. A.1.-o Tun's lionom , s, , ent, packages of Honey, filly- , cerine, Brown Windsor and Elder Flo% er Soap., acknowledged Lhe Clicape..t and Bci.t in the market, and of which, we !lOW` SOM 30 grrm, in Mits than one year.. , . - , ~ Ac it Speetalltri , ,,rre ironic' Invite uttention u sin Invoice 6 f sP IOI O id. ~ , • ftfl.Aftl()F 4 ry I hit in Trri (fen r; 1 c \ r. ;nit. t her t It $,,198,17 COX N'S SPA:Riad N G GE LAT N , Standard artiele., for light and healthful diet. Tte above are positively, ifRESLI, goods, per , son"nllY afeted ark linporters"„staek.t, and bought fhr CA' 11.; and w`lll,,iti conn6etion "or Ilne„br Drugg,, Ctle.m . loals, and Parent•Medielnea,l)e sold at far ,ilgurex, Our „presertptiOp, department ,a'lll - rtine,tv'o oarefuT 'attention, day suulvisit faid. exitad-, nation is int - ited bj- . . M No. 1 . 2.3 IPCL7ST STRF:ET,' COL,r3UIL4 lliicipelied'ln the room formerly occupied by I'. H. Mc'rogue, a full stock of FHENCEL,.E...•:GLISLI, AMER/ CA N k SCOTCH CLOTHS:, CA,SSLMER & SCITISCS„ 'Which he is prepared to make op in as good Style 111114F1114h1(Mi./u run be U 111411,411 :NOW 'York or Philadelphia- • • • , • • • Ile Invite., all to 11111111 1 / 4 1. e-xnuslue ilia stock, :which, he Is po..ltive, clll l / 1 /I=4 b.e.eXCelled to Collll4lb/11.. The e.stahltyunent, is, de.igniide:cclosiveb - . for Merchant 'Tailoring, and the undivided valets, Um of the rroprietor will ,he .devoted to his, , PurtNISHING GOODS' for all Rinds. and of su..o . ,:mbir: • 141,7,144T,Y, ;ways On hand. ,•'. . iterntadber sulage, • fhat moni!..yS111:111.1 . 1.11 money earled; . Call and be.ouravirused,lbal,you ean - mtVe your money by "purchashsx at the 0151,1 exclusive lierchant, Tailoring Establish ment irecottupbpa.., „ „ = OEM I=l !! )1.: :111i Jersey. KREA:DY r HERR OF RHODE ISLAND F.llP"\fcotonN VIIMIGATII) . ;rr PASTILLES ' 'BLAIR'S LIQUID RENNET, 3: A. NIEVE.i,4;, u ittikt stud A.potliectay. , Y. W. REASIN, ~~ ~^DR~P~GO6D~3', Vie. 11 E;hi '0 V A , " MEM IV -P-4_11.0N Having removed his Store to the well-known, large and eornmodloui room• - No. 160 Lor.L'ST ST., cOLUNIBIAt •. , - Lately occupied by \V. 0. Case 1:: Solt, and added to hiss torosorstook si IFtrge nyortment or 1 E W Would respoctfally invite Itls friends aud enB - and all In 'want, of CHEAP GOODS, to EXAMINE HIS STOCK. , ..Nn I,O3I.E&T_Ic R ...Gr S , CE ocEnrns, C L_ VCS WA RE, QUEEN'S-WARE CLOTFIS, WINDOW SILIDF.9 ME IZBEEMMEMB DELAD.:E.S. and other DR . Es . ,5„.c-fp . pps, to n.ll G radec, and COlorS, nc GREATLY' REDUCED PRICES :81,090,000 WHITE GOODS, ITOIERY. GLOVES NnTrONS: LADLES' AND (E\ - C .s PrENISHING GOODS LA DUN% cFrlLDitrac.ii .HOES, MERCHANT TAILORING In all Its branches, executed In the best. style and most workman-like manner.- War ranted to give satisfaction. ' lIITESHIJE, Cutter. I= C .o HS, CASST.N.IERES TESTI:s.:GS, .4711,1 oonKtan Ily on lutn PRTCLS TO 817T' TILE 'TIMES! SEWING MACHINES ! WHEELER & WILSON, WILCOX & GIBBS SINGER, HOWE, ELIPTIC, GROWER I=l And 2111 other leading Machinet, aVfachines to Rent. Bypur,u'ing au undeviating course of FAIR, and lIONOItAIII.F. DEALING.. strict attention to the wants of CUstorrfers, and - PURCHASING FOR CASH, lihtinpeslo'eolivince all that Lts i the place to get the REST GOODS AT The Lowest Prices! apl7. y'W rIPORTA NT TO BUYERS OF DRY GOODS " BEE The popular Dry Goods Store. • The 920 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia For many years conduct - en am the 4 Parir , Cloak and Mantilla Emporium,' By J. I'ROCTOR & CO. Willort4rtileconilugseasonatPopular Pricevi for CASH, an entirely new stock. of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS .Inrdnding.spring.tend Stunnier-Drosi4: goads, in large variety, Black and I . l.llored I.zonta and Embroiderlea, Llnenv, White Goods and and lionars llosn-ry, Glove.. of all ' Mourning Dress Goods, 8:e. - 1-ILOAKS. SXCQ UES, St.'tu rills dopurfineut uurivallea n.A.,rtuusnt id. pacer, from *,.5 up- OF ALL, KIN-Ds, Iliaholing , 'Arno, Loco ,Ctotattv, Suctiutot and POintS, unit other tittOtit. :tat:titled to the portolorTriie, tch let) will lie cold AI ' • • • EC . O.OIIICA'T, PRICES solleit, an eXtintiLllltiOLl Our prlc••n nt•e Inarkcql ln plain flgurF, n de f. W:- PROCTOII BEE 'fp No. 920 Chestnut Sireet, Philadelphia anr27-3m - HOOP S'KTRIS. JjOOI' SKIRTS • W.M. T. HOPKINS. ITHs renewed his Manufactory nod Salesrooms -•• 1115 k'fi EIsT.N UT STREET. PHILADELPHIA, WrThere Ills . Own Make , 01 Champion "Hoop skirts. especially adapted to First-clams Whole .s.a le and Retail Trade, silt he found to embrace the must extenshe assortment lu the. Union, and all the latest and most desirable styjea, - shapes. len gtha xliEl sizes, •.l, '2 , .;, 2, 1 ‘, 2.% yards , ion nit, of Plain and Gored Paniers, Walking skirts, Reception Trails, ste.,together with over ninety different varieties of Misses and Chil -1 dren'Ts Skirts, all - al - which for synnuetr.s, - of style. finish. aighttuess., eleatlelty„ tiltrattllity, anti real cheapness, are unequaled by any other -goods in the market, and are warranted In every' respect. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired, wholesale and retail. Full lines oflow priced Eastern made Skirts, ~ • 15. s e p i r i ln , galls cents: a) , ! . .prin K s.4.s cents; 25 sari nas, . ;. ;, ....s en e ttc t.. i 10 ., springs . , ts - ) cents; and 40 sprinirs, ..) - Cd/ItSETS! CORSETS!: COTtSETS !i I 57 dif ferent styles and priced, from 75 cents to S 7 00, embracing R. Wortley. " 13eckel," " Clove-Flt - 'Una'," Madam Foy's Corset Skirt, Supporters, Mrs. Moody's Patent "Self,Adjusting Abdomi nal" Corsets, French. English and Pomestic - hand-matte Corsets, and superior French pat 'terns of Cotell Corsets. "Our Own Make," to 'which we Invite especial attention. • Complete assortment of Ladles Ceder Gar-' • • meats, at very low prier's. General Agent for the Bartram J.! Fanton• -- Family Sowing Machine.s, superior to any other _ - before the public. Fifty-two of these :.s:O. - 1 31.11- - 'chines. Price $55 each. are being given away to • • our customer., in order to get them introduced. Every person in want of articles da. our line, should examine our goods before' purchasing • elsewhere. Call or send for oirculars,,at Our Man IJ factory and salesrooms, N 0.1115 CheStnut st, plilladeiphia. • AVlii T. HOPKIN:fi. - ttpl3-3inw TVOI?KS. COLUMBIA MARBLE WORKS. The Subscribers would respectfully Inform the citizens of Columbia; and surrounding* ounUT, that they have opened INEW MARBLE YARD IN COLUMBIA, : • iOxi Streit. between Loetikt hod Watott Sts., and a,,k the pat robago of the public,. They have had great experience on fine work, both ill V/Inoclttlyblaatitc4 New :York. Thee will :furtaisitin the highest style of the art, handce.rni• I GRAVE STONE.'S,'MoNg:U.ENTS, • • STATUARY, ORNAMENTS, .be. • • • • also 41ARBLE31ANTLI, I.ILTILDIRG WORK., .4.e. Orders promptly attended arid exeented at eheaper,rates than A...0w/lore. Call and . "Designs of new styles of Flue work. such as utoumnientsd Atte, sins,will ber:furnksbect„ partle , upon application to the proprietor's. • 1 : . TINdoAfF III s I • , JraYl-w.f „. , Me RE ("; 0 0.1)S , A Inn line of kf...PAC.KI=4' TON limy: G. PATTO' Ema