The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, December 19, 1868, Image 2

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Satqrclay, December 19, IS6S.
COMMUNIC triers, letters, contributions, generally of
merit and interest to the reader, will be acceptable
from friends from all quarters. • -
SearCely a paper is perused but what pre
sents us with an account of some horri
ble murder. These 'murders principally
occur in large cities, yet no section is en
"tirely free from such horrors. Money
mid insanity, this season, have--been the
attributed causes of the majority of these
fetil deeds. The public generally accept
such as the incentives without a dispine,
anti our juries,,upon oath, reach just such
conclusions. It is true money. has been
characterized as the root of all evil, yet
notwithstanding its tendency. to wrong, it
is the desideratum of the times. Insanity
is sometimes hereditary, but for the most
part it is the product of au impure charac
ter, fertilized by systems of out-door or
public education.. unworthy tolerance.
These two evils, for evils they are, cause
the immolation of life and the good of so
ciety. Our courts certify to this fact
every Jay, yet it seems only necessary to
possess money and your innocence of any
charge. is estahlishc ; or on the other
baud' tii'diStort yourcountenance, roltyour
tongue and feed a court with signs and
omens of a silly character, and at once you
are adjudged insane and acquitted of any
charge, no Matter how conclusiVe the evi
dence appears to the contrary.
Murder is certainly contrary to:the in
stincts of humanity, and a direct disre
gard of all divine' find civil law, and we
contend that the lenience of our courts
gives license to murderers, and sustains
that impurity of heart which dictates the
horrors of an unnatural and violent death.
As broad as this charge may appear, it is
Clear truth as proven from statistics and
observation, and that while a remedy is
certainly at hand if the integrity and pu
rity or our pretended sane judges only
dictated its use. Amid all the horrible
details of iniquity that reach uc, we shud
der anew at the apparent stimulus they
receive at the hands of our judicial prae-
What slut!l be d no to arrest these
murderers? if the love of money has
such a dire effect upon certain minds;
cannot such minds be detected and their
condition determined prior to tile • com
mission of murder? If it is known that
insanity will lead to murder and outrage,
cannot the insane be pointed out and
cared fur prior to their perpetrating such
disheartening scenes as our Country is
filled with ? We think so, and instead of
our courts being inflicted with sane cases,
and influenced by money to tolerate and
en courage murder and arson, let addition
al steps- be taken to l rotect the insane
and detect the evil disposed., " stich in
time saves nine."
Fashionable Smuggling.
We notice in the report of the Com
missioner of Customs reference to a question
that has always enlisted our attention. It
is wherein f:tshionable smuggling is toler
ated by our laws by allowing passengers
arriving at our ports to bring wearing
apparel '° appropriate to their social posi
tion" Without paying the duty thereon. It is
in this way that the lenient construction
of our laws answers the purpose of fash
ionable smugglers, and tourists are al
lowed to go abroad with empty trunks
and to return with them well : filled with
just such wearing apparel,clear from duty,
as the poor man, unable to make such a
tour, has to pay the duty upon.. We con
sider such a practice indirect fraud, and
an unwarranted liberty in the construc
.of our laws. We agree with the
Commissioner in advocating, the repeal of
such a law, and hope that a substitute
may be adopted that, will allow of 'no such
construction as is phiced upon the present
law. Such a course will be a saving of
revenue. to the 'country; and a means of
justice to the poor.
linited'States Senator.'
When our_Legislature 'meet's the most, I
important question tin their action•will be
the election of a succesSor' to Mr.-Bucka
letiorliose.ieriiilef office we are glad : to soy
wi]l expire ou the fourth of March next.
We hope-that the members of both Houses
will haVe but one object in view, and that
is honestly to make Sure the election of him
who has the ability, the integrity and the
- energy to represent the interests of our
State and Country, and we hope:especi
ally that :We shall not be . as We have been;
pained to hear that the choice of a Sena-.
tor has been made through the power of
money. It has been stated, and we be-
Here witli truth, that one :candidate has
offered and agreed do I,7ire-82,500 for a
vote. This of itself should:condemn any
Roan aspiring to any offute,biit it is not tribe
denied that money is used and with effect
by unscrupulous - candidates, with and
among unscrupulous Members, who go to
Harrisburg to ,uttako money by selling
themselves. -But woe to that man who
shall be guilty this winter.
Forney's Last Shot
The Philadelphia Press invents a new
name for Andre, Johnson. It calli him
the "corporeal w'stidittgof Booth's pistol."
Pretty-good, .but rather law in the day.
The "wadding" is nearly burnt out by its
own potider,and isentirely.barmless now,
though it does Piz. a little when the Con
gressionaliheel.tramples on it. It will be
uslies by'March, "which nothing can -re
hne."- , ;
SUN)sTOR 11.1.315EY lids introduced r.
bill abolishing the franking privilege.
Ite . says it.eosts the Government a mil
lion'and-litalf Mutually: This is a good
iuove" Let us Late , an end_ or gongres7
tsional , . • i, . • •
The .Patent oliise
The Commissioner of Pitents, in his an
nual' l'ePort" tO',Con,gress, shows that the
.expenditUriar the - Bureau have exceeded
the receipts only 'ono hundred and seventy
one dollars. •
Liberty of the Press in Georgia.
It was a Copperhead practice during
the war to.shout aloud the " liberty of the
press." :eat., Which translated, simply
mean t4n advocacy of the allowance of the
Southern presS to abuse ,the government
- 4
at.;d to defamells .Any attempt
on the li'att-of: the government to avert
such• abuses of the liberty - of the press
and-speech-was the-signal • for maenunted
,consternation, and every disloyal hand
was raised in holy honor. We remember
more than one instance of this kind, and
when recurring to such scenes we are
again astonished at the lenience of our au
thorities in those trying hours.
We bare been led to these reflections
from reading the The American Union,
published at flacon, Georgia, whose ed•
itor, Clark Swayze, is new in jail, en
joying- the "liberty of the press and
speech." The Cann is a spirited paper,
and a valuable exchange, and because its
editor is a Republican, who has the bravery
to condemn public outlaws, and the good
sense to expose the (Things of the Ku
Kluxers, he is thus incarcerated in a vile
dungeon, and not only denied the liberty
of speech, but also the liberty of his per
son. This is the estimate put upon lib
etty in Georgia, and is another evidence
of the injustice of Southern courts. .I\re
deeply inpathize with our brother of
the " quill," and as great as his persecu
tors may he, we scud him a word of cheer
and approbation, and hope he may yet
dismay that vile spirit of disorder and
disunion, and come out more than con
queror. Justice must be done, and a
persistence in the right will ultimately
purchase for the oppressed Unionists of
Georgia a liberty and prosperity .beyond
the control of the bloody-banded "Ku
Kluxers," and establish upon a lasting
footing the supremacy of the public press
to the prison walls of the abode of des
perate miscreants.
A 131t.r. is in preparation in the house
of Representatives which if passed into
a law will curtail the:discounting abilities
of our Banks, Localise it will prohibit
them front receiving money on deposit
paying interest therefor. This is a meas
ure that will no doubt be very accepta
ble to the private bankers and brokers
who arc probably urging the . matter. The
reason given is, that the money thus re
ceived on deposit is withdrawen from cir
culation. This is nut correct. The Banks
do not receive money on deposit and pay
therefor fbr the pleasure of locking it up,
but expiesi-ly for the purpose of loaning
it out again at the legal rate of six per
cent.., and no wore. Tile effect of such a
law will be to (hive depositors to the pri
vate banks and brokers who will lend it out
again at the highest rate of interest they
can get viz : twelve, fifteen and eighteen
per cent., because they are at liberty to
charge what they please. Now who will
be benefited if this bill should become a
law? Certainly not the Banks that will
lose the deposits. Certainly not the bor
rowers who must pay a higher rate of
interest for money. Nobody but the bro
ker, whose taxes to the government do
not equal those of the Banks. Con
gress pass it? Ilre; doubt it.
George kramoiti Train.
Upon the day of our National Thanks
giving, George Francis Train was confined
in an English bastile, and having an au
dience of Irish patriots alike persecuted
around him, he delivered one of his
speeches, which the reader could not but
pronounce characteristic of the man.
That speech, filled With threats, and bear
ing the marks of an indomitable will, and
unalloyed presistedee in the ideas and
aims he so early espoused, found way to
public print, and crc this has been read
by thousands: Ile argued that although
he was in person a prisoner, yet his tongue
was free, and for this he rendered thanks.
He was joined in his prison exercises by
fellow prisoners, and in all, the demonstra
tion, even beneath the Queen's eye, was
noble and brave, and certainly exhibited
an earnestness and candor worthy of our
qualified admiration.
Since then George, Fruneis Train has
been liberated from prison, when he im
mediately sued certain English dignitaries,
(his persecutors,) and took passage for
New York, where he will arrive in a few
days..• We are not an admirer of the bom
bast, conceit,. and private villtdny -of Train,
bUt,to Lis courage and ,perseverance we
attribute the greatest praise, and with the
Irish press of Atuerica,believe that be
- will take a prominent part is the cause of
Irish liberty and secure.that consideration
and tcward which Le desprres.
The Coal negions.
• The Harry' Journal, of last:Saturday,
says tliat.ll!e Miners are on the strike at
all the collieries in the Region, except
probably a half dozen. I fhe operators, in
consequence of the tall in price of coal,
requested a reduction_ef _l5 per cent.
below the last advaucemade on wages in
November. The men arc willing to sub
mit to a reduction of 10 per Pent. on the
October rate of wages, which the opera
tors resist, hence the stoppage. Coal has
fallen moss than the advance obtained in
November, and therefore'we think the
men are
r asking a little too much under
the circumstances. The Railroad Com
pany ought also' to reduce their rates to
the October standard, fur if prices of coal
are kept, up too high, it will check con
sumption tuld diminish production. .But
so lung as the Railroad Company keeps up
its high rates to the November standard,
the men would seem to be justified iu
doing so also. The reduction ought to
be made All around.
No LESS than six differept timasnres
involving woman suffrage are noiv pend
ing, before Congress, which fact indicates
pretty clearly that the progress of the
cause is onward, and that the day must
inevitably come when women will be-in
vested with:the coveted privilege of hav
ing a voice in the choice of public offi
A•N 4DDISa 31ActiINE has.becu invent
ed.. by a aepountaut of New
Yolk"; The'apparatns is deseribed'es per
talu'und'accurate in its operations. Two
columns of figures arc added at the same
time by means of two circular plates.
[Prom the Daily Srr.J
Telegraphic Sainniary.
The public debt :statement for December
first shows a total of :3.2,615,711,151. Cash in
the Treasury, $103,579,320, of which ;,38,4,425,-
374 was pain. The total debt less cash in
the Trea Su
s ry, :a•vording to the Secretary'scomparison, fay, I:wrens:L.(l $11,902,20'2 since
Tovember first.
Argument in behalf of theyonstitutionali
ty, of,the, Legal Tender,Act .was concluded
by Attorney-General Everts before the Su-
Promo Court yesterday.
James U. Darrell, colored, has sued the
Board of registry in New York, tbr refusing
to register: him as a voter, for wanting the
property qualilication required by State
Dispatches from various paints announce
the closing of navigatiob.
The thermozneter marked ten degrees be
low zero at Chicago yesterday.
The steamer Pensacola experienced all
earthquake shock off the Mexican coast on
November 24th, so strong that it was
thought she had struck a rock.
SATURDAY, Dec. 12.
An Omaha despatch reports the Indians
quiet on the Upper Missouri.
Helen Western, the actress, died on Fri
day, in Washington, after a few days' ill
Maggie Wiseman has been burned to
death at Oshkosh, Wis., by the upsetting of
an oil lamp.
J. S. Marlin, supposed to be from Brook
lyn, N. Y., hanged himself at the State Cap
ital Hotel, in Harrisburg, on Friday.
Geu. Meade has been directed to visit
Washington on public business during this
Gold closed at 135 a. The stock market iy
irregular, Governments being -weak.
MaNDA.Y, Dec. 14
The building No. 244 Pearl street, Now
York, occupied by Walker it Co., and
Horace Reply, was destroyed by fire at
midnight last, night.
At Allentown, Pa., Elizabeth Fisher has
been arrested for murdering her new born
Luke Tully shot his wife, yesterday, at
\Yoreoster, Mass., and then shot himself.
A tobacco inspector and eleven tobacco
firms have been indicted for conspiring to
defraud the revenue, at CovingtOn. TCy.
The trial of Mr. and Mrs. Twitchell, for
the murder of Mrs. Hill, will begin on
Thursday nest.
TUESDAY, Dec. 15
In answer to the house resolution asking
for the correspondence relating to the Ala
bama claims, the President says it is incom
patible with the public interests to commu
nicate such correspondence.
Among the nominations by the Presi
dent, yesterday; were Henry A. Smythe,
to bo Minister to Austria, and Alexander
Cunnings, to be Commissioner or Internal
The Postmaster General estimates the
amount required for mail serriee for the
year ending in June,:l37o, at 2.1,500,000.
Generals Grant, Sherman and Thomas
are in Chicago.
John Freeley was found with his head
split open, sitting in a chair at Carbondale,
on Sunday morning.
Au -incendiary lire, at 'Rockland, Me.,
yesterday, des! Toyed .$20,400 worth of prop
A lire, at Yarmouth, Me.,destroyed a tan
nery and paper mill. L 055,53,000.
An unknown man was yesterday after
noon killed, by being jammed between two
ears on the Pennsylvania Railroad, near
the West Philadelphia depot.
A true bill has been found against ten
men for fraudulent voting in Bucks coun
ty. They are all foreigneni, and possessed
of naturalization papers signed by J. Ross
Snowden, Prothonotary of the Supreme
The Michigan Central Railroad, and
Great, 'Western Railroad of Canada, an
nounce tbat:thoy roturn . ,Cree, to Vic
Suspension Bridge, all soldiers and other
persons attending the reunion of the itr
!ales of the West, who paid full fare going
westward over said roads.
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Denver Deei4e Railway was held
yesterday, and Gov. John IlVans was re
elected President. The old Board of Di
rectors was re-elected, with hut one ex
ception. The entire capital for this road,
amounting to c. , ; '650,000, has been advanced
by citizens of Denver. The road was or
ganized only a few years ago and is now en
tirely graded, and track-laying will be com
menced this winter er early in the spring.
A man muned John Britt paw to his
death, on Saturday night, in Wilmington,
Del., under the most horrible circum
stances, haVing been literally roasted alive.
Ito was a workman at J. V. Rico J.; Co.'s
Phoenix Iron Foundry, where Ile had been
employed seven or eight years. Ito had
charge of the foundry, carrying the keys.
On Saturday night a number of men were
employed about the foundry later than
usual, getting ofd.' some work that had to be
finished that night: At about a quarter be
fore ten o'clock, Britt started with the
A . Va&II to take some castings down to the
Diamond g tato rolling mill. That was the
last that was seen of bhp until his ehildren
went into the foundry on gunday morning
to hunt for hint, and found his burning
body, They ran for the foreman, Mr. Har
vey, who Went dOWII t 9 tl a foundry imme
diately, and found Britt's bodylylog In the
trench, and against a red-hot casting, the
body in a blaze, and one leg partly burned
off, so that there was no sign whatever of
the lower part of 'it, except the solo of his
boot. The trench had been dug the night
before around the rim of a largo fly-wheel,
just cast, so 45 to expose it to the air and
let,it cool fast. Deceased :,:pow the wheel
was there, and saw the trench being dug,
and bow be ever got into the trench, •with
one side pressed up againstthe red-hot iron
is a, mystery. 'rho hotly, burned out ef
semblance to humanity, almost, was taken
to the residence of the deceased. The cor
oner held an inquest on it, but elicited no
facts beyond those stated.
„ „ Tlmusnax, Dec. 17.
The lteconstruotion Oorninittee ezatnin
ed Governor Bullock as to affairs in Geor
gia, yesterday.
Gov. Geary announces that the State debt
or Pennsylvania ,has been reduced $2,414,-
000 during the past year.
Spzcimens of tho new copper-nickol coins
have been struck by tip Mint. They are
said to be less liable to tarnish than tile old
Peter Homan has been sentenced at
haul ton, N. Y.:to twenty years' imprison
ment, with hard labor, for an atrocious as
sault on a little girl, lie 400)0004nd his
Two stores in Quincy, XII., were burned
on Tuesday. Loss $31,000.
Horace Greeleyarriyed in Montreal yes
terday, and had a reception from the Mayor
and citizens.
• - • _
The panto of the man who was killed by
being crushed between two cars on the
Pennsylvania Railroad, near the 'West
Philadelphia depot, mentioned in yester
day's Sts, was John Hannan.. He was a
Three bodies were. recovered from the
wrealt of, the steamer United States, at
Florence, ndiana, yesterday, One is be
lieved to be that of Lewis IL Vance, of Tn
A London arm of four pa!triors has three
of its, members
. in Parliament, and the
fourth is-cousin to Gladstone. .
Three thousand three hundred and fifty
dollars a day was earned , by, the Atlantic
cable during the last month.
An zeronaut at San Francisco was:durup.
ed from his balloon at a height of one hun
dred feet by the collapse of the machine.,
Qeorge Aletcalf's straw shop, in Aledwity;
N!",s.s r , ,71tt8 destroyed by tire this morning.
Tho toss is estimated q.t. 61(1,000 i insured
for $BOOO. The origin. of the tire :is tint
Vortieth Congress
FRIDAY, Dec. 11
In the V. S. Societe, yesterday, the spe
cial committee to investigate the alleged
impeachment corruptions, was continued,
and a new standing one on revision oflaws,
was created. Mr. Sumner's Georgia bill,
arid the Copper Tariff bill were referred.
Mr. Wilson, of Mass., introduced a Const i-
Lionel amendment to prevent distinction of
civil or political rights on account of color;
also a franchise bill. Mr. COIllieSS intro
duced a bill providing that Government
employes shall receive as full wages as
when ten hours constituted a day's labor.
After speeches in relation to the President's
Message, by Messrs. Edmunds and Fre
lingbuyser, the Senato•iadjourned till Mon
In.thc House, bills were passed provid
ing for the solo of the Government proper
ty at Harper's Ferry ; fixing the number
and status of Judge Advocates in the
army; consolidating the different soldiers'
asylums, and giving full pay to army offi
cers detailed for military instruction in
colleges. Mr. Washburn°, of 111., offered a
resolution for a recess from December 21st
to January sth, which was agreed to. Mr.
Broomall, of Pennsylvania, introduced a
bill to regulate the value r of legal tender
notes, and provide for their redemption,
which was referred. The House then went
into Committee of the Whole, and was ad
dressed by Mr. Blaine. On renewing busi
ness, Mr. Coburn, of Indiana, introduced a
bill relating to the tax on vidsky. Ad
journed till Monday.
Turin .A.r, Dec. 15
In the Senate a petition from the Union
League, of New York in reference to the
election frauds was presented. Several
bills were introduced and referred, without
action. • . .
In thellouse several bills were presented,
among which was two forms of a Constitu
tional amendment. Mr. Broomall offered a
resolution denouncing every form of repu
diation, and especially the financial passage
of Johnson's recent message.
In the Senate numerous unimportant
bills were presented. A resolution was of
fered requesting the Secretary of the Trea
sury to communicate all in tbrnitt lion not
previously communicated, in regard to
Alaska, and particularly in regard to the
fur interest therein. A bill was introduced
to punish the crime of holding office in vio
lation of the fourteenth constitutional
amendment, which elicited considerable
In the House a resolution was offered
and adopted directing the Secretary of the
Interior to transmit to the House the reports
made on the Union Pacific Railroad by the
Government Director and Special Commis
sioner. Some other matters of minor im
portance employed the time during the
Pt! lIISDAY, Due. .17
In the United State 4 Senate yesterday,
Mr. Sherman, from the Finance Committee,
reported back the Copper Tariff bill, and
the resol tit ion introduced by Mr.l3dmunds
last year, pledging the payment of the pub
lic debt in coin or its equivalent. Mr. Wil
liams offered a resolution which was
adopted, directing the .Tudiciary Commit
tee to consider tho expediency of legisla
tion to prevent the discharge of criminals
by decisions of United States District
Judges in Virginia. Mr. Morton's bill for
resumption of spoele payments was taken
up, and ho spoke in support of it, after
which it was referred to the finance Com
In the House, Mr. Elliott introduced a bill
forbidding the carriage of explosive oils,
&c., on passenger vessels. A bill relieving
the political disabilities of certain ex-rebels
in South Carolina and Tennessee was
passed. Mr. Schenck, front the Ways and
Means Committee, reported a bill which
was passed, extending the time of the oper
ation of the tobacco tax of the not of July
last from the Ist of Jan. to the 15th of Feb.
1569, On motion of Mr.. Wasliburne, the
President Nr:l3 asked fUr ihforfnatio4l rela
tive to the Union Pacific Railroad. On mo
tion of Mr. Price, the Ban king Committee
were directed to consider the expediency
of inflicting a penalty for the certificatiOn
of National Banks of checks when the
makers have not funds on deposit to meet
those checks, 4 reWlitjgrt otrartal qy Afr.
Jones, of li.entucky, giving females in
Government employ the saute wages as
males for similar services, was adopted--
years 123, nays 27. Adjourned.
Duel near Chester.
A bloodless duel was fought near the city
of Chester, on the line of the Philadelphia,
Wilmington and 43allitnore 4a:tread, a few
days ago. - principals were two young
men with wounded dignity and enraged
passions , one a Philadelphian, the other a
Princeton, I , T..L t sport, The trouble which
led them to engage In the outlawry was
about a beautiful young and dashing bru
nette, worth in her own name close on to a
quarter of a million, with, a papa equally
rich and quite indulgent. They both,wan l
ed her and concluded to die for her. Friends
were consulted and murderous letters wore
exchanged. 4. challenge was the result,
and it was agreed to fight it out. Pistols
were chosen as the weapons. Seconds were
selected, the spot was picked out and the
time agreed upon. The principals and their
backers were on hand at the appointed
hour. The distance was marked oil', the
weapons were loaded and haddcd to the
would-bed ael!lsts, Tho µ era was given and
bang went the pistols. Again and again
tired, but they wore so nervous that neither
of them received the fatal shot I not °Van a
scratch. The 'matter was then adjusted.
The lovers hastened to the bosom of the
brunette. She had been apprised of their
doings,- and like a sensilje young lady gave
than both to understand that at much bet
ter and wick , : Man tlian either or them was
to be her liege lord and that she srttluiPated
that by Christmas day she would no longer
be a Bliss, bat a Mrs, and a bride,
1i,..17,-Pr,estptlNT Pierce was much over
come by the sad news of the death of Mr.
and Mrs. George Hutchins, (by the Oldo
disaster,) and he is again prostrated by
sickness. The personal relations between
the deceased and Cfctlerfll Were-or a
most pleasant and gratifying nature. Mr.
Hutchins invited the General to accompany,
himself and wife to New Orleans, and for
several weeks Mr. Pierce thought seriously
of accepting the invitation-
It seems from the report of the Secretary
of the Interior, that the name of but one
Revolutionary soldier remains on the pm
sion tolls. Soon the last soldier of the he
roic army that achieved our national inde
pendence, will have passed away. The
tin f e ili coming when some Secretary of the
Interior will sit3' there IS LP t PPP a4rvi vor
of the army that fought tho greater war of
IS6I-6.3, which proserved and perpetuated
the nation's life. Who will he be?
EVERY SATURDAY.—Tho present number
of this choice periodical contains the first of
a series of papers entitled "New Uncom
mercial Samples," by' Charles Dickens,
which promises to be very:popular. The
story by Anthony !Prohope, now He
was Right," is also an attractive feature,and
is receiving great admiration.
Fields, Osgood Lt Co., publishers, Boston.
DEMORRSI O 4 NEW Y 1 al's Nunapm.—We
only echo the universul opinion, when we'
say that this Magasino Improves with every
year, if not with every successive number.
Other magazines preserve the same tone,
the same features, tho samo style, (flavor
rising above. the dead lovel,) which they
have for years past ; but Demorost's Is pro
gressive, always fresh and full of interest,
and instructive_ information. A. new
.feature for this year is the "Ladies' 01411,'.'
which seems already to have °a long.list of
members. The fashions and patterns are
sensible and usual. $3 yearly.
Seud 1.5 cents, for a specimen, to 83S 'Broad
way, °New York. Vor sale by 'W.I3,
Editorial and Miscellaneous.
—Grant has had chills.
—Fistula killed Rossini.
—Chicago has six parks.
—Jettis in WuKtembnrg.
A lady-killer—Corsets.
—Red noses are in vogue.
—Grant's Hobby - --A horse.
—Frozen oysters are plenty.
—lt is in Ittissia.
—Good skating at Cale
—A. crimson mine—Car
-The "IhinoMist Waddle" is not.
—Eggs are ninepenee in 'Nevada.
—" Only ten days to California."
—Virginia owes over $1.!,000,000.
—Booth is playing in Milwankeo.
—Edwin. Adams thrills Pittsburg.
—Chicago calls Omaha its suburb.
—The lists of fortune—Capita-lists.
--Col. Milt. Wiedler is "knitting."
—Sumner's throat still bothers him.
—Eugenie has discarded amethysts.
—The Thumbs are in Wilmington.
—Mormons propose oyster etti Lure.
—Sheridan sent Black Kettle to pot.
—Fholog,raphy by moonlight is out.
—Wanted—The key to a canal lock.
—Typhoid fever is around in Maine.
—The Richingses are in Cincinnatti.
—Lawrence was out the other night.
—Down in the mouth—Tne don lists.
—The Milwaukee editors au•e all sick.
—Chicago calls dentists luslc•hoislers.
—Troy has Sunday theatre preaching.
—Oregon has a champion well digger.
—Centre of gravity—A judge in court,
—The " Globe Smoker" is the fashion.
—The weather was pleasant yesterday.
—Sanford is trouping around the State.
—John Smith died in Omaha last week.
—Brigham' Young condemns whistling.
-Baron Rothschild loft only $100,000,000.
—Velocipedes have broken out in Boston.
—Shell bark pie is in vogue It ereabouts.
—Go to Bess' Bazaar and see the show.
—New [tame a fog—The air apparent .
'—Bierstadt refused SIO,MO for Vesuvius.
—The whole of Hudson-county is to be a
—The Siamese twins have sailed fur Eu
—Nathaniel liawthorne,s ehtale is for
—Fashionable funerals in Puri , " are
—The lute Governor Tod as ndition
—Berlin is to have a Lame fur aged spins
—A life of Chief Justice Taney is being
—Madame Shink win is concertizing in
—Clara Schuman leis been playing at
—Napoleon wears a blue coat with shiby
—Brigham Young frowns upon opera
—The ladies of Kentucky indulge in fox
—A jury in 'Virginia convicted by draw
ing lots.
—Velocipedes cau•ry lanterns after dark
in Paris.
—Jack Jordan has the !blest Yai r a Segars
in town.
—Potatoes sell at thalirax at twenty cents
a bushel.
--Hess has some elelrant, hooks for the
—Paris theatres, eel., Look 1,776,0:29 francs
last October,
—The proper donee ihr at tin wedding—
The can-curt.
—An organized band of robbers infest
Daliegh, N. C.
—Thera will bp seven Jews in the new
—Great composers and in usician-4 are gen
erally glutt ms.
—How to make hats last—M . :tire every
thing else first.
—Turkeys tieing plenty, ostrich feathers
are much worn.
—Paris has fifty schools of art for the
working classes.
—The bride's dress at it me( vet Paris wed
ding cost fjrl,ooo.
—Violet' 11 ugo cares 'none for his dra mas
than his novels.
—E. C. Stedman has become literary edi
tor of Putnam's. ~ •
--LA new paper in Ken t nck l y is called the
Jackson Purchase.
—Paris velocipedists grease their wheels
with cockroach oil.
—A. Hoeheste.r laity found three pink
mice in a lau•ge apple
—ldaho papers, imhtisit birth.; and the
weight of the children.
—Advice to old baclielor•s who dye their
hair-`•`Keep it (lark,"
—The Female Suffrage party hive a new
advocate in Dr. Bellows.
—There is a society in Paris for the pro
tection of useful insects.
—Red-headed woodpeckers in Kentucky
betoken an open winter.
—The Clergymen's Visiting List is the
latest publishing agony.
—'bhp °urinal' chimes ring the students
ant of bed every morning,
—Boston proposes to call the new U. S.
building the Hub-treasury.
—President Johnson condoled with Entlis
child's fatally by telegraph,
—Whisky is now called in "well Inform
ed circles," Congress water.
—South Carolina pays its black farm
hands .$lOO a year and team].
—New York is to have a banjo match for
a thousand dollars this week.
—How to make your servants rise—Send
them up to sleep in the attics.
—Tongue—A. little bob tall herse that al
ways runs away with woman,
—Highway robbers held the northern
part Of sow Fork in a reign of terror.
—Versens shonld not lot the waste water
front hydrants run on the pavements.
—Twp thousand workmen are engaged
in tearing down churches in Madrid.
—A company Oastelmn, Vermont,
manul'acture 104,000 slate pencils per day.
— Branch, N. J,, is said to be anx
ious to get rid of its incorporation as at city.
—ls the garment of religion to be Judged
by alto length of the nap during servic.'4.
—How to avoid being considered above
your business—Never live over your shop.
—The inquest on an employer murdered
by his workman—Killed by Iris o•sn hand.
—Dispatches from Sicily report at fresh
eruption of Mount .:Etna on Tuesday night.
—" 4Yolties at Haas.," is a highly popular
"City item' , played at flw , Arch; Philadel
—.John W, Carrell has been re-oleeted
President er tile iialtininee and Ohio
—'Po•onty-six Hours staging , Lakes one
from the Union terminus to Salt
Western nailer wian4s in low whose
scales Oallluc used when hu had Nellie
—Thos. Groom, of West Ilemptield town
ship, offers a vulnable mill property at pri
vate sale.
—Five expeditions to the Arctic regions
are now in preperation in various parts of
the world.
—Tarry Brooks has just the latest styles
of hats and cups. It yon dent believe us,
go and see,
wonian was rcceittly arrosted in Chi
cago tier carrying a armee:llea weapqn. It
was her tonguc,
—The Wilted States contains 103,500,000
nohs, with gR anll wit Illylng eapaeits of 1 8 , -
3 . 50,00,00.) ogg,t.
_Tho elating°• Tribuno com pli mon ts
neighbor on the extent and variety of its
—Santa Anna has turned tip :it San Domin
go, which happy island he will proceed at
once to agitate.
—Gov. Ward, of Now Je.rsey, is said to
have one of the iiinest oulleetions of pain
tings in that State.
—The newspapers of the country are
beginning to recover from their :mould
attack of public docq inputs :
—" Winter blvenitigs"—a local that has
been going the rounds, first appeared in a
Western paper, we think the Leavenworth
—glince the commencement of the war,'
the subscription book publishers of Hart.
ford, Conn„ have sold live and a half mil
lions worth of books.
COMMODORE R. W. ME.tus has writ
ten a letter to the New York Evening
Post, tendering his thanks to his friends,
to the public pr h ess and . .to an independ
ent judicary, for their services in his be
half. ,The Commodore states that be will
hereafter give an e.:tendod t4cconn4 or the
eireutustaneos of bis confinement in the
Lunatic 'Asylum, -
;L:IY^DE.VI....:ESS, JILIN 1*: EBS, and
CATARRH treated nit!, the utmost sueee—, luy j.
ISAACS, SI. D., and Professor or noc , =qr., of the Eye and
Ear in llie Nedjelli COUNC of Pennsylvania, 12 urarS ex
perience, (formerly of Leyden, lIolland,) 005 Arch
street, mune. Te t ditnnidnls can he seen at his otliee.
The medical faculty are invited to accompany their
patients, as he 11:14 tutu secrets in his tractive. Arti
n (dal eyes inset led without pain. Nu charce for
examination. 1e112,y
Thu be,t (:noun rcun•dy for
in sill it. nvinifold form., including Ulcers, Cancers,
Salt !thrum, Comminution, etc.. 1. Dr, An
tler.' lodine 11 ater, a 1411 . 0 solution of lodine, with
out a solvent, diseovcied after ninny years of scien
tific rest - quell and experiment. hor eradiating
himitirs Iroin the s3.Steill it JIILS no equal. Circulars
sent free
No. 3a Ley .greet, New York.
sold by driPzgivk gem rally. (deesdm
Like the voleano, Boils give issue to the foul and
fiery contents of the deep interior. To remove the
e:111Q0 of sneh ,tiflering it is only necessary to vilitb
NO the I,IOA by supplying it with its life elmnent,
` (a protected solution of the protoxide or irrin)ii itt do
this effectually, and givo vigor and new life
to the whole system.
If, tract rf a lake from 111. V. lUCII tiZI, S. E:b1::4, of B.
"Fort ears I was a sud . erer from Boils, so that my
life !wean' mearisome through their frequent and
persistent recurrence; finally a carbuncle tot toed in
the small of my hark. During its progres4 large
picees of decomposed flesh wets every day or two
cut away, and the prostration and general distur
b:int:o of the system mere rosy great. Before I had
recovered from this attack two smaller cat bunch,
broke out higher ug, and I was again threatened
with a recurrence of the sufferings to which I had so
long been subjected. It. was at this time that I com
menced taking the PI , ..RUVIANSYRUP. I continued
taking it tintil I had 11-ed nits bcttles; sines then I
have bad nothing of the kind. or yours I was one
of tit, greatest sufferers. Other medicines gave me
pmt lai and tempmary relief, but this ieniarkalfe
temedy, with a kind of intuttive sense, went direet
ly to the root of the evil, and did its work with a
thoroughness worthy of its eqatdished character."
A 32 page Pamphlet sent flee. Tue genuine has
"Peruvian Syrup" blown In the glre.s.
.1. P. DINSMoRE, Proprietor,
No. uu Ley St., hew York.
Sold by all ilruggisk.
The advertiser, having been restored to health in
a few tt cells by 3 N cry simple remedy, after having
satlered germ,' yeais nit!: a , ercre long alibetion,
and tliat, dread disease, Constimptiop—is anxines to
realm known to Ills 1,33 Meal, Of
To all who die-ire 11, he will Qenil a Copp of the pre
scription used (free of charge) with th • it:reclines
for preparing and it,ing the same, wide), they in ill
find a sure mire for CollqUirptitel. Aqirent. Bron
chitis, de. Tim only object of the adt•ertieer in
senchng the pre.oription bi to beneilt the afflicted,
nod spread information en bleb he conceive. to be
i nvalenble ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his
retnede, as it w • iil coat them nothing, and may prose
. .
Parties nishing the perseiiption %rill please address
11.:5 South Second St., Williarnstairgh, Kings County,
New Yot k.
NEW Yolu, Atm:4lslL, 1SOF:.
Allow me to °all your attention to my preparation
nent parts are &whin, Long LeafCnbebsimil Juniper
Mode of Preporntion.—Buebn, in vacua. Juniper
Berries, by dirtillation, to form a fine gin. Bubele.
Ii acted by displacement by liquor obtained from
Juniper Bellies, containing vet little cager, a small
m open ion of spirit, and mote palatable than any
now in lion. The active properties are by this mode
Duchy, as prepared by druggists generally, is of a
dark color. It is a plant that emits its fragrance, the
action of a 'flame destroys this (its active principle),
leaving a dark and glutinous decoction. Ihe Ruche
in toy prepaiation edeminates; the sundlestgoan
tity of the other ingredients arc added, to prevent
fea ineutation ; upon impection, it will be found nut
lo be a tincture, as matte in rnarmacopma, nor is it
a syt up—and therefore can he used in eases where
lever or inflammation exists. In this, you have the
know ledge of Me ingredients and the mode of pie
that you will f,ivor it eith a trial, and that
upon nispeetion it Hill mutt with your apprubas
With a feeling of confidence.
, I am, very respectfully,
11.'1'. Hit LMBOF.I),
Chemist and Druggist of 16 years' experience in
Philadelphia. and now located at his Drug
urd Chemical ‘Varehause, 391 Bre:Welty, tow
Mom the hugest maatifar:tining chemists in the
"I am acquainted withMr . :lLT, : Ite oc
cupied the Drug Store opposite 'sly residence, and
was sueciosstul in conducting the business where
others had not been equally so before him. I have
been favorably initnes•cd %this Isis character stud en
Fain of Poiters NVeiglatuan, Manufseturing
Chemists, Muth and Mosta Streets, Philsidel
Ifelmbold's Pin hl Extract !Licht], for weakties4
arising from indtsuretion. 'rho oxhate,ted powers of
man n, winch are necompanietal by SO many alarm ing
symptom., trill be found ItSfiSpOSllloll
to eXell:01), lo sof memory, usizefulnes., horror of
disease, forebodings 01 OPa, tai fact, waver-al
twit., pr.-A1 . ..0011 and inabilay to liner into the en
joyment,: of soeiety.
1 he CuIISIttIItION, once tifi . 0.,t1,1%% III! Organic weak
nef.s, inquires the OKI !..trengtllollOlSi
int agora to the system, which 11E1,1\11301..0'S EX
TRACT 111.1C1IU me:lli:fitly doe.. II no treatment to
submitted to, COMOIIOptiOIt or ins.mity
lleltnlmid*s Plaid Extract Isuclut, to turoettote. go ,
collar to temales, i+ unequaled by any other fireman
tloll, Os in Chlorisi+, or Itetotaiuu, pattlltthleaS or
"i'i , M , Mn‘ ellstoln.try :alienations, ulcerated or
tuatirriis stole of the therm, and all eomplaint. met.
dent to the sox, tt Maher al ising hunt habit< oh a,-
,ipat.on, imprudence in, or the dee! Ille On t.l3Oligt• of
Lie Eclmbold's Fluid Extract ]_'iglu[ 10 all dis
ciees oi the.o o:gam, trbedar ex nig in
letnale, 11un1 WllateVer 0111150 originating, Mill no
matter "I" 1.0,, lung standing. It 1s plea:unit in 111011
and odor, •• immediate' in action, anti snore etrengtle.
ening than any of the preparations of bat 1. 01 true.
'rho." stifle' ing Iron! broken-dons or dchente con
stitutions, procure the remedy at oneo.
'1 he reauer must be as ale th.d, hurvut erslight may
bother attack of the above oi.t lseo, it i 0 01101111 10
afoot the bodily health alai 1110010 powers.
111 the ath.xe di,enses lemur,. the led .r a Diuretie.
11E1.011301.1Y EXTRACT LIU/CHU 1 , ilia great dtu.
Lull by druggists eyeryn ton o, Priee,il.2s per bot
tle, or 6 bottle:, tor Lt u. Voli% in% d to :utd rddie,..
Llo;erita, ...ymptoinN in all communications.
fpldres 11. i. lIELMIIOI.I./, ‘lg and Chemical
eliouse, .194-111rodmiy,
None are ga , lllllllo Wilt:Ns done op in eteebengrnved
imper, with l'im-eimite of my Chemical ‘Varehouso
and ..q.mod,
ne undersigded would respectfully inform
the citizens 01 Columbus and vicinity, that she
Inci lately arrived from ltoine, New York, and
is prepal od to give lessons hl Musie to :(11 who
may desire her services.
Altss riED3cirmAN,
No. Jail swab It Street.
noy2l,ltditw Columbia, Pa.
CoLumnr.t, September let 1868.
a Inform
the 'he imdersigued would respectfully
the citizens of Color:mkt and Vielnity, that he is
prepared to 5 1ve lost.ons in tousle to all who ntaty
desire his borvices.
no has, at, his residence, IL first-class Piano,
upon -which, Pupils front the mu Wry, and th o ae
in town who have no Instruments, can take
their lessons, and also practice.
septlj No. :11l Locust :St.. Columbia.
fate of Columbia, Penien, deceased.
Letters of administration dc ba,us non. U. T. A.,
on said estate having been grant - Q.l to he under
signed, all persons Indebted thereto, are request
ed to make Immediate t:ettleinent, and those
having claims or demands against. the 111110,
will present I hem wit tient tit'a, , tor settlement
to the tan.lersigne,i,
tomAs A. S'rOTT, Philadelphia,
Or to Ills Attorney Ciao. F. littns.c.4.‘N,
novlldnwl Lancaste r
L m •I
ateof the Borough of Colubia, ce'd.
etters of administ ration on said estate har
ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons
indebted thereto are requested to maize imme
diate payment, and thoso haring claims or de
mands against the sante will present theta for
settlement to the undersigned, residing in
Raplio township, Lancaster county, Pa.
nev7-U.41 STEPHEN Girt IS INC ER.
Hair Vigor,
A dressing which is at (met, agreeable, healthy
and elfectual for preserving the unit.
OIL (MA I' IIA11: IS SOON 1tit1T001:11 TO ITS 0111-
(i Al. 001.00 AND 1110 01.0 Sit AND VitESIINESS
01' yoUTII. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair
is &welted, and baldness often, though not. al
ways, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the
hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the
glands atrophied and decayed. But such as re
tualu be saved fur usefulness by this appli
cation. Instead of fouling the hair with a palsy
sedlololll, it Will keep it clean and vigorous. Its
001:111.101 , 11/. Use will prevent the hair front turn
ing gray or tolling 01r, and conseqUentlyprevtnit
baldness. Free 11.0111 those delelefions soh
stances which make some preparations (lamer.
0115 and hinirlotp4 to lido heir, the V igorcan only
benefit bpt not harm it, Wanted merely for IL
not !Ong ton be found so desirable. Con
tali dug neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white
cambric, anti yet lasts longer on the hair, giving
tt a rich glossy lustre and 0 gratelul perfume.
Prepared by
Dn. J. C. AYER C Co.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists,
LOWELT„ lf Ass.
rra CF, SI 00
For doing a family washing in the best and
eltennei.t manner. quaranteed equal to any In
the world. Has' all the strength of old rosin
soap with the mild and lathering qualities of
genuine Castile. Try this splendid Soap. Sold
the ALDEN CHEMICAL worti,:s. 4S Nora
1 Street Philadelphia. [septeasayd.irty
undersigned, now lug on the ihria of
31. M. :Strickler. In West IlemPflehl town:4llp,
will oiler at public sale, on the premises,
The following valuable property • Four mules,
Driving Family Drivin Mare, Five 'Mitch Cows, la
head of Young Cattle, 2 Breeding Sows, 1 Ches
ter County Boar, Ii Sheep. 3 Farm Wagons, I two
horse Wagon. 1 Spring Wagon, 2 Buggies, 2 pair
of Hay Ladders, Hay Forks and Ropes, 1 Sepa
rator 811(1 Horse-Power, 1 Grain Fan, 2 Beavers,
5 Plows, 3 Harrows, / Cultivator, 1 Urge /hake,
1 Cornplanter, 1 Roller, 1 Sets of Team Harness,
ti Sets of Plow Harness, Filth Chain, Spreader,
Swingle Trees, Single and Double, Rakes and
Forks. Grass Scythes, Grain Cradles, .15 Three
Bushel Grain Bags. liry 1s told Bedsteads, Chairs,
Bureau, Tables, Settee, &e. The twins will be
inade known on day of sale. Sale to commence
at 1 o'eloek, P. M.
deele-Lsd.cwi HENRY B. KATJ.Fr MAN.
The subscriber• being 'About to remove from
I e neighborhood, would oiler hig FARM and
The property is located in West II emplield
township, Lancaster county, in one of the rich
est agricultural dist riots in the :Mate; one mile
11,1111 Columbia.
'rho Mill is in gond order, and is kept running
constantly on customer work. It Lad two run
of French Mt ITS, Wllll Iln tile necessary im
proved machinery for doing merchant and coun
try work. It has lid ly keen put In complete
. .
The Imrni contains a little over one hundred
acres, Is in 0 high state or cultivation, and pro
duces abundant crops. It is especially adapted
to the growing of eat tle. The buildings are good
and substantial. and the location admirable.
A rare opportunity is here °tiered for any one
who wishes to invest in property that will pay,
or to purchase a good home in one of the bast
localities in the State.
l'ersons wishing to view the property eon call
on the subscriber oil the premises, or maim in
quiries of Mr. Martin Erwin, Proaklin note.e,
terms of sale will he I wide reasonable
sep.s:l.f.] THOMAS GROOM.
, - Olt SALE.
We otrer the lollowing articles at Pitt VAT!.
SALE, viz:
A new sign with " First Nation it Bank" in
large gilt letters, Which will answer lor Punt
Nat iOnal Bank,
-A flirt-class Ash Top Counter, suitable for
Think or lor Bankers, and will answer for any
other business that requires a good Counter.
0110 double and two single Writing Desks.
Six Window Snsh With glass 12x1S. One Wood
en Mantle. Several six panned Doors and three
sots ot• double Doors, ke., &e.•
The above articles will be sold at one-half their
original cost in cheap times on account of the
11an1: not needing them in their newly furnish
ed room. All masons wishing to see the articles
will Please call at the First National 13ank of
The public please accept our thanks for
Past patronage, and we shall he happy to have
them continue the same, and can assure theta
that no pahls will he spared on our part to ren
der the fattest satisfaction. We shall tie very
happy to have them all call and see to. in our
newly modeled and Mmished loom.
sept.zett".2 Cashier.
_ .
Ready-asvlade Clothing.
Owing to ehanges that have taken place In
our limn, by reason of the death of one of its
members, it has Inn s the absolutely neeessary
to sell out our entire stoek of
CLO 1 I - II NG.
thlther Ilion send and• portion of it to Auction,
We Will oiler it to the people at
Am? elear out o u r entire est:o.ll,4;lmm t
Securing it
Ity'telling the goody get a t curl rates aS will sal
buly ally reasonable purchaser.
Our inimen , :e . lmht. Is fairly loaded with
Suitable to all CI,U.SeS—
;Made up with the utmost cure—
Cuu:prinlnq, in I he General
3090 OVELICO.I'I'S, made• In most• ftedtionable
01 all lzmils of L'eatvt•rs, Ch 111(41.1/i:1S,
Ile( .18,
:3(100 f4tlltS, 1 s :1111ti and Vats of tile same material,
Business, Dress, Ti:w•ciiug,"l tulest len Si WO"
WOO Coats, Cliesternelds and Sites, :Morning and
Loninn lig Coats, Frock and Ines,: Coats, tie.
5t ten l'_iNTA LOONS, of all materials, unel
Via on every approved style, n:a•t•ow and
notilty, plain and comfortable.
Writ VESTS, Velvet Vests, Valley Cassimerit
Vests, Clot It Vests, double or single ItreaNted,
Mich or tour cal.
Here we have a large assortment. of Piece
Goods Mat mast be disposed or. To do which
we propose tor a Lew days 10 make toorder from
toe•:ware, f u our very best style—malt ingatledue
tion or
Thus u•c offor Clothing as good in points of
style, tnaterad, tit and finish, as con be foul at
MENT, and at about half the ordinary price-,
This depart unlit has boon n spocialty with us
tlto. year. NV, have Mal inanuftwl tired the
largest assortment. of Boys' Clothing to be found
in the city, all of Mod, Is now for :.ale itt gl eat
ly prices.
.41 rare opportunity to fit uut the Children
AJOITIININCt \Vt.:Alt.—Clerical Garments, lull
lireNs Suit:, Itlack. Clot It 1)% t.retnits, IThtek Cloth
and Laesl ilt Pants, Inat.k. Cloth tool l'asslntere
Coats, Mack Vests, ..te.
a ENTS' F trr.NTS! VINO Diep.urpm ENT,
CIISIOMer plIrfAI:01-12; nit article of clotlting,
will be allowed a deduction of TWENTY l'Elt
CENT. on any additional purchase made in Ibis
Handkerchief's, Overcoats,Llosiery, Shirts,
Collars, &e., ac.
Wort, wilt be °puled eurls and closed late.
About SEVEN) Y-FtVE SALESMEN will be lu
anoint:owe. Prompt and polite attention will
be given to all. No engtoiner will he timitipplied,
if any retemnable accommodation of prier, will
Induce libit to buy.
ht. IL Ls the largest and be , ..1. stock In tills city
2d. It must all be sold NOW.
3d. At prices even below our :lowest current
4th. Thas whatever your size or shape you can
he nttell.
Tho goods arc go elegrint, and the prices
't) low, that it will 11ay you to lay In a stock of
clothing; for the next few years.
Clh. That you may never have another such
Our iN'ecessity is your Opportunity !
S. E. Corner Sixth and Market streets,
1 7 01? SALE.
for misses, presents for boys, and presents
for the dint little children. Men who wish
to make the heart of their bosom compan
ion glad, wires who wish to reciprocate the
mark of uffeciion;pareths who ii,4"iitre - Tj:
pay the good deeds of dutiful and affection
ate children. and children who wish to
honor their parents, lovers who wish to
give to their idol, masters to their servants
and servants to their masters, call tind at
Hess' just what they wa tit—the most appro
priate gilt they could purchase. So go in
anti win. Something 110 w. received almost
Or the very Finest Mute' iii I daily.
/annex um/ Gent/ern( 'gird the, dlrni• Chi/
riroi , C, Frei nJ
:11y.worthy and faithful agent, WM. U
HESS, to you well known, having dis•
charged his trust in a most faithful and
satisfactory manner in the first season of
his a ppoin hunt, I have, therefore, with nit
eye to your interest, reappointed the said
HESS, Disbursing Arent for the coming
Holidays, believing he will, in the most
liberal manner, deal out the best collec
tion or Gifts I have to him entrusted for
the benefit of you, my dear patrons.
Ever faithful, yours,
Our Patron Saint, the noble and venera
ble &trite Chins, having again appointed
me, your liumlilt‘ servant, his agent for d is
horsing to you, the good people of Conlin
bia :Ind vicinity, front his vast collection t)1
Girls, gathered front Faderland, rho Celes
tials, from sunny Prone°, front rho depths
or the Ocean, and from the dear nutmeg,
1 have neeepted the trust out of
pure love for the dear people, who would
rind it hard to be turned front the beaten
path to the Storehouse of your unworthy
Scr~aut; and have opened the campaign,
cleared the decks roe action, double shot-
led the inns, and put sabres and boarding-
Ribes in place. iNty venerable old Dutch
master, Santa Claus, has entrusted me with
a most bountiful supply of Novelties fot
the approaching Holidays. IN.:ever wai.i
there seen such a Musetun of curiosities in
Columbia as are gathered together in this
Great, Variety Stare
The man of Wnoiy Horse, Mermaid, and
" IVhat, is it" notoriety, or ally other man
bearing the name, never exhibited such a
wonderful to•sortment of—everything. Thr
sLubborn donkey, who shakes his head an•
grilv at the spectator ; the Innocent Lamb,
that bleats his complaints; the Magic•
tern ; the noble Irons°, saddled and 'bridled
for his new master; the train of cars, ready
to take upon an excursion the - Lilliputians
standing near; the Hook and Ladder
Wagon, and Steam Fire Engine, ready 14
the "bohoys" t, `run wilt der Machine ;'
the little Horns, Trumpets, Jhooks and Tea
Sets for the little ; the Guns and
Drools for the "bold sOger boy ;" the Dr:l3'l.i
for the young dravinen; the ; sets of Dishe. ,
in wood, pewter and China, for the HUle
deans' first "tea-light;" the old Codger; eat
ing ducks at one swallow ; the Cannibal,
eating soldiers as fitst as they can be
chucked into his mouth ; the—the—well,
there, it is no use to enumerate. Paper is
too clear, and the columns of the news-
paper too short, to contain a full list of the
immense number of novelties. Suffice it tc
Say, that we will astonish you when you
call (and we know you that have a good,
hig heart zo /*Mt° see them. We have presents
for ladies, presents for gentlemen, presents
Farmers, lords of the soil, you have had
a most prosperous season. A kind Provi
dence has most graciously smiled upon
you, and your granaries arc groaning with
the weight of a bountiful harvest. - Your
fa 111 Hie , : are expecting—and justly too—that
you will, in the approaching Ilolidays open
your heart and wallet. Lawyers, you, too,
have had a good practice. Your clionis
hove been many, and you have eaten the
oyster, they have had the shell. Open than
thy purse liberally. Doctors, the God of
lillsculapins hats smiled upon you, and both
large doses and the little pill hits east up
into your pockets a copious discharge of
greenbacks. Remember the expectations
of your friends, and purge your purse of its
overloaded stamps. Artizens, you, ton,
have been highly favored. Your skill has
been liberally rewarded, and your loved
ones expect much from you; disappoint
them not, but go to Hess and there make
your holiday purchases without delay.
.10icutc2 FAIL GOODS. 1868
V 0
A. Full Sloelc Of
Cloths and CaSsimeres,
SPeelal attention given •to
Fitting Satlsfactor.s. - or 710 Sales
All Goods et Lowest
•Ind 'Warranted as Represented
Sewing Machines-
In order that every Fn inily may be able to•
rurehase a Ilachlne, they may be paid for In
.tONTIILY INSTALLMENTS, by a small ad•
(Mien to the price.
tn- Every Machine sold, warranted to give.
sat isfact ion, and will be kept In order One lear
Cohnnbin, ra., Oct. 3, 1.4C8:t r.
W:11. U. 1 - IF SS
CANII Ylt.fel;>;