CITE einuntiria kis. le4fls)_4l.3toDtor+l.s , t 2 fAviep* - RwmtAp:isa 4 Columbia, Pa. Saturday, November 2,1,1868. AG-ALL advertising* will be considered CASH, and collectable at any time after the first insertion. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Bishop Stevens met - with a severe acci eideut at Bethlehem, on Sunday last. While passing along the sidewalk in South Betide hem, at a point where the walk is graded several feet above the road, from which it is divided by a low parapet, he stumbled and fell into the road. On being taken up it was ascertained that tho Bishop had sus-, tained a fracture of one arm, and also cf ono leg, which is broken near the knee, He is at the residence of his brother-in-law, Professor Henry Coppee, and is receiving the best surgical attendance and care. The following State Legislatures will be called on during the coming winter to re elect the present incumbents in the United Stales Senate, or to elect others: New York,Pennsylcanta, Moss-tchusetts, Maine, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Nevada, Ne braska, New Jersey and Delaware. New York will, in all probability, return E. D. Morgan. It is understood that Governor Fenton's name will be used hs a candidate, and also Judge Noah Davis, Congressmen elect from the Monroe and Orleans district. In Pennsylvania there will be a sharp can vass for the place of Buckalew, who will have to give way for a Republican. Among the candidates already named are Glenni W. Schofield, Galusha A. Grow, John W. Forney, Benjamin Harris Brewster, James H. Moorhead, Wayne McVeigh, Thomas Williams, Wm. IL Kemble. Thomas Armstrong, of the firm of Arm strong, Cater ct, Co., of Baltimore; the old est active merchant in that city, died on Saturday last, aged ninety. Baron James Rothschild, head of the house of Rothschilds, bankers, died in Paris on the 15th inst. General Grant, a number of Senators and Representatives, Generals Hancock and Thomas, and Admirals Farragut and Por ter, will go to Fortress Monroe, on the 20th Inst., to witness General. Humphrey's ex periments on the monster guns. OLD Wo3tEN.—lf a whinisical:or adieu lons story is told.of any one, it is sure to relate to nn old woman. If a man lacks wit, or is any way eccentric in his ideas of neatness and propriety, he is called an old man. A. deficiency of firmness of purpose, or timidity of intercourse with the world, subjects one to a similar epithet; and yet, what does the common sense of this saying amount to? Simply this, that a man is like his mother. And who, pray, is a real mother? A being filled with devoted and disinterested love for her offspring. Did any any one hear of a selfish mother? of ono who would not practice self-denial that sho might minister to her children? Here, then, is a trait that is really old womanish, and the only one, in our mind, that dish anguishes the peculiarities of venerable females from those of selfish bombastic men. • Obedience- Whenever the truth of God—to whom all sovereignty, majesty, and power belong- 7 and the commandments of men come in compotion together, we must say, as the Apostles said: We ought rather to obey God than man." And when this is, done; it. must not be called disobedience to superk ors, but it is obedience to them, because it is obedience to God, who is above them. And if wobe put to suifeyio, z for phip,4yr therefore the Apostles says to servants, if they stiffer anything of their =titers inno cently and patiently, they suffer it for Christ. So that if men's commandments be contrary to God, we must in that case sub mit ourselves patiently to God and suffer rather than obey them. Davr Cum - a:Ex.—Davy happened to be present at an exhibition of animals, in the city of Washington, where a monkey seemed to attract his particular regard, and he abstractedly observed. " If that fellow had on a pair of Spectacles, he would • look like Major Wrights, of Ohio." The Major happened to be just behind Crockett, and tapped him on the shoulder. Turning round, Davy very formally re marked : "111 be hanged if I know whose pardon to ask, yours or the monkey's?" This is the Connecticut remedy for bed bugs: Shake them all down into the midlle of the sheet, and put some ice among them. Pretty soon you will see the little fel lows get up on their hind legs and begin to thrash themselves to keep warm. After that you need not be afraid of their biting, but may go to bed and sleep, secu from their attack for the rest of the night. MISC_EL.LANBOVS. 00AL ! COAL 1! COAL ! ! ‘ L i BRUNER & MOORE'S Coai Yard Is still the place to buy your Coal. They always have on hand Lykens Valley, Shamokin, Baltimore Company, and now have A NEW DIAMOND N 0.4 COAL. Price in Yard, $4.00; Delivered through Tow • i 4.35. Try It. Will give satisbtction. ILOT 30-tf] BRUNER d: MOORE. II - 1 - 1 MILES & AUXER, TIN & SIIRET-IRON WORKERS, DO, S WEST ORANGE. STREET, LANCASTER (opposite Shober's, Eagle Hotel.) Beg leave to inform their friends and the public generally, that they have opened a arst- Muss TIN .A. 15.7.0 SHEET-IRON STORE, at the above named place, where they have on hand, anti are manufacturing daily an immense stock OF TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. TIN ROOFING, SPOUTING, and Repairing of all kinds executed at the lowest cash prices, and in the best workmanship manner. Call and examine our Stock before purcluss lug elsewhere. U. F. A.CER, aplWl,l3-lyj D. MILES. ECONOMICAL MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y OF DIIODE ISLAND. - CASH CAPITAL, - $200,000. The advantages of thin Company arc, that ita Policies are non-forfeitable, and its rates of In surance lower than in moat :7:7 ow York' or East ern Companies. The actuary of this Company, tin) Hon. Eligur Wright, of Mass.; is a sufnelent guarantee of the sincerity of the CompanY. For circulars and informatioh, address W. D. REITZEL,, Agent, Salaam Lancaster Co., ra. ang6'6l3tf.j VIIRISTIAN MYERS' 1-1 •:" ' : ' • COLUMBIA STEAM - • - COACH - -WO-11,KS1- , - - REPOSITORY ON ' WALNUT • BTREET BELOW SECOND: • • • , The Carriages,' Buggies, `Sc., mndo at these Works; are equal in beauty and 'durability to any other nuke in the county. COACH•SJiI , Thlii Braila : l' of the buidn&swililaeattclided to with punctuality antrdespatch. CEULDREN'S:CAR.B.LAGES, Wagons, for sale or =ale 119.. Call at the ' Works Na 21 dc 23 North Second street and examLnethe stock. and prices. F . ,LJE44.3-3,piN; Lippincott ` Trotter, WHOLESALE _GROCERS, SI North Water Street; and 20 North Delaware AlVeitelN adetth Nag. CABINET-WARE. FURNITURE OF ALL RINDS. CABINET WARE-ROOMS dc MAIM AMORY, Locust Street, a few doors below Third Street, Columbia, Pa. The subscriber- manufactures and keeps on hand en extensive assortment of all „kinds of Furniture. Persons wishing to buy, or those about to go to housekeeping, will find it to their advantage to give me a call. BEDSTEADS, TABLES_, CHAIRS, BUREAUS, SETTEES, &c., &c. Of the best quality, style, and manufacture, and will make to order, of first-rate material, every article in his line. He will give strict attention to business, and respectfully , asks of the public a sharp of its patronage. Jig- TINDERTAKING will receive the most careful attention, at the shortest notce. mar3G-67-tO GEORGE SEIBEWr. CABL.N,TET WARE MANUFACTORY. The subscriber having lately put up now ware-n OM; and greatly increased his business, can nth r better inducements to his customeres than ever. WINDOW SHADES MIRRORS, IN ALL STYLES. He manufactures to order, and will keep con stantly on hand, Dressing, Plain and Fancy Bureau; Sideboards, Sofas, Card, Dining and Cent:- T.ables, Common, Fanayand Frenali Bed steads'; all of which will bo sold on the most reasonable terms.- As he manntectnres his own work ho is enabled to warrant every article to be what it is represented. • CAAIRS CHAIRS ! ! CHAIRS! 1 r All kinds of chairs kept on hand or manufactra , ed go order. Cane, Windsor, Arm and Rocking Chairs; Settees, Camp and Countaz Stools,SoLas, Tete-a Totes and Stuffed Seat Chairs, madet. , lt order. Old chairs reminted and repaired. -104 , ,, UNDER'I'AICING. Funerals will bo attended to with promigek to which he gives his-personal attention. Ho •in prepared with ice boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, as may be required. MAHOGANY OR WALNUT COFFINS, Furnished plain or tinted in any style that ma 3, he required. He respectfally solicits a share ol public patronage, as well as a continuance of tbo custom with which he has been liberally favored. JOHN SIIENBERGEII, South side of Locust street, between Second and Third. [mar3o-67-tL BOOKS, STA_TIO_YERY. JUST RECEIVE 10,, WM. U. HESS, 105 LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA. BOOR SELLER, STATJONER. & NEWS DEALER, Another Invoice of STAICDARD, SCHOOL, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. BLANK BOORS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ON HIND, OR MADE TO ORDER A now Stock of DAY ROOKS, LEDGERS, MEMORANDUMS, PASS BOOKS, xC., &C., NOTE,'LETTER AND CAP PAPER, ENVELOPES AND STATIOYERY OF ALL QUALITIES, FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST GRADES, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. All the loading MAGAZINES, -PERIODIDALS, and NEWSPAPERS, constantly kept for sale on our counters. Also, agent for the following dailies : PHILADELPHIA PRESS, THE AGE, INQUIRER, MORNING POST, PUBLIC LEDGER, LANCAS TER EVENING EXPRESS, AND COLUMBIA. DAILY AND WEEKLY SPY. [ocßi-tfw NEW STATIONERY, &o. The undersigned would respectfully mite the attention of the public to Ills large end well se lected stock of Goods, consisting of MISCELLANEOUS RELIGIOUS, AND JUVENILE BOORS. STANDARD WORKS—lllustrated and in Fine'Binding. FAMILY, HAND & POCKET BIBLES. TILOTOGRAPH ALBUMS—The cheapest offered. TOY BOOKS FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS Illustrated. GAMES OF ALL KINDS. STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS—A large variety. CARD :ti CABINET PHOTOGRAPITS— With frames to suit. WORKBOXES—PIain and furnished. WRITING DESKS AND CASES. • : PORTIOLIOS--Of all sizes. fine' assortmentof POCKET BOOKS, PURSES, DIARIES & CARD. CASES. and examine for yourselves. J. 11. SIIILSFFEIVS • Cheap Cash Book store, No. 32 North Queen Street, dee. 14, 'O7"-tf.) -Laneaeter. HATS, CAPS, &c. la • J FRY, 43 North Front St. 4fftizq - . DEALER IN HATS AND• CATS! , IN GREAT VARIETY, AND OP THE LATEST STYLES! Strict attention will be given to thisdepartment and customers will always be treated in a gentlemanly manner. The - tin - t Silk fiat in the mar ket is offered for sale upon very reason . able terms. • ALSO GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS - IN GREAT VAXIETV, VIZ: LATEST STYLES CRAVATS ,1.1 TIES. HOSIERY, LINEN COLLARS' AND CUFFS. PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS. - • SHIRTS AND SHIRT FRONTS. . SUSPENDERS, ct.c. UNDERWEAR xx. GREAT VARIETY. ”.;...SHIIVIS =RIO to order and warranted to fit. I offer a nice' lot of Gent's Furnishing Goods which .11 am selling at reasonable prices. I Call and examine my Stock; I know you will I save money by purchasing J. FRY, No. 45 North Front Street, apt bt 1%31 Columbia, Penna.: SHULTZ, & BROTHER, El:A. 1 1 1 S, 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, PA Latest style Fall and Winter HATS and CAPS n an qualities and colors. FANCY FURS We 'aro now opening the largest sad most complete assortment of Ladles' and Children's FANCY - FLIES ever offered In this market, at very low prices. ROBES! ROBES!! ROBES!!! r,niTalo Robes, lined and unlined; Hudson Say, Wolf, Prarlo 'Wolf, Fox, Coon, &c. `BLANKETS AND LAP RUGS, Of all qualities, to which we would particularly' invite tho attention of all nervous In want of articles In that line. - GLOVES, GAUNTLETS AND MITTS. OTI.ERJ •• BEAVER NUTRIA, • HEAL • ituugsics, PLEIKIER, ' KID, fie.. ece. Telrnmed Gloves, Gauntlets, Mani PULSR.WAR:MERS & EAR MIT S. AND RETAIL. oet3l , 6B:tfw._ . IROOP SKIRTS EEL] CORSETS, CORSETS ;SS**. lIOPKINS. No. 628, Arch , Skreot, Philadelphia, '''.3r:i . a.rinla t eruitra rror• *, CELEBR4TED , " cmarnoN "HOOP SKI irrs". 70. E LADIES, MUSESAXD CIIILDUSE The largest rissortment, and best quality and styles In.-the , 'American 'Market. Every lady ,should qry,them, as they' recommend them selves, by wearing longer, retaining their shape ' much better; being lighter and more elastic than an others—WiatMANTED in every respect, and sd CHAMPION" •ry ow prlced,"Ask. for MORILIMS' " SPURT:. - Superior Hand-made Whale-Bone CORSETS, in fifteen different grades, including the 'lm perial" and Thompson & Langdon's ." GLOVE FITTING" 'CORSETS, ranging in - prices from 81 cents „to - U.50i% together with Joseph lieckel's Celebrated French Woven COllSETS,superior shapes an&quallty.','Ten different grades, iron , $l.lO to 85-50. , iTheyarn the finest and bestgood► for the prices; ever- imported. The trade sup plied with Hoop Skirts and Corsets at thelowest rates. ,• , Those visiting should not fall' to Call and examine our goods and prices, sa we dery all competition. , • 5ept1.27115.. STEAMP PRDITING.—CaII at • the Steam Printing Haase of tbe COLUMBIA. 8 Y, rear of Columbia, National Bank, and ex amine specimens of Letter Ileada,Notea,Cards &a CASE X; SON'S CO_LTTACIV; ROLLING MILL STORE FIRST ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS t, LARGE STOCK OF ,CASSIDIERES FOR OUR MERCHANT TAIL- ORING ESTABLTSIIMENT ! New Dress Goods FOR FALL ANpWINTER'WEAR! GREAT BARGAINS 'TO, BE. lIAB 'AT THE MAMMOTH STOI E- OF W. G. CASE & SON; A Splendid Stock of Now Goods GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, WE HAVE PURCHASED A LARGE AND FASHIONABLE STOCK OF CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Which we' aro prepared to make up IN THE LATEST STYLES A Large Assortment of FALL DRESS GOODS! Black and Fancy Silks, French and Scotch Glughams, Prints of all Styles and Dfaks. A full Stock of Linens. A Fine Stock of Hosiery, GLOVES, DRESS BUTTONS, AND 'TI IMMTNGS Tho Beat Stock of BROWN AND BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, Of Every Width and Quality From 10 Cents PER YARD U. WE MARE A SPECIALITY OF OUR MERINOS, WOOL POPLINS, POPLIN A-LPACAS, WOOL • DETAAINES, COI3ERGS, Sprattnes,, , .Plnk, Pni le, maeks, Allen, Pa- Wainsutta, - Glen Cove, „Corset Jeans, Fine Cambries, f Paper Cambries,, Linens, -- iiiiittrarabaxeran Wig; gap- " - kills, Threads, Braids, Dress Trimmings, Tidy Yarns, War.. sleds, Hosiery, all kinds Hoop Skirts Silk Cireulins,,.Silk. Sac- quos, Bahnorals, Suspenders, Buttons, Kid Gloves, Ladles' and Clitclren!s;Hostery f MOURNING DRESS GOODS ,7'i) GINGHAMS, ENGLISIr; FRENCH I:'t t t , vanY LOW PRICES I • • a kit I I , I 3+. MERU PACIFIC, LOWEML, HAMILTON, FOULARDS, MANCHESTER,' dta FALL & WINTER SHAWLS OF ALL KINDS. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERNH, For Gent's and Ladies' Wear. I ww.vzkoDo Azniv,wtoo•wAo aKo CO ;4 Brown Muslim', Bleached Muslims, Double Width SILEETINGS, Cotton and LINEN. Paper Collars, Neck• Ties, Fancy and Plain, Curb, Klal Gloves, Ready Made Shirts, TICKINOS of all GRADES, de. ALSO, ALL STYLES OF HATS AND CAPS 1 Boots and Shoes LADIES' GLOVE KID. MISSES' and CHILD; SEWS SHOES. MERCHANT TAILORING DONE IN THE BEST STYLE OUTt SID/Z TILE CITIES: AND ALL FITTING -WARRANT . A FULL : .ASSPIi . TMENT 'OF 628 Q . UEENSW2s...ItE. , i A CHOICE LO' JT „ GROC.F.4IES;. • .CONSISTING} 01,P, ' SUGARS, COFFEIM, ' SPIGESI„ • .• TEAS, ' ' FISH, 3EOLASSFH, . ~C ARNEDDIUNIS! !lease give Ili a can; at the , OLD STAND: if lII.A.LTI3Y, 4 CiAllE r l;ffierei'ipii , '•, 43iiti i ersarninei OU Stiiiek,-befonipurelmatzig elselii744. • . • 'Agency for, - • • " • ' • • . Git:OV-Ibt'ek BAMICIVB r: , • !"! MAC_PREIIIT I S I •SEWINGIEUNES:,:: tun at the Store and aee them wor king. i Sevr. end kinds on hand. • AA W. G. CASE, & SON, L Locust St"'botareen Front ecSecond Sts.. • , COLUMBIA., Pr; 13.Warket Price ii gkot or cal kiosk of Cbcosiry ?rocks.; is owhoccoo for Good; & VESTINGS, MEE 1111 EiNIE AND SWISS Also, Bluo Drills, Pillow Caging, Ladles' I..laen, Gents' Linen, White & Colored, Fancy & Plain; ME LIU IRON & M C LIYERF.. , SUPPLE & BROTHER • ItiASIIIVACTIIREB9 OF STEAM BOILERS. In addition to our Ifoundryand Machine work, we are now prepared to manufacture every variety of Boller and Plate Iron work, MENDING AND REPAIRING BOILERS Promptly attended to. Thankful for past favors, we would invite the attention of our friends and patrons to this new branch of our business. , . F3UPPLEE t 1.11t0., - 2nd St.,;Columbla. SUSQUEHANNA.IRON COMPANY manufacturers of all sizes of REFINED ANll 'l}oUftE ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL, AND • .HALF OVAL IRON. Car Axles, Shafting and Horse Shoe Bars. Air Orders promptly filled from Stock on hand or made to order. Terms, net Cash, at Manufacturer's prices, ac livered on Cars or Boats. °ince at their ' ROLLING MILL, Columbia, Penna. STEAICI ENGINES, STFt nnr 'PUMPS, • And. all kinds of Machinery Manufttetttrod and guaranteed to give satisfaction at the "Work.; of SUPPLEE 8R.0., STEAM BOILER WOBXS, • •COLUMBIA, PENN'A. the Subtierlbei would respectfully announce that he Is fully prepared to do ell kinds of Boiler ;work. TUBULAR orc CYLINDER BOILERS, TANKS, AND SHEET-IRPN , WORK of all kinds, and on the most reasonable terms. AQ-Repalrlng promptly attended to. • - For further information apply to T. SKEIN, Columbia, Pe.. • Jyl-ltdamw3 1,17:111B_Elt 4 COAL. GEORGE BOGLE, DEALER IN LUMBER 01? 'ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Otriee—Front,Stxeet between Locust and Union, COLUMBIA. PA COOPER & PE-UtT, DEALERS • LT_TMBEI-t BALTIMORE COMPANY. • • LYKENS VALLEY, And all the best Quality of STOVE COAL. BUILDING- LUMBER Of all kinds, sold and delivered on cars, at the LOWEST MARKET RAT.M. Hemlock, White Plno, Weatherboarding, ..To(co, Scantling, Atm, &c., suitable for all kinds of Building purposes. LOCUST 'POST 3I CHERRY, - POPLAR. • PICKETS, LATH, SIIINGLFS, All orders by mail will receive the same at_ Mutton as .though the application he made it person. COOPER PEART, mar. 14. '65-If. Front St... Columbia. CIOAL ! • COAL !!- COAL! ! ! ' v.,/ Will sell and not advance before October, then we will be compelled to advance if another rise takes place at Mines. sepl9-tfw] ' • DRONER & MOOILE. B RUNER & MOORE, .DEALERS 111 COAL, SALT, FIRE BRICK . . AND LUMBER 1 OFFICE-AT BASIN: PRICES or COAL A: - YARD. lltiLlVEntn. Baltimore Select Lump $5.05 $6.00 Nos. 1, 2 and 3 ' 5.15' 5.50 " ' No. 4 4.90 5.21 _ N 0.5 4.40 4.75 : Slitunokon Egg and. Stove, Nos. - 2 (n:43.- ' ' 4.00 ' „. 5.25 - SbamolrenNnt, No: 5 ' 4.15 - '4.50 Baltimore 'Consumers Caul Co. ' '- • - E= and Stove, Nos. 2 and 3, 4.65 6.00 , Baltimore Consumers Coal Co. ' 4.15 4.10 Maltby Coal, No. 2 and 3 - 4.65 • . £OO No. 5 4.15 ,'. 4.50 .' Grand Tunnel, Nos. 2 and 3 4.40 4.75 Lykens Valley, Nos. 2 and 3 ...... 5.65 6.00 , No. 5 • 4.65 : 5.00 The following Coal is sold by car loads te'eo. lumbia consumers, gross weight, with 11,11 the .5 per cent. advantages: , , Shamoken Eg 4 and Stov,e,_or_NOS, ......p4_,..!!1,,. . '' Baltimore Consumers CoUl os: '' milli, 4:50 C 0.,. No. 4 .. ' 4.25 4.00. Maltby Ce"id,'No . s, il awl 3 ' 4.50 o. 5 400 Lykens Valle N y, Nos. 2 ana. i 5. , 50 al ‘. No. 5 4.50 Grand Tunnel, Nos 2 and 3 '4.25 1ie...A..s soon as rail connection is "completed to Wilkosbarre, Baltimore Co. CoalwiLl also be sold by Cars: - I i ". " . ' ' . dec. 21, '67.3 ', y ' BRINEB 0. MOORE. , .N..I,NDLING'WOOD: ''' • • ~ . ' -A 'fine lot of Kindling Wood sawed the r g t length, and split the right thickness, for sale by, the Barrel, 'at the Coal Yard of 1t.23-tfl i BRUNER. & .1f 004 E, . no M:N.PICAL. DR. - TAYLOR'S, OLIVE BRANCI I B I T TER S =I A mild and ilgreaablo TONIC,STIMULANT STOMA.CRIC I and CARMINATIVE _ 4j'T 'T E -R S Extracted entirely from HERBS andli.ooYkS Highly beneficial In DYSPEPSIA. I y • GENERAL DEBILITY, and 1 ' ' LOSS OF APPETITE; and an excellent COIIitECTII:rE for 'Ransoms au luring front Disordeni of the Bowels.} nnulence, SOLD EVERYWIIHRE Depot,isio. 413 .Zltuket. 5t,met,.13,41.310,0p111a sentsllB.,:lyi S • " TAYLOR 4: co SPEER'S STAND-UID • WiN_E inC ; i 2T ,± 4l ICS IMIN •.- - BITTERS LY :PERSON ' S ! FOR rub WEAK, ~„ .• ; FOR * " i'oll. TICE AGED, ' -' • • • FOR , „ f.1r4:3 0 .4 NO' BITTERS EQVAI/70 / THlbi ! SPEER'S S'i'ANDARDAVINREITTERS, • NVTNE, :REUSS Sigma's' Celebrated. Wine,mo,well known; with EERTIVIA.N:I3ARIC.a-. ; : 4 . CHAMOMILE FLOWERS, WILD liErmiinci:BAnic, ...I. and sneh.otherHEßßS and HOOTS as ivilkln all cases assist digestion.,-promota tho Secretions ;or itufsysto:cirinaho natural telitunicle; and giro .1,01 "TONE AND , ViGOR; ~ TC !.1 . 7.;e.fr11.117 4 .f , F. ~,TOUNGPTICI7OI.ID;46ICLE47A7NDX.E4A—TAU AU use it 6:- • r •,,r, ; ..t•:• Tothe•whlto _ . . ICV:O' 0 111'.:A,19: To the thin fade and careworn counlonance. Cares - FEVER. Mnd.Creates.A_PPETECE.l Try them Ilse no other, Ask rocSREFAVK STAND. MID BITTERS:, Sold by:DruggledoAndaroooro. Soo that my signature is over the cork of rash. bottle: : ' SPEER,, Possaic.N.:7and2l3BroadvrAnnewiYork. For sale' byJt. WILLIAMS„. Columbia . , Pa- Trade - supplied •by JOHNSTON. HOL LOWAY & COWDEN.:Philadelphla GEORG* A. KELLY, Pittsburgh; and' by all Wholesale Dealers. [augbem LET THE FACT BE RECORDED ! IN EVERY FAMILY IN COLUMBIA AND VICINITY, THAT New, G;rocery PROVISION STORE BAB .7;UST 'BEEN ODENED ON FRONT ST., DOLUAIBIA, PA. The subscriber would respecthdly inform the public generally, that he has opened a Grocery store at No. 2 >forth Front Street, Columbia, and is now stocking 'it with everything in the ** . - • _ _ I flatter myself that I have bought reasonable, and Intend to sell reasonable— ' CHEAP AS TIM CHEAPEST. 3ly stock consists in part of • SUGARS, - COFFEES, TEAS SYRUPS, DRIED FRUIT ,• WILLOW-WARE, - FLOUR, STARC,II, SALT, CORN STARCH, FAMILY CRACKERS, of nll kinds EXTRA SUGAR-CURED HAMS. • In fact I keep everything new and freSh that is found in a first-class Grocery Srore. IMCalLand examine my stock and prices. - HIRAM LITTLE• No, 25 North Front St., above Locust, augS-tfil.r.w] - Columbia, Pa. FRESH GROCERIES - .AT THE PROVISION BOILERS, FAMILY GROCERY STOJtE 01? MULLEN & BROTHER, ColuMbLa. Penn FRESH TOMATOES, FRESH PEACHES AND other Cantted . Friiits; Shaker Corn, d:e..- TE A THE I3EST BLAC' TEA IN THE 31AREET. EXTRA REFINED SYRUP MOLASSES, yely- cheap. Refined Sugars, Dried Fruit of all kinds. • ' Rio, Java, and Lagavra Coffee. SUGAR CURED HAMS & DRIED BEEF. Also,Fancy Groceries, Fa Tully Flour, Notions &c. We intend to keep the best Goods only, anal to sell as cheap as ally-8111Illar store. • - -, • , H. AWL LEN GBno. Produce of all' kinds bought or taken in exchange for goods. 11'0,154f. NEW GROCERY STORE MLA opened a•nen Grocery Store at Nos. 17 & 19 South Third Street, near the Market House, and has stocked it witli a choice lot of FINE FAMILY GROCERIES FROVIIONS OF ALL KINDS, Lemons Oranges, Prunes, Figs, ate., Sugar Cured Hums , and Dried Beer, Also, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, ate. WOOD, WILLOW-WARE, BROOMS, ate All kinds of GREEN GROCERIES in Season. Country Produce token lu exchange for goods, or the highest market price paid in cash. I ask FL liberal share of public patronage, feel ing confident that I will deal justly with all who favor one with a call. may2'6B-tfi TUGS. R. McCLUNE. DANIEL McCAULEY, - O. 407 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA, PA. FAMILY GROCERIES, rnovisloNs, &c ALSO, CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR RYE FLOUR, UNIIOULTED MEAL, CORN 'MEAL, GRAIN AND ALL RINDS OF MILL FEED always kept on hand. Choice Family Flour made from White Wheat. Also Bakers Flour of the best quality. Ire thanks his friends for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, and asks a continuance et the same. Being a practical Miner, and having followed the trade for many ycais, lie flatters ldinself that la knowledge of the business will enable bum to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. The store will be open from 7 A. itt. to_Py. P. M. 1W!Y;V41...) DANIEL MeCAULEY. - iYANT SUPPLIED I " FIRST-CLASS GROCERY AND PRO VISION STORE." Dealers in Country Produce. Produce of all kinds bought and sold, exchanged tar - Goods or sold on Commission. VEGETABLES Ole ALL KINDS IN SEASON. We keep constantly on hand a good and fresh supply,of SUGAR, COFFEE 'PEAS A IND • SPICES. • FINE IL&11 AND DRIED BEEF Also; Dried Fruits of all kinds. Cedar and Widow Ware,• &c., together with nil articles found in any similar store. •03_ To ask a liberal share of public patronage CLEPPER PROMERS' apllB'CS-3y] O. I'M Locust St., Columbia, Pa FiNL FAMILY GROCERIES, A LARGE & FINE STOCK JUST RECEIVED- I have ndw Iu Stoic a full assortment of Groceries &Prov' isions Extra Syrup Molasses, Fine Teas, Coffees, cte Extra Sugar Cured HAMS and DRIED REEF Extra FAMILY FLOUR by the barrel or smaller quantity. Dried Fruit, Pickles, and 'Fancy Groceries of all klnda,aud at the lowest iirlees. Call and ex ' amine mystoelc, whether you buy or not. 'HENRY STTY'DAM, mar. 7,13-if.) • , Cor. of Front ,k Union Sts. ,A,FRESH ARRIVAL OF GOODS Just received, nt the line Grocery Establish ment, corner 3rd and Cherry streets, the follow ,lng new Goods: CHOICE NEW ORI4ANS MOLASSES, JELLIES, • PRESERVES, HONEY, RAISINS, ' ' PEACHES, TOMATOES, ENGLISH' PIM' LE,S WINSLOW'S GREEN CORN GREEN PEAS 4c., kc. A LAT= LOT OF ANlnt" YORK CA:CI/IPA Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Cocoanuts, entrberries, Cider and White Nine Vinegar. Extra - Family Flour, Mercer Potatoes, Rio and Java Cotlee, fresh roasted, Lovering's Syrup, &e. Aar:N.low GoOds received almost daily. VIM. H. LtN, 3rd and Cherry Sts., ace. 21, '67-tf.) Columbia, Pa. vAmiLy G ROCERIES !. FAmiLY GROCERIES! The Subscriber would respectfully inform his customers and the Public generally, that he hus just received n general am:ortmeu t or f 4 ROCERrFA' PROVISIONS. TEAS AND SPICES. Refined Sugars oral' kinds. _ No. 1, and ;Sloss Mackerel English & American Pickles, Sugar Cured Hams and Beef, Extra Fine Syrups, '• ; , - Old itlo and Java Coffee, DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS, 'ltalsluk -, Prunes , and prepared Mustard always 'ou hand and of the very best grades. - ESTItA FLUILY FLOUR, . , CORN' MEAL, 3.10M1N'Y',.4:e., Fancy Groceries,Canned Vegetables awl grails, for hotels tuoLlanillles..The best Goods , only are Sold, and prices very low. Our stock of-staple and - fancy groceries is; full •and complete and we intentikeeping it fresh, by *almost daily additions. '" ' • •' • ti~TTotions_ofdilTerent kinds always on hand.. , , " FREDERICK Buctrs.R,• fob. S, '6B-tf.] ; urr. 4th & Locust Sts. ATTENTION . HOUSEKEEPERS. \Vi aro annoat iliiily , In rece4pt, or ; now and rresA gfoccr;Fs.lSl us ' • • eif61A3.:1.11 • r TEAS -4I • - % "•%'..00E-FEEO, '• • 14 . FISIL• SPICES, ' CHEESE: ; tRIMIVE-,; ' l l3'nvlstonSr`Of,mll4lclnds, togethdr 'with Wnpd; land:WIllow-waraand Class and OtheensAvara - Switzer-and Litaberger Cheese, GorrnahFruits, fro. I • r, • ' ENCLISIPAND-AXER/CAI/APICI-Mns.; _Fresh F.etwhea, and all the Fancy-Groceries per 4aining to a well regulated•GroCery•Store I am determined not to be surpasSed in cheap- MOSS and in the excellentrquallty of my goods. • ' 4 Call around and Inspect our stock whether ,you buy nt not:,',A'share, of public' patronage bi Mal z:ToB.°PRINTING r• - • i . ty 01 every description executed at tots offlos. GROCERIES, &c. AND ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Columbia, Pa THOS. R. hfcCLUNE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, DEALER . IN JUST OPENED! PROVISIONS, ate., ctc AND IN STOIIE! For Family and Hotel use AT SIATtDMAWS I STRAWBERRIES. NEW STOCK! GEORGE ,TlLLE.abot.o • ; ocust St,'„ Agent, ' • Miff HAIR PREPARATIONS. THE;LAST CROWNING SUCCESS. MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S IMPROVED FLAIR RES7COMER, FAVORITE HAIR DRESSING NEW STYLE IN ONE BOTTLE, Will quickly restore Gray Hair to Its natural Color and Beauty, and produce luxuriant Growth. It is perfectly harmless, and is preferred over every other pre paration by those, who have a fine head of hair, tus well as those who wish to restore It. The beautiful gloss and perfume Imparted to tile I Mir makes It desirable for old and young. FOR SALE DY ALL DRUGGISTS. DEPOT, 101 GREENWICH ST., NEW YOIUC PRICE ONE DOLLAR - Efel,22sB-ly HALL'S VEGETABLE HAIR RENEWER RING'S AMBROSIA Tiles° popular Hair Restorers and Ton les on hand, at R. 'WILLIAMS' DRUG STORE, Columbia, Pa. 13 , -E EVES" A .13110 SIA FOR T 1 TE A%./ HAIR, IMPROVED. t is an elegant Dressing for the I Imr. IL causes nl4l Hair to Curl Beautifully. It keep the Scalp Clean and Healthy. It invigorates the Hoots of the Hair. It stops Hair falling out. It keeps it from changing Color by ago. It restores Grey Hair to its original Color. It forces the Hair and Beard to grow. IL is always beneficial and never injurious. Sold in 8 oz. bottles a $.l each, by Druggists and Dealers in Fancy Goods everywhere; at Wholesale by the leading Wholesale Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicines in New York and other cities. octlo-tfw CLOTICI3 7- G. THE LATEST EXCITEMENT ! NEW STOCK OF CL 0 r_ l 2 HING! NEW STYLES! LOWER PRICES ! ! GREAT BARGAINS Now OF . FREED! CALL AND SEE MEM AT No. dl NORTH FRONT STREET, I have just recelvea another new stock of Clothing; The Largest and most complete ever before purchascd. Come and examine our now Styles and prices of READY MADE CLOTHING, Embracing every variety of style and material suitable for the season. They are made of the beat material and in the most fashionable style. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Shirts, Scarfs, Neck Ties, Suspenders, Handker chiefs, Hosiery, eke. A splendid line of these goods always kept on hand. Also, Boots, Shoes, Hats Ex Caps, of which we have a well selected stock, and which we offer at very cheap rates. TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS & VALISES Of all styles, are sold cheaper than city prices. My goods are all bought for cash, and I offer them as cheaper rates, for cash, than nny other store. Call and. see. ILENRY'BICE, Opposite Continental Hotel apt 2.5.411 41 N. Front street, Colombia SH PRING CLOTL.NG CLOTHING! CLOTHING! 'CLOTHING • ' CLOTHING CHEAPER THAN•EVERI reutalonns, Vests, Shirts, Drawers, New Styles, New Goods at low rates. - - - - U. S. CLOTHING EMPORIUM! Front Street, first Store above Walnut Street, COLUMBIA, PA. The Largest, Best Assorted, Handsomest and Cheapest Stock of CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, ac., ever exhibited in these r . egions, which will be sold at prices TO DEFY ALL COMPETITION! [nest 2,'67. FALL CAMPAIGN OPENED!!! GRAND RALLY ! In the present crisis the people are coming from the Lest, West, North and South, to buy their Clothing of ,V ELLS & ItATIIFON, who keep the largest and best assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING in the City of Lancaster. 150 Overcoats, from 55.00 to VI) 300 Cassimere Sack Coats. 4.00 to II 3 , k1 " Pants 2.50 to 7 300 .. Vests 1.50 to 4 100 " Business Suits 10.00 to 20 50 Boys' Overcoats 5.00 to 8 Also, a full line of Boys' and Youths' Clothing. We keep the largest and finest assortment of Cloths, Casshneres and Vestings, of the newest and best styles in the market, which we are prepared to make up to order in the best style. Goods retailed by the yard as low as can he pur chased anywhere. Persons can have goods cut and trimmed if prefer making them at home. We keep a hill line of GENTLEMEN'S FUR NISHING GOODS such as Under-Clothing, Sus penders, Gloves, Hosiery, Linen and Paper Col lars, Neck Ties, in great variety, Cc. MYERS ItATII FON, Southeast Corner of Center Square, roc t3-w] Lancaster, Pa. IT IS A. FACT Capable of ocular demonstration, that the prices of Cloths, Cahstmeres, Ready-Made Clothing and Furnishing Goods, are less than one-half what they wore during the war, at the Merchant Tailoring establishment of S. S. RATEEVON, Corner North Queen and Orange Streets, opposite Shobcr's Hotel, Lancaster, Pa. flits Is the oldest establishment in this lino of trade in Lancaster county, and is selling, at this time, fine Moscow, Esmaimaux, and common Beaver Overcoats from $l5 to $2O; Common Union Beavers from $lO to $l5; Common Union Beaver Business Suits from $l2 to $l5; Good CDs- Simere Suits from $l6 to $2O, and tine qualities from 02,5 to $3O. A few suits on hand as low as $lO. Cloths, Cassimeres and Trimmings as low as they can be obtained anywhere else, and sold by the yard to those who may wish to have them made at home, or elsewhere. Overcoats, Dress Coats and Business Suits made to order with dispatch, and in the best and most fashionable manner, as the customer may desire. All kinds of cutting and repairing done nt reasonable prices. An entire new stock got up for the Fail and 'Winter trade of IStiS and 1569, and manufactured in the city of Lancaster. It would be to the interest of the public to call and realize that •'IT Is A PACT." S. S. BATIIVON, 0c131'66,:tiw.) Merchant Tailor and Clothier. UPHOLSTERING, IThENNSYLV.iINLA. ELASTIC SPODE COMPANY 1111 CIIESTNIPT STREET, .PHILADELPHIA. ELASTIC SPONGE, A SUBSTITUTE FOR • -• Curled Hair FOR •14.1.1. UPHOLST-E-R•Y PURPOSES., •• • Cheaper than ,Feathers Or Rain awl far Superior. • The Lightest, Softest and most Elastic and Durable material known for . MATTRESSES, r_ii•Lows, „CAR, CARRIAGE ' - AND CIIAIR OUSII/ONS. It. is entirely indestructible, perfectly clean - and free from dust. , IT'DOES NOVTACIC. AT ALL:. • Is alWays free from insect life perfectly, :healthy, and for the sick is unequalled... , '.., If soiled in any way, can be renovated quicker and caster than any other Mattress. Special attention glyan, to PORNISITINIE CIIUROIIrs, BALLS, S,C.' („Itailrond aten E aro ,esPschilly Invited x„- to e... amine two'. • " ••• • •••• •• ••••••, ~ • ;CUSHION' SPONGE: „ ,SATISFACTION OIIARAItTEED. . 74 ' -Tho l Trado Supplied.. , I[lllo/STERING! The'an'ilersigried'has takeit , roonts adjoining the residence of,,,Trunes Barber, in Walnutstreet, where - he is at all times prepared td do all kinds of worit'irt his - 11ne,anch as Hanging, Curtains, ;cutting, making mad laying. Carpets, repairing Sofas and 'Chairs, making Spring, Corn-huslc or -Hair Mattrasses, Cuskions, eke. liar. 10, W.] SAWW...I;CARTEB, INSURALYCE U.I S. COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO. ' ' - • JANUARY Ist, 1868. CAPITAL AND ASSETS, - - - $600,527 9] This Company continues to Insure Buildings Merchandise, and other property, against loss and damage by fire, on•the , mutual -plan, either fora cash premium, or prentium note. • EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT. • Whole am rant insured, $12,4;9,125 S 3 Less am't xpired in 'CC, 704771 84 511,735,053 19 CAPITAL AND INCOME. Amount of premium notes, •Jan. 1, ll4le 508.1,12.2 27 Lens premium s notes oxp'd in 1305 71,903 04 ii 013,160 23 Balance of premiums, Jail' y 1, PAO 6,609 15 Cash receipts, less commissions, in '6O, 57,016 16 Loans ' 9,400 00 Due from agents and others 6,601 56 121:12123 Losses and expenses paid. in 18GO $73,02.5 31 Losses adjusted, not due Jan. 1, 'O7, .21,300 118 Balance Capital and Assets, Jan. 1, '67, 600,527 td. • $01,85010 A. S. GREEN, President. G nowt% Yout , m, Jr., Secretary. MienAur. S. SuumAls", Treasurer. DIRECTORS : R. T. Ryan, Sohn W. Steaex, John Feud rich, George Young, J r., 11. 0. Minich, Nicholas INPDonald, Samuel F. Eberloiu, .William Patton. Amos S. C men, John B. Bachman, Hiram Wilson, Robert Crane. rrn WASHINGTON LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY. No. 55 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. • CHAMBERS at. SON, GENERAL AGENTS, Nos. SOS S. 811 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. CAPITAT 6 1:11,000 The Capital and accumulations now amount to over ONE MILLION DOLLARS. • The WASHINGTON has always advocated and practiced the CASH_ SYSTEM, believing it to be for the INTEREST of the Insured. Its policies contain a provision for the non forfeiture of all Life and Endowment Insurance Policies. This Company has not been surpaAd by any other in liberality and prortiptituMP*ln the settlement of Claims. CYRUS CURTIS, PEENIDT:INT. MATIIEW MITCHELL, Vion PETSIDENT. W. A. BREWER, Secretary :nut Actuary. .1. W. BRUNER, Agent. mar2S-oml No. 215 Walnut St., Columbia, Pa. j rj . _IBARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. Capital t"00,000 I Securities This Company continues to take risks on good property, at rates as low as any other safe Com pany. and consistent with prudence. Mr lung it short terms, or pu nts:wilily. Losses promptly paid. All claims adjusted without litigation or delay. This Camn pauyreferstothepastaasageit an tee of i ts future conduct. - . THOS. CHAVE:si, Pres't A. S. Gliz-nrr, Vice-President. JAS. B. ALYOII.I3, Secretary. F. X. '2,IEGLEIt, Agent, Walnut Street, above Front, Columbia, Pa January 25, Is6e-Jy. ruIARMERS' MUTUAL "FIRE INSUR ANcE co - mrANy, Yom=, PA. Insures on tho Cadh, Mutual or Perpetual Rates KaaisEn, President. D. STRICKLER, Secretary. M. S. SILUMAN, Agent. duly 7, ISG7-.lyf , Colombia, l'as LANCASTER CITY AND COUNTY Fire Insurance Company. CAPITAL, :3200,000. HON. T. E. FRANKLIN; PaEstnENT. GEO. K. REED, Tm.:AstrnEn. EDWARD DROWN, SECRE , ..A.IIX. Director.:—llon. A. E. Roberts B. F. Shenk, J. S. Atlee. M. D., Stank Si: rode?: IL Carpenter, D., J. M. Fiantz, Jacob linesmen, John C. Hager. The above Home Company having appointed Mr. John W. Bruner as their Agent fin- Colum bia. and District, will be happy to effect insur ance on desirable Properties, at a.; low rate, as any other Reliable Company. PERPETUAL POLICIES a1.,0 written on favorable Terms. Apply JeGtf]WHIN W. BRUNER, Agent. TNSURANCE COINIPANY of NORTE AME.E.ICA. PILILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1711. .As,els, 51,3. - 400. Charter perpetual.. Insurance against loss or thu nage by fire on Buldings, Merchandize, Furnitnre, for long or short periods, or permanently on Buildings, by:: depi,sit of Premium. The prompt payment of loses fur a period 01 SEVENTY years; all'ordr, a guarantee of claim upon public. confi dence. Airrnun G. Col•FIN, Prcs't. CnAnr.r.s Pr..vrr, Sec'. F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Walnut Street, above,Frout, Columbia, Pa. January 21, 180-Iy. S YOUR. LIFE INSURED ? • • - Before determining in what Company to In sure, eNamine carefully what class of men con stlLutc: the hoard of Directors; alsb what Com pany offers the most liberal terms. THE HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO invites a rigid examination of its comparative :idvartiages. Available Cash Assets, $1,910,000. All Policies non-lorfeiting. Dit. P. HINKLE, Medical Examiner. JOSEPH SNLIFFIIN,;S:lyi Agentfor Lancaster Connt3 WATCHES, J_EIVELRY, Sw. T A ATE t ST EXCITEMENT SHREINER'S, No. ]3 NORTH FRO:N.7T St, COLUMBIA., Pa AMERICAN WATCHES ! ! 11012 NE WATCII CO., WM. P. S. BAnTracrr, APPLEToN, TRACY /5.: CO., WALTUAM WATCH CO., The Latest American Watch. NATIONAL WATCH COMPANY, Six Different Brands, in Gold or Silver Cases. ENGLISH & SWISS WATCHES ! Selling Very Low, Llways the Largest Stock FINE JEWELRY ! Latest Styles Elegant Assortment! All Guaranteed to be n.s represented, and a Lowest Pislws. SILVER ,5,-; SILVER-PLATED WARE, A. Stock .IFot, Excelled to the Country, And at Lowest Cash Prices, call and be con vinced that we have the Largest Variety 1-ND LOWEST PRICM, Clocks! Clocks! Our Stock cannot be beat, selling at Reduced Rates, and WARRANTED- We have also the SETH !THOMAS CLOCKS ! The Best American Clocks made. DIFFICULT REPAIRING. We invite mucial attention to our facilities for Repairing. We have the services of a first: class Swiss Wcirkman, with new tools and machinery, r.nd are prepared to do work of the most clini c:l, :t kind, without sending to the cities, 7tEltl:r..lßEn THAT AT You ran have 21.1VERICAN, ENGLIsTI AND SWISS IVATCIIES, JEWELRY", Ce., repaired in the moat superior inattner by ANICrICaII anti It'en krnen, and the Ilbrk Warranted. Don't Forget, the place: :SHREINER'S NEW STORE, :No. 13 :North Erf - nit, street, ISA AC N. ST e...‘..t.1 WATCHMAKER, AND JEWELER, No. LIS Nonrit 2n Srnp:nr, coir_N - en or QUARRY BIE=MEIE! An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Waro sultahle for Holiday Presents! constant ly on hand, Aro- nuriai ring of Watches and Jewelry pnim ly attended to; [nov3o '67-Iy. T , : W. CLAR K & CO., B _A_ NT R S ; No. :35 S. Third Street, Philadelphia, =1 EIMEEDEI NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO MEM UNITED STATES OF AM L.:RICA. MUNE STATE'S OF PENNSYLVANIA AND BOUTII - NEW JERSEY. The NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE .CON PANY is 11. corportalen Chartered by Special Act of Congress, approved July CASH CAPITAL Or ONE MILLION,DOLLAII.F3 4u , ulls now thoroughly , and - prepared' Zurbu9lnea4. 't toimsoirered.lo .A.gentS andAolicitor; , wlm unninvited;to aplAy. at, our, office. ' " -•,,- 41 - a '• Fall to ,be lutd.on application. at, our , olece. located in the second ; story of our Banking douse, .where Circulars an,l" Pamph lets, fully describing the advantages 'offered by the Company. may be bad. " E. W. cr..Aux: No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STICRET, Philadelphia, Pa MCEVOY CO., Lancaster City, Agent for Lancaster county. [auglaVelyil&w. 5a , 42 yEs, ILARDTVARE, &c. -RUMPLE & 'SON; TY • _„ _DEALERS IN FOREIGN - &DOMESTIC , IIARDWARE. An extensive assortment:of% lioaso furnishing hardware, also for airpenters' and ';builders' use, always on • •_ IR. O;,Ni:4-.A;..N.1D T. - ,E Biacksriaths; -woe 'raiikerii,"and others, furn ished with allkin sof Iron, Nails, Horse Shoes, Coach Trimmings,and'othergoods in their line. WOOD AND WILLOW.WARE, In great variety, such as Tubs, BasketsKWash Boards, Brooms, Washing Machines, &c., &e. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Plows, Shovels, Hoes, Plow Castings,-Scythes, Forks, Bakes, mid all other Implements used by the farmer.' - STOVES AND TIN WARE. Stoves of every style and pattern, Cook, Parlor and Oillee Stoves, for coal or. wood. A large as sortment of Tin AVare always kept on hand, or manufheturecLto order.. „ ' Oil, Paints, SLO. Coal Oil, Linseed, Fish, Sperm and Machine Otis of all kinds. Alcohol„Bengine, Japan, and other Varnish, Glass Paints, Putty, White Lead, ,te. ung.lo, 'o3.] LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA. 094,530 10 A. C. V..I.NN'S House Furnishing Store, NO. 11 NORTH QUEI4IN.ST., LA7 , .:CASTErt, PA ICE CI EA FREEZERS, 'WATER COOLERS, REF RIG ERATORS. TIN AND COPPER WANE, 'WOODEN WANE, DRITTANIA WARE ? BIRD CAGES, STEP LADDERS, BROOMS J.: BRUSHES KNIVES A ism vonKs •TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, COFFEk COAL OIL CHANDELIERS, for Ly ceu In s, COAL 01 LAMPS, BRACKETS, PUMPS, 111 - 1)12A CIA C RAMS, WATER PIPES, Cc., tt:e. very tine assortment or 110 USE FURN IS lIINU (100 DS, of all klutls nt A. C. FLINN'S House Furnb,hlng Store, No. 11 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW ! JUST PURCHASED, AT REDUCED PIHMS, a splendid Ass.ortmout of new and de slrablit HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS COOKING STOVES—Anti.-Dast Quaker City, and the _Niagara. BRITANNIA. WARE, in Sets or separate, to suit purchasers. CHAMBER WARE, CUTLERY OF ALL HINDS. WATER COOLERS, of all sizes and styles Special attention paid. to GAS FITTING and PLUMBING. A huge aiisortinent of sok:land' CHANDELIERS always on lanai. A Variety of MUD CAGES, gut all prices. Agent for the Celebrated DOT Y'S CLOTHES WAS HEIL. The most popular, best and elteapest 'Washing Machine ever invented. In connection with the above Washing Ma chine, he has the UNIVERSAL - CLOTHES WRINGER! Call at the corner of Second and Locust streeti: , and satisfy yourself that you can get better bar gains there than at any other establishment. HIRAM. WILSON, nr Co of Second and Locust Ste. Columbia, a. April 20, 161,7-Iy. DRY GOODS. BOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP ! GOODS WELL BOUGHT ARE. HALF SOLD, The finest and best lot of goods over brought to Columbia, ha 3 just boon received at the " Cheap Store " S. MeTAGUE, ffi Where the Public aro cordially Invited to call and examine the Goods and Prices. The greater part of the goods were bought before the late advance in cotton, and consequently can he sold much cheaper than present Wholesale Prices. The Stock is now full and complete, comprising the different grades of goods, viz: MOHAMS, VALENCIAS, POPLINS, WOOL DELAINS of all Colors, A fine lot of Spring Styles of SUMMER DE LAINES, besides MUSLINS, CALICOES, TICE INGS, DENIMS, FURNITURE and SHIRTING CHECKS, TABLE DIAPER, GINGIIAMS and LINSEYS. - - - An .elegant selection of Spring and Summer BALMORALS at the lowest prices. Bargains Ix SILKS. Also. all widths of Sheetings and Pillow Cases- Iduslins of the Best Makes. A perfectly new line of CLOTHS, CASSI- Murt., saTTINETS TRENTON PLAIDS, JEANS, Ladles' Cloaking Cloths, and Ready made Coats, latest Fashions. The Subscriber is just entering into the BOOT and SHOE business, and being determined to keep none but the best Goods in this line, and sell at less than usual prices, respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. , P. S. McTAGUE, No. 125 Locust St., Columbia, Pa mar'B-tf] TIE COMING CONFLICT ! e give greater inducements to Agents than any other house lu the trade. Ladles and Gout's get up Clubs in our great ONE DOLLAR SALE OF DltY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, SILVER WARE, PLATED WARE, &C., &C Thousands can testify as to the superior qual ity and the large remuneration received for sell ing our goods. We will present to any person, (free of erpensc,) sending us a club, goods worth ;, , 3 to $3OO, or will pay cash if necessary. All goods sold at an uniform price of ONE DOLT Alt for each article. - - We have made special arrangements with the celebrated ORIENTAL TEA COMPANY, to sup ply their standard Teas and Coffees, at their best prices. Agents wanted everywhere. Descriptive Cir culars will be sent free, on application. CIIAS. LETTs a: CO., Mantra' Agents, JeGS-tlill 64 &66 Federal Street, Boston, Mass SE IV/NG MACHINES.' SEWING MACHINES ! There is 110 necessity for " Swinging uroutal the Circle" of Sewing Machines In search of a 00013 ONE, when one Is offered t4.> you combining in itself all the GOOD QUALI TIES claimed for any In the Market, and damtal of all the defecto and clap-trap Arturo, told attach ments used to make Machines sell. We offer for sale the GR 0 VE'R & BAKER FAMILY MACIIINE, Making the Elastic Stitch ,ohichxrill not rip or brrn6 by knew+, and for proof of its excellence, refer to those having them in use. ea-We have at all times a COMPETENTPER SON In attendance—not to picture imaginary perfections, nor to describe with voluble imper tinence the defects of other machines, in order to hide anything in those we sell, but to show what can he done with ours. Wo have also the best LOCK STITCH 111ANUFACTURING MACHINE, Ever offered to the public, and only ask an ex amination of thorn to substantiate our assertions. Also, SECOND-HAND MACHINES, In good running order, of the following makes, which we will sell at A7101.1T ILVI.I , lie Orlytned. WILCOX 4: GIBBS, WiIEELER & WILSON'S AND HOWE'S. • W. G. CASE k. SON, Agents, at Rolling Mill Store ti, renn'at. N. 13.—The above Machines are also to be had of F. X. Ziegler, the Mrtner Agent, at theAdntuv Express Oglee,ln Walnut street ; thove Front. J uno 8.'07-tf 1 . . V 01JR LIKENESS. ' • • -hi- • R. S. M. LITTLE Still continues to take PHOTOGRAPHS, FERROTYPES, AMBROTYPES Pit OTO.M !MATURES, GEM PIOTURES, Atli's old stand, on Locust Street, above Front, COLUMBIA, PA. Alr. LITTLE has had an experience of several years at this business, and his pictures are equal to the best that can be had in any city, and owing to Lis splendid sky-light, and good instruments, far superior to those generally taken in the coun try. If you wish a good and correct picture, you, may depend upon getting it at Little s. His Pic-. tures are great favorites with those who haw>. obtained them. Prices as low as the lowest. 7 - s-Don't forget the place—Locust Street, above. Vront, Columbia, Pa. (mar. 30, IPA,7. tl H. GROVESTEEN, • Founder of the old and .favorably known house of Grevesteen ,17. Co. •GROVESTEEN, FULLER & CO., MATE REMOVED TO THEIR W AREROO , , 55 Mercer Street, New York. . S. •• Fhe great Increase in, the demand for our Piano- Tortes throughout the 'country,' have compelled ' us"' to extend' , on r , Manufaeturing , facilities to three 2 titneh their former,size, and haying added ninny newlmprcivemeritsitl 111Unirfacturing, we shall 'continue , to • keep our prices the tsame as they, always have been, the lowest of any First- Class Plane-Forte maker by atleast oneLthird, and we • respectfully solicit by parties 'about purchasing to a comparison with all" other makers, ~,fmay2'6S-ly ALBERT STEELE,i SLATER. - All kinds otPlain and Ornamental Slat' n attended to with promptness and despatch. Re pairing done, &c. Residence, No. 214 South sth Fitz eet, Columbia, Pa. - je2o-tfd