Clje Cgtudia Columbia, Pa. • Saturday, November 21, 1868. Advertisements, to secure immediate in sertion, must be handed in on or before Thur sday evening, each week, THE 'UNIFORM AIANIA..—It iS now proposed to uniform teachers. CHRISTMAS toys are being disrlaved in the show windows. THE Fairplay base ball club, of this place, defeated the Washington club, of Washington, this county, Saturday after nooit last. SCARCE.—LocaI items, money, rich prin ters, young ladies that don't want to be married, ugly babies, good appartments, houses for rent, etc. Up.—The arched entrance to our new Cemetery, Mount Bethel, is up—also the sexton's cottage, both or which make neat appearances. STVLE.—Messrs. Sprenger & Weidler, brewers, Walnut street, have placed a beau tiful gas lamp, with name of firm thereon, in front of their establishment. To RE RAFFLED FOIL—The " nivers" will raillo off, provided stillicient signers can be procured for the " paper," their old gallery engine. Take a chance, everybody. LAYING WATER Pivi —We notice workmen are engaged in laying water and gas pipes on the extended portion or wal nut street, for the accommodation of par ties who have built houses thereon. ESCAPE.—Geo. 13. and Lio3d Istifilin were in a boat on the river, it Friday last, in search of ducks. By some mishap 'the boat upset, when the latter narrowly escaped drowning. Iv THE MINES.—We paid a flying Visit to Grobb's ore mine a fow daps ago, and find that it is being profitably worked Iron is Pennsylvania's gold, and a source of great wealth to her people. YEARTSO ,COMPLETION.—The new German Lutheran Church, situated on the extended portion of Locust street, is rapidly nearing completion, and when finished will favorably compare with any similar build ing in the borough. OFFICERS ELECTED.—T he SpOr ti tig llill Literary Society, of this county, met recently and elected the following officers for the ensuing tern:—President, S. G. Sammy; Secretary, Miss Sue Erisinan ; Treasurer, T. H. Hershey. DIPTIIERTA. —Common table salt is re commended as a certain cure tar diptheria. The throat should be gargled frequently, say about every five or ten minutes, and the interior of the throat should be sprink led with a little fine salt every ten or fifteen minutes, when relief will certainly follow. NEW FIRE ENGINE.—The new steam Fire Engine, second-class, being built for the "Vigilant" Company of this place, by Messrs. Clapp 4; Jones, of New York, will be shipped on Tuesday next, and will ar rive here on Wednesday or Thursday fol lowing. • Just iN SEASON.—At 'Haldeman's massive store, they are always in season and reason. They advertise liberally, and do a liberal business. We direct. 'att.mtion to their advertisement in another column. One cannot hill to be gratified with their stock and prices. SHOOTIttO ACCIDENT.—On Tuesday evening last, in this place, John .Skeen, Esq., one or the Surveyors on the Pentisyl- Railroad, accidently discharg, , d his pistol while in his room, the contents pas,- ing through his hand inflicting a severe wound. Drs. Devlin and Murphey were called to dress the wound, Ind we are pleased to know that an early recoi•ery is promised. ' METEuItIC SimwEß.—On Friday night oflast week, many of our citizens were up to see the annual shower. They were not disappointed either, for between t wet ve and four ti clock the heavens went with shooting stars. Last night many were also on watch, and to a certain degree were satisfied with the grandeur of the seine. These •• showers" were not so great as many had been led to su pposo, nor did they compare with former similar oc (visions, " NELSON DIVAN.—The outgrowth of Democratic paper itt York, in the shape ofa negro man, (IS years of age,) who our - savers to the above name, visited us yes terday in search of work. The individUal was anything else than prepossessing in ap pearance, and claimed to ho an engineer, or in other words, he has done the dirty work around a dirty Democratic office of York, at a dirty price, for a dirty period. Ile was certainly of" Africa 'scent," and altogether a delectable scion. HUFFY—A lady reader who has taken on the ravishing curve of the Grecian l3end sends us word that she and other ladies have become incensed at us for making fun of that unsymmetrical crook ; or, in plain words we have been attending to that which is none of our linsinesi, and they've "got their backs up about it." If that is so. dear, deluded females, don't you see you have been slandering a friend and helper, for don't you see that the more you get your backs up the better it is fofthe S-ness of your Grecian Bend? A NEW RAILROAD TO MANIIELIL— The Lebanon and Pinegrove Railroad. is progressing rapidly. II is expected to be completed in the Spring. The distance is twenty-two miles from Pinegrove to Leb anon—and it is also proposed to run it to Manheim, this county, a distance of twenty miles, where it will connect with the Read ing and Columbia Railroad.. This will give the western end of the coal region great facilities for supplying coal to the iron works at Lebanon and throughout tho whole section of that country, at lower rates than it can be supplied by other MEE DUTISS OF SCIIO.OL DI RECTORS.—From the last number of the Pennsylvania School Journal we clip the following sensible ad vice on the importance of directors visiting the schools: "The duty of visiting the schools is con sidered ono of the most important duties that directors have to discharge in the ad ministration of the system. The law makes the duty imperative, and no person should nceept the office of school director unless he is willing to perform it. Wizen well done, its effect is always to make tho schools more efficient. It stimulates the pupils in their studies. It enables directors to as -- certain tlie , exact condition Or. the schools, school-houses and school grounds. On the . - whole, so highs valUe does the Depariment 1 - setiuponflie local supervision of the schools that it always dud the schools of districts. which .are regularly and system— atically visited by boards of directors.. according to the provisions of the law, other things equal, fifty per cent. better than those of districts iu which the,schools are entirely neglected in this respect, and this estimate is made from personal obser vation made in hundreds o districts." REI3IJUDING.—Mr. F. S. Bletz who lost his planing mill recently by tire; is re building a similar establishment. REV. THOMAS - M. CRAWFORD Will preach next Sabbatli morning and evening in the Presbyterian church. THE REV. CHARLES P. WHITECAR of Philadelphia. will preach in the E. 13. Lutheran Church, on Sunday next, at the usual hours. SEVERELY fluar.—One of tie repair men, on the Pennsylvania rail road, name unknown, whilo working near the depot of this place, yesterday, by some mishap, drove a " pick" through his foot. MORAVIAN SYNOD.—At a meeting of the Moravian Synod of Pennsylvania, held at Bethlehem, on Wednesday last, Rev. David Bigler, of this county, was elected President, and Rev. W. IL Rice, of York, Secretary. MATCH GAME.—The Fairplay Base Ball Club of this place, will play the Key stone Club, of Reading, at that city, on Thursday next, Thanksgiving day. An excursion train will leave here at S o'clock, A. M. Tickets $2. UNCLAIMED LE•rTERS.—List of letters remaining unclaimed, in the Columbia Post Office, up to this date. Persons call ing for these letters will please mention that they are advertised in the SUY : Ladies' List.—Mrs. Kate Kauffman, Sa ndi Kauffman, Martha Goble, Mary F. Albright. Gentlemen's List —Benjamin Waller, Ja cob Lehman, James Jaones, 11. Hartman, John Hein, J. C. Gilt, Charles Graur, F. Pralegh, (2), J. 11. Elliot, William Frame, C. C. Dash, Stephens it Davis, henry Blu menthal, J. Backer. THE FESTIVITIES OF WINTEIL—Whi le the cold dismal days of winter are regarded as precursors of misery—which, in feet, they aro to a great extent—they bring with them many pleasures, such as balls, portico, sociables, fairs and hops. A large number of these are in prospective, and the season will no doubt be one of unusual en joyment. These festivities rob winter of much of its disagrceablenes. Permit• us to add in cunneetion with this sultiect, that we ore prepared to p: int ball tickets, pro grammes, executed in the most artistic! Style. A FAm for the benefit of the Cohun bin Classical Institute will ho held in Oda Fellows' commencing on Thursdny evening, December 10, and continuing three days. The friends of the Institute, and of education in general, are earnestly requested to contribute, in any way convenient, to this worthy object, a u nt to assist in malting it entirely sucecssfnl. The proceeds of the fair wiil be devoted to tho purchase Of apparatus, nmps, &c. ; for the Institute. The next meeting of the ladies will be held at Mr. \Vin. Patton's, on Fri day evening, the 27th inst., to which a gen eral invitation is extended. DEDICATION.—P rovidence permitting, the now edifice at Bainbridge will he dedi • cited to the worship of God on next Sab bath, Nov. 22. Preaching on the occasion by distinguished clergymen, at 10 A. M., and at 2 and 7P. M. Music by the choir, assisted by the Marietta M. E. Choir. Rev. S. 11. C. Smith will preach in the morning, at 10 o'clock, and will remain with us throughout the day, aided by Revs. Allen John, E. J. Gray, Joseph R. Taylor Gray, G. M. Clawges, Jacob Engle and Bev. Mr. Hoover. Dedicatory services, which are sublime and bountiful. No ono should fail to be present—all are cordially and earnestly invited. Joseph Gregg, Pastor. To CAMPAIGN SGIISGRIBERS.—The Weekly Spy of to-day, is the last number due campaign subscribers. We hope that all those who have journeyed with us dur ing the excitements of the past campaign, will not now desert us, but cling to the SPY, and become regular subscribers. We shall aim to sitaacci thn "SPY" a necessity in every, household, and ask only a continuance of the encouragement and patronage that has heretofore been extended. We shall feel sorry to erase any name from our "book of remembrance," but to all such campaign subscribers its fail to renew their su ()scrip lion during the vowing week, we to-day make tine polite farewell. Tut: COLUMBIA. 13RIDG E.—The britlce over• the Susquehanna at Columbia has now reached York county shore, and it is be lived that it will be so far completed by the first of .Jan nary as to open for travel. We learn from the York :Frac. Democrat that increased railroad I:willies will be ailia•ticd the public, by the Laincaster Accommoda tion train, which leaves Philadelphia at 4 o'clock. p. nt.. running directly through to York instead of stopping at Columbia, as it now does at Sp. ut. The Rattle train will leave York early the next morning for the through route 1,, Puiladelphia, thus affording the business uten or York the opportunity or beoviog i10111.(3 ea•ly'in Ithe morning, attending to tie-dr business until 4 o'clock, and returning the sant;! evening. YuUK COUNTY ITEMs.—We take the following from the York Pcpublieau: Mr. Jacob Menges, a respected citizen of North limb - mum township, near Spring Forge, in this county. died on the lOth inst., in his seventy-third year. Tim de ceased was a gentleman of the strictest probity and Imnor, and his death is deeply lamented by his friends and neighbor:4. Ho was the eldest of a family of thirteen brothers and sisters, and what is remarka ble is the fact that eleven of these now sur vive him, all of whom were present at his luneraL Several attempts have been made in dif ferent sections of the town to burn stables. Some of these attempts were made in broad day-light, showing that the incendiaries me growing bold. On Tuesday of last week Lorentz Mixner, of this place, shot and killed a large sized red lbx about two miles from town, in He:- lam township. I. 0. OF 0. F.—Our readers will re member that it was decided at the last annual session of the Grand Lodge of the Order of Odd Fellows to celebrate, on the 26th of April next, the fiftieth anniversary of the introduction of the Order into the United States, in an imposing manner, for which purpose a committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements. The city of Philadelphia was selected as the favored city in which the celebration should be held. The programme, as informally given at this time, provides for an oration to be delivered by the vet. lut Grand Sec retary of the Grand Lodge of the United States, James L. Itidgeley, who has occu pied that position for over a quarter of a eentury, and was, during the life time of Thomas \Vildey, the founder of the Order in this country, his most• intimate friend and adviser. Two odes are to be written expressly for time occasion, which will be set to popular and attractive airs. The in door ceremonies will take place at the Academy of Music, while a large and im posing procession, comprising the entire brotherhood in the city of Philadelphia, many of the surrounding counties, besides entire lodges and deputations front many of the States, will take place in public. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMEN T.—Ben jamin MLA'ler, in a card published in the Lanraster, (Pa.,) Express, noticing an imi tation of Misitter's Herb Ritter., made by his son, Henry L. Mishler, says : there fore, publicly declare that Henry L. Mish ler does not know anything of the method of manufacturing Mishler's Herb Bitter; that the preparation wade by hint is a base counterfeit imitation, and that when Henry L. Mlslder, or his agents, represent their mixture to be Mishler's Herb Bitters, they are IMPOSTERS, and I trust that Dr. S. B. Hartman &.Co., (my successors,) will pros ecute them, assuring the community that no effort shall be spared on my part to bring the offenders to justice." Observe that the Bottle offered for sale bears Stockers Patent Graduated Scale of Doses, blown in the glass, and has an Internal Revenue Stamp, with engraved likeness of Benjamin Mishler over the cork. mono other is gen uine. nov.7-2tw Rather Hard of Erearing—A-.Capi tat Joke. 'z r , . , MESSRS. EmTorts :—An individual living not a thousand miles from the Susquehan- . na, in Lancaster county, was recently drawn as juror, much against his interest and wishes. How to keep from serving was a question in his mind, when a young lawyer, of the some town, (a particular friend,) said that for a fee of $5, he would secure his release. This was agreed to, and the young lawyer told the juror to ap pear deaf when, called to Court, and fail to hear anything said to him unless spoken in thunder tones. This, thought ,the lawyer, would be an easy way of inking a small fee, and prove highly satisfactory to all parties. When the time for Court had ar rived, the lawyer, with Mr. —, were on hand, when the following was the drift of the game: Lawyer to Judge—" Sir, your honor, I beg leave to oiler an excuse for Mr. as he is incapacitated to act as juror, from the fact that he cannot hear the evidence of witnesses." . • .Tudgo to Juror—" You cannot hoar the evidence?" Mr. to Lawyer —"What did he say ?" Lawyer—(ln thunder tones,) "Ile asks if you can hear the evidence !" Mr. "Three hundred dollars did you say Judge—“ The gentleman is excused on account of deafness." At this stage of the affair both the lawyer and Mr. felt highly elated at their suc cess, and a few hours afterward took the cars for home. They had gone but a short distance, when the lawyer nudged Mr. end said : "You might as well fork over that 'little consideration' now, as any other time." Mr. replied, no littki to the astonish ment of the lawyer: "How?" Lawyer—(More definitely and louder,) "That tive dollars !" Mr. "What did you say?" Lawyer—"Oh, coma now, you know!" Mr. "Lager, did you say?" Lawyer—"No ! money, d—n it !" Mr. —"Ali ' yes, beers for two." Lawyer—" Devilish deaf, all at once ! I want that fee of five dollars for securing your release!" Mr.—" What, you don't tell rue ; anoth er supper on B—ies." Exlt lawyer, blocked at Isis own game. Yours truly, Sr ECTATOR. Purtmc SAT:E.-11'c direct attention to the sale of a valuable brick house and lot on Union street, this place, by 11. H. Heise, agent for .Mrs. Hannah Heise, to take place on the ?St Ii inst., at the Franklin Houk, :it 7 o'clock F. M. Loss op A rPETITE AND DEBI L I TT.-- of all the tonic preparations now in mar ket, we know or none equal •to Speer's "Standard Wino Bitters" for those who suf fer either front over mental or physical ex ertion, resulting in loss of appetite, and con- SCNlllea t debility. Sold by Druggists. No MEDIcINE ever appeared with stronger vouchers for its general and sub stantial excellence than tho Peruvian Syrup. Invalids, especially those suffer ing !rem dyspepsia or debility, should send to .T. P. Dinsmore, :it; Dey street, New York, for a pamphlet (sent free), concern ing this remarkable remedy. li ItEAT Rusu.—The cool weather of the last few days liar caused a general rush of those in search of clothing boots, shoes, 'cc., at I. 0. Bruner's, Front' street. He sells so very cheap, that everybody flocks at his store, and we have yet to bear of a customer who failed to buy a great bargain at his counter. Whenever you are in town, country reader, give hint a call. A TIANDsO3IE Joll.—For a handsome job of graining, fancy lettering on glass, &c., Ave would :Ask our readers to notice the new dry goods store front of A. Ilalde man AS:: Co., No. 2GB Locust street, executed by our fellow-townsman, Don Juan \Val- Logs, who has established for himself among the citizens of Columbia a reputation of being master of his business. Don is a good fellow, as well as workman, and rich y deserves the success he is meeting with. ORE LuAsE.---Iron merchants take notice, that it. 11. lleise has taken out of the ore bank on his farm near Silver Spring, adjoining C. B. Grubb's, Smith.(. Ce's, and Silver Spring oro bank, with a single wash er and the use of horse power, during the past five months, hundreds of tons 01 the best Itemotite Ore. He has opened a breast of from twenty to twenty-live feet of wash mfd lump ore, and now offers to lease his valuable are bank, on account of laboring under the inconvenience of securing an en git to and double washer. Terms reasona ble. Apply at once. A BUSY Man is a locomotive, and life a track- I:very-night he, drives into "the house," and stops - . tired up anew, and away be goes switching oil in ono direction and then in another. In this routine of business lie forgets that the physical organization is the most deli cate kind. It a hard iron locomotive needs constant cure, and to be well oiled up and rubbed off every day, how much more ne cessary is it that all men Ittul women should use Plantation Bitters, which are the 71e plus ultra of every thing which is necessary to keep the system in a perfect tone of health. Magnolia Water,—Superior to the best imported German Cologne, and sold at half the price, REMOVAL.—J. J Mc'rogue's Clothing Emporium has been removed to J osf ,ph H. Black's Old Hotel. Seeing that the peo ple. of Columbia and vicinity appreciate a first-class cutter, he has been compet ed to told another, Hr. Nathaniel Dyer, on account of having more than one could do. He has also tried to get the very best of ‘corkinen, and'is now ready to make up clothing at the very shortest notice, and in such a way as to please all. Thankful for past patronage, he extends an invitation to all to call at No. 193 and 195 Front street, and see the choice lot of black cloths and cassimercs, 6-4 coating, oyercoating and fancy eassimeres. All work must ho as re presented—a good lit or no .cafe. .T..T. Ta gue,dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, No. 193 and 195 North Front street, Columbia, Pa. THERA , . are some people who seem to think it iiimost a sin to dress well. Such people we suppose if they had had the world to make would have made the beau tiful sky black, rather than blno, and the bright flowers grey end brown, instead of red and purple. They make a sad mistake, and the mis take is the inure harmful because they who make it are often among the very best of Our people, and are betrayed in this ex treme, by it laudable desire, to avoid what is merely show and vainglory. But there is a world wide difference be tween being dressed like a fop or a dandy 111111 being well dressed. Our idea of this matter i- about met hi the clothes we have seen from Wanamaker ,t-. Brown's. Dress ed in one of their suits you attract no atten tion, either by tieing overdressed or out landishly clothed ; you simply give people the impression of a well dressed mutt. NEWSPAPER DECISIONS.—The follow ing legal decisions in relation to news papers, from the highest authorities, we wish every Postmaster, and every sub scriber to a newspaper throughout the country, would take the trouble to read carefully: I. A.postmaster is required to give notice by letter (returning the paper does not answer the law,) when a subscriber does not take his paper from the Where; and state the reason for its not being: taken, and a neglect to do so makes the postmaster responsible to the publisher for the payment. 2. Any person who takes a paper regularly froth. the Post 011iec—whether directed to his name or another—or whether lie has subscribed or not is responsible for the payment. 3. If a person orders his paper tube stopped, he must pay all arrearages or the publisher may continue to send it until . ayment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it is taken from the Mike or not. 4. If a sit bserriber enters his paper Lobe stopped at a certain tine, and the publisher continues to send It, the subscriber is bound to pay for It If In, takes it out of the Post Otlice. The law pro ceeds on the ground that a man must pay for What he uses. f. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals from the Post Unice, or removing and leaving them uncalled for. Is mats FACIa evidence of Intentional fraud. PoIsoNOUS HAIR Dyes.—The country is overrun with poisonous preparations called "dyes." "restorers," and "colorers and the public press are cautioning their readers against the use of them. Among the great many already in the market, we are pleased to state that " Hart's is Trump." Hart's Hair Restorer and Scalp Renovator is manufaetured in Lancaster city, and is slot only free from all poisonous minerals, but has cured several persons who were badly poisoned by the use of other prepara tions. We are acquainted with both mem bers of the firm, and can safely sanction all they claim in their circular. 'We are also acquainted with nearly every gentleman of the many who use it and recommend it to others:' Messrs. John Hart & Co. publish the best authenticated certificates we ever saw in print--Voicecof Truth. Hart's is the best Restorer in the world. As a Dressing it is without nn equal—snak ing the hair soft, smooth and glossy. It removes dandruff, arrests fulling out of the hair, turns light hair dark, and grey'hair to its original color. Cures all diseases of the head—dry and running Totter, &e. Sold by J. A. Meyers, druggist, Odd Fellows' Hall, Columbia. [novl4-ltd&w Philadelphia Cattie Market. Tor.snAir, Nov. 17.-Tho Cattle Market was moderately active this week:, but prices were unchanged. About 2,900 head arrived, and sold at B®9c. for extra Pennsylvania and Western steers; 707 Xe. for fair to good do.; and 501 c. per pound gross, for common, as to quality. The following are the particlars of the sales: heed. 62, Allen Smith, Western, 7;1.@9, gr. 135, A. Christy & Bro., West.ern, 7341a)93.4, gr. 33, Dangler & SlcCleese, Chester co., .501 - ki gr. 06, P. MeFillen, Chester, Co., 7®B, gr. 121, P. Hathaway Chester, Co., 7®8 , /.. gr. 142, Jas. S. Kirk, Chester county, 7(.43 1 , gr. 35,.13. McFillem Chester, Co., 734@5%, gr. 85, James Manlier', NVestern, .S®,9, gr. 50, E. S. Mennen, - Western, t@9, gr. 199, Ullman & Bachman, Western, 75.18%, gr. 171, Martin Fuller & Co., Western, 6M49, gr. 135, Mooney d• Smith Western 6.lg.ef, gr. OS, Thos. Mooney Bro., Virginia, 007 X, gr. SO, IL Chain Western Pennsylvania, WO, gr. 63, John Smith & Bro., Western, 6®.S, gr. 72, L. Frank, Western, 607%, gr. 100, Frank t Schomberg, Virginia, 6@74, gr. 85, Hope & Co., Western, 6®8%, gr. 37, Blum & Co., Virginia, WS, gr. 317, D. Baldwin, Chester county. 6%800, gr. , J. Clemson, Missouri, 63107%, gr. D. Branson, Chester Co., 6' 8. 40, James Anil, Western, 6®l7x, gr. 79, Chandler & Alexander, hes, co., ms, gr. 45, A Kemble, Chester county, 0@74, gr. • IS, L Horn, Delaware, 6%.41, 9, gr. 18, Jesse Miller, Chester "Co.. o®B%. 75, Elcon & Co., Virginia, WO, gr. 36, S, Frank. Ohio, 708, gr. 35, John Y. Latta, Chester Co.. 8%6 8 , gT 51 Sehlomridge S:Kelly, 'Western, 6%® . 8, gr. Cows were unchanged-200 head sold at $40565 for springers, and $45543 per head for Cow and Calf. Sheep were higher— 0,000 head sold at 4@i7c. per lb. gross, as to condition. Hogs were in fair demand at an advance-1,000 head sold at the different yards at 812@i2.50 per 100 lbs. net, and a few extra at 512.75. Varria,ges. tu,, On the 12th inst., JAMES Bumirrr, of Canton, Ohio, to 1.12,21 E MYEILS, of the same place, and formerly of East Donegal township, Lancaster county. On the 11th inst., in Trinity Lutheran Church, by Rev. Dr. Greenwald, GEORGE B. IiELLEIt to IsLutotn VoNnEns:urrrt, both of Lancaster city. pea#l29. On the 12th inst., In Mountvllle, ANNA, wife of D. W. "Witmer, aged 59 years, 10 months and 12 days. On the same day, at Philadelphia, SAMUEL. F. .Aeon, late of Lancaster county, aged 19 years. On the Ord ult., at I,llllport, NVarwiel: town ship, SAmelm Fa x% aged 50 years, 8 months and 11 tinys. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. QALESMEN WANTED.—Two men )0 of experience and ability and undoubted reference can obtain permanent situations at JIALDEMANS' STORE, novl7-lad.C:ltu% .112 and 114 Locust street. TNTANTED.—A Lad of 15 to 17years, @ y very quick anti correct at figfliCS, as assistant cashier. Apply at once at IIALDEMANS' STORE, novl7-Iwd<w, 112 and it I Locust street. MUSIC LESSONS. tandersi g dea would respectfully Inform the citizens Of Columbia and vicinity,. that she has lately arrived front Rome, New York, mid is prel area to give lessons in Music to all who may desire her services. Miss 11.1.RTITA. lIEISCHMAN, N 0.131 South Fourth Street, nov2l-ltditw Columbia, Pa. Dlt. 11. C. I‘IcCORAIICK, No. 37 WEST ICING STREET, LANCASTER, PA (Late Dr. D. McCormick%) Treats private diseases successfully with his new remedies. Also weakness from indiscretions of youth. either male or female. The medicine is pleas ant to the taste and smell. No change of diet. Patien to not wishing to present themselves can have medicine sent to their address by describ ing disease in their letters. Strict secrecy ob served in all cases. nov2l-ltd.tlimw. F==l Ou Saturday Evening, Dec. sth, 1868, Will be sold at Public Sale, at the Franklin House, (kept by Martin Erwin) in Columbia. the following described valuable property, being the property known as FAIRVIEW FARM, ad joining the Borough of Columbia on the South- East, and lands of Gosslerit Green, F. S. Bletz, M. M. Strickler and others, and now in the occu pancy of Henry E. Wolfe. TRAur NO. I, • Containing about V. Acres, is all that part of the farm lying West of 9th street, (extended,) of the Borough of Columbia, and North of the public road running through the farm. The Improve ments are a Double Two Story Brick DWEL LING lIOUSE, and a one story Brick Kitchen, Frame }tam, Pig Sty, Smoke House, Corn Crib, and other out-buildings. Cistern at the door; a well and pump in the yard; running water through this ta act. This is a very desirable property for raising vegetables for the market, the soil being well adaptecrto that purpose. TRACT No. 2, Containing 7% Acres, lying North of publlcroad tar}, (extended). , TRACT No. 3, Containing about 11?,!,.' Acres, bounded by 10th and Manor Streets, (extendetl). IMEMEIX! Containg about 7i4 Acres, lying North of Manor Street, (extended,) and adjoining lands of Goss ler & Green, F. S. Dietz and M. Id. Strickler. A plot of theabove property may be seen at Erwin's Franklin house, Locust street, Colum bia, Pa. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by C. S. KAUFFMAN, for novl9-tsd&w . l JANE M. S. KAUFFMAN. RI C II A RDS' CONFECTIONERY! NO. 15 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA, PA CAKES, CANDIES, FRUITS AND CREAMS, of the choicest kind kept constantly on hand, r;- - Iftintilics supplied with Ice Cream in Churns or Moulds, at Short Notice and neason hble Macs, LADIES' OYSTER SALOON I take pleasure in announcing to. my numer ous friends that I have:opened an OYSTER SA LOON for the special accommodation of La dle,. None but. the best. oysters will be used. Families and parties supplied at short notice. lteinember the place-151 Locust street. Je/3-6.1-tti ALLEN I:ICIL'iItIYS. pi:STATE OF CHARLES C ',ARK Lite of the Borough of Columbia, dee'd. Lotter of administration on said estate hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims or de mands against the same will present them for settlement to the undersigned, residing in Rapho township, Lancaster county, Pa. novi-titv.l srEPHEN GRISINGER. ESTATE OF REUBEN M U MASON, Late of Columbia, Penn'a, deceased. Letters of administration de boas ;lore, C. T. A., on said estate having been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted thereto, are request ed to make immediate settlement, and those having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement to the undersignot TuomAs A. SCOTT, Philadelphia, Or to his Attorney GEO, F. novi Ham] Lancaster. W HERE TO INVEST MONEY The following summary of a Policy recently paid to the widow of a Lancaster county citizen, by t lie M UT UAL LIFE INS LIKANCE COMPANY OF NEW YOLK% must convince the Working Man that there exists no easier way of provid ing for his family, and the Rich Man that no where else can he invest money to so good ad vantage as by the purchase of (the best and safest estate In the world,) a Policy in the" Mu tual Life," SUMMARY: Policy No. 21,409, Issued September 9tlt, IW, to Geo. Til le. Columbia, Pa., for 51000, quarterly payment of 8.609. Matured August, IS6S. Amount paid to family $1, Total cost in 8 years with Interest com- Polinded at 6 per cent 248.96 Clear gain of 4 1,006.63 Mr. Title's proportion of the protits of the Company antountlmt to 56.6:1 more than the cost of the Polley. No other Company In the world can :show such on example as this. EDW. BItOWN, Agont. Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. CARD - - C01.173[11/A. Oct. 24th, PM. TIIIS IS TO CERTIFY that I iltWO thin day received front the Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of New York, per Mr. Brown, the Lancas ter county Agent, the sum of $1,... 0 55.59, in full, for a. Policy of $1590, with the dividend additions, on the life of my Into husband, George Tille. nov7-4;wl - C. C. TILLE. G REAT HAT EMPORIUM. LATEST STYLES! SPLENDID GOODS! OUR OWN MANUFACTURE! We respectfully announce that we have opened our new Styles of DRESS HATS FOIL FALL AND WINTER. They are beautifully proportioned, and of superior material and tin tall. They are the Best Dress dint out. Novelties in the way of SOFT AND STIFF FELT ILVTS. tm_cait at our establishment when you visit a. e city. JONES, TEMPLE ON. CO., novs-0.9.-tfdsw '4 South 9th St., Philadelphia. QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. For doing= family washing in the beet and cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal to any In the world. Has all the strength of old rosin soap with the mild and lathering qualities of genuine Castile. Try this splendid Soap. Sold b i t• the ALDF,N CHEMICAL WORKS. CS Nora Front Street Philadelphia. [septTOS:lydetW DRY GOODS, dc. pPOATANT TO THE PUBLIC WE WILL OFFER ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY. NOYEAMER IStb, AN DINIENSE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, =I Greater Reduction IN PRICES, Than has ever boon made In this country We will sell these goods at LOWER PRICES THAN EVER OFFERED IN COLUMBIA OUR FUR DEPARTMENT Is now fully supplied with the best assortment of LADIES' RICH FURS Ever exhibited, ranging in price FROM $5 TO $lOO THE SET HALDEMAN'S STORE. Nos. 112 at 114 LOCUST STIMET nos 19d] NEW GOODS! JUST RECEIVED! EMI HATS, BOOTS, I have now ready for tho FALL AND WINTER TRADE, a large stock for inspection, consisting of HATS AND CAPS, MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOES; best makee, and at prices to suit every one LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS I pay especial attention as to style and quality NONE BUT TUE BEST MAKES! QUALITY GUARANTEED!! HOOP SKlRTS—Newest Style, For Ladies, Misses and Children, at the lowest prices. HOSIERY tl NOTION DEPARTMENT. There will be found a largo stock to select from. Best English Hose, bleached and unbleached, at low prices. Best $l. Corsets, Dress and Coat Trimmings, New Style Buttons for ladies' coats. REMEMBER THE CASH STORE ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. AMOS R. HOUGENDOELER, oet,3l:tf.J Corner Third 6 Cherry Ste! irI AD AD[ES' FANCY FURS ! AT JOHN FAREIRA'S Old Established FUR Manufactory, NO. 718 ARCH STREET, above 7th, PHILADELPHIA. Have now in Store of my own Importation and Manufacture, one of the Largest and most beautiful aeleettons of FANCY FURS, for Ladles' and Children's Wear, in tho City. Also, a fine assortment of Gents' Fur Gloves and Collars. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very reasonable prices, and I would therefore solicit a cad from my friends of Lancaster county and vicinity. az- Remo mb r the Name; Number and Street JOHN FAREIRA. No. 713 Arch St., ab. ith, South side, Phllad'a. have no Partner, nor Connection with any other Store in Philadelphia. [oot:3-My CLOTITS, ASSIM ERES, VESTINGS AND it I)IT 11 ADE CILOTIEIN HAGER & BROTHERS Have I2OIV opened the largest I.tock of the above goods ever offered In Lancaster. Chinchilla Beaver, Esqui mat= Beaver, Moscow Beaver ovEnc O_A:1" I NG- S, =! FINE FRENCH COATINGS, BEAVER DOESKIN COATINGS, SILK MIXED COATINGS, BLACK, BROWN and DAHLIA. CASSIMERES, all New Styles. Boys' Wear, in great variety, KOME-MA DE SA.TINETTS, KENTUCKY JE.,' I.NS, VELVET CORDS, 6:e., ac., READY-MADE CLOTHING, ro xr:s AND BOYS, Of our own manufauture.nnd warranted in quill- WE=IM= 111J6.1 . ' It:.SS SUITS, MI FINE DRESS - - - -130 - SUITS. OVERCOATS front the thirst E.'squimaux Beaver to ordinary goods. ort3Mi.] iLiarm.t. BROTHERS. F ALL AND WINTER. DRY GOODS! II A G E It L BROTHERS, LANCASTER? PA., Ilavo now open n stock of Fall and 'Winter Goods, all of which have been purchased for cash. and wilt be sold at the Lowest Prices. FLANNELS, Bleached and Unbleached, Canton Flannels, Wood Shaker Flannels, Ballard Vale Flannels, Red, Yellow and Blue, mixed, plain and twilled Flannels, Fano . Skirting Flannels and Sack ing Flannels. ROCKDALE BLANKETS, GRAY AND WOOL BLANKETS, ALL QUALITIES. DRESS GOODS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN, In all the new ntatertals and styles. LPUINS CELEBRATED MOURNING GOODS In Bombazine:l, Tiuncese, Rarrlts. Expreui Pop- Itngs, Poplin Alnpaca.v, 31olialrs, Sc. BLACK. TIIIBET LONGS SQUARE SHAWLS, all qualities. CLOAKS AND CLOAKINGS, S II A W L S, DROCHA LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS open and (Wed centres. PLAIN and FANCY SQUARE SITAWLS 'e Invite an examination of the above, to gether with a general stock of Dry Goode,Car pets, Wall Paper, Queensware, HAGER at BROTHERS. TViLYTED. 4 - GENTS WANTED FOR “11EN OF OUR DAY:" 4-GENTS men who govern our country, make its laws, have tought its battles, charmed us with their eloquence, founded our colleges, control our railroads, immuthetorles, and our finances —one attractive volume, full of vivid interest, life-like illustrations and characteristic anecdote —6sq. r well-tilled pages-12 flue steel portraits, and - the lives of over fifty men. Price low_to suit the times. The cheapest as well the most interesting book published within live years. Sales immense. Everybody wants to know the life history of these men. Send for Circular to ZEIGLER, SicCURDY ..1.; oct24-tfj Philadel phis, CO.Ai. BOOK AGENTS Are meeting with rare success in selling Silt S. W. BAKER'S Explorations and Adven tures among the NILE TRIBUTARII of ABYSSINIA to which is now added an account of the Captivity and Release of English Subjects, and the career of the late ESIPEROR THEO DORE. No book is received among all classes of people with 'firth unbounded favor, or so fully combines thrilling Interest with solid In struction. Agents, male and female, sell it rapidly, An admirable record of scientific explora tion, geographical discovery, and personal ad venture.—N. Y. Tribune. "It is Issued in a very attractive form, and is as entertaining as a romance."—Baston Journal. Full particulars on application to 0. D. CASE Co., Publishers, Hartford. Conn. roctlO-Rw PIasOOKLIKEEPING. The Commercial Department of Columbia sical Institute. is now open. The Branches taught are, Book-Reeping by single and double Entry—as applicable to Wholesale and Retail, and Commission Business, Partnerbhip, COM pany Speculations, dm.. Sze. Also„ Penmanship, and Commercial Arithme tic. Each Student will receive separate in structions—which will be thorough and prac tical. The Classes meet on MONDAY and TEAMS DAY EVENINGS, at 7 o'clock. For Terms, 4te.,apply to the Principal. REV. IL S. ALEN_ANDER. October Si, 1868:1xu. WHY • SUFFER, FROM ACHES OR PAINS? ___...... "SAYRE'S INSTANT PAIN CtJIIE," rpm: BEST REMEDY IN EXIsTENC7E FOD L THE CUILE.OP ItIIEUMATIS3I NEU- IL RALGLA, TOOTHA C 31E, IIE rA. 'I lE, ACHE, SCALDS, BUEINS, FEOST RITP.S, tut& all other ACUTE PAINS. It Is applied externally, with a. small camel's hair brash, (one øC which accompanies earl) bot tle.) It Is pleasant, entirely harmless, and does not In the least soil orliatin the skin. ITS - AM: LASTING. One application will in 14,8 than fire 'Wiliam convince the moat eheplieni its truly wonderful CnALLEscr TI/F: WORLD To PRoDuw: TI'S . _ EQUAL. No f¢niity once acquainted it iUr it✓ virtues will be without it. See what. J. - A. Dudley says •of the limn of Dudley & Stafford, one of the largest wholesale drug establishments In this country: No. G 9 lIMIKMAN Sr., New York,l January 501,1808. - R. MISIILER & Co., Reading, Pa.—Dear Sirs:— It aftbrds me pleasure to speak of the wonderful effects of your " Pain Cure", in my own case. In June last I was attacked with Neuralgia In my andom en and side. After sudering intensely for nearly two weeks, I was induced to try your remedy, and after an application, to my utter surprise, I was relieved In a few seconds. So sudden was the relief, that I could scarcely be lieve my own senses. From my knowledge of the preparation, I firmly believe that it wilt stop pain from nearly every cause, and almost in stztn tly- Respectfully, yours. J. A. DUDLEY. Price Fifty Cents. For Sale by all Druggists. E. MISJ - ILER Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, 407 mid 409 PENX STngwr, feb. 8, '6B-ly.) READING, PA. ATT D. BLENSING HE, VY • DRUGS, MEDICINES, SHOES, &c ASSO ENT or PAT T d[El ;I t' I NES Physicians' Prescription:: Compounded with No.:151 Loen.t Street. (Slieniierger's Columbia Vet-mi._ A YE.II.'S Hair Vigor, FOR TIIE REsoYATrox OF TITE I I AIR TI I E (.111WAT DESI I)1•;lL 'IUJI OF 'I.IIE AGE: A dressing which it once azrerahle, healthy and effectual for pl rncrt nig the hair. Fair:,, Oil Gl:Ar lIAIit 19 SOON To I Is 01:1- Cobol: AND II I: No yOUTII. 'lain to is llttt'lct•ftt s l. killing hair Is checked• and baldness often, though net al ways, cured by its use. Nothing can lostore the lour where at.• Oesiro:.od, t c I fle glands atrophied and tICCILVVII. drat 511..11m ri rosin can tic saved fur usetulness li tins ain't i cation. Instead of Mffiing the hair will, a patsy sediment, iticill ket pit clean and vlicirous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair loom nu cl ing gray or falling off and consetinently prevent, baldness. Preg /tutu tho,e delete...tits stir,- stances which make ..nnu• t!.liigi•t -oth and inittrion. t ii the lade, the Victiceii it only' benefit but. not Ititrin it. 1I n•onted ant rt'y tar tt 11 A. lit . 1) it E ;-1 INII , nothing Moe van he ;mind desirable. Con taining neither nil nor 0, it clot', !mime! o•lute cambric, and yet laoto longer Inl the hail, LON ill!„.;" it 11, I jell gills.Sy 11.1,410111)(i II grateliti petit:me. Prepared by ltii. J. C. AYEIt Bract ical and A.nalytieal Chem lois, Lownr.t., °et:31'68:1:011w] I'ItICESI 00 MIS CELE AXE 0 US. - INSTRUCTIONS * [N 1\ [USW COLCIIMA, Sept cipher Ist, ISiki. -" %'ho undersigned would respectfully inlorm the citizens of U.lninala and vicinity. Unit he Is prepared to give lessons in music to all who may desire Ids services. - - Ito has, at his residence, a first-c last, Piano, upon which, Pupils trout the country, and those in town who have no lie.trtintents, can hate their lessons, and abto pracl ice. W. IL DOMINI , septl2:tf No. XlO Locust St., Columbia. {)OL.T.LALETA GEORGE BOGLE, raornm - roit. The highest Cash prices paid tor all kinds of Grain. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR for hale; also Mill Feed of nll kinds. 'Wheat Ground and Packed to order. Grist work and Chopping done. Chopped Corn and Oats. corn Meal and GRAHAM FLOUR For sale at all times, and delivered to any part if the town. , ,-.6 : 2,.T0ym. :fad counti y custom so icited. • tA prii 6, 1867. N EW AND VALUABLE IN V ENTION S .A. S PATENTED SEPTEMBER 1, 1,:4',L; LACEY Fc BARTLE ri For Sale by 110 G E N I'o G LE II SK El 7: N Tills Loel: does awtty with all objections lieret lore raised against Locks, :Ind its superiority over all others consists to t lie Ibl lowing reasons: Ist—lt holds the sash up square at the met t nig rail, so the opposite cu:•u,•t will not sag t Itel eby preventing an opening at the top of the WilidOW, or at, the meeting mil. 2d—lt holds the window• at any ilestreil bight, and locks the sash at, tile salute tune, SO Ittot IL ellnllot be forced Open frolil the oil red.'s 2d—There is no cutting so as to dist:gun , the sash, frame, or easing. nor lidetion that will cause It to get out at order; and Itot lilac to iWe- Vent. Its lasting 9th' It IS ass Fitn pie• its the old Mslitomsl ,:not• button', and MU lie operated - with as Much ease. You have the use lit hots hands in as ;sing por n • sash, which is operand with the smile freedom us those hung u ith t•ords and weights, the 5,,11- es operating entirely independent cit.:m.ll other 11th—Not more than one window lit tteenty is fitted with cords, pulleys, 0111 weights. nor ism they be, without being expressly at ranged with expensive box-Mantes, making t rr t extiense for the convenience Mont Si per ielnaoV.". Sash Lock gives ail the convenience tit a Notlern "Window at it mere tract ion of the abut cost, and can he used in all windows. It is endorsed IQ, - the he.d, itrelliterts, ettri,ett ters, and builders as Iring Ihe best :Sash I.uc•k ever brought to their mince. We have made arrangements w•ttlr the well known lirm of 'ME:Ch.:EN 1 DUE & 1,On:- end Hardware .Nianinacturers, West Meriden, Can neCtieUt, to lii.:llllftlettlre :oat keep in store a fed supply or the,-.4. Lochs antlTrini is rt sullicient guarmittee that the goisis will lar promptly furnished to etedomids on instsonable TVrill, and in order. Those Nvlalting a good thing will find it to I heir interest to call and examine its Will king and give their orders, us they can he seetired only through us or our 1111 t Agent , -Price of Locks ....=l.OO tier dozen, uu4 1.1 pm, to Os, aec•orclitig to the Trimming ~ For further information cats on iIutiENTOGLE,It Volum, GRAY'S FE.IIIIY PRINTING INRI WORKS Gray's Ferry Itoad and Thirty-Third Street.;, Iphia, Penna. C. E. EOBINSOY, Mannfileturer of BLACK AND COLOI;L:D 1.1:INTIN(: AND LITUOGRAPHIC INKS, VAI.NI.-.111.5. 6e i,eOG-:;n1 G REAT AItRIVAI. W GOODS! FANCY GROCERIES, CANNED FRUITS, PICKLES, DRIED FRUITS, PRUNES, RAISINS, &e., WILLOW and CEDARWARE, GLASS and QUEENSWARI2. The subscriber asks the attention of persons who wish to supply their larder with, the good things of this life to the new and elegant stock. of goals JUST RECEIVED en Groceries—the very beg:, and at reduced price:4. Superior Coffees, Sugars, Teas, Syrups, &c.Spices. Fine Brooms, Fancy Itaglcets, CALL AYI) SEE MY srucK oct3l . 6S:lkldllw.] riONFECTIO:s.ZERY AND FRUIT OF 'kJ ALL KINDS IN SEASON. , Parties and Families supplied with ICE ORE ~y the Freezer, or in Moulds.with prompt ne,s at GEO. S. Adjoining' the Franklin House, Locust street, P. S.—Also, a tine assortment of TOYS and Fancy'Artlcles, constantly on hand. • • T 4 0 T S ! LOTS OF LOTS! BUILDING LOTS! Large' or Small, on Sixth street, or Seventh street, nod on Loeust street, and Walnut street, Those fronting on Locust and Walnut streets 196 feet deep to a 11 feet wide nlley. febB'6S-t fj .ipply" to J. MIFFLIN All J)I.CAL. =9 PERFUMERY, FANCY AI IT 'IJES, cke MEM Great: Care THE EMPI LOCI`, , TritsEn. 142 Locu,l Silva FOIL SALE. yA 13LE 'PAM AYI) MILL PROPERTY PRIVATE SALE The subscriber being about to remove from the neighborhood, would offer Ids FARM and FLOUItING MILL at PHIvATEsALE. , The property Is located In West. Herm - AMR"! township. Lancaster county, 111 0110 Of the rich est agricultural districts In the State; out, mile and-a-half Irom The Mill is in good order, and Is kept running constantly on customer work. It has two run of French burrs, with all the necessary Im proved mach 'Jiffy for doing merchant ned coun try work. /1 has lately been put in complete order. The Farm contains a little over one hundred acres, Is in a high state of cultivation, end pro duces abundant crops. It Is especially rujapted to the growing of cattle. The building+ are good and substantial, and the location admirable. rare opportunity is here offered for any one who wishee to Invest in property that will pay, or to purchase a good home in one of the best localities In the Btate. Persons wishing to view the property can call on the subscriber onthe premises, or make in quiries of Mr. Martin 'Erwin, Franklin Mouse, Columbia. MTh() terms of sale will be made reasonable. sep.s:tr.) THOMAS GROOM. - 'yOlt SALE oflor I he following, articles at FILIVATE SALE. i i?.: A new sign with "First _National Bank "In largr gilt lvt tors, which will,answer for any First National Bank. A first-class Ash Top Counter, suitable for Bank or for Bankers, and will answer for any other business thatrequire' a good Counter. One doubleand two single Writing Desks. Six WI ndow Sash with glass 12x16. One Wood en Mantle. Several six patina! Doors and three sets at double Doors, &e., &e. The above articles will beholdatone-half their original cost in cheap I Imes on account of the Bank not needing, them in their newly furnish ed room. Allpersons wishing to see the articles trill please call at Clio First National Bank of Columbia. The public please accept our thanks for past pat ronalre, anti we shall be happy to have them continue the Millie. tutu van assure them thnt )110 pains will be spared on our part to len der th,• fullest satisfaction. We shall lar very happy to have them all call and see us in our 111(AteiCd and furnished room. t.0pt..7gt1.1 S. S. DETWILER. VA I,I:ABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. tablersittned will oriel• at publo t•tle, at tho"Yranklin Ifouse," in Columbia, on DECEMBER •ITIL A ISM, T 7 O'CLOCK, I'. 'M., Lot of Innund, with a Three ,Story • MUCK DWELT - A:VG- nousE, with thick. Bank inu and other improvements thereon, situated on ;Ito soutibni , t stile of T.oensi Street, anti near Front street, in the Borough of Columbia. von t:old:az in nom on Loans! street teet,and emending' in depth 17.0 feet, more or less, to a II tom alley. Bounded on 111, not theAst by propel ty Nfrs. 0'0,11111.r, and on the southwest property 01%Mei.MiS. Snyder. Tois is a desir.o.le locatMli for a private rest delleo or Mime ut Meiiness. CHUILOTTE ITAI.I - A131,E STORF STAND AN I) I)\VELLINU AT PRiVATE SALE! The subscriber offer,, the More pt opeiT,- with Dwolling attached, situate on c•orli rul Third aim union ...treets, Columbia, Pit.. occupied by S. Co., at privates:lle. Term,. easy. Apply to 1. 0. IIi:USER. VALI 7 A 131,E PROPEWUY 'fats ,littSerther atTeta the hatte.Vill4 Vnltalhte loaf la the la/101.101 at Calla 10,14, rella:a, lii )n il:Ur ,a la[ I TACIT, No, I I t 7, OCUSI' S'TIZEET, AN 11 :,,TANI), No. 112, sinneete.l therewith, 110 W tlectlilled its a grocery taro, by iII , . 11. To:11er. This is one or the bk,l luminoss to,iilltieq In I to l e, h, lot is very . lare with of m 1,1 incl., Also the row of 111ICK ILOtTSES No-4. 8. 10, 12 and 1-I Union street, u ill be sold stnuly nr te,-;ell.eront 41,1,y 1011118. • i• • • Jurtl e •r inpn•nutlitol, apply to JONAst No, 111 I.oeust street, Collunbui. July 2-141, 130011. ri - u )1713i,k , sALE TESTA_TE! On Faturclay, November 2lst, IS6S, will he ,oht at public sale, at the FRANKLIN /D.Vall, ill ihu borough of Columbia, that V A L . 11 - A A 11 31 , sil nntod in the borough of Columbia and West ra;nship, containing about NINETY-TWO ACRES, with a two and a half story 13IIICtii. I)WELL - I).TC; 11013 SE, I ..11LC1 STON F, 11%11,N, WAGON SITED and CORN CRIB, and all the ne4:6;4:alry oat-hutidtrks - ot a , tarau IN ill; or.-hardsol choke FRUIT TREES, Thir, is the well-known property now and for many ;sears occupied by Daniel Pearl, lying to the No: inward of the Columbia and Lancaster turnpite, adjoining that load, and also ad joining the publie road leading front above turnp,l4e to the Cohunbla and Chestnut 11111 turnpike. About one third ol the tract lies with in the h o : Hugh Tile property is irell watered acid hati several first-rate I,IM ESTON E QUA lUll Es,opened and unopened . land is dna quality Limestone Land, highly (alit ivated :111(1 well fenced. 'lbis 1, a very valuable tract, for farming and grating purposes, anti the portion of it lying m !thin and innuedbitely adjoining the borough can lie at once laid out into 13UILIMICG for (Viotti! there is It e•entalemend. In fict,with in years the eidlie tract will be In demand tor lattld twit purposes. The Railroad passes ihrttualt the t a int, and on either stile are r•d•rale sacs I..l'llllMM:it:lode , . The I.*:ti lit Si ill be sold entire, or divided into sindlivr travp., n, suit otrelia.-eis. I Arens. ,lhoiriln.; the proposed v. 111 I.e exl.ilnied pre%tuns to and at, the stile. ,;Il e '.:111 . ,•101.1: M.Ol above 'when term...will be nettle known by SAMUEL WitßiliT, tor W alow and lien - . to John 1.. Wright. ;,,v1 v.lll lA' sold that. V.\ 1,;•. , , i,( oF GitotTND, v; ;;), 'l'\\'t 11\171:LIJIN(l, .Iluitlt,l On itit Il ul :tliey 1, ill tlu• liar. ugh of euhun -I,la. 'Ms het hew. 1::i wet on tiren:ei stretA,ttiol •.:71 !Let In depth oil alley I to 11 , W; elle•;. 'Pitt. I , OW 1 . ;:. , :t11:Iti011 of the tewit for a. priNttle i'6Nolt two, the loettot .101,thtlully sl• Petted. ...tat the Lot troll ttlatttutl \volt lat.-to .h•ele otel 111111 Ulollll'4', :Ire 1111 W Ot'Llltkli o by .1:1, E. Mlllllll. 1 . 01 . 1,1111 , apply PI SAMUEL IT, o,t •I,twl for Moir. of William Wro4ltl. SALE ill.l , Ellti AT PIZI- N ATE 1..110%111,Z property, 1.4 :Itcll 111 II 0,14 , W 1,••••11 , 4, A T.VO-: , ..1(1itY VI; V 2,11.: 111 )1.7:41: AND r.l a OF Gizi.UND ha% 1114 'l\V r ftonts, , m. , 1 , 1it14 ',el, and .llso un th, 1•11:11. 1111 11 , m tel 111111.11111% Will .1,4". J.:11 , 11.1110 ontho pr•.•uu•rs. ellAl.F.\ NT. coltuoloo, "CP. , . a?- I.l)it, who will giSe all the partivala , . uut g.-t 1- ORSE FOlt SALE, 1:1_ sploodul 111 trtsE is orrered for sato cliedp. Ent; ni 1 . 0 :At lII'S OniCe. lA-tfrlw rk - ol;Acco FOR SA LE _t_ ER; I ITY-ON XES ,Jr Splendid l'en•l- Nyi van in .1,(..11 TOILVA't ) t. otn-to,l tor ,alo at lea.onable by DAVI!) 11,\ is, 'a -4d i.) Front titrrrt, Odura Ia NEW 011 E CARTS Fo it SALJE. won, w 011 E cAlCis fur F.:6le. They nr, ot,l for wool of t ~. Apply to C. C. II IMES & 11110., w.] Pa. 1-10 It It E NT.— A Large and Co w-1 modiou, FRoNT ROOM, in complete onior, suitable for an ()Mee of any kind, in the mime now wimple.' by sam'l 11. Loekard, Wal nut stlcet,aleive Front, Columbia, Pa. Apply to 11. E. WOLFE. TOBACCO s; SEGABS. LOCUST STREET. ✓s JoRDAYs NEW TOBACCO AND SEGAR STORE. .1. A. Jordan would respectfully inform Ids friend, and the public generally, that he has operwd TOBACCO t SEGAR STORE 271 Locust Street, 11;rd door below• Third Street,) Colunzbla, Whero`he will keep all the 'callow+ Brands of TOBACCOS AND SEGARS in tin. Market. Also. all the various Brands at SMOKINI: To- BA et.7OS, TOI SACCO BOXES. PIPES, I'U EC I I I := 4 . and everything that is usually kept in a similar establishment. I.le hopes by strict at tent inn to busines , , 1111 d fair d.relmq, to bwrlt a share of pnbne pacrow:e. 479-CALL AROUND AND SEE "CAPTAIN 01' THE HORSE act7-tftij A.. JORDAN. MRS. G: M. BOOTIT. No. 1. - ,1 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA. Dealer in SECABS. TOBACCO, SNUFFS Pl L E ES. • To- Anil all art idea 11.;ttally kept In a Ilr ' t-cla's twice° and *.‘t.ntr Store. The public can rely on getting at our store eats! Goods Der the money as Can he obtained at Any .similare.tabllsbment in the State. I ilo not think ft neceß:ary to publ fsli my Prlees, zo. the Goods m ill tell for thembelveq. Nns. a. M. 1300TH, Loeubt Stret I Columbia, Pa., JO) ftl) Sign or the Punch. LADIES SHOE MANUFACTORY If:wing Increased my facilities for turning out superior work I would announce to any old castorners and all new Imes that may favor ale with it that I am better prepared now to manufacture all kinds of LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SnOES AND GAITERS; than ever before. I employ none but, the best, workmen and ant always certain of giving satis faction. I keep on hand a general assortment, of ready 11111 lie work all of which Is manufactured on the premises, I keep no made-up work of other parties. Nry work is made exclusively for home trade and Is FON TERMS CASH'. We sell as cheap as any other establishment, and t+l: a share of putt patronage. 1.A3 I N..; Sell I:OP:DIM, Locust Street, betweene Front and Second. FINE CUSTOM MADE - BOOTS AND SHOES All the LEADING STYLES nn hand or made to measure. Priers fixed at LOW FIG IMES. An Illustrated Price List with instructions for self measurement sent on receipt of Post 0111ce address. . . WM. P. BARTLETT. 33 South Sl:•.th St., above Chestnut tug Phtlfulelphia B OOTS AND SIIOIII-SI! BOOTS Informs the public that he is prepared to re ceive orders for work, and that his prices are reasonable. A splendid assortment of Ready -Made Work on hand. Repairing id ways atMndo.l In inn prompt and efficient Manner. ll1otr.311:E PLACE! •ipl -5 11,-,y, }To)]. I.; 31 AN UFAUT ( jjtE. Sub.. zitter has on hand :t Lag:: Stot.k. 01 Boots :Ind SLor., t„;:nixt•-., .dl of In, own . I%lnnu tact n ro. C:dl ut 11is motor.', f' u• door, e li. NV:lllar.ns' Drug Stotat, 'Front :-.4trect, Nt het che ‘1!11 , 1, Olt ex -1.-tn.t.te a.,ortnicut (:<,ottc., cilitt. 'WHOLESALE 01Z EETAir, )Ik sloe;: eonststs of %is Lime and general as sot intent ot Men'N Lathet,' an.l chtich BOOTS AND SHOES, at: eon be found ...he where in Übe Town. Thos retintring la fob, and r , noe , „ find It to their nav,totage 10 rail net ef:wotino iil.. Stock, before parch:l...nig cl>c•.t here. \lad• LM„-tfj SAMUEL GROVE. ST kTE:NIEIs;T SHOWING THE CON ditlAm of the FIIV‘T - NATI CoNA f. 11.1. N I: of Columbia, on Ili in.:rning 01 tln; of i)c•tobt•, 1;:lb, ,11,,,,,un let' - , •21,1'....'..t I l'rntestvd l'a p..-r •;:r;1,1 Band, der'd Im. en c• ion 13 ~. m..;0 11..., 1: , n1.1., on I lan. I I :,,. - ,1,(..1 01 her I.:Ln id:, on hand... ~.,•,.-,..., I Leg:ti TeptiorS Note- ot Nat p , nal 1; per vent. 0.11111:Ito: Yuatsl l • ar:eney C:1,11 nom:, I'iil\"_\TE I)Lu lrnm 11:1 .I:vvtalat , Vault Fix; art,.. paid ult. Capilal .......... ..... Olenlatimi Individual 1),1,0,11,.... l'rolll.. and 1,0,, lu, Fund Dividkub. HnhnEd 1)11c 10 1:0111:, indelitedne,s or I)lrecloi,_ Sworn to and sul,,crdyed octlo-31ill S. S. DETWIT.F.II, 01.0 tier. TNTEREST ON DEPOSITS. TILE COLUMBIA. NAM ;NA r. EA N 1: will receive money on depo,it,:ind ray interei,t lliere for, at the following rates, viz: .I.V. per cent, fit 12 mon Ch.. per cent. n.1.01)101:0,, 5 per rent. for 6 - month , . 4 1 4 per cent lOr 3 inont -3151 J S. Treasury - Note , : exchanged for new 5-20 Gold Bonds. TEST NATIONAL BANK OF CO LUMBIA. ntereNt will be paid by thi , ;lbutl: on Special De- 5 1 ,4 per cent. ftir 121 5 per cent. 6 months and under 12 montl per cent. for S and under 6 months. We make Collections on all Accessible Points the United States, on Liberal terms Discount Notes, Dralts and Bills of Exchange. Buy and sell GOLD, 2,11.NE8, and all DlNFrlilo , Anu xru Ytyr IES. phial, New York, lialthnorccPitTaanWiridi- Euglan4, Scotland, France, and all parts of Germany. 7-86 TREASURY NOTES. - . _ Holder , : of First, .I;:stic Seven-Thirties rill do well to cull and exchange them for the uew Five- Twenty Gold Bonds. and Ftve-Twenties deliv ered at onee. S. S. DETWILKIL, _Sprit fl, VA] URTERLY REPORT OF TILE lA conditton of The COLUMBIA NATIONAL Colon - 114m Pennqylvonta, (el the morn ing of the First MONDAY of October, . lI.EstDUICCE.S: Loans at.d di , couits n 0,579.10 U. S. Bonds deposited for s Circulation 11. S. el. Certificates,- Tender Notes Notes of Nat tonal of her " Fractional Currche Cmh Items including Ile- Nenue Stamp • I Me from Nat 103lai Banking :ma 1 , ,,1411 e ..... ••• i r , Carl C 111 C.:; it ft: Stencl: paid in.. Surplus Fund Di'.•ouuta Exfiva Profit :tn.l Loss.. ...... Duet" ocher Cl,•culat'il of I ion.l ....... . . 111,1p:ulna' Depo:itr,..... Ihvtl. I..;ilr.ktti 5'.1 , !.1 to and 4 ' l JYY L'Ef, ',ill( IT, CA 'hie.. CoLt — IRIA, 1,001,1 3, 8.%11.EY Larte Si.)s Chestnut St., Tr. their N all.l !.f.v4tlll,coll, \velliii ;Strouts I= JI: \1'11.1:1", I,V1:1: BAILY linve le:L.4rd their stock. :mil r r . her the ileum tacit:re of tint 111:y W ATCI I E.-;. RARE ( FINI nILYc.2. WA it E. They will pnrticularly Ft yr at tentl , ni to 1110 man❑ru•turo of 13111 DA 1, SILVER WSRE And to Inre"en , e Owl! . v:Illoty lelve t:t1“:: the Agency ,ir THE GORHAM. 31ANUFACCURING COMPANY'S STEAM:NG SOLI' gIINER wArEs. The Gorham Won , 7111, - NinY h elmowledgett to he of a ,upciler quality. tut :to any manufactured hi this ll a/J......1.11 . t. 1.!.. Al 121M!in EOM