.„,,, r . ~„..,,,,,..._.„..•_,,... CI ll' • . II Luz la , :. pl• ~,, 10014a000 'POOC.igar_4l*lis;#tp*l:gr,l ;.ColunabiA;;l:""aii H Saturday, - July 18,1868. ag - ALL advertising will be considered CA.SII. and coileetahlo, at' any time after. the _( _ t . t t•• 0 t Lituensiee County Polities. Every dayAiscloses,mprucand more the ; 'importance and. necessity, of our liouest: -Republicans taking an; active 'part jr(f.he selectionof .a: county ticket, :and' :voting' tinder - the-CraWford county system fon, the nomination .of 'men - who "Stand freecaticl • independent,7of 'all the political rings' and : cliques in Lancaster -nit:3'; headed by au; .association•of 0 - Mee-brokers; who' under-; take, - , for money,.. to. nominate any one . who will pay best ; Disgraceful . ; l aud Miliating"as it May be, it. t is .. nevertheles "trite; that systemoe.themost •,s'lnftdeful; •and:corrupt hifigain:ano; sale of- officeis in operation; aiming at the defeats :Pf the; 'people:in' tlitiir.'SelectiOn.of-candidates;to .enrich-the unprincipled. tricksters Van) arc' active in the besinets, : Sc barefaced are they about it,, they "dc,) . niit.deuy will laiagh - aetlinie 'Who rebuke them. It, is time, therefore, -that the : people of the rural 'districts should take the matter in hand, and determine upon a change: Not moment is to Abe lost. ' Parruers„ be up and doing; meet together and determine to have in office no political, trickster,• no man who Makes politics his trade, no one connected with the rings or cliques, no one -who rides about the .country falsify ing his neighbeis" and - candidates" but select such as you know arc honest, :and will faithfully representyou :in; Con: gross, the State legislature, or-discharge the,:duties Fff ... an office as he Onibt, Ito rlo- The politicians of Lancaster 'city are. the • curse of the-Republican party, and if it is ever broken down, it gill be done by the corrupt leaders now at work, who for years past have had the controt'e the machinery, by which they appointed, and dis appointed'Wbout they pleased, resort ing even to fraud, lying and cbcating, to carry their purposes, ~„4g4 „gter_wards laughing at these. who werc., dceCivefl, by them , „ We see in, Philadelphia a similar state of things, where Mr. ' Wm. means etriekerY,;bribe • r-Y aid 6°146141th] has kept himself, in office for many yeart, againstgs the wishes of the people. But thanks to their holiest indigthition, al though again,notninated, be is Mound to give his, oomivatiou,,aud surrender; for it Was,determined that, , sooner than submit - to - his corrupt management, .11cy ,wonl4•Cleet. the Efe - Wio er'alic andidate; ,-„„ who is ktiown , t6 he • holoest , map) , and this Will, ere.lCorg, • %l;e' - thir ease in this county, unless our party °can ho purged of the: unclean birds that befoul - it: •", • ,-, -=-More edoninnieal; remarkable.a.trainty a liyompt action, in fitetrevay'good goal -11-,y,is guaranteed for NITS. S. A. -ALLE*IS imprnv new — style) ,hair ' restorer or dressing, z one bottle.): Every•Druggist sells it. Price one dollar..? ' ju4-4t• I - RUMPLE & S_ON, • . "",., • - DEALERS IN - FOREIGN a; DOMESTIC., HARDWARE: An extensive assortment of house Surntshing hardware, also for eaxpenters' and builders' use, always on. hand. . IRON AND" STEEL. Blacksmiths, WilgOD makers rind others, hum ' ished with all lands of Iron, Nails, Horse Shoes, Coach Trimly.hm, and other goods in their line. WOOD AND IVILLOW WAItE; - In great variety, - such as Tubs, Pl•sitets, Wash Boards, Brooms, Washing Sdaclanes, cte., &c. .FAILIIING IMPLEMENTS. Plows, Shovels,' Hoes, Plow Cost Men, Scythes, Forks, Rakes; and all other Implements used by - STOYES - :AND - Stoves of every:style, and„pattern, Cook, Parlor and °dace Stoves, tor , coal or wood, A large as sortment of Tin Ware always kept on hand, or manufactured to order. Oil, Paints," &&' Coal 011, Linseed,:Flib; Sperm and Machine Oils of all kinds. Alcohol, Benzine, Japan, and other Varnish; Glass,palnts, Putty, White Lead, &c. maga!), Locrarr Sritrxr, COLIMB/A, PA.. T F. COTTRELL & - BRO. . • Dealers in - FOREIGN AND. DOMESTIC ' Hardware Bar Iron, Steel; Nails, Glass, Paints, Othi, Varnishes; Turpentine, _Benzine, fie. A. Large assortment of Parlor, Cook and °Mee Stoves always on baud; Tin Ware nuinufactur al to order at shortest notice. WOOD AND WILLOW—WARE, in large quantities and of every variety. Plows, Corn Shelters,' Feed Cutters, Shovels Jibes, Forks Rakes, Sa - Coarse and Flue Salt at lowest market prices. A large assortment of Double and Single, bar reled Guns, Powder Flasks, Game Bags and Shot Pouches. Rifle audßlastingPowder,shotand caps. um... Highest market prices paid for Clover and Ilmothy, and Flax. Seeds, large quantities •of which we have constantly on-hand and offer at the lowest - ;rates. Lubricating, Sperm and Fish Oils, suitable for machinery. A.Flne assortment of Coal 011 Lamps, Shades, Lanterns, 'and Lamp trimmings. -L. - , • We respectfully solicit a share - of Public patron age.- _ ,J. F. CO3TItELL ' W. P. cornIELL, Locust St., Columbia. PENNSYLVANIA . • . • ELASTIC SPONGE COMPANY, 1111 Cir*spruy prtmkpr,LkEt.TA.. ELASTIC, SPO,NGE, ' SUII§TIT UTE POE Curled - Hair • ton Ara; U2s - Irtit - STERM : -PURI)OSES Cheaper 'than.- Peeitlieri 'Or , -11ttir, and far .Tite - Lightest, Softeet and, most Elastic and Durable materiel ir.,1103C11 for - - • , risa.oiys, eau, ~.CatIIItIACIE AND` ctrsirxoNs: It is entirely' triderdnictiblo. - - perfectly- clean and t'reefronttent.,'. , l. , , - -; - IT DOT'S NOT 1 - 4.0. K. AT ALL, ,'' Is alaniti free frdm • insect ;is 'perfectli heathy, andlor the sick is unequalled. •;•., If soiled in - myway. can be renovated quicker and easier-than any other Mattress. Spectal attention given - to • -FTMNISICIN6 , :OII.IIRCHES, .11.ALLS;,&b.' "TtanrOad:inett ., arer - egpecially,lnvlted ,-1 - •CUSELIO3I;BPONGE: • ' , A4 . I§FACTION;6I - .Thli t IJel3-68-Iy. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW ! M=EMI JUST- PURCFLASED,,.:AT. REDUCED PRICES, a splendid •:/n!tsortznent. of now and de .llotrSE'' FUENlStriaer - GOODST"- COOraNG , pTovps . - - .4ati-Dust ,Quaker ' airy,a,arr . llut 'Niagara., BRITANNIA Sots or separate, to snit purchasers. -,ECIrAMBEW ' - - CUTLERY OF, ALLi.K.INDS. WATER COgLERS;of all sizes and styles Specie] attention - paid -te. GAS FITTING: and PLUALBLNG. A lame assortment of splendid. • lIELANDELAnAtS away.; on band. ,4 4:-Variety ot,BLEtD.CACiatall prices:- .41._ceSIET; the Celebrated DOTY'S bLtOMOM tpbwjir::The inostpopular. best ant&eheapt Washingmsebbie ever In connection' yrithithe above ' Washing Ma chine,_ _he has tbe 7%, UNDIERSArs rfigi,4,4WW*Ert; Col at the corner or freeoridOisktoemSt sires* sod volley yourself tharyouxuoi-getbetterbar gains.there, thrurat aux °tiler establishment. - - - • tHIR.A.EINVILSON, - .wilt.. of Beeosliid loesst =i - "PRY • GOODS.` SPRING. ' 1 8 6 8 . NEW STORE! CORNER. MT, AND CIIERILY STS., COLUMBIA, PA. Auollier lot, of Iktrzains opened. tlita Week. I 1 i!- - LA.DIES' 'MISSES' & 4 AS El. 0 rf q S • Ladies' SPRING GAITERS, New Style. (len S y ifiNgEt SLIPPERS. Ladles' SPRING SIIOE-'S. A large and well selected Stock of Shoes Of all ki n d s at Luau ., 1 . -. 1 " c „.. n. HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS OF ALL' - liIICDS. fIT BARGAIN. FitIGF. 4 3!! .CZo•Reineitilier the Place - Cor. of Third a:Cherry Streets, apIIITS-ly) AMOS It. 130IIGENDOBLER.1 AGJ , BROTHEB8( 4 , I - ARE SELLING GOOD -CALICOES AT 'l2i 'CEN'TS. A large Int of BLEACHED & UNBLEACHED & SHELLING VIUSLINS, put ellased before tke, recent advance. We arc tiun fieuineat Low-PnacEs. TABLE LINENS & TOWELINGS, BEDDING, FEATURES, &c.' • > The largest Stock of n , CHINA; GLASS . k 'WEENSWARE IN LANCASTER. WALL PILFERS! WALL PAPERS MAGER Sr, BROTHERS Arc now receiving SPRING STYLES for 18W. Our Stock will be found complete, and to com prise a great variety of new deals - on of Plain and Decorative P; tl~'ER' lIAI GT~T,Gw4! }lnc StampedGdlk Colory for Parlors, !'taps , Dinlne ,Rooms and Clambers. .A.I . so;DkCORATIVE PAPERS; in liaitiie, PreB - Oa Walnut, Rosewood, &c. The most complete assortment ever offered in LanMiSter, and will he sold at Jess than Phila delphia prices.. Cull and.examine.• • • 4GE.ltds BROTHERS. ' C LAL • S ENGLISH autussE.Ls, • . : -ENGLISH TAPESTRY, IMPERIAL, TIEREE-PLY, - ""TA.PES'TRY,' INGRAIN; EXTRA SUPERFINE 'INGRAIN, . TZREE-I',LY S PLAIN:VENE'rIAN, WOOL PATCH; COTTAGE, lIEMP' AND RAG CARPET, HARTFORD & LOWELL, and best Phila delphia makes. FLOOR ~-• fouiyard,s COCOA CAiNTON,MATIINGS, 1/00.11 MATS, &c. We now offer ayery fall"and complete Stock; and at very low prices. IiAGFR dr. BIWTHERS. WINDOW SHADES! WINDOW: •SHADES I TrAamt /21k0IITE0;11ILVO •114.riV iri Store a Choice Selection of ' ' r 0 W 'SH ADES, Io which they invite attention. ..Also, all widths bc_WHITh; Uri.' 'ANT, ,41tILDIN SkLit.l)Bllot, LASTS: " , [nteir.l4, -"• , . „ CALDWELL & FRY, E1051E.1.3.7Y G:LOV E S . .N ();TION S , • • ' , MARKET 'STREET, • ' P,MT4ADELP.EriA. I. C. CALDWELL. Wm. W. FEY. ,Ja.! . ,, • • ArrALV - P . AREAS. • • vr , • • - PAPERHANCILSTGSI Alr nr3rENSE - STOCK OF WAIELL Netr.an.l Elegant Styles for Parlor; Halls, etc., V.IIOLESALI.: AND RETAIL, , • , , „HOWLL ~1301_71tRE'S." - E ct CORM= o.• Fomcru, tAND"ITARW.r STREETS, - 'PJilladetliLta, Pa. NEW SPRING - _Lf:'_lP A-31_9,:N.,!...8_,.. •L:::,_.,_ CORNER. 00 ~SEC9NI) LOCLIST STS • • • ELEGANT SPRING. " • DRESS' GOODS! COAFP7I.7SIIIO SUPERIOR BLACK, COLO_TIED, AND - MOTTLED . MOIfAIBS ELACI;;;',AND " COLORED 'ALPACAS, QUEENS CLOTIFI ' WOOL DELAINES,• MELANGES, CO BURGS; PERCALES, GINGEfAMS,'Ltc: A 7:.r. ' • • ZVHITE GO, CMS k EMBR9IPERIES, 8AL310.114. - L AND,IIODP•SIRTS, ' ' LADIES', AND GENTS' ,FDENISIIING JOUVIN!S•SESTEIL :GLOVES ! DOSIEB.Y;''GLOVES, AND'' NOTIONS IN , GREAT. VARIETY. , -- A LARGE AND CROICE SELT:CTION " •" • Cloths ,a,na. Ca,sixaeres FANCY AND STAPLE •DRY GOODS I GROCERIES,' 'QUEENSWARE; ' ' CLOTHS; WINDOW SHADES, : , r • All goods' sold - at, -Lowest 'Cash' Price's *and warranted as represented. • Special attention given to ..11/Terchtpi:t, Tailoring 4: ALL PITTESi GUARANTEED. . PRICES VERY Lpiv SiWIING` MACHINES Agent for thelirrinnt.r.n tiWILSoN, ELLIrTIC,. HOWE, WILCOX at AMOS, SLNOUR, and AUERY CAN Comm:Amon encllnrrrox HOLE MIU:111116S. MACIrthES ;TO''RENT *ALA .13 - f GOOdb iresriec efully -P-g9:TO q - B4P -fr37V.G• OIT it TALI EN FSS It. ,T. , 11: LITTLE i „ continues to . take I'llerfiXtßAPHS," 'FERROXYPEtt:' A.MIIIIOTYI'.E.Ir, PIIOTO•iIIiIIIATURES, GEM PK:TIMES; ,ec.; --" At his old stolid bit Locuitt - Street,' above' Front.; Ifr.iarrxx has l ti t anexperienee of several years at this business; and his pictures:are equal to the best that can be had in any city, and owing to his splendid and gwol.instruntexts, Mr superior to tbose generally ialten In. the coun try. If yon wish's good ant correct you may depend upon gettingiVat His Pic tures are great favorites with 'those. who' have obtained them.: Prices es low as - the lowest. AZ9.)On't forget the place=-Locust Street, above Front, Columbla,Pw; -finstr. - - 30, 1807. COLUMBI.A.';1101.1R":11ILLS:::: GEOA6E.IIOGLE, Pnosarrioit. -The highest Cash, prices paid for; all kinds of Grain, SUPERFINE AND EXTRA .FAMMiI." FLOUR for sale; also Mill 'Feed of all'irinds: Wheatp. 6 o Ground and Packed to order. Grist work and Chopping 'done. Chopped Corn and Oats. Corn Meal and G. R A Ef2 Ai- F. 0 IT, It For sale at all times, and delivered to any part of the town.': iks..Town and country custom so licited. }April 6, MU. HE COMING 'CONFLICT Tir v. e give greater :indireernents folAgenta tbma any other HOUSe in the trade. Ladles and Gent's getup Clubs lu our great • Jr • r • e ONR MOLLA.t.SitiE _ A i OF DRY GOODS, , 'FANCY , GOODS, SILVER WARE, PLATED WARE, "ACC., &C. 'Thousands eanAestify as to the superior qual ity and the large remuneration received for sell ing our goods. We will present to any person, fires of cpense,r sending us a club, , -goode:Worth $3 to Eitu or will pay-cash if n All goOds- sold at an unifor=c'e of ONE DOLLAR for each article. • ; • •:Wehave made spoeial arran_gereents with the celebrated ORLENTAL,TEA COMPANV,.to sup ply their standard Teri and Coffees, at their best prices. • Agents wanted everywhere. Descriptive CM- 1 ,, callus will be Rentfree, on application. CHAS. LETTS It CO, I.lanirs' Agent!, '',le6o4lclj 616: 68 Federal Street, Boston, Bator ;ANTED.!—A - LOAN; OF $l5OO or given,tw : 49:d i g Wh 2t e o b s g g s i ra :otilr e i, gitY wil To 'LEA )er:r.-strii t OftSc' soips. COL 7)jU:N.: A READ OF ALL COMPETETORS • ; SPRING GOODS !Er, LARGE STOCK OF CASSIMERES : FOR OUR '=RCITh - NT JTAIL- ORING ESTABLISIDIENIN • o;ods ORt , .SPRIN.G , NV EA E!• , GREAT - IAE:Gr r AINET(:), BE ' TILE , ALAILMOTII STORE 'W "G:" CASE: 4, -, SON; =II 11; Splendid Stock. Got;ds ,G4NA-TLir ;PRICES;" WE HAVE PURCHASED A I,iARGI AND IPASPIONAI3I,}I STOCK .or. CLOTHS,._ Which "IVO . are -prepared • to , • make: up IN THE LATEST STYLES.' Blank and Wood DRES:B'..GOOI3IS - ! Black and Fancy Silks, French and Seotek . - olugliuny, -Prints of all Styles and Makes. •A. foil Stock of • -Linens. A 'Pine Stock -' " , of hosiery, -' . • •-• -DRESPA3UTTONS, -. : - - AND TRI111111",INGS BROWN Of , Every, Width and Quality. From -10 Cleats PERI YARD up. )VE . 41 . 0cE,.4''SPECIALIZY 'OP' AUIt MERINOS, ••• •• • • WOO.l - 4* ' ,-; POPLINS, • •-• • t - POPLIN • • i-••• _ .• • 'ALPACAS WOOL • - LALNES, •‘' ' Sprague's, Pink, Purple, American;Merl mucks, Allen, Pn- • ~, antic, yiramsutta, - - „ Glen, Cove; '!Corset' Jeans, Pine Cambrics, , Paper Cambrics, Linens, Linen Handkerelifei's,:lliap „ kin; Threads, Braids, Dress . Trimmings, Tidy :Yarns,' Wor sleds, Hosiery, all,,kinds Hoop - Skirts Silk Circulars, Silk; Sae.: BalinOrals; Suspenders, Buliona,, Rid Gloves, Ladies' and Clildren's llosiQry MOURNING DRESS GOODS, GINGDA3IS, ' ' ENGLISH,' " • •" FRENCH . . . AND SWISS WIIITE GOODS, AT VERY - LOW PRICES ALL KINDS of PAINTED DELAINES, sir= .A. 4 PACIFIC, ' LOW 7 LL, • = : 4rA3111.T0:N,. : &c • , SPRING & SUATiIrEn. . . SHAWLS OF ALL KINDS CLOTHS .AND CASSTAIERES. • Par Gent's and Ladies' Wear FLANNELS, WHITE AND COLORED BiOwn Alusllns, raenaled Dinslins, Cotton and LINEN, rapeiCollars, • , 'Neck Ties, Faner and iqattt,'-"'' cuff's; Ready Made Shirts, ' 'Timek,tPliiiia; • TICKINGS of all GRADES:, ,&O. - BLACK CROOKS; II tiffB, -cAys • ' a'nd.".Shqos , l LADIES' GLOVE ICID; SiESSET",inuI CHILD ' HEN'S SHOES."' • , , •J 31 - E .R g1:r43`1,,T 4-ITI . DONE 12.1.T.H.E•En3T; STYLE ',OIIT-4 SIDE,TEE CITIES, AND ALL-, - • A; FULL' 21,508.T.ME1T_.6.F4 IT,EI &RE ,01 . 0icm = LOT ~0 14 , - 4itOoEli#S, SUQARS, COFFEES , ''•-• SPICE'S, • • - CANETEM'IpctIIETS, &e.' tu;:a.call, at the iDLI; STAND of . MALTBY 6: CASE.; •ivlierd you"ciia'azainie Steck,' before paielfaiiing °Nowhere." "„. . Agency for -„ . ' ELLfiBA PREMIUM SEWINGIIIKCITINES.'; ("all at tie Store and 'see tbitittaiorking. - `, • Sett era! Janda on hand. . • W. •G: Locust St, s btlyryeetayrfiait & Second Sts.,- Prico.is give,; for all kfriebi of :Country ?rocrisca;:in Pr4htss: Veftr G00t14 . , , ;.: FIRST ARRIVAL OF & YESTINGS A Largo Assortment of SPitING The ~pest §l.e . relt ;of KIM BLEACHED •- -.' MEI COI3EIIGS, .113 so, .I3lue~DrUlz, Pil!PrCasing:; , ! Double Width SHEETDCGS, Ltaies' Linen, Gerits , .Ltnen, NOVELTY ; ,IIr, BOOTS, „ ;,z • • .„,"1" i ~,. `~ IME=MI IRON AMBi t o ( C,APT ,, Ailg.l. - ,WQ-417gATip,is - , , :! - ceo,:.s , '0 1 , 1 - 10 E; .4g 6:147 "SOIJT FOV.R.7 gTnitEr,' PI.IIpA•DEILTII.E.M. -• • ' THI!I, , ANTPTYCRILISTATOR - - - Wlll reincnia: SCALES from 'Steam-Boilers and Ireep them clean, render:the Boiler less liable to ExpLosiorr, andeauslnga great saving of fuel. These,I2STVOISEXTS.hiIVe been in successful use during the last TWO YEARS In many of the largo establishments of Philadelphia; and other parts of the United States froit t whieh themost Flattering Testimonies of their wonderful sating; of ,Euel and-Labor have-been received. having ROlLEßS'would do well to count the office, and examine testimonials, du., EZRA,LUKENii, —TORN .EAREIRA, may;..V-ant) ,Scey and Y'rcas. kUPPLEE 'BROTIIER,) ../ • . ITANUVACTIIRETLS S'T•E'Alf:::l3oll4:E'k 8 In addition to onr Fontein - and Machine work, •, are now prepared to manufacture every variety of Boller and Pinto Iron BENDING AND liEPAIIIING EOILERS Promptly. attended to ;Thankful for past favor's, we would invite the attention of our friends and patrons to this new, branch of our business. SUPPLEE • r• • - , 2nd SL, ColumPla. SIT§WEHANbTA-IRON CO:3IPANY Munnfncturcrs of itll sizes - of ' REFINED AND DOUBLE REFINED • ,• •ROOND; SQUARE, FLATS OVAL,ANT) " iiALF OVAL— Car 'Axles, Shafting and Horse Shoe Bars.• n-Orders promptly filled front Stock on'haud ,or made to order. ', Terms, net Cush, at Manufacturer's prices, de livered on Cars or Boats. - ' • Office at their - • ), '•• - • • STEA . III. 'STEAIi ; • And,far kind, pf Machinery Manufactured anal gm tiranieed to give satisfaction at tite - )Voritc of LUMBER LC; COAL. ==lMil SOUTH SIDE OF CONESTOOA, (opposite Graeff's Landing.) 1 ' DEALF.r. IN ~.. ... COAL, LUMBER, WOOD, -SALT, SAND 'AND FERTILIZERS, POSTS, RAILS, PALES 'AND FENCING MATERIAL. Also, Manufacturer of Boxes, Handles for Forks, floes, Shovels, Brooms, Ac. - " , 1. ' . jmayth-Cdoo A - 10AL I COAL !I COAT -I ! j I3RITNER S MOORE'S.CoaI Yard li - stlll the pluee.to buy your-Coal.- They always have on hand ..Lykens Valley, Shamolcln, .13ultintore Company, and now have , - • • --A NEW DIA1110.1 , 11:0 No. 4 COAL, Price in Yard. beliveretl through Tow .51.35. Try it. Will give satisfaction. noy PA-tf • 'BRUNER MOORE. 500QNSL: . OF PLYMOUTH STOUT; (No.:'} COAL For Sale at S4.oo'per :fen. ;Delivered at your cellar doors. Get one Ton for trial. ang M-tf J BRUNER, .. MOOItE. Gl:ciftGE - BOGtE, • Dl'diLk:l3. IN LUMBEIt , OF ALL DESCItIPTIONS. Ofnce—Front Street, bet : ween 11,4)eust and Union, COLUMBIA, VA. So ; , .S.c CDOPER ; R PEA-RT; I)I.:A.LLItS 7 - LUMBER Sr, 'COAL, • BALTIMORE..COILPANY, And all the best Qualll - y of STOVE COAL. BUILDING LUMBER Of all kinds,enld sold delivered cm at the ' LOWEST MARKET RATES. If enfloa.", White nue, W eatherboarding , Scantling, Ste., suitable for all kinds •• of Building purpose. LOCUST POSTS! CHERRY, POPLAR. • ASH • VICIZETS, LATH, • SHINGLES, ,te.. All orders by mail will receive the same at_ tention as though the application be made. a person. 0001.1:114. PEAHT, mar.l4, '6B-tr.] Front St., Columbia. RUNER &, MOORE, 'DEALERS IN . COAL, SALT, FIRE BRICK -AND LUMBER ! ... . - - OFFICE-AT BASIN.. PRICES OF COAL AT YARD. Dradvstrati". Baltimore Select Lump.. - 4 5.07,• - . Wm Nos: 1, 2.und 3 5.15 5.50 Nom 4 '4.60 5.25 No. 5 ' 4.40 4.75 • Shanaolten Egg and Stove, Nos. 2 and 3 ' 4.00 5.211 Shantoken".Nut; No:s' - ' ' -"' - 4.15 ' - "4.50. Baltimore Consumers Coal C0; , ...t.' ; '1 • : 1 Egg a n d Stove; Nos. 2 and 3,' 4.05 ' - '' " 5.00 1 Baltimore Consumers Coal Co. • . -...` 4.L.5 .4.50 i Maltby Coal, No. 2 and 3 4.65 - 5.00 : No. 5...,..............., 4.15 4.50" Grand Tunnel, Nos: 2. mid 3 * • 4.40 4.75 Lykeus Valley, Nos. 2as 3 5.05 ' UM: 1 1 •-. " ' N0.5...1.. .... :.. ..... 4.05 : •• .5.00 Tlid following Coal is sold by,car 3onds to Co- Itunbla consumers, gross weight, with all thes per cent. advantages: • i ShamokeW Egg and Stove, or Nos. 2 and 3' 4 4.22 Nut, or No. 5 3 ;... BaltintOrd Consumers Coal •Co.; Nos. 2 and-3 ; 440 ••• • " .• • *-'"" • - :." "' - ' " No. 4 - ..,,,,-.nt2.5. . ' ".*•,' ~, ''''" "*"-.. ' •" ' "- No. 5 . '' - 4:00 Maltby Coal, Nos. 2 and 3 ' No. 5 - Lykens Valley, Nos. 2 and" -- ' 5 50* , , " . • • " • . No. 5 4.50 Grand Tann el,•Nos 2 and 3. 4.25 .. Ir'As soon as mif connection is completed to Wli l itesharre,l3althnore Co. Coal will -also be sold by Cars. „ dec. 2l; '174 ' CA.BL.NET WARE MANUFACTORY. • aluriupic.r.ttiei, 'laving lately" pht up new waretr, ens , hnd areatlyincreased . hls busitiess, can_ofti r better inducements , to his eustomeres than ever., 7, , 'lv.mr•ply;sEr..tDEs. A.llll Es iiOP.S, IN . ' AM , 'HenutnufaCtures to order; and will keep con ',straitly Orrliarid; - Bires.'sing; 'and - Taney 'Bureau ,s • Sideboards; Sofas,. Card,. Bluing and Centre Tables, COllllllO/1, Fumy and French Bed steads; all of wkich.;will be sold on the .most ;reasonable terms. -,Ache manufactures Ids own .work he is enabled to warrant every article to be what it is represented. ' CAAIRS I CHAIRS!! CHAIRS!! All kinds of clwars'kept on hand or inanufactur. :ed so order; ' Cane,'Windsor, Arra and Rocking ,CI CaillriantrcounteaStools;Sofas, alete-a TetetiV Stuffed" Sear, Chat rs,,, made to -wirer. - Old chainsrepaintal and repaired; - ' ' I.7NDEBTAKING. " - - Frinerals will:be attended to with promptness to whichbo gives his personal' attention:' He' 1s Prepared with ice boxes and coolers to preseaye corpse, as may, be required. MAHOGANY OH: WALNUT COFFINS; Furnished plain or tinted in any style that rant be required. lie respectfully solicits a .share of public patronage, as well as a continuance of the custom with which be hasbeen liberally favored.' JOHN SHENBERGER, South side orLocust stree, between Second and ,yliird; • •• ' ' " ' • [znar3o-67-tf. ' :FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS., cA - Breir; WARE-BOGUS a. m.inf , FACTORY * , Lticust Street, a few doors ; bal. ow Third Street, Columbia, Pa. A The subscriber ? manufactures' , and -keeps on hand an' extensive - assortment of all kinds of Furniture. Persons wishing to buy:. or -those about to go to housekeeping, will find it.to their advantage to give me a. call."--• • • -, • • -.- BEDSTEABS, TAIILES, • ciErAaßs, BUREAUS, A 7: SETTELB, • the best'qualiti,,style, and manufacture, and will make to order, or first-rate material, every, article in hls line. 'Be will give strict attention to business, andrespectfully. asks of the public a sharp of its patronage. • UNDEIITAXING will receive the most careful attention. at the shortest notce. ' mar3o-07-tf] ' GEORGE SEIBERT,- _ . . ATCHES!. , WATCHES H ........ ' WA.TCW '.AIdERICAIsr,' ENGLISH AND 'SWISS .HES. in great variety: 'A Stock.' not' ex celled outside the city: At very-low rates. • - - •' . ' -' ' P. SHIVEICNEIL:Ie SW, THE :BEST IN. THE IVOIiLD cEOLEI."S GOLD PENS: • : Are acknowledged to.be the best , yet. otre'redsiii • the Public.— P.:Shreiner LS: Son havejust received'a large' stock of these celebrated Pens. , Ills old stock has also been:exchanged for. new, so that custo: , • niers can now seleot•fromthe • • 14.1tGE:ST 'l4.lsTri-;3385T,: SSORTICEIsr.E. •• of Goltireais everbrouglit to' thhirearket: " " 3-Teris arrygattranteed•for six months.: Pinsk' along. Get a Pen. Auk for • mar.23;'0741,1 „'" P. SHREW= & SON. . gLooics ! CLOCKS rl : 3 :C,LOCKS jacilesuiplookiiorilu Xlll6 and Styles,st lees; " • ' " ,The Ce ebndeci SETE:THOMAS Clocks, :..u.113- warranted, and excelled .by none. rarebase= our stook : * rg f. a ant " rET & SO N. ROLLING WILL; - Columbia. Penner .li'N" NES, BOILERS,, SUPPLEE St 1311.0.; Columlila, Peln 'LYKENS VALLEY, ""). BRUNER & MOORE. SILTS, • CAPS,. df:c., • • • -Lgu• • ;,..4P • : yo.. 1"; ,HA.TS AND CAPS' !DIM • , It 61: 7' :.!. GREAT-V.-1'1(1E1 1 Y, AND OV'J'HE • 1 ) '" . 1.. i • ..;: :•Al : 4 , Strict attention will he given to tills department and. customers will always be treated-, •' gentlemanly manner.' The • . finest Slllr..lltit in the mar offered for sale . upon' verk-reasOn- ' • ' • • • , able terms. ..„, „ • i; ;. -`, " GENTS'"PURNISITING ,OODS • .-• •. ;,.. 41: :!: CtItEAT , ViItIETY, ViZ LATEST "STYLES 'CRAVATS at 'TIES HOSIERY,' , LINEN ,COLLARS, AND CUFFS PAPER: eIiLL AND 'CUFFS SHIRTS% AND • 'ITNDEItiVEAR aIiEATyAIIIETRSY: SIIIAT,, FRONTS ri.i...Syrriers . mdde to order and to rit. I offer a ule.e Jot of Gent's..Furutshing Goods .Ithleli lam selling - at. reasonable prices CaII ana examine my Skoole; I laiow you - will save money, by purchasing, of me. ROBERT S. FRY, N 0.43 North Front Street, , Columbia; renua apl IS 186S] TISTAIMISHED 'IN • '1829. ' • - • . OLD ESTABLISHED I.TAT: CAP AND FUR STORE; No. 2) Nonni QUEEN ST., LA:No.I62En, PA. We would respectfully announce that we arc now prepared to furnish our customers with the Latest Styles, consisting of Gentlemen's DRESS SILK,' CASSIMETtE, ~. • PLAIN AND DICLTSFI, , FUR AND WOOL, on CASSIMERRETT . STIFF CAASAIRRE, SOFT AND STEED , • ' EXTENDED mums, AND FLF,XIDLE SELF-ADJUSTING STIFF • • AND D'ORSAY DREW lIATS,' • . In new, Novel and beautiful Designs, andat inducement prices: as to matte It an induceent for all to purchase. ' •. . , . • CAPS! CAPS !!. , CAPS,!! ! Our stock of Caps comprises ail .the newest styles for. Men's, Boys' and Childreti's Spring and Summer Wear. Oun Morro Is.. "EQUALITY TO ALL." The lowest selling price rnarked in figures on each article, and never varied from, at SHULTZ d: 13110.'S Hat, Cap andFur'Store, No. CO North Queen st. -tro - ,ALL Itrztns OF. SHIPPING ;FURS BOUGILT AND MGM:ST CASH PRICES PAID. [mar :tar DYEING - HO USES. iT• C. BUCHER, • . • AGENT Fort 711 E • ; STATEN ..-ISLAND " DYING - ESTABLISEIMENT; , Dresses Cloaks, VellS, Glo - ves„FtibbOus,. and Sills of all kinds dyed any color: .Also,.Ge. - Ltlernert's Coats, Vests, Pantaloons, .ICid Gloves washed to look like new. . • Scouring, repairing; 'ct.e.., done at short not lee. I will receive goods at my store and: forward them to the establishment. . , AM-Satisfaction guaranteed. - • Call mid see list of prices at . ' 3. C. IIUCHER'S • Store, Locust Street., 534, ' 67 3. : • Columbia, ra. IT.4._7cR THE LAST CECTNING SUCCESS.; MRS. S.' A. ALLEN'S IMPROVED HAIR ;RESTORER FAVORITE . • HAIR :Ij 4 RE S § NEW STYLE IN ONE BOTTLE =I Will quickly restore Gray - Mir to -Its. Datum! Color 'and. zaui; Growth. „It perfeelly harmless, nod is preferred over every,ottler•pr& Al:tuition t;y those who have axle bend of Litir , as weti. us -• wbo,7lsl! IL The beautiful glass and pernno Innnuted:hl, 016' Fair makes Itaesirable for old . and younir. SOIL SALE R1 . 7 . 4?'.1. pIrUGGISad DEPOT, 1923 GREEis.7IVICIL ST.,. NEW YORE Pra.CP. ONE Doi:LA.II ffeb2-.68-.ly 11111111ALL'S • . VEGETABIA, . ' SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER STOOD,TLI TIM% SEVEN 'BEFORE THE PUBLIC; ''' And no Treparation for the hair has yet been di.seovered that will - produce the seine beneficial results.' It is an entirely , new scientific discov ery, combining , nnuirof the most powerful and restorative agents in, the VEOL'T.A.DIX KiNG DOdi. It restores - - .GRATI-HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL' Yputron coton • It makes the scalp white and clean; cares dand ruff and humors, and tilling out of the hair; and will make ,it, grow upon bald beads, except in very aged persons, as it furnishes the nutritive principle' by which the hair is nourished 'and supported: at makes the hair. moist, soft,lind , glossy, and is unsurpassed as a HAllivdtliSS _MG.. It is the cheapest preparation ever offered to`the'pnblic, as one bottle willaccomplisix more and last longer than three bottles of any'oiher preparation, • • . , . =I IT 18 lIECOBIX.M.:DEIi ..41TD.IISED THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHOEITY. . The won derful 1.44111t r e p . ra ve 51C.11,... lAN max REI`• have Induced many to manufacture preparations for the Hair, under Various names; an , ,lakorslex to:induce The trade and the public to`to their compounds, they . have resorted to falsehood, by maiming they were former partners, or had some cou-„ neelDirowitlf our 'MIL HAI y and their preparal: tion was similar:to ours. , Do not be deceived by • PurchaSe the - original; It has never iret equalled. Our Treatise on the thdr,, with tortitleutex, -" •' See IntS , welt' Berme Dm` our' private , REVENUE STAMP over the top of the bottle. Allethenrare - -- R. P. HALL & CO., Proprietors, Nashua, N. IL Bad by all Druggister and Smilers! nov 8'67-Iy. , • ,'• - „ Lippincott . 'Sr Trc;ttei',',' - WHOLESALE ROCHES; • ' a North' Water Street; and 51) ),Fortit Delaware ,s.venae,Phtladelphis. , ‘.• S GERY. The undersigned, having established himself:ht. snoßErrs Tional, in NORTH QUEEN,..ST.; 'SZE Ye OP; LAINICASTIiat4 01r4s , hts serylees the• pooplu vf this city; and count*, In the capattly o 1 VETERINAAY,SUR- =TM ,Ile.treats all cUseases_that horsesnre inf.:Went to, either internally or - externally; and from long experience, flattemadmselfthatheekir give entire satisfaction to all who will f rav9chiplxlLh done such that, dreadful! elsease,l which: has done such damage in our country, he has treated successfully, and wilt do so in all cases,' when called in time. - has on band .a,fulL supply;of'all medicines for diseases horses or .Cattle are sub-; 4. 1. Particular, attention, paid , to diseases of the foot to Iforses'; hire long' experience ,in horse-, simeitigdm.vinglimule 'lllm , ,perfectly with complaints of that eh:tractor. 01 , 71Chl IfOUllB'frani'7 la A: IV.; arid 0,11, inay3ol2-3m.. :I:OII2,T,Q..TAGGIART: MIME ;- MKIMMB FROM. ACHES' OR 'PAINTS.?, is Sri Itl;'S INSTANT PAIN !CI3-11,EV'', BEST REMEDY,IDT. EXISTENCE FO n ltt I: • THE' CURE OF RHEUMATISM, 'NEU .ItA.I.,C lA, TOOTIIACHE, I IIEA:DACHE;"EA. - ACHE, SCALDS,iIiURNS, FBOS'I',IIITES,, and • all other ACUTE PAINS. ' ' • It applied, extM.nally,,,wlth a small camel's j bah r brush, (one of which' accompanies each bot 'tie.) ,Ibis pleasant, entirely-harmless, and does not In the least soil or barmthe skin. iTS _SUE Laszum... Ore aprilicalion 'will is hiss'lliaajloc ...minute-I. convince Meanest skeptical of its end!, hcortdcrfut merits. \YSCteALLEio ILD'TO'RUODUCV ITS EQUAL, No familo-once oequahiteclicilhiew , 1.1 Witoco teal f Seo what J. A. Dudley says of the firm of Ded & Stafford, one of the largest, wholesale drug establLshments itrthis country:'- , • , " ,No. 69:33.kikirA'N Sr., Naw rdik,l 4anuary.3lloS6B. A: Co., heading, Pa.—Dear Sirs:— It affords me pleasure to speak of the wonderful effects of your "Pain •Cure,','. in ;mylow.i..ca.se. In Slane la tit I was attacked with, Neuralgia In my abdomen and side - . After siiMring intensely for nearly two weeks, 1.-was induced to try your remedy; and'after an application, to-my, utter surprise, I, Was - :relieved • in ,n; few seconds. - So sudden was the _r enef,.l.l.lat. I could scarcely be lieve my, own senses. my .knowledv_of the preparation:l firmly believe that it will stop pain from. nearly :eveiry,entisiS, and .almost, in „stantly- , ,„itespectfully,, yours - -i .A .biapr,Er Price Fifty Cents.. ' For gni° by.all Druggists, MIII - • Sole. PX•pprietors and Alrulufacturam, et ' • " • ;107, .. cely. DYSPEPSIA.O.A.N . ,BE CURI4) ! ~ • • • DR.. J. •SIDDIS SOAPS A_NTI-DYSPEPSIA: •PbtiVlTE'lS_ Will Positively cure DYSPEPSIA or LNDIGF,S , • , TIO:sl in all its variOns.distressingTorms: • The prominent symptoms of Dyspepsia or-th• digestion arellerirtburn;Flatulency,Uneasificss in the Stomach; Variable,Appetite,-Sourfics in the Stomach, Gnawing In the Stomach before eating and Oppression after eating, Nausea; SP it ling up of food after,eatingo Obstinate ,Constipa- Mon, Pain in the Side, Head, and Stomach, Tongue chntinurd lYconted the back part, Lan ,guor, Debility, Low:Spirits, Dad taste la • the hiontli, Disturbed Sleep, Falling away, in, Flesh, Dalpi lotion of theneart,Nervousneste, Obstinate Murrill:ea, Belching of Wind, Torpid. or Inactive, Liver, Se:, Sc. "Any or all of which-these pow derswill most assuredly remove. , Persons using these powders will soon find themselves gaining In Weight, and the sySteMin 'every way ten d Eng towards BS usual vigorous and healthy action: • Dyspepsia They will, promote. „ ; Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia Digestion, , remove Dyspepsia Dyspepsia all ..N6rvOixguess Dyspepsia Dyspepsia; 'aria Sytuptonis. - e.. I Dyspepsia Dyspepsia , Mlecting the iicart Dyspepsia ' • and (lance the • " Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia. Food-to agree with the. , Dyspepsia Dyspepsia stomach and digest healthy,Dyspepsia A241. • t-EAN't:l Ito ITI:TPLE.IS.AKT They-have cured hundreds of the worst rases of Dyspepsia. W have euretl more than Five Hundred eases of llonitrined.Dyspepsla in Wil mington, our of of. business, besides thou sands of cases of lesser severity, during the last , Joseph Stimple, residing in our place, was cured with less than six boxes; after being under, treatment la other places for. more than a- year. It is very easy to take and rapid' In ,Its, curative effects. Price 31 cents a Box; orthree Boxes for One Dollar. Sold Wholesale by Johnson, _Holloway 5; Cow den, Philadelphia. Deinas, Barnes 4.1: Co., New Yorke, and at mein]] by a. A:111 . BYERS, Colombia, Pa.-Geo. W. Nell;.,Yorlc,, Pa., .and - ; Dealers. In- Med !eines every Where. [Oat 19 '4,1"-Iy. • MAN,IIOOD.: HOW., LOST, . HOW RESTORED.--..lust published, new edit ion 6t - DP, CULVERWELL'S CELEBRA TED ]ESSAY ow. 4he radical , cura'(wlthou tine) of firma d m,Tounnmi, or Seminal Weak nesS untary Seminal Losses, TiLPOTENCY, Men tai-and Physical _lncapacity, •Dripeditnents to Marriage, etc.; also, CoNsumr . r.rox, EPILEPSY, and PO in rrsnduced by self-indulgence or sexual • extravagance. . ,sa-Priee, in a sealed envelope, only a cents. Tim celebrated author, In this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates , from a-thirty. years' sue ci2ssfu'l practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cared without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the appli cation of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every Sufrerer;no Matter what his con dition illaybe. may e aro private- Ay. and radically. . TILLS Lecture should' be in the hands' of every youth and every man In the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to - any rldress, , paslpaid; on receipt of six' cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage thilde," Price 2,1 cents. Address the Publishers, CHAS..T. 0.7a.1NE &CO.; , 127 _Bowery, New York., inayairSelk2G-3 PostLOilice Box 4,586. o.ifoßqß OWNERS.:., ' " . sAF:-ER'S , • MT H. A.IITICLE For- quarter or ,Sand Crack,Corns, Thrush; Ctunriteted, "lard or Brittle' nciofs, and for, genera use in place of Stuffing; or Soniting:' -'- As Dressing for the outside,of the_Hoof It has no Superior. Sold 'Wholesale and retail, by A. MILEY, Sad- antl..Marness .:11tutufacturer, No. 3i. North queon'Street, next doorto Slibbe.r's LaTlCaSter ' • .. 3.. • ' N. B.—lfarness of every description eontdal? ll Y, nn lutittl;nntl repairing next ly done to order. !SE , W73V - G .,-- 11.1ACHINES.' SEWL)TGt 31.A.0,111NES ! y •. • There Is no necessity for "Swinging • arnutid . ' the Circle' , of' •-; .s 1 • : , S e Maeli ht;• , soirch, of a GOOD ozrE; :when - one Is offered to you combining In, itself all the (100D,O,UALI TIES eirtillted lOr 111 . . the Market, and •liiirtot of all the de icta an d dap-leap fixture; and attaclr- - men ts used to make Machines sell. ~ ; • ; .elfer for sale the: • , GRO VER.- BAKER i.. , FAMILIri..MACIIINE;.'. * Making the Elastic Stitch ichich will vat rip Or break by taisio - a, and for ploof of its exeellenee, refer to those having theta In use.„ • ~ r -tfo_...We tfo_...We hare at all times a COMPETENTPI?II:- SON in attendance—not to picture Imaginary' perfections, norto describe with. voluble tI ti ence the defects of other machines, in order to hide anything iu. those We sell, 'hut to' show' 10i:its:tit be pone . with sure. ~ „ , - —Welutve also the hest LOCK STITCIE, • •MANTTPACTUR - NG .s. ••:7 ." '1". Ev"r oircred to the public, and, onlv•ask tianinadon of them to substanilate our 'assertions:.• , Also,7.h - ECOND-lIAND MACHINES, • ' ..in good. running '' • . order, of the •following makes,. whiten., :i we'wlll sell at AttenT VALI' eke arfgival pturcy..: wrrxilx.•& annts'.:"" '''" ' : NVIIEELEII. ;1: ' •.. . : : • • • AND HOWE'S. , 1 ,3r.:'(l , i‘ CASE SON;" , • 7 ," Agents, at-Rolling Mill Store';.J. .. • , „ -Columbia, Yentea.. •• N. aro_also to be had of P.' former Agent; at theAdiuus' Express Office, In Walnutstreet; above - Prcint. June 11,'67-tf] • 2 rl ,• , 1 41• • r-- HOOP 11c , 9,01P` SKTRTS. vm: T. lIOPESIN'S Y OWN, .3t.A.#4, . ' • • : ' 014 -. • - ... , ~ - • • • ,'-' ICESETONE -SKTILTS;” --: ''••••':- ..` air the best; ud. Ciraassar Low-Pare= .Hoop Skirts in ;the market. , Trail - ;Skirts, 25 springs: $1,00,• 30 Springs, $1.20 ; and it/sprit:lts, 31-43. ,Paahi S'ltirts; C tapes, 3) springs; /10 cents ; -..Yseprittg,s, 9 5 . cents; 30 springs $1.15; -and - 35 Springs; .71.25, Warranted to event ttiveet:. ,r r r. .. • - :- r r . r -.. 11 , , , , ",Our -oWM.Make'!.: of " UNION:SELTETS,".. .Elevea Tape ,Trials, from 20 to 50 springs, 51.20 to $2.50. Plain; Slx, Taps, 20 to 50, springs Irma 95 Cents' to S2.O:T: --These • Skirls ',are better than those sold by. other astabllshments /ea flret7elass . goods, andatmuch lotree,pric&L - ~ ,:: ...:;” • 't, Our. OWN Mahon of -y- CHAMPION SEEMS" : are, la every way Superior. tO,all. other :Hoop Skirts before thepublle, and only havelo, be ex tuailned- or: worn to 'convince : every 'one lit the. fact 1. Manufacturedmf - the best linen-finished • English Steel Springs; very. superior I tapes,: and . thestyle of the metalicfastenir !iv and 'manner of securing them, surpass f 'urability ,and ex- ,collence any other Sittrtin this country, and are lighter; more elastic; willfivear longer, givemore - satisfaction, - ; mad: are I really- cheaper , -than all others. - Erey tad, should ls-r. ?Ahem, -They are being' sold extenslvelyhy_Mcreimatethroughout this: and•the adJoinbig States at verymoderateprices.„ If you want the best; ask-for "HopkartS', UMW.' PION 5K111.T." ,- -lif yOll4O not find them;.get the 'merchant with:whom yon' deal to order them fors you, or come or send,direct to us. Merchants , willilnd' our , different; grades of Skirts:exactly ; what therneed,:tuid vie especially Invite' them, • to call and,examlne'our :extensive assortment, or send for Wholesale Price List. , ....- t•.- -. : • .. 3 . To be had e'er-et:di-at Manufactory, armlet the Retail Trade generally . , and at. Wholesale of the Manufacturer only; to- whom, all, orders should. , be tuldressed: , ' ' • _,-. . .. . . '. .DIANUFACTOIVr. AND SAIMIR001:1, '.'' '". .628 Anen ST., bet. - oth and 7th Sts., - Philadelphis.; smar7.63-10mos. 1 ~ '::., r-WM... T.- ROPKINEL,.: ' En= .uv . suzz,.d,ArcE,lo,olH3PMES. k iiaASTEif 4M NTI; . ,••• any i CAVITA.Z4 . 'L. HON. T. E. FRA_NIKLJN, En.t.tsmaXT. , GEO. IC. REED; - ThEASllltan. • .EDWAXELEROWN.t. Eaten:MAlM; /; ; D . /sectors—Hon. Itoberto„ B. P. Shoal:, M 'T2 S. atleel , ."U.,‘Franic St:rode:l H . Ca enter, Jacob,Hartsataalf John .C. Hager. , Tile above , Hame.Co - rapany'having . 'appolnted Mr. Jelin W. Bruner-I:m.4lmM Agent for Colum i4la and Dlstriet,wlll be, bappy..to reireet Inner=`inide on' deslrableTrop'ertles, at ii.4"low rates as any otlipr Reliable Company., - : - i.t , ' IERPETIJAL ;POLICIES else ;written on ; /favorable Terms. , Apply' • " " Jeii-tf] JOHN I w • IHLIJNEIt .Agent. rrIlE WASHINGTON ' , LIFE TN SURANCE 00MPANY, 117 ifiii"o:4V To WAY asl'ENxic. rf.. 6Ap ‘ ,, ij I !' ' CLIAIIDERS S: SON, GENERAL AGENTS' Igi):::• 1 80004.:' SI I Pa.• ,:/ t!ic, •f ' - I CAPITAL; 5i25,000', The Capital and accumulations now amount to over ONLI MILLION DOLLARS—, , ••• The WASILINGTON allays , and practiced the CASH. :SYSTEMrbelloving it , .to be fop the INTEX=T the Insured.. , emit:dn.' Tforision t non -forfeiture ekallaYfe.t.nd idowmentansuranee , , TUN Companklucs , n been 'mut...god bY any other in liberality acid promptitude- , 1n,! the .ettiemont of Claims. CYRUS CT_TUTIS, .mITCHET.,L; ,A7.ion'Pausxon - 24r. A._ll,S.W.Eilt, Secretary and Actuary- ~ ' • '"; • L "' BRUNER, Agent. ernar9A-Om]:, it N6,2ls , :wanut St.; ColtuntitinTa. CI.B.M.A:NTR"FEAR''INStPaIsTOE :430Alt.ANY;:27n. 175 CASH CAPITAL, • ~6500,000 SIIIZPLIJS, Total Assets, .iuly • , •••• .1 This .Company insures. Property of ell•lcinds against T,pss or ...Darung . e ,by, Eire, ou ,fuvortibie termrfl • liti.Par.P/I;GARRIGUE; ;President.: 11u00 ,• , .. • ... • iseeretary.." Vice President. - - 0ct..12,t18C-iy: •:,,: . . • COLUI 3 111 - TA; TINS UItAN f , IJANUARY:: Istr 867:, • CAPITAIj , AND A55F.113,, , - 51k4527 91 Tlits.Companyxontinnes: to , Ingure- Iluildings• Afereithoclize, and .other property, against loss tn tend (hingeby•fircc•on the ntotuar pitul, either for typti.4l.l pretnituh,'or pretaima'ttotti.:., -,; • SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT. - Whole an „unt.insuri;rl, P. 478,426 83 Less , :un't spired hi '69, 4 :. 722' ,ril! SC $l.l 755 0455 49 ' CA. rrAt AND INC'OII.IE.. timountof prernirelvnotesi , • , • - • ..f,.G , 5.5,123 27, LE`Mpremlunl stn ISOU " -" ' 71,90:-01 ' - • SC;13,100 ilftlarke - of won't VAN Ju Cash receipts; less eaMmissions, 57,0111:10 Loans • • 0,100 00 Due from ig;',!..11 is anti ot hert: ' • 8,064 511 &50 10 • '•CONTRAj ••• - Lower and expen:sva man in .... 31 1 - .o:ses'ailjusted, nut due Jan. 1, '67, - I.S ltalanee Capital and lissenc.lan. 1;^07; 690,527 91' • —r— • - $094 850 10 " 5'..(41( - EFth . , President.-„ GEoncE Yours, Jr., Secretary:. • , 1 • ' .11.1eitAm, S. Suu.brAig,__Treasurpr.f, - 1)11.1.1rICTOBS: R. T. BY an, • John W. Steacy. •• John leendrich. George,Young,Jr., - II': (4. llinich;' e.; Nicholas IrDonalil; .Samuel I.'. Eberlein,c William.Pattox. •. • • Amos. S. Green, John B. Bachman, . I 111111 ' Robert Crane NSURANCE'CO3IPAN,Y QT 'NOll,l'll PILILADELP.TiIfr ,Incorporated,l7sl.., Assets; ..i1,350,000 . :!' Charter •.perpetual. - - Insurance against loss or damage by, • fire , ou'Rtiildln,c , s; •Merehantlize; Furniture,' &c., for long ; kyr short., periods, or • permanently on L'aildings,UvadepositorPretoluln. The prowl pt ;paytitent of losses. for a period of ssylmrt• years, ,allords , gu^fratitpe of claim upom,publie :deuce.' An AnTntra C. CoPrts:, Pres't. CIIAILLES Pratt, See'v•.• , •-• , P.. ZIEGLER., Agent Walnut Street; above ,Ifrot•tt; Colutabia,l4. January. • ' • . " - 1110.A.101E1i8'))1UTUALF1111?,' INSIIt . !r . ANCE COMPANY;',YORIC, Pa.. Tnsuroe . on tltepasb, i Nfutpal or Perpetual Itate.4 IL iciti,l3.4, D....s.riticzcz.zie.-Seeretary." " • Agent, ' 1867-15%., •;. „ Colu ;PP- WARD 'FIRE ANTi-DIAIUNDIN-' N_A S URA NC E . : •• • , OF PHILADELPATIA. , • , Secitrities 30 0 , 0 0 0 This Company continues to take 'risks on good property, at rates as low as any othereVe. Coin pan v, and consistent with prudence. Pedicies issned for long it short 'terms, or' per manently. - Losses promptly - paid., All: claims adjusted without litigation or delay. This Com pany refers to the pastas a guarantee of its future conduct. • rirds. CRA'VEN; Pres't, A. S. GILLETT, 1.100-PreSiiielli. SCeretaSy.. .1„ . • F. X. .7.IEGLEII,,Agent, 'Strident Street, above Front. Col umbfa, January. 1865-Iy.. • - • •; , • • • 101111 - OME INSURANCE COMPANY 11 , .01 7 'NEW YORK. • ' ' OFFICE—No..I2S Broaawny Cash Ci3ital' " " < 4, 000,000 Assets, Ist. January, .1.81.17 " .... tt7 Liabi I ti 26 7 .93 4 G 5. • “•CIEEAS: J. 11ART1Ig,'Pres't. WILLSAILT.T.I, Yiee-Pres!t., Sown McGng., Secretary. , , J.'lE.'l4TAsintrung, AsstSedretdry, • ' • General Agent. •. • Total loss by' Portlatal Fire,.5112,41 42-811 paid before:July 15t11., „ „ . , A. J.-KAUFFMAN, Agent., Colurabla,Pg IvzLTC uFS, .Th'sl1 7,- XPERY; , C„Q -1 81:CY dlJ.62;tiiiit'St'.-. • • •• DIA Penns I:12 es Esaeralds,ltare Gems, , "'"- "'" - • : DDIV pritel;B." , , IMMM PIILLADELPIIIA. Of iii ^ cl..t . c,eiel.,i'7,4Cl.l makes. :Sole . 414 thezrtn Gold:AfetlalP;A:+in:l'uf.f.r.v!nAco.. I liebeitt wat 1 PIIILAD3:LRFfT•A•. - • FIYAI SIT VFR;: - • J " J •' - For WEDDING PRI:SEM:63, ot• entinly new artlsticalesign.q.. „ Lp •PR.TOES., ; & (13.A1T ' 14 ..El7r LA TY, D E'S • Fi.o "' •' "13'21T CO. *I • ItT ORKS - 'o'r IRT :• , ,• ,7 0 :I OIL PAINTINGS, ft, v • t ST.ATUAritY; BRONZE'S, &C. Low .rnlc,Es ••• • r• - •+; • + onr st ocic 1;3 unsurpasse'd by any establishment fin the country, both In 'regard to =price and qual ity, our foreign importations having been select with'great care by one of' the firm in", Europe - ~.Ouro,vrtres:are constantly.arranged - for exhibt ' tton, and .strangers In the city, whether desiring to purchase or not, arc cordiallyinvited, to' call and examine. = •-• :' • - ':4='Ortlers bynutil care'rfully antl,pfOrOpfly, ai tended to. ' •' , • BAILEY'x.,bo . 815 CHEST-M:IM STREET, PIIILADELPHIA. N. I.l.—De.sign.q . , or Silver lirTare.:...tC.,ent;lby • mint.(Jim.t...s.r6s • -ly. • 'QEEING IS 4 ‘' 7- " - ""Ath . 04 tRCH'STREET articalsxiATEßlA.D. SILVEE:Pi:ATEIS. WARES, ... '" • ' • ' • . nd Incitidlu4 everi Stvlo . Unil deSeri ption, ras ex-. press y for the 'Winter Trade, which, for • • , „ neatness unddurability.tatratot,• • „_ , .„ ~.be surpassed at . . JOHN BOWMAN'S, • ' holest e and itativii anurne ur ng tatiu sa ment, 7oi,Arelr Street; . .• •- • • ••"•,' VI - r • :f....'lte-Plattng at Short Notice. •-" Phira;dec:l4; , 67l3- , .•-: •••• IttilEkROAD 1:41V717 NG A D COLUMBIA R. Ry Mona:Eq - AO4-470t1, 1868, rAssENOEll.l2o4lLi;i77turr ON THIS LTave'LailtnisterAmPCOlufilkla'at:7ls:....• 800 A. M. Arri6-,.,:-lt/A.L.-Aleilfg-tt•i-lall7A:130 A. A. m. 5-Z° Leave Relltilug 7.00 A. M. Arrive nt, Lolan e: umb inter " 9.25 9'20 A. M. Columbia linnenstermal Columbia • ''.8:50 P. Ni ••, 'SUNDAY 'TRAINS:* i,enye Laneanter cl - Columbla at 7:50 A. M. IKOLaneaster . • • 0 *. • 3:45 P. Columbia 3 , 10 P. M. Arrive nt ' 10:10 A. M. ,6:00 P. M. „- , Leave Iteading at - 'B.OO it • M 3:40 I'. M. Arrive at Lanca.s ter and Columbia at 10:25 A. M Columbia and 11.inmiSter at' 6:00 P. 31 Trains Nos. 2 and 4 make eloso - connectlOn at Sending with Trains •Northand South, on phii nklelphia. and rteading _Railroad. and West on .jaebanon yalleyn.na. No. 2 ;also makes close on withconnecti Train for New York. EXCURSION TICKETS issued to parties to nil p , ints on this Road; ttlieduced Rates. r.EXCURSION iTICKETS - sold., between all 'krincipal stations on this road , -good for Sunday rniris'only: s'- - ' Tickets can he obtained .at the Offices of the New ..Tersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty 'Street;'New York; and Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad, 13th and Callowbill Streets, Phila delphia. w . Through tiekets to .New York and Phibulel pbia'sold at MT the Principal Stations, and Bag gage Checked Through. • • Trains are ran by Philadelphia & Reading Rail Road Tim e,which is hl minutes fast erthan Penn 'sylvatila R , . it. Time.- ' ' • • GEO., F. GAGE,. Supt. E. '%'.Rimsr - mt, Con. Frt. and Ticket Agent. E:I.ISING RAIL • • • I sumArirt A.I7.IiANGEMENT. 515,074.73 ..515,074.73 GREAT,.TRUNE: LINE FROSI Tlie NORTH .AND Niirth West, for Philadelphia, New York, Read ,Pottkville, Tamaqua,- Ashland, .Lebanon, Allentown,Easton,..Ephrata, Lithc., Lancaster, Columbia, &,c.; Trains leave Harirshil - rifor New York, as fol- Iows: i At 2.50,t 5.2.5tuu1i 3.10 A. 31:, , 12.40. 2.05 and 9:35 P. M., connecting with similar Trains on. the PentlsYlvania;R:R4 and 'arriving at' New York at 5.00 and 10,00,and 11.50, A. M.,- and 3.50;7.40 and 10.30 P. 11. SleepitigHara aceommtnylng• the 2.50 A. M., and 9.35 P. 31. trains, without change. Leaver Harrisburg for -Reading, ' Pottsville, TM - lingua, Minersville,, Ashland; Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, 3.10 A. M., and 2.05 and 4 . 10 P. M., stepping at Lebanon and principal Way Stations ; the 4.10 1- , ...Mr,inaking conneetlollS .-P forhiladelphia and Celumhin only. For Potts ville, "3 - facca, and .Atiburn, via Schnylkill•and- Susquehanna •Rall - Road, leave Harrisburg at 3.55 1'..31. -.Returning: ' Leave New' York at 9.00 A. M., 12.00 Noon and 5.00 and Sleeping - cars accompanying the 9.00_4'1..31. and 5.00 and 0.00 P.ll. trains, without change. , - '.-.A.VaytTa.ssenger Traircleaves' Philadelphia at 7.3 DA. M., returning-from Reading at 6./10 P. M., stepping at all Station 4;, Pottsville at .5.45 A. 3f., and-2.45 P,•'..11i;--Ashhind -0.00 A. M., and 12.19 noon, and 2.00 P. 3i.; Tamaqua at .V 30,4.11 M., vinl 1.00 and 8.-15 P. AI, Leave Pottsville forTrifrrlsburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail, Road-at, 7.10 A. Al. and 12.00 noon.„ . , Iteading'Aeeontodation Train ; Leaves Read ing at 7,31.1 A. _31., • ret u rnin g fromPlilladelplila at 5.15 P. M. •- Pottstown Accomodat lon Trim : Leaves Potts town nt 0.45 A, M., returning-leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 P. • • " • , - Columbia Itatrfidad Trains leave Reading at 7.00 and 0.15 P. 3.1.,"f0r Ephrata; Linz, Lan caster; Columbia, &c. Perkionien Ball Road TraineleaVe Perldomen Junctions at 9.00 A.M.:and 5.55 P. SI. 'Returing; Leave Skippack. at 6.45 A. M.,.and 1.15 I'. M., con necting with similar trains on 'leading Rail Road. On Sundays t ~L eive New York at` 8.00 P. M., Philadelphia 8.00 A. M., and 3.15 P. M., the 8.00 A. M:'Trairr running only to 'Reading; Pottsville 8.00 A. M.; Harrisburg 5.2.5 A. M.. and , 4.10 and 9.15 P. IL' and Rending at 1.10 2.55 and 7.15 A. M. tbr,Hardsburgi and , 7.08.A.'11f. - and 11.40 P. -M. for New York. and 4.25 P. 21. for Philadelphia. ' Commutation, Mileage, Season School and Ex cursion Tickets, to and -from ail points, at re (laced Rates. c t r •ked , - tyrogl.l 106 pounds allowed, el ' B e F, s e e crigte ,perintenclexit, Reading, Pa., May 20, 10013111 NORTHERN.CENTRAL , , , • RA.4. ROADSUMMER SCHEDULE. ' • • •• • May lOtli 1868._ On and after 2.fay 7 10t14.1868, Trains will leave York aSTellows: LEAVE , NORTHWARD. a. in. 1.20 Daily for Williamsport, daily (except, SundaylTer Elmira `Canandaigua, Roches ter, N. I , ails and Oil Region. 0.20 a. in. Daily (except ,Sundays) for Harrhiburg only. 11.35 a. in. Daily (except Sundays) for 'Williams port,Elmira, Halal° and N..leal Is. • - ..• 2.19 in: Daily (except Sundays) for port;.Erie and Oil Region. • 10.15 p. in. Daily (except Saturdays) for . Harris . bung and the West. LEAVE SOUTHWARD: 4.09 n. m, Daily (except Mondays' for Baltimore, 7.00 a. m: Daily (except, Sundays) ;for Baltimore, 9.50 a. in. Daily . for Baltimore. 2.05 p. in. Daily " " for Baltimore. WRIGHTSVILLE BRANCH. Leave :Wrightsville for York 8.15 a.. m. 1.00, r 6.45 p. m. Leave York for Wrightsville; OA a. "ru: m. &SO p. m. S. N. Du BARRY, Gan. Supt. Harrisburg, pa. ED. S. YOUNG, Oen. Pass'grAgt. Baltimore. in 30, , 1808. , • . pENNSYLVANIA It.AIL ItOAli-. ..... .. • TRAINS•ILEAITE COLUMBIA 'GOING EAST, Lfoiczster Train • 8.30 A. AI liftrriBburis Acdonunodation 5.38 P. DI Man Train - • . • - Harrisburg Accommodation Lancaster Train Arrives Leave Columbia for , Lancaster- 1.101..'N1 Arrive at Lancaster 1.50 '. Connecting with Day..E.xpress for Phil :2. Leave - Lancaster at - " - ' 2.20 40 P. AS Arriveat ' Columbia • 5. , • -- ' ' ' " . WAS. 'F. LOCICAItI.), • •., • ,• . - ,-- •' Superintemlent;Phila. Dili. OtAT:"PII.ILTGIIT . The: rentiitylvan.in: itoad ; Gin patty are • ' now prepared 10 ; rccel ye or forward Freight be--, tweet). Columbia and Lancaster; and all stations on the Yenintylvania (tall Road. and Its bin nob RAT,Es BETWEEN . , :First' Class., • 2251 Class. ' 3rd' Class.' 41h Class.' 25 cents 2.1 cis: ~,18 ets.l • ~ 15 cis. " Flour in Car loads 28 cents per Barrel. BETWEEN' PI - 11LADELPIELTA ct. , LANCASTER. First,Class„- ~2nd Clam ?: ,3rd Class.• , 4th Class, ‘,23"CentS '2O 'cts:' • - 17 etc.l4 etc. BI , 2W.E.E.N:COLUMBrA,SePI'I7SBURGII. Frrst.Claia.• ' 9c . 2nd Cia,., 3rd Class. 4th, Clam 7reents " 50 cts. 46 cts. 38 cis. • Freight consigned to stations where the' Com pany has no Agent, must.ba.prepaid: , All Freights payable on Delivery. • 4. • - •;, • H." 11. 1401751 . 0.1.1, -. ' general-Freight Agent, Phila. iiiitFor (either information apply to • f4.:l3:lttrmsToisr, Frt.,'Agt., - Piti ' E1".,1(....80icE, Frt., Agt., Columbia, F. SLAIWAKER, Frt., Agt., Lanetr EIMI . BOO:k$ RT; 305 LOCI.IfiT.ST., CpLTAIMA, lA. 00K 'SI'.:I.I.EII,_EiTiTioNER.:4; IsiEWS ,D.EALE.R. geilOOL A.3 , 7D 111ISCELLANEOUS tOOK'S LANK' BOONS OF EVERY- DF.SCRIPTION ON • i. DAY DOORS, ; 11.,DGE1 , !S, ,BIEMOR4NDLIBIS, PASS BOORS, &e. • • 7 \ ELM ES A4716# Cal% lATI ;F..1.0111 „TifE ,CHEAPE9T TO; THE , '-411 the lendhlk AtAG.A . ZINES, •RICRIODICALS, 'rind - "NEWEIPAPERS,"'eonstantIy 'kept "foi• Sate' " Also,, Agency for the following Miller: "PHILADELPHIA PRESS,'! •`' THE AGE." ~ .inottnßEß," "MORNING- POST." "PUBLIC - LEDGER," 'THE DAILY COLUMBIA SPY," A: (•' LANCASTER EVENING.EXPRESS..” •••-• •• • • • -- NEw..sTATION:tRy, • • • - 1".1e undersigned would respectfully, nvite the attention of the public to his large and well. se lected stock: or Goods, consisting of - • MISCELLANEOUS, RELIGIOUS,' 'AND -.• • JUVENILE DOORS.' STA NDARD NVOT, 4(S—illustrated and in Fine Binding. •FAMILIC,.IIAND dr, POORET BIBLES. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS—Thee cheapest oZered. • • . TOY BOOKS FOE. THE LITTLE FOLES —Highly Illustrated. GAMES , OF ALL KINDS. STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS--A large CARD Sr. , CABINET P.TIOTOGRAP.IIS With.friimes to suit.. INTORIC BOXES—P]ain and furnished. - O.RITENG,,DEsks AND, CASES. • PORTVOLIOS—Of.aII sizes. .. A fine assortment of TOCNET.BOOKS, PURSES, DIARIES d CARD CASES. -.stir anfie?c:sinqle 3 l.e..r . z.r .r tme pgs. EWS - TTo en Z. Nini l3o 4 . l:ll t gi4et. ' dec. 14, '674f.] " ' caster, Pa, . • AIId3EST.STERLE, Water, witt,•attood !to ~ 011:. b usinftss - , llr his line. For Sample or his,, work see the• new Post-al:dee .., and•Smrotticc buildings. Residence on Fifth Street, Columbia, Pa. Eniar2S42'- MMLMEI -May_ 20tb,; 'lB6B. TRALNS , .LEAVE NEST, COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION, :-114011 . 011. TO ORlliat new Stock of ACUTE, LETTER , AND CAP'PAPER 13ESTI GRADES; WUOLESALE on 11.50 A. 111 - 6.24 Y. ''‘l 5.05 " jtme'..NP3)