The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, July 18, 1868, Image 2

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    / - 611 t tniuntbia gpij.
- .
,Sacturclay, Juty a YS, $( 8. ~.,,
COKIIWICAIONS, letters, contributions, generally of
merit and interest to the render, will be acceptable
from friends from ap,quactecs. rs ,
e- 3 N:.. X 3 SS~S S~ _G EA- T,
, - • Or
one :the:lli:lin. • • .
When we recollect how many;men lave
• •••,•• ,$
iesert,,thv tr
partr -t at has
them- alltheir -- prominence and
:r, - for a Presidential nomination
- Copperheads;•it• is';really ourpTis-
Mrise 'it 'riot only betrags i'want: of
,but a nusorable , ovcalcrtgA„al 7
lestructive, of.. all , •friture ,respect
heir fellow men;'-and' ‘Mefuld t ege
adduce f,ety,tlotatlo :_e_Tateples,
we,tltlnk clearly showczhow :easily
Tiring- to be *Pyesident
Itid`led*stiay jiy"iuti:iiitink: 'Cap-
~ Jelin Tyler;.our., -firstz accidental Prtii
dent,- was :elected i-in ''1.840,• :Vice , PresiS
dent, - by they big paily: Nosoonet• i did
he - be_ come • PreSident, by ' tiM• death
Gen. Harrison; than , lie was beset by - the
Loco Foco , party, arid tampered 'Witt':
and Made: to belleie`•that;ir'im' would
adopt their - pOII.CY, and give - lheM' his
'patronage, he would be their next, nomi
nee for the- Presidency:'_ A bolder:lie
',Was never invented, but .liti tnalc;and - '•We'
,- allsrpcolleet that,Tahrt Tyler, came. out of
• •' - '-tlieP,residency despised by ' nll,, •and ,; was
never voted for- at all-in the= Loco ' Foco'
convention of 1344.
The nest dupe, was,,,,krimirq :.Villmore,
who became an accidental" Tresident by
the ileath of 'General' Taylor. -No:-man:
stood higher: than he, 'but the' Ilat)erk
party:seduced him, ,as they,, did, , Tyler;
and, hen, he signed, the fugitive ;.slave,
law in`l.sqp i ;_tnder a • 'promise •niadebim;•
and theliope of .s„Presidenkial J nOitiiiiql'
, lion by his lifelongt.enernies, the Loco
-.Pico party, - be - forfeited • forever the ye-
speetofall g - ood''alt! - , and.:;stMlcit:ibOle:•,,
slii§i 4l l?YltilchAv.hP:44o 7 4 , P ll ,r4c.4 i - VP3,i 1 49 ,
political favor...-. ..:--:.; ~ : t,., .1 , ,,..t.1,, ; , tri,tl
- Daniel Webster, the '' t" CM' - '4` la'
settsi the 400,10 f . 0).0. -:lY4ig, , ParAY„apci ,
called the Great Expounderrofidle , l'aott-1
stitutiOn, - - With • th'e Presiden'oiti the 1
bt-ain,'Cias:alsci'led'atiaj•WillifoOdilP, i iiii''
a latub to the • slanghicr:--Ife Was "told
that if he would 40 - Ose - a'te:the passage of
the fugitive Sliive hill iii. igdo, lie - would
securelhe votes `of - tho _South in the - next
P9 l i ll :4 l }-c°r!'Fßit__io;,f°it ll §Tr9 s . l 4eneit•
Poor infatuated, Daniel swa (lowed Allelic,.
performed-hisaml- tas '-, •bu t •ri evc - ri a %vote:-
did he •ieceive. ' •11g -- :: th. „ItOine . ,•,s'elclg:
basetl; l Fli4rit - Cid and' ' ' l ,4t•iikeil, ' .',:aq,;,ll,o,
tbe:death . of-it'deceive:,and „disappointed.
man: : f 't - - - . -. ...-' `• - '• -:• -• '--:' !I •••1'•
, AtdyJohnson, the
~fotirth; viedin
misplaSed`Confidenee,-.and the third. acci
dental President, who has only occupied
the office to ' no sooner'
sworn in,!.hdii: r the demon ,pf: ,ambition
seized him, end,he"was-easily,led,to : rely
upon the romises l :of the jcOpperhead
party bs i 'lt4tl ocesuttid2;ffe , l„abtustAqued:
thos'e ! tide"- F e : S diefiis
utmost iiEO-sierthiciar 7 ttie:"power;i:by."Which
he hind 'ruled;Liielii - Crificed his funds ; his
honor liie trUili,luid - .:l3:ts fealty - ,to the
governurniP:in, - opentle 'napesT-9f right,:!
law "and ; ` decency , laid rhim '
self and his
patronage, at
_the:feet of : the,.Copperh cads,-
and-, parde.ned:alls the„,,:rebele; . t as his last
grand O'er' for,';the '•zioinination,' 'a n -he
came COUVe - atiOn.:M3 ; ;lonith
came out , of ,the whale , but not , quite so
pure or respectable. , •
W. IL SeWard: Maddened' and stun;
by his, defeat;',...4 , .o - o'sdecessof; I hien] n,
at. Chicago, in ...1866;',.determined upon re
venge; and,frourthat time, to.-.the. present
has labored destroy the
party, add :the-.poliiion.l7-frierids who
tarp, Of,Otate'hY:thal :great and,g4'.ka
•Abrahatit,; : tincolp,,he;; , withivillainous
gratitude;!:sotight , to-defeat; disgrace and
destroylf/m'' and'. dsuntri, e
,opty, : in revenge, be:
cause ibe 4.keeplo: preferred a, better ~man
for `Pr'isideni: scheme—of: - .reater
villainy never eiiteie‘r' the: MinA'Of
He'soughi : nat., only „tii Acitroy his patron
• nnd,his patterns Rlr Lincoln ; ?-but; . after
Johnsiin-beeame , the accidenlarfPresicient,
sought' his , iiolitiearrdestrneliiin; to'
raise nhyv,par,ty„hy . vrhich,he.,might
---rido-intp:the•Presi'dency; upon • the assnr- •
ante of~his ` newly , found allies" :lmona the
thOughi,;:ho;was cheating , ; Johnson, -an'll,,
destroying' the ',Republican;: party; 'when;
hel';;Mi thz4?a62-oe4
forgotihege-coinnicir ,
monish to hirr*a'dlierents--wierr ho prn
dentlY - COPPei!
head promises,• • •,s :
Last; •but not Aeai3t,',:. cofifes otiv•lfort:
Chief :•jiisti r ci;lBl . P Chase, who, f iattercd''
by his success las Come :i to,
think - no rman- sot:great . as -limself;4and:',
that all lie tot; do , Vvas to consent; and
the `Copperheads ' 'w uhl g ladly`; nominate
him:, ,Ropx;tielttficq"man
examples of:Areachiivr.beforer lanai, he..
could •- •nokreiiii,":they.:teniptatiott;. l wail°•loo
: .
greatianu4n ''one' unfortunate '
, uour,,
lerMitteil`kftiiiAr:tO :.:fie
Abe:, 'dj a g-,
theqclesi; hoaored.l. office' ie. t.the
w6,l4o,veriiy-becoine:: , a i.4e'ry trickster' , in
p o iiti f, a ppgj,,the,:impeaehmenty o£ tile;
greatest; culprit's'ot:;:the:day, :he ,forgo t. his.
r becOe'Alie , advoki
joi;. l lsoli!a* ;; under ; t}ie QoFpee.
head assurance ''.;'shotla:t be
liresidentiat- noitaiSeel: 7l :?.=ifef fdisbiik* , bis
friesidsj i ' his;';iself-ritii)ect
wesuest political t rial r ,`' ail~i:"veeil he
, , , - . . -- .
40..6ti )-1 ' 4,.. 1 - !% , . ,,:11 ':;' ,, '';.'; ,,- :' ,,,, .'-,:...-: ~.
._ ',,., ~,, • --; ,:.
. 0 94 , ;,. 4-44- ' l, p/Jf .4;•0 - ..,;?7 ,-,, ;,. ~:', " ,, 4' - C.. , ' , - -!' -, =4: rr, , ';,.....;,:: : . -. ,
,1,4 t, -, 41; , ,,,,,:,,,;:;., -Al. r.-...„....: , --,„
„, : , :&: t ii.. ,, 1 ,, i 4, -‘.g .,, ';‘ , 0%3;;A.,,,4.......
01,7W2„'41.`,5wt.,','i:,-.q.ciP.,e*,;s-_,;...,J5,...p,t,.-.. ~,, ~, - _
tings, his billing and cooing, liisAt i ;
form, his promises,. he couldmiliter but ..
half n*.yl i alAlNatpc.!.;,„ '..5,1;14 1 0
it cveroTtli 4 - 4 (ors, pii.'"miy4 it evirekci
Here ixia!notadt t leSsZ for' greiti \\ ii6l'
i. eg'
o i 1 Mll 17.411. ..wA
.l.„,iOnt „ °ex% nd
ekosFe i .,..aones.,
trfrlies*Oieckancl noMir ri ti!ktiope '.,.-
prospevalWaconsistentiof conduct
principle. in accoratiiitc' with that pri Z nciple. No
,•,„ , 'arla-lietil."4lftd - eith 1
'l: l ‘..krriCkas€!sWir , h .04 . 413 it :Andrew Johnson
will be forever condeniued and despised
along with all other traitors who have pre
ceded them.
' _
iS rotiunDl4llle o9ible thing/ ofi
tlSi TiLt,t,44o.lPlec'tkAt t b _PA re 9 cl:
Presidentatid Vice_ President, unless itj
be accerepapied•lbyrttbe7mostabarefacad
and §ltalnef9l fraud for, cprkttin, it t is
a majority of honest-men in the Union
digl.3edto z ete i ci'tli"6l%. l ' x 'Sir ) ." - 84tile ti u . f is
'an 'open - - -andTa-VareVieli'elrra`Micfili4
anything i'4-iihiV6fel." The nom
initiore;talthbuglebtvtititrseo lbtofElleVied
by defcnt,..l§A,g,,Tiat:l? - in4o,,tchtioth, be
cause it giveh l th a n;Miggarved promi
nence, but murl as they may be glorified
by it; ite fall iviilli'e L so great - 1131 'even
then), that they will" be c larle3 forever,
a 1 .,t14:4q f of„,the _past.
IThe,ii . eopi.eitt Aun trained ; to; prefer, to
tbelpiles,"ol;flee,:in` pion mho
h'ci . e,identified,„themselvps l wi,t,b,.the over ::
throw ; of the, goye r men t i e ,bpp rosion
o f : their ; 'fellow ; ;the
4oldierS whn, Actent,e,a the ; raj) els, • and ; op 7,
position ; to ; equal. rights..,, The ; tinie, has
passed-,r -wlien; such , ; ;Llogmas mare popular,
and;it-,ts,surpassim , c' ,strange, that; }vitll all
the.lightbfbre.tbew,.;there•tau yet-exist
a; party decla ri n g a t•i tneLl f a-re.l. „ere- ,
ated free and equal,".:tand. ,yet:openiy,Op
pain°. nobje-sAeclaration..' .Misaster
and defeat must always:follow snelvhypu.:
critical pretetisions-.1. - . , Gran't iabd - lOolfax;
haverxecords- that no ono-sari firi'd
with;'-on the contrary, they' stand-before
their fellow , tueu ' as good' and loyal ':citi--
zens,:wlio'hitve:lbok'‘ only to the best
interests of all, desiringyi
rnenttlie„,dreateSt'blesisi ng • ail& Willing ,
, to sbed their, blciOrtin '7llrhat
rebel;-ne'reheT4iiniatliiier done as'
much ?
. ,
...111113; 'dilly ritieictilk,'&eehiii(l'he k1.11,e4.1, '
The customerireAmigry,'iul their •bellies
• Twist be titled: , ' J, i -- e. .•• •• , ,:: , J,:. E . :.!
The Pepperheao. purty, ;UV.
ways of
' thAirifPPle,Lana 4.. equal trights,if,that
aulee‘..virerdlie'r.o Stec :and , equal;:bilt di'd' at
ithe'git4le trtne; 'all 'tlid'y" . coUld '-i6"CrieleVe
ia!iid: debes'e- iieir feitOW `inen.':beCaii" he'
Iwas,colored,,:roduce-him'to„,the l ,level„ of
;the brute, and heap untold wrorigs'npon.:
iiiim; begin - fo'feer th'dY'll'aVe'pa'rriedilieir
' -,•-:,. •1 -- . ,- .. , ..,0,... , l, ;,,..
li9iijui . ti tod. ; . fel . r,
,!itid„ - pyvten4"
,w, to eec
lin„the,color,ed,; man, .., since l , clothed !v,,Tith ,
ithe=riabt-oNtiffrage;•a. •new-ibeing: , 7. In
f itead•Wf
..donnun f eitig' him - as' a ;vile' '‘ 1; 111 ,-;
er, a brute„ vi:ltycat.,,,O. eoul, :,,no,beter z ,
'than, au ass„mifit,for,:anything,,, but,•ab
iject shivery, ,, they have- no 'objection to" re
Icci4e;hitie - dOto :thdir . . i .p,a`rtP,'aeVieriiiit
iliiiii,,C ! ,; ; ;3AC',.`tlieir,4l:e.i.,4,tiie,"tiei:4 - kL,Y .
must endure a • little i ofetho scent that_was,
1 ;some timei ago "soJdieagrecable' , to ;thern.
;They:bre Very ? 2 ,ifeeioixe'iiiiid - considdriitli
l to,,,the,",colored l brel:liily, i, i 2. ii
d44i.(kg: le'
..., task.,;:-Lati:stera, - 4 ,- 'such- as -,..11 .de
lantpton and other ;.soul-driving bra es,
pan condescend"to''falle - ivith; - "erguit'aiid
try to convidco_the_ poor, unlettered - ne:
kro how- dearly t theyloyecl, him ,when in
slavery, lrow mercifully they flogged him,
how good it was, • to. be ; flogged, starved
and naked ; hOW kind:4'7:l's 'in ':them 4 '., to
kdep hiin ' in '3i;nora . nce,eit'd 'aWay“ 'fr'om .
schoole,; to be, driven, to and Isold; .
iket a•sheep, •low.: , dearly•'they -love himil
now, gild'hiii ,-; : tn 4l ich 'niie•, ~.,' t•,:hei l6 l. 1 IOW'
Mi. if this, can enslave; him wrath. Wbat'
fascinating .and; winning .soulsetheser:poor,
popperliNtds-aie.l."Now that, l ithey,:diavel
bee ii lidkjii A i nte ' 'zi* Y - cc') eVel 6 u l in e , e'`Of a ili l e' ,
Fvq.U4PY,4 I P-IT.,iPfli.Oe( l - ttiiiß9P4AllPl‘Poori
slave, and-he; ; has:tbeconim-,frce, imdt can'
;rote.; ' they' would liYPoeri Weeny coiVeltiin;/
~4 ndl! a Y 9°-iPli
3 4 1 1Fki t °, l'i ls .::2klin::lik
I,i's...,.:c i i, tosut,"thent;.,egain„.,into.,„poNvor,,
that they • may...rmenelave",: torture, brand,'
itarVe , add' crick` their' leel:!';Wponlliiin ,''
' , • -..rt• - .1•I'li fri4l . , •,. , 11; ,it ,i1,..i r
c li F*:P le Y , Pie, lazy' ii i : i t l 4lF ii I, iP la .. YP: . §t Tllii
id& knavee„ way, J lye , kn ,dase,,,,apg „la tt en ;
upon-the.fruits ok his sweat and. toil; ,his
wounds and bruises:" `Oh l'the'liypeerisy
Of Coppelti;e4r i e v ici i s i T i lis — gi iin, and
where is tT4 - 40re' l a iu t p.
"f slb s enighted as
not see 'Arid,:i . niiii:t.lie 4iiqwness of their
pretensions?,! f t ',...t . 111:
Fuom.ecrtain ruriMrS and , -insin-••:
nations rove '
un'~nstified iii` hel that!
occurred uniting ;soute,of,; marina maculate i
:politicians that will hardly bear the light;
byWhich - some persOns'have b'een'eliabred
t° ' g et '„ PO9 7 ‘
consideration or right,! 4,heria, is :ce rtain
ly:a good deal of whispering andlrin king
after the aipror'ed":failiiiin' . of the
skillful political engineer _ ~, s ana • o' • ur read-
ers,must : no khelsiirprised zit :they :learm.of
4 new . mode. of fiedilation lately invented::
When the faciiil4lqe.nolie,rully- known
,we hnve; deubt,tbey, will appreciate our
"etfortsAto.: check-the- dishatieity -so: rife
' 11 , 11 ,9rP?1:9•P 9ut i 1 ,2 itI499RTATAI i491. 1 e , 114'
- "andiactaiir:they,,thottght) , the."-; public:lw.
l goosejvand , he-a.fool diet ,
her;aild'ii - Lien'ilielniliteei`'tU a 4. 4 . l
r, 1 :J,
'can have isle select co; officellao'se,
are honest.ana..worthy; ..antErdreeb--1
'ta44 B t4l'• :AaPPe4 to iIIP-.414.Ver1k
„ttp enqUire into matters, examinelfori
themselves, anfik.l4.ditsgurith those
rho slcul Ifvflz.igymrAlvt!Agp.4,.))l,4..,,politi
„„eitl.PstrFteisFr.,-(4. - 611,10'(‘ zt;
A3.1“459' : 411 ; th,_.e,,0 . ..urk005, and ,puazling,
,matter's :connected -- .lmlflx , the , De niocratio ,
n - tib ri n i bo t KOC ,
MOW, tliarl*:;"al'AL';,,O , f,,,'‘,l l: *so2'
,flirwarded i which . ;
'I:lel:pi-in:11h° following ,astonnding,-:btyle-v
-4 iia eoA:.:Thakin'tlie
wo win:other°, with itllliaVerVlngilklelity - to
The t`Ynpswervin, fi;t4)44',41Y.v..
rwhich .Afri aSfophens.' •sulher'd(Lremliads•us - .
:of an inseiiptuiri,TeleT7Flg,To are stamp
vri:4ol7k.,soroo:l'fi - g i pflegp)4, on tho ' outside
Of, .t.waa, , as follows:
In;,":~P.~xD.dcWe'ei=~d~g~attoke: ~:~ re;.-..~r
The newspapere"havebeen,aakiiig - why
prayer-bookh , htiveltioltTngok.,lessen - on-the
,in'aitler °CU:weever: The TorontoAzLeader
;says theyare aids to reflection:,
1%„.,1, Blair, who once pretended to be
$080 9 %10 obtain office, has aunounoe 4 ..'11a.,..
:',': -lig • ntt f''
1..„ - xt.l4s.ctrine, that is suggested, o,n } y ,
I Ty_iltii desire, but determination tO7ovof:tli
Z r t bro. to government, if .possibJ 4 e'ale.`:
1111r.'''Proe'atrn open hostility to the pow ei of"..
Con),ress, to declare all their acts uncon
stitutional, and nullify all their . powers,
.is very - modest in Mr. Frank 81air.,...
Don't he wish he could ? Ile, like every
other traitor, has a disgust for g00d . .. n 0-0v-
Crit t ritant'aitcl foriivelia - .1 riglifs:..atalLit ao
can't accomplish by fair means what be
wants, he iill - 73, ;it 14 --- fiiee,, on f i lle t prizi- 1
~t- J,L.i “,..: 1,,, , • rdl :9,l - ,10 ,
ciple of the highwayman, who wantsysgri
. moncypanikixleatan as , it , , , , ad h threat'. of .1
:titling yetatilife.'' ' , 1: 71 P , -; ,- - tt'i: ,- e ‘ ., !i' I ;,,' ',
'' t is r.'Blaitlitßi u Wi:itt,6ii' .''''.ieteW.',iio 1
`.1.11139::394 as : iLbkl1,1 01 :•).01 0 1 1302i4,cklitAli
:ficanination,', kintiit. :vas/1110E most unfottu- :
*Vate . izietA , tifliit life','Cnd: ivhen'lie'&iiiiie's
'to' hi:4 s'i;s - e" ff' he "- . 6V.'''ddgi, .11'6-;111
_eßrs9,,i,thp,., hpt4r, ybcp,J.kc a :glelibergely
:wrote Itimelf.downtais. , aa.tri - rraot: traitor
'raid ribeleanillubfd, :foil fitiblieliCiiit.''.'''."
J,.t--::.•ti.allii rt.: o-ati.ri itl , ,,:t I _..w1' , 11:).1,:q ,
,it ;W . ..fy,i----
" " ,
r .ll 11,1 CP.-
1.1 7!. 41 ,
411 j:.'..).0 11,17 a . /J 1
1,t14a ;
tion" nieeti.ngsijkold,:sinee,stlie.nomination
of, i seyrbotirv:
the, night : of, nomiontiom they: anet
and resolved, in substanee;itlrat- Ivlierans
the 'y 'for - a :
.adoptions of
the, platform , and • annonneeroent•'of i the
!loin inn 0t4 . - : the had
fallen: ,frdin
b i eir ey.S'f 0.4;111 6 Y
into:,:tlrelostonmfenees, na , .: anybody,: and
whereas they : felt !disinclined- • - td ,butt
' e ' la' '
ere,f9r : wo,rt o 1
ian't''ap Thee ,a re yery, • seissi
We resolutions, aed we believe the Cen.f
traLChase 'Association represents hundreds'
ofiboliSands of the' di:iftitto• and:undieidelf
voters from mlibui rye sball ;soon heat ;the
same response_ ~,•
' - .41.10115T BE:E3TONT I albeit , a - very, high'
Democratic diguitary,,inoi in ,00d ago:.
with ,the. - fUlth:"
the Cincinnati L'aquirer,.uses , . ttlitn•l up:in ,
this fashion :—"Xlr. chair.
man i :nnfortUMately i t of 1 - the ' , Denioeratic
qtr;;,„en'tiati„, l ,;Fro . 4, l " .; •,,a4
, litudatecl f
temporary,,c4airnlan: I ialis,nperhaps,-ivas:
his right, but hoJ eeitaintrtias rtuit called
upon to' lffl et the Con`vention''aitli'a set'
political, speech, sv ncli; tie appears to have r '
;done. The; country.has,:no, desire', no dish
"position' , to '•llr.-LBelinont, , t`intl; the
Jesi he hUS to t. 14
;,•)•., , • a ~.:/ •• • • .111
party' the better. for ,Ac„,onanisation,•
His name' is,,,xeryoulpopularcinasthe great
*est,,and his' , :po - siticii•islitheVagent 'of
foreigia • eap t's ' Vas . ' lieeo"use by
,• • ..;••••••a,it — ittfpf.
tli,T44l94 . l3,icys,ta ' l3 , enaOpFatle,Oisplyanr.
!age.; ,We hope :_for., this ; campaign--in
deed fort:all 'Cainpaigng•L•-tvei'lfavd" •heard
the 'i4f"
agent.,. r
. ~ .._ . . ._ ~. , , ,
A D opiloitt7,44ip t . Organ „on, tpi.e,,,X330. 7 ,
••• ,' .
', - 1 , 1. 4- 4 41.1 i 0 i ,ig n O tt--Tleip ° 0 rai-i c,- ,
P4i: e /,] t
the' New York Joailte/4:_ofoe'ontmei l e;:
Speaks its' mind- in la - way'whidli`will biiitil;
the party, 'pressine, k - .:§1.5f heavily I uPiinit. '
It Says, of ' the"D'emograti • Pl:rifOrm
",‘This is out-and-out repudiation, of a
solemn obligntio]; as 'we understand it, to •
pay 'all the liondcl:debt'in - ..t i01d." ' ' '
Tliit,,':c:;?,thg,4l,ip . §t.jOri I of ; repudiation,,,
2 7 -‘!the , Peulograts are boldly,gotumittedLto•
the lbaSei•altetnitive, land-/ will' ileaP) the
in:ain'adiiniithiretili4e thu'ileresy isfohd
Such,fn 1- propnsi t, • is, ib oth ;1 wicked ..
and . klisitracefui.:':lThd'arititors khow'ryery:
well 'tha'Cili'd'"triiiirey - wh's borioWe'd With
,ar r 1: tll.
thp„9x p rm,p ng p);.sp.o 4i nil ,pli at, ~ Fa t/ n; 4, to
13 , ‘ repaid: in ,cona,liand - that7any thing short •
of- this' is • 4 repudiation - or" a sofenin 'eofe:-
f.,t , :t •,.:
he. ,S;lp.ic „ ileading.,-pon)ecratie; ,paper
says of the candidate :
•,lsGorerrior.Seyttonrlia - s al ways fwarnily ,
insisted on theiillVgitipn . ,td"riajilabblint i hS,
P.P. o §.t,) •bi tie well- kn ow nrarieWegx,JElo,w,
the two are to be reconciled is not.ibr7ust
t ' o sitebw e n al, !sift 'tic. "
C.1 , c1,..t, I
The-Denmera tie. press, as'beep r-
JSU ,t. 14...,•
ing„wnerp.,the,enthustasm for. ! : a rant: aPia
Such enthusiasm as 'their own 19naftig`
papers'siiciV/Sitnnn't; cerfginly .
elsewhere. ~„„,
L. 'yC J. i
ALEX. 11. -,ST-E:v-msral----the—Vdee-Presi
; dent ,of t the,rehel .ppternmeA 4,,caered ;Few:
lutions in the Copper We'd-and Rebel Con
vention York.' Ina' ;iias'Areieee
dously cheeiee - ,l3Veekenridie'ira * ilsB..
„ 1 L,
'expected btcr. take part: -.J.rWhere.waa g e r:
there ........ uonvention,:was,a.nsere:
:transfer of • the-fehel goverment fioni'the
nOrthern allies .had an opportunity,of: par
ticipating, , ~; t:
!n:agrci r ') Orphan
'friencis isiii3"Miil0 7 t
; mantel , of the,,,Sourthr meattrewpromiseill
i4el:t .`tiniei . 4Tig
•• "'
of .thaiemooratie_canaidatee:o ,•,.,
Tin delegates' frotu
- couutrx ave art opportunity o ex-
Pla;ning,„,to.,theiropooplonhow.4lolo; , ..dr3p./
goinettsplayed , ini.New , lYorkrAp.r , 7 4,, g4
1 --
do,I?. stl,i; .-; u.t .-,,.1. , ; .4 b
- - 4 1 LETYPL 1 fPysppoFataAPA . upa-7.
g'reti.* - Witistrthe' - ailtnitsioii‘ tof.:thalStrfitp-'
e T r i',, , ,tia . t.p.4,l4 , a'scli)i4iiii'a,pyjlip,ao not
antieionted.Lby:•ite: au th ors;., , How B:1%.
aititlei 'oikiiia - eileil. IC "a at" atsi- 'effeCtiVoi.
I 'campaign.. :document; -:, that ,tho: at, once:,
.? I:ll° Yl dd 'o4 * -?'? ' *9PP 9 o.' ,l - 36- :i 3' 11i!,. 4 / I: 6 t‘,
,iatkeral ,ciratnatio
. t.:;lthe..paoilearilt then, ;',ahl,a',‘;ta:R96 .l. * ''fr bat pi!6y":l'o. ) ,':'§*ls,', . ' ; 7
'lsll( l lll( 4;ooidr,l4l3il4•pii7lCloBB);e.:lStiet:CAS .:••
'NI ihis'eiitaink 4411:';'-'-'t Ak--; .. c.. -:-,• ' -';.. 1, 1 -t.`:"l--.
, .
' t Treireitob
fonnely ownolLbp.l,o3.l.esers=:,
Thomasiretr77lCartratraly , been
JO.Wrn ; tllatitlle opw g i zu e r,
a • ttrancli , to4ol44 - ifrtevnnoli:
rciad„Lhae: wilLeonneec,,srik4
tkug,; jargely)..tneyeetztingy
- thee„b:isinosK,#ll4;..,:devoloping,
. -•
,Otent of eoniparatitely new territary.,,,,,„:
3 ti 11('
• Thaddertqlplerens.
The friends of . thia4tlenn are not
gen egtlsiAtWahtiling plots
'dece4kiN foW4oiis L i,il
We liiire,assurolines ; Oat a smit,e:t
beelitt„4 o ratriki , ll;l iAich
, enemies
'iss have conspired nominate
another in his stead. His friends must
recollect that this is not the first time
*lfiratifirViMl 67 - aVaTrAllMrliftve - bter
•irll4 c. Aa3ires_u 1 t i • ,;but?
- which have always been thwarted• by ex
posurmr Quite„,.a A „..numb9r. t, ipuliitrikt!"
fifiVpAignt- tmieraek their
shells, and come forth as Congressmen
but hitherto have been preFented by ;; ilhej
,floyl,.o9trnonces:',,ioceltpyitcv they, posi-i
floe, who, they think, has kUlit , thermiptitl
of it , lob 'rs'e lin t ; fib d Oveiihnavi,edifiei r
•1•1 •••••.,
sug,amf l tn,th,n,,gru);! state;, with,.;,th
,sirp,tUlteeo'inettt ilyery; butterfly,• sure 1'
. 66*-Vtittn'plltialreatl;eknell'enne . ' atic!' trinkb
ecv fft''',
fits constttuents stare, that they 11:ISC so
VIM '+' 4' • ;,;, - • ' ha}
joug,gyur•A4ueill,„hipt,nd ,utuleK-valued
:thetn.,.:AYoutlerful 6aster. and - uith
citizens !.,J1 Jai !Jo , • Ir . ! ,
Th , e . ,X9 3 :10.1 r :..§ 0 : : P '1 01)4 1',
eqeeNisFA9TAWI4tSIPP9IY4.IIq. fralr9iing
gen tty twhe:arcl out .41trptigh the t county
hunting tiateri&l fdi alittetAhatr will lie
';rin ”;j. V•tr,
pa la Mule 'to ;th ring-piasters:, e rn-spinsters:,
""Pr i ; foi: he C014.6 -1 4iil
pinlyto noluirqiie
and....dit•:eloso. the ,utter ;CO,llteinpt they hard
Covell that' is= neai , ‘and-:ilenr ;to - : 1- eiery
loier of COuritiy. They '"aim a r t ieT
tst,al- 111 qirkg,,s 1 47 1 ,ers, its, uiost , ,,odiouz
forms, repudiating t he, public !debt, viola.'
to' li f on
tor es: upop:Mie.oTinif,
of the. goKerne.lent..;,•!A -;COprferhend. is
seized with thelanntieal
Jews orOl,'th'at: ha isthe'Cliiiker and
may .49, as or, wrong;
still,,like,the.nimblecatiLnod matter. ihow:
far be Talli;'be4ill always lightup'ou his
feet: Tie elmdo no wrong `in his own " esti".
matloAC, - ang,pre.4p4e.accor di ngly-to,
pass : upon thc.rights of 'every; one; , and; ,
litre Stream,:
ipg 111:a alone, i will,
beat anything into his , brains;:. and , tifei-e%,
isitiothing•ia'eff4ctniil pithe I'little:Pellett
tvt,.;qyq,; 'from' honest Snoers 'in t to; + iLe
1:)a11pt,1.105,.,,,:,1:qt,a11./ieppiAlcans recollect,
;that now, as much -as:at- any time: hereto=':
ifo're 4 ;the' 66uhttlyqs danger,
•-••••••• •. c• '
''LAdaTiroubit'wevs'eriouslfan'd 4 -earziestly'
here tleat catididates, ' Grant and
: ••:t , •-• •
iColfax must and will be,' elected we arc
; :suppose -it,- wi lbet,dorie w ithout
great' effort' on+our side of the 'house, -
u 'befor, a mOment''''SUppbsed' that'
bur opponvi! , svpucd .act
,aionestly, and,
'not seek, by fraudulent votes, to overcome
our,honest hvotes, we.might. rest:confident
of suecesspbut-wheri we knew - thUt frau&'
Prei;tevotiniiWth6iir , greatest, eleiizent_of
st~engtlz,.it is ,folly ; not,to.ppt -,our,§lnipl
ilers to the wheel,:ond Ido s all we eon,' with
a - determination to' electpuinfen:"FraudS
'by,forgedfd4a'rfall4qeosllEicates.; lir
41ed,,toei,s ; ,of
daily use, and to, sit • quietly •and idly•: by,
withoUt counteracting efforts;, add
resting upon hope, is, in troth "§ti'rep,
der tile. election. ~ ,
gird, on our
armor, work,, qurjuusly,•,soberly
and-, industriously,' :quad. -work -without
ceasing; mild ilintlast'iotesliall 'be 'polle&
Titer:eel° 115.: -11. i, "rhero:is no,
1 " • • " nekritprioilA.
'I t 4 siiill l b 1: 1 recolledieci`'that = ;F'everal 'Pc
$.1.1•••• +.3.4
:fuSTR4. ior, :t ,sey,eral i ciays„,to,,,pupport j the,
,caucus , nominee'.:—Davis--for:: Speaker:-
IFiiially - the recusant
'Some weeks thereafter, Andyii•ViAiiihe
a menther,: t frqui,thiscounty,niVne: in 'his
the..llouse; and asked , . to , have
liis'friend from • thiW ti tr ap
i't:Z-selerk'ship,' and at 'the .
• satn9gLiTnint mated that Elie §PPP•k•O I-111. 4-1
'llielrieuda: promised him :this m h e •
-.Meniliers'ee6tild - not , shm , itheinatter!in then
ts4i c itelfglit: anillv'ery - prOpeily"•raftised• te
~.recant,unum4ey,tl,3)tu,.this eourtty,, ,who
th:eeatue•in d iguant ithereat.,:!lV.mnow:learn •
that the:Said t•AfticlY• tentl'etitiotherAnTli ,-t'
7 -from Penn tormship„went to
a: f°7:7S...eks.Pg9i.Mit!?:qiqiF , p4•liii:?P , a n 4,
actually drew out of ether State , .Treasury,
- ;o - yeriseven llndreci,dollarse as: salary:;forl
thitwirejeefeill^ ';'ivlio;••-they '• • alleged,
l ee ri
in fact, he was at his Home iti }lanheitu
IW,e :are' wrongly: informed,: we wiltzladly
Annytnefluction.i. - ..- =if
ThereiS very sapour '
Because Congress thinks it Ines-
Aedietit to rednewthe , tirrnyiduring‘ these"
, yerilitatiritni . 6o"T'ebauSe : th'e' t
,gcit • hein"
. L ,S 6:4 eii4e7eft
:matiort,doeStuett,rePlbr, care „whether, ; the,, /
; fer?gne of these reasons: It is sina y - • •
1 1 ;14.610Agq..i11 e i 11 1 . 94 t V e )4 1 . 1 4 13 .
s re i theTb.W.ActRAR-vgj..l meattreltia4Z o N -,
vertuneutsP. sayS ',Comte, ~'.lavorites. .. governT,t
s A ti Dcdm"*tiel;itiddg - tiier`nmenti,i'theiolit:y,"..
e in
, LI itt 5i1,14 0 . .011 "'Ail .."7,0
1 1. Ti1ji.91.141144.111. A
tibSrlis.gcttiitg , taXesuch.toauctognized
trollYA goVgrhiii eh
Iqgislativel4fungus,flaUd Amy i thdit-ttithingt
as 76gttift1'13i i 10`111
~as d 9ppii2]ands Ip, i ,tp„ the,
frk . itiA, And, A arly,„
theymish.eertaitrialist n otq pass;.
-Our i ndepetulent AtnericaiCcitii'ens‘go - to*
:;this 10bl:1 . 711:4, 91:6' Uii4.l6:
t'ut'OPTen, — iVOlal , (`'itiOt
- . •
: 1 Palt i n
th nok riser/, if;Ctou'gress.
r: tlbligh"m" CV:ft; :6 - 6411.154'elie"Ve' the" Gk .
.r'Yr t o P ut i '
JI ..a* 1,, At r '
it i looki Nary anuck s lika. ;. 4' '
... •
-Onitoir_our, sqbapg, es p;,aises. au,.egg
~whfclilt Ear+ liiid on our table by 'the'
Revyrdl 4 :43nifth;grlfr.:Smitlt'soenTh s to bria"
ally man its-wadltsur ,11111118toni IT
Correspondence , of he Coluxnbin
rho Sehaintr falrgrAliAtl
wet bhußot on:t'no rebelmarty orz.iyaucn.
A ter county:! Feq,Nortlitril inen;fe y optriqill4
ingatitade? 110 4s one
of the ten millions of dopperhencls ,in the
North who sympathized with the rebels,
and rendered them every aid in his power,
cpurAgiqg clgscrtipys„.ancl w re. , 44tnocq t,(A.1.40
il'Aii:" iii;Altie`tliaelVelde•'thirintAteVriii.l
'semblance of ' sustaining tho government,
I in ittatruggle-fotepciptinaße, but it was An 1 4 y
. . l avorlt.ihottnt i rre coitain'iniE"."4 , e ,...‘ 1. --.
If those ten millions ofyenonious 'North : .
ein-tOpperhimaidiad - aeasectrtheir - infernal
oppositionArltialMvlrmilvit trjul the pros-
-caution _of - the—war, the.terellion Avould
soon have been, orishe . 4 4 .put. Eight mil
lionsrof.goA(atiergtp.t„latiglilig,in t frpat, and
ten millions of
,Copp,plrads, led on by
such men as SoYindial,..kdeping up the . fire
iirf ho ri!ar;neeesstirily , ol;olOngefittedblOciily
ettinagd."" r .. le "' l ' t
• 1:17.1t•
I 11 . 11 V P o 9 1 ?• 13 .9r ' ? '1 ?4 ' lP , ) 1 • 1 1 !C a l PN .64111 4 i
,the ,l ern slipml4ll,pot„r . epplye
the nomination joyfully, urges; I:indeed,
it be' in. the fitet that: they havci:pre
ferred Oandiclato'•wbosetrtielcs , 'ltil -bedn
tho'preseilt Campaign is fit'vol;ietl 'tho
was involved 'ter the extrapttigns et:1862;263,
. _
the ,
.was I)einocracy,that taught that Alte ,nation
was without power to preserve its own ex
tlya Deulooratie , Prirty,' . `thlit
# ll ?, s,
a rki in un i tp,' ; tug Neh'clu,;Thero pan :
not bet ones single,,healthyl..war, =ensure
po tecl .to,: t hatl the f.Dem °era tie! party Al
not oppose .;• nor did' th.rebelliba 'etinSe , an:y
ilie . l7lill3irreTtirs'e7c:Ur•eTelininariiiia=illid
of the clestraliZlC,of theliaVanntent. In
the thirty,sis..-.battles that it was on r;:lot-to
participate,. always :felt :.that ~welwere
fighting the Detno.9ratie;.pirty. Every sol
dier killed in_thd Weir was killed by a Ppm
oertit 1, built tkliep:ii,jkit) t g
tlithelieditota. Ueti4'inan, was gnidea on
its murtitunt;ieyrantl,,,hy,.l . so 7 calletl Demo
presonceloi,the •-•' "0,
' During the Presidential 'camPaign-in the
fall of '64, and whilst
,our army was fight
ing one of thoa r e c: blocidY l liltitles; under Gen:
Sheridan; :in:: the -Shenandoah!. Valley, •Itt'
_McClellan officer Ghia; ivho was not
hit thatimornent, en gaged;:tooktitluPon
ek:patiatelargelyineiverbf the Deni
! ocratle-lntrty; amongst , other c-stateL!)
nents,:eingoired,."wlth Much ..:Iwbulo•-:ber
,patriotimemotioa'v , :tl Where is the:old, • tien-:
:erable....Demitcraticlparty,tthat has Serveft
govdrnment si.tiea the.days oblant.shingtoii: l ll%.:
;.A.t:the , -sayno inst antv-a abra.ves:oniceit.9"toruf
!the.Satite State - .caino.riding
a.bloody:band,-crushed: bYa nrinniejball; , ;,
shotony Atradriff, and:there .4s:4°W...twenty-I
Avelhotistttectizore '02161: yinde2l,cshbotinvat: -
St.wim the.; and =Fatal: hit;
and ended theLargunient.-i , l
Every. borne Made de:solateis the. inheri
tance:of the 'ltTbe:Demo-'.;
'eratie party ketiti the:rebel in: eiisten Ce
lengadteritsvcatissi,:was Atoperess.4 When
the thabellion,waslottering to its overthrow; :
wthedall.of '64.l4l3e.Cliicago!Convention; ad ,
order to,strengthenlita*:tottering.ifootsteps,.
declared. theowar a:. failure,: ands demanded.
thatsts immediate ell' madet for-
Sation :of hostilities ;'!iand:.this , same
i , ention otabe-DeMocratlyi.Noted down 'add•
round sated , t,he,following.resolution,., N.K.::Washingtotc If unt ,'
' Resolrot, That In, tliOfintur43;ak. Ithelngist,' Wo•
wilt adhere with. ,unswerving - fidelity to the
Union and the Constitution. and itn.,Lst upon
tar nka ~ts pa, -only
Solid foundation of our strength, security and
happiness teed people I•lind I as. st , framework of.
government equallv:eonduelve,to the welfare
and prosperity Of:lathet.ateA;noth . ".7.e'oftli 'and
And.: over .1L is- traitor,,con t .this
same ;,11oratio., Seymour presidedi,• The
,is t ,lhe Democratic party-bas _been to
this government,.,
"Eye of newt,: and toe offrog, r: , rr
ofhat;•and tongue of dog; , • •
fork,and sting, •,
LlazarWa:higond,oVet's ~
The,grcates . t, lie in, I,i i t,o
_ whole worts
the , e4 4,*?til'Ain t.c ilf? l . l .. l ie,.,A9l ll) g;T B . a . ll i l'th
time, that ill edierm biicains made the
sins.' 'very dollar is a Democratle;lrtpley ! ..
.tvery,, tax is a Democratic gift.:itl'very gor.
$ 1,1.4 r'•if
en:intent stamp is a Deitiocratic, sticking
n 1 tt:tter.,„ l very person in the Unitecl'Stntes
- i uilzs
hiS'AVltlsk 2 y: and in the sugar. whers,,witli 1;91
sweetens them. naelt ingretiCen,t,,papt its
quota fgt. tile cost , . of , Dcmecraey, , tot,he 9 . 2 . 9,11.1
„try', ,sineker;inhales Dentocine`y.
sick Man is n i lylA4ted t li Al l°4l9 P e) :*
The laberinintiigivekabOut one ho 9 r's lit-
or ev - ery tiny to pa:. , ftir Detnoetapy , ,,
Leapi tap§t,,pays . one-tenth of ltis
the cost ,;of !.ItlSl E DCni,eeratic,part:yi ' Leery
orAirop,Cily_ ?v,ioll 'thT„
iti,4'scitte'll : ,
Front. gic . ‘ cradle
0 00 the ,grye he'
t never !s.
free trust
.firsCi;rty! liehtheit.;Cif;:Demperatic,:inlp,
and a, portion, or tkit - ,!..t i Ninne;b:,iii left
,13,61141 d:
most go into , tltis Democratic vorte'c twin--
oration after ,gqneraticnv xngst,earry.•this
De'niocrlitic burden: T 6. - il?l4l4`depth.
felt iii iiiik`hAlleiit: 7 o.flifii'b'roiv or, tlifS'lalOrer,
kind in the tr.svail of ,Nyountii, -
swallowinglll.i of a. portion Of .11to t 'earth's
iir4l , ti.iliVon'so jf ac
tionda'n - a§se'r we. it; the houndspf hell pug*
to lintrisouls tliio'ngh'all eternity.
. v i.l~
‘!Harts!' is trump.
• —LlV,hy thou Id aprintor gu liungry,,Whi:th
lie cam, Illways ponycrtAis,poric.iinto , pic
—The city of Paris owes :00,000,000
"7- 741,4 •.- 3 "ri •
ton ?Sr:collar. paper, ft ;4 ie. i stateci, iq
rinide 'daily at one ; &till-in 'l',ittsfieldrlsrass:
i—Dr. Ayer rays the liiraest"incoiria
"" ^S t "'.
—Never talk. 4 tO theliPrihte'r . *ldle lie is
engaged ? in .setting.type: 7at?? „
• b?uck„). l .kP. .t 3 leX
—439 • .cirldlln4l: l oll.zefte r „palls j ql4l.l§ft.
"slippery Sklinon ;'
=The weathu rn, tv warm lor, bage l ,l?alt
.? '—A wet handkerchief or - paper in • the hat
' • '—An - exchange in Maine t saya't ,
!.aud;g ll ll3l 3 l4l 3 e- 3 -14:01P 1 7 0 .PASAte.d: 1 t.i'llIttyera.P"
. --T,o o :herlYna-Neighb..fer,the-- Demogracyl
` —,tli C",,i s t.f,-1 1 1 1 31 tAr P",?-:::- tiro;
r• :-:Ftyoitte Generals, jn the, Soupl r -pep,
'Blair:" 61 ;
"tirreep::.Pl.! -tt••
ismoNievtirs: , 011 ttle
'Tiretteland.4.l. •.1 t
:—The highest peak in'eoloratiolistlicamt.
1-41190 1 9., I F4Mr,e, e 5 1 .4 •
somnambulist at Worcester, fa11?,.40,
,feet to the sidewalk the. other
brok&hivrest.:”""""'". -• ri
r-I.'.nblielnularnices-!-told" !tvigsjong tailed"
.'..areaseit.tininurglediloga.ehureh,gessips and,
..bypoeritiell preachers. . . , 4....
said - the Trtileckim
"will. be gdod;" deapitetetheileifitl , ''wet,'
T oet nt
Wild.plierrit, 41.!.`•a ;4
~conibfaition acid iTorui.iraaed," ;heal
• ing'and.'etirintl,-;dikeasedrif thiPthroatZluifg4'
and Tchest...t , ltentiwit cough . .4liSri loOtteriing
, and,olenueing theAungsgstrul
tation ;•thuS Ten.totfil.q, , ,t/te,,s4 24 7topptetatt
drying up tittiCtiggli and. leaying,thbilfseasc...
?behind. itige 'Mt 'l,lll`jpe. }y r k. i, x, - :_
El :--One of thetßermsylyrinitt4iiporslreeeitt=
ay pfated..,its„lyji,oleilsepeoettkat.iciltd. - (If
wrapping pqiper,.. which was glyert,,to„tbe;,
by - Wdealertdadyertiseltia wards:
.Intiii•tropleal: fregiatileot risesu hi' invitPl.
; able ccaoeds 4410: moment •bottle
Phalon's. 4 V,10r deillaye,74.lte flop...perfume
'for thtittiriiiirbiichief,lS opainitt: bite singe':
drop;acenttsa hantikerehief; 7 ''Sold"by'all''
.drtiggists;vie t-e; ~t
5 !_tfe.ZAi NOTICES.
In tlio4tole. lifiNOTy of medical discoveries IN
UtEME.DY , ltlisaimell so many or such remark
9Wilamerous affections of the roan
LblAlktlitiillas this long-tried and Justly cote
\brae° ••Jai‘l' ;ffrSo generally acknowledcd is the
superior excellence of this remedy, that but few of
the many who have tested its virtues by experience
fail to keep it at hand as a speedy and certain cure
• rsktlMMllatriftffaeffret9MatfitlY9rEi .4 ;
remedial powers ate comprehensive enough to cm
:Entice every form of disease, from the slightest cold
to the most dangerous symptom of, pulmonary corn-,
4s „ u4ssepip...g. r --„
L ITV gt„tito Anal
Igregattona mrch, lri geport,'Connecticut.
"I consider it a duty which_ I owe _to suffering
huinartitylerfairly — f6 — trriditirl:l;
ATISTAIt.'S,PALS/14. 11 . :1„PsiNflzD4 Ci4Bll,l4„:"AVave
used:lo-411mi , P,littve find ocdusitial-Ydikarty , rdrnedy
for Coughs, Colds or Sore 4 Throat—for many ars,
•And.xtever , At ielitiolotitilituricellOWitltMletil
. c
novo Ana' curb - me. "I' have ' frequently been —ry
hoarse on Saturday, and 1,..0ked forward to t -de
livery of two sermond dn'tho following day witlr_and
misglyhkgaptle byllclibVtitt 110 tafj.lo'italitaajmy
boarAeness hosinvariribry been rammed, and I iIIKO
airetiabedlrittio at ilitllcultyn'il:.s4l , ' , .... 3wv t ..) "1. , il 1.
,I.cOmmend my brothextV l n she, ministry, and
I iipti &lie' sperikers•Zeit erally' s .; stoaertidti feultdy
for the bronchial troriblewtb.:*fi eh we are peculiar:.
ly exposed." it " +r , ' I,l( a iV t''4 - igZlly Seth-IV:V,AId ,t, soh; 6 19frenntlg
-1;0V.. 0 P,,t 113, A t"er , .5 ,,1 9 !-.Y. l ? , iug/31.11"'OP9PK 101 3tit... A
tfitAtE ; gNELFWA l l'ii , Nitifh! „
Detiot‘Vtisie:r,.tit;P.4 l .mm,
.7 7 i,,
,s• Will'UN'elietre.iibled. far yinp.
sometimes outwardly add' • sOrilethriea • 'inwdrdly.
Dulipktitelpant sltrkislor la thanirdste4 itself) bore
Mari usual tutiWiirefly, and" Used"your - Salve. All
me ,i,nwarilly.;,indisp.tMg,,LAl..igti Aluar,erplicaAug
niffure of the.,.Si.lvb.
d:SON:',llo4tem,,Prorletok's * ,
SoliFby Driikgisis 25c.`"ti. , bWi;'115 , ap . c..:43t . "nye
D w and Vrofes4or of.Diecnec..of, the Rye foul
Ear Ili af PenhejtChnia; 1.1 Wines ex
perience, (formerly of Leyden; flollandOVoAs os
ki , ))a• - 4 . r.e , t 1 " -1 94 1 ? , m.v.!‘
The inqdieal; fieail.t y aro Tjiv - ifedle,..a ceem panyjbeir
pet idrito/Melfo hen- n r,:socre wint it bepro.trie. , A rti..
I.,.oyes„Mser t hou SI "
° ,etuuge -for
eaifolidtlens. — '"
. - som.El- 3 ,JiforAcs stEppl
• • - f • -
Very!inntty'stttfer from eriei'Al 4 debit ity,'i 4lier;
frerriVehlrmis:4 l of s tYC r .sfetriaCh`Wriu'qualciliEi .
ee:d. itieir'foo'd some lmvc qopg
the nerve fbros,~or yain in the-bock , with'nFiung,aq'd
urtrY 91,Fp . PTdrig efthe :Thousands ladies
iinita7l:hrotigli'',l4mk, ' froth`iv`ilat'iti•e"e!iitect
1 7 c;Ahle . :do r 7iiptidnte;eiitis - ed, ielar'Utilon . Of.
ele afid4igament that attend dequienUy t olvilal force.
Thonsonds : g. , hUshiesS I puzu?,:overg.9rlr - od in mind
and'hody, usomp Ality,ncrpous fluidtand;•becoine un
fit for duty or AIM , enjoyxnenta of: life; Excesses in
youth, and the terrible effects. ofifeVer and ague, in
volve shattered- COnitiNtiOnstaod - thec - fuilnre of the
general functions df-Itenithl.-.;TO -sufferers from al
those eau;eS;''''');i'.'
I 1-.11 ,J 4 l 111-1
olfqrs., , an - onyalliablo„booff,,n,Etittufa'l.aud,",cflqclont
reco very, of r lost: popere.- r. A63>arson, parkorovelnan,
suffering frotn.anyleanso, eau neglect this
remedy. 7heNervine will ..berfound itairpOssess no
i equalizing and-rditritivailnrincipte!tflteallays irrita-
Ition, and like sTeep4aroiniit'ei 411 . 6 - Seb7etions of the
:system. It has affinityfrOP , ttiOGFirbus fibres, and
(supplies them for ttie'isi,i'tilibit s t is constantly taking
wince. Like wholesomdfned - talfen int, the stomach,
p r urarlorgoes.rapid 'digestion, zinvigoratitig in. its.pfo.
I cassi the:digestive orgaiis,randcatikluelng
ftto elf yL. , .j41,1
~ •n, , • „e
ginknonti ; t4,atiy, othor preparation. .IL contains 110
opfann lh.aphecsh; and, so fari from' rod
Itipeness,:ikwiltbe, found itri , efficient cure
ration, ainlaudf obtained...A , world.hildwronomil for!
• „ • , r • 55,1
"Dear Doctor: The last , medicine prescribed by
you I ob4atueil and kill Ofty:that,D,olll6.*ifirm and
Invigorator Wall that it claims.-to be. ,I,
R"0,1*(, a
pew man; the no b' 19 • lrispll gone ; eep
well, have a good apPetite,.and'lA - stronger
than u I
hive:tor - Many yetifs past" , [C6pitiihnted bY•TM. I fr.
;t: Tuckqr.'2s9 BrtOklYit;
• 4 a Eli o' Pttlie; - cl' 11 nil' - Mikef
benefited •12P
strength futu.L:eurc,:. or.those; ..tremblink • sensations.:
My costiveneso,niso'-,seetus zto:bfl -entirely, cured
(Letter to Dr.,Tuck,e.ra,„u, r - • .•t"`
• "Tlie - rnedicifm,yott.ordered - 02,0t/A's • Neivine) wa
havelaken tin oe butflek or. ~f l t Ismgreat thing: 'My '
wife'says she wonldf.titther„lisve one bottle of .it!thim
forty doctorsolblie:isvertaluly betier;aloult feellMsl
draughtg doe ti 80,,mtich; bowels move ensier,,and int
betternervits • candition every.way.". • .
ff. 11. mart a, Gasifier Mean Muse, Long Tiro eh ,
New Jersey, states' that)Dodd'sl2Nervine has eared
him of, chronic weakness .ef ,thostoniach„dim .s., ines
and Hid k, • b eadacho, — tunicl greattrstrengthdOtt" his •
whole "system: • ,• ' •I
D tyid Hartshorn, 250 Stale street.. Brooklyn, cured
of chronic muscular and nervous debility.
Joh it .Ifarbut, Brooklyu,, N. Y., " To, rev
iota" the binvels without producing' cathartic facet,
quiet:tlio -nerves; and -tone O 'the'•system; I•-have'
never [used anything' that :egualled•:Dothrs ;Nor--
,Denni,; Esq., East ford„Conn., 411) , ov : iro,
has' titiffort , d,for tieventnen, _with esitreine n.r
rotts'.debility nod prostration.'• 'She Wll9 '111 . "
dueed tvfriend to' try 'Dr.: V, W. 'lleidd's Neridne ,
and Invigorator; and by'itw use is• now, restored , tot
perfgStbeulttrlj. , .ru: • .. 0 I,ert
Dr. O. C. York, Chorins t ovin,kaas.o Colps, ot t
great nervous debility;•nbE co:Mudd - by,
to thti:Teplale VY*, alltliotighl„frhui ithe , gronte4;d4ll;
caexprtho female organization more ,eopunondban
tutiong`rneti!Ynninihy,Do!bi's `Plerri no' 'and 'lnvittoy- - ..
atorlwitlisthethilpptekt entcett , ?Tttoxdottilb !h. - tont&
power anythlkg thatlt Sinn arnileritifactibie upon..
thejlevv,ets is all that eau be•lnsirett.".l.t jlg ,' r 2
DQDD'S,N.EItNIii I I4NI./..l.l l ViCialtATOlt; is .cn-1
tlniXossaeletsotts Hospital: for:the [mental
.ti)' •;.: ;41131
; FOR; ;PEll.iiCiNAl 2 , TEch'ISTOisTiATS
To cures of general ilobiLity,oindigekion, taCCide;B 2'
floss, kidney compinitit, ‘iinircolic,--ond female eoni;
;their own foinilieri, tv i refer,N ith perinl3-
siop t io t tlie following, fifth llemen in ilinkriolinly;
) BALL, Ayetivo , .
W!B:l3CYDoll."l'rwet.llottsca N. Y. ' ' ,
I JOIIN; WILLIAMS,' l'olibernan; f " '
' J. - 4V:II'ECK_FiTT, A L. , W60145'11.1 ' •.•
J. S. WRlCirlrr.Pq.,,Jersoy
Non. WilitirliN'CliAsl , l'&4-114oailwn'y' N. Y.,
FOr isnlo
Williannie,Drug-Storesicolitnipia,jrit.; - /-L
Sr, rie'r . '
lo rf!. — B:-"STOREM:&
nog 17e6i-137,]1 ; ,,, , z ;,: e .Propriotoro,
LOOK.:.REFORK-YOU •DEA43-1 ,1, t; •',
. . ..
1l he finest and Lest lot of goods ever brought '''
to Columbia, has jest been received
: • I li et the ' ' 3 . .
-1,„- '-r",
..:--,:-.:„.:‘,...,,LZ1.., j .
, 1
i f ,' ' ' - 01i.eti,i) .- Stoi . 6 4 -'-''-;",";
-e1.... V. .."'":l4.' " ' ii,' ".114 IP" "!, ,, /frit ~..-3.1.
- OF
I 1 - p7,-; , i s ,::,:::11,0 T A.G,TjtE -
1 /: . A .... , :. , 1:1...n !, , t..; ...ft,....; • ~,o, l' .•
Where the Public. are. cordially :Invlted Ito! chit
t .
nii , l6ixannwo.theP9eilki anti Pr-wee... The "reatet
;p art goods were bought .hethre •4. ie Jae,
advance 'ln - cotton,"ltiabEcons'eutfeinl izin - ho
:geld much clienitei--than present' 1 iolesale
; Prices. The Stock iii%tiowl l'u.ltniixer complete,
conaprisingthetUtterent grades "orgoods, 'viz:
'..iiIOILkIRS, •
VALENCIA.S. ! 7.1 !
. 413 /0 0 L -I) ELAlRLialeenior B ." ••4.•E
A tine of Spring Styles or S •IV -
-IIN DIIXIAIS, q - azionata ad,SIILLLTINC.
•LI.I•7SEYg: ••, •• • -;•- • • •'•' " „ • ~" •
'il.nelegatit,seleetkon apilnental • Sifinniei•
BAIZIOItALS at the loivest prices - . Itart,
''SILKS. Also, all, widths. •of,, ,Sheetings and
Pillow Cases Xusllus or-the:Best Makes.
A pnrreetly 'nod line - cif 'CLOTHS CASSI
, JEA-NSi'L•Wilt-teiktUotaring.' , Cletlis;!' Auld hiesily,
COStS,aatestYnshions.,(l, f
400 T
and', SHOE - sbusiness;'iunlAtaing` determined to'
keep mone•but the best'Goods‘ An:this: linglilincl•"
at•kess,kban usuakprines;•_reskieetfullyisolleitsi
`5. nicTAGITE
roo rs t•se .
;(tv' , l 1 " 1 " pito
_ ,
t. at:tsc; 4:+s tsu,ll ,J(v) lot Is
. "...iNto` ;/ IstaTlO - ±"
• I • / .• .‘• til.k 4
o the public-moon - Rh% thrit'she-hasTost "
0 returuidifrohvglithadelphla with'
a ,(Illtt,ClMlM:Asgtirtfneut of
tA I Shoef"trehased4lired „Mann - foe;
turers,nmi itt 'of the 'heselkhonni rurthe eon-,
tsequenttyonr of a betterldrid`thari are' 'usually`
z soldintsinitlar stores, Om/ ra, ellenpe'r
. rt t variety of r 1 / 4 •.• • ,--
'Coniming pou.t of .
' A largo Assortment of
,(Dlokens,,Ma ;7. gent NEO a,Elsronrek, and .I.ockwixtd.) .
IC .4nts
_ I, radtheittra
.SPOQL THREAD.:, together with( then usual' I
j rarletot of usetulancl Panay ,Artlolea_,.- ENV, EL WESTING PAPER, to atll-14W.,blekx;
lishe invites the 11Willt1011 ot flte :6113zotat
AUMMIL I IIIII/' vleffiltf , feel Ins confident' thou
examlnatlon allorStoolewill)peovostdisfootocy.
• lea-Goods sold for Cash anti Cash only.
t . 1 / 4 • ,tartrat'l may:Ml 418-U
lUP•49:gliggArd t
, .t4`erV,lVrlidEi 'fiareigiaie •
iefildenceior Sames , l3atber, In'Waaut street,'.
:where he ls mull times prepared to
all kinds
of workla httralne; such awilangingx•Cartalos;',
"eattlug,,roalciug ,{lnd.. laying! CArpets, repairing;
,Sofas *ma CilaU's,toaidng,3 rip itr.4 1
Hair gattrasses; CIISh101:01 &O Otte - • • 0. 1
Mar. Wl%4] ' s • dialtrEL CARTER
- io. ~....., . .T.:— . q .2.-:-..,,. •
- 1? .
_,...,..... _
IX ... ..,
w, N ,11HINIFIWyb.—
e I !..A lei .er. , its.4tUi• Mr° Sl3l 1n,,, , n with
.r , niet a t,,, ! ,. an 4 ._ .t.orl ord . ; 2 1- i u tttlils
.' ea.• ".•11 , „'" ,
' 47 .4 L L
10 '
.., r- '
p.. -.A
Ns ..:i-1.77:5 -" '1. t LOTS!
Large or mall, n Sixth litreetror Seventh
street, and on Locust street, and Walnut street.
Those fronting on Locust and Walnut streets
196 feet deep to a t 4 feet wide mile
' '" 4 • ' S • . •.• ..-- A.. -, .. —.PS ....
and LOT on Second street, Columbia. Inquire
Al: this othee: Nee: 11, 'O7-tf.
ania Leaf TOBACCO is offered for sale t
reasonable rates, by DAVID HANAUER,
Jan. 18 'G3-tr.i Front Street, Columbia.
Having increased my facilities for turning
out superior work I would announce to my old
customers and all new ones that may favor me
_with a call, that I mil better prepared no to
t h ielei t ,VE r i tinas k r l.l9 I '<l• .11.11 1 11
than ever before. I employ none but the best
,Not•knteo,aud„anuatways qpiptit,or, giv,lng•sattir
'fact:ran': ric:ehe 150 land a genenti totsiiirtin tof
ready rinuleworkjull„2fav t liy.,ll4# mo . .iitiL}ettHeti
nnad „,
I ttqco noerup work of other, par,t4s..,- My
workls'rodae'ttiefiisively' for Utah teade and is
sold essuch. •,
selFar eheap - 'fts` any 'Other `e . italliftsh inept,
and ask a shuroo4puhlie patgonage.
Locust Street, Let veer Front and Second.
kIRTLIMa.Krt 77:11:;a1P,11(
r unerioi
ilull9l°;S f Yirki t ri I ft •
T S .11 S
Inforins,ther pp Wig, thatalp .preparqd it? re
celve-cirtlerkiSr anti. tliat his 'Prices are
- - •
z.-.-Arsplandkl assonnienG of -J -Wark
on Ilancl.
.4te Ph Ir I alwaysattended tri Int a proinjit and
enielent, moaner.
• k nr I. -iraA
The Subscriber has on band a large Stock
of SootsibLift'Siin es,a;idters,i , dza.; ;Ids own
Call at his Store, four doors above IL. Williams
Drug Store, Front Street-where he offers an ex
tensive assortment of Goods, either
His stock consists of tuf Aarge ., and igenend As."
sortment of Men's Boys' Ladies' and Children's
I• :1 I,i ••:11 .1
as can he found elsewhere in the Town.
Those requiring Boots and Shoes, will find it to
their advantage to call and examine his block,
before purchasing elsewhere.
IF A IfurSEBUG - , % '* - "`" r- "'
What a wonder
That the doors
Are open wide;
Ever since the
First of August
Tousands have
Pain Paint applied.
Those who lots, ~1 t
Or call it humbug,
Are the doctors,
Not acquaint;
For they.always
When their patients
Pile up facts
, 'F tAs ash gh the tr as m uth ountains,
Befoe teir
'' Vr h
at the cry eyes,
always humbug,
Men of science
Full of lies.
! .PeoplOdrinsW . that liniments composed of Ow
enne pepper, turpentine, hartshorn, ether, tke.
twill produCeintlammationland:pain.o'To pur
chase such trash to stop pain and inflammation
is ridiculous. Fire will not stop heat; a dumb
brute shuns the heat, andltnows enough to wade
in a pond of water, when wounded, to reduce,
cool, uld cure ,Lnthinunatiotuandit'sver4 If :310
' -Pimps - and gamplersi`try 11,` 'look honest; but
folks can read the face too plainly. Sonie try to
persuade,. the ignorent'ltharfpillel,physle;,ete.,
cleanse the blood, purge the system, and do a
hundred other things equally absurd. Every
tbody knows Unit it is false, vindthat; no nxedl
eine um purify or increase a drop of blood.
Food snakes blood, hone, and muscle, and is the
staff of life. Every dose of medicine swallowed.
'rejected,'•and hurried out of the system as
quick as possible. It is an enemy ; yea, a deadly
Mc. ,Censtipatlen, ill health, and weaknew;are
the result of dosing, dosing, dosing the stomach.
'the living system' has enough to do, without
workinghensel :o death In expelling - and kick
ing out the Inlehlis nostrums; poured down
the throat. I'md she welcomes when she needs
it; yea, asks for it. Let inn-makers and physic
venders stop eating.: food, and see how long they
can subsist on their blood-purifying, invigora
ting, health-giving medicines and cordials.
What humbug Is' more' transparent? A dog
Would feel so insulted, if Were(' a dose, he
would curl his taildowdward in Seem, and run
away in utter disgust. All physical pain arises
from inilammatieu.h.Pnt .out alleAre and you
Stop pain absolutely. You can stop pain as easy -
iLs you can_quencivls9. 2 with wate.4., , yod.Corr's
PAIN PAINT - SubdiAes Yntlnrttniiitioli, litat, and
fever, one hundred times faster than ice. Thou
sandshaveltlid're,practienli test Of ltd' merits , at
the very moment of most extreme pain, and
they can testify,that4t has, not falleddit doing its
work. It is simple; it is harmless; it has no
stain; it gives no smart; it is for sale by Drug
gists everywhere; amid t-ls.tested free of cost at
170 CHATHAM SQUARE, N. Y., and 022 Arch St.,
My wile had atpulwr f on;hgr, leg for thirteen
years, caused by ilirfeose veins, ulceration ex
tendiw, from her ankle to her knee, someplace§
ilatilSurvOt4 l'otteie be,hvi.k line terAtioyetliov
twenty physicians at vast expense during this
period, - Ind all attempts at cure proved utterly
abortive MIDI rtillyd Dr:" WOlcott s 'Patti 'Paint,
which thc.d.tetors told me, was, a humbug. _But
u tri huglOrXot., ltSaM
htleetel the-wit
hn less than one month, removing the pain at
the first application. I 'kept her leg wet with
Pain Paint constantly until healed. I wish we
had snore humbugs as useful as Dr. Wolcott's
pain paint. lam welhlthownlu this city,
person who wants - torhake harther Inquiry will
call at 101 West Street. New York, pt the /1(01.-
over House, of which I am theproprletor,itriclrr,
think I can satisfy them as to the benefit de
rived by the use of PainTaltiLl 1
I alp sellin g ,Wolcutt'sid'ain Paint utak Anni
hiliitoe,"and it eeftainly gives satisfaction to my
customers. „D. F. CoLEs, Druggist, Itahway,N.J..
I ativselllngikiere'of %Veleta Paint,than'
any other Patent Medicine. C. N. ClarrgiVroN,
ziltlidleatdo Druggist, No. 7 !Rh Ave., N. Y.
I sell more of Wolcott's Pain Paint than all the
other patent medicines eon - Wined, and I keep a
full supply of all that havii"iiiiy demand.
VALt:NT/NE ILLacitAxx, Druggist,
, till augll No. 117th Avenue, New York.
r• r4 - r-r wry , 4'l ait re tad ti s SF
Tile undersigned ha;Ong , ptirelia.ged the Stock
Good Will and Fixtures of the well-known
Of the late GEOUGE - Arm oter cr, deceased, have
entered into a co-partnership to
raestrry ‘ oipetbuaineui, of 71,7_ , ,,f4
‘t- *4
• ; ():.1 'K . ( 1.1 + h .`.4 "1,1'4
• •,*
And all articles usually kept in a First-class To
bacco and S' Store; :Ma they hope by a strict
attention to business, and fair dealing, to merit
a reasonable .share of , patronage, as
well es a continuance of tho patronage bestowed
on their predecessor. Tim public can rely on
'getting at our Store as good Goods for the money
las can be obtained at any similar establishment
tin the State.
• t ttrj,..We do not think It necessary to publsh our
i;Prices, as the Goods will tell for.themselves.
- 21Ar5011DA - .lsi ‘t
• Locust Street, Columbia, Pa.
it Jan, 18 , 418- IV-Wa i slikit9*.T44l'inteli.
l e jOaki• .7:1•1
• ri
FACTUREIOI....4 t 4 fg.f.: ,, r , i =
4 - Agent for the Vew ,York Flue Cut, Navy, and
.'Monitor Chow-Chow Chewing Tobacco, corner
-of Front and Locust streets, Columbia, ra.
,dec 14,1367-Iy.
G"'L .GRANT.—Agents Wanted
to sell:lite best, undonosti reliabler.Life of
the Greatest of 'Living Soldiers. By lion. J. T.
Ifead/eA, tin? htu,aensely. t pop.ular Thst,orlan,of
i;Washingto'n,..NtinOWon;. Sacreir-Alotints,t
gnt, etc. For which our Agents can also take
rorclers. Secure un Agency-tt,once before the
pelt is taken for inferior works. This book is
,Timely popular owl cheap
ln and selling splendid
ly. 0-ter - ins unexcelled, send at once for cir
cular. Address A. IL 111.T1IBAHD, Publisher.
jeW-GSIS 400 Chestnut St., Pidia.
XHO:I I 4F.A.S;I4-4 , C0 3 .4,14 4 -... 4 44 .
Columbia, Lancaster co., Pa.,
.tanfacturers tAficee,lt ertelc,, Clint 9 4.
alaT Wholdsign,[4* . pArrpsarerx,
"wntTE PINE.
Arrfilirrr " . 4 B " l7// , IV, ,41 Ls4l:rii
1 141E L . 9 wrierliEtt-E,oxtilfsll
J.e,30- . , ' Lid] -4 - -=-14=116x-noannli;t&e., &c.
,AAlt lAGE E ,
s of all...A[lloA for j aitlo, or neatly printed at
ctniaxau. 716iirie of Uie
uoserlber,. a small House, with. good.Hardeni.
good Spring cd: Water, and Stable for a COW.'
Pcomegglon'lrautedlately.^.A.uply-to - ri , =•t,
feb. 8; '88t1".1 • J. HAKllFirag.'-s,
is ‘: SEROiIEE SelalEekr, ,
I*?'„qlßLost~st ,St
(14 1.3171: , 41: . :11•A
COA TERN Ste., dze.,
'igf...i .l ;AlLlTATltgfilYsl x Vi r a=o, l. 2 l 4l, 3 ft
Claim arc now more thawoqual in value to Clubs of
• 60 and 100 rapativety of other firms.
,117',8L8A,54 -.VX.01411CF.,--f)s
-itil pelfsoll Ordering eltlfer of tbdiCluhti !tien
to i r telbs , can 'nave 'tit efeseleetrofisenumer
ated, corre.sponding to the size of the Club,
ofar , foil win
kited ha sPread;loocleirrtfrkey MoriSec
-20 yds. sheeting, striped Cashmere delaine drew
pattern,. pi oneyi gill.pwool square
shaw,l,,,S4t.siOla.gqlclhosoinrstucis, ail wool fancy
•casholt&alotmts: evict 'Vest - pattern, - 7 ekt's 'hair
guard clutitiV gold trinamtiv;SiLver-plated chas
ed butter dish," - silver-pinte - d - ii 'bottle revolving
.castor, In feet t .set superior steelectibituled knives
_anckilorks; „worsted, promentude;_shawl. Ladies' ,,plateck cbain,astlies',„double gold ring,
'Gent's heavy chased sollagold ring, solid black
walnut woricalox , orwritlug . deslc, xtra quality
balmoral skirt, set -- jewelry,, sleeve - buttons to
mateb,:v Cient'sz - earigtin-jacket,
- Splendid eborly,D - Bute, - ivory, trimming's, super
-for l'urk&Y moroceo - siMpping' bag,' ladles' high
oeuthalmorat boots.. ,-.• .
kou A CLUB of 09,,(5C.)--one oCthe foll Owing
articles, 'viz : Black or colOreal• alpacea dress
leitteth," poplin , pattern, ;one - piece of
ibleached. or ,brown sheeting,. engraved ,silver
plated C bbttle revolving castor, 23 yds. ghperior
, vashmere - for - -pants- and - iveSt.' , pattern, • extra
, comb quilt, • two fancy ealored bea
spreads, pair gent's cent lsoots,-4- - yds: farmers'
-gdod,Witiol.frocichlig fancy , carshmereplaid• dress
pattern, best quallty. - bannoral iskirt,,a - osewood
brans.alarm clock, ladies!. all wool cloak pattern,
idiver-plated , calze.or• card.,,brisket; fur mull! , or
cape,i ladies! I nashionabler, wool: double
splendid elnspeadfamily Bible, flxl2, record page
and-engravings; 2 yds. double-width water-proof
elceaking,:set ivory liandle,lcuives,-with silver
plated Jerks, one sot lace curtain. , . • ,
oirdoo, (Slo.)—one of the:following
artlclesodzv i 9 ydki double width cloaking. or
coating,-2 large,,tine, , bleacitealinen_table covers,
- with one doz. large sized dinner napkins to
match,: tiventyl-live,yarda ;splendid ~ h omp car
peting, good colors,,extra,atuttity.l black .4or al
paca dxesS patterns, extra: quality,poplin , dress
patterns, one large piece superior .quality..extra
Avidtlesheeting,-palagentls. , ,calf-boots, , best qual
ity, sliver funning-caved patent, lever,watch, one
dozen avoiythandied.‹steel-bhatedtkuives and
forks, silver-plated engraved 0 bottle revolving
castor, with cut glass bottles,, splendid. violin,
boxvand,bowicompiqte; single „bafrel shot-gun,
Bitcanqt six-liar'rel revolver; parr superior white
wool blankets nice fur ' , mutt - and. cape, -silver
plated eng.ravedacepttcher, with -salver, 7% yds.
all wool fancy easslinere, fur - suit,a‘cloz. Rogers'
best silver-plated forks, common sense sewing
and embroidering machine„,! 2., heavy , honey
comb quilts, splendid Family Bible, record and
photograph page. ,
For larger - Clubs. - ,tlie value, increases in the
same ratio. , • _ .
Catalogue of Goods - and' Saniple sent to any
address tree. Send money by registered letter.
Address all orders to
,•-;• 'l5 Federal St., Boston, •
-- • '
P.' 0: Becc C: ' , ' • __ . . , .
Wholesale Dealers In Dry and Fancy Goods, Cnt
feVe Plated-Ware, Allatns„. - Deatlier, 'Goods,
&o, &c. • • . , " ,:'
.., . - ,_
:1 I
,;(o:Eit;i 3.- f; cj.
w J.;
Panbroker s ornt toe
- • , ,r ,
LinenGoods...Dry.G'oods, Cottons;Faney Goods,"
(Albums, Bibles, Stlvera-nated :Ware, Watches;
Cutlery,. Sewing Maehines, de., &e. • _
ITO „be, sold 4.011.11,D0ir.,..ku
ifard to undue, and "uot to be 'paid fßr i uhti . i., you ,
:now what you are to reCC/Ve- -
STOCK VALUED AT -$200,000, , •
;SALESROOXiI 30 Iltulpvef,"_St.,•,. Boston:
The mcfst, populei;"rfdlable,'prdnipt and blisijf
iuess-likesoneern of thelrtrel,l.! The besV of pos-:
Ithlt , refereneesTurhished on'aplißbailbn.'By pa- ,
ItrohlzifigrAhis •Sale.'YouJtave a , ehanee- to ex.. ,
.change yourgoods wtttrn large variety, to' select
'TEEMS TO AGENTS.L-We believe our terms to'
LAgentS araisuperlor to those' offered•by any I
lather house. Take parties/sr malice 'of this: "Oar'
t Ageirts'aremot . required - to - par one-dollar-for
their presents, as Wall other concerns.
Certificates, Oilme' complete description of
articles that will be sold for one dollar each, will
113 e sold ut the followlngLrates:t'TEN3' for , ;i
!THIRTY (with present) for S 3; SIXTY (withi._
,(;13;,- ONE HUNDRED (with,preserrt) $lO.
And same - rate for larger clubs.
ILOOX AT THIS CHANCE•to get, a Silk Dress,
Sewing., Maehine, • Gold 'Watch ; ' or some „other
good 'article:Of equal value, wi th - liut very little'
trouble' and no expense to the Agent.
FOB A CLUB OF THIRTY , wen ill give the per-,
son sending irthe cholde of , the following matt-.
les: Print dress patterns, Worsted' breakfaS£
shawl White linen tablecloth, Embossed table
spread; Set of steel-bladed knives and forks, ele
gant, engraved silver-plated gold-lined Goblet,
Violin and 130 w, fancy dress pattern, pair ladies'
extra quality cloth Boots, elegant ,bmided
parasol, one , hundred incture-morocco photo
gragli Album, elegant Ivory-handled spangled
silk icon, one doz. large sized linen towels, huilest
morocco shopping bag, Alhambra Quilt, fancy
Balmoral skirt, ladles' solid Gold California die:
inomPrhig; Gent's plain or engraved Gold - ring,
(16'mwets fine), ladies' solid black walnutwrithig
desk, ladies' fancy. black-walitut Workbox, or a
FOR .3. - CCUI3 OF SIXTY, one of the foll Owing
articles : „leaney.Cashmere Dress Pattern, Three,
yards doubleMidtltwater-Proof .eloaking. thibet
shawl, four yards Avool,frocking, set of lace Cur
tains, ladies' double -wool shawl, ' silver-plated
card basket, splendid engraved silver-plated: lee
pitcheril dngnwect silver-plated tea pot, one
hundred-picture Turkey, morocco .photograph
album, Lancaster Quilt, fancy plaid wool shawl,
twenty-live yds, sheeting, alpacca;dresS patter/1,1-
engraved ail verrplated six-bottle •revolving Cas'
tor, pairlGent's,talf boats, laarris cloth: pants &-
vest,"patterri,",,splentlisl,lbitimeral skirt, set of
Ivory-handled ..h.nLyes e witlf silver-plated lrcirks,
pair,Ofall-Weal 'Blankets, rosewood-frame - Maws
slant' 'clock' splendid Leaded and lined silk
parasol, ladles' splendid moroeco.travellng )mg,
thirty yds, print, or u Marseilles' Quilt.' '`
2 FOR A CLUB of ONE II UNDRED, splendid en- t
graved silver-plated tea set, three pieces (sugar
bowl, tea pot:and
creamer,)bowl, sliver-plated . cake
Basketp fancy plaid wool long shawl, twenty-five
yds. Hemp Carpeting, splendid Violin and 13ow,
English 13erage shawl, forty-five•: , ,yus., sheetiug,s
splendid alpacca dress pattern, silver hunting ,
case Watch, splendid family
,13ible, with elegant
steel engravings imdTh, Record and photo
graplypage;:poplin- dresh pattern, engraved sli
ver-plated 'ice pitcher, splendid Beaver Cloak
pattern, Sharpe 's revolv,er,faucy ,eassimere coat,
pants and vest pattern , extralquallty,.splendicl
aecordeon muSfelicixlerieimilelikie'diarnask table
Covers with one dozen dinnermapkins to nutteb.
Irresentslorlargert Clubs in Proportion.
This-is no Humbug, Lottery, Gift Enterprise
or sale of Cheap Jewelry but a fair, square sale
Of Unredeemed Goods. bur Geocts'are • :
A ntl}wc , guarantee more for the money invested
thou can be Uptight at any,wholesale store in the
country.;.- ,
Agentg,wll.l paeale talm'atitleCuf tails. Do not
send narnes;:bar number your clubs from one
upwards.''Afitic_tyour letters short, and„platn as.
De sure and'sdin.l.'iniUrieYinancilititing',,to 53.00 or
more by ItEntsTEnun LETTER, (which can be
sent frorriany . oface,) P. 0, Money Order, or Ex
press ; torwhert sent iu this-way you run no risk
of losing it whatever. Small .uniounts may be
sentby ;mall; but lie sure and - put , :themlu the I
of yourself. .
We cannot be respcinsible for Money lost,
s some precautions are taken to insure its
:Send your address in %fall; acilin; County and
State. 111 Certificates are good until redeemed.
-•• 1, ,:••;! b:> C. THOMPSON ' it- CO:,• •
• - I+ , , I••• 30 1- Hanover Street, , l3oston.' '
I Send •for - Ctrcidars: , ; • , • ;•-• -augi
4wJLLIY, &c.
No. 171‘.NORTII:.FliONT, ST.; , COLITAIAIii\ 7 :Pit.
'"— Attratre: 47 N '— WATC/CES ".I"--
F4:OILNE W '; '
ATCII CO., . .
i lIVX. ELI.IIIILY., .., ',1'1,1 ,=.l ill j '',' 1 , . i '
P. S. SairrtErr," ' I.
AP.p.LEToN, TRAcr A It. Co., -
: . 7.1. TIPS( I..tva.W. Xiiietictui. VlVat6h. e.
Six Dlllercutt;Bmnds, - -lit:Gold or. Silvtr Cases
" EN9rl4ll, & SWISS WATCHES !
'Selling Very Low x always , the Largest Stock
, :)., •,,..
,2.1 ' ' styles i' -
3 -1-!.. - “ Eleg6fre ASsortment!
All 6nfiraii { eed!tn lien ' s reliresente(L-mal at
Lowest Prices.
A Stock Not Excelled in the Country,
And at Lowest . Cash Price_,,s, and be cum
vineed•thatwehave the Lamest Variety
Cdocast - CAocksl. ,
Our Stock cannot be beat, selling at Reduced ,
Dates: and- -WAttnANTEn. 'We Dave also the' "
est.A Cloc uu
kte.', • • , •
We invite speciai attention to our facilities for
Repairing. s Wellave the services of a first‘class
Swiss IVorkmanowithriewtools and nutebinerY ,
and are prepared *to do work_ of the most diffi
cult kind, without sending to the cities.
, - -
You"' efiii - "'IniVe....AIifERICAW,"; - :RINTRLISH:AND
SWXSS..W.A.WCIIES,,,TEIWELRY,.Ac., ; repaired,
'in. the most - superior manner% by,...takerwan and
Suri.*:R#Vßla ol 4 914,..0e1lrarrA Warttiadat.•.. „ ' •
g - No, 13 North PrOnt Street!
t C 4