The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, July 11, 1868, Image 2

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    girt. eAhtllttlia gpg.
ColiTrn •
Saturday, 'July: 11;
COMMUNICATION'S, letters, contributions, generally of
merit and Micro:4 to the reader, will 'be aceeVable
from friends from all qualle7t. . 1. Ili } # 13'
OF 111 niaNA.
WE have received ',a. _coretnunieation
from a coniera' ative citizen ,'`Of.. , Lancaiter,
Who takes us to task about 'our' article to
" Laborers," 1p„ whi ell , he asks 7: us, a , few
questions: order , party
from any responsibility , for the late,war,
and, assuming their entire innocence, he
asks us what the Badiaals, propose,to'do ;
with the late wholesale- - - pardoning , - of
a lot of rebels, the most: notorious, 'rebels;
buihivhae,kers and eut-throati any nation:
was ever cursed with; - suppose"
in this he 'refers Ur. Congress relieving
some of the more moderate of the late
rebels from their. political :disabilities'
'so, this conservcitivi 'should 10-k:complain, -
for the ercat _friend pf:rhi.S - 4iiitY,
great " Aloses,"-Andrew -J3lins
fin; lfad
ready pardoned:llie - riiestfitotorkotiirebelS,
on purpose to - use - ;tlictu- againsi,the
gressional plan , :of . :reetitiStrnetioni
when Andy pardoned t hese men, our cor
respondent did not see fit to call them cut
throats, rebels, -
,0b,7 f,
came thengeodDcmocrats, 'and' are - now'
represented in the iNeiv,.-York Demeeratie,.
Convention—among . them such villains as
Forrest, IlaniPton; 'and the
But when.thoso who were rebels, and
acknowledge the fact;
by the decision of.thesworci;confass their
faults before their eountrymen,= - and, by
their actions slued' the given
the 'coUnily' to-understand that'
hercafte; : ' be faithful to.:the flag,„end' .np`..7.`
port our • .common country-; : when :such
men are forgiven;' , -it • is- a terrible
We see very_ well that our
friend cares_ ~nore:"'afion`t ilia.Pnrdpi! Of:
rebels that arc• known, to be ;,good .Detno
crats, and%who - arc' still -hostile - to - the
country) and would-iko:day`;' were tbeie'
ghost ofn.ehanec ; to repeat the •Jebelheu.
Your friend; A.ndy,Jias just completed
the work} - of his late prochitnatioli; so weF
need say no more °xi' 1. le pardon' sub
.:Vgaimbe asks :,•."..)Vhci.w.ere• the:rebels/
and traitera , thatTrohbetlx the- , Al 'rican ,
the frtiitinf'bis
men: who' got 419',
rebellion; mostly the • ,leaders,..of • .tho
§outhern - Derimictonyi•wholkepVtbe negro
in -alaVerY,"and product of
his labor. ,Sustain Cd' 'id their
institution of ilavery,by,the .. Deuioeratie t
party s, ("§- called)" , of-the North.: , That the'
''.l;inktt., ti:i'.Titir:.ilie . :.rehellion` iLiall' . 1 iiitis A
11..1 121 enter
.F*7- ,- : 7.9 . ,,ARTRP-T i 4- .4111 3
es' I ii 43 6 t;: il3 il 'dareynof deni;:for".NeWYOrk
to-daj; is full - of the unrepentant and' lotid.'^
mouthed .rebels,' - in full sympathy and:
haritiOny ,; ,with „the Democratic-' party:
There, too, we have .the Arallandighatusi
Peridietona,- .• Seyrnours;- - Woodwards;
. liugia, and - , hosts' of ~ O ther - Nor tit e:rtt: dein- :
oerata, wile, it j'a notorious, ; Were ,in full;
sympathy-With the rebels in . • their f ; efForts
to destroy the, colifitry,' • and , Oren now: are
plotting new "wasehief - to - the - country.
Coppeihead's`ivay - `~~;nore~these Beta, tiri
the kePle f,- reiieittliel"theM;' add
correspondent,, does 4.not: , :mako,tbein„less,
truthful:- ' •• - -•
'4; for the Inttcr
letter, we de. not. , propese to,take'4Y
tice, but will pnly..jeay.that _for sespecta l . :
conduct and brains, - 'the- Re.:,
publiCan:Pe'rty ,
present s Cepperhead.Pernooraey,' - tb#,the,
very mention of the - name ;of 1, Oink, party, .
in 'eennectibuts:witli:'-Repablicanistil, , lis'
enough tO;Contarainate',Onr
anSwered, and :that the ligbt_ottrttiktney„
yet bienit;iipnir hiibeelonde k sinind'?' and.,
,may see thibg ; as' they` ate"in ,the
naked; light of tzutb,,al ,light „not; Mound
in the peniocratidpartPof,ito=dayi
-.l2;patienee.,be - A. _virtue; theo.,,„3.ret, the
petip!eifiainessfer: eotinty;Orrtitled , fito.asi
muc glory us 'yob, tlicir'grand Prototype
of. 01;3: r6l:y"
permitted , tlM'iwily; , en 4: - 7•3 deign ing
cat` trickatera ' of''the cite ; to impose
them 'the l `liU'ragn6'lh - aellf , i .
masters itopose(l:upon„ the Israelites, .As
he:Tie s i:i of sirOtiAticvd . .oiiars'Ove.riii3 ,
bays :47; 2 9.,
.cessetieto,of .;‘,.gibcirjer,iefreshmeet,'!„ i
4;t: `4itpieedi 'of ?evertelecticinbriiigs , ,
them:iip•:; ; to
. better'.44 irilkisoen24piriv.,yhen,,,MioMng
1 ii - tiAtiolp — Vl4lA:l:Ottr
effiie;iandi:represent tbe4ezipayorEofzthe,
4 0.4,1 - ...v.„-ri-mf •
• grP 88 ;1 . i;;;;P..,,e!.Y.1.X17-94.T2::,,5191 1 :)1P
lonest;,-00900eut 'freeniett;-_oeci7,4,9elar,e ;
rhe instrument;', M
for-the nomination _and eleebOtrof
se.,WiltT , ...tieelarekthemsekee„free.„444,
;'; , thiYifeffieeLieller's of,,the;
••••,;• = 7 43,, . •
Tux Hpp:ThailettiS4vips - -has 'p're`=
'einteiir, • .ncror nrtielew.priAmpeachmentifiTo
'for - abuse "or i jkationage' cor: ,
< „, A ~
he•olile 3nto„, the !-.ltormation - of- a'
new- ilolitie,al; pertyiibwathAhßnse
eitiindaril-bearir, i:ifoi;tianiping•thci r pomi,ers'
:',,fthete'cialatiirellititielenOt4 the ;Gniegol•
ment-Iti.• erCCtI tates7aMi . ,; nepoantang
`... •
,•` , a kfr..•
X o o: 2l P,AgA9u!it4
,TieitittrPhirge4Mets;of lanii;l , amtilarav
;•anamii of money %out:Wear:lot/ Cancel our
tpowers:ot3.,oj i herbianelkeeiot:::• the, G:Ov_ern--..
Complaints of Messrs. G, H d Oz
We cannot but notice that a very serialk i
injury is Bail Acemirui tted,inkijr*th re 0,,
gentlemen, )iliCe itat \ r4-•
sped, and whom 7 in escry,", ; , i; etea"
treatment thpi iS,ienerallY .o .prei;ed out
to them We 'designate thealiis
; 14G..,
Mr. A. and of a very reiPleetable
family of tlientifive in nUmber,"Who are
wey.doriuot ovell ; see how ,we.; . epuld get
along in this country, and, therefore we
think that all persons reqUiring their aid
should be careful not to - offend. Mr.
le very commonly
complains that 'peop
oniit to noticciiim arid leave him out of
coMpany to which le , lproperlf belongs;
as Or instance, he' says , : that when some
pious'folkS '(andhe'sayS' he is fond of fcl: .
ligion, too,).Wantto talk about the, " roar=
lug devil," the "bleeding nun," :the
" diving bell;" the' " murmurinr , crowd;":
they ignore him altogethe'r, • and in all
other places where he is legitiMatelY,,pre 7 ,
ceded by "in," - .except -when. , they. ,say.•
"thgeris" - 'for' " , oniorisf' , so •they -:say
• " rodrid," fOr bicedin,":Tcir
bleeding; '" . divin,"fOrAlivirie'; "midruni :
in," for .murmuring, 9 buddin," for bed•-=
ding;"printin," for printing,;•"lyin,"—fort.
ihrou l gheet showing' a.irintor:
di,4rega4 of his .righ t's, Or elSe;ddOterMii:
nation to blot 11i111 011t.Of•existence.:
: - Air. 11. says: his :ease , is , still - , -worse, ;for,
.he;is used when and' where: -"- nobody , has:
a riihtt'folue him,, 4 i;!1 - . i - gy i)red :Where' he „
ha's a right„ ...For instance, a :.vcry learp-,
edg,entleman, or one, professedly so; :be;
catiseThe 'came from college, alwaygin'akes
hi in 'aVaiia 'iiirztt,•ii;i; he'n',l; ircireliV,Otight'
not !,, as for instance, „Ise., Will. ipsist" ;
upon.saying (h)appra'entLfor :apprehend,
doilbly' initltitig, liita:'"-hr:timiititigqiita'
whe'rO:liO76lililit:U:OV,;:7( . llj : dn't.4;y:,f`or'e r Ve r t!!'
- gy);•(h)eaticeMent;_fOr..entipenet4; i 654 i. -
terna 4 l and .:(h)internal . -for:,--internal...and"
internal ;' • (h)erriug- 'mortals ' , for : 1 errin I.T.
, . ..
11191.1:11: j
,(b)opposition ; f2r::opp , Osltion ,, ; ,
(h)ignoring for ignoring,"*l4,l,:i,'""to ;hear;
is exceetlingly:-(b)annoyina, andloliialso
(lipoid Med-. ylien-- - hc'-: Should riot :' bei' as
'ell fOr',lieil j" 'Ci"'f'di Ilei. l ;'''`ii' for. lien,
'erring, for ,iteFriogi: ,'op,u",
_for „bops k ',xi
, for
forhop 5 louse for. house ;!To - xnefor home; .
'art dfor hand ---'-'eaien*lor'rlHeivezii: Stc.:;
:1 - 'llfi'it:':f theWlible'tri - O;ll'?.'4Y:thintisl4'
fares...the.,viorst r andAltt.."-31p.5 .. ::: - suffe'rtngi
is 1(b )i ntol erable."; %;211.0i is t ernti a eq- iY!'
- :
4tattddt.ono :lei:lgor ~quieifyi
~,will 4;4:
hoard by4:espeetful remonstranee, , and :if.
'that faili, lie "Will - liripg , tlie. Culpiit who
''WilldarC ins u'iC,hin:ie''ptiblie-coatice: lie
says he has consulted the'
-his - fainily , ind :all -:his :! relatives, and :he
' da;nAnd,hothirig''to:jUstify: the ' -neglect
`§f: people `who, Crill:ierSiStriri,:treating 'hi iii ,
aJ if , he: did not exist ; ,at... ail..- ,Ile ; says
=from. ,: : time immemorial: ho - has had. the
'r'i'ght" 'Of "-aCkilowledgmer;t'in" olioose;-
', ; gOo'ic,',:lOiisC, moose; tioo..6o..e.Tarid"biall
'4liii,:leartted, of, his ~day, lis.,Olaini has.
never,!untiblutely, - -been-Aisputed,:but he
has"beeti 'pained: tobear'eonic wife Ought
to I.7riOw • better pronounee?cheiose'elitiie.,
as if: there „was, not ii,,
_.posi Live
~ distinct:lop
laetweeri-ehobse and Obese. trle:' has eon
. ii - 3,lted'AV 'ela - gtei, ',a: .Worce:sier gg:rd: l 97-P.PP
4:a4,;:iii'i'iidir -aiicp.,, - -reoitCl l in,; such
MaWkifil.47M: =7, - eilie3rUiii';aV,s44
f thitt:it'e has a righ, , :to-.:be ‘ acknowledged
-Old recognized in 'that -"Way';': and:that'
wbenevorbe, Mr: 0, is repeated,: the two
O's!are to be pronounced:as double;.9 in
; geed, ' goose, loose,- moose, : and .not• 'as
clacise . or - froze. 'fps we : cOnsider: these
'gentle,nien, hare, all ', " lieCiii' treipisS'ed
,against,, we shall, be . , pleased to - sec,Aliat
:justice is beriafter:done..them,',:and:that
riOhedy'iltOuld appear so ill iterate ? or We
Will - have
,t:0 - itiakO' . .1 "sfieeific 4iilictiCent
against all ogenders, ,and: let : thein,clear,
l 'theniselves, whether—this—violation of
,good breeding; iiiwaidii , theie: nrioffendin g
'gentlemen qs'it"int!er Of "olthice,:of ignia
.ranee, or indiffeideCe. -- :, '': ";"-"'""! -.4`
out the State, against; the ,dishonest„pme,,
tices me'mbers;of our Statedogislature;
theiietPple cannet 'b tit See . thai 'tliair 'direct
•MMreits., require - iiie . eelea,ibit '"of
est Men,..what are., above, , the, ; bribes , arid
corriptiOnsi so•easily begotten: in the foul
atMOstibere• miasmatic =Harrisburg. ,
We are lienvily..t3,SedfrOnt "Yeai.;t6 . lYear,
and mostly i me, are sorryjto say, for
ostensible' "necessity = of paying' f or. :.the
pi;iftigeey 'our.
Legislature, since itappearsihatittirei-"
eat Anode :or:legislation : is, mainly. to t cam-,
pel the 'Constituent to: buy. the :member,,
i¢liether for lust-laws;
4.44 .;;; -
0' the PerfPFAlilr.cq,o,#7 , ;c ll jTT ' Pr,,
duty.,..stop. to. these tlis
graceful 'proccedings;candnr.the only sure
'''oCber political,unienS t ,"forme'Cjp 11".4nea5 .7 ,
ter:city, only:that; A , designing Sew , may
eay,:corne•forthtin your. might,.'-and hurl
from the' lead 'of theinirty , these' , corrupt' . :
cannot look mit rupon,, the broad i daylight,
:ovtrutu,- anti:openly:advocate v the: iselec
end!" tine , men! '-pon?t
Mit Ye6rielies to' Ve" . l!nittoia-lioled, 'and
f led about, .by -..thqsq,;PS9rcastoaal;;atlier
!'gamblers,'-who,only, many:your .influcocei
!' to make moner;--don4-listen-to the twad
' dle of any 4:Piteeitetlin'ttinbs - lcul It that wants
tc live and "Tatteipl on;' , politieall'office; , by
nti wipaPer:efficesii to:be deceived by,false•-:
liood"ie'Mpr bharacteri' , and-ibe cheated
by, inquiring of honest and J ,independent
`men, , like ,ppoi rselvea;; meet „togetheros:
your hoboes,' consult-and; "deliberate,: and:
de leitgin4fie
113 g AZEge.:ll3! interests c11:
the:communityi an,d,the State. at ,latge„
The time . bas arrived wh r e . n 4his - ei , Atigean
lita/!*.•104 be ,caeaaei!
Itliktare , ail , enfliehint - for, tlie:itask, , Avhen:
fiance shall no :Inner icon
l ef •
:hops on a eas et% tinty,.an w en,thic
ropiesented Si rand :honestly' eskoecta
,bly,and decently, and the 'disgracefacer,:
thitlilfreforyeits" tingled'. in
for ., President.
-- - Afle days badgering, the immacu-'
:opPeAmad party' have nominated;
Alniallo::Selinour, of New:York, for th
17'Presidency. Well done, most noble 110 7 7
XtifY-15, art the man who aidet?
talaib;eM — ayored to prevent the goy--
4 --
erninencs defeating the .rebels,-- opposed--
the raising of troops, sympathized to your
'toPtiroll — breriFlTlM
make the North subservient to the South ?
looked cruelly on when a St. Bartholo
mew massacre, l was al . ter t ipted. „in _New,
YOrk-eTtA indiscriminati- muckier)
of the_blaeks LYes are .._the man,
Avlio;has.eredlt..foy ull.thessewoilhy,leedi,„
and well will; it, be :.remembered on,the,
day of the election, when -all lovers of
"boil " , ;oi;brninrit'fiee' indeiendCet •
men, ;will so Jhat," you will feel
more disgraced than -. , Solomon , Porgee,
'Clhase,:whe now-ranks 'among , good men:
as one6fithe'meSt debased.' of ,'all political'
tricksters,,Who,foilSOOlr. :Rdr6;,.`eh'ektecii:
'his friends , and abandoned ..his: ; .principles
for the imiierable • 'hope. , and -honor,
ofi . '"fOr'i'o' a" Copper-`
'doOtueclia man ;, burnt ,brandy„won'A save
you; -and 4 instead -f of 'your , f7readbirigf tho.
'l3dit'f . fo
know ,yourself
The.';Ritpublien -pdrirlmayv!.:MelLc be ,
-conirai6itated 'ihfirneMiaaiie#, ( : :Ty&
:triumph of drarit'tid„OOlS i i;i,,,"Mtil!";hehrL
eney•one.- :Our GrandArmY:etAlte . I Y-P7
j3ublic will settle the.
,Oroporh4d'friCke'itiA frd.hdifi'forierfes
lb - Ake-polls, armed Only: 1i44-..011ef,;0g,
_ • .„•-•
pape r ; and:m4l-will owd-lan y man .who
consorts .
1 1 .7 E Fl 3. 1 ,
01) CA;lpat Z Ai e tr s ) e 1 ; 9 1
1 1 1,
thres ,
:. late makers, they w,ould—have.hrlm•def
cent:.respect.fotthe 'CopiMent:of
;malM their" own seiectiort :
this siuntn i thou t,-.le tt ,or,:.hindra neer,
without hiihery"anil:•coTriiptron.; , 'iaeCeird-t
. ‘ t ll 3 ors' County
'fully tadop ted. d bv,-our. patty. .Put tseems
'that , iyar , would-bo; rulorsil, who. ever, bare
tribUtions,pr clemaurtlAyg ; is to be
persisted iin;:!and:Mll,,,thosebirlin , ,do;• not
walk up `to t this l earitdi office' nna , se ttle;
'need n'cit - '!eikect
lion, if the Thug machinery:As . ..44c to,
;prev en t. :v.:We learn :that, the ,41essrs.
Gottschalk iindl.Rein'oehl; indnibeis `of the
were so.remiss,in, th eir . ,,ctUiies, as .no
to learn the art and mystery of selling:
their ' rota,' sad; ilierifoierlaek.!both , the'
means ifdisgsitia:ik .
• (inn, are:likely : Jo Jae,
.ent, ciff
slate .of , the. united forces bt the Ku Zulus
• Klan; 'Cif' Queen-street, -.Lancaster
'city; and inust.,resl,,uponthuir, '-Uttin
'inerits, : aml-, appeal. io,ithe.goo4' sense of
the honest and ounsophisticate4—ltepubli
cans " of — tll6"e4unty..' ° Gottsehalk and:
- TieinoCll4eridciO4l),. ii:tUe *en,' and
-"- ade 7 goculonetti `crs,,,..a.u, ~:witli:ali
aiiOtiy . f..imen..„: e s rvC:dll.7 - phputi.r., 4
litit - ti.4'thi.y -4 - dio "fpipd "ti 'please - th -4 65, -4
'whose trade it is to SCll'niiminatitinS, ilief :
. : ,Tre shall: iteic
give them-a'. fair show, and i hope : that all
disposed to do' jitstide' to 'deserving -men,
will 1; i •""e t least ,
another, Oession.„„, , „ „ ~ ,
Ta i"zig Time by'i~z roi elti'elt.
We, hare ,lately i henrid ~of,„one, Or, f ,fit'
of our very, modest gentlemen,. ,who ,are,
ambitious to succeed our distinguished ,
meitib'er'Of 'Congress`;`~lir:-Stereos, taking
very yelyetty,steps,,and,
very, winningly,. among the: people„soli,c3l , -,
ing, very
. sluilittly i ztheirl support. at` the
next 6.lctioil . fox' candid&io;•:iikzit" - genikl
veryicuuningly sneak,themselv,es„into a,
nomination, and thereby''defeat
" 'Ohl' goilinioner.'?' Olf;s33Yritrlidt
a go" there would he'
tlemen,.theleimay,be,a good time coming,
for no "doubt there 'wilt 1:16-a4rand.-rafile;
but suppoging that 'YOU'aiid we all wait
until ye, Are ,Aiked.,,,4t . „,,flie,,goodr,elo,
man be called to his fathers,,, and.,,,tiecent n ,
13 , ' 'buried first; before We.,show.:•our-iitir
iety, 'SI4 44 1 We
we should be so - 4naleust tn.phe.,potnin,ated„
for Congressiitturith'tlLittjUre lour ..'pros.
*Ei'itikti'l) l 'o•••Mitrtiverro' " f
• • 4 •ri••. I , .
7 1 ; 1 ' or
mrtriy . ,y i erk:rJ i ke
Examiner, has been
denf . Johnscatinnrlceonfirined by.the. See
ate``as'Volleoorv'tif CristiaMsV tt6 4 York=
ways ,consiclered 'a,lVltig•-ap4,a,iiiieltler for,
the' usage sOf party,l 'abut •.1858; when
S'teVen's Wn'Ei-ileinin4ed'fOr:Congress,
rdisinstof , :pirtyr au , liisf , nourse;•:,
';•WiS'..Cerupelled ;10' - -th'oukht ,
best: i.O'elea:r:'i'liit.ite."rieritf'V'
as he liked- slavery, an.d,-,Dotrght.,p. ?aim
; near Yorktown; whereleshas improved
hisintelleet and his morafs — by cutting
witl,rebePi.J4eti.goog99dQt4oll , lith
•:the greatest-seciundiel sof- the:day,and,his
' • TIIKIR. Atai.--Ar Washington coires- ;
porideat: Gran " It,Party,attAiglit,on4lie,Faly,.tc a ,Yielit ti
and public confidence by keeping it ;right,!
temperate and progressive:'' <ltsisl G rant'a
aim only ' to
make. i tsaiisfied,,a . ud, gr;ze,llt eace' c fl:
'doubt that a ny, turo_Can d idu tes....for..mutuak
rank t have (ever
ili ; daii'n;dk ;Both'' of
theinareconfident t u the ,no3.92trz,,, ft
di e t. .1,1 . tr
ni ßd i a4 l 24: ::W'i:
acenP 3 ltat:enigY-OC 4 ;:Yra l : ll3 i from
whieh - ti other 6people ;are d suffering,, -~$e
rides`ont daily ; recei#e3'.-hests . of zviSitinsf
h"44:::A r t" ; ft
.s*eeb,s:whieb.l.wilLbe ...,one,-,efiale ; : , most
te ' , life, and he,
will^either,speak it oi,/Mx,rejtErcal:l4o.,tll4
Hobs° in'a few days.' —• ' • ---
•. • -
. .Daily : LegislatirnAncord. j
In theVectiou of meMICAFs of Adient-
Aly z dt is.,!v:Oent,tbat ftspqqalcm:e s, , phi,
.e i taken. F.z:A . -\ittiVirint•l'' O vil - ihisl 'tog:
''in 4 4 c 'existoi: at Ilaiisbiir - i- - for-' , "tke erai
..., 7: . • .i.:r ,',,. t. 4,;:• -7z
yeiViiiby,,which quo; 0r..,.1.72 tneint av,
beef-mat ating - thousaliat i kef - dolcaliith:,:'
out rendering a proper equivalent,'land .
this evil should be corrected. We allude
Detity,.Recorcl; a publication ,tliat waii in..
j leilireil 11, Ilife - (l2iili - ii;for'n iiiiictii ti7tlie
people of what is daily done in tha"liegis
l.fince; r ':-.l,bbfea`a, lisr;it,peli . ig% )•egutirly
issued', and delivered' daily; days, Und
-7 wepkS'elapserso - that it - is of no mccoun bat
all ex'6elie td.'enileh'the piinters having
,the centiact. 'Ekcirts have hebn'Anaddto
- annul.this - matter, but beretofetozwitimut
-- eveil; for, strange 'es .if ; may - a pietii,- the
bOrs - will I biialk -: eolidemn; blit'ivhen
„y.,otingpomes,,,byspnie. strange 71cienspdeus,
or other ; the coutract,is..renewcd,,a - nd thp
.humbiit, continued. ,- - Now,. let: us • elect
some - biklYrwlio )0111:rave nerve; and , bed
`6;t:.y..4liii,ll to'cle'fa'attl4fralid. - ;_-- ..' .
-... . .
- MEM rd'
•" '"'itueliaruiws - EstistC.:
• - An appraisement of- the property-; of
.James Buchanan has been filed at the
Register's office, at LancaSter, , Ta..
by - thig'ihat the 4:14' , effects of the
-1.00,009..,•,.Acc0rding :to an..,aet.
, bIY, /..frce. .pen , cents. of ',Mr..: Buchdnan's.
:e'stale'ioei the Siate'ab collateral sober
C ! St* ted:th!a t : he;
..,thejast 'l]..s gage,
away • from $50,000.1. , tcp,..590,000...te, ; .his
brother,'Rev:.:-"-E:"TY:' Buchanan; a:nir his
neice, Birs`,. n trarrietl... : T,ohnson, a portion
4.l.i:s.;; ; J,nhesparheing
in;SouthernkSecurities':l- .strikinefea
•tureitateinVeciterf isf.the r ahserice cif all '
. , . r •
ltpliel.. , ll.itr?4l. 2
following : )...77 - ,,;;:. - •kr,,-ieye.l,,rille),l was
Aatelrkilled in itradley- °piety:,
irifezirizitikri' that 63 - eici'inr-co l lo n
uritiiiistOk 'eLfs.e eu.
tliejy.eradicated, of
tthe , deceased-; we •ncitiee' that: he *elpitissed
gie r 4,t,''loia'fbi' the ilailoiza: . iiiiien; , (tiing
lerhagFiatelsels—. r - Siierbeing, the, .case, we
wlsitqliat all his. kind% were , so , far
perdition th a t Se:tares' shievedest . detective'
aould,potAnd .;:
46 YOU your - you
ti kes yofir Choice."
, All ',wanting 'nommations for Congress,
Legislature,; District Attorney; Commis
dionert, Prison Diekelor, Director of the
POtir . iirld"Ciiii . nti Auditor', ;let" them" walk
office' of - the "united
'firm cif 'the If. tt-Tatti Klan, North-queen
str4et,titneaster city, and 'make their se
IVow . is the time.' 'Terms cash,'
but reasonable: who are very desir ,
onslibuld apply early; assupply' is
litnifetltliisyear.' 'lsif e . rniStiike •the door: .
Jay order of the Grand Commander of
Ku'Ts:rxx. ICLArr.
33.....F0i;5500 nOinination guaranteed
• :': .i.l,emember that you:, a' double . duty to'rlerforuceitme the
.16 lef"
pSrtilan 'decision of Cqiel'grikeine et F ,
of this , tate-iii dee wring Vie Mee.. rjr. -
..tiii4-14C'estii4t.filii $.1.;... Tirif:-e'air'oeft:,'
the' b.illet'hor'Of thySt'ate' lepend uROP I--
:the', , igilatice Ot'. the ltepublicati" 'p' t irrty"
Be-not.retuiss in duty, but see to it that
every • man • id.. : lmirked • immediately—
'whether eligible or
,not to Vote at the !
_„ . , „ , ,
r ,, , —, •,
Glosy Enough for One Day
Shase le.eives: the cen'grattila
tions of his ; fellow. .inen..„- ! Fle ,forsook 11
Principles and his party upon aCopperhead
promise to beceiric 'Tresideat.." lie re
aL - nd the
whole. contempt of the -.nations !.4 : Nell
done, Mr,' Chase ! : Glorious , .: triumph 4
Jluzza for Chase !•! Andy' Joh nstm
hian'for:' hiS -- • • '
Burma, aTiophati as -wallas a poste says,
truthfully : ~.•• •: •
' " §otne IS . ciOks are ... flog fn te end to end,
'• And iOnle great , 1104 me not yet ptinned." -
he mint have
foreseeia"Nyin. : 7l!:sdd'ii,).ifo;;Of grind 2
father„Josuph,=ll.enci„jand, b)S,ntiud94,
biography of Janies Buchanan.
,TnE•Dewocrats are finding fault:with
Grant because he does not talk wore.
for`' Diving ,us - a wan
rho does not think "gab" 'tlie cliief duty'
of life..:lWe want workers'
liAblets,. and. Grant is • a worker all
" •
• Ix luit..ininO•sitroutlkfiem• =Saturday
the agei ~eitl be' bitted Vut - ot' the ;Pidil
-49(1;'0„1.5r;e'5,,4,7,'c1iv..,ut, ;the'
hero and patrioti• , !,lua.ugurated
President of the'ffnited States: , - e -% • • •
—Napoleon-has rheumatic gout: -• •
••ILLOincinnati has 2tiG Brown famines.
A. l ".lllstOiy . pf Atlantic City" is out. •
‘L-Syracugeliroposes to have a Soiosis..
—Orpheus C. Kerr is young. and. single.
..-.l.)r.: , .Holtrutd is sigbt-seoi in , ,London.
• Isla' bothered about ber
Henderson., is, enjoying, .his
loney.:moon c'npo:ldny,•
Sherman has : aq.0ptt , 13...4pC1 of Mt
,Cnrson's, sons.,
-71Vn all hav,e our trials—rl except J,elf.
Doris:• •
pa enco—Talting'shel-'
• - -`2 , --The ight of nn
-ter from the rain in an umbrella'shop. r
, •==Frank Lesllo, the well-known . publish-4,
'er,ihas sued:his:wife, for. a divorce.,
,tho`-last sensation." -
. A child of eleven years of,ngo. Poisoned'
tho other day,
;for giVe her dessertarter dinner:
`':-:SGen;. 7 .• Kearney's , ^insilsion; near
`Newark, s• , 44 -b
N. has transformed Into:
ammer.hotel, • ,•,
is, , underi... arrest for „bigamy hi
i Cincinnati, who, is
_preyed "la have 'mar-'
rigid' eight irives;l " - • •
=.3fari;i- of 'the SnuthOiners . who uied
visitNiagara' before-the -rebellion, are , bo-•
1, return to that summer resort,
such a•high foreheskeepie r postagostankpa
give him. - ' - -
ice met; are-mik
ing‘money-; - • _
1.":;-Afell 'ant go into ,•the
cOurqryovbere,daborers- are scarco,- i
Garibaidtane; -Sexerel,y,
-wounded andlciWarectat Nonplus, wasNts
of-rarditat Ant.oneth "'
JulYin'aoltiinblitr.withAlieDakirof Mick
lenburg,f andethers.•
2 —The "faMily R l ace , u t
GpVngs,on,:.phurnday,t,hoSetli . inst.,
x4'; after years of
aritty'llfe;'ist'eald:lo:quive never:uttered
s a
'pilifari&word labx9lad a' personal quarrel:;.'_.
iverefOuedeaths•fronV sun-stroke
-hirdSiontrealillast Saturday, 4 r ; -
I,l:—.N.rwiPreildent Johnson,,and,Mrs;Sto._
ver,uxtd,aindly , have.arrived, at , Greenville,
Tennessee, to spend the summer:
, ,A4:l - . - -- ~ ~,
' - ,:kl '-. ' NE . . O" ItO RIC • , ',. \ e"!
: ':;.. l '• . ..y. , :- ` - -
, TheDemocratie Convention:7"n.
, ";:•:•• i - -r. 'ell :
tiiiiiittio'Seyntotir, L of. New York,
' • Noininated for President, on -,
the 22d Ballot.
Gieat Enthusiasm Manifested.
rlarzr. , : , Fi-P. Blair ' , Nominated for
Vice Pre-itieut.
ttc., 3 e., tte.
Jsreciat to the Dally'Suy.]
.N.Ev/r , Yort.k,: - July .q...-=.on the 19th vole,
Alabama lead off,forYllaucoek, 'A-rkausas
California asst 3 votes for Juthr.e Fields.
Connecticut goes back to Eng
Florida goes for Bfen.d . 1;.; ;
' !Illinois votes the same.
,Il4farylana-3 for Blair ;• Llancock„ ;
Hendricks, 1. ,
,I•tevadavotes"for Judge Field.' ' '
, Ohio goes solid for Asa Packer,of Penn's;
atthis point P.tnit'a retired for consulta
On the /911; ballot Pennsylvania voted for
19th ballot stood as follows : Hancock,
135 , 1 ; Hendricks, 10:1; Doolittle, 12; Field,
15 ; Packer, 22; English, G ; Blair, 151;
Chase, ; Seymour,,of Conn, 44, •
' Before the announcement of the 20th bal- -
' lot, convention retired for Consultation.
• "20th ballot—Hancock, 1421; Hendricks,
;121; Doolittle, 12 ; Blair, 10 ; T. IL Seymour,
2 vEng,lish„ ; Field, 0.
21st ballot, no in , progress'.', Maas
achussetts goes' 4 •W,
votes' for Chase.' 'Great
applause. At conclusion, Geit,','MCCook'S
speech nominating Seymour; , and cast
ing ! Ohio votes 'for him ; the excitement
surpasses all •description, , " yells, cheers,
shouts, screaming, ;waving. of handker7
chi.efa v and hats" present:the -Wildest scene
over before witnessed at- any' congregation
of humanity. . •
21st ballot—Hancock, • 135/ ; Hendricks,
132; Chase, 4; English, 19; .-Doolittle,,•l2.;
McClellan, 1; Johnson, 5; .Hoffman,. 1;
Field, S.
22c1 ballot—Wisconsin votes ; for. Horatio
-Seymour.__ •
Massachusetts for Seymour.
Kentuety for t Seyrnour;,..
• Seymour speaking,v r aghir l /declines the
. _
Seymoues nominatien'made by-acelama
ticin. ;
Great. excitement; anns,fi ring.
• I rkriCrYpfuE.,
Delegates= all' speaking;kcongratUlation4s l
flying, and flags waving.- Everything in
an uproar of,-,Joy and. ,enthusiasm. As
State after State talled - into line; and bolid
4y:east their votes for the - man whom half
an hour • preVidlis was.:loast-tbought-- of.
The 'scene.' surpasses all deseription.'
When it became apparent thateaeli.delega-
tion would surely cast-"their vote for Sey
mour, men - and,;--moteen- 'became frantic
with joy, and their enthusiaim knew no
bounds - . • -* .• 1.
j'' As,if bylinagie_the vast assemblage in one
-spontaneous outhurst: Of. applause, Made "
;the Welkin 'ring' 'With 'cheers: - went'
flying from dinmeito..pit - and :pit, to, dome.,
Three times.three, , ,resounded with a will
most deafening. Bands,T,.annini,,flag,f,,anil
allj amen Aem&iistiv.tionh 'of joy'Were•fell;'
herirFainrse'efi::' 7 " o . • , •
COnvention.took recess for. sin.!tiour..
_ .
Cdriliention 'aslernbled 'at 3 o'elooki
majority +rif'Siates in favor , of- Gen, F.4 , P.
Blair. fm: Vice Pre,sident.
. ,
NEW' YORK, July'
A'ciuntifittee of one frorn•eaolkdelegation
was appointed ,to,mrait,,on .Seymour, and
formerly, announce his ilornination.,
Cries of Seymciur welT'licard nil. di r ree-'
Cons, until the wits filled* with it but
,Seymour remained- silent."• • .;"
'Resolutions )yore unanimously adopted
thanking citizens,
,and Praising : the work-,
inginen, &C. • ' ' "' - ' ' -
'Convention , " ncljom:netl , at 3:30 P. , M.
Thus ends the-. prolonged 'and :exciting
Convention. - ..
• 'Blair was nominated lip acclamation. „
• '- • ” 'DrSPAT(II-1::'
NEW YOILE;•TiIIy O.z—The , city resounds
this evening with the roar of salutes in
honor of the Democratic nomination to-clay.
Mr. Seymour has been taken 'bodily to his
hotel , by • many friends, init , •he is too
much overcome , to make.a speech to-night
it is feared, but he Avill be serenaded for
that purpose.
A grand 'ratification mass - meeting is be
ing held in Union Square , thist evening, at
'which speeches have been ;made by several
distin , niished• party leadiers., New York
is Ili' • y ablaze with bonfires - And' un
• '
President /Johnson ."
How the News of the Proceedin.4
- , of the ConventiOn were'receivetr.
The Chief Justice Chagrined.
Great Excitement.
„ .
Bill for:the Reduction of the Army.:
• dre ate 4:e.
[Spe'eTaffi) the Daily' Spy.] = •.• • • •
: -• „• ,; MAS/lINGTOIti, July 0.
, At the4hite,l3ouse,,the news of the pro—,
ceedings of the „breyii:YOrk. Conveiitilia tivus
received with gloom: !.• Mr:-Johnson is very
angry-with the Southern delegates for de
fiord ng l Jlore. , ' ards..;thpir, ncti
v as.,
peetiliarlY ungrateful. . .
General Haneohk'and"Seniitor [feiidiicl s`
are - both k•diSappointed , , , thou ght , t lie• latter
takes it:-goodp hunaorecily. , n-ilanuockiswas
sanguineflast.night.... t „ „ .
,• Of an:other" hien"' iriterste:(l, -- Cble'f'Jti'4':'.
tiee Chase'is the most
ing to advices-received•from-his friends,. he,
expected to, be norninated,,,this ~morning
acclamation. ,
, .
There has been great exeitementhere all
4. ay, over'the action'ofth&COnVention:'• '
The House Military Committee bas:cont-:
. PletedAPill, for the,reduetion of the army.
iede4eages - the fared to, 20,000:Men,'-'ef all
arrnS, and'prevides that all •otliCerS'of regi
ments disbanded , shall , be Aput on .the, re- , .
tired , list ;gives the, President.;
assign them to, such dutics_as z he may, deem,
pioper,-And'as vac's:notes occur 'they tare to:
bo pltiedclicin , theactiVe list. ttt •t' .. - •
‘ , ,S.ECOND -WS-PATCH.: ;. -
„ .
mi -• 0. ,1•
The naneti,on, of Seymour:Ma - 13Ni(
took ` the'ineniberS'of bingreis' by - surprise: -
7 'Mr: Johnson' IS 'pleased :with -tbe;:ticket, , .
and thinks that itis tbo,strongest, that could
have een matle.,,„ , _ •
The'wbisky then Made_ deibeitite elfin - LS
tehtive tax-retitincd tit two: dollars
in t hat,they:have set about to kill the bill.
•Tho §enateis•now discussing the resol,u,
tietito,makd the tax 90 cent s; • the bill, will"
go into COnferenee 'Committee, when it's'
friends leer , it :will expire front • want 'of'
agreement between the,llmtso ,and .Senate;
But little progress is made with business
in Congress. But will be a spirit td-Mbr
row-though.'es., the 'Denfocratict - working
members.will be present. ; -
•Mississippi..has has gone democratic by,.
lit least,eight thousand majority._
;.• • I'o TTS VILLE.; • , ,
.4, Riot antonz: the
[`lpecial l te the Daily Spy.]:
' Still 9.
A riot is now raging:. among -, tile - miners
in this section,: which; .if not, checked' im
mediately, bids fair to become serious„
the furnaces and, mines in_ the Maldney.,
valley 'are new stopped , and. the uien from'
theseworks are marching:in ciowdd armed.
:with guns and other warlike pleDepktsl;-
MuiOavoriug to make the . ,inoyy t ueil general
througliOut tlati country.
'Tlfe:nien bf tho'St: - Clair rFartincehitve'
turnedi out this rnorningmnd thaieniploy.4
(tee of the,diiibrent branches
s pfthe
Railroad company have been notified bYthe
strike'rd - tha . t, work Must 'beage' in- all' the'
shopstind d6Pots: , , Therstrike . 'ebuenienced:
yesterday, and, grew, oat of. the :new ,eights
hour law ; the, area demanding the some for
el g ht hours as.they had received for ten.
, GeV:Gera:7'h laerc;:=and has' beery' Waited
upon brthe iron and• coal nmsters:'; The
'Governor has proposed- that should thexiot
assume any more , serious aspect, such as
loss' erlife or 'destiuctiOn:of property;' lie
will call out the militaryzi , The 'noters=•are
now marching in force towards this eypiacee
(Speeint totixelDaily n , 1 1,- n•n
• I • -13.a.VrluoF.u; :June 9.
The ehiCtion in Baltimore yesterday
ratify 'th . t . ; City ordinance' authorizing - the
issue of 'one , million.'-dollars • worth city•the new,pity Hall; /resulted
'favorably to the ordinance h.y:thirteon hun
diedMajobity; The work therefore, oil the
hall-under the` new contractS will ' , soon" , be
resumed,. .1-,
tnember. of Company „H.,
fithyreginient, llarYlarid Guard, hilst' the
company were engagedin 'firing 'at-target
itrthe vicinity of - White.'llockv yesterday,
-was accidentally shot and killed. He fag,-
ishly persisted in standing behind Abe.treo •
- where the target 'Was,' whilstithe'others
-were slioothi_e'.4le•put his head around to
Ornake observations,:whia a. adonis ball ea
..teredbia moutli.;.:death iiiitantly, ensued..
4.1 e was single,.andthhly,yeara old..
- !The Democracy'are'enthuslaitie
• rri..I4•I!ILP/11,A, July 9, 1865.
The Peopin:•,.. ere'rrinch astonished at dm
nomination .',l)f TlOkatio Seymour. Every
Zone seemS delikineclA;with the ticket.
The Ainerienn Mal.? arrived here from
„Note York this evening., and met with an
r - entilosinstie fecention'. They had a splett
,:d.fd tinitsparenoy:; - with portraits of Sey
inner aTed/31ttir on its sides.
Stephen T: Beale, a somewhat noted
forger, was arrested to-day. He has been
operating in bank cheeks, stealing the
blanks and filling them up.
[sped:lr to tile Daily Spy.]
Mt:Yr:Jo:km, Srily 9
Peter Philips, tried for murder of his
wire,.VMS wrder in
Uin first degree. 4 i;
TISo uthninatien of Scyluour - wls very un
expected, there being a general feeling
among the people that - Chase - would come
inittihelasthour..' .is 7
EpITORIA., spumes.
=Weston has walked liimself out.
—Robert Bonnor is in Washington.
—Still hot-r-the-weather.
flotter;=-the New York Convention.
—New tomatoes Myers':- --
—Cooling—, , Stnith!s,iceteream. '
—Go to .Jack Jordan's tobacco store, and
there get a "slug."
—Columbia should, have a strcet:sprink 7 ,
Hushand.,• ad interim," is , one - oP the '
newest reporter's(phritses„..
-Rey. Isaac 'Kalloeh,i once' nOtOriouS- in
Boston, is reported 'to ..ha:ve-Inrued !up in
Washington, as a lobbyist. '
--The copperheads hereabouts do not
crow mticin :over their. nominee; To . r ;the ,
Presidency..—An emient'Divine;'Sitys,:'!l:bavl'been'
using, the Peruvian' Syrup. It gives me new
vigor, buoyancy' 'of ,'spirits, elasticity' of
mustle."'"l. P:'Dinsmore; 36 - 'Dey .Street;
New York, will send free, rpsinphiet of 32
pages, containing . a: 'cull'aceounr of this re
markable medicine; - 1O any' 'One "sending
him theiiraddress: ;1. • , • 1 -.•
' —The Great Music. Hall Organ.—Since the
introduction. of 'this:noble:lnstrument, .a
higher standurd,of Organ music,- has been
presented to the'priblfc, and' every Wednee
clay'and .Satuiday noon,•neople from differ
ent portions of the country, who happcn'te
- he journeying : throe& the city . ; ''ratber , to
listen to the lones'efthe'grand king of,`"iri-:
strumerits;,and' thus 'the • taste for' a purer
style ol'Orgon music, has, in a degree, been
created. Even thoSe 11,110 have long Studied
the PiancOrie Peg,initig, to iresikelvelase of
Usie With - Sustained chords arid suspend:
ed intrinonfes, and many, are'lritrOdueing
•into their' homes 'the American - Ox . 'imis;•
'tiltnufactured' by- S. D.•& H.'W. Smithy or
Boston; withi which i the -, erceellenb; Organ'
pieces may •be- so finely: rendered and en
joyed in the - parlor.. Thesty'instrurnents
have also-greatly- assisted in , elevatinr,the
;taste toward a better clusi: of i music, and
lnive been very ellicient-in developing the
latent talent in .the home I . circle:—/toston
-L, Mereutio said of liLs yotind,Nl i
"11 eras eat as deep as a well, wide ,
a gale, but,,iticouldalo."
Plantation. Bltforg will not raise the dead,
But they 'clam the sic], exalt the diepres:4cd,
And render.lltba, , thinb to be enjoyed.. ,
.1Vo• believe. there are • niillious of living
witnesses to' this fact, DySpepsials
rid disease, butt'lantatioltßitters will care.
it. It is a: most in lilgoratingtonii; for weak
ness and ,men tal ciespondetiey.'--Those . who
are „ "ou shouldt - try.t.:Platitat Lon
Magnolia Water.—A. delightful toilet arti
cle—superior to. cologne; and ait half the
!:Isp_ExT AT; "."1'
. . .„ ,
. 0 TtEiply., t;-••
. . .
In'the a hole hlitory - cif medical "dls'eoverir•'s' NO
• REMEDY has • yiekorrned. 'se ratui?riioitte,ll] 'cointirkl
1 - able • eurei • Of tlie.tininerens - alfeeth3ni Of OM 4 .l.`fiimati;
1 Irr).l . ciir, and Cuasr, as this ! lung-triedand.,,justiy t cele-,
betted Balsam. So generally rtclinowleded isi titer
' • superior excellence of this ,remedy, that but,fow of
the' many who have. tesWif its • virtueS Veilierreitee •
fail to keep it at hand as a "tipeedy and certain cure
for sudden • at tack s • of COLD—fully belinting that 04
Xemodial powers ate comprehenrir enough
` .to cm
every form of disease, tremble slfdlitest, cold
to the most dalige • rons iyinplbrit of 'ptilinentry cont
Front Rev. Francis Lobtlell. • Paitor • Of • Ilie South
Congregatimial church, Bridgeport,,tinittectionti': •
I consider it , i, .4nre ti:ii'n'ii - .i • dije-',io"istiffering.
1 'humanity to bent testumty - to 'tt.c virtues of DR:
\V is:mini BALsaivi ,rl , WILD- ORNERY. • I have
used it—when I hare had occasion for any remedy
.for Coughs, Colds or Sore Throat—for n ny yearn,
and never in a single instance has it • .iled to re
lieve and cure tae. I have - frequently beau very
Isbarso on Saturday,' and 1.-oked torwar,„ I the de
I'very of two sermon.; on the following, with sad
• 3 isgivipgs,.but bye liberal • use ,of ,th 4.. Isara-my
i n . Imetress has invariably-been retrieve and .t have
cached without ,iiirleulty, ' ~ —. ...: , : ~:.:....!.,..,. ,
commend it to my brethern In the-s idolatry, and
I 'public speakers generally, as a cm, tin ietnedy
for the bronchial troubles to which were peculiar
ly exposed." - . - . , ~ -
, •
Pitepared by Seth W. Fowler &Son, .1S 7 reinoti t st.,
,Boston, and for sate by Druggists generally, .
From Mr. E. Tueliar; Depot , 3Loster, sit 'Salisbury,'
litive been•tMu bled feri.'eaie u j ith a bad humor,
sometimes• , outwardly 'and Sontetimes 'inwardly.
During the past summer'it manifested:ltself snore
than mina' outwardly, , and I used your Salve.. All
signs oily hare since disappeared, without affecting
me inwardly, •indicatlug,• I think, the" emtieating
naturenf the Salve. • • • •• • •
, ,
SETA W.PONCES SON. Boston, "Proprietors.
Sold by DruggiSts 47. c. I/ box.' • Se.nt by moil
tor 13,,1e
Very many suffer..from general. debility, others .
from weakness of
, tile'stelintell inability to di
gest their their - food i'scimi,have creeping se neat hins along
the nerve:Mires, Pala in the bectc;_iiithltehlk and
444y:thriibbin'd of tlie`limbst Tian's,ailds 'Of Indies
sutferi• -through „kingrerie;i7l.kai it're,"galied"
„. , •
Female Compiair,ds, guyed lox therelaitation of , mus , -,
Cale and ligament that attend deilciency,f4
Thousands: oh basitiess men, overworked in ; mind
and body,mso up the nervous fluid and become ma.
fiefor. dut y or the enjoyments Of:life ',Excesses_ in -
Youth, and,the;terrible effects of fever ; and ; ague, in
volve shattered constitutionwand the fatinre of the *
geucruL functions:Of -health.,l To sufferers from all
those causes, ~„ ,„- , , . •, • • ~s 1
offers an Invaluable boon—a .natund.ant/ . efficient
recovery of lost powers. ?Co person, man or woman,,
suffering from any cause, can afford to neglect this
remedy. • I'lloiCervlne will,be , found „,telpossess an
equalizing and, principle., It allay, yria
'pop, sloop protriolcs..lthe",zitAr'etions, or
system. It has affinity for the! noryons
supplies them for, the waste, that is constantly taking
place. LitreAndesome 60i:taken into,tlie stomach,
It.nndorgocs rapitUdigestion, invigeracing in its pro
eig.4 tte tificitird'ergtiris, and producing '
a' .4 2
tuiltuovn to any othermreparationY It contains no
opitun orlthshedsh;'nrid siv•far , from producing cos•
,tiveness, it 1011 bc,fonual„an efficient nitre for consti
pation, and tins oidaidt4 ts'lroild-withlidnown for
this peculiarity. 4 f r
' , Doer Denier.' The last medicine prescribed by_
'you 7 obtained, and lift! say; that.podd's NOTVine and
.Invigorator is all that if Online to' be: 2I feel , like a
new man; the achink,"of,rdy'litnts gOtie.; I sleep
'welt, have a good appetite; and feel stronger than I
,have An' man) , YearspaSt'." • tconfillinteilliY Dr.-331
,o Clinton' street, I New -, York'l
' " I have used the Nervine: and pinch
• lieneilted by it, yeirtioularly in • the. increase , of
'strength • and retire of 'Those ,trembling, sensations:
My 'costiveness , also. seerne.rto,;hoilasairely cured,
I Letter to „DreTnetteral , ,
i` The medicine you ordered'
have taken three'hottles 0f.,1t is a great thing: Dly
wife Says she would , rathertave onehottle otrit than'
forty-doctors. She is oortiCinlybetter, , don'ttfeel the
; dragging down ;do mud] ; bowelsmove easier, and In
better,nervotts condition every.way.". ,
D. B. Martin,' C.aslifor - Glom !dense, laing'itratich;
New Jemmy; states:that Dodd'S'Nervine has cured
him of, chronic weakness 'of 'the stomach; dizziness
and' sick rheadache; , and greatlyistreogthened his
' whole system. • ^
4 David Hartshorn, ne,State. strect,LßMottlyn, cured
of chronic miiscular andne:rvons •
John Ihlrind, `lirOoklyn, Y:.; says: -"To regu
late the how"els without , producing.catlawtio effect,
quiet the nerren,land,touolup she system, I have
never ,usod,•tulything
.. titat...equallect Dodd's Nor
vine." ^ ‘;' ",
W. F., ,Deans; ," My. wife
has suffered for seventeen , yeans with extreme ner
vous-debility and mental-prostration: - She, wall 'in
duced by ,a friend - to - try, Dr: J. 1 1 1.a.Dodd's' Nervlne
antiJavmorator, and ; by Its use Is now restored to
perfect health:. • • •
Dr. C.V. York? Chaitestowii; 'ltfass.:,,, "In 'emits "of
great nervous ' debility; not confined- try.zany.tneans
to the - female sex:. althonsdr_from .the: greater, deli
cacy of the (emote organization.more common than
among men, I employ DodcrsPiervine and Invigor
ator with the happiest;effect. fie exceeds in - tonic
power anything that I kudw tif, while Its action upon
the bowels is all:thakerin
ployed in the illissachnliettillespitailor the l i m o .
at Taunton. •••••‘%., " •
c is , nraf indigestion, leepless
n kidney compliant; wind colisoind female.corrC
plaints in their
familles„ we
610n;tolte following:gentlemen in this , iclnity: , "
E. W.:-13ALL..Esq:, Filth Avenue Hotel, N. Y.
W. B. BODGE, Tntet Bongo, N. Y.
JOHN WILLIAMS . Policeman, Y. •
S. W. PEORETT,Eaq, - Clinton at, Brooklyn.
i 7, „?Th.-Tf.. A: , TUCE:ER; Clinton at:Brooklyn..., , ,!f
••• % 4 '.T.S.,WRIGHT:Esq„ Jersey Oity. -t
Xon.. , WA UnEk, qaAsxs 54413.4,00*an N.
' Or • sale at J. - ED - Parry; 7., A. - Meyers, and R.
Drug. tores, Columbia, •-•
" 4 • B. :STORER :Sr
.:aUg /7 .,'67 ;i4 • Proprietors,
. ,
MANE W e 1 :....,_ ' td"'' . „ . "'
The Subscriber lliWon hilhdielnitocir..
et laots ul Slartteits; d:c., all Cit , -,41..15.-rewn
Mn e ore. . ~,, 3 51i, - ~ 0 2. ,-•.
.4;41 ..) Stor, odr doors abovelit.pWilllcUini?
Dyna ?. e, Fro .:Street,':where he bfters an ;CM::
tens - W - ,sitortinent of Goods, either , ~,..V f 4. 4 ..1 -1
41N' , te
.., 1 , ,
. '.,,), ?
~{5, : ~.'
..412t110. 1 Aa41.4 -OR SRETAM:4/:i /
I.ilitOtoek'constis o(as lirgeNtrineii&A, LlS
sortinent of Men's Boys' -Ladies' au&Chitidrews
as can be found elsewhere in the Town.
-').',49Se„nquir4i,rud...4,oots ani.14.9.e,5, will find it to
llieir ftdranfuge to calrfizia.' exaiiiiiirbleSkTale
before purchasing elsewhere.
May 26,4f] SAMUEL GROVE.
Ilaviug increased my facilities for turning
out superior work I would announce to my old
customers and all new ones that - may favor me
with a call, that I tun better prepared now to
manufacture all kinds of
than ever before. I employ, none but
workmen and ant always - certain of giving satis
faction. I keep on hand aeneral assortment of ' ,
ready made work all of which is manufactured
oMthe premises.
I keep no made-up work'bf other parties. My
work is made exclusively for home trade and is
sold as such. TERMS CASE . .
We sell as cheap as any other establishment,
and ask a share of public patronage.
Locust Street, between Front and Second.
E,n . scitnEcir,
Manufacturer of Superior
• Informs the public that ho is prepared to re
celvm.orders for work; and-tlurtdaLs prices are,
' A splendid assortment; of lieluly-I'daile Work
on hand.
• . .
Repairing always attended to in a prampt,ana
efficient manner.
RE:11M111E1: ' '•' -
JEROME sc.:llllE2.u,
apl GS-Iy] No. 2U2 LOC Wit St,
_ _
quaamtEs , s,slioE STORE. , ,
TheMirgest , and best:a.ssortih en t Lail
Gentlemen's wear in the
CII Y 01
The underslguedresiectfulti invites 11,.,e clti
•zens of Colutubin and' vicinity; I toy hls -lui
stock of
Such as Women's Kid and French '3:iwiAtan.
'Boots, Balthoral, COntinental and other „ •
- -
We are prepared to manufacture at. short.ta.a.L..*a
every kind of Lzulles' and 'Gentlemen's "Irws.r ., -
known in.this inarket, and at, as cheap, rates as,
any sirailiar establishment. Call and' examine
our stoele. • • , LAN,• ,••• • w ,
•• • • „ Apposite Cooper's Hotel,
"Westl•CineSt. Lancaster.
The finest nod Dent lot of goods ever brought
to Columbia, has Just been . received - • t•
at the
`.`Cheap„Store 7
',P . - S. McTAGUE
. .
Where. thelPulitle Arel cordially, invited• to call
and ez - ..ainlife.the G1504„1s ac dl Prices. eThegitater
part of the goods "were bought - before' the late
advance hi cotton, and consequently can he
sold much cheaper than •present .Wholesale
Prices. The stoei: Is now full , ind complete,
comprising the different grades of goods, N.1:4 ~
sirmitEit POPLINS,
;WOOL DELAINS of all Colors,
A line lot of Spring Styles of soxbrEat DE-.
elegant selection of Spring mid Summer
*BALMORALS at the lowest prices. Bargains lie
'SILKS. Also, all widfliS of Sheetings and
iPillow Cases Mastitis of the Best Makes.
'A perfectly now , linc• Of CLOTHS, CASSI
JEANS, Ladies' , Cloaking Cloths, and Ready
made Coats, latest Fashions.
The Subscriber is just entering into the BOOT
• and SHOE business, and being tletermlned to
keep none bat the best Goods in this line, and
sell at less than usual prices, respectfully solicits
the patronage of the public.
No., i2:l nil Locust St.,
mar2.3-tf.l - • Columbia, Pa,
, 533 - 0.13, AND. NOTION. STORE
1111,5..' R. C: BRUNER,. - ,t.
Would respectfully announce to her friends and
''.. ial
the public gene ty,tnat sho - baslust
:_,returned fr n 3. , hiladelphirovith
* , a Chole .Ass'Ortment;pf , -,
All Shoes purchased direct from the Manufac
turers, and are of the best known makes: con
sequently are of a better kind than are usually
sold in similar stores, and at cheaper rates.'
A full variety of.
Tytnoms.:Gs,,NO'l'lONS h STATIOI,ZEILY,
Consisting, in part of
A large Assortiaenp;of
(Dickens, Magenta, lii.S:llllTik. anal, Lockwood.)
Pacific and Beau Ideal Bows, &c.. Ace.
SPOOL ..Together the ',usual
variety of Useful and Fancy Articles ; ENVEL
OPES,IVRITING PAPER, &e., to all of which
she invites tile attention of 'the' citizens of Co
lumbia and viefuit,v, feeling contideut that an
exaanination of her Stock will prove satisfactory.
.o Goods sold for Cash and Cash only.
utayilti GS-tf
_P A IN 1'
• • What wonder - •."
That. the doors
: i • Are:?M?°/11`le :. I i •-• ! V
Ever since The
First of Atigmit
Tousauds leave
Pain Paint applied.
Those who Ito.
Or eidl It huinbnk,
Are the doctors,
Not acquaintiA ,•
.1 „i•
For they alivays
!lave beenjeolons •
When their jiatients
Use Pam Paint. •
2. Pile up'facts
As high us mountains,
Flush the triad' ," r. -I
Before their eyes,
• . :"..: 'But tho cry
Is always humbug,
Alen of science
Full of lies.
People know that liniments composed of Cay
enne pepper, turpentine, bartshorn, ether, etc.,
will matinee; tannin ma hem t piing To Linn ,
chase suelitrask to stop pain and] iffilithimaticia
is ridiculous. Fire will not stop hent.; 'a 'dumb
'brute shuns the heat,,and linows enough to wade
in a pond of water, , when AvOuinted;i to reduce,
cool, and cure Inflammation and Fever. ,
Pimps and gamblers try to look honest, but
folks can read the face too:plalnlY. Some try to
persuade the Ignorant that pills, physic, etc.,
cleanse the blood purge the system, and do a
hundred , other things equally absurd. Every
body knows that it is false, and that no meal
:eine can purify or increase a drop of blood.
Food males blood, bone, and muscle, and is the
'stern( life. Every dose of medicine swallowed
Is rejected,. and hurried out of the system ns
quick a.l, It is an hnetity.,; yea,a:deddly
toe. .Cutritiptitleri, 111 btaltiOuld weakness,lare
tile result of dosing, dosing, dosing the stomach.
The',llving, system has enough to do without
working herself to death' in expelling, and kick
, Ing out the pernicious nostrums poured down
the throat. Food site welcomes when she needs
it; yea, asks for it. Let pill-makers and physic
venders stop, eating food, and see how long they
can subsist on tlir blood-purifying, invigora
ting, health-giving medicines and cordials.
, What , humbug ,is •Inare transparent? A dog
would feel so insulted, if offered a dose, he
would curl his tail downward in scorn, and run
• away in utter disgust. All physical petit arises
. front Inflammation. Put - out the lire and you
, stop pain absolutely. You can stop pain as easy
as you can quench tire with water. Wor.Corr.s
PAIN PAINT tulalues,-Intituranation, heat, and
fever, ono hundrefftitnesaster than ice. Thou
sands Kay had a practical test of its merits at
the very ,Inomem, :of niest/ extreme pain, and
they can testify that it has not failed In doing its
work. It is simple; it is harmle it has no
stalff(it gives no smart r it is for sate by 'Drug
gists everywhere:. and it is tested free of cost at
170"ClIATILVM SQUARE, N.''Y.; and o*.n Arch St.‘'
My wile had en ulcer on heileg'fOr thirteen
years, caused by varicose veins. Ulceration ex
tending from her ankle to her knee, some places
eating away to the bone. I have employed over
twenty physicians at vast expense during this
period. BLUM! attempts at cure proved utterly
abortive until I tried Dr. Wolcott's Pain Paint,
which the doctors told me was a humbug. But
humbug or,not, Whits done the work completely
in less than one mcintli7temOving the pain at
the drat application._ I, kept her leg wet with
Pain Paint ednatantly.nuldi fi healed: II wish we
had more humbugs as useful as Dr. 'Wolcott's
pain paint lem well, known in this city, any
person who wantslo make' farther inquiry will
mil at 101 West Street New York, at the ;ann
oyer House; orivldeh tam the proprietor, and I
think I can satisfy theta as to the benefit de
rived by the use of Pain Paint.
I run selling Wolcott's Pain Paint and Anui
innate; antlit certainly gives satisfaction to my
customers. .11.iFi Gouts . , Drubvistalaimay - X.J.
I am selling more of Wolcatt's Pain Paint,tha.n
any other Patent Medicine: • N.ParrrxxXox.
- WholesaleDruggisr,;No.l"StliAie., , N. Y:
/sell more of Wolcott's Pain Taint tbau all the
other patent medicines combined, and I keep a
Supply'of allthathaVe aurtlemand.,,t,
ITAn:a.A.xx Druggist
,ti/laugl}..;,/,!„ N0.,11,7111 Ayegue:;New,Yohr.
riIIANT - .ASV " fe01.0AX1 1 :!
mug.: t'AgebteSilintbil for-•J, T.,lfeadley;:s.Lifo of
Grant, now ready a Life Of Colfax, with a Steel
Portrait; 3'rico26 with evemeopy
of Grant. ,The,National Sand-Book of Facts ft
Figures;justisauedi Is-the ;Book for the nines.
Sent f0r.51.50. TREAT d: CO., publishers, 6.54
'Broadway, NeW , Pork."•* -0,, -;.;"" , 1 • ;-; { GB &OS/
" - Er — Am)soME - .'afEcKs, - ''NOTE§,
Printed rWSPY9EIIoe. - /''
• G
SILK DRESS PATTERIN% dtc., • cto.; '
Our inducements daring the past few' years
have been large.
C'lubs are now 'more tha'n equal mu value to Clubs or . ,
GO and 100 respectively of other finite,
,i - pLEASE , EXAMINE - 0i
Any person ordering either of the Clubs men
tioned below, can have their selections enumer
step, corresponding / to the size of the Chi . !.
ote DOLLAR !
FOR A CLUB OF 30, (53.)—one of the following
- articles, viz -- Delnine dress pattern, fancy , col-.-
ored bed spread, 100 view Turkey morocco album,
20 yds. sheeting, striped; cashmere:tlelaine dress '
pattern, honey comb , quilt, all' woolsquare
llow', set solid gold bosom studs, all wool fancy._
Ehinere pants and , vest pattern, Gent's- halr
chain, gold trimmings, silver-plated elms
, ed butter dish, silver-plated 5 bottle revolving
castor, on feet, set superior steeled bladed knives
and forks, worsted promenade shawl, Ladies'
long,' gold platen chain, ladies' doable gold ring,
Gent's heavy chased solid gold'rbag, solid black
walnut work box or writing desk, extra quality
balmoral skirt, set Jewelry, sleeve buttons to
match, violin and bow, Gent's cartoon Jacket,
I splendid ebony D flute, ivory trimmings, super
ior Turkey morocco shopping bag, •ladies' high
cut balmoral boots.
Fortt-AC.LUBoi . 65, (so.)—one :of the following
Artteles,• viz: Black or colored alpacca dress
;pattern, poplin dress pattern, one piece of
- bleached or -brown sheeting, engraved silver
plated 6 bottle revolving castor, 334 yds. superior ,
cashmere for pants and vest pattern, extra
heavy honey comb quilt, two fancy colored bed
,spreatis, pair- gent's calf boots, 4,,yds. farmers'
'good wool frocking, fancy cashmere plaid dress
pattern; best quality balmoral skirt, • rosewood
brass alarm clock, ladies' aliwool cloak pattern,
silver-plated cake or card basket, fur -Muff or
cape, • ladies' fashionable . wool double shawl,
splendid clasped Family Millie, 9xl2,'record page
and engravings, 2. yds, double width water-proof
cloaking, set ivory handle knives, with silver
plated forks, one set lace curtain. ' "
Fort A CLUB ov.loo, ($10.) 4 -ond of the following
articles, viz: .1 yds. double 'width clOaking . or
coatillg,:2 large, line, bleached linen table covers, ,
with one doz. large sized, dinner napkins to
match, . twenty-five
.3. - ards, splendid hemp cat
patine', good colors, extra quality black -or al
paca dress patterns, extra quality poplin:. dress
patterns, one large piece superior quality extra -.
Width sheeting, pair gent's calf boots, best qug,
qty, silver hunting; cased patent lever watch, one
dozen. ivory,..haudled, steel-bladed knives and
forks, silver-plated. engravdd'l3 - bottle'l'evOlvltig
castor, with .ent , ..giriss lx)ttles,,splendid , violin,
box and bow, complete, single barfershotzun,
Bacon's six-barrel revolver, pair superior, white ..
wool ,blankets, nice fur muff and cane, 'Silver- .t
plated engraved the pitcher, with salver, 73.4 yds: ,
•al I wool fancy eassimere, - for suit, I.
' doz..Rogersl,
best silver-plated forks, common sense sewing, '
and embroidering inaehine, 2- heavy honey
comb quilts, splendid Family Bible, record and
! photograph page.
For larger Clubs the value -Increases in the
:same ratio.. „ . ;
Catnlogale / of Goods' and 'Sample sent to any
address iree. Send money by registered letter.
Address all'orders to
", IT AWES it CO.,
15 Federal St., .I.lostoni - Ailm.;„
p. 0,11 ox: C.
aluDealetdiuDryandFancy,Goods,Cut-+ - s, Cat
Plated-Ware, Albuins, Leather , ' Goods;
TA lk - IENSEt) 1W THE
"Auti , •ifixtrfr:`
Pawnbroker ' s , Joint'-,'Stock,
Linen Goods, Dry Goods, Cottons, leancy.:GoOds„Y
Albums, Bibles, Silver.Blated.Wure; Watches,
Cutlery, Sewin g ;Machines, &c., „
;To be sold at OBE fIOLLAR . EACII: without - 14- '
pint,to value, and not to be paid , for until you
know, what'you are to receive. ' •• • • - - •• •
STOCK VALTJED AT 1200;000, '
SALESROOM, 30 Hanover St:,' 'Boston:' -
'The most popular, reliable, h
prompt and bush ,
gess-Dice concern of the kind.. Theest 'of Mos.;
tOn reterencou'ttirnishoo on'appliention:' By pa.'
trcmizing, this sale you :have a chancy to • eic
change your goods with alarge'varieW, to select
. TERMS TO AGENTS.-=We believe our terms to.
Agents. are superior , to, those offered by, any -
othenhouse. -Take partisidar votico of this: Our
Agents are not required to pay, one ,dollar for
their presents, es hi an other concerns., . • -
: llertincat,-giving-a-complete_descriptionl'of„..,„
=tides that will be sold for. one dollar each, will
be sold at the following 'rates: - . TEN for $1;
THIRTY (with present) for $3• SIN:TY (with
present) $0; li: HUNDRED (with preseut);slo.
And same rate for larger clubs.
LOON_ I THIS CfIANCE to get 'a. Silk Dress,
Sewing Machine, Gold Watch,' or some • other
good - article. of equal value; with but very little
trouble and no expense to the Agent. • • .
FOR A. CLUB OF THIRTY, we will give the
son sending it the choice of the following artic
les: Print dress patterns, Worsted -breakfast
shawl White linen tablecloth, - ,Embossed table e
spread, Set of steel-bladed knives and forks, eleLl
:I.Ar c i .. Leh a ntz,e o d. w., ste c r y -p d i r a es te s dli t q e d-liu i e . d i egg es et t
extra quality cloth Boots, elegant braided silk
parasol, one hundred morocco photo
,gragh Album, elegant lvory-handled spangled -
silk fan, one-doz.large Sized Linen towels;ladieS''"
morocco shopping bag, Alhambra Quilt, fancy
Balmoral skirt, ladies' son/. Gold California dia
mond rLug, Gent's plairpor engraved Gold ring,""
(Hi carets line) ladles' solid black walnut writing
desk; ladies' fancy black walnut' Workbox, or a
cottage Clock. . .
',YOE A CLUB OF SIXTY, one of the following.
articles: Fancy Cashmere Dress Pattern, Three
yards double width water-proof cloaking, thibet
shawl, four yards wool frocking, set of lace Cur.
tains, ladles' double wool shawl, silver-plated
card basket, splendid engraved silver-plated ice
pitcher, engraved silver-plated tea pot, one
hundred-picture Turkey morocco photograph
albnin, Lancaster Quilt, fancy plaid wool shawl,
twenty-five yds. sheeting, alpaca.' dress pattern,
engraved silver-plated six-bottle revolving Cas
tor, pair Gent's call boots, Harris cloth pants Sc
vest pattern, splendid ,balmoraP; skirt, ' set' Of
ivory -handled knives' with silver-plated Forks,
pair of all-wool Blankets; rosewood-frame brass
alarm 'clock, splendid beaded and lined silk
parasol; ladies' splendid morocco traveling , bag,
thirty yds. print, or a Marseilles Quilt.
POE silt U plated ONE 11UNDREP, splendid en
graveder tea set; three pieces, (sugar
bowl, tea pot and creamer,) silver-plated eake
Basket; fancy plaid wool long shawl, twenty-live
yds. Hemp Carpeting, splendid Violin and bow, ,
English Berage shawl, iorty-five yus. sheeting,
splendid alpacca dress pattern, silver hunting
ease Watch, splendid family Bible with elegant,
steel engravings and FamilY'Record and' phett4
graph page, poplin dress pattern, engraved slit..
ver-plated, lee pitcher, splendid. -- ,Beaver-Cloak
Pattern, Slitirpe's revolver, fancy eassimere coat,
pants and-vest pattern 'extra quality, splendid
accordeon music box, one pair flue damask table
covers 'with one dozen...Boner...napkins toinatch.t
'Presenia.for'Larger,Cltibs an Yro~ortion :
Tills is no liUmbug, -Lottery, Gift Enterprise
or sale of Cheap Jewelry, but a fair, .square sale I
of Unredeemed Goods, Our G oodeare
Arne we gliarantee more for:the „
money invested
than mut be bought at any wholesale-store in the
' will please take notice ofAhls. Do not.;
send:names,' burnumber 'your clubs from one ,
upwartll.•:•Malie your letters short; and plain as
possible: • - , • •
Be sure and send money amounting to $5.00 or
ntore - by - ItrarkritareirthErrsar-(wltich-can-.he- ,
sent from any calicet)P. O. , 31oney,,Order, or Es
press; for liMen 'sent way yorkrun no risk
of losing it whatever. Small amounts may toe.:
sent by. mall, but be sure , and put, them, in the
pale° younell.
. . .
' , Vl'e umnot bo responsible for Money lost, un-,
less' some preiduttions are takn. to 'lnsure Its ,
surety. , , f . . f ", 1,, + t - ' ti g
. Send your address in full, Town, County and
,State:. All Certificates are good until redeemed.
S. -C.,'IiIIOMPSON tt CO.,
No, 30 Hanover Street, Boston.
J . •Send far Clrculars. , ..; ~ 4., • • •• ..;:" lUD augt r
DTUSIC; `:4 c:
pp o Lu*alx.A.
AND ,V1C.1241,TX!
The aadersidned
M . 13 - 1 S
--Where-can-be-10W atall-Limes,-the
• )•
sirazemusrc, 174
•-. At the Lowest Prices •• • -
Particular attention given to TEACHING
Trt'4„ Also, . 'Music arranged at- short - notice,
for Piano, Flute or, Violin for,Trios, Quartets , Full Orchestras and Brass ' Bandit.-
Also. agent for the celebrated ALBRECHT,
REIMS, and sr: - mill , PIANO ; 'also agent for
the best make, of ORGANS.
N.B.—Lessons isven at Store or residences.
No.-17i 2. , :r.•Pront St.,' (Wolfe% Row?: ab. , Walnu t,
aplll-3nao] Columbia, Penn'a.
Ifaclug the largest capital, most experienced
buyers, anclextensiVe.:trale 431% any, concern in
the Dollar Sale business we ' '
In every instance, and also - the - bat selectiefi_ot
Goods ever offered at t" 3
110 other concern - has any stunc.tolecrever our Ants are
selling. Our motto:. "...Prompt and. Reliable.
Male and fenutio: agents wanted In city and
country. ,
Aro , partiathirly retested to try' Our
Club -System iof sel ng all kinds of DRY - , ANO
WATCHE'S, &c. - (Established 11361.) A patent
pen fountain and a cheek describing an - article
to be sold fora dollar, - /0 ets;'-.50 for 92. :91 /for 44;
GO for 46; 100 for:110 VsentLymailf .FAePreSent B
to getter up, (worth Lb percent. more them those sent by
any other concern.) according to size' of club: , Send
us a trial club or If'not "do not' fail - to send for it
.N..13.;- 1 0iii, Into 'slamild,',iiiarixt•
Netir.YorkAloltar,jewelrtsalmi; or toga's"
. I:ea
CompanlpSJZ as At is noth worths sort: ' , •
• EASTAL9l.7„er=fral&;:
lnitiySOnoJ , pt;;,0,9k.: