C e j f Witch& gptj: tzs ,4 ; A. id... BATIC33 0, Sotuiday, ,t7icne : 27,:1868. , Conmumcknoss, letters, contributions, generally of merite and interest to the reader, will be acceptable Tram friends from all quarters. - FOR PRESIDENT, GEN. ULYSSES - S: 4G-1n1A:1%.7'1" = FOA-ITICB P 1! iSIDFNT, SCFIT-T,Y.I,'IDII, • CiNEEZER LEGISLATIVE CORRUPTION. Time was, when bribery and corruption wore entirely. unknown, and our repre sentatives in the State and National coun cils were considered pure and honeit be yond suspicion. . But now-a-days, a change has " come o'er- the spirit of our dream," and a man who will not be bribed is considered a, natural-born fool"; "consequently a seat at Harrisburg or Washington has-become a very desirable post for -gentlemen of easy virtue, who think that more money, can be made by Selling their votes, than by any honest pursuit, and hence every year we have a grand scramble for a nomination. Now, under this state of things, we Would respectfully suggest that instead of mak ing nominations by the Crawford County or the old delegate system, the County Committee put up the nomination of, offi cers at public auction, the highest bidder to be the buyer, and the money bidden to be paid into the County Treasury; in re - - duetion of our taxes, for, if legislation is only a means of making money fox the representatives, and no longer-an honora ble-means of making laws 'for the public good, the representatives 'should pay for the opportunity of being bribed, aud re alizing a fortune. We hope •our honest politicians will duly consider this; and act accordingly. Going to Harrisburg, either us Sena tor, Member of the House, subordinate, hanger-on or lobbyist, is considered' a fkrat-rato business, as t.liesi'e appear - a to be lots of plundo., and it ,wouldTseent that if any one . gets a taste of the flesh •pots; he holds on like' a leech, and' resorts °to 'all kinds of schemes and li•lekeri . fo' for to go . back, We don't pretend to know how or why it is, but the , fact.is appalling . ly apparent, that no one ever -gets sick or . tired of - Harrisburg during_ SesSion . of the Legislature. ..There must be ,good things circulating around, and we would. not object to a chance ourselves, if some-• body would:he - kind 'en otigh to 'help 'Elia the place. .The.....misfortnnejs, however, that those.who are lucky enough .to, get there, findit•so:'good' that •They -are litig torkeep'it ell'to - thenaSeives, and:'op;' . pose any other One'S'..goittliete'. ; `'W. guess:we.shall, have to stick to the types a while "longer,` Which may• compensate us for-honest ieil,and''affeit as clean' . .e conscienoe '; as , some ;:tbe sec en ccM spiratorw in the - 13: S. Senate can-boast of. No, prophet ever uttered a greater truth the did the poet - 'Burns, when he asserted "The best laid plans of men and mice, "Att gang aglee.", , and we can:, safely •-aild,...,;tliat Scheming intkigue 4. gften . . atteitled s :f hy disaStei it noverdreame d of , if.wn look back to ,the heyday of-the Republican party, in I. 864;: when it wds Elnnt-styppg_iii the beaiti 'of the people„aud ; - ,compare, ; its.present con dition wich,what: : it then was, we can 4not but acknOwledgel,that• •the *of selfiih and ambition's 'Men iiiive'had'eao gieit an influenee for its' future „health., We aro not in despair of its final success, nor.do we fear the defeat of Grant and Colfax neit November; but'We .assert, , that bat for ,the - political misdoings,, of. some of our leading men, we never would have had Andrew Johnson for an acciden tal President, and' consenuently been saVecrthe- disgrace. and ;untold evils-of hii,atiministratieu. -: When the: Republi can Conventionmet at Baltimore, iu 11864, to-nominate a President and Vice - Preiiz• dent; there was no good orvalid'phjection to the nomitia'tion'.of.iilessra-Lincolu and Hamlin, nor was say -urged hy:the -people who :we're heartily -in lore'-',wittt , botlf.= TheihadprovedrtheMiSfiri'sheiietrhe and competent, deserving, m- , eleetion,,hont , political gamesters who,are nothing if but, of office, must set aside Efanniballiamalin;' merely that they*ght, haireablianCeqq ; the 'succesiorship.: :51eSirs.T..tlson and Sumner of -the. United States Senate are the gentlemen who united with Win. H. Seward in acconiPlialking. Aered' and Congratulated ..thCbiielieS upon 'Pc ; nomination of-Andrew..Johnson. It Was a glorious victory-for them but a sad one' for the , Conn'tiy. 'Tlfey have elinekled over it.'ty_he'f in consequence - to be_, men..of ~wondrous power—but as they ,have- twice =failed to • ,secure the nomination 'for either li`f selves ii ; C rejbic'e;a4dleb ; Mai the country.' Mr.:. Wilson had ;his, cloth , incasured,at, Chivati;Aut it was , alyard, 'too - short.: He may hide'-his' Tlf‘"daY' willS never dawn for.linute,be.-Vicm,Presideriti and as he has been expert in introducing. rlin; , 4e may. yet' have - Oppoitunity t folloidri the 'exaMPle'' of Mr: pcsien and,hiaCorraPt hand • DEsitipaacY is and" has ,becti, close cif_ the', liar,- the only obstacle' to-the ccrailste "restoration :of: the peacea ties - hare'S„:c:Caset - I,', ,paci&oation 0f.., the :countryj,wouhl, have a 7eatttrat 7resolur-and the would have lone since. been- rester-' ' " 0:( party _ "riled;air-, the means: their:,4 power . to 2 ' of hatrea.': _ Theis are, tryibg•,to :tlegra(eofree iustitu tiona;,keep•„the country. , n, agitation" nod • and ..,.*lolifte" — etierk — pribelPle of free;;'conetitn""tionai g overnment Th 4 are : the,raal obstructionists , peace, and sitawithem'- .the that: .cannot /title - dee& I.n' their Atifatottas . . • .• • Grant and Colfax—The Campaign. Our ticket is now in the field. It is a noble one. From every ,State comas the cheeritig - : tidings that, under this excel lent selection of eandidatea, all partyfiif ferences.aro being healed,,prejudice's aside aVd_thlW the G *RifrußLlcXx PARTY,will:present an unbroken front to the enemy. .Editor —While-the Durity of our ticket is an al-' most positive -assurance -of success, we .r> must remember that we have a wily and unprincipled foe to fight—one who will hesitate at no proposition, no matter how degrading it may be, to defeat the Union I "nominees. We are fighting a party with out principles, that is held together only by the prospect of - public plUnder. It enunciates no great living truth, but is a barrier in the path of * the nation's pro- El= On the contrary; we present a platforhi_ that appeals irresistably ,to the masses. Embodied in it are the principles which are designed to magnify and perpetuate the glories of the republic and the: best, interests of all its citizens. It is fully up to the progressive spirit of the age. With• such candidates and-such a platform;' we come before the people stronger ilistiv ever before. But as we have said our foe is wily and unprincipled, to place success beyond per-adventure, we must have thorough and perfect organization. A. vigorous and zealous canvass must made, so that if possible the position of every voter may be asscrtained. Let us begin the work speedily by the forming of Grant and Colfax clubs; and "move at once upon the enemys works." LOOK OUT FOR FRAUDS. The friends of Grant and Colfax must look out for frauds at the next election: The Democratic party is nothing If not , connected with fraud. Their hope of success depends on ~their' skill in trick and, chicanUry, as they always' educate theinselves for fitness in " treason, Strata gem and spoil." . Ever since the eicethin of--Buchanan, in 1850, -whatever gains they have made; have been the result of systematic frail& with forged naturaliza tion certificates, &c. Lnzerue coun ty has borne a full share in this nefarious business, and Philadelphia and Pittsburg were both disgraced last , Qctoberl by the same operation. Shugart was apparently elected ,Senaor from, Clearfield district ; but on a thorough - investigation; it Was clearly shown that his' majority Nrai - basdcf . on the,most: shameful frauds, to .conceal which, even murder was resorted to.i Let us not wait-until it is too late; as in' 1856, but doMe; let us go to work' to detect : and , prevent' all illegal voting, .and ~see that every Republican ',voter shall- cote. By doing this, we may hope for success - 14 gOod majority, but fail . in :syltinia,e'an be stolen finna ss,,as it, was ,last year, ly,•the electiow.of.;Sharswood. , 'Be. on , your-guard-=soldier's, look= out: The Dembericy will al Ways lie' and elie'at :it elections. ,TTEE STATE FAIR. On Thursday afternoon , of last week, ,the Committee of - Arrangements- appoint: `ed to fix the'defails relative to the" neat exhibition of , the State AgricaltuLLSo. ; ciety, met at their office iu this city. The weather was so unfavorable that they were prevented from visiting the ground, now, in - preparation for the exhibition. Thoy,•hoivever, adopted a liberal list of premiums—larger than r any•: heretofore offered—decided many preliminairy and_agjoarned:to .xiteet, again :on Friday, the .26th, inst. :The committee re . -Messrs. • Hamilton, - Harrisburg; McCrea; Philadelphia Kaiv,Northum berland';' Haltleinan; Chickies r and Long aker, Norristown. Other gentlemen of the Executive Committee• were also press ent. From' the inforMation laid before the committee, we feel safe in saying that a crowd equal to the capacity of this city for its' accommodation,- will be present, and that the will be a credit to the sagacity of the, enterprising gentlemen who were, instrumental, in having •it bo anted at Harrisburg.—State Guard. - WHISKY RING. It is very singular that we .read in , the newspapers so frequently 'of whisky 'hay ing been seize,VailLPSiionS2arrested for fraud in.distilling t it, , o,nd,yet,:there are no. , .convietions;and• no oue knows what is (Line (With - SK I • The'-' informers .fhartliefsl3i - iici`reward'iior•Share t. of the iteeeity; ; and,tutim,al6!in-iun!nistakeable ternts;tthat ithe• fault-lies at -the door- of the - "-Gbveriament ' ofliciali It'"Laiseisteri s3t Piew(YOrk..;thero 'in.^:prosecittintr- a whisky thief; 'convicting. liiiiti;nnd sending him If; the AlW:.is the sircie : :'thi:Oiigheiit,:. the, 'lljnion„it is realiYi.marvel that,- our of 6-, "iers , 'are-either :se blind' or so , corrupt that they cannot , the )isiS Of, the" land vindicated As matters now, ,stand, iti w onkl,seem.to be a. very, profita r blc. business for an' 'officer- , to: , hide.- tbe: `fratids,'Of e'ihnie. of the plunder; W'C'' would'it:eSpeet!Ully, - 4ise; folks we iirovr; that ,unlesi.they ”nieed : their Anon, 'nets, , the fate , '. of Callicutt and Enright :may attend them.`' Y. . ' , ',IION.IriILaDDEUStSZIEVENS: > " ' Froni presehrindieatione we , may. thO'ee'itiit3 rOs' en' tfitive; Mr: Stevens ,,;- will;: returns - to , lan 'easter 'coun Can any ''good' s and :i•rii‘e conceive more •fittiOYMO4- • znrent;.o4n ,of, .a • grand„reeep.l aion ofi that time-honored.-. friend - - of- man i , as he touches the'aoirof-,Laneaster' coon= ,ty• ?, Let us be' up and doing. No 'Mari On the earth.iinere.,descr yea ~the„ plaudits ; of his fellow man -tliaMhe - who;.from• prin, ciple alOnev'emitendod:Toi . the"abolitiOn' of As Gbd••made Man so • bath „our. friend. t proclaimed; slave• was never: `created': or ordained'-;by - :npiaagga fe;,,tf, •;eV,e'atyt si*:y:ears,!frOM,first:_to, -kit, he has -been.:' a l'sworn• , - enemy to the tyranny of man over has; more On earth ; the,,eteroarand irriteutable-lawat which : , ;gnarantee:::-freedcini,-to • - all ':!men. Ali - liana , 'otir'.. mind' Coturabner I' God' bleis liim I a 'thousand: '•••• 't • . =MEI LA.BORERS. Laborers - you ought to know something 'of the unskilled labor and the slave oli ,gareliy, who lately ruled the South, and attempted to destroy the country because -1.11:65, - could not also rule the North - yen, ought 'ft? know that the Copperheads are now assisting the Rebels to re-instate the old slave system of labor, in the hope that' they •Willlies able' ted - riWall — Sk labor from the South. If this arrange ment is consumatcd, a few thousand Re bels will send twenty Senators and ,one ,hundred "members of Congress to break the_ laws and rule the country to its ruin, ,arwho arc they? Rebels, and traitors who formore than a century have robbed the African of the - fruits 'of his labor, and finally robbed the United States Treasury ,of millions of dollars; brought on a war and entailed a .billion .of debt upon the -nation,-besides the - : precious lives - they destroyed: yet': a Copperhead editor deems them honorable Yeti ~are asked to consent to the damnable scheme of enfranchising the Rebels, and disfran .ehising the loyal blaCk Man: SuppoSe the eopPerheads , in this place have given aid and comfort to the Rebels, were elected to fill all tha• offtees'iri the Borotigh ,fretnChief Bargesi:to High Coastable„levy and collect taxes to Any the Rebel debt, employ traitors for School •Teachers;4.Sx. This is precisely what the Copperheads hope may be done through out the North. A_free people will never consent to be ruled by a set of scoundrels who advocate the hellish doctrine that the man who attepipied ' to - destroy the coun try_ shall rule it.. OUR REPRESENTA.TIVE. We are, very glad to learn that our dis tinguished member :of Congress, - Thaddeus Stevens, has lately improved so much, as to inspire us with the hope that he may yet represent our district for .a long time to 'come., He ,seems to be al most providentially preserved to us, for should we lose him, we - know not Where to look for another: He` is a'man in all reSpectsof his own noble kind, and there is none other like him. :The question is frequently asked, what shall we . do, whom can we select, when the time shall 'come forasuccessor ? and no. ,one .can answer satisfactorily., .- We. have plenty- of aspi rants who would like to 'be elected, but no one')Ucets; or fills the:46U the People. PretenderS enough;: and more than enough, but the real .grit, backbone and sinew, and the great ability 'of, old Thaddeus" are ' Where? ' There are some whoare,ey en impatient, ,and think he is too-long upon the stage, but we can only say,. wait; gentlemen, 'until 'you are asked; when 'the People want you, they let;,You`knO{T.' In - , the meantime, don't be_hribing,,the printers., • Tlie'Liinctiste7r. Intelligem!cer. . a pleaiipit:eflectio s e,to , editor; to.know that ; =bis editorial cotemporaries commend -hia;:course.'''Our feeling's can -be better imagined thai' deacribed,.When we cast:Mir : Op,ties oyer,the,editorial .page of , our sleepy neighbor,' the -Lancaster latelligencer, wherciirs' he joins hands with us in " our feeble . effarta to purge his • • , {party of the-monstrous corruptions which .Invade and control it.- , It'is a well known fact that a fish always 'decays 'arid conies corruPt,at the .head first. know ing that our amiable friend,, Smith, is not only the leader of the Copperhead party in this county, but the head of a corrupt ring, which has robbed the citizens of Lancaster, of thousands of dollars, and piled a debt mountain high, which they will not get rid of for generations to come. This editorial Heel)" Persists in keeping.hissateljtes in power, against,the will ,of, the, citizens, and that: they . may • better be filched; - be'rolls up his eyes; aid, crawls about 'on ., his knees,:,deelaiMing, against corruption. die 1 "neighbor; or-. ganizevour councils, and.;b6:-honest for once. ' "Unrair lIEEP" says there was no harp or eorruptioU-hefor'eAhe" - Republican party came into' power. are:: young yet, bUt old:enough', to ,recollect when that.prince,of scoundrels, SaMuel -Swart wont (leader and'pet of the :fierce "democ racier"' few 'years age) • robbed the Gov ernnacnt: of Morethan a million of dollars. And ,when :the ICabel Floyd, Jatetolßuch annan's Cabinet, stole :Governthent sceurij ties amounting to several, dol-, lars, yij.A . which, ,be ; pur:ohased arms and ammunition, to supply "Uriah's" friends in Abair efforta-to , destroy'the country. -• 111 -Latest. • Ttio President:has nominnted:Pekry !ler,:of R:ansas,,to be - Commissioner of Inter- Rovenue,,in place•of Mr; -Rollins:- - ,The,,Tusealoosa .Monitor,.-an - Alabama newspaper,. has been :suppressed by:Gen era -.Shepherd. ,-The'editor wilt . :go ' to _Washington and appeal. to General Grant - and the President-- About $35,000,000 in coin will,be paid out . Of the U- S. Treasury on July Ist. $7,000,000 - t;• redeem the loan.of,lB4B,,and .the rest", tc.,,pfty;:fnt6resi of Aho , five-twenties., :and 0 - Per centief 1361 • .Gfneral, Gar:field. Was ,ra-nominated for 'Cougreas by,the *publicans of the Nineteenth Ohio r. D „ litrict.,,t i. • - - .Four 'bhildren "were burned to, death: by :Indians ncitr•Fort‘Berittin'irfear'days'since, and:thiymotherbas becomeinsane tifeonse unence....l ..;',„“?' • The corner-sstone of the new Masonic °Temple in Philadelphia tity,,was laid on, offednesdayt , by the GratPllnster;‘RiChard withamposing . ,cerernonies: , c:Nearly• one.„hundred . .AMasontd"-I.e,dges ,welked,m - procession to the site. • • iln'thollcidee offileprogentatiVes-the'Ticx :bill -was ',:consideretti in Committee of the' ,Whole,,and an empridmentltol,reduce tax' on whisky . to 50.cents.was agreed to. , One hundred arrests of persons supposed -to bOfilibusters for Santa? Anna; Were Made" • in New .Orleans - • • ~ - is intimated that the President will is : : sue a General Amnesty . Proclamation,, to • take' effect - OW the - • • • The Stock market was moderritely active yesterday, butprices,worp unsettled. Flour 'continues extremely - dull.. There was very :little demand for wheat, and "prices favor, buyers.'l 'Rye and oats were unchanged .Cornwas.3in fair demand. at •an advance:l Cotton was unsettled and lower. In pro-i„ 'Visions there was no' material .change to, notice. .Gold closed yet_l4ol; ISIZEI t Copperhead Ttio,lAuleaster InlcZygeneer, always prat inn. about honesty, afew.,days ago copied an ' article from the Columbia 5p4 . 1, , in ,wlticit occrtrethis sentence: "Bat,now-a-days, a change-has comcCoser, the spirit of our dreams, and a man who will but - , be' bribed Is asisideral a natural-born fool: , liktbe,secondparagrapit below, the above, in the same, article., .it charges the Rpy.with saYing: - Theinitri'who noe.be 'bribed is ;natural born fool," leaving out the word. considered,",- thus changing the ; meaning of the whOlo. Now. , whe - Cotild irringinif 'ti" More con temptible trick , than :this?. .'Nothing, it seems, is too mean for a regular. copper bead organgrinder. And ,they talk about. Bonesty.l.FatherAbrahast. , • ', ' ' The Masonic Celebration. The most notable event in the annals of Free Masonry, In philadolphin, was that connected with the laying of -the corner stone of the new Masonic - TonfPle, on Wed nesday. It will become memorable on ac count'tof the large :number, of the craft 4 f brougbt together for a street parade, and because of the character and magnitude of the enterprise that gave occasion to the dis play. The circumstance of a merely be -novblent" 'undertaking tho erection of a structure for its ordinary pu,r pOses. that will be so extensive in its dimen sions, and so costly in its materials, archi tecture andgetieralfinish, as to require an outlajof nearly a million , of• dollarif, is in itself a most extraordinary event, and -shows ut once the influence,-the great pub lic,spirit and the wealth of the organization. The procession was characterized by-sever al remarkable features.-• There was an en 'tire absence of all brilliant decorations and gay colors.' The uniform was severely sim ple, and "yet in thorough gciod taste. It was the ordinary dress costume of the well to-do-men of. Philadelphia,. a dark suit, with black silk hat. To this was' added a plain - white leather apron without mark or ornament, and in the case of the officers of a lodge, the silver badge Or "jewel" appro .priate -to the. office; - suspended by- a blue ribbon. , To those whose oyes aro most readily attracted --by tinsel and trapping, this, doubtless, gave an air of monotony to the procession, and they may have turned away without looking at the whole of it. But there were vast-numbers of spectators of a different - temper, who waited to see the whole- line go by, and to these the men themselves were.' the superior attraction, -for they were a sightly, comely,' manly body of men, :with fine physique, and intel ligence and intellect in all their, futures. It is within bonds to say that no superior body of men, in equal numbers, taken pro miscuously from all ranks in life, could be brought together in any country. Through - out the- whole proceedings, there was- evi dence of a carefully thought out plan, and everything was well ordered, and there was commendable punctuality. The Mu -sons may well feel proud of their Order and of their display, and it will be surprising if the events of Wednesday do not add large ly to the numbers of the organization. ' HonAck: GnEELEY said at a Grant ratifi cation meeting that Colfax. was the first person ever nozninatod for President or vice President who was born in that city, and that he had known him for a long time, and recollected helping him to mount a barrel when lie was only nineteen years of age, that, he might speak for Henry Clay,in front of the old National Hall. EDITORIAL it MISCELLANEOUS. —Jack Jordan (ft' Co. have the best se gars—also received, a new lot of-chewing and smoking tobacco. , —Don't forget the Columbia Fire Com pany pic-nic on the 4th of July. • =The rebel newspaper at Lancaster is a paper of great intelligence. They get the latest news by a clothes-line telegraph. —James Barber, Esq., of this pines, is spoken of as a candidate for the Legisla ture. —Course people use coarse perfumery, and vice versa, ]t is safe to set down a lady who uses -that :virtual perfume, Phnlon's -"Flor De Mayo," as a person of taste and sensibility—perhaps, a poetess, or a fine musician. Sold by all druggists. -A story is told in our exchanges, of a husband who forsook his wife twenty veers, she, in the meantime having got a ilivore from him. The other day he returned, and the eduple were again married. Technically, this should be termed the " return match." Catholic lady, in Washington, by some means, got hold of a copy of the La Crosse Democrat, and after reading it, was so filled with a sense of contamination, that she made it a subject of confession to the priest, —A Galveston, (Texas,) paper says that that city at present, "lies helpless and dead, a victim in the hands of a band of desper-. adoes, who, finding that we are wholly indifferent, too lacy or two poor to care for ,the body politic have come to 'grey vpon, us with impunVT.". —Spencer, the flying man, has not been 'successful in his flight. Ifis trial before the -,London, (Eng.) Aeronautical: Society, ended with the proof that ho could make speed horizontally, but ho could not soar. In this case Spencer's machine is not so •practical as a velocipede. —lron in the 13lood.—When the blood is woll supplied with its iron. element, we feel vigorous and full of animation. It is an insufficiency of this vital element that makes us feel weak and low spirited ; all such, by taking the the Peruvian Syrup, (a protoxide of iron) can supply . this deficien cy, and will he wonderfully invigorated. —A democratic candidate for the State Legislature is out in a card, basing his Claim's to a nomination - on the following platform : "Peace and union to the whole country-; speice as the only legal tender; eight hours to be a day's work ; no negro suffrage_ ; no gamblers, pickpockets, thieves or -blackleks to have places of honor or profit -in' the State or nation." This will defeat his nomination. —The head center of the whisky ring, which has been operating at Washington, is a middle aged man, of the " German persuasion," named Peter Schwab, who has amassed a fortune as a distiller in Ohio, and has been willing to spend thousands of dollars to save the President from convic tion. The report of the committee will be a valuable compaign document. ' , ' Literary Notices. DIE; Moropimarii.-About the finest fashion engraving we ever saw, came in the Die ModentneU, - for July. It was published in Paris, and is a beautiful picture for fram ing. This journal surpasses every other fashion book of its kind now published in Europe. , It gives yearly over' 1,500 beauti ful fashion .cuts, and some 200 valuable patterns, Varying in style and size to suit all; and about 900 novelties for braid and embroidery . . It is received monthly, in advance,-and put at the astonishing low price ,_of $3 a year; single numbers, 30 cents. Rates.:-- . .Le BOIL . Ton and Le Petit Messager; one' year,' $ll ; Le Boa Ton and Die..Modenwelt; $9 ; Le' Petit Message?. and Die 21lacienwett, $B,; and the throe Journals, one Year, for $l3, Address S. T. Taylor, 391 Canal.St.‘, New :York. Moonn's Lmr. OF How. Sturm-LER Con :VA:C.—T. B. Peterson az:Brothers, No. 300 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, have in press and will publish in a few days. " The life of Hon. Schuyler Colfax," written by Rev: A. Y. - Moore; of South Bead, Indiana, who was for twelve years, as pastor' and friend, in the-entire confidence of Mr.- Colfaxr , and .had access to.the files of the paper publish ed' by Mr. Colfax for twenty years, and to "the' Congressional - Globe ; knows all his 'past' history and all who have knoWn him from. boyhood. He began this biography two or three years ago, so that it is not one of the hurried and ephemeral publications so common in election years. Mr. Moore is gentleman of fine talent and culture, and there is no doubt but that his biography of Mr. Colfax - will be worthy, of its distin guished subject. The following letter from Mr. Colthx, to t -Xtev. A. Y. Moore„-willexplaiti itself r— 'll7;t:suiworaw, B. C., May 30, IST& Dear Mr. Moore:— ~ • "As your prediction.of a year ago has been realized, I have •no further objection - to your - publishing any sketch, lucre or less full, of my, yom;nay'have prepared. As you were for a dozen years a fellow-townsman of-mine, and'a ' , valued friend, I suppose you know as much nboutmy history as' the public 'would care about knowing; and although my engressing, duties here me nO time to revise the manuscript, I have no fear ..that your work will not be a 'faithful ono. ' "Yours, very truly. "SCHITTLEV. COLFAX. "Rey. A. Y. Moore, South Bend, Indiana." , it will be published in a large duodecimo 'volume of five hundred pages, printed from large type, and on the finest and best of ;white paper, with a - potrait, on steel, of Mr. Colfax, executed by ,on o of the first artists. -lri the' country, from photograpbslakeu of Mr. Colfax.within the last , week ;Arra whole' bound in• cloth in the 'most substautial manner.- Price, .T, , 1.50 a copy.. Canvassers 'wanted everywhere. Large diseountsgiven. Copies will be sent to any one, at once post paid, on'reeeipt•of price, by the Publishers. The. Presidency. • So, boys final bum Pei, • While wOall in chorus chant— , next President we nominate Our own 'Ulysses Grant!" , ; ; And if asked what State he hails from, j ' Tis'otir Sole reply slain be, '-'!FromitearAppornattexemart-Ifouse, ; ' • With its'famous apple-tree !" • ' ' For 'twos thero to our Ulysses • .That Lee gave up the fight— , Now, boys,.! To Grant for President And God defend the right!" SP_ECIAT, NOTICES. SOME , FOLKS CAN'T SLEEP NIGIITS Very many suffer from, general debility, others from weakness of the stomach and Inability: to di gest their food; some have creeping sensations along the nerve fibres, or pain in the back, with aching and weary throbbing of the limbs. Thousands of ladies suffer through long years from what ate called PeniNe Complaints, 'caused by'the relaxation of mus= cle and ligament that attend deficiency of vital force. Thousands of business men, overworked. In mind and body, use up the nervous fluid and become un fit for duly or the enjoyments of life. Bxcesses in youtlicand the terrible effects of fever and ague, in volve shattered constitutions and the failure of the general functions yf health. To sufferers from all these causes,. DODD'S'NERVINE AND INVIGORATOR offers an invaluable boon—a natural and efficient recovery of lost powers. No person, - man or woman, suffering from any cause, can afford to neglect this remedy. The Nervine will be found to possess an equalizing and nutritive principle. It allays irrita tion, and like sleep promotes the secretions of the system. It has affinity for the nervous fibres, and supplies them for the waste that is conAtantly taking place. Like wholesome food taken into the stomach, it undergoes rapid digestion, invigorating in its pro cess the digestive organs, and producing a CALMNESS AND TRANQUILITY, unknown to any other preparation. It contains no opium or hasheesh, and so far from producing cos. tiveness, it will be found an efficient cure for consti pation, and has obtained a world-wide renown for this peculiarity. WHAT PEOPLE SAY. "Dear Doctor: The last medicine prescribed by you I obtained, and will say that Dodd's Nervino and Invigorator is all that it claims to be. I feel like a new man ; the aching of my limbs is all gone ; I sleep well, have a good appetite, and feel stronger than I have for many years past." [Contributed by Dr. 11. A. TPcker, 269 Clinton street, Brooklyn, New York.] have asedthe Nervine, and find myself much benefited by it, particularly in the increase of strength and cure of these trembling sensations. My costiveness also seems to be entirely cured. Letter to Dr. Tucker.) "The medicine you ordered (Dodd's Nervine) we hare taken three bottles of. It is a great thing. My wife says she would rather have one bottle of it than forty doctors. She is certainly better, don't feel the 'dragging down so lunch; bowels move easier, and in better nervous condition every way." G. D. Martin, Cashier Glenn House, Long Branch, New Jersey, states that Dodd's Nervine has cured him of chronic weakness of the stomach, dizziness and sick headache, and greatly strengthened his whole system. David Hartshorn, 399 Stale street, 'Brooklyn, cured of chronic muscular and nervous debility. John Harbnt, Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "To regu late the bowels without producing cathartic effect, quiet the nerves, and tone up the system, I have never used anything that equalled Dodd's Nor ville." W. F. Deans, Esq., Eastford, Conn.: "My wife has suffered for seventeen years with extreme ner vous debility and mental prostration. She was in duced by a•friend to try Dr. J. W. Dodd's Nervine and Invigorator, and by its use is now restored to perfect health." Dr. C. C. York, Charlestown, glass.: "In cases of great nervous debility, not confined by any means , to the female sex, although from the greater deli cacy of the female organization more common than among men, I employ Dodd's Nervine and Invigor ator with the happiest effect. It exceeds in tonic power anythiim that I know of, while its action upon the bowels is all that can be desired." DODD'S NERVING AND INVIGORATOR is em ployed in the Massachusetts Hospital for the Insane at Taunton. To cures of general debility, indigestion. sleepless ness, kidney complaint, wind colic, and female corn; plaints in their own families, we refer, with permis sion, to the following gentlemen in this vicintty: E. W. 13A1,14. Esq. , Fifth Avenue Hotel, N. Y. W. B. BODGE. Tract House, N. Y. JOHN WILLIAMS. Policeman, N. Y. PECICETT, Esq.. Clinton sr., Brooklyn. , Dr. H. A. TUCKER, Clinton st., Brooklyn. ' J. S. WRIGHT. EQq., Jersey City. Hon. W.l MIEN CHASE, 141 Broadway, N. Y. For sale at J. H. Parry, J. A. Meyers' and R. Williams' Drag *toms, Columbia, Pa. Price 31 per bottle. H. B. STORER. di CO., ang 17 `C.7-1y) Proprietors, N. Y. DYSPEPSIA. There Is no disease which experience has so amply proved to be remcdisblo by the P.ERIT VI AN SYRUP, (a.protected solution of the Protoxide of Iron), ns Dyspepsia. The most inveterate forms of this ills ease have been completely cored by this medicine, as ample testimony of some of our first citizens prove.eolll rthe VESERABLE .ARCIIDEACOZ , I SCOTT, D. D. Dcsnam, Canada East. * * • "I am an inveterate Dyspeptic of more than 25 years standing?' * • * "I have been so wonderfully benefited in the three short weeks during which I have used the Peruvian Syrup, that I can scarcely pursuade my self of the reality. People who have known mo astonished at the chp %w ago. I thin widely known, and can I.lrut recoinuroad 1 . 0 others that hich has done so much for ma." ANOTHER. CLERGMIN WRITES As FOLLOWS "My voyage to Europe is indefinitely postponed. I have discovered the "Fountain of Health" on this side of the Atlantic. Three bottles of Peruvian Syrup have rescued me from the fangs of the fiend Dyspepsia" A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing a history of this remarkable remedy, with a treatise on "Iron as a medicine," Will be sent free to any address. The genuine has "PSRUVISX Scene" blown in the. glass. . -- J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 33Dey Street, Now York. Sold by all Druggists.[jet-lm ITCH! ITCII !! ITCH!!! SCRATCU! sonAmx!! In from 10 to 48 hours. • 'Wheaton's Ointment cures The Itch. Wheaton's Ointment cures Salt. Rheum. Wheaton's Ointment CUM" 'fetter. Wheaton's Ointment cures Barber's Itch , Wheaton's Ointment ' cures Old Sores. Wheaton's Ointment . cures , - Every hind • of Humor like Magic. Price, 50 cents a box; by mail, GO cents. Address WEEKS S POTTER, N. 170 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. [sept 21.-Iyr. - DEAFNESS. BLINDNESS, and cATARRit treated with the utmost success. by .L ISAACS, M. D., and Professor of Disease of the A:Ye and Ear in the Nedteal College of Pew/se/rank, 12 years ex- - perieace. (formerly of Leyden, _Holland) No. 80.; :trek Street, Phila. Testimonials can be seen at his office. The medical faculty are melted to accompany their patients. as he Ms no secrets in his practice. Arti ficial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for es:min:Won. - - t jel2-ly SCROFULA--CONStiMPTION DR. LUGOL, of Paris, one of the most eminent Chemists of Europe, said: " Tho most astounding results may be anticipated when iodine can be dissolved in pure water." Dn. H. Aascns, after fifteen years of scientific re search and experiment, has succeeded in dissolving one and one quarter ..graine of lodine to each fluid ounce of water,. and the most astounding results have followed its use, particularly in Scrofula and kindred diseases. Circulars free. Dr.II. Anders' lodine Water is for sale by .1. P. DINSMORE, 30 Dey Street, New York, and all Druggists. , [jet-lm ;TEIVELRY, LATEST EXCITEMENT SHREINER'S, No. 13 NORTH FRONT ST., COLU3IBIA, Pa AMERICAN WATCHES ! Hortarn WAToir Co., War. ELLERY, ' P. S. BAICIMETT, AYPLETON, TRACY 'CO., WALTRAIS WATCII CO, The Latest American Watch. NATIONAL WATCH. COMPANY, Six Different Brands, In Gold or Sliver Cases ENGLISH & SWISS WATCHES ! Selling Very Low, always the Largest. Stock FINE JEWELRY ! Latest Styles ! Elegant Assortment! All Guaranteed to' be its represented, and at Lowest Prices. SILVER & SILVER-PLATED WARE, 'A Stock Not Excelled In the CouUtry, And at Lowest Cash Prices, call and be con vinced that we have the Largest Variety. . AND LOWEST PRICES. - Clocks 'I •Cloclts I - Our Stock cannot be .beat, selling at Reduced Rates, and Wa.rtnAsTsu. We have also the S.ETIT THOMAS CLOCKS 'The Best Ainerlcan Clocks made. DIFFICULT REPAIRING We invite maid attention to our facilities for Repairing. We have the services of n first-class Swiss Workmanovlth now, tools and machinery. and are prepared to do 'work of the most din:l -con kind, without sending to the cities. aa-RE•ArkzrnErt TEAT AT S ItEINEWS You can Ituve - ANIERICAN,.ENGLISIT AND SWISS WATCHES, JEWELRY, &e.,,repatred In the most superior manner by American and Slav, Workmen, and the Wont: Warranted. ' •,' Don't Forget the place!, SRREL.VER'S NEW STORE, 13 North Front Strout. ap2s-GSJ ISAAC K.. STAUFITR,,.. , WANCIIMAXER AND ',JEWELER, • ' No. 18: NORTO `...:51 STREET, CORZZER OF iztrA2B7Y,' P~ui.wvsirfcia An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware suitable for Holiday Presents! constantly on hand, 4 Repairing of Watches and Jewelry prompt /y attended to. [noV3oll7-Iy. . READ ~~ AND REMEMBER ! R.4„:„,1 MONEY _SAVED IS MONEY' MADE! TILE CIIEAPE.ST DRY GOO STORE IS MISHLER tz;- NOTRS', 'TEE DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT Includes Irish Linens, Counterpanes, Table Linens, Eluchabacks, Flannels, Ginghams, Bureau Covers, Unbleached Muslims, all grades, TUB, 117amsutta, New York Mills and other grades of Bleached .Nlusiln. Sze., tfze„ and the largest assortment of Calicoes In the city. , THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Comprises an unequalled assortment of the latest styles Printed Percales, Lmstres, anites, Lawns, Poplins, Wool De'nines, Gren adines, and the handsomest patterns of De lamnes and Armnres in the city, which a call will prove. THE MOURNING AND SILK DE Are full of Choice Goods, which are offered at very low figures—Alpacas, all qualities, Bombazines, Grenadines, Empress Cloths, I.rourning Poplins. In Silks, Drap De Paris, Gros Do Florence, Gros Orrin, and Gros De Japan. Shawls—Thibet, Long and Square. Crape Veils, Crape Collars, he., &c., and the Latest Style Mourning Parasol, introduced in this city by Mr:in - Lan & MoEns. TILT CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPART Are worthy the attention of all desiring good fits, as we have on hand a full assortment of a l l ak grades. Particular attention paid to Cs made to order. Onr- first idea is . fo learn exactly what THE CUSTOMERS WANT, and, - instead of persuading them to buy what is nearest at hand, we take the titmost pains to Meet their wishes, showing EQUAL ATTENTION TO ALL *,,-$ The room we occupy is-the most convenient ine the city—evsloniers con nee what they buy-being well lit with large 31Q,-liglite. The time wasted in looking over.the stocks of a dozen stores, cam be avoided by giving us a. call, as we oiler for sale an assortment equal in variety and quality to that of a half a dozen ordinary houses ; hence we buy larger quantities of goods, mad, as we buy for cash, get /hem at much, lower prfces, and being willing sell :at S)fALL profits, dividing our advantages between customers and ourselves, ,we , ire convinced that we olibr 15NEQUALLED ADVANTAGES, FAENC/I, AND AIiERICAti 111ISHLE1t & 1110EAS', 533 PENN SQUARE, READING. PENN'A. Ca. Samples sent by mail. Uel3-3m. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP ! GOODS WELL BOUGHT ARE HALF SOLD The finest and best lot of goods ever brought . to Columbia, has Just been received , - at the . c ` Cheap Store " AF P. §. MeTAQUE, 'scnAraa!!! , Where the Public are cordially invited to call and examine the Goods and : Prices. The greater part of the goods were bought • before the late advance in cotton, and consequently' can be sold much cheaper than present • Wholesale Prices. Tho Stock is now, full and complete, comprising the dlillment grades of goods, MOHAIR.% VALENCIAS. - SUAIMETR WOOL DELAINS of all Colors, A tine lot of Spring Styles of SUMMER DE LA.r.s.TES, besides MUSLIN'S, CALICOES, TICK INGS, DENIMS. , FURNITURE and SHIRTING CHECKS, TABLE DIAPER, GINGHAMS and LINSEYS. , An elec./. nt selection of. Spring and ,Stu , nmer BALMORALS at the lowest prices. Bargains 1R SILKS. Also, all widths of Sheeting% and Pillow Cases 11InslIns of, the Best Makes. . . _ . . A perfectly.. new line, CLOTTIS, CASSI IMERES, sATTINErs, TRENTON PLAIDS; JEANS, Ladies' Clciaking Cloths, and Ready-, made• Coats, latest Fashions. The Subscriber is Just entering into the BOOT and SHOE" business, and being determined to, keephone but the best Goods In this line,"and sell at than usual prices, respectfully solicits the patronage of the public • • • • _ _ ___• mar-1,41 NEW FALL & WINTER: GOODS Cheep Cd,sh FRONT STREET, above LOCUST, cob:ram:a. We are constantly receiving additions to our stock, and have now a large and varied assort , - mem, of - . „ -LADIES' :DRESS 'GOODS , ' Consisting, of Delalnes, Challis, Lawns, Mortun, piques, plain and flgured,Alpaeas, Potble, &c. T)14,1' Ile:iMal New Goods for Fall Wear, bought at the LOW PRICES, and wilt be sold low • At' T. - 0; ERTTISTERS, We have no,Goods bought at the high,prices consequently can sell cheaper than some others We have just received additions. . We invite attention to our - stock'Of ' " ISITISLINS, SHEETINGS, - 'ilCelk.."/NGE>, GIN GEIAMS,_ CALICOES,. FLANIVELS, LINENS, CHECKS, eze., fia " - At •olcl Prices. A complete a xs ortment. of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Tweeds, Jeans, Cottonades, for men and boys' wear, at old prices. Fall line of Hosiery, Hoop Skirts, and - Trimmings Balzuoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, of Latest Styles and Best Makes. . • _MERCHANT .TAILORING Attended to In all Its branches. Gentlemen Suits made to, order, in the, Latest Styles, and .perfectly fitting garments or no pay received._ BOOTS; SHOES, AND . GAITERS, Made of the best material, and warranted' equal to the best home-Made work. - •• Call and see us.- No charge to seo goods.. . ' At O. BRUNER'S, Cheap Cash store; Front ab:Loenst St; : • Coiumbla, 215 WALNUT STREET, • SHOE NOTION - ` 'STOItE ! MIS. R. C.' BRUNER, . ' „ . Would respectitilly announce to her friends and the public ge - nentlly, that she has Just returned from Philadelphia with , a Choice Assortment - of LADIES' MISSES' & CHILDREN'S . SHOES! AHShoes Purclutied direct fiona the • Manufac turers, and are of the best known makes. con sequently are of abetter kind than - are usually sold in - shnilar stores, and at cheaper rates.- full variety- of- • TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS ,S: STATIONERY, • Consisting in part of LADIES': GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S - HOSIERY. AND GLOVES, LINEN & CAMBRIC • HANDKERCHIEFS, • CUFFS, LINEN AND PAPER, , •.. s LINEN DOLLARS I • , , A. large A s sortment,of . PAPER COLLARS ! • i. " :(Dickens,!Magenta; Bismarck, and Lockwood.). -- • - NECK TIES, Pacific and Beau Ideal Bows .Sc., dm. • DRESS. CLOAK, PRAllt, S °Melt BUTTONS: DONA. -MARIA VEILING, SEWING •SILK SPOOL - THREAD. Together with the usual -variety of Useful and Fancy Artic'es ~•- . ENVEILO- P, WRITING PAPER,-,Sm., Well 'or, which she invites:the attention of the' citizens of Co lumbia and vicinity - , feeling confident that an examination of her 'Stock will prove satisfactory. 418-Goods sold for Cash and Cash only. ' may-T.(l OS-If CLOCKS! CLOCE:S!! CLOCKS!!! American Clocks of all kinds and Styles, at reduced prices. . • The Celebrated SETA THOMAS Clocks, :idly 'warranted, and excelled by none. Purchasers will land our stock large and complete. • -• P. SECREINERA SON.' , . ,Dl?_Y GOODS, cPc. No. 533 PENN SQUARE,, READING, PA P.A.RTMENTS AIENTS T' 0 R Dry Goods, GO TO P. S. McTA.GITE, \o.J S 125 Locust St - Columbia, Pa. AT I. 0. BRUNEIt'S THAN Evii. C_Lel"' • ,CAPRINGWAVITMEAtAL THING ! 130 - 7,-,rFORiwIELE PEOPZEIEV. .4 , 11 • . • X:i."..00 tk) 114 DP great - decline in theTlirWofniaferial, arid /the reducticin in taxation, enables-all manufac turers affected by these propitious events in the financial history of' trade, to offer CLOTHS, CAS SIMERES, VESTINGS, and READY-MA DE CLOTHING, at prices corresponding to those re- - tluctions. , -- Thereforeplurnhe 7 lciVeSVillinlintrilY . has been reached in the manufacture of goods, and as legislation can do no more for us now,t there is no advantage In waiting' then let' one and all repair at once to the CLOTHING AND FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT of the sub scriber, corner of North Queen and Orange. Sts., (Immediately opposite Shober's Hotel,) Lancas ter, ra., and replenish their wardrobes, 4 ..." Special attention paid to Custom Work, for MEN AND, BONS, ,_ - find nd good material antlzood fits insured. mar. 14, 'O5-,iyiv 4-1,--sAs.ltexavox. SOINIERS: I kSQN, ;1 . 'Li • 809 CHESTNUT Sr., NrAn. GIRARD HOUSE 800 CHESTNUT Sr., DEAR CONTINENTAL RovsE,FamADELRuz4,.P.A. FINE CLOTHING, ME FINE CLOTHING, CLOTHINGAT' LOW PRICE, CLOTHING AT LOW PRICE, FINF PUCE GOODS for measure :work, • f• . ; 4 FINE PIECE GOODS "for measure work. CHEAP CASSIBERES for Business Suits, CHEAP CASSIMERES fox: . 33usbless Suits, MEASURES TAXEN, SUITS NEXT DAY, MEASURES TAXE'N, * SUITE NEXT DAY DONiTN WITH THE PRICES Just received from the Philadelphia and New York :Markets a full and complete stock of CLOTHS AND CASSINERES, the Latest Styles in the market, which we are prepared to make up to order in the BEST STYLE AND SHORTEST NOTICE, and at the 'Lowest Cash Prices. We have on hand a full and complete stock of READY MADE CLOTHING,' for Men and Boys, ' ' Of our own make, which we guarantee well trimmed and well made, and goods us repre sented... " - Also : , .I our Stock of GENTLEMEN ' S R SFU GOODS,NISII ING is full and complete. Our stock is purchased at the very LoWest Cash Prices, and we are prepared to sell at :Ismail advance. Call and examine our Stock, and you will be convinced the place to be suited for the least money, is at Mk EIIS S ItA.THFON'S, • • ' No. 1 East King street, , Lancaster City, N EW SPRING AND SUMMER CEO 'TIIIN O G-I NEW STYLES' LOWER PRICES I! GREAT BARGAINS NOW OFFERED! CALL AND SEE VELEM AT No. 41 NORTH FRONT STREET, And Branch Store, Next Door to Penn'a. R. R Passenger Station. I have just purchased my new Spring and Summer Stock_ of _Clothing; The :Largest,ever before purchased; Come and examine our new Styles and' prices 'of " • '• * - ' READY, MADE CLOTHING, Embracing every variety of style and material suitable for the season. They are made of the best material and in the most fashionable style. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING. GOODS, Shirts, Scarfs, .Is.Teek Tics, Suspenders, Handker chiefs, Hosiery, &c. A splendid line of these goods always kept on hand. Also, Boots, Shoes, Eats & taps, of which we have a well selected stock, and which we offer at very - cheap rates. TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS & VALISES Of all styles, are sold' cheaper than city prices. My goodi are all bought for cash, and I offer them at cheaper rates,tfor cash, than any other store. Call and see. HENICY RICE, Opposite Continental Hotel, 91 N. Front street, Columbia. apl 25- f] SPRING' CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! CLOTHING,! .. CLOTHING S CLOTHING CHEAPER THAN EVER!! Pantaloons, Vests, Shirts, Drawers, 6:c., dec. --• - New, Styles' New-,GOods!atlow" rates. ‘. DAVID. HANAUER'S .. U. S. CLOTHING EMPORIUM! Front Street;;tirst;Staie.ithi3Veiliridiit'it Street, COLUMBIA, PA. The Largest, Best Assorted, Handsomest and Cheapest Stock of • CLOTTIDTG, FURNISHING GOODS, Bats, Caps, - Boots, Shoes, ac., &c., ever exhibited in these regions, which will be sold at prices TO DEFY ALL COMPETITION! [uov 2,'67. BOOTS - ifr''SJEFOES. 1103 I E -MANUFACTURE. The Subscriber has on hand a large Stock of hoots and Shoes, Gaiters, dm., all of his own Manufacture. -., "Cali at his Store; four' doors above R. Williams' Drug Store, Front Street, where he offers an ex tensive assortment of Goods; either WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. , Ills stock consists of as large and general as sortment of Men's Boys', Ladles' and Children's .BOOTS AND SHOES, as can be found elsewhere in the Town. Those requiring Boots and Shoes will find it to their advantage to call and examine his Stock, before purchasing elsewhere:,••• allay 2,0,41] SAMUEL GROVE. TI;A DIES SHOE ' 'AIANUFACTO:IIY. Baying Increased my facilities for turning out superior worit'l would 'announce to'rny old customers and all new ones that, may favor ,nte with a. 611, :that I am ;better - prepared - now to manufacture all kinds or LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S . SHOES AND GAITERS. than ever before. I 4triplo3r none but the best workmen and am always certain of giving satis faction. I keep on hand a general assortment of ready made work all of which is manufactured on the premises. • • • , • • I keep no made-up ivOrli of other parties. lity work is made exclusively for home trade and is sold as such. TERMS CASTE We sell as cheap as any other establishment, and ask a share of public patronage. , ' ' • • A.ll •• Locust Street; between Front and Second. BOOTS AND SHOES I • JEROME SCHRECII, f . 3 Manufacturer of, Superior'.. B 0 0.T.5.--A N 3),. E S. ' Informs the public that he is prepared to re ceive orders fur work, and that his prices are reasonable. A splendid assortment of neatly-llncle Work ou hand.. K. Repalring'always attemlea to In a prompt and efficient manner. REMEMBER THE PLACE! SEROME SCITRECH, arl Z 5 63:1y1 ) • No: 202 Locust,M•t AADIN. BitIi;NEMAN'S ILS' - GENTLEAIENS BOYS, GIRLS AND CH ILDREN'S SIME STORE. The largest and best assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Wear in the .. ~ CITY OF ,LANCASTER. The undersigned respectfully invites tine citi zens of Columbia and vicinity, ;to his large stock of . '• -- . - - ' LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOE!', Such as Women's Rid and French 3..rorecOO Boots, Balmoral, Continental and other 'FASHIONABLE STYLES. ; .We are prepared to manufacture at short notice every kind of Ladies', and ,Gentlemen's wear known In this market, and at as cheap rates as any simillar establliduent. Call and examine 'our stock. - ' ' 'A• N. 13RENENIAN, t Opposite Cooper's Hotel, , . Ve est Xing St., Lancaster. MUSIC,' ce-6.. ' MO THE 1111.751 C LOVING PEOPLE COLUMBIA AND VICINITY! Mao undersigned bfis opened : n ' first-lass M IEYS S - 0 ' l4: 'Where can be lind at elVtimes, the latest t SMELT MUSIC,: . 1 .1: MUSIC INSTRUCTORS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, 'iJ :AL'L idth INGS, &c,' At,tpe.Lqwqst.Prices., :• Particular attention gliren to TEACHING BR.A.S.SHANDS and OP,cor - F.s THAL • BOOM: , TIES Also; 'Music arranged at 'short notice, for Piano, Flute or Violin; for Trios, Quartess, 'Full Orchestras and - Brass Ilarals. , _l9 Also, agent' Tor the celebrated ALBRECHT, REE.ES, and,SCHMIDT.PIANO;„-also`agent for the best make of ORGANS. N.,33.—Lessons given atStorebr:residenceit? ANTHONY IV. SCHMIED, No. 175 N. Front Si;, (Wolfe's Bow, - ) ab.:lVainlit; tiplll-3mo] „ Columbia, Penn'a. , , AfARREAGR CERTIFICATES; i , Bonds Articles of Agreement, and. Legal Valiks of all kinds for or' neatly 'printed at this office. JOB PRINTING OF.. ~E VERY, Description neatly execute & at' thfibfflee. STOCK OF GROCERIES, dec. NEW GROCERY - STORE. THOS. R. McCLUNE Has opened a new Grocery Store at Nos, 17 & 19 - South Third Street, near the Market House, and has . stOcked It with a choice' lot of TINEIMILT - GROCERIES! ,Vitictti .t. PROVISIONS OF ALL RINDS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, igri r ilts, 4 orariges,Pinitei, & e.,Sugar Cured - Hams, and Dried Beef. Also, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, &c. WOOD, - WILLOW-WARE, BROOMS, dcc. -,- • LAII kinds of GREEN: GROCERIES-'in Season. Country Produce taken In exchange forgooda, or the highest market price paid in cash. I ask a liberal share of public patronage, feel ing confident that I will deal justly with all who favor me with a caLl. - • may2'6B-tf . i • THOS...II.,McCLUNE. DANIEL -McCAULEY, NO. •407:i.0cue;9T., CoiIIMPIA, PA DEALER IN FAMILY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, , „ ALSO, - CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR ! RYE FLOUR, UNBOULTED MEAL, CORN MEAL, GRAIN AND ALL KINDSOF MILL FEED always kept on band, Choice Family Flour made from White Wheat. Also Bakers Flour of the best quality • Ile thanks his . friends for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, and asks a continuance of the same. Being a practical Miller and 'having followed the trade for many years, he flatters himself that his knowledge of the business will enable him to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. The store will be open from 7 A. M. to 844 P.M mar/MS-if) DANIEL MeCAULEY. , - MRS TURNER Mouldyespectfully announce to the citizens of Colunibla and vicinity, that she has Just opened an .extensive assortment of FINE _FAMILY GROCERIES ! Her assortment of Fancy Groceries cannot be , excelled in this part of the country. FINE TEAS AND COFFEES, SUGARS AND SYRUPS. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN - , PICKLES! CANNED FRUITS! CANNED OYSTERS! CANNED VEGETABLES! CANNED PRESERVES OF . ALL KINDS. • 'DRIED FRUIT, • BEEF AND RAMS. Her assortment of . - GLASS AND QUEENS WARE Cannot be excelled. Call and examine, and satisly yourselves. Her. prices are ;very low; and terms Cash. , • MRS. M. TURNER, ,maY2:3-tfj No. 142 Locust St., Columbia, Pa. A WANT SUPPLIED JUST OPENED! "A FIRST-CLASS GROCERY. AND PRO VISION STORE." '• CLEPPER BRO.'S Dealers in Country Produce. Produce of all lands bought and sold, exchanged for Goods or sold on Commission. M= " J ' MMWM,MI .' MM Ne.keep constantly on hand a good and fresh supply of • . , SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS FINE HAM , AND DRIED , BEEF -Also, Dried • Fruits .of all kinds. Cedar and Willow Ware, Ac.,• together with' all articles found in any similar store. na-Wo ask a liberal share of public patronage - o - LEPPER.BRO'LuEItS' s.pllB'SS-Iy] N 0.21.0 Locust St., Columbia, Pa FINE FAMILY GROCERIES; ecc A LARGE - &;,FINE STOCK .11IST RECEIVED , AND IN STORE! I have now in Store a full assortment of Groceries SD.Pro4v-isions For Family and Hotel use Extra Syrup Mola'r's, Fine Teas, Coffees, ace. Extra Sugar Cured RAMS and DRIED BEEF Extra FAMILY PLUM by the barrel or smaller quantity. Dried Fran, Pickles, and Fancy Groceries of all kinds, and at the lowest prices Call and ex amine mystock;whether you buy or not. HENRY SUYDAM. Cor. of Front & Union Sts. 7, '6B-tf.3 A FRESH ARRIVAL OF GOODS AT lIARDMAN'S 1 -- Just received, at the fine Grocery Establish avant, corner 3rd and Cherry streets, the follow ing new Goods: . • CHOICE'NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, •JELLIES, PRESERVES HONEY, - STRAWBERRIES Tbm" . AjOE.9 , PEACHES, ENGLISH PICKLES, WINSLOW'S GREEN CORN A. LARGE MOT OF NEW YORE CANDIES, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Cocoanuts, Cranberries, Cider and White Wine Vinegar. Extra Family Flour, Mercer Potatoes, Rio and Java Coffee, fresh roasted, Lovering's Syrup, .ke.: *--Neiv Goods received almost daily_ W3l. IL 3rd and Cherry Ste. Columbia, Pa. dec. 211, '67-tf.] FAMILY GROCERIES I FAMILY GROCERIES! The Subscriber would respectfully inform his customers and the Public generally, that be has Just received a general assortment of GROCERIES;--PROVISIONS,-.T_EAS •A ND - SPICES. Relined Sugars of , , - No:1; antnfess Mackerel English & American Pickles, Sugar Cured Hams and Beef, Extra Fine Syrups, Old Rio and.lava Coffee, 1 - DRIED 'AND CANNED FRUITS, Raisins, Prunes and • prepared Mustard always on hand and of the vez.y best grades, ENT.RA FAMILY FLOUR, CORN MEAL, HOMINY, &c.. Fancy Groceries, Canned Vegetables "and Fruits. , for hotels and families. The best Goods only are sold, and prices very low. Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is full and complete and we intend keeping it fresh, by almost daily additions. Notions of different kinds always on hand. FREDERICK B UCtI_ER, , . feb. 5, '6S-tf.) ' "cor,ith & Locust Sta. FRESR . GROCERIES AT THE riitivarox •c.',•k: • , • lEECi RAISILY -GROCERY STORE OF MULLEN &-"BROffifER, ODD FEI;LOWS;‘ Columbia, Pa. FRVAIr TOMATOES. FRESH PEACHES A 3.71) other Canned Fruits, Shaker Corn, to. TE A- THE BEST BLACK TEA; IN THE MARKET. EXTRA—' REP INED SYRUP MOLASSES, very cheap. , ,Refined Sugars, Dried Fruit. of all kinds. • Rio, Java. and Laguyra Coffee; •' • ' NEW SUGAR CURED RAMS .14 . DRIED BEEF • , Also,Pancy Groceries, Family Flour, Notlons,dtc. We intend to keep the best Goods only, and to sell as cheap as any similar store. B. MULLEN & BRO. 101 -Country Produce of all kinds bought or aken in exchange for goods., [febls-tf. ATTENTION HOUSEKEEPERS , , WE-are alincet daily In receipt of new and fresh groceries, such as ETIOARS. TEAS, ITEAT, COFFEE, FRUITS, FISH, SPICES, CHEESE, FLOUR. Provisions -of all , kinds, together with Wood and Willow-ware and Class and Queensware. • dm. Switzer and Limberger Cheese, German Fruits, • • ENGLISH AND AMERICAN • PICKLES. Fresh Peaches, and all the Fancy Groceries per -Mining to a well regulated Grocery Store. I am determined not to be surpassed lmeheap ness and in the excellent quality of my goods. 4IMD:111 around and inspect our stock. whether you buy or not. A. share of public patronage is solicited. „ . 4 GEORGE - TMLE, "t 4 Locust St., above 2nd. I z'iuqmAKwrra !: Lippincott. 4a. l Trotter, ;`.WHOLESALE' GROCERS,.' , 211+JOrtiiiiiieicStreet,,and 201sorth"Delawal:e &venno, [aug. 8.'67. CEEE! STEW STOCK!