CD% etriumixia p .• , e - , ; - ' 14.414'4 a. ni. nahrso, Columbia, Saturday, May 9, 1868. Commarnetrioss,letters,Montributions, generally of Merit and interest to tho reader, trill be acceptable from friends from all quarters. LATEST NEWS. The Paraguayan war still continues, not withstanding the passage of Fort Humatta. The slaughter in the recent engagements has been terrible. The cholera is diminishing._, ,Twenty seven seven thousand persOns died of it in Bue nos Ayres city and the surrounding ,coun try. The city of Thomasville, S. C., was fired in fifteen different places, a few-nights ago, and all the bell-ropes were cut to prevent giving an alarm. Fortunately not, much damage was done. Between the first of January last, and the last of March, 2002 deaths occurred in Cin cinnati, while there were only MS, births during the same period. Among the recent gifts at a recent wooden wedding at:the South End in Boston, vas a fashionable bonnet made of shavings. Several Americans at Nassau, N. P., have been-threatened - with prosecution for ex pressing themselves antagonistic to British policy. The prospects for a largo sugar crop in Louisiana this year, aro very good. A vein of Iron ore has been discovered on the Garret Mountain, near Patterson, N. 3., about fourteen feet from the surface, extending for a mile and a quarter, from eight to thirty feet in • Governor English, , of, Connecticut, has been inaugurated. Mayor Hoffman, of New 'fork, was present at the Mangum- , tion. „ Professor Charles B;Page, examiner, in the Patent Office, died at Washington, on Tuesday. In the Impeachment Court, Mr. Bing ham concluded his argument for the Mana gers. When he finished, a number of the spectators in , the galleries applauded, whereupon the galleries were cleared out by order of the Chief . Justice. Senator Morrill, of Maine, moved an adjournment until Saturday, which was .lOst by a vote of 22 yeas to 29 nays. The pending ques tion being to admit the reporters, to the final deliberations, several_ Senators ob jected to its consideration. On motion of Senator Edmunds,. the doors, were then closed, and the Court went into secret ses sion: The counsel in the case of Jefferson Davis have agreed to begin the trial on June 3d. Gen. Canby has issued an, order, an nouncing the result of the election in South Carolina (already pnilished,) and directing that laborers discharged 11>r voting against the wishes of their . employershe maintain ed by public charity, by the levy of an ad ditional poor tax. The Stock market was dull yesterday, but prices were steady. "There, was very little demand for flour, either for export or home use, and priees favor buyers. Prime wheat was in fair demand; li,ye:and mita, were unchanged. Corn eot.p . er bushel higher. In cotton'( tliere ":!ras no material change to ,notice .' Provisions were selling in:sreall:lotS 4 at:,full. prices. Gold closed at 1391 an'advanee of trupeachaneni::" .There„ does not seento be MaY'particular '' which the tvlicilev world is looking forward with such undivided attention And anxiety. The mere details of the trial to a 'looker-on haire nothing particularly interesting in them, indeed, it would require more stoic= ism than usually falls to"the lot Of common mortals to sit in the galleries of the Senate Chamber inhaling the univholesome at mospbere for hours, occasionally catching some faintly delivered sentence to which he utterly fails to attach any ineaning,Mere ly to beelale to say Wattle had "been there.' , . The impeachment' tickets, ,at the present writing, are at the beck and call of any,pne who wants them, literally," without - mon ey and without price,'! in fact they almost go begging and the attendance*grows slim 'trier and mores - canty, ; ai, the trial drags its monotonous, length olong. _,lf,thero,be at present any interest manifested in ;thepro ceedings it is certainly not .apparent iii quarters, whereat. would .be most naturally looked.for and. expected ;. journals ,which devoted columns of editorial to the subject some weeks since now, content theMeelves with the dry details and-the re-production of, the arguments for and against. with, scarcely any comment. The legal passages; ,at arms occasionally bring -forth a faint* burst of applause.from the members of the. profession„ but. the, people at large, faillto, appreciate (perhaps,) such things in their anxiety to have something more 'definite and something tending to elucidate the_ " great , mystery V. which. now enshrouds the prOceedings of the Court 01' Impeach ment.' The prevalent andmni.versal opinion at Washington:seems lobe thet'even should' there be a two-thirds - vote for 'conviction re moval Will not necessarily follow,lbat the time will be occupied in technicalities etc., consequent upon so- important a step " and that the President will retainliis' seat until his natural term of office expires:; • We give the opinion' for 'what it is worth.' Still.%7xey Come. "Every man, almost, brings us a package of the Legislative • Record which, as the' legislature adjourned several weeks ago, furnish very-fresh and interesting reading. A record or the pro ceedings, if published the day succeeding 'that on which they took place, would be full of inter- - est, as giving the public some Idea of what the 4etlature was doing ; but coming long after ritment they are Worthleis except for , re rence, and are rarely, if ever, reati.=—Pitesburg .Dispeta. , „ There never was a greater, hutribug per petrated upon the tux-paying people, Of this commonwealth than this - Leg/slat/y . O Record. It was the purport and intent of thiS jOurnid - , to' give the Legishitive,pre ceedings every ,mor ning, the saran us, any daily paper, but instead it üblisbed some days, and'sometirees:weelis after the.prO ceedingS have been published in - all the Papers, rendering it almost ',useless.: We Wipe that something Will he done 'in refer ence to this. matter at the' - next meeting Of the tegislatnie,tnabate,theieyil complain ed Of, or abolish the pUhlieation altogether. Lancasteielty:Election. - . The poor, chaste — Deniocraey of Landester city have our iiympathy.. They have'cause for grief. ~The late elections haire - resulted so differently from their expectations;' and they are so certain to lose Many of the"gOod Jobs and pickings on which - they "could fat= ten. They cry otit'tucif tlie4tvere, undone forevei: Paving the'Streetl—tho' works,: and 'Other :matters; 'have fed their lazzaroni - so long ;that' she fear they shill haVe to'go it a little. stronger. on - the'llliciE whisky business tom:mit:An:themselves. The _whisky ring may,expect a:few recruits, ,or, •perhaps,tbe Ku'Flux.-Iflata may help them in their. distress.. If they will make them- selvq.s safficient ,;:perhaPs *yild might recognizathernas.worthyof perhaps , ' ,honest ; „ Jack Heistand might give; them - a,„share•of that thousandAollars.... IlArrrof thtteterner,ses. 'have heretofore objeete4ferifates:being'elivated:, Cou , .greee,‘, or: , other - legislative" body,'le.t.' there would i t , Lijiii?,"and'dos-z' no*;" thqt'after the eittAinelte .frecktlit ; ,different members ° of' Congress ; iiiifig , thi)' objebtiOn'yiould notbe seriously urged; ' - ' Thaddeus gtevefts. Speaking of Mr. Stefens f ..Flake's Gal 'vestow,l3taleqn says: , , It IS perhaps, 'nnneCeisttry for us to say that wo aro not admirers of the coarse fol lowed '.by 'lladdeus - ,-IStevens. We .havO .perhaps, too frequently-expressed this disc approbatiotito repeat it now.' -We do not: like his _course, in its intense radicalism. We would: gladly have seen him less vin dictive and far less extreme. But while wo disagree withhim arid - disapprove of many of his projects, we, cannot but admire his teiribleOaincstneS;. NO Man not thorough ly convinced of his own rectitude and of Oa innate wisdom of his acts, would day by day, follow them out with such intense anxiety while the clods of the grave were crumblin beneath his feet. ' Zditor Day after day: he totters or is carried into the House, straining the brittle thread of life—for the purpose of accomplishing a political act—an act from which he can gain no poSsible good, but which he professes to believe necessary for the good of his country add of its people. No man can read the daily reports . of Congress" and doubt the honesty of this old man, nor the pureness of his motives, however much he may doubt 'his 'wisdom. Right or wrong, still the sight of Thaddeus Stevens battling for that which he thinks is right - with searcely an hours lease on life, is one of the grandest views of human nature that the manhood of the present century has afforded us. Selections for a Newspaper. Most people think the selections of suitable matter for a newspaper the easiest part of the business. How great an error. To look over and over a hundred exchange papers, from which to select enough for one-.especially when the question is not what shall,- but what shall not bo selected, is no very easy task. If every person who reads a newspaper could have edited it, we should have less complaining. Not unfre quently it is the case that an editor looks over all,his exchange papers for something interesting and can find absolutely nothing., Every paper is drier than a contribution box, and yet something must be had—his paper must be out with, something in it, and he does tbo best he.can. To an editor who has the least, care in what he selects, the writing he has to do is the easiest part of his labor. _Every subscriber thinks tho paper is.printed for his own benefit, and if therols nothing that suits him; it must be stopped— it is good,fOr nothing. As many subscribers as an editor has; so many tastes he has to consult. _ New York Correspondence. NEW YOBS, 'lay 4th, ISGS • TEE SVETEREANEA.E . ROAD. It Is'Said' that Gothain is soon to become a second London, at least in her metropol itan improvements, and .an., underground railroad is to be. made.,from the head of Broadway to Ptirk-Place; but a poet once cleclared•that "Wmight have been," which ram inclined to think- , may be applicable -to this project at.the _expiration. of the _five years in whicb it is to be completed, or we might add the interrogation, and await the reply" Is it to be ?" By the terms of the bill authorizing this wonderful London-like .operation, we aro told that an opening (a running ulcer to the city,) is to be made on Broadway, 'at or near Park-Place, which will_not cease to ppnr.fortb its' rabbish for five, or 'six long and dreary . years, very much to the inconvenience of the already aggravated vehicle' traffic of the city. In noticing the removal of gas 'pipes on upper Broadway, . one- can • very readily discern what a horrid, provoking "mess" there will be made of this " last but not least" of municipal "improvements." ' That the 'chronic condition of this sort of -"improve _ments"_ will , not only impede travel and traffic, but add a constant . flow of rubbish to last 'for years, can not 'be denied, and that after all this work-and 'inconvenience, it is 'questionable whether •it • will ,over be completed, and lam forced again to ask "Li it to be ?" Just think of it, reader, a big hole hi:Broadway, pouring out cart loads of dirt and rubbish for over five years to-come?, • What do. you- think of it? TICE LOEW BRIDGE . !,This pontine structure has been subjected to the,greatest cttress - of test of any hereto ;Yord coritructed - 43a - the• jokeS of the'hei viLest and most ridiculous calibre have been aimed at it since its commencement until that noted actress rode across it on her high-trained charger. There hits been plentiful quips in the days of dry' weather, , at the expense of the bridge but when Broadway AVIS ankle deep in mud and, ater, when even a six foot policeman - could not secure an unsullied skirt to lady crosSers, the conviction was strongly borne in.upon wayfarers that this bridge -was a public convenience, though .it might also serve as a laughing stock to some, it would be a benefit and a public convenience to the pedestHans to" have' these bridges spannin g - Broadway dn more places than ono, and wewould hear of thousands who would speak welt of them, particularly after they have borne „them safely during transit in muddy; sticky weather.' AN• INCREASE Among the many - monstrosities practiced by the " blood-suckers" of Gotham, I may mention the, following as the most high handed : The tax-payers have the privi lege of paying an - addition, for the coming year, to the salary of each. alderman, of enough to make his pay-$3,500,a year, ex clusive ofperquisites ; also the increase of the clerk's salary to $7.1300; also the depu ty's to ss,ooo,andsoon,making the total sala ries, in the„Legislative depurtment,s2ll,4so. Ten years ago in - was not over, 000 in all. Thoselvere" tho times when men served as Alderman for the honor of the position, but the honor liasiong since - gone, and now it is grab while you can. A riot was at tempted on Saturday afternoon last, in con sequence thereof, at the' Tax Department, but was soon put down by,the police force. Much ill feeling is shown, and trouble an ticipated. , . New York is far ahead of other cities in its attractive features presented to the trav eler, and among them most prominent are its amusements. Some idea of the extent of the patronage to those resorts may be drawn when I say a certain theatre in this city, for the month of February footed up its ,receipts to the amount of over $50,000. _Among, the minstrel troupes, _of which class there are quite a number, I. may name that of Kelly ct. Leon's, 'whose receipts'in • the month .of. March amounted to nearly ten _thousand , dollars. -During the run of Leon'.? Comique adaptation of the Opera Bouffe—l mean his "Grand Dutch S."' Their receipts will be much larger,as it has met, so far t with unprecedented success. - Leon and Seymour, are the peers in Ethiopian min strelsy, and force enjoyment upon all who nightly throng their resort. .• - nr.LEAsED " Edwin Kelley; of the , .above-named min ,strel troupe, who ,shot Sam Sharpley in an encounter a few months ago, has been tried and released, after a fifteen minutes delib eration by the jury.' '. •After Recorder •Ifackett's charge ' was given, which required fifteen minutes in its reading, the jury retired, and soon returned and resumed their seats, and all in the room resumed the seats they had left dur ing that time. The audience was as still as death, hushed with expectation. Mr. Kelly was the coolest man in the room. Mr. Sparks then said: "Gentlemen of the Jury, please answer tn. your 'names," and - "'Please rise was called.. Mr. Sparks : - Flease rise toyour. feet,, gentlemen of the Jury. Stand up, - Mr. Kelley; Jury, look upOn the prisoner; prisoner; look' upon the jury. How say you; gentlemen of the jury, do Ku, find the prisoner at' the bar—Edwin elley—guilty or not guilty'?" Jurors-0111Y "Not guilty." , Mr. Sparks—" And so say you all ?" Jurors—" We A • long _drawn breath passed over the audience, which immediatelyy gave way,to the most tumultuous' applause, 'during which Recorder Hackett said, "Mr. Kelley, you are discharged.."• Mr. Belly bus not fully recovered from the wound he re ceived in the recontre, the* hall still re maining,'unabstracted." ~- More anon, • , • • • .-linsur J. HOWARD. --'L-We would call especial attention to the fine-Ameridan Organ, manufactured by S. D.: c.-IL W. Smith, Boston,-Afass., contain ing two banks of kers and fourteen stops, which was ,used at the musical convention, to . assiSt, in supporting the chorus.' At "the -concerts, the deep sub bass notes were plainly manifest above the 300 voices in the grand, Hallelujah chorus, while in the ac companiment of the solo,:" ge was des pised.", The touching effects of the tremolo, with the 'soft stops, was strikingly exhibi ted.—Burlington Sentinel. - .The .Impea ()baton( „Court .rwas in secret session, On, Thursday. The , Court, decided to adjourn until Monday next, and to dot the.verdict. on. , Tuesday, ,the Senators being, allowed to...file their.opinions, ";Hon. - Tames Cjßlaine has been renomi nated for . Cengiess by the Republicans of the Third District - of Maine. - I= EIbITORLII.L. dit ItiIiSt'ELLAINEOIETS.: —A. way with melancholy—suicide' rare mind—tnind yoth! own business. —A bad sign—to sign another man's name to it note. - —Why is dancing like milk? because it streagtheris the calves. —A first-rate buggy is offered for sale. See adv. —The Vigilant Fire Company are about to buy a Button Steam. Fire Engine.. —A Council of the United American Me clianies is aboufstarting in Columbia. —.Peculiar agricultute—Rhen ,gong men sow wild oats they usually raise Cain. —This has been the best sugar season known in Vermont for fifty years. —What sort of a cravat would a hog be most likely to chooso ? A pig's-tyo of course. —Forty cows nre to be placed in Central Park, New York, the milk to be sold to visitors. - • —Wherridoes a candle resemble a tomb stone ? When it is set up for a late bus band: . ' —The best Havana segars can bo had nt the store of T. A. Jordan, Co,. No. 157 Lo cust street. —A special meeting of the Vigilant Fire Company will take place on Thursday evening next. —A barrel marked "Hand Corn Sheliars" was opened at the depot in Louis Ville, and in it was found the dead body of a negro. vitriol thrower in San Francisco was sent to the States Prison.for fifteen years, for plying his infamous trade. —Lager beer has risen in price in Buffalo, and the drinkers have determined "to put it down." —The City of Toronto, Canada, has a yearly revenue of over seven hundred thousand dollars. —Spotted fever has made its appearance in Union City, Ind., and is proving gener ally fatal. —Central City, Colorado, bas gone Repub lican, and the citizens' independent ticket is elected in Denver. —Strawberries.—This delicious fruit has made, its appearance in our, market and has been selling at 50a60 cents per quart. —Joe Barry (Democrat) counted the votes of Galena and counted himself in Town Clerk by four majority. He will ho counted out by , the courts: K. McClure has sold out his interest in the Chambersburg Repository. It will be conducted hereafter by Jere. Cook and S. W..Pfayes, —The - Pennsylvania Railroad is 354 miles long. The Reading including its ,branches, is 147. Philadelphia and -Erie, 287- miles. —An old Indian who had witnessed the sale of whisky for many years. said a barrel of whisky contained a thousand songs and fifty fights. —John Roman and Ephritun Platt ran a five-mile foot race in Montreal, April 30th, for a purse of 81,000. Platt won in 27i minutes. . . —A - young man who was abbut jumping off a train while in motion was deterred by a reporter, who asked for his name, age, business, and residence for an ...obituary item. Chadeayne, of Titusville, Pa., whose wife and dnughter were very serious ly injured by the accident at Angola, has effected a.. settlement by which he has re ceived $1.04100. —ln Kentucky the demand for hemp is very brisk. If Governor Brownlow would *do his duty by the Ku-Klux - Klan, the de mand for the same article would be much greater in Tennessee. —lf you want an outfit for spring or sum mer wear, go to the store of 1. 0. Bruner, Front street, Columbia. He has a nice line of goods for ladies or gentlemen, and his rates are not exorbitant.. _ —A woman in Brooklyn purchased a _quart of milk and found a small fish swim ming in it. The milkman stated be thought the cow must have swallowed the fish. Bather fish✓, that. —The editor of a Freheh agricultural pa per suggests that the school boys should be sent out in the fields twice a week, to hunt after the insects _injurious to the crops. It is estimated that 600 schools, attended by 30,000 pupils, can destroy 6,000,000 insects every fortnight. , —The La Crosse Democrat says "it de volves on Democratic journals and speakers to warn the people against the Satanic , white nigger 2nobs, known as Christian Associa tions, aid Societies, . Mission clubs, etc. Democrats, avoid them as you would the plague." —The scberneVor celonizing\ Vie Pacific' coast' with unn arried females from, the Eastern States has, it is reported, been suc cessful. Two. hundred women, taken by the projector to Washington Territory, were married and provided with comfortable homes in two weeks after their arrival. —ln Lynn, Massachusetts, the great shoe manufacturing town, it is said-that 400,000 pairs are now manufactured every week. At this rate, the Yankees ought to be able to shoe the entire country. —A printer out West, whose Mao is about a mile from any other building, and who hangs his sign on the limbs of a forest tree, advertises for an apprentice. He says "A boy from the country preferred. , . 2 -Mr John Smith, living near Nazareth, was killed recently by falling into his well, a depth of over fifty feet. He had been melancholy for some time, and it is not positively known whether it was accidental or premeditated. —A milkman in Now York dropped some money while crossing the ferry, and the scrip was conveyed by the wind to the -East river. A bystander consoled the vender of the lacteal with the remark that "what comes by -water generally, soes by water, —Found at last, a remedy that not only relieves, butcures that enemy of mankind, Consumption, as well as the numerous satellites which revolve around it in the shape of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Influenza, &c. The remedy we allude to is Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, prepared by Seth W. Fowle at; Son, Boston. Radical Restoration.—lts good effects aro permanent. It not only restores the color of the hair, but the quantity and natural glossiness. This is said by every one using. Mr. S.' it. Allen's Improved (new style) Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bottle.) Every Druggists sells it. Price One Dollar. Eniay9-4t. -.The Fairbanks' Scale to-day is better than ever before. Their i sharpest rivalry has been with themselves, and. n this they themselves have alone succeeded. The excellence and ridged accuracy with which they have built up their splendid repute tionis still keeping that reputation bright, and their scales still stand far beyond all others in durability, uniform accuracy, and convenience. — 0 They made her a grave too cold end damp, For a soul so honest and true." _ , . . If they had been- wise, the dife necessity of opening the grave for one so lovely might have been averted. .Plantation Bit ters, if timely used, are sure to rescue the young and lovely, the middle-aged and the ailing, from confirmed sickness. Almost all diseases have their , beginning in some slight difficulty -of the stomach, which would eventuate in dyspepsia, head ache, Liver Complaints, * Night Sweats, Consumption, Death. Plantation Bitters will prevent these premonitory symptoms, and keep the blood pure and the health good. While they invigorate the system, they enliven the mind. —Magnolia Water—a delightful toilet article—superior to Cologne and at half the cost, SPECI T; NOTICES. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Wlooping Cough, Quinsy, and the numerous as well as danger ous diseases of the Throat, Cheat and ..Lungs, prevail in our changeable climate at all seasons of the year few are fortunate enough to escape their baneful influence. How important then to , have at hand a certain antidote to all these complaints. Experience proves that this' exists in Wistar's Balsa,» to an extent not found in any other remedy: however severe the suffering, the application of this sooth ing, healing and ,wonderful Balsam at once van quishes , the disease and restores the. sufferer to wonted health. ' BUt. JOHN BUNTO, Or , BALDWI:I, CITLIIONO COMM, N. T.'—writes " I was urged by a neighbor to get one bottle of the Balsam for my wife, being assured by him that in case it did not produce good effects, lie would pay for the bottle himself'. On the , strength of such practical' evidence of its merits, I procured a bottle. My wife at this time was so low with what the phy sicians termed Saar= Cos:scarves as to be unable to raise herself from the bed, coughing constantly and raising more or less blood. I commenced giv ing the Balsam as directed, and was so much pleased with its operation that obtained another bottle, and continued giving it. Before this bottle , was en tirely used; she ceased' coughing and was strong enough to sit up. The'fifth bottle entirely restored her TO HEALTH, doing that which several Phy sicians had tried to do but fatted." 'Prepared by SETH W. FOWLS & SON. 18 Tremont Street, Boston, and for sale by. Druggists generally. • ' • • ACROSTIC. G ently, h penetrates through every pore. R °Hornig Stifferera from each angry sore; A 11 wounds it heals with certainty and speed ; C uts, Burns. from /ntlammation soon aro freed ; .E 'rep/fowl, at its presence disappear; kips lose each stain, and the complexion's dearl S am, such as GRACE'S every one should buy, A' 11 to its wondrous merits testify, I. of those who doubt, a single bar but try,— erily, then its true deserts 'would have t E von unbelievers would laud GE-10E'6. SALVE! mayt'Amoj CIAL .NOTICES. ED Tit PACTS AS EMI= e began in 1811 to make improve ments in the style and make of ;Ready Made Clothing, and continued to do so, introducing new styles and ideas every year,so thatthe entire char acter of the business is now vastly better and totally different from the systems of older houses. Improved Our first idea is to learn exactly WHAT THE CUSTOBIERS "WANT, and instead of persuading him to buy what may be most conveniently at ha nd,Ve take the utmost pains to meet HIS wishes. What at !miers If The building we 'occupy Is the MOST CONVENIENT SIZE, LAMEST AND BEST ADAPTED for:our business of any in Philadelphia Customers can see what they aro buying, our Establishment being on the corner of three largo streets, Igar (ket, Sixth and Minor street,) abun dant light is afforded from all direc tions. A light store is far bettor for customers than a dark one. hfcrchants know that our sales are larger than those of any other house in Philadelphia, in our line: hence we have to buy larger quantities of goods, and so get them at lower prices, es pecially as we buy altogether for cash. Buying cheapest, ro can sell cheap est. ,Size 31 .r. ISO feel .10 wimlow The _Large .Pur el mai. We closely examine every inch of goods that comes into onr Establish ment, invariably rejecting all Im perfect, moth-oaten and tender fab rics. Ziarettion The time wasted in looking over the stocks of a dozen stores can be avoided. for, under ono roof, we offer for sale an assortment, equal in variety and ex tent to that embraced•by a score of the ordinary houses. 0 cal Saving. We have 600 hands employed ha the manufacture of Clothing. who are constantly making up stock to take the place of that daily sold; this gives our customers new and fresh goods to make selections from. Pres), Goods. It Is an undisputed. :fact" that this Department, (a large Hall on our second floor fronting on Minor street,) has nothing in Philadelphia, to equal it. We have here concesirated the best Skill and worltmeriship, and those who prefer Clothing made.--to order really have advantages theyolo not re ceive elsewhere. DEDUCTIONS. Custom Depart- I mat. From all of the above lee deduce this ono fact, that Oak Hall has ALI. the advantages of any other Clothing Es tablishments in the city, and in addl. ‘ tion these, Ist—A firm composed of young men of the present generation, fully in sympathy with the tastes of the clay. 2dißAn insight to the wants of the people and an en terprise to meet these wants, which in seven years has placed Oak Halt in a position not al ways attained in experience of twenty.tive Deciac (ions. years. 3d.—tt. Building better located, better lighted, bet ter adapted and newer in all its appointments. 4th.—Workmen, especially Cutters, who are not only from among the boat and most experi enced, but are artists in their professions and couple with good work a stylishness, in which Philadelphia tailoring has been particularly deficient. D.• It is the liberal patronage with which we have been favored that has enabled us to otrer the un paralleled advantages, and this patronage continued and extended will Multiply advantages,which we divide between our customers and ourseves. A visit , to Oat:. Hall will move every fact above stated. WANAMARER & BROWN, POPULAR CLOTHING Boum The Corner of Sisth and Market streets. dec. 14-tf. SOMETHING FOR EVERY LADY A.ISD GIRL IN THE LAND, Tho great secrets of Beauty; or, How iJ be Beau tiful, and How to retain it until good Old Age. Will be sent, po ,, t, paid, for only one dollar. Ad dress A. 0. EL,VORD, Station 1.), Y. 0., 7. , :efq York. 'OB-t f. ITCH ITCH!! ITCH!!'. SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCII !! ! in from 10 to 48 boors. Wheaton's Ointment cures The Itch. Wheaton's Ointment cures Salt Rheum. Wheaton's Ointment arcs Tetter. Wheaton's Ointment cures Barber's Itch. Wheaton's Ointment cures Old Sores. Wheaton's Ointment runs Every kind of Humor like Magic. Price, 50 cents a box; by mail, 60 cents. Address WEEES & POTTER, No. 170 Washington Street, 'Roston, Mass. teept :11-Iyr. SOME FOLKS CAN'T SLEEP NIGHTS. Very many suffer from general debility, others from weakness of the stomach and inability to di gest their food; some have creeping sensations along the nerve fibres, or pain in the back, with aching and weary throbbing of the limbs. Thousands of ladies suffer through long years from what are called Fentalc Complaints, caused by the relaxation of mus cle and ligament that attend deficiency of vital force. Thousands of business men, overworked) in mind and body, use up the nervous fluid and ' fit for duty or The enjoyments of life. youth,And the tezibiQ r sfrets valve shattered constitutions and the fait general functions of health. To sufferer these causes, DODD'S NERVINE AND rs.TVIGORATOII, offers an invaluable boon—a natural and efficient recovery of lost powers. No person, man or woman, suffering from any cause, can afford to neglect this remedy. The Nervine will be found to possess an equalizing and nutritive principle. It alloys irrita tion, and like sleep promotes the secretions of the system. It has affinity for the nerious fibres, and supplies them for the waste that is constantly taking place. Like wholesome food taken into the stomach, it undergoes rapid digestion, invigorating in its pro cess the digestive organs, and producing a CALMNESS AND TRANQUILITY, unknown to any other preparation. It contains no opium or hasheesh, and so far from producing cos tiveness, it gill be found an efficient cure for consti pation, and has obtained a world-wfde renown for this peculiarity. l'ar.A.T PEOPLE SAY "Dear Doctor: The last medicine prescribed by, you I obtained, and will say that Dodd's Nervine and . InVigorator is nll that it claims to be. I feel like a new man ; the aching of my limbs is all gone ; I sleep well, have a goon appetite, and feel stronger than I have for many years past" [Contributed by Dr. H. A. Tucker, 250 Clinton street, Prooklyn, New York.] "1 have usedthe Nervine, and find myself' much benefited by it, particularly in the increase of strength and cure of those trembling . sensations. My costiveness also seems to be entirely cured. Lotter to Dr. Tucker.] "The medicine you ordered (Dodd's Nervine) wO have taken three bottles of. It Is a great thing. lily wife says she would rather have one bottle of it than forty doctors. She is certainly better, don't feel the dragging down so meet,; bowels move easier, and in better nervous condition every way." G. B. Martin, Cashier Glenn Rouse, Long Branch, New Jersey, states that Dodd's Nervine has cured him of chronic weakness of the stomach, dizziness and sick headache, and greatly strengthened his whole system. David Hartshorn, 909 State street, Brooklyn, cured of chronic muscular and nervous debility. John Ilarbut, Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "To regu late tbe bowels without producing cathartic ..frect, quiet the nerves, and tone np the system, I have never used anything that equalled Dodd's Nor vine." _ _ W. F. beans, Esq., Eastford, Conn.: ‘. Illy wife has suffered for seventeen years with extreme ner vous debility and mental prostration. She was in duced by a friend to try Dr. J. W. Dodd's Norville and Invigorator, and by its use is now restored to perfect health." Dr. C. C. York, Charlestown, Mass.: "In cases of great nervous debility, not confined by any means to the female sex. although from the greater deli cacy of the female organization more common than among men. I employ Dodd's Norvine and Invigor ator 'with the happiest effect. It exceeds in tonic power ftnythiog that I know of, while its action upon the bowels is all that can be desired." DODO'S NERVINE AND INVIGORATOR is em ployed in the Massachusetts Hospital for the Insane a Taunton. FOR PERSONAL TESTIMONIALS • To cures of general debility, indigestion, ski , TESTIMONIALS ' kidney complaint, wind colic, and female nom; plaints in their own families, wo refer, with permis sion, to the following gentlemen in this vicinity.: E. W. BALL. Esq., Fifth Avenue Hotel. N. Y. W. B. BODGE. Tract House, N. Y. JOHN WILLIAMS, Policeman, N. Y. J. W. PECKETT, Esq.. Clinton sr., Brooklyn. Dr. H. A. TUCICER, Clinton st., Brooklyn. J. S. WRIGHT, Esq., Jersey City. Hon. WARREN CHASE, 544 Broadway, N. Y. 1:17.F0r sale at J. 11. Parry, J. A. Meyers' and R. Williams' Drug Stores, Columbia, Pa. Price SI per bottle. IL B. STORER J: CO., align '57-1y) Proprietors, N. Y. BLINDNESS, DEAFNESS AND CATARRH, treated with the , utmost success, by Dr. J. ISAACS Occulist and jurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,)'No. 805' Arch Street, Philadelphia. Testi mestittlefrorn the meat reliable sources in the city and country can be seen at his office., The Medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial Eyes inser ted without pain. No charge made for examination. May 4th, .IYI. MMrn=M4M ' ,n l ,MWr in M=lraM A superior TOILET SOAP, prepared from refined VEGETABLE OILS in combination with GLYCER INE, and especially designed for the use of LADIES and for the.NURSERY. Its perfume is exquisite and its washing properties unrivalled: For sale by all druggists: (may 257'67-Iy. TO CONSUMPTIVES The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with n severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a Sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as itwill'cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, ma, by return mail, will please address REV. EDWARD.A. WILSON, - MaylS,'67-Iyl Williamsburg, Ring.ipo., New York. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous. Debility, Premature Decay. and all the effects of youthful indiscretion. will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and - directions for making the simple remedy by which ho was clued. Sufferers , wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing in perfect confidence, , JOHN B. OGDEN, may18,'.37-Iyl • 42 Cedar St., New York. T C. .BUCHER, 0. Wines and. Liquors Ha.; removed his Store to his Building, adjoining fraldeman's Store, Locust. St., Columbia, Pa., where be has fitted up rooms, and greatly HERB BITTERS PURE AND UNADULTERATED, These Bitters are celebrated for the great cures they have performed in every case, when tried. Dr. Mishler offers fire hundred dollars to the pro prietor of any Medicine that can show a greater number of genuine certificates of cures eCected by it, near the place where 1 4 t is made, than 3IISHLER'S HERB BITTERS. Is Tor sale in Columbiaby WINES AND LIQUORS! CatAn ba, Port, COG-NAC, OF DIFFERENT BRANDS Also, OLD RYE WHISICEY and Blackberry-, Catawba, !EMCEE lleotifled "Whisky,Lontlon Brown Stout. --- ."Vttrteli eze.ftc., 51.. 4 - t!t=l rl=M o of the front all I►IALT AND CIDER VINEGAR MISIILER'S lIERB BITTERS POCKET FLASKS, _DEMIJOHNS, TOBACCO BOXES and FANCY ARTICLES, in great variety MISHLER'S BITTERS! PURE Sc. tig.A.DULTERATED, BEST STOUT. PORTER! From E. ,Sc G. lIIBI3ERT, LONDON Cannot bo purchased at any othar establish- ment In town, and Is 'warranted to keep traits and vegetables perfect SCOTCH AIND LONDON ALE TO SMONERS AND CHEWERS BU€NEIT: will still keep on hand the Best Brands of - SMOICIIsTG AND CHEWING TOBACCO, SNUFF, HAVANA, YARA, and COMMON SEGARS. Also, SNUFF ct. TOBACCO BOXES, PIPES—a thousand and ono varieties. Call at C. BUCHER'S, Locust Street, adjoining Ilaldetnan's Store. It Is the greatest establishment of the kind this side of Philadelphia. 10)—Only Agency for Leo's London Porter, and IStisiiier's Bitters. RUBE WINES AND LIQUORS! For Pure, Ilniululterated Wines end Liquors, go to the store of the subscriber. He bits elegant CATAWBA. WINE, - IVhich for quality and flavor, cannot be excelled; also, the celebrated ROOSTED. WHISKEY, Yaukee Bum , SamaicaSpirlts , Blackberry Branch - , Cherry and Currant Wines. W We have ines, Brnndtes, 01118, Cordials, Old :Nlonongahela of all grades. Give us a call and examine foryonmelf. ' CHARLES GROVE Corner of Commerce and Walnut Sts., Columbia, Pa. ' pleeX2,'66-tf. pLoaKs! .CLOCKS.!! r: CLOCKS ! American Clocks of all kinds and Styles, at reduced prices. • The Celebrated SETH te. THOltfaS' Clocks, .ally 'warranted, and excelled b EI none. Purchasers will find our stock largo compl E e - P. SHENR & SON. 13 - Cre TIER'S •CO.LITIIEN: Wholearde And Retail Dealer in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC increased his facilities for doing a more extensive business MISIILER'S CELEBRATED MISZILEWS HERB,BITTERS .T. C. BUCHER, • At 'Ws Store, Locust Street, Columbia Embracing the following Lisbon, Cherry, Maderia, Malaga, Champagne, Claret, Rhino, Blackbarry, Currant and Muscat WINES, BRANDIES of all kinds Jamaica. Spirits Cherry, EMI Superior Old nye, Puro Old Rye, xxx old Eye, XX Old Itye X Old Rye, Pure Old Rye, Monongahela, AGENCY FOP- Ile is also Agent for the Celebrated FOR SALE At J. C. BUCIIF-It'S For Bale by J. C. DTICTIER For sale by J. C. BUCHER, Locust Street, above Front. Agent for the PURE, MALT VINEGAR Tho Best Brands of Imported For Sale at J. C. BUCHER .3 BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS 'AND SHOES " ;Manufacturer of Superior % , ,11300TS AND SHOES..' Informithe public that he is prepared to re:. cave orders for work, and that his prices are reasonable. A splendid assortment of needy-Mule Work on hand. Repairing always attended to bra prompt and efficient manner. REUEMEER TIIE PLACE! JEROME SCIIII.EIIIJ, apl 25 68-Iy] No. 262 Locust St. LADIES :SHOE MANUFACTORY. Haring increased my facilities for turtling out superior work I would announce to my old customers and all new ones that may - favor me with n call, that I am better prepared now to manufacture all kinds of 'LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, than ever before. I employ none but the best workmen and am always certain of giving satis faction. I keep.on hand a general assortment of ready made work allof which is manufactured on the premises. I keep no made-up work of other parties. bfy work is made exclusively for home trade and is sold as such. TERM'S CASH. We sell as cheap as any other establishment, JAM and ask a share of public patronage. ES SCHROEDER, Locust Street, between Front and Second. OME MANUFACTURE. The Subscriber has on hand n large Stock of oots and Shoes, Gaiters,• &e., all of his own Manufacture. Call at his Store, four doors above D. Drug Store, Front Street, where lie offers an ex tensive assortment of Goods, either WIIOLESALE OR RETAIL. Els stock consists of as large and general as sortment or Men's toys' Ladles' and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES, as can be found elsewhere in the Town. Those requiring Boots and shoes will dud it to their advantage to call and examine his Stock, before purchasing elsewhere. May 26,-tf) SAMUEL GROVE. N. BILtNEMAN'S tAtIAS' GENTLEMEN'S ' BOYS. GIRLS AND CHILDREN'S SHOE STORE. The largest and best assortment of Ladles and Gentlemen's wear in the CITY OF LANCASTER. The undersigned respectfully invites the citi zens of Columbia and .vicinity, to his large stock of _ _ __ _ LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES, Such as .Women's Rid- and French Morocco Boots, Balmoral, Continental and other FASHIONABLE STYLES. We are prepared to manufacture at short notice every kind of Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear known in this market, and at as cheap rates as any simillar establishment. Call and examine eur stock. , A- N. BRENEMAN, Opposite Cooper's Hotel, West Kin; St. Lancaster. _TOBACCO ce SEG-ARS. NEW FIRM !. The undersigned having purchased the Stock. Good Will and FLxtures of the well-known TOBACCO STORE Of the late GEORGE M. Boom, deceased, have entered into a co-partnership to carry on the business of MANUFACTURING SEGARS, AND SELLING SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFFS, PIPES, and all articles usually kept in a First-class To bacco and Seger Store; and they hope by a strict attention to business, and fair dealing, to merit a reasonable share of the public patronage, as well as a continuance of the patronage bestowed on their predecessor- The public can •rely on getting at our Store as good Goods for the money as can be obtained at any similar establishment in the State. Elderberry . - . 11;...n...1.Ve do not think it necessary to publsh our Prices, as the Goods will tell for themselves. J. A. JORDAN & CO., Locust Street, Columbia, Pa. Jan. 18,TS-ly.] SIGN OF TILE PENCIL JOHN FENDRICH, WHOLESALE Se RETAIL. TOBACCO, SNUFF SEG.A.R. MANU Itummel, Agent for the New York Fine Cut, Navy, and Monitor ChowViow Chewing Tobacec., corner of Front and Locust streets, Columbia, Pa. dee 14, 1867-Iy. Ginger, MI DYEING- . HOUSES. pITTSBURGE DYE _HOUSE !. FRED. STEIN, FANCY DYER: AND SCOURER, Raving lately been in the Dyeing Business in Pittsburgh, informs the citizens of Columbia and vicinity, that he has opened an establish , ment.near , the corner of R.lrr:M.llX STREETS, COLITNEDIA; Where he will dye all kinds of Silks, Woolen Goods, Delalnes, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Apparel cleansed and dyed at reasonable prices. Jan. 11, 'US -3m...] FRED. STEIN. T C. BUCIIEIt, efi . DYING- ESTABLISHMENT, Ladies' Dresses, Cioalcs; Veils, Gloves, Ribbons, and Silks oral! kinds dyed any color. Also, Gentlemen's Coats, Vests,Pantaloons,,Sm. Kid Gloves washed to look like new. - Scouring, repairing, done at short notice. I will receive goods at my store and forward them to the establishment. , Ja-Satisfaction guaranteed: Cull and see !Ist of prices at S. C. BUCHER'S Store, Locust street, is' -'7, Colombia, Pa. DRY GOODS, &c. COEF( - )'REFoiT GOODS WELL 1301P3TIT ARE ILtLF SOLD The finest and best lot of goods ever brought to Columbia, has _Just been received - • at the " Cheap Sthre OF P. S. McTAGUE Where the Public are cordially invited to call and examine the Goods and Prices. The greater part of the goods were bought before the' late advance in cotton, and consequently can be sold much cheaper than present Wholesale Prices. The Stock is now fall arit complete, comprising the different grades of goods, viz: - IdOHAIRS, VA.LENCLAS. SUMMER POPLINS, -WOOL DELAINS of ull Colors, - A nne lot of Spring Stvlos of SIMMER DE LAINES, besides 'MUSLIN'S, CALICOES, TICK INGS, DENIMS, FURNITURE and , SHIRTING CHECKS, TABLE DIAPER, GINGRA.MS and LINSEY.% An elegant selection of Spring and Summer I3ALMORALS at the lowest prices. Bargains in SILKS. Also, all widths of Shootings and Pillow Cases Ilusllns of the Best Makes. , • A perfect new line of CLOTHS, CASSI MEREs, SATTINETS, TRENTON PLAIDS, JEANS, Ladies' Cloaking Cloths, and Ready made Coats, latest Fashions. The Subscriber is Just entering into the BOOT and SHOE business, and being determined to keep none but Goods in this line, and sell at less than usual prices, respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. P. S. ArcTAGUE, 125 Locust St., mars-tf Columbia, Pa. 'EW SPRING GOODS ! - PATTON'S, CORNER OF SECOND AND LOCUST STS., COLUMBIA, PENN'A. ELEGANT • SPRING DRESS GOODS! SUPERIOR BLACK, COLORED AND MOTTLED MOIEGURS I BLACK - AND COLORED' ALPACAS, QUEENS CLOTH!. WOOL DELAINES, MELANGES; CO BURGS, PERCALES, GINGHANiS, &c. WHITE GOODS & EMBROIDERIES, BALINIORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS, LADIES' AND GENTS'. FIIRI , TISIEING GOODS. TOTIVIN'S BEST KID GLOVES! HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND NOTIONS IN GREAT. VARIETY A .LAEGIE AND CITOICE SELECTION OE Cloths and CassimereS! FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS!. GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, OIL CLOTHS, . WINDOW SHADES, • All goods sold at Lowest Cash Prices and warranted us represented. SpeCial attention given to Mei chant ALL FITTING GUARANTEED PRICES VERY LOW 1-- SEWING ' 3LACHMTES Agent for the WI:MELEE & 'WILSON, ELLIPTIC, ROWE, WILCOX & GIBBS, SINGER. and AMERI CAN CoMniNATIOx antilitrrroNHoin 'Machines. MACHINES TO . RENT. = - Is.An Exarribiuttion of Goods ' respectfully solicited. JEROME scirnEckr, FACTUREE AGENT FOR Tun STATEN ISLAND E=73 =I DRY GOODS;;'&c." NEW-yA.DL & WINTER GOODS I. 0. BRUNER'S Cheap' Cash Sr?,_fo FRONT STREET, above LOCUST, COLUMBIA. We are constantly receiving additions to our stock, and have now a large and varied assort ment of "LAMES' DRESS GOODS; Consisting of De'nines, Challis, Lawns, laniard.' ikons, plain and figured, Alpacas, Poplins, &c. CHEAPER THAN EVER New Goods for Fall Wear, bought at 'the LOW PRICES, and will be sold low At, I. 0. BRUNER.% We have no Goods bought , at-the high prices consequently can sell cheaper than sonic others We have just received additions. We invite attention to our stock of lIIISLINS SHEETINGS. TICRINGS, GIN . • GIIAIIIS CALICOPS_, FLANNELS, LLNENS, CHECS:S, •ke , ke. At old Prices. • - A. complete assortment. of Cloths, Cassimeres Vestings, Tweeds, Jeans, Cottouades, ece„ . for men and boys' wear, at old prices. Toll line of Hosiery, Gloves,' and Trimmings Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, of Latest Styles and Best Makes. „ MERCHANT TAILORING Attended to in all its branches. Gentlemons Suits made to order, in the Latest Styles, and perfectly fitting garments or no pay received. BOOTS, SHOES, AND GAITERS, Made of the best material, and warranted equal to the best home-made work. • Cull and see us. No charge to see goods. At I. 0. BRUNERS, Cheap Cash Store, Yrout. ab. Locust St., Columbia, C.LOTIEENTG-, c:Cie. NEW SPRING AND " SUMMER STOCK OF O 2 -1 I - I N Gr - NEW STYLES! LOWER PRICES!! GREAT BARGAINS NOW OFFERED! CALL, AND SEE TIIE3I AT N 0.41. NORTH FRONT STREET. And Branch Store, Next Door to Penn'n B. It Passenger Station. I have just purchased my new Spring and Summer Stock. of Clothing • The Largest ever before purchased. Come and examine our new Styles and prices of - - ICEADY MADE CLOTHING; Embracing every variety of style and material suitable for the season. They are made of the best material and in the most fashionable style. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Shirts, SearfS, Neck: Ties, Suipenders, Handker chiefs Hosiery, A splendid line of these goods always kept on hand. Also, Boots, Shoes, Hats Caps, of which we have a well selected stock, and which we offer at very cheap rates. TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS S. VALISES Of all styles, are sold - cheaper than city prices. My goods are all bought for cash, and I offer them at cheaper rates, for cash, than any other store. Call and see. HENRY RICE, - Opposite Continental Hotel, apl 2.5-tfJ 41 N. Front street, Columbia. pREPARE FOR SPRING!. NEW CLOTHING - AT REDUCED PRICES ! , • Dress Coats, 'Business Coats, Overcoats, Ponta loons of the newest patterns, and made up In latest styles, expressly for home trade. AT TIM Blue Front Store ! The subscriber has just purchased for the Spring Trade, in the New York and Philadelphia Markets, a large and fashionable stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, Which he offers to the citizens of Columbia and vicinity, as cheap if not cheaper than the prices before the war. An examination will satisfy any one tharthe prices are very low. I have the Cheapest Priced Goods in Columbia, and am prepared to make up to order, in the latest cuts, handsome' CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, PLAIDS, 'Jo. Ale a handsome stock of Gentlemen'S Fara ishink Needs, at very low prices. , •.fratats CASH. H. BLUMENTHAL, Blue Front Duildlum Front Street. nov 2%71 Columbia, Penn's. SPRING CLOTHING ! ' CLOTHING! CLOTHING Jr. 7 CLOTHING ! CLOTHING CHEAPER THAN EVER!! Pantaloons, Vests, Shirts, Drawers, New Styles, New Goods at low rates. DAVID lIANAUER'S U. S. CLOTHING EMPORIUM Front Street, first Store above Walnut Street, COLUMBIA, PA. The Largest, Best Assorted, Handsomest end Cheapest Stock of CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Sc., Lte., ever exhibited in these regions, which will be sold at prices TO DEFY-AIL COMPETITION! (nov 2;67. SPRING .K; SUMMER CLOTHING! FOR THE PEOPLE! 18 6 8 The great decline in the prices of material, and the reduction in taxation, enables all manufac turers, affected by these propitious events in the financial history of trade, to offer CLOTHS, CAS VESTINGS, and HEA.DY-HiADE arkmans''a, at prices corresponding to those re ductions. Therefore, as the lowest minimum has been reached in the manufacture of goods, and as legislation can do no more for us now, there is no advantage in waithig•, then let one and all repair at once to the CLOTHING AND FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT of the sub scriber, corner of North Queen and Oranze Sts., (Immediately opposite Shober's Hotel,) Lancas ter, Pa., and replenish their wardrobes. Special attention paid to Custom Work, for MEN . AND BOYS, and good material and good fits insured. mar.l4 - S. S. RATIIVON. 3MRBLE WO_It_IES. CHARLES HOWELL, MARBLE MASON, NO. ad NOItTE QUEEN STREET, • EAST SIDE. The Oldest Marble Works in Lancaster County. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon him, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. He has on hand the largest; most varied and complete stock of finished MONUMENTS, MANTLES. - GRAVE STONES, ,tc., to be found in the city, and which will be sold at the lowest prices. Building work and Jobbing' of every description punctually attended to: - Forams in want of Monuments, Mantles, or Grave Stones, are invited to call_ and examine the stock on hand, also the portfolios of designs. June LV-tf] Jr 4 ANCASTER ' MARBLE WORKS; LEWIS ILUDY, Proprietor. All person S in want of anything in the Marble line, will be furnished at the very - lowest prices. Only the best workmen are employed, conse quently we are enable to turn out in a superior manner MONUMENTS, STATUARY, TOMBSTONES, ORNAMENTS, MARBLE MANTLI,' - • BUILDING FRONTS, SILLS, . And Marble Work of every description. 117 - Orders promptly attended to • LEWIS EALDY, May 4 .' 6.7 ] Lancaster City, Pe. CABI2VE'T-WA_BE. _ - ABLNET WARE MANUFACTORY. The subscriber having lately put up new ware-n.oms, and greatly increased his business, can offi r better Inducements to' his customeres than ever. • • 'WINDOW SHADES MIRRORS, dc„ IN ALL STYLES. luatt ufn etti res to order, and will Iteep• con stantly ou hand, Dressing, Plain mid Fancy Bureaus, Sideboards, Sofas, Card, Dining mid Centre Tables, Common, Fanny and French Bed steads; allot which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. As be manufactures his own work he is enabled to warrant every article to be what it is represented. C.-IAIRS! CHAIRS!! crieun.s All kinds of chairs kept on lumd or manufluctwr ed qo order. Cane, Windsor, Arm and Rocking Chairs; Settees, Camp and CounteaStools,Sofatr, Teal-a Tetes and Stuifed Sent Chairs, made to order, Old chairs repainted and repaired. UNDERTAKING. Funerals will be attended to with promptness, to which he giveslnspersonal attention. Ho is prepared with lee boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, as may be required. MAHOGANY Oft WALNUT COFFINS, Furnished plain or tinted in any style that - may be required. Ho respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, as well as a continuance of the custom with which he has been llberallyfavored, -• JOHN,SEIENBERGER, South side of Locust street, between Second and Third. [truir..lo-07-tf. "LitTRNITURE OF ALL RINDS. ,‘ CABINET WARE-11001ISAti MANU FACTORY, Locust Street, a' feW doors' beloW Third Street, Columbia, Pa. , •• • The subscriber manufactures and 'keeps on hand, an•extensive assortment of all, kinds' of Furniture. Persons wishing to buy or, those about to go to housekeeping, will find It to their advantage to give me a call. '• -•—• ,• - BEDSTEADS, TABLEB, CHAIRS,-1117READS,• SETTEE;, etc., - • - . • . Of the best finality, style, and rristriutactuie . , and willmake to order, of tirst=mto• material,-every article in his line. He will give strict attention to business, and respectfully oaks of the public a charb-of its patronage. _ . Jar- 1171CDERTAKING wi l receive the most careful attention, at the shortest notce. mar3O-61-tf) GEORGE SEIBERT. WATCHES, .111.LRY, &c. WATCHES AND JEWELRY GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED. AMERICAN WATCHES, As low as 820.00, in two oz. Cases, warranted for two years ; also 3,4, 5 and 6 oz. Cases, 1 .-JUST RECF.IV,ED,_ , A Full Assortment of the Celelm...,d Seth' Clocks. They are the best Clocks made. Call and see ! .7 Also, a fullaticllyelf seleetodstbek:of SILVER & PLATED WARE, From the best Factories in the U. S: ' • - JEWELRY= VARIETY, • Just fi•ora the Facterles! SPECTACLES, In Gold, Silver, Steel and Plated Frames, to suit all ages! REPAIRING OF ALL RINDS, Pacoremy ATTENDED TO, AT E. SPERING'S, Jewelry Store, near mar.3o, '57 tf , the New Depot. SEEING IS -BELIEVING ! AT 704 ARCH STREET NEW PRICES! NEW GOODS! RICH SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARES, Including every Style and description, made es , pressly for the Winter Trade, which, for • neatness. and durability - cannot be surpassed at - JOHN BOWMAN'S Wholesale and - Retail Manufacturing Establish ment, 704 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. im.Re-Plating at Short Notice. THE BEST IN THE WORLD! FOLEY'S GOLD PENS Are aeknowledgeclAobe the best yet offered qo the Public P. Shreiner & Son have just received a large stock of these celebrated Pens. Ills old stock baS also been eXellauged for new, so that Custo mers can now select from the . LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT of Gold Pens ever brought to this market. -I.3..Pens are guaranteed for six months. 'Push along. Get a Pen. , .e! for Foley's. P. slartamt S SOf. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, No. 148 NORTH 2D STREET, CORNER Or QUARRY, =! An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Sliver and Plated Ware suitable for Holiday Presents! • . constantly on band, • . mT Repairing of Watehesand Jewelry prompt ly attended to. [nov lifrG7-/y. ORO CERTES, Vic. A WANT "SUPPLIED I JUST OP] ED! " A FIRST-CLASS GROCERY AND• FRO VISION STORE." CLEPPER BRO.'S Dealers 'in Country Produce. Produce of all Rinds bought and sold, exchanged for Goods or sold on Commission. V ,NI 4' ' 9, N ON We keep Constantly on hand a good and fresh supply of - SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS AND SPICES FINE DAM: AND DRIED BEEF Also, Dried Fruits of all hinds. Cedar and Willow Ware, &a., together .with all articles found in any similar store. " " tm:We'aslt a liberal slnire.of public patronage - • ..... -CLEPPER-BROTHEES' ttpl is't;s-iyl No. 220 Locust St., Columbia, Pa FINE FAMILY, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ac., A LARGE: t FINE STOCK JUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE! __ • I have now in Store n full assortment of Groceries Si .. ProviSions For Family and Hotel use Extra Syrup Molasses, Fine Teas, Coffees, &e Extra Sugar Cured HAMS and DRIED BEEF Extra. FAMILY FLOIIR•by the barrel or smaller quantity.. • Dried Fruit,Tlcklw, and Fancy Groceries of all kinds, and at the lowest prices. Call arid ex amine mystock,whetiter you buy or not. HENRY SUYDAM', Cor. of Front & Union Sts. mar. 7, '65-tf.) A FRESH ARRIVAL OF GOODS AT NARD2I-1-N'S Just received, at the ilne Grocery Establish ment, corner 3rd and Cherry streets, the follow ing new Goods: CITOICE NEW ORLEANS hIOLASSES, JELLIES, PRESERVES HONEY, RAISINS, PEACHES, TOMATOES, ENGLISH PICKLES. ‘VINSLOVPS G BEEN CORN GREEN PEAS ,tc., &e. A LARGE LOT OF NEW YORK CASDMI, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Cocoanuts, Cranberries Cider and White Wine Vinegar. Extra Fatally Flour, 'Mercer Potatoes, Rio and Java Coffee fresh roasted, Lovering% Syrup, AIP - N ewGoods received almost daily. HARDMA.N, 3rd and Cherry Sts., Columbia, Pa. dee. 21, '67-ti.) FAMILY - -GROCERIES ! FAMILY GROCERIES! - The Subscriber would respectfully' inform his customers and the Public generally, that he has Just received ageneral assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TEAS AND SPICES. Relined Sugars of all kinds. No.l, and Mess Mackerel, ' English d: American Pickles, Sugar Cured Hams and Reef, Extra Fine Syrups, Old into and Java Coffee, DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS, Raisins. Prunes and prepared Mustard always on hand and of the very best grades. EXTRA - FAMILY FLOUR, • 'CORN MEAL, HOMINY, Se., Fancy Groceries, Canned Vegetables and Fruits, for hotels' and flunilies. The best Goods only are sold, and prices very low. Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is full and complete and we intend keeping it fresh, by almost daily additions. • - Notions of different kinds always on hand. FREDERICK. BUCHER, feb. 8; '6B-t.f.r cor. 4th S. Locust Sts. GROCERIES FREsn AT THE PROVISION MEI ;_,.. E~\IILY ,. GROCF.I STORE.OF MULLEN'&'BROTHER, ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Columbia, Pa FRESIT TOMATOES." FRESH PEACHES AN D other Canned Fruits, Shaker Corn, .1:e. T -- BEST BLACK TEA. IN TECE: MARKET. EXTRA REFINED _MOLASSES, ;very cheap. Refined Sugars, Dried Fruit of all kinds. " • Rio; Java and I...agnyra Coffee. NEW SUGAR CURED RAMS d: DRIED BEEF Also,Pancy Groceries, Family Flour, Notions,tc. We intend to keep the best Goods only, and to sell as cheap as any slzallar store. T. 'MULLEN BRO. e-Country Produce of all kinds bought or aken in exchange for goods. , [feb ATTENT - 194i 33.913SEKEEPERS WE are almost daily In 'receipt of new and fresh groceries, such as ST/GARS, TEAS. ' MAT: , COFFEE, , FRUITS, FISIL, , SPICES, CHEESE. , FLOUR. Provisions of all hinds, together with Wood and Willow-ware and. Claw and Queensware. - ' Switzer and Limberger Cheese, German Fruits. Ste. ENGLISH AND.ABIERICAN, PICKLES. Fresh Peaches, and all the Fancy GrocerlesPer -Mining to a well regulated Grocery, Store. I am determined not to be surpassed in cheap-. ness and In the excellent quality of my goods. . Aa-Call around and Inspect our stock 'whether you buy 0x.n0L..,A share of.public-Patroangois , solicited. GEORGE TTLLE; Agent; • Locust St.., above ftd MI,: L. HAGMA.N,,f :rim" Lippincott R Trotter, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 21 NOrtb. Wait' Street, and 20 'North Delna4l;6 Avenue, Plilladelplda. fang• 8,'67• STRAWBERRIES =