errimuiliakpg. , _ _ A NIN Vt r .- .464. ' • , AcAt, A. 11. RAMBO: Saturday, ilfarchl, 1868. Advartisements,,to secure Aminediate in shrtion, must be handed in on or DelereThims day eyeninuyeaucli 'week. _-.ltE3lolfAkl. TEE COLUNIBL.I.. sr i y ST E.t.m -Pow.En PELZ:TiNO 0 rrlci" WILL: REI2EMOVED .2.03010-i , Tiit.,Fl , sl.sT OF A.rim, S v. 5.17, TO °TSib; NEW SLIILDTICO-NOW 13EINO 'ERECTED FOE STREET,. - ,NORTII. LOCUST STREET, AND' ritElar: OF - COLT7MIIIA ....57.4.' , Pi0N,).1: :SANK: . Collector, .iV m:.3Y.: Wiley. After passing tiliionlif twc ei,flried hands, we received the following "open letter, from Collector Wiley : • , " 'UNTTED STATES INTERVAL - REVEYGE,} —Collector's Office, eth-District, Penn'a., LAN - ens - mu, February :.9th; RA31130, ISQ.—Szr :—'"Yon are respectitt ily informed that every effort was made by me to ascertain from which Distillery the forty barrels of , whisky, seized in tt,car at Columbia, came And . And :in - addition •to my - own •e orts--three different:Revenue officers were detailed for that , purpose immediately after the seizure of the whisky—all of whom-faired to ciLsbover either the evidence sufficient -to assess the - tax, of to sustain a forfeiture of any'Distillery. If, however, 3 ,- 6u are aware of any evidence in this esse i nralwill produce it—lt is not too late to assess: the tax; or to seize the Distillery. 'Respect:ft:l4, , W. IV. Wince, Collector.' Although nothing was said by the author of the above; as to itaintblication, we infer that be desireirit,from the fact that especial dare vies taken to inform the person - , who left the' letter at this office, ;Vi right show it' ''Ott;i.ho - liad 'no right to - see -it, 'and , who'-has - iii•no in - Manor - been mixed up - with the affair :"-Which , has given rise to 'this' , discussion. - - "-- - ltereafter when Mr. - Wiley,'or any 'other peisiwit; - sees fit to' address us,- We will thanlethem td do so Without-first publish ing the same to the World. If information ls 'desired telsewhero "than 'of let the Colleetor address his missives' accordingly" - , -:we - Want no" circumlocution; lint desire to first knouwiTt„ . ettr . :,(!orycspondents rant, and.wbo tliey'4re.; • .As the .Collector nanifeS . ts laudable • desire to.ohtain evidence which will lead , to the Colleetion of the 'tax,'clite - on the Corti-, of seized in this place manths since, - Selzu - re,of the diStille6 - ,irein whence it came, 'iveare dis pos4te,ticeorumoduto the gentletrian. But in plrieirig the ,ivitnesseS upon the stand: tie wish it distinctly understoOd . that_it not our, revince to'aross question ; them, but .s - ugget — inch lcading clues 7 tions a 1 the feats. '.- ",l , ThstArA . personwe shall call pow yesi4higai, Sal o 11it : , A:az and irLcre ho not-Zed forty barrelsef '3,yhisky_referioct :to .4.lb6ye MIS; - pf 1 . die (Nit.; 'ill 5t nd linw,icaii Li k e cA?rn uaat:ii . 1 The inuale.of Alie - peison eliiinze pr: car: 4. , Selmttin if so, Aviier6Alticr:6 ; lie now retsitl4 - _ _ „Whether Jacob Greyl.4ll Done , -al, township, approached the .wituess, zit this place, and. told i yhint ‘t t..`:.,that;;_tio woulkaee,actrib, of: - ..,the whisky: Lata , Asternity," , and,t`,that,he ; (tihel . wituess): could,ltuake; by_lettlugy the whis.W.goi.than receive ijy. sends ing:it - ,„ •Whetliersaid:Greybill ilfent_to 'a ;certain. King-streeti,,and:told liim.thattt'it:was too Late now„ . Co Pup',” the tioass;'4:l.6o. w . hastcjAva. Whether; after' the , seizuie'. oraaid.was:- ` .Ity, CollOator - Of ' bur dernandad,the one-hay - of the, pencit&.due the infoi-merao fie diuided , be; , aneewhintselfand•others::: Xnewhose...wareho use; .for, safe-keeping, wasnlitationtseband , whisky. • . ~W the Messrs. Bitners; the- proprietors of Abe• ear in.:which the-whisky was.akiiiped;.andjuvoiced as two hundred , : bsgs'of Cornea :Why Is ther•ollector so: anxious have.; ~tltir.• whisky Tun: into ^Zithers', ...ware-•;, Call the Ilessrs.rEituers, , and 'ask them the name.of the - person who, nand°, the,„inty- galinfoithe,nse the,car, and the,mune o.fq, the peison who was:present, and i overheard 71 the conversation ; also, at-what„ place , ithis whisky, ' invoiced ,as ankin whose name.: , 1 ; The name of;tbe , person whet-had charge„ of the car. Wes his name George Sehaum f , and; did not Sebaam ,say,' al ways sent on - such. errands ? ; . eat• whereabouts,and by. whom. employed. 'Ask: them,Johy, the COLector-of.,;hie ; triet,4tivariably. .. , direet.s.-ai4 car co ntaining deizedoohisky„to ; be roan ,their,„s4fing, Aa; into their tearehottse,:iq : prcference to th:aoan, be/caging-40, the: 2'en*sylvanfa.,.R9ilroarl Company: How many barr . els of- whial,tyi.plaued,M, their, chargi+, - havo mystorionaly, in to water? - . How manyzears. -loadedtwithncontraband whisky- - -wore ,, taksen` out', of this , Drs - tria hdfOre — thii aeliaie of the fortylnarrels-Y""^','="l - -,126 - ever - bfferecl,,,td" . , setitirlhOrWitte'r;oiith'Sean:riel..:l. l. l3cieheerte• leFtbeirtiiiikY,fgo';: -' , :i .. ii-.“4:':-s - v t-,7)--. , .....,,, ' At % - .l)7p't:Piihr,ie - ' - inshiheti aid -1 14 62 i rk ,` i'd ediniii-Oiaitie"t'hii iiiriarf'" ,4, . - .'-'4:-" 37 , " 0, -*. , ':.:^- ,-, :.,17.... , NITEW:".it- 4- riee, * 3iihti , l'E l 'Arkle.'3P, , ",e,i% , c6'45%:;, - , ileirrY 4,- A 3EhifisohTif '''Ziraytoilif;4l ..iipf . pt,tiii-;_a of -c...istrilici ni; • or • ' , Sfitifffer ''',C.r.v •Stotirii- - ''''Sol;:v:fi i 'o' iitivi6e.l 11iti0. , % . 1.5 , - - tntkez' ... ' L "IMil " 0 - 114t:Iiii . rfiNiiii@ r tiliirr 11 . " 1 1Vlifglif ' Itinfr.'' o "ilsi 4 'l,,,;',', - .Mtl*'!ita. - rii,O 7 troll§ raiiheti ' ruppo., hepiiv,;of- . 4?„ ,;? .p.icl,Wlfthe.witaless) l piu - Jo,l4.ll.les'ykiid,,lho'2..iii*oi . *; Wou r icogi dc4.4014411Ac1ay,....i?..f1zf0tm, 0., 174-,l'.lc!(ilykil.' ~. taFS,.. „ ? ....„„i t , ~.....: ~.,....-,:., • ,',/ . • 94Acobs,'zQlYCeivri; duv.l,,:l. , :k‘' . 7tfiii,, s whlit,,,,..ho.,...i . :loyrs,„tibp,flt: ~,Xlici,, rater, „n'io, •whother,.hfi_ay„,*4t M oil ' s .l ) .:,,i;..qoecto;:tiidt; 1 Irsiuyitia iiiii, imt-hi t i , roe ii 6 ,--Atira-bio,',- , th(4.p.i.i,:03 c..ligg, , ~, ~ , .., .., , ..-, , 5 9. ,irib s c#AT ? Ata t i,Ink-, 9 l 9 :t e ii:ci,-bit,:l'3l4 --, or s ;*Laiio, , , , ,ss-o , :lipi, O s ita9piiitid; iis '",wiTs'the''' iiik,r.:,:e.'iata'intng,,tks , ift'4l : .i - li'itir'k" '66161X , :' jndr0 ..... jc1a , , , 13 ; : .. ...4_A, -,,,,,,,, ••••i, ~• :,,„. .,1 , - e ; .:::, ...7 - . • - ~ :Have notlegeris..heewriAel44.o . Per;olis' . 11 i, , ,MPicrl, /4. f !xlt i kjj v P. ,-I ' / Yl ti llg,"lPL 9ll , l ? q 3 l 3 i,i - Ro u P.PN'ir_,.. B - O P-!ll s i t Y,P i gv i C. ,ti t e r ,ta . , . ll N, :42 ;. ..T.aripastor c wk. r 4.ho„9,1 , c1.„46s - e,Xloiitg r hi -it,,,t`e.: f .. 4)Yiii4;...4.M1 1 4, 1 A1ett1, 1 7:', , 4 ., '..,. i, TAxeroArp,'.EFAlL : Py,,,;morf4,',gt.iestio'll7,..,,i4lkaii inigb ph_4? ! ,*.ii4 ... , itud e cper vc,•,ltneOespultet,.l; '„but:l),e.thinti.soitTdC.Cile7iitiovO'iraii..44/',' of.,:tlle.y.Alposo i lpipyk,7,hieit. sKilkfeAd .to, - dispoyerlo 4 `l - npuls4,ionly,to . ,t4eT,ercijimss* the .. 4 ` i'Vidulcy Blo g :""-lo. tills exialit?' ''. ;be Sou know L4lez,hll,,,,FrA ~,,okf i i li o,-P,,,,"1 t. who :paid : , 'srenty. l .frye... , 4lo/lar 425) per buirelAlor.jzlirhisky„..alid . ; Ips",,of,teilyarsh!, :intil6t7.4'yt,';'.',ol.her.i.:;Parties.; 4bi - ,,,..the ...same ; ..2,llthel*43Fitnessetkhayktheop. ,11.e47.. ."ar*, , ,rxmilrarod.'73 - anct;their -answersAßade,*.t too o. vii4. , 13,i-e'lho;n4rne. .of.; 7 lithertilt;;upon*,-..c*prno , ;; ; xnero,;_liqp:rf.,,;(!ag p oiczepnoViallei3;forAkthe f abovelet - tei... - • . . • „ . place' , 026 *Oki: 1 0 1 41—_ -'ultgclAg.ftgrVor . „4 . 3r,„ol; 7 .lolr,:-..ll.uziilfoir and. eieiitiltl#gttf44 '' Zfa%74: - .,•dQg;C-*iq*c4- eP,T I ATIAgg h tit 9". ; Isi4qttpalk,ai:i2Wstpirlda„go: , ngresi, _AnA thepopperbc;alll;ppm444(*limiilt: :La4driiiii,ll*colfelearriedDmahao:by-;;9vor, tliivehukidreaninj6iio;,:*4-=-, A M1,1:14, *Dornocratia,Poirrention 7efioabled : ln.:Ai*oi of, Pimdletini:4lsi identonidgreenbick payment 'of the public Is the, Vancaster Inquirer satisfied w the queStiOns asked. a "Federalofriecheld-' or," in ,this issue of Will they. sufAce 4:an answer for the mean, contetrip tiblearticilo whiCh appoifrod in the columns. of that journaren Saturday last ? • We always :entertained the highest re spect forAte.SteWart'A...Wylie, and looked upon his paper ,. as one of_dignity and 'eh'rirae't'or; and weWould not have believed that he wouldformit'anY one to assail ns in that, billingsgate style ; especially when the " funeral was not his.'' But that journ al has become, demoralized. We did not say-that there were Whisky bounty jump ers, or Corn Copperheads about theing . /tercr_: but if there are not, why do they feel so keenly the force of our remarks in refOroneo to " Whisky Rings ?" The shot from our gun has brought down more birds than wo Cu ticipated.' 'lt shows itonel naive -IYthat Somebody hi hurt, from which we may infer that' the Wounded have some thing, to do wish "Whisky Rings." As to our truthfulness, honesty and man liness,- the. iniatrci• is no - judge of such commodities; but" we think our reputation will compare favorably With any gentlethan abort that Office. They have sot up a ter', rible - howl, because' we happened to tread lightly Upbn the tees Of 'a •kinSman, of ono of the - editors of that paper. We would in form them that wo cannot bo diverted from our purpose by any game " of " or: " bluff" cif theirs. ' The game we are after is in -full view, and we do not mean to lose sight of it. ' We have sonic pertinent questionS which ,we intend to put to the editors of the-Lan easter Inquirer ulion other subjects._ But suppose, Messrs. Editors, you make a clean breast of it, and "come out like men, and tell the public cdtwou know about the My 'in this county, and the 607112CCUOIL of _Federal oStec-holders with it." We want no shrinking—no "going round Robin • Hood's barn"—tell us all about the matter. Some persons are troubled, says the Phil adelphia LC S. Gazette, unnecessarily about a question that ought not to occasion a mo meut's.uneasiness. This is as to "whether an armed conflict of authority might not en sue hi case of the conviction of President Johnson. , Nothing of the kind is" either probable or possible. - The shrewd and able statesmen of the Republican party knew the, reek less'and dangerous poWor of rebellion too well to ‘ lenve any avenue open for such a peril... Hence they never undertook im peachment until they had a clear course 'before them. :All the lawsi carefully framed to tie,thelands of the President, were- in reality - to guard against this very danger in the-e Nit day, when impeachment should be come-unavoidable. - . .This,,,perliaps,, account-for. tho ex treme violence of Johnson's resistance to the eutire,Congressional policy at all points. His-copperhead rand reral ndlii.sers under stood the .progratume at once, and have led him on to his own desti-uctio - n .by, their-at tempts to• break through the net. All : the - reconstrwltion measures—FreedmeO's Do reitu bill; - Tenure-of Office bill, Supreme . Court bill, ete.L-were- safe-guards against :his usurpations. was deprived of the controlof the south, , of the , reconstruction .maebinery,- of the "Freeettnen's - Bureau, , the Supremo,Court, and finally of the civil and military . 1 - If now he should make the atieropt to re= •sist_bnpeachtnent, he cannot use the army, beeausC all ordersmust pass through the 'Secretary aud I:::eneral , ln-chief, neither of ;whomhe can.retriove,, 'and -both of whom !ureiagainstdairo.,- Those whoread carefully tha'regidations made by the Senate for the , proceedings of the impeachment trial, will ; find ::that • thOy expresslylnutborize the iChief Justice to issue all• orders from. the ; C,Oiirtalutt„ may be necessary- to compel the 'uttendaticeref - .witnesses, to enforce obedi endeto its - eide . t's,,te preserve order, and to. a. su 411 wfa di - 86 %edict) to i tswithority;"ah d may by thes3irect ion , of' the Court, require the aid and assistance - of the military, naval or civil sdrvice. • 1 . If, then, the Court should convict and Johnson shouiriresist, the Court has but to • ordor, the Secretary of War and General-in 'chief to bring the requisito force, -and the •PresidentiAl rebellion would be ended'. It is proper to add_ that the trial will proceed whether, Johnson 'appears to answer the charge•Or not- T linder,these circumstances th r e.guards,against, trouble' are such as to, for „Uneasiness. ,-§ecretary, Stanton -cannot be. removed- ,without, the consent qiitho Semite.- It is truethat.T.ohn-. Sou ; might attempt •to issue military, orders to the artny_not_ to obey•the_ordersf of ten pr,drant, , hat .tiny law- organizing :the , army and regulating the army provides for the forms to be observed, and any-such • ef fort as is here alluded to would .be a fresh , breach of law,„,,,.oMeer would be found to Obey •it , R "111'6,1 i`time:iielirrient was not' resolved 'upon' 'en 11l ' the' ground was thoroughlY . •:o:camitted,• - but: -being' begun; told. being now in iegulne: course; , •it must' tg.o - on; and Johnson einmot , reSist. '- - - CM 13,1ar Eking uta , -I.laiseun,l. Bartunn's museum, „Ne w: York, -was, on Tuesday night last,, destroyed by fire.,.... The fire, which originated on.tlio third floor, in the room ,de,votcd - to • the :birds, •was ,first discovered ,alcout 12,30, and,, notwitlistand-• . ing the,,,,etibrts,of the file, department,, sev ieral,companies-of; which were promptly on the spot, the whole building was soon on veloped itals mes.:' _ . -- -....„,- ~, • :, .., .., •,. , - - ' But a. smali z portlon of the.contents of the, ballding,were saved, The elephant; know.a es-Tom Thumb.; a leopard ;giraffe and - cow, , Wore-got, out-unir,,jured„-; . ? The -,rest , of the aatinals,were•hurnesl. The cries .were, op , Mrs. swanti •th<3."ltutiess - ,and the beenti ful-Circa.siain girl, who ,lept in . the build , .. ing„Rarrowl,v ; eseapedwith their lives, and took,refuge. r iu an , eatin" s'alnen o;posite „„ .... _ „. witere . they formed the . coutre. of attraction to,,a,„ . group ; :of .spectatters,-,, policemen, and reporters- • I‘46..Barnutit's loss ....6:ill. he, about - a300,- 000, , ,saittto he insuroa. ,':,Tliti ,canse,..of, the oro h nn.-present trahlrMwn... -, _ „„ •,,. ; ~. . ,i., --, i 5 ,ei, , ,..;;C 7. 1 .. ;' , .= J. Tlio',Deitioeri.!.cy :having used . Andrew Joli'Sriii'a.l3.6itt :is long :is It safe; now ad= hitn'to 71'he tirgnment th'rY nib; to 'in ;1464 him to tel this ste - i - that the'Senate till certainly, Mind hint goeilty an'l 'that clisettalitied front ut, otfiee:; *le if he - resigns tli'ey eantlidaietindelea hint President for the next four 3-ears .don't exactly A....,see.4t,'.',..bnt:_thea 'the be ; tnocraey itayoAsed, 7 l.44l 4is,tholr tool for isopietitnei and they,intend if, they •• not Melte hi m.sce that t .to matte !aril -see! stars.• It is : quite evident the Democracy intend 'to the Ilepehlicans do net ,a d .. ; al49l,tlieltoly,lierrop expressed at 1118_,ita T . :Peachnent,is,only so tilt:opsounding hrass - . dead ; and ' e tla ntned t and any ,manor party ;whn cotnmon.canso. witl.l 7 l) share a situ-. liar:fate, ' Tit e:Ried iCirdn .t hat •:.L ridmi• ec dri tics tied decline- in -En . iir=,conserluance,-of tthe'reinOC , al of Presidefit .Tohnson, : and - the finstitijaticki , of -Borifaml n IVitalf;ii‘ ;'3vretelie'cre - finaid'.''' - ' To alesttCh . firolpheth %commeildtlie i.a.fe'advicnikr-Itosett . BiglOw;: , Plion'OieVe,t• unlessSra know: 1 : Allith`e' tendon den irfjoh ranlecOlent; nnstable, retiClintade`‘, • 4nitninjetratiOn.7iuce bcon'-Lo ilFis'ettle and, wedkeri,oinY.securntlesntYnomc unit Vaio; that . :117; headed Vyi";'esfiltinl'i'vli'd, and all nii opt' opilookki 4,harino the .I,withi Congress, an ti;' AV/ tit' .#lO 41141)rf*L.,Of "!•,- the ,A.metican , I -,lutwo. any:whop ctleetroti otir,fieeuritles :than. 'to tidiance' thell"vaitio •by re-establishing • , , the : sbatered unity and .harmony of tho Govati•nicumt.r. Y. Tribude, . • . Zan caster Hag !liver Tr•obblc Not Possible. grwrovas, z MISCELY.A.NEOILISii State—Pencil-vanitii —Deiniestic cannibals-2 ne:lcbiter9. ' V '' =Good place for pie-ilieB—Santlwieb,i',': explainer—_l retired earpente, - - -- :-::Contontnitint is bettor than werilt_ti!) --or, whidiradu is the mull t —Dying prayer of a dog—G nide my bark. —A modern night ran—Hot gill. and water. backward the same? Eve. —Why is a galvanic battery like murder? itccausu it is a shocking afildr. --What class wornon are most apt to give tone to society-?e, The belles., r . —When is a man jtigtilied in 'calling wife 11 , -mcy ? ' When she is hoe-loved. =Whiff time is that - which is spelt 'for ward and backward,is the same? • Noon. —The - young lady who took the gentle man's fancy has returned it.„-with , thanks. —When a,-inan wears •awig, can he be said to be putting on (h)airs? —You Can't preserve, happy domestic pairs in fainily3urs.; —Three things to ON-ern-Limper, tongue. mid conduct. .=;A frog does not rumen - 11)4r When hb was tadpole,,but others_de:. you carry the cross cheerfully; it carry you safely. —Few ladies are so-modest as to refuse to sit h thelap of luxury. ,-Tobacco shofild hot be chewed, but eschewed. —Envelopes furnished and printbd at this office, for $2.50 per thousand. - —New style 'cards primed - at the SP office, for $1.25 per thousand. . . —The Columbia 011 Company's property , has produced 1,162,000 barrels of oil. ~ —IIOW child-like are ,the Slobberings" of Brigham thiS week: —A girl with a "ringing laugh" caused an' alarm of fire in Peoria. They took her a belle. r, - „ Brooks has removed his-hat and cap store to,the building formerly occupied .by Gen. Fisher as claw office, on Front St. agnolia Water—a d eligh ful, toi let ar ticle—superior to cologne and at' half the price. . —ln Cheyenne they "warn" an-idle man to leave the-place, and,-if he don't go they hang him. —That gal, told the truth for once in ,her life, when she sung "We girls never mean half we say." . —The first thing a'hen says to her brood and not the last thing a child says to his father—" Shell out !" —An ingenius Frenchman has patented an illuminating cane for bachelors who return home late at night.' '—Two young Women in Cleveland have been committing highway robbe'ries. It is Leap Your, you know. - - Fox, of the American Theatre, Philadelphia, mid:es a weekly distribution of bread to the poor. '—Sir Frederick Bruce had personal .priiperty in' England' to the amonnt of • —A men in Prussia plays en :sixteen drums with forty-eight drum slicks.- -The La Crosse Democrat says the pun ishment of treason is death. Not while deft: Davis and Brick Pomeroy live. —A few days since, :it Newmarket, Ten nessee. a woman who was waltzing at a public, bell'- fell on the door dead. —The game laws - of Ohio forbid the shoot ing of quails, turkeys, robbits.ete„ between the let of February and the 15th of October. e Warren's Electric Churn ! It saves labor' . -and makes more butter then any other- churn. ii'or sale by Fred. Bucher, Columbia. ,General Burnside has contracted for the construction of the Cairo and Vincennes Railroad in Illinois, to link]] the whole line within two years from November 27th, - 1367. --A young lady, c? Ilaugoic - died very suddenly, lately, from an OVF:1*10S0 r of arsenic, which she bad'been - in the habit of taking to improve her eetupletcion. —Special attention of Ladies is invited to Win. T. Hopkins Three G of Troop Skins,tho "Keyotone Skirt," Co ion Skirt," anti " Champion , •Skirt." Dead I advertise, mont in this issue. - —Families. in Philadelphia, in risking for ministers of the Philadelphia Methodist_ - .Episcopal Conference, which meets shortly in that city; stipulate' that they, will - accept none who use tolniccoin any fortn. • --Commodore Nutthas been skating in . Leavenworth, and;cin.e 1;4 ,lbe-papers of the town remarks. - that" he'''".peclipitlided his lit Wo driamstielts With.astonishing colVrity." ! —GMC...loe4Nokerltriti itorbirtPG'iine,ral McClellan and wife are in • FlOrence4.Glen., Cluseret issin Pnris, : aud Gen. Cassius_ M. Clay in,St.'Petershuro.„ - —Printing of every cles'eription dono at this- orrice; such :IS /lilt Heads, Blanks of all kinds,Bnsiness Carcls;Circulars, Envelopes, Letter Heads, Xmas, Handbills, eze„ at the lowest - cash.priees. _ —The ."new; thing•gintler the -sun": which Solomon dinalited, is Plialim'S'!'_ , Flor Dc Mayo," that rare perfurhe for the htind-' kerchief.- .It cannot be described; for ' , there is nothing like it.. in ..the w„hole "cal If Of fragrance. Sold by,all druggists ; , • • , —The , - '?ork. True ‘Dentocrcie .says_, that 'Brigham young, 'of this pitied,'‘.` apes' the, style of . Erick--Pomeroy' and • imagines' that bad , .grammar,-fviblent :denunciation,: unmeasured7recklossness, , and arrant non," sense, aro , snhstitntes feason,_, _logic and argurn6l:ll:"''' " ' ' rionit Coin cicleneeTliiir'd ma vied con ple,liying in the village Of ,-Vintoni; lown,whoscbirtli-day-anniverstiries fall:on - the same,day„and on the. recent, recurrence of this anniversary; namely, on the 17th 'of February hist; a "-little strAngeeKTinirle its-appeal-time at 'their tire' side—the': first born. —The _3leriden (Ct.„) • hotel-keeper,, in whose house Mr. 'Frederick DouglaSs 'VMS excluded - front the.conirnon'table , beCau so hcovas a," nigger." •on.Tharsclay•assautted. Mr. Riggs; the _editor of the Secorcicr,:in . that - city, for cdonnerding on the.. affair. Ives, the hotel-keeper; was ar'rCsted, and' held to-insurer both a civil and' criminal - action. . _ , —The Doublin, Treelay-News prints a cut of George lvrancis.Train' astride a locouto tive, cigar in mouth, and tho inevitable striped: pantaloons inseparable from an' Englishman's • idea of _a -- Yankee, :while John _Bull _stands upon - the track, with bludgeon in one hand and theErdish-tiug in the other, diaputiug his - progress, —=Clitition.—Ptireliasers mi.) Peruvian Syrup ta protected solution of-the protoxide • or -iron,) are cautioned against being deceiv- • nny of the,,preparations of Peruvian. 'Bark or Berk' anti Iron Whieh'uniy be of fered: their: , Every bottle' of genuine heat' Peruyian Syrup (notßertivitur Bark) blown in ,the` glass„ _Ex:inane the bottle , before -purchasing.` —The t'airbankS' Scale to-day is better than ever before. - Their alitirpcst rivalry' 'has been with , -thenselve's, and at this they themselves --have alone • succeeded: The excellence and rigid itcc,urncy with which, they have : built:up t1461i splendid 4.outaloa is still itcePing, fluit•reputation bright, and their scalesetill stand : 4hr hokond-a!Pothers in.larabilityi4unibrin ,accuracri and- eon . VOL e. - , Good „Fruit Il.rope ,et.lttata33•, the, ininiereaS'hldsgings which are 'proitizSdel io us•thimtrgh the Paeitle,'Eaiiroadi.vihen•it-is completedt• is an -abundance of:, fruit. Grapes of every variety are ° produced. in. California, and then, elm be`sent east early, in the season, and at of nutierttte`coNt.' It is' exnectedthat the demand willbifentirmous when the .quality, of, the,g,rapes: 4 ,b_ecomes knOwn. - :rigs,,prurns, 'peaches, atid ivees'also . flourish there; and Oregon; it 'is ,said; has net lierivat-in.produeing , the apple "ii , ;( l" 6 ,- •.:': . . • ---`The Sweetest Thing in I.ifel! good . „ health and good spirits, „and if, you have not, the next best thing - •is what will restort , bloorn to the 'furled cheek "and happi ness to the - drooping heart. ..., The great:and Isurer retnedyis-Plantation -.l3itters„which , our physician - La_ rd&otrititend to - both' male 'and' fotriale. patients " - :i.i "stife; , 'rellable, agreeable and - cord tar: . sti mu I ant. , !: ..-They contain „nothing :to disagree_ with the ..most '[-delicate constitution,. and ; have won golden, . !opinions front all Who litt'vii tried them; and' probably ' iio'iliticlel ivai3;ever • tried,by-so -, many . pergons.. They elevate the,depressed ;nod my° strength „10,,,th0-woal.- ,, .. : '—Hairis the . ; robe,,which , eurlous 'Nature weaves And does adorn our bodies, • lAnd that , alone • remains -. when ' . •every • other bertuty!fr6one 7 ,l-.. , :-r,„ .., , ..”-:.'..l ',..-- , ' . Whenever - ,a.t. neW„ar,tiple_lais :come up• :promising toenrich; adorn,,Or,lerigtheii this, •most ornamental 'of, iill'ecfVeritigs; ourp - eo- - ; pie . have • been ':exceedingly - forward in' „giving it a trial,anklu,rettrojnstances that • one have been sadly ',disePpeintetf.' :It is -then, 'with';g-rear , i'elUctinlce:thral- AVe 'feel' dispsed:to:urge anythingt:piekv in . the -way , ..of Hair' testorersgand:,we wouldamt do,so, 'now, but for the reason that - we haveln our 1 ;mind an artiels .. ar swiker . ,„2,xe-ellopt quality,' one that We have riled; ittidlentiW full well its , valtie: - Ittlis-.not/only•ti. , .dressing , that beautifies atnctronderathe latirof a natural ,glossy,:appe-arance, but it, ,and will restore it'tcf its original color. -If "red': 'and has becorrierdray,qtwill s bilng'bittictiati 4 -red. If ltaxen;bilik- 7 1ifillitTRIff;' - if_ ',tacit, the inven'ti-plntne cannot otitvie.theltiAtre' :. with. NY (deb AS , AV ii I again„returndo •it...xii:•Aye - : „ltiiow,of a_score, of. pepons.whoseeraded and. ; _fallen hair has, been completelyirestoreirl'Vy; "it: We -spilak' Or 1-141Ps , Vegetttbl6 .7 Sielliitn' Hair Renewer. ' Ifse,rte other or you -will be disfippointed. ~ . _ LATEST:;NEWS. On Wednzsday 14.t:, : •'and ; :ntnninatetl' a State l'tiokut ' , tient] ed try: , lVillia'ut White for J,udgo tivi•Agpromeoo9n4.:;' ; ':;Resokutions ',Were fig aett'-aratiiaiidSeiiiii:Or : 'Witclic`for President and Vice President, and declaring for greenback payment and taxation of bonds. .41MRt.sisty.lal7erers and othci employees of'tho•Trensury Department are to be clis chargeci;,Congress having mil - de no Eirovisiou for their,payment. A train on ti , Canandaigua Railroad ran riff , 'the,thatli. : near .Gortimii, a fe, clays ugo,iiiiil thrco is s werosoCOnTith? the npsqting . cif , tt.stove. ~ Twelve prson's were Darned, three of them fatally. A cattle di ease, - by Some - supposed to bo the rhimierpest, is raghls near Baltimore. Thirty-live out of thirty , -eiglit cases in one stable were., fatal. • ; The Pennsylvania Democratic State Con vention. met at liarriAbn rg, on Wednesday last, and chose 'elet!tors to the Presidential Convention. The resolUtinns adopted de nounce Congress, and favor greenback pay ment of the publicdebt. Charles C. Boyle was nominated for Auditor -General, and Geu. Ent for Surveyor General. The steamers M S. Mepham and Fanny Scott were burned - at St. Louis, a few days ago. Total- loss $lOO,OOO. The Metropolitan hotel, and an adjoining building, in Peoria, ITtinois, were burned on Sunday night last, causing a loss of nearly one hundred thousand dollars. The Ryniam, tack factory, at Taunton, Mass., was destroyed by an incendiary fire on Monday night. Loss $20,000. • The President has ordered General Dan. E. Sickles, - whose present rank in the regu lar army is that of Colonel,' tO'procced at once to Texas,-report for duty -to' Ge'rtrill Hancock, and `take corn mond 'of the. Twen tieth Infantry. General:Sickels , is nt - pr6,s-, eat in New Hampshire, and, it is reported, will object to seeving under Hancock, as he ranked that officer during the war. Daniel. Ler . d, Esq., the eminent New Y, ork Lawyer, died on Thursday. The 131ackfeet Indians in Montana, ere re ported to have begun hostilities 'against the whites. It is also reported that twelve hundred Indians have assembled around Fort Laramie and are behaving menac ingly. A Pittsburg dispatch says that several persons were killed yesterday morning by an accident at Broadhead tunnel, on the Pan Handle railroad. Tour men were killed and one seriously injured by_ lie untimely explosion of a blast near Chicago, on Wednesday after noon. Nearly 500 petitions in Bankruptcy have been tilled since yesterday, week in New York. Gold closed yesterday . rit 14% The i,tcelr.. market was inactive. Coaa~rc~s~ion:aE , E'a~o~cei~in„~. A coummuication was, presented by the Chair from the Chief-Justice of the United States, embodying his views in "regnrd to the roles established on the subject of im peachment, 'Mild.' was ordered to bo print ed, and , referred to the select Committee of seveni• - A memorial from the Grand Army of the Republic was presented by the Chair. The managers then proceeded to the Senate, and presented the articles of ! impeachment, after which they returned and informed the "louse of the reply of the Senate. The - bill for the printing of extra, copies of the impeachment document and the Senate billfor the promulgation of the laws of the 'United SMtes, were both Mussed. The joint resolutions relative to the Repre sentative elect from Tennessee were allow ed to go over. A resolution was adopted instructing the General commanding the army to report the number.of votes t.lastfor and against the adoption of the Alabama constitution. A resolution was adopted instructing On Ways and Means C,omntittee, . to inemire Wo, the propriety 4f, timE,ktiding gte:t4tritoa"caiegarainethe'dliV ortE3b per, iron, and lead. A resolution relative to' the, purchase of property in New York,. on Which to erect warehouses, was -adopt ed. On inotion the architect of the Capitol ' Avrt'inAtrueted to remove the iron fence in the bid hall. By unanimous consent a bill was 'introduced providing that, in case of the removal of the Chief Justice, from any cause whatever,' the duties'of the: otTiCe' shall devolve upon the senior associate justice until the'unielntment of a successor.. Referred to the CoMmittee on the Judiciary, with - leave "to report at any time. The Speaker itnninineed that the funerarof Mr. Ritxter;:formerlY a Representative, Trom Vermone; would take plitce at 3 P. Minext Siinday.';''By'utiitiiiirtous consent • it' bill was littrodiaced and nivointing maiuiiei el;C•Nation'ttlAylum Tor. Dis- . abled ' Letter from Berlcs Cothatr. - . - Nzwroarvim.r.,:"Marelt - 2,1, 186 h. ._ 41 - n.::'Ra'stuo :=The 'only topic 'worth writing about,' which absorbs the Intel osts ,of our.. common country -is, Isr- rEAcrtSmyr - ;,l,vhich I fear from a laol4 of nerve-and stamina, May prove' to — be - art everlaSting , joh: -` But despair is an emoticin - the heart should notmdmit... It appears to me that a large portion of the people of this . country ate sadly demented. A Republi can form' of government is 'certainly the" most reasonable mud just• of any that can be lerined„if .founded on equity and equal ity, of , privileges_ to, the. inhabitants, with, merit Only as the e'tottehsto tie of iM m unities. The people of this country; in the aggregate,' areintelligent---yes, a reading people. ' Our - public , schooL system -has. been ,:pouring_ forth - a stream' - O't - light to 'every nook ,and corner Of the 'Republic. Now what is the cause of this great' commotion •in our country? ,The, native people has been cradled. in -the _lap of Democracy, and the doctrine hai -been preached and promul- ' gated for nearly a century "that all mon are , _ created .equal, and endowed by their Creater :with, ; certain . inalienable rights, among which,ari3 life, liberty, and the par-, suit - of happiness." - ' It Is not hard to divine-the cause-of the great abandon of sentiment that_ pervad es , the-minds of, the, people of our country at, . pres"ent. - A few Mild, bad men have got hold'bf 'the . reins of government, through the cowardice 'Of Andrew Johnson, who bus thrown Jilmselfiuto, the arms - of the, RCGO , .to ,eseape the hall.of the nasrisain, well knowing that there is not a man in the--whole Union party,rdaStardly enough to take the , life of a traitor, without. due process of law, ; This. ,Republic is founded - ,on a rock, mid Gov has given us a - - Griayr in' fee simple that it must stand. The, New York bultiec may roar and bluster; :Um traitors may wince, and the Democratic . papers, may, preach and publish all the ' thceit - that sophistry .eall , invent, it will , amount to" nothing; humanity will and I :naust'Ariuniph- - over 'barbarism.— It is the I earnest wish of the-true atallirm friends of `the Union, who put clown, the Southern 1 -rebels, Mid'faCed the jeers and scorn - of , Northern , traitors; that no - rupture- shall happen:, ~ Let impeachment take its ,Clon 'stitutional, course, and ,tho result be what it may;Dat, if the New York pick-pockets -should March , on M Washington, to molest Congress," , COM rti under -Logan fl would be, surrounded. with-more than -two hundred • thOosand of the Grand :Amy of the-Repub lic ialeWS - tlian one week; I have no tears' ofany , diSastrons results. , The Groat Ruler of -.the,,Universe , will 'adopt-wisdom and justice, to the course of human,events. . ,ptus_truly; -".,' '. - ' t-- " -', ' Pitrur -- 1% Wrs-r.r,a; AT Efarristinig the'llerneitrack repeafcci. :the Wtare - story of every'yenr since tlie , re-r rcsolirtions' contain tbd oidln: 2 j nTy. 3 'repitish or - A buse n vectis:f; , ' breithe , a - sfeC * Fre , ,desire - foetfielle-sii•-p j A - tif slavery and'OfficV . ." 'The' soldier' ciincliant of last yetir vi r ere'unanirnonsikthriaivn 4 bon - rd; th6 . imrlit , tnaring4rs hayingl'apparl , ontl.toonie 10'Thu - conOliiSiOil • ilia • soldiers are= 1'1'1 ,7 nnprofitnblo ivy esfinent, 'ei•en if ,uv'ecPmekely anen'tviCo:fotighenre:.nbt to , ;be entraifped, , _nod' tbe 'lll6=4lle terrified - , , and uncennbed-Ldisi Ike to' Juivii for " - r , u well known and, inangispectod,.rnaldent r of,West.' , Qtkeater; - , lastxnels,An the 69t3i.yeur age;34'hpdecoaae' d Iva§ an extenslyn s prop,=„ : erty,, , t,,Ovia; , . , . n and counties, and had eandneted 6Ho banking InialPesa f0r., 11 1 1 4 , 93Tar1i 1v404 grvat .I.lleßqs• SPECII4.L NOTICES. WISTAR'S I - SALSA:NI OF WILD CTIETaIIt% , f., 'This remedy has long been cherished by the corn ty for Its remarkable °tactic)* in relieving. . `.• ling and curing the most. obstinate, painful and long , . ' , standing cases of Olugh, Cold, AiMenu; Sore Throat; Brom.hflie, IVlmpin9 (bupl, Creep, Asthma, Inflamma tion of the Lunip; %,11i1E, even C'unsumptioa itself has yielded to Ito magic influence when all other means have failed. Its allot° history proves than the Past has produced no remedy of equal value, SA a care for' the numerous and dangerous pulmonary affections ! which prevail all over the laud. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONY From Ationov .IRcuen, Eeq, or Fairfield, /le. 9' About eight years , i co my son, Remy A. Archer, now Postmaster at Fairfield, Someteut connty. who attacked with spitting of bldod. cough, weakness af Lungs, an.lgeneral debility, so much so that our family phyrieina declared hum to have. a t`SEATED CONSOMPTIov." ll.' was cinder medical treatment for a number of months, but received no benefit from it. At length, from (Ito solicitation of himself and others. I was induced to purchase one bottle of WISTAR'S 'BALSAM OF WILD (MERRY, whieh benefited him so much I obtained another bottle, which inn short time restored lam to his usual state of health. I think I can safely recommend this remedy to others in like condition, for it is, I think, all it purports to be—nice Gat:Ar Luso RIZIEDy roe one 'incest The above statetbeut, gentlemen, is my .rottintary °Miring to you in favor of your Balsam, and 1, at your dis posal:' • Prepared by SETH NV. FOWIE h SON, 18 Tremont St.. Boston, and for sale by Druggists generally. = !otta Oct. 131.11, 1863. Mr. Grate—Dear Sir :—having been ' afflicted grievously for , everal weeks ssith a revere abscess upon my side, I wed several remedies for its eraui cation without receiving any relief, until I applies your salve, which effected a .peedy and permanent cure. I therefore feel happy to certify my confid ence in Its - virtues. Yearn - with respect, - JAMES BEAN. I certify to the truthfulness of the above state ment. If. S. DEM:WORN. M. SETA W. FOWLS SON, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by all Druggists, at 23, vents a box. By mail 3,5 cents. [mot 7-lino., :-_ , V.'kIETHING FOR EVERY TAM' AN( 13 . 111 L -IN LkNO. The great secrets of Beauty; or. Row to ho Beau tiful, and How to retain it until good Old Age. With bo sent, pot paid, for only one dollar. Ad dress A. 0. Is'fiFOßD, Station D. P. 0., Is; InV York. Feb. BLINDNESS, DEAFNESS AND CATARRH, treated with the utmost success. by Dr. J. ISAACS, Oecnlist end Antis!, (formerly of Leyden, nolland,) .INZo. 005 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Testi monials from the most reliable sources in- the city and country can be seen at his °Mee. The Medical faculty are incited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice- Artificial Eyes inser ted without pain. No charge.,pulde for examination. May 4th, ly] CLPI_ X Page's Climax Salve, for burns, scalds, , erofula, salt rheum, soles, broken breasts, frost bites, ehib. tains, stings, bruises, cuts, swellings, dr., whether upon man or becst, is the most wonderful article ever produced. Other good articles alleviate; this cures, lt allays ,Intiammation, subdues pain, and heals without a scar. It is worth its weight in gold to any family, and should always be on hand. It is warranted to do what it says every lime. MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS & PHOENIX BITTERS. Were first used in private practice in 1825. They were introduced to the public in 1835, shire which time their reputation has extended, until they have a sale is excess of all other estimate and purifying medicines. There is hardly a family among. civil ized nations who have not personal evidence of their beneficial effects. Their great success is owing to their uniform reliability in cases of constipation bilious and stomachie -tliseases, whether of long or short duration. They arc entirely vegetable in their composition, and harmless to the gentlest infant. One ingredient opens the pores of the skin; another is diuretic; and stimulates proper notion of the kid neys; a third is emollient, loosening phlegm and humor front the lungs; other properties arc warming and cathartic, and cleanse the stomach and bowels from unhealthy secretions. Their combined effect is, to regulate the impaired functions of the system, sod to produce health. It is nut asserted Moffat's Pills area cure.all—t hat they will cure all complaints —but under ordinary cicumstances they may be relied upon to cure nervous and sick headache, cos tiveness, dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice, liver map biliouS complaints, colds, scurvy, general weakness dle. They are expressly made for these diseases. Millions upon minions of cures can be cited. In no single instance .has a complaint ever coma to our knowledge. whore they have not operated as reeom• mended.. The printed circular around each faux fully explains, the symptoms and "effects of each disease, speeifies treatnient, furnishes evidence, &le. - • briefly. rer to Nov., David. Elder, Franklin, N. - 11 - Criiens cuedof.-dylipiepni7.• ---Oir-RieCr,edefi -of ihoollre, cui ed of liver complaint- H.lrooley, of Hprlngileld, Pa:, bad serofida, and bad to 11:36 crutch es; wan caed in.,,threo weeks. James D. Dolens, of Adrian, Mich., cured of bilious fever. Rev. Henry Graltain, Presbyterian Church, GilOunilgtlai. Cal., of fever and ague. Rev. Ed. R. May. Twenty-first New_ Tod:, of rheumatism and piles of IL years standing. Rev. Samuel Bowles, editor of the Springfield (Mass) Republican, was eared of terrible costiveness. Hon. Ed. Webber, of Romney, N. of liver complaint, etc., etc., etc. • box of Moffitt's Life Pills, with full circulars, will be sentgratis to any physician or elergyinan, on the receipt oftwo three cent postage stamps. Mofflit's Life Cilia lire 25 cents per box. Mofflit's Phoenix Slitters, $1 per bottle. They are sold by all • respectable dealersthroughout the continents end the islands of the ocean. . - & HOWLAND, Proprietors, ' Successors to Dr. John Moffat and lir. Wm. It. Molfat,l2l Liberty street, Now Yorlt. ruariM'Gr-ly. ITCH 1 ITCH _ ITCH!!! seni7cu! SCRATCH! - - In fronilo to 40,honr‘. 'Wheaton's Ointment cans • The Itch. Wheaton's Ointment _ cures- Salt Rheum. Wheaton's Ointment cures Tenor. Wheaton's Ointment cures Barber's Itch. Wheaton's Ointment cures • Old Sores. IVhcaton's Ointment- • cures , Every kind of Humor like Magic. Price, 10 cents iti box: by mail, tle cents. 'Address WEEKS k POTTER, No. 170 W ‘ ashitsdOn Street, .13m,ten, Mass.- ' [sept _l-lye. I=l GE= 'We began 1n413 , 11 to make improve= rents in the style and make of Ready Made Clothing, and continued• to do so, introducing new styles and ideas every year, so that the entire char acter of the busiti6ss is now .vastly, bettor and totally different from the systems of older houses. Improved Our 4ind idea is to leant exactly WHAT THE CUSTOMERS WANT, and Inetead of persuading him to buy what may be most conveniently at hand, we take the utmost pains to meet HiOtvishes. Ithat Omfatter% I lin t. The building, we occupy is the MOST CONVENIENT sIZE, , LARGEST AND DEAT ADAPTED for ,our business of any in Philadelphia , - Customers can see' 'what they are haying, our Establishment being on the corner of three large streets, Mar (bet, Sixth and 3tinor street.o oboe dantlight is afibrded from nil direc tions: A light store is far better for customers than a dart: one. • 31 x 133fect • 140 irnidot , Merchants , An°la that our salsa are Larger than those of any other house in Philadelphia, in our hno: hence we have to buy larger quantities of goods, nail so get them at lower prices, es pecially 114 we buy altogether for cash. Buying, -cheapest, we can sell cheap est.' The - Large Ma- IMIS2 We closely =online every inch of goods that comes into our Ritabllsh ment, invariably rejecting all int moth-caten and tender fair rice. . . Invprefon The time wasted in looking over the stocks or ti dozen stores can be avoided. for, under ono roof. we offer .for sale mt a.saortment eqtlal in variety and ex tent to that embraced by a some or the ordinary homes. Great Sat lag. _ Wo herr° 600 hauds employed in the manufacture or Clothing, w•ho are constantly making up{ stock to take the Place of that daily aold• this gives our customerA sew and fresh good. to make selections from. -7 Fre I. Goode It is an undisputed :fact , that 'this Department, (a large Hall :on our second floor fronting on Minor street, ) bass nothing in Philadelphia; to aped it. We have here - concentrated the best skill and workmanship, and those who.prefer Clothing made to order , really have advantay,es they do not re, ceiro elsewhere. -DEDUCTIONS.. Custom Depart mem% , . From all of the above we deduce' this one fact, that Oak 'Hall has ALL the advantages of any other Clothing Es tablishments, in the_eity, and in midi tion these, lit—A firm compoSed of. young men of the 'Present - generation, fully in sympathy with 'the tastes .d,—An Insight Ulllto wants of the people and an en. terPrtse to meetthese wants, which in seven years has placed Oak Hall in a position not al ways. attained in experience• of twenty-five years. -3(l.—A Building better located. better lighted, hotter ' adapted and newer in all its appointments. 4th.--Workmen, especially Cutters, who are not only from,ameng , the bast; and most- expert =.eueed, but are artists In their professions and , couple with good work astylisliness; •in which • Phihalelphia tailoring has been particularly • : deficient - ' it is the liberal patronage with which we have been • faVored that , has enabled us to ofier,the un .,pandieled advantages, and this Patronage . continued - anti - extended will 31altiply advantage. Which we ;divide between ouLettstanicre and oursuives. - Daher bop . A.v .. 161t.t0 1;W VS orcr; Sact above WAZIA3LAREIL 6:IIROWN, OAK "Itortno.s. eternise+ Ilo , cac. - gs,ith and Market street+. •: ;7 , EOLGAT4"S:A.II4MiATIC:VEOI7.4.BLE.SOAP, A superior TOILET SOAP, prepared from yetioed. 'lluok.:TANLE,oths in combination with GLYCER— INE, and especial ly'destgeed tor i he' Oelif LADIM l imdfur the NURSERY. its perfumb and its washing properties unriralled. For sale by' ell drimgist.. [may 25,'417-Iy. SPECIAL NOTICES. rartoßs OF YOUTII. A Gentleman wheinffered for years from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, and all the efforts of youthful indiscretion. will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it. the recipe end directions for making the simple remedy by' whielt - he was cured. Suiten eri, . to profit by the niivertiser's eaperionce, can dose by addressing in perfeat confidence, JOIIN it. OGDEN, -tit Cedar St., Now York. - AYER'S(MERRY.. .-PECTORAL,- IS a soothing expectorant, prepared to ineet the ur gent need of a safe and reliable cure for disetses of the throat and lungs. Atrial of many years has es tablished the fact, that it Is more efficacious in pul monary affections, than any other remedy. Its efficacy has now become no generally known. that it is justly.regarded in many countries as a medicine of Indispensable necessity. - In Great Britain, France, and Germany, wit re medicalseienee has reached its highest perfection, it is prescribed In domestic -practice; and constantly used in- .the , armies. in hospitals and other public institutions, where it is regarded by. the attending physicians as the most speedy and agreeable remedy that can be employed. Scarcely any neighborhood can lie found whore well known eases of diseased lungs, which had bathed the efforts of the most skillful and experienced doctors, hare been permanently cured by• it. These results are the moat convincing proofs of the superior cura tive properties of this preparation; and to them' the authors point with peculiar satisituetion. • While it is most powerfnlagainst confirmed diseases, it is ex tremely gentle as a medicine in infancy and youth, being quire harmless to even the youngest, WllCllad mimstered judiciously. - ThiS health restorer - accomplishes even more =by prevention than cure. .11 taken in season, it heals all irritations of the throat and - lnngs, whether. aris ing irom Colds or Coughs, or from other causes, and thus prevent that long train of painful and incurable -diseases. which would arise from the neglect of them. Hence no family should he without it: In ' tfuenza,Croup, flcurseness, Whooping - Cough, Pleur isy, Incipient Consumption, and other affections of the breathing organs; give way before lids pre-erni• ;.neat Combination of medical virtues. Prepared by On. 1. C. AYER & CO., Loa ell, Mess., and sold by all Druggists and dealers in Medicine everywhere. Ifeb 1-2rno SOME FOLKS CAN'T ,SLEEP NIGHTS. Very many sutler from general debility, others from weokness of the stomacleand inability to di gest their food; some have creeping sensations along the nerve fibres,'or pain in the back, with aching and weary throbbing of the limbs. Thomtands of ladies suffer through long years from what aro called Female Complaiele, caused by the relaxation of mus cle and ligament that attend deficiency of vital force. Thousands of business mon; overworked in mind and body, use op the nervous fluid and become un fit for duty or the enjoyments of life. ExCesses in youth, and the terrible effects of fever and ague, in volve shattered constitutions and the failure of the general functions of health. To sufferers' from all these causes, • DODD'S NERVINE AND INVIGORATOR offers an invaluable boon—a natural and efficient recovery of lost powers, No person, man or woman, f-uffering from any cause. con afford to neglect this remedy. The Nervine will be found to possess .nn equalizing and nutritive principle. It allays irrita tion, and like sleep promotes the secretions of the system. It has affinity for. the nervous fibres, and supplies them for the waste that. is constantly taking place. Like wholesome food taken int , the stomach, tt undergoes rapid digestion, invigorating m its pro- COSS the digestive organs, and producing a, CALMNESS 11.1 , TD TRANQUILITY, unknown to any other preparation. It contains no opium or hasheesh, and so far from producing eon• tiveness, it still be found an efficient cure for consti pation, and has obtained a world-wide renown for this peculiarity. Dear Doctor: The last medicine prescribed by yen I obtained, and will say that Dedd's Nervine and Invigorator is all that it claims to be. I feel like a new man ; the aching of Ivy limbs is all gone ; I sleep well, have a good appetite. and feel stronger than I. have for many years past" toontributed by Dr. 11. A. Tucker, 238 Clinton street, urooklyn, New York-1 "I have it.edthe Nervino. and tied myself much benefited by it, particularly in the increase of strength and cure of those trembling sensations. costirenesa also seems to be entirely cured. {Letter to Dr. Tucker.) - - • "The medicine you ordered (Dodd's Nervine) we have taken three bottles of. It is a great thing. My wife says ehe would rather have one bottle of it than forty doctors. She is certainly better, don't feel th+ dragging down so much; bowels move easier, and in hotter nervous condition every way." G. B. Martin, Cashier Glenn house, Long Branch. New Jersey, etntes that Dodd's Nervine has cured him of chronic weakness of the stomach, dizziness and sick headache, and greatly strengthened his whole system. David Hartshorn. MC State street, Brooklyn, cured of chronic muscular and nervous debility. John Harbut, Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "To regu late the bowels without producing cathartic effect. quiet, the nerves, and tone - up the system, I have never used anything that equalled Dodd's 'Nor,. vine." W. F. Deans, Esq., Eastford. "Aly wife has suffered for seventeen years witlt extreme Ller sons debility anti mental prostration. Site was in duced by a friend to try Dr. J. W. Dodd's Ncrvine and Invigorator. and by its' use is now restored to perfect health." Dr. C. C. York, Charlestown, Unit..., "In cases of great nervous debility, not Lonfined by any means to the female sex. although from the, greater deli islitcY of the fattish) orunniustion more _empinon .than idnong rnenVl emplo# , Doddis :stk.:toe and invigor: ator with .the happiest- effect: It exceeds' in 'tonic power anything that I know of, while its action upon the bowels is all that can be desired." DODD'S NERVIINE AND INVIGUEATOR is em ployed in the Massachnsetta Hospital for the InNene ac TIZU ntou. - - . FOR PERSONAL TF,STIMONr.TALS To cures of general debility, indigestion, sleepless ness, kidney complaint,-wind cone, and female Com. plaints in their own families, we refer, with permis mon, to the followin. , uentlemtha in this vicinity: E. W. 'BALL. Esq.", Pinki Avenue Hotel, N. Y.- - W. B. BODGE. Tract House, N. V. - - JOHN WILLIAMS. Policeman, N. I'. J. W. PECK_ETT, Esq., Clinton st., Brooklyn. Dr. 11. A. 'TUCKER, Clinton at., Brooklyn. J. $. WRIGHT- E q., Jersey-City. lion. WARnlzs: CHASE, 544 Broadway, S. 117 - For solo al J. IL Plirry.'.T. R' IYl!Rams' Drug. Stores, Columbia, Pit. Price $t per bottle. 11. B. STORER &CO , • - align '67-iy7 Proprietors, E. Y.' The advertiser, having been retered to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to innke known to his fellow-sufferers the means - of cure. SCRATCH" !! ! • To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the Jare scription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will fled a Sure Cure -for Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis, Coughs, Colds, and alt Throat .and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is'o benefit the afflicted, and spread information conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as at will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing; Thirties wishing- the prescription, ram, by return mail, will please address • REV. EDWARD It. WILSON. Illayla,:gt , Tyl Williamsburg, Eiag.f - Co., Newyork.. TO FA - RMERS 'AND-:PLANTERS. TILE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SALE,' IN lots to suit purchasers, 2000 TONS OF DOUBLE REFINED - PCUDRETTE of the Lodi Manufacturing Co.; Made frOm to'n night, soil, blood, MU and dcad animals of New York City, forwhich the Co. have exclusive contract, Price only ' TWENTY-FIVE 'DOLLARS 1 3 ER'TO.N. - Freight and, charges 'froin Non - York added Warranted by the Co. to be equal 'weight for weight to unv high limed superphosphate in market, The re-,„ suits on Corn, Cotton, Tobacco and Grain have been astonishing the pant sea-on.. It matures the crop from la days to two'weeks earlier, ar sl 'doubles . tho crop. Pamphlet with certificates of hundreds of well-known planters and farmers., and every information, sera, free to any one applying by lettenor otherwise to MCCOLLUM 1 PURSELL, ESPY, Columbia Co.. Pn., - . or to alto Lodi Mannacturing Company, New York. febl.s-2moi ADDRESS TO THE _NERVOUS and - Debilitated whose sufferingslinve been protract ml from 'hidden causes. and whose cases require prompt treatment to render existence desirable. If you are suffering or have suffered from involuntary discharges, what effect does - it produce' upon your general health? Do yon feel weak, debilitated, easily tired? Does a little extra exertion' produce palpitto Lion tho heart? Does vour liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys frequently get out of order?• Is your Urine sometimes thick, milky, or tloeky, or Is It ropy on settling? Or does 'a thick scum rise to tine top?: Or is n sediment at the bottom after it has stood awhile? Do you have spells, of snort breathing or tlyspepsin ? Are your bowels eenstipated? Do you have spells of fainting or rushes of blond to the head? Is your memory impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling upon this suldect 7 'Do yonfeel moping, tired of company, of life ? ' Do you wish to' be left alone, to get away. from 7 everybody? Does shy little thing nnalte you start, or jump? -Is`your sleep broken of restless? Is the lustre of, your eye as brilliant? The bloom en your, cheek tts bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society. ss well? Do' you pursue your business with the same energy? Do , - you feel ns mimic confidence in yourself? Are your ...piths dull and dogging, given to fits of melancholy.? if so, do not Icy it to your liver or dyspepsia.. Have you restless nights? . Your back weak, your knees weak, and leave but lttle appetite, and you-attribute licit to dyspepsia or liver-complaint? Now, reader, self-abuse, veneral diseases cured, and sexual excesses:oath all capable of pro:, Hoeing a weakne.s of the' generative -organs. The orgnns of generation. when in 'perfect health: - tnake , -the man. Did you ever think tint those hold, de fiant, energove, persevering, successful bitsinesq men are-always those whose - generative organs nro in perfect health? You never hear such men com plain of being melancholy, ofhervonsams+, of palpita tion of tee heart. They, ace never afraid_they-cannet 'succeed-in business; they don't.become sad and dis couraged; they are always polite nr.d pleasant in Mo. company of Indies, and look you and them -right in the_faeo—none of yourtlowneast,looks or any, other, meanness :Mont them. I . do ;not mean those 'who keep the organs inflamed, by -running " tot exeesri. , These will not'only'ruhi their coustitutions,:,but, those rhey do business with or for. -- , Dow many Men , from cured diseasek` from themffeets of self-abuse and excesses, hare brought about that state of,wenkness in those organs that has reduced the 'general system so 'much as to induce almost every other disease—idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, .spinal affections, suicide. and-utmost every other , form of disease which humanity is heir tq, =With - el! real cause of the trouble scarcely ever stispected,and; have doctored for all but the right one. , Diseases of these organs require the nee of a diure tic.. BELMBOLM , FLUID - EXTRACT BUCHU is the great Diuretic. and is a certain curs fur diseases • . of the Bladder, -.Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic .Weakness, Female Complaints, General Debility, an I all diseases of the Urinary-organs, whether ex- - isting In Male or Female,- from 3 ,whatover cause ori ginating and no matter of how long : ' If an treatment is submitted to,• Consumption -or Insanity may.ensue.„ ,Our flesh'and blood are see ,ported.from these sources, and the health and.haptu 'mess, and that of posterity, depends upon prompt,use of a reliable remedy.- , • Relmbold's Extract flueliu, established upwards or IS yeartj, prepared by „ - If. T. RELNITIOLD. Druggist. 691 SiontiwaY.'*W York. mad -104-.Sontlic-Teritty street.„Phlla., Pa. - • PameGsl.2s per bottle. or 8 bottles Air 86.50, deliver. ed to any address, Soldby all Druggists everywhere. [Mar. 6, '67, WrIAT PEOPLt: - SAY TO coNsumprwEs .2111SCELLANE'QUS: SA'r VEGE'PABLE ' 1 ! • - `•- SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER MATRTOOD OV:SEVEIt.,I-EA.RS• BEFORE THE PUBLIC; And no preparation for the hair has yet been discovered that will produce the same beneficial results. It is an entirely new selentine discov cry, combining many of the most powerful and restorative agents In'the VEGETABLE KING DOM. It restores • - - GRAY. HAIR' Tti ITS ; ORIGINAL YOUTHFUL • COLOR. It makes the scalp white and clean; cures dand ruff and humors, and falling out of the hair; and will make it grow upon bald heads, except in very aged, persens, as it furnishes, the nutritive principle by Which' the .hair is nourished and supported. It makes the hair moist, soft, and glossy, and is unsurpassed as a HAIR DRESS ING. It is the cheapest preparation ever offered to the public, as one bottle will accomplish more and last longer than three bottles of any other preparation. • IT Is .11F.007bOLENDED AN I) INED THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY The wonderful results produced by our SICIL IAN HAIR RENEWER have induced many to manufacture preparations for the Hair,.rmder various names; and, in order tolnduce the trade and the public to purchase their compounds, they have resorted to falsehood, by, claiming they were former: partners, on had-some con nection with our Mit: HALL, and their prepara tion was similar to ours. Do not be deceived by them. ' • • - Parchake the original; it has never yet been equalled. Our Treatise on the hair, with certificates, sent free by mail. rE3 - See that eneh 13orrim has our private REVENUE STAIIP over the top of the bottle. All others are Imitations. . It. I'. HALL it CO., Proprietors, Nashua, N ; li. s o p/ by ri d Draggles and dieters in Mcdtcipe. • now 2'i7-oy. THE PHOINIX - PECTORAL "..IPOUND SYRUP OP OF • WILD CHERRY AND SENEICA SNARE ROOT. Will cure the Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Colds, Coughs,- Croup, Asthma. Bron chitis, Catarrh, Sore Tbroat , Hoarseness. Vv-hoop fog Cough, ,tc. Its timely use will prevent Pulmonary Con sumption, and even where this Warfel disease has taken hold it will afford'areater relief than any other medicine. MISS KATE VANDERSLICE. of Pottsville , says: "I was benefited more by using the Plicenix Pectoral than any other medicine I ever used." Jacob Powers certifies that he has sold hund reds of bottles of the Phcenix Pectoral, and that all who used it bear testimony of its wonderful effects in curing cough. John Royer, - Edil or of the independent Phenix, having used it, has no hesitation in pronouncing it a complete remedy for cough, hoarseness, and irritation in the throat. The proprietor of this medicine has so much confidence in its curative powers, front time testi mony of hundreds who have used it, that the money will be paid back to any purchaser who is not satisfied with its effects. It is so pleasant to take that the children cry for it, It costs only Twenty-live cents. It is intended for only ane class of diseases, namely, those of the Throat and Lungs. .0 - Z-Prepared Only by. LEVI OBERHOLTZER, m. D., PL.cenixville, Pa. • Sold by all Drrumists and Storekeepers. Johnston, Holloway C Cowden, No. tr. 3 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, General Wholesale Agents. • N. 11.—Ifyour nearest druggist or storekeeper does not keep this medicine do not let him put you 'bit* with some other medicine, bemuse he makes more money OD it, but send at once to one of the agent. for it. Sold by A.-Bleyers, and. It. Williams, drug gists, Columbia, Pa. [febi-3mo a AILEY & 'CO., • • 819''alies.tartat Street, 'PITILA.DELPHIA. DIA_ - "Aorms, _Pearls, Rubies, Sapphires, Erneralils, Rare Gems, Engagement Rings,,Weddhu: Rings. LOW riticms & CO., PIIELADELPIIIA " 'W T C - 11 .1 1 , 8 , • - Of the most celebrated makers. -Sole agents. for the grandGoldMedal.E...vil:KVliliLliE tCo. time-keeper, the best watch manufactured. Aa - r_4 - rtry - & pc), PITTLADLIIIJA - BR,IDAL StLVER, For-AVEDT/ING PRESEZITS, of entirely new and artistic designs. 1,..Ar PRICES. co; PIITLADEL ! PffT A PLATED, WARES, From the mnst, celebrated American and BngNab makers. LOW PRICES. BA.ILETYT& 00. PHIL A DELPITIA WORKS. OF ART! RINE OIL P-AINTINGti,. • ' STATUARY, RRONZ.^•..S, .k( I,OW'PRICES. Our stock is unsarpamed lay any establishment in the country, both in regard to price and qual ity, our foreign importations having, been select ed with great txtre by one of the Arm - in Europe. Our tiaras are constantly arranged for exhibi tion, and strangers in the city, whether desiring to purchase or not, are cordially invited to rail and examine. xr. -- Order,s , by q:ill'ertrgftilly and proirmityrixt ttsnde,dto.,, ; 4 - i • • :BAILEY & - CO., .. -" STREET, • PHILA.DELPIIIA. N. B.—Designs a' Silver Wnre, sent by (Jan. 24, MEM The undendnned having pureha%ed the Stock Good WIII and Fixtures or the well-known Tobaocd Store Of the late GEOP.C;F: Boorit, dee . emsed, have entered into It co-partnership to carry on the business of • , :11 A N UFA Cl" TIRING SEG ARS, ' Ax.D ssr.Lz ' SEGARS TO BAC N F VS, PIPES, And all art tries usually kepi to a.First-class To bacco and Sugar Store; and they hope by a strict attention to business, and falr dealing, to merit a reasonable share of the public patronage. as well as n. cant inciance of the patronage bestowed on-their _preateeeNsor. The public eon rely on getting at our Store as good Goods air the money as eau be obtained at nay similar establishment in the State. do not think it nevessnry to pnbisliour Prices, as the Goods will tell for themselves. .1. A. JORDAN & CO., loettst Street, Columbia, Pa Jan. Sin:: OE THE PUNCH p ITTSB I - 5 I 0:41 , ' DYl li .:l-1 0 1.7 SE! i it : 13' b'. 4 S- Tlt: ' P I. N r , • ' • Having lately been In the - .ll.l 2 elicg`liti'ltie Pittsburgh, interims the eltizens of Columbia and vicinity, tlutt he has opened an establlsb men t near the corner of FOURTH. t PERRY STREETS, COLUMBIA, Where he will dye all kinds of silks, Woolen Goads, Delaines,dwe kc. Ladles' and Gentlemen's Apparel cleansed and` dyed at. reasonable prices._ ~ • „ Jan. 11, *bS:3m. o 9 ' 'FRED. STED.I%. CIOLUMBIA - OLASBICAL'- 'INSTI TITTE, prepares Boys for College, Business, or Teaching, and attlords Girls at borough Course in the Ornamental as well es the Solid Branches of a complete Education. The Spring Term opens on t he tilt of MARCH . . 1, 1 For Circulars address , Raw. li. S. ALE.X.II.3.VDER. Principal.' feb 15-tfj cop.? inbtu, l'a. rpaE nOtINTAIN: .OP EA1:2111 Thp only Lr,c3A LAZED liENTUCKXfirATE, LOTTERY' draws daily Corape,tpnge for Comfort ~trt!lAs,t-php'lnvestm, IT COSTS. - NOTHING-1 0 011. calcurAn.. •Addretis the STATE JEANAGSIO3,-”, • •"--111.111:RAY,"'EDDre: CO." 'yanla-ornor) _Covington, . 1 1E 1 OR'''SAIE A:PLEASANT arid CONVEIG. ENT,HOUSE 'and LOT on itecond street, C,olumidn. Inquire 'At [Ulu onteel , = -•`-' l ,N[dem , l4,ver.t.f. , .! , W,,AT(.1,1115,!,,,-WANCILES,!:, - , r : 7 : • t! ' ' ' r imERicA - N, - ENGLisitaziD:7 CHXS. In greet variety. A Stock not'ex celled outside tke city- At very low rates. • P. SHREINER A- SON EMI .•;..- , MiSa4LMNEOVS. .. .. Barnet .Le Van, r . IRON PO UNDER AND -MACHINIST, STEAM E:s; a 1 NES Vacuum, Steam, anti IVater Gages, LB VAN'S_TATENT GIt4TE BARS, IMPROVED PUMPS, STICAM AND n.k. - .N'A-HOLSTING MACITINERY, Shafting, with Ball and Socket Bearings, and Double Cone ViceCoupllngs, admitting of " the Easiest possible Adjustment. Boller Fronts, Fire, Hmad,•and Man-Hole Doors, \Vrtiught.iron Welded Tube, for Steam, Gas, or Water. STEAM. AND GAS FITTINGS, Clark's F;iteut,Steuth & Fire Regulators, Soathea-qt Corner 24th and Wood Streets PII . 3I,4:DELPAIA Dec. 21, 187-tr. • GET • FASHIONAI3LE :HAT The undersigned has opened In connection with Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, a HAT. AND .CAP STORE, And his Sheh•es are now fined with Hats and. Caps of the " LATEST STYLES Strict attention Will be given'to this department and customers will always be treated in a gentlemanly manner. The finest Silk Hat in the mar ket Is offered for sale upon very reason able terms. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS This department consists of a great variety of Gents' Goods, viz : Latest Styles Cravats and Ties, TioSiery of all kinds and prices, Linen Collars and Cuffs, - . • • Paper Collars and Cuffs,_ Shirts and Shirt Fronts, Underwear in great variety, Suspenders, lin ttons, Ite., ...Sumas made to order and iwarrantecl to Bt. LADIES' FURNISHING" GOODS I offer nice lot ni 'Ladies' Furnishing Goodly ' , stitch ..I. am selling to Customers at Prices, far belowlheir original cost. Call and exdmine my Stock; I know - you will save money- by of me. " ROBERT J. FRY, Post-Office Building, Locust St., Columbia. Y nov3Mf MYERS -& PIigKERTpN, COLIPTIBLA. STEAM oA_Cia WORT S, SECOND ST.; NEAR WALNUT ; COLUMBIA. - The CerriageS; Buggies,- 3:c., made •at •these Works, have a reputation second to no others in the State. - They, claim for their - , work the merits of beauty of form, elegance of finish, and strength of structure:: One'of the distinguishing features of 'their 'Work is its durability; all vehicles of their Whittle constructed of the best .gen-soned material, .and put together firmly . and-substan tially. .. This bratteh of the btaitiiessty RI be attended to with punctuality and despatch. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, Wagon, eic„, or mode to order. • - tV.."-Call at - their Works and examine their stock and prices. [Jan IS '6B-tf !TOBACCO FOR'SALE! EIGHTY-ONE 130XES of Splendid Benxi sylvania Leaf TOBACCO is offered for sale at reasonable rates, , by- DAVID HANAUER Tan. 18, '6B-tf.] Front Street, Columbia. LNE JEWELRY - 2 ' _l2 Beautiful-Bins, Sleeve Buttone,Hag cisome; Studs, Goki-Rings, - Fine Setta,,te., , tte., -., very cheap at • SHREINER & SON'S. POR - T "OF TILE 1-4 - ,,—condttibivofThe'COLUNlßlA NATIONAL, A\ tholFirse:SfONDAY of January; - RESOURCES.CES. - - • Note'S and liillsdlsCountgd . .,,il - 1(3,400.19 Over drafts - 27.63 " ' U. S. Bonds•siepOsited for Circulation . ' • ' 509;000.00 Other Bonds on hand 27,500.00 91,241,827.01 Notes of National Banks— 005.00 Notes of State Banlcs..4. 20.00 Fractional Currcncy:X.: .. ' 1,032.10 ' 82.8,57.10 Specie. ' 821.27 _ Legal Tender andC . „, omp'nd - _ - . . Interest Notes ' • 8112,157.00. Cash Items, Including ,Ite- .. . ~ venue Stamps - , ' 4,0813.6tt - ' Due:from Drationa3.llahk. 7 3 : _ ~..3.5 ,232.13 Eue-from. other Banks-and - . ... • Bankers 4 - 32.438 - .1 1 m5p4.7c , 13UnIting.,41,Mase , and Teen], Estate - 12,560.004 . . - Current - .Expeltses ' ... - 1,424.44 ~.,, _ '7 : l „' ~L .r..A..tiLITIVS. . ' ' • Capital Stock paid ip...,.., . - S. 500,000.00 Surplus 'Fund -' ' ” ' 114,515.41 Discounts and'Ex,change 314,589.9 , 3 ~ Profit and Los?: :. _ 3,146;14 $18,016.10 Dividends unpaid _ 8,=. 00 Due to National Banks._....._ .8,109.74 . do..other Banks &Danker,s -.2,3W.84. CtrculnCu of COltitubittNa tional Banl -141(11'41(111;11 Deposit:3 • Indebtedness of Directors— 23,650.00 Sworn toancl - sub'keribed by - • SAM U.e.L SHOCK, Cashier Columbla.;'.7nn. 7. '6B-3m • • QTATEMENT SHOWING: THE CON-, ditlon of ttie FIRSVNA.tIONAL BANK. of COLUMBIA.; onl.f.enclay. January 4th 1R63._•-• RE:SOURCES. • - . Notes:and bills discounted- $185,874.213 Bonds dep'd for circulation ; 150,000.00 Bonds U. S. on hand 23,300.00 Notes of National Banks._ 9,908.00 :359,174..211 Legal 'Tenders and Specie..:.. 29,34.5.00 Cashitems,..inclucting, Rev enue Stamps U. S. Certillestes..... Postal. , putvicy,-... Duo from Macs ..... Current Expenses;_interez,i and FLl.Utuu . L . /ABILITIES Capital stock Circulation . Surplus Fund* ' - • • Dlyletends Individual Deposits Due to banks '" ,•••• - - Profit .... : ... .... ' Indebtedness of Directors. , •• • Sworn to and subscribed by . •- , b • atsider Jan. 7, 1848-3;nr,,t. • „,„ IRST"NATIONAL BANK OF CO— , _ „ Lunturi.z., , - • Ferest will paid by this Bank on Speeliji De , posits, as follows:- 5,K per:bent-torn Itiontbs.. a per cent.:6 Jacinths and under 121nontils, 43÷:1,6r. cent, for 3 and. under 6 months. - Nre. flake Collectionspn all A.ccessible 2oints - the_ United States,. on 1116eral terms, Discount • J Duda:, and Bills of•Exelinne., • But, aud GOLD :SILVER; and all UNWED; . - • , STA.Tk... SECURITIES. • ' ' And are Inspired to draw DRAFTS an Fbiladel -71311111. ltow York, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, -, •E.'a,id, of Taee, and ' • all parts of Germany. 740 .TREASURY NOTES. Holders of,leirst, Issue Seven-Thirties 'will 'dot well to call and (...\velatn . ge then , for the new Pita- Twenty Gold Bonds, and 'F ' ive-Twenties erect at once. ' • , • , DET.W.ILER t pril ~.; Cashier.' TNTEEEST ON DEPOSITS,' .-• - THE COLUMBIA NATIONAL:BANE wilt ,rs.s...elve money on depo,slriand pay Interest there— for, at the following rates, viz . • • . • '55.4 per cent.for .12 months. .1 per cent.'for 9 months: ,••' • 5 - per cent. fors roonths:.;„ 44_ per cent. for 5 months.:,:•, - 7-3011. S. Treasury Notes exchanged for nOW 5-2 o Gold Bonds.: SAMUEL SHOCTT, Cashier EN GI NEE 11, I= ;SITAFTIN 0, HANGERS, PULLEYS, PUMPS, VA Lvzs, GIPPA.RD'S INJECTOR •Stearn Pumps, OFFICE .1.1711 -NEW - FrA.T AND CAP STORE!! BEI PEST MAKES A.llr.K S. t.. 1.0,478.58 444)4.440.0U 515,6a1.02 EMI ,c.g.t.17 io,oots,to • ?.4&2•39 t I SVMS 7 51,230.39 Co . cKb si 615,749.0. i. rBMNMI 3.,=4.45 1.040,00 $468.087.0 - -3150,000,00 1 31,514.011; .160,320.01" 6,431.26 ... 13,467.1-7 6S 067.07