. , . . . . .., , . , , .. , . . 4.: ~,,:. ~,,,,,,t 4, ,,,,, , „ ur .,,, , ,,,,,,,,„,,,,,, ; ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,- 14my . = r,,,arzia.,4-tir,iti , ..,..cm,,-4...4.04'z... * A...1•14,,,,,,-.4---:,...:0,-44-avo,-,..- , r-sr..) ...'SastCl-.2"•"42p1...4.010-0.44- 4 ,*,.. ; , 0 .., r.. ty. , ,,,,w, r',..y...,..4-,37-.7.,7--.,• 4-',-.7 ,tfi,.. , .- t : y.,..-74,-;„,, .7...1) , :0. , :"."1.00.5..5 ., :t2./.l2.7Mretralegz.verwv, vt it,prt.r.4j,.. , .. 7.0Fg...V...1- .t4 , ".7:. , f4.%::' ,, ZATtV. , 1 , -.=1.:Wa. , ;° . :11" 4 ...' : -,i. * i , 4 `A' - , ',4 , - -i•''''C''.4-"' i 4 4," . .... -, ' ---• e, -, .--- --,,-•,,, • - r- , -11 , t;" '• .1., e , - 4" - ' ---,,,,•-•-, *-•" C --- - ,-' 14,, , .a ~-, ', , z,' , . - c - 1 - :: - • t -, , - ,A ~, :r. - -fI r, •,-;‘- 1.,",--,....',. ~.-;•-•,..•,:- •' 1' t'tr .ite.: -,./ 4,741. • '.',. AA .1 , . ' ';' : '''.. ~- .;',i-', -1:_!.! .2.2.-..;.t , ~10' t l',':- . .4.1,P..,:' 4.- ~: '4.,..--1.- .--.• '''-• - , -4 . C- !.. • `i- , 4' - t - -r - Vit e t: '''lrri . ' '`r ... i.-: t, :e; . , 3 , , •....0..i.................4.............c.v.........1.......n "-- Ziititnitild'4llHr INNS 114 WS:PR•• einihniiiai,Wl:4 Saturday, _N‘brumw..4s;lB6B. n9..ALL sivoirtising wiLl. - -be 'considered CASH, and , eolleetable.at'anyllineyet:ter, the nrst insertion: THE' LITTLE - '4II3ROWNICOT: 'ON ' I remember the litile.bioWii : OOt on the bill, Whore I lived in-the bright, long And the musical:sound. of the murmuring • That besidetlie'brO,wn 'coeitgeir to 410W1, - .'-`. Though., to, ; others beauty. in- it' night,`:, That cod id wake in their boisoms'e: Tot there's nothing . on earth -to my 'heart • - was so' dear , As that little brown vot-Ori , the LcingrigointliiiilittlebidWrreot was I born; And there - pained all inTboyhood'away, On itiporcit_l would sit from tirst - bluslr ; of 'Till the...close - et the long autitme6iti..y,-”,*. - - Or rd play in the 'cool; ,ahady - "wOods,that • And' -my :shoitt would,iing shrill;• . ~ T tatined'..Ed •:.return • to; py• - , , tuother Zri ow bi,n_ . cot en the:lull . . ' ~, ; It is ,treirs sinenTpartedirty. friends door, •WhenTlert.thent to *ander away, 2 1 , And I sigh wlsettl think;that ` they 13N meet me '_For they.sleepirrtheUhurch.-yardto4ay , ;" Bat although ircrthia,.- -, wo,:rld-- not meet I will cherish theirmilinarioiltilii'l'' . 7; And rememtiriiiica forever' -With 'me „will . - remain:A, trie iittle-brownViir-r-ral'iii4ittiti:r.,' Governor Awunn:"' 'of. ' Governor Swami., of iNiaryland„, is ono those Irrepreasiblerseekers - sfter - offiCeil.Who is eVer"readY for -any emergency: ;Tagf' year, vr,heti. eager -for-the • eleetiort.the• Senatorship,',lie- bad, paised:; . siri,itet',Wlirei 'would have" provented.3lteveidyl-Johns'ori from being re-elected United.: StafeS;Heriii='; tor from 'Maryland, the laW: reqniring,that one Senator shOuld:-be Eastern ' Shore, and tie,"--"othar L 'frOlit,the Western Shore. Under this act Swatins"` eligiblecbilt,'fearing - to 'thee the:'niusiC" Washington,,,he-declitied„and Philip _F. Thomas ,was 'election now made is for a Senator_ - in. , place,...af ; : ii ßov,erdy Johnison,'lnidSm;rinn„lnivingtheen candr date, was inglOriously defeated by William T. Hamilton.- The latter expected to take his seat, bat Swrinia,i in ; the linable charac ter of opposing . candidate and 'Governor, makeahlsanthority_frane - eaSlrriiniater to his interest in the other. He refuses to sign the pommissionof:Hatniltorb_bectmae . 'fulds'a - law 'that 'did .sears tot be thought of, requiring, that-theinext„candi date for United States Senator should - be from the Eastern :Shore„, Hamilton, it is said, is ineligible in , :cOnSerfaiince, and' Swann!s - prOspectsaresupposedto improye, because he has atiotliet::Chrdice'at the Sen atorship. - I',ossibly:lia'xuay_siicesed„, but as; Hamilton's;frionds' - a:re''in'ilie . '--majority it Wouldpp y possible means , could :they:2v_iite :for :.S'wanu, ,ought' 6, aci - neae7:7 2 tl* :isk his would ho.un - wirsetn-expqatAovinuch from - •.:1" A3rEaug>l. U.T t; , i4 . iEtircs. . 'San; nowreaurrorltlfOHOrrieTrade, having Just purchased a full assortment of FAMILY, GROCERIES, . Xxtra..... hew , .eroji ,Ccetre,Heflned - Srs and Syrupa=an elegantliprup 'for - frit:erns . -ExTRA .}. I IVE JE ER RSEY HAMS. `-":-We have -, atso, , , No-A, a 2.,andJiMackereL barrels, ..,;quarters: .and „HricA,, „Beer, ' Herring, &a* kladOrTrutraril - VEGETABLES . Our 'assortment. is full d . nod our 3rrleeel reasonablei, and-ex:mine for yourselves. • SUYDA3r, "dee =l;'b74l.r". . Cor. - ofFrOnt'deUnfed Egg. EDWARDS .-?,FR '..NTENV ,BATI3IO - 11r CifidANl ,TELE.Brgrr...g.A.KCITIACTUB,E.D, Coiiifdia - iiiatifankr , l7s: 4 STßlThitNT all thane MORE - ;PERFECT : MORE DIIRABLEr , - Anct-,fiat • AT &;;SON'S‘,„.' , - . . - AjnitirorManutacturers,' • -,i,p , "v - TILOZIT ,STREET.,COLLIMB*.P.EL,.' NEW FAIL &SINTER" ;GOODS ~..,37.,6:71017 - CER'S • . • - • . -Cheap Cash _Store; '- ED:ONT fOßEE'r r e.bOVe LOCUST; COLUMBIA.. "." *Wale' constantly reCeiving: additions to our stock, and. have nou'a largo and: varied assort merest: „I; • ;‘-L DIEW—DRESS,--tiOODS-- • Ccinststing of Delefties, Challis:Lawns, hlques y plain-axid figured, Alpacas, Fop 1116. -. v40: 4- -- •."I , OW PRlFF2kanif will besola ' , .Nitelisve no - Goods bought at the-high prices, coasequently,aux sell - elseaper tharksonic others. We , ini7e, , Just received,sadditlons. ' - to - 7MtrEiLIENTr'.: SEEEIIHNGS `TIMINGS; ciFtA_S • ceircoß , -K FLANNELS, CHECKS;dic.itto. ,. ?i, A„conaplete. assortment _ of. Cloths,. Cassime.r',l,,, ,Vestings, Tweeds, Jeans; Cottonades; 4, foranenand,boxs'wear,at.oldprlces: ' of,JSostery; Gloves, .and,Tri.mmings. .I!garnoralEilclrts, Hoop. Skirts, of Latest ' :-13tylesand-Best Makes. ,TAILORING:-(ANT..,7 131";. 4 . 1 lO4l/Vallltal zbrallebee, - .GentlenleriS Snits made. , to order„;:in - the,Latest .Styles, -and pei:fectlyfitthiggarments or no:pay:received. BOOTS :SHOES , =-AND madO or ilia blEct. warraufed' &pita „•,.„ • .to the bestliome-rande Cell and see, ns. -No char to see . Chesil. Cash Store; Front oh. Locuat Pa %WINTER . 18 - 677- • _ _ s-- „- ;' ,4 j , arge - Stock- 1 .A.ll ; ew-'-of °l:mown Ilaitufae-' _ t are. 6 A -41, r 1,0 ."'est tOlt;wetitgrsleti.ZY % FINE CLOTH rDRESS SU/TS. , , • , , qaTuirrr • stotUTAAVX:Vicaßlcoz.B.EavErts -,,,:iie."l.l:l,EszalLAcrraeLcoramtED . - . A ... TLAlli '..SCIP.eqNUir.AN do-CO CY' ATINGS: new style: ?..•;:. '6;'v VSI,YExCORDS, SATn.IETT:JEASTS, dt.,'Ate; " • ?I' , o° 4 :';' °ITh ?',733:N1Y1t T IC W-* , 1 ,- 4 , 44 ~ tle4L kza: ,:„*4 ,1,44.•;R.t4,0-3.ZACitataiLLE-44,,ICZTA:no : " - :::„,1:';,%-;: V i V rater t9;VIECE S TA42.IOtI447;. 4;: 1• 497 1 : 1 RER:: 0 ,:. 6: = corner of:Fro:it and• Locust !rtreets;CaLumbla,aba. - lArtitiA.VV{ooAl . l.l.' "' ‘ z 4.0:&14 - 4 ! •••• 'B'Cdal Said fa stUL viire l gArtries c :MiliaTin; - •Matniol f 4 : •••••;•-••, • „ • 05F,7• , .;./t,A,4. - rEtit4*so±!=tri',4cotlii i;d 61 • 1 1 7 :• ' -; " •. " 5 ‘ 85441 re -I W-k:T2 I, - / f i tl atift aitga n ,,itia t .. 04 - •"•*,..4.•.kN3.1!1??: .• •;•-, • • -4.1 4 -•• er, W z ", i;•,A.yentia;.PNlguiteptda t Juts. VB7. ' • • ,' • . .1,••• .• 4.* 7 :7 61 :4;Zi j:22.3' 4 V 4?- =NM z' ~S''a 4c`^..wt.: .~_ .~btaL~l~'S ::.~ITT.~J~,B ~~ NO:? 'MORE - CHANCE MISHEEWS:HEREI3ITTERS lEEE 5331 MEI wILLI3E SOLD, HEREAFTER ONLYI3.oI : GLAS§. oiArainauedisrs., In making' thii aboVe - chari - ge, and niscon tinning..entirely. the Sale - of Mishler'slierh Bitters in balk, the proprietors, deem 'that: the people should be informed ` the causes which called forth - mach action bn the first place; we hold -thitt,Mishler's Herb Bitters is not a - ' beverage; :we never intended it to' be, used .as a beverage, 'but. that it is a - medicinal preparation of herbs, Am.,- conwourided'Aipon scientific - principles, and" in - exact accordance - With. the formnla3 of the Tharmacopcola the preparation of "-the tinctures,- „&c: - -.corn -pound tincture Of, eighteen difreient.!Eirerbs,.• and, - as, far' as: possible removed;:and - differing from the-many so -- called Tonics, . Cordials„-Stomachics,:.Which, for the most part, are nothing but so many dis gaises'assuniecl-bY whisky, and • as for the, most part composed of: the major portion-of the very - vilest quality. of-Aliat;,-artiele,-;fiti-", cored with,some''strongfdrngs to. , destroy the - nausea of the same, iti,,order•jo , ,tickl a the palate ; minister,to a - depraved tlis*atrl afford , -&plausible ,exonseJor perioiis, to ' drink whisky under a "different,name;- Herb - Bitters , has been sold in bulk.:- Inthis - Partioular ithas been unfor tunate, for it had - thus been plai ed - 'directly in contact With ths6=- above' mentioned, r and although its 'intrinsic: merit - and sterling worth has-enabled'-it' to -Einstein its'""". high character, yet the. people•,have naturally a certain - , distrust of ,the..article when it •is found,tobe - classed in; the same' Category with a-number of whisky preparations, bar drinks; and-beverages. " • - - This is - the One" great . advantage' against which ,3lishleei -Ilerb.,7' Bitters -has to contend,:" but - there,'„is ~ still another—The :demand-- foe• it -has caused - many -un - prbacipled personsi - ,who are - not content with the - profit derived in a-legitimate man= ner-from its sale;, TO INCREASE THEIR . 9--AINSBY•ADITLTERATIO.N. , They will purchase; perhaps, and by-the adz - mixture Atif„,cheap, whisky, end 'water; - in- - creastithe , quantity4daking!perliaps„two; - .Orrit maybe baree, barrels of the counterfeit, fr'e*c...nr,le' herr:ell Of. the; genuine; thus, " 4 ,4Z - ^,1;.. 4 42:;',,:i.4 . 1:1...1,NU.:::1 - ,, tl:ter •evi onn -1-1; inj- , aur:41,;;;r.4:3,c 7 ,•40 , 41.14;5.nc'k• , likely:, in mint: St oq,. -Judah* ,ei r .iriOns 'injury - theeyby'v:Ve.T.a.i; , ;h doing injustice to• the pro fnictorS :z4rt:iiijn - riii=g, the reputation of the article. ' This, is the, 'most serious - objection"' ' but there is still anotber.,--Our.,,desini to, have this_Spreptivttion , for -sale -on 'the, -shelves of verydruggist,-andTcountry -"store :dearer, thtis . easy, access' ---- of classes and.- every section ';of : the country. If .the Bitters are sold in - bulk, -it is , retailed prirelpallyitt -hotels; restaurants 'and • tavL erns - , so thaedruggists - and merchants can not safely, and - , prefitablyisell, it. to their, dustotners. - ., .At the hotels the Bitterais, l , - of- - times fearfnlly-adulterated ; while 'when in _bottles ; it is a mpoasi hie. to ' , tamper - with the.medicine witholit fear" of detection: "-In hotellit - raiast,be.sold,US tr , beverage;:which. is not the" object of, its -manufacture,- while as'eariedieine;deciirely - sesled :in• a proper sized bottle, "tile Bitters can be retailed from the counter of every druggist and merchant in the country., - ;* ' MIStILEtt ; S • HERB BITTERS - - ARESTQW,ONLY - SOLD;IN , . BOTTLES. Let Ulla . iltet - be'remeinhered by thepablic, who may consider - all - other preparations sold - in bulk; and under its -name as base and " - '‘vartidess boiniterfeiti. • - ' ' • - - f,; A - PART Or-TO-DAYS i,..---,/ L..." - ,-Psoliteirmu, It. 1:;,1%,1 - O,V. 23, 1367: Dn. B. B. HarrrStmg.ck CO. -- i - ,f ,,. .,'.: ~..'-' ..,,. _GENTS., Please - send me, iMmediately, .... my usual: compleinerit of your Sitters, , - as WliatThaVe , onliand.'..is'gonfoff,repidly, atid,WillioOtTbel-exhauited...: -;k:.;:..,;,_., .. : .;• -I .-have `been-very -successful: in . mring with'the Bitters ti - - very distressing case of 'Scrofula. The patient is a young man• who wits-afflicted- ; with. the, disease .for....yeat's. - Fiva=bottles-;_of, , the .Mitters, ;With: ',sue of.' green label e .cured - him entirely. . . '-.,,, , :You,have not recommended .yearßitters for.worrns.itt-childreny l buttfrOM a case that has. passed through any-bands;:l,' - anv. - satis=, fierl - Ahat , MIS 'HIER'S z...HERP. . BITTERS , 'catilie , relieil , Owas a specific in suet. - disor - dera.7- , The facts:of the :case , are , as Hollows: `-W , g - enact:in ai!-':whosa wife --bad 'been , .usiag . thoatittere,",liasTia - chfidc...'of shone. si.....,yetb ''s. Ofe.age;;*ho WasZsidly - afilicted 'With worina , and•redueedlo , - a' mere slieletori - .Atilte-a, Uumlier , of:Our :prominent physicians,pre iieribedlerl,ther thild; - • but , without - -lrinul: ITlie„fgantleoiali finally; concluded to try your Di tte.ns; ;`and.&Mau - fenced givi ng - the child: te: half “. teaspoonfuV- -, three. tinies•Zper - day... ,On. the'' third day-of" this treatment -the Bitters' caused trouble with the worms, and, the father-says it fairly; frightened him .. to see the In:intense nuMber of worms that passeir.fronitils'Aittle.'sufforer. - Thiwhild has .;rapitily recovered, from its 'many monthsillnesk- and is in , the :enjoyment of good these is somewhat thin. • Intentionthese twocases to you to show yorrthe Success,that is following...the intro- - duction-of-thci.Bitters-in , the-New-Et,igland States. '- - -__,.- '.' " - .:: - '.4,1 . .f. ""' • 7'' . ril7_4", :- -r • Enclosed And .znypheek-for $l5O. 'amount' of last:bill.--•'i Be -sure: and send-Bitters,7;as sood'asp ". oseible. -, ' - s , '"' .-- '-'-'- - 1- --:: -...''.-, ,--^-, ' , 7- , - - RespeetfallYVtitir s ,'"&„c4. .1 ,, ,, - 0.1tr,/ ,,,, -,1.g.i.. - --...-.4 , _5-3.1 AVAI:=TREDENICIC:' 7 -":"" ; ' o A•NciXtiN:eitterist:V-ProVidenee,. - 11. - ,- . 1: _-:.-.- , ;;;;;V,,, ,, ,V;_i r tioSiiili:katilfif`;',Noy'.24;rlo7:., „,, 1irtv.55a*,:f.8. , 8.33.a.arata1vi , i%.06 . ..,:;..--‘4:i 7 l'll ,':: : r 7 :•Dgitit''SlTE .I.t• - •- , Whileizworklng tat ,, ,Norris'- - DocomotifelVorks; , twiY.rryears , Figo,E.rivaa. injured. by; iiiiheaVylf !rime -falling' on my righthancyfwhich , ..waS so-tinjured. , tis-, , to :be ten deredimtirelY useless; the wristw,as'es it. ,',W,erelient rripletely, bent - ''lWerit to sew eral: ; .phyaicians;,whin:.tolinnaZthat,',,,l; - neuld: n neverecoventhemie _Of Iliabsdni.,;-,Oniii of them Wit ted:ro'iremove-sortaw-oPtheNbones ef:thii,Wilitt,linfr did,,,tlit7sOnsent. , c , I: l Vma iniabte l le;worlo, foOvera-year,',andhaving a- fainily. - any,foriner..earnings;,wlirerrapidly, diSappearing •,. I found .that-,it'lwaslUseless for dtifi,antintie!ttridee. their. -treatment,' .11S,I,:WitinotiMproliitig;qind;:py,:thewadi4ce - or.- - iny'l:flikildwri t ye r . i .tt9ll). ~ -. l4.istileil :slid coinmencedithet tale - pfit thei,„33erb:-.:,,Bittiirs;., both'-'internally and.s.7externally.:-.;13y1.4the - tirne',7luid r i usedztwo'?: , bottles .'..tz„ found T, 'Was; receiving loeniallt.!, c .,.COritiriul,r , f , "l"-'still, iniproveo;,,myr"-hand'regaiaad 'it, ,power; - atid..r in 'now able to,worlc..-It - ii:haot - yet.,l quite ,as strong as Vut. - 1 . ate using :net wOrli : ;- - anti: it is-steadily - improving.` 1 ' Titishlees-Herb,Bitters }vas the dulything that gave - me relief. Its effects in mY,;case - ,Was almost instantaneous. , ,:' ;-,,,,,- -,......., 1" - -?'" . ::: ' '--:',T,;, , ,--, 4 . 1 - 54 , ,,:.' , ,ar". v. - 301-H4 S:;;WHITE . . ........: ' ..:=9;7,- " ,-* • - ,^..-.'X .. , ,,:::,:5 . ,..,, , , ,, , , ,,ayf , ..:. ' '. "t: - - -Minnin . :row.4l, NO:v - 1 , 25;18137." -.Da: S. B. HAI - ernAteit'Do*. , ita-...^:„.vn. ' ,!..„ -; On-,-February'-21st, , thereappearedh.on m -- y,-leg, -below the'''liMed, 11. smalls' yellow pimple appareritlY.:centaming s matter ; it was.rather_painful;:bnCliebig of ',so' trifling, *nature, at first I tool no notice orit,"but, on:thasecondfiaY ithitclspleitd,ta -,, Siteh.7an extent that 1--was , 'lsid,up,,,:unable, to • - get about at ,, tiintinued , ..ipreading - until , my leg was one large:aere from the knee'tei'tha ankle,,disebarging z all:rthe ;time: and, caus-, ing;lnteneepains7. ‘ li,ln.thei - "meitiitime.wits, .Untergoing.sti.eatment Zit -the Iliands ..', of, an , einittet ,rtfpfiYalciaitziVho%*frildrde , rrothirig. . for'maz. LE also. ried &great Rum ber- ofpri .vatelrernedies that . ..were reekunmotideid,..bitt , -Of - im'aviiit "'I eoncludedta - tiilie "no" morti,. - medicine, btut was persuaded7by;Mr. ;Enke •Williams, , n ,- -lifitiVer-of youi , :r hity, , ;to -give - YoUr"Herh,Dittera at least trial. ';Tagrat ify;hlMT,eonsentect'lbtiugli-Tliiiii -fiet^ , the - least.Upctitbf:receivitigl,beniafiainitiff -- ,lifint - ,Thadisease-had affected my, entire,,,systeM, ' and,'liid - made up - ,myriaind - to * :.tile - .7 . Y-:41145 using. your' a short time,.As. , ....terpert , - - . °awaits change t'Ahe:effect of the:it:north:sine' was apparent andeffectedi-raYt,entiri3V.43q477 terrGnatiirstalthOughtit'made Arini.worso,' 1 but atthetargerit'seheitatibrilbflifmgriends - 1 - perseVerslidtieltii‘usti; Ad. n,iiral . ,, Satfilsed - :to ' sayithat no*, iifteetasme,nitia'bottleS TAO, ': .r may say;Niell:"' The.sores OffinyAlfig,"ar,e,: all healed, therelis'.no, ruutiine-theThedeS - have a ll filled out;ivith , !, , Yiew,i'fiesitirand ar certain , umountoftendernessi.in • thcy ports:, thatiwereinflhoted is all that Tertiaintri of.thia: Alieusei.".! ''T' liati, , ,:dcictikedZ:lberVii4 Kt*o2 months; areiceidd:obtain no,,;relief:: ,, iMaily perscinsfer,e, - ..'cognizantNifftheieC , fadsi:rtus I' '...turi;ivifill, , , , :knelivir heireyhavirigfor Sometiiiie, :been intOloter-Of,tlesibr':the, , , , Peen'atlt4all.; Cci.".!:My,.recovery'rattribute'solel,i!tetthe' use - ofiMishler!ei Herb Ritters';',,.antL.:anitot -auflial?ittlY:tixpiess my sense of the merits • -- of:your preparation; with, - nty,thanks, Xarni , „sir„- yours, '' • Very reapeatfullt;. '4. 1 . 4 I 44. • 1 A i; thirtaidersigriedi . da helrebyteitify that' the' above' statementisserrect. , . ,•--- .-' -,-'. , ,'. -.r -:.--.:-- :' =!- •--:':' :.,,' ': 4 ,:"'-'''"' L 4 .":'"vicutic'FEW. t .f . ,-.:,., 44 .. - .:- Superviser; Div.7. - No.'4iZ.:-11.. H. . -,--,,...- -- i t i*.:lll - Are=z-; ~:412'44-i''„) - ‘-``'- .. -, ,, , ti,,,;•NANltrrivrine.;9lCC,-,-Nov; 24,1867." 7 Dim:. EC 8.. - .3ELtrrinkridc:CO.: '7 7* 4 .."' ' ~." ~ .--,7, *l3:inart Sin': e , This'isto,certifitliatil,.haie beenalfilete&ibethaplistseVenlyearaawith . ~ Scrofula:7On' botlivarma=tind-legari I • hava - doctored:with:the:. most celebrated phyla; . clans he cdithtyy,!isild Alliavalled•nanth; - .lng. -- „ , Tlie,itching-,beetitid'e*- - -littbleriible;764, zpeclally:scs , ,at:nightlstrratieh - isbitaa:4th-te :vettemeft•cdti:aleepin „. .Avitia:ekifieliiiifen amended' - 11 y . - -a YOUR than- iiilbia,!trtit'oslit.jrauF: •„OEI.. MERATEDMERB,,BLWERS ~. _ .._:i 4 . 14 - i ed ' ' ' 0 1 . ktt i f: - . ) ::.bottles - i'and', , ,the - rel the - .C,:basitzDeenStir istatifyinettiat IhaVeiiiiheiliitiit-torilTiisaYx-, ngth a tatew„nuirewillthilki&porfietebrii. ' 7....*A'ollra r res l i a 3 P l folikAilßAßß-Y'XTER4 . -"A'he'sbove „gentled:dial:nag' -- ,212.3 - 41Alitifpio' , prietor - of the Perry County WarmSpringi, - ; and,-also the , : piitentile.,?of-tfiiir,Deletifitted-, Burning ,Fluid, ..known -„as - Etter, , ,er,Buriling ',F1uii . ....,t1 - ..R4,-f0z,p1:1 . .),,t411-a-ait -- , ..'n,L)t'4. drs , ..i,Ai - :SOLD ONLY :N.. Borrirs' , BT. -Ali: DRCi3.31•3178 AND DEALERS. -nov. 7-tf. , , IMII CASE io - soiPs coxivjtrav:' Tg RRIBI4IFALL, 1) !Le AT - THE PLACE; =WM GREAT CRASH • 'IN DOWN THEY COME!! ITA.RGADie 'fo THE MAMMOTH ,STORE . : OF W. ,q.=:C:ASE7-&.:.,50N; ENE _ 'k . - Gidendld - Stock ', :, of ;:, Now Goods at, _ . _ .. . .. _ . • 4 • • - ..., ', : GREATLy-REDUCED PRICES, - , WE HAVE. PU : II,6HiGETrz.A.-. LARGE ~ND FASHIONABLE STOCK OF CLOTHS, - CASSEVERES,' &,VtaTINGS, Which wo prepared.ta "make up IN. THE:. LATEST STYLES: -;•:" A Large - Assottmept: of :DRESS GOODS ! Black and Baticyj.Silks,-i'rendi and Seotch Ginghams, Prints". all'Stqles and Makes.. "A' frill' Stock 'of " Linens. A Fine Stock • ' of Hosiery,.. • DRESS BUTTONS, 2 " • AND TRIM:IIIEIGS. The Best Stook of - ", - )3LEACIIED;:: • - ' ;•• - 'SHIRTENGS' , Of 'EveiY,; Width and ,Quality -:From 10 Cents PER TAIID up.. WE MAKE .A , SPECIALITY' OP, OUR .„. _ MERINOS, • • - - - • NOOL . • - - =;„ • ;-; PE' eqBERG - S.; - . - &C.;.7 &6' • "''" SPRA. ••.T. ' „ ' , ~ ,NV'En:kslit* . Glail Coye; Paper s Canabrics;;;Liiiiiiii3;• 'Handicerea:lols,-' - Napkins ; Th'redds; • • • Braids, --Dress Tidy Yarns,ZV, l 79rtltedei 7 ll•:?sii?ry,- • ' 1,111 icin4i,liisc;ii Skirts= f: Saioques, „ ” •.• !- - Broirlali - M,rE§S 2,- GbODg' ' • GING.II2 - 318, : e , ••;:4 . . „.....-. , FRENCH: , WRITt'OOODSt.r . EicY'~ow Psi cis: ALL KINDS'of pliarri*•phr..Ai, - !, -1 PACIFIC, , ;' _ HAMILTON, " ItANCIOMITER.Ac: n' • •‘ 7:3 • :; • , SHAI4'ISOF4A.-LL-KINDS;: CLOTFIS AND. OASSIBIERES' For Gent's 'and Ladles' Weer FL.AI , I,N;,• , y7FEITE.,AND . COLORED - Also, _ 4 Bleache4l, - ",•." "./ k : NI °Pillow Casing • , dt ',"" -BICE - T 6.E3; : .-.; * di • = ::Paper Collara;l:CultrivNeek • • * •Tierids- ghlits; „TIOXENGS:= * of nit GRADES; &c.- =ME r:ALSO;' • • - t„4 ' ` ! ', l/*':lti,'S'rYi.N.,.s "OF • ' ;A ', : ' fJ , CAPS • • 3-rfieve. and hoes;.!4 , LADIES' , GLiCiVE'ICIV; - 'II.I:IE3i3ES' "Cill4.lD:' - REN'S , SHOIRS.t , ;= • • ' • 7,,..•• - •••=:. , P;=:,fr"l2:)rr• 44 /21;:TICEritEgT,,STY721d:Ourr- 7 :',;• ,7 ,,f: , FitL• L' a:, • smt:Tß 7' E•ornEs;2:4lTD - AL.t,, , =7..15 , 7. , , .7, 7. t,,t • .cg ITEMW,S,„.„W, FULLIS~SORTMET }OF - •- • • ttr.- CHOICE - if.10T440F;7 , 7-G•II,OO.FMTES;', _ •-, dtrG. r 5 • .. OaRICES:ae 4.1 4 .: a 534rr 14r rr. - 6A,III,TE:L'Ir` itigTit'otP• • i(ra"uiliiitgliraittturOrek- Firie9)?f: .mA.T.,Tarzt.d.ABE.l, 'Where On" Caa "all'lns our, _ 4 , 41. a a . • kStaak:, before purOlutairtg,elsewne , :e.ro - Ke , ,, • 7,*4'Srlf AgenpY:forga . w.t.V o, .W.:ol. 7 . - Apt.l. , ) t 9 £• ,4 ".r.g--• • GROVER ezBAICERS'ii....rsOV,f , ::• Aalk. , 10: a, *a. mI•PREMIUM , SENMIIeakfACEMbIt. :FA qtrx•tcr:: • Vail at -thelitoreitxtd3see ther k worklnva soy-. 'eral kinds'orrhand.o,4,..loprk,ogri7j,e3vmAc,l•7,sl, -to t ". • • fx , ' Locust Bt.,•bii;'reiiii•Front &134iooudEfte.4,11 4".'„ • - • CQLVAIBLA., Po. .1151^. Varket Pr ice is given for all kinds of aviary Prodoot, in 'who've or Goods. .S.NTP7:IIr6;; , . - AEACIECTMVY -- • MACHILNESI , :- , • ,1 There lino necessity ter "§wing4 . gtirsiiiiid ! .the Circle" of - .7._ •. • - in search of :GOOD ONE,t when - One •is offered to yen tom - Gluing tu itself ull.theGOOD QUALI-- TLES claimed for any in the Market,-atiddireand of all the'dcfrets and c/apqrap . fixtures, and attach ments used to make Illechlnes , sel/k - - • Ne."otrdr igi'iaS3 the r r. • , i- , IGROVEIt:&,BITCER • FAMILY MACIFINE • Making the Eldstfe'Stitch ichiihuat not 'rip Or break bylenicion;,-and kinproOf ot Its mic a /lance, ...refer, , to those having them m. Wokaveat all times , xi COMBEMENT PEW'. -SON - ins attandaneenot stci-pleture , imaOnarY* .perfections,nor to describe with:voluble•imper- tinenee'the defects of others machines `-1n• order to hide- anything' In' those , we - sell,liut. to show what can be done with otirs: , ", s - s • • •-• • :ss' ;,;":„; -. .w:i3 have alelo,ttie best', 31AN:U,FACTII1101 - ; Eder Oireieificithe . an, ex aminagrto tn'em to substanliate opr - - ' f 7 • : , _ - order;ii.f.thetollowing-xualcea,..whicti. at:".A.sour,lT 4'4 the origineft:Pmaigt. .• ,•• • - • w fx.e.ELEE•Sc LivrLsawg'; • • 'SON,•; • • .•••••':"Agorita,,a,t Raling•MillEtore, - •• 7•` y • •-•-, -IColumbin, Penn'a. - N. It": - The alioveMachliies tu-6.•alSos-to: be - bad. of F.•••X:' Ziegler,' the former Agent, at the Adams• Express °Hoke, in Walnut'street; abovePront. , 'pine B,'67.tf] ••• •••-•••• • •• • • • ••••- ••••• , GROVER,,Be;BAKEIVS::- ' • -•- PREMILrM. • . • STITCH • LOCK ,STITCH-,- - ',L • -11ICHINIS2 - -: 195 BROADWAY, NEW YOR.F.::: 730 6ECEST.N.'I7T STREET, , . SHE :- HOWE MACHINE CO.'S • - SEWING'RAC _ 690 BROADWAY, Nftir Yong. • FOR FAMILIZS: AND MANUFACTURERS. - The I-loNve I.; C :S : T, . - THESE - ENOWNED - • - SEWING- MACHINES , -"- •'• Were awarded the highest premluni at . the World's Fair in London, and. six first premiums .at the New York State. Fair of 1666, and are cele brated for doing the best, work, using a much smaller needle for the same thread than any other machine, and by, the, introduction „of • tho most improved machinery, we are now. able to supply the veitlachineli, - These cgnerireda_Lt and spacious Factory at Bridgeport', Conn under the immediate stmervision„of the President-of the Company,_. • ' P,LIKS HD WE ,In •.. , the original inventor of theßewingldechine. , -They are adapted to all kinds • of Family Sewing, and to the, use or Seamstresses, Dress .Makeril, Tailors, 3fanufachirers of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, - Hats, .Caps,.Corsets, Boots, Shoes, Harfie,S.Y, Saddles, Linen .Goods, Umbrellas; Parasols, etc. They work. equally well upon ifilk,linen,• woolen and cotton goods with: - silk, cotton` or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell,. cord, braid, 13ind, and perform every species of•-sewing,- nutkieng a beautiful and perfect-stitch, alike - on both sides of the articles sewed:" '• , The Stitch invented by MR.HOWE, - itnd made on this Machine,- is - the - most ,popular•Und_dur able, and all Sewingdifachines are subject; to the principlelnvented,nyltim.' l SE vD FOR . CIRCULAR The Efawe Machine • anniaiw, • • • 1 , era BROADWAY, Cor. Fonrtli Y.' ,C.LOTTEENG:, PREPARE -FOR WINTER CLOTIITri% - . AT - 3:t.F ! DI:TED P-RIQESI Dress ;Coahl;...Busineets dkats.lo*-remats..- - Pnutra l ; - loons of the 'newest patteriasomd made - , _ up In latest styles .expressly_ • • _ • for home trade.. .• _Blue ''..F.rgrt - t• - ',• •• Stoke ! , The subscriber has Jura — purchased for, the Winter Trade, In the New York and Philadelphia Markets; a large and fashionable Stock of_ • READY: - MADE; CLOTITTNG; Which he offers to tillii:clitians ittE:Coltdand vicinity, as cheap if - not-cheaper - than the prices before the: war.:tAn.,evamtnation.,-wllhsatisfy any-one that the prices are verylow. • ••,• . • - i have the Cheapest Priced Goods in Columbia, and am prepared, tos.mak.e mpt.to,- order, inthe latest cuts; handsome- CLOTHS; - CASSIBIEBES,ESTINGS, , PLAIDS; Sc. .Ali o .nhaittlsOni&atoekof Gentle Men's ruin ishina.:t.ioods, at, very low prices.. • • ' -- - Tanks CASH:: - H. _BLUMENTHAL, • - •11 • Blue.ptoht Buildings Front Street, , .'OV Iporttlblai Penn a. C SOMERS - 4 SON;' ..L SOSITTNUT CHRARD iROUSE, SO9:CH:MTNUT CONTINENTAL, ROWSE, PHILADELPHIA, PA, rrNettonitrrei, FINE . • CL9THINGAT-LOW_ "PINP PIECE9OOES ibr raeasuie mark; FINE . PIECE. 66136 s for‘nieastira-Worlr. CABO CASSIDIF:RES.forBasIiess Bnits, - 6ASSLMERE,3 for Business Amts, MEASURE.S T FI N, Si ITB .NEXT DAY. MEASURES:- TAKEN;%_ SUITS, NEXT , DAN'..• ' fang "1-6rn". WINTII4 - CIATTITNG T.. - • CLOTHING I. !.• • . • ' CLOTHING! picTErmia'tHEA*.tß,TH.A.l4 EATER ii Orercoata at One the they were. two Pantaloons Vests; Sh_irts, Drawers - din.'„ eke.. • ~. New Styles; New (Dods at low ! rates. DA-DID ` IIANABER'S _: : • ET: S. CLOTHING - EMPORIUM' Front Street; drat StoinitbOve.l'iralnut Street, - COLUMBIA, PA. - Vhiitelest Best Assorted, - -iiancisoniest Ana cLuxEcpq-V - :*TirRisTIECI:&64:6O - 12 . 0; asts,•oips' oBooth, exhibited • -Ln - these regions, wind:twill be aold at prices TO DEFY ALL [noir 2,V, 1,11 . ; of --• "- GRtAITEgV,V,AII , I*/ ` l - OF -':' •T.VIS'-'srpk:eoy.%P.l3#.474.DE.LP.lll.k inst ptirehatifein:Yr'neir Fill :Mock. of Winter Clothing ;-Thelargesteever";l3efore par chased- Co . me!! . nd,exato.in ,s e our nee!' Styles and prides of Z; ;_;•*.;'•- „.. 0 •;;; , 411,E irkT)E ZiAti r iJECEN ' G ' ; - Eilitirtteatik - ;e4noAiletyof stleaxurxnaterlal anitable.foe.the season. They are' xnadCer• the heettaateriarand In2tii mostrasldonable, style.; Ftiit - Xisitrzilet!'d 00DS, SusPegiders; - -.ll.andker: chiefs, llosiery, , &e.: - A splendid line of these ' goodsalarays kept onqund..,iAlsci,.Boots;• Shoes,-Tfats'& gips, of.whichlwe haven-•:t •-. len'Offer atlvery.eheap'ratesl•-,..1: •?q.'Zßl#9o3ir'A.P,'W:ll#43l3:,.&, VAIS§I.I?,I iire cittyy ~p rices. • atYlloode aro gab:mightier mai; andloirer..thern at cn eapen:ratesaor ;cash,. than any other store. Ca t :.- 7iSr ,Adjolningashinittori House , p;'67,131.4.c yront.streetheoliunbia. „, '" FC " Y2I3 13113 LD h e '.. beift '' :yet 16, ifaTl6‘;redgedt h ib llu t bll6.',; , : , •-.-„* • • 0 ,• • -- _ , , Shreiner, F CALDVIML" &,-'CO., .A.R.F.I,I4OW,T!F÷DY 19TH TBTiIR ENTIRE IMPORTATION -OF CHRISTMAS.GOODS! For-the Present Season, to - - which ' they-most re spectfully invite the attentiou-of .those visiting • Philadelphia, suggesting an elirly cell, before the choicest articles are selected,And. the hurry of • Holiday business prevents that earefulattentlon they desire extended to all their visitors. The Watehes,BlarnondS," Jewelry, Silver Ware; iPrated - Goods,,, Clocks, -Bronzes; and European Novelties, , this se Of every description, offered this Season by this,, House, exceeds in richness; variety and beauty; , the efforts of, any previous year._An examina tion of our goods cannotbut prove interestin to parties from the country,who are most cordi g al-. ly invited to visit our establishment. All orders by 'letter, or -• inquiries respecting goods and: prices; will receive careful and prompt attention. Goods carefuliv.packed and forwarded. PRICES GREATLY, REDUCED‘TO SUIT THE TIMES: • B.'•C-4.LDWELI ! CO., , Jewelers and-Silveismiths; 7L % "' 0 - ."' : 822 CrIESTIqIIT S'iREl.7, - ,PiIItcIDELI4I.IA.. - Dc. 14, ATCHES - AND, JEWELRY-1, ;; ,' GREAT " `ThiNi)UCEIqENTS' - OFFERED: .-* 4)111 R I GA:Y.4-fi z TORE S As low - ak , WO.OO; In ,two otii.,,onses,marrazded.tor -4,,,tw0 years odsoti, 4, Saud Cases ., RECEIVEir v r . S. , PultAasoklaaent- otthei Celebzawd 'Seth' ~They• :oaica '. aaile. 4 Call and sae = 'Also, ` atoll and well ' selected stook of - SILVER= Si' PLATED 'WARE, • "'JEWELRY llr VARIETY ; • ' - • • PPECTAiIt - Just trim the Factorise • • In Gold. ' l3llver,,Steel. and Plated ,••,.• Praxises,' te sult a/l • ages! REPAlRthaaol l '. - , - .ALL - itKINDS;.,-PiscutprzT . Jewelry - Mom near , the New Depot, ISAAC STAUFFER, - - - 1 - • •,••••••• • - IVATCI324-*E . R 'AND, J'ENVELEB, , , _ -I "ZiOnigx" iieriiiir:conlira or CrdAzny.' .„„ , An assortment ofWa ea;eivelry,lo.lver and • It Mat . ed,Warcs snitablelor-Zoltday,Presnts • , •1, ..:constantly on band,.; ; 77 - 4Eir Repairing or Watchex and Jeweiryprompt ly attended to. t 1 F fnoy3o • Theseqoptglarf Er.e.i.r:jteatorers.Aind , ,Tontesvon hand Drug Store, Colunilala, Pa Bpll3-u] =213 0 14500,000 .8315,074.73 ..815,074.73 694,850 10