11üia Saturday, .Febi4uary Comanstottioits, letters, contributions, generally of merit and Interest to tbe,eader, will be acceptable from friends from all quarters. idveitiseme nt 7 , in ;reference=• -to ""j,cF . i,jic? . *eV,',l4`C•ur np,'*'66st bati s te is . offe red fai sate brSaraael;:iiinkle; , adninlitrator. , : Road; ad iiiiitiaerileriOre anptlier :..; b aVross" river,. at 'this place, still- remains fifin, - a - ncl, the, heaviest- tennis pass over.. ,- Publie' has removed Ins office - to the 'Post 'Office buildingiNo. 130, Locust street;Second floor. _ - - - DISTitIi3UTION OP BREAI); , -.l.uodge . 4oo;' Sons :bf'Aitilta; , ,:or-19olurni4n:;:-distrllrted thieO hundred latN 7 es of bread' to - ibozSlif: feringjiooeoffoiir lioroukh; Wddnesaay Tip: Columbia 'BridEe Coiop - itiy !lave at last atiiertiied to 142teive 'Firoposals lumber necessary for tho construction of a I.lrOge 'iteros tiscitiel):inita river, tit-this ,Crur.--=Tlie---",inarkets, and otheripteresting: matter, ..interided foi this issue,'linveineh"unaybidUhly' crowded out to make room for the adyertisement county finances. - HOUSE Funxtsettm) : GooDS. , — Persons visiting Lancaster should call- at A. C. Flinn',sHonsoFurnishingStore. He Wants tosoe , yoU; . especially those who are about tO,:conyrienpe house, keeping. SCIMOL.—A school is open on every SaturdaynfternoOn, for the instruc tion , of-children in'plain; sewing, in the lower...room of the TOWn: Hall, at. '2. o'clock M.,;to, which all are invited. P.E.V..EioN . .:kr,."--Our friend, R. A. O. Kerr, Esq., dropped into our sanctum a few days ago. Ho is of the firm of "Kerr dt Co., brokers;-Altoona, Pa., and represents busi ness in that go-nliead'town_ns very Maier- . WLIERE :10 Buy.—At the, store of St . Brother, Odd FellOs' lumbia, may be found 1.1.- eheice selection of groceries, provisions, canned fruits, teas, spices, etc. gvOrything new-and season able in their ling is Offered at thO very low est prices. " • • - • - RAINDERPEST.-:LBrigham young's fool has got the yliiinierge4. him right. He always wait. afraid to 'insure his 'filthy carcass in Brigham's bogui Insurance Cordiduiy, for • 7 fear.• ho loge money, as he knows'lliatiteliel , concern is unhealthy; ' COLUMBIA , CLASSICAL . . perions wishitag . to send: tiinir children to a good schoollcannotfind aThetter one than tfie Columbia Classidal Tristitute. For,' cir eulars, - - f• address; Roy. R. ;S. Alexander, Principal, Columbia, Pa - . Tho spring term opens,.March. at i tt, , lBsB: - ' •' W. H. HESS, book Seller and stationer, of. this -place, has Just received. notice from s his news agentilluit h'ereafte. ,none, of tho "sensation PaPerS".tivill be furnished by them:: "The hi - efruies — tile . ..following papers: Polece .gazette,,. .Last. Dime Illustrated, and Police News. :RELroxcius - 4youcts - .--ißes;.,VjEgiceye, of Q: r uniiicilfe:Aieeouniy; will pree.e.hAd . the German , ..Refamed 7Clittreh; in the English Larignitge; , tO;nurow (Stuiday , l The Rev....lll.:4akei; oflancastei, , is ex-. peetedfOliireuelvin Episcopal' Church,. of this-pleee;.telitoiro - F:(§unflay) lug niid - evelibig:' 'tithe Clasi at:3 P.M.- RANGE EXAoii.tli."=: A . -patent at the resideince - pfeel. , ..*. G. Case, p 2 9:0 6- . ed on SainriiitY . tnerning repert,_ssattering the coal,-ashes,' every direciion, Conapletely ing the range., Tho se6ltriegql,Vras cook== ang breal4ast- and - escaped, slightly Injured: The water:l:43'es being; . froze - up,was ,the cause of the explosion.' • HOT-AIR:: Flif6iird tig' 'are , : en oral use fOr11011014: dyientitgli ' itl ' 9lty . and ,country, and ,have almost ,stiperseded stoves in dwellings of any pretension. The objections hitherto made are now almost obviate 4, and, this to 11. - i:rester extent in the Gothic FnrnaceinMinfactured by A. 3.f.`Lesleyi , 605 =Sixth; Avenue,, - 24, e!,y York. We have in use one of these heat-_ ors in our dwelling, and itgives us pleas ure. to state tlitifit is :entirely 'frenfrain es cape of gas; economical in the donsuinption cf , fuel,, free - from ,complication, and sap= plies abundant heat..L . — . ./Toiticiqeti•iike.- _ •,_ _ • - BR ICIII G: Am - YOUN , jr.; .the'-Lead and' front of ai lxgnslnstra nee Company, takes. us to ,task.for, typographicaL; errors •in the Spy. IFlll4ain't refreshing: - If any of our .readers choose' to call' at' this otlice we "will' sliow: them: SOnle .of, 4 .!pOrkcine Brighara's"•manusaript, Nvitli:ewords • heatf-i - tifully (?) spelled,' Mid dsonie ly punctuated: , Tn-spettkitiiofiroiiai./ . ; bespells it ".oar,"..and -..l3Mting-:oceasion to :mention c/, - .ll:e;spellS;itr,`jeal;" 4..tc.;;AC, fitc: :Now, Brig-Oyu; you; would ;stay out of xhe night air,-stody, your„; spelling book, or get some one to teach you before you at tempt to call attention to the.faults or others. . • OIL EXPLOSIONS.—EXpIOSIOiiB nre.be .coming frequent; and are - almost sliver attended with serliolsts,u4il in 'many cases fatal reatiits.t•i , : - Pke .is Tot -when used for illuminating. purposes, ardin.a . F7J: tare ; is mapioyed, , The „inuinie, aulnit.iiateii: '4314. - Canring-:neat it:: Ales, gasoline? benzine,'• or• other' eXplaedva.-ele, anents;Will ivlion'itsedja. ,, lalnp;4; unless very giant Atlcen: , The, best way to.avoid allaiska;lm : to 'myths genuine,. ; The difference. lii t pekehetti:een best irnpprai..:l's , - Wiiakever - a: dealer Wirers to sell, cheaper, than t6pne4.nsic:eci-hy doss .paitles,:it- is almost safe to set It dirka.an an.irdtilto' al, d, article. Don'tbuy it „ and you ; will lie- on the safe side: Jas:::Worrali;Conunissionerp under:the-Act .of March 30th,:1869,,iretatin - - to the' passage of fish in thnSttsquebanna and it. f a tributa .ries;shas'inade report,and in ' ivhiclr ho .says, that the'passage;fbr; fish:constru - ntisl In the . Columbia dam, is n perfccl siaccesS, :Shad tiuve'since teen canghe' rethevery ,finest quality; and in restiectable numbers,. as high_ ah9ve,the F C9lain.bidamas,N,ev ,. - - port, on the Juni . ata.... , Thanurn hers actually betweenr Coluinhia: and the Juniata,' ago ; . 4 .e8tinaat0., ; ,.,at...:fr0rp.:7t9p.,.t0 - ,,eighteen, oP. hanna contpany, who haa:eoustract: ed a satsre7y -r, - ,;`,T weifilaii,:littriii:J2ritii° easy passage to th e' ..fish. - • SuitClitiveeboen :hroughtsin'the,l)auphin County Court against the. Pennsylvania. Railroad Company,. and othor . incorpora tions owstiad antes; tesic tits- conet4u tionaW cif 'the -act, -attirdh:iras , reupposed' that tho,quaqtiqb,iyould.soon bo settled ' , .;! , -Tel'RE. , EN(l"iliiE44 , olt. SALE.—The. Vig • Haut'. 171i° Company, have , for safe two SPLRNDrD /CANDEkCIINES,TTLEiL and HOSE. The engines are complete in every_ respect; anika rare opportunity, is offered to parties' or corporationsyviiis.liiisti to pUrchuse. Tiley,..wil,6 wild' tit'it`liirig:atri.- -,."....;••• :, •. Pooh JxBE.P—We copy_ the. follow ing:frorn the • Reading ',Disilatch... It is. itt' tended forltrigbam young's ‘! Jobe:" ' • .- " 'Sabo,' our Copperhead friend over at Colum bia, is, informed that any notice of himself or his rebel nose rag,' In this paper will cost him ten =nape,. line, (each insertion,) cash in advance. :We cant do it on any other terms." The'sensible editors failed to see the pro priety Ornotieing him' 'M. his "rebel 'nose rag":witliont price, in advance. Take' it home, " Jabey." . . • CHESTER COUNTY 'TEM.—James' McClellan, of the Afitision''House, 'West Chester,- has taken the Logan House, at 'Altoona.' The Chester; Springs property has been sold - to a Company, for it Soldiers' Orphans' Homo, for the sum of. $35,000. *., : James ,Dowlin, of East Cain townsb ip„ is the owner of-a 'cow:which he purchased last spring, and- which'dn. August last, at one milking; made nearly one pound and three _quarters of butter;or over 22 pounds in one week. , Later in the, fall, she ,made seven teen and a half poufids'm one "week. .`ComITY ,Diants.--=John - E. Wiley, of Conoy township, has donated'to the Home 'for Friendless Children, his pay and mileage —amounting to sll.2s—received for serving, as a juror in thd Court _of Common Pleats, last week. Very' com mendable. A storekeeper in Philadelphia recently received about 1000 pounds , of roll butter from Lancaster county, and in cutting sonic of the rolls found stOnes weighing from one to two pounds in the centre of them. Hannah Brabson .sold a house and a small lot of ground in Eastland, this county, to John Reynolds, of Little Britain twp., for $277,50. . , - Solomon Stoll has sold his dwelling house and lot of ground in Mount Joy bor ough, to Samuel P. Beckly, for $l5OO. Yoltlt COM4TY ITEMS.—A little son of Rev. G. P. Weaver, Wrightsville, fell, a few days since, striking his- chin, and having his tongue between his teeth, nearly sever ed apiece therefrom. A strange and fatal disease has made its 'appearance among the cattle in some parts of York county. One farmer has lost six valuable cows, within the past two weeks. Another has lost three; and another also three, with the remainder of the herd, some twenty in number, suffering. Mi. A. H. Chase, editor of the True Dem ocrat, York, will deliver a lecture on the subject of " Washington," on the evening of the 22d inst., in the Court House; - York, for the benefit of the Ziegle Guards, of,that place. OUR • NEW POST OFFICE.—The build ings lately occupied by Dr. Craig and W. K. Nowlen, on Locue 4 strect, above Front, have been removed, preparatory to the erection of the new pOst.office building, by Mr. John Fendrich, which is expected to be ready for occupancy early in April next. The building is to be of brick, two stories .high, and will be topped with a French root. There will be two entrances to the office direct from the pavement, and also separate apartments for ladies and gentle •men. The first floor will be used exclusive 1Y- LS - the mail department, and the balance of the building will be occupied by the Post Mistress, as u dwelling. The -number of 'private boxeswill be four hundred and forty, exclusive of a number of lock-boxes, all of which will he constrnoted on the most modern style. To TOBACCO-.SMOKERS.—WC find the following in an exchange. Smokers should put it in their pipes and smoke it. Read, reflect, reform We enter our protest against the practice which prevails among some ,tObacco smokers of obtruding. their stale Smoke'and villainouapipes into public places. They- complacently puff - their smoke on all sides to the intense disgust of all who arc not addicted to the use of tOacc6. Every man has a right to smoke as much as he chooses ; but he has no 'right to Offend his neighbor - .who don't snaoke_ Iti„ all . .mixed.-assemblages there ara' Some •per Sons "to whom the smell of tobaecois intolerable, and among this class maybe counted the majdrity of ladies ryet' 'quite too often the sruoker,ip his purely zelfish . enjoyment , of his cigar or pipe; utterly ignores 'their right to - breathe the 'undefiled air, an - d obtrudes himself and his smoke upon: them at all times and 'seasons. • FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE ABOUT . GAS.— Undei, this heading a late : nuinber of the American Gas •-.Light Journal furnishes ,some practical adyice concerning the man :itieMent of gas, and some simple facts, the `knowledge of Which may , savd'our readers , much dissatisfaction, annoyance and_ use less expense: • is a conitnon occurrence for consumers. to complain of . the excessive cost .and. de 7 'ficiency of light. To .. theinaccnracy of the meter they 'generally attribute the first, and to the poor quality of . _ gas the latter condi tion-is usually charged ; when, in reality, lite fault will generally. be found to rest with the consumers themselves,, through their - oWn ignordnce and mismanagement. • " Whenever light is obtained from gas at a greater cost Alain necessary, ,it is just as much a loss as to permit any other valuable commodity to run to-Waste.- And a proper knowledge of - : the' conditions • that cause unnecessary loss, will place in our hands the means-requisite to avoid and prevent it: • ".BunNEns.—There is no part connected with the consumption of gas; whereby the best results are ohtained•in the quality of light and economy of gas, of more impor-- tance than the burners. "It would be ditlieult to convince the majority of gas consumers, who have not given the subject attention,"how remark ably the light derived from gas is reduced by. improperly constructed burners;- or Where :the pressure or •the,flames are .uW•,'' suitably adjusted., Owing to these circuit- 'stances, • the • amount of - gas - consumed is disproportionate to the light - bbtaineti, earl the account of the consumer is, much in creased. In fact, there, is no exagnertitied in. stating that, - a - large` proportion „cf the , cOnStimerS, - thrOugh their own misnizinage ment,-pay•twiee as pinch as there is 'any OCCA9IOI/ for, considering the anfOunt' of light:obtained, all of Which conld be saved by using -a propei• burner, end, a correct edjititmeutand control of the pressure. , "The most-important requisites for good burners are that the orifices where the gas issues - should be perfectly regular in size, and of 'a proper size in permit it to issue with 'a very 'low pressure.; And these conditions should be adhered to, whatever, .the kind :of ,hurtiet may be, whether the argand; bats-wing, firth-tail Or single jet,etc. orifices are too small a high pressure Is required to ek.Pel the gat:i, and the -light is diminished just in : proporth'm to the increased presatire. 7n sneli burners the flame, \vlll'hnve u'.bhteish tinge, e, nuil' the lower: part"rwof ill he a deep blue coder, giving licit proportion Eo the gas consumed2f , As an Oiluttple; - an argand of fifteen holes passing live feet of gas at 1-10th pressuie,Yli:dding - fidight ofl2 - eandles will, - if the Mitioes are - redueed;;to pass the same , amount of gas per, hour- at, s,loths pressure;.6nly give the light of six candles; a loss,of 30 per cent: ;Hence, tive sod' that: the light to bo obtained from - a given quan tity and - qttalliV , Of kits is entirely dependent on . the' burner- employed. , This . demon: aerates the necessity - of haying. proper htinierit,And, , shows. clearly,how by neg,li genceW'op - this point, the consumer' may 'firid'hisgeerbillincieaseclti Wlait appears to_ blin'a very :mysterious: manner.: Card of Thanks. 'At it'stated ineetiug - Of tfie Coluinbia - Fire - . Company;, held in '...theirr:Jiall; on- Friday evening; , :rth init., the following -resolution was pasied; and ordered to be published In tlfe orouglipap - Bess/rot; That the thanks of this Company ani hereby. tendered to CoL S. Shock , Gen. W. Fisher and Samuel Evarus,.Esq.,.for their liberal donation of standanLworks to the-Library of this Company, and alsoto Bennett Son, for a brass torch,.forlho use of the.Company „— :IND; PEART,Tresident. ,T ; J Witioirr, Secretary. - _ 4 • • Deaths and Marriages .are published in this piper, without charge. When accompanied by, common/ taries, whether prose or poetry, five cents per line will be charged. Funeral notices ten cents perline' payable in advance. . _ _ On the 6th Inst, , lirltev. Dr. Greenwald, "Owe MAZER, Of West .ilempfleld,. to llosA. Slims, of nu On the 2d inst., at Cooper's Hotel, by the Rev. J. J. Strine, HENRY JOHNS to Etiznisirrif Coigx- Lrs, both of West Hem field. - - - On the 12th inst._ by the Rev. Ph. M. Reiden bt4Ch, ALBERT JIA-taIEMAN, Or Columbia, •to Exar.AnErit .R.Vmcria:LEß., of Harrisburg. pt ,, at. On the 6th inst., at Greybill's 31111, East Done gal township; "ELIZABETH, • wife of, Michael Kreider, aged 33 years, 3 months mid 3 days. On the-Bth , inst., suddenly, in Leacocic twp., OTTO3IAR S. ECKERT, in the 37th year of his age. On the 6th inst., of pneumonia, AlmicrE, aged 7 years and 2 months, daughter of William and Augusta Boyd. , .0 ireIpI:INFROMDM4f4WitisAVO i - 011C.8..--All persons -desirous of .. baying LOCK BOXES in the NEW POST 0 ICE, will notify the P. M. by 5 o'clock, this SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 1 4 „;13, AR none can-be rented after this date. - ' - TEnals—s3 per -year. — - -. fit COLASSICAL LiNSTI NJ TIME, prepares Boys for College, Business, or Teaching, and affords Girls a thorough Course in the Ornamental as well as the Solid BraUches of a complete Education. • .r • - ' The Spring Term opens on the dth of MARCH. For Circulars address Rsv. ILS..&VEXANDEB, Principal, feb 15,tf] • Columbia, Pa. - .. SONS . OF MALTA "Call in the guarqs jytun Ue otyxosis, and have the IZM=lii A STATED MEETIFG of Lode 400, SONS OF MALTA, will take place at their Hall, on WED as.:EsDAy EVENING next, at 7 o'clock. precisely. By order of GRAND COMMANDER. P UILDING LOTS at PUBLIC SALE. The Subscriber will cam' at Public Sale, at t le Franklin House, Columbia, on SATURDAY. Fabrum - Y, 22d, MS. FIFTEEN BUILDING LOTS, On Fifth Street, Columbia, Pa. Terms - will be made easy. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock, P. M. feb1.5.2t1 Gt. CASE. EAL'ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. Will be sold at Public Sale, at Martin rwin's Hotel, (Franklin House,) on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY ZTH, ISOS, B That Valuable RICK HOUSE and LOT OF GROUND, belonging to the Estate of Joseph Hinkle, deceased, situated on Locust Street, between Fourth and Fifth Streets, in the Borough of Columbia. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock, P. M., when the conditions will be made known by SAMUEL HINKLE, Administrator. P. S.—The PERSONAL PROPERTY of the Estate will be sold on SATURDAY, the 21st DAY OF MARCH, at 1 o'clock, P. M. S. H, febl:s-3t] FRESH GROCERIES AT THE PROVISION EEO F,IIIILY GROCERY STORE OF AIULLEN & BROTHER, ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Columbia, Pa FEF,SH-TOMATOES, FRESH PEACHES AND other Canned Fruits, Shaker Corn, &e. TE A - THE BEST BLACK TEA. IN THE MARKET. EXTRA REFINED SYRUP oLASSES, very cheap. Refined Sugars, Dried. Fruit of all kinds. Rio, Java, and laguyrn Coffee. NEW SUGAR CURED RAMS .k DRIED RF.EF Al so,Fancy Groceries, Family Flour, Notions,&c. We intend to keep the best Goods, only, and to 5e11.9 cheap as any similar store. IT. MULLRN & BRO. Ile)...COuntry Produce of all kinds bought or taken in exchange for goods. • - [feb 1:1-tf. 540 ,zrr,ES OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, RUN. :411 , T0 WEST FROM 01M-41L9. _ke,ROSS ; TIEE Arc now 'finished: the track 'being , laid and truths running WITHIN TEN :TILE S OF THE SUIEUIT OF MB ROCKY SrOUNTATIV3 'T.he pro4pect dint the GlikND LINE. TO 'TEE PACIFIC commmixr. rs 1370. was never bettey: - The means so far provided for construction haye proved ample, anti there Is 310 lack of funds for the most vigorous prosecution of the enterprise. . The . - ComPany'd FIRST MORTGAGE-1301 , 7pS are now offered at PAR. They pay , SM. PER ,CERT. IN - GOLD, and'have thirty years to run before maturity. Subscriptions will be received in Columbia, by SAMUEL EVANS, Esq., and In New York at the Company's °Rice, No. 20 Nassau street, and by Continental National Bank,No. 7 Nassau st., Clark, Dodge dr. Co., Bankers, No. a wan street, John'S. CLsco Son, Bankers, No. a 3 wan street, and by the CoMpany's advertised Agents throughout the United States. Remittances should be made in drafts or other funds par in New York, and the Bonds will be sent free of charge . by return -express. Parties subscribing through Local Agents will look to them for their safe delivery. „ , A New, Pamphlet and Map, showing the Pro gress of the 'Work, hesources for construction, and Value of Bonds, may be obtained nt the Company's Offices, or of its advertised Agents, or will be sent free on application. JOIIN J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York febsl ROUSE UIiNISIIING STORE PERSONS ABOUT.TO COMMENCE HOUSE ' - NEEPING SHOULD BUY THEIR STOVES AND TIN WARE ! COPPER KETTLES, IRON KETTLES, KNIVES AND FORKS, IRON LADLES, SPOONS. CHURNS, BUCKETS. BED. WIG'S. WASH LINF.S, WASH WRINGERS. STAIR RODS, BRUSHES, STANDS, TUBS. KETTLES, POTS AND PANS, COAL OIL LAMIS, And the thousand of other things you may need for ; commencing or ~ c ontinniug housekeeping, at the well-known , House _Furnishing store, NO. 11, NORTR QUEEN STREET, LANCAS TER, PENN A. • Everything you require you can get at the lowest Clash Prices, and made of the very best materials. The stock is large and has been selected to meet the express wants, of House keepers. Greatpleasure will be taken in show ing goods to all who will consult their own interests by calling in, whether they purpose buying or not. • OAS FITTING PLUMBING AND sTF,tm WORK DONE. PUMPS PUT UP and WATER PIPES LAID. DISTILLERIES FITTED UP. kinds of BRASS WORK AND IRON FITTINGS con ptatitle cm hand.• sure and drop in at • A. C. FLINN'S, Home Furl).Whim; Store. Feb Lancaster, Penn a. .E.W • 0 0 0 D S ! N . ALchoice and carefully selected Stock of -.INLAID' AND. PLALN • „ . Byitarica,ci; :SATINWOOD T":1-1.6..ir...Brushes; BUFFAMO.': . BIJBIVER t z•ORY COMBS, - < • FRF.TTC • ~PERFUMES -Sr. POMADES; of.best ISliturdikure, - - PUBP.: AtiD Tar.coLcirci4, r ' • , Assortment of • • PLAN & POCKET BOOKS, Not equalled In - town, together with. sundry; other aoods, well suited for-, Vb7llll.6'.l&urid ist ; ": - • r' • - . „ • • - • _rurally Medicinc Store, - • , . Odd Fellows!' , • . • - Golumbiar2a. CO.V2WILY—E.72GI.2I: 7 CE,g.:. - Fp - WOOD rOdiuror., of Lancaster boupty i iiiitecount'wfpli • suid - .Connty.of ,Lancaster. . , % I , • To balance on hand as per County Auditors' last report • < 1 .1.5,011. 00 'Jan.l.4. To cash received.from - Daniel Oberholtzer, one-third cost of bridge ' across Conestoga creek,' in Earl Map... - 780 00 Jan. 23." To cash received from Jesse' Landis, in ease of COmmonwealth• vs. - Christian Shultz, forfeited:November ' 21st ' 1885 • 58 15 Feb. 3. To cash received from -Jacob Sr. Grlder. lines and forfeitures, Sept. and Jan. 1867 14 00, Feb. 5. To cash received from Jacob ' Frey, fees and stamp, Commonwealth vs. Melinda Shoe, Jan. Sessions 1807... 4 50 Feb. 12. To cash received from the Far-" - mers' Nat. Bank of Lancaster, loan to • county - •' 4,000 00 Feb. 18. To cash received from the Na tional Bank of Chester Valley, loan ' to county - 6,000 00' Feb. 21. To cash received 'from M. Groff, loan'to county 2,000 00 Feb. 25. To cash received from ,Benj. Denlinger, East Lampeter township, ' • loan to county 1,100 00 Feb. 25. To cash received _from Chris-,• t t o ia c n o S u n n y o der„..Warwick township, loan.. Fob. 25. 'To cash received from 'Jacob "- Sowers. Manor twp., loan to county... 'BOO 00 Feb. 26: To cash received from 'Jacob - Sowers, Manor twp.: loan to county., ' 500 00 -Feb. 28. To cash received from J. Sf. - ' Grider, cleric Quarter Sessions Court, lines and costs ' - .19 00 Mar. 2 To cash received from - .7. M. - - Crider, cleric Quarter Sessions Court, fines and costs • 20 , 00 Mar. 5. To cash received from ease of . - ' Commonwealth vs: Ssun'l Weaver •' 20 00 Mar. 7.• To cash received. from W. L. Bear, Prothonotary, jury fines 500 Mar. IL To cash „received from J. H. - Zellar.-in case of Commonwealth vs. Sleightmlich '- 65 67 Mar. 11. To cash received from Joseph Hershey'Leacoek twp., loan to county, 2,000 00 Mar. U. Tos-cash received from Henry Snavely, Leaeock twp, loan to county,' 1,600 00 Mar. 11. To cash received from Felix • Lambrech, Upper Leacock, loan to • county 5.50 00 Mar. 12. To cash received from Com- • monwealth vs. Frederick He5ter.........' 06 47 Mar. 14. To cash received from Josep. Engles, Justice of the Peace, proceeds • of sale of drift logs , • 32 67 Mar. 25, To cash received from Christ. Snyder, Warwick twp., loan to co., 2,450 00 Mar. 26. To cash received from Bar- bara It. Landis, loan to county - '3OO 00 Mar. 27. To cash received from Isaac (farmer,) West - Earl township,. ' loan to county MO 90 Mar. 28. To cash received from Daniel Witmer. loan to county 3304)0 Mar. Z. To cash received from John • Martin, (farmer,) Earl township, loan to county 800 00 Mar. 30. To cash received from George D. Lefever, West Lampeter, loan to county - 500 00 Mar. 30. To cash received from Samuel E. Landis, East Lampeter, loan to co., 2,000.00 April 1. To cash rec'd from Samuel E. • _Kurtz, Manheim twp., loan to county, -. 300 00 April L To cash rec'd from Samuel R. Landis, E. Lampeter. loan to county. 500 00 April 1. 'Jo cash reed from Emanuel ' Landis, E. Lampeter, loan to county, 3,326 66 April 1. To cash reed from Benjamin Denliuger, East Lampeter, loan to co. 4,000 00 April 1. To cask reed from Henry Hos tetter, Upper Leacocic, loan to county, 400 00 April 1. To cash rec'd from 3: H. Ron rer, E. Lampeter, loan to county 100 00 April 1. To cash rec'd from Abraham Landis, E. Lanapeter, loan to county.. 2,100 00 April I. To cash reed from Emanuel Landis, E. Lampeter, loan to county.. 1,173 34 April 1. Co cask rec'd from Ephraim H. Hershey, Manor twp., loan to county, 1,000 00 April 1. To cash rec'd from C. Sweitzer, • East Reser:4lold twp., loan to county, 500 00 April 2. To cash reed front Aim. Lan dis, E. Lampeter twp., loan to county, 703 00 April 2. To cash reed from John Roh rer, E. Lampeter two" loan to county, 400 00 April 2. To cash rec'd troth Anna Lan dis, E. Lampeter tsvp., loan to county, 30') 00 April 2._ To cash reed from C. H. Mum- - ma, E. Donegal twp., loan to county,. 1,600 00 April 2. To cash received from Board of Poor Directors of Lan. co., sale of land, 4,671 00 April 2. To cash ree'd from James Mar tin, Lencock township, loan to county 300 00 April 2. To casts reed from Jacob H. - Landis, Manor twp., loan to county, 1,500 00 April 2. To cash received from Daniel Kurtz, Lancaster city, loan to county, 1,500 00 April 3. To cash received from Emma Giest, E. Lampeter twp., loan to co., 3,009 00 April 3. To cash reed from John Glest, East Lampeter twp., loan to county, 1,000 00 April 3. To cash ree'd from George Ro land, West Earl twp., loan to county, 1,000 00 April 4. To cash reed from Thomas Ew ing, loan to county 300 00 April 6. To cash reed from Board of . , Poor Directors of Lan. co., lands sold, 4 087 .50 April 6. To cash recd from Isaac Martin, (18pring,) Earl twp., loan to county • .300 00 April 6. 7 To cash reed from Martin Mus ser, Earl township, loan to county 1,000 00 April C. To cash - reed from Henry Mus ser, Sr., Earl twp., loan to COUIItX 1,200 00 April 8. To cash reed from 'Wm. Ens minger, Manheim boro., loan to co.,- 1,100 00 Aprll 8. To cash reed from M. W. Sio kom, Sadsbury twp., loan to county. 2,000 00 AprilB. To cash reed front M. Croft, Bart township, loan to county ' 1,000 00 April 8. To , cash reed front Truman Cooper, Sadsbury twp., loan to county, 4,500 00 April 15. To cash reed from. Susanna Croft. Lampeter twp., loan to co., 400 00 April 15. To cash Tee's]. from Tobias Den linger, E. Hemptleld twp., loan to co., 1,000 00 April 10. To ca.sh reed from Frederick Frey, Manor twp.. loan to county_...... 1,000 00 April, - .M. To - cash treed.• from :hones Sproul, ColeraltrtivP., loan to county, 400 - 01- April 17. To cosh reed from D. Styre, Crernarvon township,. loan to county . 2,000 00 April 18. To cash reed trom Jesse Lan dis, City, lo to county 500 00 AR711.18. To easis received from H. AL Grider; clerk, Quarter Sessions Court, defaulting Juror April To cash reed 'from Evans, SlcEvoy d: Co., City, loan to county__ 1,000 00 April 24. To cash - received from case of Commonwealth. vs. Samuel Auttaan, ,, April 24. To cash received from H. AL. - 13reneman, Justice of the Peace, pro ceeds from sale of estrays ..... SI 65 April 26. To cash received_ from: - S2 B. ' -- Foltz, Justice of the Pence,- proceeds from sale of estrays;. ....- 12 00 April Z. To cash received, frosnHenry lluckwalter, Monheim township, loan • to county " M 130 00 April 30. To cash received from ...W. Slokom, Sadsbury twp., loan to c 0..... 3,000 00 April 30. To cash received from Benj. - Witmer,. East - Latnpeter township, - loan to 'county April 30. To cask received' from John. Gross, Lancaster twp.,'loan to county, Slay 7. To cash received from E. Fahne stock, consolidation_ of .grant to build adjacent to Court House' May 7. To cash received from C. 11. Nissly, loan to county • May 11. TO cush received from J. R. Sen. senig, East Lampeter tails., loan to eo., Slay 17. To cash received from ease of Commonwealth vs. John Greentiot..... May 18s To cash reed from J.M. clerk of Court, lines and, costs ....»__--., Slay Z. To cash rec'd from B. 1 0 ..liaer, balance of recognizance of Eugene Kurtz May 20. To cash received front Jonas H. Buckwalter, East Lampeter town ship, loan to county Slay 27. To cash roc's! front Win, Eus =Linger, Manheim borough loan to c 0.,. Slay 31. To cash reed. front ,11. M. Gli der, clerk of Court, county fund, Slay Sessions, 1807 June 4. To crash received from salo of personal effects of Frederick Blaten berger, convicted of arson June 10. To cash received front J. F. Frey, Sheriff; fines and jury, funds June 12. To Gash received from case of Commonwealth vs. Mary Martin. Sept. 4. To cash received from case of Commonwealth vs. Lewis Suter, B. Mishler, bail " Sept. 27. To cash received front case of Counnonwealth vs. Leonard Yost, flue Sept, 30. To cash received front clerk of Quarter Sessions Court, fines and jury fund for August • - • Get. 1. To cash received frosts Drumore township, interest on claim for taxes, • for ISIS Nov. ls. To cash received front sale of. tin front Court House Nov. 25. To ands received frond case of Commonwealth vs. John Wencher Dec. 2. To cash received from case of Commonwealth ,vs. John Eshleman, per B. F. Baer , Dee. 2. To cash received front raise of - Commonwealth vs. - Robert-McClain,' Per B. F. Baer Dec. 10. To cash rec'd from G. Specht...... Dee. 111. To cash received front Christ. Balzer, Jr.,' Warwick twp., loan to co., Dec. 17. To cash ree'd from. J. F. Frey, Sheriff, flues and jury .. . - Dec, 17. I t o ash reed from Jacob Schaub, Supervisor of West Earl township, on account of Burkholder's bridge Dec. 21. To cash received front clerk of Quarter Sessions Cottrt,lin es mad jury funds Dee, 30. To mats received from the super-, visors of West Coealleo township, on: account of Lutz's bridge • ' Jan. 3. To ca.sh received from Daniel Oberholtsser, - one-third cost of bridge ...across Conestoga creek - - COFFEE MILLS 1e37. . To aggregate assessment of eomsLy rates and levies for 1£0,1, — , as per statement • furnished by County Commissioners, and herewith presented to the Audi tors $198,954 92 To cash received as excess tax f0r1806... 179 92 To cash received as excess tax for '1867:,, -• 147 11 To aggregate amount of State tax levied for it>67 • • ' r 0,919 99 To aggregate amount of. 2411itia , taX • n n• • levied for 1897 5,460 00 To aggregate amount of outstanding tax as per AuUtors' report of 1806 - 11,=1 90 To aggregate arnount. °tutu:mid items— ,- 925 Ity Court, order In favor of P. G. Eber-_ • man, for stating the account of 1806....., 2r , 00 By Court, order in favor of County An- • ditors,.for auditing account of 1860 2., 60 By amount of Commissionersi-0rder5, 403,960 hi - paid for 180: By amount of Court hills; pakt-for 181 C~ 10,122 t 7 By amount of road viewers, orders paid for 166; 100 .50 By amount of Constables' return, orders • paid l'cu'l&t; • - • • 558 20 By amount of exoncrations allowed col - lectors. for State,..l.lllitia ' aud-.Cowity. • • 8,251 - 15 By amoUnt, prowl:omissions allowed col- ' lectors Tor State, '3.ll.llthi: and County - .. i;..-. --• '. ' il ... . i 17,317 15 ByaniouniWooltyooMasobsiil paidin'mllitaty fund 273 50 By amount of order to Superintlindent . of Teachers; institute, as per - act of -Assembl f - - -• 01) By tunoun y t unpaido items, as par last 'report, pan.- .. • ____ By amount of Stoi_ c . taz - c — to'r. Common- 19 89 wealth, full quota.— 81,557 50- By amount of exonerations:and coin ”iisisto.ns for outs' ...... ....... 3,216 , 72 Ontstaiitillig Mies, iantiary Bart:township H 752 -•- Brecisuock twp., :•17 04 • 19E1 EIS 350 w 200 00 3000 200 Oa 400 00 rn T 3 00 42 10 300 00 600 00 EMI 290) CD MEI GO DO 19 00 EEI EMI OM F 33 7 05 206 95 2,300 00 EZZ3 EMI EMI 2.50 00 ~000 ' , $137,212 48 ;-.381:606 6 MESE! G'OU?l"l'x : 'nvAzwj s. ('tornarron'twp.,- -;• ' • --1 o; 2.1 --,:,,, -- Conestoga twl , -, - ''':,-12 WI , • -- Conoy twp ............. .. .... 520 21) Drumoro twp. , - ~. 473. G 7 • -7 . East Donegal twp East- Earl twp., 1,771 M-1. - Fulton'twp • . „ 918 71 Maulmim twp., 1,186 87 3fartie twp 212..73 ,_ • Mount Joy borough 450 56 Rapho twp., since 1861 DA 00. Strasburg bor , 2-11 92 - - Washington bor.,. 235 82 7,827 43' By amount of Treasurer's commission - on 1x170,228.84 at 1 per cent 5,702 2 8 To balance 24,945 17 REPORT' We, the undersigned t Auditors •of Lancaster county, do-Certify - that we have carefully exam ined the Yomioing account of Ellwood Griest, Treasurer of said county, and compared his vouchers with the same, and rind there is a bal ance in his hands this 6th day of January, 14368, . of twenty-four thousand nine hundred and forty five dollars alid seventeen cents ($.24,915.17,)which amount has been turned over to his successor, ,William Thomas, and his receipt shoWn for the same. - • We, have examined ;the account of Christian Goat; Treasurer of the Poor and House of Em ployment of Lancaster county and find it cor rect, showing a balance in his hands of, two hundred and eightv-one'dolbirs and two cents (8281.020 January Bth, 1868. We have examined the account of Christian Gast, Treasurer of therßoard of Directors of the Poor Of Lancaster county, for the erection of the newilospital, and find there is a balance In his hands of twenty-three hundred and ninty-seven dollars and elghty-nine cents ($2,1117.R9,) J rummy 17th, ISO& • - • - We' have exrunined the account of George Long; Treasurer of the Board of Prison Inspect ors, and find a balance in ills hands, April Ist. .1867, of eighteen 'hundred and smenty-eight dol larstind one cent.(61,678.01,) and he lass paid over to. GlirLstian. Lefever, the present Treasurer, eighteen hundred - and sixty-four defiers and thirty eight cents ($1,884.38 } leaving a balance in his hands of thirteen dollars and sixty-three cents ($11.63,) the .mistake having originated by an error in the computatibn of his commissions. We- have examined the account of Christian Lefever, Treasurer of the Board of Prison In spectors, and ihtd a balance in his hands, on January Ist, 1868, of thirty-five hundred and seventy-five dollars and sixty-one cents ($3171.61.) Adopting the-idea. of Governor Geary in his late message, relative to the safe keeping, etc., of the State funds, we respectfully recommend the enactment of such laws as will give to the County Treasury the benefit of any profit, or Kali" matle-by - any Investment of the County funds, prohibit the use of the County funds for private purposes or advantages. • Making the Treasurer chargeable with any gain, increase, profit or per tentage which he may make, or enable any other person to make out of the same, in violation of such laws. Requiring him to answer, on oath or' affirmation, to the Audit ors, respecting any and every investment or dis posal 01 the County, funds, , without criminating himself; and to set out in his accounts, under oath or affirmation, the nature of every person, or institution, and place, with whole, and where he keeps or has kept the Muds, and on what terms; and that he be compensated by a salary, to be fixed annually by the County Commiasioners, with the approval of the County Auditors, in stead of a per tentage on his receipts and; ex penditures, as heretofore. . • Witness our hands, January ISth, IS6S. m. E GEO. W. SAMUEL County Auditors. COMMISSIOIs.ZERS' STATEMENT. The following is tlie statement of the Commis sioners' Orders drawn on Ellwood Griest, Treas urer of Lancaster county, for the year 1667: Assessors' Pay . .. . $ 9,579 00 Erecting Bridge:: . 24,023 19 Repairing Bridges . .... Gil 40 Quarter Sessions Court... . . . 3,650 73 Cdroner ..... ...,..... .. .. ... ... 719 35 Commissioners' 011ie°. .. . ... :5,105 75 Elections 4,134 71 Fuel . 413 00 Gas.. - • 1919 q Postage " 4:l 511 Penitentiary.....-- ..... . ....... .. ......... ............_ ... 1,861 :LS Printing and Stationery._ .......... ...... ....... ... 2,267 (ft Publie:ollices....... ................. .. ..... ~. ...... .......... (157 22 ..l:ew--3.2°ositital .: . . : . - 12,500 (5) Itemodelitig,'Al ins liola . e .9,006 00 P00r... ...................... ....... ... ........ .......... ........ 00A00 00 Pri50n................ ....................... .......... ...... 22, 000 0 0 Vagrants__ 1?2,011 00 Interest 11,754 53 Post iNfortems 400 00 Road Hanuwes 522 50 Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital... ' - 553 65 Taxes Refunded 1,55.3 18 Janitor's Pay - 55) 00 .511.collanen IV. 4,072 23 I= E. McMahan, in fall for bridge at Daral • Overholser'S mill g 071 15 J. F. Frey. for sundries for bridge at Safe Harbor 1 11 E. McMahen, in full for bridge at Mus selmen's mill 1,050 00 E. McMahen, for Ncht few:1811111g, bridge at, D.' Overholser's mill. ..... ' ..... . 80 00 C. J. Motels, for lumber for - bridge at Safe Harbor.-- 11 IY2 J. O. Carpenter. in full for bridge atSafo , ' Harbor; per William order--_, 2M4/1 E. McMahen, in _full for -bridge .at Old Factory oo E.MeMellen, in full for Ilutlionry, etc., at Old Factory - • 1 A 92. 13 11,1,:c1dellen, in Millar bridge atHerr's ' 1. - i.:4\ i f i c i sfeiTC . ll -. Z.Z . 71 . 111 fur bridge 'at ;092 113° - ..... 3,200 00 iverholsets.lllllll- -,,,,. .... ...._ -. ~..,Ide)felleniltn. full for brlttgont Swrunp 'Monde; W.. Tr..-Zfriseley, in full-for iron bridge at GrfibMe mills - " _,:ail CO Tllng. %V. TI, ltdo,eley. In full for bridge at Burkholder's mill 1,342 717 E.l3uryholiter, in roll for masonry, ete., for bridge at-Burl:holder's mill , 1:17 IY; E. MeMellen, on riceortnt of bridge at - , 3[ tiler 3 Nal i's =IL 3,700 Go REP_LIEItiG E. Mcs,tellen, for repairing alirdirients . ' at M ••• usselman's mill . i 35 00 D. K. Herr, fbr repa i ring, bridge at • ' - .Herr's rni/L - - . 50 E. McMahen, lumber for, And repair- ing bridge at - Hinkletown...—.-., • . , ... 07 50 Jacob _Heelball - or, for repairing bridge • across COnewago 1..0 '4O Supervisors and Auditors of Mount Joy - township, donation for bridge across .. - Conewago creel - 10000 , , QUARTER SPISSIONS COURT. John. H. Zellers; kite Clerk's fees 41 /03 51 3 D Livingston, Esq., late District At- " torney's fees 119 90 I,l,rnt Ann Atlee, Esq.;District Attorney's fees Igll2 00 ;I- M Grider„-Clerles fees .1,292„Z.1 Jacob ?Frey, Sheriff's fees . ' ' - - -9721)1) . • .. - C017.1q, 3191.78,E. Henry . Dunham, for half dozen broortur, S 2 50 Elias Eby,lll full - dor brick for.fiew_er...... 40 30 s....Miegn .llenrer; labor... „.. ..._ 45 50 Geo I) Sproelier;bfli for hardware etc... 36 86 Henry Gorrecht, cushions for chairs 27 90 John Johns, sand " curbstones, etc" 26 75 D Baird: Co., sundrie-s 8 21 I) Erlsman, carpentry In Court House.... -, 2.5 00 C F Eberintin. mire anti winding clock... 50 00 011 Nissly, Es' a., for lock anakew • „1 10 Mrs Kretchmar, cleaning Court. House.. 55 75 J C Snyder, smithies for Court House__ •13 06 D A Shitter, for 16 tree boxes & sundries, 57 00 S Skein, for sinule,trees..;.- - - 250 Eli Study, for repairing Some at Court H0u5e..:..;...... 45 37 Diller d:. Grail; bill for hardware 33 . 38 Charles Schwelie/, three loads of sand... . 225 L C Lyle, one dozen shade trees 6 00 John INlxers, half dozen brooms 2 50 Denney ..c. Schnu in, work to Court House 200 07 J. H Shirk, sundries 3 35 Samuel Hess, half cord of wood 3 75 Edward Carter, painting Court House... 135 85 John May, 12;4 dozen screws 1 25 Jacob Gabe, tins lilting and pitunblng... 00 05 Shirk d: Weldier, tee bill ...... ..."..-.......:...... 21 05 D KiMh. for sinitliwork 1 40 Deafer &Schema; on account of_rooling , irk : Court Honei 00 .1 - Both:trine], bill Cur brushes ........ ...... .... - . 18 10 J K Boiler, 'half dozen brooms 2 40 JI. Shuman, lumber for dome— , ....... -.... 225 9tl C II 3lnyer„. on . account of , carpenter work for dome 150 09 Charles T. Gould, repairing chides, etc... 5 75 Jacob Bomberger and others, shoveling snow 9 00 3 N3l3ller, one dOzon brooms '' ' ' • ,5 50 J Deaner -S: Co., on account of roofing •' - . • dome 306 00 J Deaner S. Co., in tot tor•rooting Court House 115 SS $3,009 99 CORONER. Georg e Leonard, Coroner, and Justices - - - of the Peace, holding inquests on the - . 'bodies of fifty-eight persons, found dead hl Lancaster calmly :19.53 COAIMISSIONEICI . OF VICE, II F' Suer, Esq., in full for. alnry as So licitor 0 o'2 50 Thos (1 COW 114, E. 1., 140 days cervices as . • Commissioner, at Sipes dity : —.oll; 5015 ' miles, at 10 cts per mile-0411 50. To tal, $921 50. Balance in full ;r2l LO J B Shuman, Esq., 170 days' service,' a°: COVlMisgioner, at 03 perday-1410; 4490 .10 cis per mile-9449 60. Total ' .0319 Mt 'Balance In full 339 99 S Blokorn, Esq., 150 days' services as • Commissioner. at 03 00 per day—s4so; • 11=3 miles at 10 cents per mile, 0,693 30. Total. 01,149 30. Balance 499 30 NV I/ Stauffer, Ink and pens 95 S Slokom; on account of salary._ 950 00 J B Shuman,Esq., on account. of salary &X/ 00 Cli Niss/Y. Esq., on account of salary... SOU 00 Jesse Landis, Esq., in full for one year's salary as Solicitor ' 250 iv J If Shirk, .pen.s anal stationery.,,.. 5 00 .11 - 1 Shirk., In full for one year's Salary lIF. Clerk' 1,000 00 C F Eherman, for repairing ( Alice clock,' l 410 122MCCE] _ . . ...., , . , . Election O Ulcers, 16th Election Diatriet, $ Sim Inuit !alma elections Election officers, Spring elections-- -.... f 1 . 0 1 111 40 Election onicers. 40th J)Lstriet, Kivehti el ecti0n.............. J 9 16 Election officers, Ist 1 - timrict,tounicipal . ' •- elect - gni L'- - - 190 '.TE l'a rpeuter awl Jas'F. Boyd, for clerk-' .. log for ltelurn .littlgeq, gen'l election, 2`.4 iri Clharles4l FIR tVey), Attending municipal election, as A.tsoasOr,,io.ll Ward 1 :14) Elcvtion jrillcers' general bill 1,470 ':.3 Assessors' par, for ll.ttrot , roterKw.: - :.:... -= 713 F. tlonstables pay. for . 'bold lug townsUip elections , 11: 7R Assessors' pay for returning military rolls for 1067. 201 '33 IMMO H Daurngardnei, for GAS. Lancaster Gas Company, gas bill 5191 90 J JCoehran, - postage and envelopes 649 56 _ • ' Eastern Retittentlary,' . ,,loe sOppOrt - of. cowlets..... ....... PRI:ft:TING AND !MATZO: IT. F /S 00 E ..... .' . . ' " 40 .S 2 John ........... . 21 'Xi ~.FLOTANC_FIS. 11L-Rninho B tL Lehman " - Pearsold: Geist, . HGrier . .......... ................ ..... H G Smith & Co- ............ Johnßner's Sons. ...... ... ............. S A Wy1ie. .... .... . . Ensminger ........... .... ......... J A Hiestand & Co ' JHshentrer ...... .............. I',UIILIC OYFICKS. , Ellwood Griest, Esq., office fiirmiturt for County Treasurer's office S C R GO GeorgeWynnt . ... ....... ............. .... .............. GO .T C Snyder, window shades for .......... office 3 12 .11:131,,,Ot1 57 NEW.IIOI4rI7: I / 4 L. Christian Gast, Treasurer of Board of Directors of the Poor, in full for build - ing new hospital 812,500 00 niaronELlNa AL:us HOUSE. Christian Gast, Treasurer of Board of Directors of the Poor on stemma of -remodeling old Alms Blouse $O,OOO 00 POOR. Christian Gast, Treasurer of Board of Directors of the Poor, In full of esti mate for support of poor in130,7...........830,300 OO PRISMS'. George Long, late Treasurer of Board of Prison Inspectors, on account of esti matefor pr150n....................... . . . . ...... 0 0 0 CO C Lefever, Treasurer of BoardolPrison Inspec'rs, in full for estinVe for prison, 10,600 00 , . . . vAnnAz..zrs. - George Sanderson, Esq., Mayor, and Constables' fees in vagrant cases .431,:i15 fl.l CITY LOCI.C-11P. John Henry, for furnishing nic-als to prisoners in elty lock-up 6115 80 Loans pahl to 'Banks and individualq...sl22,64l Interest paid to Banks and individuals, 511,754 PS - POST 3[OIITEMS. POSE:ktOrtOM examinations on the bodies of 40 persons, found dead in Lancer Co $4OO 00 John Longenecker's estate, Mt Joy twp $l5 00 Margaret Townsend, Sadsbury twp 10 00 Albert Smith, Drumore township 30 00 =eagle Pierce, Ephrata township 60 00 George Ackerman, Lancaster city 12 50 Philip Long, Wamick township • 60 00 Joseph Pfautz, Warwick township 2.i 00 Joseph Poster, Ephrata t0wn5hip........... 10 00 John Xlartman, Columbia b0r0ugh..:.... 240 00 Jacob McQuade,West Cocalico township 10 00 Philip Doster, Ephrata t0wn5hip............ 20 00 A Dupont. Ciernarvon township—. ..... .... 10 00 Jonas Miller, Clay township ..... ...........,..... 20 00 85';'30 I'ENNSYLVANIA STATE LANATIC TIOSPETAL. John A. Weir, Treasurer State Lunatic Hospital, for sundry patients SiSS =2 Christian Brown, collect'r,Warwicic twp 8 18 63 Isaac L Landis, Man helm township...... 11 01 Isaac Bashong, collector, Upper Leacock town ship . .. . .. . . 11 93 .Tohn IL Hugh, collector, East Earl MT_ 10 00 T C Rockatfollow, collector, Manor twp. 160 01 Ii M Musser, collector, Earl township... 11 71 .1 II Brackbill, collector, Salisbury twp.. 102 D. 3 John K Snyder, administ'r of 11 K Sny der, collector, East, wards, Lanc'r city, GO 49 John Coble • 1 02 .Tames Prangley, City 70 Jos Ebersole, coll'tor, East Donegal twp 15 2.3 Levi Huber, W Lampeter twp.. 2Z2 33 G Bruckhard, collector, West Hemp field township 107 50 Amos Martin, Earl 15 DO Geo II Gish, collector, E Hemptleld twp 343 39 Melchom Pry, collector, Strasburg twp., 118 G 3 Samuel W Miller, collector, Clay twp..... 78 31 S Albright, collector, East wards, Lan caster City 445 50 JANITORS PAY. J C Snyder, in full for services as janitor to date ',S"AO CO MISCELLANEOUS. J C Snyder, distributing asses.sments_ George:Si Steinman, Treasurer Humane Fire Company, donation for Steninc-r, A It 'Winner and others, expenses for in specting bridge at 31usseitnan's mill_ J Hoover for painting and repairing " Black Marla" carriage......,. ._ S S.lokom, for expenses at road views at Ephrata and Schumecl - G Saner, Treasurer Washington Fire Company donation for Steamer Joseph C Snyder, for damages sustained team notifying bridge viewers Joseph C Snyder, notifying bridge view ers for bridge at Mrisselmaifs mill Jesse Landis, Esq., professional services in Commonwealth vs. Malinda Shur, William .f Cooper, boarding Jurors John McCutelicon,conveying Cathiulne Little to Lancaster county hospital__ C 11 Islissly, Esq., expenses incurred in attending meeting In Columbia, and going to Harrislig on official business. John 3f Slaymaker, Jury fine remitted by order of Court._ Elias Miller, copying tax duplicates Isaac Gish, copying tax duplicates • Joel S Eaby, copying tax duplicates. S 0 .Nourse, copying tax duplicates.. J 31 °rider, drawing copy of -road re port of reviewers In Columbia boro'.. Abraham Bair, copying tax duplicates, , J M. Grlder;making draft - Itr road case In Columbia Borough Benj. 'Bauman, copying tae duplicates, John FL Shirk, distributing tally papers, J Fl Shirk and others, copying tax du plicates Wm Riddle, copying tax duplicates J W Slocom. copying tax ,ffitplicates.__ A 0 Slay-maker, copying tax dupllisites, Win 11 Kemble, Esq., State „Treasurer. for balance dim the Commonwealth, for tax on loans to county, for 1831 Peter Bruner, copying tax duplicates.... Wm I)emutia, copying tax duplicates__ J M Grider, Clerk of Quarter Sessions Court, recording-township officers HO 15 John Brake, for getting shingles out of creek at Sale Harbor brid e. '2 00 J B Shuman, Esq, Commisa'r, expenses to Harrisburg on official business 3d 40 Ellwood Griest, Esq, balance due Com monwealth, for tax on loans. 10 76 J L Marple, copying duplicsides.— ..... .-- 5 20 PS Baker conveyingßobert Zloderwell _ .: to lunatic asylum 10 00 .1 . 31 Grider recording borough officers ' - - for Washington borough 2 85 Jesse Landis, Esq, professional services as per bill 100 00 J C Snyder, for cleataingand whitewash ing furnace lines ...... - 25 00 John J Kersey, arresting - horse thief, 3: SI Leanian,'3lnrphy ,k Co., horse and car riage hire 11 00 C J .RhondS, lumber furnished the Co. . ~ ~ In 1831 . 30 00 S B Cox., Treasurer Sun Fire Company, donation for Steamer ' 100 00 .Tonathan Sprecher,iboarding jurors 0 50 J BSlnunan,Esq, horse hire and expert- . sea in viewing bridges -over Pequei - i' • and Beaver creeks; - -„..„- - • 16 00 W Leaman, auditing accounts Of ptiblic ' officers, 118 50 P S Baker, conveying Jacob Butt to:the House of Refuge.-- -,- • .. - 15 00 C Irr Nhisly,*experuies viewing bridges at IfinkletoWn - and Herr's mill, 16 V, Lancaster cityovaterrent, 38 400 S Shroud, conveying- Win. Walker to House of Refuge. 15 00 .T H Lamborn, making coffins for Amos Smith, Ellett Smith and , Reixices-I , Tel- son, 12 CO J 3,7 Frey, Esq, services renderedduisase , i- ” .i". or,Counnonwcaltli vs 31 S 3 ~ ,,13 iFt . n.le!ei f • i r ' alas 98' f7d Cll Eissly, Esq., for, expenses th.,/ocat- Mg bridge site at Conewogr, :1 Creek 'll 00 1 E Mc:Mellen, for drawlngspeeitications for bridge at Old Factory, 12 00 J BSlmmitm_l.. , sq., for expenses in view- • Ing bridges at Good's and Burkhold er's mills, t • 11 8.5 C If Nissly, Esq., expenses incurred in meeting Dauphin County Commis sioners at ConOwitgo bridge letting. - 13 63 J C Snyder, distributinglists of taxables, 25 00 31 J Shirk and others, copying dupli cates, 2:5 00 , J Gundaker expenses in summoning witnesses in Commonwealth vs. John _ _ __ MEM 6-4,02.9 19 $641 30 V 3,6.50 73 Smith and Mary Ari:Ebert, 15 00 Samuel Fisher, taking Edward Steele to House of Refuge, , - . ' 15 00 C 31 Nissly, Esq., expenses to Harrisb'g to meet. Dauphin County Commis. ~,, stoners, • 10 05 Jesse Reinhold; for reward for the arrest of the murderers of Joseph Comro 25 00 C 31 Nissly, Esq., expenses Iu viewing and locating bridge at ,Overholser's mill, . - , „ . , 050 J B Shuman, Esq., expenses slowing bridge, 2 50 'robin,: Herr, for proceeds of sale of logs in IS6I, refunded, 251 15 .0 Ii Shuman. Esq„ expenses viewing bridge In Cocalico township, 7 05 Jesse Landis, Esq., for professional ser vices in Commonwealth vs B Mishler, 150 00 Levi Sensen ig, for planking prison cells, 109 13 Lancaster County's share macadamiz ing Duke street, in the city Of •Lanc'r, GOO 00 13 .Ifc.felien for viewing bridges and drawing nit' , clllcations for bridges as per bill, • .-. ' ...- .. 55 00 .11 Boardman - , .1 Zercher and John. D ' Boring, jury , Inspecting bridge, at Old , Factory, 6 PI Jonathan Sprecher, hoarding jurors, 0 70 S Shroud, taking John Wilson to House of Refuge 1.1 00 0 J Dickey, Treasurer Shifter Flre Co., donation for new honse, 100 00 JIT Shirk. distribut ing tally wipers,: - • _25 00 Cit Nissi y, for road viewers , and sun: - ' • ' veyors' tees fur road laid out, In Mt. • Joy township, In 1865, le 00 John Dulnbon, bounty as private in Capt. F.rlsman's company, 125th P. V.. 40 90 C H Nissly, expense in attending bridge view at Binkley's Bridge, 1 35 Jonathan Sprecher, boarding jurors, 7 50 J C Snyder, distributing assessments, Or 00 Jonathan Sprecher, boarding jurors, ' 4 30 C .11 Nissly, for expenses (abridges - laws and jurors' pay at Conowago and Far mersville • - v . , - . 11 10 George Hartman, for horse and carriage hire to, bridge view v at Burkholder's 00 Samuel ITea, for bill for wood and sand- 15 00 Win J Cooper, boardinglurors In Com monwealth vs John Smith, 42 00 Jon. Sprecher, boarding jurors, 18 00 P S Baker, expenses to,Philatlelphia to arrest St' Snyder, Is P.O H Biller, for bridge Insptsiors at D 1,7 51,105 7.) Herr's mill .5l Zahn', for interpreting in Court, E MeMellen, for extra. work on bridge.; ut DK ilerr's will, C 11 Nissly, expenses at Swamp Creek, bridge view, I; 7r. NV U Evans, Esq., Treasurer American Hose Company, donation for hose, 155 00 John P. Good, supervisor Conestoga township. for putting up natireatSafe 11n.rbor bridge. 15 OD E MeMellen, for extra work, etc., on bridge at Overt:mixer's mill and Swamp Creek, Et. 00 John Yundt,. inspecUng bridge at Over hoLser's mill, 200 John 31.cCutcheon, conveying Eliza Fel-_ lenbaum to House of Refuge, 15 OD Joint Flory, conveying Elizabeth Myers to House of Refuge. '• ' , . 15 00 251 . J Shirk, assistant Clerk, hire in ad justing valuations, . „ • ' 7 25 00 J C Snyder, fur elcmuing furnace flues. 2.5 00 ERw00(1 Griest, Esq., County Treasnrer, ... for balance orStato Tax paidon court. ty loans, 00 37 Stelgerwalt ce . Doersont,repalring wheel- a bar, 00 C Wrid ow my er, altering table, etc., I '4O John Johns, bill fur stumps for oillee, 2.1 75 ?4,18i 74 XB3OO .211 95 15 00 213 95 2:0 19 865 58 ax W 170 :17 45 37 $2,937 03 CM Vt 2,600 00 EC= EMMENt = I,SW IS $z OO MEI 11 a 0 EEI 100 00 142 07 ISO EEI 1 21 11 20 2 0 4 ) 8 25 2500 .12 32 X 2 40 _I I 15 k) 12-i I L 00 ts 00 lfk. DO NETV ADYEIIit.T.L3.EIFLE7I% S :It !midge view, Jurors' ,pay, eue,, at bridge at. Overliolser's mlll, 12 GO The liabilities of the county, at the urea- - eut time, for Individual loans, amount to 8145,883 75 Signed, .1. li. syttrat.A.N,) S. SLOICOM, Contrulealoners. C. 11. xlssLY, Attest: Join; H. Snxrc, Clerk. TA 0 T S LOTS OF LOTS! BUILDING LOTS! - . Large or Small, CPO feet deep, on Sixth street, Seventh street, Locust street, and Walnut street. feb. '6B-tf.] Apply to J. H. MIFFLIN. A SMALL HOUSE ,TO :RENT I One inile from. toad, near the home of the Mt scriber, a small house, with good Garden, good Spring of Water, and. Stable for a Cow. Possession Immediately. Apply to feb. 'l3B-tf.) J..s. MIFFLIN. FAMILY GROCERIES! RAmILY GROCERIFZ: The subscriber would respectfully inform his customers and the Public generally, that he has just received a general assortment of GROCERIES, PROVLSIONS, TEAS AND SPICES. Relined Sugars of eu kinds. 1, and )Yens Afackerel English A:American Pickles, Sugar Cured Rams and Beef, Extra Fine Syrups, Old It.io and Java Coffee, DRIED Axn CANNED FRUITS, Raisins, Prunes and prepared Mustard always on hand and. Dribs very best. grades. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, CORN MEAL. HOMINY, -&c., Fancy Groceries, Canned Vegetables and Fruits, for hotels and families. The best Goods only are sold, and prices very low. Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is full and complete and we intend keeping it fresh, by almost daily additions. Notions of different kinds always on hand. FREDERICK: i3UCIIER, feb. 8, 'BB-tf.) ' cor. 4th d: Locust Sts. FARMEFARMERS' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY.—The members of the Farmers' RS' Insurance Company are hereby notified that a tax of one-tenth of one per cent. on one dollar on the thousand of the amount insured, has been levied by the Directors, to pay for the losses sustained by Abraham 'Rohrer, Henry Keesey. Samuel L. Leaman and others. Full k duplicates will be kept by John Johns in the Register's °dice, in the city of Lancaster; by Peter Johns, Treasurer, at his residence in East Lampeter township, and by John Strohm, Sec retary, at his residence in Providence township, from the 17th day of FEBRUARY until the =II day of MARCH, MS, where any member of the Company can pay his or her tax during that perkid. A partial duplicate will be kept by Christian Johns, in Earl township, where members resid ing in the townships of Earl, East Earl, West Earl, Salisbury, Lirecknock, Ciernarvon and Eph rata, can pay their quota of tax. during the above period. Another partial duplicate will be kept by John IL Zeller, in Springville. where mem bers residing in the townships of East and West Donegal, Couoy, Rapho and Mount Joy, can pay their quota. of ta-x durmg the above period. An other partial duplicate will be kept by Joseph Engle, Esq., at his , store hi Mt. Nebo, in Martie township, where members residing in :Startle township can pay their quota of tax during the above mentioned period. Those who do not pay within the time above prescribed, will be charged ten per cent. addi tional to pay the expense of collection. By order of the Board of Directors. feb.B, 41S-It] PETEIt JOHNS, Treasurer. w IIY SUFFER FROM ACHES - OR PAINS ? " SAYRE'S INSTANT PAIN CURE," MITE BEST REMEDY IN EXISTENCE FOD 1 THE CURE OF RHEUMATISM, NETT- ft, BALGIA, TOOTHACHE, HEADACHE, EAR ACHE, SCALDS, BURNS, FROST BITER, mid all other ACUTE RAIN'S. It is applied externally, with a small camel's hair brush, tone of which aecOmpanles each bot tle.) It ispleasant, entirely harmless, and does not in the least soil or harm the skin. ITS ennui AIM LASTING. One application ?WI in leas than fire minute.? nominee the most ekeptienl4 Ut tinly WE CHALLENTIE THE WORLD TO PRODUCE /T 8 . . EQUA L. to famiht once tuvuaintnt with its eirtrets bc without it. See what J. A. Dudley says of the firm of Dudley - & Stafford, one of the largest wholesale drug, establishments ire this country: 6911F,E=EA,S ST., New York,l . - , Salutary yth,11,68. E. kinumna & C0., - Reading, Pa.—Dear Sirs:— It affords me pleasure to speak. - of the wonderful eirects of your "Pain Cure: , ,in my own ease, In June last Leas attacked with Neuralgia in my abdomen and side. After suffering, intensely for nearly two weeks, I was induced to try your remedy, and after an application, to my , utter surprise, I was relieved In. a few seconds. So sudden was the relief, that I could scarcely be lieve my own senses. From my knowledge of the preparation, I firmly believe that it will stop pain nom nearly every cause, mid almost In stantly*- - rlempecifoily • V. A. DUDLEY. Price Fifty Cents. i•nr Ski& by all Drnggintp. MISULER acLe Propriecor:-. rand Ainnutcctttrrrs 'ir rind 403 PENN aiREET " READING, PA feb. 8, '63-Iy.] LEWIS & CO. ' S .17614"57.E.5.Tr$ MONTHLY FAMILY 4OURNAL, FOR THE MILLION! • , - Thousands of 'fiunilles in - the city and country, have long felt the want of an Illustrated Journal at a reasonable price, and equal to any on this continent. To this end, we have engaged good artists. The literary department, Will be one of the features of the , paper, and we' shall publish from time to time; original Tales, Sketches, ,te., by the leading writers of the country. • THIS IS NO LOTTERY. But we offer as an Inducement. to those • who subscribe, and will help to push forward to a sue cessful .Issue, a cheap and valuable Illustrated -Family Journal, acid give a, large number of prowt.t. cn - Subscribers will not beim tout aft to lonow if theyhaveapremlum. r Therewlll'be 2,315 pre ininias distributed to theaubseribers.t The paper whil, be tvUl i cgl-the.,liollar,,,,gar-tita-Acenr.,. '15;11-:anttacrIbers with numbers'ircurrlantlthe . premiums nre equitlly-ctiStributed , Alario . tigh7the one - hundred thocuatnarnimisetscN4• • • • • .11ttaigre thouldbeonothousazidiiii uieti received onitlie,ssmo n day. and ciate;•the letters will-be -opened', regularly; rts They: come 'to hand, and ninticeds.onthe book 'irregular rotation as open ed-,1 ser - thati there Wilf be * baludistributlon of the praminms--iWeechall publish the tutrues.of the persons - that -axe, entitled, the Proffitt:ma, In the-Nam YotticaloNTAlLY I.I4,VSTILI,Ttm, and lu Site city-and country papers. The followlagrrennants will be distributed: 10 Cash Premiums ofV, - 00 each r 5,000 1,000 10 " 100 " ........ ..... 1,00 20 1,000 40" " LOW 80 " 10 " 800 50 Gold Watches, (Am'n Watch Co.) $5O each, 2,500 50 Wilcox &Gibbs' Sew'g liachines, 60 " 3,000. 50 Howe's Sewing Machines, 00 " 3,000 2,000 Premiums of $1 each 2,000 Tnit.lts TO StritsClunEßS: I copy, one year, With one subscription SLOO 5 " " five 5.00 66 " twenty " "0.00 Persons getting up clubs will be entitled to pre nilunas, as above. Address LEIVIS & C0.;41 Mercer Si;, N. Y., Box 3301, • tLa__Write the Adress plain., giving township, county, and,State.- Money by draft,-Post-office order, registered letter, or express,anay be sent at our risk. ' RBFERENCFS: 1 - Levi Stoeicwell, Treasurer Of the Howe Sewing Machine Co., 0.0 Broadway, New York. , Edward P. Hatch, Secretary of the Wilcoxollths' Sewing Machine CO 50s Broadway, New York. [feb.S-tt. SUSQUEHANNA PLANING MILL, I3AOHMAN S: MARTIN, not FRONT SHEET, MUMMA, PFINIISYLVANIA. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS. Our stock of Lunther consists of WHITS:P.IXE, HEMLOCK, POPLAII,..ARIi, PICKETI3, LATH, SHINGLES, sr. FLOORING At WEATHERBOARDING. IYIIITE PINE & CAROLINA. YELLOW PINE FLOORING. RABBETED, FLUTED, DROP, ANT) -BLOCK WEATHERBOARD, and SIDEgG, whlc.h has een carefully kielected and manu b factured. In connection with our Lumber Establish ment, .vu have a ' STEAM PL&NINQ MILL, SASH and DOOR MANUFACTORY. and are prepared to furnish Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brack ets, Shutters, Shelving, Window and Door Frames, Casing. Slouldlug, dtc. RAILING B:MING MADE TO ORDER. Through our connection in the manufacturing of Lumber, and the facilities of our own estab 11sInnent, we hope to command a generous pub lic patronage. J. B. BACHMAN, 8.13. 111.urrxs. feblaSS-tf Columbia, Penna. DOWN THEY COME!! Stlll another redaction In rrletsa at 3IcTAG E.TE'S " Cheap Store," 7.0 EST STREET, COLUMBIA, I'ENN'A Where you irtll Ural a fill Dna of 'DRY GOODS and NOTIONS, urbleh cannot be beat to prima. Alen, a large Stor:r. of READY-MADE CLOTHING tVhfch will be closed out regardless of COST. of The assortment of Dry Goods, consists In part .L.A.D1.1 DRFSS 0001 ) 8, choicest styles and Latest "Fashions. CALICOFS. MUSLIN% GINGSAX*,FLAN SMS, HOSIERY ofGRADES CASSTIIIKEt. NATTLIcETS, COTTO= KENTUCKY JEANS. dm.. 4c. Also a handsome lot 112EAVY DOUBLE tllioter , Styles, gel:lag atzi.w.Z. shawls with pleasara. (tebl-tf *WANTE:b !—A LOAN OF 81500 or *9OOO. for which fiatistactors security will givcua.lreali 330 k ae, Co/usubut, I'a. _NEW ApPER_TISEIWEikr_TS. -RAE D, BEAD, - READ The undersigned would respectfully in form the citizens of Columbia and vicinity, and all his old customers, that he has re-taken the OLD PHOTOGRAPH - GALLERY, situated on Front Street, three doors above Locust, where he shall be happy to serve them wlthany article they may desire In his line. _ 51,072 23 n you wArrr: . PHOTOGRAPHS OR AMBROTYPES Of Yourself, Family or •Friends, go' to L. M. • WILLIAMS. If you want LARGE • pangs - ED - PHOTO orcArifs, go, to L. M. WILLIAMS. If - you want PAINTED CARTE DE YISITESI, go to L. M. W IlUama. If you want a Beautiful ALBA.TYPE or POR CLMAIN PICTURE, to L. M. Williams. If you want PROTOG OFF YOUR DWEL- LINOS OR OTHER BUILDINGS, go to L. M. Wllltams. PARIS EXPOSITION ! II you want STEREOSCOPIC PICTURES of thin Great Exposition, or other Stereoscopic Pictures, go to L. M. Williams. , FRAMES ! FRAMES I - • • lie will keep constantly on.hand n large and well-selected stock of Frames, both large and Small. Asr-Prames of all Spica Inadc . _ ,, to Order at Short Notice. By strict attention iohOsilleSs, ai,d deelre to please, he hopes to merit a liberal share of Public Patronage. DON'T FORGET THE.PLACE! L. M. WILLIAMS, NEW STOCK! _ - .Photopber, Agent. Front Street, 3 doors above 4.net, Columbia. Penn'a. (febl-Imo THE PM:MX PECTORAL, i u OR OPOVND sixpup.OE.IS.ULD_CHENRY _______ " - ART: I dig — ERA SNAKE nom. Will cure the Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Colds, Coughs, Croup, nethiria,_Bron ehitts, Catarrh, Sore Throat, Hoarseness; Whoop ing Cough, Sc. lts timely use will prevent Pulmonary Con sumption, and even where this fearful disease has taken hold it will allbrd greater relief than any other medicine. Miss KATE VANDERSLICE, of Pottsville, says: "I was benefited more by using the Phial:Lis: Pectoral than any other medicine fever used." Jacob Powers certifies that he has sold hund reds of bottles of the Phcenix Pectoral, and that all who used it bear testimony of its wonderful effects In curios cough. John Royer, Editor of the independent Pamir, having used it, has no hesitation In pronouncing it a complete remedy for cough, hoarseness, and Irritation in the throat. The proprietor of this medicine hast so much confidence in its curative powers, from the testi mony of hundreds who have used it, that the money will be paid back to any purchaser who is not satisfied with Its effects. . ... • It coats only Twenty-iive cents. It is intended for only one class of diseases, naely, those of the Throat and Lungs. Sra-Prepared only by LEWPODERHOLTZER, M. D., Phartlxville, Pa. Sold by 01 'Druggists and Storekeepers. Soliuston, Holloway & Cowden, No. M North Sixth street., Thiladelphht, General Wholesale Agents N. 13:—If your nearest druggist or storekeeper does nut keep this medicine do not let him put you Mr with some other medicine, because he makes more money on it, but send at once to one of the agents fur it: Sold by J. A. Meyers, and It. Williams, drug gists, Columbia, Pa. Efebl-3nio ALLEN' NEEDLES, Sole ManufSeturers and Proprietors of their Improved SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME ALSO, THE AMMONIATED • FERTILIZER. • - PURE GROUND BONE AT LOWEST AIARKET RATES. • PERUVIAN GUANO. We sell only No. I.—received direct from the Government, SUPER PHOSPHATE iii Rao, 200 gas. each, PRICE KA per 2000 tbs. Ammoniated FERTILIZER In Bags, 150 The. each, - PRICE $2.5 per 2000 Zs. " A discount to Dealers on above prices. Agricultural Works, Beach and Plum Streets, °dices and Stores, South Water Street; -and 42 South Delaware Avenue. DEALERS IN OILS, CANDLES, AND"- GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. febtamo] PHILADELPHIA. GRE'I`.BARGAINS . 0' JEWELRY P. , -SHREINER & SON'S. Wa have the Larigazt, Meet. Sayatad and 3t.fpier Complete FMCS' Or GOODS ever he ihra offered to rim 11'..1.TCEIES. CLOCKS Jr. JEWELRY In great % - ariet3 - , selected with care from. First- A very* xge Stool'. of Axaerlc Clo.-Joi, of t:c:a Beat 3latrafacture, Including Seth Thomas Clock Company, breer".l3.aven Clock Company. - William Gilbert, E. N. Welsh, Atkins Clock Compraiy, And all the Lea brands in the Market. The finest Stock of J EW ELRY ever offered; many of the Latest and Cheapest Patterns. Breast Pins, Bar Rings, - Firtger - RhalP4 Sleeve Buttons, Fine Sets, Studs, he., &e. ~f_WE,4'ANOY GOODS, Bought attlie-Lowevt: New York'Prlces Toilet heta, . • Odor Cases: 'Card stands, Ladies Companions, Watch Stands, Dressing Casco, Jewel Caskets. Gdovii Mates. _ Ink Stands, Vases, ttc. The latest Patterns Solid Silver Ware, consist ing in part, of Gravy Ladles, Sugar Spoons, Salt Spoons, Napkin Rings, Pratt X.iiives, Mustard Sets, Pickle Knives, Pap Spoons, i3altSets,ToaSpoons, eta., Ego., ,tc. SILVER-PLATED WARES I We call spectid attention to this branch or our business. Our stock ix directly from the Manu facturer, bought. for Ptah, and consequently we are to save our patrons the profits of the wholesale dealer. All our goods are plated on THE BEST WHITE METAL, And are warranted to be SUPERIOR in Quality and finish to anything made in the corn:My. Our Stock, with but few exceptions. Ix WARRANTED TRIPLE-PLATE, and consists in part of Tea Sets, Ice Pitchers, Tureens, • Pickle Stands, rlpoort Receivers, Card Stands, Cake Baskets, , Fruit Baskets, Call Bolls, Goblets. Ladles Syrup Pitchers, Cups Qc Saucers, Dinner Castors, Breakfast Castors, Celery Stands. Rutter Dishes, Berry Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Creamers, 'Mugs, &e We have an Illustrated Catalogue, from which any desirable pattern :nay be selected, which we msy not have on hand. ' gar-REMEMBER THE PLACE ! FROST STREET, ABOVE LOCISBT, THE FOUNTAIN OF WEALTH ! e only LLEGIA OTTERED ZIS ICENTISQKVSTATE - Y draws dully A. Competence for Life ! Comfort and flaclneesAn iL the Result of as ST COSTS. =HMO rOR T A MOCUL AR., Addrees the n II N ERA,IDDY a ; CO., Covinglonly. jaiWMtluol and at reasonable Rata r Prices Reduced. class Establishments. SILVER WARE! THE BEST IN THE COUNTY! SHREINER & SON, COLtI3iBIA, PA