'6ljt 6,trtuntilia Columbia, Pa. Saturday, December 186 V. CONIMCNICATIONS, letters, contributions, generally of merit and-interest to the reader, will be acceptable from friends from all quarters. • ~ 11 C a ~ + ~ y ~ Ii LEGAL BLANKS.--I.N . OtiCCS blank leases, bonds, etc., etc, the office of , TIdE COLUMBIA SPY LUIICII.--An elegant lunch will be served up at Farrell's, (Franklin house Restaurant,) on Christmas day. MAIIy.ET.---Our regular Wednesday market will be held on Tuesday, next week, owing to the advent of Christma , on Wednesday. Fo UND.—An a11•woo1 child's shawl w.is found in front of tho SPY office, on Thurs day aftornoon last. The owner can have the same by calling at this office. MORE SNOW.—Snow commenced fail ing again, on Thursday night, and contin ued during the greater part of Friday fore noon, adding much to that already on the ground. 00A.STING.—Coasting has began and the school. boys will have line times during vacation, which commences next week. Locust street, no doubt, will be made quite as dangerous for pedestrians as last winter, during the cold and snowy weather. DEDICATION—The M. E. Choral, in Bainbridge, will be dedicated to tile wor ship of God, on to-morrow (Sunday,) inst. Several eminent ministers will offici ate on the occasion. A cordial invitation is extended to all christian friends. SECIME Your. Ica—Our ice dealers have been busily engaged during the week, in tilling their ice houses for the next sum mer's supply. Better that it be secured now, for another opportunity may not be had during the season. NEW YEAR ADDRESS.—Our carrier re quests us to say that he will be around early on NeW Year morning, with his an nual greeting to the friends and patrons to the SPY, and hopes they will keep him in remembrance, and have a half or quarler• in readiness. TILE ICE BRIDGE.—The ice bridge over the Susquehanna, et this point, is now considered strong enough for tho passage of horses and sleighs over it, several of which crossed on Thursday afternoon last, and which will prove, of course, signal for others. REWARD FOR DETECTING FRAL - DS IN Disrimasm—The Cothmissioner of internal Revenue offers a reward. of $3OOO Lonny per son who will hereafter give information that gill lead to the forfeiture, of any distillery whose proprietor has not given the notice - required by law to the Assessor of hi, dis trict. FIREMAN'S FAIR.—The Nr of the Columbia Fire Company opened last even ing. The Hall is tastefully decorated with pictures, spruce, fie., and the table, spread with all the 'luxuries, fancy and substan tial articles mentionable. The ladies in attendance are pretty, pleasing and accom modating. Patronize the fair by all nicana. BALTIMORE ORnANS.—P. Shreiner & Son are the authorized agents for the .ale of Edward,, Lee & Co.'s Baltimore Onzatn, Call and examine them. These in-nru • menu are becoming very popular, on ac ,count of their real musieal incrit ; mid iii-„ for their retsionablenes, in price, lnint.rinc; them within the reach of all. SANTA CLAUS has arrived at W. 33oning,er'seonfeetionery store, Fronts feet. :between Bridge and Walnut streets, and 'will make but a short stay. lie will ap tpear 3n proper person, in Bollinger's win .dow, on Christmas eve, where every lady is tinvited to call and see him—free of charge. A splendid stock of line and common con fections, toys,-images, etc., on hand. A P.A.YIZG INVEST3IENT.—The Bcrk ty Union, published at Martinsburg„ .says that shares ($150,) in the Martinsburg Building Association, now command seven . ty-nine per cent. premium. Does anybody doubt that similar investments in Volum ;Lila, would prove equally as profitable? . 11as the Columbia Building Association Salim through, or was it all gas ? s_GOING TO riE.l.l:ll.—We regret to learn 'that/our friend John A. Smyth, who has for a year past been one of the first sales men., in the extensive establishment of W. G. Case t.tt Son, is going to leave on the first of the year. He has made many friends in Columbia, and a host of admirers will re gret his deArture from amongst us. He goes in the mercantile business in May town, and we cordially wish him prosper ity in his new field of operations. -rinr CORN.—We have received from one of the crack fartn to serve durine: the coming year in the courts of Lancaster county, should be made ac quainted with the feet that the Court has issued an order that it failure to respond to their name , : when called, subjects each juror to 0 fine of fifteen dollars. The line heretofore was five dollars, but so many jurors shirked their duty by the payment of the tine, that the Court deemed it proper to increase the amount. to tenants, Dv sale at Amon c gthe list, of Petit Jurors to serve in the Court of Quarter Sessions, commencing on Monday; .Tannary "oth, 15.38, we find the name of Conrad Swartz, of this place. And among the list to serve on Monday, Janu ary 2.7 th, ISGS, we find the name or winiarn T . :tibia, of this place. THANKs.—There is a silver lininz to almost every cloud. There are lights and gay colors in almost every picture, however dismal its general tone. Even the austeri ties of Editorial life are softened, even its har.h and hard experience is ltri4 - htened by occasional pleasant incidents. We pre sent herewith, a pietnre of the present we received a few days since front an esteemed friend in Coney. We also received/ .. ) a similar bird a short time since ``s W front a valued friend in est Ilemptield. We would here return thanks to our friends, who, in the hoar or their prosperity have kindly remembered us. Even long after the " gobble" of these most sought for birds have ceased their sweet music, will we remember and cherish the names of EIARILY and Jo Ft with the fond est and tenderest idolatry. "BLACtiBURN'S Hom.k.B. This is the name of a newspaper published at Holum', Louisiana, by W. Jasper Black burn, Esq. On looking through its col umns, we observed the card of A. J. Kauff man, Esq., of this place. This led us to make some inquiry about the paper, fCc; and Mr. K. informs us that the editor is a staunch Union man, and remained so all through the war. He was often threatened with death—had his printing otlice destroy ed, and lost all his property. Notwith standing all this, he bitterly opposed the rebellion, remained true to the old flag and spoke his mind freely on all occasions. Ho was born in the South, and never was in the Northern States until after the close of the war. We hope brother Blackburn will lie amply rewarded for his fidelity to the Stars and Stripes, during "times that tried men's souls." CoLunlrA SKATING PARE.—On Thurs day last, a space of three hundred feet was surveyed and staked out on the ice, mt the Susquehanna, near the foot of Locust street, and workmen are now engaged in clearing the park of the snow and loose ice, prepar atory to flooding. which, when frozen, will afford a line, smooth sheet of ice, 12(10 feet in extent. The expense attending this work is borne by an organization of our citizens, (those of them who tire " skatists") and will be known as the •• Columbia Skating ChM." The club now numbers some thirty-five members, and the determi nation is to have a good park, kept. in good order, so that au opportunity - may be atlbrd ed for all to enjoy this, tine and healthy amusement at a very trilling expense. The fee for met bership of the club is one dollar, and those who are not members arc expect ed to pay an entrance fee of teti cents for each admission. 4 , Tho p e ar will be liber ally con.idered." The pro-pests, .0 ftu7, have I/OCII that W 0 -110111(1 lure 310 .2:00(1 skallita this winter MI smnething of this kind was done. and we are happy to allllololoo 2101 V :1 Settled thing and that thou who,wi..h it may pass the holi day. upon the ringing steel. 111 tllit , CCM neution we Must not forget to mention that the credit of organizing the club. and pro curing subscribers, is due to the energy and per.everance of Mr, Frank Tat% uho is superintending, and pu.hing tbrwar 1 the work, with all possible . rapidity. Tho.e Who wish to join the club ran do sn by applying to Mr. T., at this mike. IltumsTmAs.—Before ;mother isue of the Soy, the Christmas c,f l,cti7 will have come and gone. The merry tinkle of the innumeraLle bells reminds us of the fact, while it annoulleeS that the peculiar enjoy ments of the season have commenced in earnest; that, out and young, the staid :Ls well as the frolicsome, have resolved on a pleasant pastime, in which all kinds of business and the usual daily avocations, must give way to. May it prove for all the readers of the SPY', a merry and a happy time. It is safe to assume that, with rare ex ceptions, such will be its record. For it must he induct: a heavy cloud of sadness that Christmas does not lift, at least tem porarily, and deplorable is the misery that shuts out every glimpse of gladness on die birth-day festival or the Lord. The hard est faces soften genially, the most weary eyes brighten then, and good cheer and fellowship lighten places that are darken ed every other day of the . year. It would be intrusive to urge uyon anybody, the duty or getting fro‘n the holiday the full measure of enjoyment. We hope it is equally unnecessary to suggest the other duty of enabling others to enjoy it. IL is not the least blessed privllegti of the day tlTt a great deal of happiness may 1, , e de veloped trout it very lit tle material. An ef fort, so inconsiderable as to be scarcely ap preciable on the part or every In elllber of It household where luxtnies are so nnfaultug as to scent nothing more than common comfort's, would assure a cheerful Christ mas in all the houses or the poor. Columbia benevolence is of such wide repute that we do not mean to indicate a duty : we simply record the fact that children under their Christmas trees, and older folks around the well-tilled table, will not forget to purchase the highest pleasure at the trilling cast of timely charity. Let 'every indi rhino], connnunity and section, bound in a clover brotherhood, feel that it is their duty to Gently scan your brother num, gentler sister, woman, Though both may gang a golml , ' wrang To step aside Is hunt:M." We wish all our readers a merry, happy Christmas, mid many returns of that bless edrday f and that the good feeling it will engender, and the beneficence it commem orates, may inaugurate a birth of `•peace and good will — in our whole country; that at the next advent season the glad angels may renew above us their Christmas carols, and repeat the " glad tidings of greet joy" hetird by the favored shepherds of Judea, TEACHERS' INSTITUTE..—We gave notice last week that the County Superin tendent would bold a Teachers' Institute of two days duration, in this borough, on next week the 20th and 27th lusts. These institutes have taken high rank for the in terest and instruction they afford to teachers and others, who attend them. Wherever these branch institutes have been hell the citizens of the immediate vicinity have availed themselves of the advantages to be derived from them, and we greatly mis take the intelligence of the citizens of this community, if they do not fill the hall of the Union School at every session, morning, afternoon, and . evening., The various topics and relations of the teachers efforts ain't duties necessary to the successful working of the schools, and of the school system, will here be brought up for discussion and be the theme of essays and lectures. Now, that the cause of popular education has taken such it strong hold upon the people, and is the subject of so much attention and investigation by some of the ablest and hest men of this country and of other count' les, we cannot but regard it as a rare opportun ity our citizens will have of hearing the ()pillions and experiences of those whose hearts are in the work, and whose aims and hopes, talents and etlurts have all been and will he devoted to the one great purpose and resolve of making the Common School Sys tem of this country the pride of the Nation. ft is by meetings such as this, that we may lea rim the great work that is being done and to ho done. (me obstacle to the sluices,: of popular education and the efficiency of our schools, is the ignorance and inflifrerence of the people. Jf these could be brought to know and appreciate the benefits of good schools, and the value of education, one half the labor of educators would be accom plished. Let our citizens, then, be in attendance next week, and help on the great work by their counsel and counte nance. If this Institute shall not accomplish the results anticipated, let no censure be attributable to the teachers and citizens of Columbia. CII EST it COUNTY ITEMS.—The many friends of Bayard Taylor will regret to learn that ho is very ill with malarions fever. West Chester is discussing the subject of building a new market house. A meeting was held at Frick: s• School House, in East Coventry township, recent ly, to take into consideration the proposi tion to build a railroad from some point in Now Jersey. to Lancaster city, crossing the river Schuylkill, near Lawrenceville. A huge deed is now being recorded in the several Register's offices, in Which the Pennsylvania Railroad Company cOllVeyA to the Pennsylvania Canal Company all the line of canals front Columbia to Holidays burg. The consideration money is 52,650- OM, and the revenue stamps affixed to it amount to $750. This deed will have to be recorded in the counties of Lancaster, _Dauphin, Perry. juniatta, Mifflin, Hunt ingdon and Blair. It is a curiosity. COUNTY Frnms.—George D. Sweis4ert, assignor to himself, John Sweigert and Felix W. Sweigerl, of Martic township, received letters patent for a portable fence. bearing ,late December 10, 1667. Prot'. .T. PL. Carothers sold the Soldiers Orphans' school, known. as the Mount Joy Academy, to Prof. Kennedy, formerly of the McAllistervillc school. Mr. Kennedy took charge of the school on the 2d inst., and Mr. Carothers moved with his family to Oxford, Chester county, Pa. Waterford Council, United Order of Amer ican Mechanics, NO. 72, formerly located at Marietta, has been reorganized, and was formally instituted on Monday evening, December ldth, by J. Kohler Snyder, D. S. C. for Lancaster county. The following officers were installed for the ensuing term, viz: Councillor, E. D. Roath ; John Peck; Recording Secretary, Amos Grove; Assist. Recording Secretary, Henry S. Book ; Financial Secretary, Geo. Rudisill, jr.; Inductor, Simeon H. Mulch; Examiner, john W. Peters ; In. Protector. Samuel [tipple; Out. Protector, John Bur ger ; Treasurer,llenry Ockard Trustees, Rusifig, S. H. Mulch, John Coick. YOlth:. COUNTS: ITEMS.—TIezt Annual Pennsylvania Conference of the "United Brethren Church, Will be held in York borough, commencing on the 23rd of Janu ary next, and-will continue for several days. Tho Washington House, in East Main St., York, itr.,.; Qhorgoil 4 , now in the occupancy of Mr. J. r.. Law- rence, the eldest sou of A. B. Lawrence, formerly a member of the Legislature front that connty. The Direetors of the Poor, at their meet ing on the Etth inst., re-appointed the fol lowing officers : Steward—David Myers ; E. if. Pet itz ; Counsel—WM. C. Chapman, Esq.; Clerk—John S. Keech, Esq. The Thee De.tdoctet says: " A common impression existed here that William Donovan, the convicted murderer of the Squibb family, would receive his sentence on the :hi inst., and the popular belief so expressed, found its way into the columns °film True Dc2aocruldt turns up, however, that it was 4.1 mistake, and we cannot state with any degree of certainty, when Dono van wilt be Sentenced." The larrre and valuable property in the lower end of York county, known as the Margaretta Furnace property, has recently been pnrchased by William Rimes, Esti_ of New Oxford, Adams county. It consi , ts or a Furnace, Farm, Grist Mill and Ore Larks, and is now ender tfie management of Mr. C. C. Mines, a young gentleman or very superior qualilicatiMis and widely known among our people Ihr his integrity and intelligence. Vor t Or "Sri'."] 1. florrou: r observe that tho'Copper head, have nominated a ticket which they publish in the t'latanic Press of this week, which is cony kind thoughtful on their part, to give the drue voters notice in ad vance :is to who they shall Lace the privil ege of voting for at oar Borough election., on the first, • tonday in January. It is also kind, and decidedly cool on the part of the New York Yitnkee, endeavoring to tench the staid and honest voters of Columbia a new code of political ethics—elle tiitivlettt. front that taught in December, ISGtI. Noy; the laboring man and mechanic are urged to vote for the " big bugs' of the party for Conncilmen, as the only means of saying the Borough from baiihruptcy, and the streets front bein.r oven uTown with a ant growth of grass. Thus. this demagogue sings his syren song. fit December, MG, he sang a different song, and wanted " Young America - anti • the " laboring men" to " burnt clubs" and '• shake oil the dust of Mgyistn," and elect from their num ber, sultable persons to serve their country ns C-imeilmen. tlr did not wish-" - lo array labor against capital," (not he, the modest man.) But his appeals, weekly, to the pre judices of classes, were calculated to invoke broaches of the peace, and bring about a conflict between labor and capital; although pretending not to desire such a result. The good sense displayed by the workingmen of Columbia, in giving no heed to what tins demagogue tot ht .ay—:tad in going to the polls and rebliking into by depostting their ballots, silently, for the nudi of their choice., without any dictation—was sub lime. tailing to lead the workingmen then, he now turns it dip-ilap, and urges. t he dear laboring Man to vote for the aris tocrats—the nabobs of the party,--then capital was " inert" and " labor hail brains." Now, times have changed, :Ind capital is active and labor is inert. What cares this dinnagoglie for the laboring class. lle his set tip a ticket which he has no hopes of electing; but there is money in it, if ho call koilvyrti,'ZlU It is ean diciaLe.,4 into the belief that they can he elected, if they are green enough to be bled by him, and therein is contained the scent of his blatent desire to get the rich nabobs of the party on the ticket. The rank Ittpl Tile of the party can go to thunder, so far as he is concerned. This adventurer gabbles weekly of the wonderful influence of his Satanic Press, in moulding, public opinion—to revolution ize the polities of the• enemy (in his esti mation,) there need only, be distributed a few thousand eopiesof Iti , -"pres• amongst the "Dutch," who he says are led hlindly by Mr. Stevens. What a wonderful man Drigham is, judging from the influence of his Sattinie Press upon the voters of Colutnoin. It won Id. k••n brut tiba r thousand years to con von the yeomanry of the Old Guard, to Ins nefarious doctrines. I can tell him that the laboring men of Columbia think for themselves, and seek information when it is desired—elsewhere than in his infamous sheet. Ile hopes to take advantage of the necessities of a large body of laboring men, who are anlintunately at present out of em ployment, by reason of the stopping of one of the largestrollingmillsin this borough. lie mocks them, and talks as though they had no principles, but would, at his beck or nod, vote for his men and train with them. It is cruel thus to seduce them from their faith, because of their ..misfortnne. I can tell this conceited adventurer, that' no people on the face of the earth have stood limner, and truer to what they believed to he right, under any mid all ciretunstances, than the Welshmen. During the late - tearful struggle to maintain the integrity of our free institutions, those of LLCM who have sought an. asylum hero, were as true to the party that maintained the government in Ms trials, as the needle is to the pole. It ha's always been the practice of the leaders of what they are pleased to term the Demo cratic party, to curse and heap opprobrious epithets upon a race they deem still more degraded than themselves ; it is ;to com fortable for the debauched to look down upon the "nigger," who, their leader's teach, is yet beneath them in social degra dation. This moral, festering leper, who has been spewed upon this community by an out raged people of an adjoining . State, in the night, occupies a place in society, the depth of which no being, however degraded and brutalized, could descend to. Hence it is, that all the senseless ravings, filtered through his Satanic Press, weekly, are avoided as the noisome odors of a cesspool. December 10th, 1807. t LADOI:ER. [For the ":31.5. - . - ] Teachers' Institute. Me. Ein - ron :—I noticed in your last is sue, a paragraph announcing, that on the •26th and 127th inst., al:lP:melt Institute of the teachers of this county, will he held in the liall of the Union Public: School building, of this place. I ant glad, and every citizen truly interested in that intellectual welfare of our town, should be glad, that the claims of Columbia have at last been recognized. Our schools rank among the best, and the principle on which they have been orgm lied, and so far successfully advanced, lets attracted the attention and and the appro val of Superintendents, Directors and Teachers in different parts of the State. It is not my intention, however, to speak of the merits of Columbia's Pont unit Schools. I desire rather to excite in your readers a greater interest in Common Schools generally,and those who are in any wise connected with them. They constitute one of the institutions of which - .ve justly are proud; for from them leave gone out the influences and powers which have made us a free, prosperous and intelligent nation. Upon the instruments employed, de pends the perfection of the workmanship. Great as is the success which has attended the operations of the Common School syst em, that of the future is stilt greater. To secure this, the improvement among the leachers must know no diminution. That the teachers are in earnes,:, is evident 14; their efforts. Labor, however, must have its reward. The parents must show that they are interested in the improvement of their children's minds. Otherwise, the teacher will become indifferent, and in stead of striving to develop intellectual strength, will labor only for his scanty sala ry. Oar citizens ought therefore to meet with the teachers at their coming, Institute, and learn what they are doing for our children, how they do it, what they intend to do, and how they intend to do it. Let, us aid them by our presence, and where opportu nity offers, by our words of advice or en couragement. Let us prove to them that we manic how responsible a duty they aria required to perform, and that we at all tittles stand ready to lend a helping 11:1:1,1. It is not enough to :Teak our sympathy - , two should act it. Art opportunity is raw Offered, NV hieh I hope wilt so generally be embraced, as to insure an Tustin - LC° to us Yours, prium.F: Diu CCESSIZM Columbia, Dec. 17, 1867 [For the SPY.[ MIL. EDITOR , :—The gamblers are still in blast. Innocent victims :ire daily entrap ped and fleeced at tile Faro Bank, is there no remedy for this evil? Will a some body make complaint against the tavern keeper who leases them the room? or op pose his . getting a license when he next ap plies for one? Will not :,01110 one his., nerve enough to bring up the black-legs who are disgracing our town by their swindling conduct, and put the mantle of shame upon their countenances? Our young men are being led astray, and nome parents may find too late the extent of thin evil in the destruction of their child tan. December :40th. W. iltztriaries. Deaths and Mandages are published in this paper without charge. When accompanied by commen taries, whether prose or puett y. rite cents per line will he charged. Funeral notices ten cents per lino payable in advance. On the Inet., by Rey. W:n. IT. Sleek. Mr. WAsizi.warolv IV.U.Rint, and Set: llAtrr. both of Lancaster county. On the 11th inst., by the Rey. John Elliot, :Is:- slated by the Rev. Samuel M. Fleet:nal, Mr. An- AM P. ILEID, of liighland. Chester county, to - Mts.: Bella C. Freeland, of Soudersburg, Ltineas ter county. In Penningtonvil le, on the I_•'tlt inst., by Rey. I. \V. Mlle, Mr. S. P. MI:CIA:LAN. 01 to liivs L.ttl2:\ E. IlorsTos, of Pennines tonville. P s , cattm On the lilth in thie place, SARAH', wife of James McGinnis, in the 117111 yea: of her age. The frlonciA aml relatives of the deceased are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her late re , ..klenee, In Walnut street, bet wren Thild and Fourth streelq, 'Chi , afternoon, at IWO o'clock. Services will I :Om plan Ia the E. E. Lutheran Church. N.EIV .iIDVIERTISEMISAYS: A T 0 ...\ 1 1: l ELE CE CT I ION tor SEVEN 'TRUSTEES , 01 Odd Fellows' Hall Ak3srx•lntion, will be lielil at. the HALL, on TIII - lISDAY, the 21 of January, t 7 o'clock, I'. 3f. 11, WILSON, dee. 21. '1 2t.] TrtNtsurer. 01 Lumber IlustritN, in the ,altibriring climate of Florida. GOOil 711 d neements,ll,llll.l,olne Salary. Ac. Apply or :44 rei-s HAAS a: CO., ilt?e. '67-11.1 Spruce street, POlio.. Pt. ELECTION NOTICE I—A E N ELC lor one Pmistmis r and Sits NA - Gmtri Of Columbia ,Nranufneturlie4 Company, to serve the emu= year. will be held at the Com pany's ofllee, on IiMiND.N.V, \ NITA 1841. T. It. SUPPLEE. S,Vy. dec. 21.-07-3t.3 I: .,, l liccfc ‘ l .N ;.l l\ rt " ) U ni ‘ ;l; r. 1 i.:2 1 (, C01.17.)131T.\ Pool' ('oll :',t N V, Will be held at the office. of I hn,M rt ctaLy. Lan caster, Pa., on MONDAY, :faun:ay I tic, t wo o'clock I'. :11 . . The Alumni Election fora Prc,idont an•lt wch Director, wilt be held at tit,' ~ u nto I line antl plan, - _ dee. 21, '67-11.1 GE(). 111111N1.1)1AN, c‘ i t' Tit WANTED: CI) q ‘j TO TAKE 11.\.1.1 , INT1:11/1S•T iu the Nate of d 11-10,:ed latent pay (ral hundred per Cent. .Vpply or adare,, 11,1.1.1.; A: CO., 14 , 411,1 , 1:do 1:rol:, dec. 21, ',7-11.) ,711,1, , ,ruee Sileet,lllll.l , lll. TOV -7- 't t LC` \7:111, F, NI; N I.: lt TRON FOUNDER AND MACHINIST, I= ENc;IN 13mr 1 .t, SHAFTING, Pur 1 - ttelti(7ll, , N(0111?, re , l irat:r f;uge,, LE VAN'S P.k_TENT WI ATE .1;.‘.11S r:.11.P.0 VED (k)V1.:;:c0p, ,K; ki•rr..."E _:I) lIAND-21,:sriND Mm•HlNavx, Shafting, with II and :7.0 , 17.4...t Bo.tring, and Doubt,. Cone V wc-Cotipling-, :1011MIZIng 01 Boller Fire, 11,11 d, :Intl Man-114,1t. I Fool. IN - r4u4ht Iron \VeIiI l Tithe, Stenill, (1,1 4 , , or W.rter. STE.IM D Olark's Patent Steam Fire Regulator-, (;11 , r, , ,iti) . 4 x.rEc'rui ghaun J'umps, d•, I= C•mter 2ltB ..tnd PHILADELPIIIA Do!. 21, IS6';'-if. IYIYAIii)S E (1( NEW BAT: .3[om] oRGAN : INE:sT NUFACTI•III:1), 01le INSTRi 7 .MENT :Ili that S. T.VART.F.: IN OTITER:i MORE PEE VECT, MORE IWJL LE = CA L[A .IND 517.1.: ! SHREINER & SON'S, A g,,u ts for JL•mutacturcrs, FRONT STREET, COLUMBIA, P Ifr. 21, 117-I.f. 21:TEW ADiTERTIS7E.TECE:NTSC r-si;ys mll. E s 01"I'l 1 E UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, RUNNIN“ IVE.sT FROM OMAIIA A(ROSS E cONTTN N This brings the line to the eastern linso of the Rocky Mountains, and it is expected that the track will be laid thirty miles further, to Evans Pa•s, the highest point on the road, by January. The IIIaXiMUM grade from the foot of Ihelllooll - to the summit is but eighty feet to the mile, while that of many eastern roads is over one hundred. Work. in the reek-cuttings on the western slop&will continue through the winter, and there is now no reaaon to doubt that the en tire line to the Pacif.e will Le open for 1111511105 s in 1570. The means•lrovided for the construction of this Great National Wm lc are ample Tile Uldt ed States; Erl ant, Six Per Cont. nonds at the late of Ironi 2210,1 , 00 111 :215,1,011 per mile, for 0 Melt it takes :2,... , 1 sectinty,and receives 1515 mein to a large, if not to the 11111 extent of ns claim in a. raters. Those Roads are issued as each twenty-mile sect ion Is finished, mot alter it Las been examined by United States Cottuni;- slouersanclplonoonccd to he in alt respe , .ts a hest-cl.ss road. 1 horoughly supplied with depots, repair-shops stations, and all the necessary roll ing stock alai other equipments. The United State: also stokes a donation of 12,5n0 acres of land Gt the mile, which 2.v111 he a source or la 11_7e revenue to the Company. :1111011 of this land m the Platte Voli f'Y isanion„ the most. led Ile 11l tile world, and other large por tions are covet cd 'With heavy pine forests, a rol abound in cool of the best quality. The Company is also authorized to issue its OWII i ii st Mortgage Bonds to an amount 011.1111 lo the Issue of the GoVCITIIIIMIt, and no more. lion. E. D. lUorgan;:util Hon. Oakes .lutes are Trustees for the DenciloAdors. and deliver the hoots to the Company only as the work pro gresses, so that they always represent 1211 actual and produetive value. The anthorized emotal of the Company is 0110 :11111ton Dollars, or whiefit of er lice milhons have been pool in upon the won IC alrea dy done. If. I R:l7-Tr:S OF THE com 11 XI.. At present, the tardits of the Company are de rived only from its local frank . , lint VIII , ffirea dy nitwit more than sufficient to pay the Interest nn all LIP.'IOII , I, The Collipany ran issu e, it vot another loth , were built. It is not doubted that when the road is completed the through traffic of the only line connecting the At'antic and Pa- Mlle States will be large beyond precedent, and, t, there •rill he 110 COlnpet Ilion. it can always be done at profitable rates. It will be not teed that the Union Pacific Rail road Is, in fact., a Got Griot/cot It built under the supervision of Government officers, end to a large extent, with Government money, nud that its Smut, are issued under Government direc tion. It i, lielicved that no similar security is so carefully guardedoind eortainly 110 caller is based upon a larger or more valuable property. As I he Company's are ffirerett for the present at NINETY CENTS tIN TII DOr.l.Alt; they are the ellen pegt t-venr ity in the ntarket, being more than I t per vent. lower than C. They pay SIX PEI: CENT. IN t_tof.D, or over NINE PEI: CENT. upon I ho invest a :rut. Sultseriptions 1( 111 be recta% ed In Columbia, by (4.1 M l'El. EVANS, lied., :Hid in New Toth: at Ito comp:ll,y; irate.... No. 7 . 0 stre2l, and IT Cola Litt !nal National 'Bank . No. 7 Nrooan Caul:. Dodge 0: Co., Bankers, 0..51 Wall street, .1011 n .1. Crson a Spn, 13.1.nk4trs, No. (`.(l Wall stieet, anti the Company's tub ertised ..kgonts Caron:a:out the I'ruted States. Remittances should be made ht dralts or oilier funds par in New York, and the Itonds will be sent free of elutrae be let 111 11 express. Part it'- subscribing thiough I.oeal A2llO.- Wilt loo;: Vii ler tho'a. sale de livery. .1 New T'.nillilet and Tap, showintr, 111, , l'ro nf the 1\ oil:, lie:sources coni.truct ion, and Value cal :limas, lany b.• obi antra at. Conip:u*',. °lilacs, or 01 its :advertised Agents, or will ha sent !roe on a pplicat .1011 N .T. 2. 'l'rcn.nr,•r, New Yuck. • 0100. 21-1 T. THE FT - DELI - 1"i INSURANCE TIZITST SAFE DEPOSIT COMI'ANY, SAT'I , -'-ICEEPINI; \-_,7.17.\111,17.S spell my fronl by 1101311F:11Y, C>ll C:III , _STN u'r DF:LI'.I I IA N, Browne., J. e hilintrham 11 - c-nry, C. 11, I 'lark', C. Nhaqtle....tor, S. A. Caldwell, John Wel,h, E. W. Clink. Ti. C. (4i bcon, 'Phis Company recelvc , toe Sa Le-keep int, under galarantee. Securnies, Plate, Coin, Darns, aml valuables of all descrlpt ions. The charge.; for rate yen are. on Con nnn l'ltanlq„' .. zl per egisteretl Ilund., XI cent , . Modrralc. rat,: on all otter The Company also heals key with renter excaust.\ cly, to-73; Collects Coupons :nal I nter,sl for I pet' cent. commission.; Allows Interest 011 deposits Of money; Ex - ocut es Trnsts, as Execnn.,r, intstrator, Guardian, Trrenee 01'AL:4'0 I. P.VI.VERSON, C. .11, Cr.,.‘ IL 111.10WF :4ln'y :Ind Treas. Vie.• Pre F.l. Pry ~iitcnl. FRES ..\D VA OP -GOODS AT lAITDMAN'S Just, revolved, at the thle Grocers Establish nicht, eort (Pr and end Cherry ,treets, the (.41o:r -ing ❑vW :000.S : MESE TOM AT , JEs, ENIM/F-{l. PI4 .K LAI:(.IC torr , 11 , NEW Y01:117 CAN MIN, oranges. Lemons. Flat:. 'two:11ml Crahl.erries, Cider anti While Wine .Vinetzar. Extra nittlity Flour, N ereer POMIOCS, It and •ttiva Conee,f.te.ll touted, rAtverinef• Syrup. .ve. -..NoW tivod. I,eo{Vo.ii 11.1111,1,t. daily. W3r. H. 11 - AEDMAN. rd rind Cherry 5t..... "67-tf.; Coltunteia, 1711. FSTI ARRIVAL oF We:lre I,4AV ready Spring Trade, having' Jnd tatreint,ed ltnent t)t I . OIToO, Roilltod : 4 11,14.” Pll , l —PP e•lo 4 {arit nir f.rr :25 por C. It.l FINE ./ERSEII" HAMS MEM aN. 1, 2, an 3 3•lnt here, hart 1.., and Dried it t .i•i 11, rinv . , tuna. Fruit iota 1111...•,11t1.11•11t 1. 11 0 .1 :111d 111 lel , re:1 , 011.040. N.tut;ilt• lIENIZY Pi. I li From 1.; /3.1 Ail - I ' l/14EN PI( al I FIR ' S PIZCA - 1,1. IN S'l'. )11 MIME V:131 11ell, On 11,111 1110 V„r•: )10 •1 • 1101 ois, At,d,FtineS Ul t (telnlek, Nlttli - de.t. Dried Frtdt. &I% We intend 10 itteell Ite, t t (;dttd . tnnt . r. :ni t . to ',. • 1l ;et ••hi .11) a. any hnn:lar s!. V.",• Ilaavane 4 Itlttllol 4 (if :,10,1!,• ;nitronago. .I..'t•. If. mi'LLEN int(). 1311UN ' ,11 W, MO. i:, I A. I NI., COAL. SAI.T. FIRE iiiaui AND 1,1:1\11:Eit : \.'l' ri“ PRICE, ol' C, ,AT. AT Y".‘ Up. 1'(:i.0.1:1:1 I) 13;07,11nor, s,•lect I AT:op •1.(..". =:.W No:. I, 2:tii , l ft 5,13 5,31 N. , . ! -Lt.) 5.*:, " N0..1 L IT .1,75 Slutmohon Egg' and St nn. - , , . NO.-.. 2 :mil :1 . . 1.: , 0 Sit :011,1:1.n Nut, N 0.3 1.15 4.50 Ikt:t 110::1,. 4:oli.v.,:iprs (•:.::,1 c o . 1',...,.• ::!1 , 1.!::ovo.No...:1:01.1.;, 5.53 3.0) Dill : loi:: o 4.'011,111:WIN 1 . 0.11 Co. NO. 1 1.1 1.. - .0 :.‘iallip.. Cu,!. No. _:trot:: 1.t. - ; :',.‘,0 1.59 Gran:l Till , net, No.:, 2 and .L..... 1, to 1,75 .I.71:1 Hs V:1114.y, No,. 2 and .1 - oi. - , 0.00 .. N0.5 4. , .1 5.0) Th. , conowt,,,r c.,11 111,111, 1111 • 0... 11111114 a eoliNtimors, the:, per cell. Sliamoken 1.:2n; or No's. 2 a n.l A' 1.511 •• Nut. or No. 5 Ilaltimore I 'on••tunerk Coal NI”.. 2 and n, 1.5.1 .` •• :Tall 1.50 '• \0..5 Valiey, No, 2 .111.1 ........... ....... " • N 0.5 ........ 4..71 Gimisa 2:m(la . 11 ,, A vonnect ti.n coniplotod to rrt rq. der. 22, vo EAT, 11:131,1C2 SALE. Ja; 'lt s iin, , ,,r•Auncd Win to Pub,le Sale, on I iECEMBEIt 211 b. I,Sit7, st 7 o'clock I'. nt tits Public liouse of Martln Er win, ut Columbia. Ps., the billov. 111.2 property, vin:—_l I.ol' OF in Ili, iod.ointh 01 situdlisi on list mirth ..1.10 of Union Street, between t-esnlitt and TI di streets, con taining in front ro lest, mot, le,s,iind extend ing In (tenth IG l'oet, won: or less, on v, is erected:; new two-gory Entine ILOCISO. it Lot 1.11 . around adjoining Übe altkivo lot, containing in It ont gs ;done or les,, ancl tending lu depth 271 lest, more or loss, on - which is erected a two-story Eriiiint Marg.. • • Also, n Lot of it round, ,t1.11:1t..11 on the nertli ulde of 'Walnut reel, In the I,orough of Colum bia, between SC cowl and Third streets, contain ing in Trent-IA frr t, morn or 31,5. :111d, OX.l.olllling It derail IllUre or less, on whieli is erect ed try two-, tory and R 011C- , ,tory House. Term, made known on ,le' of sale by Columbia. dee. IL 'll7-tlt.) P. fife:it:l,En. 11TE NOW COMPLETED FlrisT /MoRTGAC:E \ , 1 , 1 - IZE Pliool' Ix I Li) NG MEMO I= =lll It , i\ T:1 111:1:RIE.3 MEE SOMME = ==n=l I= = (WI) 11A1,1,, lIIIMI=II I= :-_ , TAItt H. 1('IC LILT, Me IL.I:4SES, MET I= SIEBELVERS! COLUM.Y. 0! 0! 110 W BEAT:rikl'l.,l 13EA.I.TrEIF I TTE THOSE HOLIDAY GIFTS! P. SHREINER & ON'S We have the largest, best seketed and most complete Stock of Goods ever before offered to thoPultili 'ATCHES In grnat variety, ,-eleetetl %%ill] cares to,ni First-Clasq Fine Fancy C-iooclr.d Bought. at the lowest NeW York Pri,•PS (_' 11 It 1 rl' 31 A` .1 1."1' S TOILET :-:1•1'1"N i)1kill CASES, =EI SILVER Potivy IN solid :ill ver •v: re, ;rave' Sugar Spoons Salt Spoon,, Napkin Ili ng,,, P'rnil Xnive- , - ILVEII-PLATED WARES ! EOM 'PHE BEST I N 'PI FE I '017N1'1" We eall special attention 10 tlik branch of our busino,;. Our Stork iq directly from the . - ranutheturer, bougpt, for C.e , lT, and consequently We arc able to save our pat- rons the profits of tho whole;:tlo ..1.11 our goods are plated on the BEST WiflT E NII . T.A L Ancl two warranted to be SUPERIOR in fluidity and T'ini-,I to anything made in the country. Onr stock, with but few ex- m rr.r.t d tud coni,ts in pal of TEA SI?TTY ICE PITCHERS 'l' tJ EENS, 8 - VIZ prrcii Ens, crl'S SAUCERS I)(XNER I'ASTuI;~ •\\l, luive :Hi illustrated ealaltigue, from which any degintble pattern 'nay he toetod, Nvhioh Ivo nnly not h:L\ On hand FI N .I?, .1 1;:, V . - 1?, .1 - , 1.1 Y. Tho Fine , t. Stock over ofrorod ; In: IIV 01 the T.ltte , t anti tliteape,t PaWrit- ItIZEAST PINS, EAR ins(;s, Clocks ! very La rue of .I.ltlvricait Clorks, of the he,l Mann fact ore SETII THOMAS CLOCK COMPANY NEW ITAVEN cLOI - 1, - ; coNPANy, 1;r1.P.E111 \ 1 . 1.(1CK (2. Csl PAN \.11.1 all the I+.• , t I:rand , in the Nrarket Po('} - Err ! \Vo re C11.),i11a.7 ///i t (Air of 1 : °Chet, nwl nllii thi- l'll. env: IS THE TDI I.: makt• beforli 1-110.,1 nble pitU•rn- )ur ,t 0,4 entin,A LIU excollo]. and von trill find main - lialtd,onic, (.11 i t nEmEmr is 1; PLAC ! SMe El S AR, FRONT STREET, AltovE 1,0131,'NT COM - 318L%, PA oleo. H. r; CLOCKS, AN D 1 , t N I.: .1 ENVEL in from which elegant =2 DIEs• cO.NIPAN PoNs AN - Areir STANDS, DRESSIN (; CASES, I EW EL CASKETS, GLOVE BOXES INli STANDS, \ - _t.sEs, A:0 conqi,tinEr in Part ()I Mil,tnrd Stqt, rivide liniwe PIII)tonS, tirtlt l'ea Spool 1,, Lte., TRIPLE-PI ATE I'ICRLE STANDS, POI )N ECE'IVERS an STAN DS CAKE BASK ETS TIELL!..4 OBLETS, LADLES r.REA s'r cAsToits 'EI. El tY STANDS, t =ER DISHES I.IERTtY Slrt :AR 1:011; I r.ity-vmEns MC7(;s, FIN 4 ;ER RIN(AS SLEEVE L'CTTON- VINE SETTS 1:111QCMI!211 E. N. WELsII, ill 111(1 suitnhlk• NEW ADI7ERTISEMENTS. pUBLIC SALE! In pursuance of an order of 1 Ito Orphans' i•iiurt of Lancaster Count y, will be sold at Public Sale, On SATURDAY, the WI of JANUARY, the following Real Estate of Christian F. Stanfihr, lletfe"Nefi, nt the residence of said duce ssed, on the road leading !fain MOUlltVine to I "ordella Furnace, :Mont ono toile from the for mer, and a mils and a half ft sin the latter place, In West Rem pita! township, to : Tho undividOd one-half part of SEVEN ACRES and al ,if f adjoining lands of John St Winger, John 'teeter, and oth er.. fronting on the public road, within I. 1" of a mile from the celebrated I . hestittit Hill Ore Banks. The Land I-, in a high state of cultiva tion, and under good fences - , and will be sold In lots, or the whole, to KUIL purcht-ers. It is well situated for building Lot.. Any person wishing to view the iiremiscs be fore the day of sale, will plea.-e call on Fanny Stantrer, residing near by. The condition. wilt be made known on the day of sale, by Jorrx .7". r. am DER. Admini.trator. The other 1111(iivided half part, of the above Real Estate will be %old ni time:mil phet, hy A:\ Ins K. ROHRER. A.lso, at the saino limo and place, will lot si >ld, the followini; Personal Property of said 1'1101,i:to' F. St:miter, iteeeased, ig: Cone Faintly Ilorei. 1 cow, Horse Heart. Carriage Harness, one l-liorse Wagon and lied, nearly 11010, 1 bprlng Wagon, Flay Ladders, two Plows, 1 Harrow. I Shovel Ito crow, Shovel Plow, three Sets of Shafts. a lot of illitekstattli Tools, a Corn 'introit Mitel tine, and a lot of Broom Corn, Hakes. Forks. Shovels, Saws, ( * limns, Donlile and singlo Trees, a lot of Bye Stram - „and many other artleles toollUllleloll s CO Illtqlt1 0 11. Stile 10 I,OllllllOllCe at one ti clock when 'erne. will be made known by 01IN IT. GIUDER, IsAitc lint NAM (N. AdialnlsFr. dee. 1-I, E 1) ANr 00 0 D S A choice anal enrol:ally selected Stock of INL3I4AND PLAIN BUFFALO, EOSE AND .:4.A.TINNVOOD Flair Brushes, BUFFALO, RUBBER I vonY co:sIBS, FRE'Nelr, EN(Ar.":II - A.MEALCAN :!• POMADES of 7Alanufacture, TIME AN!) TOY . COLORS, And a :'ull•A,sortmeut of PLATY S.:, FANCY POCKET BOOKS Not crinall,Nl in town, together with ,untlr,) othor Gooas, well suited for 11 L D A.Y P tESENTS, I=l .r. A. MFYEU.S' Family Medicine Store, Odd Penow:: Hall, C,olumbra, l'a. .10e..1 ir,l H 0 1, IDAY GIFTS! RES S:PERIN Ifos just returned front New York mid L'ulla delphin R•ith the 'urged ii-Nortinent of EINE SILVER-PLATED WARE EVI.III SEEN IN COLUT-mr,rA I=l TEA SETTS DINNER C.I.STOHS, BR EA I: FA ST CASTORS PICKLE CABTOBS, ('AKI: i:ASKE9'S, CARD BASKITI's AR 1;1SK EMS WE PITCHERS, Pvrci i Eit.l, nur PITOIIERF!; OYSTER DISHES', BO Q Lir:Tr I[OLDERN ADD VASES, C ELERY sTANDs BERRY DISHES, CA LL BELLS, ALLTUS S'CANDS ra2c6s, NUT PiCE:,.I, The,: Goads me not Nun],ty - useful and dura ble, but elegmrt. in Style:lnd design. Fine Silver Ware, I= Tea Spoons, Sugar Spoon,, Mustard and Salt Spoons, Fruit !linter Knivc,:, Napkin Ring:, FAIN CY COODS! =MEM FINE TOI LET ~ ETTS, P.11:1 LAVA_ ,k: ItoI;EMIAN I M M I IM CA In ) I: EC En" EIN, TOIL\ cCi I 11g1X Es, JEWELB. BOX ES, 6.7 e., cord) ;...:ILVEI.I (;01 . ,1) SI EX ER WATOII VAIERICAN d SWISS:, Fort LA DI Esl I; ENT!, En EN. I . :()L1) .)i•:1C1:1.I„" Vi all kind-, 21.111 i or jkiirEi , , )NTAIN AND CII A TI,A IN CI! AINS, FINE :SLEEVE I:t.-1"D =9 c m :L E IR 7ir", FitExcIi&(;EIDIAN At,'4.4llll)EON:i "f e • .4,•rd , 1••• p.nr 1.1:1,•• OAl_lI. of II ill ',DI 111 1.•., to mai., !La' new i ;Intl he cons t E. SPE!: INWS tho raw , . Tc.,r p,AItuAINS th.• )1.11.11',..: 4 )nlor. rnr (;4.,r1s , of ;I,r. laml a iil 1•.•In•.m~la t”. VER tnr• N. w ME= Tirt 1.1, 1 1).1.1" I 'IZ ENTS : 111111t•IAUllt•ii n t.1114i l's,irt.o.ltll/Y nn 11, lilt ittlet:lti , oll of OW to hi , large utnl %t •-•• 4 ,1" I:pl. Lb, ;NuscEl,l..\ NE017:7. 4 . It ELIA AM) JU VEN I 1.1.: BO( )KS. ST.% NDAIID WußES—lllu•trated awl in Binding. FANIILY., HAND tV. PUt'KET 19101ia;ILAPII .VI.I.:UMS—Tia? elware,l MEE TOY 1100. ES Full THE LITTLE FOLKS -11 ighly rated. ;AMES OF ALL KINDS STEREOSCOPES AND V EWS --A large EMI= CARD A - CABINET 1ILOTO(.:RAP1IS With Irann.i , i ti. -nit. WORK BONES—Plain anti xvitrri.NU DESKS AND CASES. voinToLros—or as sires. A :Ica a.sut•tutent of POCKET BOOKS, l' ES4, DIA 12 TES CARD CASES. r- i'Cnll and ror 11. SILEAFFEWS Cheap Bool: store. No. 3:2 Not tl Queen Street, I..nnete-ter, Pa, ac.•, U, NOTICE: TO MY "LONO-NVINDED" PATIIuNS . . . . . . . . .1.17 you pay yoilr hills beture January 1,4, 14;3. live por cent. will be dedlleted 7, a if nut, ye per t. cen will be added, to pus' I a Pa rAR n r COeetol, \%210 I know will "(lun' yon on ...sere street. corner: S. Alimort. Columbia. 1:W.7. ',37.-t f. ITETW ADY_ERT_IS.E.3TB.NTS. JOR SALE T • A PLEASANT and CONVENIENT HOUSE and LOT, on Second street, Columbia. Inquire at this office. (dee. 14, qw-tr. TOIL N FENDRICII, ' WHOLESALE & nrrAn. TOBACCO, SNUFF Jr.: . SEGAR MANU FACTI7RER. .'.g.'nt• for the New York Fine Cut, Navy, and Monitor Chow-Chow Chewing Tobacco, corner of Front and La:ll.A streets, Columbia, Pa. dee li, 'NOTICE !-ELECTION FOR NINE DIRECTORS of First National Bank to- Citable, will take place nt their Banking House, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14th, ISM, between' the hour!, of It o'clock A. M. and 4 P. , dee. 1 1,*(.7-5t.1 S. S. DETWIL7R, Cashier. - DANKELECTION. — AN ELECTION _EH FOR DIRECTORS of the Columbia Nat'l. Hank will he held at the Banking House thereof In Columbia. nu the SECOND TUESDAY of JAN LA RV, VW, between the hours of 10 A. M., and 2 P. M. SAMUEL SHOCH, di,. 11, '67-5t.1 Cashier. ALE OF TOWN LOTS ! 011 s ATI:I:DAY EVENING, DECEMBER I ILI), 1 , 4 1 7, the undersigned will sell at Public Sale et fibre Franklin Hous., the following 'valuable Real _E', tate, hittutted On Fourth ,•treet extended, iiNatt Ina leer front Walnut etreet. FOUR BUILDING LOTS, • each fronting on Fourth street extended 25 feet, and extending in depth 149 fcet. Nate to commence :di o'clock F. 31.,when terms will be made known by JOIDT FENDRICH. Snug EnnY, Auctioneer. (dee. 144 t. THO USES •AT PUBLIC SALE The subscribers will expose to Public Sale, at the Franklin House. Columbia, on SATUR DAY, December 215t,1867, the following property vie.: SEVEN FRAME HOUSES, known WI " Pud dler,' i'ow," situated on the corner of Third and Mill streets, in saki borough. These are conve nient tenements, and will be sold separate or all together, to snit purchasers. :sale to commence at 7 o'clock P. M. Terms will be accommodating, and will be made known at sale by JOHN Q. DENNY, Columbia, dee. 11-2t.1 J. G. HESS. (ZELLERS & FOLWELL, WHOLESALE CONF ECTLUNETM - tic ;PRIJITIIRRE-S, No. led North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. / - ..Z , Orders promptly attended to. [dec. 14-It. GETTYSBURG RAIL ROAD. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders 01 the Gorrysnutto RAIL ROAD COMPANY wilt be held at the Office of the President in Colum bia, on MONDAY, JANUARY 13th; ISGS, at two o'clock. The Annual election of a President and Twelve Threetors, will be held between the houni of 3 and '1 o'clock, P. M. 1100. 11 il.) HOWARD S. CASE, See.y. A Wl] NISTRATOR'S NOTICE! Whereas, Letters of Administration to the Itstite of Christian P. Stauffer, late of West Hem pdeld tosvuship, deceased, have been grant ed to the subscriber, all persons Indebted to said ek t a ie are requested to make Immediate pay ment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of haat. deceased, will make known the same, without delay, to JOH N M. GRIPER, Administrator, lee. 14, '67-tit.] Moun GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS MIRO (.(t 2c t sEenNi) AN]) LOCUST STREETS, COI4UMBIA, PENN'A. 711,2711 ( 1iiig evory de,intl,l ,- ,. Style And DRESS GOODS, PR [N TS, MUSLIMS, Tref: ENT S, SHEETINGS, F LANNELS, BLANKETS, I lOOP SKIRTS, SHAWLS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, 1 I OSIERY, GLOVES, MITS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, TIES, A: NOTIONS G ENERALLY. 01,0'11 I S, CIASSIMERES:SATINETTS, %mom: a great variety of Articles ~ultable for ICOLID_IY PRESENTS. NOIIV rt re more appropriate or acceptable to it Family than SEWING MACHINES. BUTTER DISHES, - WlLcox Z Giun9, and Howr. Every Machine warranted to give entire satis faction. All other Good Machine, furnished at Agents' Special attention given to I\ fere na n t Tailoring. CLOTHING MADE UP TO ORDER In Sept City Styles, and satisfaction guaranteed. NuT cRAAJNERs, ate., &e. Se (ice. I I, pr BANKRUPTCY District Court of the United) States for the Eastern DL4In Bankruptey. Mict of Pennsylvania. In the matter of BENJAMIN F. ArroLD, a Da nit rapt. Eastern District of Pennsylvania, hs, A wz , :rant hits been issued by said Court against the estate of 13e:1in:ilia F. Appold, or the County of time:titer and State,of Pennsylvania, hi said District, he haying been adjudged a Bank rupt upon petit Mit of his creditors, and the pay ment of any iieliLS and the delivery of any prop erty to hint are forhidden by law. A meeting Of the creditors of said Bankrupt' to prove their tells and to choose nue or more Assignees cif his estate. will Ito held at a Court of Bankruptcy to lie holden at Dint:aster City, in said District. on the 2Stli day of December, A. D., 1867, at lit clnek, A. 31., at tb e