ggiumbia , rFOIO.)3I;F:4494WI I SII I 4ODX*;4 O 4uI4: 42 ADUV ia I m i Columbia, Pa. sattellfw,..Dec,ember, 14,10.07:. CASALM advertising will be considered H, and-oallectable at apy,thins'after the first Insertion. • -- ..• • ,PRUDENT.'3IIEASIMES Republican sentiment, as de , eloped by our exchanges generally; seems to be mod erate and wholesome in its _character and tendency nom:rill-the leading topics that agitate the people at this,time in ,our pub lic affairs: Therels no lack of i':Ontldetice, says the Philadelphia. U. q.. Gazette, in the success of the party at the Presidential election, either with or without the vote of the ,reconstructed u States.;. no - retreat v irom tliefreeprineiplesahr we.k have 'till contended; no regret at...the reverses that have so signally taught the lessons of pru dence, moderation, :economy, a . reductibn of Troptilai burdens, coneilintion, 'fOrbear ance, nationality.andharmony.c Nor do Accede-any disposition - to encour age, fanatical, puritanical r or revengeful tfu dencies or measures ; any disposition to injure or. depress one section or: exalt , : an other; any anxiety to try dangerous social experiments,to resort to violent propagand ism of free principles or 'violent repression of any others; to disarrange the' inichineiT of civil orderand commercial and financial confidence;'-for the gett'eralqu'eferenc:o" - Of Republicans, so laras,we can recognize it, is for tithe to aIIOW the country to grow accustomed to .the ,,, vast 'changes already achieved, and full \ and. hd..r,,discussion 4 ..and examination before re'ortirig i tO any'otlier: It is ilL#As:sp4it:t . ,,hets the settlement of o ruction troubles is demanded at the earliest morrtentshy thel . Toimation of moderate constitutions and lawN, placing all citizens of all raCes.!ataffelasses on an equal political footing, and by the prompt admission into Cofigressi'of the delegations from such re-organized States. To this end hitlumicelias boon and will be brought to bear in all the, State . , cenventions, of, the Scalth;'to - repress extreme rneashres;' 'and make the new codes ao liberal that they may be accepted by all men who are loyal. In the_ same spirit iipaiTge majerity3 in both" Houses'of 'Congress Will 'be' found resolutely:oppotted . to any new reconstruc tion measures, any more agitation on the subject, whether for- reactionary: purposes or for new demands. Some of the ablest and. most influential leaders of the extreme wing of the party will be found most de termined in this :policy: . SO:ilittc ... WhAek. - 0 agitation for a change may occur this ses sion, must come froth the'obstructionists of the Democratic party. It is in the same spirit that th ellepubli can s demand a cessation .of the revolutionizing tendency of the contraction policy, order that the bnsineas of the'c'orttitr'y - why. have time, to grow r ap to ,the,, changes already made. Made. `Whatever'any man'inaY* Milk on this vexed topic, hopust.. surely-see that, in the preSentperilonS Condit : l on'of business, the further continuance of contraction is rash in the extreme. Y What the Republi conasls is:not:a - renewal of inflation, but a. litt4 `time'for' the 'people-'fake breath after what has been done., Under 'the influence of-the same moder ate views the Republicans, recognizing the stability,- and ' , Value of tfieViationalThanking . system, adhere to it asstne of the best fruits of the war, but are willing 'to 'have its ac knowledged errors corrected, and. a ".fairer distrituttion.:„.f ertpital — ,over, the , , country provided' for. `- scat "VieWs * - 'and 'such . policy there_isor:no-trace ; AendencY''to revolutionary or„eV . retne measures, no dis position' to 'Prolong' agitation;': excitement and . uneasinesiViO'zitiferfereice with the confidence so to,,S4cCess in. trade. tfiglazaP liolddont to burn," there - is:a ohanef , .fcir restoration:of.healtb. If, therafore,•;,tite: constitution ..bas:'.;been weakened by disease or excess- , -the nerves shattered-:- - the'stoinachjweakened—the ap petite:g•nne;,--and."all 'the:: world :appears gloomy-4one some: fresh :oil Into •your 'Tamp, An th e shape-of-. - Plantation - Bitters which, will make - the-flame of life ,again burtibrightly,and !pace wretch ed..,,existence. _Foriadlps-4t isCan:f elegant and gentle stimulant, exactly such , as they require,. Many farnilies?will - not - be with out it. Mats an immense. stde•thioughout _ • „•,: • allagnolta Water—adelightful to:cologne , and' at ' vnlf the 213B,C_U.L_LAIVEO1fS... wr_ NTER CLOTHING CLOTHING! ';',CLO,TIEUNG ! CLOTHthGF CIiE. HU EVR!! Ovorconttrat one hall' tlni,prtce . they were two - Sunniloons v Vestn.Shirts,:llrnwern, Z:c., dm • • ••• r. _New Styles ; New Goods allow - rates, • • S. CLOTHING EMPORIUM-! _FrOnt. StieSt, first. Store abaeWrantri Fftreet.; COLUMBIA, PA. _ . . ECM Tharbest' Bes sorted H , an most and Cheapest, of. drOTBING FITANISFITNG:'GOODB, Hats, Caps. Boots, 'Shoes, &c., fie.; ever in these r‘adons,.which will be sold nt prices TO - DErYALL COMPETITION: [nov 2,;(17:- INTF;yALL:GQops ME CORNER SECOND AND •LOOUST - STREET ' - COLUMBIA, PENN' A., DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. QUEENSWARE, AT THE VERY -LOWEST. ,CASH PRICES. z ---- InCtruhnrel 3 lach 81116„731ack arid Colored French 4. f ; , hferinos,. CoburMAlpacas, Zlohairsj , Alpaca Porlns, Reps=plina r .L. , r • , Fictisise_Blald • ••• : • _ WIRITE";G:001)S; ^,:aSt OILEAT VAT:TETT'. T, ADIES' & GENTS' FITRNISHLNG; •GOODS,• --, '1r`..:73•71*, , •• •• • BATZIOTOLV. SK-rR P SR TR TS,' CORSETS:- uNDEftwirnrs, DR.d.WERS JOTIVIN'S -7BEST-,ICIP--.IGLOYES j - • , • with a fall assortment of kid, Slily, Lisle and Cotton , Gloves,forc „Ladles,- Gents, • - Misses and' Children:. ' , 4 , l ci to 3B :iis)aeiatp n , ,f.;; ancl.Lateit kltSles 4 .1,12 " e • -' oltbElt"vratr -, Om< satisfaction, SEWLNP: i t . I TACEI4IEI37I.2V - .TV.Olgi.t):• ;•••• leg4 - int - rforAcrit 4. l Wlt.sole'S, Highest Premium Lock.StitchiSfachines. _ TheP.PIEZnPrzo- , and AVIIREL . ER whiehwereinrsatedthlrFlßST GOLD 'MEDAL, • at the rads EZsldOpn; W.* ,Over,ElgW7Twe' The WILCOX , 4 Grans,, which is IfFicaLled, alinrLoornrChalnittnekldtichine:-.. , - . , And the Howir,ra seknoWledged:W be'- thn - Benof Shuttle' Maahlrieit.lV4 ....t- Other,aesding ;,x,7•lllmbines furnished when wahtedlittAssacr'S PRICES. [SCPE2I;-'87., IDIBER— -100,000 feet,4- 4 ' 4t461 W Carolina 1..,:"e l A I oia. erloorng:%" s-- - —...- ~,. - -- . 4 wooo feet'.4-4•Vid:s-I;iithpbtairdsaelloir I"f:i r e. Alscrnitoteinnd metal assortment of MT ; Pine and Hemlock,Lumber,_Flooring, 'Weather boarthfo,Plastertnr;:istaWrlckets, &c., &c., for sale'ist«reasotutble Trlcecat. - -tbo Planing 41111 azaLuzabbrrrard a - . t••••• •••. • sagl7-12] IFEALTIS ,HAIR, :RENEWER, Eus STOOD TI3E ,TEST OF SEVEN "MAILS • And no preparation for -the hair has yet been discovered.that will produce the same beneficial results, Iris an entirely new' scientific discov ery, combining many 01 the most powerful and restorative agents, in the VEGFITA.Iith: KING DOM, , restores• ORIGINAL . YOUTHFUL COLOR It . tititke's the Se alp wliite'and clean; cures dand ruirand humors, and falling out of the hair; and will make it grow upon bald heads, except in very aged. persons, as it furnishes the nutritive principle by. which the hair, is nourished and supported. It makes the hair moist, soft and glossy, and is unsurpassed as a TEAM DRESS ING. It is the cheapest preparation everoffered to the public, as one bottle will accomplish more and last, longer than three bottles of any other preparation. . . THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY The wonderful results pro ieeedby- our SICIL IAN. wart, ,RENEWER, have induced many to manufacture preparations for the Hair, under varionernames;Tand, in order to induce the trade and the, while to purchase .their compounds, they have resorted to falsehood,. by miming they were former partners, •or had. some con nection with our;iilEL HALL', and their prepam tlon'rwas similar ter Gum': :Do not be deceived by therriVi r - - . Purchase the orlgirial; it:ban never yet , been equalled. Our •Treatiso o il; the Hair, with certificates, free by mail. ' - ' ' Jar• See that each Ear= has our private REVENUE STAMP over the top of the bottle. All others are imitations. R. P. HALL ,t , CO., Proprietors, Nashua, N. H Sol4bp UECDiuggists and dealers in'llledicinc. nov 2 '67-Iy. G IFTS" -FOR , CHRISTMAS. AND - NEW YEARS! superb' Stock of Fine Gold and Silver Watches, allwarrrutted to run, and thoroughly regu fated; at the low price of $lO each, and satisfaction guaranteed. 100 Solid Gold Hunting ,Watches._...B23o to $lOOO 100 Magic'eased Gold Watches 250 to 500 100 Ladies' Watches, enameled 100 to 100 :a* Goldalunt'g ChrouleterWatelaes 250 to 300 310 Gold Hunting English Levers.... 200 to 250 300 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches.. 150 to 11:10 - 500 Gold .11unt'g -.a_mericanWutches, 100 to ..2.50 500 Silver Hutting Levers 50 to, ,150 • 500 Sliver Hunting Duplexes '75 to, 230 `5OO Gold Ladles' Watches ' 50 to 2.50 1,000 Gold Huntingso to 75 1,000 Miscellaneous Silver Watches' - 50 to 100 2,500 Hunting Silver Watches 25 to 50 . _ 1,000 Assorted Watches, all Idn ds 'lO to' • 75 The, above stock Wl.ll be _disposed ,of on?the rorin.Aft - ONT:-IntlCE'FLA".r,giving every patron a fine Gold or-solid Silver 'Watch for $lO, without regard to value: WRIGHT BRO.. a Co., 101 Broadway, New York,wishto immediately dispose of the above magnificent stock., Certificates, naming •the ar ticles, are placed in sealed envelopes, and well mixed. Holders are entitled to the articles named in their certificate, upon payment of Ten Dollars, whether it be a watch worth $lOOO or one worth less. The return of any of our certificates entitles youto the articles named thereon, upon payment, irrespective of its worth, and as no ar ticle valued less than $lO is named on any certi ficate it wltiat once .be seen that this is no lot tery, Gut a straight forward legitimate transac tion, which may be participated in even by the most-fastidious. A single certificate will, be sent by mail, post paid, upon receipt of 25 cents, tire for 81, eleven for $2, thirty-three - and • elegant premitun for 65, sixty-six and more valuable premium for $lO, one .hundred and most superb Watch for $l5. To agents,or those wishing • employment, this is a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately con ducted business, duly authorized by the Govern ment, and „open to, the most_ careful scrutiny. Watches sent byExpress,with bill for collection on delivery - , so that no dissatisfaction can possi bly-occur,. Tr,v us.- Address WRIGHT, BROTHER & CO., Importers, oct. 26, '67 5' 161 Broadway, Dew York. • • INIERS' • • CCiLIMII3,ti- STEAM " • SECOND ,ST., ;11%..EA1t, VALI , . UT, COLUMBIA. The Carr - lages; Bu Les;" Sce., - nitrate at_ these Works, have a reputation second to no others in the State. Be claims tir his Work the merits ,of beauty of form, elegance offinishandstrength of structure. One of the distinguishing features of his work is its durability; .all vehicles of his build are' con structed of the best seasoned material, and 'put togetherprralyandsubstautially. -; ,• . ~• COACH: SMITHING, , REPAIRINo . , dze.' This branch ;of the business attended to with punctuality and despatch. Wagons, &c., 'for sale or made to order. • T—Call at his Work and e:vamine his -stock and prices . ' - ' taug,3, - LOOK r -TBIS WAY. I . , - FRIENDS AND STRANGERS You are all Invited te , call 'and examine my Stock, of Segars, • Chewing and Smoking To roam°, Pipes, Pouches, Tobacco Bags, tee.; dze. ; Amongst my Chewing Tobacco can be_ found the Celebrated TURP/N NAVY', Pure Va. STEMLIS NAVY, Pure Va. SMITH d: JONES. NAVY and CAVENDISH. DEXTER CONGRESS, Pure Va. CUBAS FLOITM/ER. - - TROTTER'S ROUGH and READY. TROTTER'S ORONOKO. ' ' ROSE_ NATURAL; and DILL'S POCKET PIECE. Booties' SHORT FIVES aro the finest Segars kept in this town,: Besides I have the Celebrated Peach, ISABEL CUBAS, • • - • - LA:ESPANOLA; Havana Yarn of the Choicest Brands. The best ßrands 'of Fine Cuts in this market. Also, Smoking Tobacco 01 all Brands, together with a Tull assortment of .Meerselaau.m Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, - Fancy Goods,: &c.; - and examine my. Stock, as it is the , cheapest and the best to select from in Columbia. GEORGE M. BOOTH, ;locust Street, Columbia, Pa. ; CLOTTIn'G'? ;; LEcTuRE • TO YOUNG MEN.. . ••, Test 'Plibii/herg,,ql' a 'SadarElivelopc. > Pricc , six cents. 'A teeturg on the, Nature, Treatnierit" and IbUlleal Cure or SPIIDIATORILIIOEA, or Seminal Weakness, - Invobantary.Einissions, Sexual De bility; and. Impediments to Marriage' generally; Nervousnesa,CONSVMPTIOX,EPII.EPar, and Frrs; Mentalimd Physical Incapaelty_, esulting from Self-Abuse; 'ece.-=l3y. ROBERT CUT.VER.WELE, M. D., Author of the " Green D00k, ,, , • The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly, proves from lib; own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually:removed without medicine, and .; without dangerous surgical operations, Wingles, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of,eure at once certain awl effectual, by - which every sufferer, no matter what his condi tion may , be, may' cure himself cheaply,private lv, .and radically. THIS LECTURE WILL V PROE A. , BOON,, TO, THOUSANDS , AND Sent under c , fil,.to :any address, in a plain sealed envelope, on receipt of slx..cents, or two past - stamps, Also .Dr., Cu lverwelPs ".Marriage Gnide,:!,Prim,'.2s cents. Address the publishers, • ," . CHAS. J. C. .14.1,1 NE 4: CO, .127 Bowery, New York, Post 0111earbox 4586, Sept. 27, -'67-Iy. • , . , , , el -SOMERS •& SON, • ,••• . • - SOO CHESTNUT Sr., NEATr. GIRARD HOUSE, 1309 - CIHSTNUT'ST., medal' CONTINENTAL, , • • HOUSE,..PHILADELPRIA,PA,' - FINE CLOTHING, • - • , • ~C LOTECING 7 .A.V.LOW PRIDE, —CHEAP-CASSIMERES for Business Suits, CHEAP CASHMERES for Business Suits, MEASURES 'TAKEN, , EIIITS — .NEXT - 'DAY, _• . MEAS,URES • TAKEN, - SUITS :NEXT "DAY. . (aug 11.4 m. OUR I4K. EN E'S S • rt. J. .--- • Still continues to take '. ' PHOTOGRAPHS, FER.ROTYPES,' AMBROTYP.kf PHOTO:I4IIIIA.IHRES, GEH,PICTIJRES,'&c., ' -Antis old stand on Locust Streit, above Front; . . Mr. Lirri.y. has' had an' experlence , of several years atthia business; and his pictures are equal to the best that can be had in any city, and owing to his spiehdid sky-light; and good instruments, far superior to those generally taken In the coun try, If you 'with a good and correct picture, you may depend - upowgetting It at Little s. ;His P/1,- - tures am great - favorites with those who - .have obtained them;: •Prices as low as the lowest. for=t• the place—Locust Street:above Front* Columbim [mar-30; 1867." I[ I: I,P.4.OLSTERLNG! • • , ,„ ' het - undersigned has , taken rooms Auljoining the:residence of James Barber, In'Wttinut street... where be is at all times do all-kinds : of ,work in his dime, such asalanging..Ctuteins, cutting, making and ..layingarisats, 'repairing Sofas and Chairs, making.Saring, Corn-husk or Hair.:Slattrasses, Cushions, &c., ate.. • . Mar- 10 , - • . Ig.ti.MUEL CARTER . D:7BAXN.E=B7, CO. • -- FRANIMLM STRA.:kI BAKERY, 2.r; )ff ; iJ3 an'efils Queen 4 Stiect.;_ehtladel klia; . . . Crackera. Sodii "itisccilt-Tea'Cakei.'Etrari eult:Pnctißread, &c: citba beat quern/. • Janl2lQ74ll -..„ . _ LVEOVS' ETABLE BEFOHE THE ITTBLIC; GRAY HAIR TO ITS 1T IS 11E60 261E 4 SDED ANT) lISEII lIY FI.I.TE CLOTTIM.G,, 'CLOTHING AT LOW PRICE, .PLNF PIECE GOODS for ineasu;o work, FINE PIECE GOODS for measure work,' BEM '''47.A - sit4vgd 6e)2L - ritie_ nri.ERRIBLE EXCITEMENT !! . , • -FALL OPENING!!! AT ,• LAST FOUND. THE PLACE GREAT , - IN DOWN THEY COME!.! BARGAIN'S "TO BE HAD _AT TUE MAMMOTH STORE OF W. G., CASE & SON, A Splendid Stock of Goods :at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, WE HAVE PURCHASED A-, LARGE AND : FASHIONABLE STOCK ? OFT CLOTHS, - CASSIMERES, • - 'St YESTINGS, Which, -,w) Are prepared to make up IN THE LATEST STYLES. A. Large Assortment of _ FALL ,& .WINTER DRESS GOODS! Black and Fancy Silks, French-and Scotch Ginghams, Prints of all Styles and Makes.. • A full Stock of Linens. A Fine Stock of Hosiery, GLOVES, DRESS BUTTONS, . AND TRIMMINGS, The Best Stock of BROWN AND BLEACHED SHIRTLNGS, Of Every Width and Quality From 10 Cents l'Ett YARD U. WE MAKE A SPECIALITY OP OUR MERINOS, WOOL 7 POPLINS,- • ' ' POPLIN WOOL DELA [NES, COBERGS SPRAGUES Pink, • Purple, American, Me rimacks, Pacific, Witinsutta, Glen Cove, .Corset Jeans, Nine Cambrics, Paper Cambrics, Linens, Linen Handkerchiefs, Napkins, Threads, Braids; Dress Trimmings, Tidy Yarns,. Worsteds,' 'Hosiery, all kinds, Hoop Skirts . S ilk Circulars, Silk Sacnnee, - r- Balmorals, • Sce., &c. &c. MOURNECG DRESS GOODS, GINGHAMS, ...• . • • ENGLISH, FRENCH AND SWISS WHITE GOODS. ' AT VERY LOW PRICES. ALL kINDS of 'PRII;PTED DELAINES, SUCH AS PACIFIC, LOWELL, , HAMILTON, • FOULARDS, MANCHESTER, Sc TALL & WINTER SHAWLS OF ALL KINDS. C.I..OTEIS AND CAF,,SLIERES, , - For Gent's and Ladies' Wear FLANNELS, WRITE AND COLORED Also, — Brown - • • , Muslin,. „ Bleached, Muslims, • Bluil Pillow Casing,. Double' W id th SHEETINGS, Cottcin LINEN &Gents• Linen, Paper Collars, end's, Neck Ties,• Fancy and ,Plain, Rid Gloves, White and Colored, of all makes, Ready Made Shirts, i'ICKINGS of :ill GRADES, Cc El= ALSO, liill ALL STYLES OF HATS AND CAPS ! • 13OotS axici_ _Shoes ! LADIES' GLOVE KID, MISSES' and CHILD- `BEN'S SHOES MERCHANT TAILORING DONE IN TJI.II, BEST STYLE: OUT-, SIDE THE CITIES, AND ALL - ' FITTING WARRANTED ••A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Q ' A; CHOICE LOT ± O1: 1 GROCERIES,. =I SUGARS, -' SPIVES, TEAS !" 4 • FISH 3404 ASSES, " lIITS, &c. Please give us a cal], n't 'the 01;C r S'PAND of 31AXITBIL14 , St CASE; viqlero you can - examine oar Stock, beforo purchasing elsSwitere. • • *," •• • ••••,t, ORCVEE &BAKER'S PRk.1 1 .(111121t SEWING - .MAO TTTNES. L . ' Call at the t3tore and ertdkitlds on hand. 'G • CASE' & SON' • 11 ' Bt:, - betreenxit:4lx fikx)Tid aOLTrittlAer' ' 'i .o~"'VfarY.ct Price is 9iosn •for nU x;•;ire - 0) . .' exchaosic or Goods. ;s:E.X7e, SEWJNG 31ACT1IN ES There .. .l7 nee t er i Vt c .U c o l t e • Sovirptix.l:lln.round Sewing Machines 11'0*c:troll ;of it GOOD OlKE,llelien one ,Lc offered to you combining In ihiolf all the GOOD 'QUALf- T1E. , 1 claimed for any In the Market, and thymic/ of till the deficit told clap-trap fhlu rea, nut at lath moots used to make Machines sell. We offer for sale the GROVER & BAKER Making the Elastic Stitch width will not rip or break Ly (nudes, and for proof of its excellence, refer to those having them in use. - - - • INre have at all times a COMPETENTPER SON in attendance—not to picture imaginary perfections, nor to describe with voluble imper tinence the defects of other machines, -in order to hide anything in those we sell, but to show what can be done with ours. We have also the best. LOCK STITCH PRICES I ! MANUFACTURING MACHINE, Ever offered to thepublic, and only ask en ex " amination of them to substantiate onr assertions. Also, SECONDLITAND MACIIJNES,. In good running, order - . of-the' following makes, which we will sell at AISOUT liAmv• the original PnicE: WILCOX & GIBBS, WIIEELER''& WILSON'S AND HOWE'S. W. G. CASE & SON, Agents, at Bolling Mill Store, Columbia, Penu'a. N. Ett—The aboVe Machines are also to be had of F. X. Ziegler, the former Agent, at the Adams Express Mee, in Walnut street, above Front. June 8,'67-tf] GROVER & BAKER'S RIMIEST PREMIUM . ELASTIC 'STITCH • . . AND' LOCK STITCH SEWING ,- MACHINES, 49h BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 730 C,FIESTNITT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. :111..5, 'O7. ME GREAT IMPROVEMENTS rx SEWiNG EMPIR.EI' - s' SHUTTLE MACHINE. Salesroom, No. 021 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. This MACHINE is constructed on a new prin cipal of mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by the most profound experts and pronounced to be SIMPLICITY and PERFECT/ON COM BINED. The following are the principal objections urged against Sewing Machines: - I. Excessive fatigue to the operator. 2. Liability to get out of order. 3. Expense, trouble, and loss of time in re pairing. 4. Incapacity to sew every description of ma terial. 3. Disagreeable noise while in operation. The Empire Seirihii Itraeleine is Exempt frosi (171 Me.; ',OBJECTIONS. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, H makes the LOCK or SUTTLE STITCH. which wilt neither RIP nor RAVEL and is alike or, both sides; performs perfect sewing on every description . of material, from Leather to the finest Nausook Muslin, with cotton, linen or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. IT HEMS, FELLS BINDS, BRAIDS, TUCKS, ' QUILTS,PLAITS ; GATHERS.' ; Having neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is -' EMPHATICALLY A NOISELESS MACHINE. All tiCtriediCS of CADDIES MActusss' from 4:60 upwards. AZ-Particular attention is called to our new and Improved Manufacturing Machine, for Tailoring, Shoe-fitting, Couch Trimming, &c. Its advantages are simplicity, durability, .rapid ity; easy adaptation to all branches of manufac turing. It makes perfect work on all material. It is especially desirable in sewing Patent Leath er, and-is 3 - ery still. It short it is the most per fect manufacturing machine in the market. N. B.—Every Machine guarranteed. EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, 921 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. , FRANK GRANELLO. Agent. .tAgents wanted. Jan.16,'67-1y ALPACAS, &c., Rx THE HOWE MACHINE. CO.'S - SEWING. MACHINES, FOR.. FAMILIES 'AND MA-NUF.A.CTMREDS The Howe LOCK STITCH, THESE WORLD-RENOWNED SEWING- MACHINES Were awarded die highest premium at the World's Fair in London ancLaix first premiums at the New York State Fair of lea, and are cele brated for doing the best - work, using a mach smaller needle for the same thread than any other machine, and by the Introduction of the most improved machinery, we are now able to supply the very best machines in the world. These machines are made at our now and spacious Factory at Bridgeport. Conn„ under the immediate supervision of the President of the Company, - ELIAS HOWE, JR., the - original inventor of the Sewing Machine. They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, and to the use of Seamstresses, Dress Makers, Tailors, Manufacturers of Shirts - , Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Corsets, Boots, Shoes, Harness; Saddles, - Liner. Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species of' sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both sides of the articles sewed. • The Stitch invented by MR. BOWE, and , on this Machine, is the most popular and dur able, and all Sewing Machines arc subject to the principle invented by him. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. ,The Howe Machine Company, 1399 BROADWAY, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y mrur 30,117-1 y BOOTS AND B_7IOES. I4ADIES 'SHOE MANUFACTORY. Having Increased my facilities for turning out superior work would announce to my old customers and all new ones that may favor me with a call, that I am better prepared now to mans facture all kinds of LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S " SHOES AND GAITERS, . - than ever befor.e. I employ none bet the best workmen and am always certain of giving satis faction. keep on hand a general assortment of ready made work all of which is manufactured on the premises. . I keep no made-up Work of (Aber partle. My work is mute exclusively for home trade and is sold as such. TERMS CASH. " We sell as cheap as any other establishment, and ask a share of public patronaee. JAMES SCHROEDER, Locust Street, between Front and Second. OME MANVFACTURE. The Subscriber has on lanai a large Stock of oats and.Sboes Gaiters, 4:c., all of his own Manufacture:- Call at his Store, four doors above It. Williams' Drug Store, Front Street, where he osiers - an-ex tensive assortment of Goods, either WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. . HIM stock consists of as large and general as sortment of Iten's Boys' Ladies' and eldldren's , • BOOTS AND SHOES, - as can be found elsewhere in the Town. Those requiring Boots and Shoes, will find it to their advantage to call and examine his Stock, before purchasing eLsewhere.. May X,-tf] SAMUEL GROVE." DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CURED ! DR. J. SIMMS ' SON'S ANTI-DYSPEPSIA POWDERS Will Positively cure DYSPEPSIA or INDIGES TION in all its various distressing forms. The prominent symptoms of Dyspepsia or In digestion are Heartburn, Flatulency Uneasiness in the Stomach, Variable Appetite, Sourness in the Stomach, Gnawing in the Stomach before eating and Oppression after eating, Nausea, spit, tingup of food after eating, Obstinate Constipa, Bon, Pain in the Side, Head, and Stomach, Tongue continually coated on the back part, Lan guor, • Debility, Low, Spirits Bad taste in the Mouth, Disturbed Sleep, Falling away in Flesh, Palpitation of•the.Fleart, Nervousness, Obstinate • Verrill:ea, Belching of Wind, Torpid or Inactive . Liver, 4:c., k.c. Any or all of which these pow. , ders will most assuredly remove. Persons using these powders will soon find themselves gaining in weight, andlhe system in every way tending towards its usual vigorous and healthy action. Dyspepsia • •, They will promote Dyspepsia; Dyspepsia Digestion, remove Dyspepsia Dyspepsia all Nervousness • 'Dyspepsia Dyspepsia . and' Symptoms Dyspepsia Dyspepsia affecting •thelicart • .:Dyspepsin Dyspepsia and Cause the., Dyspepsia Dyspepsia • 'F'ood to agree with' the - Dyspepsia Dyspepsia stomach and digest healthy,D3-spepsia AND LEAVE NO UNPLEASANT EFFECTSAFTER -, EATING. They'thared,hundredwpf L the ;wors MSC'S of Dyspepsia_ 'We lutve cured more than Five Hundred Cases of Confirmed Dyspepsia in Wil mington; Our: place of business' ; besides thou sands of cases of lesser severity, during the last 27 years. Joseph Eitimplo, residing •in •our •,place, was cured with less than six boxes; afterbeingunder treatment in other places for more than a year. Jt Is very easy to take and rapid In its curative effects:l s.Price 85 cents e, BOX Tor three -Boxes for One Diller. ' - - . Sold Wholesaloby Johnson Holloway & Cow den, philadelptiliC Demas.dlarnes & Go., Now York, and at Reran by J. A. 111EYEIIS. Columbia, Pa. Geo. W. Neff', York, Pa, and Dealers In Medicines everywhere. Loct.l9 '67-Iy. =MEMII PATENTED FEBRUARY .I.4TU, 1860. 699 BROA.DIVAN, NEW Yo -RE: ELOUB,..AND YEBD. 'FLOUR AND FEED STORE ! he undersigned, having purchased the Stock on hand, and taken the Flour and Feed Store lately occupied by George Brandt, Locust, above Fourth street, Columbia, Pa . will continue the business at that place, and respectfully solicits the patronage of ,his friends, and the public in lie will, at all tunes, keep on hand the BEST FAMILY FLOUR, that can be procured. Also, RYE FLOUTI, CORN MEAL & BUCKWHEAT,. with FEEDS of different kinds, all of which he will sell as low as possible, for CASH. Being a practimi Miller, and having followed the trade for many years, he flatters himself that his knowledge of the business will enable lute to give satisfaction to all who nut} , favor him with their custom. _ . The store will be open from 7A. AL-, to,B , P. M Col'o, dec. 8, '6B-tf.) DANIEL MeCAULEY. COLUMBIA- •FLOUR-MILLS.- GEORGE BOGLE, PnoPmETon. The highest Cash prices paid for all kinds of Grain. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA matrix FLOUR for sale; also Mill Feed of all kinds. Wheat Ground and Packed to order. Grist Work and Chopping done. Chopped Corn and Oats. Corn Meal and GRAHAM FLOUR For sale at all times, and delivered to any par of the town. In-Town and country custom sot jApril 0,1 S 7. MISCELLA_NEOVS. BAILEY &,,c.9.,. 819 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. DIAMONDS; . Pearls Ruble's, Sapphires , Emer;alds, 'Rare Gems, Engagement flings, Wedding Rings. LOW PRICES CO. PHEADELPITIA WAT-CHES! Of the most: eelebrated%mnir.ers. Sole agents for the grand G old ilfedal,PATE:x rILILLIPE CO. t tat e-keeper, the hest;wnteh mann fact tired. LO , NIT PRICES. BAILEY- - & CO. PHILADELPHIA BRIDAL SILVER, For WEDDING PRESENTS, of entirely new and artistic designs. LOW PRICES. BAILEY ik - CO. PEILLADELPHIA PLATED WARES, From the most celebrated American and English makers, LOW PRICES.. BAILEY &- CO. rte z LADELPIILN WORKS OF ART ! FINE OIL PAINTINGS, STATUARY, BRONZES, &e LOW PRICES. Our stock is unsurpassed by any establishment in the country, both In regard to price and qual ity, our foreign importations having been select ed with great care by one of the firm In Europe. Our wares are con sten tly a rranged for exh 1 bition , ami strangers In the elty, whether desiring to purl:linse or not, arc cordially invited tm call and examine. ua..orders by mall carefully and promptly at tended to. BAILEY & CO., No. 819 CHESTNUT STREET, PEIILADELP.I3.Lk. N. D.—Designs of Silver Ware, ate., sent by mall. [oet. 8. _ "ik3O_CRET:BOOKS! - '' Large and well selected stock or POCKET BOOKS, has just been received, which we will sell at reduced prices. Call and see our stock of Arb - uirk.s A large and fresh stock just received from New York, which are offered at prices to suit every one. ALL THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS. A. large assortment just received. and selling at very low prices. No person should be without reading matter. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID The genvine art/de—quarts, pints, half pints, and 2-oz. stands. Everything , usually kept in the Stationery 1 ine, will be found at W. U. HESS' Book Store, Locust street, opposite Col umbia National Bank. April 6,1867. L OCAL - FREIGHT NOTICE. Tile Pennsylvania Rail Stoat! Company are now prepared to receive or forward Freight be tween Columbia and Lancaster, and all stations• on the Pennsylvania Rail Road audits branches. RATES BETWEEN PHIL' A. 4: COLUMBIA, Frost Class. 21a1 Class. - 3rd Class. 4th Class. 25 cents 21 ets. 18 cis. 15 cts. Flour in Car loads, 25 cents per Barrel. BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA 6:: LANCASTER. First Class. 2nd Class. 3rd' Class.' , 411. MSS. 23 cents „ .33 ets. , 17 cts. 14 cts. BETWEEN COLUMBIA SL - PITTSBURGH. Pint Clans. tad Class. 3rd Class. 4th Class. 71 cents 56 eta. 46 cts: ' 36 cts. Freight consigned to stations where the Com pany has no Agent, must be prepaid. All Freights payable on Delivery. H. H. HOUSTON, " General Freight Agent, Phila. fkr-For further information apply to • S. B. Krt4Gsrotg, Frt., A*., E. IC. Boles, Frt., Agt., Columbia: A. F. SLAYMAKER, Frt., Agt., Lan ter T' ,` BEST IN THE WORLD ! POL'EY'S GOLD PENS Aro neknowledgetitp be the best yet offered w MM= NV. U. HESS has just received a very large stock of these celebrated Pens. His old stock has also been exchanged for now, so that custo mers cmn now select from the LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT of Gold Pens ever brought to this market. :9__Pens are guaranteed for six months. Push along. Get a Pen. Ask for Foley's.. mar. 23, 'GAL] - W. U. HESS. Locust Street. WEINA kr:ENT FOR 7711• STATEN• ISLAND Dying " Establishment. Ladies' Dresses, Cloaks, Veils, Gloves,Ritbons, and Silks of all kinds dyed any color. Also, Gentlemen's Coats, Vests, Pantaloons, Rid Gloves washed to look like new, Scouring, repairing, &c., done at short notice. I will receive goods at my store and forward them to the establishment. . . . S ti f gif- a s action guaranteed. .C.cilduld sec list of prices at J. C. nucilEirs . _ . Store, Locust Street, - JS27, ' O 3 ---, , Columbia, Pa. PHILADELPHIA CANCER HOS PITAL. 'PROFESSOR'R.'II. KLINE, PRINCIPAL PHYSICIAN AXE. SURGEOI•,' To the Philadelphia Cancer Hospital: Office, No. 031 ARCH Street, is daily making astonish ing and most miraculous cures of Cancer by the mast scientific' and lately approved remedies known to the civilized world; among which are his great Cancer Antidotes, wondernd treatments that operate specifically upon the Cancer and Cancerous affections, -antidoting, *killing and destroying the Cancer, every particle, root and fibre belonging to it or them, without pain or the use of the , knife, without caustic, eating-and burning medicines, Without the loss of blood, or in the least :Meeting the sound flesh. No other treatment should ever be used. No other persons' have these antidotes. To investigate these treat molts, to see patients under treatment, and to examine the terrible specimens tints removed, call anti see: or address R. H. RelifiCE, M.-D., 'I Odic°, No. NI ARCH St., Philadelphia, Penna. Post office Box 1474. , - For Particulars send for a Circular. „ SUSQUEHANNA ;PLANTING MILL, ON:,F49,INTR PRIVN'A RAIL ROAD IN'TERSECTION,COLmrierA, , . . Tho Subscribers: wofild respectfully announce to the patrons of their Dllll, that the advanced prices of labor and expenses incident to currying " on the business of their establishment compels them to charge their customers an advance, on former" rates, and- take this method oto inform' them that the following are, the prices for- work done at theivlllills:., , , For...working ...Flooring .. per... M. • .6.4.60 .. do •NVeatherboards per, !, M - - -.3,60. " , Surfacing, one., aide,, per 'M. 2.r0 " i - . - .d0,.. two altles.,per,, , ;it . '4.s°' "-!..ite-saWing . White,•Pine • face ... . 4 , , iki. ' l;itlit . i: face mean,P ' e e r !.. , r ik. ....... --- '5" ' ',.! do, A -, Oak and Cherry la .... "----''- 100 ' "- Rilining";4-4 per line, lrfeet: • - , „,-' 8 .4 00 ••• do 8-4 do do ' „Joice ; dor:. du ;434 hauledto the Mill and returned to 1 ard without extra charge: • Accounts for working or dressing lumber will be considered collectable every four months. The subscribers have on hand an assortment of ROUSH - aud.DRESSED LUMBER which is for Sale at Market Prices, and solicits a continuation of public custom. • Apl BACKMAN 6r. MARTEN. LANCASTER ADV'S; ROUSE FURNISHING STORE. A. C. FLINN, NO. ii, NOItTII QUEEN STREET, LANCAS , • TER, PENIV.A.. , -Dealer la - all kinds of GOODS, Stoves, Hot Air Furnaces, - Anti Cooklug Ranges Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper-Ware Manufitctory. Roofing, Spouting, and Tin Mending promptly • attended to. • - • PLUMBER, GAS FITTER And Dealer in all kinds of Water and Gas Pipes, Lend, Galvanized Iron. Cast and Wrought Iron, Terra Cotta ct, Copper (tinned.) Tubing, Hydrants, - 'Bath Tubs, and Boilers, • Wash Bowls, • • Water Closets,• • &c., Am., Am., Force and Lift Pumps for Cisterns, and Deep Wels, Hydraulic Rams; Regis ters, DAMPERS, VENTILATORS, Ac.. ICE CREAM FREEZERS, WATER COOL- • ERS AND REFRIGERATORS, - • • -At A. C. FLINN'S, No. 11, North Queen St.,- . Lancaster, ,Penn'a. • CHARLES M. HOWELL', • . MARBLE -MASON, , NO. 66 NORTH QUEEN STREET„ EAST SIDE. -: • The Oldest Marble Works in Lancaster County. Tlutnkful for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon him,' he, respectfully, solicits a continuance of the same. He has on hand the largest, most' . varied and complete stock of finished MONUMENTS, MANTLES,-. - . GRAVE STORES, bc., to be found in the city. and which will be sold at the lowest prices. -Building lvork. and Jobbing of every description punctually attended to. Persons in want of Monuments; Mantles; or• Grave Stones, are invited to call and examine the stock on hand, also the portfolios of designs. June SHEA.F.PER, '•PUBLISIiEIL & BOOKSELLER, N 0.32 North - Qiiden Street, Lancaster, Penn . 'a., respectfully invites the attention of the pub lic to Ills large assortmentof , • BOOKS AND STATIONERY, comprising Books of every description. Papers mid Envelopes of all kinds and of the best qual- Sty, and articles usually kept in a Book store, which-lie P isThour selling at the Lowesr CASTI II,ATI S. •.• , • DOCUMENT ENVELOPES—The most secure envelope for, transmitting valuable matter- by mail, and an excellent article for preserving bonds, securities and valuable papers. Useful to every one. BLANK BOOKS—A full assortment of all sizes, Pull and half bound. POCKET BOOKS—Just received a large stock of all sizes, manufactured of the best materials. BlBLES—Pulpit Family mu! Pocket editions. German and English TESTAMENTS, PRAYER and HYMN Books, and a large stock of miscel laneous Religious Books selling at old prices. SCHOOL BOOKS- 7 AII Books used In our City and County Schools. STEEL PENS—of the Best Quality, Imported direct from the manufacturers. - - SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS—AII the publica t ions or the differentßeliglous PublLslung Houses —for sale at their own. rates. Liberal deductions made to Teachers, blerclumts School Directors and the Clergy. Prompt attention given to all orders. Livia-ff. D OWN WITH THE PRICES ! J ust received from the Philadelphia and New York Markets a full and complete stock of CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, the Latest Styles in the market, which we arc Prepared to make up to order in the BEST STYLE AND SHORTEST NOTICE, and at the Lowest Cash Prices. We have an hand a full and complete stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, for Men and Boys, Of our own make, which we guarantee well trimmed and well made, and goods as repre sented. Also, our Stock of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH ING GOODS, is full and complete. Our stock is purchased at the very Lowest Cash Prices, arid we are prepared to sell at a small advance. Call and examine our Stock, and you will he convinced the place to lie suited for the least money, is at MYERS S RATIIFON'S, No. 1 East King street Lancaster City, Pa. S. RATHYON'S ' • . 3 EIGHANT TAILORING. GENERAL CLOTHING, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, (Opposite Shober's hotel,) CORNER OF NOlrrn QUEEN AND ORANGE STS" LA CASTER, rENI , .:A. All kinds of Men's and Boys' ready-made Clothing and Furnishing Goods constantly kept on hand. Also a superior assortment of • . French, English. German and American Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, which will:be made to order in any desired style, with the least possible delay; warranted to give satisfaction, and at reasonable charges. July 14,'66-Iy] S. S. RATICVON. A. .. . N. BRENEMAN'S . • A Is , GENTLEMEN'S BOYS, GIRLS AND CHILDREN'S SHOE STORE. The largest and best assortment of Ladles and Gentlemen's wear In the CITY OF LANCASTER. The undersigned respectfully invites the citi zens of Columbia and vicinity, to his large stock of LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES, Such as Women's Hid and French Morocco Boots, Balmoral Continental and other . . FASHIONABLE STYLES. '' We are prepared to manufacture at short notice every ,kind of Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear known In this market, and at as cheap rates us any similiar establishment. Call and examine our stock. A. N. BRENEMAN, Opposite Cooper's Hotel, West King St. Lancaster. TO HORSE • OWNERS. - • BAKER'S HOOF LINIMENT, DIE BEST ARTICLE For Quarter or Sand Crack,- Corns, Thrush, Contracted, Hard or Brittle Hoofs, atc., and for general use place of Stuffing or Soaking. As Dressing for the outside of the Hoof 'it has no Superior. Sold Wholesale and retail, by A. MILEY. Sad dle and Harness Manufacturer, No. 37 North Queen Street, next door to Shober's Eagle Hotel, Lancaster City, Penna. N. B.—Harness of every description constantly on hand, and repairing neatly done to order. jEST.IBLISITED IN 1829. SE[ULTZ'S OLD ESTABLISHED HAT, CAP AND FUR STORE. No. 20 :Nolan QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. We would respectfully announce that we are now prepared to furnish our customers with the Latest Styles consisting of Gentlemen's - DRE&S SILK, CASSIMERE, PLAIN AND BRUSH • FUR AND FOOL, on CASSIMEBRETT, STIFF CASSIMERE, SOFT AND STEEL EXTENDED BRIMS, AND FLEXKILE SELF-ADJUSTING STIFF AND D'ORSAY BRIM HATS, In new, Novel and beautiful Designs, and at suck pricer: as to make it an Inducement for all to purchase. CAPS ! CAPS'. ! CAPS !! ! Our stock of Caps comprises all the newest styles for Men's; lloys' and Children's Spring, and Summer Wear. Dun MOTTO IS EQ.TJALITY TO ALL." The lowest selling price marked in figures. on each article, and never varied from, et SHULTZ St BRO.'S Hat, Cap and Fur Store, No. R North Queen st. ACS - ALL KINDS OF SHIPPING FURS BOUGHT, AND IHOILEST CASIL PRICES PA/D. [MIT 30,'67 FASHIONABLE HATTER. JOIN \I. GREEN, Has removed his Store to No.-1 East King street, ' ,Next door to Barr's Book Store, • LANCASTER, PA., Where he has fitted up rooms to carry on In an ,extensive scale, the , , ' MANUFACTURE OF EATS, &C Orders may be 'left, or sent at' any time, and satisfaction guaranteed. . I have only the best workmen, and amat all times prepared to supply those who may favor me with a cal with the - BEST AND CHEAPEST HATS AND OAPS, - of the Latest and most Fashionable Style. • Raving had considerable experience in the, business, he hopes to meet' a generous share of public patronage, ‘• 'Aprils, '67 7 tt) ' • JOHN .Id. GREEN: T 4 NCASTER •- - •.4 - ' •' • - " ' • MARBLE 'Forms,' • LEWIS hALDY, - Proprietor. •-• • .„. All persons in want of anything , in.the•Marble line, will be furnished at the very lowest ,prices., Only the best workmen aro employed, conse quently we are enable to turn out in a superior MONUMENTS - , STATUARY .TOMBSTON., • ORNAMENTS, MARBLE MANTLES, . BUILDING:PRONTS, SILLS, _ ' • And MarbieWM•knieveryilekrlptiein., Orders promptly - attended to ' LEWIS liALDY„ - May 4:67) Lancaster, City, Pa. ITOUSE.YURSTIST-ITNIG GOODS ENGLISH lIRITSSELS' A-ND,TAPESTRY • CARPETS. • • THREE—PLY, INGRAIN it VENE— ' TIA.IsT, CARPETS.. • , _ VELVET RUGS at COCOA DOOR MJLTS: & AMERICAN OIL . CLOTHS:" PAPER_ , lIANGINdS,- " - • Plebs tind'Derorrith,e. Window - Shades, Chinn and ' Glassware, Marseilles • Quilt* Bliusketsr Table and. Plano Cowers. •and allures Stock of DOMESTIC COTTON AND•WOOLLN, GOODS„ which we will sell al low Prices..— • ILAGETt BROTIERB, — ' " ' "• " - Lancaster, Penner' ' ,NEW,"STYLE ,ICE ;PITCHERS! ' MREISLE PLATED . wlth Nlckle toms, cannot break or be cat. ' The finest thing Take a look at thorn, at - SEMELNER eARTNIET-EUItNITTIRE: CABINET WARE MANUFACTORY. ,The subscriber baying lately put tip new ware-rooms, and greatly increased his business, eau offer better inducements to las- eustorneres than ever. WINDOW SITADF.,,, r tIIII - IJOR IN ALL- =LEM He manuthetures to oiler, nd will keep con stantly on lumd,'Dressing, Plain and. Fancy Bureaus, Sideboards, Sofas, Card, Dining and Centre Tables, Common. Fanayand French Bed steads ;MI of which „will be sold on the most reasonable terms. As he manufactures his own work ho is enabled to warrant every article .to' be what it is represented. CAAIRS! CHAIRS!! CHAIRS!! ! 9 All kinds of chairs kept on hand or manufactur ed io order. Cane, Windsor, Arm and Rocking, Chairs; Settees, Camp and Countet Stools;Sofas, Tete-a 'fetes and Stuffed Seat Chairs, ,nano, to order. Old chairs repainted and repaired: UNDERTAKING. Funerals wlll be nitended to with promptness, to which he ~, i ves his personal attention. He is prepared with Ice boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, as may be required. , MAHOGANY OR WALNUT COFFINS, Furnished plain or tinted in any style that may be required. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, as well as a continuance of the custom with which he has been liberally favored.• JOHN SHENBEHGER, South side of Locust street, between Second and - Third. (mar3ll-67,tf. FURNITURE 'OF • CABINET FARE-ROOMS t3.6.3.,TU FACTORY, Locust:Street, a' fetid doom' below . Third Street, Columbia, Pa. - , The subscriber manufactures and o 3cceps n hand an extensive assortment of all kinds , of Furniture. Persons wishing to buy, or those about to go to housekeeping, will find it to their advantage to'glye me a call. BEBSTEADS,'TABLES; CRAMS, - 13IIREATJS, • ' • ' • SETTEES; ,te., • • Of the best quality, style, and a facture, and' will make to order, okirst-rate materhd, every. article in his line. ,He will give strict attention. to business, m d respectfully asks of the public a sharh of its paironage. , inir• UNDERTARING will receive the most careful attention, at the shortestnotee. • tuar3o-67-tfli : GEORGE SEIBERT. GRO CERIES, &e. M N BROTH R'S E: PROVISIOY STORE, ODD - via:Lows , HALL, Columbia; GROCER IFS, PROVISIONS, FLOUR, GRAIN, Le We will always keep on , hand the very beb quality of goods, such as - • SALT, • SPICES, STARCH, ' CRACK E'RS. MOLASSES, • SEGATIS TEAS. ' FISH, 11.018. COFFEE. CIIFISE, SIJC. A BS, TOBAGO ), Also,Fancy Groceries, Notions, Dried Fruit, 4:c. We intend to keep the best Goods only, and to sell as cheap as any similar store. We therefore ask a portion °flail,' ic patronage. • H. MULLEN tt. BRO. ATTENTION- HOUSEKEEPERS WE are almost daily In receipt of new any fresh grdeeries, such :As SUG A RS. TEAS. * MEAT, COFFEE, FRUITS, FISH, _ SPICES, CHEESE, FLOUR. ProN'isions of all kinds, together with Wood mid Willow-ware and Claws and Queensware. Switzer and. Limberger Cheese, German Fruits, ,te. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICKLES Fresh Peaches, and all the Fancy Groceries per taining to a well regulated Grocery Store. I tun - deterinined not to be surpassed in cheap ness and In the excellent quality of lay goods. .".r•Call around and inspect our stock whether you buy or not. A share of public patronage is solicited. GEORGE TILLE, agent, Locust St., above 2nd A FRESH ARRIVAL OF .:GOODS AT HARDMAN'S! Just received, at the fine Grocery Establish ment, corner 3rd and. Cherry streets, the follow ing new Goods: CHOICE NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, JELLIES, PRESERVES, HONEY, STRAWBERRIES RAISINS, PEACHES, TOMATOES, ENGLISH PICKLES, W I NSLOW'S G BEEN CORN, womr. L , Yr OF IC - Ew YOBX CANDIFS Oranges, Lemons, Figsi, Raisins, Cocoanuts, Cranberries, Cider and White Wine 'Vinegar. Extra Family Flour, Mercer Potatoes, Rio and Java Goitre fresh roasted, Lovering's Syrup, &c. —erif - Ne NV Goods received almost daily. Will. H. HARDmAN, 3rd and Cherry Sts., tf] ' Columbia, Pa. FRESH ARRIVAL OF GROCERIES: -. e are now ready for the Spring Trade, having Just purchased a full assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, Extra new crop Coffee, Refined Sugars and Syrups—an elegant Syrup for 25 Cents per Quart. EXTRA FIRE JERSEY RAMS. We have also, No. I, .2, and 3 Mackerel . barrels, quarters and halves, Dried Beer, Herring, &e All kinds of Fruit and VEGETABLES' IN. CANS. ' ' Our assortment is full and complete, and our prices reasonable. ~ 4 Call emu nine HEN for yourselve D s. HENRY SUYAM, Mar 30-tf Cor. of Front LI.: Union Sts: GROCERY STORE.' L The Subscriber would respectfully Inform the Public:generally, that he has just received a general assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TEAS AND SPICES. Relined Sugars of all kinds, No. 1, and Mess Mackerel English American Pickles, Sugar-Cured Hams, Exits Fine Syrups, ' Old Rio and Java Colree, DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS, Raisins, Prunes and prepared Mustard always on hand and of the very best grades. Otir stock of staple and fancy groceries is full and complete audwe intend keeping it fresh, by almost daily additions. Notions or different kinds always on hand. FREDERICK BUCHER, • cor. 4th & Locust Sts: 114B.7) WARE, - STOVL 7 S, tee ALWAYS JUST PURCHASED, AT REDUCED PRICES, a splendid Assortment of new and de sirable HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS COOKING STOVES—Aiti-Dast Quaker CO, and the Niagara, BRIT,,AITNIA WARE, in Sets or separate, to suit purchasers. CHAMBER WARE, CUTLERY OF ALL RINDS. WATER COOLERS, of all sizes and styles Special attention paid to GAS FITTING and PLUMBING. A large assortment of splendid CHANDELIERS always on hand. A Variety of I3IRD CAGES, at all prices. Agent for the Celebrated DOTY'S CLOTHE-3 WA SliElt. The most popular, best and cheapest Washing Machine ever invented. In connection with the above Washing 'Ma chine, he has the UNI'VERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER! • Call nt the corner 01 Second and Locust streets and satisfy yourself that you can Oct better bar gains there than at any other establishment. MILO' W.I.L.SON, Cor. of Second and Locust Sts. Columbia, Pa. April 20.1507-1 - t ir RUMPLE & SON, • DEALERS IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC ICARDWARE. in extensive assortment_ of house furnishing hardware, ars° for carpenters' and builders' use, always on band. IRON- A N l)' S T , E-E L. Blacksmiths, wagon makers, and others, furn ished with all kinds of Iron, Nulls, Horse Shoes, conch Trimmings, and other goods in their line, WOOD 11ND WILLOW= WARE,• In great varlety, , such us Tubs, Baskets, Wash Boards, Brooms, Washing Machines, he., Sc. FARMING: IMPLEMENTS. Plows, Shovels,, Boes, Plow, Castings,. Scythes Forks, Rakes, anthill other Implements used. 13} the farmer. t • • , _ . . , STOVES A_N.15... TIN WARE: „ , Stoves of every style and pattern, CoOli„ ParlOr and °Mee Stoves, for coal ' or woad: A large as-- aorftnent of-,Tin Ware t always,ltept on .11aud,.or manufactured to order. . , Oil, ,1-"aints,..' 'SD . 6. Coal Oil, Linseed, 'Fish, Sperm and Alaeldne Oils of all kinds. Alcohol, Benzine. Japan, and other Varnish, Glass ,Paints, Putty, Whiteloaul; - ,ito;: , .Locus'r STREET, COLUMBIA, PA..; j 'F, 'COTTRELT; & BRO.;' Dealer; In FOREIGN'AND ,, DO3I.ES'ne Hardware, Bar Iron, Steel, Clla.Cs; 011 st Varnishes, Turpentine. Benzine,. ate., • • A largo assortment of Parlor, Cook and ()M C& Stoves always on hand. Tln IVare manufactur ed to order at shortest notice. , •• WOOD AND AVILLOW,WARE, in large quantities and of every variety.: . , Plows, Corn Shelters, 'Feed Cutters; Shovel's; Hoes; Forks, Rakes; Ste. 7 - Coarse and Fine Salt At lowest market, prices. large nagortment - of Double and Single bar.' reled Guns Powder Flasks Game Bags and Shot Pouches. Rine and 131 astingrawder,shot anti Caps. nzi; . .Highest market prices paid for Cluver-and : Timothy:. and' Flux . Seeds; r large. quantities%of which.we have constantly on hand and, offer at the lowest rates. ' Lubricating; Sperm+ antivriall" Oils, suitable for nuichinery.,„Annefiggo r tr ueut „. of Coal Oil Lamps, Shades, Iguiterns, and Lamp trimmings.- • • ' .We respectfully solicit a shareof nublicoatron - , age. F . :coTTREr. W. P. COTTItEut.., Locust St., Columbia ZNS'PRdN.CE„CO_IYEWTIES. Cj_ERMANTA FIRE INSURANCE ILA COMPANY, No. Its Broadway, New York. NV. AV:t!PP,,•;A.o;E:tir,'Columbia, Pa. CASH CAPITAL, . - $500,000 SURPLUS' ^" '' . 14 3 / 5 ,074.73 ASSCCS, '''' 835,071.73 • • , -- This Company insures' Property of'nll kindi against Doss or Damage .by, Flre, on favorable terms. ItUDOLP : II GARRIGUE,• President. HUGO SCHUMAN*, SOHN E. - KAHL, °-* Vice President: ' Oct. 12 18s7-Iy. , COLUMBIA INSURANCE 00 JANUARY Ist,-.18G7 CAPITAL AND ASSETS, - - - - $600,527 91 This Company continues' to insure Buildings Merclaandlze, - and , mther - property;Mgainst" loss and damage by Are, on,the :mutual plan, either for a cash premium, or remium note. - SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT. - • Whole am mnt insured, A12478;42683 • Less arrit apired - in '6O, 7.4771j1.1 , "" $11,75:"4155 49 CAPITAL AND INCOME Amount'or premium notes, • .: Jan...l, LS66 Sri : 1,123.27 Less premium notes exp'd. in 1800' 71,053 04' '-----'--:-'-:-- $613,100 Z 8 Balance otprennums, Jan'y.L.1866.....-.: r., 0,009 15 Gash-receipts; less commissions, in '66, -57,016 16 Loans- • - --.- - - - ‘ 9,-100 00 Due from' agents and ("filers "- 8,001 56 , - CONTRA Losseli and expenses paidln .1806 $73,025 31 Losseg adjusted, not due Jan. 1 , 167 , ' 21,296 88 Balance Capital and'Assets, Jan. - 1, '67, 600,527 91 .... _ • $694,850 10 - . - - A. S. GREEN; President. • GEOricr. YOUNG, Jr., Secretary„ MicirAFL 5: Surmatx, Treasur er. DIRECTORS:' '" - - R. T:lRyan, - , • John NV; Sioaci - , Jolni Fendrich, • . George-Young, Jr., M. G. Mlnielr, :Nicholas M'Donald, Sa inn el-P.-Ebert ein, - -- Willtatn - Patton".", .., A-Amos Si•Gfeen; -- - ''John B. Bachman, " Ilirrini Wilson, Robert Crane: • .. may 11,1868. TNSURA.Na. COMBANY of NORTH • _ - PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1704. Assets,-01,550,000. Charter perpetual. Insurance tittinst loss or damage by fire on Buildings; Merehandlie, Furniture, Se., for long .r short periods; or permanently on Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. The - prompt payment of losses for a period of SEVENTY years, atlords a guarantee of claim upon public confi dence. ARTUUR G. COFFIN', Presit. CUARLV.S PLATT, Sec'v. F. C. ZIEGLEIt, Agent, 'Walnut Street, above Front, Columbia, Pa. January 21, Diti&-ly. ?THE EQUITABLE LIFE. ASSUR— ANCE SOCIETY of the UNITED STATES, Otrers Inducements to those proposing to assure, which are believed to be unequaled. Annual Cash Divide - o — ds'. All the Profits - Divided pro-rate, among the Assured. ORGANIZED JULY, IMO Accumulated Fund, over 4 ' 3 ,000,000 Annual Income, over f.. 1,2011,000 WM. O:ALEXANDER, Pres't. H. B. Hvin, Vice-President. G. W. Pamrrs, Actuary. Office—ir2 Broadway, New York. For further particulars, apply to W. G. PATTON, Agent, June 9,1866.) Columbia, Pa. VAR3IERS',I\ITITUAL FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, YORK, PA. Insures on the Cash, Mutual or Perpetual Rates H. ICRABER, President. D. STRICKLER, Secretary. M. S. SHUMAN, Agent, July 7, 1567-1y. 4, Columbia, Pa GIRARD Ifl AND MARINE IN SURANCE COMPANY, OP PHILADELPHIA Capital *• , 00,000 I Securities $300,000 This Company continues to take risks on good property, at rates as low as any oilier safe Com pany and consistent with prudence. Policies issued for long Jr short terms, or per manently. Losses promptly paid. All claims adjusted without litigation or delay. This Com pany refers tot he past as a guarantee of Its future conduct. , THOS. - CRAVEN, Prey: t. A. S. GILLETT, Vice-President. JAM. B. ALVORD, Secretary. F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, 'Walnut Street, above Front, Columbia, Pa. January 21, 1845-Iy. yr OME LNSURANCE COMPANY B OF NEW "YORK. OFFICE—No. 135 Broadway Cash Capital Assets, Ist January; lsbi Liabilities .8.2,000,000 00 . 3,045,388 87 267,934 65 CHAS. J. ALARTIN, Pres't. A. F. WILLINIARTH, Vice-Pres't, JOHN I.llcGr..E, Secretary. J. H. WAslinuitrz, Ass't Secretary, D. A. HEALD, General Agent. Total loss by Portland Fire, $112,044 42—a1l paid _ before July 15th. , _ . A. T. KATIPPIiAI3, Agent, Columbia, la. ..117021r tf: .111ACHLYERY.• SUPPLEE & BROTHER. MANVFACTUILERS OF STEAM , BOILERS. In addition to our Foundry and Machine work, we are now prepared to manufacture every variety of Boiler and Plate Iron work, MENDING AND REPAIRING BOILERS Promptly attended to. Thankful for past favors. we would invite the attention of our friends and patrons to this new branch of our business. SUPPLER d: BRO., 2nd St., Columbia.. SUSQII)MA.,..NNA .ERON.COMPANY Manufacturers of all sizes of REFINED AND DOUBLE- REFINED ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL, AND lIALF OVAL IRON. • Car Axles, Shnfilng and Horse Shoe Bars. .e Orders promptly tilled from Stock on hand or made to order. Terms, net Cash, nt Manufacturer's prices, de livered on Cars or Boats. °Rice at their STEAM ENGINES, STEATiI PUMPS, And all kinds of Machinery Manufactured and guaranteed to give satisfaction at, the - Works of SUPPLEE d• BRO., JEIV_ELBY. WATCHES AND JEWELRY !, GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED. 'AMERICAN WATCHES, As low as $20.00, in two or. Cases, warranted for " two years ; also 3,4, 5 and 6 oz. Cases. JUST RECEIVED - A Full Assortment of the Celein,„_,,d Seth Thomas Clocks. • They are the best Clocits - cnadc. Call and see ! Also, a full and well selected stork of SILVER & PLATED WARE; Prom the best Factories in the U. S. JEWELRY IN VARIETY, SPECTACLES Just front the Factories ! , In Gold, Silver, Steel and Plated Frames, to suit all ages REPAIRING OF ALL RINDS, Pitax.rxtx ATTENDED TO, AT E. PERING'S, , Jewelry Store, near - the New Depot. mar.3o, '67 tf NEW STORE - • NEW* GOODS alvD ' • "" LOW PRICES !„ S HREINER & SON. HAVE OPENED 'THEM NEW STORE AND Stocked it with the largest assortment of - WATCHF-S„ CLOCKS, , . • JEWELRY -' • A. 29 FANCII , GOODS, I • • Ever offered in Columbia, which we will sell at the lowest prices. , CALL AT THE NEW 'STORE; • FRONT' STREET,' LOCUST. • F.ANCY- GOODS ! ' .' .. , ~ • , ,A tine lot of Fancy Goods, such as ;• " 'tower Vases,. - Toilet Setts;''" '' ' ' ' • ' .:-, .: . • ~. Cologne Bottles, •,' ' • • - ' -;• .t . 2....v; ~ .., , . ,•.. . -At SHRE.DIEFT e g SOcil'lt 'Beautiful Pin s _, Sleeve lilaSide, rfandsoitoi tuds, Gold Rings, Flue Setts .4e. &a.; ac.'very cheap at SIGLEINgIt SORB. 001,860 10 ROLLING MILL, Columbia, Penns. BOILERS, Columbia, Paula