11=f=!.!.!1;!!!.FEP ,tt I":7C'lr' , 6#8,, eirlatztrta • gpg ; Ivo 0 3PAO DM , ' - jail OA :4 fp ZL.R.:mI4;4 Saturday, 11rprenzieer advertising will be considered CASH, and collectable at any time after the first insertion.. SKATING GLEE. When winter comes and freezes o'er, Our crystal lakes from shore to shore, We vote the Ingle - side a bore, And all go ouf n skatipg And then we have such jolly fun, And such fantastic tricks aro done Upon the ire, that ev'ry one Thinks nothing like it 'neath the sun. Chorus F ro sty whiskers, icy nose, Chattering teeth and frozen toes, All for pl?asure so it goes, . When 'we go out a skating, Widen we ,go out a skating, oh ! And'when the biting northern Wind,, Its way to maillea ears will find, We don't a continental mind, , But all go out a skating; • And, mayhap, lithe ice be all Aglare, and bumps of caution small, A gent may cut an awkward'sprawl, Or lady lose her waterfall. '•,• • • • Audif perchance the ice is thin; , ; Seine reckless chap will tumble in,' And thereari4eS • fluite . When we go out a skating The ladies scream and faint with' And comrades work with'alltheir,Might; , To save their chum from drowningquite, While 'urchins laugh to seetheiilight.:. , Chorus Garibaldi and }llk Son: , ,« Menotti Garibaldi, who has been figuring as the spirited. Commander-in-Chief Of the , Italian revolutionary forces ' during -his , father's imprisonment in Caprera, is but: twenty-seven .years of age. An exchange , came across the other 'day, in a book pub-, lished in 1859, a series of autobiographical' sketches of the elder Garibaldi's life, turns lated by his friend and admirer, Theodore' Dwight. , .After his proscription in Italy, in 183-I, he went to Brazil, and before long was, ardently engaged in assisting the struggling Republic:. of Rio. Grande. He Married while there; amid the perils and. hardships of-war, the heroic Anita,who in September, , 1840, became the mother of 'Menotti. The' boy was cradled in ciang - er. When hut twelve days old, ho was hurried with his mother to go with the little army over mountains and plains, and almost into bat-j;,, tie. When be was three months old he waii carried: titaig, aloilsome - anarch,.'niade des perate by storm and famine. For days the water, which flooded the, plains; was; to the bellies of the horses; and in crossing the rivers the father, siting the little bundle of humanity. in a handkerchief, which / he bad tied around his neck. The earlier years of wer9;all :'t h its pasSed in^ an at Ines paere of war anti tumult, and his father's subsequent *eel' bas lefthirn little leisure to'do etherwis'e than lo`fellow and study it. 'What wonder that his - name , and . blood have made him an early, actor, in the stir ring scenes of Italian revolution? , '-"-Six , P's:-'-r.Poets—Painters—"E'reachers--=' Players—Printers and suf fer from:dyspepsia, nervousness, loss or ap petite; . and all- diseases trhich - they.:mav-care or.prevent by'the rose of Plantatien- 7 Bittera.t thoie' , suffereris took these bitters,- thet poetry would be purer, the paintings grander, the sermons livelier, the , aptizietruer;the.printiag neat er, and thel39llties ,tionester. splen did tonic invigorates: the: system, and , en shies the brains to work healthily. naps no.artiele was ever'..so - ',endOrSed by- all who have used ,' ..( —Magnolia Water—a delightful foneta.r, tiolo—superior to,qo/ogpe, and : nk,liale ithe 3.E7SeELLANB4US: ~Goobrs CORNER SECOND AND 'LOCUST STREETS, C0L1TA1331.4., PENN'A., DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, -,QT/EI2SSWAR,E, AT TM "VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES.: DRESS 6-00DS, Including Black. Silks, Black and Colored French Merinos, Collings, Alpacas, Ii ohairsi . Alpaca POI UUS, 'Reps, PoPlins, ,INOOII Delains, Siam . .Pla ' roplms, &c. WHITE GOODS, • - TIC GREAT VARIETY._ LADLES' & GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS JESALiIiCRAL st...ntTs.• Hoop SKIRTS, CORSETS, 137:SDERSHIRTS; DRA.WERS.,; - JOUVEVS BEST'KED GLOVES, with-a-full assortment of Kid, Silk, Lisle and Cotton Gloves for Ladles,- Gents, - Misses and .Children. ' :full assortment of Hosiery, Cloths, Cassirrtere, Vestings, Ae., of all. Qualities, and Latest Styles CLOW:EI - NG-7 MATE VP, TO ORDER and ,warranted to •give satisfaction. SEWLNG MACHINES THE BEET IN THE 'WORLD, For'Sale and To 'Rent Agent for Witnymme & WILSON'S, , Highest Premium Lock Stitclvllachines. • • r . The...EL.l.trriC and tirnExtnx Witscm which. were at the FIRST GOLD, 11EDAT.; at the 'Paris Exposition; 1437. Over Elghty=Two Competitors. • - • The virxzcox Gnms. CarirecUal as a_Loop or Chain Stltehalachine. And the HOWF., acknowledged to be the Best of Shuttle Afathinta. . Other lending ';Nfachlnes furnished when wanted at Aomvr.s Patens. [Sept 21, ,07. ADIES7 'FANCY L • •,:jOlll , l ' OLD=RSTABLISHED FUR DILS.,'SZUFACTORF Arch Street, ab'oe 7th, •PH3LA.DELPHIA. - , 'Have now in Store of msr-own. Importation and Manufacture, one of We - largest and most beautifial selections of _ • • , it'F" ' CY' sFT_T.,...RS'-'s Fcritullos',andChildrereiNVear, in stroOlty. - • Also, mane assortment of • • • - - GENTS' FUR GLOVES -AND COLLARS. • " I am enabled. to dispose of my goods at very reasonable prices and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of _Lancaster ; County and Remember the Name,"Number and Street! FAItEIRA; 71& Arch Stial3.l7th, south side, Philsda.l hai'o no Farther, UOi'cOnneetiorlil other Store inThitsulelphts.. Oct.s '67-13= . jr j UMBER. '''''':,:=";-:: ::;,.;;,,.. „. • 100,000 feet 4=l, ..5--i and 0-4 Carolina Yellow 20,000 feet' 4-4 and 0-4 . ..iitepboards,Telloir Pine. Also;a large and general assortment of White Pine and.Reralocir Lurtiber ;Flooring -Is/Sather boards,(Piasteiingr Latii,,Xlekets,' de.," &i.t.; for. sale at reasonable,priecs` fit 7 the , Planing MW and Lumber ynnToi7- ,, ';. ..-l - !........, . . .... . aug nett] ' , ..:..t..'• '. ,-`•BACHATAN & MARTIN: VPIIOLS,T.gittA: PZ,O4 7.• Aludersigned , han-taker'romn; lelfolning the residence of James "Barber, In Walnut Atawty where he is ens/Mill:nes prepared to do all kinds ' of workdn.Ads line, such as Hanging ,Cartaine, cutting, -making • and -laying-Carpets; Torairing .Sofaa and ChairerinakingiqlothignCO2l:l4',3l,oF. 3Ehdr Idattniesedi Cushions: At. Mar4. O XPOIWIX- ^ XFIZZEIA. II f CrEr.. -CA/rftlif u. .11N T i : •l3 . IC ,I' U. 14 ' alit " • We' have also a go6o.7. , stoSkceop:fine7Bl4- tannic, Ware, consisting of :TeciSetre,Coifteand Tea , Pots, Mugs . &c. • Beillogmesylow:at '-.:••• - - - • SITRE,TTNTER et - SON'S:'' F 1, - . „ ig gri!tA *WO' tg. DENTAL OFFICE, • LOCUST sTREE,T, ABOVE SECUND, COLUM, 11IA DR. '3". -0. CAMP, Graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Den ial Surgery, and tintitrevently a member of the Dental, firm of "Sereven & Camp," Philadelphia, has removed to, and opened an office in Colum- - bia, where he is read y to attend to patients in need of Dental operations whether mechanical, operative or therapeutitsil. Special care given to restore diseased gums to their normal condi tion. Trecayed teeth tilled with Gold, Amalgam, &c., &e. Artificial Teeth adapted to any desired base with "plumper's" to innate the cheeks, (a most desirable addenda.) A well assorted and extensive quantity, of Art/dela/Teeth constantly on hand. Teeth extracted with all the ease and' dispatch that modern science in her , indefati gable efforts has yet been a thetadevelop. All the valuable Anresthetles of e will be con stantly at hand such as Chloroform, Ether, Nar cotic-spray and Protaxide of Nitrogen, familiarly known as "Laughing Gas," it Chemical comr'' pou n d Of the two ,gaseous elements, Nitrogen wg, hence designated in accordance with the usual nomenclature and notation 'Pro toxide of Nitrogen, with the symbol NO.' Its effects maim the human system vary in propor tion to the qnantlty administered, and the par ticular susceptibilltleii or individual organisms, passing from l' gentle, acceleration of all the tunctions of the body to a high degree of phy sical , excitement and mental ' exhileration amounting in the extreme to an intensely plea surable delirium or east:lcy, buoyancy of spirits activity of imagination, and brilliancy of mental' conceptions. ',The' patients, like the Pilgrims In " Bunyan's Dream," seem to have wandered' to the "Enchanted Mourstains,"one step farther, and they see the "Celestial City," and whilst. they involuntarily gaze with open mouth at its bronzed gates and golden cupolas, we remove the offending member of the dental organization. Several years of active experience in the ad ministration of Antestlietics, and a regular nt teudance at the Atuttom teal Schools and Hospital Clinics, have rendered. Dr„, Camp one of the adepts lathe Dental Profession. , .F...xtreme Cases are earnestly solicited. . Persons coming from a diatoms) will be allowed a. reasonable deduction tO defray expenses, &e. Board. rent, &c., being less here than in Philad elphia, lie is enabled to offer inducements' great er than could possibly be given there.- N 8 .A. o c .31 hrea for c nosulta Of tion., Oce hours from ~ to P. ilf.. REFERENCES rs,Cor.ani MA—Gen. J. W. Fisher,' /1. 3i. North, Esq., A. P. Kauffman, Esq. fag 31-3 mo. , MYERS COLITIMBI4 §0A3.1 COACH WORKS, SECCOrD'.ST:, NEAR. IW4LNITT, COLUMBIA. The Cariltalks,' Bug'gles',:...Q„ made' 'tiiese Works, have u reputation second to no others in the State. -He claims for his work the merits of benutrof form, elegance of tinish,and strength of structure. One of the dlstinguishing-fentures of his work is its durability; all vehicles of his build are con structed of the best seasoned material, and put ,together firmly and substantially. COACH SMITIIIINO; REPAInING, '&e This branch of the business will be attended to with punctuality and despatch. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, Wagons, Se., for sale or made to order. .6 'Call at his 'Works and examine. his • stock and prices. , (at% 3, Vt-tf. NET STORE I NEW GOODS!! • .THE ENDERSIMcED — has opened a Ladles' and Gents' "Furnishing Store, in the Boom ad joining the Post 0171ee, where everything Wll3 pe found, required for. Ladies' or Gents.- LADIES' DEPARMENT. 1 variety of Dress and Cloak Trimmings, Buttons, in great varieties The Latest Styles for Spring, 'Wear, Is An - irg>r and Crystal Trimmings, Black. and Bugle Triminings, tice. Black and Colored Ribbons, and Belting. ALL -RIND:COP- MOP SHIRTS; • • - A Large,. assortment -of • Ladie.s' Misses , and Children s -.ROSLERY,—sultabie tor , Spring and • - GLOVES OF ALL ICLIC.DS. EmbrOltlered Collars and Cudg, " = • : Lace ilandkerchWs . Rein Stitched and Linen liancllcarchlefs... White Ruffling and Trimmings .I.Argerco:riety of 'other ,goodg useC , by, Ladles; ' ' --• , GENTS' DEPARTMENT. This department consists,of a gre.7 l . variety' o Gelds' Goods, viz: • • ' " • Latest Styles Cravats and Ties, • Eugene, 3denrietta, &e ll'oeilerrof all Rinds-and prices.• ' •• • , Linen Collars and Cults Paper Collars and Cuff's; ShirtS; and Shirt Fronts, 41 , 06iderwear in great - vtu•lety; -" • • Suspenders d'c';• Cf.c. • ika.S.EMITS made to order and Warranted to , rpliartered with Ample Powers.] IREM LEBANON VALLEY COLLEGE! . .„ The second Collegiate year'wlll cdrnmence, ON MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1807: 1 . r". r This Institution has been Chartered' by the' Legislature of-the State with. full Collegiate powers, - and the following courses of'Study, in which it is proposed to graduate Students, have been adopted, viz: An Elementary Course for Teachers, (B. E. A Scientific Course,. (B. S A Ladles' Course, : A Classical Course,'" • A Biblical Course; , ' (B. B. S. The School is intended to supply a great public want,n and instruction Is given.in all branches of a conunon, a liberal, or an ornamental education. There is 'a primary el:Model school connected with the • Institution, and "also ,a Commercial Course, so that Students :of any grade will be received-and will bo Tray into suitable Classes. Wlthsuperloraccommodations, first-class teach ers, a location not excelled by any' in accessibil ity and - healthfulness, and in the general morals 01 the community, we offer to parents and guard huts a pleasant home, where their children and wards will be properlyeared for and will be sub-). Jected to the best training. 1(.. I,I7:I".PENSES : - NVA For Boarding, shing, Light Fuer,S and t Tuition, with furnished roma; for` Fall • Tenn, of 18 weeks • $88.50 Instrumental Music Double-Entry Book Redoing, (in classes)... 15.00 Painting and Fancy 'Work., at . usual rates. .; For Cataloguesancidurtberpartleulars,address REV,T. NICK - BOY; A. M., President, June 8, '0741'. Anal:111e, Lebanon Co Pa. CI SOMERS & SON, • • , 809 CHESTNUT Sr., NRAIT GIRARD HOUSE, 809 CHESTNUT,CONTINENTAL, - • HOUSE,- - PA.' - FINE 'CVITIUNG; FINE CLOTHING, CLOTHING AT LOWI , RIC4d CLOTIIING AT LOW PRICE, FISF PIECE GOODS for measure Work, VINE PIECE GOODS for measure work' CHEAP CASSIEREF3 for Business Suits, CHEAP CASKMERES for, Business Suits,.. MEASURES' TAKEN, SUITS NEx'r e . DAY, ;MEASURES TANEN, ;,SUITS' !NEXT DAY. [wag ~1.15 m. t - tt t VEG EYADLP, FLUB ItENEW.FIII. RING'S ,These - popular ~ I ..stpiert i ; and Taney on ':1"d “ a: -1 " it. iirrraaLts, ''• , Drag Store, 'Ap1.1.3-tf) ' • ' Columbia, Pa. IRON , &IIEA CILL - VX.R Y. SUPYLEE BROTHER, . ;:STEAM BOILERS. • !_. In addltlon to otrrFoundryrold Machine-Work, we are now prepared to manufacture every variety of Boller and Plate Icon work; ALENDING AND BBPAIRING BOILERS Promptly attended•to. 'Thankful for past favors. we would invite the attention of:our frietids and patrons to this new branch of our business. SIIPPLBE a BRO., ' •- , 2nd St., Columbia. SUSQUEHANN2I. COMPAN 3fOnufacturors of all'sizes 'of • REFINED. 'DOUBLE REF.DIED ',ROUND, SQUARE,' FLATS, OVAL; AND - HALF OVAL IRON. ' Car Axles, Shafting and Rorie Shoe Bars. , 4;3-Orders promptly tilted from Stock on hand or made to order. Terms, net Cash, at Manufacturer's prices, tie; /feared on cars or Boats. • . . • •Ortice at. their " • ' • •,. - ROLLING BULL, . t ' • t ' Columbia, Penna. I tQTEAM .71 i'ZXGV.Mt, BOILERS,/ STE94‘I,III3IPS.—„ • :Jog* of /inn ufactured and "'"' " ''' ''" r Col tun)... I(l,,,Penna ROBERT S. FRY Post-Oilice Building Locust St., Columbia MEM \LAN'UFA.Cruin,R3 ps -eAS'E OIP S C iYLV7IifX4I : TERRIBLE jaCTlii3llo - ' l l FALL OPENING!!! k r - l A m FouNtr I.4)lkcii TO BUY GEL' AT CRASH DOWN THEY COME ! ! BARGAINS TO BE HAD AT THE MAKMOTUT STORE OF W. G. •EASE & SON, Splendid. Stoq. - . 9f :New ;Upiatis at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. O.kV.' . P - UIiCIL;iSED A. AND FASHIONABLE STOCK OF CLOTHS, CASSIMERES Which we are prepared. to make up LN THE LATEST STYLES. A Largo - Assortment of FALL k 'WINTER, DRESS GOODS! flack and Fancy •Silks, French and Scotch Gingham; Prints of all Styles and Makes. A fall Stock of • Lines. A Fine Stdvk , t . n Ol Hosiery, • ` • 3 - GLOVES, DRESS BUTTONS,' AND TRIMMINGS =I BROWN AND BLEACECED Of Every Width and Quality From - 10 •Cents XER TAW) up: . . . . WE MAKE A SPECIALITY OF OUR MERINOS, WOOL • - POPLINS, • POPLIN -, ,ALPAcIAS WOOL • DELAINES, • • ." "COMRGS, &c.. &c SPIt,VATJE . S . ; ••• E' ? ? I' X P l ef t • , American, Ale ri masks, • Allen, Pacific, • Wamsutta„GleinCovp, f.. • y '• y•Y, Corset Jean's", Fine Cambrics, Paper Cambrics, Linens, Linen .Handker'cliierS," INT'a.Pkins; l Thread's', Braids, Dress Trimmings, Tidy • Yains',: rroisteds, -11o.51ery,' • 17 all kinds, lEoop. Siiirts; Silk Circulars • • • ,• Silk' Sacques, - 11=IIIM=1 I‘l.4l3.RirG DRESS G44ODS, GINGHA3IS, r" ' ' FRENCH • AND SWISS.. WHITE GOODS,'AT vE * .row ParcEs. ALL KINDS of - PRINTED •DELAINES, ECM= PACIFIC, `LblVELiir, l * • " • 31A3LILTON, , •;•31A.IcCEL - r.STFII, Sce FALL sR - AwLs:',Ot'-'llt=klNDs. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES; • ' ' , For Geytt's an& Ladies% Wear FfANNELS; WRITE AND.COLORED • • - Brown' • " . Bleaches!,' iN.1:11 .. Blue -Drills/ Casing, - Double WI El t SIrEFTIN;GS; •• Cotton and , , ..:Ladles! Paper Collars, Cu/I:4,• Tics, Fancy and Plain, IC.id Glorea,flV:hite - antl•Colored, ot- '•- all Inake,R - eiuly:lifittle Shirts, TICI~iISQGS'or`aII'GRADES;-,Zee. ~., ~ ~~,i1L50,'.., .ALL ,§TYLES iOr-• .':3 ' I • VA i i ; .B ' AliS „ , v • Looteo'a,” r • • '- 1 CHILD RIO:: E - - A-DITIT• C4.Y."' 1- , •• 410 ••• ' „ ,R,E;s 4 lERCHANT, TAILORING. DONE IN THE D'EST• STYLE' OUT- ••srDE-TRE'CIIriIES, ;AND FITTING 117A1tRANTED : , A FELL ASSORTMENT OF QUEENsw A RE'. • • AtSO • • “'" A OliblCii; 'LOT : ',6l ' ? .:GROCERIES, CONSISTING •OP SUGARS, , ;'. 7 f ;"t • t • TEAS; , • - • , • FISH, . ,110 LASSES. ,CANNED FRUITS; &a. Please give us xi•eall, OLD. syniqp, of &CASE., Where Sou can oxamine•our Stock, before purchasing elsewhere. • I . I agency for ''" GROVER dr.IIAXE] • FROMM- SEWING 1 - NIAGLITN:ES. - • Call at tho Blom and h•ee them working.. Sev -01,1 kinds o . ll,lllld t> lit int 'VC! G. CASE • 'SOX . •• Locwm. St,, betweon pront if seconPit,.., COLUMBIA, Pa. . , . . sten „. aiiirWiirlai AMe'2e O , fere all Linde of Coimtry Produce, in exchange en. Mande. "SETYTira..t .7113 et • 100 .EIS. 11 7 SEWING MACHINES, ! : There Is no neeeltst ty ror , "Swinging around the Circle" of Sewingil Lachiia es' In search of a GOOD ONE, when one is offered to you comb/mug in Itself the. GOOD QUALI TIES claimed for any in the Market, anddirmay/ of all the tfrfeeM and dapgrap Admire, and attach- MOUS used in wake Machines sell. We offer for sale the GROVIR.&'BAkEit - FAMILY MACHINE, • Alaking the Elastic Stitch which wilt not rip or brad: term n, ancMr proof of its excellence, refer to those having them: in use. )„,we 'lnvent all times a COMPETENTPETt- SON in attendance—not to picture imaginary perfections, nor to describe with voluble Imper tinence the defects of other machines, order to hide anything in those we sell, but , to show' what eau be done with ours. - We have also the best - -LOCK' STITCH PRICES ! ! ,MANUFACTURING MACHINE Ever offered to the public, and only risk en ex - runlnat ion of them. to substantiate our assertions. Also, • SECOND-HAND - MACHINES, ' Iri good running ' order, of the following makes, which - we, will sell at,AnonT,IIALr• the original PRIcE: & GIBBS, & WILSON'S • • .; , • , AND HOWE'S. ' W. G.' CASE & SON, • •Agents, at Rolling Mill Store, - • • Columbia, PCIIII%I. N. 8.-The above'Maellin es are also to he had of F. X. Ziegler, the former Agent, at the Adams Express 011 - lee; in Walnut street, above Front. June 8;67-tf] ER BAKER'SG ROAT • "lUGHEST PREMIUM. ELASTIC STITCH, • . , D LOCK STITCH " - SEWING MACHINES, • 433 BROADWAY, YORK. 730 CREST:4I:T STREET, PUMA San. 7,, VESTING S GREA ISM PR 0YE3.1 gsTs : 4 •VINO MAC/lI:NES EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE. Salesroom, Zco. fi'2l'dhestikut St., Philadelphia ThisMACIIINE is constructed on a new prin cipal of mechanism, possessing, ninny rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to be SIMPLICITY and PERFECTION COM BINED. . , . !The followingare the nelpal objections Urged against Sewing Machines 1. Excessive fatigue to the operator. 2. Liability to get ont Of order. :3. Expense, trouble, and loss of time in re pairing. 4. Incapacity to sew every'description of ma terial. SHERT.DTGS 5. Disagreeable noise while in operation. The Empire Sewing Machine is r...cempt from all these OBJECTIONS. It lia.4 a, straight needle, perpendicular astion, makes the LOOK or SHUTTLE. STITCH, ~ vhich will neither RIP nor RAVEL and is alike on both sides• performs perfect sewing: on every description of material, from Leather to the finest Nansook Muslin, with cotton. linen or silk, thread, from. the coarsest to the finest number. IT TIMIS, PELtS. 'BINDS, BRAIDS, TUCKS, QUILTS, PLAITS, GATILERg, Tfavingneither CAM nor COG WIIPIEL, and the least possible friction, it runs es smooth as glees, and is EMPHATICALLY A NOISELESS AU tariei it; of 'GA:I'm:7 31 u ixos Es fmni Poo rrpa an& IQ-Particular otcention is walled to our new and Improved Manufacturing .M:1011110, for Tailoring , Shoeriitting, Coach Triing, &c. Its advaul m m ages are'slinplicity, durability, rapid- • ity, easy adaptation to all branches of Mall hiring. it makes perfe.et work on all material. It is especially desirable in.sewing Patent Leath er, and is verystill. It short it Is the most per fect manufacturing machine in the market. N. B.—Every Machine guarranteed. EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. 921 Chestnut. Street, FRAN' GRANELLO, Agent. . 1 1"figents wanted. Jan. 16,117-ly T HE 1101:VE MACHINE CO.'S • SEWING MACHINES, 690 BRO#DIVAi, .Nr.w:Yon.F. FOR rAmmiEs AND MANUFACTURERS , The Howe LOCK STITCH, THESE WORLD-4tENOWNED SEWING MACHINES Were awarded the highest premium at the World's Fair in London, and six first premiums at the New. York State 1 , air of .18Cti,;and are eele brated,for doing the best work, using a mach smaller needle fot the same thread than any other machine, and by the Introduction Of the most improved machinery, we are now able to supply the very best machines in the. world. These machines are made at our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn under the Immediate supervision of the President of the Company, ELIAS HOWE, ,Tit., the original inventor of the Sewing Machine, They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, and to, the use of,Semustresses, Dress Maker:, Tailors, Manufactureni of Shirts, Collars; Skirts, Cloaks, 'Mantillas, Clothing. Hop, Caps,'Coisets, Boots, Shoes. Harness, Saddles, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, 'linen,, woolen and cotton goods with silk. cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt. gather,ltem, fell, cord, braid, bind, anti perform every species of sewing, making a beautiful and nerteet stitch, alike on both sides, of the articles sewed. The Stitch Invented by 7,11.11.,T10NVE, and made on this Machine,' is the most poradar nial dur able; and nil Sewing 'Machines are. :RI - Mies.( to the principle invented by him. , SEN"D BIEL CIRCULAR The/70,re '.3tecchiW 'Cnnvany. GO BROAD - WAY, Cor. Fourth' St., Y. 3nar30,1,7-ly "' •• ' B ; (9.0173 - diV - 16‘ SHOES. -I•4ADTh' 'S. SHOE MANUFACTORY. Havingincrettsed my facilities for turning out superior work I would ‘innounce to lay old easterners and all new ones that may invor me with n call, that I am .better prepared - now to manufacturd all kinds of LADIES' MISSES' AND . 'crnrAmEx's SHOES AND GAITERS, than ever before. I employ none but the best workmen and tun always certain of giving setie faetipn. I keep on hand a general assortment of ready, made work all of which is manufactured on.the premises. rkeep no matie-up . work of other parties. My work is made exeluswely for home trade and is sold as snob. TIMMS CASIT. •We sell as cheap as any other establishment, and 1113 i: a share of publie_patronage, - . JAMES SCHROEDF.II, Locust Street, between Front and Second. ). ) -', I FIOME:, MANUFACTURE. ,• Tim: Subscriber iris on band a lace Stec]; of UootS; arid Sh e es, ,Gatters, Sc., all of his own Menufnetu re. Call at 1118 Store; fourcloon: above It. Willl,Th Drug Store. Front Street, Where he oll'em an 'ex tensive assortment of Goods, either WECOLESALE , CiR RETAIL His stock. Consists of as large and generarag sortment of Men's Boys' Ladlas'„ancl, ,Chlldren"S, .13.0 OTS AND IT S, as can be found elsewhere in the fawn. , Those - requiring Boots and Shoes will find Rio their advantage - to call and examine his Stook s ' beforepurelm.sing elsewhere: May 26,411 - , SAMUEL GROVE. YOUR LIKE:NESS PHOTOGRAPHS, FERROTYPES. 'AMBROTYPES PHOTO-311.NIATURES, OEN PICTURES, se., At his old stand on Locust Street, above Front, bOLEEsIBIA, PA. Mr. Llirix. 'has bad an experience of several years at this business, and his pictures are equal to the best that can be had In any city, and owing to his splendid sky-light, and good instruments, far superior to those generally taken in the coun try. -IT you wish a good and correct picture, you may depend upon getting it at Little s, Ills Pic ,tures are great. favorites with those who have obtained them. Prices as low as the lowest. AW - Don't forget the place—Locust Street, above Front, Columbia, Pa. [mar. 80, 1107. CLOCKS I, CLOCKS! ! CLOCKS!!! 11_4. -American Clocks of all kinds and Styles, at reduced prices. The Celebrated SETII•TH.O:VAS Clocks, .ully!• - warranted, and excelled by none. Purchasers will ;find our stock large mut 'complete. • • • • P.' SFIREIIsTFIII. S SON; julA_,.)ro,r • GOODS:I , ' -. ' , , ."- , r , A .11ne lot of,Fancy Goods, such as lOwer 'Vases, :. Toilet Setts,.. .• • , . . , , I ,-...•,„, A :,.. ~ Cologne Bottles, .. • , -.,....; ..,-,-:-. • • Work Boxes, • , .i. , ; •.., -• , .' '. . 6:e., ,:te., &e... . At SHREINER & SON'S.- • P E PLACE TO Br:tr.:. rs TRE_NEW JEWELRYSTORE OP.. ' ' P. I SITREINT:n ;s: , solkr. l F We have laelyJnereased ,our. Stock sell In tend keening a first-deaf; Store, and sell at the LowestXrlees. , .‘ Can and see for.yourselves. junrtspir, - Front Street, , above tenenet.‹ PATENTED FEBRUARY 11TIT, 1800 MACHINE It.. J. M. LITTLE Still continues to take _FLOVIf FLOUR AND FEED ,STORE'! . ." =4,1 The undersigned, having purchased the Stock on hand, and taken the Flour' and Feed Store lately occupied by George Brandt, Locust, above Fourth street, Columbia, Pa., will continue the business at that place,. and respectfully Solicits the patronage of his friends, mid the public in general. lie will, at MI times, keep on hand the BEST FAMILY FLOUR, that can be procured. Also, 111 - E FLOUR, CORN MEAL' RiTCKWHEAT, with FEEDS of different kinds, all of which he will sell as low as possible, for CASH. " Being a practical Miller, and halting, followed the trade ]or many years, he natters himself that Ills knowledge 01 the business will enable him to give satisfaction to tilt who may favor Ihint with their CUStO7n. The store will be open from 7 A. M., to :VA' P.M Cola, Sec. S, '6O-tt] • ' DANIEL MeCAL r EY. C °LULU rA FL 1111. _HILLS. . . GEORGE BOGLE, Fitorniwroir. The highest Cash prices paid for all kinds of Grain. SUPERFINE AND EXTItA FAMILY FLOUR, for sale; also Mill Feed of all kinds. Wheat Ground and Packed to order. .Grist work and Chopping done. Chopped Corn and 0. - tts Corn-MeaL and GRAHAM L -0 R - • For sale at all times, and delivered to any par of the town. fo...Town and, country custom sot /Jetted. /April 6, 1867. - 171TSCEL_LiLZVX0ITS. pOCKET 'BOOKS! A Large and well selected stock dif POCKET. 1300 KS, has just been received, which we will sell at reduced - prices. Call and see our stock of Photograph Alb-anas A large and fresh stock Just received from New York, which are offered at prices to suit every one. ALT, THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS. A. large assortment just received, and selling at very low priers. No r*rson should be without reading matter. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID TilC pentiiito article—quartet, pints, half pints, and stands. Everything, usually Rept In the Stationery line, will be found nt - - . W. U. HESS' Book Store, Locust street, opposite Columbia 'National Bank April it, 1367. OCAL FREIGHT NOTICE. The Pennsylvania Rail Road Company are DOW prepared to receive or forward Freight be tween Columbia and Lancaster, and all stations on the Pennsylvania Rail Rend and its branches. RATES BETWEEN PHIL'A. corxmnrA, First Claks. 211 , 1 Cies. 3,,; Clots, tab (Vase. 2 7 ., cent:, It cis. .1S eta. 15 eta Flour lir Car loads, 2.5. S coats per Barrel. BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA 4: LANCASTER. Fast (his. lad Clesm. CVms. 41/, In cents etc. 17 etc. 14 etc. BETWEEN COLUMB CA & PITTSBURGH. First Class, •21s1 Cl, a a :Ird Ow. tit Glav, 71 cents 31 etc. 11 Frelglit consigned to stations where the Com pany has no Agent, must.he prepaid. All Freights payable On Delivery. IL H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Phila. ;re - For further information apply to S. 11. EngnsToN, Frt., Agt., E. IC. BoxcE, Frt., Agt., Columbia. A. F. SLAYMAKER,FM, Agt.,Lane'r THE BEST TN THE WORLD ! POLE 'S GOLD PENS Are nr.ll,:nowledged to bo the best yet offered qo MEM W. lIESS has just received a very large stock of these celebrated Pens. His old stock has also been exchanged for new, so that custo mers can now select, from the LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT of Gold Pens ever brought to this market. ' ros...Petris are guaranteed for six. months. Push along. Get a, Pen. Ask for Polev's. mar.22,157-tf.] W. U. HESS, 'Locust Street. T D. BAYNE & CO„ _ _ FIZANIZI4D.; STEAM RAEETtY, 113 1.13 Queen Street. Philadelphia., Pa Craekers, Soda Biscuit, Tea' Cakes, Brun 131 s cult, Pilot Bread, Re., of the best quality. Jan12,'1.:7-tf] DDODGERS 13ROTHERS' CELE-- lIRATED SILVER, PLATED "WARE. The finest and largest Stock ever brought to town, fresh from the Manufacturers, at lower rates than for many. years. at S'IIREINER LS: SON'S. DRILADELPHIA CANCER HOS PrrAL. _ _ PROFESSOR R. H. KLINE, PRINCIPAL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, To the Philadelphia Cancer Hospital. Office, No_ 931 ARCH Street, is daily making astonish ing and mast miraculous cures of Cancer by the most scientific- and lately approved remedies known to the civilized world, among which are his great Cancer Antidotes, wonderful treatments that operate , specifically num the Cancer and Cancerous affections, antidoting,, .killing and destroying the Cancer, every particle; root and fibre belonging to it or them, without pain or the - use of the bonfe,, without caustic, eating. and horning rz2eafelnes, without the loss of blood, or in the least affecting the sound flesh . No other treatrnen t should ever be used. No other persons have these antidotes.. To investigate these treat ments, to see patients under treatment, and, to examine the terrible specimens thus removed, call and see, or address R. If. KLINE, D., Office, No. 931 ARCH St., Philadelphia, Penna. Post 0111 cc Bole 1474. For Particulars send for a Circular. SUSQUEHANNA PLANING MILL, O\ FRONT ST., AND PiNN'A RAIL ROAD INTERSECTION, CoLumarA, The Subscribers would respectfully announce to the patrons of their Mill, that the advanced prices of labor and expenses incident to carrying 011 the business of their establislunent compels them to charge their customers en advance on former rates, and take this method to inform them that the following are the prices for work done at their Mills: • For working Flooring per TNT E 4.50 do Weatherboards per M ' 4.50 " Surfacing one side, per .11 2..23 do two sides, per Si 4.50 " Re-sawing White Pine thee measure, per 51 5.00 do Poplar face meas. per. 55 0.00 " do Ask, Onk and Cherry face measure, per 11 6.00 " nipping 8-1 I-4 per line, lti do feet 44 "• 40 do .......... ...... g .. . _ . " do joke, do '11;1 np..Lumber hauled to the Mill and returned to lard without extra charge. - . - Accounts for working or dressing lumber will be considered collectable every four months. The subscribers have on hand an assortment of ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER which is for Sale at Market Prices, and solicits a continuation of public custom. Ault:VS.-Iy] , .BACHMAIs: fi MARTIN. 1111111 1 LTNER & MOORE, IIEALIEVS B' COAL, SALT, FIRE BRICK - AND LUMBER ! OFFICE-Ai' BASIN. PRICES Or COAX. AT YARD., DELIVR,RET., Baltimore Select Lump Q 5.05 , • $O.OO ," Nos. 1,2 and;; 5./5 5.50 No. 4 4.00 5.25 " N0..5 4.40 4.75 Shamoken Egg and Stove, Nos. 2 and 3 4.00 5.25 She molmn Nut, No. 5' 4.15 4.50 Baltimore Consumers Coal co. - - - - - Egg and Stove, Nos. 2 and 3, 4.05 5.00 Baltimore Consmners Coal Co. No. 4 - . 4.15 4.50 Maltby Coal, N 0.2 and 11 4.03 5.00 " " N 0.5 4.15 4.50 Grand Tunnel, Nos. 2 and 8 4.40 4.75 Lyltens Valley, Nos. 2 and 3 5.0.5 0.00 N 0.5 ' 4.05 5.00 The following Coal is sold by car loads to Co lumbia consumers, gross 'weight, with all the 3 per cent. advantages: Sharnoken Egg mul Stove, or Nos. 2 and 3..... 4 54.50 " Nut, or N 0.5 . 1.75 Thlltimore Consumers Coal Co., NOs. 2 and 3, -.1.54:1 " No. 4 ....... ..... 4.25 No. 5 4.00 , tallbt: eon l, .NOs. 2 and 3 4.50 No. 5 . .. 4.00 Lylte_ns Valley, Nos. 2 and 3 5.50 1 , .. - o. 5 4,50 Grand Tunnel, Nos l and 3 4.25 soon as roll connection Ss completed to Wllltesbarre, Baltimore Co. Coal will also be sold by Cam.- - June 1.5,2317.3 BRUNER dr. lICIORE. T.. ' , ity AGENT Fon TIM, STATEN ISLAND Dying Establishment: Ladies' Dresses; Cloaks,Veils,Gloves,Stibbons, and Silks of all kinds dyed any color. Also, Gentlemen's Coats,"Vests, Pan tal 00nS, fia Kid Gloves washed to look like new, • Scouring, repairing, dc., done at short notice. will receive goods at my store and' forward them to the establishment. ita-Sattsfaction guaranteed. • Call and see list of prices at •S. C. BIIMER'S Store, Locust Street, J.Y 27 . 'l37] • Columbia 00K THIS WAY 4 - - FRIENDS AND STRANGERS You are all invited to call 'and examine my Stock of, Se,„_nars Chewing. and Smoking To bacco:Plpes, .Potlebes,TobaccoDags, Amongst my. Chewing Tobacco can bo found the Celebrated , TURPIN NAVY Pure. Va. - ' ' SI'.EI4.ILESS NAVY, Pura* - SMITH JONES,NAY and CAVENDISH. DEXTER, CONGRESS, Pure Va. CUBAS FLOUNDER. " • TROTTER'S ROUGH and READY. ' " • ' TROYrER'S' ortozzgßo. ROSE' NATIIRAL,' and ' DILL'S POCKET, PIECE: - • ..„ Booties' SHORT" FIVES 'are.'the finest Scgain i lt , e4t . i.t .. tt this town:Desides Iyitryc thoCel . e l brated • - 7 - .SAI3 - EL CI7I3AS. LA. ESPANOLA; - I - Havana ;Yam, or. the ChoiCest Brands. - The best Brands , •of Cuts in.' this' market. Also, - Smolc.ing Tobacco of all Brands, tagether*lth full:assortment .ofaleerschanuf,Plites, , Tobacco Boxes,Fancy G00d5,'&e.4.6m., ;.. . as../AilLand•extuninesnty Stack, atiolt 3s the cheapest and the best toselectfrom in Columbia. -GEORGE Id. BOOTH, , - r Locust Street, Ealumt.lat-Pn.- LA_NCAST_ER, T_TOT.TSE FURNISHING STORE. . O. FLINN, NO. 11, :Sip " . . : llT.# - T AFF i g4T A Iir.ET, Dealer In all kinds or , HOLTSEKEE - MG-, GOODS, stove., - Itot Alr Furnaces, And Cooklag Rangds: Tin, Sheet trail, and Copper-Ware. Iliinufaotory Rooting, Spouting, and Tin Mending promptly attended to. '. PLUMBER, GAS FITTER . And Dealer in alllcinds of. Water and Gas Pipes, Lead, Galvanized Iron, Cast and Wrought Iron, Terra-Cotta & Copper (tinned.) Tubing, Hydrants, Beth Tubs, and Hollers, Wash Bowls, Water Closets, &c. Force and Lift Pumps for Cisterns, , and Deep Wells Hydraulic Hams, Regis- ters, DAMPEDS,, VENTILATORS, Ste., &c. ICE CREAM FREEZERS, WATER. COOL - ERS REFRIGERATOITS, At A. C. FLIX - H'S, No. 11, North Queen St.. Lancaster,-Petin'a, OHAELES N. HOWELL, - kJ ' MARBLE, MASON, • NO. CO NORTH QUEEN STREET, EAST SIDE. The Oldest 3.larble Works in Lancaster County. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon him., he respectfully, solicits a continuance of the same. •.11e has on hand the largest, most varied and complete stock of finished • MONUMENTS, MANTLES. • GRAVE STONES, to be found in the city, and which will be sold at the lowest prices. Building work and Jobbing of every description punctually attended to. Persons in want of Monuments, Mantles, or Grave Stones , are invited to call and examine the stock on hand, also the portfolios of des4,ms. June 31-tf] J- H. SHEAFFER. • PUBLISHER C BOOKSELLER No. all North Queen Street, Lancaster. Penn'n., respectfully invites the attention of the putS lielo his large assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERS, comprising Books of every description. Papers and Envelopes of all kinds and of the best or,ol - and all articles usually kept in a Book store, - which he is now selling at the LoWEsT CASIt BATES. DOCUMENT ENVELOPES—The roost secure envelope for transmitting valuable matter by mall, and an excellent article for preserving bonds, securities and valuable papers. Useful to every one. BLANK BOOKS—A full assortment of all sires. Full and half bound. . -- - . POCKET BOOKS—Just received a large stock orall sizes, manufactured of the best materials. BlBLES—Pulpit.Tamily and Pocket editions. German and English and LIYIkIN Books. and a large stock of lniscel laneous Religious Books selling at old prices. SCHOOLBOOKS—AII Books used fa our City and County Schools. STEEL.PENS—of the "lest Quality, Imported direct from the inanu.ecterers. . . sij.:NDAysCilooL Books—An the publica tions of the different Religious Publishing Ito uses —for sale at their own rates. Liberal deductions made to Teachers, Merchants School Directors and the Clergy. Prompt attention given to all orders. Dylii-tf. 'DOWN - WITH THE PRIGES • 'DOWN received from the Philadelphia and New York- Markets a full and complete stock of CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, the Latest Styles in the market, which we are prepared to snake up to order in the BEST STYLE AND SNORTESt NOTICE; and at the Lowest Cash Prices. We have on band a full and complete stock of READY MADE CLOTHING for Alen nnd Boys, Of our own make, which we guarantee well trimmed and well made, and goods as repro tiemed. Also, our Stock: of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH. [NG GOODS, is lull and col uplete. Our stock is purchased at the very Lowest Cosh Prices; and we are prepared to sell at a small advance. eaHand, examine our Stock, and you kill Ue convinced the place to be suited for the least money, is at :srrErts 1"o. 1 East King street, Lancaster City, Pa. 1. S. RAT.EUVON'S urAicfr TAILORING. GENERAL CLOTHING, AND GENTLEMEN'S PURNISEING STORE, (Opposite Sliober's Coin 01' INl:oßrirQ,urzz.: LAT C.ISTi n,-PEN~.~. All kiraLs of Men's and Boys' ready-made Clothing and Furnishing Goods constantly kept on hand. ' • Also, a superior assortment of French,itiaish, German and Ainerin Cloths, Cassimeres and VestiinTs, which will be made to order in any desired style, with the least - possible delay; warranted to give satisfaction, and at reasonable charges. July 14, , 66-Iy] S. S. RATILVON. A ._ . N. .13RENEMAN'S A ' LS' GENTLEMEN'S BOYS, GIRLS AND , CHILDREN'S SHOE STORE. The largest and best assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's wear In the CITY-OF LANCASTER. . The undersigned respectfully invites the citi zens of Colbia and vicinity, to his large stock: of LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES, Such as Women's Rid - and French Morocco Boots, Balmoral. Continental and other FASHIONABLE STYLES. We are prepared to manufacture at short notice every kind of Ladies' and Gentlemen's wow known in this market, and at as cheap rates as any similar establishment. Call anti examine our stock. . A- N. BRENEMAN. 'Opposite Cooper's Motel, West King St. Lancaster. TO HORSE OWNERS. BAKER'S HOOF LINIMENT, Tim BEST ARTICLE KNOWN For Quarter or Sand Crack, Corms, Thrush, Contracted, .I.lard or Brittle Hoofs, and for general use in place of Stun - lug or Soalzing. As Dressing for the outside of the Hoof it has no Superior. Sold Wholesale and retail, by A. MILEY Sad dle and Harness Manufacturer, IsZo. 3 7North Queen Strtet, next door to Shober's Eagle Hotel, Lancaster City, Penna. 13.—Barness of every description constantly OR hand, and repairing neatly done to order. ESTABLISHED IN 1829.. SHULTZ'S OLD ESTABLISHED HAT 'C AP AND FUR STORE. NO. l Nevin QI.TRE'S ST., , LA:NCASTER., PA. WO would respectfully announce that we arc now prepared to furnish our customers with the Latest Wyles, consisting of Gen tlem en'g DRESS SILR, CASSIMERE, PLAIN AND BRUSH FUR FUR AND WOOL, on CASSIMERRETT STIFF CA!SSIJIERE - • SOFT AND STEEL - EXTENDED BRIMS. AND FLEXIBLE 'SELF-ADJUSTING STIFF AND D'ORSAY BRIM BATS, In new, Novel and beautiful Designs, and at such prices as in make it an inducethent for all to purchase. CAPS ! CAPS ! ! CAPS !! ! Our stock of Caps comprises all the newest styles for Men's, Boys' and Children's Eil.wing and Summer Wear. Ova Marro Is "EQUALITY TO ALL." The lowest selling price marked in figures on each article, and never varied front, at SRULTZ Hat, Cap and Fur Store, No. 20 North Queen st. XISDS OF Siurrts.:a Fun.s mouton', AND mpixus - r CASTE PRICES PATD. 1ntar:30,1,7 - - F AsuION.A.B.L F.; II A TTE It. JOIIN M. GREEN, Has reinovecl his Store to No.l Mut King street, Next door to Barr's Book Store, • Lii.NCASTT.M, PA., • Where he tins flttea.np rooms to carry on In an extenhive settle, the MANUF.I9.OTURE OF• HATS, &C. Orders tufty be left, or sent nt any time, and satisfaction guaranteed. I, have ottly the best workmen; and am at alt times prepared to supply those who may favor me with a eau with the BEST AND CIT.E.AP.F.ST HATS AND CAPS, of the Latest and most Fmsblonable Style. Having had considerable experience in tile business, 21e hopes to meet n . generous share of public patronage. April 6, JOILIZ H. GREEN. LANCASTER MARBLE WORT e, ' " LEWIS HALDY. Proprietor. - , All persons In want of anything in the Marble line, will be furnished nettle very lowest prices. Only the best workmen are employed, conse quently we are enable to turn out in a superior manner MONUMENTS: , STATUARY, TOMBSTONES, ORNAMENTS. MARBLE MANTLES, BUILDING, FRONTS, SILLS, • . . , And Marble Work of every description. (17 - Orders promptly attended to LEWIS lIALDY, May 4,'67; _ - Lancaster City, Pa. HOUSE FUENISKING GOODS ENGLISH. BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY CARPETS. THREE-PLY, INGRAIN 45.: 'VENE TIAN CARPI:TS. VELVET RUGS S. COCOA DOOR MATS ENGLISH 'lt AMERICAN OIL CLOTHS. • PAPER - HANGINGS, pilau and Decorative. Window Shades, China and Glassware, -Marseilles Blankets. Table and Plano Covers..and a large. Stock , of DOMESTIC COTTON AND WOOLEN GOODS, which we will hell at. low Prices. ILAGEIL & SBOTMEES, - Lancaster, Penna. NEW, STYLE ICE .P.I.TCHERSI - ThEar.r. PLATED with Igleklo Silver Bot . Loma; cannot break or .bo cut. - The IlaeCt thing out: :Take a look at them. at •• • • • •• - • •• • SIIRBIIs'EII fIABINET WARE 'ATAYUFACTORY. 'j The subscriber lidving how ware-roans, and greatly increased - his business, can offer better inducements to his customeres than ever. WINDoir SHA 1)17.§ 7. 2.1/ITORS, " IN -ALL He manufactures to order, and will keep con stantly on 'hand, Dressing, Plain and Fancy llureaus, Sideboards, Sofas, "Card, Dining and Centre Tables, Common, Panay and Frenolt Bed steads; all of which will .he sold on the most reasonable terms: As he manufactures his own work he is enabled to . warrant every article. to be what It Is represented. CHAIRS!! . CHAIRS I! ! All kinds of,ehairs kept on hand or manufactur ed 10 order. Cane,'Windsor, Arm and flocking Chairs: Settees, Camp and•Countex Stools,Sofas, Tete-a Totes and Stuffed Seat Chairs, made to order. Old chairs repainted and repaired. •• • ; UNDEItT.A.K.ING. - - Fiinerals will be attended to with promptness,' to which he gives his personalhttention. He, is prepared with ice boxes and coolers to preserve „ corpse, as may be required. MAHOGANY OR WALNUT COFFINS, -, Furnished plain or tinteddn any style that may be required. • He respectfully solicits a share of pnbl io patronage, as well as a continuance of the custom with which he has been liberally favored. • SOHN SHENBEttGER, • - South side of Locust street, between Second And Third. finar3ll-07-tf, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. - C.A.BDTET.WA.,IIE-1100111S,S: ;MANU FACTORY, Locust Street, a few, doors below Third Street, Columbia, Pa. The subscriber manufactures - and keeps on band, an extensive assortment of all kinds of Furniture. Persons 'wishing to buy, or' those about to go to housekeeping,, will Thal it to their advantage to give me BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, BUILT SUS, &e. Of the best quality, style, and manufacture, stud will make to order, of first-rate material, every article in his line. - Ile wilt give strict attention to business, and respectfully asks of the public a sharp of its patronage.. • UNDERTAKING will receive the most careful attention, nt the shortest notee. - ' ' • nutr3o67-tf), GEORGE SEIBERT. \{ULLEN B.ROTHER'S PHOVISION.STORE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS,. FLOUT:, GRAIN, &c We will always keep on hand the very best quality of goods, such as TEAS. FISFL LARD, RAMS, COFFEE. CHEESE, SUGA RS. TO L 3 ACC() Also. Fancy Groceries, Notions, Dried Fruit, Se. We intend to keep the best Goods only, end to sell as cheap as any similar store. We thererore ask a. portion of publicpatronage. MULLENIi. 13110. ATTENTION HOUSEKEEPERS WE are almost daily in receipt of new and fresh groceries, SUGARS, TEAS, 15lEAT, COFFEE, FRUITS, FISK, SPICES, CHEESE, ' FLOUR. Provisions of all kinds, together with Wood and Willow-ware and Class and Queensware. Switzer and Limber,ger Cheese, German Fruits, &e. E=ll Fresh Peaches,and all therancy Groceries per taining to a wi regulated Grocery Store. I tun determined not to be surpassed in cheap ness mid in the excellent duality or my goods. around and inspect our stock whether you buy or not. A. share of public patronage is solicited. A FRESH ARRIVAL OF GOODS AT HARDMAN'S ! Just received, at the line Grocery Establish ment, corner 3rd and C'lterry streets, the follow ing, new Goods: ' JELLIES, PRESEIIV ES. ' RAISINS PEACHES, TOMATOES, ENGLISH PICKLES, WINSLOW'SCREEN CORN, GREEN PEAS, se., &c. A LATtcF.^. LOT O NEv, - YORK CANDIE:ii, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Cocoanuts, Cranberries, Cider and White Wine Vinegar. Extra Fatally Flour, Mercer Potatoes, Rio and Java Collie, fresh roasted, Lovering's Syrup, &c. 4,Z-New Goods reeeivecLalmost dolly. WM. HARDMAN, tt] Co Rrd and Chlumbia erry:its., , Pa. vin gRAINGE RESIT ARRIVAL OF GROCERIES. Nc nre now ready for the Spring Trade, haying Jet purchased a fun assortment of ' FAMILY GROCERIES, • ' Extra new crop Coffee, Refined Sugars and Syrups—an elegant Syrup for t 5 Cents per Quart. EXTRA FINE JERSEY RAMS. We have also, o. 1,2, and 3 Mackere, barrels, quarters and halves, Dried Beer, Herring, a:6. All kinds of Fruit and . VEGETABLES IN CANS. . Our assortment is full and complete, and our prices reasonable. 4W - Call and examine for yourselves. HENRY SUTDAN, Alar:10-tf] CC)r. of Front. & Union Sig. NTEW GROCERY STORE. The Subscriber would respectfully inform the Public generally, that he has just received a general assoilment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TEAS AND SPICES. Refined Sugars of all kinds. No. 1, and Mess Mackerel English &American Pickles, Sugar Cured Hams. Extra Fine Syrups, Old Rio and Java Coffee, DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS, Raisins, Prunes and prepared Mustard always on hand and of the very best grades. Our stock of Ntaple and fancy groceries is full and complete andwe intend keeping it fresh, by utmost daily additions. Notions of difk.rent kinds always on hand. . FREDERICK I.3I.ICHER, LC.] ear. 4th 3: Locust Sts. JEARDIYABB, STOVES, &e. A LWAYS• SOMETHING. NEW I JUST PURCHASED, AT REDUCED PRICES, a splendid Assortment of new and de sirable HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS COOKING STOVES—Aitti-Dust Quaker • Oity, and tie,: IViaria2v. BRITANNIA. WARE, in Sets or separate, ' to suit purchasers. CHAMBER WARE, CUTLERY OF ALL KINDS. WATER COOLERS, of all sizes and styles rlTTVillAvrt_Vtiaciadsgit`,lnti7. l ,l - eN, - 13" CHANDELIERS always on hand. A Variety of BIRD CAGES, at nIl prices. Agent for the Celebrated DOTY'S CLOTRES ltiztS.lllf,R. The most popular, best and cheapest Wanking. Machine ever invented. In connection with the above 11,"ashIng lla chine; lie has the D - 2,T1 V .13 A. 1., CLOTHES WRINGER! Call :a the corner of Second and Locust streets, and szulsty yourself that you eon get better bar gains there darn at any other establishment. . 111 IZAM WILSON, Cr.o of Second and Locust. s:ts. Columbia, Pa. April 20, 1567.4 y. X EIDIPLE & SON, DEALERS FOREIGN it DOMESTIC HARDWARE. An extensive assortment of home furnishing hardware, also for carpenters' and builders' use, always on hand. • IRON A. ND STEE . • Blacksmiths, _wagon makers and others, turn lshed with all kinds of Iron, :Nails, Horse Shoes, Coach Trimmings, and other goods in their line. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, In great variety, such as Tubs, Baskets, Wash Boards, 8.1 . 001115, Washing Machines; 4,e, FARMING IMPLEMF,NTS. ghoccis, .I.Novr• Castings, Scythes, Forks, Rakes; and all other Implements used by the farmer. STOVES' ' - AND TIN WARE:- Stoves •of every 'style and pattern, Coolc; Parlor and alike Stoves, for opal or wood. • A large. 1124. Kortment of Tin Wure• always, kept, on hand, or manufactured to order. Oil; Coral On, Linseed, Fish, Sperin and :Machine bilk or on ictodg.• Alcohol, Benzinc..7apan, and other Varnish, Glass,Paints, Putty,,White.Lead atig./9, 'aid Locust SIMEET, COLUMITA,PA. T F. COTTR ELL & BRO., GP • Dealcrs In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Hardware, Bar Iron, Steel, 7 , :falls, Glass, ,Paints, 01Is, Varnishes, Turpentine, Benzine, Se.., A large assortment of Parlor, Cook mid Office Stoves always on hand. Tin Ware manufaetur-. ed to order at shortest notice. WOOD AND WILLOW-WAItE, in large quantities and of every variety. Corn Shelters, Peed Cutters, Shovels, Hoes, Fbrks, Coarse and Finc,Salt at. lowest market prices. A. large assortment of Double and Single bar reled Guns Powder Flasks, Game Bags and Shot Poacher.. RI denial Blastingrowder,shotandwps. I......Eighest market prices paid for Clover and Timothy; and -Flax. Seeds, large quantities of which we have constantly on „hand. and offer at the lowest rates. Lubricating, S l perm and Fish Oils, suitable for machinery. A•Flne assortment of Coal Oil Lamps, Siladea, .Lanterns, and Lamp , trimmings. . Wo,reapeetfully,solicit (tabula J. F. COTTBELL - .' W. P. carrßatt; " TACIISt St4;00111.1rIbla MEM GBOCE'BIESi. ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Colttnibia, Pa SALT, , war, FRUIT. SP ICES, STARCH, CRACKERS, MOLASSES., SICGARS, GEORGE TILLS, Agent, LoenstSt„ above 2nd CHOICE NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, STRAWBERRIES tginf,krw4tpArfqs*9l""bi CSE:IIIIANIA / - 'INSURANCE Volt com-Ju4). - , \0.175 Broadway, Now York, w. W. -,l Wr7,iActENT,•Colunibia, Pa. CASE. CAPIT'Arfr, $500,000 SURPLUSZ $B/5,074.73 Total Assetscl 9 . 1.y11,; 18474 . ...;:...1VX:. • '••• 143,074.7 S • This Comfit:Lily insarei4T , Projlerty;of , an kinds against Loss or 'DamagebyTFire,'ori-Dworable _ lILTDOLPFI OAPILIGITE; President Huco Sciiirk.uvic, ' Jour E. Ranr„ Secretary. Vice President Oct. 12, I&„ -ly. .. - . COLUMBIA INS (JRANGE CO. . JANUARY. • Ist;. 3 567. • -• , CAPITAL AND ASSETS, - - - - $1300,53791 This Company continues to insure Buildings Merehandize, and other property, against , loss and damage by lire, on 'the mutual plan, either for i cash premlunVorprenniuurnete. B.EVIFN2'ff "AN.NIJAL REPORT. Whole am, unt insured, $12,475,426 S 3 Le." "rt. spired lin'6(;' 722'7 31411, , 754 0 55 48 _ - • CAPITAL - AND INCOME. Amount orloreinium notes, - ' • • r Jun. 1,48661 - M. 43,123 27 Less premium -notes exp'd in IMG 71,063 01 ,5611,160 Balance of premiums, Jan'y 1, 1800 - 9,609 15 Cash receipts, less commissions, In '3ll, 57,010 10 Loans' 0,400 00 Due from agents and others 004-56 CONTRA Losses and expenses paid In ISGG 3 025 31 Losses adjusted, not due San,-1, 21;t1 , 9 6 88 Balane° Capital and Assets, :can. 1, '67, - 600,527 91 $094,450 10 A. S. GREEN, President. GI.:011GB YOUNG, .Tr., Secretary. MICICASI, S. 5nuz.t.,4.14, Treasurer. DIRECTOES E. T. Ryan, John W. Steacy,- John l*rhrich, George Young, Jr., 14. G. Minleh, Nicholas ~ Nl'Donald, Samuel P. Eberleln, William Patton. Amos S. Green, John B. Bachman, Hiram 'Wilson, Robert Crane. may 11, ISM TNSURANCE COMPANY of NORTH _IL AMERICA .PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1791. Assets, $1,350,000. Charter perpetual. - Insurance against loss or damage by fire on Buildings, Merchandize, Furniture, dte., for long or short periods, or permanently on Buildings, bya depositor Premium. The prompt payment of losses for a period of SEVENTY years, anords a guarantee of claim upon public confi dence. ARTHIIR G. CoFsfx, Pres't. OnAmiss PLATT, see' F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Walnut Street, above Front, Columbia, Pa. .Tanuary 21, 1866-13% rrHE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUR— ANCE SOCIETY of the UNITED STATES, Offers inducements to those proposing to assure, which are believed to be unequaled. Annual Cash Dividends. A)) the Profits Divided . pro-rate, among the Assured. ORGANIZED JULY, ISSO Accumulated Fund, over 4 ^ 000,000 Annual Income, over $1,M,000 WM. C. ALEXANDER, Pres't. FL B. Hvur., Vice-President.. G. AV. PHILIPS, Actuary. Office-92 Broadway, New York. For further particulars. apply to NV. G. 'PATTON, Agent.. Columbia, Pa. June9,lBWJ VARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE ANCE COMPANY, YORK', PA, ' Insures on the Cash, 3lntual or Perpetual Rates. 11. 'CRAMER, President: D. STILICIZI.EIt, Secretary. M. S. SHIMIAN, Agent. July 7,18 G7 -Iy.. Columbia, Pa, IRARD 'FIRE AND MARINE IN- Stilt/INCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA.. Capital Q°oo,Of`,o j Securities $300,000 This Company continues to take risks on good property - , at rates as low as any other safe C:orn pony, and consistent with prudence. - Policies issued for long it short terms, or per manently. Losses promptly paid. All claims adjusted wit hoot litigation or delay. This Com pany refers to the pastas a guarantee of its future conduct. THOS. CRAVEN, Pres't A. S. GILLETT, Vice-President. JAS. P.. ALVORD, Secretary. F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Walnut Street, above Front. Columbia, Pa, January 21, 1865-Iy, j OME INSURANCE COMPANY j__lL OF NEW YORK. OFFICE—No. 135 Broadway .52,000,000 00 • 3,045,388 87 267934 65 CTIA.S. J. MARTIN', Pres't. A. JOlls'.llCC-IFdt., Secretary. WAsiruurix, Abs't Secretary. D. Al EIRALD,General Agent: Total loss by Portlaud Fire, 5112,014 .12—all paid before July 15th. . _ . . Cash Capital Assets, Ist Jauuttry,lB67 A. J. RA.UFFINIAN, Agent. Coiumbm, Pa. E 1 Er.ri Y. JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., 0 . 822 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, • JEWELERS, DrPORTERS at. illAxurAernitEn.s, Have made very large additions to their usual Stock in view of the approaching Holidays, de rived chiefly from NOVELTIES and CHOICE PIECES OF RARE MERIT found in the GREAT EXPOSITION AT PARIS The past season, by one of the firm in Europe. Also, an Immense stock of AT MIES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY', Solid Silver Wares, Plated Goods, Mantel Clocks, Bronzes, Decorated China Vases and Ornaments, Musical Boxes, Carved Wood Ornaments, And everything appertaining to the business of Gold and Silver-Smiths • None but First-Class Goods kept, and every article sold upon Its own merits. PRICES IN PLAIN FIGURES AND FIXED AT LOWEST RATES. [oct 19 'B7-3mo. WATCHES AND JEWELRY GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED. AMERICAN WATCHES, As low as f.. - 40.00, in two oz. Cases, warranted for two years; also 3,4, 5 and G oz. Cases. JUST RECEIVED A Full 'Assortment of the Celeln_.,-d. Seth Thomas Clocks. They.arc the best Clocks made. Call and see! ....Also, a full rind well selected stock 01 SILVER & PLATED WARE, From the hest Factories in the U. S. JEWELRY IN VARIETY, Just from the Factories! SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, Steel and Plated Fnames, to suit all ages! REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, AT E. SPERINGS, Jewelry Store, near tear. 30, '37 tf the New Depot. ei 031 PA RE. •TUE N JUDGE. VV CItEAT REDUCTION AVROLTLSALE luttl RETAIL Prfeett of very s;operior SILVER & SILVER-PLATED WARES, Of our own Manufacture, such us Tea Sets, tiros, Ice Pitchers, 'Waiters, Goblets, Cake Baskets, Castors, Butter Coolers, Vege table Dishes, Tureens, Sugar and Card Baskets, Syrup and Drinking, Cups, Knives, Perks and Spoons of varl ' • ous kinds dc.. a.te., • WAKBANTED TRIPLB PLATI on 'nest of metals, and to be no better in market, and of the 'LATEST STY.r.ns, where no goods are rraterepre sented, at JOITN . 'BOWMAN'S New and Beautiful Store, No. 704 Arch street, PHILADELPHIA. ve_Please call and examine our Goods before purchasing. . • N. B.—All kinds of MATING at reasonable prices. - - - -• 7 ' [sept. 7, 1867-Iy. • NEW . . TC)II,E , NEW GOODS LOW. PRICES!, , P. , SHREINER_& - .SON HAVE OPEXED THEIR NEW STORE AND ' Stocked it With the largest assortment of • CLCieKti, JEWELRY, • ' , . • - D FANCY GOODS, Ever offered in Columbia; which pro Wlll sell at the lowest prices. CALL AT,THE :NEW STORE,. • FRONT STREET, ABOVE LOCUST. y . . DIE JEWELRY !' ::- -• , •- • •••• • , , • - - Beautiful Plus, Sleeve Buttons,ltandsorno rods, Gold Rlttp, Vine Setta 6:e. .te., 6:e.. very elleaP at • ' 4 ' ' ' srrntnrilt & sows. n 694,850 10