gijs nimittrid Colu4abia, Saturday, November 16, 1867 . Connor:lcAvolvs, letters, contributions, generally of merit and interest to the reader, will be acceptable from friends from all quartent. TO ADVERTISERS PEnsoNs who wish their advertisements to reach the greatest number of persons, will do well to avail themselves of the .superior Inducements offered through the columns of the COLITACIA Ser. It posses es large advantage over any other newspaper; its average weekly circulation being more than thirty per cent. greater than any other paper published in this vicinity, and promises to be more than one hundred per cent. greater, in less than six months.— in addition to this, the patrons of the Bev are of the elas&that advertisers wish to reach—liberal minded, and intelligent people, thereby making it the most desirable medium for all classes of advertisers. This fact should have a great weight with advertisers. TO CORRESPONDENTS Ex. By all means accept the latter proposition "JOSlE."—“ Try agate—once more. Twenty-fifth inst. JOBIT 11.—Therr. is no crettscfor your writing with a lead pencil; !Nur arhele cannot In:published in consequence. J. T. dr. Co.—Will insert yor e • advertisement six months for $lO Cash, in adynno. No other terote will be ac cepted • THE article relative to fast driving on our streets is tw ain/dab/I/ postponed Ills somewhat screen, but petfect tcproper, and it shall appear soon f the practice is not discontinued. M. T. J.—The linen are very yowl and trould tike to pub lish them; but you know we published Mt article on the name subject. Would be pleased to hear from you again. Thant; you for sentinieran expremeel. RELlGlOUS.—Preaching in the United Brethren Church, on to• morrow, (So nclay,l by the Rev. W. S. H. Keyes, at 10 o'clock A. M., and at 7 P. M.. WINTER.' MILLINERY.— Mrs. Sw rtz has just returned from the city with a full assortment of winter millinery. She will have her opening clay on Thursday next, when all the lale§t, styles for winter wear will be exhibited. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD.—We pub lishin another 'column, an advertisement of the Union raeific Railroad. Let every one rend it. It will be seen that Samuel Evans, Esq.., is their authorized agent in this place, to secure subscripttions, TEIE BR.ANDT RAKE WORKS SOLD.— The Rake Works belonging to the Brandt Estate was sold at public sale, on Wednes day last, to Michael Scholl, of York, Pa. Shops, ac., $8,500. Patent, $4,500. Total,. $13,000. The works will be put in full operation by the Ist of December. VIGILANT FIRE COMPANY'S BALL.— The ball of the 'Vigilant Fire Company,whielt took place on Wednesday evening, was a perfect success, and quite a handsome sum was realized. There were just enough there to make the party a - pleasant one, and they all enjoyed themselves to the fullest ex tent. Long live the " Hivers." MAsoNle.—Ashara Lodge, No. 395, A. Y..M., Marietta, Pa., will beconstituted on Friday next, the 2.2nd instant, at which time there will be a 'Parade in full Masonic dress. Many of the Lodges in the adjoin ing districts will'be present and take part in the ceremonies: Columbia Lodgo, No. 286, of this place, will meet at their Hall on Tuesday evening next, to make the neces sary arrangements to attend. • THE FINEST GRAPE IN AMERIII.I. Mr. Alfred Speer, the maker of the czle 7 busted Port Grape Wine, says it is about the size of the Isabella, and that it is the finest on this continent. He has refused thous ands of applications for the plant, as he re quires all 'available cuttings for the exten- Ilion of his vizieiardi . He hits for his wine from Europe. C. Bucher, Co lumbia, procured some four years old. HILDEMANS.—The people seem to appreciate the bargains offered at this store. They are doing an immense business—al most daily they are in receipt of Ned. (Thoth:, and every week they make a general par chase. This morning they will open great er Bargains than over. in fact lialdeinalls have a kind of a Sheridan twist upon the trade that cluCt be broken by tiny think movement. Ssuw.—The first snow of the season fell here on Tuesday - evening last, and the weather was cold and blustery. Now that the weather is so uneertaitrand changeable, it behooves us all to look well to our per sonal apparel. Have good boots or shoes, •flannel under-garments, and heavy coats— soil would ,here inform our readers that the .cheapest place to buy them is at the store cof T. 0. Bruner. No humbuging about it; you will not be deceived in what you buy there. A PRIZE NUMBElL—Godey's Lady's Book, foe December, iu It prize number. The embellishment:4 are superb and the . colored iitshion plate with its usual correct fashions in dress is a highly wrought pic ture. The title page is a tableau plate hand somely engraved on steel. This hook will amusetueut for the helddays. The literary department is tilled with stories of interest by popular• writers. Now is the time to make up clubs for "Gooey." We will send "Gonev AND SPY" at reduced rates. BETTER. MAIL FA.CI Lin ES.-- M rs. Fry, our enterprising Post Mistress, has just :completed arrangements with the Post Mas ter at Philadelphia, whereby we will got an Eastern mail in Columbia by 5 o'clock in the morning. This will be a great ill:C0111- nuodation, especially to the business portion :of our community; and Mrs. Fry deserves ;the thanks of our citizens for the interest :she takes in our postal matters. By this :means we get a mail seven hours earlier, • :and important letters received at 7 A. M., :can be answered and returned by the 9 A. .M. train. .FIRE ENGINES FOR SALE.—It Grill be ulreer by an advert isement in another coin inn taial the - V4gilant and Susquehanna fire en glues are offered for sale. They are both splendid hand engines. The Susquehanna is a suction engine and can be used with or without the aid of plugs, as It will draw water from a well or creek. It limy" lately been overitauted, and re-painted in a tine style. The Vignant is a very handsome gallery-stream engine, and in good order also. A rare opportunity is here offered for some of the small towns to procure first class engines atladf their original cost. The Vigilant Fire Company is about negoti ating for a steamer, hence these engines are offered for sale. THE PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC TELE ortArm—The workmen of the Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph line passed thrOugh this place a week ago, and have now completed the stringing of two wires upon the poles of the Penn'a It. It. Co., sOnie distance beyond Harrisburg. Workmen have also been busy drilling holes and preparing to erect poles upon the piers of the Columbia bridge, for the purpose of stringing a wire which will connect with York borough. The P. ,t; A. Co. intend that this wire to York shall connect with the main line east and west at Columbia. The Company thus saves the ex pense of a wire from Baltimore. to Yo . rk, and thence to Harrisburg. An office will soon be opened both here and at York. Messrs. Thomas', & Sons sold at the Ex .change, Philadelphia, on Tuesday last„ for :the Executors of Tarditrs . .estate, forty, -.shares of stock of this company, for 41000, ttliat &rink the par ialua of the stock. ." rNBIIIIE'YOITIt W. W. Upp is the authorized agentof the German ia. Fire Insurance Company, of Now York. r This is ono of the most reliable companies In the United States, and . persons wishing to insure against loss by fire cannot find a better Or more reliable company to insure In than the Germania. Go to Mr. Upp, all who are not insured,and get cireularsoke. PITTSBUROIT DISPATCEL—W ithout doubt this is the best daily paper West of the Allegheny Mountains, and is the best patronized. It is condacted with ability and vigor, and is fully up to the times with all the Latest news of the day. They are• putting in a new press which is guaranteed to turn off a minimum of four thousand impressions per hour. ' Success to their enterprise. BASE BALL AFEALES.—There will be a grand party hold in Odd Fellows' Ball, on- Wednesday, November .Tith, inst., for the benefit of the Mutual Base Ball Club, of this place. _ The Mutual Base Ball Club, of this place, will play the Enterprise Base Ball Club, of Marietta, to-day, (Sat urday, ) On the grounds of the latter, at Marietta. Game called at o'clock P. M. UNCLAIMED LETTERS.—List of letters remaining unclaimed, in the Columbia Post Office, up to this date : Lculies' List.—Mrs. Mary B. Baker, Mrs. F. L. Lauman, Mrs. E. J. Scott, Mrs. Tillie D. Maze, Mrs. Sarah Lovinn, McCoy, Mrs. Lydia K.!Sboirer, Miss Loose Bender. Gentlemen's List.=—J. W. Allen, Albert - T. Ber Engine, Amos Bowman, J.Bryen, John Boyer, F. Colemen, H. M. Capon, J. A. El liott, A. Freeman, Adam Furling, Michael Foley, Messrs. Wm. Gelw Ickes (4; Co., Messrs. R. Greeir 6r. Co., George Herr, W. Hunter, Evan Marcel, Charles Muller, Philip Schmitt, Christian Miller, Pressellia Jenisan, Levi Williams, R. White, B. F. Mellinger, Nahum Keen, 3; Enoch Jones. Balt:4llAm yOUisla.—Give that unclean bird a worm. Brigham young, jr., squeaks —he plays on a corn stalk fiddle,—(these words are far-fetched—are borrowed, or rather telegraphed)—he seems terribly ex cited—he's worried about General Grant. Will some one hold his hat? You can't hold him by the hair ; too greasy ; no kinks there; he hasn't an origin. He thinks we should raise Grant's • name at the head of our paper. How be prates about us. We will raise Grant's name at the head of our paper when we see - lit to do so, and will not consult Brigham with reference thereto. Now, Brigham, if you will attend faithfully to the duties of your Wild Cat Insurance Company, and still conjure up ways to force upon your custorrims a few more extra as sessments since your advent into the news paper world, likely you would be benefited More than by publishing your seeming knowledge of our business. .ON the first page of our paper, to-day, will be found an interesting story, written expressly for the SPY, by L. Augustus Jones. We know it will be read with ab sorbing interest. The plot is well laid, and the characters trim to life. The version and rending of the characters demand deep knowledge,not onlyof thelanguagein which they first took form, but of all the civil and intellectual conditions of the time and coun try in which they were produced, as well as the utmost fidelity, and exquisite deli cacy of taste. It appears to us that Mr. Jones had these requirements, :tad exe cuted his task with signal grace and suc cess. No reader can fail to be interested in the touching filial affection of stout-hearted, honest Joe Drown, for his widowed mother, the noble, true-hearted "Frank Willis," and the quaint humor of " Mickey Ragan." 'We feel convinced that all who read the first installment, will not fail to fbllow the characters to the end. COUNCIL MEETING.--An adjourned meeting of the Town Connell was held on Monday evening last, Mr. T. R. Supplee, President, in the Chair. Present—Messrs. Bachman,. Mullen, Minich,,Shreiner, Sup plee,(Sourbeer and UPIL . The President stated that the object of the meeting was to give a hearing to all persons interested in the proposed vacation of la part of the alley running in an easterly direc tion from the north side of Fifth street. be tween Union and Cherry streets. Jos. IV. Fisher, Esq.. appeared ibr Fred. Grat and Robert Hamilton, and entered several objections to the proposed vacation, one of which was that it would deprive the parties owning property On gill rear of the alley or an entrance thereto from Fifth street, as the alley with which it is said to form a junction, is no alley, hut the private property of Fred. firat. No further objections I nettle, On 1110- thou! Of Mr. , a committee of three W 11.4 ordered to be appointed, to ascertain the correct lines of the properties adjoining ' the alley to be vacated. Committee—Messrs. Mullen, Sourbeet: ‘ and :Shreiner. Ott R notion adjourned. CASESl—Befu're S ;timid Lvaus, Esq., 'for the ending to-day. .4,s%vault and Buttery, with intent to On Satnrday last, Michael Delluta,(colored,) was arrested for shooting Stephen Burrell, (colored,) with a shot, gun, is the left ;amt. The tietsof the case are as follows: On 'Friday night., the Rh inst., bete een eleven and twelve o'clock, Stephen Burrell, .fosh tut Brown, and Mary Ann }lnglis, Trent to.. the house of Michael Dellinn, (who lives on an alley between Fourth and Fifth, and Union and Mill streets, in this place,) and olibred three chickens for sale, one or them being dead. After dickering about the price, the defendant gave tiny cents fur the two living and ten'eents for the dead chick en. Michael proceeded to prepare to cook the latter. Burrell took the money and went to Frederick Smiths aid bought a quart of whisky, with which lie returned to ,liter partaking of the repast, Burrell continued to remain in Dellums house, and cast longing eyes towards a clip board in which the two chickens yet alive were concealed. ' Bennet observing the furtive • glances of Burrell, concluded that it was not safe fir him and the chickens to occupy the same apartment, and ordered hint out of the house. Burrell being drunk, made haste slowly to leave the ranch; when he had ad vanced to and just outside the door (in order to accelerate his exit) the defendant took a shot gun and fired at Burrell, the shat and wad taking effect in the left arm, near the shoulder. ' Dr. Ermentrout di:est:A his wound, which is a serious one. When the defendant was taken before the Justice, and the witnesses heard, it was inferred by him that they had stolen the chickens, and all of them being somewhat under the influence of the libations of the evening before—" lip py" withal—they were ceminitted to jail for ninety days, as disorderly and drunken persons. The indefatigable MeGintils, after conveying the trio to jail, proceeded to find an owner for the chickens, whicli he did in John P. Stehnian; who lives in the vi cinity of Columbia. Mr. S. fully identified them, and in order to clinch the matter McGinnis took them to his (S.'s) barn, to see if they would roost hight:r than the perch formerly occupied by them. We believe he made ai satisfitctory report. The result is, the parties will be held for lar ceny at November sessions. Dellum gave bail for his appearance to answer;kc. Assault and flattery.—Janies Karnes was arrested for knocking down and kicking .Tacob Crosby. It seems that some person threw a stone, which struck the :defendant, and which lie supposed was thrown by complainant. Defendant discharged upon paymentef costs.. .Veiling Liquor on AS'unday.—Elizabeth Mc- I Laughlin made complaint against Joseph Desch and Lawrence Smith, hotel keepers, in " fish town," "for selling spiritous Minors to divers persons, on Sunday, the• 10th day of November. The * defendants waived a hearing and gave bail for their, appearance at Novem ber session:; to answer, a:a. COUNTY ITEMs.---Theffollowing items of interest are condensed from our late exchanges: Sheriff Frey, on last Saturday made the following sales farm of ninety-five acres in Salisbury twp., sold as the prop erty of C. S. Petershenn to Samuel Slokotn, for $B,OOO. A wood lot of two acres sold as property of the same, to Win. White, for $lOO. The Quarryville hotel property sold as the property of Jas. C. Ewing and others, to Wm. J. Hess, for $2,000. Rev. S. B. Boyer. of Ilinkletown, this county, has received a unanimous call from three churches, in and near Schuylkill Haven, Schuylkill county. On the sth inst., Miss Kate Huber, daughter of Peter Huber, of Mount Joy, died from the effets of accidentally taking corrosive sublimate, nearly two weeks pre vious. She was living at the exchange hotel, in that place, at the tinui of the acci dent, where the posion was used in house cleaning. The farm of John Huber, in Manheim twp., containing ninety-tour acres, was sold to John Nestleroth, of Manor twp., for $219.05 per acre. Jacob Blank sold a tract of land in Salis bury twp., containing, eighty-five acres, to Henry Baby, Jr.,. for $132.50 per acre; a tract in same twp., of eighty-five acres, to John Hershey, for $2OO per acre ; and a tract 0f1221 acres, in Leacock twp., to Jos. Hershey, for 8215 - per acre. Jacob Shissler sold his property in Matt-1 Leila twp., containing seven acres with im- - provements, for $4,300. Isaac Shissler, pur chaser. John Bear has sold his 'farm of eighteen acres in Mount Joy twp., to Benj. _Garber, for 87,000.. Christiana. Garber las sold thirty - acres of land, without improvements, in East Donegal twp., to Benj. Garber, for *2OO per acre. The farm of John Hershey,in East Hemp field twp., containing ninety-seven acres, was sold to Wm. L. Pieper, Cashier of Lan caster county National Bank, for f;'26o per acre. Abraham 2Cissley has sold his ftirin of piety-six acres, in Mount Joy tarp., to Jos. Schenk, for $16.7.5 per acre.. ' A. 0. Harlan, real estate agent, Coates ville, Chester comity. has sold two brick houses, situated on East Chestnut Street, that place, to John M. Long, of Lancaster.' The following banking institutions have declared their dividends for the lest six Months, free of National and. State taxes: Lancaster County National Bank, eight per cent.; First National Bank of Lancaster, five per cent. ; Inland Insurance and De posit Company, five per cent: The Stras burg and Miilport Turnpike Road Com pany has declared a dividend of fifty cents per share. On Wednesday morning last, a serious accident occurred in, Lancaster city, at Scheurenbrand's beer vault, now being built in St. Joseph's street, a few yards west of St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Three German masons, named Andrew Bender, Satlifr Ritchie and John Cardle, were erect ing a wall or the vault, and while at work on the cast side, the earth gave way, com pletely burying the three men under it, and injuring them all. The vault is twen ty tbur feet deep. The teachers of Lancaster county met in Convention at the Court House, in Lancas ter city, on 7Alollday last, atlo o'clock A. M. David Evans, County Superintendent, call ed the meeting to order at 10 o'clock, and, after a few remarks, the Institute proceed ed to organization by the appointment of J. H. Witmer, and W. L. 13allintine as Secre taries, and J. MeCashey as Treasurer. On motion of Mr. McCaskey, a capitation tax of fifty cents NVUS aid. On motion of Mr. IsZewpber, the election of Committee on Permanent Certificates was postponed until Thursday next. The followint were proposed as members of this Committee: A.. 0. Newpher, B. D. Danner, E. W. Guthrie, Wm. Riddle, Wm. C. Shu man, Miss L. Annie Lyle, Miss F. E. Andrews, Miss C. C. Musser, I. S. Geist, Miss Thompson, Mr. Pierce, Miss Hones, Mr. D. Brubaker, and Mr. Gates. The Committee on taking names consists of Messrs. I. IV. Rodgers, D. McMullen, B. D. Danner, and R. S. Gates. - Very interesting and important subjects have been brought up and discussed during the week. The proposed Grand Monumental Fair of Lancaster county, will open at Fulton Hull, Lancaster, ,on Monday, December 2nd, and continue during the ensuing week. We trust the response of thepatriotie citizens of our "Garden of the Keystone" will be such as to render this worthy and sacred effort to perpetuate the memories of her fallen brave, by raising an enduring memorial of their glorious deeds of valor and sacrifice made tar each ono of us, the living, an imposing success. Let this occa sion arouse a generous rivalry among our several townships in offerings of labor and means, that funds sufficient may be raised -to erect a monument creditable to the mu nificence and as pride to every citizen of the county. In order to facilitate the immedi ate and thorough organization of the sever al districts, a list of managers of the same have been published by authority of the Executive Committee. The managers ap pointed front this place arc the following named gentlemen : W. IT. Hess, E. K. Smith, Samuel Shoeh, - AL North, A.. 7 Kauffman, Gen. J. AY. Fisher, Major W. Ptahler, 'Robert. Crane, C..Fonilorsmith, M. :NI. Strieldnr, C'apt. B. Wallin_ G. AV, Appolil r~~ y '~T~tFTYA:IFS~Ca G licatle. end :Nfarrniges are published its this paper without eharge. ‘Vheu accompanied by common. na ten, o 4ether prose or poetry. five cents per line still be charged. Funeral not lee.; ten cents per line payable in advance. FL 4 In the 10th' inst. by the Rev. Wm..Sleek,at Lancaster, Mr. .V.Nntrxtv .T. SwistrEL to Miss ELIZA UHTII APAnti both of Lancaster city. Ott the 10th inst., in Mount Joy. by Rev. J. P. Miner, Cu AILLES MARSHALL of Bainbridge, Lancaster county, to ELtz,torlt COCILLEY, of Liverpool, York county, Pa. On the 7th inst., by .I{ln% J. N. Metzger, DAVID MYERS, of 'Mount Joy twit., Lancastorcounty, to Nsit: WEitsmt., of Rapho township. un the 7111 Inst., by Bev: Dr. Greenwald, A:nos (howl , to CA: it.AntNr4 D. L11,131.AN, both of Enat La uspotor. On the 7th in -t., by the saint,. ES LsAMY, of WostLampeter, to MARY I - MIMI 4, 0 ffit rasburg. On the 7th hail., by stone, uRENTittt to :\vN IE IDIRSII EY, hall ofLeacm4k. • Mell the 11th inst., at; Ntountville, of Typhoid r. Ftt.t:s - K, sort of ifenry and Lizzie Cohn, lli years, 2 months taut it On Frye agel Ott th . e7th inst...feonstimptim.Lin - 111..t [NE:4 of 31twl:: Mtitws, of Fulton twp., this eouuty illarkets. 1;A L TII "I 0 It rtif A It N. E TS. init,c.3',;7ll.VelYe;i•-;!iii.s. Ly t n i r : ] i ' o e tAi . G l ;l ' . l N ' S n t t r t e ( i. oni B.‘ririno lee, November 15, MGT. I:E PINED SLICJA RS. Crushed. r lb A. 'White, R",-1 C 1 ellow .............. .......... Yolluws of lower grade =I L . .. .. .... ....... . In hall I.ibis.:3 l (l, x :Td i In Icov. 100. additional. No eliargo for Poolnigos. CorrEn—llio, ordi nary to fair li - iii.l7.l'; good to I 6 „ ; l 6017; cholve iSPAS;iI',; Logo:tyro ri - j,..fAii 1i1,i,.5; Jaya 243//, - ,2.31 , _:, net cash in gold. lEEE Cotta—rrinie 7 0 " •• " 'Western nixed , e 1,114110 (41 35—ited v bushel, choice ' 2 40Q2 SO White 2 115542. SO "Unless ittalis are given, Orders will be filled in turn at Marial )mfr's. Delo I, r.II. Pfl L AD E L A II tRKETS. Reported expressly for this paper, by Janney Andrew:., 'Wholesale Groeen, at Commission Merehants, No. 123 31"arizet sl reef . . ph ihielphia. Pit f r..vtamun lA, NOVOlllber 10 1047. Flour—Extra Family .11 °kali 00 Extra superfine 10 250,12 25 Superfine S .11*.D 50 " Rye 1 Ocnif.o 00 Wheal, 30(,2 •17 Rye 1 500,1 .15 Corn 1 :1 - (6.1 zt.g Oat , ez.c.: , 73 Clover seed 7 .50(9:0 00 Timothy seed 2 25(.2 75 Lard, If It. '''''' Butter, best quality r.guS. - e dozen TII.IIOW. 4. Colombia Lumber Market. Reported Witte " Co lutnittaSpy," by Bachman & Martin, StrzqueJuanita Planing 3111 N, Front St reel. G.)1.1.11171.1.A., Is - ovettiber lit 1807. Wl:lte Pine Collings, or samples 5 16 00005 00 XI Conunon 23 00:0:24 00 20 Common Ist Common "sooo`,lo 00 00 00(0:65 00 Pannel 75 00(e150 00 Joist and :Smutting ...... ... 23 00 Hemlock. Joist and Seantllie. 18 000.20 00 Ash and Oak .10 (05,15 - 00 Dressed. flooring BoortLs S J2 :LS Olkal. Cherry .10 006,4000 Poplar.- ~.. 23 000:45 00 - Walnut Plain- *4O 75 000: , 00 00 Pielcets.fleatled, 1 feet IS 005.20 00 Plelteto Tapering, 5 feet , 6330 1)0 ... , .. , Shingles Hunch. 28 Inch........, Shingles Sawed; 24 inch Rooting Lath • Carolina Yellow Pine Flooring .. ; ..... Columbia Flour and Grain ltlarlcon:. Reported weeizly for the "Spy," by George Bogle. Comraturn, 'November IG, 1867. Extra.famllyilour... ..... -.....-...--..........__32.,30, Rye flour, (none) , White 'Wheat Vi hustle' '' - '' 2 60 1 . Red, Wheat 2 Rye..... /.30 00 I ' .. Corn .180 Reported weekly for this paper, by Bruner (1 - . Moore, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Coal. CoLtmnia, November 16, 1867. . xr: YAILD PE.I2D.. Baltimore Co. Select Lump C0a1....55 15 $u 50 No 1,2, &3, ", ... 405 • . 500 4,11 NO. 4, ... 4 40 4 75 ...No. 5, '‘ ... :4 65 400 Maltby Coal No. 1,2, ; & 4, - ... 4 61 500 Grand Tunnel, stove and Em,.. 3 05 4 00 Lylcens Valley Stove and Egg, . ... 5 16 5 15 Nutt, 4 75 Shamokin Stove and Egg, • ... 461 500 '' Nutt. ... 3 65 400 Iv YARD. 4 50 450 :1 50 4 75 5 7,5 4 50 75 Maltby stove & egg, by ear, gross Sharaoken. broken egg and stove Nutt, T,ykens Valley, Nutt, ..... stove and eg tug, Cousn'rs Coal Co.stove Ltegg,by ear ...... Nutt, Columbia Produce ilarlzet. COLUMBIA, November 18.1867. .7,0@1 60 •...Nea.l3o :;00435 ..... 09@.:70690 15 Potatoes, _ . Eggs per dozen Butter, per lb Chickens, pair (young). Lard, ih Sides Shoulders Hams Tallow Country Soap huilanavilUAat_.atAl TLtiN ENGINES FOE SALE. wo TwentY-IrorsePower Stalin - law Eng - lit es, entirely new, ore ottered. for sale by SUPPLER t BRO., Engine Builders, Columbia, Pa. nor F IRE ' E - NC INES FOR SALE! A GREAT BARGAIN OFFERED!! The undersigned offer at Private Sale two splendid hnnd engines, hoth in good order, and known n.s the " VIGILANT" AND " SITSQUEHAIN.:NA." They are first-elms engines, (the latter a, suction engine) and will throw water 200 feet. Ther;) is no better hand engine in the State than this one, and the citizens of Columbia have always looked upon it as the most reliable In case of fire. These Engines are complete in every respect, beautiful in style, painting and 'workmanship. Arir.A. rare opportunity is offered to parties_or corporations, to purchase First-Class Engines at very cheap rates. The reason of their being offered for Sale, is, that the parties are getting a Steam apparatus. re ..A Reel and Several Hundred Feet of "rinse is also offered for sale. For further information address. \V%f PATTON, JOHN Q. DFNNY, ).Comlee. A. BILUNEIit, JR., ) Columbia, Penn' a. no' . fl 500 OF TILE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, RUNNIYG WEST FROM OMAHA AC ROSS TIFE CON TINE NT The Union Pacific Railroad Company have built a longer linerof railroad in the last eighteen months than was ever built by any other com pany in the same time, and they will continue the work with the same energy until it is com pleted. The Western Division is being pushed rapidly eastward from Sacramento by the Cen tral Pacific Company of California, and it N ex pected that THE ENTIRE GRAND LINE - - to the Pacific 1,111 NI open for ttegines. 10 1870. MORE THAN ONE-THIRD OF THE WORK HAS ALREIDY BEEN DONE, MORE THAN ONE THIRD OF THE WHOLE LINE IS NOV/ IN RUNNING ORDER, AND MORE LABORERS ARE NOW EMPLOYED UPON IT THAN EVER BE FORE. More then FORTY maaaoisT DOLLARS IN MONEY have already been expended by the two power ful companies that have undertaken the enter prise, and there is no leek of funds for Its most vigorous prosecution. When the United States Government found it nece.sary to secure the construction of the Union Pacific Railtontl, to develop and protect its own interests, it gave the Companies authorized to build It such ample aid as should render its speedy completion bevond deal it. The availabld means of the Union 'Pacific Mil;road Company, derived from the Govern ment and its own stockholders, may be briefly s it tinned up as follows: I.—UNITED STATES BONDS, Having thirty years to run and bearing six per cent. currency interest at the rate of $16,000 per mile ibr 517 on the Plains; then at the rate of ;:-'lB,OOO per mile'for 150 miles through the Rocky Mountains; then at the rate of Stlll,ooo per mile for the remaining distance, for which the United States takes a ac cord Lirn as security. The interest on these bonds is paid by the United States gov ernment, which also pays the company one-inilf the amount of its hills In money for transporting Its freight, troops, 2_ndls, The remaining half of these hills Is placed tmtho company's credit, and forms a sinking fund which may finally discharge the whole amount of this Item The claims against the government since April at the current year nmount to four and one-half times this interest. 2.—FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. Company By its charter theis permitted to issue its own First Mortgage Bonds to the same amount as the bonds issued by the government, and no store, and only as the road The Trustees for the bondholders are the Hon. E. D. _Morgan; E: S. Senator from New York, and the Hon: Oakes Antes, Member of 11. S. klilllSe at Representatives, Who are responsible tier the de livery of these bonds to the •Company in strict i .emdlee2 .—TIT LAND o GRANT. The Linton Paeitle Railroad Company has a land grant or nbsolate donation front the govern ment of 1200 acres to the mile on the line or the road, which Will not be worth less than $l. . - dt per acre at the lowest valuation. 4.—TEER CAPITAL The authorized capital of the Union Pacific flatfraud Company i, iilOO,OlAOOO, of Arhteh Over '. , 1,600,0da have been pant on the work already done. THE MEANS SUFFICIENT TO Rump THE ROAD. Contracts for the entire work of building 914 miles of first-elass railroad west of Omaha, com prising muelt of the most difficult mountain work, and embracing every expense except sur veying, have been matte with responsible parties (who have already finished over .100 tolleso at the average rate of sixty-eight thousand and dity eight dollars (fl00,0.1S) per mile. This price in cludes all necessary shops for construenon and repairs of ears, depots, stations, and all other in cidental buildings, and also locomotives, passen ger, baggage, and ireigincars, and other requisite rolling-stock, to an amount that shall not be less than $l,OO per mile. Allowingthe cost of the remaining one hundred and elghty-six of the eleven hundred miles assumed to is built by the Pacific Company to be ;110,000 per THE Tor.v. Coax• or ELEN - EN Ituxontlo WILT. 11K .A.ti ffl L LOWS: 914 tulles, to als,usi Ito ndles, 500.(KP Add di,eounts on bonds, surveys, eze =EH As the U. S. Bonds arc equal to Inctuey, and tlic Company's own First 3tortgage Bonds have a ready market, we have as the AvAILAULE eAbli linsouncEs von 131 - I.l.ntso ELBYiti ilitstatkit I". S. Bonds First Mortgage Bonds Capital stock - paid in on the work now done Lund Grunt, 1001,000 acre -t, at, id. 50 per acre GM The company.have ample facilities for supply ing any deriefency that may arise in means 1, n construction. This may be done wholly or in part by additional subscriptions to capital sttwlz, Active Inquiry has already beep made for a portion of these lauds, and arrangemen is are now proposed to offer part of them for sale. While their whole value will not be available for seine years to come, they will remain a very impor tant source of revenue to the Company. The hinds of the Illinois Central Railroad Company are selling front Ei.ti 1,tz12 per acre, and other I:on/- grant comp:Lilies In the West are receiving equal prices for similar properties. FUTURE BUSINESS. - - . The most skeptical ha% e never expressed n doubt that when the Union Pacific Railroad is finished the immense business that must now over it, as the uttly railroad connecting thetwo grand divisionsof the-North American continent, will be one of the wonders of railway t rauslawta- Lion ; and as it will hare no competitor It can al ways charge renumerative rates. EARNINGS FROM W.A.Y BUSINISS. to 101, fit 1 - • (214 • ECM During the quarter ending July al. an average orni miles of the Union Pacing Railroad Was in operation. The Superintendent's Report shows the following result: Sd RNING Passengers, Freight, Telegraph and Moils Tron,portution of Contraeton: Ma torialii and :Alen r 1 'SG I se 01:1 ',B ERE! Exrp;.,vsEs. Repairs, Ottiees, Conductors, Trains, &e. Net , Earnings in balance. SEM The net operating expenses on the commend:ll business for the quarter, were 50. The account for the COAIMERCIAL 11US1NES-4 r.tands as follows: Earnings for May, June and Ju1y,..C , 72:1,755 51 Expenses •"• " 2.l7,Dati EZEIMIE The amount of Bonds the Company can Issue on :tin miles. at Sholon per mile, is 6.'5...11X/,000. In terest in gold, three months, at 0 per cent.. on this sum, is s7spo; achl . 4o per cent. premium, to correspond with currency earnings, is slo9,2oe— showing that the net earnings for this iluarter were MO're 11.1011bUr /1/)l4m Ott haex,,,t oil the First Mortgage Bonds on this length of road. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, whose principal Is so amply provided fur, and whose Interest, Is; no thoroughly secured. must In• el tensed among the ersi,it investments. They pay SIX PER CENT. IN (;or.D. and are offered for the present at NINE:rt: CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, and accrued inter est at Six Per Cent. in Currency front July I. Many parties arc taking advantage of the present lugh price of Government storks to ex change for these Bonds, whieha re over FIFTEEN PER. CENT. CHEAPER, and, at the current rate of preminni on gold Day 12 34 , 0 314 : :Oa) !If 'l7 v. 113;013, OVER NINE PER CENT. INTEREST Subscriptions will be received In Columbia, by SAIguEL,F.v.A.Ns, and in New York at the Company's Office, .I`.o. 20 Nassau street. and by Continental National Ennk No. 7 Nassau st.. Clark, Dodge 4: Co., Bankers, No. 51 Wall street, John .I. Cisco J Son, Bankers, No, lt3 Wall street, and by the Company's advertised Agents throughout the United 6tates, of Wlll l / 1 1 111:IpS and descriptive pamphlets may - be obtained up application, Remit Umces should be made in drafts or other funds par in New York, and the Bonds will he sent free of charge by return C-- prem. Subscribers through Local Agents will look to them for their delivery. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York. nor 16-Imo) oo ..... JO 00;F:42.5 GO -.. 000,317 00 ...." 600 MO. 50 cMoLumm.A. GAS CO. ELECTION. A. Meeting of the SG - xi holders of the C3I BIA GAS COMPANY, will be held at their Oilloe in Columbia, on SA.TUKDAY, peeetnher Dim, to sleet one President and fix Mon ngers to serve for ono sear, JAMES BARBER, Treasurer. nov9-3t Columbia" Coal Market. MILES =HI CBES tb2,20,01:. . 111,710 A 1,51.10,1 1 41 : 1,q1.2 .cn9,328 000 21,120,000 ~S>,Hn,i i 0 171,2. C; 41 51, , X1,41.N 9.1 95,536 qr.! hO7,ASS (II IF 1R.5,759 111 NEW AD FEETZSEMENTS. GRAND OPENING _ _ OF WINTER :SuLLINEra MRS. L. SWARTZ informs her Patrons that she will have her opening of Winter Millinery, consisting of HATS, BONNETS, &c.. &c., On TITURSDAY next, the 21st of November. All ladh-s wishing to see the latest novelties of the Season will do well to call. [nor 16'67. I)RIVATE SALE ! The undersigned offers at PrivateSsle, the wing Real Estate : A LOT OF GROUND with a Three-Story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, Brick Back Building and other Im provements, on the south side of Locust street, near Front street, Colombia, Pa. The Lot coattails 23, 1 ; feet front and extends *back 150 feat, more or legs, to a 14 feet wide alley. Bounded on the East by property of Mrs. O'Connor, and on the West by property of J. S. Snyder. This is a desirable location for a private residence or lance of business. nor 10-3t] CHARLOTTE ELDER. RETURN FROM EUROPE (AFTER on absence of three years) AVIIPre they have appeared before nearly all the Kings. Queens, Emperor and Nobility of the Old World. 8.10 . • - . The Greatest Wonders or the Age! Four Beautiful and symmetrically formed Ladle , : nod Gentlemen In Miniature! The Orlghml and Renowned GENERAL TOIL THUMB AND WIFE, COMMODORE NUTT, AND MISS MINNIE WARREN, Will Exhibit ac Odd Fellows' Hall, Columbia, on SATURDAY, No, ember 30th, 1837. Two Levees at 3 and 7!.4 o'clock. Positively One Day Only. A Married Couple, a Bachelor and Belle all four weighing a trine over 1.00 pounds. Intelli gent, social, airable and possessing excellent conversational powers, they are thus superior to all other Dwari, • _ They Will appear at each Levee in a variety of Fascinating Performances, consisting of songs, Dances ' Duetts. The Old Folks, Burlesques, etc. Which fully exhibit their anti versuttle At the Afternoon Levee, they 1%111 wear the Splendid and Costly Costumes worn before _Queen Victoria and the Royal Family, at Wind turn-Castle, June 24, Mi. The Magnineent Dresses and Diamonds worn by Mrs. Gen. Tom Thumb and Miss Minnie Warren at their Entertainments actually cost over Fifty Thousand Dollars. 4 , 4 ale,. and Children are considerately ad t• . to attend the Day Exhibition, and thus avoid the crowd and confusion of the Evening Performances. To the Day Le} evs—Admisslon 25 cents; Child ren under ten, 15 cents. Reserved Scats; 50 eta.; Children under ten, 2J cents. Evening Performance—Admission to all parts of the I louse, 25 cents ; Children under ten, 15 cents. nov 16-3 t. STRICT LY PURE T Y E PPER ( - MOUND IN THE STORE SWEPT AIt.TORANI, COEIANDEIZ, lm] other :%laterlals 1 - 1 1 .A1VE _11: - Y DYES In Great Xariet3 vramE XEATS FOOT OIL At a Low Figure PURE SPICES, tiARTNo soi)A. SODA ASH, a fresh -;tock, of fall Ntrength and at a reduced prier For Sale at J. A. 31 EA'F.RS' Fain ily llc licine Store, Had Fellows Hall, 001'10 'al Columbia, Pa tTSHES' BRUSHES ! : A,ze As:,ortment of HAIR, CLOTH - . TOOTH, SIIOE, WALL, SWEEPINC:, nod DusTisc: 11.1tUSHEs. to he lout at HOTHARMEL'S, No. 93,i North o,,,tieen Street, nor 9-:;to .=-Lrtrietister, fht„ ANDY . GOODS'. A Large Assortment of China and Wax oils and Doll heads, and China Goods of all kinds. Also a great yariety of Brushes, Combs, .te., to be had at JACOB ROTHAWNIEL'S No. T.:: Nora' Queen Street, tiny Laneaster, Tr:W NOVELTIES `•- IN WEDDING, ,INVITATIONS. The Largest Variety' orStylcs ever oftbred to the Pantie. New Novelties constantly added to our sample.. Order. at tentsd to by mall. I't•tee. reasonable. 11. 1-IsiKINS Etotravers, tits tioticrs, Rni - elope and Blank itoolt Alanuthetut ers, nor !Sbaj Ph; Arch atrm s Philadelphia. DNIINIc;TI1 . NOTICE. ,-,,A;(0.n.f.. .JOSEPH prLum, late of the Ifitrough of Columbia, Lane star eounty, Pa., deceased. P. ,t tors of administration on said I.lstate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, and those hating clni rim or deli - lands against the same will present them without, delay for settlement to the under signed,.resitling iu said iloroutth. MARGARET \VEITZEL, :toy gqtt l Atinthilstratrix. I. _\l3lil:ST STO CK EA TEST VA R ETV OF C 0 T I IN' THIS SIDE OF PH ILA DE LPHIA =9 I have' just purehosed my new Fall Stock of 'Winter Clothing ; The largest ever.before par elutosi. C 4 ,1110 anti eXaMine our hew Styles and p: ices of _ READY MADE CLOTHING, Embracing every variety - of style and material suitable for the sea.on. They are made of the best material and In the most ihshlonable style. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Shirts, Scarfs, Neck Ties, Snspenders, Ilandker el leis, Hosiery, Vic. A splendid line of these goods always kept on halal. Also, Boots, Shoes, I bits fi Caws, of which we have a well selected stock, and which we oiler at very cheap rates. . BEM TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS 6z VALISE,S Of all styles, are sold cheaper than city prices. My goods are all bought for cash, and I carer theta at cheaper rates, for cash, than low other store. Call and see, HENRY RICE, Adjoitanz Wa , ,llington House, not• 0, '67-Iyl I , Kont, street, 0)111'1114s FIA RYER 'S BA Z A 0 Repository of Fashion, I'leaqure. and MIME The Publishers will commence, on November lot, the issue of HAnesitt's liAzAtt, a Weekly Illustrated Family Journal, devoted to Fashion and Home Literature. Their aim is twofold: to supply the existing need of it Weekly Fashion Newspaper, and to combine therewith a first class literary Journal, which will be indispen sable to every household. arrangements have been made, at an immense cost, 'with the most celebrated of the Fashion Papers of Europe, especially with the famous Brt,a r Berlin. which supplies the fashions to the leadingjou nulls of Paris, to furnish thesame to them in advance, so that henceforth the fash ions will appear in HARPER'S BAZA7t SillllllUlll- • ywlth their publication in Paris alai Berlin au advantage enjoyed by no other journal in the country. The patrons of IlAumm's 13Az.ut will receive every tort night large pattern-plates, containing from forty to liar full-sized patterns of ladles', misses', and children's bonnets, cloaks, dresses, under-clothing, and other articles, accompanied with the necessary descriptions and directions, and occasionally an elegant Colored Fashion PM to of t be size of HA IteRMS WEEKLY. IiSIZPEWS BAZAR W 5 / I contain la folio pages of the. size of Harper's 'Weekly, printed on super tine calenderett paper, and will he published -weekly. : - 4LrBSCILIPTIONS. TI, Publishers have perfected a sp•teni of waning by which they can supply the MAGA ZINE, \WEEKLY and BAZA»t promptly to those who prefer to receive their periodicals directly from the °nice of Publication. Postmasters and others desirous of getting up Clubs will be sup plied with a Show-13111 on application. The po•statre on Iltlrper'Y Rasa,. Is 20 cents a year, which roust he paid at the yolmerthcr'.., TERMS: HARPEn's Baz.i.n, one year .4 a Extra Cop, qf either the MAGAZINE, Avvainz- Ll' or itAzArt wat mtpplial grab- for ...erg CM .1j Five; SuI:SCRIBERS at 51 1.0 mele,lll oqc rnnithuice: 61. Sir Copiex for s"a) 00. stilnimms (1111 1)0 trUpplied lit any (IMO. Sabre, y,tZoit +w.t pool Unlink North A e.elintll Pr , ,t.i,tcrs maxi I,f acrompottiol v7l. Ylt rcntx Addlt tonal, In, prep , y Adare,s HARPER..- BROTHERS, Franklin Square, New York 110 THE LADIES I Mrs. E.SPERING takes pletealre In In lorining her riends and en.tomers that she Liu just returned from the city with all of the lantst styles of BONNETS, BATS, FLOWERS, FEATITEILti, and VELVETEL Also, INFANTS' CAI'. 4 AND LADIES' HEAD LiRES9E-3. Velvet all Colors and Widths. Also, LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, of all kind s , which will lie sold at very moderate prices, Do not forget the place—near the New Depot, Oct. - --- 1p L. HAGMAN, • wrrif &; Trotter, WHOLESALE GROCERS, ZL Nortil Water Street, and 20 North Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia, (nog. :Val, CI ARLIC, SA LTPETRE, WE CREAM TARTAR SEEN Funs—Now ready, the largestassortinent, the handsomest styles, and the lowest prices to be found in the country. Our long experience in this business is a guarantee that oar Customers wilt get 'tone hut GENUINE FURS. Call and see our display. Furs from 35.00 to $150.00 a Set. CARPETS—New Carpets at greatly re duced prices. We can now sell a splendid all Wooll Carpet ,at ;1.25 per yard. Carpets from 3,0 cents up. ISM CLOTItIN( DEPARTMENT—We are giving great satisfaction to our patrons, and this branch of our business has so greatly increas e(' that we are enabled to offer unusual inducements to buyers. ,Vr - RECOLLEOT! Our Buyer is con stantly in the Alarket, with the money, to secure good Bargains, :Ind that we offer our Whole Stock at prices cor responding -with tile RECENT DE- FOR LOW PRICES, LABOR STOCK TO SELECT FROM, AND FAIR. DEALING IN ALL C.ASRS, 00 TO EIZEM! ITA_LDE:IV N'S COLTI3EN: IMPORTA NT TO BUYERS DR-S' G- 0 0 S LATF-ST NEWS 1"RO4 TAE, PAN IC IN NEW YORK ND PH ILA DELP HTA CITY MMRCHANTS DEMORAL=D AND RE. 1. KING UP: ITALDEMA . M MASTERS OF THE SITrATION ! The large business they tire doing this Foil, en ables them to bike advantage of the Crash, and TREV ARE NOW lVYzxo FOE CAKI , from IVECCTIA NTS NV ISO _IV ST VE MoNnv, large quantities of DRY (loom:, at a tremendous sacrifice, mat are now ()tiering them io their customers, at very S3tAr.L Puovrrs to insure QLfCK SALES! THIS IS THE Bight Time to Buy ! Domestic Goods. down nre,,s Gootht, down C 1 ,al:s 10111. ti find ra,th ne , e ,, down Flannels and Blankets, Ismn, WE BUY EVERY WEEK, AND ONLY siren C;()(IT):.4 .\S ARE 7 - NI)ER TIF.GrLAII OMB= 5,000 DOLL.;..k.RS WORTH OF NEW BARGAINS USl' OPENED! CONSTANT I NG WEARS A WAY =1 A FEW MORE DROPS TUITB WEEK!! OUR • PRICE LIST, FOR THE PRESENT ONLY PRINTS—AII the best, only 12i cents, Merrimacks, Cocheco, Sprogues, .Pacifics, DE LAl:NES—Newest., and Choicest De signs, only 20 cents for the best makes. Sevond grade IS cents. UNBLEACHED MUSLINS—Uenvy ynrd wide ni cents: the very best 1)1113' I i cents. BLEACHED AULTSLINS—First lute yard wide 124 cent. ; Extra good 15 cents, and the best 20 cent Mns- Has in the County. SITEETINGS— Bleached and Unbleached, two and u. halt' yards wide. only .10 cents a yard—worth 75 cents. CRASH AND TOWELLINGS—A Good, wide, heavy Crash, at 121 cents; sold two weeks ago at LS cents. Large Linen Towels, Bed Bor dered, only 25 cents. TIED T.ICKINGS—FuII yard wide Feather Ticks, only 371 cents—one of our best bargains. Ask to see these. Good Tickings for Chair Ticks only 11i and 18 cents. COTTON FLANNELS—A lot at 12 cents, sold at other places at hi cents. Better at 15 cents; Extra Good and very wide, 25 Cents. WOOL FLAX:.'ELS—We have the best bargains sincolB6l. Look at our White and Red Flannels at 37 , 1 cents. Yard wide Flannels 50 cents. Shaker Flannels .30 and .;2 cents. BLANKETS—At less than old prices. Large sized, all Wool Blankets at $5.00 per pair. Extra good at SI L. 50 per pair, and perfect beau ties at $B.OO and $9.00 per pair. CA SSIMERES-NOW Style from AI. 25, $1.50 and :31.75 up. SATTINETES—Very good at .7.0 and 6:2. et'. Best at, SO coots. KENTUCKY JEANS—From 18 cents up BLACK CLOTHS—inst opened, Heavy and Fine, all Wool Castor Beaver at s3.3o—never before sold so low. FRENCH MERINOES—Lupins' choice goods at 95, $l.lO and :1.25 for best. IN'o hotter bargains in Ainerim. DRESS GOODS—The best assortznent in the County, and prices all mark ed down to lowest figures. DRESS SILKS—Just opened, all the new colors in the famous "Eagle" brand, at right prices. SHAW LS—Fifty 110 W Double Shawls, very fine quality and splendid pat terns, at $8.50 ; sold two weeks ago .at $ll.OO, Good, Heavy Double Shawls, at 145.00. cLoAKs—A Superb Stock in all the new Shapes. . BALMORALS—Just received, two hund red 13ahnorals, at $1.50 and $1.75; worth much more. HALDEARN'S STORE, .110 Locust Street, COLUMBIA, PA MiSCE_LLAII 7 'OI7S. HAipE ws WEEKLY. Y 1 . 4)1111,let I, Pictorial II ist"ry of Tirries.'• The Best, Cli pest, and Most Successful Family Paper in the Union." HARPER'S IVEERLY. s at nLY ILLUSTRATED. Critital Notow of At; TILE _Model Newspaper of our enuntry—eoni plete In all the departments of no American Family Paper—llarecr`ffl treaty ha, earned for itself a right to Its title, "a Jourml of eivilir.a. tion.”--Ym York Evening Post. Our future historian's will enrich themselves out of Eforper%, Wald,/ long after writers, and printers, and publisher , : are turned to.dust.— Nem York Evan!xlist. Tilt best of its etas.. In Amerlea.—Boeioa TreacP42r. Lrarpers Wanly znav be unreservedly declared the best newspaper In Arnerlea.—The Indepeadent, _Yew York THF: articles upon public questions which ap pear in Harper's Weekly from week to week form a remarkable serieS, of brief political essays. They are distinguished by clear and pointed statement, by good common sense, by Independ ence and breadth of view, They are the expres sion of mature conviction, high principle, and strong feeling, and take their place among the best newspaper writing of the I iine.—.larthAmcr ices Rcricu,llo:ron, .Pass. SUBSCRII , NIONS The Publishers have perfeeted a system or mailing by which they caul supply the MAGA WEEKLY, anti naz,in promptie to those who prefer to receive their periodicals directly from the Office of Publication. Postmasters and others desirous of getting up Clubs will be sup plied with a Show-Bill on application. The postage on Harper - a lreeklu is 20 cents ayear, which must he paid at the RuNcriher's post-0111m Ilt:R11.4 IiARPER'S WEI:XLY, one year 4 00 1n Extra Copal of either the MAGAZINE, WEEK LY. or BAZAR be sl,pptarA gratis far craw drab of FIVE SUBSCRIBERS at ?„..-1 00 each, In one remit tance ; or Six Copies for 020 00. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of Harper's It eeAly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by Express,free Of ex pense, for if 7 each. A eotrapletc Set, comprising Tan rotam,v, sent on receipt of Cash at the rate of 0. 25 per vol., freight at expense of parcholer. Vol. XI ready January Ist. 1008. ay , Subrreriptrons sent from Britiarh North Avwritan Prorinceu must be erceompamal frith tn cents additional, to prepay Mated States postage. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Franklin Square, Nen - York. }TALL'S VEG ETAB LE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER. HAS STOOD THE TEST OF SEVEN YEAHS BEFORE THE PUBLIC, And no preparalion for the hair ha ...yet been discovered that will zu.oduce the same beneficial results. It is an entirely new scientific discov ery, combining many of the most powerful and restorative igintii, in the V.EVET.A.TILE KING DOM. It restore,. I= OHIO LNAL YOUTHFUL COLOR It makes the seal') white, and clean; cures dand ruff and humors, and failing out of the hair: and will make it grow upon bald heads, except in very aged persons, as it furnishes the nutritive principle by which the hair' is nourished and supported. It snakes the hair moist, soft. and glossy, and is unsurpassed as a HAIR IIItD3S INT:. It is the cheapest preparation everollered to the public, as one bottle will accomplish more and last longer I han t bottle, or any other preparation: I= (1(E FIRST MEDICAL. Airrixorttrx The wonderful results produced by our SICIL IAN HAIR RENEWER have induced many to manufacture preparations for the Hair, under various names; and, in order to induce the trade and the public to purchase their compounds, they have resorted to falsehood, by claiming they were former partners, or had some eon- - nectlon with our 3111. HALL, and their prepara t ion was similar to ours. Do not be deceived by them. Purchase the original; it has never yet been equalled. Our Treatise on the Hair, with certificates, sent free by mail. 4Z-See that each BOTTLE Alas our private REVENUE STAMP over the top of the bottle. All others are Imitations. It. P. HALLS CO., Proprietors, Nashua, N. Sob! by all De ncgets an i ckalers in .3fedecerze. nov 2 '67-Iy. T 4 .1 G FIT ! _LIGHT ! CRYSTAL Better, Cheaper, and Safer than Coal Oil No Smoke! No Smell ! No Grease ! We the undersigned, have commenced manufac curing CRYSTAL OIL, which has, ta,eonneetiop wilt the Light House Burner, every possible advantage over Coal Oil. via: The lumps can be lighted without removing the burner. It burns brighter, has no offen sive odor in burning, the lamps need not be trimmed for weeks, and %Om is best of all it is NOT EXPLO SIVE, to which all will attest elm have seen the ex periments. For limber in tbrmation as to its quali ties, Coll on D. S. J. J. S. BURSK, MannL•tatnrers of Crystal Ott. No. IS East Rim; street, Lancaster. Pa. N. IL—The Crystal Oil can he fonvarded In any quantities to dealers. iced 20-nino. 1001 0 PA - . FALL AND WINTER MOTILING FOR MRS 3NI) BOYS Large Stock—All New—of our own 3tanufae ure—At the Lowest Prices. OVERCOATS front best to lowest grades FINE MOTH DRESS SUITS. CASSIMERE Iin:INF-SS SUITS. SATINETT & JEAN SCITS, EscluorAux & TRICOT BEAVERS. FINE BLACK & COLORED CLOTBS. PLAIN Sr. FANCY COATINGS, new style. BLA(:K AND FANCY CASSIMERE, do. 'VELVET CORDS, S.I.TINETT JEANS, Zze.,..te Custom \V"orlt made up In best style prompt ly. HAMER S BROTHERS, Lancaster, Pa. BAII,EY 819 Chestnut Street, PHTEADELPIII.I. DLMONDS, Pearl , . Ruble., Sapphire , . Emeralds, Rare (1.. m. Enzazerriem Ring, 'Wedding gins , . 1,...W PIZICEs. BAILEY & CO. PHILADELPHIA , WATCHES! Of the Ilto,t, eelebrated ionizers. Sole agent:, fo the gravid (told 3,fedal PATEN' I7t IL LI PE Lt. Co,. limb-keeper, the I oe,t watch Marna :adored. 1.(1W & GO. PITILADELPTI [A BRIDAL SILVER, For WEranxG I'IIIS3SNTS• of ontirely new and nrdstie ete.ntn... LOW Prue Es. I 3 tiILEY & CO. PITH) ADEL Pi ITS PLATED WARES. From th.. most relebraMa 11114 Eng/ WI makers. LOW PIt7CES. 13_i.-\__ILE - ST S-, - CO. PHILADELPTITA WORKS OF ART ! FINE OIL PAINTINGS, STATUARY, BRONZE', ir. , A: e . LOW PRICES On r stock. I.t nsti rpins•ed by any establishment in the country. both In regard to price and gnat ice, our foreign Importations I litValg been .elect. ea with great care by 0110 of the firm In Europe. Our wares are 15.nstantlyarrangett for exhibition, and stranger: in the env, whether desiring IT, purchase or not, are cordially Invited to call and examine. uß—Ontar, by mail , aterally and promptly at tqm(led to. BAILEY & CO., Nu. '1) CHESTNUT STREET, PIIILADEITMA. N. 11.—De.b.n. of Silver Ware, Ae., sent by tax:1.5,137-3m. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Joscph Hinkle, late of Columbia is4o•ough. Letters of Administration on %aid Estate hav ing been granted to the undersizned, all perhons f lebted thereto are requested to make immedi ate payment ,and Won't. n; claims or donut:ids against said decedent, will make known the same, without delay, to the tuntemitmed, rt hi lug in Columbia, Pll. Zdt'EL n. iriNKLE, oct. 26, *eq-4.;t.i mrsCLELLANEOTTS: DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CURED DR. J. SDDIS & SON'S ANTI-DYSPEPSIA POWDERS Rill Positively care D'ESPEPSLA. , or:INDIGES TION In all its various distressing forma. The prominent' omptomsCif Dysieefi. or In digestion are Erft.rtburn,Fiatulency, neasiness In the Stomach, Variable Appetite, In tile Stomach, Gnawing in the Stomach before - eating and Oppression after eating, Nausea, Spit-. tine up of food after eating, Obstinate Constipa tion, Paiu in the Side, Head, and Stomach, Tongue continually coated on the hack part, Lan guor, Debility, Low Spirits Bad taste in the Mouth, Disturbed Sleep, Falling away in Flesh, Pulp' ta don of the Heart, Nervousness, Obstinate .7Marrlicea, Belching of 'Wind, Torpid or Inactive Liver, fie., &c. Any or all of which these pow ders will most assuredly remove. Persons using these powders will soon And themselves gaining in weight, and the system In every way tending towards Its usual vigorous and healthy action. Dyspepsia They will promote Dyspepsia liz.-cpepsia Digestion, remove Dyspepsia Dyspepsia all Nervousness Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia and Symptoms Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia affecting the Heart Dyspepsia Dyspepsia and Cause the Dyspepsia Dyspepsia Food to mtree with the Dyspepsia Dyspepsia stomach and digest healthy,Dyspepsia. AND LEAVE NO 17.NPLF-kg.VNT EFFSCID AFTER EA.TIND. They have cured hundreds of the worst cases of Dyspepsia. We have cured more than Five Hundred Cases of Confirmed Dyspepsia in Wil mington, our place of business, besides thou sands of cases of lesser se - verity, during the last 27 years. Joseph Stimple, residing in our place. was cured with less than six boxes, after beingunder treatment in other places for more than a year. It is very easy to take and rapid in Its curative effects. Price 35 cents a Box, or three Boxes for One Dollar. Sold Wholesale by Johnson, 'Holloway & Cow den, Philadelphia. Demas, Barnes S Co., New York, and at Retail bv.T. A. 'MEYERS, Columbia, Pa. Geo. W. Neff, 'York:, Pa., and Dealers Med 'eines every where. [oct 19 'O7-17. ( IFTS FOR CHRISTMAS NEW YEARS! A superb Stock of Fine Gold and Silver Wittelies all warranted to run, and thoroughly regu hated, at the low price of $lO each, and satisfaction guaranteed- 100 Solid Gold Hunting Watches *250 to ..1000 100 Magic Cased Gold WatelleA 250 to 0,00 100 Ladles' Watches, enameled ... ,- . 100 to 200 200 Gold Hunt'g Chron'eterWatch'es".:so to 300 200 Gold Hunting English Levers—. 200 to 1.50 300 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches.. 150 to an 500 Gold Hunt'g AmerleanWatelies, 10010 250 .200 Silver Hunting Levers SO to 120 500 Silver Hunting Duplexes7 . s to 250 50n Gold Ladies' Watches 50 to 250 1,000 Gold Hunting Lepines 50 to 75 1,000 Miscellaneous Silver Watches 50 to 100 2,500 Hunting Silver 'Watches 25 to to 0,000 Assorted Watches. all kinds.. ..... . 10 to 75 . _ . The above stock will be disposed of on the rorui, It ONE-PRICE PLAN giving every patron a tine Gold or solid Sliver Y 1 facia for 510, without regard to value! "WRIGHT BRO. & Co.. 161 Broadway, New York,wLsh to immediately dispose of the above magnificent slack. Certificates, naming the ar ticles, are placed in sealed envelopes, and well mixed. Holders are entitled to the articles named In their certificate, upon payment of Ten Dollars, whether it be n watch worth $lOOO or one worth less. The return of any of our certificates entitles you to the articles named thereon. upon payment, irrespective of "Its worth, andas uo ar ticle valued less than 510 Is named on any certi ficate, it will at once be seen that this is no lot tery, but a straight forward legitimate transac tion, which may be participated in even by the most fastidious. A single certificatewill be sent by mall, post paid, upon receipt of 25 cents, nye for $l, eleven for $2, thirty-three and elegant premium for $5. sixty-bix and more valuable premium for $lO. one hundred and most superb 'Watch for $ll. To agents or those wishing employment, this Is a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately con ducted business, duly authorized by the Govelll.- ment, and open to the most careful scrutiny. Wateltes sent by Ext.ress,with bill fur collection on delivery, so that no dissatisfaction can possi bly occur, Try us. Address BROTHER St CO., In porters. Oct. 25, '57-3an.l 161 Broadway. ew York. SPEE ' S Port G-rape Wine. Used by Hundreds of Congregations- fOr Church or Communion Purposes. AI,o, Excellent hit' Ladles and P,rsong to Use. VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY". SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE, FOUR YEARS OLD. This Justly celebrated Native Wino Is made from the:intoe of the Oporto Gram raised in this country. Its invaluable TONIC STRENGTHENING PROPERTIES are unsurpassed by any other native Wine. Be ing the pure Juice of the grape, produced under Mr. Speer's own personal supervision, its purity anti genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of Its generous qualities, and the weakest invalid may use it toadvantage. It is particularly beneficial to the aged anti debili tated. and suited to the various ailments that the weaker sex. It is, in every respect, A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. Invalids use Speer's Port Grape Wine. Females use Speer's Port Grape Wine. Weakly _persons find a benefit by Its use. Speer's Wines In Hospitals are preferred to other-vines. LIGHT' - - Sold by Dna:gists and G weer.. • A. Speer's Vineyard, N'en - Jersey. Office, 243 Broadway, New loll:. [Sept. 7, fl TONS ij t OF PLYMOUTH STOVE ("No. 3) COAL For Side at $4.00 per Ton. Delivered :tt your cellar doors. Oct one Ton for trial. nog 31-tf . l BRUNER J.: 31001ta ATORTON'S CELEBRATED GOLD _L PENS. The Best Pen now made, which we sell at Manufacturers' Prices. We are sole Agents for t bese Pens In Columbia. Try Morton's BA 3 7 S . QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE Condition of The cor,mlnuA NATIONAL B:1, L, on the morning of the First :MONDAY of October, ISa7. BESOT:ReI.:B. Notes and Bills discounted_ 55.47,11.11,04 C. S. Bonds deposited for Circulation Other Bonds on hand Notes of National Bank , : Notes of date Speele FrAvtional. Curretiey Legal Tender Notes Compound Intere , t Notes caNii It, i is trwitiffing rtt , - volue. tit-amps Duo from 0 1 Due from other Unlike ttml Banker, 111111kIllg 11"11.0 and Itval .................. Current Exl","" =I Capital] Sttorli villa in ii.soo,ooitf* Surtiltrtlnd 100,000.04 I iisoitunt .111111 5,:5,014.01 Profit and Lov. 11,ft-'5.7t .116,F-12.."A 1.(99.5ti t. 31 Lip Idc•ud,. unpaid I tut. Li Nal tonal Di ot eirenbil Ion": 0411,111)1a Irk do Cora, Nat'l 8ank.,... TH411%1.111;41 MI ,etors... :.,W4.1.11 (0:11111 ,uh•erlhcvl by 17E :7; I c.Ni. ter. IMMIN QUA RTERLY REPORT. STATEMENT tile condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF' COLIIMBIA, on Monday, October 711 t, IllESOL: C Note.: and hills discounted_ li^-116,944.13 Protested paper t!,I 12.17 hoods for circulation 150,000.00 do on laud!. 9,7;,0.00 Notes: of National Bank., Legal Tender Ca,-li Item, Shit from 13nrilLg... Current EAMrll,e, Piston•. L IA B IL IT I ES Capita/ 5t0ck............ Circulation Surplus Fund ..... Dividends II n pal el Individual Deposit..., Due to banks,. Profit Lo, ntlebte , ttne.s of DI rfrtors Sworn to anti xittmeribed by S. S. DolwriAat, Cashier. Oct., 12, 1,937-31 n meFIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CO LUNIBT.I. rest will be paid by this Bank on Special De posits. as follows: cent. kn. 12 Months. 5 per cent. 6 months and wilder 12 months. 43:1 per cent, for 3 and under G months. W., make Collections on all Accessible Poling In t United States, on liberal terms, Discount NOtes, Drafts, and Bills of Exchange- Buy and sell GOLD, SILVER, and all UNITED STATES SECURITIES. And are prepared to draw DRAFTS on Philadel phia. New York, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, England, Scotland, France, and all Nuts of Germane. 7-n0 TREASURY NOTES. Holders of First Issue Seven-Thirties will do well to call and exchange theta for the new Mee- Twenty Gold Limits, and Fiee-Twenties trod at once. S. S. DET\VILER, April 6, '67,] Cashier. T.NTEREST ON DEPOSIT& . THE COWSIBLA. RATIONAL BANK will receive money on drpos!t,and pay interent there for, nt the following rate... viz: P.: per cent. for 12 months. i,er cent_ fort) months. 5 per cent-for 6 month.... ,per vent. for 3 mon th s. -301. S. Tren.ttry Notts exchanged for new 5-2) Oold Bomb:. AHR.EINER S So 7.09 Ouo.ol ".4,000.00 SI,N'),N3I.Od =La) $244,04) 160.88 2,016%50 2 1 10.172.01 : .000.( 1 'M. ) ,172.00 1, ( Y54.9q El= I it,,335.71) 1 ^ ,500.00 9.637.78 MEM 25,018.72 ps.(oo Mina A 45,83 .00 IMIIIMEII 3.3,110.00 3.0 lm 30,145.€0 r3,2:31.27 LOOO.OO aiOt.Gtr'.Ei . .7'13 .00 . 131,740.0 u C,G00.0.) 197,766.41 . ?(;) 7,740.0 ,SlOl t,.nu.~V E.4A.MCF.I, SllOOl, Caihier, OE