61JE autumbia cf,pg. • • ' 4, 2 7• 41 4' . • - A. ii:sAnimo, - - Saturday,'Nolielitberl6,lB67: Advertisements, to socuro immediate in sertion, must he handed in on or before Thurs day evening, ouch week. , ' , The Union Pacific Railroad—iVitat it Is and What It Will Be. Our readers haie. beard Of it lately;,aud they will bear more of. It at very brief intervals. Five hundred • miles of p*.aOk. !MVO_ been laid' from the East, and - an artery - for the iron - way -has, been out through stony heart, of the- Sferin Sevadult- ou Abe WeSt. - For two or-three years more along line -stretching across the hooky Mountains and through the Humboldt Valleys, there will be.the bustle and• rush of a great army, with its long trains and busy camps,- and there will be a. smell of burning powder,-and shocks:' uta.echoes like a-great battle. -Ent this army: is not to destroy, but to create.. -Its trains are not loaded With bristling weapons,.but with. picks'.and :shovels, and . its artillery sweeps away' nothing butthe. defiant rocks thathave stood for long ages in the way of advancing civilization.: In two: or three, Years, -the builders of the West coming Bust; and• the builders of-the', East going West,. will meet somewhere about Salt Lake; and then we shall have the grandest civic celebration-of modern times.. - 4...Tkeitwo..great divisons of a, continent will,he...nnited amidst national _rejoicings, the great officers and a host of the great people gill be present to witness the ungtiSt ceremony., We can now imagine, that, we seethe -President, .of the , I:Tniled States driving the last spike to the rail which. is to- bind the Atlantic and, Pacific States.' together in a. national unity and prosperity such as we have never known_ before. , Thousands who have been waiting , some better means .of reaching California: than a crowded steamer and near a month's. paSsage offered, will seek homes among the gold mines and gardens' bythis new. and speedy -means of transit. vine-growers. from - Germany will swarm -upon her hills, than which, none. are more 'productive- of, wine; and far up the vast regions through ; Oregon, and Washington -Territory, to our new Russlarr Possessions, the -tide of an. increasing, populationT - willebb - and flow over this-Pacific Railrintd. • The idea of the work was a grand one.' It' hadhecome indispensable to the develop.' meat and safety of the nation, and nothing less-than the nation's ;power could execute it. We - are practically, to-day, almost twice as far from San Francisco as-from St." Petersburg, , and in case of - war; one side of oar country Would be al most severed. from the other. The nation-needed this - Pacific Railroad to develop- its' - , vast -territories;- which are so rich-Yin landsi' mines, and treasure, and to overcome barbarisM with the instinition.s of religion, scienciaand art: ' These, as well as other reasons, indticed Congress to grant the most substantial aid to the two great companies thati'Atro 'now constructing- the Pacitle -Railroad- and , telegraph line, and that 'have already spent over forty million dollars .upozile.• ;The land grant of 12,800 acres to the mile' laeer tainly munificent, but it increases the value of every other acre in that vicinity tenfold: . The grantof fifty million dollars in Govern- , ment bonds-on - which the -'U: 5. - Treasitry pays the' interest, and for whiCh , it takes second lien uptin the - road - as' security, is large, but the Union , Pacific ' RatirOlia carries troops, freights; and`'-mails mails ler the' government to iiiattne4tsi'lifo7 . - paysthis interesti3everaitimasover. Xentherinblie wort; zaVii.,Sach - premise 'of -future The tnionTiicifia, .111111 M %othe`erailkoad, , nomPatiles;la thoroughlydein pady...lticleriveSlts charter, directly : Trent Congress, and five Governmet4 Director* and: :three: Govcrinnent ttniiinisaioners' assist - In the control and inspectionn of ha' affairs.. 'lt will be. the great ei44)Orrailro.titi: of the cotilitrY, and, of course, Will' be the ,. artery of an lininense commerce. 'And this' Mastro:l'C the, natural "Will the We don't 'see how it can help is waiting ior',lt' and that triftbedoweloped 13 , ,Y' beyond' 1 cot tingencY,'arid; tils there ;will be no rivar lint', it la verY thattlie,"qd.M.PanY not forget to charge rehatmerative prices, The way,' or local business on but"32s yielded, over a million. dollars io a ; single quarter of the present year, and shows that eyery;.. section. is a productive property ,in itself as soon as Completed.; - Under such,eireninstances, tiniOn racific.Company has every reaaoitto antici pate the-most brilliant successontd, we do. not wonder that it is inspired:4l :make the,. greatest' efforts to secure the completion, of. the line at the earliest, possible moment. Its stockholderslutve-already-paid in over five - million' dollars -in money rsiOn work already done, arid are able•tosupply' ample maims- for 'Construction,' 'But it- a, company which has already shewn much'renergy codld fail in finishing• their' work: (-Which :no one, believes possible,)'it - would not cease. The Government• that holds the' second lieu: upon• the road - would be eomPelliatte•Conne iii arid complete it-to protect its own 'interests', and the Security of theFir.st "Aio`itgagkrihnidliolclcTris would remain - Uniinialred:: alSce, for Many'yeara. ASsiatatit:Treainrer of.„tha" Unitedet,6s 'Noir YOrk; fa one "of Cite eiltorsZ 6:24 also the Treasurer Of this Compan3.'•lre is Well known te - ben: demon" Of most conservatiVe opinions ancl earefidr jinigutent' in all . financial matters, and we notice: that' he . recoinmenda these ; boruis as'artiong the safest securitieS.--Ex, . 43.1.4 ANT AS 4..q . 1..T.H0111.T.C.1—M05t. of,General Grant's-good!cttialities. have, had a hearty , reeognition t , hiar,are are • afraid.; the people havenot. - yet, appreciated 1118412 a. sense of • 'humor,:;Ttseerrts 41int Andrekv;;Johnson, got frightened the other day, been. use•two or. threoltundred ,- oolored men dtpWashington had org,anized .. .themselves into a.voltinteer . tiallitia regiMent, and General ,Grant, waS, • ordered to dtsliand 'them' as: 44- nrututhorized by idiv:" The issued art 'ordei dlibintding trZt militaryVigunizatloni iit riiii . litstirct which ivdre"tistittherized;by , lavr; . `aiid - the *blow whistli'AndiveW the freedinen has spread lin von'ln the imps" of his cii‘;ii The' Faiitins and .the' §hittzen' COrps,litave --.3 had' te• give' ttli s. thir' gniis:“and4n theliegrcies; ' the. President ban ronsotllheire-of the'inen" "whoM ho:esPeefally,delighted to,thonor. , 'SVNILI7I7PASSENG* II ge.R3. - On the strength of the, recent decislOn r otthe SuprelneCourt„ ii number , of.: the Pitiliali3lphla, passenger., rn awny,eompanies :run: thelr.,,cars, all duy, regalnr.litne. 1 The:Union lips cars ,iirell , „of passengers!every trip; and„ the I'purth,and „Eighth streets and Green , and Coates ettietSluid'pritrit'rltiren tie lines rev ico ,' a'coiiylderible hhare'of :fi itr6n'aq.. lany'e completed' theile,.arrniigeincriaits'itinitiOrrOLAr. '" -Cabbl.t.n.,Cn=miLiaratoen.--Groandwas "breken ore this ioadVon',.Tnnraday4rif!l iutt x'eek ; on lands or "Saniuel Riddle; : section e, near Glen : 1'01141,0y 60itrastars NVlndle lie-kdruris.'„ Sections I'4 and aro 'also , ::-let - fn,aiiargetiacentracrors. be 3.:,lzorrouAy,'prQseeut.,(id to cenpfetiOn. :7 :.West Cl4eCrlYSIY.i5l".l4li ; • - I( • • SOILISTPZ ItY • ,94#eXi,' noli 146 fit:th leity,tin: Pennsylvania: Vital- quite lately,. however; 46*as:without -, dailyipape • r: defect „Juts ctst been supplialb . y:the .. -13ipublican; wliieh -ones a dally ; • . • Anex.frebel. soldier of a South _Carolina regimeni - wfOrtrreSted at Kiiexvill'e, Tenn.; on Saturday - lastwhilo c ‘,'Offerink for sale $lO,OOO worthof wnAohes aiidjeWelry mark ed with tl.e names of q,Eratnitten" and "Preston." 'l . ll6 , :lirisoner'-elitlins to, have found the artleigi during the - war, buried with othordeielEy. A iew eompiete returns al hand'from in ,tetloy counties in Neiy,,Xork,.says the lri hune, show no actnal gains in the number -of , Democratic votes,-but n' heavy iaaying at-homo on the part of the Republicans. Probably the aggregate vote will be a hun dred thousand less than for Governor last, year: The Democratic majorit3 , is about forty-nine thousand. • John T. Hoffman, the present Mayor of New York, has been - re-nominated by the • I • Tammany" Democrats. .11 emend° Wood is the'choice of the "Mozart" wing of the same party.' Joseph. n. Brafiley, - receptlystriCken frOnf the roll of attern'eyti Washington, has fresignetrhis oircaZ3 as . 65rinel roi the corpor ation of that city. Charles Dickens sailed fur _Boston in the steamship Cuba, on, Wednesday last. , C; en. Schcifield has oidered.a: court-martial in the 'case of Colonel ROse, YT. S. A., citarg edby tho peoplC of Richmond with diunk ennes.s and unbecoming conduct on election day. . Chief 'Justice Chaise presided in the,l3. S. Cireult , Court at Richmond, on Wednesday. Jeff Davis is expected in_ Richmond on the 23d in:4. Secretary \yelles cent hums ill, and doubts of his recovery are entertained. - General Grant has issued an order can- . taming thirteen regulations for the more economical administration Of the army. Hen. Thaddeus Stevens has gone to Waist).- ingtOn lio made the trip via Philadelphia -in a:Special ear furnished hy the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company. ' Continuous Indian depredations, hi Ore ,gon and Tdapo, Are reported from San Frafireisco. Mrs. Lena Miller was hanged, at Brook ville; Pa., on Wediaesclay, for the murder ing of her husband, by poisoning 'him, several months ago. • - The Government will be, ready by the '2sth to proceed with the trial -of Jeff. Davis; but postponement 'is possible, in order to satisfy the desire of gentlemen on both sides, that Chief Justice Chase stiali sit with Judge . liedeiwocid.. , , • The' Biision p! - LPers _contain advertise -I.llents of the first readings of Charles, Dickens in Beslon, sit Treinont TeMple, on Tuesday- evening, Decenaherl4,toconsist of ""'David C'opperiiMit:• , " _utyyer and Party." „ • Grant clubs have been formed in many of the, 11r,ards of, Baltimore, and :meetings are ,called in others.for the satne-purpose. , An ultra Rebel journalist at _Bacon is opposed to Grant for thePresfdency because ho ~rould „not satisfy - the people, of the South. Very likely.the general would not "satiey men of his type. _ • Official returns from the Kansas election show,that the Republicans--,wll control both branches of the tegisjature by two .thirds majorities. The manhood suff r age amendment is defeated •by 11 ; considerable majority. Thefemale. suffrage ,proposition obtained, a very small vote. The amend- Ment di;sfrattchising r (g.sloyal persons is :probably adopted. ~ ; _ , „ . Lette:r from 3LYT,iitzwib4g:coitiviy.', - ' • .1 - liinSro‘vx,'LvemilizkiiiCon:sri'r,,P..i., - .November 11th, MT.' 11fil4/111.3mo:—I have been for the lasttwo' _years a : regulat . reader of,your paper, and I. can in, truth say, that I have been well - pleased and highly gratified, as well as 'edi fied; byperusing its columns from-week to „Week. ~As your motto is, ,t`lndependent on .all subjects,'!" . l. hopßyou,will-still continue 'to march to its Music, and Dave an eye sin-, , gleote thelionoratid glory of our common' ~ c ountry, as• we are now .going. through a pro,bationarystate, His well that we should.. examieverY , principle uPon„,which our c.ountry ls reconetructed;' in order xt atwe makerit oneortlie model govern=' Niv,,„iag:nestlon7would .naturally . arise, aIOW is thisgoing to be accomplished?. Or which of the two great 'parties of . the con n try are right - upon -the-great . problem' to be -solved sir; like-millions of others,. have cast may. lot with the "Great Union. Tarty," (as . the party of the country,) and as your Copperhead contemporary, in its lastissile., calls, us the God. and. Morali t,v ,-fatrty,;"..l,belong to That party,:too, "thank Lam afraidthat one of those editors ItaVe'lest theirfirst love, 'or they would not Make , use 'of •Getrii.tittine in , such an oast - intoner...Pam I rely pained in reading' over some of our Democratic, papers, to see .hew ,efinteniPtibly, and irreverently- they ntakeitse of - the' Divine 'lleinn P 's :name,'as tursome; if •not all ef'"His Servants." -'I must, confess, -I .have 'yet to. see - the first Democratic paper,, hat speaks well of the Ministers of ' the. Gospel. Ina" political point of view, they generallY associate them with the most infamous of the country. I. Suppose the reason is that they do, as a gen eral thing, belong to the Great Union Party, .and are in favor of "uniVersal - liberty, Mid the-loyal subjectsof this country-to be time Linlers.thereoh ..God speed.thenvonln their -'glorious mission ' • for it Is the. doctrines of. 'Heaven; for God, Himkelf, cast the Great .Rebel-and his rebellious crow over the bat tlements of Heaven, down! down into the 'dark ,regions, •" °rebus." , So. it is with. 'the Union Party; they are determined, that. no rebel' shall rule this' ceuntry, and that their unhallowed feet shall - never enter Con- ' gress nor the Senate. chamber. - .Whitt! po tato that'satered Temple of. Liberty,. with their sained with the blood of ,thou-- sands' of IdYal Su (fleets !.' ' the , •Grean•Union; Party 'say. , " no ! -never!' , percn. , .) • • ••• ' • •' • What say the" Democratic ,party.to this, • doctrine? Why they oppoire it with all the powers 'of their intellect, arid I really De !love; if they•had the power, they would cut the throats of, everyleading.Union manin • the . country. For us ,a, party, they sympa thized the 'rebellion 'throughout the whole war, and ' yet: lust ;look - at, -the' leading•article of.ytamiebel•contemporary," under thecaption—" 1/011.3.11pA5..!'. .1 smallparagraph, and I.would: most respectfully ask the gnestion, - What 'do they mean bytheTcdlOwing soutence? " The Dentocratlemnes&be.ve fort4tir Yeers!felt the weight of Radical rele,•,ltave sworn that.tho. 'hour of Its rhunelt is trot, end they mean to he , no lower trampled under the feet ot the forsaken , caltanc who have ruled with, a. demonize sWpi.' Vi"ria this 4ritance' in — iinisbn with ,the Southarir Rebels'? ' blVery rebel' leader' in the So uth , could sararnen to this sentiment with a very good. grace ; :for they , felt, the power of the I-hulk:at arankas as the Democrats.' 'lf saving the lJzi ion was tramp ling thalmer Democrats 'under our' feet,' be it so; for our motto has been and is still the `saute"— Gael and the, :Union ;,?, and, if, we • , 'proyetine to our ;motto ,and our, colors, I 'think:the Democratic'party will. have a bard '.party-to fight against. • Our principles, Tam • certain, are founded upon Justice anti Lll.l- 'erty r audit the intcntion of ou, Union. • men and statesmen to eurg r averninent upoifiesure avid solid basisovith*" security for the fature.V. J„But.theosonsation Herald' seems,to..thinlt, we .are'-about,to commit ,souse overt net, of treason. - they,be so "good as toinfond us what' Wait act is going 'to be? • I , Cannot " perceive' what they . are aiming st..• : I remetuher , well 'whilst. the :4'old , Functionary," of• Lancaster county, was in power, that he sent out a certain , 1! . .' Star