The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, October 07, 1867, Image 1

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it. RAMBO, Editor.
Advertisements, to secure immediate in-
Mon, must be handed in on or beiort.-Thurs
y evening, each week.
Union Republican Nominations.
Republican County Ticket.
ADAM C. REINOEFIL, 3lanheim twp.
JOHN B-UCER, Lancaster City
JOHN STROHM, JR., Providence
JEREMIAH ROARER, Lancaster city.
rartEcrous OP THE POOR
DANIEL HERB, (Pequen ,) Strasburg tivp
T. SCOTT WOODS, Paradise.
;ruin' cOmmnssrosalt.
Freemen, to the Polls !
An old soldier who fought in Mexico, and
daring the late rebellion, has a word to say
to his companions in arms. " Boys, let me
tell you this is no common election. It is
not merely a choice of men as on ordinary
occasions before the South arose up against
the North; but the question is, whether the
rights of the North, that we fought for and
conquored, shall be sacrificed, and the
rebels given more power than they ever
had before. If we are defeated to-morrow,
all the blood, toil and treasure expended in.
the good cause, will have been expended
in vein, and the rebel nabobs will be eleva
ted above us as a specimen class, and we
shall be considered as the muttsit/s, as some
of them called us. Soldiers, are you will
ing to be mere hewers of wood and drawers
of water? If so, then you are fit to be call
ed mudsills, and have lost all the thine you
gained by your hard fought battles. Did
you fight, merely that Andy Johnson
should restore rebels to office, and shut out
the best and truest patriots of the country?
Answer by your votes.
No Sympathy for the Soldier.
The Copperhead party has no sympathy
for the soldier except at the election polls.
When offices are to be filled none but the
true Simon Pure Copperhead stripe are tit
to be on the Copperhead ticket. It was
well enough for men to leave home and
fight the battles of the country, but when
peace is established the poor soldier is
ignored and turned adrift, that such gentry
ns Mr. Spencer and Mr. Shaffner may be
provided for. Mr. Shaffner is a beautiful
specimen of the Copperhead—he would bite
the hand that fed hint—he would sacrifice
the country that supports him, and he
would always prefer a Southern nabob of
the rebel stripe to an honest man from Lan
caster county. Harry Shaffner is very fond
of office, and he often runs for office, but he
never gets a smell. Like Croeket's clog at
the fox chase, he is always behind, because
the people know him.
Copperhead Virtues.
Treason, murder, arson, rapine, starva
tion, perjury and forgery, larceny and
robbery. Look at the leaders of the Copper
head party, since ISGO, and you can find the
above crimes have all been committed by
them. No greater criminal unhung can be
found than Jell. Davis, yet he has his ad
mirers in your midst, some of them so in
tensely Copperish that they have quit the
church of their fathers and worship only at
the shrine of Davis and his admirer, Andy
Tan party that wants to ride this country
is the party that wanted to ruin it. They
enacted treason, murder, arson, and death
by poison and starvation. They would re
enact all the tarot:Ric; of the late rebellion
if that woailtl restore them to power in the
Government. Under Andy Johnson, a
double dyed traitor, as worthy of a halter
as Jell'. Davis, they have their hopes. Their
day and night prayer is thr the restoration
of rebels to power, that, they may re-enslave
Judge Black. _ the blacks, and if Pennsylvania casts her
It may not be generally known, but it is ! vote for Sharswood, the Copperhead candi
reported as a fact, that when the rebels, in
date for .Tudge, Andy Johnson has said he
TM, -marched into York, they were kindly
will consider it an endorsement of his tad
greeted by persons who stood upon the torou, policy, and will reverse the orders
steps of Judge Black's house. It is believed of Congress :aid take possession of the gov
they were metn hers of.Tudge Black's family. I
ernine7n as a Military Dictator. Soldiers,
Judge Black is the man who gives counsel
: the destinies of the country are in your
to Andrew Johnson, and whose counsel
hands. Foil the traitors.
is appreciated by hint more than that of; __
any other person, and it is said that Judge IlttrunmeANs of Lancaster county, you
Black haswrittensomeolhis veto messages. have a ticket that deserves your hearty sup-
When such men as Judge Black advocate: port anti a triumphant election. It is un
the election of such men as Judge Shays- j exceptional in every particular. It is com
wood, it is time to LOOK OUT! No good posed of men who have always been tr
can be intended by snob men. Judge to the cause, and who stand to-day above
Black was one of the Copperhead leaders reproach wherever they are known. There
in Buchanan's Cabinet, and denied the is not a man among them all who is not tie
right of the Government to suppress the serving of your confidence and your ballots.
rebellion. Intelligent voters must not eon-1 They will do their entire duty—see that you
cult such men when they intend to vote. do yours.
_ _ _
The arch traitor, who disgraces the State
of Pennsylvania by his residence at Wheat
land, has his coterie of admirers who suck
in all the poison he can utter, and are but
little better than himself. lie and they are
traitors at heart and would crown Jefferson
Davis if they could.' These men, during
the war, pretended to be Union. men, but
since Andy Johnson turned traitor, they
too, have shown the cloven , fool.
Forged NaturaiiiiatioTCl6ertifierdes. " Ilmtknitkft that 1-Icury Shaffner, the
It is asserted that forged naturalization I Copperhead candidate for Assembly, has
Papers have been obtained—made to suit boldly asserted that the U. S. Bonds were
any body—and distributed among persons I not worth the paper they were printed on.
who have no right to vote. Honest voters, I Judge Sharswood said the same of our
you must be on the look-out, or you will' legal tenders. They are a pretty pair to lie
be cheated. Canvass every vote, challenge ) entrusted with power.
every new comer, and let no man vote who I --------- - -----
IF you want to see the party retained in
ia not legally entitled. It is A BITTER I
PILL TO SWALLOW, TH AT THE VOTE I power that saved the country in the past,
OF AN HONEST MAN SHALL BE; and upon which its safety rests in the future
1 IF you want to see the party in power
FRIENDS of Sheridan and Sickles, vote that tried to break up the Government—
for JUDGE WILLIAMS! vote for Sharswood.
It is a settled thing, that the election of
Sharswood will determine President John
son to attack Congress, and make himself
Dictator. We, therefore, appeal to the good
and true men of the country to go to the
polls and vote for WILLIAMS, to prevent so
great a calamity. The most noted traitors
are the most clamorous for Sharswood's
election. Vallandigham, Surratt, Cox,
Breekin ridge and Jeff. Davis, are all look
ing anxiously fur the result to-morrow ;
and should the Republicans fail to elect
JUDGE: WiLm.vms, that bold, bad man,
Andrew Johnson, will adopt his policy and
three it upon the people in direct opposition
to the laws of Congress, and in violation of
the Constitution. Turn out, Soldiers ! Turn
out, Republicans—young and old ! Let no
man stay at home. One vote may determ
ine the matter. Take your neighbor with
you. See that the sick, the old and infirm
are provided with means of conveyance to
the polls. Better lose one clay, and prevent
another rebellion, than have to go to war
A. Well-Known Fact.
It is sad, but lamentably true, that among
us are those who would barter away their
best civil and political rights for a mess of
pottage. It is sad, but nevertheless true,
that many who have the rights of suffrage,
know not its value ; and it is sad but never
theless true, that so many permit themselves
to be gulled out of their vote by intriguing
and dishonest demagogues. The difference
between Copperhead and Republican is
the same as black and white, foul or fair,
honest or dishonest. Treason, murder,
arson and rapine aro the watchwords of the
Copperheads. For proof they poisoned.
Harrison, Taylor and Buchanan, to obtain
control of the government. Failing in that,
they inaugurated the rebellion, and failing
in that they shot Lincoln, and vow - with an
avowed traitor Johnson, they would inau
gurate a new rebellion to get themselves
into office. This bold, bad man, delights in
mischief. How can an honest man vote for
such a party? how can any honest man
vote for Sharswood, who sustains the party
and policy of Andy Johnson ?
David Paul Brown.
The Copperheads are circulating a pam
phlet of David Paul Brown, 'Esq., of Phila
delphia, wherein he urges the people to vote
for Judge Sharswood. Mr. Brown, wo ap
prehend, cannot shut the eyes of Republi
cans ; previous to ISSO, he was a noted abo
litionist and was the standing council to
defend fugitive slaves.
We recollect very well of several cases
from Columbia in which he was concerned.
In ISSI, or thereabouts, his son was appoint
ed a United States Commissioner, before
whom fugitive slaves were brought and re
manded back to slavery. The elder Mr.
Brown immediately turned a flip flap and
became violently pro-slavery. It was
thought then that his reason had become
impaired, but his course since has shown
that it was a stand deliberately taken, that
lie meant to be wrong. No one cares what
his opinions are, or what lie proposes to do ;
he amounts to nothing.
Small Fry Politicians.
We have in our midst some very busy
politicians of the "small potato order," who
always about elect ion time make themselves
very busy and very noky. To hear them
you would think they were Americans, but
dive down into the truth, and you will fish
up a little pestiferous Englishman who has
lived upon a wax-end Ibr some time, but
would love dearly to have a Post Office, or
something that would keep him alive with
out work. Ile is the counsellor and com
panion of Button-Ear and Brigham. Ile
watches the polls closely, challenges new
voters and does a great deal of little, dirty,
mean work, that becomss people of his
calibre, and Nvhivh few of his party can be
got to do. He Inn, been at the business for
some years past, but has not been compen
sated according to his merits. It is hoped
his party will save him from the necessity
of handling, his ball of wax.
Want to Rule the Country.
Be U!) and Doing.
Soldiers and Republicans—be vigilant—
be up and doing. The rebel sympathizers,
the Copperheads and Traitors are making
mighty efforts to carry the Election by foul
means if necessary. You see them scour
ing the street, the highways and byways,
lea% ing no stone unturned to defeat you.
Fraud is and will be used. Falsehood,
false naturalization papers, tricking in all
shapes are in preparation, and, unless you
keep a sharp, close watch upon them, you
will be cheated. Appropriate one day to
the benefit of your country. You beat the
rebels on the battle field, Don't let the
cowardly Copperheads who would not light
for their country, now transfer it by their
ballots to the enemy. It would be a shame
to let Sharswood be a Judge of our Supreme
Court, after he decided that our currency
was unconstitutional. Elect him and he
will decide that the 'United States bonds are
Beware of Frauds.
We understand that the Copperheads of
Columbia intend to perpetrate AN INFA—
VOTERS of the town. A. number of Irish
and Englishmen, who are stopping at Jim.
Leeee's, have been. FURNISHED WITH
PAPERS. We know and have them spot
ted. Beware !
BILLY CARPENTER, the Copperhead can
didate for Commissioner, is very slily giving
out tickets. to all, indiscriminately, and re
questing them to vote for him. Billy thinks
to snake himself into the Commissioners
office, as he did into the Prothonotary's
office, sonic years ago. Bo on the look-out,
Republicans—scratch no name, vote tho en
tire Republican ticket. Billy talks very
agreeable dutch just now, and if he can
diddle you out of your vote, ho will do it.
TuE Copperheads openly proclaim their
desire to inaugurate another rebellion, if
the present Congress does not admit the
Rebels into full fellowship with them. Is
disloyalty to be made honorable and the
Rebels placed in power where they can
crush the men who saved the country ?
We trust the loyal men of Pennsylvania
will answer on Tuesday next, with a thund
ering NO! which can be heard by the
"man at the other end of the Avenue."
Government Securities
Soldiers and citizens, who have saved
their money, and invested it in Govern
ment securities, and desire to see thoso Se
curities repudiated and destroyed—vote for
Sharswood. But, on the contrary, if you
want to see this Government prosper, and
its debts paid—vote for .Tunas WILLIAMS.
Union Men,
Awake ! arise and shake off the apathy that
seems to make you so indifferent about the
election, to-morrow. The Copperheads arc
busy, and mean to poll every home vote,
and some from perks county, besides, if
they can.
Remember that there are a large number
of persons now at work: in Columbia, who
have families residing in Reading, Safe
Barbor, Lancaster city, and Marietta. Get
their names, and report them to the Repub
lican County Committee.
Its you want to hear the patriotic men
who compose our present Congress, called
" fouls, thieves and lunatics' —go to the
Columbia Fire Insurance Company office,
over which brigham young presides. and
hear Min rant. lle's worse than a young
crow, with its tongue split.
Go to Nvorß, and labor until the closing of
the polls, to-inorrow, and leaee not a loyal
ballot unpolled. Let every true luau work
as though the safety of the country depend
ed upon his own exertions.
REPUBLICANS, if you want, to rebuke and
make a drunken and traitorous Executive
tremble in his bouts, 001110 out in your
strength to-murrow, and roll up a rousing
majority against lain and his rebel allies in
the North.
Enetmble.%.7.cs, beware of"last cards." The
Copperheads are capable of inventing a lie,
it matters not how base it is, if thereby they
can induce a loyal man to vote for them.
Look out for lying handbills and posters
TIE Copperheads and rebels brought on
one war, and saddled a debt of twenty-live
hundred million dollar, upon the country.
If you want another war and a heavier
debt—vote ihr the Copperhead candidate,
Mention, Republicans:
Remember that the Republican County
Committee intend to give a hundred dollar
Flag to the District or Borough which gives
the largest proportional increase on 6e:try's
UNION Ttet:ra•.—Vote the straight-out
Union Ticket,—don't scratch a man. Re
member every name scratched on - is a vote
for the accidental President and his policy.
SOLDIEMS, ir you WAIlt to lit,* tho 1/lell,
tVho,~Vhil+t in their quiet home , ,tlenounceil
you "old Abe's hirelings - -vote for
JUDGE WI f.LIAMS, to-inorrow.
.WllO are the men that;:tre now denonno
ing Como ess and the men who sdved and
are to save the (want ry?—the Copperheads.
Ir you want to neo our National debt re
pudh,ted, and the rebel debt assumed—cote
for Sharswood, " the repudiator."
SOLDI ERS, do yo a want to see the rebels
take a front seat in the Synagogue? If you
do, vote for Sharswood.
Writ) deserted from the army? and who
encouraged them to do so?—the Copper-
EVERY name scratched ou the Union
Ticket is n vote for Andrew Johnson and
" my policy."
Soldiers, Attention! !
Remember, that the Copper
head Democracy that now wants
you to vote for Sharswood, is the
party that denied Government
the right to suppress the Re
bellion, and declared that Presi
dent Lincoln had no right to call
out the 75,000 troops. They
denied us the right to borrow
money to carry on the war.
They denied us every right to
restore peace, and with old
Buchanan at their head, en
couraged the Rebels to make
War and persist in it. They
demand the pardon and dis
charge of Jeff. Davis, and all
other rebels. They have gloried
over the murders of Manasses.
They mourned over our triumph
at Gettysburg. They would
gladly see the whole Country
in sack-cloth and ashes if the
Copperhead party could be re
stored to power.
Go :Early to the Polls.
Union voters, be at the polls
early, and work—work until you
have every Republican vote in.
The Copperheads are busy ;
they held a meeting `• on the
sly" at Desch's and Wagoner's,
on Saturday last.
Billy blow-hard; and Tommy
the clapper little man and ex-oil
Inspector, promised the imwash
ed Copperheads that they would
give the ;;niggerthieves hell."
to-morrow.—that their majority
in the Borough would be from
twenty to thirty-five. Rally,
boys, at the polls, and teach these
plotters of treason that old Co
lumbia stands true to the Stars
and Stripes.
The Rebel Swann.
yon know that the Copperhead
Governor Swami. of Maryland,
has purchased several batteries
of guns, and placed them in
possession of the Rebel Militia,
of that State, who contemplate
obeying Johnson when he orders
Congress dispersed ? and the
loyal men murdered when they
attempt to pass through Balti
more to its relief?
Remember the niartyn that
fell in the streets of Baltimore.
in April 1861 ; that was but the
beginning of the terrible Nvzir
that followed. If you do not
wish to see the same scene re
peated on a larger scale, vote
Eurcismc.ts., are you at work? if not,
roll ul> your sleeve., and at. it. If you
know of a single man \Vito desires to vote
your ticket, hilt laic,. behind, urge him to go
~ C ipltriOHS Tickets ! and vote.
- .
Look out for spurious
Tickets to-morrow ! 11
voters compare your tickets
with the one published at the
head of our paper, and you will
thus be enabled to detect a»y
frauds which may be perpetra
LINE " to-morrow, for JUDGE
flow thenemoeracy Pull Wool Oyez
the Eyes of the Liquor men.
The Democratic leaders are dough-raceed
on all subjects. They are merchantable in
all markets. and can, if necessary, blow
hot or cold,that "thrift may follow fawning."
On the subject of temperance, they aro very
anxious to have it understood in certain
localities that the Republican party is
responsible for the stringent legislation to
control the liquor traffic. In other locali
ties, again, the same partisans identify
themselves with radical temperance men—
as, for instance, in the Twenty-first Senator
ial district they have nominated Charles J.
M'lntyre, of Perry county, one of the
'nest uncompromising, crusading and
fierce temperance men hi the Common
wealth. It was not Mr. INPlntyre's temper
ance principles, however, that nominated
him. During the war of the rebellion, lie
declared that the only real government in
existence was that which had its, capital at
Montgomery, Alebatna, and which after
wards removed to Richmond. He opposed
the enfranchisement of Union soldiers,
because they were engaged in an unholy
cause. These facts, which show Mr.
M'lntyre's love for treason, are what com
mend him to Copperhead favor. It matters
not whether he is a temperance :tan or a
liquor man to give a Copperhead candidate
popularity. If he has fought fin• treason,
or sympathized with traitors, it is sufficient;
and this is the reason why M - Intyre now
heads the Copperhead ticket in Perry
T 0 - M 0 It li 0 11
The battle will be between the loyal men
who saved the country in our late fear
ful struggle, and the Rebels and the Cop
perheads, their sympathizers, in this and
other Northern States. The former marches
under the stars and stripes, to the music of
the Union; the latter the rebel flag—thy
stars and bars—to the song of Pixie. To
insure a certain victory for the right,
Let them mine from the rolling mills:, the
anvil and forge, the earpenter's bench, and
from every trade. Then the victory will he
ours !
Foil the Trailers!
Remember that although Lee and his
army surrendered to Grant, it did not erad
icate from the breast of the rebels a desire
to overthrow the Government whenever,
and as soon as a favorable opportunity of
fered. The Copperheads of the North as
sure theta that their assistance can be had ;
the opportunity, tiny think, is In..;ar at hand.
They are waiting to hear how Pennsylvania
and Ohio are going on Tuesday. Let there
he such a respon , ,e that the traitors both
North and South gill hear and tremble.
Patriot Soldiers.
The patriot Soldiers who fell in our into
struggle for freedom, are looking down
front their seats in eternity upon the land
which they bled to emancipate. Will the
loyal men permit them to behold the pain
ful spectacle of the institutions they filed to
pre,erve, becoming the prey of Venal pan
ders to an unprincipled lust of power and
o f the yil t , spirit of one man?—Vote for
The Present Administration.
neeolleet, voter., that the present nation
al administration is a sink or the vilest
iniquity, rotten to the Core, suppotted by
the lavish N‘aste of the politic funds in buy
ing satelites, and prai.ed only by those who
are paid for their subserviency—let an in
dignant people, to-morrow, mho are zealous
or their liberties, rebuke it by voting- for
The Extra Assessment
Republicans, OVER ONE _HUNDRED
them have no legal right to vote. Examine
the list, and if you tied nee traftle thereon,
which you know should not he there, re
port the fitet to either of the members of
the Republican County Committee.
Look Out for Forgery.
currently rumored that a large batch
of fraudulent naturalization papers have
been sent to a leading Copperhead in town,
and that ho ha, :supplied certain parties
living in the Third Ward, Nt illt them. We
have their name , . Let them "stand front
tinder, - to-morrow.
CiTti.Ess:, pm desire to endorse and
approve or the :tenon or that hand of invor
ruptible patriots, who eonmoso the radical
majority in Congress, who have stood firm
in the breach 'broken liv a usurping and
drunken Executive, vote for WILLIAMS,
RALLY, Bov:.i olive more, and chat go
Lome upon the "gtterilla , , - who are skir
mishing fur the rebel artily that expeet4 to
crush the people. if Pennsylvania stand,
not true to her color , . At them,
Lan' TILE Fiti::::ut:N of l'enn , ylvania re
buke, ;it the poll , to-morrow, the drunken
u,uper in the Exceutlve Chilli', and crush
ininion4 (hut 1,.t is in the ,ini , hine of
Li fx,,,r—N - ote for \VI [AAA:\ IS.
TILE Copperhead., to-211 , wrow. feel
the vengeance of an in-ailted people ! Let
thenl fall like Lucifer, "never to nth.°
again, - -Vca for WILLI A MS.
catteat thy• Republican voters—old
and young, to turn out and vote early ; tl.•en
after they have done their duty , let them
..120 I hat none are left. behind.
RP:MI:WM:II that tia., election or Judge
Williams will send a thrill of joy through
the heart of every local lulu in the country.
Vote for him.
EMEMBEIt that the election of Sharswood
will gladden the heart of every rebel.
We print the above caption without fear
that ally number of the Republicans of this
county will vote any other than the whole
ticket. The struggle to-morrow is not simp
ly whether Judge Williams or Judge Sluu•s
wood shall Occupy a scat upon the Supreme
Bench, but the question before us is, AS'hal/
the rebels who sought to destroy this land
come back mid rule the North with a rod of
iron, as they did before the war!
Andrew Johnson has commenced his new
crusade :against the North. _Vote, every
vote east for a Democratic candidate, how
ever great may be his personal merits, is
inevitably received as an approval of John
stis ruinous course. In California and
Maine, side issues were allowed to exercise
a powerful influence, and now these elec
tions are held up as Democratic triumphs.
Let every Republican then reflect that a
vote cast for a Democrat is inevitably mis
interpreted into an endorsement of John
son. Can any of us afford to be so misin
terpreted? We say without hesitation that
every Republican who has at heart the in
terests of good government and the support
of Congress, should, at this election, allow
himself to be actuated by but one consider
ation,—the overpowering necessity of re
buking the would-be Presidential Caesar.
If a single Democrat should be elected to
the smallest Mae in a Republican county,
it would at once be heralded as a triumph
and endorsement of Andy Johnson's treach
ery. We hope, therefore, that every Repub
lican will vote nothing but the " WHOLE
Henry Shaffner.
This gentleman, who is on the Copper
head ticket, and is begging for the FonmuN
Voi:, was a violent PCNt /W-7.s.:OTIIING in
15.35, and the candidate of that party for
the Legislature that year.
In answer to a letter addressed to him by
a number of gentlemen of Columbia, upon
the subject of slavery, and the election of a
United States Senator, he replied :
"That if elected to the Legislature, 1 will
cast my vote terr, S. Senator, tin' the man
who is sound upon the great question of
The letter is now in our po , ,set,sion.
can be seen by any one de,lring to pertke
1k contenk.
When ye-. vote, remember that Judge
ShariAvood, the Demccratic candidate for
Supreme Judge in. Pennsylvania, in
when the Republic was battling for it, ex
istence against armed Treason, DECLAR
it be well to place a man a ho gave such an
opinion in the interest of Rebellion and
Rubels, on the Snprenie Bench of Pennsyl
vania? Think !
Tin: men who fought down treason on
the battle-lield are now - contending with
the friends of traitors at the bzillot-box.
Sheridan, Sickles. Ifartranft, (Icary, Pope,
Schofield, all true soldiers. endorse the
Republican principle as it is represented
in Republican candidates ; while Cowan,
Jerry Black, Frank I highs, Buchanan and
Bigler, all notorious dough-faces and
sympathizers with treason, are the sup
porters of Copperhead candidates. Soldiers,
this is a fact not only worth remember
ing to-morrow, but it should lie held in
recollection on all occasions.
IF COPPERHEAD , can ever get ,ontroi of
the Government, they mean to
1. Repudiate the National Debt and ruin
every man 1%110 1101(1S bunch or greenbacks.
2. Pay the Rebel debt, thus enriching,
rebel, at the expen.e or the North.
:;. Itc,tore shivery.
4. Pas pen , ,ion, t o widow, :nut orphan.
of rebels.
Stop pensions of the widows and or
phans Of Union soldiers.
U. Restore all rebels to the places in the
army, navy and Government they held be-
Mre they made va r against the country.
When these six results shall he aceotn
plished, George Sharswood will he happy
and contented—but the country will be
ruined and remanded back to anarchy and
Fraudulent Naturalization Papers.
We under-tand that F R A U . 1) (7 LEN T
cent Irbil' etnigratlon in the Third Ward.
()facer, of the Eie,tion,supa:TENizE with
the tt REATEsT CARE, all papers of those
persons who have recently coup.. to town,
should they offer to vote.
Do III: 11101d/et , or the , "senate - and
Lower House — out Comet street, know
that (hi , Itepublican (•ounty Committee in
tend to gave an elegant /tag to the District
which -hall give the tae t vote for .1
Wti.t.lA MS ? Face towards the Town flail
bogy's, and scud the Copperheads hirl in g"
up Salt Inver.
l'ennsylvanizt .I,le4,ers-es.
Rentember, that Wll,ll you were lighting
the rebel -3, the Copperhead, voted again,t
gi‘ing you the right to vote. whibd imperil
ing your lives in the face of the enemy.
cm hand to-morrow, and mark them.
Vote for \VILLAS
300.000 GRAVES
to tho 1 - 11 . 1 4 01 men to stand
lirnt against the Sham wentoeraey :tad Rob-
Os. It is an insult to the memory of the
dead patriots n,r a IThion man to vote for a
relKl sympathizer.
FBEEMEN! let the vaulting' ambition el
an ingrate President, who aspires to be
our King, be rebuked. A rousing majority
in Pennsylvania for WILLIAMS, will
settle his " hash" tintil be tills a drunkards
I V YOU \Valli to 'WO Jolue:on, the drunken
traitor that now occupies the White House,
i ' '
urue l aother war, vote for Sharswood.
StrAnswoop opposed the war from tho
beg,ining to tho cud.
In pursuance of a public call, a number
of prominent gentlemen front Philadelphia,
York and Lancaster counties, met at the
Washington Hotel, Columbia, to-day, to
devise ways and means to erect the Bridge
over the Susquehanna at this place.
James Myers, of Columbia, President ; C.
.1. Nourse, of Columbia, Secretary.
The meeting was attended by the princi
pal iron masters in this vicinity, and of
York and Wrightsville. Several of the of
ficers of the Bridge Company were also in
After remarks made by Messrs. Hess,
Kauffman, Fisher, Small and others, upon
the feasibility of raising a su in of money,
amounting to one hundred thousand dol
lars, in addition to three hundred thousand
dollar-. already subscribed by the Penn'a
R. 12. Company, the rates of tolls, Ste., the
officers of the Bridge Company retired with
out making any definite propositions in the
On motion of Mr. Small, of York, it was
Resolved, That two committees composed
of two men each,he appointed to obtain sub
scriptions, and if possible, raise one hun
dred thousinitt dollars towards the erection
of the Bridge.
The committee lbr the west side of the
river wits composed of Messrs. Henri• Rau f
felt, of Wrightsville, and David E. Small,
of York. For the east side of the river,
Messrs. Jeremiah G. Hess, of Columbia,
and Abraham Mussel man, of Chicqucs.
On motion the meeting adjourned, at the
call of the President, who stated that he
would call a meeting as soon as the above
committees were ready to report.
There were some spicy remarks made by
several gentlemen, upon divers subjects
that did not pertain strictly to matters con
nected with the erection of Bridge.
The more the gentlemen talked, the more
they wandered front the subject upon which
they Met to discuss. We came away front
the meeting with no sanguine hopes that
an understanding, satisfactory to alt the
parties, would be arrived at. It was stated
by Mr. Hess that the revenue of the old
in 156, amounted to twenty-five
thousand dollars. Why then does not the
Bridge Company, backed by a powerful
corporation ,—the Pennsylvania Rail Road
Company—proceed at once to its erection?
without bickering with our citizens about
the amount they shall subscribe, to insure
its completion. We want a Bridge, let the
work i,u conuucnced innnediatcay, which
can only bring about a good feeling between
the communities living in this vicinity, and
the Bridge Company, which we are frco to
say does not exist tinder the present state
of affairs.
"SPY" hart the "by shwackers," muddy.
Tut: (lays are beautiful
.A.pril Bth, 1867.
North West tor Philadelphia. New York, Read
ing. PlaiSVllle. Tainlattlll, Ash hunt Lebanon,
Ulentown, Easton, Ephrata, Lit ii, Lancaster,
Columbia, Sc'.,
Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as fol
lows: At 3.00, 9.10 and 9.lti A. M., and 2.10 and
9.00 I'. 51., connecting with similar Trains on the
Pennsylvania R. It., and arriving at New York
at 5.00 alltllo.lo A. M., and L4O, 5.20 and 10.20 P. M.
Sleeping Cars aecom g. panyln the 3.00 A. SL, and
9.00 I'. M. Trams wit'mut change.
Leave llarrisburg for Reading. Pottsville,
Tamaqua, Millersville. Ashland, Pine Grove,
Allentown and Philadelphia, 9.10 A. M., and 2.10
and Mu I'. 51., stopping at Lebanon and principal
Way Station" ; the 4.10 P. M., malting connertions
Gar Philadelphia and colonibla only. For
Schuylkill, haven a nil Auburn, via
SChaylklll and SUSialella Ulla Itail Road, leave
Harrisburg at 1.2 1 ) I'. 51.
Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 A.
12.00 Noon and 5.00 Mal S. , OP. 51.: Philadelphia
9.15 A. M. and 2.110 I'. M. Way Passenger
Train have Philadelhia at 7.30 A. M., returning
mum Reading at 0.301'. 51., stopping at all Sta
tions; Pottsville at 5.10 A. M., and 2.40 P. 31.;
Ashland 6.00 111111 11.tt0 A. M., and 1.t55 P. li.;
nonaqua at 9.15 A. 51., and LOU and 11.50 P. N.
Lease Pot ts,: Ole for Harrisburg. via Srllllylkin
and Susquehanna Riot Road at 7.120 A, M.
Reading Aceonnslation Train; Leaves Read
ing: at 7.1t1 A. M., returning from Philadelphia at
5.00 P. 51.
lottstiwn Aeeonaslation Train: Leaves Potts
town at 1.20 A. M., returning loaves Philadelphia
Columba). Rail Road Trains leave Reading at
7.111 A. 11. and 0.15 P. M., for Ephrata, Litt;a
Um SUIIIIB3 , : Leave New York at 9.00 P. 21L.
500 A. 51., and 3.151'. 51., the sip A.
St. Train Ginning only to Readout; Pottsville
:01 , 1 A. 51.; 1 larrislmrg 9.31 A. 31.. and Reading
tit 1.20 and 7.2 1 1 A. St. for Harrisburg. and 11.22 A.
M. for New York and 4.2.5 P. 51. nor Philadelphia.
; M ilea go, sh - sison, Sehool and Ex
( out "lon Tiekols, to and front all points, at re
duce-I Rates.
Itaggage eheeked dirough ; SO pounds allowed
each Passenger,
General Superintendent
Iteadinu. Pa.. April .th,
- ---
Trms uf tilts Itowi nn• run by Reading Rail
lt,)a,iTune,trlnch ts 111 rn mute.: faster than Penn
-t i% allla It. it. Titer.
un and after
MONDAY, SEvrninErt 1:437
Txxxln. will run between
Leave I.rineasMr and Columbia, S. a. m.
3.00 p. m.
Arrive at Reading, 10 20 a. tn., & 5.30 P. m.
neturning—Limve- !leading:At 7.00 a. M., and
Arrive at immeter 0.20, and Columbia 9.25
a. nt., and p.
_ _
L 1,1% e Lmn.ter and Columbia, at S.OO a. in.,
nl., daily, except Sundays. Arrive at
ark at .1.00 it. in., and 3.15 in., and Phil
adelph Li ut 1.00 p. in., and 9.10 p. ra.
Returning—Leave New York at 12.00. Noon,
and Philadelphia at 3.:10 p. in. Arrive at Lanens
ter :Ind Columbia at 0.30 p. in.
The above trains also eonneet at Reading with
Trams North. on P. and it,, and West, on Leban
on Valley, Roads.
FArtE, E 5.10 TO NEW ... y211 , 15, AND 52.90 TO
Tiekeb, can be obtained at the Offices of the
New Jer..ey Central Railroad, foot of Libert
St reet, New York, find Philadelphia and newt y
t ug Railroad, lhh and Callon hill Streets, Phila
Through tickets to New York and Philadel
phia hold at all the Principal Stations, and .13ar.,-
;no Checked Through.
GEO- F. GAGE, Supt.
E. F. KnyA - En. Gen. Frt. and Ticket Agent.
dee I '1.6.