= O . A '1 Pis,._-,-.04,1,04i4i.. , f11g' INDEREINDENT, FEARLESS,, & -VREE 1861 IsmAl.;l, - advertising' will be considered cAsb --- , and collectable at anytime after the first • Speakietkor , aue4otes;l , 'must give, you one - Whibli,opeif;the: 4 - .MOst s talented, sue - - cessful'preacherliitithei Stnte ; tells• self He says lays; whina Indiana was little more than a wil derness,whe.bpelilio'spouxed out in great,ahUndance; ankritetericaifigures commanffedfa - high'f :premium: among the youthful', Pr'eaChbis; he - - wasselebteci:',to preach - a . Stiliermon camp meeting. The audience vas=large, and Ate occasion demanded' n di:tram:di idry effort Ho s just entetiiig: ; _npcii; hi* thbological„careeri and':the - first steps...,viete' of - ',lth - b,gfea*.fent importance.- ' : Atdtlie!iiiiibinteA hour took'- the stand; and; 'alibithe usual prelimitiaries, cOrnifiericed'is 'followss: -- '-"treihren 7%'ari. -.sisters,"ladies .and gentleman, if .1.-bad' the world fora pulpit, the stars - for .an . audience, 'my head tower ing above the-lbftiest clouds,, niy arms swinging:throe - 0/61A andopy tongue: sending forth the clarion'Aiotes"''of , a Gabriel, I'd• Set-one 'foot on. Greenland's • icy mountains, and the otherl'on coral stand, and-I'd= 7 ,l'd " _howl 'like a wolf!" .'- , . Cleveland horrible story :," Te-'l3,neci-kneW:a Man:to, struggle .two• years .te,coier,!edahrticill'4li• obstinate meerichatim pipe:'.,tHe smoked incessantly. -He tried•;-. kinds of tobacco, put nl)utteniiiit;hOiled ; it in tobacco juice,'buealFtO'ian' grail: "Try wouldn't, = : ititC4se r >"•;-,:an'd sour, shut Admielf 4,.hirnielfa tad smoked, tittering; savagely frete - ...hetwee& his clenched' teeth=" CofniV, :' D—n ye,, I'll c•o•l=o•r - ye !" e'" all business and devoted hiMselfWlio6fo smoking, defermine'd,_ as he •shid;11:o color that pipe or die - in the attempt. cne,:daY he failed to' make his , ,upPe,irance • at_ breakfast. ' His room - Was sOPerted, :and ere•lu• sat in his chair,.dead„the fat meericlmum clutched tightly hptyieea : his teeth. "The meerschaum was as.,;Wkile - as* when 'it .first emerged, Yeitus,like;frorn, the foam of the sea; hitt the man wit's' tu'rn ed a rich ; dark brown::"' The.ineersehtium• had culhred - " Cleveland ,llera/d. P4y . s" that: three young ladle's \vprenianiling.iii:he:park4 evening -,-or two :since, listening toAth'e music of I?ap's Band. One of4hetw wore, an_ exceedingly•long trail. She, stood in such a :position, that thomint; gathpredin:n,bunchand lay curled, up,,on Tovimen sfood' t.o , - hide - -`all the:reit a . .r . rangen4in - Chitt this liutielt; i iihieltattii.etedthe attention': - ii.: - :iery'firie s ynunig,e4l . 43 passiciio who,sapposino.'the ladv, , hd' dropped her' shawl, or some portion of, her ; wearing proceeded - to .- pinkit•up, when:lo had taken , up ter trail LHe I;lnshed, stainmered, made an apolo'gy, and left at double,' 11UIS'G'ELZ Li EO'TJs. p'.ol)Klll' , -.-..8 OK BOOKS, and well. selected , stlx.k of. J',OCIZEY BOOKS, bas hist been , received, wilioh, , Weslavill sell at - retineed prices.:. Call and-see our stork of: Ph6k) large and fresh st Ock'i tult received' fi:ont'..NeztVi York, which:axe offered al • priees to-sultevery. Ail; THE LATEST r „ &large rt a sortnient, just - received. Mad , selling • at verylow prieos: o person sliould be al Wont reading matter. " AltNab'S; ,WAXTI.Ntr 2.o T z h . e s g ta en n s d is s c . o-r . l E i ver = ythin s, kept p us n ualy fin the y , Stationery line; will be found at „7, , • 4.. Loc •• V. :17'. HESS'-Book Store, Locust street opposite Columbia Natlonal:Bajdr. 4 ,- .•• • FIRE ER';SO, N''"- . "1=., • • - - - JEWEER 7 Y:SrI 7 ORTE ; •• To -lhrent,‘ Reading naii ,R(1iia23,1) . • 00 • 4.; 'Where they IlunineUti (until their StUrels fitted the joinU dircc t lg in ;" • - Vie rutr of iikSiore. Ca lunit ,Fee uo at our STOliF;;;:• Nor -YE - • 3 r1137.1, •-; CoLtrsißLA!-;P.SI:-'.t., T,I 3 ; 11 :W0111:1) ' • ~ F OLFY'S COLD RON'S, -• • Are ui kilowle,lied to be the. hest y - , et, offered lo the Public: Ay. II nF-ss has ;just reeeiiierr a •C ' exyrlfirge: aiook of, these celebrated Pena.: His. ohl.- stoeX ; has also been-exchanged:for newisp'ythat ousto niers eon now select from the 7. ", LA.ItGEST'A.NIi 'BtST-.AfSgORTISI.E'N,T . ofiGola:Pens everhrOngiat to this ' are guaranteed for six months:- Push Pen,,.. ask for . Foley's. -,, i ,, i , 44 4' Ina.r.z .%V - tti. -- ., W. U- "lTEBS,LoeustStreetit•!' l irwArs sq3IETHING - *NEW 1 • 'Refvicr6i%ltirs 'boomitho'iit one - during the hotomattier. andox,mine thematWilson's: JUST,,.I'I7II.CITASED,--A.T REDUCED PRICES, a splendid 'Assortment:of new and de-' , ~ T I O'Cr S 4IWNTS.BiNu,, GOODS.! ":" PitYl" 04 4. - ..the,%AliCega •-siikvasTF_V VARE, I 3ti Sets ist: to anit,purelinsera:2?,,--• • - ZAIV: 4",•. i.--.4;0111"4:8Eltf5"-ItEl ' WATER' Cd.ol ;t l iSiiiCall . ,slies . 9.nd style W attention paWto - CAT-YrrTING and ~,,prAtausixor,----,xlolve assortment of splendidi."- %t;•2,,,:maritgall .uent for the:Celebrated C s wwitiHEß:•ta.nomost-nopulanbestandoheapestr “yraabingllftiebinti.erverinvente,, ,; •,,• • • , connections:with' :the 'above7;%itaslitng chine; he bag 4•11e:6.,t:nN.,.14e,k,0,-.44,411.9t UNlT:t i p ; it - BAZ far..O,7II2IIII:LiGER. ' -rrier-aflleoond andtoe•ructislirliets;', • „, Call tit 'the y9ll mooz• get b ettn „ ' .. (olLus andesa t tis her r ellitit,a,t ‘ anyLlother estubtyshme 4„, , T n nigN c , lr 847 ;Vond a n d , - - _ •,• 8:0 A , ll k:,,rlS'"XnWilpt.ifireV4sol Wd?""3C;' raragehtdd,e, vrtobxll2o' can, Alga 1ik3c,07,2 , w... - Tplll_l4sn-'• .-t= • J'' - c'eAItDEMSEEDS';'-t -Dra g ai o r ei :et azeNISCA' "X ' ••• • ' CrU37:IIM'T--_ETTUR.E..I .TIABDTET ITA.RE,M.AN,U*A -The,Nubserlber uti, new. warn-rocank,und gireatly.increased 'Tits business, can offer better iratucoments ',to 'llis,icustonteres lIIMIT=SIS • . 'IVINDOW,:BHADES MIRRORS, ALL die manittactui'vitcrorder, ru3diVill , liabp ,con stantly on 'band, Rinin• and _Fancy Bureaus, Sideboak_ls," Sofas,, Card,. Dining and Centre.Tabler.Common, Fanny and Frenoh Bed steads:llll oftwhieb.. will be?. sold -oir. the' most rea.sonablo.terms. As he Mannfactnres bis own work_hels enabled.to..Warrant every. article to be what lids represenk-d. C: RS! CHAIRS cirAlß.§!!! All hinds of chairs kept on band or manufactur- - ed lo order. Cane, Windsor,.Arm and, Rocking Chairs; Settees, Camp and Counter St - ools - ,Sofas, Tete-a Totes and Stuffed-Seat Chairs, made ,to order. .01d chairs repainted and repair,cd. , ' - - Funerals will be attended to with promptness, to which he gives his personal attention. -He Is - prepared with lee boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, as may lie required. 'MAHOGANY OR WALNUT COFFINS; Furnished plain or tinted in any style that may be required. respeafully,solicits - n share' of public patronage, as weir fur Itcontinunrice f the custom with which he has been liberally favored. JOHN SHENSERGER, *South side of Locuststreet,hetween Second and Third. .••„ - 4 [mar3o-07-tf. _ , , NITURE OF AIL Ic.INDS: Y UR . • CABINET WARE-ROOMS - S: mAism ,AcToity, Locust: , Street, a' few • doors below Third Street, Columbia, Pa.' ,The subscriberd•manufactures and keeps :on hand an ;extensive, assortment,of all kinds of Furniture. ,'Persons wishing to buy or -those about to gc; tdhousekeeping ovilifind it to,-their advantage to give.me a ca 11... - ..,, -,-, - BEDSTEA,DS;• TABLES, CHAIRS,: BUIVEMSTS,;- ' • - SETTEES; Cc., 4:c. ......„ , 7,-, i• Of the best quality, style; and 3nann facture,' and. will make to order, of first-rate, material, -every , article in his ilne:• ,Ile 'will give'triet attention .to business, and respectfully asks of the public a sharirof itsbatromige. - , --liiir M.s. — DER.V.A.KING will receive the Most , &ireful attention, at,the shortest'notce." -..,--, • i ~ -Mar3o-137-tf] , ,--,,.. ,-,-,1- ....:i' GEORGE.. SETBERT. . . VR, -AND FEED. LOUR AND FEED -STORE I he undersigned, having purchased the Stock on hand, and taken. the '.Flour and Feed. Store Lately occupied by George Brandt, Locust, above Fourth street, Columbia, Pa., will continue the bbsiness at,thatt place t and: respeetrully. solicits the patronage at': hls .friends, and thejtublic.in genenti. • _ - will; it'alftimes, kemon hand the BEST _ FAMILY F LOUR, that can be procured: RYE FLOUR ' CORN MEAL 7 ,k BUCKWHEAT,, with FEEDS of different kinds, , all of which he Will asiow as possible, for CASH. • — Being apractical Miller,. and 'having fidloWed the trade for many years, he flatters himself- that his knowledge of the business enable him to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with. their custom. , _ - , . _ The store - will be operpfrom.-VA:II.L; to W., P."..‘f pore, dee. ,G6-tf..] DANIEL INIeCAL LEY. OLUMBIII:.FLOUR MILLS. GEORGE BOGLE, :PriorruF:ron. The highest cash prices paid for all kinds of Grains .SUPER.FIEE'AEIS EETTI.A. FA:ATLI FLOUR for sale; also Mill Feed of all kinds. Wheat Ground and Packed to order. Grist work ~and, . Chopping done. Chopped -Corn -„ • '• and ;Oats: -• Corn Weal? and - FLOU • For r~l at .itrnes; arid' anyptirt of •the town.iilina,,Town and country custom jApril 0, 1807. MEDii C4IPPLES TO WALKT .ROGERS'.ELECtRO-MAGNETIC .011 4 th.e. Great firing of Aches and Pains, is truly - nwonder fnl medicine fgr - the cure of "Rheumatism, Neuralgut, Sore Throat, Coughs, and Colds, Contraction of JlEuscles, Stiffness asd.Swelling of the JOints, , Chokra Mor tals, Dysentiry, Disease.s of the-Kidneys, Debility, Palyi tatimeofthe bear4:4lVeakness, peculiar to Females, and will certainly cure alEpa.sl in any part - of the tody,:in- one to live,minules. - • . - Cures Tooth-achein 1 minute., y Cures Ear-ache - in 1 minute. 7 , - Cures Nervous or Sick Head-ache 111.5 minutes. ---••- • • .. ' Cures Neuralgia in 5 minutes: - - Cures Pains in the Back,Breastor Side ' lnsmins. Cures Deafness, in-many cases:ln:ls to 20 mins. Cures Croup in one night,. Aslithma in--1 to 3 ilitys,'Fever end Ague in 1 day. And if Rogers' 'LlverPilis are used in connection with the Elec trolegnetic. 011, they. "Nvilreure the 'Dyspepsia and Liver - complaint. , The , Pills of:themselves are a grerkt , ,Purifyer and ,- A -wonder fed Tonic, imparting Strengthlo the - Debilitated System,' - Strengthening' the - - Digestive -- 'Organs, bringingabont healthY; , •action-b1 54 the , -Liver, 'Eldneys, and'. Skill a without ;which 'no person can enjoy health. 'hie Pills are also a sure pre ventative to the. Fever and'Ague4f a. few- doses are taken in the -fall and' spring - . The 011 and Pills ere both PURELY :VEGETABLE, and-`can be used with safety- by old or young, male or female,and always with. the happiest effect.' .;;Dn. S. , ROGERS,- Sole Proprietor, .-, 4 '...,206130e1V5t. - , Philadelphia. MEE .19111HILADELPHIA- CANCER HOS -,4.p.rtkrz PROFESSOR -H. SLIME;,,' . - Puthcre - AtiPilvstarAtc....usn SunonoN, To the Philadelphia Cancer Hospital. Office, No. 231 ARCH Street, is daily malchig;•astonish in., and nukt , rriiraculons cures of Cancer by the most sclentille and aatelyeapproved,rremefiles known to the crVilizialk - orld,- among which are Itiggreat,CancnrAntidotes, , wonderfultreatments Lthal, ,, operatei.spetfilleally . , upon. the 'Cancer' and, Cancerous intlectfons, - . - ,antidating;. - Itilling ;TAU " , ,deatriflyhig-the Cancer,. every; Particle,. , ,,root, and ;fibre belonging to it or themovithout pain - or the , use - , Of the knife, without -caustic;_ eating- and burning medicines, without theloss-of blood, or in theleast affecting the sound :flesh. - ,No other treatmentshouldevet used...No otherioarsons have the.seantidetes: -To investigate these treat ments, to seep atients under 'treatment, and to exiunina.the terrible specimens thus•removed, calland see - or address R. 11. N.T.INE,N. Office; No. 931 'ARCH - St.; Philadelphia, Penna. - POSE, Oltice 80x.1174.., • • , .., For PartibularS senttfor 1710LT'S , iFOOT„ROCK,.; , ;, -. ' i;.03.1"11 3 ES.IC ORTCE. An improvement , biL:the , Licor- Ice=for Cogghliand‘ColdsVAliiv.lt'ren'd=try - Jtpral.]:, .15F,;YEAS;,Apot,hemry. o:ROti - XTTENTION - 'llO USEKt ri4i-Iptrf of Inetrand -.FRUITS, ' •'SPICES, ,' • FLOUR. Trciilsiona -or. all klnils, togetheicwitli :ltrood and Wlllow-ware and. Class and Queenswere. and.il,lniberger Cheese, Ziermitin Fruits, „ NtitilSH-AND„IIMERICAN, - ..:,,FrestiMeaelies, and all the Faruty Groceries, Per-i -"talnlitg to a well regulated Groebry *tore." , , - - , Trutrdeterrnlned not to be surpassed in; cheep 4:ness and inthelexeellent Quality of „mv,gOods.:!, around and Inspect our stock. whether you buy or hot- `Azsltare;nr4niblie!,tietionagels to _ - t...tAT • -HARDMAN% at-the line -GioceitylMitablisli-,- ment;'eprner 3rd and Cherry stretta, the •fallow f,77- 1 . 1111,1E6;9 - • ' - . • t'"' 3 bE t t9ll#S;' " :EiSiGOSIVPICKLE:.`;: iii§LOW'S REEN'CORN, &c. • r • 1 .,• • 4 - 6A.N7) • MARG EU, - TOM ' . ietnonA, :Crattberres; Cider and - White °Vlnegar:4 Extra'' , autilytElour, Ate,reera'otatoes, Rio and' Java Coffee; freghtrotisted, - roverlng'a Syrup, 'ST. : 4ichtZgent.oooa...regelved almoßUclni3 ` 4- ' '7 " ' ",, 'Z 'A undChirrrylSht:', WAR..toIVARE, STO VES;.(OO: 1 , HARDWARE. s • - Aiiekten4ivo assortment of house furnishing'. liardware;-aliolor:earfienterst and-builders' use, "always on'hand— • --; , *- 4. 4 - qt' 0 ;•Ncv4Aqsr -, Tokx4,Ri2 4 tE ;wagon:Malt:Cis I - Alicia, turn.", - lahed - withitliltindsnf , lron; ,- Nailsiltorse Shoed„ 'Coach Trimmings , and , other•maxis in their line.). AiID' 7 WILT.OWAVAILE;i: Tit great ~e ttrietn'aueti••-as, T rtb.a;, l ntalretsi.- W asli'- , .13oarda,TIrobms Wwhing , lNLiebtrias;'&o:TdrseQ,, - ' 72 —;I4',6,2RALING:TIMPIATKENTs Plows, Shoi;ela; Blirar.(Ctuitingii, ,, Seythes,, Forks,'ltakes,,and nltotherAnplements„used by the farmer. c:' , 2 • andlAa OtlienStOves: for: coaLorawoott - ' , A largo AR-2. sortment ot „TinXiirti .alwaysi lt c.pt,.on , hand, or: 5.4 • con o uLTAfif- al(vmsb . ; Sperm'. anu.:3lachine Oils of-all kinds : Alcohol, Benzine; Japan, and othetq larniah, Glass .Paints, Putty; ;Whtte:Lead, •• JANIFST STREET COULTiLD.TA.,,.rAt . . . _ 17- 0 7 - A t ' oTr—Rt rzit:4,-D3, Lii,..9.,.: ~,.;;:,1.:, ," ! --. ' ,4-----..- .1 3 :=- , :4-.;s:r.-!'f.--', ~.%14.-_..1,v4i,r ' ''2-. . ..:'',.,;.•-,-',3,-.--„,-:-'-,--.,,,,__-; d,,::0:,., DT;-",.....,--,.....-......:Z.' ,Si^I:IIESAA.VIrti -, ~:,..-„•.,',-,..;.,:,' i i 3z,*z.,4icei,..fi5;;,,,,za.„. ;,,F4.,...,T1 •Ifit tzti t.h on 7l,.. pentzli f ,t; , p.g i e c t, an - k r oiiice, ~.- A. e-assiortcrienex_k!„.2t ~,,,:,_,....mm"Theltirr: 'gt°"'aWaarbartfPtlTe'.4WAA'-,' i''i't":;.:lls, led,io:Order• °rti".; 'o•vsi- *14.1 1, E,'•.4,:''i" ';4VOYAQI:ii-62g4,1"AYPItiti'eri 17cirlety. -?''' '.., ' 4rxearg.o‘,2ncrintil-lejet ‘4A...k . cAl t9 ,tigif, 9 1 Y a! , .. ..* 6B „ :}.-: lxikl„ ~Ittratertt'Vt.4l.337kfaiWtsifilM!.,,, :: , •;,':.cia.rte smortment 151 - , 327an' c laei , ,, rlTltiguiltoi; ' ' reiedrOWnSlP4Wliefllaßtingl'olvilerklaotithdta. PR.?' Pouchm:lt ne......an,keb,r4c,4,-vddlorAllovepund' ...3a.,lngthelstrl 4e%,,,: urge Alicuttalt eCot, 11.tngthy.,..11411..5t,,,- .4,11 Antia,anwoirer-Ittz ,;..-r,hbielhowtet.".,,TxtVtes-.7,----- T'Lubrricailn.:„„.4,eppurerano.atnrund.,Fenlahr , 011ocsuttable for.nurlil en iinde,,tatiterw)u4l.lAPPP -,, of c00t914Vr!.11,;., §..-, 444„.3 . 4-4-444,... 4 .- ,,, i...4 t . -,, , i ~,, tomininit--- yle,,stlihsirtatmbliec,:m7, ”-"et.1)I,I VP. -, ..,,,,, -sge'-'•:;`'',..,::',c--::--?, .1,L.4-1,445a0.-corntEL , -''''- ' ~-...'-.. ...-- ----_,:.:,.:,!. '-,- ..•:,,f.7.1;ei1,7-', __,,.., ~,„,,,-,,,,,-. ~_'.,::.,.....•:., '- ~.., c-i, ;;,.„,;,7.45.e.,..-- s' 4 .~rrEvz - a~: MEAL 12153 TiLLE,'"Akerit; Locust above 2nd ;,,,-AF4 Ts'L. ' HOOP • IA.T.OST :FASHIST/STS:•DtMtiIsID • CelebratedPntent ' 'DIIP - L`FIX ELLIPTIC (ordouble spring) SKIRT. The :wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any:4mb - wearing , the Duplex Elliptic'Sicirt will be experienced particularly in alL' crowded assemblies,. operas carriages, rail road ears, church pews, armchairs, for promen ado,and house dress, as the skirt can'.be folded when muse to occupyn small place as easily and conveniently, as a sinteor muslin dross; an inval-' itable,qualitY in crinoline, not found in any, shi-' gle,spring skirt. A lady having enjoyed. the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing;the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring-. Skirt for a single day, will 'never thereafter.wlllingly,dLspense with their , use., For children, misses and youngladies they are superiorto all others. •. , They-will not:bend or break like the Single Spring, but will preserve their perfect and grace ful shape when three or four ordinary skirts will ; have been' thrown: aside as useless. • The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom rods are not only double springs' but twice (or double) covered; preventing them from wearing out. hen dragging down stoops, stairs, The Duplex Elliptic is a great fai;orite with all ladies, and is universally recommended by the fashion. magazines as the standard Skirt of the fashionable • •‘. . .To enjoy the followinginestirnableadvantages in - crinoline; vizt.superior.quality, perfect mann facture, stylish- shape ands-linisia,-;ilexibilit.Y; durability, comfort' and economy, inqulre`for Bradley:a Duplex --Elliptic or Double Spring- Skirt, and be sure you get the genuine article. - CAirrrox—To guard against impositio n be par ticular to notice that skirts offered. as "Duplex," have the red...ink stamp, vix: "T. W. Bradley's, Duplex- Elliptic Steel Spring," upon the waist band—none others are genuine. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin being passed throuh the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together' therein, which Is the secret of their„ flexibility and strength, and a combination not to be found in any,othea skirt, , For sale in all stores where first-class Skirts are sold- throughout the United. States.,und else . where. , _ Manufactured by the sole owners of thepatent :WEST% BRADLEY CARY, ~"," Chambers and 79 and 81 Rend° OOP SKIRTS: 628 NUW SPRING STYLES. U ajar ONV.IsT MAKE," Embracing every New and Desirable size; style and Shape of Plain and Trail Hoop Sicirts,-2, 23:17, t, 3!43 3% and 4 - Yds.; round, every length-and size Waist; in every- respect ..lontsm QuAravr, and especially adapted to-meet ,tke wants of Virst class and most fashionable ,Trade. " Oun OWN- MARE," oflEfoop Skirts firelighter, more elastic, more durable, and Really Cheaper than any other make of either Single - or Rouble Spring Shirt in the American Market.. They are Warranted in every respect; and wherever intro duced give univemal satisfaction. They are now being extensively sold by, Retailers, anti ,every Lady should try them., •%- • : - • • Ask for ".11opkin's Own Make," and see that each Skirt Is stamped " T.-Hon:Ls' :Ths Mu' u FACTITRER, 628 ARCH ST., PUTLAD'A.--INo others are genuine. A Catalogue containing style size and retail prices, sent to any address. A uniform and liberal discount allowed to dealers; Orders Uv mall or oteerwise, proMptly , and- carefully tilled—wholesale and retall,-at 'Manufactory and Sales-rooms, No. 023 ARCH Street; Rurf.A.V.s. Skirts made to order, altered and. repaired. TERMS, "isTET CARet.. Pawn ONLY- ' Mar3o-57-10mo] 1112 - SC.ELLA.NE'OUS: TITLES :JARED'S • ' - DEPARTS." ~ A NEW BEAUTIFIER: OF THE Testimonlals'of Celebrated Ladles: The secret of beautifying the skin being known only to Messrs. Jared & Rene, they honorably state.thatit differs from nilother preparations. It gives to the - most harsh - and freckled-skin both - the' texture and color of polished ivory, removing discolora whether appearing' aw freckles, tan, mor phew,moth, or hlackworm specks, am! is espe cially successful in smoothing; out thd marks left, by small pox. - The agents of' "L'Email de Paris" mast_ confi dently submit to,the public the earnest endorse mentWof such distinguished ladies as Signora Ristorl; c%iele. Felicitst Vestvall, Miss Maggie Mitchell, Mrs. D. , P. Rowers, Lucille Western, Mad. Ponisl, Mrs:Rninni Waller, Lucy Rushton, Noemie de Marguerittes,'3Liss Almes Perry, and many others;whoge high standing in the profeSsion gives the' stamp_ of truthfulness to to their intelligent anti genuine approval.- - • , • The beautiful Lucille Wester n -says, I find that the..''Etnall" produces all the brilliancy of rouge and lilly-white, with life great -- and- peculiar ad vantage of totalharmlessness.' It really addkto the softness andbeauty‘f the skin: _ - - - - - . The magnificent Vestvaltsays, I haye suffered So much - from- the' various -white 'lotions, - Sat., which:my , theittrical profession obliges me to use, that .1 consider it a -perfect - benefaction to find 'a:preparation which gives the necessary whiteness to the skin, and leavns 'the skitkeo?l and smooth. - ' Miss; Maggie MU:the says, are tried 'the skin .do Paris," and found that it instantly imparts a - natural 'bloom and freshness to the complexion.. ' "Jared's Ernairde PariA" Is 'tised.l" - as ,delicate beautifier of. the-skirrfor theater, saloon, or ball room, by the . moStseflued . aud Scrupulous ladies,• producing all the beautifying effects - of range and lilly-white, - Without their-vulgar glare or injury to the skin. „. ' t- - " at Eats - " r'' Sold by all firs e ass *nag •per umers:and adles' hair dressers,. • ,-, . - L. Isitbean,B2iErc . gtd3; , ti3%; Derails - pig:nes fi Co., and F._ G. Wells Co., New York ; and Eugene 3 - ouin; Sputly , Tentlrstreet• and Johnsron.Hol loway,&.Cowden,:-Philadelpkia, Orders b,y,,ruail,should. be addressed to • .TARED -& RENE, . .General Agents and Importers,, New York. - - , , •, , en tho ,, ,great tßeatorct County - Orator said Switzerland , had her IVinklereid; Scotland her Bruce, and America her Booth, ha should• not have referred to the assassin of Abraham Lincoln, but to the greatness of- Booth, the Tobacconist, on Locust,street, cohinibta; who...keeps the' best assortmentof • - - - SEGARS AND TOBACCO in the . ,,,354.A8KET. In his selection_ of Scotia, are • " Havana, at prices ranging tram $.15 to 500 per 111. Yore, at " . " 30 to, 75 Clara Seed, at ""' ' 4 ' ` to' 40 Common Segars, "‘ to :20' " - An Brrulds,bf,TobaccelinOwn in. the market: Smith & Jones' Virginia,Navy,": - . , , — „, ,Aleßnight's•Virginin Cong'ress;, J. !Niel:night s ;Virginia Cavendish, , --, •• • - - Baltimore - Spun, and the gelebriltedlitemless,Navy. In his Natant] Beat will be foniM, - Rough and,Readv Virginia, Rose Bud Mountain. Due, - Bachelors'llall, Paton Gravely; and. Lilly; 'ln lila Fine Cuts A May befound 'llleltiqru , i • , x N 0.7; and - Lone "Boy: , Besids Pipes;Bouches - , "Wallets, Toblteco'Baga and Boxes; and, all the Pine Brands , f Satoh:tug 'Tobacco; Fure - Tu rkih;' ixed - Turkish.;-Rhao.' Virginity, Lynchburp - ,;itadJitmes River,-besides all the Lower Grades usually found - initi tirstelass establishment., Call and, examine fOr" yourself, mulllooth or Jack ,will shoir you:ttlep Tower."' Dec. 8, 1F430-Iy.] - GEORGE M. 1.100T8f..1. . , . - •Seehhcr.streetinearly'd,pi 3 eslie the 'the y Lutheinn • • '.,TOLI3ISIIIIA,,,PENN'A.: . , '.' undersienedhavitt...,wtaken , the 'shops fOi , :•` inerly Condricted - hyalir. , Samuel Carter, , ,Nyould respectfully announce to the citizens of,Colum-• Ulm and vicinity that he is now prepared to-manu facture all kinihrof Conehete,'. Carriages', Buggles, Sulkies - an,d.,,alkotheivrchiclTrinails reputation as'a'workitilin* elltitbliSheel, - ,as lie can confidently elainf for htslvoil: theVnerits - :of beauty of forzn,leleganee , Of flnish,A;find-strength Of structure:" One of the% distinguishing - features of his workis:itsldurabilityl - all ...vehicles , of-hissrhuiht constructed - . of-thewbest 'seationedt ina-' and•puttogetlforiirrnlyandsubstantirilly. - He gives.particularattr;ntiorttothe,rerstiring of -Vehicles, raid- warrants-. all.lvrork hiAtis.,linet to : give satisfaction.- " rin addition toliig'ltin‘ctical-exiderience • in'the business, he has the assistance of the'hesr:Nifork- Somerof•therattrinitheidelebruted•Watton estriblitaimerit'of.Philadelphirlr 4 - 01- I•Z. -4,0 . 4 r n• 0, generoug.'nuhlic• is'..respectfUllyAriviteir, to • give% hems :industry their+ encottragementzand .support. CHRST.tAIc InrErts., .TO . COMMITTEE ''A•lirt OTHERS : • The tileke tolpurehase • Stone,•le at S:.S.tItE'ZWILER'S',QUARRY. ; ~ Be ls a„very large_ Contract of large stone:for a'Furriaee; and`wlll'have a large gnat"- ' tity,of Small Building Stone; whieli r hO will' sell ,redlided•prie,etca.s - they,accumnlate in hifixtiy"l 'trill either deliver or sell in tlie'QtiarrV„. , Columbia, dee. 13, '67-tr.) , • DETWDIGER.:' " - " _• • hd-.Pennsylviiivin Bond a Company -, are 'now_iirepared to regeive,br,•fora*rd,Weiglit , ,,lio= 'tween Columbia, and Laneaster,and all stations' on„the,geinisylvania; Itaii:ltoad and its branches: BBilik.'&. COLUMBIA; • Firsi:Chiii. ,4 '-rlttift , 'Cla&i:` - 'Srcia , :ttas...' ,, 9th Chu& ' • 4 25 -cents, , • - .'•' 7, ••21 • ets: 'l5 ets. loads; i.B•eents pee Barre•L r:xc.A„§"tp ,;;fiy,4i dam 4th .61914. ria4. eta., BETWEEN'COLUMBIAi,& . :BIATSBUROTI. r:: • a:tra4;:. et* x il f cents s ~;,_;:' : :bu'eti~.:;,,... q 9¢ etsa 36:etNY, Freight eonelinied'M stations : ii , lierer-the,Coiri=" pany -has no Agent, must be prepaid.' 'AnFreights PaYab iP3 l 3, 3 1 11 21 ' OPSi 4 O,oriT, •• Oeneral FreightAgent, , Tnna. r 'AG-For-farther information - apeinto ~•';,„,,,B.Miirrs•qs•roN,,Frt.,-Agt.; ' - • K. Boieg,..Frt.;;Agt., • • ~-r_•-•-icm,stAtynoiont;Frt:;Agt;Lane!r -i I6A). od'B OROU T GH E - D4Br-113E e Of. . COLUMBIA. - ;;,i.b:lsoi.Vill;,,Tligililial.kihnbCO'daunfttee:be; . . Uutborlzed to iutvertise',lor ailotittLfor3h&ruse oil Ilie'llorough; to' the ;amount; of 1115,000, ancthat , suld:lnin•may be reeelvea In amccuukta ;from: 5100. , - to SlOOO, undtlmbondsof.the:„Borougli '..be:givel.r... ;for. tbe'kuutle;'suld4fsguls .: t9,, rutqrop.:•.ope to'llye" years.": , • , ', .;., , , 0. r, ' L.- , i'.7i"- - • , (--'`-',- , ''''''.=l:"- , C 4 - , AS pek.tll6lllx;iVO4esigua9ti; the nuance' Com- t injttee ask.blde, for..the',urnount'statecl.•4•lt Ivlll 2 be proper to stittetthat•Sthe t.llorough.lw entirely:. out of debt; and froolrorarßounty-Tax•.•.:ePereons; having rriculeytOlottn;;wlll addressor call ut•thiff.,4, °pee or-A:S. GleEENChalrrium oucommi ttee: 1 1 7-epo 'i,.44At..,szGREEN.,-,•, , ,,. - t:,..W. ~.14A.1.V.t.1tai. " ....4 1 0- ,2 ~S l4 kir:A •41PHILIP:•SHRfalerERp Pbutnee%Coutu , o - r,..... , tv•.! , ,..?.. 41kDANID..111fULLEN, i.,....;:t.....4,7-,ipr... , - - xa , , , I,..":Coltipp L Ja,l3fay,44lol,o- . ..7, ~,, I ,:+ .1 ., ; , 1.0,41:: , ,,,Atr:' • = g.R ..:-. - --, -,—,.--, - f.; •- , ~, ,,..,-,q..." 1-0,- i.v.:,, 4 ...40,4-,1 , ; - :•.,:; 4... . gski,tinitav,,sixii-5,y.,..-.4.t.f....4. - - y:- ...:, ;ig:,3,..r.-&:,, , ,..; , ....,,,,, i - .+,,,,' A,oF , ,GRocKfuEs.,t e.,. ease noloresld.i , fortheSpring - TradJutving , Itiirt purchased alultamortrueta.or L. v1,, , ,,;,'!!!!,,, , -, . I !" °,l • A !' 74l lAlirirA.l,!•Si`R9CEßlE97 ! fr' L '''"* ! i l " - : '1, ,Y7,Zli•itttit'Ol4,7cropt'Olte'eatefliieit - Wgars4l:4': ',4;'", , ,jp,syruptt7-,,a1;/.„.1.6. a Sxr4plor:2sArrterl . :!. „ . 1. ~:0 . q,..fr..,,t-1,-;,,, f , F 4 per'QuartZL -,,,, L ,...J. , .., , A 1 i it c ., '''.:-'''.!4 , iir4 - 4....., _it NigASE4, < 6 II .SW-4 1, ta15 , .!; , : k4' , 127 ,1' -oNireMinvo!nagoglsro:tii^p'2;tnrolf,aaftio_keretli.4 .,, , ,! , loorrels;q4:quistterowandr•bal.res;=Drledfreßoor.n l '•HerrinwfdTe?fpAlEktrubr.of•Rrnit arolr.4*-r+tw!!!..,PLl. - :,!] ~1"!!:, ; ;-'/;:' ot&iiiiko;oluxtiejii4nikiitiiigtoiiiiilge,,i4ia-. 66 i., LFAcee yeasortable.e.:!=,' •,- :".,!:'' "'"•!!! ...!; , . , 44! - -; , i...P l '.'' „., , :t."4' Alireolli,d examine for iOurselves7,i '''."' 74,, , N , :-i ,, t.7-.; -',--.) '`';, I.IIIIKitiILY,SITZDAM,..n .1- ' , ' 24 : 41 -"°0 1 4.1 .-. !":" . s- -, cor. °tryout it Onion Stir' Z~'CVl..+hxrL-ate, 7a.s+::~:a~. : , :' ~Y.X:-r tte'a: , . , bd.'Yuta~ebSxC~t ' 2+~C.•YtCs ': .N=6.~ , r:: ~.. a..r ..~, i..~ . +«I".. w.... !i'k". A,"g9't't FN-iiS4ZLESeG'}, Siw-LArcr. 211 A G'IafZ3ITES:: - . lajtEsi• • ,-;_`; • " •• 1' TV.r,S'IIII,O,TI ". ;, „''.—•• LOOK' 2 . • • • • 495 13ROADW4N, NrArj:YORM • 7.0 CIIPIRTNATT STREET S . _ . 'S:H•:IIT,TCE;v; GiltNE'. . Salesroom., No. 921 Chestnut At., ' This MACHINE Is constructed on anew prin cipal of xnechan possessing many, - rare and vainablelmprovements, having been examined by the most profound experts,' ,•and pronounced to be SIMPLICITY - and PER4 4 ;ECTION COM BINED. „ _ - - 'The following (treble princinal,Ohjeatilitis Urged against Sewing-Machines: - -", I. Excessive fatigue to the onerator. 2. Liability to get out of, order. ' = ' 3. Expense, trouble and loss of time in re pairing. - Incrolacitv toisew eitretieseniptlon of ma ,:+3.--Disagrcteabh, noise While In operatic:t . .' The Empire Sovigy .71eciandi is _Exempt from Wa-ihme OBJECTIOIyS.; , •• lms n straight needle, Perpendicular ' actithi, makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE_ STITCH, which' will neither RIP .nor RAVEL and Is alike on both sides; performs perfect sewing on every description of material;' from - Learner to the Ithest Nansook Muslin, with cotton, linen or silk: thread, from the-coarsest to the nicest number. IT HEMS, FELLS, BINDS, BRAIDS, TUCKS, QUILTS', PLAITS, GATHERS. Having, nelthei• CAM nor COO ;WHEEL; and the least possible Irletlon, It runs es smoot h as glass, and is EMMA TI CALLY •A NOISE LESS All vorktie.g of CARINET MACHINES frem, ;11 . 0 npuweas. itit - Partlenlar attention Is called to: our new and , Improved . IMaimfacturing"Machine, 'for Tailoring,Shoe-fitting, Coach Trimming,- Its advantages are simplicity, durability, rapid ity, easy adaptation to nil branches of manulhe taring. It makes perfect work on all nutterial. It is especially desirable in sewlngPatent Leath er, and is very still. It short it is,the most per fect manufaturlng machine In the market. N. B.—Every Machine guarranteed: EMPIRE SEWING 'MACHINE COMPANY, .921 Chestnut Street, Phllndelpbui. • - • NELSON HEAD, Agent. 4Z-Agents wanted. Jan. 10,'67-1y T HE- HOWE :MAC UTNE CO.'S SEWINW*ACHINES, Ell FOR FAMILIES AND MANUFA CTLIRERS The I-lore THE SE WORLD-RENOWN ED , SEWING MACHINES Were 'awarded. the highest premium at the World's Fair in London and six firstpremitlMS at the New York State Fair of 1860, and are cele brated for doing the best work, -using a mach smaller needle for the same thread than any other machine, and by the introduction of the most bnproved machinery, we 'are now able to supplythe very best machines in the world. These machines are made at our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn., under thb immediate supervision of the 'President of the Company, - ELEAS HOWE JR. • •• 2: • •,- '' , . the original inventor of the Sewin,zMaoldne: They are adapted to all kinds of Fondly Sewing, and to the use of .Seamstresses; Dress Makers, Tailors, Manutheturers:of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, Hats, Caps; Corsets, Boots, Shoes,- Harness„ Saddles, Dinen Goods, Umbrellas; Parasols, etc. They Work equally well upon silk, linen; woolen and cotton goods with silk, , cotton or linen thread. They will seam,' quilt; gather, - hem, - fell; cord, braid, bind, and perform - every species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, - alike on both sides of the articles sewed.' _,• " . . The Stitch invented by MR. HOWE, and made on this Machine, is the most popular and dur able, and all Sewing Machines are subject ;to the principle Invented by him. The IToiee Ilfaihine Company, 69f • 699 lIROAD - W.A.Y, Cor. FOLIO:It St., N.Y marlO,'O7-Iy , • snr.GER SEWING MACHINES W. u. FIE.SS . - • , Ekti;:been'tippolnted agent for Columbia: for these celebrated Machines, and offers them for sale at his Book Store; at - - , ALANUFACTYJRE.RS' ,PRICES EverybOdy. knows .be Singer Afacliines to be one of the standard Sewing .Machines, and, we present it to the citizens of Columbia and vicin ity as incomparably the best kind in existenee. It is simple, compact, durable and beautiful. It is quiet, light running, and- capable of perform ing a range anti 'Varlet,' of work never before at tempted upon a single machine—using either silk, twist. linen or cotton thread, and sewing with equal faellity,thti Very. finest, and voarsest materials, and- anything between the two ex tremes, in the most beautiful• and substantial manner. Its attachments' for 'hemming, braid ing, cording, tucking; qbilting, felling, trimming, binding, .tze., are novel and practical, and have been invented and' adjusted • especially for this machine. ; . - . • - -• • !far:Call at the_Stbre and'Efee out: operation. , - SII:IVING:INEAC HINES. w. G. PATTON, Agent for the sole of TITE "WHEELER Zit WILSON,'! • "ELLIP.TIC," and "HOWE'S" -•\%* . orld renowned Sewing Machines. While the Wheelent Wilson is universally ac knowledged M be the best machine for family use, the ".ElLlptle," Which's manufaeturea by the same mmprtaty; and - made on`-the same general. principles, is canal:ly asgcslti; and the "Howe" is unsurpassed. as a shuttle machine. All these machines make the lock stitch, and are adapted,to all kinds of family sewing, tailor ing,'and otheirmanufacturing purposes. Norisk inbuying them, as every machine, soldls -war ranted to ',give entire -satisfaction. Sewing:Ma chines'for rent: : _Locust street; Columbia. - • Dec. . • •-• - ' t?; GR.EAI' AT .TRA:C.TION! C.LOTILING EMPORIUM. ! Front Stra.et..flrat, Store above.Wittntat Street, r COLTIMSIA;TA:.— -,' 'The - Lttrgeati,;"liest:.A.ssoited;,,lrliintLa6 - inst lettettpe.sttit9eir of `."'„ PURNISFIrNa: GOODg 1im.t,5,.0 41 )8,1t00t5,, oes„,to., re., ever ex 1111) ted these regtoretovllleh'wlll.-m gold at prices EXY ALL ;COMPETITION . Come one and all; lxith great and small, To - Lrrrr.,E-DAvY's Clothing-Hall; And got a tit from head to foot, prices that - your purse willsuit. BUY, IN 'YOUR GEOTHas,Qt:I-r7 l :-.7, - • Thesubseribei 'Would call thit'attehtion of;the ,citizens •of,C,olumide, and, vicinity to his large stock or. - - ~. MA:DE - .b.LOTHLNG, :Enibracing every ‘Mriety.of• style' and - niaterinl -suitable .for - the , season.-They are- - rruule of the best material and in the season., style. , 6ENTLEMSN'S 'FURNISHING GOODS, - Elhirts - ,-H•mit4,'Hick.• Ties, Suspenders„Hindker chiefe; Hosiery,'ke. it splendid line'of these', . • goods always kept on hand. Also, hoots, Shoes,Tiats ct: Caps, of which we-hnve • ' , - - selected. - stocic`"and'ewhich -,' • . :we' Miler at. -- Nery cheap rates: P.E7: BAGS Of are, sold cheaper: tiitin' priaes. My goods are all bought for cash, and I offer them at, cheaper , rates, for cash, than any other store. Cull and sea.l -• 1,4. ,, HEN/LY. RICE, ;djoining Washington House A ; • , .--,a Front street, Columbia. • i 866-1.,, - • • , • .j:: - ,:r.:Wr44ii.EASIN0,:: a 7l PlilPr, A ado - rs7abovci +'SecOud", _'I4"I.OI.III",;,CASWMERES , AND;IfESTIZCOS , 'dt sil:stylOs; filltUspitedltp. any. Sera.son, 'kept. con- , tntlrOn hand, fuurmanufactured:' to.ibrder,ht 'short hOtlco, snit warranted to give perfect saris, • , GREAT IT -g T:t 0 NITIN! Tai .E q1,q1•41:9,! ioreL The" snbscritier Spring Trade; ltttlioNew yoilr and . .PhUndelphlit Illarlcets, a large and thebtonable stock of , — t. . - NOiteif be ofrerslcitlifikltiiens ofiColambin liutl ,mlainlty, , tooltealtif.riotteheaper.tlinn , the prices before ,the -A.nt'extrtntriation,wlll..satlaly antoone thatrthepprled 4 aremery low. • .11 havelheLetteapestzrrleed Goodadn Columbia; and ampreinAred.ltor.nutke:np:.to,ordlxvin :the latest enteptrutdoomev•ea '13;7 -91.9111.9,'OASSIMF.RE.W7E'S,TIZtpt•Pla rDi!,,,Lt. JCA*(I., ;caning Cttioda;at,veve,3oW4brlces: ",•• ..Trams ,OALUIV: TI...BLUME.I479FIAL, Blue'Eront.Bulldinge Front Street" - ' „ . Ale ' • 1.11 PATENTED 'FEISRErAIiY 1860 \TACIT[\ E 609 BROADWAY, isrinr YORK. SEND FOR CIRCULAR CLO.THVG. DAVID HANAUER'S' , LANCASTEA ADV"S. CHARLES 'Ar.,*IIOWE.II; ',." " MARBLE 'IILASON, NO. 60 NORTH QUEEN STREET, • EAST , • . The Oldest Marble, Works in Lancaster Connty:' 'Thankful for the liberal : patronage:heretofore Bestowed upon him, ho respectfully solleitd continuance of the same. He has on hand: the largest, most varied and ,complete , stock of finished MGNEMENTS, MANTLES GRAVE STONES;,&c.,.&e., to be found in the city. and which will be sold at the lowest prices. Building work and Jobbing of every description punctually, attended to. , Persons want of Monuments, Mantles, or Grate Stones, are Invited to call and exanitne the stock on band, also the portfolios of designs. June 20-tf] • SPRING 1807 HAGER BROTHERS • Aro now opening and Ifiviee an exalt - dilation of the Largest Stock of • , • ENGLISH GRANITE- WARE: , ever - offered In Lancaster.' Also,' a full assort ment of PAINTED ENGLISR GRANITE, WHITE AND COLORED TRENTON WARE, PITTSBURGH AND BOSTON GLASSWARE; We are selllag all of the above at greatly re-, (laced prices. . MARSEILLES QUILTS AND BLANKETS, :Fine Diunaslc mid Hand-loom 'Tat .Linens, Linen Sheetings, Pillow Casing Napkins, Cotton Sheeting", Tiekings, Cheeks, etc. Blecebed Muslims—all the best makes. 1000 Pounds Prime Feathers.: Window Shades and Fixtures: Green and Bufilloilands, till.widths: • • Carpets and Oil Cloths. Grossley's English Brussels RoxbuitTapeitry, Lowell and Hartford Three-Ply, Extra and Superfine - Ingrain, Wool,. Dutch; Venetian, Hemp and Rag Carpets. - ' OIL CLOTHS, from 1 to 4 yards wide.. WALL PAPERS WALL PAPERS ! ! An entire nevlSto'r*. of Stamped, Gold and Plain Parlor Papers, Neat and Bright Styles Chamber , Papers, Choice: Papers, Choice Plain Styles for Dining Rooms, Match Bordered Entry Papers. • ' - Decorations in Gold:Velvet, Marble and Wood Colors: • Marble, Oak, Rosewood, 'Walnut and Maple DECORATIVE: PAPERS. Will be sold at Lowest Priees. HAGER & BROTHERS; , • - - - • Lancaster, Penner owN, wrm THE PRICES ! dust. receivefi from - the Philndelphin, nod New Yotdc Marketn full mid complete stork of, - •r- • CLOTHS AND .C.SSIMERES, ' the Latest Styles In the market., which we 'are Prepared to flake up to order In the BEST STYLE AND'SHORTat. r NOTICE, and at the Lowest Cash Prices. • • We have onhand a I'llll and complete stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, for Men and Boys, • • Of our. own make, which we' guarantee well' trimmed and well made, and goods as repre sented. Also, trir Stock of . GENTLESIHN'S FURNISH ING GOODS. is full and complete. - Our stock :is purchased at , the very • Lowest Cash Prices, and we are prepared to sell at a small advance. Call and examine our. Stock, •and you will be convinced the place to be suited for the least money, is at MYERS er, RATHFCDT'S, • - No. 1 East - King street, - _Lancltster City, Pa. , „ ' S. RATHVaN'S ' 5 ~ - 3 rtCHANT TAILORING; GENERAL CLOTHING, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, (Opposite Shober's Hotel,) :. , CORNER :NORTH QL - EEN AND ORAN,GE STS., LANCASTER., PENNA. - . „ All kinds. of Men's and Boys' reinly-made Clothing and-Ftirnishing Goods constantly kept on hand. • • Also a superior assortment of ' French, English, German and American Cloths, Ca.ssimeres and Vesting.% which will be made to order In any desired style, with the least possible delay•, warranted to 7give satisfaction, and at reasonable charges. - July 1.1,'60-1y) S. S. RATIIVON. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. . NEW AMERICA-lly William Hepworth Dixon. ANCIENT AND MODERN. GREECF,—By C. C. Felton, L. L. D. .THE LAST DAYS.OF OUR SAVIOUR. LIFE OF - PHlLlDOR=Musician and Chess' Player. MARACHE'S MANUEL OF CHESS. CLIPPER CHESS-PROBLEM TOURNAMENT. , MORPIFY'S MATCH GAMES—Edited with notes— By Charles Stanley. Just received a. largo stock of 7, BIZZARRE WINVELOPES. PERFUMED ENVELOPES.-AND PAPER. A complete assortment of - .BLANK BOOKS, At JOHN SIIEAFFER & SONS, No. 32 2corth Apleen street. • . A N.-,I3IIE.NEMAN'S _ ItAltAS' - GENTLEMEN'S BOYS, GIRLS AND CHILDREN'S SHOE STORE. The largest and best assortment of Ladles and Gentlemen's wear in the. . 'CITY OF- LANCASTER.' respectfully:invites the 'citi zens of Columbia And _vicinity;. to large' stock of ,a - ' LADIES'- 11100 TS 'AND . :STIOESO- • Such as Women's-`Kid., and%Trencly'aloroccn Boots, Balmoral, Continental and other , tIVe are prepared to manufacture at i;hortnotlee every - of - .Ladles' and. Gentlemen's wear known In this marker; and at- as cheap nites as any similiar establishment. Call mid examine our stuck. - A. , - • Opposite Cooper's Hotel, West.. King St. Lancaster. HORSE OWNERS. : • - • • • RA.ICER'S'ECOOF THI: BEST_ ARTICLE. KNOWN'. • • - For Quarter ;or Sand Crack,. Corns, Thrush, Coutraeted, yard or, Brittle Hoofs, fir., awl for general use plaee.of Shining As Dressing tor the outside of the Hoof it has no Superior. Sold Wholesale and retail, by A. MILEY, Sad dle and Harness Manufacturer, No. 37 North Queen Street, next door to Shober's Eagle Hotel, Lancaster City, Penna. - • . N. B.—Harness of every description'eonstantly on hand, and repairing neatly done to order. .. ESTABLISHED' IN '1829. t . • • ' ' OLRESTAI3LISHED , HAT; CAP,AND • • FUR STORE No. 20 NORTH QUEEN SF.,-LANCASTER; PA. We wouldrespectluily• announce that .we are now prepared to furnish our customers with the Latest'Styles consisting of Glentlemen's • DRESS SILK . , - - • ,CASSIMERE,. , PLAIN AND Vatusii, • -• • •' • FUR. 'AND WOOL,. on CASSIMERRETT,' : • • . , STIFF CAS. , .LMERE, • SOFT AND STEEL. • EXTENDED"RRIMST* ' AND.-FLEXIBLE SELF-ADJUSTING STIFF •, DORSAY BRIM HATS; - In new, Novel and benutifuLDesigns, and at such prices as to make it an inducement for all to purchase. - . CAPS:I! ,- Our stock. of Caps. c,kuprises 'the ,newest styles - for Men's," Boys' and Children's Spring and Summer Wear. °Mt Morro Is - •• 'EQUALITY .TO ALL." The Unrest selling price marked in figures on each article, and never varied from, at ' •'" ar, ' - ••• SHULTZ &• , BRO.'S'‘•-' Hat, Chp,and Fur Store, N0.'20 North Queen at. • .49"....i.LL ELNDS OF SHIPPING Fuss BOUGHT, .A.Nn IttcatEs - . r CASH RIG CES 'PAM [mar 30;07 MIASHIONABIUE HATTER: flit removed MR Store to No:4 Trott Tang street, Next dooFtp Store; ,• LANCASTER, PAr,' he has Ilttn(tronrr :furry on In en extel :l escalt r e ANURA_QTUItEIOF 'FIATS, &C. Orders may be left, or' sent nt nny time, and satisfaction guaranteed. F have only the hest workmen; and am at all times prepared to supply those who may favor me with call with the REST AND CHEAPEST HATS AND CAPS, _ . of the Latest and Most Fashionable Style. Having had considerable experience in the business, hehopes to meet a generous share of publicpatronage. „April '67-tf.] ". . JOHN GREEN. TI.NCASTEB' y - 'At %ABLE IWORRS, LEWIS HAIRY, Proprietoi . . • • All Personsin-wruit.of anything in.the . Marble line, will be furnished at the very lowest prices. ' Only - the best workmen areteniployWconse gnently;w94nre enqb,le ,to turnout hi a superior. manner ' ••• , - • • ' MONUMEI , ITS, STATUARY, TOMBSTONES, 'OW:A:VENTS, MARBLE MANTLES,,;" • "BUILDING FRONTS,. SILLS, 5, 1 J And Marble Work of every:Aescrlptioli., 'IQ-Orders promptly attended to ."-- LEWIS. IltiLliY: Latticti.sivr City, Pa Ainy4;'o7] : THE'^ ZERO 'REFRIGERATOR:- 7 . • • " • WATER AND WlisrE-COOtIER-COMBINED.. ".' —ls - warranted the bost.mode'yet invented for keepingrnents, fruits, vegetables • millt 4:c in. hot. Weather. • Read : • ' . - "",,Your Zero. Refrigerinor :used' last'year kept nients;'frults;&e.t , requiring a low temperature; perfectly sweet, andthe.cousumptlon office lees than any other Isind,l„ ever ,saw. In short, we *could not now lie induced 145 - do 'without it. AU thatis , neeeksary, to , make ifreery! saleable is a knowledge 'of its merits."--L.' F. ;Wheeler. IGO - William street. , I am muchpleased with your :Refrigerator: It did-us good service lust sunirner."-3lrs. Eras tus .Brooks, Staten Island.‘, • , Too much cannotdbasaid ireits favor. .; In my - estimation, it -decidedly superior le anything% ottlie kind the market: basziven us tlte"best satisfactionvin. every respeet._"-Srud, •L. Baltiwin; - Hutison , City,•24..l. - . Jtkotpe„:"Stprer, oft' CLneinnatli:•_Olidorwrifeti diveliperfectantiminclion: littA'preserved meats,' yettetableicmille.;'and but ter;- during_ the hottest months . our.yariable a.. ~ .*z ;--4, • a • • • 0 ICK-J.'J.'Tlaomriai, - Edltoi•Or theCtfitlvatoriun' Country C.entleman, *112:8: Views'in 're lation to thepreservatlon of meats;'&e.;:byeelgr: arecundoubtedly ,t iV.IIOI.I , 24ALE`X:4II.I2ETAiL,-14 "'!;;':" -1. : ••• - !Surrn — Av - FrrmE.; •" r poWien Thirty. Fifth itrot Thirty-SL:th Streets, ",„Stay Cf ! .;..No7 York. =I 1!=13M3 CASE A= SOPS C0.L773121r. GREAT - REDUCTION 1N PRICES! W. W:,OA.SE .4 SON, HAVE'JUST RECEIVED A VERY LARGE AND GENERAL ASSORT !ENT OP SPRING- AND SUMMER 'GOODS PIIRCHM3ED FOR CASH! CLOT I-I G- , At n : Re'ilnethin on the Int 6 High Figkes, which OLD-FASHIONED GOLD PRICES FOR - SPRING 'AND SUMMERWEAR, 'w.hich they are closing out at PRICES FAR BELOW •COST! Boots anci Shoes ? ,great variety, at a Reduction in Prier - far beloW anything of the liiridOtTt:recrin 113'e town of Columbia. 2 All our goods ' 'are of the l'est Styles, the • .DRESSA-00-DS ! SPRING AND SiDIMER SILKS, IN MOHArItS, Of all kinds Plain and Finley POPLINS, - Of very latest styles S IVOOL DELAINES, ALL griLITIES A: WIDTHS P..R: I S , TN ENDLESS' VARIETY, VIZ . •Amerlean, Meriataeks, Alleir, Pacific, Wamsnita, Caen Cove, • - CprsetJeans, Fine Cambries,- Paper Cambries, Linens, Linen nandkerehief'S . , - nipkins, Threads, Braids, Dress - Trimmings, Tidy Yarns, -Worsteds, hosiery, all kinds, Hoop Skirts, • ' Circulars, • - Silk Sacques, Balmoral's; MOURNING' DRESS G00D,5 GINGHAM 5, ' ' • •„; „ . - -FRENCH • •••= AND SWISS WHITE GOODS, AT VERY Lcw:PßlcEs RINDS of inuNiimiDilLAINES, FOULARDS, , , MANCHESTER, Sc • • SPRING &5.1.14111 ER - • , • , SHAH O,F:faII:INDS: OLOTIES A:SID bAssimErtEs; • , -Fin%Gent's antll4.iflies' Weer 101;ANNELP.:11711171:i.ANTie0L011.Fin. • . • BrONVII: • • • Muslins, Bleached, , • " 'l%l I rfs, . . . • Blue Drills • Pilkiw Casing, • . , Douhle ;Width SHEET INGS, Cotton and Ladies' & Gents' Linen, : Paper Collars, Cuffs,. Neck ~' - Ties, loaney , and Plain, Kid Gloves, White and Colored, of , • all makes, Ready Made,.ll.irts, TICKINGS aII ' GRAMEg, , Boots and Shoes t GLOVE KIX), CZIILI)- •R7:iC:5 SAO] 5. , •• • • CARPETS, - FOR Fl OOR R STAIRS FLOOR Oil. CLOTHS 'WINDOW. CURTAINS- :OF MIRO.II - ANT : I TAILO RIYG :DO §TtLE - 'SIDE THE CITIES AND ALL :A: "*EI LL 'ASSORTMENT CITOICRiOT O'F::GROOERIEs, 1 , • 7•L ' COFFEES,. - - '''SP•ICS, • • " ' • , F.TSI - r; " MOLASSOi; • , • CANNED FRUITS; 'PletixO'*lve uß'ri (4Ul,ili the OI,D . STAND • -, - • . Stnekehefortillitrebastng elswhere... . , -:GRovErt Bikpt's ,;••• -I ) ,,REMICT3I•SEWING: MACHINES: call at the Store and see them Working.-„Sev-. eral ,ktnds'onitand:•• •••• ' • •••3".. 7 '...:11-r , •' 4C: • - e." CASE Sz. - ' SON; lietAs'een ,Frai:).i& Second 5ta.,.,1 *- ' ',CoLtrialqA; ' Pli= Produce, in exchange for Goode. - . - =NM 11=2=1 they are now offering at Aiso, A FINE SToric or B};tin sY-1LA1)r; TArgestAssortment, and the Cheap est ever offer- ett to the public. EVERY ALPACAS, SPRA.GUES * Pink, - .Purple, IMEEIRMI ALSO, , . cAI~YET, ALL KUNDS`-&c. . ;X•c:' 'PITTING winitRA.NTEb.. CONSTS'fING =I INSTIRA_ATCW CO.W . 4:7qTLF, 051aFgiffriST - .417 - 60. :777 JANTJAItir— 1 st, :1867; CAPITAL AND ASSETF,4:,''.- TIiIR Company continues to insure Buildings, 3lereharulize,, nmi other property, egainst loss mut damage by fire, on the mutual plan, either forpi rash premintn,.or premium note... , • SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT. , Whole frmount insured,- f,512.178,426 83. .:" Less ain't expired in 'GO, 722,771 31 ' $11,755,645 15 . ' ' CAPITAL AND INCOME.-"" - . _ ' Amount of premiuM notes, - , .. Jan. 1,1866 $:685,123 27 , Less premium notes, exp'd _' ' '• -- In 1860 . 71,968 01 - .. . • .. Balance of premiums, .fan'k 1;1860 ' - - 6,609.15 Cash receipts, less commissions, in 'O6, 57,016- 16 Loans " 9,100 00 Due from agents and others ' -8,001'36 CONTRA Losses and expensei paid $73,024 31 Losses adjusted, not due Jan.,l, 1 . 7, 21413, SS ,Balance Capital and Assets, Jan. 1 . 'Or 600,e27 91 4 694 850 10 • • A. ".S. GREEN, President. GEORGE You a; Jr., Secretary. , MICHAEL S. SHUMAN, Treaurer. • , : ORECTOPS:'. 2 - R. T. RYan, - •,= • John W. Steatiy,' - John Fendrl'eb,. George 1'61114J H.'o, Match, ." ' Nicholas M*Donahl,' 'Samuel F. Eberleht, WllliaMPatton. Amos. S. Green; John B. Bachman, '— .1-11ranyWilson, , Robert. Crane., - - . • - - ,may_11;1800. TNSITHAN,OI 4 .I 'COMPANY of, NORTH IL AMERICA, • " PHILADELPHIA. • Incorporated 17i1. Assets,, $1,3.50,000. Charter perpetual. Insurance against loss or damage by tire on Buildings, Merehandizo, Furniture, .te., for long ,or short periods, or permanently. on Buildings, by a depositor Premin in.' 'rite prompt payment of .losses Tor a period of smvEN'ry years, WWl*: a guarantee of claim upon public conti donee. • ' An nu G. COFFIN', PICS!t. OnAlux-s PLATT, Seey. , • ~ F . X. YITEGLER, Agent, P - Walnut Street, above .-Front, Columbia, a. January 21,,156G-Iy. ~ • , • 111 E . EQUITABLE LATE 'ASSUR.- 1. AlsltlE SOCIETY ofAIie . UNITED STATES, Offers Inducements to those proposing Co assure, which are believed to be unequaled. Annual CaSh Divide - lids. "All the Profits l~ieided pro rata, anoug ,the Assured ORGANIZED JULY, 18.10. , . Accumulated Fund, over ' - 0 . 000,000 Annual Income, over —' 01,200,000 IN - 3L C. .ALEXANDER, Pres't. H. B. HYDE., Vice-President. , , . 0. W. Purr,trs, Actuary. Oflice-92 Broadway; New York. For further particulars, umly to , •, • W. G. PATTON, Agent, June 0, 1860.)- , 1 . . • • Columbia,' Pa. TIAIIjd.ERS'-311.TTLTAL FIRE'IN - SUR: i: - ANcE - comriticy,: . • ', YORK, PA., APRIL - Ist, 1860. Accumulated Capital ~. ...1;5 728 SO ,This Company continues to issue Policies of, Insurance on Buildings or Personal Property. in town or country, at C'ASH,'or MUTUAL RATES. - 11. KRABER, President. ' D gritICKLER, Secretary. .. - . DIRECTOItS: ' H. Kraber,, Thomas Gray, Eli IC, indig John Landes, Wm. Wallace, George .D..Ehert,' David Strickler.- Application's for insurance Will ne made to M. S. SHUMAN .. July 7,18 W-1.1. , 7 . columblu. . (1111ARD FIDE AND MARINE-IN SURANCE COMPANY; - OF PITILADELPHIA. Capital 5 0 00,000 I Securities •::100,000 This Company coat tunes to take risks on good property, at rates as Jow AS any other safe Com pany and consistent with prudence. Policies issued for long it short terms, or per manently. 'Losses promptly - paid. All elalms ndjnsterl without litigation or delay. This Com pany refers to the past as a guarantee of its future conc - let ts- - • - . . THOS. °RAVEN,. Pres't. A. S. Git,Lorr, Vice-President. JA.s. B. ALVORD, Secretary. " , •. F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, P Walnut. Sheet, above Front, Colombia, n: January 21,1865-Iy. . •- nOME • INSITE ANC E "COMPANY' 'OF NEW YORK. ''.- - , . . OFFICE—No. 18. i Broad wn3 , . , Cash °Capital ' ' ' ' $27/00,000 WI Assets, Ist January,lB67 • • 3,915,381+ 67 Liabilities 267,934 ai 'CHAS. J. MARTIN, Pres't. -A. F. WILLNIARTH, Vice-Pre:et. , -,,,. , .Toux McGEE, Secretary. J. H. WAsitntsux, Ass't Secretary. ". - . " • D..A. HEALD, General Agent. . • . .., Total loss by Portland Fire, $112,011 -12-;-rill paid before July 1811 • • ,•• ." ' :.- ',-•-• •: ~ ,A.,J.,ICAUFFMAiN, Agent Cdlumbia, Pa. 800 - TS' A2VD SHOES.- , ADIVS,., - SHOE - INIA.NUFACTORY. ereased facilities for tinning lte out Nuperlor -w Increased I would announce, to my, old customers and all new ones that may favor me with a call; that am better prepared now to manufacture all kinds of , • • - , , LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S spqps AND G2I:ITERS, , • that ever before. I employ none, hot the best workmen mid am'always certain of giving satis faction. I iteep on liana a general assortment of ready made 'work all of which. Is manufactured on the premises. .I keep no made-up work. of other parties. My, work is inadenxelusively fOr home trade and is sold as such. TEI • -• - - We sell :IS cheap Its any- other establLsbment, and a:4:n share - or patrannge. ' • —' • - JAMES SCHROEDER, .I".,ocut, Street, between Front and Second. TTOME - MANUFACTURE: - - The Subscriber hac on hand a large Stock of Boots nasal SJ l oes, all of his own Manntxteturt;. ' ' Call at his Store, four doors above R. Williams' Drag• Store, Front Street, where he ollbrs an ex tensive assortment of Goods, either WHOLESALE 'OH 'RETAIL. Ills stock conSiSts of as" large'inni general UN- - sortment. oTMen's.Boys' Ladles' and Children's BOOTS SHOES, itl4 can he found elsewhere In the Town Those requirhoz Boots and Shoes, will thud It to their advantage to call- amt examine his Stock, before purchasing elsewhere. • .. May 211,-tf] SAMUEL GROVE • • • `.PHOTOGRAP • Tir•S 11-E - • •• - PHOTOGRAPIIP.II, •• , ; COLUMBIA, , PA., Bep , leave to` I nfOriti - the - . CitizenS of - Columbia and vicinity,4lint he has 'taken and. re.litted the , rooms formerly occupied by,Lesher, & Williatns e - on Front street. above Locust, "where he is pre pared.to take Photographs inalrstyles. i - • ' Particular attention paid to making LARGE PHOTOGRAPHS, • CARTE-DE-VISIT ES; ' ' ' IVORIN.".CYPES;-`•- • ' , • - ' • , • ~...kMBROTYIES., &C. Also, Copying and Ilnlarging of Small Pictures, Pictures Colored in Oil Or Water, Colors, in a "4 style superior to any taken in this coon . , mut equal to any In _the, „ Particular attentron pull to taking PleUires o't Children.' -Pictures • taken in - cloudy as' well ,as in clear -weather. Orders for Pictures • , froni Nd Negatives' promptly tilled. • Call at the - Rooms, and examine his large col lection of,speeimens. H. C. LESTIFII, PhOtographer. N.' 13.—.11e hopes by strict attention to business, desire and a to please. to merit a liberal share of patrona‘;e: • • teolumbin;tt pr. • y 013 , 1 i LIKENESS. ":, LITTLE - Stil 1 - contintteg 6', take ' PHOTOG It APIIS. = FE.RIZOTYPEs, AhOt RO'ITIPES =MMM2=MMMM At his oh! Mond, on,Loenst Street, atbove Front, - • • ' (•01 - ATNTIL4, 'PA: - ; • LITTLE.' has Anl l. an,'experienee of se oral years at this business, and his pictures are canal tO the best that eanhelutd in'any Pity, and' owing to his splendid sky-light, and, goodinstruments, far superior to those generally - taken in the eon try. ' f, - you wish a good and correct' piet two, you may depend upon getting it at Little's.. His Pie tures'iue great favorites with those Who 'have' obtainedthem.- Priees'as Lois, as the lowest.", ,;Don't forget Alle_place—Locust Street, above Front; Cohimbin; . ' Lmar.lB(7.. , t: —IRON &