Vjt arilandia gpii. Columbia, Pa. Saturday, May 18, 18GT. COMMCNIVATIONS, ietterS, contributions, generally of merit and Interest to the reader, will ho acceptable corn friends from all quarters. TO ADVERTISERS PERSONS who wish their advertisements to reach the greatest number of persons, will do well to avail themselves of the superior inducements offered through the colonies of the COLUMBIA. Stir. It posses es large advantage over any oilier newspaper; its average weekly circulation being more than thirty per cent. greater than any other paper published in this vicinity, and promises to be more than one hundred per cent. greater, in less than six months.— In addition to this, the patrons of the Stir are of the class that advertisers wish to reach—liberal minded, and intelligent people, thereby making it the most 'lesiva:de medium for all classes of advertisers. This fart should have a great weight with advertisers. TO CORRESPONDENTS J. n.—Received. K.—Your head is perfectly level, brother Kimball. Explanation satisfactory. J. E. M.—Thank you Jennie. Paper and receipt goes by this mall. R. Lk: Co.—We cannot accept your torms— we will not deviate from our regular rules or terms, for advertising. M. T. C.—Yours received. We think the enterprise would hardly pay you. If you need our service, command us. D. S. P.—Subscriptions received. If you can do better, qo muca the more to your advan tage—ours ditto. We will publish a portion of the article. Jos. D.—We cannot comply with your ro que“—better take the four subscriptions your- You can probably dispose of them. Let us hear from you again. LOCAL D _E` PAR T_LEiVI. A GOLD SramvE Burros LosT.—The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at this office. • ASS I STANT Ass EiSO It.— We are glad to learn that our friend, W. U. Hess, has been appointed one of the U. S. Assistant Assessors, of this 91 Ii Collection District. GAS.—The Columbia Gas Company are about to repair their gasometer, conse quently our citizens will be without gas for about two weeks. Tallow candles and coal oil will IJe in demand. LAYING Low.--As the servant girl at Mr. John Q. Denney's, on Locust street, went to her room on Monday evening last, for the purpose of retiring, she discovered a man lying under her bed partly covered over with carpet. Mr. Denney being ab sent, she immediately went down stairs and gave the alarm of "burglar," but before any of the sterner sex could be found, the fellow "smelled a mice" and tied. TILE CILLCITS.—ACCurdiIIg to announce ment, Whitbey trz Co's consolidated shows exhibited in this place, on Thursday last. The day was very favorable, and they had immense audiences. A large number or country tblks Were in town during the day, who came hillier to "see the elephant that didn't die on the pike." Gardiner's great combination troupe have their bills up, announcing an exhibition, in this place, on Wednesday the 22nd inst. PERsONAL—We had the pleasure, on Tixursatty last, of meeting our handsome young friend, John Slack, formerly of this place, and now Ist Asst. Engineer on hoard the U. S. Iron Clad Steamer Mackinaw. He has recently returned from a cruise in the West Indias, and reports a delight ful trip. no is looking admirably, and every evidence is presented that. seafaring hint Sl•.t is now uNvaiiing or ders, and thinks their next voyage will be to Europe. UNCLAIMED LETTERS.—List of letters remaining unclaimed, in the Coln m bit: Post Office, up to this date: Ladies' Idst.—Miss Amanda Arms, Mis. 4 Elis Davis, Miss July Ann Howard, Miss Lizzie Kichler, Miss Anna Lindenberger, Miss Carrie - 211ylin, Margaret Smith, Mrs. Murk- A. Shortledge, Mrs. .Jane Richard son. Gentlemen's List.—John O'Brien, James Cadie, George Dandridge, G. B. Hamilton, Daniel Heilman, Isaac toehold, G. 13. tom don, Frederick Stoner, Isaac Sigfrit, P. R. Thorne, Henry Wilson, James 11. Wynn, 2, Janes Moore, John Mals, Joseph :McCain. SCULLING MATOIL—Thou or our citi zens who happened to be near the river shore on Tuesday morning last, had the pietist/real - witme a very //envy sculling match betweou Johnny Waterhouse and a Mr. "Ent." We were told by Mr. .1. 3. Gault, who witnessed the "race," that it was very exciting, as well as comical. P.M. "Johnny" being a very superior oars- Mall come oat victorious—capta.red his an tagonist, took him to his house where the cuckoo does not sing; but where Mr. "Ent" umy be Aeon at all times. Ile desires his. friends to call and see hint; he wilt treat you to Franks foaming Lager Leer. DO 2.;'1.' 1:012G ET.--Dun't for! , et the first grand hop of the season, to be held in Ifeise's woods, on Saturday the "sth inst., for the benefit of the Vigilant Fire Company. All t lte necessary arrangements are being made, by the gentlemen composing tliccommittee, to make the occasion one that will "leave in the shade" all other nilbirs of the kind ever held in this vicinity. This company is indeed worthy of uncouragetment, and we bespeak for all who may favor them with their presence, a merry tine. The best musicians in the County have been en gaged. An excursion train will be run, to and front the grounds, on the Reading Columbia Railroad. ACCIDENTLY Klbbim.---On Tuesday morning last, Dennis Flinn, boss blaster of a gang of workmen, employed by the Pennsylvania Rail Road Co.. ill blasting rock, below St. Charles litrnaee. was acci dently killed, I was blasting at the time the accident occurred, and it is supposed he thought tho fuse went out, and in attempt ing to the same, it exploded, blowing him a distance of fourteen feet across three railroad tracks, mangling his head in a shocking maner. He expired in about twenty - UV() 111.11:1;iC4, lie v, resident a Lancaster city, and leaves a wife and three small children, NVIIO were wholly dependent upon him for sup- El REA DI Nil SZ COLUMBIA RAI Ltto_th.—Mr. 0. F. Gage, the accommodating, and gen tlemanly Superintendent of the Reading and Columbia ilailroad, advertises that Pic-nia Parties, Sunday Schools, and As sociations of all kinds will be carried over this road at excursion vanes, either by regu lar or extra trains. The "Reading nod Columbia" is be- Nailing more and more popular with the traveling public, and Superintendent Gage is determined to have it equipped in the best manner. Several new and elegant passenger cars have just been put on. They were built at the shops of the Philadelphia and Reading Road, at Reading, Pu. They are elegantly and substantially made, the decorations are elaborate; indeed, the whole Workmanship reflects credit to all engaged in the construction of these beautiful cars. They are a great addition to the rolling stock of the road, which is second to no other running out of Columbia. Now, with powerful engines, duo cars and gentleman ly conductors, little or nothing is wanting to make the Reading and Columbia Rail road ono of the best paying roadt, in the comary. BRuNEa, at his store on Front street above Locust, has just received another lot of those handsome dress goods, boots, shoes, at cheaper rates than ever. Callan d see for yourselv es. FANCYS TAT N ERY.—W. U. Hess has just received from Now York a -rieh and beautiful assortment of Fancy Stationery, perfumed. paper and envelopes, new styles. All kinds of hooks used in our common schools, titio blank to iks at all kinds, note and letter paper by the ream, sold at re duced rates ; also a large stock of envelopes. NOT MITCII Or A "QUERY."—If Fon dersmith's expenses are one-half less than his neighbor's, and his "no-practical Tai lor" (as our neighbors call him) can turn out better jobs and bettor ills, than their $lOOO "First class Cutter," it does follow, that be can make up clothing 20 per cen tum cheaper than his neighbors. Any body hurt? 'ANYBODY HURT ?"—lt looks very much that way. If a, blacksmith can make a locomotive better than a tirst-rate machin ist ; if a sign-painter can produce a beauti ful landscape, better than an artist of su perior talent; then we will agree that astore keeper can " turn out better jobs (whatever that means) ;and better tits" than our first class cutter, who is educated to the business, and who pp—on:llly superintends the manu facture of alt clothing made for our custom ers. "If the sky should fall, we will catch larks," is an old saying. We are glad to announce to our friends that our clothing department has proved an entire success, and that our business is so rapidly increasing, that we expect soon to employ another first-class cutter, and that we are always ready to incur any expense, however large, when we can obtain a fair return by a corresponding increase of trade. New Cloths, Now Cassimeres, New Trim mings and Now Styles, ready this week at HALDEMAN'S. LT Its FOit llFFnornontA—lN FALL' It LE REntniz.—The following was sent to us for publication, and we can vouch for its au thenticity : DEAR Syr.:—The effects resulting from the bite of a rabid animal are so inconceivably heart-rending, that the writer deems it but an act of justice to make the subjoined re medy public, for the benefit of the unfor tunate, hereafter. Within the past two weeks there have been several cases of hy drophobia of the most distressing character, in different parts of the county. Every individual in the community, therefore, should procure :mil preserve a copy of the following cure, so that in case of an emer gency, he might avail himself of its benefi cial tendency. Win. Holfner, Esq., of Passyunk, the gentleman from whom the writer obtained this invaluable receipt, states that lie has known several instances of men and animals who have been bitten in the severest manner by mad dogs, but who, having taken this remedy, never ex perienced :my effect whatever of the di sease: Take or the root of Ibitcompane one ounce and a half. cut It 11110, then boil it in one pint of new milk down to a half pint; take this three moni tion:, fie:tine:, and eat no and till 1 o'clock in the alln e n should be taken every other morn ing; the two last doses must weigh two ounces each. This remedy will have the desired effct, if taken at any time within tiecntylino hours after the occident. The pros.; generally, by giving the above receipt at conspicuous insertiou, will ad vance the cause of humanity. Oityir.t.: , ts' CoNcERT.—A concert by the soldiers' Orphans, the Mount Joy school, will take plac e i e Odd F e ll ows , Hall, on next Thursday evenin.r. The ob ject of the concert is to raise funds to pro cure a library for the school. We hope our citizens will liberally encourage this noble project. These; children, it must he remem bered, are the reprei.entatives of Pennsyl vania's noble heroes who sacrificed their lives in defence of their countiy. In con sideration of the loss sustained by these children, no one should hesitate in going to see and hear them. None other than hard hearts can avoid sympathizing with these fatherless little ones, when they re flect, upon the time when so many homes were made desolate in response to our coun try's call. They will parade througli part of the town on Thursday afteraoon, :oltl pay a visit to the Public School, in Cherry street., itbout 3 o'clock, where the patrons 111111 oth ers are invited upon the °evasion. As Ain• orphans have no place of entertainment Mr the night, We, ..tig,gest, that, the citizens, as many :Is elm, send ill proposals to Mr. Hiram Wilson and to Newpher,Pritt eipal of the Publie Schools, for as many of either sex as they Lan accommodate. So:no may take one or two, while others can take more, and thus, places may be secured for all; and we know that all who entertain these little folks will be highly pleased with them, us this has been the case wherever they have visited. They had a concert last Tuesday at Marietta, where they :net with a cordial reception, cud were hospitably en tertained. The citizens of that plitee ex press them.felve.; highly plea‘fed with these orphan children, and were glad for the privilege of enterlailiiiiq thaw, and Spen in tha most. flattering teens of their deport ment. Lot C.flutubia show her liberality to Pennsylvania's soldiers' orphans, as she did t., her soldiers. Tickets can he had at W. U. tress' Book Store and at Meyers' Drug Store. Admission 25 cents. Tituon have liven so 111.1111' different prepara tions brought I,fore 1 lie puhlie, whieli, by exten (-iv,. (Ind flaming adverti , ements and posterstind paint, seat t all over the country, (lave ((need their way into temporary - notoriety, until 'Time, irliteh tries all things, has proved their utter worths essays. that it is realty not to Is, WOreter -1,1 at that the people are suspicious 01 eVeryt Iritat. intalleity in every lir:melt of business, In public and private alfairs, tit tier in every wall:. 01 Ine, has boom( so much the rule that truth may be ternmil a tare exception. In 110 hlsialire is this state of things more painfully manifest than in the tra(le of Patent .Nledmines, in which catalogue we lin(' hmulrists of preparations which, will' every ingeitheti putt' and bang columns of adver tisements lit the newspapers 01 flat (lay, panel, themselves as certain. sure, and infallible reme dies in every form and variety of diseases. Some of them. indeed most of them are :wean ipanied with testinomistls portioning to come Irmo per son, WhO have been cured by these preparations. This is calculated to win. the emitalence of the thousands of invalids throughout the country. who weakened by suffering (Ind de , palring iii human. aid are like drowning men, greedy to grasp :it straws in the hope 01 buoying theinseli - es up on the current of life's tide. • They Ily Mont One renledy to another. reeelVing it may possibly be frOlll strOna hope whieli never leaves Its While life ta-te, some temporary lament with each change of nusliehm but Mating expec tations not realized, gradually lose all Moth' and eventually mid despair to their:dry:l(ly torturing maladies. This is no fancy sketch, hut sober, solid earnest—the case Of handrettS in our midst. who, hieing so olten deceived, possess nu mope of recovery and cunt( hate to drag On a Weary eXie tettee, until the Irtint of terrors prayed tor atilt WVletahed not as it blissful means of re-union or the still with th,..mnoc. ,, T, but as a Inealls of es cape hem clue horrors of a living death. The; distressing state of !Mini might be avoided, did instil' only exercise the s.O ur, degteeol caution in matters onicerning their physical well being. that they do in their business allitirs.and iu+l ice! of trusting Chid r lives to the untried protestat ions of every empyrie or quad:, whose preparations are brought to their notiee tirst as ta talent lima nes'i inch Wiecrbdn liy tactual irtVestigittiou, ihitt they are really entitled to oredit. are led to these reflection, by an incident which was men tomsl to he by Warwick. (4731 Witinu: Street, Philadelphia. who tuts a trivial who has been a stgliirer 10r many months, and who has been undergoing medical treatment front 11011111 of the illost eminent, physicians Whose strikes could De procured. :Money being, no iilkieet, ui this cas . e when cOlnharCat With 1..1001010 expense Was spared. Yet, in spite of all, the disease still held Its ground against all remethes that Were brought to bear wt ir. Many preparations' were ifrontdit to his notice by his friends, but were laid aside, its hopeless, but one eireti tar bore on its faced peculiarity t h at Possibly might have e..ettited any but the vigilant eye of one who eagerly sought relief froth an ins readout horrible deal h. This was that nearly all of the many testimonials contatned In the cir cular purported to enmilate from persons %rho retdtied hi the saute city anti nelghborlaXid whore the Medicine Wa', prepared. 'tills was a nese Ma ture, but still desirous of avoiding disappoint ment he determined to obtain more positive evi dence as to their gentiMettess. Ito therefore re quested his friend Mr. Wartnel: to go to Lancas ter and amprlifin if there really were such per sons living there, anti whether their statements were as represented in the circular. Mr. Warwick accordingly visited Lancaster in eninpany with Mr. Jones, or on Union street, and Mr. T I'. Strong, editor of the Meeha,lic of Plata delph.ia, and exnerieneet I 110 dlalettlty In finding the persons designated, when haying proved the correctness of the statements they Lulled on Dr. Mishier the proprietor, and Imukty Stated to him the doubts previously entertained. Dr. Mishler expressed himself well pleased that the invesd &fawn had been made, and said that he courted investigation in the ease of every certificate which he published. He also accompanied the gelato:nen to.the resi dence of several ethers wiOl hail been cured by the use of its remedy, and whose statements have never been published. Among others he tailed on Chits. lt. Frailey. Esq., Alderman of this City, 'rho had been afflicted with cancer of the nose •, Miss B, Sharp, a similar case, but more aggravated. as not only the nose, but also the palate and lip had been eaten pray. Mrs. Mary Sawvillt, another bail ease of Cancer; Mrs. Schatubergor, Scrofula; and many others, em bracing almost every variety and fonts of disease, even Cholera itself, had beets deprived of Its vic tims as In the case of Mr. Philip Stoner, and a German family named Schmidt, who had been attacked by this dread disease on their voyage to this country, and were detained in consequence, for weeks in the Harbor of New York. (Their friends in Lancaster forwarded the hitters to them at New York). Mr. 'Warwick says be could not have believed it possible to have collected such a mass of testi mony, and in consequence thereof made such re port to his friend as to induce hint to give the preparation a trial. lie has done so and we are informed is now on IL fair road to recovery. lie expresses Ills entire confidence in the virtue mid efficacy of .Mishler's Herb 'Bitters, and says it is not only the only medicine that has ever done him any good, but the roily one that he has yet found which has withstood the light of investi gation. His advice to the afflicted is try it. 't Marriages. ciT Deaths and Marriages nre published in this paper tithout charge. When accompanied by commen taries, whether prose or poetry, live cents per line will be charged. Funeral notices ten cents per line payable in 1111Valle°. -- - - -—-- - - - On Tuesday, May llth, by -M. Clark, Esq., Mr. ILcsar SNrn: it to ItEnEcc.t - Wurrr.i.k, both of Itapho Township. On Tuesday, May 11111, by Samuel Evans, Esq., Mr. .Lon >: 11.1LEY, of Columbia, to EmmA. V. Ilona, of York, Ea. On Sunday, May 12th, by the Rev. Win. H. Steck, Mr. Paiminticx C. S.Nyinat, of Philadel phia, to Miss C. 21.11bwitun, of Columbia. On Wednesday, May 11th, be the stun°, Mr. 3.2AnnY S. Itmc,a, of I?ltikutelphirt, to Miss I Inisi,mY, of Columbia. With the above notice we recciveda portion of the elegant wedding cake; for which mark of respect the happy couple Nwill accept our thanks and congra:ulatlons, Our best wishes for a long life unclouded by sorrow, and all the Joys and pleasures that fall to the lot of mortals. r ., BALTIMORE MARKETS. Reported weekly by Clarke & Traseott, Coin. mission Merchants, No. 61 South Gay Street. HALT/MORE, May Nth, IS;7, FLOUR, NVe•tt ern Extra " 5uper...... ... noward Street Extra " Super EIBEII CouN—Prime 10@1 1:1 " Yellow, "....... ..... . 1 09arl 12 ll'e.stern 'Mixed? bus ...... 1 0201 01 z E..kr —ll.l 3 4013 55 - REFINED SUGAIIS. Crushed 6,13 , 1 A White, 11 1 „,," B lb 6-11 C Yellow rrib 1 . 0 10 WS of lower grade 1." L•l'_', •.i uY ICU IN hI.VaUiIS. Golden Syrup 7.5 ete. Extra i, In half bids. and in kegs We. additional. No charge for Parltuge,. Fetm—lt um fair to prime, 101,:;(7r18y,; ordinary to good, Pkii; lifit4.; choice Lagtutyra, tat' IU; Java, et , ;., net easll in Gold. Columbia Flour and Grain :Pita rket Reported weekly for the "spy," by George Bogle. COIX3I - 10.1, ...NI:1y ISth, ISM', Family flour, (white wheat), ' , .16 00 Extra family flour 11 50 Sapertlne flour 12 09 Rye flour, (001 w) White Wheat li Im , hel. 1 15 Red Wheat 2 S 5 Rye 1 10 Corn 1 05 Oat,, 32 Ile: a 0 Columbia Produce 'Market. Corx3EBIA, May 15th, 18137. Potatoes, " per dozen 1.16/,‘, ls Butter, per It, Chiekcns, pair 7:V, IZi Lard, It. 1-10, It; Sids, Tallow Country soar Colutatabia Lumnber Maricet. Reported for the "Columbia Spy," b}• Bactunan Ste , piellantin Pinning Mills, Front St reel. Col.l:3l.nrA, May 111111, 1407. White Pine Culling., or ,:nople. (lON IS 5) •• •• 3.1 Common :21 00(r/.2) " " 2.1 Common .10 Oil •• " 1,1 C0M1114,21 . 00 1506.1 011 " 011 " Joist and Setmtliim ...... 30 00 and St-ant lin , IS 00a/20 00 Ash oak PI 1/11 , 0.,15 OU fooring Boards 008110 00 Cherry 15 00 'Walnut Plank Picket. Ik•nQi,l.. Plasttni tht Lath.. Shingle:, 26 inch Bullet] Rooting Lath Columbia Coal Market. Reported weekly for th I, paper, by Bruner ...ti Moore, Whole,ale and Retail. Dealers iii Coal. Colic:m:lA, Ma' let h, .1867. Baltimore CO. Lump Coal, deli'. ered , :610 " Not,', & :, ••5 75 NO. 4, ...... 1 .10 No ..1, • I 7 Sbantokin Egg and :.. I ,tove " 1 2.5 '' '' Nutt, 1 :10 " Red ..1. , ..b, " I .50 Lvlzoin, Val loy Stlove 4nd Egg " " 13 Od " Nutt, 1 00 :,. Tullio - sbwe .5.-.. egg, by car , ttro,, .3 5I Shamoken broken egu: WM stare ...... ..... I al " Nall, ~ ill 101:en, Valley, :Cult, I 51 .. stove and egg, 5 .51 NE TV ADVER,TISEMENTS . P 'l' 'l' 0 N coRNER. sEcoND AND LOCL'sZT STREETS, COL L 731131.1, PENN 'A., lE= SPII L'ci - ; AND SUMMER GOODS! DUX tiOODS, GROCEIZIEC, QTTEENSWARE, hosiery, Gloves, Tin• attention of the f.ediea . t,oevinlly in Vited to a ‘111(..11,11,1 a,bortlaent of DRESS GOODS, or ttwl,i,, , t desirable styles sad falwies, and. :al I Iv. eltie, of t hi. Scam al. LAN ES 1 , 1:11NiSIIINi; GOODs Hoop sKIHT.-:, 11.11.:1101ZAL =I GOODS, Cambric:. Plain and. Calain Sitirlimt (201:brics,Plain,Striped, Plaid and Dotted Vr,n,ll :\lll , l:ll,Tnyb-tm,, qmi t Edglng, and In- Bilwa Hanilkerclxion., Cdliars, Sr. , &v. GENTLEMEN S1101:1,1) NOTICP A 0 3 .14 c ,el4..eli,itt of CLOTHS. CASSL‘i E RES & FURNISHING GOODS. I=l exantinalion of Illy Stole is whi e r, rniuwt riot to ronvin eauc one that 11114 i 4 tho plat, 't•o 1:1_71" (:OODS NOT BE 1.7NDEI:10LI). .;ENVI\I; N_\ CHINES Wjj-StIN, C:11:11,1, EL1.1.1.11C & HOWE, Salt` alta to itt•llt. NV:t1 . 1 . :t111.1 , 1 to give entire stith,fitetion. It - t...seetind hand (iitt.) VElt. at 13.111i11t CHASES, In good order, turni,lied when desired, at ithout halt prtee, rATTox. Cur. Senunti and I.csat,t tits., Columba', Pa ESOMtil TRY ERA LE Y'S FINE DRESS BooTs, Loetea• SE., near Second, \T L' If ETS. The i,e.,t chenpost Ln• tile euir..unL.l: tu;utulat•tut•t•tl ln .lli\KINS C. TONt fthiattlitt!4. Lathing. Claw awl Broad, i o.r the best east-steel and warrant ea as :mod. ea bet ter than any other.; nr.ele 111 the 'Cutt..d. Stale., met ...oft{ at htaelt lower prive... ths..ll. ally at her really Ilr-t-time lattehett.. They :tie tem pered by tole I,l * the :ilia, .1. TONGUE... tele, po.se..Nes a pe.atliar taeulty that hlittla 1, ealtnL STEI2I, ON TILE: 131t.11N, Whhiti has given his tor)1, a _;ro•at e..letwity itt these part,. TUX TIJI I. \u...,••; awl 35 Richmond Si ; tic redear, up. Third s:wet, ero:, lime the works. 1 - )IADING AND CUM:MI.IIA. 11.11 t. no.a) prep:(red to carry eith,r tegalac or oxtra,Tralas,t , andN:Scrlalls, or -Callers' . orally 'that (01.110,1111, an this Hoag at Itetlucerl lutt tIEO. t; .I•lay it J 714" T. On Front 5tr.n...., wilVedne,l; ,- evenitn; la.n, a Lath—. Sleeve lint ton and Can: Thu under will be rkv,arded by ienVl»g It uL t his °Mee. May IS, lb NOTICE To GAS CONSUN EL:S OF COLUMBIA. The Columbia. Go. Company are compelled, early-1n June next, to repair their Gas-Holder, and will thereby be prevented from supplying gas for at least ten days, utter they commence, Consumers are, therefore, requested to supply themselves with the meam; of lighting their ltuttses during that period. itonERT BEACH.% Mny Superintendent. riIRY" FRA.LEY'S FINE DRESS BOOTS, Locust St., near Second, Columbia, P. DIVIDEND. The lit and of Directors of the 1: - 4.UPPMAN /LtON COMPANY have this day declared a DiVt. dead of 20 per cent, on the Capital :Stock of the Company, out Of the earnings of the Company for the past year, payable on demand. M. M. STRICKLER, May IS-30 Tretenirer. _AT E W LLD YE liall S_E JLE IST ESC SPRING & SUMMER 1867 DRESS GOODS, New York Novelties, GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES PLAIN WHITE MOHAIRS, CASSDIERES & MI?dtINOS, SLURRED & TUCKED AIUSLINS. &c .ITTRACTIONS 6: NEW INDUCEMENTS ..N. 1 12 500223 coo . 500' 1:.! 00 . 13 oorif.l I 00 11 :Joe 1:: 30 CLOTHS & CASSI3LERE S IN TIIE LAMEST NEW YORK STYLE 20 Per Cent. LeNs in Price than our neigh hors, and gnu rrnn teed to give •athAttetion in every Way. CA RPETI NO S Oar large and increasing sale. In these Cloads Is evidence that the Goods are good, an, Prices right. CI •MUSLI:s.ZS .AND CACICOES, The. best if..) cent, PRINT STUFFS hi Columbia. BOYS' GOODS of all grades and A Full Stock of QUEEN 11 15 10(7 13 12, 15 In Ten, Daily arrival "f Thirgainc at FONDEIZSMITIVK Black Silk, Corded Silks, Fancy Silks, and Stunnter Silks, at FONDERSMITIFS. 2.5 01K. 1.5 00 S-10 7-5 1)0(6 90 OD . . 12 OUL IS 00 ..... :1 00 .. .. 10 00), (X ) 00 S 00@,111 ...... 00 PARASOLS AND SUN SHADES ! NVNI - 00011 S, 'Nelt . be,t malice and hrwc,t Prices, 1 - tt, FO).:I)ERSMITICS. WALL PAPERS WINDOW SHADES, Largest Stock, Newest Styles, and lowest rp T R Y FINE DRESS BOOTS, Locust Si., near Second, CoLunt bit), Pa. 'STEW STORE : THE.: UNDERSIGNED has opened a Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing, Store, lit the Roan ad joining the Po-,t °ince, «•here everything will he found, required for Ladles' or Gents. variety of Dri,s, told !'l a nk But tuns, 11l great V Lro i The Late,t for Spring Wvar, Imber 211111 (Ty,tal TrimmlngS, and or, 1311telz f'olored Itibiin,,:tud Bening. A. LitTge re,oriinent of ladle,' Nti , ,e, and Children', 110:4!ETIY,—,tiltable for Spring and St - Milner Wear. Embroidered Collars and enIN, Hem Stitched and Linen IYandkercitlefs, And tt, intg variety "r ullu•r ;;nod, La<11,.., Tim:department. ,01,1,,ts or a gr, variety crt Gent,' (tooklq, Late-d Styles CraN ats and Tie,, Pagano, lienriella, Sc., 0:c. HoNiery of all ninag and price, Liner Conan: and Cult-, L'ap•r• Collars and Cult,, Shirts, and Shirt Front , Underwear in great variety, Suspenders Ltze., Ce .- - 1/.‘,lllllTSlantle to order nntl Warranto.l to II t. Apt 6:1,71y] GARDEN SEEDS ! Buy them at MEYERS' Family Medicine Store, [April a, 1867, A UENTS WANTED GREELEY'S: tiIt:TORY COMPLETE. Extraordinary Opportunity Thi s Hi s tory eontains accounts of ithout One Hundred Battles not generally intuit In the earlier works on the Rebellion, even in those most widely circulated. Now that GICEEIA:X'S IrifOßY Is emnpleted, its popularity Is ;venter than ever before, and sells with a rapidity which makes it the most valunble work tor Canviceiers cv. r published. Add 1 . e..% CASE & 170_ Publfshers. April 14 '57.1 Hartford, Connecticut. Columbia, Pa EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Sobs t-rtweeny, late of West 1 letup held township, deceased. Letters tesnummtary on said estate haring been granted to the undersigned, all pc' sons In debt•d thereto are I equested to make 1111.111Cdillto settlement, and those Intelng claims or 41enatilds against the same wilt present, them without de lay for settlement to the undersigned, residing in said township. J. 11. MIFFLIN. April, 11-6t] Executor. F RESH (.1 :1.111 %EN EPS. At .. . A . .1% EEYEILS' Drug Store, opr. '67.,1 odd l'ellowN' Stall A FS' ['UNABLE .Jull'S N. OREES, Has realove,l Ilk Stun• to No. I East liing.treet Where he has titled up rooms to carry on in an extensive scale, the HANIT VAUTLIt E OF !J TS. &C. Order:; tiny he left, or sent at MIN' time, and cot tadhction guaranteed. I have only the Is' t. lvorkmen, and am at all tim es prepa red to supply those who tarty favor toe with a call with the LEST AND CIIEAI'EST HATS .VND CADS, of the Latest and lutist Having had considerable experience in the business, he hopes to meet a geneums share of public patronage. April d, '67-cfd JOLIN M. GREEN. OTICE , ALL DEMSONS having CLAIMS against. the firm of J. W. STF.AItY S. CO., or s.TEACY BOWERS, will present the scone to the under signed, and those indebted will please come for- Avard and settle without ileitis - to J. \I',STEAM', 'Walnut Street, above 20. C olombia, April 17, 1%7. • FONDERS3IITIPS, COLUMBIA, Pa. MEI A speciality made in WHITE GOODS, WHITE TARLETANS PLAID ORGANDIES SWISSES C NAINSOOKS PO it GENTLEMEN ! = MADE UP TO ORDER, iSee b•ar Ia;lilon flate,,) OIL CLOTHS, S. - , )1 ATT [N( : S I= Prices Dinller and Toilet Setts, lc., o:ze lIIEMMiI BIMINI FONDERSNIITIUS Adjoining Columbia National 13tuil: MISCIELEALK.EOUS I= I,A DI ES' DE PA RM ENT ALL or HOOP SICIHTS GLOVES OF ALL KINDS Lace Ifandkereltiet,: IVllite Ruffling :cil.l Trani]ling, G ENTS' U) V.I'XICT :1 ENT ROBERT J. FRY, Post-Oillce Locust St., Columbia 'Next door to Earr's Book Storr LANCASTER, PA., NEW AD VERTIS.EMENTS. T o vENDons MERCHANDIZE TN LANCASTER COVNTY The following i 4 a list of the Vendors of Merchantlize in Lancaster county, with the Classification of the same, agreeably to the previsions of the seventh aeb; of Assembly. The amount of licenses to be paid each class, is as follows, viz: 1 Ith 010. s.; pays ...... 7 001 7tll " 13th " 10 Ott , oth " 121.11. " " 1230 .ith " " " hi till 4th 10th " "... ...... . 011 ttrd " 9111 " " 2.; 00 2nd " 9th " " 2.0 V; lit " An appeal will be held at the Commis sioners' (Mice, in the City of Lancaster, on Monday, May :27th, when and where all persons who lina improperly rated, (or think themselves so,) may attend if they think proper. You lire also required to pay said license on or before the first day of July next, without any further notice from the Treasurer, J. L. SHUMAN, Mercantile Appraiser ADAMSTOWN BOROUGH. Cyrus Molm, var 14' Miller Lt. Reidenbush, JllO Musser, nill,e 131 mdse 11 L. Hemming, var 141 J Eisenbrand, Levi Snader, tin 14! incise 14 BART TO`,VNSIIIP Ferguson d Forge, B Canedy, mdse 13 mdse 131 Eng tk; Furlong . , J. :11. A: J. lleyhergerl incise 11 mdse 11 J m Ritz„indse 14 J. P. Plisse], var 14 1 1 foinsher &,* Coulter, Ferree .L• Heldle- ruclse 14 Laugh, anise, 131 BRECKNOCI.Z. S. 11. Miller, nuke 14,.1 B Bowman, gra 14 H. E. Shimp,nuise Lucie,tin 14 J. B. AlLiselinan, litenj Luch, shoe 14 mdse 13t C-EnN6 Goo. \Y. Compton, indso Cowen 6; Boren, nulso 14 OYS'.I John Buehler, S ;$7.) .In 0\ , S. B. Shailer, incise 13 IL F' Shirk, mdse. 13 Sam]. 'B Am, mils 14 'E P.S. BOROUG H cor,vmmA. F. S. Metz:coal and I um, 10 F. S. Bleb, nUlso 1. ABraner&Son,lum- .Man Richarth, confectioner 14 : Istino Snyder, sail 11 P 8 Mc'rogue, clo 13 11 C Fonderstnith, 13er 10 II Suydam grocer I•_' IV Righter, ill2ll 12 Cooper ,t Pearl, coal and lumber Geo Bogle, lum 10 Jas Burrell, lum 12 Bach nab ‘`..: Martin, Inds° 11 Geo .f Smith, conf 14 it tVarcl, tobacco 11 (2 AI Booth, tobac 1-1 J C Prattler, sad 11 J Rumple harawaro 11 J Rumple ‘l.; Son., tinware 14 II Wilson, furnishing lumber 14 1 U Bruner, mdse B Parry, drug 14 Fendrich Brother, tobacco 11 Williams, drug 14 Saul G rove, shoe 1-1 Ed Spering, jew 14 11 F Brooks, hat 11 V Sehither, cloth 11 w Mathiot, var 11 John S Smith, eoncl4l Vaughen,lum 11 'rhos Collins, hum 111 W Rosenthal to Son. clothier 11! A S Green, coal 13' S Shuman, conf 141 D 11.•untuer, cloth 18 L Ehrhart, shoe 14' I'. Shreiner A:, Son., jewelers 14 11 Blumenthal, clothier 11' 1' llticbner, heath 14 .1 Mat Mot, grocer 14 Henry Ilice, cloth 14 John J Mentgue, mike 12' Mack mt Peek, tob 141 Brinier a: Moore, Store 1.1 I.lns Schroder, shoe 14 G W Case 6: Son., nuke 5 :trarg't Turner, gni 11 \V 11 rfahler, cunt . i.hing store 14 F Appold, W U (less, hook 14 1 A Meyers, drug 14 11 Mullen & Bro., grocer 14 In Reuss, mdse. 14 J Steacy Co. (not• Paiton,) nnl,e 12 Geo Tine, grocer 13 John Shenberger, furniture 11 fiuo Seibert, furze 1 .1 Shericl:, shoe 11 I;eui Barr, gro,•er 11 Fred Bucher, gru 1.1 .Jas 11 01l o rth, grocer 14 Kugleman, gro 14 J E Metzger, gro 14 I)earboelz, grocer pro 14 Ilenj llcrr, mine 13 IV IL I Eardinan,grol4 11 11 Won, pro 11 John Pagel, cool' 11 J Fry, gent..., cum coal 11 - Martin Smith, gro 14 William ;order), • gro•er Alorentz, gru 14 J 11aldeinan, nul:4e 10 J 1' Cottrell I rd wa 11 S Snyder, incise 14' J C Dueller, tobatt 14 ll :leCanl , 27, pro 14, 7, , dorgtin Hays, pro 14, 14 Fred Uio,lL, coal 11 .3 G Bullock, gro 14 Wm ILu•ui, gru 14 Crowther, confectioner 14 Davikl Mullen, ir•o 14 HOUSES. EATING Andrew Zeller, Clun•le. Bush, John. Shotuair, lluchnor, Charles Pantle, August Studer, LIQUOR 'STORES 11 If:km . llton, Ll'eharles Grove, Martin Smith, 13'.3 CBuchur, BREWERS. Jacob (2 11 - I , slei, Youn g , 1' Kie,inger, .hunes Leeee, JIIC01) Wi,slur, George Y 01111•, Farrell A:, 01 - STE:RS. Win liouchtiaii, S tis SIL Lock;tra, S 5 P rch, S 5; BILLIARDS. Parrel&Right,lbils3o UOCALICO John Smith, tenth, 14IA 11 ltoyor, coal O.: E 11,;rain , , mine, 141 Amber, 14 211ezitzers7Shirk IA (2 Sunder, 11)&0 14 Co. coal caul lout B Goeldey, Inds 12 A 13. Redding, tiny 12 110 E Isrgel \V Mentzer, YSTERS. Jer. Irwin, S :$5 11. Sherman, S COCALICO WEST. I.lruner ct: M00re,,•.1 Flickering' Inds 13 (foal anti 13!J - no Itittelwlti, tell). 14 Sant ttel Lutz, null 141 A W Mintzer, tins 13 Jos Lutz, uttlso, 14 1 Jer West., tittise 11 R.l.:l3erly, tuctse 11; OYSTERS James Sitcp.vert4, S 1 COLEItAIN. 3 11 Canady, ind,,l3 NV L Dobbin , ,,tuds 13 Moore ez Webb,,NV 11 Gille:spio, 14 [ nulso, 13 CON ESTOUA wssinv. Abrithain Lowyer, lless clothier 11 flour and reed, 1!!11 Martin clothier 11 Tripplu Warty!, IP :NI Bruner, Inds 13 iiol e , 1310 K Henry leath 1.1 1) Davis, 'misc., 13; 1 I Andrew:4 nuke 11 E ltreneinan Co. „loin). Erb nulse 14 coal and loather 1-LC S Zercher :mist: 1.1 SIL 1 lehs, drug 141.11. lout 1-I ll S Clark, ov,'. S tf,s! EATING HOUSES. Isaac McLaughlin, I John. P CO:NOV. ti'ilcyit Co. g ruin ,1 I Griller, o .'l'o 11 P snot.: 14 P Mann, shot: .1.4:S .I.l.licl‘ctibcrger S It .letzlcr S Jiro ' Sou, (1r116 , ,, 11 14Ailium. t Co. lad, 12. Smith t K urtz, ut.l 1 A Collin:, mdse Smith ‘.\: Shia, nut 12.111emi 0;; Pico, Lunt 14 OYSTERS. Hirphy, 8 John Schmuck 8 (21_,.\N TOWNSHIP. S Eberlym(l,Q 1'1( S V Weidman mil, 1 L.lTl\l? HOUSE. David Martin, DON EGA.L EA_S'l`. Thomas Zell, coal 13 1 lumber, 13 S Eagle L t'o 1111 10 .7.4. 11 Sehoek , gl:O. 11 31u,:e1intunt Watt:: .1 It Strickler mQ, 10 todse, 10,.1n0 ALIA:ley cunt' 11 Benj Price, roof. 1111) Bowman, drug 1-1 F'klin gro 111JoInt Shertzer, un 1-1 11 F Fleteher, 111 5 Book, tobacco 11 grotter ,, , 13'11 Lightner, gro 1.1 _liltlur .L' Mus..,er, DISTILLER John niklirhiant, EATING 110 USES Fred Hester, 1 M Kern,, DBUMOBE. J B Patton, indse 14,0 \V Miller, loath 1.4 D. Wutsun,flidne 1.-I:B.utter ,V, Rubel., S J Aiikrun, cwt. , . 14! tudsu 11 Boyd ck.• AI arsh, tud_l3;NV Buittint;, nidse 13 F M McSiittrren, I Plisey & MurriNuti, niche 11 itidse 11 D Brown, Incise 13. I,2PIIItATA. Jll Royer, intl.(' 13 Sam Mill, cloth 1-1 E Stober, itol-q, 13 1 J:kcol) Ream, tin 11 Baer .1. - . lloyer,wds 13 A. Bowman, :,1111. 14 L Zigier, mdse 14 A L Lutz, tuAlse 11 Gro,, ct, Sharp, A U Eillian, nuke 11 nnl-se lti '• •' '• 11 Setter A 13rother, -3:Anatol Wolf, coal coal iumbor 10 and lumber .I.' Fa,nacht A Clorgas, J S thicker, liaise II coal lumber 1.2 1 OYSI A llallacher, S ' s ss 1 TEN PINS & A S Feather:, .1 alloys I EA! MEM BS L.LIA P.DS 2 Billiards, w m smith, pro 14 It Culber,“n, indh :Mentzer B L ure, Itrne.-;, 13 .1 Wilwer, jeweler 14 Zinunernittn d• Mar- Jacob Hollinger, mdse 11 R Reideubarb, Indso 10 C Hoffman, liaise 14 2cew Holland Con Inds° lb Brubaker S stuith,l harness Jut, 13Iaek drug 14 A Diller L Cu Inds 11 W LiLnakcl, -To 11 EA'''r Abrabnlu Settley s!: S Hammond, aids° 11 J S Wallace & tiro. , incise L & A Rank, JUCISO is W Senseniek, loath 14 , J S Weaver & Son., , mdse 121 EARL S If Seldoultitige, indse 11! \V Kurtz, Inds 1:11 ELIZA Lauser & Walters, mdse 12 ilf2=M Ines 1-1 A 1 louser, mdse 14 Jno Swigart, anis 11 I_l Mentzer Co., Inds° 13 11 0 USES. Isaac 111111, EMS =1 dry goods 14 Jll S } 111511, Inds(' 12 Levi ..lentzer, 111(180 14 (I:trooni, noise 11 Bowman (21111 P, 111dM) 13 V, ES f S It ItIAVXII, halt 11 Browu, 11td.,1 11 BE I'll aITITIV AD-VE E rAZABETIITO J F Itotheriziel,shoe 11 Lynell&Nissfey, aids 1' lireneman &Co. Inds 11 liS llos', drug 11 nalradcer, drug 11 Jacob Dyer hard 1: CI 1 Wagner, shoe 11 Aarou Dlsslngcr, lads IZOlller Ilelsey, hard 1:l J M llaxstresser, lints l' Il lloffinan, saddler H 11 Gish, coal EATING - HOUSES. Mary A 'Harmony, i rleo AV Killian, Henry Shletz, . - S.IQCOII STOR E G reenawalt, I.; I BR ENV ER. . 10 00 50 00 (U) (K) ,tip 00 .ok.) .1,,) 00 .1.',110 henry Sinetz, G Hensel, mast. 10,10 st Gilbert, leMll 11 Bent Witmer, ma.4e. I l;Tilos Houghlizl, mthe 1.1 mthe II; 1 WA ON 31 .14 EII Brown, Inds IM.Ino W Swill', nulse 11 \ Lewis, walso 11 _Boyd & 3layer, coal Cummings .1: Tunipson, and lumber 11 IndSo liC' C Ca:ill:nail, tarn II S A MeCuracy, bulge 11 0 W Zook, nn iSe i i 11EMPFIE I. D EAST. Hiestant Stauni,r, {illngwalt coal and lumber 11 mdse 13 811 HoMilan, indqe 111.Tohn Stucker, gro 11 John Stol•cr, nulse, 1311) Bohn, leea 11 II K Miller, Inds,' 111 A lloh,worth, coal 11 LIQUOR STORE. Rlngwalt , C Davis, 13 EATING HOUSE, Henry - Musser, HEMPFIELD WEST. G Shindle, coal, 111:11artin Siple, shoe, 11 I.aae Conklin, mdse 1I 1S N Haldeman, noise 12 Win Roberts, shoe 11111 E nuke 19 H M Cohn cloth t Sant Itruckhart, coal 1 t John Devlin, incise 111.101111 Nendig, mdse 13 11 Shookers, drug 11 Fred Gram, mdse John Bomberger,teed HIS It Kann:llan, leuth 11 EATING HOUSES, David Slaughter, \I llclfris, oYsTERS. John H Ltungars 'DISTILLER E Stauni:r, LAM PETEE —....,.....,... 3 S Shenk - , coal, lam, 111.1 Fr)lick, aise, 1 Joel Miller, !a n 1 nise 10:W (le,pic & San,John Hinkley, mdse 11 mdse 1 A. limner et Son, " " " coal Ai linn 1: coal :mil lumber, 124 P Ronk, coal, 101 a 1; 1) Dent linger, mdse 11111 Freeland, mdse 1: EATING HOUSE. Jam] LAMPETER WEST. S F :all, ladse I.l‘l 11 !Critter, ladSo 10 C INI Ressler, blilse 11Sain'l 11ess, coal, lulu 12 LANCASTER ' TOWNS HIP. I) Wolf &Co. bun, ,te LEACOO K. A IferNhey k Co. nuts 1111.1dy & Son, rodse 12 1 / Leafever, mdse 1 Eby & Milh r, said 11 Samuel Brae, coal, 1.711 Rutter, lads 10 EATING 1-LOUSES. C L Eckert, I Daniel Leafever, LEACOCK UP PE R. S (troll; lod‘e. DIM Cl Wenger, grain C Marl hi, lialue, 13) inerehant, Uit S \rope, ilulse, It Myers, infise, 10 LITTLE 11RITAIN. 11oogherty, cd01.41, 11' dos md.se 1 Jos e Taylor & Son, 1-1 Hawley, 111(1,0, nerellandlze, 11 Wl' Hams, mdse 1: Jas Olmstead, mdse, 111 n Right. nuts 1 m.,cii - Eim. TO WNSIIIP, ,T n Weehter, nuke, 11 11 IS Bowman, 'nth:e t II! DIZ:rfIL LER John is; linstet tor, $ I MAN] lEIM 130110-LTOlf Worley &White, , C I.l{ LOAD, as low a+ the btw rat In price; and high a.s Use ing,11,..; in finality. the Acency , everal Mine., we Call ~,apply any :nnount. BRUNER & . . D,A-IDEND. The PENN MUTUAL LR E INSURANCE tOII'ANT,I , I riinaiti,ion.i, having declared a DIVIDEND OF' 1'11:TY CENT on. ;al prelnulul. Valli in 1666, (hum, entitled to the , 11111 e, will pleniei cull upon ine, la ll* Vail: ill Wanalt Street, ILliOl'e FLOW, tuft receive their F. X. ZIEGLEB, tj Agent Columbia, )lay Ist, .67, WO 1I) FOR 5_U.l: svltsinuilEst HAS Fill: SALE smierior lot of well seasoned MeKORY AND OAK \VOW). which he will sell in lots tosult pureintsers. All urgers left, at the Columbia ro , t Oillee, or de livered to him in person, Nvill be promptly attended to by May -I, tfl B. F. HEISE. JiII'SCELLALYX'OLTS N.ETV GROCERY STORE. The Subscriber would respectfully inform cue Public generally, that he has Just received a general assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TEAS AND SPICES. Relined Sugars of all kinds. - -No. 1, and Mess Mackerel English & American Pickles, Sugar Cured gams, Ex.tra. Fine Syrups, Old Rio and Java Coffee, DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS, Raisins, Prunes and prepared Mustard always on hand and of the very best grades. Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is full and complete and we Intend keeping it fresh, by ahno.t daily additions. Notions of different kinds always on hand. FREDERICK BUCHER, it] ' car. 4th d: Locust Sts. THE BEST IN THE WORLD ! FOLEY'S GOLD PENS Are acknowledged to be the, be yet offered lo the Public. W. U. HESS has Just received a very large stock of these celebrated Pens. Ills old stock has also bees exchanged for new, so that custo mers can now select from the LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT of Gold Pens ever brought to this market. em_rens are guaranteed for six months. Push along, Get a Pen. Ask for Foley's, rnar.2:3, '67-tt:j W. C. HESS, Locust Street. ~ESH ARRIVAL OF GROCERIES. \ - 4. are now ready for the Spring Trade, having ju , t purehaNed a In 11 at,ortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, Extra ni•a• crop Coffin, Refined Sugars and eap,—.llll elegant Syrup for :13 Cents pl . Quart. EXTIt k FINE JERSEY HAMS. haNe ako, No. I, and 3 'Mackerel lorrels, quarter. and halves, Dried Beet, 11,•rrnes, dc• All klnds of Fruit and VEfIETABLES IN C.tNS. Our :tn.ortuu•nt. IS full and coutplc•te, and our r.m.nnuld,•. ite - Call and exanune for yourselves. II ENRY SUYDAM, Cor. 01 Front t Union Sts• Mar:tl-ttj T IE Exe,Lsion WASHING mAcinsr. L. 1.11012, TIME 20N) 3IONEI Boilsuid Washes the CI t 1 at the vane time. Vs.. , les" Soap and will Was!, in one fourth the Time. ta. no Hollers or Ruhber, and does not tear Ito. Clot ehlld can Work the 3fizehine with perfect it 1,111,0P.M C:txlvani7ed Iron, and will never re -t, and, o,tn be em•tlp 111.0Vt!li from place to plae, :Manufactured and For Sale at W. II..PFAIILER'S Stove and Tin Store, Loeu.t St., oppo,ite Franklin Home [Chartered with F - 411 Collegiate Powers.] L EBANON VALLEY COLLEGE! A nil - MAL AND CLAS:4IICAL DAY & BOARDING SCHOOL, FOR BOTH SEXES! This Institution oiler: , to .students a choice of one of lire CollNeS of Study. viz: All Eleltlolltary or Normal Course. A Commercia/ Course. A :scientific Course. A Classical Course. A 1111:11cal Courte. Akan full course in the Ornamental Branches, 111 , 111 , 11ng Drawing, painting, and Music. We offer humilities inferior to none in the State, and patrons may rest assured that stinimits are sill ejected to the nest in tlii Owes. recelVvil at any.tinie. and charged from Irate ,:f entrance. For Boarding. Washing, Light Fuel. 2111 , 1 9'nitioll, will: furnished room, per NI. .)11.1 , 1e, with uec of Instru ment. per Iveek . 100 1.,! , •011S 111 Paint mg, per week 1 00 No extra charge Mr Vocal 31tisie, DraWnia, Penmanship, or the Language , . For Catalogne , anti further part tettlars.:Acktre ,, R.EV. TIMNAS itEES VII . RIIOY, .1. 11 Prv , iclenf, .11111 Vine, L01 , : 111"11 Co., Pa M.:nil 9, 1 _ A ',WAYS i()M ET! II NG NEW frig - ra tors ! family should be w ithou t one during the hot neat her. Call and examine them at Wilson'.. .JUST PURCHASED, AT REDUCED PRICES, a splendid Assortment of new• and de mumble HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS COOKING STOVES—Anti-Dust Quaker City, and the _Niagara. BRITANNIA WARE, in Sets or separate, to suit purchasers. CHAMBER WARE, CUTLERY OF ALL KINDS. WATER COOLERS, of all sizes and styles. Speeia/ attention paid to GAs FITTING and Pl.l - 311:ING. A largo a,:ortlnent of ,plendl.l CHANDELIERS always on hand. A Varit•ty of MED At 311 pri:e", the Celebrated DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER. The 1110,4 !popular, best and erica] wst W:1,1 Machine ever invented. In conneetion with the above Washing 'Ma chine, he has the UNIVERSAL C LOTHES 'WRINGER ! Call at the corner of Second and Locust street , , and satisfy youn•lf that you can get better 19.1'- gains there than at any other establishment. \ .1111LN.If WILSON. 1:or. of Second and Loeust St.. Columbia, ra. Apt 11 :20,15117-Iy. QII 7 SQUEIIANNA PLANI - NO MI LL. ()N FR( )'NT ST., AND I'ENN'A. R().\ INTEtt: , ,EAT tN, 011.vmulx. IA. The Sill W4illlll respectfully announce to the patrons ut 1 helt Mill, that the ash auerd pi ices ot labor and eXpelp-es Incident to earl mg on the 1111,171, ,, ot their i....tiddiNholelit eolopel, them to elinige their 03,1,1111er ,, adVniii,e Oil former rates, and 1:11:e tills method to la nolo them that the following are the prices for work done at their Mills: Mir working Mooring per M. do lierts tan!. per 31 " SUN:icing one side, per 31 •• do t u•o sides., per M. " Po-sawing White Pine (two 11 . -I,i:re, 31. •• 110 face NMI,. per M. Ask, Oal: and Cherry ram measure, per M. Miming 1-1 per line, hi feel. S-t do do . "do .lake do do it,„.l.llliTher 1.1111,11 to the Mill and return; 10 Yard tat bout eNtra ehalge• Aeeoniilk, for working; 41,1 - lumlier will he voll , idered volleetable I,Very tOlir 111011111.. The sill,erthers ha,. on liand an assort tn, I,: or Itt e 1.11.1 1111)1 DRESSED LUNIBER which is tor Side lit Market Prices, and solicits a eontinmirion /1 public elt,tolll. pl 1 i,"ii7-Iyl lIACTLNI & MART T CASTER, E= LEWIS lIA Lin", Proprietor All pennons )t anything in the Marldi line, will Ix lurnlsMd at the • ery lowe,t Only the lig.t Si wt:limn ore employed. 000111 ly Ste are 0100)10 to turn Out iu a :•10 , . 101 111:0111er lONC:%IEN'I'S. a.trISA 1:17, TO3IP,TuN OIt:C.IM ENTs, 31.k.NTLEs lICILIJINU FIZOYTS, SILLS 1.11,1 Marble Wort: of every description frar - urtfons promptly attended to IMEME REMO VAL P. SHREINER. & :3()): =9 3 il-:AVIELIZ - 5.7 STORE above. LOCUST oppc.itc• the 11,a,11n.” and Coln mbla, Rail Road Depot Where they r.'lll do 13u‘iness for a few days (until their Store 1, fitted up,) In the /Zoom direalg ME= Call and see us nt our NEW STORE O. -1 FEONT STREET, COLUMBIA, PA EINEEE E I E V00I) S • Th,...• 114011 y popular Ple-Nle arounds have been Gaud up tor the Season. Substantial. plat - hmits under t 'over; thus °ill - Ting Superior in illiee mews for :\tret nez. rart.14.,., Celebration., v.1 , 11ttu..; to rent, will apple to 31a. I, it. F. 11EISE. UAL ! COAL ! ! COAL diteet from on sold In lots of from one Inoue hundred ear loads, a-, the pureha•er may desire. All Coal told In teat' is guarantecsl to be In good order. We 111 sell in any way the pnrellaser may want, or in any quantity, and at cheaper rates than (rail I, e h a d eh...where. BRUNER & MOORE. Columbia, March 16, NOTICE PERrIONI 4 llacitmeltlwr Bill, Book. toio or any ottu•r amount atzainht the Ann of Me acne Bro.. and all ILto. Ituk•pted to said firm, are hereby notified to eoniv forward and nettle without delay. JOHN J. .M(.T.I(.3LT.E. March la, 1567 -21 n. Q I,EII .PROPOSALS WI LL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned, until the Fl Iti 4 T DAY OF MAY, :CENT. AT NOON, For tlw 4:ratting and 14111,11 w: of a Sinall Bridge and Calvert. required in tho opening of Fourth awl part of Manor and - reels. Plan , and SpeCinaltiOnS will he shown by the Road Commit tee. P. G05 , 41..Far., W. I 7 PP, }Bond Committee. sOultitEElt, Columbia, April .'7. iSp. MIS -~.:~, ~:~~ LEWIS lIALIA Laiicitt‘ter City. I