61je kph' . r - .~ INDEPENDENT, PEARLESS dc FREE Columbia, Pa. Saturday, April 20, 18617. BALL advertising will be considered CASH, and collectable at any time after the and Insertion._ _ Curious Custom. Au English gentleman, who has lately traveled in Palestine, recently gave a description of the curious scenes enacted in the church of the Holy Sepulchre. He said that when you first entered the church, you would he surprised to See a party of soldiers, with their swords by their sides, and their guns stacked within reach. It seemed a sacrilege in such a holy place, and struck one rather unpleasantly. But he soon found out the necessity for it. According to the law of the country, every sect is allowed to worship there; and as it is considered equally .sacred both by Christians and Mahomedans, all wish a time for their mode of worship. The law allows them an hour each. They com mence at six in the morning. At that hour, those who have the first. privilege enter, bringing with them whatever is ne cessary to conduct their particular religi ous rights. They go through their prayers and chants, and all is quiet till about a quarter to seven, when those who have the privilege - of the next hour begin to arrive. At first all is decorum; but pres ently the new comers begin to hiss and mock. As their number increase, and they become stronger, they shove and crowd; and as the time lessens, they get more and more bold. A few minutes be fore seven, they proceed to forcible dem onstration.- -They-think, if they can clear out these blasphemers a few minutes be fore the time, they have done so much good work for God; while the worshippers, on the other hand, think, if they can keep possession a few minutes after the time, they have done an equally good work. As some of these sects use torches, wax candles, staves or crook, in their worship, they proceed to use these as weapons of offence and defence, and a regular melee ensues.. Then come in the soldiers, who separate the combatants, by filing in be tween them, turning out those whose hour is up, and leaving the place in possession of the last corners.. If blood is shed the church is closed for' the day. Such .scenes are occurring all day long, and the presence of soldiers in therefore abso lutely necessary. Advertising forn-Wilre. , The, Chicago papers tell the following :•7Story: The citizens, members of the Leg - islature and 'others, had a rich. time at Bla:dison, Wisconsin, on Friday night, An innocent_Chicagoan,_ named„,..Swanburg, advertised in the Chicago Tribune for a wife. He - was answered by a young * fellow of_ Madison, under the.naine of a young lady, who stated that she was ready to receive his proposals, and inviting him to visit her. He went, met the supposed young lady, *and immediately proposed to elope with her. He was immediately' arrested by a bogus officer for attempting abduction,and tried by'a bogus court_in the court house. The whole _ proceedings were carried on with great gravity, and the victim had not the remotest idea but that the whole thing was a sad - reality. After standing the ordeal of a two hours' trial, he was finally released on condition that he would leave town immediately. This he did on a train leaving for Milwaukee just in the nick of time. ROUND THE WORLD--Telegraphic communications can now be had between Europe and America, and the capital of China in twelve days. On the 16th ult., the Pacific Mail Company of New York, received a telegram from Hong Kong, by way of England and the Red Sea,unnounc ing the arrival at Hong Kong of their ship Colorado, on the 30th of January. Thirty years ago, it required six months to get such news. For some years the merchant has received such information in three months, by the overland mail. But now the overland mail is too slow by a considerable. DIVIDING PENNSYLVANIA.---The Pitts burg papers are discussing the propriety of forming two States out of Pennsylvania. It is proposed by the journals favoring the suggestion to call the western division the State of Allegheny. MILITARY AND NAVAL CLAIM AGENCY. Authorized by United States License, at No. 5} East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Experience and competent Assistants enable me to prosecute with dispateh and s success, all kinds of Claims, before the several Departments of the Government of the United States, and of the several States. Being duly licensed as a claim Agent, prompt attention will be given to the collection of the following classes of : BOUNTY AND PAY, due discharged soldiers anti sailors. BOUNTY AND PAY due widows or children, fathers or mothers, brothers or sisters, of de-. ceased soldiers or sailors. LOCAL BOUNTY clue veterans, enlisted and credited in the held. PENSION'S for invalid soldiers or sailors, totally disabled. PENSIONS for widows or children of deceased soldiers or sailors. PENSIONS for widows for each child. PENSIONS for fathers or mothers, brothers or sisters-of deceased soldiers, upon whom they ' were dependent. - PF2‘.ZSIONS for teamsters and artificers; hospital stewards, saddlers, or, all persons enlisted In the civil services of the United States. - PENSIONS - AND GRATUITIES for soldiers or their widows from Pennsylvaniaf in the War Of 1812. PAS" due from Pennsylvania to ofticersand pri vates-of Companies B, 3) and E. rf First Reg't, _ and rill...aoldiers of ;the Pennsylvania Reserve PAY due .dps. ' •t" PAY ue teamsters, artificers, and civil employ ' ". etta of thelllovartunent. • • - PAY:dcte for horses :net in the U. S. service. PAY - die forme of hoiStesria Capt. /Rabble's and other 100 days conaistnleir. :PAY difelbecominutationsof rations of prison ers"of war. 'EXTRA. PAY due to officers conunisCioned but not mustered. PRIZE MONEY due to sailors, or their heir`, for captures, dr Se-Claims from a distance can hove their bus- Mess attended to by addressing me hy letter,. stating nature of the claim, with nate e,age, rank, _ company, regiment, and post office of elan:taut; when the necessary forms with instructions will be forwarded, and upon their return the money promptly dollected.' Due notice will be given as soon as the claim Is:Mowed, and all money obtained will be Im mediately sent, according to the instructions of • the parties interested. Instruction and advice free of charge, and all /etters ant to this office, asking itiformatiou, and enclosing stamp, will receive prompt attention. Crtancks—irees fair, and moderate, and in no case will charges be made until, the money is ceoßeted. " JAMES BLACK, - Attorney-at-Law and Claim Agent. REF.F.R.CIO3: Hon. Henry G. Long, Hon. A. L. Hayes, John B. Llvinzaton, Esq., P. W. Patter- SOD, Egg., G. M. Kline, .Esq., of Laneaster Pa.; Barr Spangler, Fag... Marietta, Pa.; Geo, R. Rend rielcson, M. Joy, Pa.; Col. l;rdnuel Shod], Samuel Grove, of Columbia, Pa.; Henry Andrews Esq., COlemanv/Be, Pa. [Oct. X, dra. HAIR PREPARATION'S. REPARATOR CAPILLI, Throw away your false frizzes, your switches your wig-- Deatructive of comfort, and not worth n fig Come aged, come youthful, come ugly and fair, And rejoice in your own luxuriant hair. For restoring hair Upon bald heads (from what ever cause it may have fallen out) and forcing a growth of hair upon the fare, it has no equal. It will force the beard to grow upon the smoothest face in from five to eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in front two to three months. A few Ignorant practicloners have asserted that there is nothing that will force or hasten the growth of the hair or beard. Their assertions are false, as thousands of living witnesses (from their own experience) can bear witness. But many will say, how are we to distinguish the genuine from the spurious ? It. certainly is difficult, as nine tenths of the different Preparations advertised for the heir and beard arc entirely worthless, and you may have already thrown away large amounts in their purchase. To such we would say, try the Reparator Capp1111; It will cost you nothhig unless it fully comes up to our represen tations. If your Druggist does not keep It, send us one dollar and we will forward it, postpaid, tether with a receipt for the money, which wrl be returned to you on application, provid ing entire satisfaction is not given. Address W. L. No . 3. CLARKest 4: Co., Chemists, W St., Mar 9,'67-1y) Syracuse, New 'I orlt. CRISPER COMA. Oh 1 she was beautiful and fair, With starry eyes, and radiant hair, Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined Enchained the very heart and mind. For Carling the Hair of either Sex into Waco and Glossy Ringlets or Heavy Massive Curls. By using this article Ladles and Gentlemen con beautify themselves a thousand fold. It is the only article in the world that will curl straight hair, and nt the same time give it a hcautitul, glossy appearance. The Crisper Coma not only curls the hair, but invigorates, beautifies and cleanses it; is highly and delightfully perfumed, and Is the most complete article of the kind ever offered to the American public. The Crisper Coma will be sent to any address, sealed and Post paid for $l. Address all orders to _ W. L. CLARK Lt. CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette Street, Mar 9,T,'-lyl Syracuse, New York BEAUTIFUL AUBURN, GOLDEN, FLAXEN, AND SILKEN CURLS, Produced by the use of Prof. DRDREUX' FRI SER LA CHEVEUX. One application warrant ed to curl the most straight and stubborn hair of either sex into wavy ringlets, or heavy massive curls. Has been used by the flishionables of Paris and London, with the most gratifying re sults. Does no injury To the hair. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid Si. Descriptive vireo tarn mailed free. Address BERGER., SIIUTTS dr. co., chemists, No. 2tti River St., Troy, New York. lifar9,'67-Ifl Sole Agents for the United States. E XCELSIOR I EXCELSIOR ! ! CHASTELLAR'S HAM EXTERMINATOR!! FOR REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS RAIR. To the ladies especially, this invaluable depila tory recommends itself as being an almost in dispensible article to female beauty, is easily applied, does not burn or Injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots. It is warranted to re move superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, totally and radically extirpating the same leaving the skin soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article used by the French, and is the only real effectual depilatory in existence. Price 75 cents per package, sent post-paid, to any address, on receipt of an order, by BERGER, SHUTTS & co., chemists , Mar 0,'67-Iy] No. 2:35 River St., Troy, N. Y. CIABIN'T-_FITIEN7TUR_E. CABINET WARE MANUFACTORY. The subscriber having lately put up new ware-rooms, and greatly Increased his business, can offer better inducements to his eustomeres than ever. 'WINDOW SHADES 'MIRRORS, eze., Es.: ALL s7rYLEs. life manufactures to order,and will keep con stantly on hand, Dressing, Plain and Fancy Bureaus 'Sideboards, Sofas, Card, Dining and Centre Tables, Common, Fanny and French Bed steads; of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. As he manufactures his own work he is enabled to warrant every article to be what it Is represented. CAAIRS! CHAIRS!! GILA.IRS!! -.- - All kinds of chairs kept on hand or manufactur ed lo order. Cane, Windsor, Arm and necking Chairs., Settees, Camp and Counter Stools,Sofits, Tete-a Tetes and Stuffed Seat Chairs, made to order. Old chairs repainted and repaired. ITN DLIIT AR IN G. Funerals will be attended to with promptness, to which he gives his personal attention. He Is prepared with ice boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, as may be required. MAHOGANY OR NV.A.I.NI.IT corriNs, Furnished plain or tinted in any style that may be required. He respectfully- solicits a share of public patronage, as well as a continuance of the custom with which helms been - liberally favored. JOHN SHEN - BERGER, South side of Locust street, between Second and Third. Onar3o-67-tt: URNITURE OF ALL KINDS. CABINET -WARE-ROOMS & 3IANU ACTORY, Locust Street, a few doors below Third Street, unbia, Pa. The subscriber manufactures and keeps on hand an extensive assortment of all kinds of Furniture. Persons wishing to bar or those about to go to housekeeping , will find it to their advantage to give rue a call. BEDSTEADS, TABLES, cir Ams, BUREAUS, SETTERS, ate., &a,. Of the best quality, style, and manufacture, and will make to order, 01 tirst-rate material, every article in his line. He will give strict attention to business, and respectfully asks of the paid ic sharp of its patronage. &,?- UNDERTAKING will receive the most careful attention, at the shortest notee. mar:lo-07-ff] GEORGE SEIP.ERT. ____P-_....--- LOW? A 217) PEEP. he AND PEED STORE I Nw undersigned, having purchased the Stock on hand, and taken the Flour and Feed Store lately occupied by George Brandt, Locust, above Fourth street, Columbia, Pa., will continue the business at that place, and respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends, and the public in general. He will, at all times, keep on hand the BEST FAMILY FLOUR, that can be procured. Also, 'EYE FLOUR, CORD: MEAL & BUCKWHEAT, with FEEDS of different kinds, all of which he will sell as low as possible, for (ASH. Being a practical Miller, and having followed the trade for ninny years, lie flatters himself that his knowledge of the business will enable him togive satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. The store will be open from 7 A. M. to 8i P.m. Cora, dec.S, 'OG-tf.) DANIEL. MeCAUrEY. COIX3IBIA FLOUR MILLS. GEORGE BOGLE, PROPMETOR. The highest Cash prices paid for all hinds of Grain. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR for sale; also Mill Feed of all kinds. 'Wheat Ground and Packed to order. Grist work and Chopping done. Chopped Corn and Gabs. Corn Meal and _ _ GR 11 - A :NI FLOUR For sale at all times, and delivered to any part of the town. mrown and country custom so licited. ]April 6,1867. NEW CARRIAGE :MANE FACTO rt. r, Second street, nearly opposite the Lutheran Church, COLUMBIA, PENni. The undersigned having taken the shops for- Merly conducted by 31r. Samuel Carter, would respectfully announce to the citizens of Colum bia and vicinity that he is now prepared to manu facture all kinds of Coaches, Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies, and all other vehicles his line. His reputation as a workman is established, as be can coniidently claim for his work the merits of beauty of form elegance of finish, and strength of structure. One of the distinguishing features of his work is its durability; all vehicles of his build are constructed of tile best seasoned ma terial, and put together firmly and substantially. Hegives particular attention to the repairing of vehicles, and warrants all work in ids line to give satisfaction. In addition to his practical experience in the business, be has the assistance of the best work men. Some of them from the celebrated Watson establishment of Philadelphia. A generouspnblic is respectfully invited to give home industry their encouragement. and support. CHRISTIAN 311-EMS. WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL. There corieth glad tidings ofjoy to all. To young and to old, to groat and to small; The beauty which once was so precious and rare, Is free for all, and all may be fair. By the use of C lIASTELL AR'S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, For Improving and 73eautifying the Complexion, The most valuable and perfect preparation in use, forgiving the skin a beautiful and nears--like tint, that is only found in youth. It qiultokly re moves Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Blotches, lioth Patches, Sallowness, Bruptlons, and all Impuri ties of the skin, kindly healing the same leaving the skin white and el.ear as alabaster. ItS use C'untot be detected by the closest scrutiny, beirw n vegetable preparation Is perfectly harm less. :Kt is the only article of the kind used by the FreZtCh, and Is considered by tate Parisian as inalspenSible to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30,0c0 bottleS were sold during the past year, a sufficient gearantee of its ettlency. Price, only 75 cents. Sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of an order, by BERGETT., SHUTT'S at: CO., Chemists, Mar 9,T7..1y) 1.'85 River St., Troy, N.Y. NOTICE TO BUILDERS. TO BITILDHZG COMMITEE AND OTHERS: The place to purchase flue and clieoio Building Stone, Is at S S. DETWILER'S QuAla?..x. He Is now filling a very large contract of large steno for a Furnace, and will have a large qiign- My of Small Stone. which he will sell at reduced prices, as they accumulate in his way; will either deliver or sell in the Quarry . . Columbia, deo. 8, '177-11.3 8.5, D.ETWILER. RE.P.A.ILA.TOR CA.PILLI CRISPER COMA, HOOP SKIRTS. - LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. IV. Bradley's Celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double siring) slum% The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly - in all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, rail road cars, church pews, urns chairs, for promen ade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin chess, an inval uable quality In crinoline, not found in any sin gle spring skirt. A lady baying enjoyed the pleasure, comfort mid great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt fora single day, will never thereafter willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses and young ladies they are superior to all others. They will not bend or break like the Single Spring, but will preserve their perfect and grace ful shape when three or four ordinary skirts will Lave been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom rods are not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered; preventing them nom wearing out when dragging clown stoops, stairs, Sze. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladies, and is universally recommended by the fashion magazines as the standard skirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy the following inestimable advantages in crinoline, viz: superior quality, perfect manu facture, stylish shape and finish, flexibility, durability, comfort and economy, inquire for S. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure you get the genuine article. CAUTION—TO guard against imposition be par t icular to notice that stuns offered as "Duplex," have the red ink stamp, nix: "J. AV. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring," upon the waist band—none others are genuine. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a combination not to be found in any other skirt, For sale in all stores where first-class skirts are sold throughout the United States and else where. Manninenired by the sole owners of the patent NESTS, BRADLEY & CARY. r',* Chambers and 70 and Si Reade Sts., Y Mar2(l-3m. IKOP SKIRTS. 628 NEW SPRING STYLES. • brat OW:Sr MAKE," Embracing every New and Desirable size, style and Shape of Plain and Trail HoopfSkirts,--2,2%, 2%, 2%, 3, 3•;l1. and 4 Yds., round, every length and size\Vaist, ; in every respect Finsp CUT P. 'ATV, tiv.d especially adapted to meet the wants of First class and most fashionable Trade. . • - "OcR OW .S' MANE," of aoop Skirts are lighter, more elastic, more durable, and Really Cheaper than any other make of either Single or trouble Spring Shirt in the American Market. They are Warranted in every respect, and wherever intro duced give universal satisfaction. They are now being extensively sold by Retailers, and every Lady should try them. Ask for "Ilopkin's Own Make," and see that each Skirt is stamped "W. T. Horkix'S. MAXu- FACITIMEIt, GI.S ARCH ST., PILMAD'A.—..NO ethers are genuine. A Catalogue containing style, size and retail prices, sent to any address. A uniformand liberal discount allowed to dealers. Orders by mall or oteerwise, promptly and carefully liled—wholesale and retail, at Manufactory and Sales-rooms, No. 053 ARM Street, PrtmAn - A. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired, TERMS. NET CASII. ONE PRME ONLY- MarSo-57-/OM.0) WM. T. HOPRINS. MISCELLANEOUS. kSTROLOGY. THE WORLD ASTONISHED AT TUE NVONDEREUL REVELATIONS NADI BY TILE GREAT ASTROLOGIST. Madame H. A. PERRIGO. She reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She restores to happiness those who, from doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of re 'Wens and friends, loss of money, have be some despondent. She brings together those long separated, gives information concerning absent friends or lovers, restores lost or stolen pronerty, tells you the business you arc best qualified to pursue and In what you will be most successful, causes speedy marriages and tells you the very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness and characteristics of the person. She rends your very thoughts, and by her annost supernatural powers unveils the dark and hid den mysteries of the future. Prom tile stars ire s e the firmanent—the malefic stars that over come or predominate in the configuration—from the aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Foil not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs you but a - trifle, and you may never again have so favorable an opportunity. Consultotion fee, with likeness and all desired information, $l. Parties living at a distance can consult the Madame by Mail with equal safety and satisfac tion to themselves, as if in person. A full and explicit chart. written out, with all inquiries answered and likeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest secrecy will be maintained, *and all correspond ence returned or destroyed. References of the highest order furnished those desiring them. Write plainly the day of the month and year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of hair- Address, Madame E. A. PERRIGO. Mar 0:67-1y) P. O. Drawer 293, BMW°, N. Y. JULES JARED'S "EMAIL DE PAWS:: A NEW BEAUTIFIER OF THE SKIN Testimonials of Celebrated Ladies: The secret of beatifying the skin being known only to essrs. Jared ,t; Rene, they honorably state Wax it differs from all other preparations. It gives to themost harsh and freckled skin both the texhare and . . . color of polished Ivory, removing all dtscolora- Lions, whether appearing as freckles, tan, mar phew, moth, or blackworm specks, and is espe cially successful In smoothing out the marks left by small pox. The , agents of "L'Entail de Paris" most confi dently submit to the public the earnest endorse ments of such distinguished Indies as Signora Ristori, Mete Valenti. Vestvali, Miss Maggie Mitchell, Mrs. D. P. Bowers, Lucille Western, Mail. "Ponisi, Mrs. Emma Waller, Lucy Rushton, Noemie de Marguerlttes, Miss Agnes Perry, and many others, whose high standing in the profession gives the stamp of truthfulness to to their intelligent and genuine approval. The beautiful Lucille Western says, I find that the "Entail" produces all the brilliancy of rouge and lilly-white, with the great and peculiar ad vantage of total harmlessness. It really acids to the softness and beauty of the skin. The mtumificent Vestvall says I have suffered so much from the various white lotions, &c., which my theatrical profession obliges me to nse, that I consider it a perfect benclitction To dud a preparation which gives the necessary whiteness to the skin, and leaves the skin cool and smooth. . . Miss :Maggie Mitchell says, I have tried the skin beautifier, "L'Emall de Paris," and found that It instantly imparts a natural bloom and freshness to the complexion. "Jared's Email de Paris" Is used es a delicate beaut !tier of the skin for theater, saloon, or ball room, by the most refined and scrupulous ladies; producing all the beautifying etleets of rouge mut lilly-white, without their vulgar glare or injury to the skin. Sold by ail Ilrst-class druggLsts, perfumers and wiles' hair dressers. . _ L. Isabeau. 822. Broadway; Demas Barnes & Co., and F. G. Wen-7. A: Co., New York • and Eup:ene Jonin, 111 South Tenth street, and 'Johnson. Hol loway A:. Cowden, Philadelphia, agents. Orders by mail should be addressed to JARED A: RENE, General Agents and Importers, New York. Mar23-4nno. X L 1866. THE GREAT ZTNGARI BITTERS. A Sure Prevent Ure of 01101, - ER_AA THIS WONDERFUL REMEDY was discovered and introduced about twenty years ago by Dr.S. Cheopsus, an eminent Egyptian physician. He had long seen and felt the want of some reme dy which would strike at the root of disease, and so prevent much of the suffering which the human family was then compelled to endure. The great question was presented to his mind every day in vivid colors as lie moved among the sick and dying, and observed the Inefficiency of nearly all the remedies then in use. Thus he was lead to think and experiment • and after ten years of study and labor, he presented to his fellow-man the wonderful Zingari Bitters. The effect of this prep aration in the prevention and cure of disease, 1111.9 so marvellous and astonishing, that the most flat tering marks of royal favor were bestowed upon him who discovered it. His name was placed upon the Roll of Nobles, and a gold medal with the fol lowing inscription—Dr, Cheopsus, the Public BOW.. factor—lves presented to him by the Viceroy. The preparation has been used in several epidem ics of cholera, both as a preventive and curative measure, and with such great success, that it has been introduced into nearly all the general hospitals of the old world. The old saving that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, applies with marvelous force to cholera, and therefore any remedy that will pro tect as against this terrible disease should be freely and persistentlyused. • All pathologists now agree that the cliolwa poison acts on the excretory organs, and keeps them in working order, must prevent fl sufficient accumula tion of the poison to exert its terrible effects on the organism. This is true not only of cholera, but of nearly all other maladies, especially the different forms of fever. The Great Zingari Bitters Is just such a remedy as the above conditions require. Its nets on the organs of excretion and secretion, keeping up a per fect balance between them. This Bitters 19 com posed entirely of roots and herbs, so nicely con cocted that every organ is acted upon and put in tone. Its taste is pleasant and Its effects prompt and lasting. Numerous eases of the following disease have been cured by it: Cholera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery-, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever, Ague, Nervous Debility, Anaemia, Female Irregularities, Dyspep filit,Flatulency. Colic, Scrofula, de. Price one dollar per quart bottle. Principal Depot at the Walnut street wharf, Har risburg, Sold by all Druggists, Hotel keepers and Grocers. F. "'MUTER, Sole Proprietor. For sale by .1. C. Bucher, Locust Street., above Front, Columbia. Pa. may 26.T6. ly. J 30 0 T ll' lien tho grant Bedford County Orator said Switzerland had her Winklerehl, Scotland liar Bruce, and America her Booth, he should hot have referred to the assassin of Abraham Lincoln, but to the greatness of Booth, tho Tobacconist, on Locust street, Columbia, who keeps the best assortment of SEGkRS AND TOBACCO in the lIIARNBT. In Ms selection of Segars, are 'Havana, at prices ranging from Vrs to 590 per M Yarn, at .1 I. " 20 to 7. Clara Seed, nt " " " 20 to 40 Common Segnrs, " " 10 to 20 An Brands of Tobacco known in the market: Smith 6z Jones' Virginia Navy, J. MelinigliVs Vira Czragress, J. McKnight's Virginia CaVentlish, Baltimore Span. and the Celebrated Stemless Navy. In his Natural Leaf, will be found, Bough and Ready _Virginia, Rose DWI Mountain Due, Bachelors' Hall, Paton Gravely and Lilly. In his Fine Cute may be found Michigan, Gall A: Az No. 1, and Lone Boy. Besides Pipes, Pouches Wallets, Tobacco Brigs and Boxes, and all the Fine Brands of Smoking Tobacco, Pare Turkish, Mixed Turkish, Rose, Virginity, Lynchburg, and James River, besides all the Lower Grades usually found in ntire.telass establishment. Call and examine for ,'ourself, grid Booth or Jack will show von the "Tower.” .No. 6,1860-Iy.l GEORGE M. BOOTH. S'ETFING GROVER ,& BAKER'S HIGHEST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH EBEI LOCK STITCTI. SEWING MACHINES, 493 BROADWAY, KEW YORK' 7.0 CHESTXITT STRE.r.r, PIIILADELPIII.I, Jnn. 5, '67 G REAT impßoyEmENTs IN SEWING MACHINES EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE. PATENTED FEBRUARY 14Tli, 1860 Salesroom, No. 921 Chestnut St., Philadelphia This MACHINE' is constructed on a new prin cipal of mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to be SIMPLICITY and PERFECTION COR DINED, The following are the principal objections urged against Sewing Machines: 1. Excessive fatigue to the operator. :2. Liability to get out of order. g. Expense, trouble, and loss of time in re pairing. 4. Incapacity to sew every description of ma terial. 5. Disagreeable noise while in operation. The Empire Sewing Machine is Exempt from an arse OBJECTIONS. It Ims a straight needle, perpendicular action, U makes the LOCI:or SHTTLE STITCH - , which will neither ItIP nor RAVEL and Is alike on both sides; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, from Leather to tile ilnest Nansook Muslin, with cotton, linen or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number.' IT ;HE:4S, FELLS, BINDS, BRAIDS, TIMES, QUILTS, PLAITS, GATHERS. Having - neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the least possible trietion, it runs as smooth as glass, and is EMPHATICALLY A NOISELESS MACHINE. dll varactie.g of C ABINET MAO:EINES p . 01,1 $.60 upwards AZ-Particular attention is called to our new and Improved Manufacturing Machine, for Tailoring, Shoe-fitting, Coach Trimming, Its advantages are simplicity, durability, rapid ity, easy adaptation to all branches of manufac turing. It makes perfect, work on all material. It is especially desirable in sewing Patent Leath er, and is very still. It short It Is the most per fect manufacturing machine in the market. N. l3.—Every Machine guarranteed. EMPIRE SEWING - MACHINE COMPANY } 021 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, NELSON READ, Agent. ." -- -Agents wanted. Jan. 10,'67-ly THE HOWE MACHINE CO.'S SEWING MACHINES, 099 BROADWAY, NEW Tony. m=r7mlwwsNsismommmn-m The liavve LOCK STITCH, THESE WORLD-RENOWNED SEWING MACHINES Were awarded the highest premium at the World's Fair in London, and six first premiums at the New York State Fair of 1860, anti are cele brated for doing the best work, using a much smaller needle for the same thread than any other machine, and bye the introduction of the most improved machinery, we are now able to supply the very best machines In the world. These machines are made at our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the Immediate supervision of the President of the Company, ELI AS HOWE„TR., the original inventor of the Sewing Machine. They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, and to the use of Seamstresses, Dress Makers, Tailors, Manufacturers of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Corsets, Boots, Shoes, Harness, Saddles, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every specis of sewing, malting a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both sides of the articles sewed. _ . The Stitch invented by :VP...HOWE, and made on this Machine, is the most popular and dur able, and all Sewing Machines are subject to the principle invented by him. SEND FOR CIRCULAR The Howe Machine Company, GM BROADWAY, Car. Fourth St., N Y mar30,,87-1y SINGER SEWING MACHINES W. U. HESS Has beet: appointed agent for Colombia for these celebrated Machines, and offers them for sale at , his Book Store, at MANUFACTURERS' PRICES Everybody knows the Singer Marlines to be one of the standard Sewing Machines, and we present it to the citizens of Columbia and vicin ity' as incomparably the best kind in existence. It is simple, compact, durable and beautiful. It Is quiet, light running, and capable of perform ing a range and variety of work never before at tempted upon a single machine—using either silk, twist, linen or Cotton thread, and sewing with equal facility the very finest and coarsest materials, and anything between the two ex tremes, in the most beautiful and substantial manner. Its attachments for hemming, braid ing, cording, tucking, quilting, felling, trimming., binding, 4:c., are novel and practical, and have been invented and adjusted especially for this machine. ArS-Call at the Store and see one In operation SEWING MACHINES. _IP. G. PATTOIN . ..A.aent for the sale of THE "WHEELED :&, WIL.SON," "ELLIPTIC," and "HOWE'S" World renowned Sewing Machines. While the Wheeler & Wilson is universally ac knowledged to be the best machine for family use, the "Elliptic," which is manufactured by the same company, and made on the same general principles, is equally as good; and the "Howe" is unsurpassed as a shuttle machine. All these machines make the lock stitch, and are adapted to all kinds of family sewing, tailor ing, and other manufacturing purposes. No risk in buying them, as every machine sold is war ranted to give entire satisfaction. Sewing Ma chines for rent. Locust street, Columbia. Dec. I, '6G. CLOTHING. READ ! BEAD ! READ ! RE,IT A 2'TRA CTIOW DAVID HANAUER'S U. S. CLOTHING EMPORIUM! Front Street, first Store above 'Walnut Street, COLUMBIA, PA. • The Largest, Best Assorted, Handsomest and Cheapest Stock of CLOTHING, EURNISHLNG GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, ate., &0., ever exhibited in these regions, which will be sold at prices TO DEFY ALL COMPETITION? Come one and all, both great end small, To LITTLE DAVE'S Clothing Han; And get a lit from head to foot, At prices that your pursewill suit. BUY YOUR CLOTHING OF HENRY The subscriber would call the attention of the citizens of Columbia and vicinity to his large steel: of READY MADE CLOTHING, Embracing every variety of style and material suitable for the season. They are made. of the best material and In the most fashionable style. GENTLEMEN'S IotiItIsTISILING GOODS, Shirts, Scarfs, Neck Ties, Suspenders, Handker eltie, Hosiery', &c. A splendid line of these goods always ltet on hand. Also, Boots, Shoes, Hats d: Laps, of Ivilich we have a well Selected stock, and which we otibr at very cheap rates. TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS & Valfsps. Of an styles, are sold cheaper than city prices. Sty goods are all bought for cash, and I offer them nt cheaper rates, for cash, than any other store. Call and see. HENRY RICE, Adjoining Washington Reuse loront street, Columbia. April 14, 1866-Iy, T - W. REASLN, J • Atlerehairt, Tailor, Helium Street, seven doors above Second, WRIG'IITSTILLE, PA. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS of all styles, and stilted to any season, kept con stantly on hand, and manufactured to order, at short notice, and warranted • to give perfect satis faction. faut,t.lB, 1841.3-Iy. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF CLOTHING! AT TUE Blue Front Store The subscriber has Just purchased for the Spring Trade, iu the New York and Philadelphia Markets, a large and fashionable stock of READY MADE CLOT - 131NC Which he offers to the citizens of Columbia and vicinity as cheap if not cheaper than the prices before tite war. An examination win satisfy any ono that the prices are very low. .1 * have the Cheapest Priced Goods in Colombia, and am prepared to make up to order, in the latest cuts, handsome CLOTIIS, CASSIMBRES, VESTING ' S, PLAIDS, RT. Also, a. handsome stock of Gentlemen's Furn ishing Goods, at very low prices. T.ntats C,tstt. I 13LITAIENTRAL, Blue Front Buildings, Front Street, FortzVa. LANCASTER AD V'S. SPRING 1807. HAGER ,17, BROTHERS Are now opening and invite an examination of the Largest Stock of ENGLISH GRANITE WARE. ever offered In Lancaster. Also, a full assort ment of PAINTED ENGLISH GRANITE', WHITE AND COLORED TRENTON WARE, PITTSBURGH AND nosToN Ca,ASSWARE, We are selling all of the above at greatly re duced prices. i‘fARSEILLES Qt7ITZS A:s.tD lILA:s.ZRETS., Fine Damask and Hand-loom Table Linens, Linen Shootings, Pillow Casing, Napkins, Cotton Sheeting', Tioklngs, Checks, etc. 13leeehed the'best snakes. 1000 Pounds Prime Feathers. Window Shades and Fixtures. Green and Butfliollands, all widths. "Carpets and Oil Cloths. Grossley's English Brussels Roxbury Tapestry, Lowell anti Hartford Three-Ply Extra and Superfine Ingrain, Wool, Daten, Venetian, Hemp and Rag Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, from 1 to 4 yards wide. WALL PAPERS ! 'WALL PAPERS I An entire nem - Stock of Stamped, Gold and Plain Parlor Papers, Neat and Bright Styles Cilairther Papers, Choice Papers, Choice Plain Styles for Dining Rooms, Match Bordered Entry Papers. Decorations in Gold, Velvet, Marble and Wood Colors Marble, Oak Rosewood, Walnut and Maple DECORATIVE I'A.PERS. 151/1 be sold at Lo we :4 Prices, HAGER BROTHERS, Lancaster, Penna. DOW_N WITEI THE PRICES ! Just received from the Philadelphia and New 'York Markets a lull and complete stock of CLOTTIS AND CASSIMEIZES, the Latest Styles in the market, which we are prepared to make up to order In the BEST STYLE AND suonTEsT NOTICE, and at the Lowest Cash Prices. We have on hand a full and complete stock of BEADY MADE CLOTHING, for Men and Boys, Of our own make, which we guarantee well trimmed and well made, and goods as repre sented. Also. our Stock of GENTLEMEN'S FTJR:s.:ISII ING GOODS, is full and complete. Our stock Is purchased at the very Lowest. Cash Prices, and we are prepared to sell at a small advance. Call and examine our Stock, and you will be convinced the place to be suited tier the least money, is at MYERS & BATIIFOIsrS, No. 1 East King street, Lancaster City, Pa. S. BATTIVON'S IIIIANT TAILORING, CrENEk AL, CLOTHING, A:ND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, (Opposite Shober's Motel,) Com; En or Nolan Qt.t.tEN Arzn ORANGE ST:i., LA NCASTEIt, PENNA.. All kinds of ;lien's and Boys' ready-made Clothing anti Furnishing Goods constantly kept on hand. Also, a superior assortment of French, English. German mid American Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting.% Which will be made to order in any desired style, with the least possible delay ; warranted to give satisfaction, and at reasonable charges, July 14,q 50-1 y) S. S. itA.rirvon BOOKS AND STATIONERY. NEW AMERICA—By Hepworth Dixon. ANCIEN I' AND MODERN GREECE—By C. C. Felton, L. L. D. THE LAST DAYS OF OUR SAVIOUR. LIFE OF PRIM DOB—Musician and Chess Player. MARACHE'S M.V:s.ZUEL OF CHESS. CLIPPER CHESS PROBLEM TOURNAMENT. MORPHY'S MATCtI GAMES—Edited with notes— By Charles Stanley. Just 'received a large stock of BIZZARRE ENVELOPES, PERFUMED ENVELOPES AND PAPER. A complete assortment of BLANK BOOKS, At JOHN SHEAFFER Si SONS, No. 33 North Queen street. ESTABLISHED IN 1829. SEITTLTZ'S OLD ESTABLISHED HAT, CAP AN]) FUR STORE. No. 20 NORM QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, P.t. We would respectfully announce that w , are now prepared to furnish on r customers with the Latest Styles consisting of Gen t lemei DRESS SILK, CASSIMERE, PLAIN AND BRUSH, FUR AND WOOL, or: CASSIMERRETT STIFF CASSIMF.RE, SOFT AND STEEL EXTENDED BRIMS, AND FLEXIBLE SELF-ADJUSTING STIFF AND D'ORSAY mum HATS, in new, Novel and beautiful Designs, and at such prices as to make it an inducement for all to purchase. CAPS 1 CAPS!! CAPS t ! Our stock of Caps comprises all the newest styles for Men's, Boys' and. Children's Spring and Summer Wear. Ora ilorro as " EQUALITY TO ALL." The lowest selling price markea in figures on each article, rind never varied from, at SHULTZ & BRO.'S Hat, Cap and Fur Store, N 0.20 North Queen at. KINDS FURS BOUDIIT, AND HIGIMST CAST! PUICS3 I'AID. [DIDT3O,'O7 AMN. BRENEMAYS A'S' GENTLEMEN'S BOYS, GIRLS AND CHILDREN'S SHOE STORE. The largest and best assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's wear In the CITY OF LA.:NCASTER. The undersigned respectfully invites the citi zens of Col umbia and vicinity, to his large stock of LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES, Such as Women's KW and French Morocco Roots, Balmoral, Continental and other FASHIONABLE STYLES. We are prepared to mantifactare at short notice every kind of Ladles' and Gentlemen's wear known in this market, and at as cheap rates as any simillar establishment. Call and examine our stock. A. N. BRENEMAN, Opposite Cooper's Hotel, - West litm,, , St. Lancaster. TO HO.RSE OWNERS. 13AKER'S HOOF LINIMENT, THE BEST ARTICLE KNOWN -- - _ For Quarter or Sand Crack, Corns, Thrush, Contracted, Hard or Brittle Roofs, ttze, and for general use in place of Stutlingor soaking - . As Dressing for the outside of the Hoot it Tins no Superior. Sold. Wholesale and retail, by A. MlLEY,„Sail dle and Harness Manufacturer, No. 37 :North Queen Street, next door to Sltober's Eagle Hotel, Lancaster City, Penna. N. B.—Harness of every description constantly on hand, and repairing neatly done to order. HARDWARE, STOP - LW. tee. J.IO.I3IP.TAE cf: - SOS, DEALERS IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC HARDWARE An extensive al;cortinent of house furnishing' bardware, also for carpenters' and builders' use, always on hand. IRON I\3) STEEL 31a Avngon malters, and others, furn ished with all kind:, of Iron, :Sails, Horse Shoes, Coach Trimmings, and other goods in their line, WOOD A. ND WILLOW WARE, In groat variety, such as Tubs, Baskets, - Wash Boards, Brooms, I'l'4lBlllllg Machines, &e., &c. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Plows, Shovels, lioes, Plow Cas,ting.:, Scythes, Forks, Rakes, and all other Invlen - lents used by the Ihrrner. STOVES AND TIN WARE. Stoves of every style and pattern, Cook, Parlor and Office Stoves, for coal or wood. A large as sortment of Tin Ware always kept ou hand, or manufactured to order. Oil, Paints, &c. Coal Oil, Ltnseed, Fish, Sperm and Machine Oils of al/ kinds. Alcohol,l3enziae, Japan, aad other Varnish, Glci.ss, Paints, Putty, "White Lead, ...tie. LOCLST STREET, COLUXBIA, PA T F. COTTRELL & BRO., tY • Dealers In FOREIGN ANI) DOMESTIC Hardware Bar Iron, Steel, knits , Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Benzine, A large assortment of Parlor, Cook and Office Stoves always en hand. Tin Ware manufactur ed to order at shortest notice. WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, in large quantities and of every variety. Plows, Corn Shelters, Feed Cutters, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Bakes, &c. Coarse and Fine Salt at lowest market prices. A large assortment of Double and Single bar reled Guns, Powder Flasks, Game Bags and Shot Pouches. Rifle and Blasting, Powder,shot and caps. /M.Righest market prices paid for Clover and TltuW3y, and Flax Seeds, large quantities of wince we have constantly on hand and offer at the lowest rates. Lubricating, Sperm and Fish Oils, suitable for machinery, A Fine assortment of Coal 011 Lamps, Shades, Lanterns, and Lamp trimmings. We respectfully solidi, a share of public patron age. J. F. COTTRELL, W. P. COTTRELL, Locust St., Columbia. PETILADELPRFA CANCER ROS RUM.. PROPP.4-I,'SOll R. H. PRINCIPAL PHYSICIAN ANT) SURGRON, To the Philadelphia Cancer Tiospital. Office, No. Oat ARCH Street, is daily making astonish ing and most miraculous cures of Cancer by the most scientific and lately approved remedies known to the civilised world, urnong, which ate his great Cancer Antidotes, wonderful treatments that operate specilleally upon the Cancer and Cancerous affections, untidotlng, killing and destroying tile Cancer, every particle, root and fibre belonging to it or them, without pain or the use of the knife, without caustic, eating and burning medicines, without the loss of blood, or in the least affecting the sound flesh. No other treatment should ever be used. No other persons have these antidotes. To investigate these treat melds, to see patients under treatment, and to examine the terrible specimens thus removed, call and see, or address R. H. R.LINE, D., °She, No. ttl ARCH St Philadelphia, Penna. Post Office Box 14;4. For Particulars send for a Circular. WROUC UT SCRAP MON. TILL' STISQUEUAIIig.N. MOW CO. will pay the highest cash price for Wrought Scrap Iron, delivered at their min, Colombia, Lancaster County, Pa. WM. PATTON, 1 1 .. Treasurer. CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS. 1867. SPRING S. P. & E. B. OENB, 904 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELP.FIIA OPENIN - G SPRING IMPORTATIONS NEW CARPETINGS F. & E. B. ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET. 100 PIECES YARD AND A HALF WIDE VELVETS. T P. &E. B. OENB, t) . 904 CHESTNUT STREET, 1000 PIECES JOHN CROSSLE 6; SONS' ENGLISH TAPESTRY CARPETS, AT GRI , IATLY REDUCED PRICES. J . F. a; E. B. ()BNB, 904 CHESTNUT STREET, 500 PIECES BEST 1\ TATCP., , S ENGLISH BRUSSELS F. & E. B. ORNE, tl . 904 CHESTNUT STREET, ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS FOR HALLS AND STAIRS, WITH EXTRA. BORDERS j F. &E. B. ORNii, 904 CHESTNUT STREET, CHOICE DESIGNS FRENCH CHENILLE CARPETS jr F. & E. B. ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET, '250 PIECES EXCLISH ROY.A.L WILTON CARPETS ef F. &E. B. ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET, 50 SHEETS EXTRA QUALITY ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS jr . P. & E. B. ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET, 100 PIECES NEW CANTON MATTINGS WS HITS, IBM CHECK, EM OF ~ILL WIDTHS. T s P. & E. B. ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET, 100 PIECES YARD AND A nALF WIDE VELVETS. J . V. & E. 13. ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA OPENING SPRING lAIPORTA.TIONS NEW CARPETINGS r F. &E. B. ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET, PIECES EISOLISIS ROYAL WILTON CARPETS April 0, 'G7-Mn. 1N5771?4 - 1 71 7 C -LP COMPANIES, COLUMI3LA. INSURANCE CO. cYrnAL AND ASSE.TS, - - - =2,210 49 1867 This Company continues to Insure Buildings, 31erchandinc, and other property, against loss and damage by, fire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium, or premium note. SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT. Whole amount insured, $8,301,295 51 Less ain't expired In '53, 212,386 00 $8,091,939 31 CAPITAL AND INCOME, Amount of premium notes, Tan. 1,185, $125,090 CO Less premium notes exp'd In It 6 10,073 45 0110,017 21 Am't of premium notes reed in 1085, 115,581 13 Balance of premiums, Sony 1, 1805 3,830 14 Cash receipts, less conunisslons, in '95, 40,709 913 Losses and expenses paid in 1865 $ 37,987 88 Balance Capital and Assets, Jan. 1, '66, 532,210 40 ',3570,108 37 A. S. GREEN, President. GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Secretary. Mrctranr. S. Siru3rAN, Treasurer. DIRECTORS: R. T. Ryan, John W. Steacy John Pendriclr, George Young, Jr., H. G. Minich, Nleholas INCDonald, Samuel F. Eberlein, Itlicha2l S. Shuman, Amos S. Green, S. C. Slaymaker, Edmund Spering, William Patton, Jan. 13, 18110. INSURANCE COMPANY of NORTH AMERICA, PIIILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1701. Assets, $1,310,000. Charter perpetual. Insurance against loss or damage by are on Buildings, Merchandize, Furniture, &C., for long or short periods, or permanently ou Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. The prompt payment of losses for a period of SEV.r.:crY years, affords a guarantee of claim upon public confi dence. Airtunn G. COFFL7S, Pres't. cirAuLus PL,tIT, See'y. F. s. ZIEGLER, Agent, - Walnut Street, above Front, Coli - 111)in, 'Pa. January 21, ISoerly. CHARTER PERPETUAL. 1829 FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CO Assets, on January lA, ISG3 Capital ...... Invested Premiums... Unsettled C1a1za5....... Income for iSfil Losses paid since 1829 PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON LIBERAL TERMS. Charles N. Baneker, George Fides, Isaac Len, Jacob It. Smith, Tobias Wagner, Alfred. Filler, Edward C. Dale, George W. Richards Samttel. Grant, rms. W. Lewis, M. Li cirA.RLEs N. BAIcCKER, Pres't EDWARD C. DALE, Vice-Pres't. J.ts. W. AlcA.l.LisTint, Seo'y Pro. Tent. JOHN COOPER, Agent for Columbia Mar. I•_', 1864-ly. rrEE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUR— j_ ANCE SOCIETY of the UNITED STATES, Otters inducements to those proposing to assure, which are believed to be unequaled. Annual Cash Dividends. All the Profits Divided pro-rota. among the Assured. ORGANIZED JULY, IMO Accumulated Fund, over 000,000 Annual Income, over WM. C. ALEXANDER, Pres't. 11. lIvor; Vice-President. G. W. PILILIP, ACCU:II7. 0111ce-92 Broadway, "COW York. For further particulars, apply to W. G. PATTON . , Agent, June 0,1560.] Columbia, Pa. iARMERS' .)lUTUAL FIRE INS:U.II- ANTE COMPANY., YORK, PA., APRIL Ist, ISGO Accumulated Capital This Company continues to issue Po2icies of Insurance on Buildings or Personal Property, in town or country, at CASIt, or MUTUAL BATES. 1:11ABIER, President. D. SMICICLEIt, Secxetsvey. DIRECTORS: IL Kraber, Thomas Gray, Ell Kinditt, Jolin Lmxlc,, Win. 'Wallace, George D. Eberr, David Strickler. Applications tor lllSlWallee Win be Made to \l. S. 4111131 AN, Jul.)" 7.1860-11". Columbia THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 100 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Cash Assets, January Ist, 1865 • 1 179,765 is The investments of this Company are in First Mortgages on Real Estate in the city of Phila delphia,tul In other securities carefully selected by the Directors. Perpetual and Term Insurances effected by this Company at as low rates of premi urns as safety to the Company and to the insure.: will admit. F. Ratehtbrd Starr, J. L. Errlager, Nal bro' Frazer, George W. Fahnestoek, John M. Atwood, James L. Claghorn, Benj. T. Tredielc, William G. Bolton, George H. Stuart, Charley. Wheeler, John H. Brown, T. H. Montgomery, F. RATCHFORD STARR, Preg' t. Trios. H. MoNTGomEnY, Vlee-Presl. Arcs. W. WxsTER. Secretary. P. X. ZIII:GLER, Agent, Feh. 10, 1966.] Columbia, Pa. FIRE AND ISIABINE IN \A &TRANCE COMPANY, OF PIIILADELPUIA Capital This Company continues to take risks on good property, at rates as low as any other safe Com pany and consistent with prudence. Policies issued for long it short terms, or per manently. Losses promptly paid. All Claims adjusted without litigation or delay. This Com pany refers to the pastas a guarantee of Its future conduct. VMS. CRAVEN, Pres't A. S. GILLETT, Vice-Preshlent. JAa. 13. i1i , 703113, Secretary. F. X. ZIEGLER, _Wend, - Walnut Street. above Front, Columbia, Pa January 21, 181:1-1y. lIOMINSURANCE COMPANY E OF NEW 1ORE:. OFFICE—No. 135 Broadway Cast Capital Assets, Ist January, 1867 CHAS. J. MARTIN, Presq. A. F. 'WILL - M.IMM, Vlee-PreKl. Jon): MeGP,E.', Secretary. WASIIBLMN, Ass't Secretary. D. A. HEALD, General Agent. Total loss by Portland Fire, $112,041 42—a1l paid before July 15th. A. J. KAUFFMAN, Acent, Columbia, Pa. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ILVVEN, CONN. CAST{ CAPITAL. Insures against Loss or Damage by Fire, and Inland Transportation, on Terms adapted to the hazard, and consistent with sound and reliable underu•rt[l[m. ASSESS, JANUARY I, 1867 'United States and State Bonds National Bank Stock _ . Real Estate owned by Company 75;000 00 Loans on Mortgaes, Stocks, Soon Call. 5.14-11 16 Cush on hand, In Bunk, in Agents' hands, and due for PPCIIIiIIItIS 061,810 Oil Bills Receivable, and Fire and Inland Salvages 55,700 70 .litteret and Rent,, tu:crued.ll,ool 02 . . . Al] other Property belonging to the Company 30,86 S 27 :1;1.10,110 00 Losses unpaid and in process of ad justment SO FANCY, Statement of Premiums received and Losses paid during each year since the organization of the Company: Premiums received. Losses Paid. 1809 37,887 30 20,786 20 1801 81,230 00 46,100 G 3 VG* , 168, 20 3 40 02,130 89 1863i . i0,973 G 5 180,433 30 1801 430,473 78 •278,488 04 1885 773,811 60 451,2(.91 90 1866 1475,405 43 1,128,304 D. IL SATTERLEE, President. DANIEL TRONVIIIIIDGE,) CILAILLES WILSON, }Vice Presidents. SANlnct, L. TALCOT. .) W.m. S. GoonELL, Secretary. Policies written for any time, from ilve clays to five years, on Buildings, Merchamlize, etc., and perpetually on Dwelling's, Court Houses, Church es, and School Houses, by A. J. kAUFFIVIAN, Agent Math 30, 'CI-tf. , Columbia, Pa. BOOTS AND SHOES. 4TADIES SHOE MANUFACTORY. Having Increased my facilities for turning out superior work I would announce to my old customers and all new ones that may favor me with a call, that I am better prepared now to manufacture nil kinds of LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, than ever before. I employ none but the best workmen and am always certain of giving satis faction. I keep on hand a general assortment of ready made work all of which is manufactured on the premises. I keep no made-up work of other parties. My work is made exclusively for home trade and is sold as such. TERMS CASH. We sell as cheap as any other establlslunent, and nsk a shore of public patronage. JAMES SCIIIIO.F.DF.R, Locust Street, between Front and Second. of4 o-,"MANUFACTURE. MANUFACTURE.E. The Subscriber has on hand a large Stock oots and Shoes, Gaiters, .tc., all of his own Manufacture. Call at his Store, four doors above It. Williams' Drug Store, Front Street, where he otlbrs un ex tensive assortment of Goods, either WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. His stock consists of as large and general as sortment of Men *s Boys' Ladies' and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES; as can bo found elsewhere Su the Town. Those requiring Boots and Shoes, will find it to their advantage to eall and examine his Stock, before purchasing elsewhere. May purchasing SAMUEL GROVE. 570,108 37 MEM OT PHIL ADELPH IA .52,501,207 04 DIRECTORS Ot; =HEM ..5200,000 Securities 2,000 000 00 :3,015,3b4 67 26,,931 05 .51,000,000 I 5 ,200 00 ~5' I 5 00 $1,371,516 74 .211:18.151:1_ER'S C0L7J3.127. MISHLER'S BITTERS INTERMITTENT AND REMITTENT FEVER Intermittent Fever is similar to Fever and Ague and its origin can be traced to the same causes. As its name implies it is remittent in its effect, recurring at stated periods. As in Fever and Ague this disease is proceeded by a dull,listless feeling. Soon the Fever, accompanied by a violent hoad ache, comes on. After raging a length of time it disappears for a few hours, only to return with increased severity, and leaving the sufferer prostrated menially and phy sically. In ordhiasy practice the first re sort of the physician in the treatment of this complaint is quinine and mercury. The disease by this treatment is checked—not cured—and is liable at any time to return. AIISEILEWS BITTERS C I-I OIA E R-A._. Mishler's Bitters cures effectually all such cases by inducing a healthy action of the Liver and by their unsurpassed tonic pro perties prevent a recurrence of the disease. When Mishler's Bitters were first intro duced to the public the proprietor did not feel justified in recommending it as a spe cific for Cholera During the fall of 1865, Dr. Mishler received the following note from Jacob L. Baker, Esq., of Lancaster Pa., a member of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Arr. Baker had a great deal of experience in the treatment of Cholera is a druggist of sixteen years standing,was Hospital Steward in the Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia, for three years, and is withal a gentleman of undoubted integrity and one in whose statement the most implicit confidence can be placed : Lancaster, November 3d, 1565. Dr. Mishler—Dear Sir:---Knowing that the Choi ora with its dreadful ravages is now up on our land, and knowing that no medi cine now in our country possesses such a caloric influence "which is the vital reme dy tar all diseases of this kind," as the Bitters you now making I request you to prepare such a quantity of your bitter as would snit all demands, as I assure you they will be an invaluable remedy, end wilt he hailed as a blessing by all who will use it. .$ 100,000 071,000 1,188,208 5,416 300,000 5,000,000 Yours respectfully. JACOB L. BAKER Being thus urged, and having noticed the Bitters were constantlyouring the most violent cases of Diarrhoea, Cholera ?.lorbus and kindred complain ts,Dr. Mishler at last catered his compounds as a cure for Cholera The result has exceeded his most sanguine expectations and fully - justifies all that Mr. Baker says in his note. It certainly proves that Mr. 'Baker's practical knowledge of medicine far exceeds that of most doctors who too often close their patients with de leterious drags on some absurd theory.— For the purpose of showing that IN lishler's Herb Bitters will cute Cholera we give below a few facts. All intelligent persons who have investi gated the origin of cholera, agree that it is caused by poison introduced and generated into the system by impure water, damp ness, filth and over-crowded rooms with deficient ventilation. This is proved by the fact that cholera always rages worse on board of ships where all of the above causes are found more or less combined. To cure cholera, and also to prevent it,it is necessary to neutralize this position, and that Mish 1 er's Bitters will do this is proven by the following : The steamship Virginia, arrived lit the Port of New York about the middle of April with cholera a board a number of the passengers having died daring the voyage with this complaint. Among the passen gers were a family named St:tallith, from Baden, Germany. This 11111.1 i y was at tacked with cholera. Fortunately for diem they had friends living in this city an caster. Pa.,) who knew the virtues of ish lees Bitters and who procured a bottle and sent it to the Selonith family. When this package arrived at Quaranun e,the doctors examined it and confiscated the contents. Another bottle was procured and packed in a more secure manner: it safely reached the Schmiths. On its arrival aboard the Vir ginia, _Henry Schmith and Christ. Schm jib were both laboring under choleric symp toms: Mrs. Marcia Schmith, wife or the former was very bad, not expected to re cover. and a sou had died of the dread com plaint and had been buried theday previ ous. It was in this plight a bottle of Mish ler's Bitters, sent forth like an Angel of Mercy found the poor Schmith family.— Henry Schmidt was the first to try it, and so instantaneous was the relief he experi enced that he gave itto nis wife and brother both of whom it at once relieved. They used the entire contents of the bottle and all three were so much relieved that the physicians permitted them to leave the Virginia. after being confined at quarantine aboard that scourge ship forty-twp says.— The Schmiths proceeded to their relatives in Lancaster, and at an early opportunity called on Dr. Mishler to express their grati tude for the timely relief they had found in his Bitters. Mr Henry Schmith stated that all the compounds Um doctors had given him did no good, but that one glass of Mishler's Bitters made him feel like a new Man, warming his whole system, giving him it healthful heat and causing him to perspire freely. Ills statement was substantially was substantially as given above. and ho further said that if the doc tors had not kept the first bottle front reaching him, his son would yet brve been living. Mrs. Schmidh was still weak front the effect of cholera, but the continued use of the Bitters were most sorely restoring her accustomed vigor. It is not to be expected that regular M. Ps. will admit that any remedy not to be found in the Dispensatory will cure Chol era or any other complaint, but candor compels Dr. D. IL Bissell of the Cholera Hospital ship " 'Falcon" to admit that he believes Mishler's Bitters to be a " very good Tonic." In reply as to a case of Bit ters that was sent to him by a well known gentleman of Lancaster. lie writes as fol lows ,:',300,000 hospital Ship Falcon, Quarantin, New York,June 7th, Is6o. George S. Rowbotham, Esq.— Dear Sir : Yours of the 23d, inst. is to hand. In re ply, I beg leave to say, that I received the case of Bitters you sent me for trial i&c., that I gave them to the convalescents in Hospital. I believe them to be a very good tonic Bitters, well adapted to all cases requiring Tonic remedies. D. H. BISSELL, Physician, Hospital Ship "Falcon." This letter from Dr. Bissell,just after the reception of the Bitters, and before he had time and opportunity to thoroughly test their wonderful medicinal properties is considered an important endorsement, as that gentleman to-day occupies the most important position of any physician in America. The passengers and crews o emigrant and merchant vessels that arrive in the Port oh New York from ion ign coun tries, are suhjeet to his inspection and eon trol, and the great experience he has had in the management of that dreadtul dis ease, Cholera, gives an endorsement by him an 'masa& importance. This letter together with the StateMent of the Selnnith fatally—who while in the Steamer Vir ginia, ware under Dr. Bissell's control, shows what the Bitters have done and can do. Another case of Cholera cured by Nish ler,s Herb Bitters is that 01 Mr. Pearsol of York county, who,alter suffering severely from all the symptons of Cholera, finally became collapsed and while in this state, (the doctors stating that he was_ beyond re lief) a friend administered freely,Mishler's Bitters. The effect was instantaneous ; heat was induced in the body, perspira tion was and after using one bot tle Mr. Pearsol was entirely restored. Mishler's Bitters cures Cholera by coun teracting the poison which is the cause of the disease. Poison in the system ,whether generated by bad air, filth, &c., ns in Cholera, or introduced by the bite of a venomous snake or mad dog will be ex.- Pelted and all bad symptons allayed by the use of Michler's Herb Bitters. The above proves this to be the fact in Cholera and the certificate of Mr.lthinehart proves that, Mishler's Billers will cure the bite of a poisonous snake: Lancaster, July 4th, ISGS. Mr. B. Mishler—Sir:—About eight weeks since I was bitten in the left hand by a snake, but at the time did not know of what species it was. Immediately after the bite my hand swelled to a very large size, and the poison appeared to be work ing up my aria. I suffered great pain in my band and arm; I had to quit work and was afraid I would be compelled to have my band amputated. I came to you, and by your advice washed my hand and arm with your Herb Bitters at the same time taking it inwardly. In eleven days I was able to go to work. again. The poison was all drawn out and Mishler's Herb Bitters was the only medicine or application that I made use of. Mr. Christian Burns, a near neighbor of mine, went out a day or two after to the place where I was bitten, and killed what I believe was the same snake that bit me as he caught within live yards of the spot whore I was bitten. It proved to be what is called a copper snake; at any rate, whether it was the same one that bit me or not—one thing is certain— that your Bitters cured the bite of a snake in my case for which I shall ever be thank ful, as I believe it was the means of saving my hand. shall be pleased to personally BMW* any ono of the truth of the above. lr ours. JACOB RINEHART. Low Street. Lancaster. For Sale by—J. C. BUCHER, and all Druggists. WILL CURB I=