L. 1t.10111213, Editor and roblisiter. VOLUME XXXVIEL NUMBER 3G.] THE COLUMBIA SPY, [Ii'..STABLISHI.:I4 IN 1816 ] Vu.blisty.4 Eintp, F4,atutball Darning. OFFICE—LOCUST Si,, BPPOSITECOI.I.III73IA BANK. TERMS OF sunscuipTloN per year, if paid in advance; six !non l hs,i3l Il not paid until I he expiration 01 the year.,.'xi.,:i) will he ehan4ent I= paper W... haul, :it the "1,000 01 th, itor. IC.Vri.:% 4 u 1 DVER7ISIN4): 111UKT LlNr.'" MAIO': A ' , 917 '.IU 1 sr ss , •.• • I "• 1 "-Ir., ,Tr I 1..00 400 I .4,, I 1111 0.0 0 .:00 1 — I I 111 I 1.11'.1 I S.llll - 11.:S. ,11 ' 0 C 011111111... I I 40. 0 1.1.1..10 II p.m] Ir. nfuuut I 11.99 1 1,00 1j.0.010 I 3 : 00 t 10,0.1_0 Thu' VI.) , V rate- , SLII ttot trll]. till- Ire. .prri;Q ,olltral•L loile)1” lii. n6,,Vt• 11110, will I•i• ; o r di,- 1,1:1:, 4.e plank ad \ 1 . 1 t Adverti - i . ident , not undo .. eantrai•t, inu . d. marked 111 i, lentfth nl lone NV11: emit 11111 , 1 RUA 11111 II Ordored oat. S.it . 2.11K•V ren 1. In Ire. All Not A , Evert! ,, IIIVIIIN in mat,. lilt hue:, OVel . 1 ,, 11 11111. 0 . 11.; pt r tine. ialvertiser, will fie ettailzeit the ,arne ran,: n tran , ient advert too Wit taatter. A`A.t A r thrt, inNidoretl CAST!, niter 11,4 117 ~r•rUrul. PR 0 PESS faX..l 1; CARDS. Ncarri, NCTOUS EV cot' N,Et,Lutt-xr-t-NNV, Colllllolht. ht. 1 . ..111'01i011, 111:Plt• ill 1 - . 1111,1 , 11•I' :111.1 Coutil 1 \V. 1 , 1•41( NU, 4.0 i . 0 on Front St ce , l. hot woon lUCUJt and I),Thlnitt, Columbia. P.t. , f ., c Pay. :till all c1:1•111 , $1 t 11` •ett It tt p. illtttly 4) \Vt.l•ll - 0:1 SAN: EN - .VS.* E 0 tt` VE.N.C'Et tli,tt, t.:t t-woott t 11.. najottitim 0 141 rellt - tAr- , ;tat', o.Ru:thin. la. J . 7., 1 - O)PFEI-1. 1) e: T I'4 'l' . to•Nt door to IL Willkiiiv 1P:•:tv.,41,11,`, h , •1W4,11 XV:1 1 / 1 1!: ` 4 11 ,, 1 , t'011;1111141, Pa. 1 7 .11 M F. 3• .0111;4., 01— .0 , zn., • C.,t1:1111 , 1:0110 qr. ‘‘'011•1:1 1.1 7 ;II N I 1. . "Li v. ttL pr,,L,Ls-I1 sereiees to rile MO Viola Ily. 101110 at the Alirr vol;ate•letl 0110 ,t 1 .1.0(. . 1100, vt•Ill (I.,rry hifirl rnion, ON'orY t, mil N.. 011111 ii I'. N. Yet -None. wts.Ling . Neevtees ut speel:Ll ease,. between tle NveteLl he hour. Lit In °Mee, or throtig-IL po,; - - - 1 - I.OI'ELS. . - FiLkx.R.LtN ROUSE. r r., CoI.UXIIITA. P. . I, it iNivi every iespeel to meet the of the tral. UV; putdir. M N \V IN, Proprietor, .11-tl;::Sclrs 1101:1;n., 1, 4 1:1‘. V.l.ll,ltwall tipll , lt , eitY Hall Park :\:,,k• York. I'ruyri. slur_ IN. \s'.‘st s q uare, I:4•,,,inmiteliw.t. EvAs Proprii -tor. 1 -1 XI! N1.01,1):1' 3OY, P lon•qt-Cia, , ; 1 / 4 ecomillk.lation , El ti,o Ititr. A 1.1.:N. P. It I . :Ni-1.;. Proprietor. Hot•Su. I‘l. B.l_l,TrAl ( )/ZE. 31. k lh 1 - 1-% NI). heon milds it is sill t Iznown to 1111151 enter- I wit , :oil t liet,itore neeriniziiiiita 1., ‘. I,ll2illltalt ! in wore. 1.1.1 t. Pt oprietor. MISCELLA Vs. - vr.vt: \-1 N':4 PATENT A r.t•Nt DULY 1-1.1.. FLUE, AN I) tho I,c-,t hi the. world! N , ver vor to Iv tttv. Nt•Ver t Alo Ow may :II le4l nnh Alum :tll.l Ins Pla , ter. ,:11! a• an T1111 1.1.41tV 1N 110..11 Ct.logu , 3 • N0.12a5 krostclw.* : . New York. N.C;2I '...-tro•t, Ph i V.(111t; I;(1(1l.E. 1i11.N.L1,112 IN Li . l,lini:it OF .11,1, Dv,srl'OPTIoNS Ntreot. het woun I;11101) 4' IT I N IN. ; ; (,f 1..01 , , :In 1 .1.11 :It NEW W 114)i NS. , • •MI I, nII •Itte. ri I..Nr ‘viNE-t. AND I,l(le.iltS W;111, MI I Llif ;IWO, U.O it, ti.. • ,1,11%, t tile e1,g..111 - - - • - • • A 'l` \V 1; _l. \\- ! N . ht i its reluvilitil virtilt . s. It klttises OW hair trt _rote where It has ntiten ,11t, and re -tnre, it in it, natural oaor it hell irraY. rime old alopearanee • p , ttug M4Ol/.• It tl'itl 1 , 0 1111 . 11:111 . 11,111 falling out. It is tuft 0 fly', it ,trilzes at the roots and Tills the la k with 111•0' :111 , 1 c0101114:111:11t.T. 11.1 in pßEsshy G Itt.lkinu it intri•r. soft and Kluc.c. 1111111,,,4.,•tirvyorup not vont :On dry np lio• 11111oIlI~clrit•ltlr111.• do), tI,SI Et, ~,.• p 311 6 :1, r. 4; %t .11-111,17')". r• - , 1.,1: 11 ‘ll*.r. S;ril.s N:4 1.1 tit; vtid take 11., I,t.r. ia•9'rr,rt N.• im flu• by all 7,t 's* upon the .nioothe...t thee in fruao three to live week., Iry 1141r.r.Pr.-. 22 eN TESTAIT RATE 1 - 11 ("API 112 flat 10a...t ih‘t..ivery in modern aethot, Upon the Beard and Hair In all altno-t laira ,ll- Po is a a m vi m d L ondon with e th n e nol btyin t I ho ,1112 Fame , of till purella , er , will Iron , li.trfed, r . ata 0111 Ire satiarnet lon not give!, Lt Ivory hist:love, the money will he eheerfulls' r.' ,11 1 1 0e..• Prior by sealt4l rout punt -paid, Descrip tive orcultim and tottitoraiial, mailed free. Ailtlre,.. 12 12126 1211, F 4,111.71 Ts & elIOMIS(,, 2 ,4 1 River 1.11 reet, Troy, Now York. Mar 11 .V-Iy] Sole agent:, fur the United States. M l'. 3I IN • I,EAVE •• • ET= 6=l =MESI I.J I/ Het, ES f 1 211 'rho ra;•rl. ot• st 111..11 =Hi IS= I'. II \ 1;:„1.11k4 Ntu-Ittut, N. If. MCF , TACII COLUMBIA, SAT ILTB,D,A:Y" MORI\TING - , 18, 186'7. ? .LUBL -- Wryr the "Spy.") The Twilight ilonr. IMEEE I love it, I love it, The twilight floor, it spoalcs to my lienii, 01 tin Almighty pow(-r A :Npnit eternal, Croat ing, upholding• gyory place. I lutr the.tt•eet horn•. :its holy awl calm; To I he 'ad grk.r-warn It hringtah a balm. \'ltilo ht sw. , et uu•dit.ai n n. _ltd cg,inn in hint; with If eav,n, e ton. t, I- I he Itmtr. .‘nl lra t luau hay-field and elt,vvr, Thrmigll ulw-teritlg The rlew 011 noel ot% er. Uhl4l,:u - In ii.y lu art, In the Ntt'vet twilight hour Thu, mar ,h•pari. When life', dream And my ,orrdwing heart. ~hall pulsate no more; When tne moon nails hi rho •tat , g,...1101,1:y, 1V1,..n 111, lOW murmur Thf• molt vephyr,..igh. ilio mild !Will:rid Fade , mto oven. And liatilre. 11, , ilitrol. to of livitvoli. Oh! Mon I would TO Illy I tieSt When, lov'.l our. awititim4 Are Wlll,lc•ring, L°l9 i [For the aDe 44rintut n ib the:.-A.Waltetzing ; OR. PAUL .11ART'S LOVE-LIFE ;,..'ourtbtb on BY .T. \VI LLI 31 VAN A lif/h , ”• •• fr lh,• Cfrps... titelr :t Pte . :ll:g Iteto,-,:t tot :11:ovo , tteitor fit sofr . 1.11 .•;20,*1•'1 q • 1 , , p t., Ir,Ly an I [ ,vo _I haiut for tile ‘votut,ie I, ,t for the tear, Which 0 - 1(11 , •:-• n't•r the (lay o'er (II Diif ua To la:wilir. weary and AV ;h1 with de , Pitir Which liriuditeii, ,odeu.. the ',Maw, smile. like a ni,2 OH our wilderue ,, When slid you say you woC 0u he tuarriud, Ethel'' Iti the ;in I tal. happy' "So happy," how the wt/rli, Wetk 11, w it , like mockery, into the n•c.try heart of l'aul Mart, as he s.teoti there with Ethel l 7 ray. beneath> the old elm that ca=t its shadow on her rather's lawn—stooth as they had stood entity times before. so ricer that the hem of her dress covered his feet, t-o near that her al in re,ted OD his. so nea r , that .11C s ermid -feet - -her - 11-atm breath on his check, so near that she could hear the wild. ttniniltuon4 beating of his heart. You do liot wish i e joy. Mini." ,:h e said, as She v. - , lttl)ea h i tvarittg tll piece a fitower Side had hi w. ••T hope con may he happy with the nue you hate Clio-en, - he said. coldly, through his ,lsed teeth. as if the \cold-. were forced from it ii lid' pouer not hi= own. —Thank you. i that r and Ethel looketi disappointed—law zs, she bent her gaze open 111 M. and saw bow rigid and gha,tly hi, face ha.l Ircolne, ,he knew what ;..he never Lerore :ha,l that Paul Mart love.l tier ; and a, the knowled! , e stole over her, and become settled in her mind. it unule her unhappy. "Yon expect Mr. Cline here ~,ern. 1011 nut ? —Vos, he pr.mli,ed to eon v next week. F have 'Token of you to ltiw. :mil he i, quite niixliou, to make your :RAVI I hope you ttili like /11111, Id, ;ILI , / I .1:11 ..ore s.ou trill' Pclll,llo, Wo; a , 111 I In :y meet huu ; 10.4 the h I . 9re Ile ee11.0 , , it IU iy he lIVN •• LC:IVe :he VIILI: ) er . iXejailiivh iu ,nrpr'.:,e. witi: tear.; -tVi:l your itlc: V. a ?" w:il ft/i. kh,./ lIV gI).1 ;11.1til; %;.1.1 tht i,•rl •,-11 •111•IVIt •,11 '1'01_: o. .Ik3 I ••IL, II \ fay.N. do 1;o: for_:et Al), Et he! :1111.111 like \Lilt 0,111.1 ever 111rget, havitto , I•ive.l walked slowly down the road Ethel scool :And watched him; anuluc.s had quietly sealed over her—trams it that 11,.w. hoonv ing poor, peneyles, Paul Atil. she discovered that ate 1 1 , 1 4 ' w e lt ii ,ba tt too, when she t.dd Goy Ciitte t h a t het h ea r t was in ltis keel , iii!.t. and proioised to be his bride when the sprov,... should come again with her apron full or flowers. and her scarf or twist Wa, it that she thatiAt PaUrZ, high, noble brow, anibitiou, itatitre. and v.:el:- stored wind, ,he forgot Guy hmni ?nute fore and reputed WO:1111) Was it that tdle blamed Lcrclf for not di,eoveriag thi , t, love dttrity4 the . ), , ar of intimacy that had Ittn,,eti, atol awakened to it only when .-ho had prouti,tol lott , elt to :mother ? Was it that her conscience told her she had led Paul on step by ,tep, until he reached the very brink of love's precipice and then rudely cast him over Y We know nut, but this we du know. a dark shadow had fallen over the joy that had come to the heart of Ethel Gray. • • •)I r. Gray. the father of Ethel, was a widower, a man of • much strong common sense. possessed of unhounded wealth. and extreme generosity. Five years previous to the opening ul our story, he had re tired from active hu.ine•S an d purchased the country residence, which had ,iuce "NO ENTERTAINMENT SO CHEAP AS READING, NOR ANY PLEASURE SO LASTING." burs his home. Ethel was an only child, and of coo., petted. and humored in each fancy sod whim, and yet so eareul had been her early training, su hrig,ht the example set her by her father, that her Itature had become moulded to nobleness and purity witfmnt the use of correction or han..ll means. Indeed if she had grown up othet wt o. she wutt.d have been no trne child of Mark Gray. Adjeining the hatidt,ntle man:jm Pitt' ellaSed hr Mr. Gr..ty tine a neat but hum ble emtag , , owned by a widow whose only ,ott, Mini Mat t, supported her. When Mr. Gt ay first came t o Glenwood be hoard the story of Mrs. Mart's wron;.:s and suilbrings, and of Paul's ambition and ~ t ruugles, and when he beCalllC 11C ..,ItahitC.1 with them he wit , pleased with the iptatooitee or the i i idow. and the noldene ,, of the and before long an intimacy :1,...,1: tip between the ueen p.ittts or the to,tit,too and cottage which surprised the umghb,..rs m orc . than a All day lung Paul Worked with untir ing; t,sidttity. and at he s:ndied with aridity 130 , 1t5. as WOIC patver to ,tbtain. :Nlr. Cray adittired the young inan's anWition and offered hint u s e , ot I:is extensive hbrary, :tad Ethel eneoltraged hint Nvith kite wards and "lien n,,i-teti htw with his studiei, until lie far wlt etl her in the necolirem , Ht 1' ktp.wl,:d;2o tViivit till- hey; fit•hl 'lt...keit Paul tit`\•. 1.1.• I k“,:.1411 %%Ail j tn• alt• the teal al lit atier he toilet: ill' er ; Slll3y nriel ly Lt• hi, mini! le:1111:1114. :mil Call We II ,r , • 11 , ! ,. 111 cr; I I) 11 ICI"' WI ICI (.11. 111_• • ••••--.W!:.1 er 11.. II her hrh:ht w,.nolur th.Lt in all li's tl'e ritu:e Ler luau. Tier ince ,too 1 out jn 14,61 rehei .11i, ;I r Paul :11:,r1 would I,.t‘e been le , : th.tn buunin if be trot I . :Lilol during thn,e ye,r, of inlimale. nurereuontinusimetennr , e—to Lave learn. to,son we nil illki-t lenrn--to bwe And yet no one knew his secret. no one ,uspeeted ; lee I. opt it guarded as careful Iv tt‘ the jailor guards his prhomer the time had not yet come to peak. ht wort win faint- and weAth before he could te.k. Ethel Gray to he his V, . and he plodded on with the loight future hefore him with the z•tar of hope shining in hi, life sky. And .:;ray, aw , day•arter a and Ethel and Paul were so con stantly to tl ether. never dteanted that nue or both learn to love during the hours of pleasant intercourse. Not that !qr. Gray 111(114 haNe ohjetted. to Paul as son--A. no; but the idea seemed so rzaige. ScJ la:probable that it nevPr :Is stinted a definite shape w ith him. And when Ethel went away to spend the (lititor •Aith her r.ifilt, as she stand in the del of v,..titing for the ear, attended by Pant, she said—mr she would .aye 10 a brother er ecol,itt : ••\ow. P.utl, reineitiber, while rill away you must write to tile often, and toll tne all t h a t h a p r ens in t;t e liwood. and T will wriw you of all Ow -eetie , in the how h;, h,•art beat ! how he dream. thtot ti . ozht of the Calor,. that trnuld h:in him -0 much of happine , 4 1 . -And he did rife hri~ht bcaatil 1, _l rims letter-. but nut a wottl et hi .t.ceret. 110: that lie wiarded zealou-ly. Ile wrote sorb letter- :,- you or 1. flinr reader weell write to a aiet 1:;t1tel reeeiv e 1 them btt,ll,r. iie‘uv .114 tl it I.;,(ii 1, ted liel—neAer a,l;:tt,2 tier heiri if be wa- denier to bet ilide sloml I 1,4; ;old N\ Cittte (.1.1 het that he I.,red her. tui l ;e.k ed het to bee.fflie he , wife :die ,he bire: ltini. ;nib -he prood=e,l when sHii:4 Cam: . , I/13 1X,,111 , 1 I% ..r/Ili .111 I Ll•r I tFi,r ‘C111.1111.., ;bed. e w..- .0, bad.... I E.:us 1 e located and Ethel .or a time h Hit. whe.. :lie -to .1 owlet ill,, old clue lieu at bottle 1...1 told l'aul of her 14.1*C---.SVIIV:i he !th,ke.l ,!urea into l'aors heart and read hi- seerot. then -fie -ay.. I.er mi.-take; lOIL like Inatiy caber Lv had riot curl t., retiace her nteps, an.l right the wrong nhe 1.1.1 douse h. : itself an d "1 t too i,rie—too late :" she murmur ed acid with till , eot.-..led .111. why hail Paul kept bin neel et no guardei ? why did lie not tell her lent he loved her I.efore the left ? wiry did he trit-t her no lolly. , o confi dently to the nit tire? Bee:lune he loved no truly, no deeply, and dreamed hi.. love returned.. 'flier had been inn iireatu, 1111 , MIS the : the bitter hitter amikeiiiioz th,.. : 1 , P.u, .1 few day:- after the intErview hrnrath left I;lentrood. 411er bid ding Eibt.d. 31r. Gray and ! wither I;lrewvii. Left Iris Nome behind him., :aid timid t h e bo.tic• and excitement of cite !ire. ~truce to forget his dream or lore—:,rrocc to forget that he poz.iet•sed a heart. and in a wild race a.ter the bauble fame. for got that di...appoint meta had ever thrown :-Itadow over his path. I 11 , 1, - .:ti of Time, to whom arose this high 110'0.1111k in rude decay ? tie kinhwered not, but swifter spia.,l , lii way. Fanning . 'vii!) out,l etehed tving•-; the humane:4s L•ky. I say to Pattie: V, thou, whose hot's. defy Ti,., wa,t,, 01 year., and dvathle.,. Nr or k ! She heaves it sigh, ws one to grief a prey. And sobbing, downward casts her tearful eye. I now proceeded, sad and thoughtful growth When stern in aspect, o'er the ruined shrine, I see oblivion stalk from stone to stone ; Ah. thoth I erie I, bast known! say, what. . design ? lie eheeled my further speech with sullen tone, "1 earn not trlins(; it was, it now is mine." "0, Tittle ! who komv'st a lenient , hood to Ltv Sou-it on , orroW. Ivourtd, and :'lowly thciti•e— Sullenly to repo , ,e the lye:try sett.e— Th, :tint pang rienlea unperceived away; nn thee f re , t illy onlv hope at Itt•;t, And slunk, seism 01011 ila , t Oriol the hit ter tear That 11 , w, in coin o',l. 1111 lay ; mut lwld dear, I way lot hitA: tilt every , 0rr01.% -And [fleet lih peaceful evening with a I.ine bird, lit day -, departing hour. thi• , iitti_ientit id the traindont thottglt it- \tititr- are wet a bile, l'.l, eh, hor, Itiltdl 11111.-4- that porn' 11.:art Whieh horse , Irian its'.:sal thou aletle, i'-thoi ti ray tsar nisirlied Cliue —married :road all the ide ,, anee and dis play of fedliett•tbk life. Initinniiately sif ter the the bridal party s ailed for Eur , ,i,e. tieeempanied by .I\lr. t 4 ray. ft was their intention to spend tile sent titer in the winter in France. They had hardly I,coAtie settled it) their ,shade in Florence. before t;tiy teas taken :-Inldet.ly ill. and :trier a few -evere:dekne-5..1ie , 1---Ind Ethel oils a alter the tuneral anti MIME t bc• , 11.11tsiori atterviiiig it, as tier, In•.rcric.rirlc. 11 r. linty nut! Iti., clau:4litet j on to Part... srboro they ia ru to Ivilw,6tl Iffv, mouth- of =IE9 I.l.l' ,, C.)by—three yeat w.10.:111w.1 t“il 6,1 N•irr. Ile had r ;we. tets thoii t .1 liu pl ,ce ur the 4• , tic ),.711,y ;1.1)i //1: iu bed am) tlie Mr. I tai' Pdal M.art 111 4 1 then StIVCI7 -, Srlll ; how (•,talki It 1,0 oiliert6,e Wllll 1:14 . 111. 0911e:1- ti 4 .ti and 4 IVltell he reached the eft). he had , eetired a tw.itinu in one of the be,t :schools as teacher. and in his lehoire how, he 11.1,1 written and reviews that tuude uo onlitiary stir in the A ile:;:and ror a book of e5.,;13% , ...came; and acceritiaLr a flattering Direr Croat cite of the hest publislaing houses in the etty. he appeared herore the public :is an atithor. S crowned his efforts, and with ante borivril he reached the niche of fame. Ye;, "Alart was l'abiori , : I , :Irv, ere that three tear, , pod hr wealth Ill' 11G11 31r. (;nay and lit ugh ter reached thy city, !hey detcru,inc I to ,petid a few clays with 1f r . Gray's 4l.ter hc.rore return ing to r -1 - ttl ale junt in tittle. my dear:* in . ahl Etbers antit. -For to-morrow evening is my reception ui2hr. to: there is a new 3:011 1. 1 1 , a , tar of the tilt niaLttrittit . k.” ••!:,•1•2,...1. told what i• his mom: ? "Paul repliol the ;Inca; ; Ind nut the z-toiller: nervon, ,tart. of her niece. or the i t itivk ilit.-1)11,g or tlit! pale Ince. '.11.3 Went : ••11.. i the est being - . ‘on uver ,nw o)1,1. haughty, m)d Half the city i erdzy after Liw : but he s e em., to are for no one. 1k z , ee:n., per fectly nywiiitseiint , of tine f.iet that half the hulie• fm• a 1av0r.14.1 glance fr nu hie eve' l'oor : her I•elleetiolts wer,, ittlieetl Litter. 'Phi- WZIS t 1 Mall tvlict,tt love she bad kit tten..tieed—the twin 4e let() tot. t the -it ve.tr.t i foruet.tod )et. -it Nery ttienti,ot or hi. tettne , -Ile tteioldlot 1110 put igl; Wol'e and •_!stily rites-ed r e plc ffitte,l here and 1. , 1,1411 to toot Valet'. Etl:f . /.. the --cool hi .1 tiiiie nl liLick velvet, -t.).1 lic:ir t0.11.1 , Wi11 1110 bdck Fart of 1110 11;0 dr.ipery bop,: r the 11n. 1, li.ili con lii•r. She mitt. t luer; in v.thi her boil 1,..,e1,1vd lc. did t.• 1..2 e=size, e:ttuc—thy oila alto lei I beau w:.tchiw- for—Pa (tI ~last. flow chatled wh it looking man he h heeowe : what a {taster there w,s, is, the rw its 4wt,•re.l ; how c hey erws(i• ed anemia hiw to welcome hiw. With grdecrul dtcuiby Ise teemed t c homage paid hilts, awl },a , •=wl on to the back roots Twice he walked ise.tr to Ethel that her dre:, , t, liehed hint. awl yet he s•11W her w..tt. At length, n-; he shlnti un the ,1,110-ite sirie id. the ruunt, their eyes nie,t, he turm oil dewily pile. then flushecl—Ethel lelt the youin whirling round—felt herself sinking,--and knew• tin mime until bhe opene4 her ryes to find hetselt stretched upon n hnin;.4 . 4. in an num'. room. :Ind felt the Wurtti „1 . paid 31.. it rivntr het• brow. Then f. ilifsWed cXlo:lll:ltigtmt. and AA . . giveness. :HA dr,t night Ethel Cline went IL her roan a happy - %voltam.. fn s ire wa• the pronlihed icit f l':tul dart. -% few dap, and they rPturned wood. and the happy lt,Jur:, .J 1 that s UM ther were more like .11...am than days of earth, and when the zlittunin came with her L:aily colored rtlire ami ripenit.g fruits, Ethel Cline placed her hand in that of Paul Mart ait I proini,ed ro -1. - )re. honor. an.l rater.'. Mr. Gray ruOse,l hi= hauls with and Mr , . Mart I,.nkeil OTI with a quiet, happy ' , mile that 0.11 in language stronger than words that site wit , happy because her =tin Paul Mart's love-life had ended in brightness ; and though clouds eneireled him so bOag, they had at last disappeared, and the days wont by it eighted with iv and gladness. De was fully repaid for all he hats se e...red, fur he knew that during those years ET !A had loved hint; and often, as they smell beneath the all elm. they •poke of the past ; and the future was bright before them. thv Rest oar the. Weary. Thotrzll poor.- - t ry poor It, thy lot. And oro t mq Chic (lark slootow , may Lora, opo , 01,1!--thou'rt IleVet' ft,rgot, The ,1:tr1r.t0,,,,,,,,ta ]on \r ill be'pa.t t•v - t•r thy friend. 1 VI t•rom - u thot• ill ilea \ vll :It .1:1:q: etla No I.eart orealt ‘11:01. be hoard rettlit tier that tle:111 t Thor, no longer. gill sorrow., ,thrtltt Put illll.ltillt , a , reign es -critter.% Work is Honorable to Ali. th 3 eallinz. do It :113 , 1,11 With that ye da Be thme—eadeavoroa EXCEL, taotto ever kerp itt view, - ~t]l? ~ "' Piro' urn!! of Nap oteon 1113 Same (We. cadet) , le the ',lllll-.lle, el' tatality, has been Inaking calculi:6olls to -how that Nal oleou II L tall anue tt) iti ,hntntull in P: 4 09. calculthions a re Very will eolltei4elleef , et . date , . Whit. e.e Will fry 19 eNiJai:l. lu the fir-t place. they take the .I.lte, or the rriori vii eVelit , le the It tt)ry or Louis Phil. ..,u‘t lit. Qu42,.. which they I‘Zetlier au :V; t.) IS4 S, the van , of hi , downfall. This Lotii, was Earn in 1773 au,l n-ct uded the :Move W;0l l sop.tr.ltely the tigurc-, 1, 7. 7, n. trf hi, hlt th dot'. and they tal.e I'4S.thu-: 1 53.0 tol 1 aml 7 :mud "i tool •.> innt;c , 1" , 1F 'the -,tote ILsult is reached if we take the year "t: hi, utav rime. That crew occured iu IZ-.i09. and he n=ectnleAl the tbrune iu 1530. Now 1.8),10 anti I. atel and ft awl fi tut ca 184' 4 . Again. if we take the date of hi.; Queen's birth 17 . :"2. and through the Cultic proeo..--1530 tool 1 and 7 ;+-i S and 2. we arrive al the name fatal year, 184-", in which he le:4 bi- throne. , - , 1.111)C 1 11 The second part of the ealenlation this: Is.; poltiell l I I. WAS born in 1.`608. arid ti , centled the throne in 185:?. Now, if' we tV;111 too :.1./ d lb..np:, rosin figure?. in /it's birth year.we come Tor and 1 and zr: arid ft a n al 8 make. , 1869. Tahiti! , the date of hi , ascent to the throne iu 1"452, we have: 1552 and 1 and 8 a nd 2 and hringing: tt, to the fatal 1869. Ile married Envenie in 1i.153, a nd takinir the year 1.52 and ad.. ding the .separate titte, , , of hi , marriage year. and it ,till point.: to Isit9. Thus 15.52 and 1 awl anti Sand make 1569. In fact tlio-o French historMal datmt are full of such curhom Robes-I pierce till in 179-I. 'raking tint date and 1 adding the teparato figures of it a~ above. and we have 1794---and I atid.7 and 9 a nd I 4—making the date of _Napoleon's fall, I 1.. l'ur,niug the None me hod, we '; take 1'315 tool 1 and and I. and 5, inak ing the soft: ,:hurieiii fall. ; iti ilg !111 the date of I,utilS Phi 1111,p0 . S dOWIII3II, we, find that 1545 and 1 and a and 4 and •••: bring tt once tunre to the fatal ISlllt. hint tht.te is still another attend irz, dyn.u-tie!., which to i put in 116- f,out 1 H.;l yrtit , 111 the , liiirvut.itiy . of Napoleatt I. ; sercid , .. te year , 1110 nriri 011r1 , 011 reigned ; : free it 1 1 , 1 “er.ttpitil the throne i anti the P27'• it't it tear, bciu ~ accorded to :Napoleon ' I li.. it entrirs I.int to thu satt:e fatal a, the t - intl career. ,eventren i, al , O prothteed by szr:tp;2e coitunde.nc2s. `rtikiii!...r. the fizure-; in the year of hi, hi rth. anti atitliNg thogi m. 11 n:a. 1 null g awl 0 ittul 1111,1 tll* :;111,1 up 11; lakin;;, tln finnit'i in an_ )ant ; E.lnple , .. Limb. 15.2. r, and addinn; 1 and I:3 and '2 and 1, and 'hey Ilk.) ; tno.k.Q. 17 ; tlina takinn tinn finute- iu the year or Ilk I and S and 5 au.l S. and they hkeui-e Iuo: up 17. 1u: en- Thoe cuiricl,l,;tl , :e, ;lac! vxtraurkAinary • enough to i,et the wothier-luougeri; at work, I tut] thew i•ee littget ul fate in lit all. Anil it not untio l twitly happen:, that such y prupliecie , ee- in motion that enal,l.l then[ to work out their ouzi tultilmcut. The lion:ilia, te:, are all eolith itieil tie things way Call,C the lire -rut head of the lamily 1 great Malty a oxiet about 1r0;9, NlMlV. , rl'.—Sullle tune ago a planter a I s h ort d ist ... wet , f ro m 3l o mplus, T en n,. gave a party to the young folk--; ill his neigh; horh.;ol. It wa, a guy' time, awl in the C o llf-c oi• the o.cuing th;• boys and girls played finfeits. While this was =.9iog I nit, it ehatwed that the -;;u of' the planter, a nice. unnle,t lollow. had t, claim .. for ; fi rr of some of the girl-, but he we- omit ; wine pith tlifli lea e. " t 10 , 111) , th.0i...1 , 01m." said the planter, •• tn( some of the girls. - Johta hitched from one loot 1) "the other, blushed, awl finally blurted out. " I-I—never kissed a white gfrl, . tither,' The laughter that en.aled may be. unagintd. Mr. :7!,. IC. C e .A. Il Lt ri u:r; , eu r, the ealter or the Lewi , t.on inure , / a gold dollar with a notice Of hi, niarrkge very' commend able en,tont. by the way). the grattil , tl 1 editor wi-he, Ginn 811(1 hi, a lour; anti hall / t ylife, ttu,ti7t tint; lie tn.t) serer tine it) thk world that " ton mtniy C,,uks the broth." .17.1'Uc~11. =1 I= 52,00 Per Year, in Advance: 32,50 if not. Paid in AlivaNi...N,4 CAPITAL GHOST STORY. DED/C.ITEO is EsPECIAL MASN'Ett TO ALL N k:WSPAPER it CA 11 ERS That, apparitiolis do not always wander without sufficiant cause, is roved by the well attested Ciet which the _sire below. Last Tuesday fortnilit, lady 01 rather literary taste and studiou. habit sat reading in the drawing room. the cluck on the mantle piece struck or, lee As the last stroke reverberated throu;;li the apartment , . the clo,r was flung cclla open ! In the act of rai,ing her head to repel the iutri.ion tunrum; for) of her late husband, , lie'screatned and fell ..ease less on the carpet: This I,r...tight..up ..ttch members of the family a. had not retired ret..loratives were ad mins to. t ed. and when :4 lier:su.nend facultie.. and being a woman' ,it an i highly cultivat,-; intellect. she felt Ji , po_ed con-liar the wh, lu di,tro.... she bad under;ooe a- the re-nit or certain as , ociations between the, melancholy tale she had been perusing and her kite operating CM a partially nervou. :-3stent. She. however. e.m,idere.o it advisable. that niaid:-errant Aould repo.e in her cham ber. le.t any return of which she cfmeider. ad a t o rvnn= t‘ficetion should distress herself and alarm the ninth-. MEIN Lost 'f'nec:day ni:Jit. feeling in better spirits - than she had br , n fi.r several months past. Mr- , --- dispensea with the presence of her attondant, tetirito r t alone to her (-hautboy, went to bed a little before ten o'clock. Exactly as the clod; struck itr. , ice she was awakened tram her sleep • tinctly beheld the apparition she had ltearre seen. advancing from the Ode. en wide)] stood her nielit lamp, till it stood opposite to and drew aside the eut tains of her de:oribed her very bl ,od li`trValillg with iey chillness to l her heart - In nt every vein The comic !mute of htnr beloved in life nnre not its benevolent te , nect. the eyes , once beaming with affectioo. were now ti cod with stern reward on the treMhlinsz, who. With this eunrige id despera tion, thus adjured hint —Charles dear Charles, :—why are you pome ag ain r •• es,ie." slowly and solemnly aspirated the shadowy form. waiving in his hand a small roll of writing. paper-- - Jes , ie, pay my newspaper aceouuts, and let merest in peace': S He: rt-reudife= ficeisrrence. slacking ocetirtence transpired near Cincinnati. on Sitaday. of which the fol lowing are the particulars: 311 , . Matte. whose Inishaml. a well to-do merchant. esideq Ito the side hill fileinf , the !Tamil ton and Payton railroad track. near Earnest', Station. Sunday ntornin. as is I.er usual cu-tote on Snnday, she took her children to visit the residence of her father, a -Nit . . Ityer. on :donut Pleasant. la =hart time after their arrival at Mr. Dyer's. Ella, who wa. totally blind. stum bled thron . elt a tr 1p dear in the floor of the kitchen. and fell into a large cistern 'beneath. The mother. on seeing thi.,and having her little son in her arms. without a 111Mtlen thought, j umper: th rou2.-11 the trap-door and into the cistern for the pin pos e of attempting t r.2seue of her da t i tz itcr. In making the leap. it is supposed the unfortunate woman must have injured herself severely. a. sho int tnthlintely sank to the bottom, holdimr. as I if with a vice. her little son in her arms. IV hen disuoyered hy Mr. Dyer. the live. at 1 all hid lied. Ci)nd Advice ;sli)11;e 01 yet•- : let 11, tell yen a ,tubltorn truth' A vol. - 111 , 4 %lowan never welt te. rCn.iht,3 Vt)1111'" 1111111. it) a plait), tic.t Ittrtkit'st at- tire, :vitlicittt a ,11 , gle urn:inn:nit nbont her l,crann. She look , . then a , tiwtigh .he pu,,esse.l %vet th iu lier;Wil . . and necaeil nu to eaktilee her value. 11 wutlian NVOIII , I 'Tend mite!) t:u.e her min 1, tr.tinifl ! her t , ,+11 , •r. tkh.l meet; uiv i . " tiler _0.,,1 si- )oo.ti . in esti,, dr , :.ml ~.rnsmctlN tt, t s.o ilc' at 011.1:,11--Ii—r w.-,111.1 1..- read in Phi!plelr.bia r h follov 10, 4 , !.0 1,,vooto: on Till, above vonng ale tew 1,1,3 far hetween. in those. fa=t tim protty Pace ton orten Paptiv:tto- Not 4kuite litirtiadori ading in Detroit, the bt ificgrffoirt %\•:1- ( . .tnegl 011 tffe a t r on.: Lle cheerfully pronti:fea to comply, :old he IVO li/d gi re hi- frienfi, a new verrion et. Urn~a loci. On tuldfr..; the paver from e,t, pocket, it prove , l lu be--not a fr9tn a new,iniper, te. be hnl e:ocuia it:d. but a greenitek which he h nl intend ed for the clergyman, fee. Imanine the htidegrooul . ,. een,:ternation at the trick be hail littna ittintzly itia:%ed it the ,Jergy wan : awl ittae : arie r aka the indignant , nrin k of the latter n hen he found only a new %er,don of •• when he treat • , I ~ aa; uwzie: . , - for iaark,!tiug Jest 41..) : It i , a [tell ka , mu ;ale of etiquette for the u,ar riai4c ice t I.e• give) and re quictl2.• Ivo bout examitati,m, Stzt r N.1.11,- - Wliy are nail de by the 11.111 , ,ixpetmy, kti l lhtpeW et , ..? 1.11 Sheffield. England. th(v u.ed to L e ,tuall quantitie:: by the hun dred. and the teravi, fourpenny. Eixpenny, ere- referred to ..;',U.CII nails. a. were Fold at I . OlllOlWe, .ixpenee. etc., r.er hundred milk The length of the nail:: of that day, that were de.ignated, ii e . gaetly the saute with the nail, that are now known by theze dez,liznatiunts. EATROLE NUMBER, 1,960. t,araT kut.a`'4o.l:l,trltolti. Ar lt [CULTURE to the moat o.9eralitim.lrent noble miil .pn eat of men.-- WAs gutcros. Co. , ..orrNlCATteNs, Selections, Ur:el:pm and ,ticles of Interest and value, are solicited for this department (4' the paper. We desire to supply the publicivlth the best practical Information in reference to the farm, garden, and household, Asperagu3.—Plant out now new beds, having them deeply dug and abundantl.). - inanured as heretofore directed. Reds,—Sow seeasaton e,in rich,dry soil, An. early crop. Rot its, dwarf and buih varieties,for v e r y early tr ., e ,,,l i ould be ron•u at Once, Litao Ltertn.s.—The,e may hardly he sown hel*ore May, Otterspt in very light, ticarin soil. Poles ~hottl,l be got pad set in the ground bc3fore planting, root and a-hall' in the groll WI and feet Ont. When thay run to the top of I atop the upward growth, hieh (•auQt., theta to throw Out lateral and hear more abutufantly. Cut•n.--Curn for the table should be Plant e / early thii, month in rich, warm and at intervals ,in* two weeks for a sucees•don. lilaattre welt with compo.tt, mid give the se“ , :is a coating of tar, as the best protection agai;*t in.eets and birds. Cerbbvc P:etat.v..—Tlio-e of sufficient size may now be planted oat. Early kinds planted on ridges in Cm fall should now be worked and leveled. For fall crop, sow - seeds now very thickly on rich beds well pre pared. •t out plants in open vronnd. mul snwscerls for continued supply. Getions,—.B:o N . the silYer-,kinned for pick ling; sow very thickly and tread the &Trot , ml fir/11113", CON - € . 1'114; with very little dirt. PoMtoe.:,—A. , they conic ap they silt tie Lend , and repeated planting- may rats/ey.—SoW in a rich border, and c,u the drills with litter or brush for abOW: weeks, when it may be removed. l'cas.—The Champion of England an dwarf Blue Imperial are good kinds to :-„;v: now. hoc between the rows or adv.i;.: - .11 ; ; crops, and draw the earth up each • . the ro \vs Put, sticks as soon as • liodi,shcc--Sow a succession ot • ..ridh sowing comes Op. 2'ontatoes odd zatklntiOn 10 tho,e in t ehot-betls . crop , , but tzood strontr thin crop o , c stsoil , in thc!opoit ground. in the hot-heibi be Put pf , t ,, , :Intl kept growing l'ltE:mr:ns lOntz.tpr: Long,worth Wino I I .040 Cineitmati otn. - ?rs three premiums for s uperiority in tralre growing, tt, follow, silver piteln. , r, two goblets awl waiter, to cost not less- than 3:0, :is . the first premium; nsidN'ett clip, to cost not less than sl.OO, as a, second premium ; and a silver nap, to eost not less than 550, as the third premium. The first premium to he given to the best genentl wine grapes of the wh.do count r 3-. The second preinintil i, to be given to the best variety uf grapes for wine purposes in the State of Ohio, provided it is not award ed to the pt ape that revel Ve, the first prem ium, in which ea.P it will be given to the second best wine grape in the country. The Chita premium to be given to the heSt Ennio - grape,' Til - e - genairal — pnrpo 4 e , r -- 111 — t110 — : einnitty. The fruit is to be exhibited at the witting fill! consolidated eXtlibition of the Ainerican Wine-Growers' Association Of Ohio and Cincinnati horticultural Society, to rplantnie , or tell pounds or more, with samples of the wines Iron! the competitors for the first ttto premiums if practicable. 131: TlDY.—Everybody 4.101.1,L6 slauternsin the household. lint slovenliness in the out-door management of the farm is equally disgusting to the ion er of 1W:11.11es, and good order. In the spring and s utiltner, nature, with its myriad bean tics ol growth and color, to 'tr° ggle to conceal the short-com ings "Yale ,hiftle-%_4 farmer. but the fro-Is of :nit uslin reveal 010111 in All their Fields smothered with tall, gut out N% - eetlS, ,ONV111:2; their millions of seeds for future crops; fences in a tumble down con dition, yards torn up by swine, walks to house and out-lion-es knee deep with mud, porn asting in ticAs, grain stacks the styes and playhouses of hogs, valuable bleaching, swelling, rotting in th weather, or roofless sheds, or sonic of the signs of the out-door sloven. Reader, have you ally of these signs exi,ting around von ?—Per uric Former. THE f0110%V111 . 4 table of tlw number of IK,1111(1 . 1 to the La 1 ,11.21, 11lay be of the farmer and deader. We pabli,it would atlYl , ,e them to cut it out und s t: , up in 101110 prominent 1.1111,:e for refeier. grif Avhent, pound , : of -hell fifty-six pound , : of corn in the cob, ty pound-;; M . rye. lift} -sip pound-: barley, forty-eight pall tl,l , 01 . sixty I - a:mud , : of Incase.. sixty [tumuli ; Irma. twenty pounds of clorcrse, proud-: of timothy forty-the , • ,; 1.1 lit'ty-right pound..: of tiny-tour ',multi-.; of Ituekv , heal. two polinds: , ir bltle Crn.. seed, to •:: round.: of ca s tor bean, thin. pfluntis:: of dried. pete,dm-, (dart ; '• pound , : dried apple , , 0111011.., ntty-seven • . . nrAvo ..thotig WM IL 1.,(.131 CNE , , or A to apple, a:e aige-tol in an 11,,n I while loil,Al eanb:tg , require, , aonr, that Le placed th, itl I. ,i , a 1....1:tal appl , :.Sf frerio.litly nt breakta , t, v.lth bread and batmr. AS itiiolll. meat or Ile,h of any land„ it ha , an adinirable otlent on the genera', ,y-teta, mint) removing constipa tion, o ,rreetiag a,Miti,s, and cooling off r e t sr ito co nditions eiti•ettiall:‘, - than the nut-1 unproved intstiohm-. Liehig says they pre ....mt. d,hiiity, cireugthen digestion, eor the mitreraetivo tenaetmios of nitrogen- MO,l. avert -curvy, mid probably main ! tam all -t - etigtlicu the pOsver of productive, i II ten , l nulling' dower beds, ~r gardr.n, lint' it n great advantage to ,ittitie their eron deeply at this time, and slebte and mellow- them a:cain when the tittle vette... , to phint ,eeti, or put out shrub bery :Ana flower,. i n putting . out rote-bushes, procure hue, rich ehip manure., or procure rich earth front the forest, to put in the cavities where you propose to place thew. See that there is plenty of room to spread out all the roots and fibres, so that they wild grow readily- •Itui vigorously To MAKE. A l'AsTi-:.--Take quarter of a peek of flour, and rub it into a pound of butter very tine. Mai .it up into a light pate Ivith cold water just still' enough to work it up. Then lay it out about us thick as a -Ryer dollar; put a layer ot' butter all, over, then sprinkle on a little dour. double 1 t up, and roll it out azain. Double and rill it with layers of butter three times, and it will be tit for use. Coto; Po.NR.—To t quart of white corn meal add a little salt and sufficient milk to make a dough, divide into two I t pones or laave., making each an inch and a half thick, and bake in a quick oven. rila MEI DEMI ME Garden Notes. EMI