A. H. RAMBO, Editor and Pnbll4llVer. VOLUME MYTH, NUMBER 31.1 THE COLUMBIA. SPY, VIIISMIATHODS FAMILY Jollffillit. KBLISIIED EVERY SATURDAY DIORNDIG, coiwicE, is LOCUST ST., OPPOSITE COLUX. BT BANK. —O - OF SUBS CRIPTION. .t . .olllyenr if paid in advance - 0 2,30 " if not paid until the expiration of the year FIVE CENTS A COPY. 'To paper will be discontinued until all ar enrages are paid unless at the option of the editor. Rates of Advertising . in the Spy. It. 'l. 3t. lmo. 3in 0. 6m. ly. 1 sq. S lines 75 I,oo_ 1.50 2,00 4.00 6,00 10,00 2" 16 " 1,50 2,2., 3,00 .40 6,00 0,00 15,00 a"2l " 2,23 3,' , 5 4.00 4. 51 8,50 13,00 20,00 [TAtrger advertisement , in proportion.] . Executors and Adininistrators' Notices,3,oo „Auditors' and A.isignee Notices, o 00 Professional or business card,, not exceeding 5 lines, penyear, 8,00 Yearly inlvrtisenients, not exceeding four squares with occasional changes 15,00 Special Notices, as reading matter,l.o cents a line for one insertion. Yearly advertisers willi.e . ehurged the same rates as transient advertisers for all matters not relating straily to their business. All Advertising will be considered CASH,, after first insertion. BUSINESS CARDS I -x. in. Nowlin, TTORNEY AND COUNSELLO iIT LAli Columbia, Pa. td'olle;2ll , ms promptly :mule in Lancaster York. counties. Cola., July 2, 1835. J. FESSEER. ATTORNEY AT Onlce on Front Street, betwcon Locust aryl Walnut, o..thunbin. Pat. lob. 10.'00. A, 3, KAUFFP.T.AIM, ATTORNEY AT WY. riOLL . 2.:CTIONS Made in Lancwiter and lJ adjoining Countie , ;. Pension 9. Bounty, hack pny and all nnlaims 1,110 governtn,:iit pronrpay tnyieented. Offic,.!—Ln(2ust. Strec:t.,between Fl•ont and Sc,(tond. Dec. , . 1'64. SAMUEL EVANS, tbrETS 2 of I Itte .1P CE. 'CFFICE IN ODD FEL LOWS' lIALL. CIOLUMBI.% , PA. June J, 7, HOPPER, TWITISL-O[TECE, Front Simi next dont , to H. Williams' Druz, Store, between Locust and \Val nut sts, s. C. EararmTaouT, ra, D., T ATE of oirora Lis pro servik,.., t. llf.! 'Arizona or Co lumbia and vicinity. Oftivo in NV:tin - at St., thqc w Scoon‘L. jitiy 14, PTI.ADIEL 7. Cr 7.7 . ,S T T, C r:at r -E, .1.4;:ii.-114-** , ll-rA.3l"..otel',"illlll of r,L;liaat ntlaptell to et the traveling lin iv. .1.1001.; . • I ! COl.. jvily,ls, 311.61.11,Eit'S 11()TE'11, -TT Praplietor. WEST MARKET SQL Artr„ net. 7t.h. ly. GEORGE BOGLE. • Deillor in LUMBER OF AL!, DESC:IITPTTO:`.:S, Also, PLASTERER'S HAIR, Or Wan.,l-)q , , o—Frant S..:eet ho tween July S, IS;%1 Confcctionery A trIT OP ALL K Dc; SEA.- ..n.son. Parties and iiunilic. s:lpplietl with • C C ria freezer, or in moulds, with prompt ness at nEr). J. SMITLI'S Adjoining . t:ir Franklin liouvr, L wust St P. S. Also a Imo :is , ortniont of Toys nind fancy articles eJnstantly on hand. July , COLUMBLA FLOUR MILLS, GEORGE BOGLE, Proprietor. T'illlE INGTIF.ST CASH PRICES PAID 1 for all kinds of Grain. Superfine oral Ds.tra Family Flour for sale, also mill feed of all kinds. Wheat .ground and packed to order Town and country custom solicited my 29th 15135. SUPPLEE & HOMER, Manufacturers of S r EPA_A M 33 0 N addition tp oar Foundry and Machine Nvork, we are now prepared to manulite ture every variety of Boiler and plate iron work, Mending and Reparing Boilers. Promptly attended to. Thankful for cast favors, we would invite the attention of our friends and patrons to this new branch •of our business. SUPPLEE BRO., 'Jan. 21„65. 2d Street, Columbia, SUSQUEHANNA IRON CO 3.lanufactarers of all sizes of &fined & Double Refined ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL, AND HALF OVAL IRON. Car Axles, Shafting and Horse Shoe Bars. )„. Orders promptly filled from Stock on hand or made to order. rents, net cash, at Manufacturer's prices, delivered au Cars or Boat. Office at their ILOLLTNG MILL, Columbia, Pa. Sept. 23, 65 1y 'r) ODGERS &BROTHERS' SUPERIOR IL Silver Plated Ware at E. SPERING'S Cheap Jewelry Store. NEW ST i'LE OF WATERFALL Combs at aug. 26, BASPBERIRYA DE. THE wellknown Sunhiner drink, extra fine and pure, by the quart, gallon or burrel, at J. C. BUCIIER'S, Cot - Front and Locust Ste, Aiiii..._., ........ 444440 . , ~.:.„,,„, • .. 1111 1111111 , ,• ‘ . ~'"..,::•,•: ...-..,-\-. ~.,. .:• ..:',..}..,' •-• 44.;;;j : . • ... . : I .• 4. . ' . / - ~ . .1. ..;,•••‘...; - . • . '.7.X::'1....7,,."4:,•,, • -- -" , ..: , :i ,,,, ..;i - r , ." - : , • .., . . . _ . y.. • ..-- .... -,,..,-...a..-a.-. ;':---:•:-. '''''' ''''''; ... .., , ..,.. _.... „. .... , . ---,,,, 3:•, , :-..- ~ .i.,:. . .. • 7 ;•••'-' . • r• , '.,.' • :: . :c 1 . 1..ir: - /' , ,, :: , .-1; : :. , ''; '..,:-:', -...:.:... . z.r.'...., ~. . ~,..: ~,,,.. ,--: - 7':- •,!, ....1- , 4 7,, -,•,,. izr.l. -if..;!,. -., ••!..•:.••••;, 'i;''Y z ;', • • - - ~.. S .„ - .. ..- ‘• :.'r .- ' :', ;' -il • - e r c.: • . • • .. . • . . • ~. ~.. . ... ~,..Ti, .; ,,. .., , , , , 1 .._, •-,-; , -,.. r; ., ~ ‘....., •.i . ...' ; *.`•?•.:;• ir : ;!,• .., -! ; ; , • '':'.••... .: ,•• : •c ,',,,•:. ' , .!"-‘i.i , -7-• :::•••','2 ,':.•••,••- ~....;:,, . -7 3 ;.;,. -:':-.'71 ••t * - -, :' ;;';'*7 l •••, '•','..•:•,. ;.••-' ...f.::: ~..,.., _ F,•,, , t..... < .k,. .:-:.: 7 , ' •.. .- Pr . ..:' , .7 . •1 , , .., , . ‘ ... . • . .., , ... „. . ~ ' ' ' . '''''' g ' S ''''' ; :: ''..- . - I '. 7 : 4 .: : . - :S . ' : 7 4 1. ' • 'L I : ':::: ';'; :141: ); '' ' .: 4, ', 3„ . ‘,/ .-•',s4 ' ' ' : F• ' • . •' ' - f -' ..4 '''' - 1,•55,:Ft::::,. ...,' ;•..,y - .4= , :•• , 1•34 -!--; . a.:.,... 1 °.... . ' . '...'4.- - _ •I:ci.:- ., • •••I^',,t , . ' '*;•".,..:.,,.. , 41111. ....i....,!.,, / ‘..;.•.`,:.; ~,., Tf - !***•t;-s,'* •••••••i• ' •..c-r ..,•;.••*-.* -*'•,.:•••'* . . . . . ..,..,•*.• - . • . The "Wheeler & Wilson ], "ELLIPTIC," and "110 WE' S" - WO R L D RENOWNED SEWING VV Machines. While Me WHEELER to WILSOAr universally acknowledged to be the BEST MACHINE IN TIIE WORLD For Family use ; the " ELLIPTIC" which is manufactured by the same Company, and made on the same general principles, is equally as good ; and the " HOWE" is unsurpassed as a ASH UTTLA MACHINE'. All these Machines make the Lo c k Stitch, and are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, Tailoring, and dther man ufacturing purposes. No RISK in BUYING THEN As every Machine sold is WARRANTED to give entire satisfaction. SEWING MACH INES FOR RENT. Dec. 1,'66.] Locust St., Columbia. SINGER SEWING _MACHINES. U. HESS has been anpointed agent . for Columbia for these celebrated Machineg and offers them for sale at his Boolc. Store at MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. Everybody knows the Singer Machines to be one of the standard Sewing Machines and we present it to the citizens olColum bia and vicinity as incomparably the best kind in existence. It is simple, compact, durable and beautiful. It is quiet, light running and capable olperforminga range and variety of work never before attempt ed upon a single machine,—using either Silk. Twist, Linen or Cotton Thread, and sewing with equal facility the very finest and coarsest materials, and anything be tween the two extremes, in the most beau tiful and substantial manner. Its attach ments for hemming, Ii raiding, cording, tucking, quilting, felling*, trimming, bind ing, tc., are novel and practical and have been invented and adjusted especially for this 'machine. n Call at the Stiro and etee one in op eration. [sept 29'69 ,YrTENTION LIU USE KE E 1.3.5. wE aro almost daily in receipt of new and fresh groceries, such as Sugars, Meat, Teas, Fish, Co !fee, Cheese, Spices, Flour, Fruits, di e. Provisions of all kinds, together with Wood andWillow-ware,Glanci Queens ware. German fruits, cto'l Fresh Peaches, and all the fancy grocer ies pertainining to a well regulatetl gro cery store. I am determined not to be sur passed in cheapness and in the excellent quality of my goods, Call around and inspect our stock whether you buy or not. A share of pub lic patronage is solicited. Agen Lecust areet, above 2d. inly 'GC, tf. F l yl! S . J. W. I?, EASE. E. N NER CEA Xl' TA IL OR, Reliant Street, seven doors above Second, WIZIGHTSVIr,LE, PENN'A. rILOTIIS. CASSIMEIMS AND VEST "k..I inks of all styles and suited to any season, kept constantly on hand and man ufactured to order at short notieri,and war ranted to give perfoct sat istitet ion. Aug. 19, 18 1 13, ly. NEW GROCERY STORE. rurß Subscriber would. respectfully la form the Public generally. that he has just received a general assortment of C roceries, Provisions, TEAS AND SPICES. Sur eared llarns. No. 1. and Mess Mackerel. Extra Fine Syrups. lliffined sugars of all kinds. Old Rio and Java coffee. English and American Pickles. DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS. Raisins, Prunes and Prepared Mustard always on hand and of the very host grades. Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is full and complete and we intend keep ing it fresh, by almost daily addition , -, Notions of different kinds always on hand. _ _ TILE FENINSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANI Are now prepared to receive or forward Freight, between Columbia and Lancaster, and al! stations on the Pennsylvania Rail Road and its branches. Bales Between Philadelphia and Columbia. First Class. 2nd Class. 3d Class. 4th class 25 cents. 21 cents, 18 cents. 13 cents Between Philadelphia and Lancaster. First Class. 2nd Class. 3d Class. 4th Class 23 et - . 20 ets. 17 ets. 14 cis ROCS between Columbia and PitiSburg. First Class. 2nd. Class. 3rd Class. 4th Class. 71 ets. 56 cts. 46 cts. 36 ets. Freight consigned to stations where the Company has no Agent, must be prepaid. All Freights payable on delivery. General Freight Agent, Phila. For further information, apply to S. B. KINGSTON, Freight Agt., Phila. E. K. BOICE, Freight Agt., Columbia. A. F. SLAYMAKER, Frt. Agt., Lan'tr Columbia, July 14, 1860. TUG OLD ORIGINAL GALLERY. The subscriber has completely re-fitted his establishment, and his gallery cannot be surpasSed by any in the county, and he hopes by careful personal attention to give the public better pictures than have here tofore been produced. AMJ3ROTYPES, PHOTOGRAPHS, Ivorytypes, .Melainotypes, Carte de Visite, and pictures on canvass taken in the best style, and at prices which cannot be beaten for cheapness. 2:3-Likenesses warranted, and a satis factory picture furnished without repeated sittings. He asks a continuance of the liberal patronage always extended to this establishment. Call and examine speci mens at the rooms, northeast corner of rout and Locust streets. Entrance on ocust street. 1.1. T. Br. LITTLE. Oct. 24 1563. E. SPERING'S Jewelry Store BAY RUM FOR CIE TOILET. Recommended by-all Doctors, for wash ing purposes. 75 cents per bottle, at J, C. BUCHER'S, Cor. Front oud Locust Ste. July 86 bf SEWING MACHINES ! W. G. PATTON, A gent For the sale of svITZEII, AND LIMBER CHEESE, ENGLISH. AND AMERNAN PICKLES. FREDERICK BUCHER. corner 4th Lt . Locust Streets mw 2Gth, ly. Local Freight Notice Flour in Car loads, 2S cents per barrol H. H. HOUSTON, PHOTOGRAPHS. "NO ENTERTAINMENT SO CHEAP AS READING, NOR ANY PLEASURE SO LASTING." COLUMBIA, PENNSYLVANIA, SATURDAY MORNING-, MARCH 9, 1867. 1867. SPRING. 1867. WILLIAM G. CASE, LOCUST STREET, BELOW SECOND, Has now open A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT SPRING- GOODS, offering GREAT INVITCMV/E.N TS TO PURCHASERS. ATTENTION Is especially invited to his SPLENDI D ASSORTMENT • of DRESS GOODS. embracing all the LATEST STYLES AND FAI3RI CS, In the market HOOP SKIRTS, BRADLEY'S DUPLEX, And other popular makes at all prices BAL?IOILkL SKIRTS, WI-TIT= G- - .. - -: 03DS= ILABIES' SAXE CLOWM3 BLACK GLOMS & DOESKINS, FANCY CASSIMERES, SATINETTS, JEANS, TWEEDS & VESTINGS, 7 *" GEMIERTS PURPEIG nulls Comprising every desirable make• and style DRA.WF,RS, lIOSIERY, GLOVE'S,S.C.IIIFS, COMFORTS, Stir wrs, COLIARS TIES kc., LADIES,DIISSES' and OHILD:IEMS _T-' - o - i:z,si, SHAWLS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS SONTAGS, CAPS, NUBIAS, SCARFS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, HITS &c., &c., &c. • Boots (SL Shoes of all descriptions for MEN AND BOYS, LADIES, MISSES CHILDREN READY MADE CLOTHING CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTHS, GROCERIES, & QUEENSWARE with a great variety of other SEASONABLE GOODS An examination of his Stock is respect fully solicited—all goods sold at the very LOWEST CAS .IT PRICES, and Warranted as represented. WILLIAM G. CASE, Columbia, Pa Oct. 27 GCS MERCHAAT TAILORING. Having secured the services of an ex perienced Fashionable Tailor Merchant Tailoring in all its branches will also be carried on in connection with his other already large mercantile business All orders in that line will be executed with PROMPTNESS AND -DESPATCH Entire satisfaction. both as to Work- manship and Fit guaranteed. PRICES MODERATE. Ea_ Orders respectfully solicited. WILLIAM G. CASE, Columbia, Pa P_A_RIZ - Y'S Golden Mortar Drug Store is the HEADQUARTERS Ring's Ambrosia ! IVARRANTED TO RESTORE GRAY HAIR, MEI PREVENT ITS FALLING OUT ! For SALE PARRY'S GOLDEN MORTAR DRUG STORE, FROST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA December S, IS6 R EMEMBER THE OLD ESTAB LISHED STAND. GREAT BARGAINS AT THE CHEAP CASH I3OOK STORE. We have just received from the Fall Trade Sale a selected stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Which we now offer at Greatly Reduced. Rates. A large assortment of &moor., MERCHANDISE Constantly on hand. Also, STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Brooks' Normal Elementary Arithmetic, Brooks' Geometry and Trigonometry, Rauh's Normal Speller, Sanders' Union Readers. We van special attention to our large assortment of PHOTOGRAPH. ALBUMS, FAMILY BIBLES, AND DIARIES for 1806 MERCHANTS and TEA HERS Supplied at Wholesale rates, at. JOHN SHEAFFER'S Cheap Cash Book Store, No. 32 North Queen st.. Lancaster, Pa. nov. 18, '65. PURE WINES & LIQUORS. THE subscriber calls the attention of his friends and public•, generally to his large and well assorted stock of pure wines and liquors at wholesale, only retail for medi cal purposes and family use. IMPORTED WLVES & LIQUORS, such as Cognac of different grades and brands. Holland and Cordial Gins. Port Lisbon, Sherry, Madeira, Malaga. Champagne, German, Rhine, C/arret Wines, de. Domestic Wines and Liquors, Domestic Brandy, Domestic Gin, XXX Old Rye, XX Old Rye, X Old Rye, Bour bon and Monogabella Whiskies, Wines, Catawba, sweet and tart, Currant, 'Mack berry, Elderberry, Samburg's Port, Lte. 111."1` E IC S I Misbler's Herb, The great Zingari, Brunen, Stovers, Wine and Cock Tail. Brown Stout, Scotch Ale, Sellers' Water. Ginger, Blackberiy, Catawba, Cherry, ttc. T. C. BUCHER, cor. Front cC Locuct. may 26, '66 YIISHLER'S BITTERS. Sold only by J. C. BUCITER, Corner of Front and Locust streets, Columbia. Pa. may 10,-tf PARIS FANCY GOOFS For Holiday gifts eonsistinq, of Fancy Work Boxes Segar Stands, Watch Stands, Vases. tte. Fine Cutlery, Pocket Books, Combs, te., at E. Spering's Cheap Jewelry Store. - ~ Reading Rail Road. 'WINTER ARRANGEMENT, DECEMBER Ist, 1 866. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE 'North and Noith West for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville. Tamaqua, :Ashland, Lebanon. Allentown, Easton, -Ephrata, Litiz, Lan caster, Columbia. dc., de. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows : At S.'lo and 9.35 A. Al., and 2.10 'and 9.00 P. 51., connectingsvith similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Road, and arriving at New York at 5.00 and 10.10 A. 51., and 4,40, 520 and 10 25 I'. 01. Sleeping Cars accompanying the 3.00 1. 31., and 0.00 I'. M. Trains without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua. Mincnsville, Ashland, Pine Gore, Allentown and Philadelada, 8.10 A. M., and 2.10 and 4.10 P. stopping at Lebanon and principal I,Vs.y Stations; the 4.10 - P. 51., making connections for Philadelphia • and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Ha ven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and su.,:ci t wh t utum Rail Road, leave Harrisburg at 3.20 I'. M. Returning: Leave New York at 9.0 u A, SL, 13.00 Noon and 3.00 and S.OO P. M. ; Philadelphia at 5.15 A. M. and 3.30 P. N. Way Passenger 'l't•ain leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 A. 51., returning from Reading et 0.30 P. AL, stopping at all Stations; Pottsville -at 8.40 A. M. and 2.45 P. Al.; Ashland 0.03 and 11.30 A. AL and 1.05 P. M.; Tamaqua at 9.45 A. 51., and 1.00 and 5.53 P. M. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susq uehan na Rail Road at 7.00 A. M. Rending Accommodation Train: Leaves Rending rt 6.30 A. M.,•_•eturning from Philadelphia at -4473 P. 21. Columbia Rail Road Trninc leave Reading at 7.00 A. M., and 0.15 P. lel. for Ephrata, Litiz. Lancaster, Columbia. &c. On Sundays: Leave New York at 8.00 P. 31., Philadelphia 8.00 A. Al. and 3.13 P. M., the 8.00 A. M. Train running only to Reading; Potts:rill, 8.00 A, H.; Harrisburg 0.05 A. M and Receding at 1.20 and 7,00 A. H. for Harrisburg, and 11.22 A. H. for New York, and 4.25 P. M. fn• Philadelphia. Commr.tatim., Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tickets, to and from all palms, at reducer: Rates. Baggage checked through; SO pounds allotted each Passenger. G. A. NICOLI.S., Gcnn•ul Surerintendent. RZADING, PA., January Ist, ISt-.7. Reading gr Columbia R. N. ON AND AFTER. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2.601, 1566, Trains will run between .Ir...sziatacitrit cot-, AND AS FOLLOWS; Leave Lancaster and Columbia, S.no m. 3.0) p. 51. Arrive at Reading, 10.20 a.m.. and 5.30 p. m. Returning, leave Reading at 7.00 a. m., and G. 15 Arrive at Lancaster 0.20, and Columbia 9.25 a. m., and 8.30 p. in. Throng:: tickets to New' York, Philadelphia and Lancaster sold at principal stationa,and Baggage checked :h rough. Freight carried n ith the utmost nr.mirtm , .s and dispatch, at the lowest rates.— Fnrther infcrinvi,n with regard to Freight, or naseatto may be bhtained front the agents of the company. GEO. F. GAGE.Supt E. F. KEEVER, Gen. Freight and Ticket Agt. Columbia, Dec. ], ISCO PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Trains Icavc Columbia going East ; TK4r,astertrain, 4 Earri‘beirg 3.5.3 P.M lIS leave Wcst, Mail train, 11.:i5 P.lll Haarisburg Accommodation, G. 30 P. :k Lancaster train arrives, S. 10 " Coiumbia ACCOMMOtI4OII. Leave Columbia for Lancaster, 1.40 P. Arrive at Lancaster 2.10 •' Connecting with day empress for Phil'a. Leave Lancaster at 2.45 " Arrive at Columbia 3.20 " BT. C. MAILWAIir, YORK AND IVRIGOTSVILLE R. B Departure and Arrival of the Passenger Trains at York. DEPARTURES FROM YORK. For BAtarmonn, 4.15 A. M. 7.00 A. M., 10.40 A. M., 2.50 P. M., anti 0.55 P. M. Fort \Vitra irrsvlLLE, 0.45 A. M., 11.45 A. M., and 3.50 P. M. For HAniusisuna, 12.30 A. M. 7.10 A. M. 10,40 A. M., 11.43 A. Al, 2.45 P. M.,and 10.- 30 P.M. AI RIVALS AT YORK From 8ALT1m0n,E,12.23 A. AI. 10.35 A. M 11.35 A. 31., 2.•10 I'. M.. 6.50 P. 111 - ., :Lod 10. 25 P. .Nl. Prm. WntanrsviLLE, 5.45 A. :IL, 2.35 P. M., and 7.30 P. M. From 11Annisnuno, 4.10 A. M., 10.33 A. 5.1., and 2.45 P. M., and G. 35 P. M., and 9.- 52 P. M. On Sunday, the only trains running are the one from Harrisburg, 11.1.35 in the morn ing, proceedbig to Baltimore; and those from Baltimore at 12.25 A. 31., and 10,2,3 P. M.. proceeding to Harrisburg. No train arrives from Baltimore at 10.- 25 on Saturday night; and nonel front Harrisburg - at 4.10 on Monday morning. Q ILJ S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER, 'rho cifecto cf which aro to RESTORE THE HAIR MEI NATURAL COLOR, AND PROMOTE ITS GRON7TII. It is an entirely nelv scientific discovery, combining many of the most powerful and restorative agents in the vrgetable kingdom. It cures all diseases of the scalp, and allays all that heat and irritation, and fur nishes a nutritive principle by which the hair is nourished and supported, and by its remedial virtues, it causes the hair to grow where it has fallen out, and restores it to its natural color when gray. The old in appearance are made young again. It will keep the hair fi-ont fidling out. It is not a Dye, it strikes at the roots and fills the glands with new life and coloring matter. It is the best - HAIR DRESSING Ever used, making it moist, soft and glossy. It removes dandruff, and all those scurvy eruptions. It does not contain oil and alco hol, which dry up the -secretions upon which the vitality depends. No person, old or votmz, should fill to use it. It is reeoniniende;i and used by the FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. for TrALcs 1 7 11 G =MILE; SICILIAN HAM ItENrwmt, snit take no other. Our Treatiso on t!to Hair sent free upon applicatiou. R. P. HELL & CO., Proprietors, NA SITU - A, _Y. Ir. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. CONCENTRA.TED LYE. OR SOAP 'Maker, just reeeived, and for sale at a ow price by R. WILLIAMS. $2,00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2,50 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE. *:t.:TVA °Court4DES, talk you of returning— Aro you so devoid of shame? Is it 0111.9 you think or earnintt Counties,: riches, denthies , i brne? Fools ! what have you :eft behind you ? Poverty- told oottliott: !nor: ? Jeu•rlt bright t•ouoch to blind you, Glisten un the golden shore 0 C Ehlormle Tern The helm, and homeward steering, Let us count tl.e past for nought We ea-. well abide the jeering I , ,,high etiil gyeet u> m the pott. We ,an tell them that a a glory, Glory in our lack of gold, And can laugh to .corn the story, Of the - gents and ‘vealth untold In Eldorado. " Pardon if my ' wmds arc stinging, For I know nut Nvh.t I say; But %is 111.1 d to sae you dinging All our golden hop.. away. When I know by computation That a few .f.hort leagues of sea Part us from our declination Give me but three days to be In Eldorado! "Ye refuse !—and ye are stronger, I am, therefore, in your thrall, Go! 1 call you friends no longer— Cowatt.l4., dastards are ye all Saints in heaven! Can tttat be vapor Looming in the distant blue'? ! 'tis laud—shout, dance, and caper! Shunt and yell, 'us land in Vi4Mr— "Fis Eldorado:" oyos turn with joyous wonder Wnere their leader's lingers point, Anil a si out like Summer thunder Shakes the ship in every joint. To +he sweeps they rush and labor, Will with mingled joy and shame; And retell urges on Ins neigh her With du: magic in the name Of Eldorado Like a battle-horse careering Bounds the good ship through the spray, And with morning light appearing . Steals into n (kuiet bay. Poet:: dream of fields Elysian, Poets' dream of Paradise, Ne'er surpass'd that glorious sisioi— That tiriNt view that met thrir (hyrS, -CdEidorado. Nature on that lovely region Cants tier gift, with lavi , ll hand, Strange gay birds—a rainbow legion— Nuke sw6et music through the land: And trom tree to tree Wants creeping, Weave the forest, into bowers:— Bat the pestilence is sleeping. Covef'd over with the flower.; Of Eldorado Len the rovers pa.s'4l hi seeking Gold and gems. bitt found they none, Over swamps with lever reekin4, Drench'd with rain and secreted by sun. Found they nothing—no re-payment For their danger- on the wave, For till it inch. of Piod and raiment? Yes !—each rover found a grave IR Eldorado. —(lace a Ilia `lititsre,ll it ittrius. The ,td' antagen of Having a Woman with lion when Travel ing. " That seat is occupied," said a bright eyed girl at the hotel table to a man who was about to take it. " Occupied I" he growled, !,k -where's his baggage?" With a saucy upward look at hill), " I'm his baggage," she said. And this brings me to say that if you arc going a long journey in regions where it is " first come first served," the most desirable piece is not a hat box or a blanket, but a woman. If you have none, then marry o-e, for you arc not thoroughly equipped for the road till you ao. wh en dinner is ready you follow in her blessed wake, and are snugly seated beside her, and exactly opposite the platter of chickens, before the hirsute crowd, womanless as Adam was till he fell into a deep sleep, arc let in at all. Tnere you arc, and there they are. You twain one, with the two best chairs in the house, served atid smiled on. Look down the table at the unhappy fellows, some of them actually bottoming the chairs they occupy, and the arms reach ing in every direction across the table like the tentaculte of a gigantic polypus. When night cornea, and with a border- tavern, it is not you that shift uneasily from side to side on the bar room floor. ' If there is any hest bed she gets it, and you share it. You follow her into the best car; she is first in the stage coach, and you are too. More than that, a woman keeps you " upon your honor;" j and you are pretty sure to behave your self all the way.-1 Letto• front lowa. There was once upon a time a good little dwarf named Try. who was so power ful that he overcome everything he attempted ; and yet he was so small and ill-favored, that people laughed when they were told of his wondrous powers. But the tiny man was so kind at heart, and loved so much to serve his unfor tunate and desponding brethren, that he would go and beg of those who knew him better, to intercede for him, so that be might be allowed to help them out of their troubles; and when once he had made them happy by their noble deeds, they no lover despised him or drove him from them with sneers, but loved him as their truest friend. Yet the only return that this good dwarf sought for all his services was, that. when they heard of any one who wanted a helping hand, they would say a good word in his favor, and recommend them to "Try." Commercial Value of Insects. Great Britain pays annually $1.000,- 000,000 for corcascs of that tiny insect known as cochineal ; while another, also peculiar to India, gum shellac, or rather its production, is scarcely less valuable. More than 1.500,000 human beings de rive their sole support from the culture and manufacture of the fibres spun by the silk worm, of which the annual cir culating medium is said to be 5200,000,- JOO. In England alone, to say nothing of other parts of Europe, $50u,000 are -pent every year in the purchase of honey, while the value of that which is native is not mentioned. and this is the , work of the bee. Besides all this, there ire gall nuts used for dying and making ink ; cantharides. or Spanish fly, i:scd in medicine. In fact, every insect is coo ribut.ng in some way, directly or indi rectly, in swelling our commercial profits.. Cl;`;Peirl3. 13y Request ELDORADO. Ern [WHOLE NUMBER 1,955 An Irishman's Will , In the name of God, Amen I, Tim !otby Doolan, of l3allydownderry, in the ' county of Clare, farmer, being sick and wake in the legs, but of sound bead and warm heart—glory be to God I—do make this, Ine first and last will, and ould and new test• Anent; and first, I give me soul to God whin it places hint to take it, shure no thanks to me, for I can't help it thin, and my body to be buried in the ground in Ballydownderry Chapel, where all my kith and kin that have gone before um and those that live either me, belonging to me, are buried. Pace to their ashes, and may the sod rest lightly on their bones. Bury me near -.me godfather, -Felix O'Flaherty, beehuxt and betime him and me father and me mother who lie separated all to gether at the other side of the chapel -yard. -I lave'the bit of ground, contain ing ten acres—rale ould Irish acres—to we eldest son Tim, after the death of his mother, if she survives him. Me dauch er Mary and 'her husband, Paddy Cr- Regan, are to get the white sow that's !going to have twelve black bonifs. Tatly,•nre second boy, that was killed in the war in Amerikay, might have got his pick of the poultry, but as he is gone I I'll lave them to his wife, who died afore I him. I bequeath to all mankind the' I fresh air of I leaven, allthe•fishes of the. [ sea they can take, and all the birds of the air they can shoot. I lave to them all the Sun and Moon and sthars. I lave to Peter Rafferty a pint of' potheen I can't finish, and may God be merciful to him. (Signed) his TIMOTHY r DOOLAN, her mark. MARY REGAN, mark. John O'Sullivan, U7t n ess. 100 r Fellow ! The local clitor of the Peori (M.) Transcript who has just been married, thus rejoices over his change of state: No more are we doomed to room in dark attics, illuminated by the faint odor of stale tobacco and adorned by bachelor friends, enebriated and miser able. No, sir, we are now settled for life. We begin to have an interest in the markets, are curious over the price of beefsteak, are affected by a raise in soupbones and .potatoes. A Tictnre of life dawns beferz us. We begin to Shney ourselves sixty or seventy years hence, white-headed and venerable, slowly pacing to church ? lead hig by the hand an interesting family of six rascally white headed boys—infant Snookes, who look up to us and call us -Dad," With such a possible prospect who wouldn't get married ? And then the joy of leading those six through the measles, whooping.cough, teething, rash, dintheria and croup, buying them shoes, pounding them when ugly, and trotting them on our knee when they srinall,seeing them come home drowned from skating, and having them brought home blown up by toy cannons on the 4th of July, formed a picture of domestic bliss that we couldn't resist, and so we didn'lt. VICTOR 11 UGO rises, winter and sum mer, with the sun. He lights his fire and makes his coffee ; then he writes, reads, or composes until eleven, and dur ing that time no one troubles him in his meditations. At eleven, whatever tho temperature may be, he goes out on the terrace of the house, which is on the same level as his room, and makes long ablutions with cold water. Then comes the breakfast hour, devoted to family chat an 1 reading of newspapers strd letters. This meal generally lasts for an hour and a half. Then the poet takes long walks across the island. He works while walking, and often stops before the points be admires. He is not given to eating. His table is simply set, and he is always satisfied with the dishes set before hint. Although he has a good appetite, he is moderate, and no one can say that he has seen him commit the least excess. Victor Hugo goes to bed early, generally before ten o'clock. Pens, ink, and paper are placed on a table nigh him. Often in his broken sleep Ile jots down the thoughts that cross his mind. Sometimes he writes in the dark, and makes hieroglyphics that iu the morning be alone can decipher. Driakimr,, at Meals. When fat meats, or sauces composed partly of butter, are' taken, and cold drink directly after, the butter and fat are rendered concrete, and separated from the rest of the ailiment. This con gealed oily matter, being then specifically lighter than the remaining contents or the stomach, swims on the top of tho food, often causing heavy. uneasy, pain lr.l sensations about the cardia and breast, and sometimes a feeling of scald ing and anxiety; at other times, when. the stomach regains its heat, the fatty matter is rejected, little by little. fret" weak stomachs, in oily regurgitations, which are very disagreeable. In such cases, a little compound spirits of harts horn, with a glass of warm water and sugar, will convert the fat into snap, and give instant relief. G REELEY has been lecturing on the Mormons. In the course of his lecture he says : Only imagine to yourself, a family of twelve children, with four or five mothers to bring them up in one house, and you have as fair a start for hell upon earth as you can well imagine. Ten years in such a purgatory would make a man long for the sound of Gabriel's trumpet. —A. person fond of fruit, rireTy be. cornea a hard drinker.