P A. Jl. "wimp, C0LU.12131.4 PAL Satar-44y. Dec: 15, 1866. Advertisements, to secure Immediate insertion mast be banded in on or before iiiitirsday evening such week. , -rife' News. •:-Oharlds-Min'ot,.fortneriy Superinten dent of the New York and Erie Railroad, died suddenly, at his residence,in Sumer- Mas:s , lately. to on several a-,tieles. of interest intend . Seven 'thorisand dollars iv. r M and e Fear Eilve t: were 'found Iliin hates=, The whetb...s been very keen the 'week- The mercury on buried in a ker.% ne , ^ 07:e it stcteilzzlE•Na ttrad araong t 1 itze_tai:m BEM And Le. Officers hove beer; i to the princi pal Southern eiziezi- ct•tain recruits for the 12 1:::r popufatios of Le.uisviile is esti alated at 15ii,11;30. This is double its pquiutiou six. year.-7 ag.t). —A person who was unable to be !present at a "wooden wedding." in De troit. last week, sent his regrets written on a shingle —A suit of ex Senator Rice, of Min nesota, against the city of St- Paul. io recover 8200, 6 00 for real estate Sold the city sixteen - 3-ears ago. has - been decided in favor of St l'aul, , rs. U ladstone, with her owii hands, has resetied - hundreds of children frOm the pestilential alleys of London, Whom the cholera has deprived of parents and home. ' —An interesting astronomical event occurred on the Grh inst., viz: The :tin. Mercury, Venus and the Earth were in conju 'etion, a Ilia' that will not ()emr again in seteral'eentmies. —Petroleum V. 3.Srasby is about to reitioe to Sews York Ife is an' editor' c.)iillieToledo Blade, and his none' is A. Lucke. —Examine our columns before you purchaNe your holiday goods. The mer chants who advertire their wares in our paper are the ones to visit if you wish to be accomodated with the finest articles in the market. - - farmer being aelsed if - rifsiug hemp - was a good business, - ariswere(f_ •"1 can't sartiu sity ; but it is surely 'better than being raised by'it." —"Do you like codfish balls, air. gm ?" ' • - Mr. 'Viggin, heaitating —"I really don't know, Miss; I: don't recolleet•'eCee having attended. actor undertook to Jr)rsewhip the critic it the Detroit'Eree PresS,-a. few days since, ina brought "n. 6 in the station he critic wasniq much hurt. A lady in :Washington, who was drag ged a distance ut • thirty 'rect., by her hi . ibits•eatehing n • sti•ei:t car, hasrecovered three thousand dolliirs damages. — • • man was killed and four others were injured badly by an explosion in an oil refinery, at Cleveland, 0., on the sth inst. —Jerome B, Clain, a. grain ;dearer of Chicago. has disappeared with $30,000. lie buught grain on credit and suld it fur cash. . ' --One of the laruest of the provision liouses of New York city failed on Mon day, and its liabilities are given at over five hundred thou:4 lid dollars. Four other houses in that city recently sus pended. • ' '• • • • • •• L . --;Durinr• 'the - year 4.500.000 dead let terp were disp4sed "of and 5241,539 . 99 was returned to its owneesin dead letters. 2;5J0,01/0 dead letters have been destroy- lady of Detroit sold her rat bag recently - for one dollar, and afterwards remembered .that she bad depbsTted - one hundred and ninety dal tars• ip it tor 'S:afe keeping. —Three men concerned in the lair railroad r , d)bery, have been .taken -froin jail, at Lebanon, Ky., and flanged by a mob. `.—The woman who was lately buried alive atQuincy, Illinois. and rescued in time to save he.r Rib, says she knew all that took place during her trance state, but was unable - to speak oi• move a limb' —CoburgX. C‘r. was lighted on Satur day bight with-gas made from pinewood. 'boxes and refuse vegetable,and animal matter The light is said folic brilliant, and to be more - economical than that from gac made fri.ru .coal. • ..—Levi . NV:Gi-off. residing near Lancas ter: this County, is the imissessorot an , o ld :English bull's eye. W•atch; forail'erly^ worn by lien.'"Fratiklin,'atid tlie.iNhisitenuetts Historical Society has *red him $3•,000 fur it. `t• (-• ••••-le• *- ' • • ; —À ealieo • w•is given. in Peters burg, Va., uu ceeniug, 'Which was attended by the ••first families" of the City. The ladies all appeared in mine,' dresses 'antl white aprons w hich Were sub sequently given to the poor.—Let those hind ul dauciag, have a calico ball in Columbia..., • —A Miltvaukee young lady bad' her .cap - set' for a 'rather large - feller,' but 'railed to in hill; when a confidant tr ed to comfort her with the words: :'Never mind, Mollie.- there is as good fish 'in the sea as ever was caught.' Mollie knows that! replieth• her little brother, •but she wAtita a whale.' THE TIME' TO BUY! "Mitati, iiAR6"..A. - INS PROM '± - 1.1.E . .I.I.ECENT!AUCTIONS. • 10 . RESS ; &'0011:0S, • - • Astonishingly Cheap.. "C7V-001.,P,T5, . • - ' Atle - "sg than Cost of Production, DRY GOODS Generally, tit . X-acaw ' We believe this to be THE 'TIME TO BUY! At HALDEMAN'S. Dec. 186 G. „ . BANK' ELECTION. rpms ANNUAL ELECTION FOR nine-Directors of the Columbia Na tional Bank,,will be held at the Banking Houae in Columbia, Fa., on the SECOND TUESDAY of 'JANUARY, 1867, between the hours of 10 and 4 o'clock of said clay: SAMUEL SHOC'II. Cashier. December 4; 1866. - - SPECIAL NOTICES A Cough, A Cold, or A Sore - ThrOat; . Bes i zeres .I.nainediato _Attention, encl. : shot:ld be Checked. ALLQWEID TJ CuNTINTTE, 1111:ITATION OF TUE LUNGS, A PESOIAIs.:ENT TitROAT DISEASE, OR CONSUMPTION, Iv OYfETIIE 11E31:1:1'. B R-0 IV !AGRONCILdAL TROCIZES., .Ir.i.vi.ag a direct tail itenee to the parts, give muted/ ate re:tet. For )3renehitis, Asthma. Catarrh, Con sumptive-and Throat Diseases, Treches are used with always good success. SRA:GEES A ND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Trothes useful in clearing the - voice when t.dten. before Singmg or Speakihg, and relieving the throat alter an unusual f aertion of the vocal organs. The Tr , ,chos are recommended and prescribed by Physicians, and have had testimonials from emi nent men throughout the . country. Being an article of true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test of knany years, each year finds them in ney localities in various :parts of the world, and the Trochrs are duiversally pronounced better than other artieles. 03r.toi only "Brown's Bronchial Troches," and do not ;AU o any of the 111 , a/doss imitations that ably be otl , red. Sold 'everywhere. Cllee. 1; ISuo—Gal. REIIE.BIAL IIitTSTITUTE, FOR SP_ECIAL BEB, No. 14 lioand Street, New York. inforuiation. with the highe,sl testimonials: also, a lioolc. cat Special Di Sal.lo, in a bealc:l encek.pe, sent free. ita...Be sure and ~enilftw them, and ,iion ?WO' rex et it; • r. us advertiing physician , ,, in nine case:. um of ten, are imposters without references, no stranger should he trusted. Enclose a .starnp for restage, and direet to DR. LAWRENCE, No. 14 130\D STREET, NEW 17011 Ii.". [Doc. The real Velpau French Pills should not be used during a certain time, as they pill surely bring on a rnisearrov.4e. Sold by nil Druggists. - Dr.,e. 1. Imo. Strange, but True. Evert young. - limy and gentleman in the United Status can hear .oinething very much to their ad vantage by return mail (free of charge) by address ing tee IThderSigned, Those having fears of being humbuggeu mit oblige by not noticing this card, All others Mil please address their obedient servant F. UIIAPNIAN, Dec.2o '6,5 ly. Sal Broadway, New York. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CA tarrh, treated with: the ut(riOn sneeess, by Dr. J. ISAACS, ,culist and Aurist, (formerly of Lyden, ifolland,) No 5:9 Pine Street, Philadelphia. Testi monials irorn the most reliable sources in the city and c.uuty can be seen at his Office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients. as he aas no secrets in his practice.' Artificial eyes inserted without pain. - No charge made for exami, nation ' mar. 24,'‘ WONDERFUL 32u1 TRUE! MA.D.OII. R,.311:41 lON, the world ienowned Astrolo gist and Somnambitlistie Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoyant state delineates the very features of the person you aro to marry, and by the aid of an instru noon of intense power, known as taw: vsvehorri z i.. Arop,e, - gintriiinees to produce a perlectahnindike picture of the future-husband or tt ifs of the appli cant, with date of marriage, occupation, leading baits of character, arc. 'Tails is no impo-ition, as testimonials without number cant assert. by stating place of birth. age, disposition,eolur of eye- and hair and enclosing . lifty cents and stamped envelope ad dressed to your-elf, you wall receive the picture by return mail, tigether with desired knormatmu. 'Address in confidence, GLltTlatbi. R,..VISGTOY. P. O. Box 207, West Troy. N. Y. Sept:22, Gino. paL CONFESSIONS AND EXPERI WWI; OF' N INVALID. :Publi,bed for the beuerit and as a CAUTION TO YOUNG Vi EN and others, who surfer front 'Nervous D;bility,preartit.we decay of Maulhood, are.. supply ing at the Caine time Ihe lq eans of self Cure. By one who has cured himself after undergoing con siderable quackery. By enclo,ing a pJstprud dressed: envelope, smgle copms, free of charge, may be had of the author. ICATRANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings Co., N. Y. jau.2.7, ly. CROSBY OPERA. EIOESE ART ASSOCIATXON. The Date Determined. The day on which tie final distribution will posi ivoly table place, is JANUARY .21.8 v, 1867. We. the undersigned, a Committee appointed to conduct the awn, ding of Premium• t, the Mem ber.. of the CROSBY - OPERA LOUSE ART AS SOCIATION, have been anthoriled by the Manage ment to announee MONDAY, January 21st, the time when the FINAL. A\l Alit of all the Pre miums shall be made, without further postpone ment. - - In order that Mr. Crosby may realize the full benefit of his.enterprise, and that tam Ceritticates may be held by b .ne julc purchasers, and not by him it is necessary that the remaining eertiticates should be, speed.ly deposed et. The Committee assure all parties interested, that every care will be taken to secure pot feet fairness in awarding the Premiums. , William T. Coolbangh, President Union National Arm , s' T. Ball, Treasurer C. B.& B. U.: E. G. Hall. Ilan. Kimlahlt d: Co.; thint•di Briggs, Ew ing. Briggs x Co.; J. C. bore, President of the Board of Trade; James H. nowan, President of Third 'National Bank . James C. Pal go. Superinten dent American Express; Francis .A...llortman, Ex- Lieut. Governor: 1. Y. Mann, Mann x Scott Ele rater; J. A. Ellis, President Sreend National 11,ink. The Subscription. Beek.. will be closed when the sale of Cert:fiestes shall heve Veen completed, WITIIOUT FUR.TILER NOTICE,. A CIIRISTMAS PRESENT FOR YOUR PARENT ! One Certiliente, with *The Apple Gatherers," and the chalice et a Premium a orth eetai,eoJ! A. CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR YOUR SISTER! Ow) Cet tirienh: with "The Little Wu', dena," aud the Chturtee of Pretrautti., eetth (tout Sari) to ::1,00.1.1UU. A CHRISTII.IS PRESA.NT FOR YOUR BROTHER : Otie Cortiticare, m ith, the new • Engraving, "West • 'Weld. Ho!" 111111 cue chunce et pusness ing the • rosily Opera House A CHRIS rIVAS, PREsENT FOR -YOUR WIFE{ Two 'C•niticatos, With "Irving and his Utorary 'Friends.' and two chaise .% ut Pr.•nitunts,, worth (ruin SJU to SvOU,UJU A CIinISTMAS PRES/NT F,OIi,•YO L'n DAuGHTE it! Three Certificates, with littatington's "Mercy's breutri, • nod the chance of bec , maing worth ' more titan half a million! A CUM .TAIAS PRESENT FOR YOUR SON 1 • Four Certilielites, with foe ehremograph, "The • Atm:vie:in Autumn;' nna ChltuCCS • of Premiums worth from .:1511J • to *SOI.ILW A CELRIST3 I / 1 8 PRESENT FOR YOUR DEAR BIM . . One or twenty certificates, with one or twenty chances-of ,niplsong her alost a inillionare! As iiell as chances of ' in becoming the possessor -of a Bierstadt,nogt!i,,3ooUl A constant :Meyer, worth f:5.00o I A Leu worth' One Th o lis a n i i Dollars! A A r.psy. woft.! Six fhou,arni Dollars! A Gignoux, wortn 'l'ffree '1 hoosand Dollars: Hart, yeah Five Tlions-lid Dollars! A Schussel, worth Five Thousand Du.lars! 'A Beard, worth- Four Thou sand D 01,1('S BUST OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, ' Worth Two Thousand f.)Oliars!, or hundreds 'of other rLeteres by tee loicuitig.Arti.ets ie Amer fee. ' Certialtates pocs 11310, Vir draft or l'ost Office order. irt:-Regiuter• all letters coutainiug currency. Di rect to -.7. Ti. IR. CROSBY, Actuary. . Principal Estecern Agency, — .TOE dia INSTITUTE, No, 62.5 BROADWAY. Edward Snoring, Agent, Front-street, Colurrtbig, pa., Nhera ;specimen copies may be 16002.1. deeLS-It • To Burranivo. COMMITTEE AND OTHERS. .ITET.E place, to porch fine and cheat) .--- BuildiwP Stone ls de " * 4‘ ~ _ . 4 - s. S. D ' r W44.11:11'S ,:QUAT.III7, . . He is noW filling a very largP contract of large stone for a FUIINACE, awl will' liaira large quantity'Of SNIALL BUILD: LNG STO, - :s.:lil,wltiolt-he will sell at reduced prices, as thdy aeon in u late in his *ay; will either deliver or sell in the qu'arr3r."_ ' $5O c 895.00 REWARD IS - OFFERED son „ the recovery of the Beft , stolen from the Susquehanna Engine House, and **2.5.00 for the ! arrest of the person or per sons Who chunnitted the theft. . : _ • By order of SCISQUEITANNA FLi/t= ComrANF. A. BRI7:CI:11 7 Ju., Sec. Dec. 8, 18.136. FLOUR , 133 FEED STORE, rrilE U:NDER I`. SIG.TED, ELA:VLNG PUR- I, chased the Stock on hand, and taken the liToUr and Feed Store lately occupied by cleorga Brandt, - Locust, above Fourth street, Columbia. Pa., will continue the business at that place. and respectfully so'deits. the - patronage of his friends, and 1.1 - e public in general. Ile will, at nYI times, keep on hand, the BEST IP A` t .. AO_ IL 'IL L LOU that can be procured,'. Bye Flour, '• sd - 33x - 2ch - whe7Lt . with FEEDS •of different kinds, all o 1 which he will sell as low as possible, for ..Being - a practical Miller, and having fol lowed the trade for many years, he flatters himself that his knowledge of the businegs will enable him to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. The Store will be opened from 7 A. M., to SI ! P. M. DANIEL McC.A.ILLEY.. Columbia, Dec. S, 1866—tf. OUR J!Lt[UES ARE', Decidedly Reasonable ! M.ENS' mia BOYS' WEAR, CLOTIIS. O'ASSFAIERES, - SATINE'rrS and JANES. BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS. Merinoes. C4inaers f Poplins. Delaines and Coburgs. A full line or_ Prints from cents up. 'Wool and Cotton Flannels. Bleached and Unbleaelied Table Linens, Towels, 'tiap . i.ins ck. Crash. Floor and Table Oil Cloths. We. litive bought our stock for. net cash antrwe 'will sell at a very short profit, J. W. BTE.A.CY ds CO., Cor 2no, 6r. Locust st., sept 25th 'BO • • Columbia, Pa. C A-T Aa It Cl - 1? F • This Snuff has . thoroughly-proved itself to be the hest article know „ for curing the Catarrh, Cold iu the Head and Headache- It has been found an ex cellent remedy in many cases of sore Eyes. Deaf ness has been remover by it. and Hearing has often been greatly improved by its use, It is fragrant and agreeable. and Gives Immediate Relief To the dull heavy pain. , caus.Al by dis •iises of the Head. The SCliSilti,,ris after using it are delightful and invigorating. it opens and purges out all ob structions, strengthens the glands, and gives a healthy tation'to the-parts affected. Morethan Thirty Years' or. Sale. afi:d of Dr. Alari.hall's Catarrh and tieadnehe Sn utl;' has proved Its great value for all the common diseases of the Head. aid at this moment it stands lii her than ever before. It is recommended by many of the hest physicians and is used with great success and sac:4ooom everywhere. Itead the Certificate* of Whole- • - suite Druggists in 18434. • The undersigned. oaring for many years been ac-.. quainted with Dr. Marshall's entarrli and Headache Spun; and sold in our wholesale • trade, cheerfully state, tha. we behove it io be equal in every respect to t a recommendations given of it for the cure of •'atarrhal Affections: anti that it i 8 decidedly the best article,we have eyer known for all common diseases.of the - • • • Burr St Perry, Reston, Herne. k Park. New York Read, A nt.ton. k Co., A. it' k D.Sands; trown,Lamson. & Cp., ", Stephen PaK4l tfi Co. " Reed. Cutler k Go.;,,lsrael Alinar.4 CO, " Seth-W. Fowl%' , McKes6cai &Robbins, " tVilson, Fairb.ank / 1 / 4 Co. 'A. L. Seevill & " Honshaw,Edibands & Co; 31, %Yard. Close " /LB. Hay. Portland, Ma . Bush . . 14 Fur slide by all Druggists.' TRY IT. G, %way ;: . ;.. '.lFive Dollars. LEBANON VALLEY COLLEGE. /~IZIL SECOND SESS ON 01? THIS IN -I'stitutioll 'will confluence ou • - Whe 7th day of Jfatiitary, 1567. • Thorough instruction is afforded in , . Common and Higher English.;' • The Pure and Mixed .I.Vathematics, Natural Science uhd Polite:Literature, ' The Latin, Greek, German and French Languages, • • • •. Vocal and Instrumental Music Penmanship, Drawing and Painting. The rooms are entirely .furnished, anc the building is delightfully heated by fur Maces: Tho be tof teachers are employed -91 arges moderate, and no extras., For Catalogue and further particulars address Rnv. T. R. VICKROY, A. ' Annville, Lebanon Co., Pa, December 8, 1866, tr. Public Sale. AN T ILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, at the well known Grain Rake and Agricultural Cmplenient Munufiict •ry of the late firm of G. W. Brandt (k. Co., in Conimerne, near Walnut street, Columbia, Penn'a, .On Thursday and Friday, December 27th and' 28th, - 186'6, - ThefolloWjpgcleser,ibecl personal property, ' to wit : 75 of the Celebrated Pratt Patent Stee ' Tooth - Hay and Grain Itakes , ,mtide of the best material, antriinishea in a superior manner. 75 Sets Steel Rake Teeth:, bent and texupere - ci One R - eller's Patent Grain . Drill, 30 Gale'S'Putent reed Cutters. 3 Morrison's Potent Qom Planters, 5 doz. Slaw Cutters, 6 Washing Machines, About 60 Tons Coal, No. 3 ands , About 10,000 feet Ash, Oak aud'aiekory. Lumber. Also, at the-same time and place, 3 Good Horses, 1 Colt. Lot Harness, 2 two- Horse Wagons, 1 one-Horse Wagon, 1 Covered Spring Wagon, in good order, for one or two horses, 1 'Falling Top Buggy, Two- Horse Sleigh, new Cart, and Cart Gears. 150 , 0 Carriage Bolts, 31, :34 and 3i by 5-16 • inch. 100 Carriage Bolts 4by g. 130 lbs. Rivets, 21, 3 and 31 inch. 25 lbs. Chrome, Yellow, iu Oil, 1. 2 and 3 pOund Boxes. - One Eight-day Officio Chick, 2 Cotil Stoves and Pipe, Desk, Case of DrawerS, ' 3 doz. 4 lack Strap IdittgeS, pair Iron Buggy, A.xleS, Bolts, various lengths and sizes, two Tons Cast Scrap Iron, Stiiid Wagon Springs, about 2 tons Bar, Iron, 1t by half ton Round Iron. assorted sizes, lot of Belting Leather, lot of Wood Screws Trout 4 to 34 inch, 5.000 Sawed and Split Spokes, 400 sets Felloes, 8,000 Turned spokes, 50 gallons Whale oil, 2,000 Felloe Bridles, 1,500 Seat Irons, 2,000 Guido Steeples; 2,000 Linch Pins, 1600 Axle Rings, 1000 Steeples, assorted sizes. Swin trio Trees, Fo•tked Chain and Spreads, 1 Corn Sheller, lot of Copper Wire, lot of Leather, 1000 feet -inch Weather Boards, lot of Cast Iron Pulleys/Efferent sizes, 250 lbs Lead Pipe, A doz. 3-bushel Baskets, 3 Log Chains. • Also, a lot of Paints, 'Oils, Varnishes, Brushes,"l:iles, too' numerous to mention. • • Also, One 13UOKEYE_MOWEII, and one One-Horse Carriag,e. • Sale to commence at 1 o'clock . on Thurs day, the 2.7th„and continue from day to day until the whole is disposed or. Attendance will be givon, and terms made known by • ' ESTHER R. BRAN DT, • EZRA SMEDLEY, Admistraters of the Estate of Henry Brandt, dec'd, surviving Partner of the lute firm of a W. - Brandt tk, Co. • [Columbia, Dec. 8,'66. NOTICE TO BUILD.ERS. S. DETWILER Columbia; Dec 8,185 G-tr.:. earn Mess?. CZ" Dr. PZAJISIIALI.'S NEW - ADVERT StiIENTS GIFTS ?OR J 9. HOLIDAYS! IN GREAT "yAP,IETY, W. T_T_ 13..P,SS' BOOK STORE! CM=l:=l TUE have just received a Eine Assort- Y meat of Books. fancy Articles, Gold Pens. Toys, &c., 6:e., Suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS! ]OR OLD AND YOUNG PEOPLE, Such as Photograph Albums, Prayer Books, Bibles, Hymn Books, of all Denominations, Animals, in Fine 33indino- P, And a Large Assortment of J.UVENILE BOORS and TOY P.OOIIIS. _0- i Our Stock of FANCY ARTICLES IS LARGE AND COMPLETE, C • OMPRISING Fancy Ink Stands, Chess Boards and Men, Port Folios, Writing klpsks,. Work Boxes, Pocket Books, ==lll A General Assortment of Musical Islierchttn.diso Such as VIOLINS, ACCORDEONS, Italian Strings, tte.. I=l DIARIES FOR 1867 ! IN EiRE•AT VARIETY, nil, ut Reduced Prices, at N. U. ErEss' Book Store, Locust Street, opposite Columbia National Bank.. • [Dee. it; MO. Ladies' Companions Games, &c., &c Valuable 'Real Estate at Public Sale. — rivEm UNDERSIGNED WILL F,x.osp . I to. Public Sale, al the Franklin Ii use, in the. Borough of`Columbia,'at 7' o'clock P. M., - Saturila4: l ' December 21)th, 1866, '.Clio follo7ing Real E4ate, situate in said Borough: • No. 1. A. PIECE OF ORO U ND, Fronting on the Columbia and Washing ton Turnpike Road, and extending back to the middle of the original track - of the Philadelphia and Columbia, now the Penn sylvania Railroad, onWhich there is a T wo- Story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE ! , Smoke House, Frame Stable,Wood House, and other improvem'ts, bounded. North by property of the Chestnut Hill Iron Ore Company, East by the Pennsylvania Rail Road, South by property of the P. R. R. Company, on which stands their station ary engine, to pump water, and West by the middle of the Columbia and Washing ton Turnpike Road. It is generally kno!.yn, as the Charles N. Wright property, No. 2.—A1l that Wharf Lot fronting on the Susquehanna River, and extending back to the middle of the Columbia and Washington Turnpike Road, bounded on the North lay property of Righter &Sutton, East by the middle of said Turnpike, south by an Alley, and West by the River, con taining in front on the river 19.1 feet, and in depth 192 feet, more or less, and is just below the Colum bi a Gas Works. The river track of the Pennsylvania Railroad passes through the property. A considerable portion of the purchase mohef May remain in the property. A draft of the property will be exhibited at the Sale. SFAS. A. MARTIN, Executor of Rhoda Wright, deed. • SAM'L WRLGEIT, - WM. A. MARTIN, Executors of Rob't Wright, deed. ELIZABETH WRIGHT. Columbia, Dec. 8, 1866.-4 t. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS. The origin Medicine established in 1837, and first article of the kind bee'r introduced under the name of "Palmonic Wafers," in this or any - other country ; outer Pulmonte Wafers are counter feits. The . genuine can be known by the name BRYAN being stamped on each Wafer. These Wafers have been before the public for nearly thirty years, and the immense sale attained, not only in America but in foreign countries. fully attest their intrinsic worth. The medical proper ties arc superior many other articles offered for the care of Pulmonary or Uronehial :attectious, and the quantity contained in each box. Is nearly dou ble that ot' that of the many worthless imitations advertised. Bryan's Pahnonlie Wafers cure Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat. Hoarseness, 'Asth- . ina, 4 :atarrli. Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing, Spit ting Blood, Pains in the Chet. Incipient Consnmp tion and all diseases of the lungs. Not only afford= ing temporary relief, but etlectins a rapid and last ing cure and aro warranted to give satisfaction in every instance. They do not nauseate like acoholie compounds, and the medical properties are com bined in a form so agreeable and pleasant to the taste, that any Child will readily cat them. One dose will always 11 ra Relief in Ten Minutes. To Vocalists and Public Speakers, these Wafers are peculiarly valuable: they Wth in one day re move.the most severe occasional hoarseness and their regular use for a few days will, at all times, increase the power and flexibility of the voice greatly improving its tone, compass and clearness,• for which purpo-e they are regularly used by many professional vocalists. The very great celebrity of this invaluable rem edy has induced unprincipled persons to prepare base imitations, which disappoint tic just expecta tions. of the purchaser. and injure the character of the genuine ined mine. 'See that the word, - 11111 - AN," is stamped on each Wafer, and also observe the fah simile of the sig nature of the• Proprietor' "JOl3 MOSES" ou east wrapper, to counterfeit which is forgery. ar Offen ding parties will be dealt With to the full extent of the law. Bryans Pannonia Wafers are for sale by all Drug gists. • ' ' JOB MOSES Sole Proprietor,27 Cortlandt St., IN. Y Jaw. 6, • ELAIZIVI" IV. }TENTER. WASH. RIGHTER., M. 1) HUNTER & RIGHTER 1 Wholes_aleDruggists, . No. 41, North Third street, PHILADELPHIA. TMPORTERS. AND GRINDERS ,OF 1 SPICES. Dealers in Drugs, Chem - feels, Dye Stuffs. Patent Medicines, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Lt.c. Manufacturers - of " Reign's Syrup Tar." [uovl7 '66-1y Public Sale of -Personal Property. Fr IFIE undersigned will sell at Public Sale, at his residence, one mile and a (loaner .roan Columbia, on the Lancaster ' - and Columbia turnpike, on 'SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15Tir, 1966, the 4ollowing described Personal Prop 7 erty, viz : Three head of Horses, one fine lead Mule; six Cows, two sprining Heifers, two Calves, fo - ur hied of fat Hogs, one Bull, thr , w, Chester Couhty Shoats, one breeding Sow, three broad-wheeled'Farin Wagons, Pennock's Reaper and Mower, Threshing Machine and Horse Power, Grain Fan, one Stoner Grain Drill, ono Roller, Branch's Steel Tooth Rake, two setts Hay Ladders. Carriage Tongue, Spring Wagon, Cultivator, Plows, Harrows, Rakes, Forks, Grain Cradles. Scythes, four setts of good' Harness, together with many articles 'not' enumerated-. Sale to commence at 1, o'clock P. M., when attendance will be given and terms made known b' _ _ noy24-ts J 0111%.: L. WRIGHT THE FAMILY ICITIOINE STORE ODD FELLOWS' HALL A rrENTION is invited to our present stuck of Drugs, Runny Medicines, Toilet Soaps, Perfumes, and Druggists' Sundries generally. These goods are of our own recent selec- tions, bought at crass cash prices, and to such buyers offered low We are making Pure Spices, Wilote and ground, a SPECIALTY. On: Black Pop- per is gt ounci by curselves. For this we have superior facilities, and offer for B and, Ta* le use an article rarely equalled Sveet Maijouram, Coriander, Soda A.sh, Saponifier, Family Dyes, POWDERS and LlQUlDS—these aro now in season, and stock is NEW and full. As heretofore, the subscriber will con- tinue to give close personal attention to his business. Physician's Prescriptions and gamily : , 4ecipes will be carefully and promptly filled. novl7-tf] AGENTS WANTED FOR THE AIOST POPULAR AND Best' Selling Subscription Books' Published We are the most extensive publishers in t ie United States, (having six houses,) and therelore can afford to sell hooks cheaper and pay agents a more liberal commission than an:other company. • Our hooks do not pass through the hands of General Agents,(as nearlyailbtherVub-' scription works do, therefore • wekare 'en abled to give our canvassers the extra per cent. which is usually alloWed to General Agents. - Experienced. canvassers will see the advantages of dealing directly with the publishers. Our series embraces the most popular works on all subjects of imphrtance, and is selling rapidly both North and South. OW agents, and all others, who, want the best paying agencies, will pleastl send for circulars and see our.terms, and compare titem and the character or our wotk with those of other publishers. Add ress; NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa., Boston , Mass., Cincinnati, Ohio., Chicago, ILL. St. Louis, Up., or Richmond; Va.. D*. 1 4t. The. Best and Cheapest in Columbia at the We are.now offering clothes cheaper than the cheapest, and . can suit the most partic i/Ihr ones, both in styles; fit and quality,— HANDSOME SACK COATS, for 55,50 and upwards. We aro bound not tube undersold b.- anyone. All clothing cut, sold or made up at my establishment, is warranted - to 'give satisfaction. Call and examine Our stock. Blue Front Clothing Store, Front Street, opposite the Ferry Landing. N. B. Coats, Pants and• Vests cut at the, shortest notice, in the latest style. UNPARA.LF2LLED ATTRACTIONS T S. SNYDER announces to the citizens . of Columbia and vicinity that he has opened at his ROOM, on the corner of Front & Locust, a First Class stock of Dress Goods, Cloths, Cassi mores, Linen Cotton Go6ds, together with a full supply of Sheetings, _ . . Shirthyrs • • Tickmgs, Sze. of the best-cottlity. hlis stook. of Bleached, Goods: . ' - k Flannels, • Bulmorals, Hoop Skirts, cannot, be surpassed In additic'M "to" - the Dry Good's depart ment,'ho' ba?7,„"tbe Most carefully selected stock of '' ''" BOOTS. & SHOES ever brought to this place, consisting of Ladies! Gaiters, Balmorals* Children's and Misses' Wear of all sizes and descriptions. Men and Boy's Boots. of all kinds, sizes and styles, A share of public patrona g e is solicited J. S. SNYD ER, Cor. of Locust & Front. April. B th ly. DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S Celehrafed Specific Pills, Prepared froth a prescription of Dr. Tuan, Deimmure, 'Chief' Physicianto the ' Hospiral du Nord oil Lariboisiere of Paris . Phis invaluable medicine is no imposition, but is unfluhng in Mecum tif Spermatorrlne or :--etninal weakness. Every species of Genital or Urinary' Itritability,lnvoluntary or nightly Seminal Emis sions from whatever cause produced, or however' severe, w:II be Speedily relieved aud the organs re: . stored to healthy action. Rend the follofs nig opinions of eminent French physistaus: "We have used the Specific Pills prepared by Gar anciere Duhout, No. .J 4 Rue Lombard, from the prescription of 1)r. Juan Delamarre,. in our private practice w:tlf uniform successamil we believe there is no other medi.:ine so well calculated to cure all persons suffering from Involuntary Emissions or any other weakness of the Sextud Organs, whether' caused by a sedentary mode of living, excesses, or abuse. Paris, May sth, lard. Beware of Counterfeits. The Genuine Pills are sold by all the principal. Druggists throughout the world, price One Dollar. per Box, or six Boxes for five dollars. til,lLANelber & DUPONT, Sole Proprietors, No. 21 1 Rue Lombard, Paris. One dollar enclosed to any authorised Agent, m ill insure a box by eto.rn mail, securely sealed from: all observation, six boxes for five dollars. Sole Geeeral Agents for America, ' OSL ‘ll it li.Mik•Eci C CO., 27 ..ourttilant St.,N. T. N. B.—French, German, Spanish and English Pamphlets,containing full particulars and directions . for use, sent free to any address. Agent for Columbia... A. Meyers. .laq. 6,"1y. The " Wheeler & "ELLIPTIC," and BOWE'S" WORLD RENOWNED SEWING Machines. T. A. MEYERS. While the WILEELEI4 & WILSOIV is universally acknowledged to be the BEST MAMIE- IN TIIE WORLD • - For Family use ; the " ELLIPTIC" which, is manufactured by% the same Company, and made on the same general _principles, is equally as good • and the " HOWE" is unsurpassed as a "SHUTTLE MACHINE. All these Machines make the Loc k Stitch, • and aro adapted all kinds of._ Family Sowing, Tailoring, and other man ufacturing purposes. No RISK in BUYING THZIE ! As every MaChin43 sold is WARRANTED to give entife satisfaction. O"SEIVING MACRIN ES FOR RENT. Dec. 1, '66.] Locuit St., Colutnbia. COLUMBIA' NATIONAL BANK,} November 27th, 186 G. MECE DIRECTORS OF THIS, tution have this day declared a dividend : of six and mie- i lialf per cent., free from all, National taxes, payable on and after the; first day of December, 1866. • SAMUEL SHOCII, Cashier. Columbia, Dec. 1, 1366-tf. interest. to consider (he following facts; There ix organized in Phila delpl/4ia an immense estab lisliment to make FIRST CLASS CEOTII LNG, and to make it Cheaper than CUSTOMARY. The ma terials are bought DIAECT from the best American and European mansfactlerers, and thus - considerable -is saved. Full prices are Tufa to workmen, so as to ensure substantial and handsome garments; the Salesmen and Clerks are such" that easterners can folly rely upon them, and ev , ay ef fort is made to please and suit patrons,so as to Keep as well as make custom. The resul,t of combined industry,system and close. applicatimi, of all the em ployees, has secured a model establishment, a SUPERI,O,R style of cloth, ing,and very MODERATE prices. at the CORNER of SIXTH STREET, and ex: tends from Market to. Minor Streets, and is now the most extensive con cern of the kind in Phita-. Yon an: asked to pa-. tronize and encourage this enterprise. We have, Ist—Genes Deady Made Clothing. 2d--Special . Department Boy's Clothing. 3d—Custom Department, To Make to order. 4th—Gent's Furnishing Goods in Large Variety. Yours, very respectfully, WANAMAKER &BROWN OAK HALL, S. E. (or. 6th Market, PHILADELPHIA. tw It will be worth a cis 'it, whether you want to buy or not. trA. Samples sent by mail or empress whei.. desired Oet 13 GC 1 AILOF,ING. MERCHANT CLOTHING STORE, BLUE FRONT. BLU.A.LiaIIAL. Oct 27, '66 tr. W BTO RE. DRY GOODS, consisting of all the latest styles of LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH, LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTII, LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY R. A. fiEMIREP , IIIIE. M. I) G. D. De ROI; M. U. Jz. La: LEueuttE, M. D SEWING MACHINES ! 'W. G. PATTON, A gent For the sale of You must hain ' CLOTHINQ YRu want FIRST, to • get a GOOD article. You then want 'it as CHEAP aS POSSIIILE. This is natural and righteuough The — q u es Hon is, IVHERE to buy ? It, is to your Porsonftl This aonse isiocated For Youth's and and Shawl's,.