RAMBO, Editor and Publisher. VOLUME XXXVIII, NUMBER 19.1 THE COLUMBIA. SPY, MISCELLIIIIMIS FAMILY Jlllllllll,. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. ;OFFICE, IN LOCUST ST., OPPOSITE COLE:W. - BIA BASE. - • -0- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.. -2•,30 a year if paid in advance 2,50 " if not paid until the expiration of the year FIVE RENTS A COPY. No paper will be discontinued until all ar .earages arc paid unless at, the option of the editor. Rates of Advertising in the Spy. 2t. 3t;. imp. 3m o. Cm. ly. t sq. 8 lines 75 1,00 1,50 2,00 4,00 0,00 10,00 2 16 " 1,50 2,25 3,001' . ..3,50 6,00 9,00 15,00 3 " " 2,23 3,23 4,00 450 8,50 13,00 20,00 (Larger advertisements in proportion.] Executors and Administrators' Notices, 3.00 Auditors' and Assignee Notices, 2,00 Professional or business cards, not exceeding 5 lines, per year, 3,00 Yearly advertisements, not exceeding four squares with occasional changes, 15,00 Special Notices, as reading matter, 10 cents a line for one insertion. Yearly advertisers will be charged the same rates as transient advertisers for all matters nut relating itrietln to their business. All Advertising will be considered CASH. after first insertion. BUSINESS CARDS =I • 1"1 1 01tNEY ANII Latk coiumbia, Pa. dr , )lll;)tiy In-c 1.. In 17.)rk COL.L.. July '2, lzi6s. ‘IIV. FISMER, Vl' l'( )It,NI,Y \ I, N. W. ' Office on Front, :Strout, betty. ~, n invi Walnut, Columbia. feb. 10, 'OO. A. J, lER.ILFFOIA ATTORNEY AT LAW. COLLECTIONS Made in Lancaster and f_..l adjoining Counties. Pensions. Bounty, back pay and all claims against the government promptly prosecuted. Office—Locust Street,between Front and Second. Dee. I'o4. SAMUEL EVANS, JrUSTIcIE of the PEaCE. OFFICE IN ODD FELLOWS' HALL. COLUMBIA, PA. June 18, ISGS. ly. J, Z. HOFF ER, nENTIST.---OFFICE; Front Street next dam LI to R. Williams' Drug Store, between Locust and Walnut sts, Cola., Pa. PERMENTROUT, ra. D. -4 I T ATE of Reading, Pa., offers Lis pro lessiOnal services to the citizens of Co lumbia and vicinity. Qffire in Walnut St., below Secorid, july 14,'66. ~; -a , Z.,' ;1 1 , 0 C 'UST .2? CO &MB 11-1 , Mills is a first class Lotel, and is in every 1 respect adapted to meet the wishes and jesires of the traveling public. :JACOB S. MILLER, july, 15; '65 Proprietor. MISHLER'S, HOTEL, EVAN:MISELER, Proprietor. WEST MARKET SQUARE, R.EA.DIA cs, I'EN.S' A. Oct. 7th. ly. GEORGE BOGLE. Dealer in LUMBER OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Also, PLASTERER'S lIAIR flake and \\T rehouse—FrontStreet be tween Locust awl Union. July S, 1865. Confectionery AND FR [HT OF ALL KINDS IN SEA.- sou. Parties and families supplied with ICE CEMAra by the freezer, or in moulds, with prompt ness at GEO. J. S . :MTH'S Adjoining the Franklin louse, Locust St P. S. Also a fine assortment of Toys and. fancy articles constantly on hand. July COLUMBIA FLOUR MILLS. GEORGE BOGLE, Proprietor. rpHE LEIGELEST CAS a PRICES PAID I for all kinds of Grain. Superfine and• Extra Family- Flour for sale, also mill feed of all kinds. Wheat ground and packed to order Town and country custom solicited July 29th 1865. SUPPLEE & BROMER, 7,lBunifacturers of S 33 CD /1.1:El 17?.. IN addition to our Foundry and Machine work, we are now prepared to man tlfac ture every variety of Boiler and plate iron work, - flending and Reparing Boilers Promptly attended to. Thankful for past favors, we would invite the :Attention of our friends 'and patrons to this new braneh of our business. SUPPLEE & BRO., 2d Street, Columbia jan. 21„65. SUSQUEBANNI4. IRON CO Manufacturers of all sizes of Refined & Double Refined ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL, AND HALF OVAL IRON. , Car Axles, Shafting and Horse Shoe Ears. 'cus..- Orders promptly filled from Stock on hand or made to order. reins, net cash, .at Manufactures price 4 delivered an Cars or Boat. Office at their ROLLING MILL, Columbia, Pa. Sept. 23, 65 ly ~16p) ODGEItS &BROTHERS' SUPERIOR ! AA) Silver Plated Ware at - E. SPERING'S . Cheap Jewelry Store. NEW ST Y'LE OF WATERFALL Combs at au,7,. 26, RASPREEMIIYADE. rpIIE well known Summer drink, extra fine and pure, by the quartobgallon or barrel, at J. C. BUCHE Et'S, • Cor Front and Locust Sts. - .. • - . ','. • • ••"=-•?:' + . • .. • „ - ~.. • 1 . • ..,- - -•doi../ ..' . . • - •...;:if••.• ..,•,: .. . .._ ..-;';::••: _ • • •.. .... „ . , - ~ ~ • ',7•••••-•-•...-"",_7-;.,-..,.. /••••••:•., -;.,••••,..,:. •-*--:'.''... • '''.'• , . .• - ~,,:•... ..-.•-:.; *..!..:;r:\ - . - ..,,,, , 1. •'44.',... •• • - .... . ..„• -' . • - :.'',. .... ''''-••'::',..-, 4' .. ..k fit• '. • .• • - --- • • .•..:,.. .. ' :.,...„.... ~...... ..:-.:.,..._ •::::-: ..,.. •..,........„.6., ... •,.. .. . •• . .. : : , iz .....,,,...... „..:.4„.....,.. ..,.. . - 7,' A. ..' . .: , '., ; ' ,' ; ' ,F ) : : • . ; ';' ' .' ' '- ' 4 " ' 4 ~. A , .. .. . . • .. , ..... -• .. . . . I t . -•- ' ,'.' -''• - , -, ;-,v-• -..v,7 .• . 4 ''. . • .. .., . .... .., . 7'. : , 7, .. , .- . • - .- . . . ... .... , f f.,:••"•:', • :it',. , -:.F . -..:.•-,':' -•.-•••,- .„ , . ~• • -: ,-„. . . ~...• . , . . ~, .• . ''-'z7' - '' .1 , „.." 7 ,•: ..,,, „.. .• . • '• .. .. .. ' • - .., -.,•,-,%,:_-.: •-•fl .4 ~....,.1. .. , ~......„....17„....:h.,. 1 .;;:,...,„ ~.,,,. ,:v.i, !..._:;:.:...-, ~-....... .„....„ Ill s -: . ... , ~.... . -r-v--"' • To enjoy the f. 4 eg ine,thualite advanta , ces in Crinoline viz; superior quality,poi feet manufacture h shape and rinish. ticxibilih. daralulity,com fort and economy, enquire for J. , A 7, Ilra.lley's Du plex Elliptic or Double Spring Skirt,and be sure you get the genuine article. CAUTION— , 'o guard again,t impo , ition be par ticular to so T ICE that Moils littered as - Duplex," have the red ink ••tamp, viz; -J. W. Bradley's Du plex Elliptic Steel Spring," upon the waistband— none others are genuine. Notice that every Iloop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, tittle revealing the two [or double] 'wings braided together therem,whielt is Ow ,eeret of their Flexibility - audStrength, and a combination not to be found in any other Skirit. For Sol: , in all Stores where First Class skirts are sold throughout the UnltEd State , and elsewhere. N 'PION lIOUSEKEEPEItS. wE are almost daily in receipt of new and fresh groceries, such as Sugars, Meat, Teas, Fish, Coffee, Cheese, Spices, Flour, • Frnits, (tc. Provisions of all kinds, together with Wood and Willow-ware,Glit-"•ual queens ware. German fruits, it-c. ENGLISH An AMERICAN PICKLES, Fresh Peaches, and all the fancy grocer ies pertainining to a well regulated gro cery store. I am determined nal to lie sur passed in cheapness and in the excellent quality of my goods, Call around and inspect our stock whether you buy or not. A share of pub lic patronage is solicited. GEORGE TILLE, Agent, Locust :Arcot, above 2d. july 7 'Gf3 tf. NEW GROCERY STORE. r I IHE Subscriber would respectfully I_in form the Public generally, that he has just received a general assortment of 4 roceries, rirOViSiOLIS 3 TEAS AND SPICES. Sugar cured Hams. No. 1. and Mess Mackerel. Extra Fine Syrups. Refined sugars of all kinds. Old Rio and Java coffee. English and American Pickles. DRIED AND CANNED -FRUITS. Raisins, Prunes and Prepared Mustard always on hand and of the very best grades. Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is full and complete and we intend keep ing it fresh, by almost daily additions, Notions of different kinds always on hand. • ' FREDERICK BUCHER. corner 4th & Locust Streets. may 26th, ly. J. W. RE kSIN, ' MERCITA NT TAILOR, Hellam Street, seven doors above Second, WRIGHTSVILLE, PENN'A. CLOTHS { qqTISTERES AND VEST ings of ail styles and suited to any season, kept Zonst ; qutly on hand and man ullictured to priaer at short notice,and war ranted to give peifect satisfactioß,. Ang. 19, 1865, ly. E. SPERING'S Jewelry Store GREAT CLOTHING ROUSE PHILADELPHIA.. BARGAINS IN FINE CL 0 TEING! ! ! Rockhill & Wilson, BROWN STONE CLOTHING HALL, 603 and 605 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. READY-MADE MIMING DEPARTMENT. The choicest stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR F.A.LT. .AND WINTER WEAR. Ever offered to purchasers, comprising all the NEWEST AND MOST APPROVED STYLES. Custom Department Our newly fitted up custom department for Gentlemen, Youths and Boys,now con tains a carefully selected stock of Foreign and Domestic Gout's, which we are prepared to make to order in the best manner, and at reasonable prices. Blys' Department We have on hand the largest and best stock of Ready-Made Boys'Cloihing in the City. Particular attention paid to the making of Boys' Clothing to order. Pti •-*,_ _Et 8 •-• .?... E TZ 5 ` E lfil Et `)r V.-1 - : ; :xt e:" ) 4t6 7 ;,14. - ; 9;): VI GwiLtemen, Youths. and buys, Wishing Clothing made to order, by send ing their measure, as per diagram, will have their orders promptly attended to. SATISFACTION AND A GOOD FIT GLIARATEED. :Samples sent to any part of thP U. S. ROCKHILL WILSON, Brown Stone Clothing Hall 603 and 605 Clictirid; Street, nov 24 3m66] PHILADELPHIA. LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. 117. Bradley's Celebrated Patent D.UP LEX ELLIPTIC (or double spring) ..yloadNsreirt,aewerfriterttni plensure to anyliady'wearing 'the Duplex Elliptic. Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Asseniblies, Operas,Carriages.Railrowl Cars,Church Pew , . Aria Chairs. for Promenade and House Dress as the skirt can he folded when in use to occupy a small place as easilyand conveniently as a Silk Or illusltu Dress, an inv ,, lnible quality in crinoline, not found in any single spring Skirt. A Lvily having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt fora single day, will never there after willingly di-Ten , o with their use. For Chil dren, Mis.es and Yount; Ladies they are superior to all (Alters They will not bend or break like the Single Spring but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape; when three or four et d Mary Skirts will have been thrown aside as uselehe. The Hoop, are covered with double and twis , ed thrcad,and,the bottom rode are not only double epringe, but twice (or double covered; proventing them horn wearing out when dragging down stoop, stairs, &e. The Duplex Elliptio is a great favorite with all ladies 0011 o unit ersally recommended by the fa,li• ion Magazines as the Standard Skirt of the Fab:lion• able world. llanufinet nrod be the Sole owner, of the Potent. \VESTS: MIADL EY (C 7 CARY, 97 Chain hers Ar 79 ,t S 1 lteude sta.. Y Oct. Sw ITZER AND LIMBER CIIEE~E, COLUMBIA, PENNSYLVANIA, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 15, 1866. 1866, MALTBY & CASE LOCUST STREET, BELOW SECOND, Have now open A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT WINTER G-0 , 0 IDS, GB.E.AT X.7.4l3UaLltammir.s TO PURCHASERS. Is especially invited to their SPL EN DI D R11114;1\1' no. 2 DRESS G.ODDS. M LATEST STYLES .A.ND FABRICS, HOOP SKIRTS, BRADLEY'S DUPLEX, And other popular malt s at all prices - BALMORAL SKIRTS, WI 11. r i ' 7-i G 7-; 0 S: L 8 3' 0:Erat.")7121.33 BLACK CLOTHS Sz DOESKINS FANCY CASSDIFRES, SATINETTS, JEANS, TNEEAS & `` *.E:§TiNG - S, IN GREAT VARIETY. -0_ GE EM FiIIESEE Gll iliS Comprising every desirable , make and style UNDER-SHIRTS, DRAWERS, ITOSIERY, GLOVES,SCARFS, COMFORTS, SIT I wrs, COLLARS TIES Sc.,z (FL.e. LADIES,IIiSSES' and CHILD .ERTS SLIAWLS, 13RE.1IC.FAST SONTAGS, CAPS; NUMAS, SCARFS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, }TITS Boots Sr, Shoes of ull descriptions for MEN AND BOY'S, LADIES, M ISSES & CHILDREN- - READY MADE CLOThING CARPETS. AND OIL CLOTHS, GROCERIES, (.0 QUEENSWARE with a great variety of other SraI.SOBTABLEI G 0019.3 An examination of our Stock is respect fully solicited—all goods sold at the very LOWEST CA:_qf PRICES, Warratted as represcuted Oct. 27 60 MERCHAAT TAILORING. Having- secured the services of an ex perienced Fashionable Tailor 111erchantTailoring in all its branches will also bo carried on in connection with our other already large mercantile business All orders in that line will be executed with • PROMPTNESS AND DESPATCH Entire satisfaction. both as to Work- nianship and Fit guaranteed. PRICES MODERATE. Orders respectfully solicited Oct. 27, ,c.k, "NO ENTERTAINMENT SO CHEAP AS READING, NOR ANY P LEASLTRE SO LASTING." AIUTUIVII N. - M . `..E3I_JIA IMM offering ATTENTION embracing all the In the tnarlcet =ECM S V =u ~~ =1 RE MALTBY S CASE. Columbia, Pa MALTBY & CASE. Columbia, Pa. IMO a 7j, EFifi-751----1 Reading A' C'otte.s,,bia R. R. ON AND AFTtilt MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2Gtn, ISO 6, Trains will run between 3Lastaa.cciiiter, .4P C1112.2:13.1=01 AND I = . Ai' ea`lc.ll33.G" li FOLLOWS ; Leave Lancaster and. Columbia, .4.00 s, m. 3.0 p. Arrive at Reading, 10.20 a.m.. and 5:30 p. m. Returning, leave Reading at 7.00 a.m.. and 6.13 p.m. Arrive at Laheaster 9.20, and t*:,lutithiii. 6:2 3 and 5.30 p. m. Througa tickets to New York.,y'hiladelphia and Lancaster sold at principal station., and itaggage checked through. Freight carried with the utmost promotu , es and dispatch, at the lowest rates.— Furth .1* tr.formitim with regard to Freight or p.t-tsave inay he obtained from the aAents of the company. _ _ _ GEO. F. GAGE,Supt E. F. KEEVER, Gen. Freight and Ticket Agt. Columbia. Dec. 1, MU PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD, Trains leave Columbia going East, Lancaster train, S. :.!,0 A. M. Harrisburg Accommodation, 3.35 P.M. Trains leave West, Mail train, 11.55 P..rr ilaarisburg, Accommotlatio4 6. P. M Lancaster train arrives, S. 1U " Columbia Accommodation. Leave Columina for Lancaster, 1.40 P.M Arrive•at Lancaster 2.10 " Connecting wits .lay express for Phil'a. Leave Lancaster at 2.45 •. Arrive at Columbia i. 20 " . C.'. 1111.1./.. . setnt..N. AND tuurt-rrsviLLE Departure and Arrnat of tits t'az,souger Trains al. lurk. DEPARTURE'S FR0.3.1 YORIC. For IlAnTrmonE, 4.15 A. M. 7.00 A. Al 10,10 A , 2.50 P. M., and 9.53 P. .74. Fox WRlGivrsviLLE, 6.4.5 A. M., 11.45 A. M., tun." 3.50 P. M. For HARRISBURG ; 12.30 A. M. 7 . 10 10,40 A. M., 11.43 A. M., 2.43 P. ..11.,aud 10.- 30 P. M. ARRIVALS AT YORK From BA.LTimoal ,12.25 A. M. 10.35 A. M. 11.3 S A. M., 2.40 P. M.. 6.50 P . M., and 10.- 25 P. M. Pnom WracniTsvri.LE, 5.45 A. AI., 2.33 P M., and 7.30 P. M. From 1. - Lutaisnuitu, 4.10 A. 3L, 10.33 A. AL, and 2.45 P. 31., and 0.35 P. 31., and 0.- 52 P. Al. On Sunday, the only trains running are the one from Harriiiburg, he in', proceeding to Baltimore; and those from Baitimore at 12.25 A. M., and 10.25 P. M.. proceeding to Harrisburg. :o train arrives from Baltimore at 10.- 25 on Saturday night; and none from llarrisimrg at 4.10 on Monday morning. VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER, The effects of which aro to RESTORE THE HAIR NATURAL COLOR, AND PROMOTE ITS GROIVTIL It is an entirely new scientific discovery, combining many of the most powerful and restorative agents in the vegetable kingdom. It cures all diseases of the scalp, and allays all that heat and irritation, and fur nishes a nutritive principle by which the hair is nourished and supported, and by its remedial virtues, it causes the hair to grow where it has fallen out, and restores it to its natural color when gray. The old in appearance are made young again. It will keep the hair from falling out. It is not a Dye, it strikes at the roots and fills the glands with new life and coloring matter. It is the best HAIR DRESSING Ever used, making it moist, soft and glossy. It removes dandruff, and all those scurvy eruptions. It does not contain oil and alco hol, which dry up the seerettons upon which the vitality depends. No person, old or young, =honlrl fun to use it. It is reconad , nded and v&"l 1j the FLIIST MEDICAL UTHOIIT for TLtL,. s VIIO ETA OLE SI CI LI AN HA I It .REN C WElt, alld take no other. Our Treati.e on the Heir sent free upon application. R. P. HALL & CO., Proprietors, SH U' l, N. H. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. BAY RUM FOR TILE TOILET. Recommended by all Doctors, for wash ing purposes. 75 cents per bot; le, at J. C. BUCUER'S, Cor. Front and Lbeust Sts. july GG tf P._ .T.-lI.Z.rI.:ELT_JM, PHYSICIAN AND SUIiGEON. located prenamently in Columbia, and offers his professional services to the citizens of this place. He may lie found at his office at the res idence of B. lialdeman, on Locust street. every day from S to 10 A. M., and from 7 to SP. M. Persons wishing his services in special cases, between these hours will leave word, by note, at his office, or thre' the Post office. Oct. 0, '6O. PHOTOGRAPHS. THE OLD ORIGINAL GALLERY. The subscriber has ,ompletely re-fitted his establishment, and his gallery cannot be surpassed by any in the county, and ho hopes by carethi personal att elation to give the public better pictures than have here tofore been produced. AAIBROTYPES, PLIOTOGRAPHS, Ivorytypes,lainot.ypes, Carte de Visite, and pictures on canvass taken in-the best style, and at prices which cannot be beaten for cheapness. • .„2 — ea-Likenesses warranted, and a satis fivtory picture furnished without repeated sittings. .lie asks a continuance of the liberal patronage always extended to this establishment. Call and examine speci mens at the rooms, northeast corner of root and Locust streets. Entrance on ocust street. 12. J. M. LITTLE. Oct. 24 1863. PARIS rANcr GOODS ! Por Holiday gifts •ounisting of Fancy Work Boxes Sugar Stands, Watch Stands, Vases. &e. Fine Cutlery, Pocket 'Books, Combs, (Ste., at B. Speriug's Cheap Jewelry !More, 131611 1529. Established. - 1829 .. =—X "E 7 T—e ria M' SD OLD ESTABLISHED HAT, CAP AND FUR STORE. No. 20 North Queen St. Lancaster, Pa. wE would respectfully announce, that our STYLES for FALL AND WINTER OF 1866, are now- ready, consisting of Gentlemen's DRESS SILK; CASSIA' ERE, PLAIN AND BRUSH, FUR AND WOOL, or CASSIMERETT STIFF CASSIMERE SOFT STEEL EXTENDED BRIMS, AND FL.6'XIBLE SELF-ADJUSTING STIFF A: D'ORSAY BRIM HATS, In new, novel and beautiful Designs, and at such prices as to make it an induce- nieut for all to purchase CAPS! CAPS! ! CAPS! ! Our stock of Caps comprises all the new est styles for Men's, Boys' and Childron's Fall and Winter Wear. Our motto is " EQUALITY TO ALL." The lowest selling price marked In fig ures on each article, and never varied from, at SHULTZ & BRO.'S Hat, Cap and Fur Store, No. 20 North Queen street. / 7.,i)- All kinds of Shipping Furs bought, and highest cash prices paid. Enovl7-tf Pi - V3T3GRAPEIC —o— & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., lkfanufacturers of Photographic Materials, 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 501 BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to our main business er PHOTO( ; RAPIIIC MATERIALS, we :tar Lleadquarters for the fol:owint , :, viz : Stereoscopes a; Stereoscopic Views Of American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, Groups, Statuary, etc. Stereoscopic Views of the War, From negatives made in the various campaigns and forming a complete Photo graphic history of the greatest contest. Stereoscopic Views on Glass- Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or the Stereoscope. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt ofStarup. Photographic Albums We manufacture more largely than any other house, about 'ZOO varieties from 50 cents to Z, - s'so each. Our Albums have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. Card Pliotographs of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, &c, Our Catalogues embraces over :Five Thousand different subjects, including re productions of the most celebrated Engra vings, Paintings,Statutes, Sze. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. ' Photograt)tiersand other ordorin.?; troc?cbi 'O. "0: - .13"2, wilTpiease remit 2.5 per 'cent of am amount with their order. ir.s." - Tlie prim; and quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. jun-30, 'tit; ly Lnoal Freight Notice THE FENNSILVANIA RAIL RUM) COMPANY Are now prepared to receive or forward Freight, between Columbia and Lancaster, and al' stations on the Pennsylvania Rail Road and its branches. Rases Bctween Philadelphia and Columbia. First Class. Yard Class. 3d Class. 4th Class 25 cents. 21 cents. 1.8 cents. 15 cents Flour in Car loads, 3S cents per barrel &Neva Philade Iphia and Lancaster. Tent Cletb. 2;14 Ca.,. 31 ClaBs. •11/ C.7l , ws 2,3 ets. 2.0 ets. 17 ets. 14 ets Buts beturvo Columbia mid Pimburg. c am . r.s.. Clue,;. ith (:/a6.1. 71 els. sii ets. 46 ets. ets. Freight consigned to stations where the Company has no Agent, must be prepaid. All Freights payable on delivery. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Phila. For further information, apply to S. B. KINGSTON, Freight Agt., Phila. E. K. BOICE, Freight Agt., Columbia. A. F. SLAYMAKER, Frt. Agt., Lau'tr. Clolumbia, July 11, 1866. Susquehanna Planing Mill. ON FRONT sT. AND PENN. RAILROAD Columbia, Lancaster County, Pa. frIIE subscriber would respectfully an nounce to the patrons of his Mill, that the advanced prices of labor and expellees incident to carrying on the business of his establishment compels him to charge his customers an advance on former rates, and takes this method to inform them that the following are the prices for work done at his Mills: For working Flooring per AI- $4.50 44 do Weatherboards " 4.50 " Surfacing one side, per M. 2.50 64 do two do do 4.50 " Re-sawing White Pine lace measure, per M. 5.00 ' (10 Poplar face meas. do 0.00 " do Ash, Oak & Cherry, moo meas. per M. 6.00 " Ripping 4-4 per line, 16 ft. li ~ ( 10 S-4 do do 3 -" do Joico do do 4 - Lumber hauled to the Mill and re turned to Yard without extra charge. Accounts for working or d ressiug l umber will bó considered collectable every four months. The subscribe' has on hand an assortment of ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER, wliich is for sale at Market Prices, and so lid-its a continuation of public custom. JOIIN B. BACLUIAN Columbia,Maroli 13, 18(4. PURE WINES & LIQUORS. THE subscriber calls the attention of his friends and public, generally to his large and well assorted stock of pure wines and liquors at wholesale, only retail for medi cal purposes and family use. IMPORTED WINES & LlQuazes, such as Cognac of different grades and brands. Holland and Cordial Gins Port Lisbon, Sherry, Madeira, Malaga. Champagne, German, Rhine, Clarret, Wines, &e. Domestic Wines and Liquors. Domestic Brandy, Domestic Gin, XXX Old Rye, XX Old Rye, X Old Rye, Bour bon and i•Ionogaholla Whiskies, Wines, Catawba, sweet and tart, Currant, Black berry, Elderberry, Samburg's Port, &T. Beirrvits Mishler's Herb, The great Zingari, Brunei), Stovers, Wine and Cock Tail. Brown Stoat, Scotch Ale, Selters' Water. Ginger, Blackberiy, Catawba, Cherry, (Sze. J. C. BUCHER, cor. Frout d.: Locuet may 2G, '6'3 rIONCENTRA.TED LYE, OR SOAP ‘../ Maker, just received, and for sale at a slxr price by R. WILLIAMS. $2,00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2,50 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE. gg, or try. Irritten for the "Spy." "Cry:aloud and Sparc Not!" Our National Sins. BY 2‘r.t.rtrox Long bath this noble land of ours Been by three mighty sins beset ; One of the three is swept away, But two are still remaining yet. No longer dotli the Almighty frown Upon the sin of Slavery; The hideous crime is banished now, And oy'ry human form is free. But what! 0, what hath bee❑ the cost! What sacrifice of h Liman life! How mans . hundred thousands fell In the great fratricidal strife! God's judgments, sure, will conic at last, Tho' ,t any y , ars he gives us grace; But yon lair stars now brighter shine— Our Country takes a higher place, But not unsullied is Silo yet— Two odious sins broadcast. extend, High up to yonder Heaven they rise— To you Great Throne they upward tend God's punishment doth yet await " The Mormon Sin"—how deep the die ! We are to answer lbr this crime As sure as reigns a Judge on high. But rids earl soon be done away, Our Government can it prevent: With us, the people, this cloth rest With those who are to Con:4ress sent Indignant, let the people rise ; wLet " Th' Clergy," Press, and all unite; And soon another monstrous sin Shall be o'ercome anti put to night ! And then the last. we'll meet as men, "The monster, Rum," our mightiest foe; Intenmperanc•e hath millions slain, 'Tis the chief cause of human woe! Battle the Demon ! sound th' alarm ! Let it re-echo far and wide; Come to the rescue !—let our crimes A Nation's sins be set aside. When this is done our stars shall rise, We'll carry out God's great design; A Beacon Galaxy on high, Through coining years to brightly shine Will the mighty movers in all moral and National reforms—the Press and the Clergy—awake to their duty in these great matters ? Iltioreti a nroxis. What a Beetle Can Do. The possibility ofa great change being introduced by very slight beginnings way be illusrrated by a tale which Luck man tells of a vizier, who, having offend -e-a-h:fro-rtircate — Was — cutlet:Ann fid petual captivity iu a lorry tower. :it night his wife carne to weep below his window. '• Cease your grief," said the sage : "go home for the present, am; re turn hither when you have procured a live beetle, together with a little •• ghee" (or btiffillo's butter), three clews—one of the finest silk, another or whip curd ; finally, a stunt coil of rope." When she came to the loot of the tower, provided according to her husband's demands, he directed her to touch the Lad of the in sect with a little of the "ghee," to tie one end of the silk thread around him, and to place the reptile on the wall of the tower. deduced by the smell of the butter, .which he conceived to be in store somewhere above him, the beetle con- , tinned lo ascend till he reached the top, • and then he put the vizier in possession of the end of the silk thread, who drew up the pack-thread, and by means of the cord a stout rope, capable of sustaining his own weight, and so, at last, he es caped from the place of his duresse. How To SEE A LittoTtlEtt.—The follow ing anecdote is t,,ld of Prince Oscar of Sweden :—When a boy, he was one day roaming over his father's palace in quest of his brother, who was lately appointed Viceroy of Norway. Not finding him. he asked a chamberlain lie happeqed to meet, where he was. "His royal highness," answered the officer,"is now under arrest."—For what?" "For having in a passion broken the mate to the procelain vase you see ou the mantel-piece." "Well, I would like to see him." ''lmpossible," was the answer; "his majesty, your father, has given me orders to the contrary." Whereupon young Oscar, walking up to the mantle-piece, smashed the costly Sevres, saying as he did so : —Now, sir. you will please have me arrested, and mind you see to it that they put me in the same room with my brother. AN EDITOR IN ELEAVEN.—under the above caption al exchange gives a long obituary notice of a deceased brother I editor, from which we have room only to extract the clo:irtg paragraph : "Should we not then rejoice that our late friend of the scissors and quill is in heaven ? In that paradise the cry of 'more copy' will never again fall on hip distracted ears. There bis enjoyment will no more be interrupted by the growls of the unreasonable subscriber, or the duns of the paper maker. •'There he will enjoy entire freedom from the detractions and misrepresen tations of political opponents, and the carcasses of ambitious political aspirants. In that blest abode he is no more to be troubled with illegible manuscript or abominable poetry No rival editors will i there steal his thunder or his items, and 1 typographaeal errors shall know him no more forever." CWIIOLE I, NI BLit 1,943 Valuable :Masonic Jewels Stolen. The Newark Advertiser states that the inn sate belonging to St. John's Lodge of that city, was opened recently, by picking the lock, and the ancient jewels. consisting of the Masonic insignia made of solid silver, were stolen. Their pecuniary value was the least part of the loss, since they had a historic interest and peculiar associations which were prized by the members of the Lodge far lbeyond any estimate of their worth that could be made iu money. They are said to have been 104 years old, and were used by General John M. Cummings, !who was Master of the Lodge before the revolution. During the war they were loaned to the Army Lodge at Morristown, presided over by Washing'.on,and were also used on the occasion 01 initiating General Lafayette into the brotherhood of Masons. The circumstances of the robbery in dicate that it was perpetrated by some one familiar with the place, and some unworthy member of the fraternity is suspected of being the guilty party. The Methodist Church. The Virginia Ann, al Conference of the E. Church South, recently in session at Norfolk, declared itself in favor of dropping the word South from its name. This action was strongly opposed by some of the members. One member said that it was impossible for them ever again to affiliate with the Northern Church. For his part he did not care to. He did not want "the everlasting brawlers from abroad amongst them," but would like to organize a Missionary society to send laborers among the gothern people, for they needed them. He did not care to associate with peo, le who talked through their nostrils and said "keuw" for "cow." I Some of the other brethreu were hardly less explici , iu Oieir ex:ire-41,1ns of dis satisfaction with tii,t c, action. There is now revolutionary sal tier inw.r br, ou the rolls of the pen—on Downing, who eu l ls t e i from I..munty, New H um ps/ 1 h e . hut aho now resides at Edit, ' , urg.in Sara' ,ga County. New York. Ii 186 there were (33 officers and soldiers of the revolution on the pension rolls, of wheal 14 reslded in the rebel States,and have not since been heard from. In 1562 there were but 33 survivors of the 49 residing in the Northern States. In 18t33 there were but IS. in 1864 there were but 5, and in 1535 but 3. Since then William Hutchins, of Maine, and Lemuel Cook, of New York, have died, leaving but one survivor of that patriotic host which Washington commanded. A YOUNG FELLOW', whose better half had just prese•ttcd him with a pair of bouncing twins, attended church one Sunday. During the discourse the clergy man looked right at our innocent friend, and said, in a tone of thrilling eloquence, "Young mon, you have an important responsiJility thrust upon you." The newly-fiedgk..d dad,supposing the preacher alluded to his peculiar home event, considerably startled the audience by ex claiatinz, "Yes, I have two of 'cm." —"Job printing !" exclaimed an old woman the other day, as she peeped over her spectacles at the advertising page of a country paper. "Poor Job! they've kept him printing, week after week, ever since I first larut to read, and if he wasn't the must patientest man that ever was, he never could have stood it so long, no how." notorious guerilla named Paddy l)iggs was arrested at Nashville, Tenn., and is now in jail. He circulated in West Tennessee during the war, and is said to be guilty of as many murders of Union men as Champ Ferguson. no will be first sent to henry county, to be tried ter killing the sheriff of that county, who endeavored to arrest him last spring. —George Washington, a nephew of GOD. Washington, died suddenly a few days since in Wilmington, Clinton county, Ohio, while attending a case he had in cuurt. His remains were taken to Prince William county. Va., for interment. Swi.uuNG iu eouversation indicates a perpetual distrust of a person's own reputation. and is 'ln acknowledgment that he thinks his bare word not worthy of credit. —Au exchange paper says : A mutton chop, in boarding house parlance, means a piece of the bone of a sheep from which the mutton has all been chopped off. —Gov Evans, of Colorado, has given $25,030 to endow a chair of philosophy in the North westeruliniversity, at Evans ton, 111. a 113EIM!I