ibb Mandrill Apg. A. 31, RA-3.4.49., COLUMBIA PA. Saturday Dec. - 4. 1.8.66. Advertisements, to secure Immediate insertion must be handed in - on or before Thursday, evening each week. WPke News. Coy. rierpont sent his message to the T 151 " - Virginia Legislature on nos_ay. recommends the ratification . of• the, Con : - •: • • fl • etitutional amendment. Steps have been taken towards' contest ing the seats of Messrs 4reher and Phelps, Congressmen elect from.. Balti more, on the g,ronnd that they - were re.- Wined by v. disloyal 'vote. Oen. •E. McCook, - U. S. • 111.inister to the .Sandwich-Islands, has ieturn edfr to San Traineiseo, ou riccount of his wife's health. • ' ' . The of Ryky, and Platte, in Western; Nissouri z - liaye been 'placed under martial and a strong . farce has been sent to them torpu - t, d'o;in dis. oTdet: Illy the gMng way of-a span of the railioad bridge at Zanes 'ollie, an exrnss - train: was. pieeipitated irkto. the • , riv,er, ,a.r(d. 'one pereor! was killed, while ten 'others were - more qr less injured. •zn Rochester, 'N. Y., On Tuesday, one man was' killed and' two were badly in jured. by'an explosion of nitro-g,lycerine, used for blasting. Peter '34ota was hanged at Williams, part, Pa., on Tuesday for wife murder. He acknowledgecthis guilt, and'ennfessed having previo6lY 'murdered two men. The cable 'dispatch- states that the ;Message of'President Johnson has had no "effect upon the prices of American securities. John J. Surratt is now in ' the custody Of Mr. Hale, United States ' Consul at Alexandria. 'Many of the leaders of the Fenian organization were arrested in Dublin on Tuesday night. The Pope his agreed to receive the Envoy 'of the Italian ,government for the purposes oP r,egotiatiOn... The constitution of the new State of • , Nebraska' has reached Washington, in • charge of Gen. J. i4I. Thayer, one of the Senators elect. The present population of Nebraska is 10 . 1 earl y. 90,000. Tur, Second Session of.the 39th Con, gross - bids fair to - "carry out the lessons taught by the people -in September, Oc tober And .•November. lasi. Bills have been „introduced lay Messrs: Stevens, „Boutwell,.4nifkeld and _ others, drawing ain'EM - 'his- -: “"Acci - crefityl" and . -ive trust that befox:e - long soiree of the men who loft the :great Republican -,Mountain to (c batten on the moor" of -" My Policy," vrill find that the forsaking of principle for the sake of _bread and .butter, won't pay. There is a strong probability that ail -.appointees during the recess-of Congress, except to fill vacancies caused by_ death or other 'reasonable cause, will 'be per mitted to retirelto .private life—some to their farms, others to their merchandise, And.cven " Mr. Brown's brother" will probably be sent back to the hills of - Fultcn to rusticate in the slate quarries of that romantic region. How are you Matthew ?' The reception of the loyal members of Congress, by the Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, and' 'other patriotic bodies, in Washington, on Monday - evening last. Was a brilliant affair. Speeches were made by Judge Carter, Speaker Colfax, Senator- Yates,,Mi. Stevens,. Col, Fcrney and others. All abounding in sentiments of devotion to the•tiue'interests of the country. ...te did not see the manes of 'the Doolittle, Dooless and Do-nothing among them. In the proceedings of the Senate we observe that Cowan's nanie has been taken from the head, and - placed at the foot 'of one: of the important corn ' mittees. ".How art thou 'fallen, Oh ! .T.Ateifer, son of the morning." ' ' H, SGSIL TT. :This Goiiinitieut had information as•long ago as last winter tut John H. Surratt had gone to : Europe. - ,The person who Qom ._ _Tnunicated the.factsConversed, with him during the 'voyage across the Atlantic, and - also.reported that S,urratt, :believing hewas far removed from danger, was free and out..spOken about hiscophection • with the assassination _conspiracy: A . feW' days since, Secretary,, Seward. re eeived• the ibllo 4 ,Fieg • idispatch •by Atlantic cable :,• - • . . Thave arrested John H. 2Surratt, one of Piesident Lincoln's assasSitls,.4No doubt of . . }TALE S Octrisul gpperal, . Alexandrii!., Egypt. Like the wanderfniJe'w, this mar 4erier cannot' rest The . g,4411 will not lipid lain.. 'Monster gun, the third ever made 'idonntrons sise;l4s jest ''heen finished ut'KnaVi'great ciannon'ibundry, Pittshfugh; Pa: Its - .weight as 115,200 .pounda,its length", 243 inches; its diameter s 4 inehei, - iis bore 2 . (), 41040 • .wide and 210 inches and it ,"3hoot.s:a. : ball that weighs 1000 putinds;' and requires' SU pounds: of' p6wadr.qo - lead pr such, guns is $30,000-a• piece... • We presume that the mpst of our readers have read the messa P me of Presi dent Johnson, and it is therefore not necessary for us to take up space . in our paper to, publish this unimportant, State paper.. The_ document is, -as every body- sup r posed it would be, a' rehash of" his.ac cidency's policy," as set forth in his great 22nd of February speech, and his evolutions around the circle. The Presi dent starts out with the stereotyped thanks to God for his innumerable bless ings in staying the terrible scourge which we,as a nation,(especially its head) were threatened with; and perhaps de served., He soon glides into the theme of reconstruction, and asserts for the thousandth time, that the States lately in rebellion, baying purged themselves from all their iniquities are, as indeed'acnord ing to his 'Views they always have been, bonaficle States of the Union. Which assertion on its face, according' to John son (not Samuel, but Andrew,) is false, from the fact that the. President in the early part of his time—before Seward had recovered from the wound of the assassie, Payne---viewed them as,unor gi,ulized territories ; and acting in his capacity as the head of the nation, ap pointed Provisional Governors for them. What right had he to say to the people of North Carolina, and Georgia, that Worth and Bro - wn, the regularly elected Governors, should not call the Legisla tures together to reorganize the States, and prepare them to resume the functions of independent commonwealths, if these States were never out of the Union ? Why did lie send Holden and James Johnson to them as provisional. Govern ors, if these States were still in the Union ? And the same may be said of Sharkey, of Mississippi, Parsons, of Ala bama,Perry,of South Carelina,and others. What right would the p r esident have to say to A. G. Curtin, the beloved Gov ernor of Pennsylvania, stand aside, I will send Bill Bigler or Mester Clymer, to take .charge of the affairs' of Cie State? None whatever. If he had no such right in Pennsylvania, 'surely he had no such right in'any other State recognized as a member of the great family of common wealths. For no man of common sense will doubt that the States embraced within the folds of the Union, occupy the same relation to the Federal Head 3 and if the President can appoint a Pro visional Governor for one, he can do so for each and all of them. And if, in the exercise of his more than kingly power be should attempt anything of this kind and prove sneeessful,would not this be a greater 'concentration of power than any that hasbeen dreamed of since the formation of the Federal Union ? E4litor; :'"Mr...tOhnSon'S - great boast.seems to be that he is a " plebeian." Well, be certainly is such in Statesmanship, if that term argues weakness. . It was very unfortunate for the Ameri can people, that when Mr. Lincoln was stricken down, when the nation was flushed with the full tide of victory and he about to consummate the grandeur of his administration iu the success of his measures for the overthrow of the-great rebellion, that his mantle should fall on one so unworthy to wear it.. . • 1 It is said of, a time, in holy writ -that there were "Giants in those dals,'! and, it may be said there are pigmies in these days. According to the message, "we are at peace with all the worldand the rest-of mankind," Our financial affair's are in a satisfactory condition,our postal arrange ments seem to be working well, both as regards our home and foreign mail. The army and navy seem to be working admirably; and uron'tha whole, our for eign and doMestic affairs are all that we could reasonably, expect. • The -whole is wisely submitted to Congress, vi-bich 12to doubt will shape things in such a way as the people di rected in the late elections, Who shall be Senator ?• IT is a remarkable fact that Pennsyl vania has 'Veen misrepresented in the Senate orthellnited. States for the, last thirty years. ,Sometimes by men who opposed her in' her material interests and political. and ' . tuora . l 'principles,' and at other times by men, although right in sentiment, yet so weak as to be unable to give the Commonwealth that standing aniong the States of. the Union which her• geographical, mineral; political; agri cultural and intellectual position' would seem-to entitle her.. This has sometimes been' accomplished by combinations of small calibred politicians,and it is feared 'at other' times by. the fearfully corrupt ing influences of money. "It is time that thse things should be remedied. The vest Legislature will have an •opportunity of giving character and . dignity to the State ):?y elgctinga man who stands at the head of the oatton,.to fill the place now desecrated by the renegade Cowan.- - Will its members dp so? If the will and wishes of. the peoplp be consulted they undoilktedly btlt if traf6eing ttcians have the pori•er to manipulate. the members they will ji•obabfy 'secure' the electiOn of some third-class Map:" Op - .neat heart of Pennsylvania" is -eraphit ieally for the " old radical" Thaddeus Stevens, Mad.if fair play is obserVed he will be the'man, btit should the system of ledgerdemain, which has ,prevailed 'in our legislativp,halls,again triumph, 106 k out tor some weak Man.— The penple tire Stevens ; - first, ou t.tecouuc of acknOwliidzed ••abilit'y; his,sterling honesty and spothis charac The Message.. BM= ter,an4 secondly because of his. long con tinued and unwavering efforts against the colossal wrong of human . :slaverY. No man in Pennsylvania or . elsewhere has ever charged Mr.' Stevens With' 'a dishonest act. His character for honesty is, therefore, unimpeached, and however 'much abuse has been heaped on hie 'head, (and no man has hada larger share of,that,) even his enemies will admit his sterling integrity, while his ability as a .statesman will at all times be readily ac lknowleclged. has been battling against slavery for more than thirty. years. When Joseph Raper was Govern ior of . Pennsylvania Mr. S. was charged by our enemies with Writinc , the Govern orts - messages, arid however false, the charge may have b .e , n and undoubtedly was, ,yet that he sympathized fully in their doctrines is very true, and I remember very well that a sentiment of. one of them lost Mr. Ritner his re-election in 1838, and that was where the Governor spoke of " the' base bowing of the knee 'to the clark spirit of slavery." Mr. Stevens has for many years been battling the party called Democratic, because that party, when it had life in it, made slavery its very lungs through which it inhaled its brgath, of life. And now that slavery is dead, and with it died the old "Democratic party, it is fitting that its executioner should be placed in a position where he could properly administer ot. its effects. I therefore trust that our Legislature. now that they have an op portunity to.nlace a man in the Senate of t' e 'United States, will give us a repre• sentative whom we may be proud of. They need not be afraid of his - being too radical, inasmuchas the late elections have demonstrated the fact that the people are fully up 'with Congress on the living issues of the day, and have sustained, by noble majorities, the men who were true to principle, while they have vetoed every weak-kneed republican who bowed down the policy of Johnson; Seward Bz, Ca. I have no doubt that the delegation from Lancaster County will sustain the, "old radical," but we want more than this: Let the leading men of the party go to Harrisburg on the third Tuesday of January, and show our representatives that they are in earnest in supporting him. Much can be accomplished in this way, and if successful they will be amply •repaid f..r their trouble. The outside influence of Pennsylvania prevented-the nomination of • Seward at Chicago, in 1800, and who now-regrets having gone to the Convention for such a purpose? A RADICAL. Vitorial awl Ittiuttlanotto. —"Played"—Base ball,for this season. --Completed- 7 -The - new engine house of the Columbia Fire Company —Dr. F. Hinkle offers for sale, val uable real estate; in Marietta, —The Susquebauna Fire Compauy is about to be revived. —Flunkey---" Mike's" party, held a few evenings since. —Frightened--The gentlemen who received the contents of the. what Ant on his head, at tine above party. —l.4ate—The S.lO P. M. train, for a few evenings past. -The Vigilant engine house is, it is said, to be occupied 7 thd Sucker's." —Freemasonry was. introduced into the United States in 1730. —Hall's Journal of Health thinks buckwheat cakes are nourishing. --The French have three hundred ways for cooking eggs. —A pew in one of the Boston churches was recently sold tor $5,400. —What key fit's evcrybody's,trunk ? Turkey. ----livery bird pleases us with its lay— particularly" the lieu. —Three thousand freight cars pass through Pittsburgh, Pa., every day. fair will be held, in Odd Fellows' Hall, daring ChristrnaS week, for The benefit - of the .C . olumbia Fire l)ompany. --Bead the advertisement of the es• tensive.sale'of rakes, agricultural imple .nients, &c.; in another column. —Go to Capt. Rogers' Ellsworth Saloon for excellent lunch. They are free. —The fair held by the ladies of the Lutherau Church, last week, was quite a success. —Abundant—Wild ducks on the Sus quehanna. On Saturday last, quite a number were shot along the wharves. —E. K. Smith, Esq.; has resigned his position as a director of the Columbia National Bank. —Track has been laid on the Colum bia & Port Deposit R. It., from food of Locust street - to Blush & Shartzer's saw • —Quiet—The Columbia Zoo Zoos.— Boys, you should be seeing about attend log Le ciovernor's inaugural in Jan uary. • —John Eddy, Auctioneer, sold, on Wed.uesd y last, 28 shares of Columbia & 17arietta Turnpike stock to col, James Myers, fOTr $22 per share. —The "Ladies Mite Society,'! of 'Coatesville, recently held a Fair, from which they realized the hand Some sum of seven -hundred dollars. 'Myers has retired from the local,freight office of the Pennsylvania railroad, at ' Lancaster, where -he has been stationed for ten years. —The question of a pubilic library is being agitated in Columbia. Several per sons have left their names at our ofliee, a• subscribers., " We hope the matter will go on. —Fifteen shares of the Columbia National . Bank stock were sold on Mon day last,. for $125 , per share, alter the last dividend *as deolared,and paid to the .seller. --Wm. H. Pfahler's is the only place to get the Barley Sheaf Cooking Stove. •This•stcive is now taking the lead -of - all others: Call and see it. Ptahler's house 7 furnisliiiio.'store Columbia. . v =Two and a half.millions of dollars have been raised by the illetbodis!s so far,-during the present centennial year. A month and a•halfyet rem . ain to be•im proved. • `, :• . - OUR PRICES ARE • Decidedly Reasonlible :HENS' and BOYS' WEAR, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETTS and JANES. BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS. Merinoes, CaShmers, Poplins. Delaines and Coburgs. A full line of. Prints from 12 cents up. Wool and Cotton Flannels. " Bleached and Unbleached Mnslins, Table Linens, Towels, Napkins cC Crash Floor and Table Oil Cloths_ Wehave bonght our stock for net cash and we will sell at a' very short profit, • J. W. STEACY 65 CO., Cor 2nd, 65 Locust, st., sept 2Sth 'GG Columbia, Pa. SPECIAL NOTICES A Cough, A Cold, or A Sore Throat, Requires Immediate Attention, and should be Cheeli;ed.:" IP ALLQWED TO CONTINUE, LIMITATION OF THE LUNGS, A PERMANENT THROAT DISEASE, OR CONSUMPTION, IS OFTEN TILE RESULT. .BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, Haying a direct influence to the parts, give immediate relief. For Bronchitis, Asthma; Catarrh, Con sumptive and:Throat Diseases; Troches are used with always good success. SINGERS AND - PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Troches useful in clearing the voice when taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs. The Troches are recommended and prescribed by Physicians, and have had' testimonials from emi nent men throughout the country. Being an article of true merit, and having procecl their efficacy by a test of many years; each year finds them in neu localities in various parts of the world, and the Troches are universally pronounced better than other articles. Onith only "Brown's Bronchial Troches," and do not take any of the Worthless _lmitations that may be offi'red. Sold everywhere. [Dec-1, IStio-am-. REMEDIAL INSTITUTE FOR SPECIAL CASES, No. 1t Bond Street, New York. xci - Full information. with the highest testimonials: also, a Book on Special Diseases, in a sealed caielope, sent free. itg-Be sure and send for them, and you mill never regret it; tbr, as advertiing physicians, in nine cases out of ten, are imposters without references, no stranger. should be ,trusted. Enclose a stamp for BOND postage ,STREET, and dire NEW YORK. [Dec. 1,'66-Iv. ct to DR. LAWRENCE, No. Lt The real Velpau French Pills should not be used during a certain time, as they will surely bring on a miscarriage. Sold by all Druggists. Dec. 1. Imo. Strange, but True. Every young lady and gentleman in the United Stares can hear something very much to their ad vantage by return mail (free of charge) byttddress ing the undersigned, Those having fears of being _humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card, All others will please address theirobedient servant THUS F. CHAPMAN, Dec.3o '65 ly. SA Broadway, New York. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CA tarrh, treated , with the utmost success, by Dr. J. ISAACS, oculist and Aurist, (formerly of Lydon, Holland,) . No 519 Pine Street, Philadelphia. Testi monials from the most reliable sources iu the city and oounty can be seen at his Odice. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients. as he vas no secrets in his practice. Artitici.d eyes inserted without pain. No charge made for exam!, nation. mar. 'IG-1Y All ;nay" Harry Happily. Irrespective of wealth, age or beauty; :Intl the love of the opposite sex can be gained by following simple rule•, Send a directed envelope to SARAH Li. LAMBERT. pine 16th, ly Greenpomt, Hinge Co., New York WONDERFUL RUT Titu 111,thasni RemiNGlOs, the world renowned Astrolo gist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoyant state delineMes the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instru ment of intense poWer, known as the Ppiyeliorna tropewguaram.ees 6oproduceli per:lectan.l picturox of the future; husband or, wife of She appli cant, with date of marriage, occupation, lending traits-of , character, dim This is r no imposition,-as testimonials - without sew bex can assert. By , stating; place of birth, age, deposit lol.l,CulOr of eye- and hair and enclosiog afty cents and stamped envelope ad dressed to yoursedfoma will receiKg the picture by return - 1 - mill, together with desired mfilirmation. Address in conlidiMe,e, Mariam.: GrataltLlDE .I.teauziwrox. "P.O. Box 207, West 'Pray. N. Y. Sept. 22,13m0. rpri - E CONFESSION' AND EXPERIz E.NCE 01 .a.N . INVALID.. Published for the benefit and as. a CAUTIO:I7 TO YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, premature decay or Manhood, -c., supply ing at tho same timo The Means of Self Cure. By one. who has cured" himself after -undergoing - con- Siderahle quackery. By enclosing a postpaid ad• dressed envelope, single copies, free of charge, may be had of the author. _ _ NAT.H.ANIJILMA.I7,I.IR, Esq., Brooklyn, Rings Co., • Y.' inn. 27, Iy. To Consuinirtiv'es.. -. THE ADVERTISER. HAVING BEEN restored to health in a few weeks,by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years, with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Con sumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. - To all who desiro it, lie Will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc tions Mr preparing and using the' same, which they trill find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis, Coughs, Colds, etc. The only object of the udvertiser in •ending the prescription is to beneti the afflicted, and spread information which he con ceivesto be invaluable,:larl he, hopes owry sutibrer will try his remedy, as it will cost you nothing, and inay prove a blessing, - • Parties wishing the perseription, will please ad dress Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County. Dec. SO, '65„-I.3rn New York Errors opt, Toutlr. . . A Gentleman who sinfercaftir years from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for.the sake of Suffering humanity, send free to all who noethit, the receipe and directions for making the simple remedy loky which he was cured. SJerers wishing to proti tby the advertiser's experience,can do so by addressing Dec. ly, JOLIN B. OGDEN; No. 13,Chambers st.. N. Y. ITCH !. ITCH !LIT CH Emu:mak S 36 3 a WXZELIITOWS oxurizzianNT llttiro the Itch in 4S Boars Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 90 cents. Forsale by all druggists. Hy :lending GO cents to Weeks c 9 Pot ter, Sole Agents, -1.70 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States,. - juue LADIES TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE The .heal Vellum Female PIAW. [Warranted French.) rphese Pills, so celebrated many years 1 ago in Paris for the relief of female ir regularities,are now offered for sale far the first time in America. They have been kept in comparative obscurity from the fact that the originator. Dr. Vet pau,is a physician iu Btris of g.eatlwealth and eon SCientiOUS principles, and has withheld them t torn genemal use, lost they should be employed for un lawful purpeses. In overcoming female obstrue: Mops they seem really omnipotent. They rre offer ed to the public only for legitimate purpt so all agents arc forbidden to sell them when o i. is un derstood that the object is unlawful. told by R. Wiliiamsand 4.),r. Parry. Columbia. Ladies can procure aboic sealed from the eyes of the cu.ious by enclosing Si and six stamps to 0. G. Staples, General Agent Tor us, Watertown, N.Y. or to the above agents. Jan. 6,1 y- Dr. Schenck's' Mandrake Pills. A Substitute for Calomel: _ These pills are composod of various roots. having the power to relax the'seeretions of the - liver as promptly and effectually as blue pill or runreury, and without producing any of those disagreeable or dangerous effects which often follow the use of the latter. In all bilious Disorders these Pills may Tie used with confidence, as they promote the discharge of vitiated bile, and remove those obstructions from the liver and hiliary ducts: which are, the cause of bilious affections in general. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS curesick head ache, and all disorders of the liver, indicated by sallow skin; coated tongue, costiveness, drowsiness and a general feeling of weariness and lassitude, showing that - the liver is in a torbib or obstructed condition. In short, these pills may bo used with advantage in all cases when a purgative or alterative medicine is required. Please ask for" Dr. Schenck's Mankralte Plls,"and, observe that the two Jikenessos of the Doctor are on the Government stamp—one when in the last stage of coasumption i qud the "other in . his present health, Sold by all Druggists and dealers. '• Price 25 cents per box. Principal (Mice, No. 15 North fah Street, Ph il hdelph la, Pa: . General Whole - sale Agents Demos 'Barnes cE Co.. 21 Park Row. New - York; 5, S:liance, 103 Ealtimorc Street, Baltimore Mi., John D. Park, N. E. corner, of Fourth and Walnut' Street, Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker di Ta.lor. 1341 a Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill.; Collins Brothers.'southwest corner of Seeond and Vine Streets St, Louis, [may 10 'B64y:, NEW ADV ERTISE3IENTS GIFTS VOP.: TILE HOLIDAYS! IN. GREAT VARIETY, w_ MT- =SS' BOOK STORE! 1=1:13 WE have just received a Fine Assort 1Y merit of Books. Fancy Articles, Gold . Pens. Toys, ac., Suitable for. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! FOR OLD AND YOUNG PEOPLE, Such as Photograph Albums, Prayer Books, Bibles, nyinn. Books, of all Denominations, Annuals, in Fine Binding, s And a Large Assantrnent of JUVENILE BOOKS and TOY BOOKS. I==l Our Stock of FANCY ARTICLES IS LARGE] AND C)MPLETE, COMPRISING Fancy Ink Stands, Chess Boards and Men, - Port Folios, Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Pocket Books, Ladies' Companions, - 0 - A General. Assortment of Musical, Merchandise! Such us 'VIOLINS, ACCOUNIEONS, Italian Strings, R.•c. I=l=l DIARIES FOR. 1867! IN GREAT VAiIIETY; all at Reduced Prices, at U. HESS' Book Store Locust Street, 'opposite Columbia National Bank.' ' [Dec. 8, 1866. THE TIME TO..BUY! MORE RARGAiIs.S FROM THE 'RECENT AUCTIONS. . 11111ZE SA GOO P • Astonishingly Cheap. WC),(DS, At less than of Production, And ; 10.0-.1117' G 00.155. Generally, at Very Mac:ow We believe this to be THE. TIME - TO BUY!: • - At HALDEMAN'S. Dec. 1, 1806. HARRY W. HUNTER. WASH. RIGHTER, M. D HUNTER & RIGHTER S Wliolesale-Druggists, - , No. 41 North Third Stre4, PHILADELPHIA.. OP IMPORTERS AND GRINDERSI SPICES. Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs. Patent. Medicines,Gils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, cte. Manufacturers of " Kaign's Syrup Tar." [novl7 '66-ly • Great Bargains in, DRESS. GOODS r iIIALTBY & CASE ARE NOW RECEIVING ANOTHER Large Stock of Goods, And aro selling 'French Merinos, Poplins, Reps, Wool DeLaineg, Coburgs and other Wiutpr Dress Goods, at from TEN to TWENTY- VE, per cent. below last Months prices.- • Old goods sold without regard to cost. • • , NOW IS THE ME TO SECURE BARGAINS. nog- 24-3 t GG] MALTBY CASE. Public Sale of Personal Property. THE undersigned will sell at Public Sale, at his residence, one mile and a quarter from Columbia, on the Lancaster and Columbia turnpike, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15-I.u, 1866, the following described Personal: Prop erty, viz :. . • • Three bead: of, Liorses,, one fine lead Mule, six Cows, two.sprining Heifers, two Calves, four head of fiat Hogs, one Bull, three Chester County Shoats, one breeding Sow, three broad-wheeled Farm Wagons, Pennock's Reaper and Mower, Threshing Machine and Horse Power, Grain Fan,, one Stoner Grain Drill, one Roller, Brandt's Steel Tooth Rake, two setts Hay Ladders. Carriage Tongue, spring Wagon, Cultivator, Plows, Harrows, Rakes, Forks, Grain Cradles. Scythes, four setts of good Harness, together with many articles not. en umera tecL • , Sale to commence at I o'clock P. M., when attendance will be given and terms made known by nov24-ts JOHN L. WRIGHT. THE FAMILY DIEDIOIME STORE ODD FELLOWS' HALL., A TTENTION is invited to our present stock of Drugs, Family Medicines, Toilet Soaps, Perfumes, and Dru . rgists' Sundries generally tions, bought at close cash prices, and to such buyers offered low We aro making Pnro Spices, IV/tolc and ground, a SPECIALTY. Oar Elack Pop- per is glound by ourselves. For this we have superior - facilities, and offer for - Butchering MA, WUS'cf ail'article rarely IiMMII equalled, Saponifier, Family Dyes, POWDERS and LlQUlDS—these aro no* in season, and stock is NEW and full tinue to give close personal attention to his business. Physician's Prescriptions and Family Recipes will -be carefully and promptly filled The Wonderful Flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady weaving the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies, 0 peras,Carringes.ltai I road Ccrs.Church- Yews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House Dreslt as the'Skirt can be folded when in use to occupa small place as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Muslin Dress,an invnluable quality in crinoline, not found in any single spring Skirt. A L•.dy having enjoyed the pleasure. comfort - rind great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day, will never there after willingly dispense with their use. For Chil dren, Misses and Young Ladies they are superior to all others. _ They wilt not bend or break like the Single Spring but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape when three or four ordinary Skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. -The Ijoops are covered with double and twisted thread,andithe bottom rods are not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered; preventing them from wearing out when dragging down stoops, stairs, The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladies and is universally recommended by the fash ion Magazines as the StaudardSkirt of the Fashion able world. To enjoy the following inestimable advantages in Crinoline. viz; superior quality,perfect manufacture stylish shape and finish, tloaibihty, durability,corn fortand economy, enquire for J. W, Bradley's Du plex Elliptic or Double Spring, Skirt,and be sure you get thegenuine article. CAUTION— l'o guard against imposition be par ticular to NOTICE - that skirts -offered as "Duplex," have the red ink stamp, viz; "J. W. Bradley's Du plex Elliptic Steel Spring," upon the waistband— none others are genuine. Also Notice that every loop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two for double] springs braided together therein,which is the secret of their Flexibility and Strength, and a combination not to he found in any other Skirit. For Sale in all Stores where First Class skirts arc sold throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the Sole owners of the Patent. WESTS. BRADLEY to CARY, Games, cte., &C 97 Chambers 79 &Sl Reade Sts., N. Y Oct. 20 3m Best Selling Subscription Books Pubbislicd ! We are the most extensive publishers in the United States, ( having six houses,) and therefore can afford to sell books cheaper and pay agents a more liberal commission than any other company. Our books do not pass through the bands of General Agents,(as nearly all other sub- scription works do, therefore we aro en abled to give our canvassers the extra per cont. which is usually , allowed to General Agents. Experienced canvassers will see the advantages of dealing directly with the publishers. Our series embraces the most popular works on' all subjects of importance, and is selling rapidly both North and South. Old agents, and all others, who want the best' paying agencies, will - please send for circulars and see our terms,• and compare „them and the character of our works with those of other pitialishers. Address, r . . NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa., Boston, Mass., Cincinnati, Ohio., Chicago, 111.. St. Louis, Mo., or Richmond, Va. Dec. 1 4t.. I=l f his hotel has been lately refitted 'with all the necessary improvements known to hotel enterprise and therefore offers first class accommodations to stmo.gers and others visiting Baltimore.-- - Get 21, 121;i, These goods are of our own recent selec- Sweet. Marjeuram, Coriander, Soda Ash, As heretofore, the subscriber will can, noi•l7-Lf ] LATEST FASHIONS DEMA.-D .T. W. Bradley's Celebrated Patent, DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or donble spring) AGENTS WANTED FOR THE MOST POPULAR AND MALTBY• HOUSJ A. B. MILLER, Proprietor, • Baltimore, Md. The. Best and Cheapest in Columbiamat thia IVeax , q now offering clothes cheaper than the cheapest, and can suit the most partic ular ones, both in styles, fit and quality.— HANDSOME SACK COATS, for $5,50 and upwards. We are bound not to be undersold b,, , anyone. All clothing cut, sold or made up.at my establishment, is warranted to give satisfaction.. Call examine our stock. Blue Front Clothing, Store, Front Street, opposite the Ferry Landing_ N. B. Coats, Pants and Vests cut at the. shortest notice, in the latest style. H. BLUMENTHAL.. TINPARALF , LLED ATTRACTIONS !! eS. SNYDER announces to the citizens: . of Columbia and vicinity that he haF opened at his ROOM, on the corner of Front & Locust, a First Class stock of DOI( GOODS, consisting of nil the latest styles of Dress Goods, • Cloths, GasMmores Linen Cotton Goods, _together with a full supply of Shoetings, of the best quality., 3:11s stoeleof Bleached Goods, Flannek3, Balmorals, Hoop Skirts, and Shawls, ectunot be surpassed In addition to the Dry Good's depart ment, he ha;:s the most carefully selected stock of BOOTS & SHOES ever brought to. this place, consisting of Ladies' Gaiters, Bahrorals, Children's and Misses' Wear of all sizes and descriptions. Men and Boy's Boots of all kinds, sizes and styles, A. share of public. patronage is solicited J. S. .NI'I:YER, Cor. of Locust 6:: Front. April 2Sth ly. J. A. \EEYERS - This is an article for washing without rubbing, ex ttupt, i n very dirty places, which will require a very slight rub, and unlike other preparations offered for a like purpose, will not rot the clothes.but will leave them much whiter than ordinary methods, without the usual wear and tear. It removes grease spots as if by magic.and softens the dirt by soaking, so that rinsing will in ordinary cases entirely remove it. This powder is prepared in accordance with ahem, teal science, and upon a process peculiar to itself, which is secured by Letters Patent. It has been in. use for more than a year, •tnd has proved itself an universal favorite; wherever it. has been used.— Among the advantages claimed arc the following, It saves all the expense of soap usually used on cotton andliuen goods. It saves most at the labor of rubbing and wear and tear. . . Also, for cleaning windows it is unsurpassed.— With one quarter the time and labor usually re quired it imparts a beautiful gloss and lustre, much superior to any ether mode, No water required ex cept to moisten the powder. Directions with cacti package, And can be readily appreciated by n single trial.— The cost of washing for a family of five or six per sons•will not exceed three cents. ... . ... _ ___. . . The manufacturers of this powder are aware that many useless compounds have been introduced to the public which have rotted the cloth, or failed in removing the dirt, but 'knowing the intrinsic excel lence of this article they confidently proclaim it as being adapted to meet a demand which has long ex isted,aud which has heretofore remained uncap plied. . Manufactured b • , HO W E xf..4.STEV 4 NS, 2GO Broadway, Boston. Also, 'Manufacturers of Family Dye Colors. For sale by Grocers and Dealers everywhere. - Oct. 20 3mo. SEWING MACHINES 1 The "Wheeler & Wilson ELLIPTIC," and "ROWE' S" ANTORLD•RENOWNED SEWING 114. Machines. While the WHEELER & WILSOY is universally acknowledged to be the BEST &lODINE IN THE WORLD For Family use ; the " ELLIPTIC" which is manufactured by the same Company, and made on the same general principles, is equally as good ; and the " HOWE" •is unsurpassed as a SHUTTLE MACHINE, All these Machines make the Lock Stitch, and, are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, Tailoring, and other man ufacturing purposes. •No RISK in BUYING TI COl3l • Ae every Machine sold is WARRANTED to give entire satisfaction. ~..3r-SEWINGMACHINESFORRENT, Dec. 1, '66.3 Locust St., Columbia. COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANE, November 27th; 1866. frHE DIRECTORS OF THIS INSTl tutiou have this day declared a dividend ,of six and one-half per cent., free from all National ta.v.es, payable on and after .the first day of December, 1866. ' ' SAMUEL SHOCH, Cashier Columbia., Dec: 1, 1866-tf. You must have CLOTLII\G:. You:want F 1 UST, to get:a GOOD article.. You then want it as CHEAP. aS POSSIBLE: This is natural and right enough. The question is, WHERE to buy ? It is-to your Personal! interest to consider.' the following facts: There is or-ganized in Phila— delphia an, immense- estab lishntent to make FIRST': CLASS CLOTHING, to make it cheaper than; CUSTOMARY. The ma— terials are bought DIRECT from the best American and! European ' manufacturers, and thus considerable is saved. Full prices arc paid' to workmen, so as to ensure' substantial and handsome garments; the Salesmen. and Clerks are such that customers can fully rely • upon them, and every of-• fort is made to please and suit patrons,so as to Keep. as well as make custom- The result of combined industry,system and close application of all the em ployees, has secured a, model establishment, a., SUPERIOR style of cloth-, ing,and very MODERATE: prices. . _ at the. CORNER: of smna STREET, and ex tends from Market to. Minor,Streets. and is now the most extensive con cern of the kind in Phial-, deiphia. You ars aqlceci to pa-, tronize and encourage this enterphsc. We have, I.st,Gent's neadv Made Clothing:. 2d—Special - Department Boy's Clothing. 3d'—Custom Department To Make to order. 4th—Gent's Furnishing Variety- Yours, very respectfully, WANMILIKER & BROWN OAK HALL, S. E. Cor. Gth S: Market, PHILADELPHIA. gra?' It will be worth a vis it, whether you want to buy or not. O. Samples sent by mail or express whet. desired. Oct 13 GO APLOEINC. MERCHANT EMI CLOTHING STORE, BLUE I'RONT 0ct27,.'66 tf. NEW STORE. Shirt higs, ST4O l. li POWDER• Patented May 29th, ISGG W. G. PATTON, A gent For the sale of This.llonse-is locatecii For Youth's and Goods in Lame Tic:kings, ctc