goal aeprtutept. Tp* . gorrespanaents. . . • ,Communications, letters, contributions, general!!! of . rnorit, and intercsrto the rec4erocill . be Acceptable from , . friends fromall - guariers: ' '' . , Prexos_=}fie limo a §ple,n!4d.,4W 7 octave, rosewood piano, 'whiell we oirerTor ,sale at_ a barkin: :It is warranted to be CM e `'of the best in' the market: Also s?, - Isecond. !land Plano,:wbiel; will be sold very, low. Post Office wider the new regime will - be ,lcietited in Eberlein's . buildn'g in Locust street above Secoud, - irinch to, the 'ciissatisfuetion - cif the businesS portion of the - community.", NET . Fiktx,4.9E:The Chestnut f ill Irtin.. Ore Oompen'Tho.ve commenced. the ' erection of , 06pier • furnaeei adjoining • tfidisr otheifurriiiee'S rari.Col •;arel4a, It will be .one of tlio lzir ' gestiu the _county. • • • - . , , . 11NOTHER NEW. BUILDING.—Mr. •Tohn B. Bachman has commenced the ' erection of anew building on SecOnd street between Laclist and Union. It is-'intend ed . as a residence for himself, and will. be, - .when completed, a first-class house. It will help •to fill a space between tlie proper- . . Lies of J. Vang,hen and Mrs. Wrig,ht- and T T - Will add Inneh ,to the apperance that portion of:the town. • - NEW SroVEI—We have examined Bridges' Patent Fire Board Stove, for heat ing two or more rooms at a time:-; ; ltfis in pse at Pfit ers Stove ore. m nea ncss • 'hi St "SC •'t and,faciency : it is unsurPassed, and is the cheapest stove in.:the market. Wm. H. Pfabler is sole agent for Lancaster County and will put them up neatly and very cheap, call there and' examine them, RESIGNED.—We learn that Mr. S.:W. Mifflin, has resigned the position of Chief Engineer 'of the Reading & Columbia Rail read., and Mr. Chas. McDonald has been appointed in his place. Mr. Me Donal(' was formerly in the employ of the Atlanta ck: Great Western Railroad Company, and comes highly reccommended: Mr. Mifflin has few superiors is - this country as a Civil Engineer,and we think the Company will miss him:' - IMPROVEMENT IN RAILROAD IRON.— Mr A. .1", Rindomire of Robrerstown, this Coon ty,•bas taken. out a patent for steel head railroad iron, which we think will supersede " allother rails .noW' in use. A new and cheap process is used to -the face, or head of the rail with - steel. It works admirably and must prove very lucrative to the inventor, as large offers have already been made to him to engage in the' manufacture of his-!`patent steel head rail." ECONOMY IS WEALTII—It is sup posed that nine•tenths of all' the wealthy men in the world laid the tbandation of their wealth by the.practice of ecoriOnly. That is living saving,ly; and in no manner can a man that has a family live moiesav ingly than by buying 'his Dry Goods at the Cheap Cash - Store of I. 0. Brunner. For by so dOing he can- save from 10 to 15 cents on each thillar's worth o f goods that he needs for his family. i - )13 AND GIRLS WEEKLY.—We have received No. 4, of a new illustrated paper en titled Boys and Girds Weekly. It is from the fertile preSs of that enterprising pub lisher Frank-Leslie, 537 Pearl Street, - New York. It is one of the best, and, most ;in- Structive juvenile works yet published and when fairly introduced—as it soon will be —must-take the lead of all others. Send and get a copy—only five cents, or $2. 50 a year. With this number every sr bseriber or purchaser is entitled to a sirlendid Gilt Plate,"General Wayne's Assault on Stoney Point." This picture alone is worth a year's subscription. -Address the publisher W. U. Hess will furnish it. THE BUILDING ASSOCIATION.—This association met on Friday, ey,ening,2d lust. A. committee was' apphinted to sblict -Sifb §eriptions, and other important business was transa2.ted. About thirty thousand dollars is already subscribed in aid of the project. MfiCh more yet remains to be done before the objeet can be accomplished. Many of our monied men yet stand aloof, and unless they come forward and put a shoulder to th i s wheel, the enterprise• will fall through. Such a - project would be a lasting - benefit to the place, and we hope it will go on. " WOULDN'T COME TO TIME,"—WO 'understand that the " Athletic" Base Ball Club of Lancaster,. some . time since, ac cepted a challenge from the " Columbia" Club, of this Borough, to play a match game, on Friday the 2d inst. Accordingly the'!t'Columbia Boys" left here in the 5.30 'A. train, for Lancaster, on the above mentioned day. But the " Athletics" ;; iyouldn' t come to time." Their- excuse, we believe, was, that they wished to have 'sociable - game to' themselves,'—which was equivalent to a back-down. The "Co lumbia" do not think muchof the chivalry of the Lancaster Base-Ballers. COLUMBIA BAIDG.I.LTbe bridge over the Susquehanna,' bet Ween Columbia and Wrightsville which was destroyed by the rebels in June 1863, has, not yet been re built, much to the disadvantage of trade and commerda of Columbia. The right of way is owned by the Pennsylvania ,Rail - road Company; and when 'it came . into a their possession, it was thought that new and substantial bridge would be built at once, bat we were doomed to disappoint ment. There is no, visiblo effort made to re-build it, and the reality is staring us in the face, that a great portion of our trade' froni York county and elsewhere, will be cut oft for some time to come. Let our people on both sides of th e river look around for some means of escape from this oppres sion. If the Railroad Company will not build up the bridge, let Them sell Out "to ; ,a company that will build 'it. What.is our people waiting for? Let us have sonic legislation on the subject and see if we can- riot bring about some plan that will secure us the reconstruction of a bridge over the Susquehanna at this point, if not by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, by some other company ; no matter who, so that we get a bridge. The only remedy we have now is the running of a steamboat, which is very good as far as it goes, but it does not afford the accomodatiou that a bridge would. This is ainatter in which all 'our citizens are interested, and we hope.an ar rangement may be effected to relieve us of this public want. THE "HOP.—The Columbia. Base Ball Club Hop which is to come off in, Odd Fel lows Hall next Tuesday evening, prom isee to be one of the most brilliant ' .affairs .9 . - f the kind that .has :taken place this season.. - • . 0.1T1CE11.% ELECTED.HAt„p. •stated meeting of „Elope Lodge No.• 0- Of G.. T.; the following officers weio elected : P.W. C. T., .ThornasJ.Wright; .C. T., John C.'Clark; W. Addle gelis; W. S., ThOn3ft§ I\l. Dessie Wilford; W. T., L. C.:,Oberlin; W. S.; George H. Richards; W. I. G-.; Joseph W. F. •Nowlerr; W. James 'S. Nolen, - W. M.; Allen Ifippey; i 7,. D. M., Kate Wisler; W. — C., Rev.:, Steek; * W. R. S., Lewis May; W..L. S., Julia. Fallwood. LE BoN,ToN.-7--"Wp have received from S. T. Taylor, 340 Canal Street,lNew.York, the NoVember number of the L'e Bon Ton —J:ournal.do Modes.' , -The ladies will find it deeply interesting.. It is decidedly the fashion magazine et the world, and as such it is Prized- by: , 'eVery lady- who ro ceiyes it. The excellence of the literary department is appreciated by every lady., of taste, while the fashion department caia 7 , not- be excelled. This number contains extra fashion plates ; the richest we luive ever seen.' A years subscription to this book would be an excellent gift to a young lady—think of it young men. ANOTTIER FURNACE„—We learn that • , there is project on foot, to build another Furnace in the vicinity of Columbia. We have - men—enterprising men, enonr,th to build anything that is wanted. Then let us have another furnace, a boiler plate Mill, nail factory and paper mill. We can have all t! em if the right spirit be mani fested:.Our people 'are the most energetic of any town , we ever :knew, and we have every ' facility for 'becoming' a first-class manufacturing town. ,We have commun ication by railroad and water, with all the great cities of the Union, which makes Columbia a splendid point to ship all kinds of merchandise. MATCH GAMES 01? BASE BALL.—The match game of ball played between the " Elite" and " S:aawnee" Chiba of this place, on Saturday Of last week., resulted in favor of the " Shawnee's," by a score of 25 to 21. Only eight innings were played. The game was very exciting arid closely contested, and had there been nine innings played wesurmiso,a victory for the" Elite" ,would leave been theT'esult, - —On the after!' yon of the same day the "Oswego" and " Hamilton" Clubs of this place,played a mateligarde,which resulted . in a victory for the former. —On Tlitirsday last, the " Columbia" of this place, and the " Excelsior" of Mount Joy, " had it" again, and, as us..al, the " Columbia" came out-victorious, TURN2IKE ELECTIONS,--The annual election for' officers of vrions turnpike couipMlies, WaS held on Mondaylast. We give the f011oWitlg: Columbia and Marietta.— President— Samuel Shoch. Treusurer—Jos. F. Cot trell. Managers—John Cooper, James Myers, Him r y Hinkle, Samuel Mussehmin Gco. W. Mehutfy. Columbia , and Chestmut George Bogle. Treasurer—Joseph F. Cot trell. .Managers—Satnnel ' ocu Henry Coppqnheiler, Jacob K, Hershey, Michael JSub olkr - i‹.:' Sin i Lancaster and Litiz, —President—Hon. Henry Cr. Lung. Treasurer—Jacob 11. Tshuity. Managers—George B. bhuber, George T. Griher, Lightner Sharp, Davut Letikichler, Jacob Minnich, Samuel Kel ler Henry Kurtz. " 4 4 MRS. FRY'S liklMOvAL.—The York Republican, comments as follows upon the., removal of Mrs:Fry from thti Post Office of Wis place. Andrew Johnson has removed Mrs. Mary J. Fry from the office of Fost Mis tress at Columbia, Lancaster C',ounty, and appointed kienry W. Shultz in her place. Mrs. Fry is a widow—was appointed to succeed her husband at'his deatu, and one or more of her sons were air tle Union army. We suppose that wasaher olience, us sue could not have offended on the score of Politics. Well as Andy has succeeded so badly in his coutroversey with the men of the country, he is going to take his spite out of the Wolltell, atter the fashion of the sneaking bov,who having been Well Ped by a comrade, whimpered out, "if I can't lick you, I will make mouths at your sister." if reports be true, Andy is not so cruel to the wotnen who hang around the N Vbi tO douse, actilig as pardou-brokers and who receive his most distinguished consideration. A lady afar off does not meet with the same favor. Both Mrs. Fry and her late husband were natives and former residents of this Borough. —Vashion 'rules the world, and a mo•t tyrannical mistress she is— compelllng people to submit to the most inconvenient things hnaginable, for her sake. She pinches feet with tight shoes, or chokes ns with a tight neckerchief, or squeezes the breath.out of our• body by tight. lacing. She makes people sit up by night, when they ought to be in bed ; and keeps them in bed in the moring wnen they ought •to be up 'and doing. • She nakes it vulgar to wait upon one's Self, and genteel to live idle and useless. ,She- nakes people -visit when they had rather stay at home, eat when they P re not hungry, and drink when they are not th tv. She invades Our pleasures and interrupts our business. She compels people to dreas gailyorbether upon their owdn property or that of another, whether agreeable to the word of God or the dictates of pride. ' • , She ruins health, and produces sickness; destroys life, and occasions premature death. She mikes toolS of parents, invalids of children, and servants of:all. She is•a tornienter of conscience, a de spoiler of motality,and nn - onemy of relig ion; and no one can I.le, her conipartiOn and enjoy either. • • • She is despot of the highest grade, full of intrigue and cun,niag,and yet husbands. wives, father, mothers, sons' daughters and servants, ; black and white, have vol untarily becoakelier obedient subjects and slaves, and vie.with one another to see who shall be, most obsequions. The Crosby Opera House Art t►s- The success oft his—the most stupendous Art enterprise of the nineteenth centbry— is already an accomplished Met.. The as surance of Mr. Crosby to that effect; strengthened by the concurrent testimony of the wealthy and - influential. Committee appointed to• superintend the drawning, and the personal guhrantee of Samuel M. Nickerson, Esq..(a gentleman whose un doubted integrity is backed by unlimited pecuniary neans), has appeared in a former issue of this paper. :The sale of certi ticates has been rapid and immense, and fully justified thus far the expectations of the noBt sanguine; but a large number still [Frone'Cliicago TinLes.] sociation. remain in the hands of agents scattered all over the country, the extreme shortness of time (as orginielly limited) precluding the pssibility.of their sale, before the date of drawing. Ono obstacle, which has seriously retar ded sales, has been the resolute impossi bility of furnishing engravings as last as required. Although the presses of the Association Lave been worked night and day, tho *demand has far exceeded the supply. Alter duly considering this, Mr. Crosby has concluded—in justice to the interests he represents. and in defference to the wish, of the public, which (so fax.can be ascerta ined) is ,almost universal—to delay for a short time the closing of the subscription ' books, so as to extend the area of mem bership as widely , as possible, - In adopting this course, the Actuary has consulted the members of the Committee on drawing and others, who agree with the management that - a short extension of time will amply suffice, at the present rapid rate of sale, to dispose of the remain ing tvrtitiCates. The names of the. Com mittee are, a sufficient guarantee of the soundness and disinterestednes"f their ad vice, as thorough and competent business men.. C'ononittec on. Drawing W. F. Coolbach, President .IJnion. Na- DyCh - I.l3ank; Amos T. Hull, Hall, Kim b.ark Lt. Co.; Clinton - Briggs Ewing Briggs 15,7 Co. ; J. C. Dore, President of the Board of Trade ; James H. Bowen, President Third National Bank; James C. Fargo, superintendent werictin'Express ; Fran cis C. Hoffman, Ex-Lieut. Governor; I. Y. Munn, Munn 6.: Scott elevator; J. A, Ellis President Second National Bank; F. G. Hall, Hall, 'iamb:irk 6.1. - Co. ; . To these natues wlll be added delegate: runt °awl! eltaeS. Tne integrity of all connected with'the management of this colessal enterprise is too nrial, established to admit, of a mo ment-, doubt or eavil. The honor and reputation of some of the wealthiest capi musts and intluenual business men in the country are identified with its ultimate triumph and complete - success. For reasons above stated, thesegentleinen not only approve, but advise this temporary delay, eonridiiit that such to policy will equally inure to the- benefit of the public and Um interests of the Association. No one wno can form an approximate idea of the enormous scope and magnitude of this truly wonderful' enterprise—involving as it- has from the moment of its organization (barely three months ago) the establish ment of hundreds of locus agencies iii every city, town and hamlet of the States and Te.rritorie,, the employment of an im mense clerical. fore, the printing ofthous ands of superb engravings, and the im manse details included under the general head of correspondence, advertising, tele graphing, expressing, hesitate to admit or concur in the propriety of this step. We can assure our readeas that every pledge given or promise made will be faithfully carried out, in strict accordance with the original spirit. An elegant discriptive catalogue, giving a complete list of prices, has just beets issued by the Associntion, giving full par ticulars, Ltc. which they send to any ad dress on application to the principal office, (325 Broadway, New York, or 23 Opera House. Chicago. See Advertisement headed •`_l Fortune for some one." The I\lanagement would announce that the thite limited for the closing of the books has been found too short to complete an undertakings of such magnitude. •The sales have been very large—suffici cientto insure the entire success of the en terprise: Had it been possible, within the short time allowed, to have furnished the engravins as first as they have been re quired, there, is not the -least doubt that every certificate. would now itave been disposed of. There has been a general deairo,however to receive the engravings at the time of subscription, and the dila:lay hereto. ore of fully Com plving with this desire Lay materially retarded the nrocrras of the sale. 4,p ort i rt_ . 9 f the eer.t fit:ate:m:ol3V ri 'de n tip ieinain - unsold. -„The- Comnilttifte agree with the monagenient that the books should not be closed, when a short extension of the time, at the present rapid .rate of sales, would suffice to dispose of the remaining tterti flea tes. - The subseiiption books will, therefore, be continued open for a short time longer. The day for the award of premiums will so,ot be announced. U. 11. CROSBY, Actuary E Spering _Vgent for Columbia. i In Leavenworth Kansas, on Tuumday by the Rev. J. G. Reaver,at the parsunago, Capt. C. N. Warner, U. S. A., to Miss E. B. fl oust o n , daughter of J, W. Houston of toluntbia, Pa. u2D a : _ m J---i_ t . ) - c, In. this place on :thmday 4th inst„ Char les Augustus, son of Soloman and Eliza beth back, aged 1 year and '2 months. NE NV AD V E RTIS E HE NTS ItiOTICE. SPE4,)IAT, OPENING -'- minntaz FOR LADIES, . „ - HISSES, AND CITILVEN. All entirt]dy now and of this Season's Styhis. ON TUESDAY NEXT We will display an unusual handsome as sortment, at, HA LD E MA N' S No furs on hand from last. season. nlO 6 WANTED,. Young ladies to learn Dress Making. Dig uire -at No. 3, Wolfe's Row ,Front street, Columbia. nov. 101 G.RABI OEMNING• OF FALL d. WINTER MILLINERY. AiiRS. L. SW AR will open on Thurs day, November 15th, 1.8q6, a lay go as sortment of Fall and Winter Millinery, to which the attention of her friends in Columbia and vicinity are invited. n 101 t p(OLUMBIA GAS CO. ELECTION. • , A meetinfr ' of the Stockholders of the Columbia GoisCompany will he held at their °Mee iu Columbia, on Saturday, December SZh 1.86G,t0 elect one Pi esident and six managers to serve for one year. JAMES BARBER, " nov. 1.014 t. - Treasurer. - . . D OBBINS ELECTRIQ SOAP. - SAVES TIME! SAVES :MONEY I • SAVES L. 1.13011.! SAVES CLOTHES! SAVES WOMEN !. AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT It is used by cutting into small shavings, and dis solving in hot Water, then soak the clothes five to ten minutes, and a little hand rubbingzvill mako them as clean as hours_ of hard machine rubbing would do, with ordinary soap, anb the most delicate fabric receive no injury we can refer to thousands of families who are using It. and who could lint be pursuaded, to, do without DOBBINS' ELgC.TRIC SOLD Br ALL THE .7.:EADL.VG GDOCERS THROUGHOUT THE STATE ➢MANi7FACTL'EEA OILS Br DOB.BINS &LOVE, NVIIOLESALE OFFICE No. 107 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia. This great soap is for sale at the Store of Maltby A: Case. • not• 10 G me. 1:11374Wir 3134113.P.E3a, 4'k NO. 520 ARCH SETE' ET,•\!.qt • P.I:IILADELP.7III.I.. . - Eras a large Stock, of Fino WATCILES, • - • JEWELRY, ' SILVER-WARE. and -SILVER riaTED WARE Suitable for . loliday and Bridal • nov 8 1866 RRESENTS. - , - STOVES STOVES . • CALL' AT PrICALER'S LOCUST STREET, , Opposite Franklin House and examine - his splendid assortment of Stoves The Celebrated Barley Sheaf Cook Stove. Meteor Gae Burner, are unsurpas-led. He is agent for Bridge's Patent Fire Board Stove, for heating two or more rooms. PUBLZC SALM . - OF VALUABLE IRON - ORE TRACT. riIHE subscriber will sell at Public Sale, I. at the Public llonse of John Kendig, Silver Springs, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBR. 20th, ISI3O. At 2 o'clock P. M., the &Bowing Real Estate, situated in West llemptield Town ship, Lancaster Co, Pa. nal; mile West from Silver - Spring Station on the Reading Columbia Railroad, four miles from Col umbia and seven from Lancaster; contain ing EIGIITY-NINE AND A HALF ACRES OF Goon I'AR?IItG LAND, hi a very high state of cultivation, handsomely located ; is slightly rolling, well watered and under good Fence. The improvements consist of a new and commodi as Double Front Bricin Mansion, built in; the best manner, with fifteen rooms, a Li rgtrltank Barn. Carriage House, Grain House and nil other buildings nei , essary to a first-class farm. Also a two-story Slone tenent house. The place is bounded by the lands of the Chestnut Hill. Tran Ore Company and the Iron On. lands of E. B. S C. D. Grubb and others, being nearly surrounded by iron ore banks. The place is well suited lbr the erection of Furnaces as the Reading Lt; Col u inbi a Railroad runs through the fa rm.— Sideing,s and tracks can be made to run on any part of the farm desired. The place will be told in three seperate tracts, or the whole farm, to suit the purchasers. Tract No. I, Containing 53 Acres and Si Perches, bas all the farm buildings and contains a large body of the richest cold short iron ore found in Penn'a, so desirable for making the best quality of iron. The Mines on this traci, have been re cently °pence and are in successful work ing condition. The ore can be mined at a moderate expense per ton on this tract; besides the lump ore, there is fifteen feet of surface ore for washifig, which none in state can excell in quality and yield. This quality of ore elm be sold at the mines for from five to six dollars per ton, as there are ten or of the largest an thereite furnaces itliihe Stato situated in the immediate neig , hl;orhood, which de pend upon these and the adjoining mines for their supplies. adjoining mines above referred to, have' been worked for several years and ,- have yielded nearly 2,000,000 tons of ore; Tract No. 2, Containing 30 Acres and 100 Perches, is very gobd litrmin!! land and would be very desirable tar 'laying out in building lots, as blinding lots in this neighborhood sell to a great advantage. Tract No. 3 Containing 5 Acres and 7,2 Perches of valuable Chestnut Timber. - Person; desirous to examine this pro perty will take the ears on the Heading A Columbia Railroad and get ont at Silver Spring Station. Ket.ctig's Hotel, is one quarter mile from the Station:and in sight of the property. , five per cent of purchase money to be paid at the time of sale, balance on or before April next, when an indisputable title will be given. Any additional infer !nation desired, will be furnished by (...tIL'ORGE 11. RUMPLE, nov 10 1855 Columbia, Perm'a. Isa.,c IT.ErxAmkx, tcbtionecr. • F RJ E ica,`,A. OPT:- CROSBY OP 'ETU ooliSE ART. As.socct.Tren% TILE CI RINDEST ART PROJECT OF THE KRIS • EST CENTUR ITS SUCCESS DECIDED. SUBSCIIIPTrQNS• 'POULIN° IN FIZOM r.vEin gu vw.f.t:rt OF THE I!. S.:AND CANA DAS ! THE END R PI DLY A PPRO TVG; StiIIiSCULBE AT ONCE TO I3E IN TIME. The (hawing will positively 1,6' mild° OR THE MONEY REFUNDED TO EACII SUB scriber, as guar:A:teed. vinsT GRAND PREMIUM. THE CROSBY OPERA ROISBS Value $600,01)0. The remaining premiums con-i-t of ovor TIIREE HUNDRED SPLENDID 011, PAINTINGS Conslitat:n* a ,uperh e‘dlvetlon of CFZULN.ELY AMERICAN WOR,KS AWL Siiilares only „.15 each. Fors d dlars one share or rertiricate, with One of the following beautiful engravings: 'lnc Tide W.,ndercr." T1101.11.N Farad;• • G alloying Apples." by Jerome Thompson; or " Weztward Hu!" by Beard. For 10 dollars, Two share.. with (he super]) steel engraving, Washington It ring and Its Friends.' Fur 13 uollnta, throe shares, 1% ith tne pnu engra• ring, ".I.kler..:y's Drown,' by D. Iluntingion. For du tloqity., Four shares or ecrtiac.ttes, If lib the splend d ChrAno-Engraving [an exclusive issue I, -An American Au, own, by J. F. Or pay. While for 6u d. liars, Ten shares or comae ties are issued, With a coulee Al tist's Proof, of either "Irving and his Friends," " Mercy's Dream," or tne "American:At/mum" TAKE SPECIAL NOTICE!!! TAKE SPECIAL NOTICE!!! That all subscriber:, rec,ive !heir choke of ono of the SPLENDID STEEL ENGEAVINGS at the Limo Thus receiving tut: valueuTtiteir itieney ut once! ' DETAILS OF THE DRAWING. The subscription books on befog el:..sed, will bo placed in the hands of the following gentlemen, who kindly consent coact as me Colengometubars of the Committee: W. P Coolbauca, Preb't Linton :\t"lttional Bank: Antos T. Gail, Treas C. B. ce 2. R. R.; E. O. .11,111, Kiniburk Co; Clinton Briggs, Ewing Briggs Co.: J. C. Dore,. President of the Board of Trade; James IL Bowen, Pt esident Third National Bank; James C. Fat go, 6uperinten dent American Express i Francis A. fluttinan, Ex- Lieut . Governor; I :Munn, Munn te Seott Elevator; J A Ellis, President Second N'atenal Barth. • The plan of the award adopted is the following. Ttt o littuared and ten thousand numbers repre senting the eerti heat s issued a ill be placed in, one wheel. and three hundred and two tickets, inscrib ed with the nt:mes of the premiums ito Wit, the Opera House, three hut - Din - 4 paintings. and the bust of Lincoln], will he placed to another. Front these n heels a number and a premium will be drawn simultaneously—Tao number drawn in each instance taking time prennum drawn with it. SPECIAL CARD TO THE READER! The Crosby Opera House At t Association, is no gift enterprise, and must not be coutbunded with Dollar Gilt Conner:B which have been advertised to tape place at the Opor . i Hausa, without the authority or consent of the prop' ietars, All orders . for Ceraticates or Shares, and all special communications, should la: addressed to U. H. CROSBY, Actuan/ A. A. and directed to THE ART .12 , :STITOTE, Broadway. /AV-Descriptive Catalogues, giving full particulars sent free. [Nov wHEREAS, :NIY WIFE, MARY ELL mer having left my bed and board, withoutjust cause or provocation wnat ever, I hereby warn all persons not to trust or harbor her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her conti acting. nov '66. 3t?,] GOTLEIB ELLMER. COLUMBIA NURSERY' icrow IS THE TIME FOR PALL 11 Planting. Those who desire to ukb money easy, and be surrounded by all the luxuries of life, should not neglect to plant plenty of FRUIT TREES., • SOAP, Of the choicest varieties. The place to get them is at the Columbia Zursery. Our trees are line and thrifty, our prices are lower than any other .Nmsery in the State. Extra large Apple Trees. $l5, per 100, other trees proportionately low. Our Ornamental Department is com plete, and prices low. Call and examine. Oct 28 31 S. 11. PURPLE BEST BRAND FAMILY FLOUR at Ett= NOT ICE. VA LE ABLE PROPERTY /13 T PUBLIC S N TUESD.A.Y, NOVEMBER 13, ]SG(, (A ,tho subscriber will sol Lat public sale, .the premises, known as the farm, of Patience Heise, deed., or Shawnee Run Farm, situated about of a mile cast of Columbia. between Columbia, Chestnut, Hill and Lancaster turnpikes, the follow ing described val tumble real estate, CONTAINING 131 ACRES. Sixteen acres of which is covered with heavy timber, which ran nearly all be used for mechanical purposes. On which are erected the following improvements : A largo 2-story Stone Dwelling HOUSE, nearly new, with Basement ; also "Wood House, Bake House, a brick Smoke House and also a new two-story Brick Spring House, built for dairy purposes, with a Spring running through, none equal in the township—sufficient to run a grist mill. A large frame Swisser BARN, nearly new, with two floors. Two 40 ft. Grain sheds, a largo Grain house, with one floor ; also Corn crib attached, one new separate Corn crib, a new Cider house, Carriage house, Pig sty, etc., all necessary improvements nearly new ; also a 2-story Frame TEN ANT HOUSE, which also has necessary outbuildings. There is also a heavy vein of white limestone running through one field, which has proved satisfactory to dif ferent furnaces. Small veins of iron ore have been also discovered. The Palm is divided into ten convenient fields, and. is in a very high state of cultivation; there are also two strong streams of water:run ning thi-otigh the place, with access to nearly every field. There is also a large thriving Fruit Orchard, not to be excelled in the county, with choice fruit of various kinds, which never tails; also a young 1 thriving. Peach Orchard, and choice Pears, Plums. Apples and Cherries in the house ! yard, Grape arbor with a tine choice of grapevines, and abundance of Cherry trees ; and Columbia aribrds one of the best markets in the county. This property adjoins the estate of John L. Wright, dee'd, the borough of Colum bia, J. Houston Mifflin and others. It, is acknowledged to be one of the most desir able properties in the county, pogsessing all the advantages of a comfortable home stead, and is worthy the attention of buyers_ Sale to commence at 2 o'clock of said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by. nova -2t] H. H. lIEISE. SNOW POWDER. Patented May 29th, ISG6 This is an article for washing without rubbing, ex cept in very dirty places, which will require a very slight rub, and unlike other preparations offered for a like purpose. will not rot the clothes,but will leave them much whiter than ordinary methods, without the usual wear and tear. It removes grease spots as if by magic.and softens the dirt by snaking, so that rinsing will in ordinary Cases entirely remove it. This powder is prepared in accordance with chem ical science, and upon a process peculiar to itself, which is secured by Letters Patent. It has been in u..e for more than a year, and has proved itself an universal favorite; wherever it has been used.— Among the advantages claimed are the following, It saves all ihe expense of soap usually used on ,cotton and linen goods. It saves most of the labor of rubbing and wear and tear. . . Also, for cleaning irinuow•s it is unsurpassed,— With one quarter the time and labor usually re quired it imparts a beautiful gloss and lustre, much superior to any other mode. No water required ex cept to moisten the powder. Directions still each package. And can be readily appreciated by a single trial.— The cost of washing for a family of fiye or six per sons will not exceed three cents. The manufacturers of twig powder are aware flint many usele,s compounds have been Mtreilneed to the public which have rotted the cloth, or failed in removing the dirt, but knowing the intrinsic excel lence of this article they confidently proclaim it as being adapted to meet a demand which-hu4 long ex.- i , ted,und which has heretofore remained unsup pited- "linnufactuted by 11.0 •B & STEVENS, 2GO Broadway, Boston. Also, 'Fro nufactu'rers of - Family . Dye Colors. For sale by Grocers and Dealers ovel-ywhere. Oct. 20 z3nte. Privat':! MITE Subscriber offers his new two story Brick llouse, situated on Third Street, at Private Sale. The house has just been finished and contains all the necessary im provements with two-story back-building &e. Terms easy. JUITN HARTIAN Oct. 20 ISOO t.e Fulalie Sale of a Valuable Farm ELEGA.NT COUNTRY SEAT, LIME KILNS AND VALUABLE LIMESTONE AND SLATE QUARRIES. 111 HE undersigned will sell at public sale, I. at the Franklin House, in the borough or Columbia, on SATURDAY, isTO.VEMBER .17th, the following deserkpe:l valuable real es tate: Truct No. .1, Contains about SIXTY THREE ACRES of lirstqualityLimestone Land, situate in West Heinpfield town ship, near the borough of Columbia, and adjoining lands of the Penn'a R. R. Co., M. M. Strickler and Tracts No. 2 and 3, on which is erected a 2-storY'BRICK HOUSE and Kitchen, a Frame BARN and other outbuildings: It is divided into conven ient fields, under good post and rail Tense, and has-running water in nearly every field. The land is in the highest stale of cultivation, and is equal to ally in the county. ' Tract No. ; Containing 5 ACRES and:7l PERCHES, adjoining lands of 'E. Hersh ey, F S. Bletz and Tract No. 1, on which is erected a lance 2 STORY BRICK MANSION HOUSE. an out-Kitchen. Cikern, Ice House, frame Stable, Carriage house, and other out buildings. The Mansion House has 14 rooms; and an Office or Library attached, water in the house, gas pipes all through the house, a heater in the cellar which heats the whole house. It was built four years ago, and is one of the most complete and substantial built houses in the cOrm ty. The grounds are planted with shrubbery and fruit trees, there being several hull rfr , d grape vines of the choicest kinds, peach trees, apple trees, dwarf pears, apri cots, plums, gages, cherries, besides all kinds of small fruit, such as strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries. ctc. The scen ery rrom this point is unsurpassed, having full view of the Susquehanna river and the country for miles around. For a splendid country residence it is •not surpassed by any in. the State; it being but a test• hun dred yards below the borough of Colum bia, it is convenient to churches, schools and railway stations. Tf the purchaser de sires more land, he can. increase the quan tity to ten acres. Tract No. 3, Adjoining lands of M. M. , ! Strickler. E. Hershey and Tract No. 2, and containing about S ACRES & 1,0 PER.CII- 'ES, on which are TWO PERPETUAL LIME KILNS, and very valuable Limestone Quarries of the best quality. from which a large amount of lime and stone is nun wally sold, several furnaces getting their supply from these quarries. The kilns and quarries are connected with the Penn'a Railroad by a branch railroad, so that coal can be ob tained• direct from the mines, and stone and lime delivered in the cars to the Fur naces by rail. Tract No. 4, Adjoins land of C. Binkley, E. Hershey, M. M. Strickler and Tract No. 3, and runs to the Susquehanna river, and ' contains 23 ACRES. The land is part limestone and part slate. There are also valuable Stone Quarries for building pur poses. They are opened, and a large amount of stone has been taken therefrom. The quarries are inexhaustible and are conveniently situated, being but a short distance , from Columbia, and fronting on the projected Col tun bin and Po"t Deposit Railroal, which will be put under contraet in a short time. Persons wishing to view the props ray will please call on C. S. Kauffman, who re sides in Columbia. If purchasers prefer, the four tracts containing about 100 acres wilt be sold together. Possession on the Ist day of April next. Terms on day of sale. Sale will commence at 1 o'clock. p. m. :MARTHA S. SHAEFFER, JANE S. KA.UF ME =I MM BY & CASki LOCUST STEBET, BELOW SECOND, Rave now -open A COMPLETE ASSMITMENT 1-J 1-I and. - \TIMsTrTP,Ft Cr' C)OS, offering GREA.'I I xravzicTi.M2l:6'LlT:.; 10 PURCHASERS. ATTENTION Is especially invited to their SPLENDID ASSORTMENT DRESS GOODS. embraeing :111 tho LATEST STYLES AZ.ZD FADRICS, Iu the market. HOOP SKIRTS, BRADLEY'S DUPLEX, , kml other popular makes at all prices BAL.tORAIT, SKIRTS. - VTI-ITTP. a- `ODs LAMM , ' SAVE CLOTZS BLACK CLOTHS & DOESKINS, FANCY CASSIMERES, SATINETTS, JEANS, TWEEDS & VESTING S, IN GREAT V ARIETY CrtiffißEVS TIMM 011.11'S Comprising every make and style UNDER-SHIRTS, DRAWERS, HOSIERY, GLovEs,sciErs, COMFORTS, SHIRTS, COLLARS TIES LADIES,BIISSES' and CHILD lENS - ' .- URS, SHAWLS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS SONTAGS, CAPS; NUBIAS, SCARFS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, .1)11TS &e.. . Boots & Shoes of all descriptions for MEN AL ,D BOY'S, LADIES, INIISES & CHILDREN READY MADE CLOTHING CARPETS. AND OIL CLOTHS, GROCERIES, cf 7 QUEENSWARE with a great variety of other iIIZIASONABLE GOODS- An examination of our Stock is respect fully solicited—all goods sold at the very LOWEST CASIT PRICES, ar,cl. Warranted as repres2pted MALTBY CASE. Columbia, ra Oct. 27 66 iIIERCIIAA T TAILOR I LNG. Having secured the services of an ex perienced Fashionable Tailor Merchant Tailoring in all its branches will also be carried on in connection with our other already large mercantile businms. All orders in that line will be executed with PROMPTNESS AND DESPATCH Entire satisfaction. both as to Work- =lnstill) and Fit guaranteed PRICES MODERATE Orders respectfully solicited NI ALT BY & CA SE , 1.:. ~ VN~. ...:.e:I a'.S ~ ✓ r ~6 .Y ~ dY.i~em Are in every respect !first ClasS, and em brace a complete assortme , nt for Ladies, Misses; and Children of the Newest Styles, ay rY Length and Sizes of Waist. 015,R,SKIRTS, wherever known, gra more universally popular than any °them before the,publie. They retain their shape better, are lighter,, more elastic, more du rable, and really cheaper, than any other Hoop Skirt in the, marks'. The springs and fastenings are warranted perfect.— Every Lady should• try them. They are now being extensively sold by Merchants, throughout the country, and, at wholesale and retail at, Mannfactoi y and Sales-Roma No. 628, ActOH Street, below 7th, Ask for napkin's "own make,"—buy iio other. Caution—None genuine unless - stamped on each Kid Pad—"Hopkin's Hoop Skirt Manufactory, No. G 2 Arch Street, Phila." Also, constantly on hand Cull - line of N. Y. made Skirts, at very low prices. TERMS NET CASH. ONE PRICE ONLY Sept 14m. Mlle great daily arrival of Barley Sheaf Cook Stoves at Pfahler's Stove Empo poriurn and House Furnishing Store proves that they are the Best Stove in the market that have been sold,fer wood tnd coal. Aug. 11 -tl" TRUSCOTT TEA. WE have the genuine article of Truscott Tea. It is the best black teaever in troduced into this market, for — , 4alai' only by It. MULLF.X L 131t0. July 2.5, '6All Odd FelloNis' r .Lral I. RELIEIP IN TEN ElNung, BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS:, -fir- The origin Medicine establhthed in I.TX, ai! first article of the kind ever introduced under the eaten of "Pulmouic Wafers.' in this or any other country ; all other Pohnente Wafers are counter feits. The genuine min b? known by the name BRYAN being snooped un each Wafer. These Wafer, have been before the public for nearly thirty yaps, and the immense sale attained, not only in America hat in foreign countries. fully atte,t their iotrintde worth. Tlie medical prop,- ties are supetior many other articles offered for the cure of Pulmatetry or Bronchial :affections, Heil the quantity contained in each box is neatly dou ble that of that of the many worthless imitatiot.s ad vet th-ed. = CUM rt 117,11.5. we Throat, lloarsene,s, Ast.L nil, earn rh. Brouchitta, Dinka]lt Breathing, :Si d ung :flood, Pains in the Clio.d. Ineifiient Consomp tion and all disca , es of tic Inn g-. Not only afford ing temporary rolia, but effecting n rapid and last ing cure and are warranted to give satisfaction in every totdanee. They do not nauseate like ncoholio compoundi4, and the medical properties arc com bined in it form so agreeable :aid pleasant to the taste, that any elaid will readily eat them. Ono dose will always afford alt=ll=l To Vocalists and Public Speakers; 'these AYaferu arc peculiarly valuable; they will In one day re move the NOSE severa• occe,io7aal hearsem.ss : and their regular use for a few clays will, at all times, increase the power and flexibility of the voice, greatly improving its tone, compass and clearness, for which purpose they arc regularly used by many professional vocalists. The very great celebrity: of this invaluable rem edy lia, induced unprincipled persons to prelim.; base imitations, which disappoint the just expecta tions of the purchaser. nud injure the el/lam:ter of the genuine medicine. Sec that the word, "BRYAN," is stamped on each ‘Vafer, and also observe the fac simile of the sig nature of this Proprietor "JOB MUSES" on each wrapper, to counterfeit which is forycxy. 133- - otre n din; parties will be dealt with to the full extent of the law. Pultr.onie Wafers are for sale by all Drug gist., , JA: , ,!:A( ) SES Solo Proprietor,27 Cortlandt St., N. V. 0 I y OUR PRICES Al .FA Decidedly Reasonable and BOYS' WEAR, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. - • SATINETTS and JANES•>- BRIUTLEUL DRESS G00D5.... Alerinoes, Casbiners, Poplins. , and Coburgs. A full line of 12 cents up. Wool and CollodliV.T A Bleached and Unblen :\lijAlsisi;n: Table Linens, Towols, ViOCU'and Table Oil Ocithis. We have bought our stock for,net cash and will sell at a very - short profit; J. W. STEACY & CO., Cor and, & Locust st., Columbia, Pa. sept 2Sth '&3 FURS AT JOHN FAR - I - ERA'S Old Established FUR Manufactory, No. 71S ARC[I Street, above 7th, Philada. LIAVE NOW STOKE OF MY OWN Importation and Manufacture one of the largest and most beautiful selections of FANUY FURS, for Ladies' arid Children's Wear in the City. Also, a fine assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves and Collars. I am enabled to dispcse of my goods at very reasonable prices, and I would there fore solicit a call from my friends of Lan caster county and vicinity. - Remember the Name,Mumber and Street! JOHN FA.REIRA, No. 718 Arch St., ab. 7th, south side, Philadelphia. trl.. I have no Partner, nor con neetion. with any other store in Philadelphia. Oct. 6 ,lin. ADDEINZSTRATOILS NOTXCE. 17ISTATE OF HENRY BRANDT, LATE .11J of Columbia Borough, Lancaster Co., deceased.—Letters of Administration on said estate having been granted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same Ns - ill present them foie settlement to the undersigned ESTHER R. BRANDT, Residing in Columbia, Lane. Co., Pa. EZ RA. SMEDLEY, Residing near Thoradale P. 0., Chester County Pa. Oct 20 Ct INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. The S:o111112 bi a Dank"will I'OCOIVO MOI ley on deposit, and pay interest- thereihr, at the rate of 4? , per cent. for six months. and 53 per cent, for twelve months, SAMUEL SHOCH, Cashier. Oct. 1-:, HEST NATKNAL B.Ariar OF COLUMBIA Is prepared to make Collections on all Accessible Points on Liberal Terms, Discount, :!..; otos, Drafts, Bills of.Excliango, Buy and sell Sliver, Gold, 4.(7i!.,..tc. We have made eisratgements to draw Drafts on England, Irelah.d, Scotland, France and all parts of Germany. Interest will be pain on special depoAits, viz: For 12 months, 53 per cent., for C months, 4X per cent., for 3 mouths, 3 per cent. per annum.. We also furnish all United States Secu rities and other Bonds and Stocks, charg ing the liroker's commission only. Discount day: Mondays at 10 o'clock, A. M. S. S. DETWILER, Cashier jrtl, 7 1.1, LADIFILS• SHOE MANUFACTOHY, rg - nvin g, increased my facilities for t urn e• in out superior work I would an nounce'to my old customers and all new ones that may favor me with a call, that I lietter prepard now to manufacture all kinds of LAD S' na:Essms , And Children's Shoes LL• GI-dters, Than ever before. I employ none but the best workmen and ant always certain of giving satisfaction. I keep on hand a gen eral assortment of ready made work all of which is MANUFACTURED . on the Premises I ke np no made up workof otherparties, My work is made exclusively for home trade and is sold as such. TERMS CASH We sell as cheap as any other establish ment, am' ask a share of public patronage. JAMES S - CHROED ER. Locust street. between Front and Second. Columbia, November 11,1865, ly (.:I(TCNT) SPICES at. -- :',?Q _ ,_ i , '' OS. ", '