gorai,atirartmott. To Correspondents; Commumeations, letters, eoniributions; generally a merit and interast•to,lhe readeroual , acccptnbCciratu• friends front Ott quarter.. • • " 510R.NING d - LORY."—Call.at Hiram 'Wilson's and see the great ." Morning % Glory." , • .., HAD HIS LEG BRADKEN—Mr: Samuel Hogentogler,.an ernplOye 'at . the Shawnee urnace in this place, whilst- watering .mules on Sunday afternoon last, gave one rot* the anirnals.too much "string" 'and in iconsequenee had hislleg broken by being kicked. AA.I.T4IIO A ID lALPI:tOyEMENT.—We notice ;that 'the Reading ct- Columbia Railroad Company are putting a stone arch bridge Aver Shawnee Run, between their track , and the' tracks of the Pennsylvania Xt was necessary to do this, a,s. their, *old bridge was only while enongl,ifor op.° prack.. MAN KILLED. Daniel Kane, arlaraiF.e.. „man' on a freight train on the . I'erupylVa 7 pia Railroad, was killed near 4onntville, ,early on Sunday morning "last. Several trains passed over him.' It is , supposed_ _that he fell from the platform of one othe ,ears, while asleep. He was a single man, and resided with. his .mother at Leaman Place. . - :GRAND Hor.—The Columbia B. 1:3 1 t elub intend giving .a grand hop in Odd Fellows' 4 . 1111, Tuesday evening, 13th inst. 11 general good time x - iitty, be anticipated, as the ,":Columbia Boys"are alive go-ahead" fellows. We presume they will be dressed in full field costume on the occasion. OYSTERS.—The bivalve season . corn-, mences in earnest with this m i tmtb, and Mr. Benjamin Barr,tocust street opposite :Town Hall, has made such arrangethents .as will enable him at all tithes, to serve fresh oysters for family use,in any quantity ,desired. .He receives them fresh in the .shell, almost daily, and takeS order's fOr delivery at residences. Or you 'can get a stow, a roast, or a plate of raw at his es tablishment, at any time. - COEUMBIA. & PORT DEPOSIT R. Mr: H. E. Wolfe, Contractor, is busy put ting down the rails on the part of the work ,graded on the Columbia. ct, Port DepoSit We understand a' large force . of men ,;.re at work at the terminus of the road at Port Deposit, under the ; .uperiiitendeuee of Hobert Crane of this place. All the work will soon. be put un ;der Contract. SEND us NEWS.—We will thank our ; friends in different parts of the county to send us a report of the real estate sales that take place in their respective neighbor hoods. To also want local news frein all parts of the county. Without this infor mation, a newspaper cannot qa !natio in teresting. We must in a great ineasnre rely upon our friends for the news of their localities. Send it on, no matter in. what shape. BASE BALL.—The match game played petween the Second nines of the " Colum bia" of this place, and the "Tecumseh" of Millersville, on Saturday atterneOn last, resinted iu favor of the latter, by a score of 45 to 23, Six innings only, were played, belley;...;"when'the game wag calie4; on a?.couut-qf the darkness. —The Frst nines of the " and "Elite" of this place,- play a-match game this Si fLornoon. at 2 o'clock, on the grounds of the former. To ova ntrEsos.—Now that the hot weather and the election excitement ie over, business, therefore, is being resumed with greater activity, and soon the °blot amusement, with ninny classes, Nyp.l. be that which is derived. at one's own fireside after the honrs of labor. Grouped by the domestic hearth, the memberS of the fain p.y will exchange opinions, on the merits or demerits df this or that , pincq to buy their goods. Nye would infoifil them, and all our.friends, that the store of Maltby Case is one of the best places to buy your goods. They have everything necessary for wear, and-Tor the inner-man. • PERSONAL.—CharIes H. Slack, for merly of this borough, lms been promoted to Ist Assistant Engineer on board the U. S. Steam Ship Augusta. He is an en ergetic through-going young man, who will make his mark in the world. We are glad to hear of his success. We were permitted to see a very interesting, letter !writien by him, to his uncle, Mr. B. F. Appold of this place. It was dated Ham burg,Germany, October 12, IS6Ci. WIIO WOULDEN'T'DE EDITOR ?—lf an editor omits anything; he is lazy. If he ,speaks of thing's' its . they are, people get angry. If he' glosses over or smoothes down the rough points, he is bribed. If ho calls' things bY`theirproper names, ho is uritit: for the position he occupies. If ho does not furnish his readers with jokes, he is a mullet. If he does . , he is a rattlehead. If he condemns the wrong, he lacks.discre ti,on. Iche ;lets wrongs and injuries go Unmentioned,. he is a . coward. • If he ex poses a public man, he does it to gratify spite. • In . ihort: abort the only thing he can do to*pl:aase everybody,is to tell people of the large, fine and cheap stock of Fall and Winter goody at . the Store of I. O. Bruner, Front street, abdvelpcust: • A MISTAKEN i‘.TwriQikr.--We over heard an " old fogy" the other eve ning say that Columbia was a . " finished town." If he will take a walk around the town, he will very soon, discover that he has made a slight mistake. There is scarcely o U street where' new buildings are not going. up or being fmislied,• oi being epaired, and numerous 'a.Shave 1:;9on the improvements this Year, the prospect _is ghat next year there will be twice as many more put up: Remember we have a build ing association now, Which s will tend to Make our town.still more prosperous and flourishing: IIEALTEtruL.—The health of our borough - still. continues good, while the cholera has been all around us—al Harris burgh, Lebanon, Reading, Pottstown and other places, not a. 4ingle case has occurred in Columbia. This \%%e beliee to be owing to strict caution 'and efficient sanitary measures. Cur Board of Health - should not yet ieltix their eftorts in keeping our town—lanes and alloys—in a clean and healthful condition. - Their should give the borough, at least, one more roUnd,and see that the premises of every dwelling,; in door and out, is in perfect trim, and let us , • Show to the world an example of clean liness. BASE )141.•T.L ACIC,Ib'ENT.-.l.Vir. A. 8.. Crist . a member of the.. Tecumseh.. B. B. Club of Ai:niers v 1.11 e, sprained his auk . le and otherwise hurt himself, whilst play-' ink' the match game with the Columbia Club of this place; on Saturday last.. F-AT4T, .4.cciDENT. 7 —John 'Ahlslager was killed on. Tuesday Morning last, whilst undermining a clay bany., in the rear of Maltby & Case's Rolling The bank caved in upon hini coveting him up completely. He - was at 'once dug out and medical !lid called, but ell Ono avail: the unfortunate man died soon afterwards. Another workman was injured at the same time, but not seriously: • The following is the report, of the Cor oner's jury held by Deputy Coroner Colley: "That the deceased Came to. his death by a bank of earth falling uPon him whilst in the employ of Henry E. Wolfe, near the Columbia Rolling Mill on the 30th of Oct., 1866." F4TI,I.Eft AiRAIIAM."—Capt. E. EL Rauch having ceased the publication of Fatlar , Abraham as a compaign paper,has transfered it to the . e vening, Dispatch,. a Reading daily, which has lately been beautified and enlarged, and is one of the best papers 4! that city: The Father Abraham will be published as a weekly, and is one of the tnost sprightly and inde pendent papers in the state. POST MASTER APPOINTED.—Henry W. Shul4 ?las )peen appointed Post Master of Columbia, in place of .Mrs. Mary J. -Fry, who is removed.. 'tor e.no other cause than that of - her son=who was a soldier in the Union army—voting the Republican ticket; 6.1;4,d who could not be induced to change his political sentiments in favor of My Policy," " Mrs. Fry, we believe, has no other means of - sup port. In the discharge of her duties it has always been her aim -to •act, honorably and uprightly with everyone. 4s Post Mistress she has been entirely successful in gaining the approbation and good will of the coin .munity. She has tilled the office with credit to herself and satisfaction to the Department, and her removal is gen erally condemned. How THE [Lila Is WORN.--The mandates of fail - mil have been over severe for three or four years, and now we are paying the penalty of our devotion. Eugoine's hair is getting thin on the top of her head ! \WU:she has plenty of company in her atilictiong that is any comfort to her. The water-falls, cataracts, rats, mice and the thousand other diabolical contrivances of hair dresses, have all tended to one object, to strain at the roots of the hair by tying and twisting in every possible way. The natural consequence is the downfall of the glory of woman. What shall we do? Go back to the fashions of shepherd sim plicity, and year qur own ringlets over our §houlders? 4.la'! for us who have locks like unto the pine tree, and whose tresses have as much spiral tendency as the m ist rigid of pokers ! who will come to our relief, for the waterfall oppresseth the brain headaches are prevalent among us? Lots iine hair-dresser arise who will free qs from this bondage, and great will be hi§ rewar4 A.L1,0 Nye EN .-0 ur streets were the scene ofgreat enthusiasm among the boys, on Wednesday evening last, on the event of Hallowe'en. It was celebrated here among the young folks; who p'aSsiid along the streets in crowds, throwing corn against the windows, ringing door bells, and re moving steps and gutter crossings. Ne did not hear of any damage being done, nor of any of the ancient customs or ezc periments being indulged in. Burns says of Hallowe'en, " that , is thought to be a night when witches, devils and other mischief-making beings are all abroad.') In Seotlapd, Hallowe'en is cele tFateci with much spirit, but many of the fair ones attempt-to ascertain the appear ance and dispositiops of their future hus bands, by pulling cabbages while blind folded. 'ln this country the cabbages are pulled by rnischieveotis youngsters, who use them to batter' doors and - hang the stalks to the knobs of the sane. BUILDING A.SSOCIATtQfsi.,- We ars are happy to be able to anounce to our read ers that at last our citizens haVe awoke to the cry of " more houses.". A formal meeting of some of the "solid men" of our town, was held at the office of. A. J. Kauff man, Esq., on Friday evening of last week, and it was resolved, to form an association to be knqwn as the t / Columbia Building Association," and to go tq work at once to receive subscriptions and put• up from twenty-five to fifty houses. Twenty thous and dollars was subscribed on the spot, by the iew present, and the thing started.— A committee was appointed to obtain sub scriptions, consisting of Messrs. J. G. Hess John W. Steacy and S. S.' -Detwiler.— The meeting adjourned to meet on Friday evening, when this committee would re port. As we go to press before this -Meet ing is held, we will be unable to give a re port until our next issue. igoW that the good work is under way we hope oar citizens will come forward and subscribe liberally to the stock of the Associalidn. The shares baye been fixed at ono 'hundred dollars each. A charter will be obtained as soon as the Legislature meets, but in the mearititne the - work will go forward, ae it is the intention , of those who Kaye the , matter.iit 'hand to 'push- it forward at once—the cry for-'more houses makes this a matter of necessity.• • • „,„ " GREENI34OIQ3 „ -7-0111 from, DV cents. —Needed in every household, store, shop, manufactory, ct.c. Retails easily for $lO. Sent free by mail for 50 cents. Direct to B. Wie.sx; Ph enisville, Penna. rtt BEADLE'S M Ttle;i Wovem ber number of Beadle'S fonthly ebritains some of the 4cst," original articles of the present day . The vfriters . first elasS. The book is .illustratpd 3 ; neatly printed, and when b'ound`tnalies a splen did volume. Terms, Only ,s:3' a year.' 'Ad dres 11S William street, New yo.rk• .V. IleSs has it for sale. FRANK LESLIE.—The November. num- UM- of tills popular monthly has been re ceived. It is brilliant in embelishments, fashieht plates and reading matter, render ing it altogether a welcome visitor to every fireside. The filAhlon plates are donble sike engraved on slog and haudsomely colored. This-work is of immense value to the ladie,s. It•has more reading matter and more Ong:ravings. than any_ other magazine. \T. U. Hess has it for'sale and takes subserintions ;address "Frank • Leslie, Neiv`York. • • - TEE LADY'S FRIEND for November, contains a beautiful steel engraving, "Feeding the Swatis,"' and the usual superb double fashion plate. We nate the usualiaumber also of engravings devoted to • the fashions—to hats, caps, bonnets,. dresses, fancy work, &a. The literature is as usual,excellent. Splendid premiums are offered tci getterS,up of clubs. Speci men nurrigers of the magazie' containing, tliespartidulars of the ,premium and other offers; and the reduced 'prices td clubs, will be sent on the receipt of 15 Cents.— Price V. 50 a year. ' Address Deacon Peterson 319 'Walnut street, Phila. On the 21st of October, by Rev. J. J. Striue, at his residep.ce, 4.n;ios 'unk, of Manor, to Lizzie S., daughter of Christian B. Herr, of - October 2a,h, by the ,same, Tobias N. Musser to Fannie X.' N,iss).ey, both of West Herupdeld. NEW AD V ERTISEMENTS NOTICE. TXTHEREAS, MY WIFE,.MARY ELL mer having loft my bed and board, withoutjust cause or provocation what ever, I hereby warn all persons not to trust or liarlidr her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her conti acting. , nay 8 '66.8t0] GOTLEIB ELLMER. Philadelphia Cancer Hospital, PIIILA.DELPHI-4. Cancer Hospital.— Professor R. IL Kline. Principal Phy sician and Surgeon to the Philadelphia Cancer Hos pital, office No. 931 ARCH Street, is daily making astonishing and most miraculous cures of Cancer by the most scientific and lately approved remedies known to the civilized world, among which are his great Cancer Antidotes, wonderful treatments that operate specifically upon the Cancer an cancerous affections, antidoting, killing and .destroying the 'Cancer, every particle, root and fibre 'belonging to it or them, without pain or the use of the knife, with out caustic, eating and burning medicines, without the losS of blood, or in the least affecting tne sound flesh. No other treatment should everbe used. No other persons have these antidotes. To investigate these treatments, to patients under treatment, and to examine the terrible specimens thus re moved. call and see or address R. H. KLINE, M. D.. Office, No. 931 ARCH St., Philadelphia, Pa. 2. Q. Box 1474. Fonnirticulars semi fora Circular. (nov3 'on-tf Public Sale of a Valuable Farm AND ELECAIsIT COUNTRY SEAT, LIME KILNS AND - VALUABLE LIMESTONE AND SLATE QUARRIES. . - rp FIE undersigned will sell at public sale, at the Franklin boas; in the borough of Columbia., on BATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, tbe following described valuable real es tate : • . - Tract No. 1, Contains about SIXTY THREE ACRES 01 first quality Limestone Land, situate in West Heinptield town ship, near the borough of Columbia, and adjoining lands of the Pentra, R. R. Co., AI. M. Strickler and. Tracts No. 2 and 3, on which is .erected a 2-story . i3RlCK HOUSE and Kitchen, Frame BARN and other outbuildings. It is divided into conven ient fields, under good post and rail fence, and has running water in nearly every field. The land is in the highest state of cultivation, anci is equal to an,y ilk the county, Tract No. 2, Coptainings ACRES and 71 PERCHES, adjoining lands of E. Hersh ey, F S. 131014 and Tract No. 1, on which is erected a largo 2-STORY BRICK MANSION HOUSE, an out-Kiteben, Cistern, Ice Mouse, tranie Stable, Cari iage, house, and other out buildings. The Mansion House has 14 rooms; and an Office or Library attached, water in the house, gas pipes all through the house, .a heater in the cellar which heats the whole house. It was built four years ago, and is one of the most, complete and su bscantial built, houses in the county, The grounds are planted with shrubbery and fruit trees, there being several hun dr .d grape vines of the choicest kinds, peach trees, apple trees, dwarf pears, apri cots, plums, gages, cherries, besides all kinds of small fruit, such as strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, cte,. The scen ery trom this point is unsurpassed, having full view of the Susquehanna, river and the country for milts around. For a splendid country residence it is not surpassed by any in the State; it being but a few hun dred yards below the borough of Colum bia, it is convenient to churches, schools and railway stations. If the purchaser de sires more land, he can increase the quan tity to ten acres. Tract No. 3, Adjoining lands of M. M. Strickler, E. Hershey and Tract N 0.2, and containing about S ACRES (R; 10 PERCH ES, on Whitili are TWO PERPETUAL LIME KILNS. and lieu valuable 'Li mestone Quarries of the best quality. front which a ,large amount of lime and stone is annually sold, -- seVeral furnaces getting their supp,ly from these quarries. The ki Ins and quarries are connected with the reti'n'a Rallriiad by a branch railroad, so that coal can be ob tained direct from the mines, and stone and lime' delivered in the cars to the Fur .by Tract NO. 4, Adjoins land of C. Biukley, E. - Hershey, M. M. Striekrer and Tract. No. 3, and rtins to the Susquehanna riycr, and contains '23 ACRES. The land is piirt limestone and part slate. There aro also valuable Stone guarrics for building par= poses. They are opened, and. a large amount of stone has been taken therefrom. The quarries are inexhaustible art 4 are conveniently situated, being but a short distance from Columbia, and fronting on the projected Columbia and Port Deposit Railroal, which will be put under contract in a. short time. Persoo wishing to view the property will please call on C. S. Kauffman, who re sides iu Columbia. If purchasers prefer, the four tracts containing about 100 acres will be sold together. Possession on the Ist day of April next. Terms on day of sale. Sale will corn me.nce at l o'clock, p.m. MAIITHA S. SHAEFFER, JANE S. KAUFF\IAN. nov3-ts F rvom THE PRESS or J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., PHLLADELPHIA Just PubiNixed. I. STUDIES IN THE BOOK OP PSALMS. Being a Critical and Expository Commentary, with Doctrinal and Practical Remarks on the entire Psalter. By William S. Plumer.D.D. ' L.L.D. In one volume. Cloth, • - - - Library Style, - - Half Turkey, Tinted Paper, HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES SANITARY COMMISSION. Being the General Report of its Works during the War of the Rebellion. By Charles J. Stifle, Professor in the University of Penn- • sylvaniti. One volume, Svo. 53.50. M!MM An explanation of the new system of Weights and Measures authorized by Congress. With tables and a translation of 'M. Lamotte's "Le gal System of Weights arid Measures." published in Prance for the use of Sehools,and authorized by the Board of Public Instruction. rimb.,'lithp muslin. 40e. • - - IV. • SUES FIRST LESSON IN FRENCH An introduction to the "Practical and Intollectual Method of Learning Peach."' By Professor • Jean B. Sue. A. 51... formerly pupil of the Royal School of Soreze. 12mo. Ono dollar. V.- . • THE DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. Including, also. the Divine Trinity; a treatise on the Divine Love and Divine Wisdom. From the "Apocalypse Explained" of Munn : • uel Swedenborg. 12rno. 2 doll. VI. SKETCHES OF RUSSIAN LIFE. Before and during the Emancipation of the Serfs. Edited by Henry Morley, Professor in TJni - varsity College. London. 12mo. 1 • dollar 75 cis, VII. ON DEMOCRACY. By J. Arthur Partridge, author of "The Making of the American Nation ; or the Rise and De cline of Oligarchy," " The False Nation and its Bases; or, Why- the' South • Can't Stand." 1 vol., Svo. 4 dollabs.• • VIII. • , THE MAKING OF THE AMERICAN NATION or, The Rise and Decline of Oligarchy in the West. 13y T. Arthur' Partridge, author of "On Democracy," &e. S dole. IS. WITH GENERAL SHERIDAN IN LEE'S LAST CAMPAIGN. By a Staff Officer. Illustrated With a steel portrait of General Sheridaq and a Map of the Carupaigil. 4.2 m a: I (NI., 75e. S. ANsTlit ON - . Notes on Epidemics :Mr the use Of the Public. By Francis Edmund Anstie, H. D.. F. 12.: C. p., Senior Assisiant Physician to the West minster Hospital l2mo. 1 dol. XL lIALLECK'S INTERNATIONAL LAW. Elemetits of International Lan• and'Laws of War Prepared for the use of Colleges and Private Students. By IL W. Balled:, LL.D., Major-General U. S. Army. ' Demy Svo. 2 dots. 50c. nov3•tf] VAX:EARLE PROPERTY A T PUBLIC SALE. rAN TuEsp , ,NOYEAII3ER. 18, 006, ki the subscriber will sell at public sale, on the premises, known as the farm of Patience Heise,, .clec!cl., .pr Shawnee Run Farm, situated about i .of a mile east of COlumbia, between Columbia, Chestnut Hill and Lancaster turnpikes, the follow ing described valuable real estate, CONTAINING 131 ACRES. Sixteen acres of NyWch is covered with heavy timber, which can nearly all be used for mechanical purposes. On which are erected the following improvements : A large 2-story Stone Dwelling HOUSE, nearly new, with Basement; also Wood House, Bake Reuse, a brick Smoke House and also a . new two-story. Brick Spring House; built for dairy purposes, with a Spring running through, none equal in the township—sufficient to run a grist mill. A large frame Swisser BARN, nearly new, with two floors. Two 40 ft,Grain sheds, a largo Grain house, With one floor ; also Corn crib attached, one new . separate Corn crib, a new Cider house, Carriage house, Pig sty, etc:, all necessary improvements nearly new ; also a 2-story Frame TEN ANT HOUSE, which also has necessary outbuildings. There is also a heavy vein of white limestone running through one field, which has proved satisfactory to dif ferent furnaces. Small veins of iron ore have been also discovered. The Farm is divided into ten convenient fields, and is in a very high state. of cultivation; there are also two strong streams of water:run ning, through the place, with access to nearly every field, Thero is also a large thriving Fruit Orchard, not to be excelled in the county, with choice fruit of various kinds, which never fails; also a young thriving Peach Orchard, and choice Pears, Plums, Apples and Cherries in the house yard, Grape arbor with a fine choice of grapevines, and,,, abundance of Cherry trees; and Columbia atibeds one of the bpst markets in the.county. This property adjoin the estate of John L. Wright, dec'd, the borough.of Colum bia, J. Houston Mifflin andotiers. It is acknowledged to be one of the most desir able properties in the county, possessing all the advantages of a comfortable home: stead, and is worthy the attention of buyers. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock of said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by. nov3-2t] 11. H. lIEISE. Stove for Sale,, AFirst-rate cannoa stove with pipe, all iai cc,niplete order,will be sold cheap. .4.pply at this office. Oct 27, 2t FOUR superior well broken mules 16 , 1- hands high, also an Ore wagon, ca pacity 12,000 pounds, by the subscriber, residing 4 miles West of Wrightsville on the York Pa., Turnpike. Oct 27,'66 3t : SAMUEL RUBY. Shuites Hat ESTABLISHED 1899. No. 20 North Queen St. Lancaster, Pa. TATE Manufac,tyre our CW2I goods, thus 11 enabling his to-sell at OLD-TIME PRICES. Tho largest, best and most complete stock, and at lower prices than any holafe in the country, Our immense stock of Fall and 'Winter Goods consists or all the novelties of the seasons; at least fifty different st,ylos, of Hats and Caps; also LADIES' FANCY FURS, ALL KINDS OF SHIPPING FURS BOUGHT. -OLD FURS REPAIRED. Our business connection with our patrons for a period of nearly forty years is suffi cient guarantee of our ability to please all who may favor us with a call. sHulaz & I3RO. Oct 27, tr TH ER EAS, thy- llonorlible Henry G. Long, President; Elorkt.A.- I .L. Hayes and Ferree. Brenton` Esq„ • Associate ,Ttittos of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the County of Lancaster, and As sistant Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer an.d General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace. in and for the the County of Lancaster,lmving issued their Precept to plie directed, requiring me among other things, to 144 e public Proc lamation throughout the the• bailiwick, that Court of Oyer and Terminer and a General Jail delivery, also a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the peace and Jail delivery, will commence in the Court House in the City of Lancaster, in the Com monwealth oe.Pentisylvania— ON THE THIRD MO.NDAy INNOVRAI- In pursuance of which precept Public Notice is Hereby Given to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Lancaster, in the said County, and all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables. of the said City and County of Lancaster, OW they be then and there in their own proper persons with their rolls, records and ex timinriticriS2 and inquisitoriS, and their other remembrances, to do those thin_ts which to their offices appertain, io their behalf to be done ; and also all those who will prosecute against the prism.ers who are, or then shall be in the jail of the said County of Lancaster are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster, the loth day of October,lSA: F. sagma, Sheriff. oct 17 $6 00 - 6 75 7 PO A VALUABLE TREATISE ON TIE _rx. Human flair, for free distribution, at J. A.. MYERS' Family 'Medicine Store. Call and get one. Columbia, Oct. 27 tf. 2 A N g.PECTION FOR PRESIDE,NT, yp - Managers and Treasurer to serve as a board of Directors of the Columbia 4.t, Chestnut Hill Turnpike Company, for the term of ono year, then Lext ensuing, will be held at the public house of J. S. Miller, in the Borough of Columbia, Monday November sth, .1.866; between the hours Of 2 and 4 o'clock P. M. Oct 20-3 t JOS. F. COTTRELL, Se-, For Sale, Court Proelau,otz, DER, (THE 19) 1506 Election. 1866, AUT ERIN. 1866 MALTBY & CASE LOCUST STAIEET, BELOW SECOND, Have now open A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT PA_MJI_J ECM WINTER,. GOODS, offering GREAT • 211iDtTC7NZEZITTS TO PURCHASERS. ATTENTION Is especially invited to their SPLENDID ASSORTMENT DRESS - C OODS. embraoing all the LATEST STYLES.k..ND FABRICS, I❑ the market HOOP SKIRTS, BRADLEY'S DUPLEX, And other popular makes at all prices BALmonAL SKIRTS, WHITE GOODS: LADIES' SACS CLOTEES BLACK CLOTHS & DOESKINS, FANCY CA.SSEVIERES, SATINETTS, JEANS, TWEEDS & VESTINGS, IN GREET VARIETY MUMS 1 1 MISZE MIS Comprising every dosirabl make and style T_TNDER-SHIRTS, DRAWERS, HOSIERY, aLOVES,SCARFS, COMFORTS, SHIRTS, COLLARS TIES .S c., ctc. LADIES,IYIISSES' and CRILDBENS PT3 g, SI - I4IVIA, BREAKFAST SHAWLS ONTAGS, CAPS; NUBIAS, SCARFS, 'HOSIERY, GLOVES; NITS Boots & Shoes of all descriptions for MEN AND BOY'S, LADIES, MISSES & CHILDREN READY MADI CLOTHING CARPETS. AND OIL CLOTHS, GROCERIES, & QUEENSWARE with a great variety of other px,F.EIS 0 DLE a. CODS • An examination of our SYoeh is respect fully solicited—all. goods sold at the very LOWEST CAST .piucEs, a i d. Warranted ag reprpsented, CASE. Col u bia, Pa Oct. 27 GS JIIERCH.O T TAILORING. IrLvAttr secured the services of an ex perienced Fashionable Tailor Merchant Tailoring in all itg branches will also be carried on in connection with our other already large mercantile business. All orders in 1 , 1/At line will be executed with PROMPTNESS AND DESPATCH. Entire satisfaction. both as to Work manship and Fit guaranteed, PRICES 3 . IO,DERATE, ta„ Orders respectfully solicited, MALTBY cf: CASE, Columbia, Pa. Oct. 27, 'O5. PUBLIC SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER WILL OFFER AT Public Sale, at the Franklin House, Columbia, on FR/DAY, NOVEMBER Oth, 1860, The following described Real Estate, sit uated on Lodust Street between Front and Second, viz;—a Commodious two Story DWELLING- HOUSE, AND LOT OF Ground. The buildingis now occupied as a dwelling, also Post Office, Book Store, Grocery Store, and Printing Office. Ad joining' Pfahler's property on the North, and on the South .b,y an alley.— The property has a front on Locust Street of 60 feet and extending in depth 195 feet more or less, to an alley. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock P. N.. when conditions will be made known by Oct 20 3t SAMUEL TRUSCOTT. SNOW POWDER• Patented May 20th, 1566 This is an article for washing without rubbing, ex cept in very dirty places, which will require a very slight rub, and unlike other preparations offered for a like purpose, will not rot the clothes,but will lento them much whiter than ordinary methods, without the usual wear and tear. • - . It removes grease spots as if by magic,and softens the 4.. int by soaking, so that rinsing will in ordinary eases entirely remove This,po.wder is prepared in accordance with chem ical science, and upon a process peculiar to itself; which is secured by Letters Patent. It has been in use for ginwe than a year, sad has proved itself an universal favorite; wherever it has been used.— Among the atLvaiatages claimed are the following. viz— It saves ah the eis.pense of soap usually used on cotton and linen goods. It saves most of the labor of subbing and wear and tear. Also, for cleaning windows it is unsurpassed-- With one quarter the thee and labor usually re quired it Imparts a beautiful gloss and lustre, much superior to any other mode. No water required ex cept to moisten the powder., , Directions with each package.' And can be readily apprecuileiltiy a single trial.— The cost of washing fora family of live or six per sons will not exceed three cents. The manufkoturers of this powder are aware that many useless compounds have been introduced to the public which have rotted the cloth, or failed in removing the dirt, but knowing the intrinsic excel lence of this article they confidently proclaim it as being adapted to meet a demand which has long ex isted 7 and which has heretofore remained misty- Mau u fa etuT cd by HOWE ce STEVENS, • 260 Broadway, Boston. Also, Mn n nfacturers of Family Dye Colors. For sale by Grocers and Dealers everywhere. • • Ocr. 24).3m e. PU2LXC SALE WILL BE EXPOSED AT PUBLIC Sale, fit the public house of J. S. Miller, in Columbia, on T { FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 1866, The following described Real Estate, sit uated•on Locust Street between Front and Second. viz; A THREE STORY BRICK HOUSE, And lot of ground, now occupied by Mrs. McKissick. and A. J. Kauffman, Esq.— Adjoining properties of Maltby & Case, on the North, and James Schroeder on the South, having a right in common to the alley fronting on Locust Street, The purchaser can have posession of the property on thn first of April next, when an indisputable title will he given. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock P. M., when conditions will be made known by Oct 20 3t JOSEPH CLYDE. EVEIC'REODT. N ELECTION FOR PRESIDENT, ilFive Managers and Tzeasurer to serve as a board of Directors of the Columbia LC: Marietta Turnpike Co., for the term of one year, then next ensuing, will be held at the public house of J. S. Miller, in the Borough of Columbia,Monday November, sth 1855, between the hou rs of 2 and 4 P. M. JOS. F. COTTRELL, Oct 20-3 t Secretary. ra•ivate Sale. THE Subscriber offers his new two story Brick House, situated on Third Street, at Private Sale. The house has just been finished and contains all the necessary im provements with two-story-back-building &c. Terms easy. „ JOHN tIARTMAN. Oct. 20 1846 tf LADIES' SHOE MANUFACTORY. Having increased my facilities for turn ing out superior work I would an nounceto my old customers and all new ones that may favor me with a, call., that I am better prepard now to manufactura3 all kinds of 'SHIMS' HISSES' And Children's ShoeS & Gaiters, Than ever before. I employ none but the best workmen and am always certain of giving satisfaction. I keep on hand a gen eral assortment of ready made work of which is MANUF ACTURED on the Premises. I keep no made up workof other parties, My work is made exclusively ibr home trade and is sold as such. TERMS CASH We sell as cheap as any other establish ment, ant' ask a share of public patronage. JAMES SCHROEDER. Locust street, between Front and Second. Columbia, November 11,1565, ly Wanted, To Rcnt or Buy. A HOUSE, in a central part of Columbia or to rent two or three comfortable rooms Apply at THIS OFFICE. Oct. 13 '6G-tf. Stop and Bead .! MITE Subscriber would respectfully in form his customers mid the public generally. that he has just received a gen eral assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TEAS AND SPICES. Micbener's celebrated sugar cured hangs. No. 1 and mess mackerel. Extra tine syrups. Refined sugars of all kinds. Old Rio and Java Coffee. English and -I.iner lean Pickles. Dried and Canned Fruits, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Prepared Mus tard. Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is full and complete and we intend keep ing it fresh, by almost daily additions.— Give us a call, corner Front and Union streets, Coltimbia. HENRY SUYDAM apr. 14,-'66 LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. Bradley's Celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double spring) SiZii:tril.. The Wonderful Flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady spearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies, Oporas,Carriages,ltailroad Cars,Chureb Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and Mouse Dress as the Skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Muslin Dress, an invaluable quality in crinoline, not found in any single spring Skirt. A lix.dy having enjoyed pleasure. comfort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day, never there after willingly dispense with their use. For Chil dren, Misses and Young Ladic3 they are superior to all others. They trill notbend or break like the Single Spring but will preserve their perfect and Kraveful shape when three or four ordinary Skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread,and:the bottom rods are not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered ; preventing them from wearing our when dragging down stoops, stairs, &c. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladies and is universally recommended by the thsh ion Magazines as the Standard Skirt of the Fashion able world. To enjoy the following inestimable advantages in Crinoline, viz; superior quality perfect manufacture stylish shape and finish, flexibility, duratolity,com fort and economy, enquire for J. S', Bradley's Du plex Elliptic or Double Spring Skirt,and be sure you get the genuine article. CAUTION—To guard against imposition be par ticular to NOTICE that skirts offered as "Duplex," have the red ink stamp, viz; ".1". W. Bradley's Du plex Elliptic Steel Spring," upon the waistband— none others arc genuine. Also Notice that every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two [or double] springs braided together therem,which is the secret of their Flexibility and Strength, and a combination not to be found in any other Skirit. For Sale in all Stores where First Class skirts are sold throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the Sole owners of the Patent. \VESTS, BRADLEY J.: CARY, 97 Charaborri ,t , 79 Lt. 81 Betide Sts., isT, Y. Oct. 20 3m 628 HOOP SKIRTS. HOPKIN'S " OWN IVIAKETI NEW PALL sirrzims I Ara in every respect First Class, and em brace a complete assortment for Ladies, Misses, and Children of the Newest Styles, ev-ry Length and Sizes of Waist. OUR SKIRTS, • wherever .known aro more universally popular than any Others before the public. They retain their shape better, are lighter, more elastic, more du rable, and really cheaper, than any, other Hoop Skirt in the market. The - springs and fastenings are warranted perfect.— Every Lady should try them. They aro now being extensively sold by Merchants, throughout the country, and at wholesale and retail, a t Manufactory and Sales Room No. 628, ARCH Street. below 7th, Ask for llopkin's 'own make,"—buy nA other. Caution—None genuine unless stamped on each Kid Pad—"Hopkin's Hoop skirt Manufactory, No. 132 S Arch Street, Phila.". Also, constantly on hand :•ull line of N. Y. made Skirts, at very low prices. TERMS NET CASH. ONE PRICE ONLY Sept 1. 4m. rrthe great daily arrival of Barley Sheaf Cook Stoves at Wailer's Stove Empo porium and House Faro ish iug.Store proves that they are the Best Stove in the market that have been sold,for wood 4tEld. coal. Aug. 11-tf TRUSCOTT TEA wE have the genuine article of Truscott Tea. it is the best black tea over in t reduced into this market, thr sale only 11. .I\IULLEN,t, BRO. Odd Follows' Hall. july 28, 'GG RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES, BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS. The origin Medicine established in litt7, and first article of the kind ever introduced under tho name of "Pultdonic Wafers ! " in this or any other country.; all other Pulmonic Wafers are counter feits. The genuine can be knoen by the 13011.10 Bit VAN being stamped on each Wafer. These Wafers have been before the public for nearly thirty years, and the immense sale at lathed. not only in America but in foreign countries, fully attest their intrinsic worth. The medical proper ties are superior tunny other articles offered for the cure of Pulmonary or Bronchial ;affections, and the quantity contained in each box is nearly dou ble that of that of the many .worthless imitations advertised. Bryan's Pulmonie,Wafers cure Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Iloa,rsoness, 1l stir rn t, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Difficult Breitthing, spit ting Blood, Pains in the Chest. Incipient Cousnmp .tion and all diseases of the lungs. Not only afford ing temporary relief, but effecting a rapid and last ing cure and are warranted to give satisfaction in every instance. They do not nauseate like acohohe compounds, and the medical properties are com bined in a foi ni so agreeable and pleasant to the taste, that any child will readily eat them. One dose will always. afford Relief in Ten Minutes. To Vocalists and Public Speakers, these Wafers are peculiarly valuable; they will in one day re move the most severe occasional hoarseness : and their regular use for a few days will, at all. times, increase the power and flexibility of the voice, greatly improving its tone, compass and clearness, for which purpose they are regularly used by many professional vocalists. The very great celebrity of this invaluable rem edy has induced unprincipled persons to prepare base imitations, which disappoint the just expecta tions of the purchaser, and injure the character of the genuine medicine. See that the word, "BRYAN," is stamped on each Wafer, and also observe the the simile of the sig nature of the Proprietor "JOB MOSES" cm each wrapper, to counterfeit which is forgery. 117" Man ding parties will be dealt with to the full extent of the law. Bryatts!manic Wafers are for sale by all Drug gists. .J(513 MOSES Solo Proprietor,27 Cortlaudt St., N. Y Ton. 6, OUR PRICES ARE Decidedly - Reasonable MEN'S' and BOYS' WEAR, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETTS and JAIN.TES. BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS. ec Merinoes. Cashmers, Poplins, Delaines and Coburgs. A full Lino of Prints from 12 cents up. Wool and Cotton Flannels. Bleached and. Unbleached Mashes, Table Linens, Towels, Napkins & Crash. Floor and Table Oil Cloths. We have bought our stock for. net cash and we will sell at a very short profit, J. W. STEACY Lt, CO., Cor 2nd, & Locust st., Columbia, I sept 2Sth 'GO LADIES' FANCY FURS JOHN FARIERA'S Old Established FUR Manufactory, No. 718 ARCH Street, above 7th, Philada. HAVE NOW STORE OF MY OWN Importation and Man ufact u re one of the largest and most beautiful selections of MOIM for Ladies' and Children's Wear in the City. Also, a Line assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves and Collars. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very reasonable prices,and I would there fore solicit a call from my friends of Lan caster county and vicinity. Remember the Nam e,Mum be: and Street! JOHN PAREIRA, No. 71S Arch St., alp. ith, south side, Philadelphia. I have no Partner, nor connection with any other store in Philadelphia. Oct. 6 -itn. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. ST kTE OF HENRY BRANDT, LATE Ti of Columbiaßorough, Lancaster Co., deeensed.—Letters of Administration on said estate having been granted to the un dersigned,.all persons indebted thereto aro requested to make immediate payment, and those baying claims or demands against the same will present them for settlement to the undersigned ESTHER R. BRANEq, Residing in Columbia, Lane. Co., Pa. EZ RA SME D LEY, Residing, near Thorudale P. 0., Chester County Pa. Oct 20 et INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. rplie Columbia Bank will receive money _L on deposit., and pay interest therefor, at the rate of 4 , 1 per cent. for six months, and 5A per cent. for twelve months. SAMUEL mom., Cashier. Oct, 14, '65.-if. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF C OLUNBIA Is prepared to make Collections on all Accessible Points on Liberal Terms, Discount Notes, Drafts, Bills of Exchange, &c., flay and sell Silver, Gold, &c., &c. We have made arrangements to draw Drifts on England, Ireland, Scotland, France and all parts of Germany. Interest will be paid on special deposits, viz : For 12 months, 5.1 per cent., for 6 months, 4.1- per cent., for 3 months, 3 per cent. per innurn. We also furnish all United States Secu rities and other Bonds and Stocks, charg ing the commission only. Discount day: Mondays at 10 o'clock, A. M. s. s. DETWILEU. july 7 ly TOWN' PROPERTY AT PUB I, C SAI,II Will be exposed to public sale at the Public House of Samuel 11. Leckard, in Columbia, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd 134;0, The following described Real Estate, situated on 4th street between Locust and Cherry streets, viz: A TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, And lot of GROUND fronting on 4th street 35 feet and extending in depth GO feet,with fruit trees and other improvements there on. Adjoining properties of John and others. Also at the same time and place FIVE BUILDING LOTS 20 feet front and 63 feet to 14 feet wide alley fronting on 4th street. Also FIVE build ing lots on 3d street, 20 by 63 feet to said allop. TERMS—One half cash at time of sale, the balance in 12 months with interest. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock P. 'NI., wheu attendance will be given by Oct. 13-ts J. cC7 J. VAUGIIEN. punE GROUND SPICES at JACESON'S. IMI