THE COLUMBIA SPY. IND EPENDEIs.IT, VREE. PA., km\ S,e.,vt ..Nl l 2, 5 \ gar- del adaraping will be tomixlercii CASH and olleetable at any Mile after therirdl iimci lion. Uorna - rttic. I recollect a „pretty incident, which may not be uninteresting to the reader. A wild young fellow. niarrie t a lovely young girl,and having been long addicted to habits of dissipation, even his sincere attachment which he entertained towards his wife could not entirely disentangle him from its snares. His sce s asion,al ir• regular hours would have given any but one of so pure and sweet a disposition, every reason to suspect that she did not hold that place in his affection which was her right; but this reflection scarcely ever intruded upon her spirits. The husband was far 'from be,ing, cruel, and really loved her, but his disposition was weak and his companions eloquent, and he seemed to grow worse rather than better' in 'his that he was called out of town, and in his haste left behind him a letter, in which to please an unprincipled friend, he spoke of his wife in terms of careless ness, if not of derision, and dilated freely upon his general course of life. Imagine the anxiety and suspense of the startled profligate when he found himself borne by a rapid steamboat upon a journey which must necessarily be of several days duration,yet remembering distinctly that the fatal letter was left exposed mi l d un sealed upon his wife's table. He rccol lected too, with a pang, that he had want only, in answer to her inquiries, boasted that it contained a profound secret which be mould not have revealed for the world. He paced the deck in agony of disap pointment and shame. Ire pictured her opening the letter, and turning pale with horror and indignation ; perhaps faint ing with anguish; alarming the servants flying to her father—renouncing him forever. As soon as possible he returtrad but with a sinking hcart,to his dwelling. bracing himself up to meet the fury of an enraged and wretched woman. lie opened the doer softly. She was bend ing over her table busily writing. A placid smile sealed her mouth with a perfect beauty,and spread over her glow 'arperoitariNfcTi-arshl- wi:Art lrg"" rag .L uiCiweet ballad fell from her lips in a low music, that flows only from a heart entirely at rest, The husband stole noiselessly around, and read as her pen traced her gentle thoughts : "Your letter is lying by me. The very, very letter containing the 'profound secret.' Now I could punish you for your carelessness; but my dear Charles, how could I look: youin the face on your return, after having basely violated your trust in my integrity, and mealy sought to gratify a silly . curiosity at the expense of honesty, delicacy and confidence.— No. The letter is unopened, and lest you should feel uneasy I enclose it to you, with the sincere love of,your affectionate wife," etc. " 'What an angel !' uttered the con . • science stricken husband: - "She startled up with , a cry of pleas ure—and as Charles met the light of her clear unshrinking eyes, he was humbled that he should have suspected her, and deeply struck with repentance at his own conduct. He thenceforth severed all ties that drew him abroad ; and if the pure and happy being whose influence had thus allured him to the path of right, had perused all his subsequent !atom, she wn „ia t. ruuna 'nothing concern -snsr, Herself, save bursts of the sincerest admiration and the warmest love." REMOVAL OF MULLION ti BROTHER'S PROVISION STORE, TO ODD FELLOWS' HALL • Columbia, Pa. Grocaries,Provisions,Flour,GraiVtc. We will always keep on hand the very best quality ofgoods such as Sugars, Coffee, Fruit, Teas, Soap, Fish, Starch, • Hams, Spices. Cheese, Crackers, •r,4ard; Tobacco, Molasses, Segars, also FANCY GROCERIES. NOTION'S, DRIED FRUIT, tk.C. We intend to keep the best goods only and to sell as cheap as any similar store.— Wo therefore ask a portion of public pat ronage. April e4-tf. li, . INT. . IJI,LT.:N 8110 FIN E CBLEBRATED FiZini 171:LOMAS C.OOK". Spering has Justreceiv et) frorli thevity a choice stocker these eel brated clocks. 'The best, neatest and prettiest Yankc'e Clock warranted for two years. aug. 25, A"9,a general assortment of fresh and reliable • Drugs, • Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, GaXifl en seeds, cf: selected with great care, and bought c. at the present decline in prices, for sale by apr. 21, R. WILLIAMS. CIDER VINEGAR tit J. B EST SYRUP MOLASSE AC S at KSON'S. JACKSON'S. X IN all fine brands of Chew ing Tobacco, air other houses. My Tobacco's are all' Warranted free of mould, must, or dish greeable mixtures, 'they are, ail selected with the greatest pare by the manufactur ers. Constantly on head HARDCASTLF, NAVY, Baltimore Spun, Oronoko Diadem; Old Dominion, Light Pressed, Sun Cured, Congress, Queen City Fine Cut, Grant Fine Cut, Alichjgan Fine Cut, and different other brands A large assortmentof Smoking Tobacco's Snuffs, Tobacco bags, together with all the latest improved pipes known the market. My Segars cannot be beat for stock in the - County. lSrieuds csll and try my American Cousin's, Unica's, Isabel Cubas, 76's, Grant's, Attillas, I Cheap Segars constantly on hand. Booties is the place. Mind in the old Post Office Building, Loeust Street. GEO, M. BOOTH. Col. juite 24,'65. BENJAMIN HERR, n - As JUST OPENED A new stock of goods, at coaaclL Where I would be pleased to see all my oid customers. My .stock of goods is full and complete, col riPyising DRESS GOODS; CASS I ME Ii,ES, CLOTIIS, / VESTINTGS, DELAINS, PRINTS, DOMESTICS, Togethbr - .4th RR , rood assortment of goods as is found in zr , ..silailar establishment. Family Groceries, eoffee, Set) 4173 31100 of 411 PRIME SUGAR CURED HAMS FLOUR, POTATOES, PIM, siC. Country produce taken in exchange for •it goods the highest market rates. • I hope to be the recipient of a liberal pa tronage. BENJ. HERR. N0v.19. '64. Cor. 3rd and - Union Sts. pATENT DACE.: ALBUMS Altemns AL' Co's. Patent Hinge Back Al bums, the best album made• Call and ex amine at a ng . 26. PHOTOGRAPHS. THE OLD ORIGINAL GALLERY. The subscriber has completely re-fitted his establishment, and his gallery cannot be surpassed by any in the county, and be hopes by careful personal attention to give the public better nicturas than have here tofore been produced. AMBROTYPES, PHOTOGRAPHS, Ivorytype.s, Meiainotypes, Carte de Visite, and pictures on canvass taken in the best style, and at prices which cannot be beaten for cheapness. faat•Likenesses warranted, and a satis factory picture furnished without repeated sittings. He asks a c-nitinuance of the liberal patronage always extended to this establishment. Call and. examine speci mens at the rooms, northeast corner of EXCHANGE HOTEL, AlOt NT JOY, PENN.A. ALEX. D. REESE Proprietor P/MS•fr- CLA CCU/Mil/ODA 770375. The Choicest Liquors at the Bar. Oct. 7th, X. a.Et Go TIRE GKENT ZINGARI BITTERS A Sure Proveutativc of Cia rjnw u 1.%; E I , IIT, EAIEDI . was discovered and introduced about twenty years ago by Dr. S. uheopsits, an eminent Egyptian physician. He laud bong seen and fen, the want of sonic reme dy which would strike at the root of disease, and so prevent much 0 t the suffering which the human family was then compelled to endure. The great question was presented to his mind every day in vivid colors as he moved among the sick and dying, and observed the inefficiency of nearly all the remedies then in use. Thus he was lead to think and experiment; and after ten years of study and labor, he presented to his fellowonan the wonderful Zitiguri hitters. The tweet of this prep aration in the prevention and cure or disease, was so marvellous and astonishing, that the thort Bat tering marks of royal favor were bestowed upon him who discovered it. His name was placed upon the Roll of Nobles, and a gold tnedal Wail the thl lowing inscription—Dr, Chcopsus, the Public Bene factor—was presented to him by [lie Viceroy. The preparation has been used in several epidem ics of cholera, both as a preventive and curative measure, and with such great success, that it has been introduced into nearly all the general hospitals or the old world. The old saving that an ounce of prevention is worth n pound of cure, applies with marvelous force to cholera, and therefore any remedy that will pro tect us against. his terrible disease should be freely and persistently used. All pathologists now agree that the cholera poison organs. ~A na . mem In acts on the excretory icot,tree, bat of working order, zilacj tm , T . M iL7,l4tent,:iceuniida -110" 0 12, ) ,47 kl.l i as" is true not only O , Lg, , N r a ll o ther maladies, especially the different 'forms of fever, The Great Zingari Bitters is just such a remedy as nip ah..we conditions require. Its acts on the organs of excretion and secretiondieepi»g up a per (teTaltbsalance beiween them. This Bitters is v.:u p:wed entirely ct - roots and herbs. so nicely con cocted that °rely organ is acted upon and put in tune. Its taste is pleasant and its effects prompt and lasting. Numerous Cases 01 the following disease hove been cured by it : Cholera, Dian Inca, llysemery, Typhoid and Typhus Fever. Fever, Ague, Nervous Debility, Anatmy, Female Irregularities, Dyspep sia, Fla to lenc•y, ScrOftils, do. Price one dollar per quart bottle. Prineipal Depot ii the Walnut street wharf, Ilar rislawg, Suld by all Drugg\sts, Ifotelhcepers and Grocers. P. RAUTER, .6'o/e Pietor. For sale by J. c:q3l/ eh or, Corner 01 roj F w ront and Locust Sts. Columbia, Pa. El THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid thr OLD NEWSPAPERS, PAM PHLETS,B K D OOS AN WASTE PAPER of every description. H. C. LUNDY &C Co., , 142 south 4th street, Phil'a. feb. 24, ISlia. lv. 1866. 866. Garden, Field rn I Flower Sieds. From Brigs & Brothers, Rochester, New York rililkSE kinds of seeds which mature _L more perfectly in the old countries are imported from the best seed houses and the balance is grown in this country, with the greatest care, therefore those who par_ chase them can depend upon getting the beat the world affords. For sale at Mar. 3. JACKSON'S. CANNE PICR'L L'S ct. SARDINES at JACKSON'S. WROUGHT SCRAP IRON. The Suquehanna Iron Co. will pay the highest cash price Tor wrought scrap iron. Lancaster delivere at,d their mill, . , , sent. 23, '65-tf. r. SPERING'S Jewelry Store May 2a. 'Ga. ly C EMPIRE OIL WORKS, , GamERFoRD‘f, CO., 2G Market street, Pittsburz. Pa. MANUFACTURERS OF TRE _REST quality of oils for machinery, station ery engines, locomotives, Rolling Mills, Railroads, saw mills, !lour millsokc., also, Illuminating Oils, Our long and extensive experience in manufacturing Machinery oils, enable ns to present an article to the public of very superior quality. We guarantee it is without grit, 'and will not congeal in 'the coldest weather, gum or heat, and being equal in all its qualities to No. /Lard, or Sperm Oil. aug. 4, '66-tf WM. PATTON . Treasnr , er. COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO. QAPITA:L Aldo $'5.3:2,210,49: . 'kills Company continues to insure-Build ings, Mercbanclise,' sibtl other property, against loss and damage by' • fire; on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium or premium note. ,SIXTEI ANNUAL REPORT. Whole amount Insured, 8;301,290X Le.a ain't expired in 'r2,: ,U 0 8,091,9:0,51 CAPITAL AND INCOME. Amt. of premium n0te5,Jun.V65, , f26,090,66 Li.e.m premium notes exp'd '65, 1.0,073,43 410,017,21 Amt. of premium notes received in '65, 115,594,13 I.3alunce of premiums, 3,830,14 Cash receipts,lers commissions to '65, 40,766,89 CONTRA Losses and expenses paid in 37,R87,88 Balance Capital and Assets, Jan. 1, 1866, 532,2111,49 570,198,37 A. S. GREEN, President. GEOIWE YOUNG, Jr., Secretary. MionAEL S. SLUDIAN, Tretisurer. Samuel Shoch, William Patton, R. T. Ryon. John W. Steaey, , John Fendrich. Geo. Young, Jr., H. G. Minich. .Nicholas INV DonalU, Sam'l Eberlein, Michael S. Shuman. Amos S Green, S. C. Slaymaker, Edmund Spering, 3811. 'MG. 11JPIEOLSTE1UITG. THE UNDERSIGNED 1 . 12.1.5 . TAREN Rooms adjoining the residence of James Barber, in Walnut, street, - where he is at all tunes prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Such as, Hanging Cur tains, cutting, making aad laying, Carpets. Reparing Sofas and chairs. making spring, corn-husk or .. air mattresses, cushions &re., SAMUEL CARTER. mar. 10, 'O6 NOTICE TO BUILDERS- rpnn ow well-known Abrn. Myers' Quarry, which 114 s been in operation for two years and a, halt; are prepared to furnish all kinds building stone, not only as cheap. but better stone than earl be pro duced in this vicinity. July 7,11 S. S. DETWILER. PEZLAD' SCALE WORKS. BANNS, DINMORE & CO. Successors to A. B. Davis lt WARE ROOMS" 417 ARCh Street Factory rich and Perven Arenas. MANUFACTURERS OF Suitable for weigh locks,rail road taacks, depots, coal, hay and live stock. Patent Parallel Crane Beam, for weigh ing Boilers, Casting and other heavy ma chinery. Patent Stock House Scales, for Blast Fur naces. Hopper &ales, for weighing, Grain, indi cating Bushels and Pounds. Bank's Improved Rolling Mill and Union Scales, also, all the various descrip tions of Dormant and Portable Platform Sealer. Counter .S . cales and Patent /3eanis. Every &ale Warranted. Prompt attention given to repairing•— Send lbr an Illustrated Circular. nor. 4, OPENING of THE CAMPAIGN ihr ISGG IS6O JOUN A. JACKSON, 1866' Locust Street, Columbia, Penn'a. I' P, has just received a new and fresh supply of Groceries, also NEW 'DRIED FRUIT, NEW SUGAR CURED HAMS, No. I, Shore Mackerel and Labrador Her ring, Raisins, C'urrants,Prunes, Pickles, Cranberries, Hotninv, Sweet Corn, Ax ,iL,"" Our stock of Groceries is full an we are daily receiving additions. Give us a call. Jan. 20. 1866,tt: wasnxivGßVON ZIOUSE No. TOU Chestnut Street, above 7th, PHILAD EL Pi ILA. OLD AND POPULAR. HOTEL 1 i 5 situated in the very centre of busi ness, and is convenient to the Steamboat 1 . , newly furnished,and in every respect ren dered to meet the wishes and desires of the traveling public. The reputation the manager enjoyed in the conduct of the otherAlotels will be a sufficient guaranty that io effort on his part will be.spared to make the " I.I\.IGTON" afirst class house. The larder will be unexceptionable in every respect. The Manager will be pleased to see ins old friends and former patrons of the "States Union," Philadelphia, and to welcome many new ones. CEIA S. M. ALLMOND. Jan, 21, 64 Manager SIGN PAINTING ! THE undersigned would call the atten tion of business men and the generally, to his rooms in York, Pa., where Sign and Ornamental Painting anti PHOTOGRAPH COLORING is executed in the best manner, and low est rates. SIELIZOW CILAMS made to order at from 25 to 75 cents a piece. Orders solicited, and Terms C. 0. D. Rooms next to P. A. it S. Small's store, Centre Square, York, Pa. jun-30,3m. D. F. YOST. YORK CO., BUCKWHL'AT PLOUR at JACKSON'S fIELEBBATED YEAST COMPOUND IL" at JACKSON'S. GNIORG-r4 SMII3EItIC'S CABINET WARIEROMIS AND MANUFACTORY, Loe'osT ST., A PEW Coons rumour 3rd St., CoLITIVIB2A, COW, PA. THE subscriber haw' ing purchased from his brother, Casper Seibert, the stock and good will of his extensive Cabinet Mani/- lilt:tory, will continu.y the business at the old stand, where he gill keep on hand at , assortment of FUI.NITURE OF ALL KINDS, of the best qu-lity, style, and manufaeture and will make to order, of tirst-rate mate rial, every article in his line. He will give strict attention to business, and respectful ly asks of the public a share of its patron age. AD - UNDERTAKING will receive the most eareful. attention, at the shortest notice. GEORGE SEIBERT. Cola. July 4, 'O3. _7' OCI IMM Ty BOOKS ALA,II.GIii and well selected stock of Pocket Books, has just been received, which we will sell at red uced prices. call and see our stock of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. A large and frosh. stock just received frrni ..New York, they are offered at prices to suit every one. Finnel's Patent The mometers. A large assortment just received, and selling^ at very low prices. No person should be without one. ARNOLD' S' WRITLATG FLUID. The genuine artirle—quarts pints, half pints and 2 oz. stands. Every'thing usual ly kept in the Stationery line, wil be found it W. U. HESS' Book Store, Loenst St., opposite CONIMAL .Natiozzal Bank. juice 10.'65. 0.1 - 10.2-4MI3,A_ Cured by liltis'imiers Eferb leitteys !, When Mishler's Bitters Were first intro duced to the public the propriotor did not feel justified in recommending it its a spe cific for Cholera. During the fall of 1565, I Dr. Mishler 'received the following note from Jacob L. Baker, Esq., of Lancaster Pa.,a member of the Philadelphia College •of Pharmacy. Mr. Baker had a great deal 'of experience in the treatment of Cholera is a druggist of sixteen years standiag,was ffospitteStewardin the Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia, fOr three years, and is withal a gentleman of undoubted integrity and one in whose statement the most implicit confidence can be placed : Lancaster, November ad, 1865. Dr. Iklishler—Dear Sir:—Knowing that the Cholera with its dreadful ravages'is now upon our land, and knowing that no medi cine now in our country possesses such a caloric influence "which is the vital reme dy lbr all diseases of this kind," as the Bitters you now making I request you to prepare such a quantity of your bitter as would suit all demands, as I assure you they will be an invaluable remedy, and will be hailed as a blessing by all who will use it. 570,198,3, Yours respectfully. JACOB L. BAKER . _ . Being thus urged, and having noticed the Bitters were constantly curing the most violent eases of Diarrlnno, Cholera Morbus and kindred complaints, Dr. Mishler at last offered his compounds ass cure for Cholera The result has exceeded his most sanguine 1 expectations and fully justifies all that Mr. , baker says in his note. It certainly proves 1 fiat Mr. Baker's practical knowledge of nedittine far exceeds that of most doctors w\ao too often dose their patients with de leterious drugs on some absurd theory.— ho ( the purpose of showing that Mishler's He b Bitters will cure Cholera we give hob V a few iitets. A. intelligent persons who have investi gala the origin of cholera, agree that it is causgl by poison introduced and generated into llie system by impure water, damp ness, ilth and over-crowded rooms with deticiet ventilation. This is proved by the lac that cholera always rages worse on boa d of ships where_all of the above causes are found more or less combined. To cure \bolero, and also to prevent it s it is nece.ssar3 to neutralize this position, and that Mislier'sßitters will do this is pruv Cll by the fol\owing : The steamship Virginia arrived at the Port of Isltw York; aboot! the middle of April witneholora a board a number of the passengers having died during the voyage with this complaint. Among the passen gers were a tlLlaily named Schmitt), from ' Baden Clertiony. This dually was at tacked cholera. Fortunately for them they had friends living in this city (Lan caster. Pa.,) who knew the virtues of :dish ler's Bitters and who procured a bottle and sent it to the Schmitt' tinnily. When this package arrived at quarautine,the doctors examined it and confiscated the contents. ' Another bottle was procured and packed in , a more secure manner: it safely reaelled the 1 Schmiths. On its arrival aboard the. Vir g/via, Henry Sehmith and Christ. Sehmith were both laboring under choleric symp toms: Mrs. Nlarcia Schmith, wife of the former was cry bad, not expected to re cover, and a ion had died of time dread com plaint and hid been buried theday previ ous. It was in this plight a bottle of Mish ler's 4 ' sent forth Angel of Mercy bound the poor Schmidt family.— Henry Schmitt' was the first to try it, and so instantaneous was the relief be experi enced that he gave it toms witband brother both of whom it at once relieved. They used the entire contents of the bottle and all three were so much relieved that the physicians permitted them to leave the Virginia, after being confined at quarantine aboard that scourge ship forty-two says.— The Schmiths proceeded to their relatives in Lancaster, and at an early opportunity called on Dr. Mishler to express their grati tude for the timely relief they had found in his Bitters. Mr. Henry Schmitt' stated that all the compounds the doctors had given hint did no good, but that one glass of Mishler's Bitters made him feel like a »el 4 man, warming his whole system, giving him a healthful heat and causing him to pprspire freely. His statement was substantially was substantially as given above, and he farther said that if the doc -I,,ety4l.o_,7}pk.a.qel,llll.3.,„lit:gto Pialtk-rr= the effect of cholera, but the continued use of the Bitters we re most surely restoring her accustomed vigor. Psi!' Ni\s'illltottdtm°iltjetheaxtit) life , i git ..n. .. . found in the Dispensatory will cure Chol era or any other complaint, but candor compels 15r. D. H. Bissell of the Cholera Hospital ship " Falcon" to admit that he believes Mishler's Bitters to be a " very good `Panic." In reply as to a case or 13it ters that was sent to hint by a well known gentleman of Lancaster, he writes as fol , lows : hospital Ship raleon, Quarantin New York,.lune 7th, 1: 2 6(1.j George S. ' liowbotham, Esq.— Dear Sir : Yours of the 23d, inst. is to hand. In re ply, I beg leave to say, that I received the case of Bitters you sent Inc for trial Sc., that I gave them to the convalescents in Hospital. I believe them to be a very good tonic Bitters, well adapted to all eases requiring Tonic remedies. ' D. 11. BISSELL, Physician, llospital. Ship lfaleon." This letter from Dr. J3isseit,justafter the reception or the Bitters, and before he had time and opportunity to thoroughly test their wonderful medicinal properties is considered an important endorsement, as that gentleman to-day occupies the most important position of any physician in America. The passengers and crews o emigrant and merchant vessels that arrive in the Port of New York from foreign coun tries,are subject to his inspection and con trol, and the great experience he has had in the management of that dreadful dis ease, Cholera, gives an endorsement by him an unusual importance. This letter together with the statement of the tichmith tiuttity—who while in the Steamer Vir ginia, were under Dr. Bissell's control, flows what the Bitters have done and can do. Another case of Cholera cured by Mish ler,s Herb Bitters is that of Mr. Pearsol of York county, who,alter suffering severely Irma all the symptons of Cholera, finally became collapsed anti while in this state, (the doctors stating that he was beyond re lief) a friend administered freely,Mishler's Bitters. The etleo, was instantaneous ; heat waseenerated in the body, perspira tion was induced and after using one bat tle Mr. Pearsol was entirely restored. Mislifer's Bitters cures Cholera by coun teracting the poison which is the cause of the disease. Poison in the system,whether generated by bad air, filth, cte., as in Cholera, or introduced by the bite of a venomous snake or mad dog will be ex pelled and all bad symptons allayed by the use of Michler's Herb Bitters. The above Proves this to be the fact in Cholera and the certificate of Mr.Rhinchart proves that Mishier's Billers will cure the bite of a poisonous Lancaster, ,Tul 4th, ari. Mr. B. Mish bou t y eight weeks since I was bitten in the left hand by a snake, but at the time did not know of what species it was. Immediately after the bite may hand swelled to a very large size, and the poison appeared to be work ing up rny artn. I suffered great pain in my hand and arm ; I had to quit work and was:dr:del I would be compelled to have lily hand amputated. I Caine to you. and by your advice washed my hand and arm with your Herb Bitters at the same time taking it inwardly. In eleven days I was able to go to 'work agaiD. The poison was all drawn out and Misliter's, Ilerb Bitters was the only medicine or application that I uncio use of. Mr. Christian Burns, a near neighbor of mine, went out a clay or two after to the place where I was bitten, and killed what I believe was the same snake that bit me as he caug,ht, within live yards of the spot where I was bitten. It proved to be what is called a copper snake; at any rale, whether it AVILS the same one that bit me or not—one thing is certain— , that your Bitters cured the bite of a snake itfl;ny case for which I shall ever be thank ful, as I Believe it was the means of saving my lkand : I shall be pleased to personally satisfy any one of the truth of.the above. Yours. JACOB RINEHART. ow Street, ncaster. For Sale by—S IC. BUCHER, La ROBERT HAMILTON; and all Druggists, Shultz's Igat Stowe,. 'ESTABLISHED 1829. . No. 2t.0 North Queen St. Lancaster, Pa. 'wElym i, u ul3actsi to • sell at Manufacture our goods, thus VV e n OLD-TIME PRICES. The largest, best and most complete stock, and. at lower prices than any house in the country. Our immense stock of Spring and Sum mer Goods consists of all the novelties of the seasons; at least fifty different styles, the most popular of which are the CAVALIER, CAVALIER, D'ORSAY, INDICATOR, (very new,) FULTON, MORTON REPO. BRIGHTON, (nobby,) TYROL. A SPLFNDID SILK NAT FOR $5,00. Cheaper than can be had elsewhere. Our business connection with our patrons for a period of nearly forty years is suffi cient guarantee of our ability to please all %vile may llivor us with a call. SHULTZ te BRO. may 12.0 BOOTS at SHOES: FOR the best Boots, go to Brenenian's, W. King. For the best Women's shoes, g o to 13reneman's. NV. Kit. For the best Chiiclron's shoes go to Brenennm's, W. Ring street For the most comfortable fit go to Breneman's, W. King street for work that will not rip, go to Breneman's, 11r. King street For Boots that will not let in —ater,go to Brenemati's, W. King street If in want oils and Shoes, go to Breneinans, W. King street Everybody in the country go le Brencruan's, opposite Cooper's Hotel, Oc. Lancaster, Pa INSILIMILNCB CO. Or NOZ.MX-X .411101M81C.0., PHILADELPHIA. TiS CORPORATE]) 1704. Assets $1,1350,000, Charter perpetual. Insurance against loss or damage by lire on Buildings, 'Ater chandize, Furniture, kte., for long or short periods, or permanently on Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. The prompt pay ment 01 losses for a period of seventy years, uflbrdsz. guarantee of claim upon public confidence. Al:Train G. CoFviN, Prost. CuAttams PLATT, Secretary. F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Walnut St., above Front, Columbia, Pa. Columbia, January 21, 18115.-ly. (..71.4 i: TEI: 182 CA PRIZPETUAL CO' 1 1 111 E 11St RARE CO, OT con. ernan. 2. 3.00.0. =EIMMI CAPITAL, - - - ACCRUED SURPLUS, INVESTED PREMIUMS, UNSEW LED CLAIMS, INCOME FOR 1864, LOSS PAID SINCE 1.929 Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. S3+'~~3~C s ~~a. Charles N. Banelter, Isaac; Lea, Tobias Wagner, Edward G. Dale, Samuel Grant, Gee. FaleB, Jacob H. Smith, Allred Filler, Gee. W. Riehartis, Fras. W. Lewis. M. D. CIIARLES S. EANCEER, President. EW D. C. D. I .LE, Pier.-!'resident. JAS. W. MeAL LISTER, Sec. Pro. let a. coorrat, ASV- for Colombia Iy. 7.7TrWrlr7Z7 t (Lk; Ma" A_ Second Street, nearly opposite LUTHERAN CHURCH, COLUMBIA. rp lIE UNDE IISiGNED lI.A.VINet , Taken the Shops formerly conducted by Satuuc•l Carter, would respectfully an , flounce to the citizen~ of Columbia and vi cinity that he is now prepared to manufac • tare all kinds of Coaches, Carriages, Eng .:4les, SulKies, and all other vehicles in his line. His reputation as a workman is es tablished, as he can confidently claim for his work the merits of beauty of lbrin, ele &ranee of finish, and strength of structure. One of the distinguishing features of his work is its durability ; all vehicles of his build are construetea of the best seasoned material, and put together tirmlyand sub stantially. lie gives particular attention to the repairing of vehicles, and warrants all work in his line to give satislitction. Tit addition to his practical experience in the business, he has the assbannee of the best workmen. Some of them from the celebrated Watson establislinuatt of Phila delphia. A generous public is respectfidly invited to give home Indust-3> their encourage ment and support. CHRISTIA.N" AIYERS Aug. 12, '65. Li' 9a DUGTy®T~I x COL A rrivals of Cargoes at the Coal Depot of 13 Bruner cC, Afoore, which arenow ea for sale by the Bushel,Ton,Car or Boat. April 13, Boat Emma, with Lyken's Valley Stove. " 20, " W. lf. Baneh with Ly- Ren's Valley Mutt. " 20, " Balt Co. :No. 158, Balto. Co. No. 5. " 27, " Balt Co. No. 128, Balto. Co. No. 3. " 28, Elvin. V. Wall, Lylt en's Valley Nutt. May 2ncl, " C. C. Co. No. Extra No. 4. "C C Co, No, 15, Gray extra N 0..), 1, Schuylkill and Shamokin coal on hand. More oftho celebrated Gray coal, and the Baltimore Company on the way. All coal sent in good order. BRUNER & MOORE. may 5, 'GC Jersey Hams. AFine let of elegant "Quaker Hams," direct from the Jarsies, and are super ior to any heretofore offered in this mark et, as a trial will sullice. For sale only by JOHN A. JACKSON. may .213, '6o4f DRi t GOODS STORE REMOVED, rpITE subscriber has removed his store 1 from West King to No. 29 North Queen Street—Union League J3uilding, Laiicas ter, Pa., which has been refitted, and is now one of the HANDSOMEST STORES IN THIS CITY, where he now invites his friends and cus tomers to cull and examine his large and Cheap Stock Of Goods, which has just come from the city, bought at the present low prices, which will en able 111111 to SELL AT , LMER RATES then those who lahl itl their stock early, when Good swore high, 1051 PIJ. KNOTWELL, No. 29 North Queen st., Lancaster, Pa. mar. Ellsworth Saloon THARP, at the Ellsworth Eating land Drinking Saloon, in Front Street, above Walnut, will keep on hand all the delicacies of the seusoa. MEALS AT ALL HOURS: Chicken, Tripe, Ham, ..Eggs, Tongue, Hot Cotree, bread, butter, tte. Call and see The smiling countenances of our friends are always welcome. I. N. TIXARp. Aug, 25,1m0: Tilt ENTERPRISE Mania CD No. 400 Walnut St., Philaclelpliia. CASE ASSETS, JANUARY 1,186 G, $378,1.765. 48 The investments of this Company are in First Mortgages on Real Estate in the City of Philadelphia, and in other securities carefully .selected by the Directors. Perpetual and Term Insurances effected by this Company at as low rates of pre mium as safety to the Company and to the insured will admit. 335 - I=llo C.. 70 CIi3EILS4 F. Ratchford Starr, S. L. Erringer, Nalbro' Frazier, Geo. W. Fahnestock, John hi. Atwood, James L. Claghorn, Benj. T. Trediek William G. Bolton, George H. Stuart, Charles Wheeler, John H. Brown, T. H. Montgomery. F. RATCIIFORD STARR, PniNIDENT. THOMAS 13. MONTGOMERY, Vice -Prost. Am , :x. W. WisTmt, Secretary. F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Basement, Black's Hotel, Columbia, Pa. Feb. 10, '6O. Buy your Cloaking of FL RICE, mn E SUBSCRIBER WOULD _L. call the attention of the citizens of Co lumbia and vicinity to his large stock of RE11.112 . xvz.A.DE C OTIZING Embracing every variety of style and ma terial suitable or the serkson. They are made of the best material and in the most fashionable style. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Shirts, Scarfs, Neck Ties, Suspenders. HandkerchieDs, Hosiery, cte. A splendid line of these goods always kept on hand. Also, Boots, Shoes. Hats and Caps, ci which we have a well selected stock of which we offer at cheap rates. TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, and Valises of all styles, are sold cheaper than city prices. My goods are all bought for cash and I offer them at cheaper rates, for cash,than any other store. Call and see. HENRY RICE, No. 1, Wolf's Row, Front St. Columbia. Columbia, April 14, 1866, ly. street MM.& B3DPlE.3o4l.7.*aziora.azarom INSITRANCM COMP./UM', PHIL ADELPIIIA. Capital $200,000. Securities .5300,000. rpHIS COMPAYY continues to take risks on good property at rates as low as any other safe Company, and consistent with prudence. Policies issued for long or short terms, or permanently. Losses promptly paid. All claims adjusted without litigation or delay. This Company refers to the past as a guarantee of its future conduct. Tuos. CRAVEN, Prest. A. S. GILLETT, Vice Pre.-, JAS. B A LVORO, Secretary. P. X. ZIEGLER., Agent, Walnut St., above Front, Columbia, Pa. Columbia, January 21, 1865.-Iy. Columbia Oil Works Truscott & Guernsey, PROPRIETORS. C OLUALI3.IA, PENN' A. EFE`.ZERS AND WHOLESALE Dcul ers in Refined Carbon Oil, Benzine Lai brie Oil, ct,:e. $ 400,000 S)71,000 1,086,25 S MEC Having lately put up a refinery with all the neePssary improvements. \Ve offer to the public a pure article of 300,000 5,000 000 DOUBLE REFINED CARBON OIL, which gives i more brilliant light at less expense than the most of oils now in market, and is perfectly non-explosive, We manufacture exclusively for 110ine trade, and guarantee our oil to be o 1• the best quality. Orders solicited. Address as bovt.. Columbia,Ang. 12. tf. JUST RECEIVED HARDMAN'S GROCERY fjl TIE hest Hams in the world, it fichner's 1 Excelsior hams, plain ' and canvass, Old Java. Lagri no and Rio Coll'ee, green onu roasted Browning's Excelsior (;olfee, a choice lot, of Teo, Extra Imperial, Young llyson, Enghsta, Breakfast and blaek Tea. Fine Coal Gil lamps,Bond's Boston Butter, Farina, Trenton and Family Crackers. Fresh coned Tomatoes, Fine Cove. Oysters, in Jars, a nice, lot of cheap Sugar, aitat) gal lons Lovering's best Syrup. New Orleans 'Baking Molases, Pure Flour of Riee,Mtwearona,Split Peas, Layer liaisons, Apples, Cranberry's, Fresh Can Peaches, Ground Mace, Ground Nutmeg, A good assortmea ofnotion such as thread Needles, pins, conalss, whalebones, shoe Laces, buttons, Balmoral _Hose, :at jan. i 'C. - rainy OUR BREAKFAST AND DIN nor Coffee. only :25 tents per pound at JACKSON S. S. S. RATHVOIN'S MERCHANT TAILORING, GENERAL CLOTHING, AN I) GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, (Opposite Sh oboes Hotel,) Cor.orNorth Queen AS: Orange Sts., LANCASTER, PA. All kinds of men's and boy's ready-made Clothing and furnishing goods eon-tautly kept on hand.— A Iso, a superior assortment of French, English, German and American Cloths, Citsiineres and Vest logs, which will be made, to order in any desired style, with the least possible delay ; warranted to g satisfitetion, and at reasonable charges. jnly 14, 'Way S. S. EATIiVON. Shoe Brushes. THE best assortment and largest stocl in the place, anl at greatly reduced prices at IL WILLIAMS, Front Street. 72, Gray IF THE UNITED - STATES HOTEL HARRISBURG, PA. DAVID R. IRITCHISON, Proprietor. THIS well known Hotel is now in aeon dition to accommodate the traveling . pub lic, affording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the per manent boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refitted throughout, and now has accommodations equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Its locati,,n is the best in the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and in close proximity to all the offices and business localities of the city. It has now all the conveniences of A FIRST CLASS TIOTEL, and the Proprietors are determined tc spare neither expense, time or labor to en sure the comfort o f the guests. The patron age of the traveling public is respectfully solicited. November 4. '65-tf. Mason, Pease & Moore. IMPORTANT TO TTSBUGH, PA. MANUFACTURERS Superior Lard to Oil. Extra No. 1, Engine Oil, at 1,50 do 2, do 1,20 do 3; do 75 do 4, do 50 Extra Para.plune Lubric at 25 ets. gal. The above mentioned grades of oils are , guarantied as follows ; No. 1, for Locomotives and Engines su perior to Lard Oil. No. 2, do equal to Lard Oil. No. 3, an extra oil suitable for blast furnaces, heavy machinery, now be ing used with much satisfaction by Grove Eros. Dan rifle, Pa. No. 4, a heavy oil for Rolling Mill work, prononnced by Messrs. Simon berger for useon theirnail cutting machines equal to best Lard Oil at 50 cents. Also, Carbon Oil, supplied at lowest rates. Orders maybe left at this office. Jun, 2, 1860, ly. I=l HARDMA S. Cor. of Third arid Cherry St Scrofula, or K i ng 's Ev is a constitutional disease, a corruption of. blood,' by which 'this fluid' becomes vitia weak, arid phor.. Being 'in the circulation pervades' the whole body, and may burst in disease on any part of it. No organ is ; front its attacks, nor is there one which it r not destroy. The, scrofulous taint is variot caused by mercurial disease, low living, ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, f and filthy habits, the depressing' vices, a above all, by the venerearinfdetion. Zvi ever be its origin, it is hereditary in 'the e stitution, descending "from parents to child unto the third and fourth generation ; '!.'indt it seems to be the rod of Him who says, will visit the iniquities of the fathers tq their children:" Its effects commence by deposition from blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is tent tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul e ruption, which genders in the blood, dopres the energies of life, so that scrofulous eonsti tions not only suffer from scrofulous co plaints, but they have far less,power to wi stand the attacks of other diseases; 'Con quently vast numbers perish by disoi'd which, although not scrofulous in. their natu are still rendered fatal by this taint in I system. Most of the consumption cimates the human family has its origin dirce in this scrofulous contamination; and ma destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, bra: and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulon their persons are invaded by this lurking i fection, and their health is undermined by. To cleanse it from the system we must renew the blood by an alterative medicine, and i vigorate it by healthy food and. exercif Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparin the most effectual remedy which the medic skill of our times can devise for this ever' where prevailing and fatal malady. It is con bined from the most active remedials that has been discovered for the expurgation of this foi disorder from the blood, and the rescue of tt system from its destructive consequence Hence it should be employed for the cure c not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as BRUPTIV and SHIN DISEASES, ST. ANTHONY'S PIM ROSE, Or ERYSIPELAS, PIMPLES, 'PUSTULES BLOTCHES, BLAINS and BoonV, TUMORS, TETTEI and SALT RHEUM, SCAT.D HEAD, Ilmowonn ItnaunAnsst, SYPHILITIC and Meneunukt.DlS EASES, DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, DEBILITY, and indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING PROM VITIA TED On IMPURE 13Loon. The popular belie in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. Thl particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaps rills is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid without which sound health is impossible it contaminated constitutions. S Ague Cure, FOR TUE SPEEDY cunt or Intermittent Fever, or Fever and Ag:ie, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache, or nilions Headache, and Bilious Fevers, indeed. for the whole class of diseases originat ing in binary derangement, caused by, the Malaria of Miasmatic Countries. We are enabled here to offer the community a• remedy which, while it cures the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in thstricts where these afflicting disorders prevail. This " Cunn" expels the miasmatic poison of FEVF.R AND AGUE from the system, and prevents the de velopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest. The large quantity we supply for a dollar brings it within th reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, wher , FEVER AND AGIfF, prevails, every body should, have it and use it freely both for cure and motet tion. A great superiority of this remedy over an • other ever discovered for the speedy and certain lalllLll.o/0 Ottisaifa or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitu tion. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disf'use. I ever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blind ness, .toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Pal. Ritation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Mister ws, Pait in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis and De rangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the intermittent type, or become periodical. This " CtritE" expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike; It is an invaluable protection 'o immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into, dis, ease. Hence. it is even.ipore:v44.3l/1040-Protec-- ton than aunet,andifew•witi• over.suffer from Inter-. mittents niter availi themselves of the protection, this remedy afford S.. Prepared byDr..T. O. AYER Ze. , ,qo - ,, Zowelltideek . . Druggit,,ts awl dealers in II - everywhere. At wholesale by .J. M. Maris Co., 711 Market St., Philadelphia J. RUMPLE & SOT .131.1.1. LEES IN Fcreign and Domestic Hardware AN extensive assortment of house fur nishing hardware, also for earpente and builders use, always on hand. IRON AND STEEL. Blacksmiths, wagon makers and others, furnished with all kinds of iron, nails, horse shoes, coach trimmings and other goods in their liue. WOOD AND WILL OW WARE In great variety, such as tubs, baskEts, wash boards, brooms, washing machines, cte., Ate, r.ELIBMICZBIG IDEPIMMENTS, Plows,shovels,hoes, plow eastings,seythes, forks, rakes, and all other implements used by the ihrzner. STOVES AND TIN WARE. - Oyes of every style and pattern, cook, parlor and office stoves, for coal or wood. A. large assortment of tin ware always kept on hand or manufactured to order. QII PAINTS, elzg, Coal oil, linseed, fish, sperm and machine oils of all kinds. Alcohol, benzine, japan and ocher varnish, glass, paints, putty white lead, Etc. aug. 19, '65. Locust St., Columbia, Pa Cabinet Flaking and Undertaking THE undersigned would inform le.. friends and thp l i hat he U.N.q .3 ti4 oreased facilities for turning out ivor.4. - , his FURNI TURB IVA R &ROOM S, Are now well supplied with new and bean ti fill furniture of the latest improved He manullictures to order and will keep' constantly on hand Dressing, Plain and Fancy Bureaus, Sideboards, Sofas, Card Dining and Centre Tables, Common, Fan cy and French Bedsteads; all of wldch will: be sold on the most reasonable terms. As' he manufactures his own work he is ena bled to warrant every article to be what it is represented. CHAIRS, CIIAIW All kinds of Chairs kept on nand or man • ufactured to order. Cane, Windsor, Arm and Rocking Chairs; Settees, Camp and Counter Stools Sofas, Tete-a-tetes, and Stutred Seat Chairs, made to order. Old Chairs repainted and l'epaired. UNDERTAKING I Funerals will be attended to with prompt ness, to which he gives his personal atten tion. 116 Is prepared with ice boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, as may be re quired MAHOGANY OR WALNUT COFFINS Pai:xtished plain or tinned in any style Ilia irtti' he required. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, as well as a continuance of the custom with which he has heel liberally favored. • " JOHN SHEN-BERGER. South Side of Locust st., between Second and Third, •