/LIMBO, Editor and Publisher. UME XXXVIII, NUMBER 7.1 TEE COMfi IA SPY, MISCE - 111111E0llS VISIIED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. ?VICE, IN LOCUST ST., arrosrri3 COLU3C , 4 BM. BANK. --0- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 01 a year if paid in arlvance 'io 4, if not paid until t Ito expiration of the year FIVE CENTS A. COPY. .No paper will be diseentinned until all ar nrages are paid unless at, the option of the editor. Roles of Advertising flt, Spy. It. 2t. 3L Imo. Imo. em. ly. sq. S lines 75 1,00 1,50 2,00 4,00 6,00 10,00 16 1,50 223 30 35 0,00 000 15,00 24 e , 2,23 3,23 4,0 4,50 8,50 1 3, 00 20 , 0 0 [Larger advertisements in proportion. 3 Executors and Administrators' Notices, 3,00 Auditors' and Assignee Notices, 2,00 ;Professional or buieness cards, not exceeding 5 lines, per year, 8,00 :early advertisements, not exceeding four squares with occasional changes, 15,00 Special Notices, as reading matter, 10 cents a line for one insertion. Yearly advertisers will be charged the same rates is transient advertisers for all matters not relating strictly to their business. Alt Advertising will be considered CASH, after first insertion. BUSINESS CARDS lE. Yom. NOB." 2 1 -1, NORM DU COUNSELLOR AT LAIN a Columbia, Pa. Collections promptly made in Lancaster Pork counties. Cola., July 2, 1565. J. W. 'FISHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Front Street, between Locust and Walnut, Columbia, Pa. let), 10, 'GO. A. 3. KAUFFMAN, lITTOKNEY AT LAW. fIOLLECTIONS Made in Lancaster and adjoining Counties. Pensions. Bounty, back pay and all claims against the government promptly prosecuted. Office—Locust Street,botween Front and cond. _ Dee. i'6l. B. J. DI LOOP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSgII9I{ AT LAIV, ga-Columbitt, Pa. 011ie° in Odd Follows fall. ,Nov. 10 1804-tf. SAMUEL EVANS,_ JSTIC.E of the rIMI CE. CEICE IN ODD BELLOWS' HALL. COLD AMU. , PA. :Tune IS, IStl5. ly. J, Z. I.IOFPV.P., PITIST,OFFICE, Front Street next dor to R. Williams' Drug Store, between ,ocust and Walnut sts, Cola., Pa. S. C. EREEDITROUT, L4\.TP. of Reading,, Pa., offers his pro fessional services to the citizens of Co lumbia and vielnity. Office in Lel< NS' Second. july 14, *66, FRANKLIN HOUSE. LOC ILS'T STREE2', CO LU.1173111, P.l. r i Las is :t tirst class Lrytel, and is in every 1 respect valapted to meet the wishes nod desires of the traveling public. J AC() 11 :5. 11 ILT.I It, Cob. July, 1.1, '65 Prujf'ieto r. MISIILEI{'S HOTEL, VA N MISHIMA, Proprietor. WWI! MAIZ EIET SQUARE, / NY A. Oct. 7th. ly. GEORGE BOG-LE, Dealer in LUMBER 01? ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Also, PLASTERER'S HAIR Office and IVarehon9e—Front Street bo tween Locust and Union. July S, 1805. DR. A. E. REED, l‘lotrivrvitr.m, L.4. - scAsTEn. Con>rry. A SHARE OF PUBLIC PATRONAGE A is solicited. Patients entrusted to my care will receive careful and prompt at tention. June 30, tf.'D Confectionery A Zit FRUIT OF A.LL KINDS I SEA.- tlson. Parties and families sn pplicd with ICE CREASIVE tyy the freezer, or in. moulds, - with prompt ness at • GEO. J. SMITH'S Adjoining the Franklin House, Locust St P.& Also a fino assortment of Toys and fancy articles constantly on band. July COLUMBIA FLOUR MILLS, GEORGE BOG-LE, Proprietor. WEIR HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID 4. for all kinds of Grain. 'Superfine and Extra Family Flour for sale, also mill feed of all kinds. Wheat ground and packed to order 4,- Town and country custom solicited 411137 29th 1865. SVPPLEE & BROTHER, Manufacturers of 13401.1_,PalS_ .additia 1 A onfrFoundryand_Maclhine Week; toe are now prepared to man ufae- Ire every variety of Boiler and plate iron ork, • Fending and Reparing Boilers Oinpf;ly' attended to. 'l`haniclul for past vors, we would invite the attention of u. friends and patrons to this new branch .'onr businX4s. jan. 21„65. SUSQUEZIANArA IRON CO Manufacturers of all sizps or fined. & Double Refined ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL, AND HALF OVAL lito::\.T. it Axles, Shafting and Horse Shoe Bars. tzfl. Orclempromptly filled from atoel: hand or made to order. , ms, net cash, at 'Manufacturer's prices, 'livered an Cars or Boat. lee at their IkOLGING Columbia, Pa. Sept. 23, 05 ly TBRAND FAMILY FLOUR at JACKSON'S. SUPPLnE 4.e BRO., 2cl Street, Columbia _ . +..", • , ... , ...:, . , , . x ..... ... . . ...., 1 ., : : ..,.. . 7"..11111W.:'' -i... ~,, l'.!';•'. ' 3.: , ,„ ... ,-. •• • • ' . 7.?::: 7 - ,Is t' . l -:.•-' , ;;;;: . :i '-'•..?•:.: fir e •i' l '''.. "1 . . - • • • .... ~'".:. '',%-. . ' 4. t iV. ''..; 1: 741 ' ~ .., • • . .. . .:. . :ii!'',..::1....''..,:::•;..;:1, ....: ~.... • . . - (..-. 1111 „ 1 ...,,, , •,. , 1... ..., " ..-. ~... „ , - • .„ . .. . . , ~. . . • . . . . _ • ~. . . • ...' s, ' ..'''''; ~" i'• . . 5.. . '.- :: : :' , T . , , .....,.: . T;•: . ': ::: d . . ~ ..4 .... i . , ..... , _..... „........„ ..:,.....fi: .., .... I •:::',:%' ..,..- .. ... ..... Id. ."\--.; Susquehanna Planing Mill, ON FRONT ST, AND PENN. RAILROAD Columbia, Lancaster County, Pa. mini,' subscriber would respectfully an nounce to the patrons of his Mill, that the advanced prices of labor and expences incident to carrying on the business of his establishment compels him to charge his customers an athlinee on former rates, and takes this method to inform them that the fbllowing are the prices for work clone at his Mills: For working Flooring per At. $4.50 " do Weatherboards " 4.50 " Surfacing one side, per Ai. 2.50 ig do two do do 4.50 " Re-sawing White Pine face measure, per M. 5.00 do Poplar face meas. do 0.00 " do Ash, Oak Lt, Cherry, face meas. per li. 8.00 " Ripping 4-4 per line, 10 ft. lA " do 8-4 do do 3 " do joie° do do 4A __43•• Lumber hauled to illn - ...i.111.1-id re turned to Yard without extra charge. Accounts for working or dressing lumber will be considered collectable every four months. The s übse ribet has on hand an assortment of ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER, which is for sale at Market Prices, and so licits a continuation of public custom. ;JOHN B. BACHMAN'. Columbia,Minch A.O CIT) Tire Original Travelers' Insurance Company, Hartford, Connecticut. Capital all paid m, Net Cash Assets, INSURES against Axel dPnts of XI) Kinds causing Bodily Injury or Loss ofLiic. IT IS C1173.1.r! IT IS ITN/VIMSALI IT IS rtn IA ABLE! SO IIEDIatL E.XII.ItIY.ITIOX REQUIRED? PoUeics issaedirom One year to Fire years from $5,00, to it):50,000. Every information given at the office of the Agent, F.X. ZEIGLER. Walnut Street, above Front. may 19-'66-Gm. lINSELER'S BITTERS, Sold only by J. C. BUC H ER, Corner of Front and Locust streets, Columbia. Pa. may 19,-tf OF TE R UAL r. Combs N E a l t V S an. 2fl, J. F. Co'vrriy.i.t. IV. P. Col"ritvr.L. J. F. COVIVItELL at 'RaoTtivit, Successors to .T. IV. COTTRELL, deo'd, Dealers iu Foreign aZ Domestic hardware, Ihir Iron, Steel, tilass, Paints, Oils,Varnishes, Turpentine Benz A. large assortment of Parlor, Cook and and (mice stoves always on hand. Tin Wore maitulattured to order at shortest, notice. ‘1 ; 00D AND WILLOW WARE, in large cptantities and of every variety Plows, Corn Sltellers, Cutters, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, lez.kes, &c. Coarse :and Fine Salt at lowest market prices. A large assortmentor Double and Single barreled thins, Powder Flasks, (;ante Bags and shot pouches. 1.V.• Blasting Powder, shot and caps. Highest market prices paid !Cr Clover, Timothy and Flax seeds, large eptantities of which we have constantly on hand and otter at the lowest rates. Lubricating, Sperm and Fish 01.5, suit able for machinery. A Fine l+ine aassnrlmeat of Coal Oil Lamps, Shades. Lanterns, and Lamp trimmings. We respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Locust Street, Columbia. Nov. 4, ti a tr. L 5/11E 13 APPL, P 31; at j 1 ILS k i s 'l o l N U N ,s E . S N EW SIX; A.ll CUR E D 11altt .1 s Sun. 27, '66 IOI,GERS 43:r. BROTHERS' SU Pl,' la DR t) Saver Plated Ware at E. SPERING . S. Cheap Jewelry Store. TAVERN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE! A TAVERN STAND AND D WELLING 1 - 3,_ house in Front Street with Lot of (4round, being IGO feet deep and 50 feet front with Stable, Wash House cte., The property is offered at private sale titl 7th of December, if not sold till then it will be offered at public sale at 7 o'clock in the evining. C. TYSON. Aug. 18-tf. R EMX,MBEIt THE OLD ESTATiI LISIIED STAND. GREAT BARGAINS AT THE CHEAP CASH BOOK STORE. We have just received from the Fall Trade Sale a selected stock of BOOKSANDSTATIONERY, Which we now offer at Greatly Reduced Rates. A large assortment of SCHOOL MERCHANDISE Constantly on band. Also, STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Brooks' Normal Elementary Arithmetic, Brooks' Geometry and Trigonometry, Rauh's Normal Speller, Sanders' Union Readers, We call special attention to our large assortment of PROTOC4RAPII ALBUMS, F.A.MILY lAIBLES, AND DIARIES for ISGG MERCHANTS and TEACIIEBS Supplied at Wholesale rates, AF at JOHN S FER'S Cheap Cash Book Store, No. 32 North Queen st., Lancaster, P.:, nov. IS, NZ. 11,0 °ST - F:IR , 1 The Celebrated Rooster Whiskey 4 can be had only :it the corner of - k="4" - Walnut and Commerce Streets.— For quality, flavor and purity, it cunoot be beat. Also Bourbon Whiskey from Bourbon County Kentucky, war ranted to be the pure article, or no sate.— We have Wines, Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Old Monongahela or all grades. Give us a; 'call and examine for yourself. - • • •' CHARLES GROVE, Corner of Commerce, and 'Walnut Sts., " niaS7 3,9-fiG;tr., NTEUEST ON -DEPOSITS. rilhe &elm - tibia Bank will receive money A. on deposit, and pay interest therefor, at the rate of 41 per cent. for six months, and 51 per cent. for twelve months. SAMUEL &HOCH, Oet. 14, '05.-tf. Cashier. HOUSEKEEPERS ATTENTION. THE citizens of Columbia and vicinity, are respectfully invited to call and ex amine my large and varied. assortment of HOUSEICEMVING GOODS Comprising every variety of . TEN WARE, SILVER-PLATED WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, FANCY GOrWS, PLANISIIED TIN-WARE, COOKING UTENSILS, CHAMBER WARE, IN SETS, HOLLOW WARE, ENA.MLED, COPPER KETTLES, BRASS KETTLES Chaffin ., Dishes, Egg Boilers, Britannia Ware, Waiters, (tic., &c. Stoves of every Description. BRILLIANT A.ND NIAGARA, Are two of the best stoves in the Market They are guarantied to give satisfaction. G AZ'S _V 1.2"17 N 11 dNG Carried on in all its various branches. Stoves,Shops, Dwellings, Lte., fitted up with Gas and Water Pipes, in the best manner. (in hand a good assortment of Chandeliers, Brackets, Drop Lights and Pendants, Galvanized iron, Lead and Ter ra Cotta Water Pipes. Reparing promptly and personally attended to. HIRAM. WILSON, Cor. Locust (f: 2nd st., Corn. $500,000 $4;10,000 $1 , 500 PER YEAR! We want agents everywhere to sell our improv ed ;,•12.0 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted five years. Above salary or large com missions paid. The only machines sold in United States for less than :$4O, which are fully licensed by Howe, Wheeler cc: Wilson, Grover cO Palter, Singer and Co., and Bach elder. ..111 other cheap machines are in fringments and the seller or user are liable to arrestaine, and imprisonment. Ilitstra ted circulars sent f 7 cc. Address, or call upon Shaw & Clark, 13iddleford, Maine, or Chicago, 111. mar. 10, '06.-Iyl' TINPARA,LELLED ATTRACTIOMS ! T S. SNYDER announces to the citizens . at Columbia mat vicinity that he liar opened at ins ROOM, on the corner ol Front & Locust, a First Class stock of DRY GOODS, consisting or all the latest styles of Dress Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres, S PERING'S Jewelry Store Linen tt Cotton Goods, together with a lull supply of Shootings, of the best quality, ills stookof Bleached Go o ds, Flanaels, Balmorals, loop Skirts, cannot be surpassed In addition to the Dry Good's depart ment, he has the most carefully selected stock of BOOTS & SHOES ever brought to this place, consisting of Ladies' Gaiters, Bannon.ls, Children's and Misses' Wear of all sizes and descriptions, Men awl Boy's Bouts of all kinds, sizes and. styles, A. share of public patronage iR solicited. J. B. S SYD Cor. of Locust Front. April :28th Iy. A. B. MILLER, Vroprietor, Baltimore, Mel. Phis hotel hag been lataly rotated with ..it tho neeessaiT improvements known to hotel enterprise and clieretbre °tress tir,..t Oasts accommodations to stringers and others visiting Baltimore.% Oct =1,1865, POPERTIr owners are requested to call at litithler's, and examine FUN'S PATENT HYDRANT. It can be repaired at any time without the expense or trouble of digging it up. All kinds of Plumbing attonded to promptly, and at reason:o.o.e rates. inn. 30, lf rpliE Subscriber would respectfully in- I_ form his customers and the public generally. that he has just received a gen eral assortment of CROCBRIBS, PROVISIONS, MS AND MGM Mieliener's celebrated sugar cured hams. No. 1 and mess .127.10:0re'. Extra tine syrups. Refined sugars of all kinds. Old Rio and Java CoMe. English and Amer ican Pickles. Dried anti Canned Fruits, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Prepared Mus tard. Oar stock of staple and fancy groceries is fall and complete and we intend keep ing it, fresh, by almost daily additions.— Give us a call, corner Front and Union streets, Columbia. HENRY SUYDAM. CHEAP FOR CASH. SPECIAL ATTRACTION S IN ELEGANT DRESS GOODS ; LADIES' SACKING CLOTHS, GENTS' AND BOYS' CASSIMERES, Linen Goods in great variety. I>omestie luslins, Prints - , Flannels, Ginghams, and SUL ts. GOOD ITOOP SKIRT FOR .SL.OO at J. W. STBA.CY CO., Formerly Sw:Acx Lt; BOWERS Cor.9.ncl and lioeust, sts.. may 5, 'O. Columbia, Pa. "NO ENTERTAINIVENT SO CILEA_P,AS READING, NOR ANY PLEASURE SO LASTING," COLUMBIA, PENNSYLVANIA, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 22, 1866. NEW STORE. Skirtings, Tickings, Lte AIALTBY HOUSE,3 IN once. Stop ,and Read ! fONCENTRA.TED IYE, OR SOAP kJ Maker, just received, and for sate at a cnv price by R. WILLIAMS, Local Freight Notice TJIE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY Are now prepared to receive or forward Freight., between Columbia and Lancaster, and all stations on the Pennsylvania. Ilan Road and its branches. Rates Between Philadelphia and Columbia. First Class. 2nd Class. 3cl Class. 4th Class 25 cents. 21 (tents. 1S cents. 15 cents. Flour in Car loads, 2S cents per barrel Between Philadelphia and Lancaster. First Class. 2nd Class. 3d Class. 4th Class. 23 cts. 20 cts. 17 cts. 14 cts. Rates between Columbia and Pittsburg. First Class. end. Class. 3rri Class. 4th Class. 71 ets. 5G ets. 4G ets. :36 ets. Freight consigned to stations Ivhere the Compaily has no 4igent, must be prepaid. All Freights payable on delivery. H. H. HOUSTON, General. Freight Agent, Phila. - For further information, apply to S. B. KINGSTON, Freight Agt., L. K. BOICE, Freight Agt., Columbia. A. F. SLAYMAKER, Frt. Agt., LAan'tr Columbia, July 14, ISai. are daily receiving additions to our stock of Groceries, Provisions and Queensware, which we . are selling at ex tremely low figures. The best syrup molasses the world affords at J AC S. may-12-'66. LESHER LV, WILLIAMS. The well known Photographers, COLUMBIA, PA., BEG leave to inform the citizens of Co lumbia anti vicinity, that they) have taken and refitted the rooms ibrl2lo2 - 3 , oc cupied by Geo, A. Byers, on Front Ireet, above Locust. AD- Where they are prepared tt take Photographs in all styles. Particular attention paid io intking Large Photographs,Carta-de-Visitep',lvory Types, Ambrotypes, ttc. Copying tad en larging of small Pictures. PICTURES COLORED in Oil oij Water Colors, in a style superior to any taken in this county and equal to any in the cities, Particular attention paid to taking pic tures of Children. Pictures taken in cloudy as \Nell as in clear weather. Orders for Pictures from old _Negatives promptly The art will be taught to those dedrous to learn at. a reasonable rate. Call Itt the Rooms and examine onflarge collection of Specimens. LESHER WILLIA:18, jan. d, 'M. Photogriphers. N. B. We hope by strict attenton to business, and desire to please, to nerit a liberal share of patronage. ATTENTION lIOUSEKEEL'IRS. E are almost daily in receipt a new VV and fresh groceries, such as Sugars, Mat, Teas, Fisl, Coffee, Cheese, Spices, Flour, Fruits, 6:e. Provisions of all kinds, togetinr with 1 . 1 . 7 00 d tuid.W llow-w re,t lit , - -old Queens ware. SWITZER AND LINIBER.CUEESE, German fruits, (C.c. EM MA ND AMERMN PICKIES. and Fresh Peaches, and all the fanovgrocer ies pertainining to a well regulaig gro cery :store. I ant determined not tc,ipe sur passed in cheapness and in the excellent quality of my goods, Cali around and inspect out stock whether you_ buy or not. A siiimmi pub lic patronage is solicited. GEORG T CELE, A^ nt, Locust: reel, above al. iuly ff. FLOUR AND FEED. WHOLESALE RETAIL. 111 - /E subscriber would respectfully il -1 form the public:, that he has opcnied 1E1V" FLOUR AND FEED STORE, on Locust street, three doors above, Fourth street, where he is prepared to tt:cottt um date all who may favor him w.th their patronage. lie will take particular pains to have al ways on hand, the very best Flour and Feed that can be procured. His iI'IIITE WHEAT FL OCR is made expressly for him, and cannot be excelled. For the can venience of those living at a distance front the store, orders nay be left at the Book Store of W. U. Reis, and will receive prompt attention. Flour will be delivered in all parts of the town, free of charge. lie will endeavor by strict alteration to lousiness, and by always Having on Land a superior article, to merit a liberal share of patrol - y.44e. A trial of his White Wheat Flour is solicited. Timms CASII. GEORGE BRANDT. Col., mar. 10,-ly PURE WINES & LIQUORS. THE subscriber calls the attention of his friends and public, generally to his large and well assorted stock of pare wines and liquop: at wholesale, only retail for medi-, cal purposes and - tinnily use. LIIPOI?TED WINES & LIQUORS, such as Cognac of different grades and brands. Holland and Col dial Gins. Port Lisbon, Sherry, Madeira, Afalaga. Champagne, German, Rhine, Clarret, Wines, &c. Domestic Wines and Liquors, Domestic Brandy, Domestic Gin, XXX Old Rye, XX Old Rye, X Old Rye, Bour bon and Monogahella Whiskies, Wines, Catawba, sweet and tart, Currant, Black berry, Elderberry, Samburg's Port, ,te. BITTERS, Mishler's Herb, The great Zingari, Brunet', Stovers, Wine and Cock Tail. Brown. Stout, Scotch Me, Setters' Water. Ginger, Blackberly, Catawba, Cherry, .1 - , C. BUCHER, may 2d, cur. Front d Locuet. RE INIOV AL. BOOTS ANII SHOES) subscriber hits removed tits h oot _L and shoe store, lour doors above E. Williams' Drug store, Front street,and of furs an extensive assortment 01 Goods, either WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. His stock consists of as large :mil general asortment of Mons' Boys' Ladies' and Childress' as can he found. elsewhere in the town. Those requiring Boots and Shoes, will St to their advantage to CALL AND EXAMINE ITIS STOCN., before purchasing else where. SAMUEL, ROVE . Col., way 2p,-tf actols and Sees, READING RAIL ROAD. SIMMER ARRANGEMENT. MITE 11th, 1866. (34tREAT TRUNK LINE FROM the North and Nordt-West for Philadelphia, New York, Reading Pottsville. Tamaqua. Lebanon, Ashland, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Lit iz, Latteas ter Columbia, Re., Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as follows : At 3-00 sac and 9.05 A. M., and 2.10 and 9,15 P. M. connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Road, anCarriving at New York iIi,(LAW) and 10.10 A. al., ani 4.10 5.20 and 10.45 P. Sleeping Cars rte.tomprnying the 3.00 A. il. and 9,13 A. 31. trains, withott change. Leave Hivrisbnrg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua. Mineoville, Ashland, Pino Grove, Allentown and Philadilphiamt 8,10 A. M., and 2.10 and 4.10 P.M., stopping. ve Lebanon and principle Way Stations; the 4.10 P M. Tram making connections for Phila delphia rad Columbia only. For Potkvil le,Schuyl kill Ifivon and Auburn. via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Lail Read, leave Harrisburg at 3.20 I'. 31. Hetttning, Leave Vow York at 7.ooand 9.00 A. 12,00 n, 5.00 p. In. ; Pld fa at 8.15 a.m. and 3.30 p. IPay :?assettger train loaves Philadelphia at 7:33 a retorting from Reading at 6.29 p in stopping at all Nimbus: Po(ssratcat 8.45 n,m. and 2.45 p.m..lllllinel 45.n0m0111.30 a m and 1.03 p. m., Tinnavna at 9.43 a. m. anl 1.00 and 8.55 p.m. leave P.its.tille for Harrisburg, via S. S. R. R. at 7.5) a. M. an Accommodation Pits.enger train leave. Read ire at no) A. 31., and returns from Philadelphia at ca.i AL. Coiumbia Railroad Trains leave Peading at 0.45 N. 12.05 31. and a. 15 p.m.for Ephrata, Litiz, Lim e:tater, COhltal,ta, age. On Sundays; tease New York at SAN/P. M. Phila delphia 8.00 A. 31. and 3.15 t'. al., the S.tio A. 31.'frain running only to Heading. Pottsville SW A.M.:ran-ta g ua 7.30 a. in., Harrisburg n, 05 a. in. and Reading . at 1.311 & 7.30 a. tu. for Harrisburg. and 10.52 a. in. for N. Y. and 4.25 p. in. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Seaton, and Exenmlon Tickets at redneed rates to and from all points. Su Pounds Baggage allowed each passenger. G. A. NICOLLS, jun IL' 66 General Sunerintendent 1) In The itospihtl. BY EVA ALICI. "0 sing that plaintive song again, Those pensive strains sweet memories bring They soothe my sorrows, ease my pain,- 0 sing once more, sweet angel sing! It was the song my mother sang. The strains that her boy to rest As round her noel: I fondly clung, My weary bend ttpett her breast. A mother's love! a mother's kiss Sweet thoughts came. stealing der the brain, chilillmotl's home I SWeet hours of bliss ! memory, oh! how bright again. meso tips, no more, her cheeks will press; These :inns, no more, around her chug; Sing! Ltuty ease me deep disizes , „ 0 sing agnin! sweetangel, sing! These tear.; I—all let the. soldier weep ; Thy care can soothe, but not restore, I feel death' , coldnesi rear me creep. Lady, oh ! soon—`twill alt be e'er. As fainter grows this fleeting breath, When these dim eyes shall close to sight, Sirig! oh! sect shell be the hoar of death— That song shn l cheer my spirits flight. t ç i fl a I. , VS , l'ltlQll tor the t'olllll . ll,la Spy' fillErtitEßT VAN A LIFE SKETCII IIN7 J. WILLIAM VAN NAMPA:. Genius was bestowed upon lierbert Vane to achieve great and noble deeds ; "to aid people oppressed with social tyrannies—bending beneath the burden of the hollow conventionalisms, accumu lated through the long dead ages; fur this was Herbert Vane created, and to plant pure iluwers in the earth's garden, wberc weeds do not choke up the meek and lowly violets, that,hiding them from the vision, some idle loungers have pre sumed that none were to be found. Empassioned, yet pure es a maid ; keenly alive to the beautiful,with golden hair, Which waved in the cool evening breeze, with his eyes lustrous, thought ful and intense with latent fires; with lips so red, and flesh as soft as a girl's— he WaS a grand and noble youth." Herbert became known in literary cir cles; 'his pen waifs were admired by ail i.vito read them, the wreath of lame was twined for his brow,but to him life was a pathway strewn with thorns. One evening he sat dreaming by his window bathed in a flood of bright amon light, and watching the gentle stars, 'twas thus lie mused— "And what is there worth living for? I am sure I wish that I were dead. I atu heartily sick of what the world calls pleasure, at best but a gilded bubble,the wotth of which is gone with the outward gloss, and the thing is thrown aside, valued for no real enjoyment which it has given, and receives thereafter not even a passing thought. Is there one true friend among the many who bow at my shrine and exhaust their full store of wisdom in fitting, delicate speeches and foolish flattery, awaking only pity and contempt, where they, seek to excite ad miration ? No, no, I feel there is not one true heart among them all. Friend ship is often professed, bu t, oh, how sel dom felt. I long fur love, for sympathy, but I will not thus despond. I'll rouse myself to actiov I will devote thy_ life to the pursuit of fame; the laurel wreath shall deck this brow of mine ; my name shall be known only to be coupled with praise ; thus will I, in a measure, supply the place in, n i y heart that burns for love and sympathy. A year has taken its weary flight and we see Herbert Vane. lie is still the sazue, his brow perhaps a little paler, $2,00 PEEL YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2,50 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE. the effects of hard study, much thought, continued unhappiness and constant dis sipation, for he is one of society's gayest votaries. The world cans him proud and heartless; reckless and imprudent; it may be he is, but he has determined the world shall never know of the sorrow that fills his young heart. He mingles in the scenes of mirth and pleasure and appears to all the "gayest 'mong the gay;" his laugh rings clear through the halls of pleasure ; many bask beneath the light of his smiles, many hack eagerly upon the words that drop from his lips, as if in hopes of catching some bright ilasn of genius. Ah I how well he de ceives the careless crowd; to them he appears light-hearted and gay. 'Tis well the world cannot look into the secret depths of our hearts and read the record written there. Another year has fled. Ilow rapid are the momements of Time. How swiftly he bears away our months and seasons, and hurries us on towards the end of life's journey, as if he were in haste to have us "reach that bourne from whence no traveler ever returns." Herbert Vane loved. The lips learned all the ecstacy of an ardent kiss. The heart beats when the fair white hand was clasped in his own 5 yes, Herbert bored. Earth was beauteous now to Herbert Vane. Basking in his life's rich springtime he ignored alike the summer's scorching beat, and winter's cold, pittiless winds, which sweeping through forest drear and lonely moor, through city vast, through dreary gar rets, in the narrow lurking places when the poor abide, whose crinle 'nob that they have taken othei's gold but that society has given none of their rightful goods to them, this wind, this voice of storm, this howl of the arch-frend,should moan in shivering beggar's ear through out the lonely liours of December's night. IN - ritten for the Spy Herbert Vane dreamed now that this great lie, the world, was simple truth, was what it seemed, would fulfil each promise that it made. His soul groaned to embrace the beautiful. At length Herbert told his love to Ion; and had the satisfaction of )wow iug that his passion was returned by the one who had kindled the flame in his own bosom. But a sorrow came as a cloud before a sunbeam, to mar their happiness. The pareurs of lona were unwilling to entrust her happiness in the keeping of Herbert Why ? The reader may ask. Simply because his past life had been one of fashionable dissipation ; but whatever the past life of Herbert had been, he was now in every way ;cattily the love of lona. She felt it,she knew it, and yet she refused to promise to become his bride, until her patents were willing. A poet says; This may be true, and yet there is much to cause the heart to grieve after one is in love. For three long, weary years Herbert waited, hoping in rain that the parents of lona would consent to their union ; day by day his brow became paler ; his eyes brighter, he felt that his heart was breaking, and he urged lona to become his bride, but her answer was still the same— I can never marry without the con sent of my parents." "This is your firm determination ?" queried Herbert, "can nothing, influence you to change your mind ?" "Nothing." "You cannot but see, dearest lona,that my heart is breaking with its load of grief. You know that heart is all your own, that you have power to fill it with joy or grief. You can make my life one of sunshine and yet you refuse ; you will, for the sake of yielding a blind obedience to your parents, crush that heart, and shorten the life of one who would sacrifice all for you; but be it so,' perhaps 'tis best; but I must leave you, I cannot see you day by day, and know the treasure I have toiled and sought for can never be mine. To-morrow, I shall be car away amid strangers, no voice of love to cheer me on,no guardian hand to lead me right, no star of hope to shine in my beclouded sky." Poor lona, in spite of all the courage she had summoned up,the tears dimmed her beautiful eyes and strayed through the fingers, with which she endeavored to keep them back. "Oh, Ilerbert ! I cannot give you up; E cannot be the cause of filling your no ' ble heart with grief, and yet—l cannot disobey my parents.,' "end alone knows, lona, how I have loved you ; but my dream is over. Now go and be happy if you can, by yielding I such a. blind obedience to your parents, but I.4 . wtuber, while you obey them,you, 'There's nettling half se SW('Ot A, love's yoang dreeel." [WHOLE NUMBER 1,931 bring utter desolation upon me. One more 1 "ss,one fond-erabra.ce and we must part." He pressed her firmly to his bosom, and ere she could find words to speak— was gone—gone, perhaps forever. Oh, Oh, the anguish, bitter ,anguish of that heart; she had driven from her-side the only man she could ever love, end all to satisfy the desires of parents unjustly prejudiced. For a long time lona knelt, bathed in a flood f silvery light, her hands pressed tightly against her breast, striving to crush out the great sorrow which filled her bosom. •'The moon looks calmly down when mac is dying The earth still holds her sway, Flowers breathe their perfume and the winds keep sighing, sought seems to pause or stay." Let us look once more upon Herbert. Re sleeps, 'tis the calm, sweet, dream less sleep of death, those white eye lids closed forever over his deep blue eyes, with the thin hands folded meekly over the cold, pulseless heart. Thou art at rest, poor suffering one.— Life's many crushing cares and blighting sorrows have all possed from thee; thy broken heart is now at rest. ant, oh, 'tis hard to die in a strange land amid strangers They made him a grave beneath the sunny skies of Italy, and called his disease consumption. Oh, yes, that con sumption that springs from a deep but unhappy love. Wi thin yonder dwelling, upon a silken couch, placed. near a casement, reposed the form of lona Halpine, whose pale brow and sunken eyes proclaim her to be an invalid. To the casual observer she was apparently in a deep sleep but the restless motions of the blue lids, which "veiled the inner temples of the soul," attested otherwsse. Languidly and with much exertion,sho partially arose from the reclining posture and resting her wan cheek upon herdeli- Cate hand, she gazed long and earnestly upon the scene before her. "The earth is beautiful," she murmur ed, "and the resplendent sun now crown ing the heavens and throwing his rich beams over a world so soon to be shroud ed in night, is a fitting emblem of the life everlasting—the eternal, which is to dispel forever the dark shadow of death, and disarm the grave of its terrors.— Death how soon I must feel its icy grasp upon my heart—its cold hand up on my brow. Well, it.is better thus,far better than to live without hope—to live with the yearning desire of the heart un attained. Bat, oh, so young to die, so soon to learn how vain our earthly hopes. But it is wrong to repine thus. Ikry soul must submit to the will of Him who rules all things. Could I but see Her bert once again, methinks that I should be content to die. 0, 'Torbert, would that I could tell you, that now I see my error, that now I would leave home, friends and all for thee, for I now feel that God never meant that we should live apart." Taking up a paper that laid upon a stand, near by, she used it for a fan ; at length her eye rested upon the list of deaths ; she gazed long and earnestly upon the words; " Died—ln Italy, of Consumption, Herbert Vane, etc." The low,agonizing cry which followed, sounded long and mournfully, and broke upon the stillness like the last wail of a broken heart. Wearily the young inva lid laid her hand upon the soft pillow, while one by one the big tears gathered in her large blue eyes,and fell unnoticed upon the thin hand, which was pressed so convulsively to her heart. The door opened and her father en tered. With a slight start lona raised her head and said— "Is it you, father ?" "Yes, darling, are you better now?" "I am getting better; very soon Ishall be well; I shall have no afore sickness, no more sorrow." " God grant it, my child." "Kiss me, father." Reverently the aged head was bowed, and as the white arms of lona stole lov ingly around his neck, she murmured— " Good night, dear father." " Good night, darling; sleep and to morrow you will be well again." The morning dawned, but the song of the birds fell unheeded and the sweet blossoms put forth their rich perfume, and Whiled the air with fragrance; the lindens moved with their accustomed grace, and nature wore the same glad aspect, as though death bad not robbed her of her loveliest flower. With the fond kiss of parental love still fresh upon her lips. the wearied spirit of "lona burst the fetters which bound it, and like a wave upon the ocean's breast, sank calmly and peace fully to that rest she bad so long sought amid the spirits of the blest. 0, who can tell of the wounded hearts that have prematurely, found a resting place in the silent tomb ? And who shall dare assert that man's heart is incapable of deep and holy affection ? Blest are they who walk beneath, the sunlight of a,. happy loving.