Al. ITC RAMBO, EdUor and Publisher. VOLUME XXXVIII, NUMBER 6.1 'SEE COLUMBIA SPY, RIMANDIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIIIII PRBUSIIED EVERY SATURDAY !HORNING. OFFICE, IN LOCUST ST., OPPOSITE COLU3P" MA BANK. -0- 'aEBAIS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ~(5) a year if paid in advance " if not paid until the expiration o: the year FIVE CENTS A COPY. No paper will be discontinued until all ar eara;;;es are paid unless at the option of the editor. Rates of Ailvedising in the Spy. It. 2t. Gt. lino. 3mo. Gm. ly. d sq. S lines 75 1,00 1,50 2,00 4,00 0,00 10,00 ;2 " 10 " 1,50 2,25 3,00 3,50 0,00 0,00 15 00 .43 "24 " 2,25 3,25 4,00 4,50 3,50 13,01) 2),00 [Larger• advertisements in proportion.] lExecutors and Administrators' Notices, 3.00 _Auditors' and Assignee Notices, 2,00 ;Professional or buisness cards, not exceeding 5 lines, per year, S,OO Yearly advertisements, not exceeding four squares with occasional changes, 15,00 Special Notices, as reading matter, 10 cents a lino ,for one insertion. Yearly advertisers will be charged the same rates us transient advertisers for all matters not relating strictly to their Alt Advertising will be considered CASH, after first insertion. BUSINESS CARDS • IVE. NOP.= , ATTORNEY /AD COUNSELLOK Columbia, Pt. Collections promptly made in Lancaster York counties. Cola., July 2, 1865. J. W. FISHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'Office on Front Street, between Locust taml 'Walnut, Columbia, Pa. reb. 10, '6O. A. 3. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OOLLECTIONS Made in Lancaster and adjoining Counties. Pensions. Bounty, back pay and all claims against the government promptly prosecuted. Otlice—Locust Street,between Front nnd -Second. Dee. P 64. D. LOOP, ATTORNEY AND COENgeILOR AT LAW, :? - dreounnbia, Pa. Olilee in Odd Fellows Now. 19 1564-:f. SAMUEL EVANS, JUSTICE Or tae 014'.F.W.E IN . ODD FELLOWS' [IA LL. COLUMBIA , PA. June IS, ISa5. ly. J, Z. LIOFFER, i yi lENTIST.---OFFICE, Front Street lint door to R. 'Williams' Drug Store. between Locust and Walnut sts, Cola. , Pr. S. C. ERIIIENTI:10137, 111. D., T ATE of Reading, Pa.. o;rers ;!is pro fessional services to the citizens of Co lumbia v 0 fti. o'er nIV a I tSt ~ belc NV Second. jut y ' GG. FRANKLIN HOUSE. LOCUST ,STREET, COLUMDT. t, HIS is a first el,l .s Loiel, and is in every JL r,...spect adapied io meet. Ihe wishes and desires or Lie 2W)lie. JACOB S. MILLET., Co!.. july, 15, '63 Proi».ietor. MISHLER'S HOTEL, EVAN FORMER, Proprietor. WEST MARKET SQUARE, READLN J , PENN' A. Oct, 7th. .GEORGE BOGLE, Dealer in LUMBER OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Also, PLASTERER'S HAIR Office and Warehouse—Front Street b-- tw•een Locust and Union. July 8, 1865. DR. J. A. E. REED, MouNTviLLE, LANcAsTER COUNTY. A SHARE OF PUBLIC, PATRONAGE _L - 1_ is solicited. Patients entrusted to my care will receive careful and prompt at tention. June 30, cpnfectionery A ND FRIJIT OF ALL KIN DS IN SEA -21.50n. Parties and families supplied with XCII CREAM by the freezer, or in moulds, with prompt ness at ' GEO. J. SMITH'S Adjoining the Franklin House, Locust St • P. S. Also a fine rissortment of 'Thys and fancy articles constantly on hand. July 22, COLUMBIA FLOUR MILLS, GEORGE BOGrLE, Proprietor. r ruHE HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID J. for all kinds of Grain. - Superfine and Extra Family Flop r for -sale also mill feed of all kinds. Wheat :ground and packed to order • t - z - Et, Town and country custom solicited July 29th 1565. 'SUPPLER & BROTHEL Manufacturers of SEA S IN addition to our Foundrv'and Machine •v.-.9 : 1*. ye aro nov: prepared to manttlitc jAire every variety of Boiler and plate iron work, Mending and Iteparing Boilers :Promptly attended to. Thankful for past favors, we would iva ii the 'attention of our friends and patrons to this new branch of our business. SUPPLEE ct, BRO., 2d Street, Colutlable jan. 21„65. SUS'QUEDANNA IRON CO. Manufacturers of all sizes of Refined & Double Refined -ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL AND HALF OVAL IRON. , Car Axles, Shafting and Horse Shoe Bars. Orders promptly filled from _Stock on hand or made to order. rents, net cash, at Manufacturer's prices, delivered all Cars or Boat. ,Office at their ROLLING MILL, Columbia, Pa. Sept. 23, 65 ly D EST,BRA`i.cD FAMILY FLOUR at JACKSC.YN'tS. ~... .__ 4* - „ L - - - .... - -- ' c , :f 2-, ! , ":•• „, ./' ......5; ;^;........ r . .. - ; • , . - ,„,', 1f.7 1 : 7 f.• .- 4511,c,,, , -,... , .•...?;,%. -„,,,. ^'-' , . . ~_ ;' , 4...".. ~, ,, ... 2. :';.l'e: :5. : ",:i •i . '''.• - • / ...; '..:. ~,,:., ... ... _.. _ ..,, ..4;,-;;-;: 2 :: , :i:,'. ~:k.. •;.-4 . . . ..0 .:,."-h. till! - 3 *--.;;;', ......%.1 ~.., q• • Z - -•f - ••••• '..-' '',.• S iV,', 1.-. i• • ( := 7 .5. . . .• ” ' • -r: C . .....:1 - Ffil -- !: ..';•:-. •..5 • ..- r , i 1 ...? ;',...• .1. , ; ••i' , ,1" . -,... 1 - zrf 7-,1•••1 , •:,-.0. : t fg ' ? ; .2•' (A Z ' •-... ..• • • ' 'c , te , ~_.. ....: ,T ..,,,. ........,,.. 't . 2's • ' ' , '''-e'.;* - . 7 :./ :^•;', ' ~ . . -• . - . '-•:,- , • ~ :.,-: 1:111• , '''-'". 54 ; . . ~ a s '-':‘" %1 ., i :1 1 , , f ? A '.. . ' . i' 'i. - ` -.; :-••... ;74: '' ::.:,;.,,. ... : .7 7- 15:; : ':'s- ::i: Te' : 7 : : ; 7 ','"s, ': ::: ---: =„,.., ~,. ~.., ... ~, ~ 9:9_,14 ;11:9', 5... ......4?. ...1,-.. - !.4.7." . 1 ,1 5 j• ,1 - •` , .z . ... 1 , ,,•,- •- t •• tiiisi ''' ' .. -;,":.„: .. ....; - " -- :-‘::-".1 :- ...':';',-.:''......51:'--7;i -4 ,:...; - ?....4t.3.10 ' ..,. ':, :::: •••''`.. , •..' , .. 1 .. ,- - $ `'.lf:L kll .:•" . .'..,'" ki....". gi • , - it!: I '.;..f*;: , -,_ l, 7,e,.., --...•;••,,,,,...,.;,..., . . 11 ri •••.' ''. ' •t• - ..c. •:;V 11' • • Susquehanna Planing Will, ON FRONT ST. AND PENN. RAILROAD Columbia, Lancaster County, Pa. METE subscriber would respectfully an nounce to the patrons of his Mill, that the advanced prices of labor and expellees incident to carrying on the business of his establishment compels him to charge his customers an advance on formerrates, and takes this method to inform them that the following are the prices for work done at his Mills: For workinm ' Flooring per M* $4.50 do Weatherboards " 4.50 " Surfacing one side, per I‘l. 2.50 i 4 do two do de 4.50 " Re-sawing White Pine face measure, per M. 5.00 do Poplar ;ace meas. do 6.00 " do Ash, Oak & Cherry, Pace meas. per .M. 8.00 " Ripping 4-4 per line, 16 ft. 1 : 1, " do 8-4 do do 3 " do Joico do do 41 rfr_S". Lumber hauled to the Mill and re turned to Yard without extra charge. Accounts for working or dressing 1 umber will be considered collectable every four months. Thesubscribei has on hand an assortment of 110 UGH and DRESSED LUMBER, which is for sale at Market Prices, and so licits a continuation of public custom. JOHN B. BACHMA:ST Col umbia,March IS, 1S(14. A.O CII)_1-ill'S ! The Original. Travelers' Insurance Company, Hartiorii. Connecticut. Capital all paid in, Net Cash Assets, TNSURES against. Accidents of All Kinds J causing Bodily Injury or Loss of Life. IT IS CHEAP! IT IS uNx.vErtsAL! IT IS RE LIAIILE! NO MEDICAL EXAM - LT.1770N REQUIREDO Policies issued from Oneyeartonve years from $.3..,00, to $:50,000. Every informationgiven at the office of the A gemt, ZEIl; LER. 'Walnut Street, above Front. may 19-'66-61n. BUSHIER'S BITTERS. Sold only by J. C. BUCH ER, Corner of Front and Locust streets, Columbia. Pa may 19,-If aT LINT ST 1 - LE OF WATER FALL Combs tug. '_'G, J. F. COrfltELf.. W. P. CorrttELL. J. F. COTTRELL et: BRODIskIER, Successors to - J. W. CO'ff - RELL, elec'el; Deniers in Foreign et, Domes - lie Hardware, Bar iron, sLuel, Nail,, la , 4s, Paints, Oils,Varnislies, Turpentine Benz no (.tre, ..A. large assortment of Parlor ' Cook and and Office Stoves always on hand. Tin Ware man adictured to order at shortest notice. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, in large quantities and of every - variety Plows, Corn Shelters, Fet.d. Cutters, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, cte. Coarse and Tine Salt at lowest market prices. A large assortmentof Double and Single barreled Guns, Powder Flasks, (tame Bags and shot pouches. Itiile tk. West tug Powder, shot and ceps. Highest nim-ket prices paid for Clover, Timothy end Flax seeds, large quantities oE which we have constantly on hand and oiler at the lowest rates. Lu iJricating, Sperm and Fish Oi.s, svit ableiormachinery. AFi ioassortuieulof Coal Oil Lamps, Shades. Lanterns, and Lamp trimmings. We respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Locust Street, Columbia. Nov. 4, 65 tf. D RIED APP LES,PE ACHES, PR U 1 ES JACKSON'S. STEW SUGAR CURED HAMS at JACKSON'S. jan. 27, '66. RODGERS 6: BROTHERS' SUPER) U It Saver Plated. Ware at - E. SPE', RING'S Cheap Jewelry Store. TAVERN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE ! ATAVERT".:ST AND AND D WELLING house in Front Street with Lot of Ground, being 160 feet deep and 50 feet front with Stable, Wash House ,tc., The property is offered at private sale till 7th of December, if not sold till then it will be offered at public sale at 7 o'clock in the evining. C. TYSON. Aug. IS-tf. R EMEMBER TILE OLD ESTAB LISHED STAND. GREAT BARGAINS AT TErE CHEAP CASH BOOK STORE. We have j ast received from the Pall Trade Sale a selected stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Which we now offer at Greatly Reduced Rates. A large assortment or SCHOOD MERCHANDISE Constantly on hand. Also, STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Brooks' Normal Elementary Arithmetic, Brooks' Geometry and Trigonometry, Rauh's Normal Speller, Sanders' Union Readers. We call special attention to our large assortment of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, FAMILY BIBLES, AND DIARIES for 1866. MERCHANTS and TEACHERS Supplied at Wholesale rates, at JOHN SHE A:PFER'S Cheap Cash Book Store, No. 32 North Queen st.. Lancaster, P,I. nov. 18, RO/CDSTE,I.I The Celebrated Rooster Whiskey can be had only at the corner of -14 1 A -- Walnut and Commerce Streets.— For quality, flavor and purity, it cannot be beat. Also Bourbon 'Whiskey from Bourbon County Kentucky, war ranted to be the pure article, or no sale.— We have 'Wines, Brandies, Gills, Cordials, Old Monongahela of all grades. Give us a call and examine for yourself. CHARLES GROVE,riONCENTRA.TED LYE, OR SOAP Corner of Commerce and Walnut, Sts., k_.) Maker, just received, and for sale at a Columbia, P.l, • may 1.9-,GG-tf. ow price by R. WILLIAMS. IY EREST ON DEPOSITS. The ctolumbia Bank will receive money on deposit, and pay interest therefor, at the rate of 41; per cent. for six months, and 5!: per cent. for twelve months. SAMUEL SHOCII, Oct. 14, '05.-tf. Cashier. HOUSEKEEPERS ATTENTION. tHE citizens of Columbia and vicinity, are respectfully invited to call and ex amine my large and varied assortment of MICYCTSEREEPING GOODS Comprising every variety of TIN WARE, SILVER-PLATED WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, FANCY OO)DS, PLANISIIED TIN-WARE, COOKING UTENSILS, CHAMBER WARE, IN SETS, HOLLOW WARE, ENANILED, COPPER KETTLES, Stoves of every Description. BRILLIANT AND NIAGARA, Are two of the best stoves in the Market They are guarantied to give satisfaction. GAS FITTING & PLUM , ING Carried on in all its various branches. Stoves,Shops, Dwellings, fitted up with Gas and Water Pipes, in the best manner. On hand a good assortment of Chandeliers, Brackets, Drop Lights and Pendants, Galvanized Iron, Lead and Ter ra Cotta Water Pipes. Reparing promptly and personally attended to. $;500,000 $610,000 $1,50 ® PER YEAR! We want agents everywhere to sell our improv ed $2.0 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper recd. Warranted live years. Above salary or large com missions paid. The only machines sold in United States for less than $lO, which are fat/r/ tic.calca by Howe, Wheeler (.0 Grover cf: _Baker, Singer and Co., and Bach elder. _All other cheap machines are in jringmnesc;s and the seller or user are liable to arresi,jiue, and imprisonment. Illustra ted circular:s sent free. Address, or call upon Shaw &.; Clark, Biddleford, Maine, or Chicago, 111. mar. 10, '66.-Iyl, UNPARALELLED ATTRACTIOI'. , TS T S. SNYDER announces to the citi , :ens . of Columbia and vicinity chat he has opened at his ROOM, on the core Front 0:7. Locust, a First Class stock of DRY GOODti, consisting of all the latest, s,yles of Dress Goods, Cloths, Cassi mores, Linen d Cotton Goods, together with a AIR supply of Sheeihigs, _ . E. SPERING'S Jewelry Store or the best quality. His stook of ,13.1eae,lied .4.koous, _ . Flannels, Balniorals, Hoop Skirts, and Shawls, cannot be surpassed In addition to the Dry Good's depart,- menL, he has the most carefully selected stock of BOOTS 8,5 HOES ever brought to this place, consisting of Ladies' Gaiters, Balmorals, Children's and Misses' Wear of all sizes and descriptions. Men and Boy's Boots of all kinds, size~ and styles, A slia,•e of public patronage is sol:cited J. S. SNYDER, Cor. of Loeust, n'ont. April 28th ly. iIIALTBY 1 - 10 USE, A. B. IN.I.ILtER, Proprietor, Baltimore. Md. Ellis hotel has been lataly ‘etitte.l with all the necc.,sary Improt Omen, to hotel ...uterprt , .c.t and therafort• offer. tir,t cla.,...tecottintotiation, io sir wigets and others visiting Baltitnurc. Oct. •_'t, 1863. IDIROPERTY owners are requested to call at Filthier's, and examine FM'S PATENT HYDRANT. It can be repair ed nt any time without the expense or trouble of digging it up. All kinds of Plumbing attended to promptly, and at reasonable rates. jun. 30, rp.HE Subscriber would respectfully in form his customers and the public generally. that he has just received a gen eral assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TEAS AND SPICES. Michener's celebrated sugar cured hams. No. 1 and mess mackerel. Extra fine syrups. Refined sugars of all kinds. Old Rio and Java Coffee. English and Amer ican Pickles. Dried and Canned Fruits, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Prepared Mus tard. Our stock or staple and fancy groceries is full and complete and we intend keep ing i6fresh, by almost daily acklil ions.— Give us a call, corner Fi•ont and Union streets, Columbia. CHEAP FOR CASH. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS CrENTS' AND BOYS' CASSIMERES, Doinestio Muslins, Prints, Flannels, Gin hams, and Skits "NO ENTERTAINMENT SO CHEAP AS READING-, NOR ANY PLEASTIRE SO LASTING." COLUMI3IA, PENNSYLVANIA, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1866. BRASS KETTLES Chafing Dishes, Egg Boilers, Britannia I=in=ES HIRAM WILSON, Co*. Locust LC" 2nd st., Col'a NEW STORE. Shirtings, Tickings, ctc Notice. Stop and Read ! HENRY SUYDAM apr. 14,-'66 ELEGANT DRESS GOODS, LPJ3IES' SACKING CLOTHS, Linen Gnocts in great variety GOOD HOOP SKIRT FOR 5100 STEACY Formerly &MACY Bownus Cor.2.nd and Locust sts., may 5, '66. Columbia, Pa Local Freight Notice TIIE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY Are now prepared to receive or tbrward Freight, between Columbia and Lancaster, and all stations on the Pennsylvania flail Road and its branches. Rates Between Philadelphia and Columbia, First Class. 2md Class. 3d Class. 4111 Class 25 cents. 21 cents. is cents. 15 cents Flour in Car loads, 2S cents per barrel Between Philadelphia and Lancaster, First Class. 2nd Class. 2cl Class. 111 i Class 23 cts. 20 cts. 17 ets. 14 eta Rates betwece Columbia and Pittsburg, First Class. `_'rat. Class. 3rd Ms,. 4N, Clas s. 71 cis. 513 cts. -16 cts. ;36 cis. Freight consigned to stations where the Company has no Agen I, must be prepaid. All Freights payable on delivery. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Phi la . ..ra,'`For further information, apply to S. E. KINGSTON,Freight Agt., Phila E. K. BOICE, Freight Agt., Columbia A. F. SLAYMAKER, Frt. Agt., Lan'tr Columbia, July 14, 1866. wE are daily receiving additions to our stock of - Groceries, Provisions and Queensware, which we are selling at ex tremely low figures. The best syrup molasses the world affords at may-12- (iG LESHER & WILLIAMS, The well known Photographers, COLUMBIA, PA., FIG leave to inform the citizens of Co- JO lam lila and vioinity, that they have taken and refitted the rooms ihrnierly oc cupied by Geo. A. Byers, on Front street, above Locust, Where they are prepared to take Photographs in all styles. Particular attention paid io making Large Photographs,Carta-de-Visites,lvory Types, Ambrotypes, ille. Copying and en larging of small Pictures. PiCTUR ES COLORED in Oil or Water Colors, in a style superior to any taken in this county and equal to any in the cities. Particular attention paid to taking pie uses of Children. nett:arcs taken in cloudy as well as in clear weather. Orders for Piet rrs from old Negatives promptly tilled. The art wilt be taught to those desirous to learn at a reasonable rate. Call at t lie Itoonis and examine our large collection of Specimens. L ESHER it WILLIAMS, jan. 6, '6O. Photographers. B. We hope by strict attention to business, and desire to please, to merit a liberal share of patronage. ATTENTION 110USEKEEPERS. WE are almost daily in receipt of new V and rresh groceries, such as Sugars, Meat, Teas, Fish, Coffee, Cheese, Spices, Flour, Fruits, S:c. Provisions or all kinds, together with Wood and Qneens ware. SWITZER AND LIMBER CHEESE, German. traitm, C. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICKLES. Fresh Peaches, and all the fancy grocer ies pertainining to a \yell regulthed gro cery store. I ale determined not to he sur passed in cheapness and in the excellent qualily of my gooos, Call arouml and inspect our stock whether you buy or not. A share of pub lic patronage is solicited. GEORGE TILLE, Agent, Locust :Art:et, above 2d. july 7 '66 If. FLOUR AND FEED. HUME & RETAIL. 1 1,TE su,:eriber.would respee,rully _ n iorm the puolte, that he /las opened. a. NEW FLOUR AND FEED S'L'OPE, on Locust street, three doors above Fon Ali street, where he is prepared to accommo date all who may favor him with i itch. patron:l;re. He will take particular pains to have al ways on hand, the very best Flom - anti Feed that. can be procured. His TT 1 1H TE 1171 - EAT FLOUR, is made expressly for him, and cannot be excelled. . For the convenience of those living at a distance " . 1 . 011 - 1 he store, orders may be left at .he Book Store of \V. U. Hess, and will receive prompt attention. Flour will be delivered in all parts of the town, free of charge. -He will endeavor by strict attention to business, and by always having on hand a a superior article, to merit a liberal share 0;* patronage. A trial of his White Wheat Flour is solicited. Timms CAsir. UEOIIGE BRANDT. Col., mar. 10,-ly PURE WINES & LIQUORS. THE subscriber calls the attention of his friends and public., generally to his large and well assorted stook of pure wines and liquors at wholesale, only retail for medi cal purposes and ihmily use. IMPORTED MIXES (C. LIQUORS, such as Cognac of different grades and brands. Holland and Cordial bins. Port Lisbon, Sherry, Madeira, Malaga. Champa , aine, Gorman, Rhine, Clarret, Domestic Wines and Liquors, Domestic Brandy, Dome' tie bin, XXX Old Bye, XX Old Rye, X Old nye, Bour bon and Monogahella Weis'.iei3, Wines, Catawba, sweet and tart ta, Co Black berry, Elderberry, Sambueg's Po.l, BITTERS, Mishler's Herb, The ,flireat Zingari, Bruner, Stovers, Wine and Cock Tail. Brown Stout, Scotch Ale, Sellers' Water. Ginger, Blackbody, Catawba, Cherry, J. C. BUCHER, may till, '(li car. Front cf: Loonet. REHOVAL. BOOTS AND SHOES 1 muE sub.,criber has removed his boot 1_ and shoe store, tour doors above H. 'Williams' Drug store, Front 51 reet,aud of fers en extensive assortment of Goods, either WIIOLESALE OR RETAIL. His stock consists of as large and general asortment of Mens' Boys' Ladies' and Childrens' hoots and Shoes, as car be found elsewhere in the town. Those requirin., ,, Boots and Shoes, will find it to their advantage to CALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK, before purchasing elsewhere. SAMUEL GROVE. Col., may 26,7tf NEW GROCERY STORE. r r afF, Subscriber would respectfully in form the Public generally, that he has just received a general assortment of f. , roceries, Provisions, TEAS AND SPICES. Sugar cured Horns. No. 1. and Mess :Kackerel. Extra Fine Syrups. Refined sugars of all kinds. Old Rio and Java coffee. English and American Pickles. DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS. Raisins, Prunes and Prepared Mustard always oil hand and of the very best grades. Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is full and complete and we intend keep ing it fresh, by al most daily additions, Notions of different kinds always on hand. FREDERICK BUCI-IER. corner 4th Locus Streets. nyty 26th, ly. RitSPBEREI YADE. rprrE yell known Summer drink, ex; ra 1 tine and pure, by the quart, gallon or barrel, at J. C. BUCIIER'S, Cor Front and Locust Sts. P. SHREINER & SON, SOLE AGENTS for the sale of MORTON'S GOLD PENS, Dealers in WATCHES, JEWELRY AMERICAN CLOCKS, SILVER AND- PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, cf,• , . FRONT ST., NEAR OLD BRIDGE, Columbia, Peuu'a. READER.—Yon can get an always ready and reliable (Join Pen exactly adapted to your hand and style of w, it lug with which your writing will be clone vastly cheaper and with greater ease and comfort, than with Steel Pens (prices 50 cents and upwards) by calling at P. SHREINER Lt, SON. :Time 9 JACKSON'S Reading oV Cole ithi R. R. Wlll continence running regular Passen ger Trains on THURSDAY, AUGUST 23a, 1866, Between ~su~.c~r~'tcn , Co3_zT.~asß~zaa, AS FOLLOWS ; Leave Lanea , ter and Colombia at 8.15 a. In., and arrive at I tewli ng 10. W a.m. a.uo p. tn. 5.:10 noon. i. 15 rt. m., arrive at Lancaster A Columbia O.!F. a.m. 0:13 p.m. Sunday train iv discontinued. Thronga tickets to Nets' York, Philadelphia and Uaacastor sold at principal vita: jou., aucl checked through. Freight carried wide he uonot,t Iwo:not m•ss and dispatch, at the lowest— Further inrorniltpm wi, h regard to Freight or plrten inay be obttine•l item the 8:40.1;s of the company GEO. F. GAG-E.Supt, E. F. NEEVER, Gen. Freight, and Ticket Ag:. Columbia, Sept. 8, 18136 READING RAIL ROAD surpyrEß ARRAB GEMENT. REAT TRUNK LINE FROM the North and North-West for Philadelphia New York, Reading, Putt...rune. Tamarma, Lehanon, Aehland, Allentown. Ea.,ton, Ephrata, Laneas ter Uolimibia, Trains leave Harri,lang fur New York, as follows : .11 2-00 8.10 and 0.115 A. 31., and 2.10 and 9.1:i P. M. connecting wttlt similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Load, and artivi.ig at New Yo ‘k at UM and 10.10 A. M., and 4.10 5.20 and 10.45 P. 31. Sleeniir; Cors accompanying the :3.00 A. 31. and 0,15 A. Wit 1101.11 change. Leave Harrislatrg lot Reading, Pottsville, Tama qoa. A,hland. Pine Glove, Allentown and Philadelpltimat 8,111 .1. M., and 2.10 and •!.10P.1L, stopping at Lebanon and prmeiple Way Sia'lons; the 4.10 P. 31. Tratn mak tog connect ions fur P;111a. del ; Min Mid e6llllllhia only. For Po kvil nyl - Haven and Auburn, via Sehuylk d and Susque hanna Rail Road, leave Harrisburg :1.20 P. 31. I:e:urnio;_;, Leave vew Vol k at 7.00 a ud 0,00 A. 51, 12,00 in, 800 p. ut. ; PhiCa at 0.15 a.M. and " "0 p. m. Way Pa , senger train leaves Ph iladelnbia at 74) a m returni 1 *um Leading at 0.20 p m s.o,ping nt nit stl itung : Pu,sst ;Pr at 8.3.5 a.m. and 2:15 land 0.00 and 11,90 a 01 and 103 p. w., Tamavua at 9.33 a. tn. and 1 110 and 0;.3 p. m. Leave P M.Yle for liar, is.'urg, via S. if S. It. R. at 7.00 a. tn. . . . An Accommodation Passenger train leavos Read in.; at (.0) A.M., and returns from Philadelphia at 5.00 M, Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 6.13 A. 31. 12.03 M. and 0.15 pan.for Ephrata, Li Iz, Lan caster, Columbia, de. On ;itindays; leave New York at 5.00 P. 51.. Phila delphia 8.00 A. 31. and 3.13 P. 51., 11105.00 A. M. 'fain running only to Readi tie% Pottsvi , le 8.110 a. in.,Tama qua 7.39 a. m., Ilarrisburgßeading 0, 05 a. in. and at 1.33 .o 7.30 a. m. for I larrisbn.;.;, and 10.52 a. m. for N. Y. and 4.2.5 p. tn. for Philadelphia. Commutation, 31ileage, Season. and Excursion Tickets at rodaced rates to and from all points. SU Potnah Baggaga allowed each pa,•enger, C. A. NICOL LS, jun ll,' CO General Superintendent PENNSYLVANIA RAI L ROAD. 'PRA iss EAsT—Columbia Train leaves 'Washington House Station every morning except Sunday, at 5.20, arriving in Phila delphia at 9.45 Lancaster Train ar rives here from Harrisburg at 5.25 a. in., and leaves at 8.30 a. in. ColumbiaAccotn modation leaves:at 1.40 p. m., arrives at Lancaster at 2.10 p. rn., connecting thcre with Day Express for Philadelphia at 3.10 P. M.Larrisbu •lccom modai ion arrives • - as usual at 5.38 p. TrArNs WEsT—Mail Train arrives at 11.51 a. m. Columbia Accommodation with passengers from Philadelphia arrives at 3.20 p. in. Harrisburg Accommodation arrives at 0.30 p. in. Lancaster Train ar rives at 8.10 p. YORK AND WRIGHTSVILLE R. 11 The trains trom Wrightsville and York will run as follows, until further orders: Leave Wrightsville, S 00 A. M. 1 20 I'. AL ic 4‘ Leave York ~ Departure and Arrival of the Passenger Trains at York. DEPARTURES FROM YORK. For BALTimouv. 4.15 A. M. 7.00 A. M., and' .50 I'. M. For llAttrusnuria, 12.52 A. M. 7.10 I'. M. and 11.50 A. AL and 10.40 A. m. ARRIVALS AT YORK. From 13ALTIneltE,10.35 A. M. 11.45 I'. M. and 2.50 P. M. and 12.47 P.M. From IlAumsncuo, 4.10 A. M., 0.57 A. M., and 2.45 P. M. On Sunday, the only trains running are the one from Flu rrisharg at 0..i7 in the mora ing, proceeding to Baltimore, and the one Irma Baltimore at 12.47 A. \l., proceeding to I.larritdiurg. Mil MEM JUNE 11th, 1866. N. C. E.1.1.113V7117Z. $2,00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2,50 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE. Oh! Ts; ;It for the Ca V. e friends owe (Adel 'no, For kindred 87::i's,arni ,he henr:s Ciat beat In love svi h Iniae. For the gee sm*.le aul the welcome grasp That waa ever t:•tio, Vo: the loving wme..s, I:Mc:1y acts Of the cherish'd few. Old :ime move: on in is ran - d Throu,s - li b:ief clay, Irow many a clear and lowhigLiend, pass'd away! We long for the soando:',he:72;reetins voice, We wait ia And Coe cold NC - n:8 s :11c2r pass,a dirje ":Cove: Ah! in va: i do we seek .7o: on: e.r:ly friends! Oid friends are dead; Mother car. h has givec 'o each, a place, For me weary head. Tbeyga.he •cc sour,ht their Sweetly tiley dream ! We too, soon by ,heir s:(les shall lay us doss (le siieat sl •enm ! ?Ai,scett tY nrottO. Accustomed to arms and soldiers from infancy; she learned to love the camp; and it was not strange, years later, when she had come to America and married a young mechanic iu Providence, that the recollections of the camp-fire in front of her father's tent, as well as the devotion of a newly manied wife, and loyalty to the Union, prompted her to follow her husband, sfand beside him in battle ; and share all his hardships. Tier husband, Robert S. Brownell,was made Orderly•Sergeont of a Company in the First Rhode Island Infantry, one of the earliest regiments of :three months' men who responded to the first call' for troops, the day after the national colors were run down the flag-mast at Fort Sumpter. The First Rhode Island Infantry was ' soon full to overflowing. It had eleven full Companies of a hundred each; and as ten were enough for a complete organi zation, the eleventh was formed into a company of carbineers or sharpshooters, and the brave young wife of the orderly wns made color-bearer of the company. When the regiment went into camp in Maryland, early in the summer of 1861, this Daughter of the Regiment was re solved not to be a mere water carrier,nor an orname..ial appendage. She would be effective against the enemy, as well as a graceful figure on parade, and op pre(' herself to lean" al! the arts and ac coalplishmentl of the soldier. When the company went ont to practice daily at the target,she carried her rifle as well as the colors; and when her turn came, the men seldom resttfcted her to the three shots which were allowed to each. So pleased were tbey at her skill and coolness with the weapon. that she was allowed as many shot-. as she chose, and thus became one of the quickest and molt accurate marksmen in the regiment. Nor was the Sergeant's straight sword, which hung at her belt, worn as an idle fbrm. She poetised dally with her husband and his friends in camp,till she felt herself a 3 finniliar with i:s uses as with the carbine. When the regiment moved, she sought no indulgences on ac count of her sex, but marched in line beside her husband, wearing her sword and carrying ',he flag. The middle of July came, and the Union army was at lengthmoving south ward from the Potomac, its face set toward Richmond. She marched with her company, and carried her flag. On the day of the general action she was separated from her husband, the carbi ucers with whom she was connected being deployed ap skirmishers in the skirt of pine woods to the left of the line.— About one o'clock on that eventful day the company was brought under fire.-- She did not carry her carbine that day, but acted simply as color bearer The men, according to skirmish tactics, were taken out by foues,and advanced towards the enemy. She remained in the line, guarding the colors, and thus giving a definite point on which the men could rally, as the skirmish deepened into a general engagement. There she stood, unmoved and dauntless, under the with ering heat, and amid the soar and blood and du•t of that terrible July day.— Shells went screaming over her with the howl of an avenging demon, and the air was thick and hot with deadly singing of the Minnie balls. About four o'clock, far away on the right, where the roar had been loudest, a sudden and marvel ous change came over the scene. The Union line was broken, and what was a few moments before a fires and resolute army, worn and bleeding, but pressing to victory, became a confused and panic stricken rout. 7 90 P. M 6 45 A. Al I'2 10 P. M 3 00 P. NI oatry. Written for the Spy Old. Friends. BY VfOLA. Ili 211 dy [WHOLE NUMBER 1,930• The confusion now ran down the line from right to left, and the sharpshooters of the First Rhode Island, seeing the battle lost and the enemy advancing, made the best retreat they could in the direction of Centreville. But so rapidly spread the panic, that they did not rally on their colors and retreat in order.— She knew her duty better, and remained in position till the advancing batteries of the enemy opened within a few hun dred yards of where she stood, and were pouring shells into the retreating mass.— Just then a soldier in a Pennsylvania regiment, who was running past, seized her by the hand, and said, "Come, sis , there's no use to stay here just to be killed; let's get into the woods." She started down the slope with him towards a pine thicket. They had run hardly twenty steps, when a cannon ball struck him full on the head, and in an instant he was sinking beside her, a shapeless and mutilated corpse. His shattered skull rested a moment on her shoulder, and streams of blood ran over her uni form. She kept on to the woods, where she found some of the company, and before long chanced upon the ambulance, into which she jumped ; but the balls were flying too thick through the cover. She sprang out, and soon after found a stray horse, on which she jumped and rode to Centreville. Here and at Arlington Heights for more than thirty hours she was tortured by the most harassing stories about her husband. One had seen him tall dead. Another had helped him into an ambulance,badly wounded. Another had carried him to a hospital, and the enemy had fired the budding, and all within had perished.— Then, again, she learned that his dead body was left in the skirt of pine woods in front of where she stood. So fully did she believe this at one time,that she had a mounted a horse,and was starting back from Alexandria, iu hope of getting through the lines and finding him, when she was met by Colonel Burnside, who assured her that - Robert was unhurt, and she should see him in a few hours. The first was a three month's regi ment, and its time expired on the lst of August She returned with it to Providence, where she received a regular discharge; but it was only to re-enlist with her hus band in the PHIL Rhode Island.— TTionica, of the WleaL do Venn; Men Marry ? Soule young men marry dimples; some ears; some noses; the contest however, :_;enerally lies between the eyes and the hair. The mouth, too, is occasionally married; the chin not so of:en. Poor part oers,these,you . will own. But young men do marry all these, and many other bits and scraps of a wife, instead of the true thing. Such as the mairiage is,such is the after life. Be that would have a wife if he can meet with one of equal social posi,ion, like education, similar disposition, kinclied sympathies ; and habits congenial to his own, let him marry. But let him beware of marrying a curl or neck, however swan-like, or a voice however melodious. Young ladies do also make some queer matches, and unite themselves to whiskers. Chan ~.4e in lite Manner of Voting. At the last session of the Legislature an act was passed changing the manner of voting in the several counties of this Corn 111011 wealth. II ereafter the voting will be done iu the following manner : " One ticket shall embrace the names of all judges of the courts voted for ; and to be labeled " judiciary;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all State officers voted for, including office of Senator, Members of assembly, if vo:ed for and members of Congress, if vo:cd for, and be labeled " township;" one ticket shall embrace th 2, names of all borough officers voted for, and be labelled " borough;" and each clan; shall be deposited in sspa rate ballot-boxes." —A wealthy widow in Pittsburg fell iu love with the coachman who drove her to her husbaud's grave and finally mar ried him. lie unfortunately had a wife was arrested for bigamy and im plored her to furnish bail. She chucked him playfully under the chin and bade him to go to jail like a man. That's the latest gossip iu Pittsburg. —A young poet in describing heaven, says : " It is a world of bliss fenced in with pretty girls." Where's the man that won't repent now ? —Private telegram (came to hand at S 5 Fleet.street )—l've got all my guns ready, and am quite prepared for the shooting season.—Paris : N. L.—Punch,.