it.. M. RA.31130, Td for and Pablisher. VOLUME XXXVIII, NUMBER 4.1 THE COLUMBIA SPv, MINELISNEOIJS FAMILY IHRIAL. PUBLISUED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. (OFFICE, IN LOCUST ST., OPPOSITE C0LU31 . .. DIA BA - NE - .. -0- - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ,C.,01 a year if paid in advance 7p,50 " if not paid entiltileexpiratior of tile year FIVE CENTS A COPY. No paper will ije discontinued until all nr enrages arc paid unless at the option of the editor. Rates of Advertising in the Spy, it. 2t. 3t. lrro. :bun. Um. ly. 1 sq, 3.lines 15 1,00 1,30 3,00 4,00 0,00 1(1,00 210 " 1,50 2,2', 1,50 0,00 0,00 15,00 3 " " 2,2 3,25 4,00 4,50 8,50 13,00 20,00 [Larger inlvettisoinents in proportion.] Executors and Achninistratars' 3Notiees, 3,00 Auditors' and. Assignee Notices, 2,00 ,professional or buisness cards, not exceeding 5 lines, per year, 8,00 'Yearly advertisements, not exceeding, four sonares with occasional changes, 15,111 Special Notices, as reading matter, 10 cents a line for one insertion. Yearly advertisers will be charged the same rates iLs transient advertisers for all matters not relating strictly to their business. All Advertising wilt be considered CASiI, after first insertion. BUSINESS CA.RDS 13, • VI. WOM..T.ES., TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR . AT LAIN rt Columbia, Pa. Collections promptly made in Lancaster York counties. Cola., July 2, 15(35. J. W. FISHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Front Street, between Locust and Walnut, Columbia, Pa. fel). 10, '6O. TIAUFFRIAnI, ATTORNEY AT LAW. riOLLECTIONS Made in Lancaster and, kJ adjoining Counties. Pensions. Bounty, back pay and all claims against the government promptly prosecuted. 011icc—Locust Streot,hetween Front and Second. Dee. Pti-E. a 3.• la LOOP, ATTORNEY AND COUNS:!:LLIEI AT LAW, Columbia, Pa. 0111:;.2. in Odd if lialL t,Nov. 19 18ti1-tf. SAMUEL EVANS, UaTa $' E of iiae E. OFFICE IN ODD FE I.l,O\VS' HALL. coLumBLA, PA. June IS, 15,,L5 J, Z. 110171zER, I t I.e,NTIST.---OFFICE, Front Simi next doer 1,0 it. 11.911innp4' Drug Sinn?, between Locust zuul Walnut sty, Cola., S. 0. IgarEENTßour.e, ITEof-aea.diaig;:ea_,:.otfera lessiontil service.-; to the eitien§76l" Co= ltnxi bin and vicinity. O11i;•e in Wallin tS. t., belc w Second. j ttly /3.07.1 S E, I. 0 C US":l' ET, CC I:, 1.711121/. 1., P., . rginis is a first class Lotel, and is in every r...speot adapted to meet the wishes and desires of the traveling public. JACOB S. MILLER, Proprietor. Col.. July,ls, '65 iI[SHIX it' S HOTEL, EVAN DIIS}!LER, Proprietor. WEST MARKET SQUARE, E A DIA cr, PENIVA Oct. 7th. GEORGE Baux, Dealer in LUMBER OF ALL D.I.;;SeIIEPTIOICS',, t Uso, PLASTF,ItEII'S 11A111 0 Oftico and Warehouse—Front; Street bo tween Locust and Union. July 8, 1865. DR. J. A. E. REED, MouxTviLLE, LANCASTER COUNTY. A SHARE 01? PUBLIC PATRONAGE is solicited. Patients entrusted fa my care will receive, caxen.ll ancl prompt at ten tioll. Juno 30, tCa Confectionery A ND FII,T.TIT OF ALLKINDS IN SEA, lilLson. Parties mid families supplied with I .IVM CIVELLIVI by the freezer, or in moulds, with prompt ness at GEO..J. SMITH'S Adjoining the Franklin House, Locust St P. S. Also a fine assortment of Toys and fancy articles constantly on hand. July 22, COLUAIBIA FLOUR MILLS. - GEORGE BOGLE, Proprietor. METE HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for all kinds of Grain. '74upertinc and Extra Family Flour for also. mill 93ed of all kinds. Wheat ground and packed to order Town and country custom solicited July 29th 1565. SUPPLEE BROTIIER, Manufacturers of - ZZ TiNT tultlition to our Foundry and Machine Arork, o aue now prepared to manufac ture every variety of Boiler and plate iron work, „ending, and Reparing Boilers Promptly alb:nu:Lod to. Thankful for bast favors, we would invite the attention of our friends and patrons to this new' branch of our business. SUPPLEE Lt, 8R0.., 2(.1. Street, Columbia jam. 21, SUSQ URBAN:AT:A IRON CO. 'gap ulllcturers of all sizes of Refined SE Double Refined ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL AND HALF OVAL IRON. Car Axles, Shafting and Horse Shoe Bars. Orders promptly filled from Stock on Lkaadt or.made to order. rems, net cash, at Manufacturer's prices, delivered an Cars or Boat. Office at their ROLLING MILL, Columbia, Pa. Sept. 23, 65 ly B EST BRAND FAMILY FLOUR at JACKSON'S: . . ...,... ..,./.........44.4.....i.x,„41...i,.:„4".":-Ze,fig.... f or're..l ' .7 ^ • ,`,„:0,;:t!,, I s'.4' • • ;t. , ,, .v , ~.... ' ..';“.' .'"... , „ -"'•1:-. ' f .. l . ~: :•:-,‘ ..,,::,,.....„ di11ih'11: :...::; ;.. ,.. .i,...„. ,- -:: : 1 7.. "! ... 1ii!. :. i ' L . : 1.: .....7 1 ;:' , : '7 l`:: (. -,Pir ., .* - 2 b ,, Pd• :( :: 1, '''::•••*;‘::: •:i 4. :0,,' _.. f- :;: ti:74!. a '7.4 1 , 14"). :/, 'l'-4. -t, '4; V '. 4 '' f '. : 9. :;:' '5.7-3,-,-..i.1 ---- ' ---- , ::::, 70 - ~.,.::, , Ai It 1 , i -7 -;* ,--41 $: .3 , , ei".<, ••• "Zti . '74 ~ ''; • ;:'' , •• , , • 5c., : n.. .:: . : : 3, ~,,..43:i„,.. 01, :, 1 . i :i d : , ... T... , i._ : : .,.. ; .!; , 7-: :.,, ' .; - ; 4 A -,, ,'i .:$ _.. p> ........, „,,, 7377 ., I , ,zi 1i '..?,.. ~ ~.-%-: :,, eSl''.-!N .t , 7 ' :: - 4:4 tit : 7" :. . t i s i: i: ... i : .:' ::.;- ': ,r. " 1 1 , . ,• < • :-A`, A:l '- ' .1 )5,..._ . "41 .., 1,, , ,,, 1 : l e t' 6 WI W,TI "I',. eye , 4.41 4., . ? lir, ' :* l ili , ' ',- fti ., ' ~,,, ~...< .. i • •V. s;r4 Lki, ti:;4 .6 .,: , 1 4 ‘25; t : ‘....;•' ' .z, ''' ';a - - '-<."4, ~ ,, ;. -r i, 4: l ' . :'' '''' tr. , -i:o• - " t...,e '' -,a ; 5.x;..., 7 , : ..Z,:-... i - C;c 7 , , ‘ •:":7,,, . 5," .. ft.::::t 5: . ::: ::;":: ' 4 4 :;:: :: i ' T.-,..: :„ • . .. 4';' :-...--: :: ::•. 4 . -4-..-- 1 : ',,- ' :- 1 -.-1; , %;: z -:: ' , ' f '1: 1 -• '' :: 'l • v • - ••••.'--1i.? , f., W Tigo : , ti; , i '''' : ;f i . :: ' 6 ' ; :..: 7 .. t . ; ‘,5. 4 '5 i .' ... -Sit ,• - . .;,....,, •• .zl_-4..-- •-•••-r,,,_ 1.. -... 'T.P -....-•:;-=,;' ''''Wee, - ' .'C': ' e. : ,..,vs,. • " ..r A. , -........ ~ . . - .Susquehanna Planing Mill, ON FRONT ST. AND PENN. RAILROAD Columbia, Lancaster County, Pa. THE subscriber wotild respectfully an nounce to the patrons of his Mill, that the advanced prices of labor and expenses incident to carrying on the business of his cstablishinent compels hint to charge his customers an advance on former rates, and takes this method to inform them that the following are the prices for work done at his Mills: For working Flooring per M. $4.50 tc do Weatherboards " 4.50 " Surfitcing one side, per M. 2.50 i< do two do do 4.50 " Re-sawing, White Pine face measure, per 'M. 5.00 do Poplar face meas. do 0.00 " do Ash, Oak & Cherry, thee aneas.- , per M: 5.00 " Ripping 4-1: per line, 10 ft. - 11- " do 8-4 do do 3 " do Joice do . do 41- fP., , ,` Lumber hauled to the Mill and re turned to "Yard without extra charge. ..A commis for working or dressing- 1 umber will he considered collectable every four MOUVLS. Tile subsc riberhas on lion d an assortment of ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER, which is for sale at Market Prices, and so licits a continuation of public custom. JOHN B. BACHMAN.. Columbia,March 18, ISO 4. Accipirlis! The Original Tra.vein: /nsurance Company, laart ford, Connectieat. Capital all paid In, P,350 ➢,OOO Net Assets, fi;620,000 Tssurt Es atzriinst Accidents or Ali causing Bodily Injury or Loss of Life. IT Is criv.Art. 1.1: IT Is itE- LrABL.E! ivo ifEDIcAL EXA 3LISAT f 0. 17 REQUIRED/ Policies issued ['rota One year to Five. years from. :5,4.30, to !:1ED,`()OO. infur,uctilon giFen at the office of the .Igcnt, F. X. ZEIG-LER. Walnut 5tr,,21., übovn Front. may 3 lalsmarcs BITTERS. Sold only by - J. U. BUCH ER, Corner of Front and Locust streets, Columbia. Pa may 331,-tr MYST VLI OF WATEit FALL Combs IN at auk. 2G, J. F. COTTRELL. W. P. COTTRELL. Jr. F. COT." 1171113.11,11. BROT. • . J. W. COYIREITi 4 , dee'd, ealts,,r.t4 D'ere.ilga at liardware, liar Iron, Steel,. Nails, Glass, Paints, Oils,Varnishes, Turpentine Benz ne A. largo assortment or Parlor, Cook and and Oiliee Stoves always on hand. Tin Ware mandfitetttred to order at shortest notice. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, in large quantities and of every vuriely Plows, Corn Sheller:~, FeLd Cutlers, Shavets,ll, - oes, Forks, Ezikes, Conrse and Fine Salt at lowest market prices, A largo assortment o,c Double and Single barreled Guns, Pon - cler Flasks, Game Bav;s. and shot pouches. • Ride Blasting Powder, shot and caps. Highest market prices:, paid for Clover, Timothy and Fla: seeds, large quaatities which kl have constantly on hand and otter at the lowest rates. Lubricating, Sperm and Fish Oi.s, suit able for maelin wry. A Fine o.ssortnteut of Coal Oil Lamps, Shades. Lanterns, and Lamp trimmtngs. NVe respectfully solicit, a share of public patronage. Locust, ~=beet, Columbia. Nov. 4, 63 tr. D filED APPLES,P.E.- . I_ It CI.IIMIAi`A s 'ES NEW SUGAR CURED JALcik4ts.S:g,N.,s. Jun. 27, '66 1113 ODGERS BROTHERS' SU PERTOR %.; Silver Plated. Ware at, E. SPEDING'S Cheap Jewelry Store. Dr. F. EUliNti-LIE. MARIETTA, PA. BYspecial request offers his profes:iional services to the citizens of Columbia. He may be found at his office at the residence of Mr. B Haldeman on Loeust Street near Presl' , 3 , terian church on Thursday and Thursday only, between the hours 0 1'12 M. and 5 P.71‘1. hz:d - Ile, will atti_-:zil to special cases of chronic diseases of long standing. may. 10. 'CU. Ia EIFIEMBER THE OLD ESTAB LISHED STAND. GREAT BARGAINS AT THE CHEAP CASH BOOK STORE. We have just received from the Pali Trade Sale a selected stock of BOORS AND STATIONERY, Which we now offer at Greatly Reduced Rates. A large assortment of SCHOOL MERCHANDISE Constantly on hand. Also, STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Brooks' Istormal Elementary Arithmetic, Brooks' Geometry and Trigonometry, Rauh's Normal Speller, Sanders' Union Readers. ,We call special attention to oar large assortment of 1,-)HOTOGRA PH ALBUMS, FAMILY BIBLES, AND DIARIES for ISM MERCHANTS and TEACHERS Supplied at Wholesale rates, at JOHN SHEA.FFER'S Cheap Cash. Book Store, No. 32 North Queen st.. Lancaster, Pa. nov. IS, '63. RO 0 S TM R, ► 7 4 4,l The Celebrated Rooster Whiskey ca.- - 4 .... can be had only at the corner of • Walnut and Commerce Streets.- -'-' - .For.quality, ilavorand purity, it cannot be beat.,. - Also • ' • -"Bourbon Whiskey from Bourbon County Kentucky, 'war ranted - tii:be the pure xrticle; or no sale.— We have Wines, Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Old Monongahela of all grades. Give us a call and examine for. yourself. i , ARLESCI G-ROVE, Corner of Commerce and. Walnut Sts ~ Columbia, Pa. may 19-,66-tf. TEREST ON DEPOSITS. 9lhe Ltolunibia Bank will receive money on deposit, and pay interest therefor, at the rate 01'41 per cent. for six months, and 5,1 per cent. for twelve months. SAMUEL SHOCII, Oct. 14 , '65.-tf. Cashier. HOUSEKEEPERS ATTENTION. ryinE citizens of Columbia and vicinity, are respectfully invited to call and ex amine my large mid varied assortment of .I.IOUSDIZEMPING. GOODS Comprising every variety of TIN WARE, SILVER-PLATED WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, FANCY GOODS, PLANISIIED TIN-WARE, COOKING UTENSILS, CHAMBER WARE, IN SETS, LIOLLOW WARE ENAMLED, COPPER KETTLES, Stoves of every Description. BRILLIANT AND NIAGARA, Are two of the best stoves in the Market They are guarantied to give satisfaction. GAS FI7"iING (_%;;- 1?1,;(31\11 ;ING , Curried. on in all its various branches. Stoves,Shom, titled up u ith Gas and Water Pipes, in the best manner. On hand a good assortment of Chandeliers, 13raeltets, Drop Lights and Penchants, alvanized Iron, Lead and Ter ra Cotta Water Pipes. Tai Reparing promptly and personally attended to. $1 500 PER'S:EAR! We want agents P everywhere to sell our improv ed :,;20 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. AVarranted live years.