4. 11. RA311139, Ellitor and rublisher. 'V LUM E X.XXVIII, NUMBER 2.1 THE COLD 0. lISTELIIIOIIB RELY liiilli.tii'l„ PUIJLTSIIED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. OFPICE, IN LOCUST ST., OPPOSITE COLUM. I3IA Bi NS. -0- TERgS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 2 00 a year if paid in advance 21c0 if not paid until the expiration of the year FIVE CENTS A COPY No paper will be discontinued until all ar earages are paid unless at the option of the editor. Bales of Advertising in the Spy; lt. It. 3t. lino. 3m o. Cti- ly. 1 sq. s lines 15 1,00 1,50 2,50 4,00 6,00 10,05 416 " 1,00 2,25 3,00 3,00' 6,00 9,00 10,00 3" 24 " 2,25 3,25 4,00 4,50 8,00 13,00 20,00 [Larger Advertisements in moportion.) Executors and Administrators' Notices, 3,00 Auditors' and A3si . gnee Notices, 2,00 Professional or Mu:mess cards, not exceeding .5 lines, per year, 8,00 Yearly advertisements, not exceeding four squares with occasional changes, ls , oo Special Notices, as reaing matter, 10 cents a line for one insertion. Yearly advertisers will bi, charged the same rates as transient advertisers for all matters not relating strictly to their business. All Advertising will be considered CASH, after first insertion. BUSINESS CARDS TTORNEV COMELLOit AT LAVi 7.1 Columbia, Pa. Collections promptly matle in Lancaster York counties. Cola., July 2, I Pri. IF - INKI ER, ( )13, NEY Al' NV, Front bet , ,vetni Locust air! (_1.)111121!)ia. Pit. fob. ATTORS:qr AT PA". /2 . .;* - S 1:1 f.,:Liv2zt,ter ; 11 1 ,1 lJ adj,)11:111g C,w_at•y, ;Alia i gwv - orlit:101.1 1)i - 011113E1y prosecut ,,, i. Second. i c. I'6l. r.". x'7 l 3 ATTORNEY AND C011:1,1,1)11 AT LIW, ,A.,-rctaiimbitt, Pa, Wrioo in 0;ILI Nov. 19 18131-tf. SAMUEL EVANS, WIA> e of Fite ,GE IS ODD 11'A, LOWS' i LL. June 18 - , 1565 • ti1.N11:?,7.--e1411;IL, Front 5;r4 . 11, ilexl LITT RJ t') IL Williams' .Drug Store, botween t.romlst mi. S. (3,D.; . . . . ATE of 1 1 1:::acling, ra., o T ffers Iris pro -1._...1 fe::;•;iontil services Lo the. oitiztrls; of Co lumbia :111(1 vicinity'. o:live in I .l'o.llint St., belt. :Second. July 1-1, '11(1. F l 3. !A N . L 110 o TSl' 8 TREPT, 007. U.. 11.13 r. , PA. r(91111.-.3 i. a anal is in u•. - e -r. - -t_ t) !Ale wishes and ao.-;ires of public. J A COS; S. It ILLE'R, Prop.'ictor. j ttly, 15, '65 7 ', riSii LER,' S II 0T E d:, VT DIISIMER, FTC,,7".?riEt,ll:: \V EST NI A DKET sQu ..% r cp, , ..i.zE . ED LA, u, _ T v : : , \ 7 ::; 7. A . Oct. 7th. 1. U 4 :I e--, EINE Lumr,Eß or ALI.. ESCI:t Also, PLASTERER'S HAIR, 011 ice :tad W:trellou , .o.—Fr.n t si ro o t bo_ tween Locust nuil. Union. July 8, 1865. DU. . 1 5. A. E. REED, MO UICT I. Vd 7 N tI.I.tiT.ER C01T:‘,771" A SHARE OP PUBLIC PAT It: >NAGE is solicited. Pat!eat.,; ent rti.,tod to m 2 .- care will receive careful and prompt at tention. June IS,* Confectionery A ND FRUIT OF ALL KINDS IN SEA son. Parties and families snpplied with C C 17.1 ra by the freezer, or in moulds, with prompt ness at GEO. J. SMITH'S Adjoining the Franklin House, Locust St P. S. Also a fine, assortment of Toys and fancy articles constantlyon hand. July 22, 6OLUMBIA FLOUII MILLS. GEORGE BOGLE, Proprietor. mE lIIGEIEST CASH. PRICES PAID for all kinds of (rain. Superfine end Extra Family Flour for sale, also mill feed of all kinds. Wheat ground and packed to order ground Town and country custom solicited July 29th 1565. SiJPPLEE & BIWITER, Manuacturers of STMA, WE 33 C..114M addition I,D our Foundry and Machine I. work, we are now prepared to manufac ture every 'varj.ety.of Boiler and plate iron work, ' - • ' •- • • . . Mending and Reparing Boilers Promptly attended to. Thankful for past favors, we would -invite the ! attention- ,of our l'riends and-patrons to this new 'branch of our business: SUPPLEE ,C.; BRO., 2d Street, Columbia. jan. 21, SUSQUELIANNA IRON CO. 'Manufacturers of all sizes - of Refined. Sz Double Reftned ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL, AND HALF OVAL IRON. Car Axles, Shafting and Horse Shoe Bars. Orders promptly filled from Stock on hand or made to order. reins, not cash, at Manufacturer's prices, delivered an Cars or Dom. Office at their - ROLLING MILL, Columbia, Pa. Sept. 23, 65 ly I_IIE:ST L'IZAND PAIN/JOY FLOUR at JACKSON'S. -,. - 4 — •:•" s" ;.: • , - „, • 4. 47raliza; • 4..•: , ..., 4tAitls...4 -4-, ife• - •?2 , -;:t3" ..#••• - ----X- • ~"akd ti •-•••••.4 4 . . . , . /- - r i I t .', 7 - , .... , .-.• ' • 7 ..4f, V.J '";. .4•Th' • + . to, , - WE '• " T: ' : 'CO* L . . ... „. _...- 4 . . z ' .' • - • e .....-• -,,.- A.. Ak k 4 , ~.... „.„..., „.., ,c.c.,. ~, ....,, tr.. i . --„,.... „•,_ -s. .., j , -, • ..„.. ...„.: - - AL ~ . ...,..., ...: •-•s-..-4, IP. .4.$ - .. • ~ • 0 , - , 7 0 7.6 - , f e . -,...,. ~,,,,,, ...f. •..-,-:_: v,, c 4,. , ~..17 ,i.; ~ , ~. . 7. . c- , . .• . v . e -?--,-*---,..„ , f-..-,-... .4,1 ~ p p • ,-.- e .PZ i ' l. • 04 . • . !A _ 1 , , ,e 4.. Int Mrj..,' =74 i 1 .4 - ^ t Y~ , . ~ ,0 ..f4t. ..z.44, ~.. \r • . .. . • , a m - - d kW) , , Pq t r f 4 ',.. '. co; ' ,4t:1 : 4 1" 1:7 4 " . '''' k lr '• '.. , t.-7/ , i 5 ,^, '7 - Z 7 .? fc . g 1. `IT 4 .",,.4 ~_ 7 4. ~„,7 • ~:, ..,., ~.....-e0 Tt 4 ,.. re, g.'...,.. . '''-' W.: -7 ---•=; -,,F • . :„.1' 4 ‘ .. e!- - 'V •.•,:15 -1- " -- t-,k_ ', -t 3- - •-t./A k ag1.14 %. k, - ' , iezt,,.... i.,-,... • z.P, ...: . • ..'..-...,..-- ) ........." ... _. . ._. .... ~- ,_... • Spy, " Sarthcing 0110 side, per M. 2.50 ‘, do two do do 4.50 " Re-sawing White Pine face measure, per M. 5,00 do Poplar face meas. do 0,00 " do :Ash, -Oak & Cherry, -. face meas. per M. 8.00 " Ripping 4-4 per line, 10 ft. 1 1, - " do 8-4 do do 3 " do Joie° . do - do 41 7.-%,`• Lumber - hauled to the - Mill and re turned to Yard without extra charge. Recounts for working or dressing l umber will be considered collectable every four months. Thosmbseribei has on hand an assortment of ROUGE: and DRESSED LUMBER, which is for sale at Market Prices, and so licits a continuation of public custom. JOAN B. BACHM.A.I.T. Coln mbia, - ,Nra rch 1 . .8. 1804. C,'o , REMENRER THE OLD ESTA.E. LIST [ED STAND. GREAT BARGAINS AT THE CHEAP CASH BOOK STORE. We have just received from the Fall Trade SCHOOL MERCHANDISE Constantly on hand, Also, STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Brooks' Normal Elementary Arithmetic, Brooks' ,Geumetry , and 'Trigonometry, Rauh's Normal Speller, Sanders' Union Readers. We call special attention to our large' assortment of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, FAMILY BIBLES, AND DIARIES for MG MERCHANTS and TEACHERS Supplied at Wholesale rates, at JOHN SHEAF PEWS Cheap Cash Book Store, No. 32 North Queen at.. Lancaster, P. nov. IS, '65. The Celebrated Rooster Whiskey cab be had wily. at the earlier of Walnut and Cominerce Streets.— ror.quality,:.finvor.sind;purity, it evnot be beat. Also Botarbont Whiskey from Bourbda CO - indy' Kentucky, war ranted to be the pure rrtiele, or no sale.— We have Wines, Brandies, gins, Cordials, 01(1 Monoqgaliela of alleArades. Give us a call mid oxamiiie for venriiblf. Ch ARLES (ROVE, Corner of Coinuieree aud Walnut Sts., Columbia, Pa. .may Susquehanna Planing ON FRONT ST. AND PENN. RAILROAD Columbia, Lancaster County, Pa. bill subscriber would respectfully an nounce to the patrons of his Mill, that the advanced prices of labor and expellees incident to carrying on the business of his establishment compels him to charge his customers an advance on formerrates, and takes this method to infOrna them that the following are the prices for work clone at his Mills: For working ,Flooring per M. :54.50 " do Weld herboards " 4.50 _A.CCIT)I±;_iN'TS! Tire Oriv,thild Lasuranea company, C.:oarziettticlaet. Capital all pai(l Net efts!' v. , ident-; or Ail Kinds •3Loss - or of Life. :/jUli IT Is clra‘r.q. IT r, trNivErt.-.4Ar.! IT is Int:- LT.\ 1:1,E! (LIL E.I`.I.IIECA TION REQ UMEDI Pol iolos 18-;:lo I n•onl One voar (olive years fr":.11 t', 2 , - ;:, 9:?, t0',.;',.t,':•;.0.09.1) ref tite ~ jice. Of ..lih2at, F. X. ZEI::LEIL Walnut. Street, above Front. may 19-'6U-61a. Sold only by J. c. - BUCTIER, Curner td Front, anal Luou:tt, :Arcot::, Columbia. Pa. zI. ' ' i li k : 4 - i...1 1 ', L V ;61' 1: ].,EI 0 .:,.. %VA "12E 1 ; :•'..t...f, L C',.) n 1 bs ENE J. j. ts: Successors to J. W. CO'l"r LL, flee il, ilvtaleres fua 21%;:xzep,tic ........1-I:tnkvar.J., Bar iron . :, Turventine ne ==lE SitiV;2 , Oil hand. Till OftICI! 111, sht,rtest noticv. 11' Uoi ) _.IND WI L LOW WAILE, in largo quantities and or every variety Plow:, Corn Shelters, Fetd Cutters, Stiove; , ,, .110 es, Forh.s, Coar,,e mid. Fine Sall, at lowest market tt,sortnwnt of Double and Single 11;1;4'; ;Ltla 1/01.1e121`.. i'owder, shot and capi.:. 1. ighem. min-1;ot prices paid for Clovoc, TtnioliiNi - and Flax seed. large ( I :mat; xviitch we have coast:km.ly on nand and after at Ole laive. rates. Luhrieating. Sperm and Fish sail able maohinery. A Finc as,ort went of Coal 0:1 liamps, Shades. Lanterns, and Lamp trimmings. respeeLfully solicit a, share of public patronage. Locum, Street, Columbia. Nov. 1 , 65 If. D RIED APPLZ.S,PEA',:ii ES, PRUNES at JACKSON'S. E SUGAR CURED !JAMS at J AC KSON'S. Jan. 21', J) ODGERS & BROTHERS' SUPERIOR 1. - 11, Silver Plated. Ware at E. SPERIYG'S Cheap Jewelry Store. Dr. IF. MAnt ETTA., PA. BY special request offers his professional services to the citizens - of Columbia. He may be found at his office at the residence of Mr. B Haldeman on Locust Street near Presbyterian church on Thursday only, hetween the hours of 12 M. and 51'. 11f. will attend to special cases of chronic diseases of long standing. ma v. 10.'00. 'Side a selected stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Which we uow offer at ,Greatly Reduced Rates. A large assortment of ROOSTER I INT EIREST ON DEPOSITS. Mho (kolumbia Bank will receive money •on deposit, and pay interest therefor, at the rate 0141 per cent. for six months, mid 5l per cent. for twelve mouths. SAMUEL SHOCH, Oct, 14, 'GS.-tf. Cashier. HOUSEKEEPERS AanTENTION. MITE citizens of Columbia and vicinity, _L arc respectfully invited to call and ex amine my large and varied assortment of mr,OTSSMSITIVZING ZOOMS COmprising every variety of TIN WARE, SILVER-PLATED WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, FANCY C4O - /DS, PLANI Si IED TIN-WARE, COOKING UTENSILS, CHAMBER WARE, IN SETS, HOLLOW WARI., ENAM LED, • COPPE IL KETTLES, BRASS KETTLES Chafing Dishes, Egg Boilers, Britannia Ware, Waiters, (Cc., .'cc. Stoves of every Deseri BRILLIANT AND NIAGARA, Are two of the best stoves in the Market They are guarantied to give satisfaction. GAS FITTING R PLUMI , ING Carried on in all its various brunches. Stoves,Shops, D kited up with Gas and Water Pipe.,;, in the best manner. On hand a :_rood assortment of Chandeliers, Bra - ekets, Drop Lights and Pendants. Galvanized Iron, Lead and Ter ra Cotta Water Pipes- Reparing promptly and personally attended to. t;;;;;oo,ocoo t:g..19,G00 c 1 PERYEAtZ! We want agents v everywhore to sell our iluprov ed Sewing 1.11:1 , 21iine,. Three new kinds. Under abetupper 'Warranted rive years. Above salary or large coin- Ini..,sirnis paid. The only raaahles ~old in United States ibr less titt:t.n which are petty iicewsed ity J - Lorne. Wheeler & ("rover Baker, and 0)., and Dark eider. All other cheap Inaeitines are in fringinents and the :;e11(..1r or user are liable in .erreBt,jinc, and imprison ,oclit. Illustra ted circulars seat, t ee. Address, or call upon Sienv b Clark, lliddieford, Maine, or Uhicagu, 111. mar. I.i, VI-13- if AS. X. SIMON, 33 South Fourth Street, J i'i,ila(lelphin, is agent for the following valtrabk! books Appletoli's New Ameri eat', Cyclopeaio.- 16 Vols. History of the Rebellion-1 large Vol. Dictionary of Mechanics-2 Vols. lh I...Alintt recoril, by Frank Moore--9 Wnshi n ion Irvin's works, 22 •` Coopvr':- Novels. `Di:-.ens' works :Seri;ale